
Unit 11 ChangePart I Business VocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence.1 We have received the documents and taken _____D______ of the above orderwhich arrived at Sydney on the . “Vanguard”.A shipmentB consignmentC lotD delivery2 ______C_______ checking the goods we found that only 450 cases of ChineseBlack Tea were shipped.A AtB ForC OnD About3 This is the third time during the year ______D_____ you have short-shippedone of our orders.A whichB whatC whenD that4 It was found ____A_____ the error was due to a slip-up in our supply department.A thatB whichC whereD when5 We greatly regret the inconvenience this has caused ______D_____ you.A forB atC onD to6 We can _____B______ you that every effort will be made to ensure thatsimilar errors do not occur again.A ensureB assureC sureD insure7 We would refer _____C______ your consignment of raincoats under theabove order, which arrived here this morning.A atB forC toD from8 Upon examination, we found the goods are correct and _____B_____ goodcondition except Carton .,A atB inC onD under9 We can only assume that an oversight has been made in making______D______ the order.A downB outC forD up10 Therefore, we would like you to send us replacements ______C_____ delay.A withB noC withoutD outside11 Please also let us know what we are to do with this carton now_______B______ our possession.A atB inC forD of12 Thank you for your letter of March 28, informing us _______C______ thewrong delivery of raincoats.A atB withC ofD on13 We must apologize for this error, which resulted _______C______ carelessnessin our packing department.A inB atC fromD for14 We are now confirming that the replacements are indeed ______C______their way to you.A atB inC onD under15 We would appreciate it if you could return the carton _____C_____ question to us.A out ofB outsideC inD for16 We would suggest that you file a claim ______D______ the insurance agent ofthe PICC at your end.A forB atC inD against17 Therefore, the damages must have occurred in transit and we should not beheld ______B_____.A lyingB liableC liedD liability18 The above order was shipped _____C______, which was evidenced by theclean on board B/L.A clearB clearlyC cleanD cleanly19 Besides, the arbitral award is final and binding ______D_______ both parties.A atB forC toD on20 If parties to a contract desire to settle disputes, an arbitration clause is usuallymade in the contract well before a dispute _______B______ .A risesB arisesC lookD appear Part II Phrase TranslationDirections: Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1 个性冲突personality clash2 年度健康检查an annual health check-up3 首席执行官Chief Executive Officer4 首席财务官Chief Financial Officer5 营销部marketing department6 不合作态度uncooperative attitude7 管理顾问management consultant8 任何其他议题any other business9 办公桌轮用hot-desking10 开放式办公室open plan office11 奖金方案bonus scheme12 总部head office13 商业杂志business magazine14 净利润net profit15 毛利润gross profit16 公司简介company profile17 家用电器white goods18 员工士气staff morale19 员工流动率staff turnover20 管理风格management stylePart III Sentence TranslationDirections: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1.We want to be a company that is constantly renewing itself, leaving the pastbehind, adapting to change.我们希望成为一家不断自我更新,超越过去,适应变化的公司。

Module 11Useful language from Module 11wordlistascend/ascent descend/descent go down middlemen break-even total disparity go up overheads change hands factor gross domestic peak charities fall product remain stable crash fluctuate increase rise decline fluctuation level out soar decrease freight mark-upExpressionsanother reason forasas a result ofbecausedue to the fact thatin response to your enquiry about...at present the company seems to be performing well/badlyon the one hand...but on the other...one advantage/disadvantage is that...one other thing to consider is...despite…I would still suggest that...overall, I would strongly recommend that...the fact that...makes this a good/poor investment opportunity.Module 11.1 Ethical economicsCoffeenomicsreading1 First ask the class what they think the section title, Ethical economics, means or refers to Students then work in pairs to brainstorm a list of stages in the process of making coffee. Take answers afterwards from the class and build up a complete list on the board. Possible answers- coffee grown- coffee picked- coffee transported- coffee packed- coffee sold and shipped- coffee sold on to shops- coffee bought and drunk 2 Before students start exercise 2, ask them to look at the title of the article on page 107, Coffeenomics, and say which two words have been combined to make this (unreal) word. The words are coffee and economics.Students then study the four visual aids from a presentation and find the missing facts and figures in the article.Answers1 10p(pence)2 153 504 505 rent6 service charge7 coffee8 1.263 Students complete the text with sentences A-F. Answers1 B2 A3 F4 E5 CD is the extra sentence.Financial and trade termsvocabulary4 Students match the words in bold from the article to the definitions.Answers1 middlemen2 disparity3 change hands4 overheads5 factor in6 break-even total7 mark-up8 freight9 gross domestic product 10 charities ExtensionAsk in-work students to describe aspects of their business using as many of the words as possible, eg Do they have to deal with "middlemen" or can they supply their customers directly?The economics of your countrySpeaking5 The four questions require some level of knowledge about the economics of a country. Make sure at least one person in each group has a good knowledge of their country's economy. An alternative is to discuss the questions as a class and ask students who know a lot on the topic. With pre-work students, the questions make a useful research project which they could carry out online and then report back on in the next lesson.ArticlesGrammar1 This grammar section should be a review of articlesfor students but if they have difficulties they should refer to the grammar summary on page 130. When checking the answers, ask students to give their reasons.Answers1 0 (Fair-trade is the name of the organisation)2 an (singular noun)3 a (singular noun mentioned for the first time)4 the (before a superlative)5 the (there is only one)6 an (singular noun)7 the (name of country)8 a (singular noun)9 the (refers to "foundation"-there is only one)10 0 (plural noun)Photocopiable activity 11.1See page 180.Fair-tradeListening2 Students look at the products and discuss the questions as a class. Find out how well known Fair-trade is in the students' countries.3 Listening 11.1 Ask students to read the questions before they listen. They then listen and choose the best endings for the eight sentences.Answers1 C2 A3 C4 A5 B6 B7 B8 B11.1 Listening scriptI = Interviewer IB = Ian BretmanI So, Ian. I understand that the original idea for Fair-trade came in 1989. How did it happen?IB Actually, the Fair-trade Foundation itself was finally set up in 1992, but yes, you're right, the catalyst for the spread of Fair-trade was three years earlier when the international coffee agreement that controlled prices collapsed with the withdrawal of the US. At that time coffee was the world's biggest agricultural commodity. In a few months the price fell by half. It was a huge disaster for the twenty million people growing and processing coffee around the world. Many of the producing countries were dependent on coffee for over half their exports.I Can you give us some examples of how you help, exactly?IB One way is that we encourage producers to learn how to compete effectively in international markets. We help farmers coming into the system to develop the capacity to cope with fulfilling demand and we set a minimum guaranteed price for their products.I I see. But as well as helping farmers directly, you also have influence on governments, don't you? I mean, governments are talking more and more about fairer global trade...IB Yes, we're finding that the issues we've been talking about for the past ten years are moving up the agenda. For example, we're having more of a debate on how we can achieve economic growth and social justice, as both are needed. As a result, leaders of larger Fair-trade organisations have been invited to high-level international meetings and economic forums. We can use our experience to illustrate to governments how trade can be better managed.I But how do you convince people who say economic growth is the answer to everything? Don't these people argue that Fair-trade isn't good for free trade?IB Well, I worked in business for a long time and so I understand the need for a free market, but it seems unlikely to me that when it comes to social problems, like global poverty, the answer is just an economic one, because social choices have to be made, too. Our point is really about priorities. Increasing flows of trade will help wealth goes down to the people who need it most. That requires a little bit more management. Fair-trade has practical experience on the ground in how you can combine the best of both. How you can get people to operate effectively and competitively while trading in a way that producers can earn a decent living and improve their lives. In the long run, if they do improve their lives, they too will become consumers and purchasers.I So is this the message you give businesses to make them change to Fair-trade products?IB It's in the interest of any business to take the message on board, not only to improve their public image but also as a recruiting tool for the future. The younger generation is well informed and wants to be part of the solution. Companies find that having a social conscience has a positive effect on recruiting and retaining good staff. Staff get excited about persuading consumers to buy products that make a difference topeople's lives.I It sounds like that's what motivates you, too.IB For my part - yes - meeting the producers and seeing what a difference Fair-trade can make to their lives is really quite inspiring.Giving reasons and benefitsSpeaking4 This task resembles Part Three of the Speaking Test so students need to work in pairs and discuss the two items. Allow about four minutes and then ask each pair to present their ideas. As you listen, monitor and give some feedback on how to improve the discussion and types of expressions that will help.Module 11.2 Discussing trendsAlternative energy sourcesSpeaking1 Put students into groups of three of four to discuss which types of energies would be a good investment. Their responses may depend upon which part of the world they come from.Possible answersa) Wind power has already been implemented in many countries though some people say it can never provide enough energy on its own. The initial cost is also very high.b) Solar power is being widely used either on people's own houses or in the form of huge areas of land with solar panels. The cost of technology is falling for this energy so it looks like a good investment.c) Bio fuels which make use of residue from plants are already used in some cars. They look set to provide one solution to the lack of petrol fuels.d) Coal is criticized for the pollution it creates and many countries are looking at alternatives which suggests it isn't a good investment. However, in some parts of the world such as China there are huge coal reserves which are only now being mined and used in power stations. In this case coal may still be a good investment but be bad for the environment.e) Wave power has many of the same pros and cons as wind power.f) Nuclear power has attracted bad publicity in the past but more recently many governments have returned to the idea of building nuclear power stations in the next century in order to solve the potential shortage of energy. Private investment may yet provide good returns.Good greedReading2 Students complete the article as in Part Four of the Reading Test.Answers1 B2 B3 A4 C5 D6 B7 C8 D9 A 10 B 11 B 12 A 13 D 14 A 15 C3 Discuss the questions as a class.AnswerThe graph shows that while solar power costs twice as much per kilowatt-hour than traditional energy sources used on power grids at present, its costs have been falling continuously since the early nineties. The line showing the average price for power from the grid for residential energy is also climbing. If these trends continue, solar power may become very competitive, making it a good long-term investment.Describing trendsvocabulary4 Students find the trend words in the last two paragraphs of the article and complete the table. They may find it helpful to use a good dictionary to check whether the word is a verb, noun or adjective. If students know more trend words, these can be added to the table (see also the next Extension activity). Answers1 peak (n)2 rising (v)3 soar (v)4 remained stable (v)5 crash (n)6 go down (v)7 descent (n)8 declined(v)ExtensionIf students are using dictionaries, ask them to find out if the words have other forms, eg the verb increase can also be the noun increase and its adjective form is increased. You could draw this table on the board and ask students to complete it with more trend words in their different forms. Write in the first examples to help: Verb adjective nounto increase increased increaseto fluctuate fluctuating fluctuationPronunciationStudents should mark the stressed syllable in the trend words. They can use their dictionaries to check. Pay special attention to stressed syllables which move in different word forms, eg fluctuate / fluctuation.Photocopiable activity 11.2See page 181.Reasons for trendsListening1 11.2 This listening continues the work on trend language on the previous page, but here students also focus on the language for explaining reasons for trends. AnswersA no speakerB 2C 4D 3E 1F 511.2 Listening scriptS = SpeakerS1 I think wind power is probably a good long-term investment because its growth has been slow but fairly consistent over the last decade, and more and more wind farms seem to be appearing, so someone must be making money - unless it's all coming from government subsidies. So if you can spare some money for the next fifty years or so I'd say you're probably on to a good thing.S2 The whole eco-investment craze is a bit risky at this stage. It's all a bit up and down due to the fact that some governments are saying now is the time to look for alternative energies and others are still using coal and oil. It's so political that you only need a change of government and the whole thing changes again. Certainly in the short term it's going to be difficult to predict...S3 Actually, I'd say oil is still a good one - at least in the short term. It's really kept increasing very well and I don't know anyone who's lost. Another reason for putting your money in oil companies is that quite a few are also developing environmentally-friendly fuels...S4 It's funny, because everyone was trying to get out of nuclear energy for a while. We all thought it would be replaced with wind power and solar energy. Anyway, as a result of governments suddenly realizing for at least the next century we won't be able to get enough energy from natural sources, nuclear will probably have a bit of a revival. So I wouldn't move all your money out of that industry just yet...S5 The one you hear about least is wave power but there are one or two companies that are investing heavily in the technology. I suppose with all the sea it's worth looking into, but overall I wouldn't expect it to do well for the small, short-term investor. Anyone with money here already won't have seen much change in the near future, either, as it's going to be slow to develop.2 11.2 Give students time to read extracts 1-5 before playing the recordings again. Students write in the missing words that are used to explain reasons for trends.Answers1 because2 due to the fact that3 Another reason for4 as a result of5 asDiscussing trendsSpeaking3 Students create sentences in pairs to describe recent real trends. Make sure they use trend words from exercise4 on page 111, and linking expressions for explaining reasons from exercise 2 on page 112. At the end, ask different pairs to say some of their sentences. If students are from different countries it will be interesting to find out and compare the differences in trends and reasons from around the world.A proposalWriting4 Students can work alone or in pairs or small groups to read the information and then draw up a list of reasons for and against investing. Note that they can also add their own ideas, eg we know from the previous article on page 111 that solar energy is tipped to become a profitable investment.Possible answers(based on information given)Reasons for:- it has a new deal with Mainline Energy worth 190million euros- the company has over ten years' experience in a relatively new field- it hit a high earlier in the year- the recent fall is described by many analysts as a short-term problem- it has developed a new silicon-saving technologyReasons against:- its recent stock price fell by half- there is a shortage of silicon.5 Students use their list of reasons in exercise 4 to writea proposal. They will also find the list of expressions helpful. You could also refer students back to page 72 in Module 7, which presented another type of proposal.Possible answerDear Mr. Keating,In response to your enquiry about Sungreen Power, the company seems to be performing well.One thing to consider is their new sales agreement with Mainline Energy, worth 190 million euros. This should help their share price which recently halved. On the one hand this was caused by a shortage of silicon, but on the other hand Sungreen specialize in technology which requires less silicon.So despite the fall, I would still suggest you consider investing. The fact that solar power costs have continuously fallen since the early nineties and look set to equal normal energy costs in the next few year makes this a good investment opportunity.Feel free to call me to discuss any further queries you might have.Best regards!Module 11.3 Reading test: Part threeExam practiceAsk students to read the introduction to Part Three of the Reading Test. Refer them to the Exam Success tip before they read the text and answer the questions.Answers1 C2 D3 B4 A5 D6 D。
新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版 第11.1

11.1The economyEconomic issues1What does this quotation mean? Do you agree?‘The gap in our economy is between what we have and what we think we ought to have and that is a moral problem, not an economy one.’Paul Heyne, Economics lecture2Choose the right word to complete these sentences about the economy1 The cost of life/living in London is so high now that many people on low incomes/revenues find it difficult to live there.2 Insecurity in the job/work market has affected consumer confidence/trust.3 The government has cut a lot of public segment/sector jobs and contracted the work out to private /self-employed companies.4 Foreign investing/investment in our manufacturing industry has helped economic growth/growing up.5 The unemployment ratio/rate in some parts of the country is over 20% and the benefits/subsidy that the government pays to the jobless is very high.6 Abroad/Foreign imports are increasing and the country now has a big trade deficit/shortage.7 Competition and a free/open market has brought prices down and has increased people’s buying power/ability.8 The tax burden/pressure on companies is so heavy now that many of them are delocating /relocating to countries where taxes are lighter.3 Put these words that describe the economy in order from the most positive(++) to the most negative(--).Stable booming buoyant depressed healthy stagnant4 Which best describes your country’s economy at the moment? What are thereasons for its condition?5How does the welfare state work in your country?1 Are the benefits paid by the state to the unemployed, the disable, pregnant women and retired people generous or not?2 Do you think these benefits should be paid by the state or by private insurance?6Read the article about the relationship between governments and big business. Is it optimistic about this relationship? Why? / Why not?Finance Weekly, 10 SeptemberThe new philanthropists T he 19th century was the age of capitalism, the 20th century socialism. The 21st century, it seems, will be the age of charity. But, as Mrs Thatcher said, ‘The Good Samaritan had to earn his money first.’Warren Buffet, when he made a gift of $31bn to the Gates Foundation, already worth $29bn, joked that his children would have to work for their living –apart from a billion dollar handout to each.Later, when Buffett and Gates held a press conference to announce what they intended to do with their fortune, it was clear that channeling it through government was not an option. ‘Bill and Melinda will do a better job than…the Federal Treasury,’said Buffet. Instead they would ‘seek out talent to distribute their money just as they sought out talent to acquire it’.For these tycoons, who have prospered in the free market global economy, government and the public sector are monopolistic and inefficient. Governments may have built the welfare state in the 20th century, but to provide them with free cash to support these structures (schools, hospital, etc) was not on their agenda. Instead their efforts will be focused on alleviating world poverty and disease, and improving access to technology.Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’, the economic theory that the market will run smoothly if it is left to decide what products are sold and at what price, has been the guiding principle behind globalization. In America it has produced large fortunes for a handful of successful industrialists: men who now, it seems, are turning to philanthropy.Opponents say that the free market shows no regard for social concerns and encourages poor employment and environmental standers. Wealth, they argue, is now concentrated among a handful of global corporations whose only accountable to their shareholders. They would like to see governments put a brake on the activities of bigbusiness.But the power of governments, national and international, is dwindling. The welfare states of the 20th century, and the public sector workers who staff them, are slowly being replaced –if not by private sector principle synonymous with inefficiency and waste.At the sane time, the agents of international government- the UN, the IME, the World Bank and the EU- have subsidized too many economies. As their reputation declines, they will be replaced by the charity of the privates sector.Children of the 60s, like Bill Gates, have exploited the free market ruthlessly, but now they are preaching freedom and love are choosing to give back to society. Their hearts are in the right place. But they share one enemy- modern government in all its forms. As Buffett said, only a fool gives his money to the treasury.Will such people make better world? Who knows? But they mean to try.1Reading the article on page 107 again and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.1Wareen Buffett’s children willA. not get a penny from their father.B. get a job with their father.C. get a billion dollars each.D. have to earn their money as he did.2Who will organise the handing out of Buffett’s fortune?A.Bill and Melinda Gates.B.Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.C.The Federal Treasury.D.People specially employed by the Gates and Buffett.3 What will the money not be spent on?A.Schools and hospital in the US.B.Helping the word’s poor people.C.Helping the world’s sick.D.Providing Internet and communications technology to more people.4 Opponents in the sixth paragraph refers to opponents ofA.Multinational companies and their shareholders.B.The economic system that has produced globalization.C.Philanthropists like Buffett.D.The smooth running of the market.5 What is happening to government, national and international, according to the author?A.It has become too powerful.B.It has too many agents.C.It has becoming corrupt.D.It is losing influence.6 What does the phrase their hearts are in the right place say about people like Gates and Buffett?A.Money is not so important to them.B.They have good intentions.C.Their actions are damaging.D.They are led by their emotions.2 Find a word or phrase in the text which is the opposite of the following.1 live off your inheritance2 struggled3 supporters4 poverty5 becoming greater6 strengthened3 Do your think that rich philanthropists can do a better job than governments in helping the needy in society?4 Which of these economic points of view do your agree with?1‘No society ever prospered by punishing the rich. They are the ones who create wealth in our communities and raise everyone’s stander of living.2 ‘Governments should not worry about rich. The rich will always finda way to look after themselves. It is the job of government to look after the poor in society.’Conditionals (Types 1 and 2)5What is the difference in meaning between these sentences?1a If they raise the rate of income tax for top earners, these people will probably leave the country.2b If raised the rate of income tax for top earners, these people would probably leave the country.2a If earn a lot of money in my career, I will probably also give a lot to charity.2b If I had as much money as Warren Buffett, I would probably also give a lot to charity.Conditionals (Types 1 and 2)Note the forms of both types of sentence.If+ present,…will + infinitive (without to)If+ past,…would+ infinitive (without to ).We use the first type of if sentence for situations which are real and possible..We use the second for situations which are either unreal or improbable.6 Decide if the forms used in these sentences are correct or not. If not, correct them.0If I am ten years younger, I will ask her to marry me. Incorrect(×) If I am were ten years younger, I will would ask her to marry me1If I see him, I will certainly give him your message.2If I knew the answer to that, I’d be a rich man.3If you were going to be late, please would you call me and let me know.4If you are in my position, what will you do?5We will have to look for another supplier if they continue to raise their prices every three months.6I would n’t do your job unless I was paid a fortune!7If I have a better knowledge of finance, I will come with you if you promise to do the negotiating yourself.Socio-economic problems7 Which of the following are problems in your country? Decide if they are a1 Discuss the list on page 109 with your partner. What are the main problems? What is the government doing about them?2 What more could they do? Use if sentences to make suggestions.If the government increased the rate of tax for top earners and reduced the rate for the lowest earners, the gap between rich and poor would become smaller.3 You are thinking of relocating to another country to set up a small manufacturing company.1 Make a list of the most important factors to consider in deciding where.2 Compare your list with a partner.4 Read the text. What reasons for relocating to Nicaragua does the author highlight?Nicaragua?Yes, please!5 What is meant by these phrase in the text?1 Advantages few other places can match2 Exempt from import duties3 Too good to pass up4 The laid-back atmosphere5 Get in on the ground floorRelocation experience6. 11.1Listen to these five people talking about their experiences of relocating home or business..The first time you listen, indicate the reason for the move. .The second time, indicate what problem arose that they did not expect.TASK ONE-REASON1 A cheaper labour costs2 B lower local taxes for companiesC better climate3 D better quality of lifeE expansion4 F shorter travel time to work5 G to be closer to suppliersTASK TWO-PROBLEM6 A having to travel long distanceB customers are further away7 C not much to do in the eveningsD some wasted space8 E it’s no cheaper than other regionsF it’s sometimes noisy9 G workers are poorly skilledH cost of living is rising107What do these expressions from the listening passage mean?1it was just a carrot to get people to move here2it’s ten minutes away, which is really handy3without fiving it a second thought4the salary bill is creeping up5we decided to take the plunge6you can’t have it both ways8 What/Where would be your ideal place to live and work? Why?。

剑桥商务英语高级-111(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、READING(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、PART ONE(总题数:1,分数:8.00)AE-GAMESJohn and Stephanie both wanted a complete career change. Selling children's games over the internet seemed a foolproof idea, but their biggest challenge was to secure financial backing. First they contacted numerous venture capitalists, but from the response of the few that would even talk to them, they realised they would get nowhere until they had spelt out in detail how they intended to turn their concept into reality. So the next step was to work with a group of start-up consultants, to devise a business plan making their expected revenue streams more precise.BSUREKSue and Derek's plan was to sell clothes over the internet. After a shaky start, leading to serious cash flow problems, which meant they occasionally had little to live on, they realised they would have to advertise much more seriously: on the internet, they used online marketing tools to the full to produce increases in traffic, and combined this with intensive publicity outside the internet. Within six months they had built a large customer database, at which stage it was necessary to begin looking for capital to build the business.CWONDERWEBTwo senior advertising executives, frustrated with the pace of change in an industry they felt was failing to take advantage of new media, Sally and Sue were keen to translate their advertising and marketing skills into an online environment. To their surprise, they found that many websites seemed to have been developed without taking any account of users' needs. Sure that the opportunity was ripe for a business with a strong marketing proposition, they started offering marketing services to other small online businesses.DSUPERGIFTSMichael and Tony set up a company to sell up market gifts, such as glassware and porcelain, online. The niche market they have identified is professional and affluent, a group which their research revealed is increasingly internet literate, is looking for exceptional goods at the right price and has high service expectations. A low-level marketing campaign generated more than 2000 customers, with a high-value average order. The entire system from web order to delivery is proving to be highly successful, with all orders being fulfilled within the advertised five days without any returns or breakages.EABBIE'SThe first phases of the company's growth have been funded through a mix of personal investment, foregone salaries and bank overdraft. The next phase will be crucial. Their biggest challenge will be to distinguish themselves from a plethora of competitive sites, most of which are spending far more than they are. To stand out from the crowd, Paul and Abbie are working to target and reach their audience better, and generate higher sales, but of necessity without increasing their budget. The company's total marketing vision will be the key to success.(分数:8.00)(1).These people have not paid themselves out of their company's income so far.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:E)解析:(2).These people had knowledge which they wanted to exploit in a different type of company.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C)解析:(3).These people's initial efforts to obtain start-up funding were unsuccessful.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:A)解析:(4).These people have developed a very effective process for handling sales.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:D)解析:(5).These people devised a mixed media approach to advertising.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:B)解析:(6).These people felt that they could improve companies' focus on customers.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C)解析:(7).These people intend to make their marketing more cost-effective.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:E)解析:(8).These people are targeting a relatively small number of discerning clients.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:D)解析:三、PART TWO(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Shoppers wary of 'premium' goodsOne of the marketing industry's favourite terms is 'premium' - usually taken to mean 'luxury' or 'top quality'. The ideal is to create a premium car, wristwatch or perfume - something that appears to transcend the ordinary. When they succeed, marketers are able to charge high prices for the resulting product.However, manufacturers should take note of a recent survey of shoppers' attitudes to so-called premium goods. (9) In fact, the tag seems to have become devalued by overuse.Consumers of all socio-economic backgrounds are very keen to buy the best - but not all product categories lend themselves to a premium status. 'Premium' can be used in any category where image is paramount, and that includes cars, toiletries, clothes and electronics. (10) Banking and insurance are typical of this second group.More than 70 per cent of consumers interviewed in the survey said that a premium tag on everyday items such as coffee or soap is an excuse to charge extra for products that don't always have extra benefits. (11) The prevalence of such a suspicious attitude makes life hard for the marketers. While the word 'luxury' had a clear and definable meaning among respondents - most related it to cars - 'premium' was found to be harder to define. Oddly, the only category apart from cars where 'premium' was understood to mean something specific was bread. (12) Several respondents said they would never pay much for a standard sliced loaf but on special occasions would happily pay double for something that qualifies as a treat.Packaging was found to be an important factor in charging extra for premium products, with sophisticated design enabling toiletries, electronics or food items to sell for far more. Shoppersare willing to pay extra for something that has had thought put into its outward appearance. (13) Yet the knowledge has no impact on their choice.The profit margin on premium-priced toiletries and beauty items can be as much as 300--400 per cent - and in excess of 500 per cent for hi-fi and other electronic goods. (14) In a crowded marketplace such as cars or mobiles, it's far more difficult to achieve this transformation than you might think.A The term is less effective, however, in areas where style and fashion play a smaller role.B The product hidden behind this attractive exterior may be exactly the same as an item selling for half the price, and shoppers may be quite aware of this.C The results suggest that the term 'premium' means very little to consumers.D A fifth of them went further, and dismissed the very word as simply a way of loading prices.E It follows that price and utility are not the only factors in play when it comes to purchasing decisions.F With such an incentive, the challenge for marketers is to find the triggers that can turn an ordinary product into something consumers will accept as premium.G The survey found that consumers were prepared to pay top prices for speciality items, just as long as prices for everyday products remained low.H When they succeed, marketers are able to charge high prices for the resulting product.(分数:6.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:A)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:D)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:G)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:B)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:F)解析:四、PART THREE(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Bruce Petter has not always been an executive. He started his career pumping petrol at a filling station, as he explains: 'After I left the army, my friend's father, who was Managing Director of a petrol company, recommended that I go into the oil industry. My great- uncle was running our own family petrol company, and I learnt the ropes at a petrol station. I subsequently married the daughter of the Marketing Director but this did not make for the happiest of scenarios. Depending on which side of the family they came from, my relatives thought I should support either my great-uncle or my farther-in-law, so I decided the time had come for me to leave the warring factions to fight it out among themselves and move on.'He became founding Director of the Petrol Retailers Association. But after a few years he decided, 'I was getting to the stage where I wanted to move on again, so when I heard about the Management Consultants Association (MCA) post, I applied.'He was aware that the selection process for the head of any trade association would, by definition, be protracted because of the difficulty of getting very busy people with mainstream business interests together. The association had 30 member companies at the time, representing a large proportion of the best-known names in the sector, and 'they all wanted to have a look at this individual who had applied to represent their interests, so I saw an awful lot of the membership'.His principal area of expertise, he feels, is in running a trade association and the briefing that he has been handed suggests that this will be of prime value. 'If you were to ask me if I was ever going to be an expert management consultant, the answer would be no. But I am, I hope, able to articulate their views, to push through policies they want to see in operation and to improve their image. I hope to make management consultancy a powerful voice in government and industry.'The President of the MCA confirms what landed Petter the job. 'We saw a lot of people, but there were three things in particular that impressed us about Brace. His experience of running a trade association was key and it seemed to us that he had a good understanding of how to relate to and inspire a membership made up of very busy partners, often in very large but also some considerably smaller firms. We are also aware that management consultancy is not always portrayed in a favourable light and he has done quite a bit of work on public image and has some very positive views in this area.'So, Mr Petter has taken over from retiring Director Brian O'Rorke, and a change of mood is now in the air. O'Rorke was at the helm for 13 years and his successor is reticent when it comes to predicting how his own approach will differ. 'Brian did a magnificent job of sustaining the Association, of holding it together through thick and thin.' I detect a 'but' in his voice. But? 'I think if you ask anybody who or what the MCA was under his direction, the temptation would be to say "Brian O'Rorke". 'Petter feels his own style will be very much determined by the objectives of the members: he sees himself as a channel for those aims. 'I don't want the MCA to be perceived as Bruce Petter's empire, but rather the members' empire,' he says. Mr Petter clearly has a difficult task ahead, but many of his staff will welcome a more open, modem style and there's every indication he will be a success.(分数:6.00)(1).What do we learn about Bruce Petter in the first paragraph?(分数:1.00)A.He likes to think of himself as a loyal person.B.He has a negative view of family-run businesses.C.His military background came in useful later in his career.D.An awkward situation influenced the development of his career. √解析:(2).When Petter applied for the post of Director of the MCA, he knew that(分数:1.00)A.a decision was likely to take a long time. √B.not everyone in the Association was interested in him.C.he would have to face intense competition.D.some members would oppose his appointment.解析:(3).What does Petter believe he is able to change?(分数:1.00)A.the views the MCA holds on industryB.the way in which the MCA decides on policyC.how the MCA is perceived by other people √D.the MCA's relations with other trade associations解析:(4).Which of the following does the MCA President mention as a reason for appointing Petter?(分数:1.00)A.his ability to motivate members of an association √B.his experience of working in different tradesC.his broad network of business contactsD.his previous work in management consultancy(5).The writer notices that, when Petter talks about his predecessor, he(分数:1.00)A.expresses some regret for how the Association dealt with him.B.thinks he had been there for too long.C.questions changes he made within the Association.D.indicates he has mixed feelings about his leadership styl √解析:(6).Petter says his aim as Director of the MCA is to(分数:1.00)A.modernise the Association.B.carry out the Association's wishes. √C.set an example of firm leadership to his staff.D.expand the membership of the Association.解析:五、PART FOUR(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Sickness at workSmall firms are counting the cost of sickness among employees. Research estimates that illness cost small businesses in Britain a month and a half in lost (21) last year. A recent (22) of more than 1,000 small and medium enterprises revealed that last year the average small business lost around 42 days through staff phoning in sick, and that this had a serious (23) on 27 per cent of smaller companies.Just over one in ten employees took time off for seven days in a(24) Of these, 9.5 per cent were ill for a week on more than one occasion. In Britain, employees can take sick (25) for up to a week before they have to produce a medical certificate. Owner-managers were far less likely to be off sick than their staff: 3.3 days on average, compared with the 10 days taken by employees.The head of the research team said, 'The most common (26) of absence was minor illness, such as colds or flu, but back strain, fractures and the like (27) for very nearly as much. Of greater (28) is that more that 40 per cent of employers felt that their employees' sickness may not have been genuine.'Employers can do more to protect themselves by drawing up adequate (29) of employment that outline the company's sick pay (30) Enhanced sick pay is then at the employer's discretion.(分数:10.00)A.capacityB.productivity √C.capabilityD.efficiency解析:A.reportB.enquiryC.statementD.survey √解析:A.resultB.consequenceC.impressionD.impact √解析:A.row √C.seriesD.sequence解析:A.leave √B.breakC.timeD.absence解析:A.reasonB.symptomC.cause √D.motive解析:A.contributedB.accounted √C.totalledD.credited解析:A.concern √B.anxietyC.regardD.bother解析:A.detailsB.itemsC.particularsD.terms √解析:A.ideasB.notionsC.policies √D.intentions解析:六、PART FIVE(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Employment with Kinson plcStaff Support Advisers requiredWe are a newly-formed division of Kinson plc, one of the UK's largest quoted companies, and provide business customers (31) solutions that combine leading-edge e-commerce technology and an integrated nationwide customer support network.The formation of this new division has created a number of exciting and challenging roles within the call centres of two (32) our seven sites. We have vacancies (33) Staff Support Advisers. Working closely with the Business Managers, your job will (34) to gear the business up for the challenges ahead by implementing a programme of radical change. When completed, this programme will enable the management team to use our people resources more effectively, and (35) so doing facilitate the implementation of our company's business plan. You will be involved in all aspects of human resources activity, including providing advice and guidance to your business partners and policy development, in (36) to implementing any training and development initiatives the company may launch from time to time.We are looking for talented individuals (37) good generalist grounding has been gained in a customer services or customer-focused environment where your flair and ideas (38) currently being underused. You must be able to influence business decisions from a human resources perspective and create innovative solutions. You should also be a resilient, adaptable team player, as (39) as having a track record of coaching others. In return, an excellent salary and benefits package is (40) often The successful applicant will have the advantage of outstanding opportunities for personal development and advancement.(分数:10.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:WITH)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:OF)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:FOR)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:BE)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:BY/IN)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:ADDITION)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:WHOSE)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:ARE)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:WELL)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:ON)解析:七、PART SIX(总题数:1,分数:12.00)CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REVIEWThe prime focus for management recently has been the integration into the Group ofDamon Beds. This acquisition is very much greater part of our strategy to grow our41 presence in the UK branded furniture market. We are neither convinced that42 leveraging the proven brand management expertise of which we are proud is the43 optimum route to continued and sustainable growth in shareholder value. Overall,44 sales grew more quickly than 9%, to reach £125 million. This represents a small45 increase in market share such as our strategy to build share in growing, added value46 sectors gains momentum. Our established brands had another excellent year with47 volumes and turnover at record levels. While we have increased capacity to cope with48 significantly increased demand, boosted by the return to television advertising in early49 last year. The purpose of the campaign is how to reinforce our position as the UK's50 leading volume bed business by improving brand awareness still further on and, more51 importantly, communicating to consumers regarding the message about the uniqueness52 of the product and yet the benefits and reasons for choosing our beds. Earlyindications show that the campaign is already having the desired effect.(分数:12.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:NEITHER)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:CORRECT)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:CORRECT)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:QUICKLY)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:SUCH)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:CORRECT)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:WHILE)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:IN)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:HOW)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:ON)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:REGARDING)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:YET)解析:八、WRITING(总题数:0,分数:0.00)九、PART ONE(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Sample AREPORTThis pie chart shows the number of employees in each factory in the year 2003. The factory in Bristol has the most employees with a number of 600. The factory in Leeds has 350 employees and finally, London employs 150 employees. Bristol made each quarter most of the profits also if it is slowly going down during the year. The profits in Leeds remain stable except for the 3rd quarter where the profits decreased but not dramatically. The factory in London has the worse profits, but they reached a high in the 2nd quarter. Afterwards the profits remain stable. As a result we can see that more the number of employees in the factory is high, more it will have a positiv impact on the profit.Band 3This is a simplistic answer, but the range of structure and vocabulary is nevertheless adequate for the task and there are minimal errors. The target reader would be informed about the trend in profits.Sample BThis report outlines the development of profits in three plants, in London, Leeds and Bristol, in 2003 and describes the staffing situation in each plant.Bristol, the company's largest factory, employed 600 people and reached profits of £12 millionin the first quarter of 2003. The profits declined steadily, dropping to £9 million in the last quarter.The factory in Leeds had a workforce of 350 people. This made it the company's second largest plant. Profits remained almost unchanged at £8 million. In the third quarter however, they reached a low at £7.5 million. The London factory's workforce comprised 150 people. Profits did not vary much and remained just over £3 million. Nevertheless, they peaked in the second quarter with earnings exceeding the £4 million level.Band 5This is a virtually flawless answer, which fits all the descriptors for a band 5.)解析:十、PART TWO(总题数:3,分数:6.00)2.· This year, your company has used an advertising agency to promote your products or services. Your boss has asked you to write a report about the advertising campaign which the agency arranged. · Write the report for your boss:· out lining what the advertising campaign consisted of· indicating what you feel the strengths and weaknesses of the campaign were· explaining how successful you feel the advertising has been· suggesting ideas for future advertising.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Sample CIntroductionThis report sets out to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of our advertising campaign and recommend the appropriate version for future advertising.FindingsIn order to generate the competitive advantage in today's hyper-competitive globle market, we had successfully engaged a well-known advertising agency who has delivered its job perfectly. As the arrangement of our agency, we have attened an exhibition.They have produced a series of pop advertisement show on television as well as building up a commercial web successfully. There are tremendous benefits have been generated by taking that three action.1. Through attending the well-know exhibition, not only we have increased the awareness of our customer, but also we haved demonstrated our product of new type mobile phone to their best advantages.2. We have successfully built up the image of American myth among our target group - young generation through the vivid television shows our product is already the symbol of dynamic energetic image.3. Our customers have gain a easier access to us by visiting our newly launched web-site through which they can access to our automated order system and again the date they need.On the other hand, the advertising campaign also exist some disadvantages.1. The advertisement on television has narrowed the range of our customers. Not only the robust young generation should be taken account of the advertisement producing but also the dynamic business executives should be involved in our consideration.ConclusionsThe advertising campaign has increased the customers' awareness and generated the sales, foster tremendous potential customers and enhanced our reputation effectively. Most importantly, all of these three ways of advertising have present our product effectively and buit up ourdistinguished image among customers. The weakness also exist in narrowing our target customers. RecommendationWe should renew our contract of with our advertising agency and lure them to enlarge our image among the aggressive businessman and perfect our web advertising by giving our customers more tools to make them magement their relationship with us.Band 2This is an ambitious attempt at the task, particularly in terms of vocabulary. However, it is marred by numerous errors, which obscure communication. This lack of clarity has a negative effect on the reader.Sample DBackground and purpose of the report Our company, Fish-pro Ltd, carried out an advertising campaign in summer 2004 in co- operation with advertising agency RGS Ltd. Aim of this report is to evaluate how succesfully the campaign was carried out and also to asses main points which need to be taken into account when organising summer 2005 campaign.Content of the campaignIn the campaign three different methods were used when the customers were approached. Firstly, the current customers of Fish-pro were contacted by sending them a letter including a catalogue presenting all the new products Fish-pro has available. In, addition the general public was approached by the use of two mass medias: magazines and the radio.Strengths and weaknesses of the campaignThe strength of the campaign was that by using three different methods to approach the current and prospective customers, Fish-pro was able to reach an audience of 100,000 future customers. In addition, according to the survey made withing the current customers after the campaign, Fish-pro strengthened its image as the number one store of proffessional fishing equipment. The weakness of the campaign according to the survey and according to my personal view was that the campaign was very similar to the campaigns that the competitors of Fish-pro have introduced earlier. Therefore it is not certain that Fish-pro is able to increase its market share in the highly competative fishing equipment markets.Future advertising campaignsWhen starting to prepare the summer 2005 campaign I suggest that Fish-pro would carry out a more visible and in certain ways more 'aggressive' campaign compared to the 2004 campaign.Band 4This is a very well-organised answer with fairly natural use of language and a good range of structures. However, the final content point is not well developed and there are a number of errors.)解析:3.· You have seen the following advertisement and you want to enter your organisation for the award.Most Improved Organisation AwardIf your organisation has made improvements in the last year affecting employees and customers, write and tell us about them. The most improved organisation will win a silver cup and money to help pay for a further improvement benefiting staff.· Write your letter to the competition secretary, Michael James:· introducing your organisation and saying what it does· describing improvements your organisation has made in the last year which have affected staff and customers· saying how you would spend the prize money to benefit staff.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Sample EGeneva, the 27th November 2004Dear Sir,I am writing regarding the advertisement called 'Most Improved Organisation Award.'I work in a bank in Geneva. We are specialized in private banking.Our organisation made big improvements for handicaped people last year.They rebuilt the building to order to make it accessible to wheelchairs. But they also engaged two deaf and two blind people. Being next to those people several employees asked to learn their language. The bank then organised lessons for braille and sign language.This new experience touched many clients and the building is now accessible for everybody. Furthermore, there is a new positive motivation and atmosphere inside the organisation.If the bank win the price, we will reinvest the money into advertisement for disabled people and we will create a foundation. We would like help people to communicate and to help handicaped people to find interesting jobs. It will be a hard task but a nice one.I hope that you will be touched by the effort made.If you have any requests or need any further information, please do not hesitate to call me.I look forward to hearing from you and remain,Yours faithfully,Franqoise DupontSenior Private BankerBand 3This is a safe, umambitious answer, which fulfils all the criteria for a band 3.Sample FDear Michael James:I've read the information of Most Improved Organisation Award in newspapers and feel it a good opportunity for my organisation. Well, our organisation is not for profit. The aim of my organisation is to help those animals which need help. We treat those lovely animals as our good friends because we think life is also important to those animals although they could not speak. With development of industry, the level of life of us human beings has improved a lot while that to those animals is getting worse and worse. During last year, we have saved about 1,000 kinds of animals. When finding a dying animal, we immediately send it to the animal hospital and then take good care of it. When the animal recovers, we actively get touch with those kind people who are willing to help or animal organisations. After sending those lives to related people or organisations, we leave our telephone number and keep touch with them. As far as we know, 80% of animals we saved have been leading a happy life while the others have died for age.Every member of my organisation is perfect. They are kind and warm-hearted. Through our efforts, more and more people have come to realize that animals also have the same right of living as our human beings.Comparing with those organisations for profit, I don't dare to say how much profit my organisation has reiceived. But I think profit is not the only factor in the award, isn't it?If we are honored enough to gain the award, we'll spend all the award on investment on animal hospitals and animal medical care.I believe that what we are doing is a good deed and we also believe that our organisation is the most improved one!We're waiting for your reply and please contact me on 241989 during business hours. Thank you. Yours,。
商务英语 unit11

Unit 11 Customer Service
• B: I see. Please go on. • A: What kind of soap do you use? • B: I use P&G. I know your ABC soap, but I don’t
use it. • A: Why? P&G is a little more expensive than
Unit 11 Customer Service
• A: Compared with others, this one is smaller and lighter. What’s more, it uses the most advanced technology, so it is faster and more easily used.
Unit 11 Customer Service
• A: OK, I can give you an explanation. For a JC-340 humidifier, when it is used for the first time, take off the hygrometer from the carton and install it on the nozzle. Then, turn on the cover of the water tank and fill water into it. Switch on the power, the power indicator light will also be turned on, and the humidifier begins to spray. Adjust the flow selector to select the appropriate humidity. Can you operate it now?

E. It guarantees to pay growers a fixed proportion for their coffee, which is above standard market rates.
(1)____B_______. For example, in Ethiopia alone, 15 million people depend on
of 50,000 coffees a year, or 200 coffees a day. Factor in these additional costs and we are probably talking about a break-even total of 400 coffees a day.
加热煮出来的浓咖啡) caffein(e) n. 咖啡因 addiction n. 嗜好,瘾 disparity n. 悬殊,差异 charities n. 慈善团体,善举 coffee shop chains 连锁咖啡店,连锁咖啡屋 gross domestics product (GDP) 国内生产总值 staple crop 主要作物 mark-up 涨价,标高售价
1) Is there a large disparity between rich and poor in your country? The top 20% of the population consumes 50% of overall national income, while the bottom 20% have to make do with a mere 4.7%.
Unit 11(商务英语阅读教程1)ppt课件

7.尽管滥用脆弱的环境具有潜在的灾难性后果,许多公司在 涉及环保问题时还是不愿去做领路先锋。
8.虽然充斥着那么多通常由记者和官方数据编制的令人费解 的信息,消费者却在苦精恼选,202向1版人课件寻求他们需要的信息和答11 案。
1. What is “biomimicry”? Please relate the definition with a specific example.
2. Find an example of eco-friendly company and prepare to give a presentation in class.
3. Read Text B
Text B: The Wellness Boom
Structure Part I:Helping consumers to lead healthy lifestyles
is becoming a big business. 1. Case of Canyon Ranch 2. Competitiveness of the wellness industry 3. Case of Revolution Part II:Doing well by helping you feel good: 1.The reasons for the rise of the wellness industry 2.The difficulties many wellness firms facing
4. What are the reasons behind the rise of the wellness industry?
剑桥商务英语Unit 11 Complaints and Claims

5. Be prepared to negotiate realistically.
6. Keep good records. Note the names of people you talk to, as well as the dates, times and outcomes of the conversations. 7. It's often best to explain the problem in writing. 8. Always keep a copy of each letter you write for your own files.
1. Survey Report (检验报告) 2. Certificate of Inspection (检验证书) 3. Mate’s Receipt ( 大副收据) 4. Invoice (发票) 5.Insurance Policy (保险单) 6.Weight Certificate (重量证明) 7.Marine Protect (海难证明书) 8. Packing List (装箱单) 9. Shortlanded Certificate (短卸证明书) 10.Damage Report (破损证明) 11.Weight Note (磅码单) 12.Tally-List (理货单)
11.1 Starting Up
11.1.1 Work with your partner to discuss as many causes as you can for customer complaints and claims and put them in the following web.
11.2 Listening Task
剑桥商务英语教程unit11 Working history

10)Did you get any honors or rewards at your university? 在大学里有没有获得过任何奖励? 7)I got the university/ school scholarship in 1994~1995 academic year. 我获得了94-95学 年的奖学金。 )Were you involved in any club activities at your university? 在学校里参加过什么社团? )I was on the college basketball team. 我参 加了校篮球队。
Q1:What should one do as preparation for job- hunting? Q2:What would an employer count most regarding a candidate?
experience, qualification,资格;条件; personality,个性;品格
Tom obtained/got a BA in history form the University of Toronto Tom completed a BA in history at the University of Toronto Tom was awarded a BA in history by the university of Toronto
How to talk about your educational background?
Tom BA History University of Toronto
Hassan Olga
商务英语综合教程Unit 11 Investment Demand

Unit 11 Investment Demand
3 To appreciate the problem, put yourself in the place
of a businessman and ask what factors are likely to
influence you in a decision to expand the size of your
Unit 11 Investment Demand
Once these creative entrepreneurs had shown the way, other businessmen would follow in a swarm, introducing their new methods and business combinations. Schumpeter found herein the whole secret of the business cycle. The swarm-like appearance of new combinations easily and necessarily explains the fundamental features of periods of boom.
Unit 11 Investment Demand Text
the introduction and absorption of innovational advances to be the mainspring of the major fluctuations of a modern economy. The judgment on whether investment in a new line of business or new productive process will work is not a mechanical one: it involves considerable uncertainty and, indeed, Schumpeter felt that those who took the lead in innovations had to have certain special qualities of character and leadership ability.

Unit11 What are you going to do?Teaching aims1.By these lessons, Ss can review the lessons they learned before.2.By these lessons, Ss can learn the reading.3.By these lessons, Ss can talk about their birthdays.4.By these lessons, Ss can preview the lessons of unit1.(同步)5.Ability aim: By these lessons, Ss can discuss birthdays.Teaching Focus1.V ocabulary:birthday,pull on one’s ear, custom, traditional, have a family ceremony, envelope, the beginning of, represent, invite, opposite, be going to, etc.2.Sentence Pattern:--What are you going to...? --I’m going to...Teaching DifficultiesLearn the reading; talk about birthdaysTeaching Methods1:Student- centered. 2:Task-based Teaching. 3:Group competition.Teaching Procedures:Period 1Teaching aims1. By this lesson, Ss can review the lessons they learned before.2. By this lesson, Ss can preview words of the reading3. Ability aim: By this lesson, Ss can talk about plans of summer vacationTeaching focus1.V ocabulary: be going to, festival, occasion, special,etc2.Sentence Pattern: Wh-questions with be going toTeaching difficultiesWh-questions with be going to; talk about summer vacationTeaching Methods1:Student- centered. 2:Task-based Teaching. 3:Group competition.Teaching Procedures:Step1: Revision1.Play the audio of unit11, Ss listen and follow to read2.Retell the conversation without looking at the book in groups----check3.Talk about plans of summer vacation by using wh-questions with be going to in pairs.4.DictationStep2: Preview the words of reading1.T shows new words of the reading, Ss spell to read the words in groups.1 ceremony /’seriməni/2 envelope /’envələup/3 relative/’relətiv/4 represent/repri’zent/ v.代表,表现5 Paris/’pæris/6 opposite/’ɔpəzit/2.T asks Ss to read the words3.Ss underline the words and write the meanings of the words on the book, some of the words aren’t writen on the worksheet, so T can shows pictures or examples to explain.Period 2-3Teaching aimsBy these lessons, Ss can learn the reading of unit11Teaching focus1. V ocabulary:birthday,pull on one’s ear, custom, traditional, have a family ceremony, envelope, the beginning of, represent, invite, opposite, be going to, etc.2. Sentence Pattern:--What are you going to...? --I’m going to...Teaching difficultiesLearn the readingTeaching Methods1:Student- centered. 2:Task-based Teaching. 3:Group competition.Teaching Procedures:Step1:Pre-reading1.T shows pictures and asks “Who are they? Where are they from?”2.Scan the article, and answer “How old is each person going to be?”----T asks Ss to answer the questions with the sentence “...is going to be...years old.”, and shows the answersStep2:careful reading1.Read the 1st paragraph, and fill in the blanks.(1)To celebrate her twenty-first birthday, Elena is going to ___________________with her friends.(2)Her friends are going to _________________21times, because it’s an old_________and her friends are very____________.Ss read the 1st para.carefully and fill in the blanks individually, then T asks Ss to read the sentences with answers, T shows the answers.2.Read the 2nd para. and chooseHow are her family and Yan-ching going to celebrate her 16th birthday? ( )A.Her family are going to take her out for dinner.B.They are going to have a family ceremony.C.She’s probably going to get some money in “lucky”envelopes from her relatives.D.She’s going to wear special clothes.E.Her mother is going to cook her noodles.Ss read the 2nd para.carefully and choose individually, then T asks Ss to read the sentences with answers, T shows the answers.3.Read the 3rd para. and aswer the questions.(1)What is kanreki in Japan?__________________________________________________________________(2)What presents do children give for the sixtieth birthday? Why?___________________________________________________________________(3)What presents are Mr. Aoki’s children going to give him?___________________________ Ss read the 3rd para.carefully and answer the questions individually, then T asks Ss to answer the questions, T shows the answers.4.Read the 4th para. and correct the sentences.(1)To celebrate the thirtieth birthday, Philippe is going to eat dinner out with his three relatives.(2)When you have a birthday in France, people often invite you out for dinner.Ss read the 4th para.carefully and correct the sentences individually, then T asks Ss to read thesentences andd tell the answers, T shows the answers.Step3:read &translate the article1.Plays the audio, Ss listen and follow to read the article.2.Ss read the article individually----T checks Ss to read the article.3.Ss look and retell the article without looking at the book4.Ss finish Task A individually with memory about the article, then T asks Ss to read the correct sentences.5.Ss translate the article in groups.----T asks Ss to read and translate----Ss translate some of the sentences.(1)To wish me a happy birthday, they’re going to pull on my ear 21times--once for each year. ___________________________________________________________________________ (2)I’m probably going to get money in “lucky” envelopes from relatives.__________________________________________________________________________ (3)The color red represents a new life, so children often give something red as a present._________________________________________________________________________(4)In France, when you have a birthday, you often invite people out.________________________________________________________________________ (5)In some countries, I know it’s the opposite--people take you out._________________________________________________________________________ Period 4Teaching aims1.By this lesson, Ss can talk about their plans of next birthday2.By this lesson, Ss can write something about their birthday.3.Ability aim: By this lesson, Ss canTeaching focusSentence Pattern: Wh-questions with be going toTeaching difficultiestalk about birthday and write downTeaching Methods1:Student- centered. 2:Task-based Teaching. 3:Group competition.Teaching Procedures:Step1: Pair work1.T: Last classes, we learn the reading about birthday customs in different places. Now let’s talk about your birthdays in pairs.Focus Ss’ attention on Task B, explain the task then T does a free talk with Ss.2.Ss ask and answer in pairs to make up their own conversations.---take showsStep2: WritingWrite a writing to introduce their next birthday.。
剑桥英语《Unit 11 Its really worth seeing》详细讲解课件

can/may/must/should + be+过去分词 1.Amy can take good care of Gina .
Gina can be taken good care of by Amy. 2.You should drink more water.
These buildings are the land marks of their countries, they are really worth seeing. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Don't determine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It's because we are different that each of us is special. 不要拿别人跟自己比而贬低自己的价值, 因为我们都是不同的个体,每个人都是 特别的。
宾变主,主放后,前加by 动变被,看清be, 结构分别be+ pp
They play football on Sunday. Lucy does the homework in the evening.
Football is played by them on Sunday.
The often use computers in class. They homework is done by Lucy in the evening.
He is asked questions by the teacher.
1.把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。 2.把主动语态的谓语变为被动语态的谓语。 3.把主动语态的主语变为被动语态的by 短语。(① by短语可以省。② by短语 后跟代词的宾格。)
剑桥商务英语(初级)课件:BEC Unit11

New words & Expressions
high-heel shoes 高跟鞋 be clear of obstacles 没有障碍物 be kept clear 保持畅通 tie back one’s hair 把头发向后扎起来 protective mask 防护面具 white coat 白大褂 bend one’s knees [bend] 屈膝 workplace etiquette 工作场所行为规范
When 和while 的区别
When 通常指的是某一点时间 While 通常指的是动作发生的过程,
与during 相似。
பைடு நூலகம்
New words & Expressions
pregnant 怀孕的 Space Mission Stimulator 太空任务模拟器 heat exhaustion 中暑衰竭 dehydration 脱水 choke 窒息,哽住 aquarium 水族馆 dolphin 海豚 bruise 瘀伤
New words & Expressions
university campus 大学校园 suburban office park 郊区版公园区 Geneva [dʒi'ni:və] n 日内瓦(瑞士南部城市)
go running 去跑步 go skiing 去滑雪 go fishing 去钓鱼 go swimming 去游泳 go hiking 去远足 go camping 去露营 go skating 去滑冰
New words & Expressions
fire exit 安全出口,紧急出口 clearly marked 清楚地标明 clock in 用打卡机记录上班时间 fire drill [dril] 消防训练,火灾避难训练 delete [di'li:t] vt 删除 get the sack 被解雇,被解职

be going to句型的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句
Tom is going to celebrate his birthday. 一般疑问句把be动词提前 Is Tom going to celebrate his birthday? Yes,he is./ No, he isn't 特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句
• B: Well, I’m going to celebrate my birthday.
• ['selibreit] 庆祝
• A: Fabulous! When is your birthday, exactly?
• [iɡ'zæktli]精确地,确切的
• B: It’s August ninth-Sunday.
• 一二三 特殊记,词尾字母t、d、d • 8减t,9去e,f来把ve替。 • 单词ty做结尾,ty变成tie • 若是遇见几十几,只变个位就可以。
two________ five________ nine_______ twelve________ sixty________
翻译句子: 1、 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。 I__ ___ ____ have a picnic with my friends 2、 下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。 What ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ next Monday? I _______ ______ _____ play basketball.
• 四月
• 五月

FlyersA Unit 11 What’s it made of?Teaching aims and demands:Know some words about different materials.Know the important sentence patterns in this unit.Know how to use the adjective words.Important words and expressions:carefully, special, material, plastic, bookcase, wood, paper, metal, glass, wool, silver, others, plate, cupboard, shelf, fork, fridge, chopsticks, cooker, scissors, spoon, watch, gloves, shell, seashore, recycle, empty, useless, reuse, happen, china, light, weak, expensive, noisy, hard, heavy, ugly, cheap Important sentences:Look carefully at these thingsWhat’s special about them?What’s it made of?It’s made of plasticIt’s too lightHow about that one?Teaching procedure:Part1上课时,教师拿出一个塑料杯问学生:“What’s this? Yes, what’s it made of? Right. It’s made of plastic.”接着,教师拿出一支铅笔问:“What’s this? Yes, It’s a pencil. What’s it made of? Yes , it’s made of wood.”教师再拿出一把折叠刀问大家:“What’s this? Yes, it’s a knife. What’s it made of? It’s made of plastic.”说刀这里,教师对学生说:“Now you can take one thing and come to me and ask me, ‘What’s it made of?’ Do you understand? You can ask me, ‘What’s it made of?’”教师鼓励学生拿着一件东西到前面来问老师,然后教师回答:“It’s made of…”这样做是让学生学会使用问句。
Listening 1
From the Chrysler Corporation to the Central Intelligence Agency, cultural diversity programs are flourishing in American organizations today. Firms can no longer safely assume that every employee walking in the door has similar beliefs or expectations. Whereas North American white males may believe in challenging authority, Asians tend to respect and defer to it. In Hispanic cultures, people often bring music, food, and family members to work, a custom that U.S. businesses have traditionally not allowed. A job applicant whoB wV oPn’tS mOakWe eye contact during an interview
Listening 1
At Texas Instruments, strategies for enhancing diversity include an aggressive recruiting plan, diversity training, mentoring, and an incentive compensation program that rewards managers for fostering diversity. Each business unit has a diversity manager who implements these strategies and works closely with the company’s Diversity Network. The network provides a forum of employees to share ideas, solicit support, and build coalitions.
剑桥商务英语Unit 11

Unit 11 (a) Arranging a conferenceI. Teaching Objectives:i. To enable Ss to talk about arranging a conferenceii. To practise reading and listening for specific informationiii. To review language for checking and confirmingiv. To practice writing a letter of confirmationII. Materials needed:Cassette-Pass Cambridge BEC PreliminaryCards- 7 Cards: one set of cards per pair / group to be photocopiedfrom T’s GuideIII. Teaching Process:i. Unit overview·An enquiryV ocabulary: Ss order cards showing how to arrange a conference.Listening 1: Ss listen to a telephone call about arranging amarketing conference and answer true/false questionsbefore filling in a form.Speaking: Ss discuss what the conference orgainser’s job involves.Reading: Ss scan advertisements about three conference venues for specific information.Speaking: Ss work in pairs and select a venue for the marketing conference.·Confirming arrangementsListening 2: Ss listen to a telephone call in which conference arrangements are checked and complete notes.Language focus: Ss review language for checking and confirminginformation.Speaking: Ss discuss a conference programme. (Activity sheet pages 126 and 130)Writing: Ss work in pairs to plan and then write a letter of confirmation.·Self-studyV ocabulary: Collocation exercise (conference verbs and nouns) .Gap-fill exercise (conference vocabulary) .Language focus: Question writing (linked to conference nouns) .Keyword exercise (conference) .Writing: Making the letter from the previous section more concise.Exam practice: Memo writing.ii. Detailed study of this unitStep 1 An enquiryWarmer: T introduces the subject of conferences and elicits briefly whether students have attended or organized conferences and their general opinion of them.Ex. 1 V ocabularyT hands out a set of cards to each pair of students to sort into the correct order for organising a conference. This vocabulary will be recycled in this step. We need to concern about the details of the conference which include choice of location, equipment needed, budget, date,duration, finalizing the programme details, invitation of delegates and asking for a quotation.Suggested answer:1.decide on the budget2.decide on the duration3.arrange a date4.choose a location5.invite the delegates6.finalise the programme detailsanize the equipment requiredEx. 2 Listening 1T sets the scene before playing the cassette. Students complete the true/false exercise.Notes:1.Europa Events: 欧罗巴会务服务公司2.Amtech: 美国公司, 从事超声波金属焊接设备的制作,在世界各地设有销售和服务机构3.…make a written proposal: 写一份书面提案Ex. 3 Listening 1Ss listen again and complete the form. Ss check answers in pairs before class feedback.Ex. 4 SpeakingSs draw up a list of what they think Rachel’s job involves. T then asks them if they would like to do such a job.Useful expressions:1.answering calls about arrangement of conferences2.asking for the details of the conference which include venue,date, duration, price, number of delegates, equipment,catering, etc.3.offering quotation4.checking or confirming information on the phone or in a writtenformEx. 5 ReadingBefore Ss read the proposals, T elicits the type of information Ss would need for deciding on a venue for a conference ( price? Near the centre/airport? Attractive location? Modern or old-style charm? etc. ) Ss then read the three descriptions and complete the scanning exercise. T points out that the answers may include more than one hotel.Note: 1. within walking distance: 数步之遥Suggested answer:1.The Plaza and The Grand Hotel2.The Grand Hotel and the Karoliny Conference Centre3.The Plaza4.The Grand Hotel5.The Karoliny Conference Centre6.The Plaza and The Karoliny Conference Centre7.The Karoliny Conference CentreEx. 6 SpeakingSs work out which hotel would be cheapest for Daniel’s conference. They then decide if any other considerations would outweigh this factor. For instance, location/ venue, distance from the centre/airport, setting, modern or old-style charm.Step 2 Confirming arrangementsEx. 1 Listening 2Before the listening exercise, T asks Ss to read through Rachel’s notes and checks Ss know what type of information they are listening for. Then T replays the cassette for Ss and focuses on language for checking before referring Ss to the Don’t forget! section.Note: 1. Sure, go ahead. 对, 接着说。
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B. Here, coffee production is the staple crop for many millions of growers.
C. The only bit controlled in the Fairtrade system is the price a farmer is paid for produce.
A. This process alone adds at least 50% to its price. B. Here, coffee production is the staple crop for many millions of growers. C. The only bit controlled in the Fairtrade system is the price a farmer is paid for produce. D. Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after oil. E. It guarantees to pay growers a fixed proportion for their coffee, which is above standard market rates. F. Local council taxes add another £25,000 to that.
A. This process alone adds at least 50% to its price.
B. Here, coffee production is the staple crop for many millions of growers.
C. The only bit controlled in the Fairtrade system is the price a farmer is paid for produce.
- coffee grown - coffee picked - coffee transported - coffee packed
- coffee sold and shipped - coffee sold on to shops - coffee bought and drunk
2 . Write in the correct letter, A-F, for the missing sentences to complete the text. There is one extra sentence.
However, irrespective of how much we end up paying or the reasons why, the reality is that growers themselves see only a tiny proportion of that amount. Organizations like Fairtrade do try to make a difference. (4)___________. For example, a farmer selling a pound of Fairtrade Arabica coffee is paid $1.26 compared to the world market price of $1.10 a pound. The Fairtrade price also includes 5¢ which is invested back into community projects. Many shops and coffee bars do now offer Fairtrade coffee to customers alongside their standard offering, but not all of that inflated price goes to the grower. (5)_________. After that, mark-ups are determined by the retailers and middlemen. That said, at least Fairtrade is one small step that does help farmers around the world get a better price for their products.
10% = OTHER
Only (1)_10_p__(_p_e_n_ce_)_ goes to the grower.
90% = (7c)_o_f_f_e_e
Key facts: Ethiopia (2)___1_5________ million people in coffee trade (3)___5_0________% of GDP (4)___5_0________ pence = a laborer’s pay per day
Module 11
11.1 Ethical economics
Reading: Coffeenomics
2 Vocabulary: Financial and
trade terms
3 Speaking: The economics of
your country
Grammar: Articles
the coffee trade, which constitutes around 50% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and 90% of its exports. The average wage paid to laborers who pick the beans and work on farms is about 50p a day.
Coffeenomics: the true cost of our caffeine addiction
The next time you hand over £3 for your deluxe cappuccino, ask yourself how much the roasted beans that went into that cup really cost. For your average cup of coffee, the producer receives roughly 10p – that’s about 3.5%. This disparity is causing increasing concern among some charities who believe that the excessive profits of coffee shop chains come at the expense of vulnerable coffee producers in countries like Ethiopia, Kenya or Latin America. (1)___________. For example, in Ethiopia alone, 15 million people depend on
D. Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after oil.
E. It guarantees to pay growers a fixed proportion for their coffee, which is above standard market rates.
Listening: Fairtrade
6 Speaking: Giving reasons
and benefits
1. The two photos below show the beginning and the end of the process of making coffee. Work in pairs. How many stages can you think of in between to complete the process?
F. Local council taxes add another £25,000 to that.
3. These four visual aids refer to the economics of the coffee trade. Read the article above and write in the missing facts and figures in these visual aids.
F. Local council taxes add another £25,000 to that.
of 50,000 coffees a year, or 200 coffees a day. Factor in these additional costs and we are probably talking about a break-even total of 400 coffees a day.
Coffee Shop Outgoings Salaries £115,)_s_e_rv_i_c_e_c_h_a_r_g_e_ £20,000 Overheads £80,500
D. Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after oil.
E. It guarantees to pay growers a fixed proportion for their coffee, which is above standard market rates.