管理信息系统一、单选题1. 一般情况下,可将管理分为三个层次,即高层、中层和基层,其中高层管理属于 (B)A 控制层管理B 战略级管理C 战术级管理D 作业层管理2. 管理活动的高、中、基 3 个层次分别对应着 3 种类型的决策过程,即(C)A 非结构化决策、结构化决策和半结构化决策B 非结构化决策、过程性决策和结构化决策C 非结构化决策、半结构化决策和结构化决策D 非结构化决策、半结构化决策和一般性决策3.信息.与管理一样,也具有层次性,从信息来源看,高层信息主要来自(A)A 外部B 报表C 外部和内部D 企业或组织内部4.系统由输入、输出、处理、反馈、控制 5 要素组成,其中反馈是指(A)A 将输出的一部分信息返回到输入,以供对系统进行控制用B 给出处理所需的内容和条件C 根据条件对输入的内容进行加工和转换D 处理后所得到的结果5.下列说法不正确的是( B).A 管理信息系统是一种辅助决策的工具B 管理信息系统可以代替人进行决策C 管理科学是管理信息系统的重要学科基础之一D 管理信息系统是一个“人一机”系统6.事务型管理信息系统的主要目的是(C ).A 服务于组织的中层管理者B 面向需求进行趋势分析C 具体业务过程的自动化D 为战略计划的制定和调整提供辅助决策功能7.下列说法不正确的是( C)A 数据库为管理信息系统提供了信息的战略储备和供给B 现代化的管理组织协调则为管理信息系统提供了一颗奔腾的芯C 管理信息.系统在技术上依靠计算机网络和数据库,因而管理信息系统是一个技术系统D 计算机网络是信息共享的基础8.B/S 是一种重要的网络计算机模式,其含义是( D)A 分时/共享模式B 客户/服务器模式C 文件/服务器模式D 浏览器/服务器模式9 管理信息系统的功能很多,一般认为不属于管理信息系统功能的是( C)A 事务处理功能B 数据处理功能C 系统开发功能D 辅助决策功能10 下列不属于管理信息系统的职能结构的子系统是 (C)A 销售管理子系统B 生产管理子系统C 市场环境子系统D 财务管理子系统11. 软件危机通常是指在计算机软件开发和维护中所产生的一系列严重问题,这些问题中相对次要的因素是(B)A 软件功能B 软件性能C 开发效率D 文档质量12.一种从用户的基本需求入手,快速地实现新系统的一个原型,用户、开发者及其他有关人员在使用原型的过程中,反复修改原型 (B)A 结构化方法B 原型化法C 生命周期法D 面向对象法13.关于 MIS 的建设,下列叙述正确的是( B)A 目标优化就是求最优解B 在结构化方法中,“自顶向下”是主导原则C MIS 建设所需的资金应一次性投D 利用CASE 技术可实现全部开发工作的自动化14.系统分解的原则包括(A)。
1.管理信息系统科学的三要素是(A)A、系统的观点,数学的方法,计算机的应用B、物理的观点,数学的方法,计算机的技术C、数学的观点,计算机的方法,信息的技术D、信息的观点,数学的方法,计算机的技术2.下面的系统中,哪一个是实时系统?(B)A、办公室自动化系统B、航空订票系统C、计算机辅助设计系统D、计算机激光排版系统3.用原型法开发信息系统,先要提供一个原型,再不断完善,原型是(D)A、系统的概念模型B、系统的逻辑模型C、系统的物理模型D、可运行的模型4.在系统分析阶段对数据流图中所包含的元素进行定义的是(B)A、数据存储B、数据字典C、数据加工D、数据定义5.数据流图处理功能中,最难于用文字和符号表达清楚的是(C)A、运算功能B、数据存取功能C、逻辑判断功能D、输入输出功能6.在数据库设计中,“设计E-R图”是哪个设计阶段的任务?( C )A、需求分析阶段B、概念设计阶段C、逻辑设计阶段D、物理设计阶段7.管理信息系统开发的最重要的阶段是:( D )A、系统分析B、系统设计C、系统实施D、A和B8.DSS解决的是 ( D )A、结构化问题B、结构化问题和半结构化问题C、非结构化问题D、半结构化问题和非结构化问题9.对整个程序系统以及人工过程与环境的调试,目的是对子系统结合而成的程序系统进行综合性测试,发现并纠正错误,这样的调试称为(A)A、总调B、联调C、分调D、统调10.影响软件维护的因素一般包括:人员因素,技术因素和管理因素,就程序自身的技术因素而言,下述哪个一般不会影响到维护工作(D)A、软件规模B、软件年龄C、软件结构D、开发工具1、现代企业对信息处理的要求归结为四个方面,除及时、准确、经济之外,还有(A)A、适用B、方便C、快速D、全面2、在开发MIS时,企业应配备专业,除计算机操作、维护人员,程序设计师之外最主要的还有(B)A、数据库管理员B、系统分析员C、机房管理员D、网络设计和施工人员3、系统分析阶段的最终成果是(D)A、系统的物理模型B、系统的总体规划C、系统的逻辑模型D、系统的设计说明书4、在MIS各种开发方式中,对企业开发能力要求最高的是(B)A、合作开发B、自行开发C、委托开发D、购买软件包5、总体规划和可行性研究中,可行性分析小组成员,包括系统分析师、管理专家和(B)A、程序设计员B、主管信息系统的领导C、硬件专家D、各职能部门负责人6、现行系统详细调查的主要内容有:企业组织结构与信息关联状况、系统的信息调查及(A)A、系统业务流程B、系统数据存贮C、系统功能D、系统输入输出7、数据流程图中的外部实体,是指独立于系统之外的部门、群体,或是…(D)A、输入的单据B、输出的报表C、数据D、另一个信息系统8、操作系统属于…(D)A、支持软件B、实用软件C、应用软件D、系统软件9、系统总体设计的内容包括:系统总体结构设计、计算机系统配置方案设计和(C)A、程序设计B、数据库设计C、代码设计D、用户界面设计10、在结构化系统设计中,模块之间的联系应…( D )A、尽可能减少B、尽可能增加C、尽可能直接D、易于理解11、程序可测试性是指源程序( A )A、容易读懂B、避免语法错误C、避免语义错误D、易于查错和排错12、对于重要的系统,由旧系统向新系统转换时,最不宜采用的是( B )A、平行转换B、直接转换C、逐步转换D、试点后直接转换13、计算机设备的购置应在:DA、系统开发之前B、系统分析阶段C、系统设计阶段D、系统实施阶段14、数据字典是用于定义和说明数据流程图上的每个( A )A、成分B、数据C、数据项D、数据结构15、生命周期法的主要优点是( B )A、经详细调查,能正确定义用户需求B、与用户直接见面,开发周期短C、可以借助开发工具,实现开发自动化D、开发步骤清晰,便于项目控制和管理16. 企业资源计划(ERP)的核心是:BA、MRPB、MRP ⅡC、JITD、CAM17.系统规格说明书反映了( )对于现行系统的认识和理解。
管理信息系统一、单项选择题1.以下关于管理信息系统特点的说法,错误的是()A.管理信息系统是一个“人—机”合成系统B.管理信息系统是一个一体化集成系统C.管理信息系统是信息系统的一个子系统D.管理信息系统是模型驱动的正确答案: D2.下列说法不正确的是()A.管理信息系统是一种辅助决策的工具B.管理信息系统可以代替人进行决策C.管理科学是管理信息系统的重要学科基础之一D.管理信息系统是一个“人—机”系统正确答案: B3.一般情况下,可将管理分为三个层次,即高层、中层和基层,其中高层管理属于()A.战术级管理B.战略级管理C.控制层管理D.作业层管理正确答案: B4.管理活动的高、中、基3个层次分别对应着3种类型的决策过程,即()A.非结构化决策、半结构化决策和结构化决策B.非结构化决策、结构化决策和半结构化决策C.非结构化决策、半结构化决策和一般性决策D.非结构化决策、过程性决策和结构化决策正确答案: A5.事务型管理信息系统的主要目的是()A.具体业务过程的自动化B.为战略计划的制定和调整提供辅助决策工能C.服务于组织的中层管理者D.面向需求进行趋势分析正确答案: A6.ERP的含义是()A.物料需求计划B.企业资源计划C.制造资源计划D.制造资源计划第二代正确答案: B7.战略级管理属于()A.中层管理B.高层管理C.基层管理D.目标管理正确答案: B8.控制管理属于()A.中层管理B.高层管理C.基层管理D.目标管理正确答案: A9.执行层或称作业层的管理属于()A.中层管理B.高层管理C.基层管理D.目标管理正确答案: C10.MRPII的含义是()A.物料需求计划第二代B.制造资源计划C.物料需求计划D.制造资源计划第二代正确答案: B11.计算机集成制造系统和办公自动化系统的英文缩写分别是()A.OA、CIMSB.OA、CMISC.CIMS、OAD.CMIS、OA正确答案: C12.系统由输入、输出、处理、反馈、控制5要素组成,其中反馈是指()A.给出处理所需的内容和条件B.处理后所得到的结果C.将输出的一部分信息返回到输入,以供对系统进行控制用D.根据条件对输入的内容进行加工和转换正确答案: C13.管理是一项有序化的、经常性的过程,其最重要的职能之一就是()A.信息的收集B.加工C.传输和利用信息D.决策正确答案: D14.信息系统是由硬件、软件、数据库、远程通讯和网络、人员以及过程组成的,其中起主导作用的是()A.硬件B.软件C.人员D.普遍性正确答案: C15.信息源中的同一信息可以为多个信息接受者使用,这种特性称为信息的()A.扩散性B.层次性C.共享性D.普遍性正确答案: C16.信息运动的基本形式是()A.数据B.信息反馈C.信息循环D.数据加工正确答案: A17.系统而可以从多个角度进行分类,按系统与环境的关系可分为()A.开环系统B.闭环系统C.概念系统D.封闭系统和开放系统正确答案: D18.信息与管理一样,也具有层次性,从信息来源看,高层信息大多来自()A.外部B.外部和内部C.企业或组织内部D.报表正确答案: A19.信息系统的英文缩写是:()A.IMB.ISC.IND.FS正确答案: B20.比较常见的电子商务模式B2C(或称B to C)是指()A.消费者之间的直接电子商务B.企业与直接个人消费者间的电子商务C.企业与企业之间的电子商务D.以上都不对正确答案: B21.系统分解的原则包括()。
管理信息系统》综合复习资料一、选择题1. 构成管理信息系统的基本要素是()A. 人、信息、信息技术B.人、计算机、系统C. 计算机、信息、网络D. 系统、计算机、信息2. 计算机的软件系统一般分为()A. 系统软件和应用软件B.操作系统和应用软件C.程序、数据和文档D.程序和数据3. 一门课可以由多名学生选修,一个学生也可以选修课程,课程与学生之间的关系是()A. 1:1B.1:nC.n:1D.m:n4. 系统结构化分析和设计的要点是()A. 由顶向下B.由底向上C.集中D.分散平等5. 最适合应用原型法开发的系统是()A. 数据关系较复杂、数据量大的系统B. 用户需求较难定义的、规模较小的系统C. 用户需求较明确、规模较大的系统D. 运算关系复杂、运算工作量大的6. CRM和ERP分别指的是()A. 供应链管理和企业资源规划B. 客户关系管理和供应链管理C. 客户关系管理和企业资源规划D. 人力资源管理和企业资源规划7. 数据库设计属于()阶段。
A.系统分析B.系统设计C.系统实施D.系统运行8. 某大学的学生学号(共7位)按如下规定生成: 前两位表示年级,中间两位表示系,后三位表示顺序号。
例如:9704026 表示1997年入学,在计算机系,第26名注册,这种代码属于()A. 顺序码B. 层次码C. 系列顺序码D. 矩形码9. 实际上,系统分析的结果就是要给出系统的()A. 物理设计B. 总体设计C. 逻辑设计D. 系统设计10. 为了解决数据的物理独立性,应提供某两种结构之间的映像,这两种结构为(A. 物理结构与用户结构B. 逻辑结构与物理结构C. 逻辑结构与用户结构D. 概念结构与逻辑结构11. 关于计算机辅助管理不正确的叙述是()A. 事务处理的目的是提高工作效率B. 事务处理是管理信息系统的一部分C. 决策支持系统一般比管理信息系统规模大D. 决策支持系统一般嵌入到管理信息系统中12. 数据流程图具有()A. 概括性和具体性B. 具体性和抽象性C. 抽象性和概括性D. 直观性和具体性13. 数据处理的两大类方式是()A. 成批处理和顺序处理方式B. 成批处理和联机实时处理方式C. 顺序处理和直接处理方式D. 顺序处理和联机实时处理方式14. 子系统划分方法中最好的方法是()。
试回答下列问题: a) 确定系统的实体;b) 指出系统中实体之间的关系; c) 描述系统中各实体的属性; d) 作出系统的分E-R图; e) 画出系统的总E-R图。
1.关于管理信息的特点,错误..的说法是( B )(5~6B) A.信息量大B.收集容易C.来源分散D.处理复杂2.不属于...以信息的记录符号为依据的信息分类是( C )(4C)A.语音信息B.文字信息C.生物信息D.数据信息3.管理决策基础是( A )(3A)A.信息B.目标C.资源D.环境条件4.战略信息的特点是( B )(7B)A.使用时间短B.使用频率低C.信息精度高D.信息结构性好5.包括生产、材料和设备等管理的子系统属于( A )(16A) A.执行控制子系统B.业务处理子系统C.管理控制子系统D.战略计划子系统6.关于物流与信息流的关系,错误的说法是( A )(4A) A.信息流是单向流动的,没有可逆性B.随着物流的产生而C.不一定符号企业的整体目标D.不利于提高企业人员的开发能力13.根据企业的客观情况进行调整,使其符合实际的管理职能是( D )(24D)A.计划B.指挥C.协调D.控制14.以绩效为中心分权组织结构属于( B )(28B)A.矩阵式组织结构B.事业部制组织结构C.直线制组织结构D.职能式组织结构15.信息报告系统是( B )(15B)A.电子数据处理系统的雏形B.管理信息系统的雏形C.办公自动化系统的雏形D.决策支持系统的雏形16.管理信息系统共分为4个层次,其中用于资源分配计划方案的子系统属于( C )(15C)A.业务处理子系统B.执行控制子系统C.管理控制子系统D.战略计划子系统17.为了实现组织的目标,需要管理过程的各种职能,其中保证计划实现的职能是(A )(24A)A.控制B.协调C.指挥D.组织18.在管理信息中,属于战略信息的是( A )(6A)A.新产品的投资方向B.计划完成情况C.产品的年产量D.产品的成本19.虚拟组织有许多特点,下述不属于其特点的是( B )(29B)A.可以集中各伙伴的优势进行生产和销售B.各成员之间建立长期的、固定的合作关系C.具有很大的灵活性和机动性D.合作伙伴通过计算机网络沟通20.以信息运动状态为依据的分类,可分为( B )(4B)A.真实信息、虚假信息等B.连续信息、离散信息等C.语音信息、文字信息等D.文献信息、光电信息等二、填空题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共56分)题目11.以下关于管理信息系统特点的说法,错误的是()选择一项:A. 管理信息系统是一个“人—机”合成系统B. 管理信息系统是一个一体化集成系统C. 管理信息系统是信息系统的一个子系统D. 管理信息系统是模型驱动的正确答案是:管理信息系统是模型驱动的题目22.下列说法不正确的是()选择一项:A. 管理信息系统是一种辅助决策的工具B. 管理信息系统可以代替人进行决策C. 管理科学是管理信息系统的重要学科基础之一D. 管理信息系统是一个“人—机”系统正确答案是:管理信息系统可以代替人进行决策题目33.一般情况下,可将管理分为三个层次,即高层、中层和基层,其中高层管理属于()选择一项:A. 战术级管理B. 战略级管理D. 作业层管理正确答案是:战略级管理题目44.管理活动的高、中、基3个层次分别对应着3种类型的决策过程,即()选择一项:A. 非结构化决策、半结构化决策和结构化决策B. 非结构化决策、结构化决策和半结构化决策C. 非结构化决策、半结构化决策和一般性决策D. 非结构化决策、过程性决策和结构化决策正确答案是:非结构化决策、半结构化决策和结构化决策题目55.事务型管理信息系统的主要目的是()选择一项:A. 具体业务过程的自动化B. 为战略计划的制定和调整提供辅助决策工能C. 服务于组织的中层管理者D. 面向需求进行趋势分析正确答案是:具体业务过程的自动化题目66.ERP的含义是()选择一项:A. 物料需求计划C. 制造资源计划D. 制造资源计划第二代正确答案是:企业资源计划题目77.战略级管理属于()选择一项:A. 中层管理B. 高层管理C. 基层管理D. 目标管理正确答案是:高层管理题目88.控制管理属于()选择一项:A. 中层管理B. 高层管理C. 基层管理D. 目标管理正确答案是:中层管理题目99.执行层或称作业层的管理属于()选择一项:A. 中层管理B. 高层管理C. 基层管理D. 目标管理正确答案是:基层管理题目1010.MRPII的含义是()选择一项:A. 物料需求计划第二代B. 制造资源计划C. 物料需求计划D. 制造资源计划第二代正确答案是:物料需求计划第二代题目1111.计算机集成制造系统和办公自动化系统的英文缩写分别是()选择一项:A. OA、CIMSB. OA、CMISC. CIMS、OAD. CMIS、OA正确答案是:CIMS、OA题目1212.系统由输入、输出、处理、反馈、控制5要素组成,其中反馈是指()选择一项:A. 给出处理所需的内容和条件B. 处理后所得到的结果C. 将输出的一部分信息返回到输入,以供对系统进行控制用D. 根据条件对输入的内容进行加工和转换正确答案是:将输出的一部分信息返回到输入,以供对系统进行控制用题目1313.管理是一项有序化的、经常性的过程,其最重要的职能之一就是()选择一项:A. 信息的收集B. 加工C. 传输和利用信息D. 决策正确答案是:决策题目1414.信息系统是由硬件、软件、数据库、远程通讯和网络、人员以及过程组成的,其中起主导作用的是()选择一项:A. 硬件B. 软件C. 人员D. 普遍性正确答案是:人员题目1515.信息源中的同一信息可以为多个信息接受者使用,这种特性称为信息的()选择一项:B. 层次性C. 共享性D. 普遍性正确答案是:共享性题目1616.信息运动的基本形式是()选择一项:A. 数据B. 信息C. 信息循环D. 数据加工正确答案是:数据题目1717.系统而可以从多个角度进行分类,按系统与环境的关系可分为()选择一项:A. 开环系统B. 闭环系统C. 概念系统D. 封闭系统和开放系统正确答案是:封闭系统和开放系统题目1818.信息与管理一样,也具有层次性,从信息来源看,高层信息大多来自()选择一项:B. 外部和内部C. 企业或组织内部D. 报表正确答案是:外部题目1919.信息系统的英文缩写是:()选择一项:A. IMB. ISC. IND. FS正确答案是:IM题目2020.比较常见的电子商务模式B2C(或称B to C)是指()选择一项:A. 消费者之间的直接电子商务B. 企业与直接个人消费者间的电子商务C. 企业与企业之间的电子商务D. 以上都不对正确答案是:企业与直接个人消费者间的电子商务题目2121.系统分解的原则包括()。
最新国开《管理信息系统》形考任务(阶段性学习测验一至四)作业及答案阶段性学习测验一一、单项选择题(每小题 2 分,共 56 分)题目 1 1 .以下关于管理信息系统特点的说法,错误的是()选择一项:A. 管理信息系统是一个“人—机”合成系统B. 管理信息系统是一个一体化集成系统C. 管理信息系统是信息系统的一个子系统D. 管理信息系统是模型驱动的正确答案是:管理信息系统是模型驱动的题目 2 2.下列说法不正确的是()选择一项:A. 管理信息系统是一种辅助决策的工具B. 管理信息系统可以代替人进行决策C. 管理科学是管理信息系统的重要学科基础之一D. 管理信息系统是一个“人—机”系统正确答案是:管理信息系统可以代替人进行决策题目 3 3.一般情况下,可将管理分为三个层次,即高层、中层和基层,其中高层管理属于()选择一项:A. 战术级管理B. 战略级管理C. 控制层管理D. 作业层管理正确答案是:战略级管理题目 4 4.管理活动的高、中、基 3 个层次分别对应着 3 种类型的决策过程,即()选择一项:A. 非结构化决策、半结构化决策和结构化决策B. 非结构化决策、结构化决策和半结构化决策C. 非结构化决策、半结构化决策和一般性决策D. 非结构化决策、过程性决策和结构化决策正确答案是:非结构化决策、半结构化决策和结构化决策题目 5 5.事务型管理信息系统的主要目的是()选择一项:A. 具体业务过程的自动化B. 为战略计划的制定和调整提供辅助决策工能C. 服务于组织的中层管理者D. 面向需求进行趋势分析正确答案是:具体业务过程的自动化题目 6 6.ERP 的含义是()选择一项:A. 物料需求计划B. 企业资源计划C. 制造资源计划D. 制造资源计划第二代正确答案是:企业资源计划题目 7 7.战略级管理属于()选择一项:A. 中层管理B. 高层管理C. 基层管理D. 目标管理正确答案是:高层管理题目 8 8.控制管理属于()选择一项:A. 中层管理B. 高层管理C. 基层管理D. 目标管理正确答案是:中层管理题目 9 9.执行层或称作业层的管理属于()选择一项:A. 中层管理B. 高层管理C. 基层管理D. 目标管理正确答案是:基层管理题目 10 1 0.MRPII 的含义是()选择一项:A. 物料需求计划第二代B. 制造资源计划C. 物料需求计划D. 制造资源计划第二代正确答案是:物料需求计划第二代题目 11 1 1 .计算机集成制造系统和办公自动化系统的英文缩写分别是()选择一项:A. OA、 CIMSB. OA、 CMISC. CIMS、 OAD. CMIS、 OA正确答案是: CIMS、 OA题目 12 1 2.系统由输入、输出、处理、反馈、控制 5 要素组成,其中反馈是指()选择一项:A. 给出处理所需的内容和条件B. 处理后所得到的结果C. 将输出的一部分信息返回到输入,以供对系统进行控制用D. 根据条件对输入的内容进行加工和转换正确答案是:将输出的一部分信息返回到输入,以供对系统进行控制用题目 13 1 3.管理是一项有序化的、经常性的过程,其最重要的职能之一就是()选择一项:A. 信息的收集B. 加工C. 传输和利用信息D. 决策正确答案是:决策题目 14 1 4.信息系统是由硬件、软件、数据库、远程通讯和网络、人员以及过程组成的,其中起主导作用的是()选择一项:A. 硬件B. 软件C. 人员D. 普遍性正确答案是:人员题目 15 1 5.信息源中的同一信息可以为多个信息接受者使用,这种特性称为信息的()选择一项:A. 扩散性B. 层次性C. 共享性D. 普遍性正确答案是:共享性题目 16 1 6.信息运动的基本形式是()选择一项:A. 数据B. 信息C. 信息循环D. 数据加工正确答案是:数据题目 17 1 7.系统而可以从多个角度进行分类,按系统与环境的关系可分为()选择一项:A. 开环系统B. 闭环系统C. 概念系统D. 封闭系统和开放系统正确答案是:封闭系统和开放系统题目 18 1 8.信息与管理一样,也具有层次性,从信息来源看,高层信息大多来自()选择一项:A. 外部B. 外部和内部C. 企业或组织内部D. 报表正确答案是:外部题目 19 1 9.信息系统的英文缩写是:()选择一项:A. IMB. ISC. IND. FS正确答案是: IM题目 20 20.比较常见的电子商务模式 B2C(或称 B to C)是指()选择一项:A. 消费者之间的直接电子商务B. 企业与直接个人消费者间的电子商务C. 企业与企业之间的电子商务D. 以上都不对正确答案是:企业与直接个人消费者间的电子商务题目 21 21 .系统分解的原则包括()。
管理信息系统试题及答案一、选择题1. 管理信息系统(MIS)是指利用信息技术和计算机技术,对组织内的信息进行收集、处理、存储、传递和利用的系统。
以下哪项不属于MIS的主要功能?A. 信息收集与处理B. 信息存储与传递C. 组织人力资源D. 信息利用与决策支持答案:C2. 当你需要对大量数据进行分析、管理和预测时,下列哪种技术最适合使用?A. 人工智能B. 云计算C. 数据挖掘D. ERP系统答案:C3. 下列哪个层次的决策是对日常运营进行控制和指导的?A. 战略决策B. 战术决策C. 运营决策D. 经营决策答案:C二、填空题1. MIS的英文全称是_____________。
答案:Management Information System2. ERP的英文全称是_____________。
答案:Enterprise Resource Planning3. 数据仓库是用于_____________。
答案:数据存储和分析三、简答题1. 请简要解释MIS的主要功能及其对组织的重要性。
2. 请简要介绍数据挖掘技术及其应用领域。
3. 请简要介绍ERP系统及其对组织的影响。
管理信息系统》期末考试试题及答案答案:管理信息系统期末考试试题及答案课程名称:管理信息系统使用班级:题号一二三总成绩成绩考试性质:考试试卷类型:A 考试方法:闭卷人数:5-10审批:任课教师:XXX 教务处审批:主任签字题目命名:作业订正不要内线订正,以装订名称为准装订名称:学号-姓名-班级一、单项选择。
)1、信息(C) A.是形成知识的基础 B.是数据的基础 C.是经过加工后的数据 D.具有完全性2、万维网又称(B) A.XXX3、管理信息是(A) A.加工后反映和控制管理活动的数据 B.客观世界的实际记录 C.数据处理的基础 D.管理者的指令4、信息化(B) A.是推动工业化的动力 B.是工业化的基础 C.代替工业化 D.向工业化发展5、信息管理正在向(D) A.决策管理发展 B.数据管理发展 C.ERP发展 D.知识管理发展6、管理控制属于(D) A.中期计划范围 B.长远计划范围C.战略计划范围D.作业计划范围7、管理信息系统是一个(D) A.网络系统 B.计算机系统C.操作系统D.人机系统8、管理信息系统是一个广泛的概念,下列不属于管理信息系统范畴的是(D) A.业务信息系统 B.管理信息系统 C.决策支持系统 D.专家系统9、管理信息系统的应用离不开一定的环境和条件,环境具体指的是(B) A.组织所处的自然环境 B.组织所处的社会环境 C.组织内外各种因素的综合改写:以下是《管理信息系统》期末考试试题及答案,共包括三道单项选择题,每题一分,总计三十分。
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Management Information System Review SummaryCONTENTSPART 1: Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise 1rmation Systems in Global Business Today 11. How are information systems transforming business and what is their relationship toglobalization? 12. Why are information systems so essential for running and managing a business today? 13. What exactly is an information system? How does it work? What are its management,organization, and technology components? 14. What are complementary assets? Why are complementary assets essential for ensuring thatinformation systems provide genuine value for an organization? 15. What academic disciplines are used to study information systems? How does each contribute toan understanding of information systems? What is a sociotechnical systems perspective? 2II.Global E-business and Collaboration 21. What are business processes? How are they related to information systems? 22. How do systems serve the different management groups in a business? 23. How do systems that link the enterprise improve organizational performance? 24. Why are systems for collaboration and teamwork so important and what technologies do theyuse? 35. What is the role of the information systems function in a business? 3rmation Systems, Organizations, and Strategy 31. Which features of organizations do managers need to know about to build and use informationsystems successfully? What is the impact of information systems on organizations? 32. How does Porter’s competitive forces model help companies develop competitive strategiesusing information systems? 33. How do the value chain and value web models help businesses identify opportunities forstrategic information system applications? 44. How do information systems help businesses use synergies, core competencies, andnetwork-based strategies to achieve competitive advantage? 45. What are the challenges posed by strategic information systems and how should they beaddressed? 4IV.Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems 41. What ethical, social, and political issues are raised by information systems? 42. What specific principles for conduct can be used to guide ethical decisions? 53. Why do contemporary information systems technology and the Internet pose challenges to theprotection of individual privacy and intellectual property? 54. How have information systems affected everyday life? 5PART 2: Information Technology Infrastructure 5V.IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies 51. What is IT infrastructure and what are its components? 52. What are the stages and technology drivers of IT infrastructure evolution? 53. What are the current trends in computer hardware platforms? 64. What are the current trends in software platforms? 65. What are the challenges of managing IT infrastructure and management solutions? 6VI.Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management 71. What are the problems of managing data resources in a traditional file environment and how are7they solved by a database management system? 72. What are the major capabilities of DBMS and why is a relational DBMS so powerful? 73. What are some important database design principles? 74. What are the principal tools and technologies for accessing information from databases to 7improve business performance and decision making? 75. Why are information policy, data administration, and data quality assurance essential formanaging the firm’s data resources? 8VII.Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology 81. What are the principal components of telecommunications networks and key networkingtechnologies? 82. What are the main telecommunications transmission media and types of networks? 83. How do the Internet and Internet technology work, and how do they support communication 9and e-business? 94. What are the principal technologies and standards for wireless networking, communication, 9and Internet access? 95. Why are radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensor networks valuable forbusiness? 9VIII.Securing Information Systems 101. Why are information systems vulnerable to destruction, error, and abuse? 102. What is the business value of security and control? 103. What are the components of an organizational framework for security and control? 104. What are the most important tools and technologies for safeguarding information resources? 10 PART 3: Key System Applications for the Digital Age 11IX.Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications 111. How do enterprise systems help businesses achieve operational excellence? 112. How do supply chain management systems coordinate planning, production, and logistics withsuppliers? 113. How do customer relationship management systems help firms achieve customer intimacy? 114. What are the challenges posed by enterprise applications? 115. How are enterprise applications used in platforms for new cross-functional services? 12X.E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods 121. What are the unique features of e-commerce, digital markets, and digital goods? 122. What are the principal e-commerce business and revenue models? 123. How has e-commerce transformed marketing? 124. How has e-commerce affected business-to-business transactions? 125. What is the role of m-commerce in business, and what are the most important m-commerceapplications? 126. What issues must be addressed when building an e-commerce Web site? 13XI.Managing Knowledge 131. What is the role of knowledge management and knowledge management programs in business?132. What types of systems are used for enterprise-wide knowledge management and how do theyprovide value for businesses? 133. What are the major types of knowledge work systems and how do they provide value for firms?134. What are the business benefits of using intelligent techniques for knowledge management? 14XII.Enhancing Decision Making 141. What are the different types of decisions and how does the decision-making process work? 142. How do information systems support the activities of managers and management decisionmaking? 143. How do business intelligence and business analytics support decision making? 154. How do different decision-making constituencies in an organization use business intelligence?155. What is the role of information systems in helping people working in a group make decisionsmore efficiently? 15PART 4: Building and Managing Systems 15XIII.Building Information Systems 151. How does building new systems produce organizational change? 152. What are the core activities in the systems development process? 163. What are the principal methodologies for modeling and designing systems? 164. What are the alternative methods for building information systems? 165. What are new approaches for system building in the digital firm era? 17XIV.Managing Projects 171. What are the objectives of project management and why is it so essential in developinginformation 17systems? 172. What methods can be used for selecting and evaluating information systems projects andaligning them with the firm’s business goals? 173. How can firms assess the business value of information systems projects? 174. What are the principal risk factors in information systems projects? 175. What strategies are useful for managing project risk and system implementation? 18XV.Managing Global Systems 181. What major factors are driving the internationalization of business? 182. What are the alternative strategies for developing global businesses? 183. How can information systems support different global business strategies? 184. What are the challenges posed by global information systems and management solutions forthese challenges? 185. What are the issues and technical alternatives to be considered when developing internationalinformation systems? 18PART 1: Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprisermation Systems in Global Business Today1. How are information systems transforming business and what is their relationship to globalization?E-mail, online conferencing, and cell phones have become essential tools for conducting business. Information systems are the foundation of fast-paced supply chains. The Internet allows many businesses to buy, sell, advertise, and solicit customer feedback online. Organizations are trying to become more competitiveand efficient by digitally enabling their core business processes and evolving into digital firms. The Internet has stimulated globalization by dramatically reducing the costs of producing, buying, and selling goods on a global scale. New information system trends include the emerging mobile digital platform, online software as a service, and cloud computing.2. Why are information systems so essential for running and managing a business today?Information systems are a foundation for conducting business today. In many industries, survival and the ability to achieve strategic business goals are difficult without extensive use of information technology. Businesses today use information systems to achieve six major objectives: operational excellence; new products, services, and business models; customer/supplier intimacy; improved decision making; competitive advantage; and day-to-day survival.3. What exactly is an information system? How does it work? What are its management, organization, and technology components?From a technical perspective, an information system collects, stores, and disseminates information from an organization’s environment and internal operations to support organizational functions and decision making, communication, coordination, control, analysis, and visualization. Information systems transform raw data into useful information through three basic activities: input, processing, and output.From a business perspective, an information system provides a solution to a problem or challenge facing a firm and represents a combination of management, organization, and technology elements. The management dimension of information systems involves issues such as leadership, strategy, and management behavior. The technology dimension consists of computer hardware, software, data management technology, and networking/telecommunications technology (including the Internet). The organization dimension of information systems involves issues such as the organization’s hierarchy, functional specialties, business processes, culture, and political interest groups.4. What are complementary assets? Why are complementary assets essential for ensuring that information systems provide genuine value for an organization?In order to obtain meaningful value from information systems, organizations must support their technology investments with appropriate complementary investments in organizations and management. These complementary assets include new business models and business processes, supportive organizational culture and management behavior, appropriate technology standards, regulations, and laws. New information technology investments are unlikely to produce high returns unless businesses make the appropriate managerial and organizational changes to support the technology.5. What academic disciplines are used to study information systems? How does each contribute to an understanding of information systems? What is a sociotechnical systems perspective?The study of information systems deals with issues and insights contributed from technical and behavioral disciplines. The disciplines that contribute to the technical approach focusing on formal models and capabilities of systems are computer science, management science, and operations research. The disciplines contributing to the behavioral approach focusing on the design, implementation, management, and business impact of systems are psychology, sociology, and economics.A sociotechnical view of systems considers both technical and social features of systems and solutions that represent the best fit between them.II.Global E-business and Collaboration1. What are business processes? How are they related to information systems?A business process is a logically related set of activities that defines how specific business tasks are performed, and it represents a unique way in which an organization coordinates work, information, and knowledge. Managers need to pay attention to business processes because they determine how well the organization can execute its business, and they may be a source of strategic advantage. There are business processes specific to each of the major business functions, but many business processes are cross-functional. Information systems automate parts of business processes, and they can help organizations redesign and streamline these processes.2. How do systems serve the different management groups in a business?Systems serving operational management are transaction processing systems (TPS), such as payroll or order processing, that track the flow of the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business. Management information systems (MIS) produce reports serving middle management by condensing information from TPS, and these are not highly analytical. Decision-support systems (DSS) support management decisions that are unique and rapidly changing using advanced analytical models. All of these types of systems provide business intelligence that helps managers and enterprise employees make more informed decisions. These systems for business intelligence serve multiple levels of management, and include executive support systems (ESS) for senior management that provide data in the form of graphs, charts, and dashboards delivered via portals using many sources of internal and external information.3. How do systems that link the enterprise improve organizational performance?Enterprise applications are designed to coordinate multiple functions and business processes.Enterprise systems integrate the key internal business processes of a firm into a single software system to improve coordination and decision making. Supply chain management systems help the firm manage its relationship with suppliers to optimize the planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and delivery of products and services. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems coordinate the business processes surrounding t he firm’s customers. Knowledge management systems enable firms to optimize the creation, sharing, and distribution of knowledge. Intranets and extranets are private corporate networks based on Internet technology that assemble information from disparate systems. Extranets make portions of private corporate intranets available to outsiders.4. Why are systems for collaboration and teamwork so important and what technologies do they use?Collaboration is working with others to achieve shared and explicit goals. Collaboration and teamwork have become increasingly important in business because of globalization, the decentralization of decision making, and growth in jobs where interaction is the primary value-adding activity. Collaboration is believed to enhance innovation, productivity, quality, and customer service. Effective collaboration today requires a supportive organizational culture as well as information systems and tools for collaborative work. Collaboration tools include and instant messaging, wikis, videoconferencing systems, virtual worlds, social networking systems, cell phones, and Internet collaboration platforms such as Google Apps/Sites, Microsoft SharePoint, and Lotus Notes.5. What is the role of the information systems function in a business?The information systems department is the formal organizational unit responsible for information technology services. It is responsible for maintaining the hardware, software, data storage, and networks that comprise the firm’s IT infrastructure. Th e department consists of specialists, such as programmers, systems analysts, project leaders, and information systems managers, and is often headed by a CIO.rmation Systems, Organizations, and Strategy1. Which features of organizations do managers need to know about to build and use information systemssuccessfully? What is the impact of information systems on organizations?All modern organizations are hierarchical, specialized, and impartial, using explicit routines to maximize efficiency. All organizations have their own cultures and politics arising from differences in interest groups, and they are affected by their surrounding environment. Organizations differ in goals, groups served, social roles, leadership styles, incentives, types of tasks performed, and type of structure. These features help explain differences in organizations’ use of information systems.Information systems and the organizations in which they are used interact with and influence each other. The introduction of a new information system will affect organizational structure, goals, work design, values, competition between interest groups, decision making, and day-to-day behavior. At the same time, information systems must be designed to serve the needs of important organizational groups and will be shaped by the organization’s structure, business processes, goals, culture, politics, and management. Information technology can reduce transaction and agency costs, and such changes have been accentuated in organizations using the Internet. New systems disrupt established patterns of work and power relationships, so there is often considerable resistance to them when they are introduced.2. How does Porter’s competitive forces model help companies develop competitive strategies usinginformation systems?In Porter’s competitive forces model, the strategic position of the firm, and its strategies, are determined by competition with its traditional direct competitors, but they are also greatly affected by new market entrants, substitute products and services, suppliers, and customers. Information systems help companies compete by maintaining low costs, differentiating products or services, focusing on market niche, strengthening ties with customers and suppliers, and increasing barriers to market entry with high levels of operational excellence. 3. How do the value chain and value web models help businesses identify opportunities for strategicinformation system applications?The value chain model highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies and information systems will have the greatest impact. The model views the firm as a series of primary and support activities that add value to a firm’s products or services. Primary activities are directly related to production and distribution, whereas support activities make the delivery of primary activities possible. A firm’s value chain can be linked to the value chains of its suppliers, distributors, and customers. A value web consists of information systems that enhance competitiveness at the industry level by promoting the use of standards and industry-wide consortia, and by enabling businesses to work more efficiently with their value partners.4. How do information systems help businesses use synergies, core competencies, and network-basedstrategies to achieve competitive advantage?Because firms consist of multiple business units, information systems achieve additional efficiencies or enhance services by tying together the operations of disparate business units. Information systems help businesses leverage their core competencies by promoting the sharing of knowledge across business units. Information systems facilitate business models based on large networks of users or subscribers that take advantage of network economics. A virtual company strategy uses networks to link to other firms so that a company can use the capabilities of other companies to build, market, and distribute products and services. In business ecosystems, multiple industries work together to deliver value to the customer. Information systems support a dense network of interactions among the participating firms.5. What are the challenges posed by strategic information systems and how should they be addressed?Implementing strategic systems often requires extensive organizational change and a transition from one sociotechnical level to another. Such changes are called strategic transitions and are often difficult and painful to achieve. Moreover, not all strategic systems are profitable, and they can be expensive to build. Many strategic information systems are easily copied by other firms so that strategic advantage is not always sustainable.IV.Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems1. What ethical, social, and political issues are raised by information systems?Information technology is introducing changes for which laws and rules of acceptable conduct have not yet been developed. Increasing computing power, storage, and networking capabilities—including the Internet—expand the reach of individual and organizational actions and magnify their impacts. The ease and anonymity with which information is now communicated, copied, and manipulated in online environments pose new challenges to the protection of privacy and intellectual property. The main ethical, social, and political issues raised by information systems center around information rights and obligations, property rights and obligations, accountability and control, system quality, and quality of life.2. What specific principles for conduct can be used to guide ethical decisions?Six ethical principles for judging conduct include the Golden Rule, Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative, Descartes’ rule of change, the Utilitarian Principle, the Risk Aversion Principle, and the ethical “no free l unch” rule. These principles should be used in conjunction with an ethical analysis.3. Why do contemporary information systems technology and the Internet pose challenges to the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property?Contemporary data storage and data analysis technology enables companies to easily gather personal data about individuals from many different sources and analyze these data to create detailed electronic profiles about individuals and their behaviors. Data flowing over the Internet can be monitored at many points. Cookies and other Web monitoring tools closely track the activities of Web site visitors. Not all Web sites have strong privacy protection policies, and they do not always allow for informed consent regarding the use of personal information. Traditional copyright laws are insufficient to protect against software piracy because digital material can be copied so easily and transmitted to many different locations simultaneously over the Internet.4. How have information systems affected everyday life?Although computer systems have been sources of efficiency and wealth, they have some negative impacts. Computer errors can cause serious harm to individuals and organizations. Poor data quality is also responsible for disruptions and losses for businesses. Jobs can be lost when computers replace workers or tasks become unnecessary in reengineered business processes. The ability to own and use a computer may be exacerbating socioeconomic disparities among different racial groups and social classes. Widespread use of computers increases opportunities for computer crime and computer abuse. Computers can also create health problems, such as RSI, computer vision syndrome, and technostress.PART 2: Information Technology InfrastructureV.IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies1. What is IT infrastructure and what are its components?IT infrastructure is the shared technology resources that provide the platform for the firm’s specific information system applications. IT infrastructure includes hardware, software, and services that are shared across the entire firm. Major IT infrastructure components include computer hardware platforms, operating system platforms, enterprise software platforms, networking and telecommunications platforms, database management software, Internet platforms, and consulting services and systems integrators.2. What are the stages and technology drivers of IT infrastructure evolution?The five stages of IT infrastructure evolution are: the mainframe era, the personal computer era, the client/server era, the enterprise computing era, and the cloud and mobile computing era. Moore’s Law deals with the exponential increase in processing power and decline in the cost of computer technology, stating that every 18 months the power of microprocessors doubles and the price of computing falls in half. The Law of Mass Digital Storage deals with the exponential decrease in the cost of storing data, stating that the number of kilobytes of data that can be stored on magnetic media for $1 roughly doubles every 15 months. Metcalfe’s Law helps shows that a network’s value to participants grows exponentially as the network takes on more members. Also driving exploding computer use is the rapid decline in costs of communication and growing agreement in the technology industry to use computing and communications standards.3. What are the current trends in computer hardware platforms?Increasingly, computing is taking place on a mobile digital platform. Grid computing involves connecting geographically remote computers into a single network to create a computational grid that combines the computing power of all the computers on the network. Virtualization organizes computing resources so that their use is not restricted by physical configuration or geographic location. In cloud computing, firms and individuals obtain computing power and software as services over a network, including the Internet, rather than purchasing and installing the hardware and software on their own computers. A multicore processor is a microprocessor to which two or more processing cores have been attached for enhanced performance. Green computing includes practices and technologies for producing, using, and disposing of information technology hardware to minimize negative impact on the environment. In autonomic computing, computer systems have capabilities for automatically configuring and repairing themselves. Power-saving processors dramatically reduce power consumption in mobile digital devices.4. What are the current trends in software platforms?Open source software is produced and maintained by a global community of programmers and is often downloadable for free. Linux is a powerful, resilient open source operating system that can run on multiple hardware platforms and is used widely to run Web servers. Java is an operating-system– andhardware-independent programming language that is the leading interactive programming environment for the Web. Web services are loosely coupled software components based on open Web standards that work with any application software and operating system. They can be used as components of Web-based applications linking the systems of two different organizations or to link disparate systems of a single company. Companies are purchasing their new software applications from outside sources, including software packages, by outsourcing custom application development to an external vendor (that may be offshore), or by renting online software services (SaaS). Mashups combine two different software services to create new software applications and services. Apps are small pieces of software that run on the Internet, on a computer, or on a mobile phone and。