

鲁教版初一英语下第一单元Unit 1检测试题卷

Unit 1 When is your birthday?



1. December is the t________ month of the year.

2. Do you have a Music F________ at your school?

3. These boys all like the school t________.

4. We have an English evening p________ on May 5th.

5. When is the English s________ contest?

6. My uncle is thirty-one. Today is his t________ birthday.


1. Let’s ________(have)a School Day.

2. Jane and Mary ________(be)21 years old.

3. Can they ________(have)a soccer ball game?

4. Do you know your ________(mother)birthday?

5. February is the ________(two)month of the year.

6. How many ________(China)are there in the room?

7. The baby is five ________(month)old.


1. —Happy birthday to you, Gina!


A. Thank you

B. All right

C. That’s all right

D. You’re welcome

2. Our school has ______Art Festival every year.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

3. Can you give us a _________?

A. speak

B. say

C. tell

D. speech

4. —_______is your cousin?

—She is 15.

A. How

B. How age

C. How old

D. How many

5. Each of them _______me a birthday cake on my birthday every year.

A. give

B. gives

C. gave

D. will give

6. Their summer holidays are ________July.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. of

7. We have an English speech contest ________August 5th every year.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. of

8. This is ________room.

A. Lucy and Lily

B. Lucy’s and Lily’s

C. Lucy’s and Lily

D. Lucy and Lily’s

9. Mary is a ________girl.

A. 9-year-old

B. 9 years old

C. 9 year old

D. 9-years-old

10. I have three basketballs. I want to buy a ______one.

A. four

B. fourth

C. forth

D. another

11. —What’s the date today?

—It’s ________, Women’s Day.

A. on March 8th

B. March 8th

C. March the 8

D. eight of March

12. —What _____is it today? —It’s Sunday.

A. date

B. day

C. time

D. the day

13. _________house is my house.

A. The fifth

B. Fifth

C. The fiveth

D. Five

14. You are ________first good friend here.

A. my

B. my the

C. a my

D. the my

15. She is ___________first student to come to school.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /


1. What’s her age? (同义句)

________ ________ ________ ________?

2. They have a basketball game on July 22nd. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________they ________ a basketball game?

3. She has a party at home. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ she ________ a party?

4. Linda is twelve years old. (同义句)

Linda is ________ ________ ________.

5. is, your, when, birthday, brother’s (?)(连词成句)



The Spring Festiv al is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually comes in ___1___. Everyone in ___2___likes the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival comes, I usually ___3___my parents clean our house and do some ___4___. ___5___ that day ___6___eats ___7___, Ne w Year’s cakes and some other food. And I ___8___dumplings. We usually ___9___dumplings and ___10___TV. I like the Spring Festival.

1. A. March B. November C. February D. December

2. A. America B. China C. England D. Japan

3. A. help B. helps C. ask D. take

4. A. cleaning B. fishing C. reading D. shopping

5. A. On B. In C. At D. Of

6. A. everyone B. someone C. no one D. people

7. A. eggs B. meat C. dumplings D. moon cakes

8. A. like B. eats C. make D. get

9. A. eat B. make C. make and eat D. like

10. A. look B. have a look at C. see D. watch


Mr Smith is from London. Now he is in China. He is tall. He was born (出生)in 1970. he teaches English in our school. He works very hard. His students like him very much. He can speak a little Chinese. The students teach him Chinese on Sundays. He also likes playing football. He often plays football with his students. He doesn’t like watching TV.

Mr Smith has a son named Jack. He is a student. He goes to school at eight in the morning and gets home at four in the afternoon. He does his homework in the evening.

1. Mr Smith is a _______.

A. teacher

B. worker

C. student

D. player

2. Mr Smith is ______years old.

A. 26

B. 38

C. 38th

D. 40

3. Mr Smith dislikes _________.

A. playing football

B. playing basketball

C. watching TV

D. listening music

4. Mr Smith can speak _______English.

A. a little

B. a lot of

C. many

D. a few

5. Mr Smith is Jack’s ___________.

A. friend

B. father

C. son

D. teacher



一、1. twelfth 2. Festival 3. trip 4. party 5. speech

6. thirty-first

二、1. have 2. are 3. have 4. mother’s

5. second

6. Chinese

7. months

三、1~5 ABDCB 6~10 ABDAB 11~15 BBAAC

四、1. How old is she 2. When do have

3. Where does have

4. a twelve-year-old girl

5. When is your brother’s birthday?

五、1~5 CBADA 6~10 ACACD



鲁教版初一英语下第二单元Unit 2检测试题卷

一. 单项选择

( )1. I like comedies _____ my sister doesn’t like them.

A. and

B. so

C. but

D. or

( )2. This action movie is very _____. I like it very much.

A. successful

B. small

C. difficult

D. happy

( )3. Let’s _____ the movie on TV this evening.

A. look at

B. looks at

C. see

D. sees

( )4. Do you often go to movies _____ your brother _____ weekends?

A. with, in

B. with, on

C. for, at

D. at, with

( )5. Paul’s favorite _____ is red.

A. teacher

B. actor

C. movie

D. color

( )6. Does your uncle want _____ an actor?

A. is

B. are

C. to be

D. be

( )7. Sally likes broccoli and her brother also _____ it.

A. don’t like

B. likes

C. doesn’t like

D. like

( )8. Some _____ don’t like Beijing Opera.

A. people

B. boy

C. girl

D. student

( )9. —What kind of vegetables does your grandfather like?


A. Bananas

B. Thrillers

C. Carrots

D. Basketballs

( )10. —Does he want to play basketball?


A. Yes, he is

B. He doesn’t know

C. You are welcome

D. No, he doesn’t

11. Let’s _______ the picture.

A. read

B. look

C. look at

D. see

12. Tony likes math and he _______likes Chinese.

A. too

B. but

C. or

D. also

13. _______ weekends, we often play soccer.

A. In

B. On

C. For

D. Of

14. He goes to school _______ his friends.

A. and

B. with

C. of

D. to

15. ——Let’s go to a movie.——_______.

A. No, I don’t.

B. That sounds good

C. That’s OK.

D. Yes, I want.

16. I want to learn _______ Chinese history.

A. about

B. a lot

C. to

D. from

17. I think comedies are very _______.

A. successful

B. scary

C. sad

D. funny

18. There is _______ at the door. I hear the doorbell. (门铃)

A. anyone

B. nobody

C. something

D. someone

19. ——I _______ the movie is interesting.

—— _______ I like it.

A. think; And

B. don’t think; And

C. don’t think; But

D. thin k; But

20. Hero is ______ action documentaries.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

二. 完形填空


My name is Mary. I’m a 11 girl. I’m from America. My 12 is June 1st. I like sports. My favorite sport is 13 . Every afternoon I play baseball 14 my father. I 15 a brother. 16 name is Rick. He likes 17 . His favorite actor is Arnold Schwar-zenegger. He thinks his movies are very 18 . Now Arnold Schwarzenegger 19 an actor. He is the governor (州长) of California. We often see 20 on TV. He is a great man.

( )1. A. thirteen years old

B. thirteen-years-old

C. thirteen year old

D. thirteen-year-old

( )2. A. birthday B. date C. day D. age

( )3. A. tennis racket B. baseball

C. ping-pong bat

D. thrillers

( )4. A. and B. but C. with D. at

( )5. A. have B. is C. has D. are

( )6. A. Her B. His C. Your D. Their

( )7. A. books B. history

C. movies

D. sports

( )8. A. sad B. scary

C. boring

D. exciting

( )9. A. doesn’t B. isn’t

C. can’t

D. aren’t

( )10. A. him B. me C. us D. her


I’m Alice, 1 American girl. 2 weekends, I often go to movies with my friend, Linda. My 3 movie star is Jackie Chan. He’s 4 actor. He has a new movie Speed. It’s a very successful action movie. I think it’s exciting. Linda likes Michelle Yan 5 . She likes her famous movie Sleepless Night. It’s a thriller. I don’t think it’s great. In fact, it’s 6 . One thing is interesting. Linda also 7 Beijing Opera. She often tells me, “Beijing Opera is 8 fun!” My father likes it. 9 , He wants to 10 a Beijing Opera artist.

11. A. a B. an C. the D. \

12. A. In B. On C. Of D. With

13. A. good B. love C. favorite D. likes

14. A. bad B. great C. a great D. not good

15. A. better B. good C. best D. very

16. A. interesting B. funny C. exciting D. boring

17. A. like B. likes C. to like D. liking

18. A. real B. really C. a D. a really

19. A. very B. too C. lot D. much

20. A. is B. are C. be D. to be

三. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)


Dear Peter,

Your notebook is not in the lost and found case. It’s at Mrs Green’s home. You can call Mrs Green at 658-4612. Oh, this evening I want to go to a movie with my sister Sally. Do you want to see it with us? The movie is The Forbidden Kingdom. It’s an action movie. You can see your favorite actor Jackie Chan in the movie. Jet Li, Liu Yifei and Li Bingbing are in the movie, too. It’s great. It’s on at Sun Cinema (电影院).



( )21. Peter’s notebook is _____.

A. in Mary’s backpack

B. in the lost and found case

C. at Mrs Green’s home

D. in the classroom

( )22. Peter’s favorite actor is _____.

A. Jet Li

B. Liu Yifei

C. Li Bingbing

D. Jackie Chan

( )23. You can not see _____ in the movie The Forbidden Kingdom.

A. Jackie Chan

B. Liu Yifei

C. Jaycee Chan (房祖名)

D. Jet Li

( )24. Sally is Mary’s _____.

A. cousin

B. friend

C. aunt

D. sister

( )25. 下面哪项陈述是错误的?

A. Mrs Green is Peter’s mother.

B. Mary wants to go to a movie this evening.

C. The Forbidden Kingdom is on at Sun Cinema.

D. The movie The Forbidden Kingdom is an action movie.


I’m a student in a big city. I like movies very much. On weekends I often go to the movies with my friend, Yang Li. My favorite movie star is Jet Li. He is a good actor. He is in the new movie HERO. That’s a very successful and exciting movie. I want to be an action movie actor, too. But Yang Li doesn’t like action movies. He thinks they are boring. He likes Beijing Opera very much. He thinks he can learn about Chinese history. But I think I can learn history from action movies, too.

26. I am a(n) ______.

A. actor

B. teacher

C. action movie fan(影迷)

D. action movie actor

27. _______ is my favorite movie star.

A. Jet Li

B. Zhou Xingchi

C. Jackie Chan

D. Ge You

28. I like the movie “HERO” because it’s ___________.

A. scary

B. exciting

C. relaxing

D. interesting

29. Yang Li ________.

A. is a teacher in my school

B. likes Beijing Opera

C. doesn’t like Beijing Opera

D. likes action movies

30. We can learn about Chinese history from _______.

A. Beijing Opera and thrillers

B. action movies and Jet Li

C. all the movies

D. Beijing Opera and action movies

四. 情景交际(每小题2分,共10分)

A 根据对话内容补全所缺句子。

A: Hey, Jenny! Do you know the girl in the photo?

B: 1 . She is Paul’s sister.

A: Oh, she looks very nice. 2 ?

B: Cindy Green.

A: 3 ?

B: She is at the cinema with Paul.

A: 4 ?

B: Yes, she does. She likes action movies.

A: I also like action movies. Let’s go to the movies after school.

B: 5 .


A: Hello, Ann!

B: Hello, Kitty!

A: The weekend is coming. _______ _______.(6)

B: I often go to the movies with my friends.

A: _______(7)

B: Well, we like action movies.

A: I like Chinese action movies and _______ _______. (8)

B: Do you often go to the movies?

A: No. _______ _______ (9)And I look at the pictures of Beijing Opera.

B: My friend Kevin likes Beijing Opera, too _______. (10)

A. He wants to be a Beijing Opera artist.

B. What do you often do on weekends?

C. I like Beijing Opera, too.

D. What kind of movies do you like?

E. I often stay at home.


1. I like _______ (China) action movies.

2. I also read sad, funny, and _______(excite) stories.

3. Speed is a very _______ (success )action movie.

4. She wants _______ (see) an action movie.

5. I like _______(eat) bananas.


1. She likes thrillers and comedies. (对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ of movies _______ she _______?

2. Bill likes going to movies. (用watching TV改为选择疑问句)

_______Bill _______going to movies _______ watching TV?

3. I think the movie is great. (否定句)

I _______ think the movie _______ great.

4. with, he, parents, goes, movies, his, often, to, weekends, on (连词成句)。__________________________________________.

5. I have a pen, I don’t have a ruler. (合并为一个简单句)

I have a pen, _______ I don’t have a ruler.



1. Where is our Chinese teacher? I can’t f him.

2. —What’s your f food?


3. Tom and Alan are my n friends.

4. Do you o go to see your uncle?

5. We all t Jack is a good student.

6. I r_______ like English. It’s very interesting.

7. Jackie Chan is a great a_______, we all like his movies.

8. My f_______ running star is Liu Xiang.

9. I like to go to a movie on w_______.

10. We buy a n_______ car today.


A) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩写)。

1. 有些人认为京剧很无聊。

Some Beijing Opera is boring.

2. 《憨豆先生》不是动作片。

Mr Bean isn’t movie.

3. 我们周末经常去看电影。

We often the movies on weekends.

4. 迈克喜欢喜剧片但不喜欢恐怖片。

Mike likes comedies he like thrillers.

5. 我最喜欢的体育明星是刘翔。

My sports is Liu Xiang.

B) 根据括号内的要求完成句子,每空一词。

6. Bill goes to see Mr Green with Jenny. (改为同义句)

Bill Jenny to see Mr Green.

7. This is an interesting book. (改为同义句)

This is .

8. He often goes to the movies. (改为一般疑问句)

he often to the movies?

9. Ted likes math. Ted likes English, too. (改为同义句)

Ted likes math he likes English.

10. My friend likes comedies and action movies. (对划线部分提问)

of movies does your friend like?

Ⅶ. 写作(10分)

请根据下面表格的提示,以My favorite actor为题,写一篇50词左右的短文。

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________


一. 1-5 CACBD 6-10 CBACD 11—15 CDBBB 16—20 ADDCB

二. 1-5 DABCA 6-10 BCDBA 11—15 BBCCC 16—20 DBABC

三. 21-25 CDCDA 26-30 CABBD

四. 1. Yes, I do 2. What’s her name 3. Where is she

4. Does she like movies

5. That sounds good / great

6—10 BDCEA


1. Chinese

2. exciting

3. successful

4. to see

5. eating


1. What kind does like

2. Does like or

3. don’t is

4. He often goes to movies with his parents on weekend.

5. but

七、1. find 2. favorite 3. new 4. often 5. think

6. really

7. actor

8. favorite

9. weekends 10. new

八、A) 1. people think 2. an action 3. go to 4. but, doesn’t

5. favorite, star

B) 6. and, go 7. book, interesting 8. Does, go 9. and, also

10. What kind

九、One possible version:

My favorite actor

Jaycee Chan is my favorite actor. He is from Hong Kong. His birthday is December 3rd. I like his movies The Drummer and Invisible Target. I think they are very exciting. Jaycee’s favorite sport is basketball. He often plays it with his friends. Jaycee’s father Jackie Chan is al so a great actor.

鲁教版初一英语下第三单元Unit 3检测试题卷



1. What club do you want to j__________?

2. Kate likes music and she wants to be a m__________.

3. Can you come and s__________ them your Chinese kung fu?

4. I want to know your e-mail a__________?

5. What can you do for the school music f__________.


1. Do you want to join the ___________ (swim) club?

2. Can Mary and Alice ___________ (play) computer games?

3. Come and ___________(join) the art club.

4. She wants ___________ (dance) with her friends.

5. Thanks for ___________ (help) me.


1. Bill can swim. (对划线部分提问)

___________ ___________ Bill ___________?

2. We want to join the basketball club. (对划线部分提问)

___________ ___________ do you want to join?

3. Can you play chess? (作否定回答)

___________, ___________ ___________.

4. I think he can play soccer. (改为否定句)

I ___________ ___________ he ___________ play soccer.

5. I am the first to come to school because I get up early. (对划线部分提问)___________ ___________ ___________ the first to come to school?

四. 句子改错:下列各句均有一处错误,请改正。

1. Mr Smith can paint very good.

2. Does he have a e-mail address?

3. They have lunch at home in Sunday.

4. —What is your favorite clubs? —The music club and art club.

5. My grandfather can play trumpet.

五. 单项选择:

1. Are you good ___________ your cousins?

A. of

B. at

C. in

D. with

2. —May I play tennis now? —___________.

A. No, you may

B. No, you can’t

C. Yes, I may

D. Yes, you are

3. He can speak ___________ English.

A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few

4. —Can I look at your pictures? —___________.

A. Yes, I do

B. Yes, you are

C. Yes, I am

D. Yes, here you are

5. Maybe he can ___________ in our club.

A. is

B. are

C. be

D. am

*6. I know ___________ about him. He is new here.

A. a lot of

B. lots of

C. a little

D. little.

*7. My brother can’t sing ___________ play the guitar.


姓名:________ 得分:_______ 分数:100分时间:90分钟 一、选择填空(15分) ()1. The book store is far away from here. You'd better____________. A. by bus B.on a bus C.take a bus D.in a bus ()2. -Would you please go out for a walk with me -_______, but I'm too busy now. A.That's right. B. I'd love to C.Of course not D.That's all right ()3. -I'm hungry ,Mom. --__________ about a pizza B.I'm hungry ,too C.It's time for lunch D.What about you ()4. _________interesting dolphin it is! A.How an B.How a C.What an D.What a ()5. Thank you for________ me the good news A.tell B.to tell C.telling D.told ()6. Chinese people's favorite food is ________ A.rice B.hamburger C.hot dog D.lemon nada ()7. --________do you want to be an actor --It's very interesting. A. What B.When C.How D.Why ()8. --Would you like some drink --_______. A. Here you are B.Yes, just a little C. Please give me some D. Yes, I like ()9. If you are hungry ,you can buy_______ in a supermarket. A.water B.house C.drink D.food ()10. Is there a pay phone ________the neighborhood A.in B.on C.to D.off ()11. I________ know where the post office is. A.not B.don't C.doesn't D.am not ()12. Why______ he like koala bears A.is B.are C.do D.does ()13. ________late for school again. A.Not B.Not be C.Don't be D.Aren't ()14. --___________pizza would you like --A small one ,please A.What kind of B.What size C. How many D.How much ()15. --________does your uncle do - He is an engineer. A.What B.Where C.How D.Why 二、完形填空(10分) It 16 Sunday yesterday . We had 17 classes. I got up at 6:30 18 morning. Then my mother and I went to the shop. We wanted to do some 19 . My mother wanted to buy some food 20 supper and I wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen. The shop 21early in the morning. 22 a lot of people in the shop. They were 23 , old and young. Some things in the shop were


人教版七年级英语下册练习题 一、用所给词的适当填空。 1.Mike tells me ________(not swim) here. 2.Are you good at ______(swim), Tom? 3.My grandfather tells me many interesting ______(story). 4.What club ______Lisa ______(want ) to join? 5.Do you want _____(go ) to school with me? 6.Mrs. Brown is an English teacher. She _____(teach) us English. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.We need you __ __(help) us with English. 2.This is my __ (parent) room. 3.How many _ __(people) does your family have? 4.His sister and brother are _ __(music). 5.He can't help you __(do) your homework. 6.They tell students ____ (not be) late for school. 7.Our English teacher often ____(tell) us a story after class. 8.Can you____(write)your name on the blackboard?


鲁教版2019年七年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(I)卷 一、单选题 (共15题;共30分) 1. (2分)—________ is the nearest hospital from here? —Er,it's about ten minutes'walk. A . How long B . How far C . How often 2. (2分)__________ is an important day in America. A . Thanksgiving day B . Thanksgiving Day C . The thanksgiving day 3. (2分)—Why do you look so excited, Eric? —Because I met my primary school classmate ________________ on the street. A . by accident B . by mistake C . in danger 4. (2分)— Does he play sports? —No, ______. He only watches them ______TV. A . he does, on B . he does, in C . he doesn't, on D . he doesn't, in 5. (2分)—Is Tom playing drums now? —No.He is playing football. A . the,the B . /,the C . /,/ D . the,/ 6. (2分)一 ______ is your favorite singer?


https://www.360docs.net/doc/489666234.html, 3eud 教育网,可能是最大的免费教育网! 初一英语期末试卷(06.6) 注:答案请写在答卷上 命题人:Celia 一、听力(20) I.听下面五段小对话,选择正确的图片。 (5分) 1. Where is Tina from? 2. What do they often do on weekends? 3. What does Tom want to be? 4. Which place are they talking about? A. B. C. 5. What is the weather like today? A. B. C.

11. A. Canada B. Australia C. France 12. A. elephants B. tigers C. dolphins 13. A. lions B. penguins C. pandas 14. A. lovely B. cute C. funny 15. A. China B. Japan C America 二、单项选择(15分) 1. Where’s Simon from? __A____. A. Australia B. French C. English D. Chinese 2. ——__C__ do they think ____ the books? ——They love them. A. How, for B. What, for C. What, of D. How, of 3. ——How were the people there? ——__B__ unfriendly. A. They are B. They were C. He is D. She was 4. ——Do you want to watch this video? ——No, I think it’s _A___. Let’s go to the movies. A. boring B. interesting C. exciting D. funny https://www.360docs.net/doc/489666234.html, 3eud教育网,可能是最大的免费教育网!


( )1. She can _____ the guitar. A. plays B. play C. to play ( )2. can your brother play _____ violin? A.\ B. the C. a ( )3. I want to join the _____ club. A. swim B. to swim C. swimming ( )4. You can join the _____ club. A. telling story B. telling stories C. story telling ( )5. what club do you want ____? A. to join B. join C. joining ( )6. I ____ ____ play soccer. A. can also B. also can C. also cans ( )7. Our teachers are good _____ us. He is good _____ playing soccer. Fruit is good _____ our health. A. for B. at C. with ( )8. I help my mom _____ dinner. My friend helps me _____ my English. A. with B. makes C. to make ( )9. I get up at _____.(6:10) A. ten past six B. six past ten C. six to ten ( )10. 9:45 means _____. A. a quarter past nine B. a quarter to nine C. a quarter to ten ( )11. On school days I either watch TV _____ play games. A. and B. or C. but ( )12. I don’t like basketball, _____. A. too B. also C. either ( )13. The ice-cream tastes _____. A. good B. well C. best ( )14. She _____ her homework at 8:00. A. do B. don’t C. does ( )15. How do you _____ home ? A. get to B. get C. gets to ( )16. How do you go to work? I _____. A. go to walk B. walk to C. walk ( )17. How long _____ it take to get to school ? A. is B. does C. do ( )18. How far _____ it from your home to school ? A. is B. does C. do ( )19. It takes about 20 minutes _____ to school. It’s easy for us ______ to school . A. get B. gets C. to get ( )20. There is a big river _____ their school and their village. A. from B. to C. between ( )21. My brother is a _____ boy. My brother is _____ . A. seven years old B. seven year old C. seven-year-old ( )22. _____ late for class. A. Be B. Don’t C. Don’t be ( )23. Do you like _____ music? A. listening to B. listen C. listening ( )24. “Please _____ your books to school.” Mr. wang says. A. take B. bring C. make ( )25. Lily always gets to school _____. A. in time B. on time C. for time ( )26. Tom _____ home early every day. A. gets to B. arrives C. arrives at ( )27. We can’t fight ____ our classmates. A. to B. at C. in ( )28. Don’t run _____ the hallways. A. on B. to C. in ( )29.-Can I wear a hat in class? -No, you _____. A. needn’t B. don’t C. can’t


初一英语清明小长假三天作业2011-4-2 第一天:一、单项选择 ( ) 1.Mike sits between ______. A.Tom and me B.me and Tom C.Tom and I D.I and Tom ( ) 2."What's the bird's name?""______ name is Polly." A.Their B.It's C.Its D.It ( ) 3.Is that an apple ______ an orange? A.and B.but C.or D.else ( ) 4.Are you ______ duty today? A.on B.to C.of D.for ( ) 5._______. Where is the washroom? A.I am sorry B.Excuse me C.How are you D.Goodbye ( ) 6.The girl ______ red is my little sister. A.in B.on C.to D.of ( ) 7.Lily and Lucy are new students. Please look after________. A.they B.him C.her D.them ( ) 8."Who are they?""They are ______." A.workers B.Jim's parents C.at home D.fine ( ) 9.There is ______ in the room. A.no dog B.no dogs C.no a dog D.not dog ( ) 10.It's not ______ bag. ______ is blue. A.my, Mine B.mine, Mine C.my, My D.mine, My ( ) 11.Here are your shoes. Please ______. A.put on it B.put them on C.put it on D.put on them ( ) 12."Can you see the picture on the wall?""______." A.Yes, I am B.Yes, I can C.Yes, I see D.Yes, I do ( ) 13."______ are your shoes?" "They are under the bed." A.How B.What C.Where D.Which ( ) 14.Your mother ______ young. A.looks B.look C.looks like D.look like ( ) 15.It's five o'clock. It's time ______. A.to go to home B.going home C.go home D.to go home 二.补全对话 Kate: Hi, May. Tomorrow is my birthday. May: Is it?________ ________ is it today? Kate: Today is the 2nd of June. My birthday is June the________. May: Will you have a birthday____________? Kate: Yes,_________ you like to come to my party tomorrow? May: _________.What would you like as a birthday__________?________ ________ some stamps? Kate: Yes, please. My party_________ at 5 O'clock tomorrow afternoon. See you then. May: See you. 第二天 一. 单项选择 ( )1. The bus is coming ______ half an hour. A. on B. at C. for D. in ( )2. Where is Lucy? Let's go and ______ . A. look at B. have a look C. have look D. have a look at ( )3. ---When do you want to _______? ---Next Saturday. A. come there B. go there C. come to there D. go to there ( )4. I want _____ bread and _______ of coke. A. a pieces of , a tin of B. two pieces of , a tin of C. two piece of , a tins of D. a piece of , two tin of ( )5. It's seven o'clock in the morning. It's time __________. A. go to school B. going to school C. to go school D. to go to school ( )6. --- _____ are my running shoes? ---They are under the bed. A. How B. What C. When D. Where ( )7. The girls are playing volleyball. Let's ______them. A. go and join B. go with C. go and look D. go and have ( )8. These are ____ ___ . A. orange, orange B. oranges, oranges C. oranges, orange D. orange, oranges ( )9.This is your textbook, _________ A. Give you B. Here you are C. Here they are D. Give them ( )10.There _______ a clock and two lights on the table.

鲁教版七年级 下 英语单词表

sitcom ['s?tk?m] n.(=situation comedy)情景喜剧 news n. 新闻节目;新闻 soap opera [s??p] 肥皂剧educational [ed?u'ke???nl] adj.教育的;有教育意义 plan [pl?n] n.&v.打算;计划hope [h??p] n.希望 find out查明、弄清 discussion [d?'sk??n] n.讨论;商量 stand [st?nd] v.站立;忍受happen ['h?p?n] v.发生;出现may[ me?] modalv. 可以;可能,也许 expect[?k'spekt] v.预料;期待joke [d???k] n.笑话;玩笑 v.说笑话;开玩笑 comedy ['k?m?di] n.喜剧;喜剧片 meaningless ['mi:n??l?s] adj. 毫无意义的;意思不明确的action ['?k?n] n.行动 action movie动作影片 cartoon kɑ'tu:n] n.卡通片;动画片 culture ['k?lt??(r)] n.文明;文化 famous ['fe?m?s] adj.着名的;有名的 appear [?'p??(r)] v.出现become [b?'k?m] v.变成;开始变得 rich [r?t?] adj.富有的successful [s?k'sesfl] adj.获得成功的;有成就的;有成效的might [ma?t] modalv.可能;可以;may的过去式 main [me?n] adj.主要的;最重要的 reason ['ri:zn] n.原因;理由film [f?lm] n.(=movie)电影unlucky [?n'l?ki] adj. 不幸


外研版初一英语下册期末考试试题 I.单词和短语默写(20分) 1、花费 2、希望 3、时钟 4、报纸 5、明天 6、奶奶 7、意义 8、在度假 9、买东西10、和……一起玩11、 12、影星之家13、一次假日旅行14、两年前15、去游泳 16. 一周两次17、希望去做某事18、乘出租车去宾馆19、去散步20、第二天21、听音乐会22、回到……23、坐飞机到达24、飞回家25、向……问好 26、在我上次度假期间27、观光 28、为某人买某物29、大量的钱30、度过一个有趣的假期31、去划船32、与……不同33、与……相同34、遍及……35、其中一些 36、拍照片37、匆匆离开38、著名的太空之旅39、进入房间40. 玩得很高兴, , II、选择题(40分)

1.There _______ an apple and two oranges on the table. A. is B. are C. be D. has 2. Who do you often do the shopping _______? A. together B. to C. with D. and 3. I _______ you are well. A. wish B. hope C. want D. think 4. Your computer is different ________. A. from I B. from mine C. in mine D. with our 5. I can lend you my bike, but you must ________. A. give back it soon B. give it back to me soon C. give me back it soon D. return it back soon 6. There is a big tree_______. A. in front of my house B. in the front of my house C. at the front of my house D. in front of my the house 7. Every year _______ people visit British Museum. A. thousand of B. thousands of C. two thousands D. two thousands of 8. He can speak English very _______. A. good B. best C. well D. bad 9.We are going to travel _______ the country? A. at B. on C. around D. in 10. All of us enjoyed ________ music in the music room.


期末综合测试题(一) 一.单项选择(15分) 1. Work hard, and you will get good _________ A. menus B. lessons C. grades D. answers 2. –Mary eats less, because she wants to become thinner. –But I think the best way to be thinner is ________ exercise. A. with B. through C. about D. around 3. —The boy enjoyed _________ at the party last Sunday. —Yes. They really had a good time. A. herself B. yourselves C. himself D. themselves 4. It’s raining heavily, Sam. Let’s _________ the same umbrella. A. give B. look C. share D. make 5.—__________ does your father watch news on TV? — Almost every day. A. How often B. How much C. How long D. How many 6. This is my good friend Sue. _______ of us are good at drawing. A. All B. Each C. Some D. Both 7. —What are you going to do on New Year’s Day? —I decide _______ at home and have a good rest. A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying 8. The lady always buys cheap clothes ________ she has much money. A. and B. if C. though D. because 9. John jumped _________ in the long jump. So he won the game. A. fastest B. longest C. farthest D. highest 10. —Can you help me _______ when the plane will leave for Shanghai? —Yes. Wait a minute, please. A. wait for B. look for C. bring out D. find out 11. Zheng Zhi is one of _________ football players in China. A. popular B. the most popular C. most popular D. the more popular 12. —What bad weather! —Yes. The radio says it will be even ______ in the next days.


鲁教版五四制初一英语上下册单词表 一.学习用品(school things) 钢笔pen 铅笔pencil 铅笔盒pencil-case 尺子ruler 书book 书schoolbag 漫画书comic book 明信片post card 报纸newspaper 包bag 橡皮eraser 蜡笔crayon 卷笔刀sharpener 故事书story-book 笔记本notebook 语文书Chinese book 英语书English book 数学书math book 杂志magazine 词典dictionary 二.人体(body) 脚foot 头head 脸face 头发hair 鼻子nose 嘴mouth眼睛eye 耳朵ear 手臂arm 手hand 手指hand 腿leg尾巴tail 身体body 三.颜色(colours) 红red 蓝blue 黄yellow 绿green 白white 黑black 粉红pink 紫purple 橙orange 棕brown 灰grey 四.动物(animals) 猫cat 狗dog 猪pig 鸭duck 兔rabbit 马horse 大象elephant 蚂蚁ant 鱼fish 鸟bird 鹰eagle 鹿deer 海狸beaver 蛇snake 老鼠mouse

松鼠squirrel 熊bear 袋鼠kangaroo 猴monkey 熊猫panda 狮子lion 老虎tiger 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 长颈鹿giraffe 鹅goose 母鸡hen 火鸡turkay 小羊lamb 绵羊sheep 山羊goat 奶牛cow 驴donkey 鱿鱼squid 龙虾lobster 鲨鱼shark 海豹seal 抹香鲸sperm whale 虎鲸killer whale 五.人物(people) 朋友friend 男孩boy 女孩girl 母亲mother 父亲father 姐妹sister 兄弟brother 叔叔;舅舅uncle 男人man 女人woman 先生Mr 小姐Miss 女士lady 妈妈mom 爸爸dad 父母parents (外)祖母grandma/grandmother (外)祖父grandpa/grandfather 姑姑aunt 儿子son 婴儿baby 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin 小孩kid 同学classmate 女王queen 参观者visitor 邻居neighbour 校长principal 大学生university student 笔友pen pal 旅行者tourist 人物people 机器人robot 六.职业(jobs) 教师teacher 学生student 医生doctor 护士nurse 司机driver 农民farmer 歌唱家singer 作家writer 男演员actor 女演员actress 画家artist 电视台记者TV reporter 工程师engineer 会计accountant (男)警察policeman


二、单项选择(15分) 1. Where’s Simon from? __A____. A. Australia B. French C. English D. Chinese 2. ——__C__ do they think ____ the books? ——They love them. A. How, for B. What, for C. What, of D. How, of 3. ——How were the people there? ——__B__ unfriendly. A. They are B. They were C. He is D. She was 4. ——Do you want to watch this video? ——No, I think it’s _A___. Let’s go to the movies. A. boring B. interesting C. exciting D. funny 5. We like koalas because they’re _C___ cute. A. kinds of B. a kind of C. kind of D. a kind 6. There’re three _____ in the office. A. polices B. policeman C. policemen D. policewoman 7. ____ the park you can see an old hotel. A. Cross from B. Across from C. Turn left D. Next 8. —— Who ____ the supper yesterday? —— My father______. A. did cook, did B. cooked, did C. did, cooked D. cooked, cooked 9. Don’t ____ late for school. —— Sorry, sir. A. arrived B. arrives C.arriving D.arrive 10. ——How’s it going with you?——____. A. Sunny and cool B. Not bad C. Thin and short D. Tall 11.Where are the boys? —— Look! They _______ the flowers. A. are water B. are watering C. is watering D. are watered 12. ——____? ——I’d like a dessert. A. What do you like B. Can I help you C. Would you like a dessert D. What you would like 13. ——Who’s the woman ____ blonde hair?——Oh. It’s Cathy’s mother. A. has B. with C. wear D. of 14. --- How is the weather? ---It’s ______. A. suny B. rains C. cloudy D. wind 15. ——Welcome to China! ——____.


淄博2007—2008学年第一学期期末考试 七年级英语试题 注意事项: 1. 本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题70分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,80分,共150分;时间120分钟。 2. 考生将第Ⅰ卷各小题的答案标号填入答题表内。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 70分) 一、听力选择(20小题,计20分) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出每个句子的正确应答语。 1. A. Boring. B. Relaxing. C. Awful. 2. A. Yes, we were. B. Yes, they were. C. Yes, they did. 3. A. Do some reading. B. Did her homework. C. Watched TV. 4. A. Thank you. B. I think so. C. Yes, I have. 5. A. But I like singing. B. No, I don’t. C. Sorry, Miss Green. (二)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,每组对话和问题听两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 6. A. Tom. B. Leo. C. Tom’s mother. 7. A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week. 8. A. Eight minutes. B. Twenty minutes. C. Twenty-five minutes. 9. A. Not bad. B. Great. C. Terrible. 10. A. In the classroom. B. In the hallways. C. In the music room. (三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,短文和问题听两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 11. A. She relaxes in the house. B. She relaxes in her swimming pool. C. She relaxes at home. 12. A. She went to Shanghai. B. She went to Shanghai and went to the swimming pool.


Unit 1Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 2d Grace:What did you do in class today,Sarah? Sarah:We had a discussion about TV shows.My classmates like game shows and sports shows. Grace:①Oh,I can't stand them.I love soap operas.②I like to follow the story and see what happens next. Sarah:Well,I don't mind soap operas.But my favorite TV shows are the n ews and talk shows. Grace:They're boring! Sarah:③Well,they may not be very exciting,but you can expect to learn a lot from them.I hope to be a TV r eporter one day., Section B 2b When people say “c ulture”,we think of art and history.①But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears—Mickey Mouse.②Over 80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.③When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.④He became very rich and successful.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular.One of the main r easons is that Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.⑤In his early films,Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend,Minnie.⑥However,he was always ready to try his best.People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win.Most of them wanted to be like Mickey. On November 18,1978,Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Peo ple today expect to see more than just a little mouse fighting bad guys,but many still know who he is.Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey's?,
