







现根据《中华人民共和国民法典》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,经友好协商,就乙方承担项目建设工作事宜达成如下协议:1. 项目描述:本项目位于________________,主要包括_______________等。

2. 工作范围:乙方应按照甲方提供的图纸和技术要求,完成项目的建设工作。

3. 合同价款:本项目的总价款为人民币______元整(大写:人民币______元整)。

4. 支付方式:甲方应按以下方式向乙方支付合同价款:________________。

5. 工期:乙方应于____年__月__日开始施工,并于____年__月__日竣工。

6. 质量保证:乙方应保证工程质量符合国家和行业的相关标准,并对所完成的工程提供__年的质量保证期。

7. 违约责任:如一方违反本合同的任何条款,应向另一方支付违约金,并赔偿由此给对方造成的损失。

8. 争议解决:如双方在本合同执行过程中发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权将争议提交至____仲裁委员会进行仲裁。

9. 其他:本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期至项目竣工验收合格之日止。







Conditions of Contract合同条件CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT目录1. General Provisions 总则91.1 Definitions 定义91.2 Interpretation 解释181.3 Communications 通讯191.4 Law and Language 法律和语言201.5 Priority of Documents 文件的优先次序201.6 Contract Agreement 合同协议211.7 Assignment 转让211.8 Care and Supply of Documents 文件的保管和提供221.9 Confidentiality 保密性221.10 Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents 业主使用承包商的文件24 1.11 Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents 承包商使用业主的文件25 1.12 Not Used 不使用261.13 Compliance with Laws 遵守法律261.14 Joint and Several Liability 共同的与各自的责任261.15 Prior Work 前期工作 272. The Employer 业主272.1 Right of Access to the Site 进入现场的权利272.2 Permits, Licences or Approvals 许可、执照和批准282.3 Employer’s Personnel 业主的人员292.4 Not used 不使用292.5 Employer’s Claims 业主的索赔293. The Employer’s Administration 业主的管理303.1 The Employer’s Representative 业主代表 303.2 Other Employer’s Personnel 业主的其它人员313.3 Delegated Persons 授权人员313.4 Instructions 指示323.5 Determinations 决定334. The Contractor 承包商344.1 Contractor’s General Obligations 承包商的一般义务344.2 Bank Securities 银行担保364.3 Contractor’s Representative 承包商的代表384.4 Subcontractors 分包商394.5 Nominated Subcontractors 指定分包商404.6 Co-operation 合作414.7 Setting Out 放线454.8 Safety Procedures 安全措施 454.9 Quality Assurance 质量保证464.10 Site Data 现场数据464.11 Sufficiency of the Contract Price 合同价格的充分性474.12 Unforeseeable Difficulties 不可预见的困难474.13 Rights of Way and Facilities 道路通行权和设施484.14 Avoidance of Interference 避免干扰484.15 Access Route 进场路线484.16 Transport of Goods 货物的运输494.17 Special Tools and Test Equipment 特殊工具和试验设备504.18 Protection of the Environment 环境保护504.19 Electricity, Water, Coal and other Consumables 电、水、煤炭和其它消耗品504.20 Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material 业主的设备和免费提供的材料514.21 Progress Reports 进度报告524.22 Security of the Site 现场保安554.23 Contractor’s Site Supervision 承包商的现场监督554.24 Fossils 化石564.25 Contractor’s Specific Warranties 承包商的特殊担保564.26 Coordination Meetings 协调会议574.27 Tropical Serviceability 热带适用性 584.28 Old Materials 旧材料 585. Design 设计595.1 General Design Obligations 一般设计义务595.2 Contractor’s Documents 承包商的文件595.3 Contractor’s Undertaking 承包商的承诺625.4 Technical Standards and Regulations 技术标准和规范625.5 Training 培训635.6 As-Built Documents 竣工文件635.7 Operation and Maintenance Manuals 操作和维护手册645.8 Design Error 设计错误645.9 Warranties Unaffected 不受影响的担保645.10 No Duty of Care or Liability Imposed on the Employer 业主无照管或责任666. Staff and Labour 职员和劳工676.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour 职员和劳工的雇用676.2 Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour 工资标准和劳动条件676.3 Persons in the Service of Others 为他人提供服务的人员686.4 Labour Laws 劳动法686.5 Working Hours 工作时间686.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour 为职员和劳工提供的设施696.7 Health and Safety 健康和安全696.8 Contractor’s Superintendence 承包商的监督706.9 Contractor’s Personnel 承包商的人员706.10 Records of Contractor’s Personnel and Equipment 承包商的人员和设备的记录716.11 Disorderly Conduct 妨碍治安的行为717. Plant, Materials and Workmanship 永久设备、材料和工艺717.1 Manner of Execution 实施方式717.2 Samples 样本717.3 Inspection 检查727.4 Testing 试验737.5 Rejection 拒收757.6 Remedial Work 补救工作757.7 Ownership of Plant and Materials 永久设备和材料的所有权767.8 Royalties 使用费767.9 Liens 留置权 777.10 Spare Parts Prior to Taking Over 接收前的备件787.11 Spare Parts After Taking Over 接收后的备件798. Commencement, Delays and Suspension 开工、延误和暂停808.1 Commencement of Works 工程的开工808.2 Date for Completion 竣工日期808.3 Programme 进度计划818.4 Extension of Date for Completion 竣工时间的延长828.5 Not Used. 不使用838.6 Rate of Progress 进展速度838.7 Delay Damages 误期损害赔偿费848.8 Suspension of Work 工程暂停858.9 Consequences of Suspension 暂停的结果868.10 Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension 暂停时永久设备和材料的支付868.11 Prolonged Suspension 延长暂停878.12 Resumption of Work 恢复工程878.13 The Civil Detail Design Liquidated Damages 土建施工设计延期违约金879. Tests on Completion 竣工试验889.1 Contractor’s Obligations 承包商的义务889.2 Delayed Tests 延误的试验939.3 Retesting 重新试验939.4 Failure to Pass Tests on Completion 未能通过竣工试验939.5 Guaranteed Performance Levels 担保性能水平969.6 Minimum Performance Levels 最低性能水平969.7 Not Used. 不使用。



国外项目分包合同中英对照Subcontract Agreement for Overseas Projects国外项目分包合同Party A: [Subcontractor]A 方:【分包商】Address: [Subcontractor's Address]地址:【分包商地址】Legal representative: [Subcontractor's Legal Representative]法定代表人:【分包商法定代表人】Party B: [Main Contractor]B 方:【总承包商】Address: [Main Contractor's Address]地址:【总承包商地址】Legal representative: [Main Contractor's Legal Representative]法定代表人:【总承包商法定代表人】Hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"以下简称“双方”Whereas, Party B is responsible for [describe the project], and wishes to subcontract the following work to Party A;鉴于,B 方负责【项目的描述】,并希望将以下工作分包给 A 方:[describe the work that will be subcontracted]【分包的工作描述】The Parties hereby agree as follows:双方在此达成以下协议:1. Party A shall be responsible for performing the subcontract work in accordance with the technical specifications, quality requirements, and delivery requirements approved by Party B and submit regular progress reports to Party B;1. A 方应按照B 方批准的技术规范、质量要求和交货要求履行分包工作,并向 B 方提交定期进展报告;2. Party A shall ensure that the subcontracted work is of good quality and completed on schedule;2. A 方应确保分包工作质量良好并按时完成;3. Party A agrees to comply with Chinese laws and regulations and international conventions and standards related to equity, labor, safety, environmental protection, and other areas during the subcontracting process;3. A 方同意在分包过程中遵守与股权、劳动、安全、环保等相关的中国法律法规和国际公约和标准;4. Party A shall pay all taxes and fees in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and bear all expenses incurred in the performance of the subcontracted work;4. A 方应按照相关法律法规缴纳所有税费,并承担分包工作履行中产生的所有费用;5. Party A shall not disclose Party B's confidential information to any third party;5. A 方不得向任何第三方透露B 方的保密信息;6. Party A shall not sub-subcontract any part of the subcontracted work under this Agreement without the written consent of Party B;6. 未经B 方的书面同意,A 方不得将本协议项下的任何一部分再次分包给其他方;7. The term of this Agreement shall be [insert term], and the Parties may renew or extend this Agreement by mutual agreement in writing;7. 本协议期限为【填写期限】,双方可以通过书面互相协议续签或延长本协议;8. In the event of a breach of this Agreement by either Party, the non-breaching Party has the right to request compensation for losses suffered as a result of the breach;8. 如果双方任何一方违反了本协议,另一方有权要求赔偿因违约而遭受的损失;9. This Agreement shall be effective and binding upon both Parties from the date of signing by both Parties;9. 本协议自双方签署之日起生效并对双方具有约束力;10. Any disputes arising from the performance of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultation between the Parties. In the event that consultations fail, either Party may seek arbitration or litigation in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country where the arbitration or litigation is to take place;10. 如因本协议履行引起争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。



AGREEMENTFORXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BETWEENANDTHIS AGREEMENT is made onXX/XX/2011,by and between. (hereinafter called“The employer”)and _________ Company Ltd. (hereinafter called “The contractor”).WHEREAS:1. The employer is desirous of carrying out the (hereinafter referred to as“The Works”)2. The contractor has agreed to execute the said work in strict compliance with the terms of this Agreement.NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:1. Commencement: This Agreement shall commence on the date first above written.2. Location of work:The employer’s worksite in .3. Scope of work:The contractor shall undertake the.4. Period of completion:The work shall be completed within a period of days from the date first above written as commencement date in this agreement.5. Contract sum:The total value of the contract shall be the sum N _________Naira only.6. Mode of payment:First installment:The employer shall pay to the contractor ninety five percent of the total price, i.e. Naira only upon completion of the work.Second installment: The employer shall pay to the contractor five percent of the difference of the total price,i.e._________ Naira. only,two weeks later, after the work received has been proved qualified.7.Penalty for default:In the event the contractor shall fail to complete the work in time owing to reasons that the contractor shall be held liable,the contractor shall pay a penalty for such default based on one out of a thousand of the total price for installation work per day ,i.e._________Naira,only for each day of such default.8.Increase or decrease of work:In case the employer has to amend,increase or decrease the working schedule,the corresponding increase or decrease of total price shall be evaluated according to the terms and conditions between the two Parties,Should the work be increased,the Parties shall enter into an agreement for the unit price of additional items. Should any part of the completed work of any part of the materials transported to the site have to be abandoned owing to amendment made by the employer,The employer shall,after having received the work,pay for each completed work or materials abandoned as per the unit price specified to the contractor.9.Supervision for progress and quantity:The supervision personnel appointed by the employer and its representative shall have the authority to supervise the progress and quantity of the work and give instruction. The contractor shall perform correctly inaccordance with such instruction given by the employer's personnel or representative. If the work can not achieve the quantity standard from the client, the contractor must redo it without any extra payment and the contractor have to finish the work within the period of the completion.10.Stopage work:Should the employer notify the contractor to stop the work for reasons beyond the responsibility of the contractor,the contractor can stop the work and claim from the employer the price of finished work,materials at site and other reasonable expenses to be added or deducted from the paid installments.11.Custody of work:The completed work and the materials,tools,and equipment at site shall be under the custody of the contractor after commencement and before completion and delivery of the work. Unless in the event of Force Majeure,the contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage of the work under the custody of the contractor. In case of Force Majeure, the contractor shall give a list of damage according to the actual condition and suggest an expected price and date for recovery from such damage to the employer for checking and payment. Should the employer decide not to continue with the work,this contract shall be terminated according to article 10 hereof.12. Warranty for work.The contractor shall warrant the promised condition of the work within _________ year(s)after the date of receiving the work by the employer.However,the contractor shall not be liable to Acts of God or misuse of the work by the employer.13.Supplemental provisions:The contractor shall be held responsible if the contractor's personnel or other people are injured due to the negligence of the contractor during the progress of construction.14.Attachments :Attachments shall become an integral part of this Agreement and shall be as effective as any other provisions. Attachments include:(1)Quotation.(2)Drawing15.Format of this Agreement:The Agreement shall be in duplicate with two texts to be held separately by the Parties hereof. Each of the Parties shall also keep two copies of the contract for record.16.Additional Provision :This contract has been executed by the Parties as of the day and year first above written.The employer: CGC NIGERIA LIMITED The contractor:____________ by:_________________ by:_________________Date:_______________ Date:_______________中文翻译本合同于_________年_________月_________日,_________(简称甲方)与_________(简称乙方)签订。






合同编号:[Contract Numer]签订日期:[Date of Signature]甲方(业主):[arty A (Owner)]乙方(承包商):[arty (Contractor)]鉴于甲方拟在[Location]进行建筑工程项目,乙方具有相应的资质和经验,双方经协商一致,特订立本合同,共同遵守以下条款:第一条工程范围与要求1.1 乙方应按照甲方提供的工程设计图纸和技术规范,完成位于[Location]的建筑工程。

1.2 乙方必须确保工程质量符合[Country]的建筑标准和相关法律法规。

第二条工期与进度2.1 工程的开工日期为[Start Date],竣工日期为[Comletion Date]。

2.2 乙方应制定详细的工程进度计划,并在每个阶段完成后及时向甲方报告。

第三条价格与支付3.1 工程总价为[Total rice],支付方式分为预付款、进度款和竣工款。

3.2 甲方应在合同签订后[Numer]天内支付预付款,金额为工程总价的[ercentage]%。

第四条材料与设备4.1 乙方负责采购所有必要的建筑材料和设备,并确保其质量符合工程要求。

4.2 所有材料和设备应在施工前经过甲方或其代表的检验和批准。

第五条变更与索赔5.1 如遇设计变更或其他不可抗力因素,双方应及时协商解决,必要时可签订补充协议。

5.2 乙方因甲方原因导致的损失有权提出索赔,但应在事件发生后[Numer]天内书面通知甲方。

第六条质量保证与验收6.1 乙方应对工程质量负责,并提供不少于[Warranty eriod]年的质量保证期。

6.2 工程竣工后,甲方应组织验收,并在满足所有要求后签发竣工证书。



国外工程项目合同翻译---合同标题: International Construction roject Agreement翻译:国际建设工程合同甲方(arty A): [甲方公司全称]乙方(arty ): [乙方公司全称]根据[国家名称]法律的规定,鉴于甲方与乙方就[工程项目名称]项目(以下简称“本项目”)的建设达成一致,现双方同意按以下条款签订本合同:第一条项目概述1.1 项目名称:[工程项目名称]1.2 项目位置:[具体地址]1.3 工程范围:[详细描述]1.4 项目目标:[详细描述]第二条合同金额与支付方式2.1 合同总价为[金额]。

2.2 支付方式按照以下流程进行:[详细描述付款条件、时间、比例等]第三条工期与竣工3.1 开工日期预计为[具体日期]。

3.2 竣工日期预计为[具体日期]。

3.3 如遇不可抗力因素导致工期延误,应及时通知对方并协商解决。

第四条质量保证4.1 甲方保证工程质量符合[具体标准]的要求。

4.2 乙方有权对工程质量进行监督检查,并可要求甲方在合理期限内纠正任何质量问题。

第五条违约责任5.1 如甲方未能按合同约定完成工程任务,应承担违约责任。

5.2 如乙方未能按约定支付合同款项,应承担违约责任。

第六条争议解决6.1 双方应通过友好协商解决合同执行过程中的任何争议。

6.2 若协商不成,任何一方可将争议提交至[指定的仲裁机构]进行仲裁。

第七条其他事宜7.1 本合同自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。

7.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

签署日期: [年/月/日]甲方代表:_________________ 乙方代表:_________________甲方公司章:_________________ 乙方公司章:_________________---。



国际工程项目施工分包合同(中英文)CONTRACT OF SUBPROJECT EXECUTION 本合同系中译英翻译:张云军Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune.签署日期:Date of Signature :总包商:General Contractor分包商:Subcontractor电气机械承包公司(以下简称总包商),和工程施工公司(以下简称分包商),于__订立本分包合同。

鉴于总包商已同利比亚国大型电气项目管理局(以下简称业主),就电气机械承包工程项目的设计,运输和施工签订了合同;鉴于分包商愿按该合同实施土建和安装工程而报了价;鉴于总包商已接受分包商的报价,并依据分包商所附的报价表,现双方达成协议如下:This contract is made and entered into on , between Electrical Machine Contracting Company (hereinafter referred to as general contractor) and Engineering Company (hereinafter referred to as subcontractor). WHEREAS general contractor has concluded contract, with Libyan National Authority of Large Electrical Project (hereinafter referred to as employer ), of the design, transportation and execution of the contracted project of electrical machine installation;WHEREAS subcontractor is willing to execute the project of civil engineering and installation and made quotation thereon;WHEREAS general contractor has accepted subcontractor’s quotation;NOW THEREFORE parties hereto, as per subcontractor’s quotation, hereby covenant and agree as follows:(一)下列文件应是本分包协议的组成部分:Following documents is the integral parts of this subcontracting contract.1.电气、机械及技术操作的合同通用条款(1980年第一版);General Provisions on Electrical / Machine and Technical Operation ( First version 1980);2.合同的特殊条款;Particular Provisions of Contract;3.电气机械工程项目的技术规范;Technical Norms of Project of Electrical / Machine;4.工作范围和技术要求;Contents and Technical Requirements for Project;5.土建和安装工程分包合同的报价表。



国际土木工程建筑承包合同(中英文对照)International Civil Engineering and Construction Contract(中英文对照)1.背景为了实现国际土木工程建筑承包合同的良好执行和管理,特制订本合同。

























合同编号:________日期:________甲方(雇主):________乙方(承包商):________根据甲乙双方的协商,就乙方在甲方项目土地上进行建筑工程的事宜,达成如下合同条款:1. 工程概述1.1 本工程为________项目,位于________。

1.2 工程内容包括:________。

1.3 工程预算为:________。

2. 工程进度与工期2.1 工程预计开始日期为________,预计竣工日期为________。

2.2 乙方应按照甲方要求,确保工程按时完成。

2.3 乙方应在每个施工阶段向甲方报告工程进度。

3. 工程质量与标准3.1 乙方应按照甲方提供的施工图纸、技术规范和标准进行施工。

3.2 乙方应保证工程质量,确保工程达到________标准。

3.3 乙方应对工程质量承担责任,如出现质量问题,乙方应负责修复,并承担由此产生的费用。

4. 工程变更4.1 如需对工程进行变更,甲方应提前________天通知乙方。

4.2 变更内容应视为合同的一部分,乙方应按照变更后的要求进行施工。

5. 付款与结算5.1 甲方应按照乙方提交的工程进度报告,支付相应的工程款项。

5.2 工程完成后,甲方应支付乙方剩余的工程款项。

5.3 付款方式为________。

6. 违约责任6.1 如乙方未能按照合同约定完成工程,应向甲方支付违约金,违约金为合同总金额的________%。

6.2 如甲方未能按照合同约定支付工程款项,应向乙方支付滞纳金,滞纳金为应付款项的________%。

7. 争议解决7.1 双方在履行合同过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。

7.2 如协商无果,任何一方均有权将争议提交________法院解决。

8. 其他条款8.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为________年。

8.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。




国际工程分包英文合同范本INTERNATIONAL SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENTTHIS SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the __________ day of __________, 20__, by and between:[Subcontractor Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Country of Incorporation], with its registered office at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Subcontractor"), and[General Contractor Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Country of Incorporation], with its registeredoffice at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "General Contractor").WHEREAS, the General Contractor is engaged in the construction of the [Project Name] (the "Project"), andWHEREAS, the Subcontractor is a qualified and experienced entity capable of performing certain works related to the Project,NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of Work: The Subcontractor shall perform the workdescribed in the attached Schedule A (the "Work"), which isan integral part of this Agreement.2. Term: The term of this Agreement shall commence on the__________ day of __________, 20__, and shall continue until the completion of the Work, subject to earlier termination in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.3. Payment: The General Contractor shall pay theSubcontractor for the Work in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in Schedule B attached hereto.4. Performance Standards: The Subcontractor shall perform the Work in a professional and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the highest industry standards and in compliance withall applicable laws and regulations.5. Warranty: The Subcontractor warrants that the Work will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a periodof __________ years from the date of substantial completionof the Work.6. Indemnification: The Subcontractor shall indemnify andhold harmless the General Contractor, its officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses arising out of or in connection with the Work, except to the extent caused by the General Contractor's negligence.7. Insurance: The Subcontractor shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement, and provide theGeneral Contractor with certificates of insurance evidencing, commercial general liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, and any other insurance as required by the General Contractor.8. Change Orders: Any changes to the Work shall be documented in writing and executed by both parties, and shall be subject to additional compensation as agreed upon.9. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreementupon __________ days' written notice for the other party's material breach of any provision hereof, provided that the breaching party has not cured the breach within the notice period.10. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved byarbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Institution], and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.11. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [Governing Jurisdiction].12. Entire Agreement: This Agreement, including the attached Schedules, constitutes the entire agreement between theparties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between the parties, whether written or oral.13. Amendments: This Agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by both parties.14. Assignment: The Subcontractor shall not assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the General Contractor.15. Notices: All notices, requests, demands, and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally or by overnight courier service, or three (3) days after being sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the respective addresses set forth above, or to such other address as either party may designate in writing.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Subcontractor Name] [General Contractor Name]By: __________ By: __________Authorized Signatory Authorized SignatorySchedule A: Description of Work[Detailed description of the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor]Schedule B: Payment Schedule[Payment terms, including amounts, milestones, and conditions for payment][This page intentionally left blank]。



编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载中英文建筑工程合同(ContractofConstructionProject)甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________Contract of Construction Project合同编号:Contract Number:工程名称:Project Name:发包方(甲方): ______________________________Employer (Party A): ________________________承包方(乙方): ______________________________Contractor (Party B): ________________________根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。

In order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities of both parties during the construction, the parties, in accordance with The PRC Contract Law and Construction Engineering Contract Regulations and relevant provisions, agree to sign this contract.第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item1 .工程地点:Project site:2. 工程范围:Scope of project3. 工程造价:人民币元整(该造价为包工包料价)Project cost: PMB Yuan only(Cost of this contract is the contract price for labor and materials)第二条施工准备Article 2, Preparation for construction1 .甲方协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,提供建筑图纸及有关隐蔽障碍物的资料。



Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction土木工程施工合同This CONTRACT is made on the _th of_(month), _(year) by andbetween_(hereinafter called “Party A”) of the one part, and_(hereinafter called “Party B”) of the other part._公司(以下简称“雇主”)与_公司(以下简称“承包商”)于_年_月_日特签订本合同。


…NOW THEREFORE THIS CONTRACT WITNESSETH that it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:双方达成协议如下:civil engineering 土木工程Chapter 1 Definitions and InterpretationArticle 1 DefinitionsIn the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, except where the context other requires:第一条定义本合同(按下文所定义的)中的下列词和用语,除文中另有要求者外,应具有本条所赋予的含义:1.1“employer” means the person named as such in this contract and thelegal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee of such person.1.1“雇主”是指本合同所指明的当事人以及取得当事人资格的合法继承人,但除非承包商同意,不包括此当事人的任何受让人,本合同中的雇主为_(填入名称)。



22.1除合同另有规定外,承包人必须保护业主不得因施工和工程维护而产生或导致的任何人员伤害、材料损失及财产损失而受任何损失和作任何赔偿,且不因所有与之有关的任何索赔、诉讼、损害赔偿金、诉讼费、开支和费用而受损失,对下列事项所作或与之有关的补偿或损害赔偿除外:(a)The permanent use or occupation of land by the Works or any part thereof.工程或部分工程永久使用或占用土地;(b)The right of the Employer to execute the Works or any part thereof on,over,under in or through any land.业主在任何土地面上、上方、下面、里面或经过部分施工或部分施工的权利;(c)Injuries or damage to persons or property which are the unavoidable result of the execution or maintenance of the Works in accordance with the Contract.按合同规定施工或维护工程而不可避免的人身伤害或财产损失;(d)Injuries or damage to persons or property resulting from any act or neglect of the Employer,his agents,servants or other contractors,not being employed by the Contractor,or for or in respect of any claims,proceedings,damages,costs,charges and expenses in respect thereof or in relation thereto or where the injury or damage was contributed to by the Contractor, his servants or agents such part of the compensation as may be just and equitable having regard to the extent of the responsibility of the Employer,his servants or agents or other contractors for the damage or injury.因业主、其代理人、雇员或其他不为承包人所雇用的承包商的任何行为或过失所造成的人员伤害或财产损失,或与之有关的任何索赔、诉讼、损害赔偿金、诉讼费、开支和费用,或曾由承包人、其雇员或代理人承担的,但原本应当由业主、其雇员或代理人或其他承包商负责的那部分涉及损失或伤害的赔偿。



GREEMENT OF SUB-CONSTRUCTING工程施工分包合同This agreement is made on the day of ______本协议签订于:Party A: (As the party of General Contractor of the Work, hereinafter referred to as party A)甲方: (工程总承包方,下称:甲方,作为合同一方)Party B: : (As the party of Sub-Contractor, hereinafter referred to as party B)乙方:(工程分包商,下称:乙方)WHEREAS PART A is constructing and desirous to sub-contract out some of his works, PART B has agreed to carry out the said works of sub-contractor with terms and conditions set out hereunder.甲方愿将工程项目的施工对外分包一部分,乙方同意按照以下的条款来承担这部分分包工程的施工。

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITHNESSETH AS FOLLOWS:双方约定条款如下:1. PART B agrees to provide all necessary labors and management therewith for completing the said works.乙方同意为完成工作提供所有必要的人力及管理。

2. PART B has to finish the works in quality, quantity and time required by PART A.乙方将按照甲方规定的时间、数量、质量来完成工作。



(完整版)国外项目分包合同样本-(中英对照).doc分包合同协议SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT该合同签订于2014 年__月 __ 日,签订地址: ____________THIS AGREEMENT is made the ______ day of _______2014,at_______________合同双方BETWEEN甲方:是在___ 法律下单独构成、成立的一个公司,其公司总部在: ________________在(国家)注册的办公室在:地址(以下称为“承包商”)M/s Xinjiang Beixin Road & Bridge Group Co., Ltd a company duly organized and existing underthe laws of the _______________________________having its Head Office at_______________________________________and registered Office in(Country)at(address) (hereinafter referred to as " Contractor ") of the one part;及乙方:__________ 其办公室位于________________________(以下称为“分包商”)AND________________________________Whose office is situated at_________________________________________________(hereinafter referred to as the " Subcontractor ") of the other part.鉴于1. 承包商已经与____ 业主(以下称为“业主”)签订了一个合同(以下称为“主合同”)关于执行___( 项目名称 )_______( 以下称为“项目”)的施工合同。



1.13 投标书附件是指附于本合同之后并包括在投标书格式内的附件。
1.14 开工日期是指承包商接到工程师根据本合同发出开工通知书的日期。
1.15 竣工时间是指合同规定从工程开工日期算起到工程或其任何部分或区段施工结束并且通过竣工检验的时间。
1.16 竣工检验指合同规定的或由工程师与承包商另行商定的检验,这些检验是由承包商在雇主对工程或其任何部分区段接收之前进行的。
1.28 日是指历法日。
1.29 外币是指工程所在国之外的任一国家的货币。
1.30 书面函件是指任何手写、打字或印刷的通讯,包括电传、电报、传真和电子邮件。
第二条 解释
2.1 凡指当事人或当事人各方的词应包括公司和企业以及任何具有法定资格的组织。
第三条 单数和复数
1.2 "Contractor" means the person whose tender has been accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to such person but not (except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of such person.
1.8 "Drawings" means all drawings, calculations and technical information of a like nature provided by the Engineer to the Contractor under the Contract and all drawings, calculations, samples, patterns, models, operation and maintenance manuals and other technical information of a like nature submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.



整理国际土木工程建筑承包合同中英文对照International Civil Engineering Construction Contract in Chinese and EnglishAgreement between [Party A] and [Party B] for the construction of [Project Name] to be executed in accordance with terms and conditions herein set forth.合同英文名称:International Civil Engineering Construction Contract合同中文名称:国际土木工程建筑承包合同PARTY A[Name of Party A], a [country] corporation, with its principal place of business at [address].甲方[甲方名称],一个[国家] 公司, 主要办事处设于[地址]。

PARTY B[Name of Party B], a [country] corporation, with its principal place of business at [address].乙方[乙方名称],一个[国家] 公司, 主要办事处设于[地址]。

SCOPE OF WORKThe scope of work is as specified in the [Project Name] project specifications and drawings.工程范围本合同工程范围是[项目名称] 项目规格和图纸的规定。

TERM OF CONTRACTThe term of this contract will begin on [date] and end on [date]. [Party A] shall not be obligated to order or accept any additional services or work beyond the scope set forth in this contract. [Party B] shall not be obligated to accept any additional work beyond the scope set forth in this contract unless mutually agreed upon by both parties in a written amendment to this contract.合同期限本合同自[日期] 开始生效,至[日期] 终止。

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AGREEMENTFORXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXBETWEENANDTHIS AGREEMENT is made onXX/XX/2011 , by and between ________________ . (here in after called The employer ”) and __________________ Compa ny Ltd. (here in after called The con tractor ”).WHEREAS:1. The employer is desirous of carry ing out the (here in after referred to as The Works ”)2. The con tractor has agreed to execute the said work in strict complia nee with the terms of this Agreeme nt.NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:1. Commencement: This Agreement shall commenee on the date first above writte n.2. Location of work : The employer 'worksite in __________________ .3. Scope of work : The con tractor shall un dertake the ________________________ .4. Period of completion :The work shall be completed within a period of ________ days from the date first above writte n as comme nceme nt date in this agreeme nt.5. Con tract sum : The total value of the con tract shall be the sum of N Naira only.6. Mode of payme nt:First in stallme nt : The employer shall pay to the con tractor ninety five percent of the total price, i.e. __________________ Naira only upon completion of the work.Second installment: The employer shall pay to the contractor five percent of the difference of the total price ,i.e. ______________ Naira. only ,two weeks later, after the work received has been proved qualified.7. Penalty for default :In the event the contractor shall fail to complete the work in time owing to reasons that the contractor shall be held liable ,the contractor shall pay a penalty for such default based on one out of a thousand of the total price for installation work per day ,i.e. ________________________ Naira ,only for each day of such default.8.Increase or decrease of work :In case the employer has to amend ,increase or decrease the working schedule ,the corresponding increase or decrease of total price shall be evaluated according to the terms and conditions between the two Parties ,Should the work be increased ,the Parties shall enter into an agreement for the unit price of additional items. Should any part of the completed work of any part of the materials transported to the site have to be abandoned owing to amendment made by the employer ,The employer shall ,after having received the work ,pay for each completed work or materials abandoned as per the unit price specified to the contractor.9.Supervision for progress and quantity :The supervision personnel appointed by the employer and its representative shall have the authority to supervise the progress and quantity of the work and give instruction. The contractor shall perform correctly in accordance with such instruction given by the employer's personnel or representative. If the work can not achieve the quantity standard from the client, the contractor must redo it without any extra payment and the contractor have to finish the work within the period of the completion.10.Stopage work :Should the employer notify the contractor to stop the work for reasons beyond the responsibility of the contractor ,the contractor can stop the work and claim from the employer the price of finished work ,materials at site and other reasonable expenses to be added or deducted from the paid installments.11.Custody of work :The completed work and the materials ,tools ,and equipment at site shall be under the custody of the contractor after commencement and before completion and delivery of the work. Unless in the event of Force Majeure ,the contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage of the work under the custody of the contractor. In case of Force Majeure, the contractor shall give a list of damage according to the actual condition and suggest an expected price and date for recovery from such damage to the employer for checking and payment. Should the employer decide not to continue with the work ,this contract shall beterminated according to article 10 hereof.12. Warranty for work.The contractor shall warrant the promised condition of the work within year (s)after the date of receiving the work by the employer.However , the con tractor shall not be liable to Acts of God or misuse of the work by the employer.13.Suppleme ntal provisi onsThe con tractor shall be held resp on sible if the con tractor's pers onnel or other people are injured due to the n eglige nee of the con tractor duri ng the progress of con struct ion.14. Attachme ntsAttachme nts shall become an in tegral part of this Agreeme nt and shall be as effective as any other provisions. Attachments include : (1) Quotation.(2) Drawing15. Format of this Agreeme ntThe Agreement shall be in duplicate with two texts to be held separately by the Parties hereof. Each of the Parties shall also keep two copies of the con tract for record.16. Additional ProvisionThis con tract has bee n executed by the Parties as of the day and year first above writte n.The employer: CGC NIGERIA LIMITED The con tractor : ________________by: __________________ by: ________________________________ Date : _______________ Date : ______________________________。
