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Section I

Directions:In this part you will hear ten ATC clearances\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .

1.Speed bird 125, go around, I say again, go around, unknown vehicle is crossing the runway.

Question: Why should speed bird 125 go around?

a.It can not cross the runway.

b.Another aircraft is crossing the runway.

c.The crew wants to know who is crossing the runway.

d.The crew wants to go around.

Answer: b

2.Approach, SAS 345, turning on to 080, we’d like to make a low pass f or visual check.

Question: What might probably be the problem?

a.Hydraulic system failure.

b.Generator failure.

nding gear malfunction.

d.Air conditioning problem.

Answer: c

3.Roger, wind 340, 8 knots, right turn after airborne, contact 121.3, I am cleared. UAL 23


Question: What is the pilot doing?

a.Ready for take off.

b.Ready to approach.

c.Ready to lan


d.Ready to taxi.

Answer: a

4.Sabena 334, we can not accept runway 27 in such a downwind. We wish to use runway 09.

Question: On which runway will the crew take off?

a.r/w 27.

b.r/w 09.

c.Either of the runway.

d.The crew will not takeoff.

Answer: b

5.Mansfield, G-VF, we’ve nearly been hit by overtaking traffic on our left.

Question: What happened?




d.Bad separation.

Answer: a

6.Lufthansa 863, Lackhead, radar contact lost due to ground clutter, will advise you when contact regained,

resume own navigation to the Renton intersection.

Question: What happened?

a.Radar contact established.

b.Radar contact lost.

c.End of radar vector.

d.Visual contact established.

Answer: b

7.We’re not getting any reception from the Charleston VOR, can you check whether it’s on the air? Question: What is wrong with the NA V AID?

a.It is not working.

b.It goes to air.

c.The station might be wrong.

d.It explodes.

Answer: c

8.American 76, No. 3 engine feathered, unable to continue climb, leveling at 190.

Question: What is the problem?

a.One of the engines disintegrated.

b.One of the engines failed.

c.One of the engines was struck.

d.One of the engines was hit.

Answer: b

9.Continental 456, we request an expeditious clearance as we are carrying a kidney from a donor, and it has to

be delivered within two hours.

Question: Why does the crew want to go earlier?

a.They are carrying a kidney donor.

b.They are carrying a donor’s kidney.

c.They are carrying a kidney to a donor.

d.They are carrying a donor with a kidney.

Answer: b

10.E astern 63, it looks like our windshield’s iced over. Does the met confirm severe icing in the area? Question: What happened.

a.Wind shear

b.Icing on the wing.

c.Icing on the wind screen.

d.Icing on the engin


Answer: c

Section II

Directions: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .

1.C: 95 Tango, over MK VOR at 10, 9500 feet, VFR to Weston, estimating Baker at 51, underwood next.

P: 95 Tango, roger, it looks like flight conditions are getting pretty rough in the Weston area at the present time. We are getting cellings 8 octas 3300, visibility 12. I have got some reports, standby one.

Question: What is the condition?

a.pretty good.

b.Pretty bad.
