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. Any volunteers? Anymore?

. Come on, who can?

. Can you try?

. Could you please try again?

. Could you please try the next one?

. Would you like to have a try?

. Whose turn now?

. Can you guess it?

. Who can do / say it in a different way?

. Who wants to do it on the blackboard?

. Who wants to come to the front?


. What can you see in this picture?

. Who can point it out?

. Who can correct the mistakes for him/her?

. Look at their actions and guess. What are they doing? . Have you finished it? Finish yet?

. Do you know...? Have you heard of ...?


. Ready?/Are you ready?

. Can you follow me?

. Do you think so?

. Do you understand? /Understand?

. Is that clear?/Clear?

. Do you know what to do?


. Good, thank you.

. Very good! / Good job! / Good work! / Nice work!

. Excellent! / Great! / Well done!

. That's interesting!


. You are great. I’m proud of you for your progress. . Don't be nevours!

. I`m sure you`ll do better this time.

. Don`t give up!

. You can do it!


1. 画图猜词








T: Now, I want you guys to close your book. Close your book (gesture). Ok. Now I’m going to draw a picture. I’m not a good drawer,but I want to see if you know what I’m drawing.Are you ready?

S: Yes!

T: If you know, raise your hand. Don’t say it, just raise your hand.(hand up gesture) OK?

S: OK.

T: Alright. (Teacher draws) Yeah! (point to the student) Can you have a try?

S1: Banana. It’s bananas.

T: (point to picture)OK. These are…BANANAS.(带读). You guys think she’s right? Yeah, you did a good job! (thumb up gesture)

T: I would like someone to come to the blackboard (pause) and try to draw the words. (one student at the blackboard) I’m going to give him a word, and if you think you know what he’s drawing, raise your hand.(gesture) O K? Aright, come here, come here…let’s do…You guys ready?He’s going to draw. Here we go…

S3: (drawing)

T: What is it? It’s a …


T: OK, good job! (clap hands) Yes, alright, you can sit

down.(gesture). So, now we’re going to play this as a race.

Ra ce!!!(gesture) You guys, you’re going to be one team. You’re going to watch him. This side, I need one more person. If you think you know the answer of what they’re drawing…You guys watch her, and you guys watch him. Alright. If you know, you raise your hand. And if you get it wrong, then you lose. So, you have to be a little careful. OK, Alright, come here. Ok, don’t say anything…That is your word…
