英文小说《秘密花园 the Secret Garden》好词好句分类汇总

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Mary just stared out of the window and scowled.

She sat up in her bed and looked around.

She gazed at the empty branch for a second and that’s when she knew, just knew, that the robin had sung to her from the locked secret garden.

Dickon stared at the secret garden in wonder, just as Mary had on her first visit.

As she brushed past Mrs. Medlock, she shot her a meaningful look.


Colin stared at Mary crossly. “Because I am so weak and ill. Isn’t it obvious?”

Colin glared at her.

The nurse looked at Mary with pure relief when she arrived.


The three of them shot her grateful looks and disappeared.


Colin glanced across. “Oh, that's for me if I ever want to go out of bed. I can’t walk, you see. My legs are too weak. But I never used it. I hate going out.”

“What is?” Mary asked, glancing up from her digging.

Mary almost dropped her trowel when she saw the old man glowering down at her.


Putting his ladder against the wall, he climbed and peered over.


Colin glanced across at Mary and frowned.

‘I can use my legs’. Colin repeated, staring up at the gardener.


“Well, I'll tell you anyway,” Mrs. Medlock sniffed. “First of all, don't go expecting a big welcome when you get to Misselthewaite Manor.”

The girl turned. “Oh! You're up! Morning, Miss! I'm Martha,” she said with a smile. As Martha helped Mary with her buttons, she began to chat. “I hope you like it here, Miss. There's not much inside but outside-well-there's a whole world waiting for you.”

The maid hesitated and then lowered her voice. (女佣犹豫了一下,然后压低了声音。)“It’s been locked up for ten years. Mr. Craven locked it after his wife died.”

“I won't tell,” Mary promised.

“There! You can breathe now!”she whispered.

“Mr. Craven?” Mary asked in astonishment.

“You may leave now, Mrs. Medlock,” a voice from behind a high-backed chair replied.

“From anywhere,”her uncle agreed.

“Wh...who are you?” the boy asked, his voice trembling. (独立主格)


“Oh!” Mary gasped. “I didn’t know Mr. Craven had a son!”

“My father? My father hates me!” Colin growled.

“How...how old are you?”Mary asked.

“The same as me,”Mary replied.

“I am going back to my room now,”she said softly.

She couldn’t wait to see Colin and tell him about her morning. “Martha! I’m starving!” she announced.

“Sorry, Miss Mary, lunch is a bit late today,” Martha apologized. “What’s the matter with you?” she demanded.

“I’'ll come to see you when I please,” she declared.

“Miss Mary, Miss Mary, come quick!” she begged.

“Oh, for goodness’ sake!” she snapped, tugging on her shawl and following Martha down the cold corridor.

“啊,看在上帝的份上!”她厉声说,一面拉上披肩,跟着玛莎走过寒冷的走廊。“Fine! Scream yourself to death for all I care!” Mary fumed.


“Tomorrow! Let’s do it tomorrow!” she cried.

“May I?” Colin said in awe. “我可以吗?”科林敬畏地说。

“Yes sir,” Mr. Roach mumbled.(含糊地说,咕哝)

“Take me over there! Now over there!” he ordered in delight as Dickon wheeled him up to every corner, every nook and cranny of the garden.


“What are you doing?” he yelled at her.

“How'd you get in? How'd you get in?” the gardener ranted (咆哮道).

“I…I found the key. The robin showed me where it was,”Mary stammered.(结结巴巴地说)

“Do you know who I am?”Colin demanded, his face as furious as the gardener's.


“If you want,” Dickon agreed and gave her a lopsided grin. 歪嘴笑

He smiled a sad smile. 他苦笑了一下。

“Oh, thank you!” she beamed.

He grinned and pointed to some books spread out on his bed.


Mary began to giggle. “You sounded just like a proper little rajah then,” she told him. Colin flopped back down in his chair with a proud grin on his face.



Slowly she began to walk, treading softly on the overgrown pathways.


Mary was hurried along all the corridors and passageways she had been told to keep
