Ansys Fluent 13.0 or 14.0 Tutorials教程

1. 关于多机并行和单机多核并行单机多核并行,即一台机器多核处理器,进行并行计算,这个大多数都能比较轻松实现,再次不在详述。
2. 安装软件,版本为ANSYS_Fluent14.0(其他版本未测试)在每台计算机的相同目录下安装ANSYS,如D:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc;具体软件安装过程可以参照网上的教程,自己搜索下……其中,第三步也需要安装,即Install MPI for ANSYS Inc,Parallel Processing,其中包括两个MPI版本,分别为Intel MPI和Platform MPI,分别安装即可。
3. 设置共享分别将Fluent的安装目录和工作目录设置共享,具体方法自己百度吧……设置共享需要达到的效果如下图:即彼此可以看到对方,并且可以访问对方设置共享的文件夹。
4. 分别在主机和副机上建立用户名和密码相同的账户,即公共账户。
5. MPI设置(分别在主机和副机上设置)1) 通过命令提示符cmd将目录设置在:D:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v140\fluent\ntbin\win64目录下,运行rshd -install,安装rshd;2) 通过命令提示符cmd将目录设置在:D:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v140\fluent\fluet14.0.0\multiport\win64\intel\bin目录下,运行smpd -install,安装smpd;3) 在D:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v140\fluent\fluet14.0.0\multiport\win64\intel\bin目录下,找到wmpiregister,将公共账户和密码设置如下图6. ANSYS Fluent14.0启动设置1) 打开ANSYS Fluent14.0如下图:工作目录设置为之前建立的共享工作目录,如\\TAN-PC\fluent-work;FLUENT启动目录为D:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v140\fluent\; (无需设置,自动显示) Processing Options处,Parallel per Machine File machine, Number of Process处设置启动核数;2) Parallel Settings设置如下图:MPI类型处,选择intel ;Run Types处,选择Distributed Memory on Local Machine.3) 点击OK和Yes,忽略两个警告信息后成功启动多机并行Fluent。

Ansys FLUENT Tutorials└─ANSYS FLUENT├─ANSYS-FLUENT-Intro_13.0_1st-ed_pdf││fluent_13.0_Agenda.pdf││fluent_13.0_TOC.pdf│││├─lectures││fluent_13.0_lecture01-welcome.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture02-intro-to-cfd.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture03-solver-basics.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture04-boundary-conditions.pdf ││fluent_13.0_lecture05-solver-settings.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture06-turbulence.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture07-heat-transfer.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture08-udf.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture09-physics.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture10-transient.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture11-post.pdf│││├─workshop-input-files││├─workshop1-mixing-tee│││ fluidtee.meshdat│││││├─workshop2-airfoil-new│││ NACA0012.msh│││ mach_0.5_│││ mach_0.5_│││ mach_0.7_│││ mach_0.7_│││ test-data-bottom.xy│││ test-data-top.xy│││││├─workshop3-multi-species│││ calc_activities.jou│││ garage.msh│││ workshop3-│││ workshop3-│││││├─workshop4-electronics││││││ ws4_no-│││ ws4_no-│││ ws4_s2s-│││ ws4_s2s-│││││├─workshop5-moving-parts│││ ws5-mesh-animation.avi│││ ws5-simple-wind-turbine.msh│││ ws5_udf_for_motion.c│││││├─workshop6-dpm│││ dpm_tutorial.msh│││││└─workshop7-tank-flush││││ws7-tankflush-animation.avi││ws7-tankflush-animation.mpeg│││└─workshops│fluent_13.0_WS_TOC.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop01-mixingtee.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop02-airfoil.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop03-Multiple-Species.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop04-electronics.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop05-moving-parts.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop06-dpm.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop07-tank-flush.pdf│├─Quick Tutorials││ FLUENT_Overview_1_Introduction_to_FLUENT12_in_ANSYS_Workbench_DOC.pd f││ FLUENT_Overview_1_Introduction_to_FLUENT12_in_ANSYS_Workbench_WA TCH ME.swf││ FLUENT_Overview_2_Creating_and_Comparing_Related_FLUENT12_Analyses_in_ ANSYS_Workbench_DOC.pdf││ FLUENT_Overview_2_Creating_and_Comparing_Related_FLUENT12_Analyses_in_ ANSYS_Workbench_WA TCHME.swf││ FLUENT_Overview_3_Parametric_Study_Using_FLUENT12_in_ANSYS_Workbench _DOC.pdf││ FLUENT_Overview_3_Parametric_Study_Using_FLUENT12_in_ANSYS_Workbench _WATCHME.swf││ FLUENT_Overview_4_1-Way_Fluid-Structure_Interaction_Using_FLUENT12_and_A NSYS_Mechanical_DOC.pdf││ FLUENT_Overview_4_1-Way_Fluid-Structure_Interaction_Using_FLUENT12_and_A NSYS_Mechanical_WA TCHME.swf│││├─FLUENT_Overview_1_FILES│││├─FLUENT_Overview_2_FILES│││ Duplicate_Probe_Fluent.wbpj │││││└─Duplicate_Probe_Fluent_files │││ .project_cache│││││├─dp0││││ designPoint.wbdp│││││││├─FFF││││├─DM│││││ FFF.agdb│││││││││├─Fluent│││││ FFF-1-│││││ FFF-│││││ FFF.set│││││││││├─MECH│││││ FFF.msh│││││││││└─Post││││Probe.cst│││││││├─FFF-1││││└─Fluent││││FFF-1.1-1-│││││││└─global│││└─MECH││││ FFF.mshdb│││││││└─FFF││└─user_files│├─FLUENT_Overview_3_FILES│││ Parametric_Probe_Fluent.wbpj │││││└─Parametri c_Probe_Fluent_files │││ .project_cache│││││├─dp0││││ designPoint.wbdp│││││││├─FFF││││├─DM│││││ FFF.agdb│││││││││├─Fluent│││││ FFF-1-│││││ FFF-│││││ FFF.set│││││││││├─MECH│││││ FFF.msh│││││││││└─Post││││Probe.cst│││││││├─FFF-1││││└─Fluent││││FFF-1.1-1- │││││││└─global│││└─MECH││││ FFF.mshdb │││││││└─FFF││└─user_files│└─FLUENT_Overview_4_FILES ││ FSI_Probe_Fluent.wbpj│││└─FSI_Probe_Fluent_files││ .project_cache│││├─dp0│││ designPoint.wbdp │││││├─FFF│││├─DM││││ FFF.agdb│││││││├─Fluent││││ FFF-1-││││ FFF-││││ FFF.set│││││││├─MECH││││ FFF.msh│││││││└─Post│││Probe.cst│││││├─FFF-1│││└─Fluent│││FFF-1.1-1-│││││└─global││└─MECH│││ FFF.mshdb│││││└─FFF│└─user_files├─combustion-fluent││ combustion-tutorial-list_││ tut-01-intro-tut-16-species-transport.pdf││ tut-02-intro-tut-17-non-premix-combustion.pdf ││ tut-03-intro-tut-18-surface-chemistry.pdf││ tut-04-intro-tut-19-evaporating-liquid.pdf││ tut-05-berl.pdf││ tut-06-finite-rate.pdf││ tut-07-pdf-jet.pdf││ tut-08-cijr.pdf││ tut-09-pilot-jet.pdf││ tut-10-zimont.pdf││ tut-11-surfchem.pdf││ tut-12-mchar.pdf││ tut-13-co-combustor.pdf││ tut-14-flamelet.pdf││ tut-15-moss-brookes.pdf││ tut-16-dqmom.pdf││ tut-17-species.pdf││ tut-18-euler-granular.pdf││ tut-19-dpm-channel.pdf│││├─tut-01-intro-tut-16-species-transport│││ gascomb.msh│││││└─solution_files│││││││││││││││├─tut-02-intro-tut-17-non-premix-combustion │││ berl.msh││││││││└─solution_files││berl-││berl-││berl.pdf│││├─tut-03-intro-tut-18-surface-chemistry│││ surface.msh│││││└─solution_files││surface-non-││surface-││surface-││surface-││surface-│││├─tut-04-intro-tut-19-evaporating-liquid│││ sector.msh│││││└─solution_files││sector.msh│││││││││││││││├─tut-05-berl│││││││││││└─solution_files││berl-mag-││berl-mag-││berl-mag-││berl-mag-││berl-mag-││berl-mag-│││├─tut-06-finite-rate││││││││└─solution_files││││││5step_││5step_││5step_│││├─tut-07-pdf-jet│││ CH4-skel.che││││││ therm.dat│││││└─solution_files││flameD-││flameD-││flameD-││flameD-││flameD-││flameD-││││surf-mon-1.out │││├─tut-08-cijr│││ CIJR-therm.dat│││ CIJR.che││││││││└─solution_files││CIJR-││CIJR-││CIJR-││CIJR-││CIJR-││CIJR-││CIJR-││CIJR-││CIJR-│││││││││││├─tut-09-pilot-jet│││ flameD-│││ gri30.che│││││└─solution_files││flameD-sfla- ││flameD-sfla- ││flameD-││flameD-││flameD-ufla- ││flameD-ufla- ││flameD-ufla- ││surf-mon-1.out │││├─tut-10-zimont│││ conreac.msh│││││└─solution_files││zimont-││zimont-││zimont-││zimont-│││││├─tut-11-surfchem│││ gas_chem.che│││ surf_chem.che││││││││└─solution_files││surf-cat-││surf-cat-││surf-mon-1.out │││├─tut-12-mchar││││││││└─solution_files││mchar-││mchar-││││││view-0.vw│││├─tut-13-co-combustor│││ par-│││││└─solution_files││par-││peters-partially-premixed- ││peters-partially-premixed- ││zimont-partially-premixed- ││zimont-partially-premixed- ││zimont-partially-premixed- ││zimont-partially-premixed- ││zimont-partially-││zimont-partially-│││├─tut-14-flamelet│││││││││ smooke46.che│││ thermo.db│││││└─sol ution_files││berl-││berl-││berl-││berl-││berl-│││││││├─tut-15-moss-brookes│││ brookes_│││ brookes_│││ brookes_│││ brookes_ch4.ray│││ flamlet.fla│││ therm.dat│││││└─solution_files││brookes_ch4_soot_││brookes_ch4_soot_│││├─tut-16-dqmom││││││││└─solution_files││dqmom-││dqmom-││dqmom-││dqmom-││dqmom-││dqmom-││dqmom-││dqmom-│││││││├─tut-17-species│││ baffled_│││││└─solution_files││case-1-rtd-││case-1-rtd-││case-1-tracer-││case-1-tracer-││case-1-tracer-injection- ││case-1-tracer-injection- ││case-1-tracer.out││case-││case-││case-2-rtd-││case-2-rtd-││case-2-rtd-││case-2-rtd-││case-2-tracer-││case-2-tracer-││case-2-tracer-injection- ││case-2-tracer-injection- ││case-2-tracer.out││case-││case-││surf-mon-1.out│││├─tut-18-euler-granular││││││ mass_xfer_rate.c│││││└─solution_files││euler-gran-││euler-gran-││euler-gran-││euler-gran-││vol-solid.out│││└─tut-19-dpm-channel│││││└─solution_files│ dpm-│ dpm-│ pipe-│ pipe-│├─extra││ FLUENT13_workshop_XX_RAE_Airfoil.pptx ││ FLUENT13_workshop_XX_V ortexShedding.pptx │││├─workshop_XX_RAE_Airfoil│││ ExperimentalData.csv│││ coarse.xy│││ experiment.xy│││ expressions.cst│││ rae2822_coarse.msh│││││└─Result_TUT_04│││ rae2822_coarse-data_export_to_post.cas │││ rae2822_coarse-data_export_to_post.cdat │││ rae2822_coarse-data_export_to_post.cst│││ rae2822_│││ rae2822_│││││└─FINE_MESH││ medium.xy││ rae2822_││ rae2822_││ rae2822_fine.msh││ rae2822_││ rae2822_││ rae2822_medium.msh│││└─workshop_XX_V ortexShedding││ point-4-y-velocity-final.out││ vortex-shedding-coarse.msh││ vortex-shedding-││ vortex-shedding-│││├─FILES_FOR_CFDPOST││ vectors.mp4││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ 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vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady- │││└─Result-TUT_07││ cfd_post.cst││ point-4-y-velocity-final.out ││ point-4-y-velocity.out││ sequence-1.mpeg││ vectors.mp4││ vortex-shedding-coarse-││ vortex-shedding-coarse-││ vortex-shedding-unsteady- ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady- ││ vortex-shedding-││ vortex-shedding-│││├─ADDITIONAL-FILES││ q-criterion2D.scm││ velocity.fft│││└─ANIMATION-FILES│ sequence-1.cxa│ sequence-1.mpeg│ sequence-1_0000.hmf│ sequence-1_0001.hmf│ sequence-1_0002.hmf│ sequence-1_0003.hmf│ sequence-1_0005.hmf │ sequence-1_0006.hmf │ sequence-1_0007.hmf │ sequence-1_0008.hmf │ sequence-1_0009.hmf │ sequence-1_0010.hmf │ sequence-1_0011.hmf │ sequence-1_0012.hmf │ sequence-1_0013.hmf │ sequence-1_0014.hmf │ sequence-1_0015.hmf │ sequence-1_0016.hmf │ sequence-1_0017.hmf │ sequence-1_0018.hmf │ sequence-1_0019.hmf │ sequence-1_0020.hmf │ sequence-1_0021.hmf │ sequence-1_0022.hmf │ sequence-1_0023.hmf │ sequence-1_0024.hmf │ sequence-1_0025.hmf │ sequence-1_0026.hmf │ sequence-1_0027.hmf │ sequence-1_0028.hmf │ sequence-1_0029.hmf │ sequence-1_0030.hmf │ sequence-1_0031.hmf │ sequence-1_0032.hmf │ sequence-1_0033.hmf │ sequence-1_0034.hmf │ sequence-1_0035.hmf │ sequence-1_0036.hmf │ sequence-1_0037.hmf │ sequence-1_0038.hmf │ sequence-1_0039.hmf │ sequence-1_0040.hmf │ sequence-1_0041.hmf │ sequence-1_0042.hmf │ sequence-1_0043.hmf │ sequence-1_0044.hmf │ sequence-1_0045.hmf │ sequence-1_0046.hmf │ sequence-1_0047.hmf│ sequence-1_0049.hmf │ sequence-1_0050.hmf │ sequence-1_0051.hmf │ sequence-1_0052.hmf │ sequence-1_0053.hmf │ sequence-1_0054.hmf │ sequence-1_0055.hmf │ sequence-1_0056.hmf │ sequence-1_0057.hmf │ sequence-1_0058.hmf │ sequence-1_0059.hmf │ sequence-1_0060.hmf │ sequence-1_0061.hmf │ sequence-1_0062.hmf │ sequence-1_0063.hmf │ sequence-1_0064.hmf │ sequence-1_0065.hmf │ sequence-1_0066.hmf │ sequence-1_0067.hmf │ sequence-1_0068.hmf │ sequence-1_0069.hmf │ sequence-1_0070.hmf │ sequence-1_0071.hmf │ sequence-1_0072.hmf │ sequence-1_0073.hmf │ sequence-1_0074.hmf │ sequence-1_0075.hmf │ sequence-1_0076.hmf │ sequence-1_0077.hmf │ sequence-1_0078.hmf │ sequence-1_0079.hmf │ sequence-1_0080.hmf │ sequence-1_0081.hmf │ sequence-1_0082.hmf │ sequence-1_0083.hmf │ sequence-1_0084.hmf │ sequence-1_0085.hmf │ sequence-1_0086.hmf │ sequence-1_0087.hmf │ sequence-1_0088.hmf │ sequence-1_0089.hmf │ sequence-1_0090.hmf │ sequence-1_0091.hmf│ sequence-1_0093.hmf│ sequence-1_0094.hmf│ sequence-1_0095.hmf│ sequence-1_0096.hmf│ sequence-1_0097.hmf│ sequence-1_0098.hmf│ sequence-1_0099.hmf│ sequence-1_0100.hmf│ sequence-1_0101.hmf│ sequence-1_0102.hmf│ sequence-1_0103.hmf│ sequence-1_0104.hmf│ sequence-1_0105.hmf│ sequence-1_0106.hmf│ sequence-1_0107.hmf│ sequence-1_0108.hmf│ sequence-1_0109.hmf│ sequence-1_0110.hmf│ sequence-1_0111.hmf│ sequence-1_0112.hmf│ sequence-1_0113.hmf│ sequence-1_0114.hmf│ sequence-1_0115.hmf│ sequence-1_0116.hmf│ sequence-1_0117.hmf│ sequence-1_0118.hmf│ sequence-1_0119.hmf│├─fluent-heat-transfer││ ht-01-intro-tut-04-periodic-flow-heat.pdf││ ht-02-intro-tut-07-radiation-and-convection.pdf ││ ht-03-intro-tut-08-DO-radiation.pdf││ ht-04-intro-tut-24-solidification.pdf││ ht-05-conjugate-heat-transfer.pdf││ ht-06-compact-heat-exchanger.pdf││ ht-07-macro-heat-exchanger.pdf││ ht-08-head-lamp.pdf│││├─ht-01-intro-tut-04-periodic-flow-heat│││ tubebank.msh│││││└─solution_files│││││││├─ht-02-intro-tut-07-radiation-and-convection ││││││││└─solution_files││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_││rad_a_││rad_b_││rad_b_││rad_││rad_││rad_││tp_1.xy││tp_10.xy││tp_100.xy││tp_1600.xy││tp_400.xy││tp_800.xy││tp_partial.xy│││├─ht-03-intro-tut-08-DO-radiation││││││││└─solution_files││││││do_2x2_10x10_││do_2x2_10x10_││do_2x2_10x10_pix.xy││do_2x2_1x1.xy││do_2x2_2x2_││do_2x2_2x2_││do_2x2_2x2_pix.xy││do_2x2_3x3_││do_2x2_3x3_││do_2x2_3x3_div.xy││do_2x2_3x3_││do_2x2_3x3_││do_2x2_3x3_pix.xy││do_3x3_3x3_││do_3x3_3x3_││do_3x3_3x3_div.xy││do_3x3_3x3_div_baf_int.xy ││do_3x3_3x3_div_││do_3x3_3x3_div_││do_3x3_3x3_div_df=1.xy ││do_3x3_3x3_div_││do_3x3_3x3_div_││do_5x5_3x3_││do_5x5_3x3_││do_5x5_3x3_div.xy│││├─ht-04-intro-tut-24-solidification│││ solid.msh│││││└─solution_files│││││││││││││││││││├─ht-05-conjugate-heat-transfer││││││││└─solution_files││chip3d-││chip3d-││chip3d-││chip3d-││││││surf-mon-1.out││temp-0.xy││temp-1.xy││temp-2.xy││velocity-0.xy││velocity-1.xy││velocity-2.xy││xwss-0.xy││xwss-1.xy││xwss-2.xy│││├─ht-06-compact-heat-exchanger ││││││││└─solution_files││htx-││htx-││htx-││htx-││htx-││htx-││htx-││htx-││surf-mon-1.out│││├─ht-07-macro-heat-exchanger │││││││││││└─solution_files│││││││││││││││││││└─ht-08-head-lamp││ head-│││└─solution_files│ auto-│ auto-│ head-lamp-t.out│ hed-lamp-v.out│├─multiphase-fluent││ 01-hfilm.pdf││ 02-boil.pdf││ 03-nucleate_boil.pdf││ 04-dambreak.pdf││ 05-sloshing.pdf││ 06-bubble-col.pdf││ 07-bubble-break.pdf││ 08-inkjet.pdf││ 09-sparger.pdf││ 10-pbed-reactor.pdf││ 11-ddpm.pdf││ 12-dm-ship-wave.pdf││ 13-udf-clarifier.pdf││ 14-udf-fbed.pdf│││├─tut-01-hfilm│││ boiling.c│││ test-│││││└─solut ion_files│││ hfilm_input_│││ nusselt-1.out│││ test-2d-1-00100.dat │││ test-2d-1-00200.dat │││ test-2d-1-00300.dat │││ test-2d-1-00400.dat │││ test-2d-1-00500.dat │││ test-2d-1-00600.dat │││ test-2d-1-00700.dat │││ test-2d-1-00800.dat │││ test-2d-1-00900.dat │││ test-2d-1-01000.dat │││ test-2d-1-01100.dat │││ test-2d-1-01200.dat │││ test-2d-1-01300.dat │││ test-2d-1-01400.dat│││ test-2d-1-01500.dat│││ test-2d-1-01600.dat│││ test-2d-1-01700.dat│││ test-2d-1-01800.dat│││ test-2d-1-01900.dat│││ test-2d-1-02000.dat│││ test-2d-1-02100.dat│││ test-2d-1-02200.dat│││ test-2d-1-02300.dat│││ test-2d-1-02400.dat│││ test-2d-1-02500.dat│││ test-2d-1-02600.dat│││ test-2d-1-02700.dat│││ test-2d-1-02800.dat│││ test-2d-1-02900.dat│││ test-2d-1-03000.dat│││ test-2d-1-03100.dat│││ test-2d-1-03200.dat│││ test-2d-1-03300.dat│││ test-2d-1-03400.dat│││ test-2d-1-03500.dat│││ test-2d-1-03600.dat│││ test-2d-1-03700.dat│││ test-2d-1-03800.dat│││ test-2d-1-03900.dat│││ test-2d-1-04000.dat│││ test-2d-1.cas│││ vol-mon-1.out│││││└─libudf││├─ntx86│││└─2ddp│││boiling.obj│││libudf.dll│││libudf.exp│││libudf.lib│││log│││makefile│││udf_names.c │││udf_names.obj │││user_nt.udf│││││├─src│││ boiling.c│││││└─win64││└─2ddp││boiling.obj││libudf.dll││libudf.exp││libudf.lib││log││makefile││ud_io1.h││udf_names.c ││udf_names.obj ││user_nt.udf│││├─tut-02-boil││││││││└─solution_files││boil-3-││boil-3-││boil-│││├─tut-03-nucleate-boil│││ boiling-conjugate.msh│││││└─solution_files││boil-││boil-││boil-││boil-││boil-single-││boil-single-││││surf-mon-1.out││surf-mon-2.out│││├─tut-04-dambreak││││││││└─solution_files││dambreak-││dambreak-││dambreak-││dambreak-││dambreak-││dambreak-│││││││├─tut-05-sloshing││││││││└─solution_files││├─baffles│││ baffles-data-file-4- │││ baffles-data-file-4- ││││││ baffles.jou│││││││││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││ t=│││││└─no-baffles││ no-baffles-data-file-4- ││ no-baffles-data-file-4- ││ ││ no-baffles.jou││ t=││ t=││ t=││ t=││ t=││ t=││ t=││ t=││ t=││ t=││ t=││ t=││ │││├─tut-06-bubble-col│││ becker.msh│││││└─solution_files││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-1-││becker-││││││vel-vectors.cxa││vel-vectors_0000.hmf ││vel-vectors_0001.hmf ││vel-vectors_0002.hmf ││vel-vectors_0003.hmf ││vel-vectors_0004.hmf ││vel-vectors_0005.hmf ││vel-vectors_0006.hmf││vel-vectors_0007.hmf ││vel-vectors_0008.hmf ││vel-vectors_0009.hmf ││vel-vectors_0010.hmf ││vel-vectors_0011.hmf ││vel-vectors_0012.hmf ││vel-vectors_0013.hmf ││vel-vectors_0014.hmf ││vel-vectors_0015.hmf ││vel-vectors_0016.hmf ││vel-vectors_0017.hmf ││vel-vectors_0018.hmf ││vel-vectors_0019.hmf ││vel-vectors_0020.hmf ││vel-vectors_0021.hmf ││vel-vectors_0022.hmf ││vel-vectors_0023.hmf ││vel-vectors_0024.hmf ││vof.cxa││vof_0000.hmf││vof_0001.hmf││vof_0002.hmf││vof_0003.hmf││vof_0004.hmf││vof_0005.hmf││vof_0006.hmf││vof_0007.hmf││vof_0008.hmf││vof_0009.hmf││vof_0010.hmf││vof_0011.hmf││vof_0012.hmf││vof_0013.hmf││vof_0014.hmf││vof_0015.hmf││vof_0016.hmf││vof_0017.hmf││vof_0018.hmf││vof_0019.hmf││vof_0020.hmf││vof_0021.hmf││vof_0022.hmf││vof_0023.hmf││vof_0024.hmf│││├─tut-07-bubble-break │││ bubcol_│││││└─solution_files││bubcol-││bubcol-││bubcol_new2- ││bubcol_new2- ││surf-mon-1.out ││surf-mon-2.out ││surf-mon-3.out │││├─tut-08-inkjet││││││ inlet1.c│││ udfconfig.h│││││└─solution_files││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-1-││inkjet-││inkjet-││inkjet-│││││││├─tut-09-sparger││││││││└─solution_files││after-││gas-sparger0100.cas││gas-sparger0100.dat││gas-sparger0200.cas││gas-sparger0200.dat││gas-sparger0300.cas││gas-sparger0300.dat││gas-sparger0400.cas││gas-sparger0400.dat││gas-sparger0500.cas││gas-sparger0500.dat││sparger-││sparger-│││││││││├─tut-10-pbed-reactor│││ reactor.msh│││ thermal-non-equ.c│││││└─solution_files│││ pbr-│││ pbr-│││││└─reactor-lib││├─src│││ thermal-non-equ.c│││││└─win64││└─2ddp││libudf.dll││libudf.exp││libudf.lib││log││makefile││thermal-non-equ.obj ││ud_io1.h││udf_names.c││udf_names.obj││user_nt.udf│││├─tut-11-ddpm││││││││└─solution_files││riser-1-││riser-1-││riser-1-││riser-1-││riser-1-││riser-││riser-││riser-│││├─tut-12-dm-ship-wave│││ hull-│││ six_dof_property.c│││││└─solution_files││hull-2dof-││hull-2dof-││hull_2dof-1-││hull_2dof-1-││motion_history_sdof_properties │││├─tut-13-udf-clarifier│││ clarifier.c││││││││└─solution_files│││ clarifier-│││ clarifier-│││ clarifier-t=│││ clarifier-t=│││ surf-mon-1.out│││││└─sedimentat ion││├─src│││ clarifier.c│││││└─win64││├─2d│││ clarifier.obj│││ libudf.dll│││ libudf.exp│││ libudf.lib│││ log│││ makefile│││ ud_io1.h│││ udf_names.c │││ udf_names.obj │││ user_nt.udf│││││└─2ddp││clarifier.obj││libudf.dll││libudf.exp││libudf.lib││log││makefile││ud_io1.h││udf_names.c ││udf_names.obj ││user_nt.udf│││└─tut-14-udf-fbed││││ bp_drag.c│││└─solution_files││││ bp-1-00100.dat││ bp-1-00200.dat││ bp-1-00300.dat││ bp-1-00400.dat││ bp-1-00500.dat││ bp-1-00600.dat││ bp-1-00700.dat││ bp-1-00800.dat││ bp-1-00900.dat││ bp-1-01000.dat││ bp-1-01100.dat││ bp-1-01200.dat││ bp-1-01300.dat││ bp-1-01400.dat││ bp-1.cas│││││││└─lib_drag│├─src││ bp_drag.c│││└─win64│└─2ddp│ bp_drag.obj│ libudf.dll│ libudf.exp│ libudf.lib│ log│ makefile│ ud_io1.h│ udf_names.c│ udf_names.obj │ user_nt.udf│├─rotating-machinery-fluent││ rt-01-intro-tut-11-SRF.pdf││ rt-02-intro-tut-12-MRF.pdf││ rt-03-intro-tut-13-MPM.pdf││ rt-04-intro-tut-14-SMM.pdf││ rt-05-intro-tut-27-Turbo-Post.pdf ││ rt-06-centrif-comp.pdf││ rt-07a-ERF-MRF.pdf││ rt-07b-ERF-SMM.pdf││ rt-08-NRBC.pdf││ rt-09-cavitating-pump.pdf│││├─rt-tut-01-intro-tut-11-SRF│││ disk.msh│││││└─so lution_files││disk-││disk-││disk-││disk-││ke-data.xy││ke-yplus.xy││surf-mon-1.out│││├─rt-tut-02-intro-tut-12-MRF│││ blower.msh│││││└─solution_files│││││││││├─rt-tut-03-intro-tut-13-MPM│││ fanstage.msh│││││└─solution_files││circum-plot.xy││fanstage-││fanstage-││││surf-mon-1.out│││├─rt-tut-04-intro-tut-14-SMM│││ axial-comp.msh│││││└─solution_files││axial_comp-││axial_comp-││axial_comp-││axial_comp-││axial_comp-││axial_comp-││axial_││surf-mon-1.out││surf-mon-1b.out││surf-mon-1c.out││surf-mon-2.out││surf-mon-2b.out││surf-mon-2c.out││surf-mon-3.out││surf-mon-3b.out││surf-mon-3c.out│││├─rt-tut-05-intro-tut-27-Turbo-Post │││││││├─rt-tut-06-centrif-comp│││ eckardt_│││││└─solution_files││eckardt_││eckardt_││surf-mon-1.out││surf-mon-2.out││surf-mon-3.out│││├─rt-tut-07-ERF││├─MRF││││ embedded-frame-2d.msh│││││││└─solution_files│││cm-history-a│││cm-history-b│││embedded-frame-test-2d-MRF-case- │││embedded-frame-test-2d-MRF-case- │││embedded-frame-test-2d-MRF-case- │││embedded-frame-test-2d-MRF-case- │││views.vw│││││└─SMM│││ embed.c│││ embedded-frame-2d.msh│││││└─solution_files││ cm-history││ embedded-frame-test-││ embedded-frame-test-││ embedded-frame-test-││ embedded-frame-test-││ surf-mon-1-sm.out││ udfconfig.h│││├─rt-tut-08-NRBC│││ 2d-stator.msh│││││└─solution_files││cd-history││cd-history-1.txt││cl-history││cl-history-1.txt││nrbc-1-││nrbc-1-││nrbc-2-││nrbc-2-││pdata-r13-nrbc││pdata-r13-std││trans_│││└─rt-tut-09-cav-pump││ centrif-│││└─solution_files│ cav-pump-│ cav-pump-│ surf-mon-1.out│├─turbulence-fluent││ 01-asd.pdf││ 02-airfoil-a.pdf││ 03-heat-exchanger.pdf│││├─tut-01-asd│││││││││││└─solution_files││asdn3L-││asdn3L-││asdn3L-││asdn3L-││asdn3L-sst-││asdn3L-sst-││asdn3L-││asdn3L-││cf_bot.xy││cf_top.xy│││├─tut-02-airfoil-a│││ Exp_F1_Cf.xy│││ Exp_F2_Cf.xy│││ Exp_F2_Cp.xy│││ a_│││││└─solution_files││a_airfoil_f1_sst_r13_││a_airfoil_f1_sst_r13_││a_airfoil_f1_transition_r13_ ││a_airfoil_f1_transition_r13_ ││a_airfoil_f2_sst_r13_││a_airfoil_f2_sst_r13_││a_airfoil_f2_transition_ ││a_airfoil_f2_transition_ │││└─tut-03-heat-exchanger│││││└─solution_files│ htx_│ htx_│ htx_with_energy_│ htx_with_energy_│ surf-mon-1.out│└─udf-fluent│ 01-udf-porous.pdf│ 02-udf-sinu.pdf│ 03-udf-temp.pdf│ 04-udf-scalar.pdf│ 05-udf-fbed.pdf│ 06-udf-flow.pdf│ 07-udf-clarifier.pdf│ 08-udf-flex.pdf│├─tut-01-udf-porous││ porous_plug.c││ porous_││ porous_││ porous_│││└─libudf│├─ntx86││└─2ddp││libudf.dll││libudf.exp││libudf.lib││log││makefile││porous_plug.obj ││ud_io1.h││udf_names.c││udf_names.obj ││user_nt.udf│││└─src。

Table of Contents2.1. Entering a Processor2.2. Exiting from a Processor or ANSYS2.2.1. Stopping the Input of a File2.3. The ANSYS Database2.3.1. Defining or Deleting Database Items2.3.2. Saving the Database2.3.3. Restoring Database Contents2.3.4. Using the Session Editor to Modify the Database2.3.5. Clearing the Database2.4. ANSYS Program Files2.4.1. ANSYS File Types2.4.2. ANSYS File Sizes2.4.3. The Jobname.LOG File2.5. Communicating With the ANSYS Program2.5.1. Communicating Via the Graphical User Interface (GUI)2.5.2. Communicating Via Commands2.5.3. Command Defaults2.5.4. Abbreviations2.5.5. Command Macro Files3.1. Starting an ANSYS Session from the Command Level3.2. The Mechanical APDL Product Launcher3.2.1. Starting an ANSYS Session from the Start Menu/Launcher3.2.2. Launcher Menu Options3.3. Interactive Mode3.3.1. Executing the ANSYS or DISPLAY Programs from Windows Explorer 3.4. Batch Mode3.4.1. Starting a Batch Job from the Command Line3.5. Choosing an ANSYS Product via Command Line3.6. Setting Preferences with the start130.ans File3.6.1. The start130.ans File4.1. GUI Controls4.1.1. A Dialog Box and Its Components4.2. Activating the GUI4.3. Layout of the GUI4.3.1. The Utility Menu4.3.2. The Standard Toolbar4.3.3. Command Input Options4.3.4. The ANSYS Toolbar4.3.5. The Main Menu4.3.6. The Graphics Window4.3.7. The Output Window4.3.8. Creating, Modifying and Positioning Toolbars5.1. Locational and Retrieval Picking5.2. Query Picking5.2.1. The Model Query Picker5.2.2. The Results Query Picker6.1. The Configuration File6.2. Splitting Files Across File Partitions6.3. Customizing the GUI6.3.1. Changing the GUI Layout6.3.2. Changing Colors and Fonts6.3.3. Changing the GUI Components Shown at Start-Up6.3.4. Changing the Mouse and Keyboard Focus6.3.5. Changing the Menu Hierarchy and Dialog Boxes Using UIDL6.3.6. Creating Dialog Boxes Using Tcl/Tk6.4. ANSYS Neutral File Format6.4.1. Neutral File Specification6.4.2. AUX15 Commands to Read Geometry Into the ANSYS database6.4.3. A Sample ANSYS Neutral File Input Listing7.1. Using the Session Log File7.2. Using the Database Command Log7.3. Using a Command Log File as InputRelease 13.0 - © 2010 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved.Chapter 1: Introducing ANSYSANSYS finite element analysis software enables engineers to perform the following tasks:●Build computer models or transfer CAD models of structures, products, components, orsystems.●Apply operating loads or other design performance conditions.●Study physical responses, such as stress levels, temperature distributions, or electromagneticfields.●Optimize a design early in the development process to reduce production costs.●Do prototype testing in environments where it otherwise would be undesirable or impossible(for example, biomedical applications).The ANSYS program has a comprehensive graphical user interface (GUI) that gives users easy, interactive access to program functions, commands, documentation, and reference material. An intuitive menu system helps users navigate through the ANSYS program. Users can input data using a mouse, a keyboard, or a combination of both.This manual provides basic instructions for operating the ANSYS program: starting and stopping the product, using and customizing its GUI, using the online help system, etc. For other information about using ANSYS, see the following documents:●For general instructions on performing finite element analyses for any engineering discipline,see the Basic Analysis Guide, the Modeling and Meshing Guide, and the Advanced Analysis Techniques Guide.●For information about performing specific types of analysis (thermal, structural, etc.), see theapplicable Analysis Guide.●For examples of analyses, see the Mechanical APDL Tutorials and Verification Manual.●For reference information about ANSYS commands, elements, and theory, see the CommandReference, Element Reference, and Theory Reference for the Mechanical APDL and Mechanical Applications.Chapter 2: The ANSYS EnvironmentThe ANSYS program is organized into two basic levels:●Begin level●Processor (or Routine) levelThe Begin level acts as a gateway into and out of the program. It is also used for certain global program controls such as changing the jobname, clearing (zeroing out) the database, and copying binary files. When you first enter the program, you are at the Begin level.At the Processor level, several processors are available. Each processor is a set of functions that perform a specific analysis task. For example, the general preprocessor (PREP7) is where you build the model, the solution processor (SOLUTION) is where you apply loads and obtain the solution, and the general postprocessor (POST1) is where you evaluate the results of a solution. An additional postprocessor, POST26, enables you to evaluate solution results at specific points in the model as a function of time.The following environment topics are available:●Entering a Processor●Exiting from a Processor or ANSYS●The ANSYS Database●ANSYS Program Files●Communicating With the ANSYS Program2.1. Entering a ProcessorIn general, you enter a processor by selecting it from the ANSYS Main Menu in the Graphical User Interface (GUI). For example, choosing Main Menu > Preprocessor takes you into PREP7. Alternatively, you can use a command to enter a processor (the format is /name, where name is the name of the processor). Table 2.1: Processors (Routines) Available in ANSYS lists each processor, its function, and the command to enter it.2.2. Exiting from a Processor or ANSYSTo return to the Begin level from a processor, pick Main Menu > Finish or issue the FINISH (or /QUIT) command. You can move from one processor to another without returning to the Begin level. Simply pick the processor you want to enter, or issue the appropriate command.To leave the ANSYS program (and return to the system level), pick Utility Menu > File > Exit or use the /E XIT command to display the Exit from ANSYS dialog box. By default, the program saves the model and loads portions of the database automatically and writes them to the database file, Jobname.DB. If a backup of the current database file already exists, ANSYS writes it to Jobname.DBB. Options in the dialog box (and on the /EXIT command) allow you to save other portions of the database or to quit without saving.2.2.1. Stopping the Input of a FileYou can also stop the processing of an ANSYS file as it is being input. Most files of more than a few lines will display the ANSYS Process Status window at the top of the screen. If you want to terminate the input of a file, select the STOP button on the ANSYS Process Status window. ANSYS itself does not stop when you select the STOP button. Stopping file input is useful if you inadvertently input a binary file.To input a new file, select Utility Menu > File > Clear & Start New to clear the current file from memory, then select a file to input. If you want to return to processing the original file, select Utility Menu > File > Read Input from... and select the name of the file, the line number or label to resume from, and select the OK button. See the /INPUT command for more information on resuming a file input process.2.3. The ANSYS DatabaseIn one large database, the ANSYS program stores all input data (model dimensions, material properties, load data, etc.) and results data (displacements, stresses, temperatures, etc.) in an organized fashion. The main advantage of the database is that you can list, display, modify, or delete any specific data item quickly and easily.No matter which processor you are in, you are working with the same database. This gives you basic access to the model and loads portions of the database from anywhere in the program. "Basic access" means the ability to select, list, or display an item.The following database topics are available:●Defining or Deleting Database Items●Saving the Database●Restoring Database Contents●Using the Session Editor to Modify the Database●Clearing the Database2.3.1. Defining or Deleting Database ItemsTo define items, or to delete items from the database, you must be in the appropriate processor. For example, you can define nodes, elements, and other geometry only in PREP7, the general preprocessor. You can specify and apply loads in either the PREP7 or the SOLUTION processor, and you can declare optimization variables only in OPT (the design optimization processor). However, you can select geometry items, list them, or display them from anywhere in the program, including the Begin level.2.3.2. Saving the DatabaseBecause the database contains all your input data, you should frequently save copies of it to a file. To do this, pick Utility Menu > File > Save as Jobname.DB or issue the SAVE command. Either choice writes the database to the file Jobname.DB. If you use the SAVE command, you have the option to save:●the model data only●the model and solution data●the model, solution and preprocessing dataTo specify a different file name, pick Utility Menu > File > Save as or use the appropriate fields on the SAVE command. Any save operation first writes a backup of the current database file (if the database already exists) to Jobname.DBB. If a Jobname.DBB file already exists, the new backup file overwrites it. For a static or transient structural analysis, the file Jobname.RDB (a copy of the database) will be automatically saved at the first substep of the first load step.2.3.3. Restoring Database ContentsTo restore data from the database file, pick Utility Menu > File > Resume Jobname.DB or issue the RESUME command. This reads the file Jobname.DB. To specify a different file name, pick Utility Menu > File > Resume from or use the appropriate fields on the RESUME command.You can save or resume the database from anywhere in the ANSYS program, including the Begin level.A resume operation replaces the data currently in memory with the data in the named database file. Using the save and resume operations together is useful when you want to "test" a function or command. When you do a multiframe restart, ANTYPE,,REST automatically resumes the .RDB file for the current job.2.3.4. Using the Session Editor to Modify the DatabaseDuring an analysis, you may want to modify or delete commands entered since your last SAVE or RESUME. You can access the session editor by issuing the UNDO command, or by choosing Main Menu > Session Editor. The session editor display is shown below.Figure 2.1 The Session EditorUse this dialog for displaying and editing the string of operations performed since your last SAVE or RESUME command. You can modify command parameters, delete whole sections of text, and even save a portion of the command string to a separate file.You can access the following file operations from the session editor dialog:●OK: Enters the series of operations displayed in the window below. You will use this option toinput the command string after you have modified it.●Save: Saves the command string displayed in the window below to a separate file. ANSYSnames the file Jobnam000.cmds, with each subsequent save operation incrementing the filename by one digit. You can use the /INPUT command to reenter the saved file.●Cancel: Dismisses this window and returns to your analysis.●Help: Displays the command reference for the UNDO command.The Session Editor is available in interactive (GUI) mode only. If no SAVE or RESUME command has been issued during your analysis, all commands from your current session will be executed, including your start130.ans file, if present.2.3.5. Clearing the DatabaseWhile building a model, sometimes you may want to clear out the database contents and start over. To do so, choose Utility Menu > File > Clear & Start New or issue the /CLEAR command. Either method clears (zeros out) the database stored in memory. Clearing the database has the same effect as leaving and reentering the ANSYS program, but does not require you to exit.2.4. ANSYS Program FilesThe ANSYS program writes and reads many files for data storage and retrieval. File names follow this pattern:Name.ExtName defaults to the jobname, which you can specify while entering the ANSYS program or by choosing Utility Menu > File > Change Jobname (equivalent to issuing the /FILNAME command). The default jobname is FILE (or file).Ext is a unique, two- to four-character ANSYS identifier that identifies the contents of the file. For example, Jobname.DB is the database file, Jobname.EMA T is the element matrix file, and Jobname.GRPH is the neutral graphics file. Some systems (such as PCs) truncate the extension to three characters. Also, the extension may be in lowercase, depending on the system.The following program file topics are available:●ANSYS File Types●ANSYS File Sizes●The Jobname.LOG File2.4.1. ANSYS File TypesTable 2.2: ANSYS File Types and Formats lists the main ANSYS file types and their formats. For more information about files, see File Management and Files in the Basic Analysis Guide.On the following ANSYS commands, you can specify the name and path of the file to be written:/ASSIGN*LIST/COPY/OUTPUT*CREATE/PSEARCH/DELETE/RENAME/INPUTIn such cases, the filename can contain up to 248 characters, including the directory name, and the extension can contain up to eight characters. If the file name uses more than 248 characters, including the directory, you must use a soft link on UNIX/Linux systems.ANSYS can process blanks in file or directory names, so blank spaces are allowed in ANSYS object names. Be aware that many UNIX/Linux commands do not support object names with spaces. When an object has a blank space in its name, always enclose the name in a pair of single quotes.On UNIX/Linux systems, all directory names except for /(root) should end with a slash (/). For example, to run the ANSYS program using an input file called vm1.dat, which resides in the directory /ansys_inc/v130/ansys/data/verif, use the following commands:ansys130/inp,vm1,dat, /ansys_inc/v130/ansys/data/verif/On Windows systems, you must use back slashes (\) instead of slashes in directory names. For example, on a Windows system, the directory path shown in the UNIX example above looks like this:/inp,vm1,dat, Program Files\Ansys Inc\V130\ANSYS\data\verif\2.4.2. ANSYS File SizesThe maximum size of an ANSYS file depends on the file system on the hard drive partition being used. Most computer systems now handle very large files without any need for the automatic file splitting option that is provided in ANSYS. The FAT32 file system is occasionally still used on some Windows and Linux systems and has a file size limitation of 4 GB. We recommend converting any FAT32 hard drives to a file system that can support much larger files (e.g., for Windows, we recommend converting to the NTFS file system). If you are running a problem that will create an ANSYS file over 4 GB on a system using a FAT32 hard drive, then you can use the /CONFIG,FSPLIT command to set the maximum ANSYS file size to any value under 4 GB.2.4.3. The Jobname.LOG FileThe Jobname.LOG file (also called the session log) is especially important, because it provides a complete log of your ANSYS session. The file opens immediately when you enter the ANSYS program, and it records all commands you execute, whether you execute those commands via GUI paths or type them in directly. You can read the Jobname.LOG file, view it while in ANSYS, edit it, and input it later.The ANSYS program always appends log data to the log file instead of overwriting it. If you change the jobname while in an ANSYS session, the log file name does not change to the new jobname. For more information about Jobname.LOG, see Using the ANSYS Session and Command Logs.2.5. Communicating With the ANSYS ProgramThe easiest way to communicate with the ANSYS program is by using the ANSYS menu system, called the Graphical User Interface (GUI).2.5.1. Communicating Via the Graphical User Interface (GUI)The GUI consists of windows, menus, dialog boxes, and other components that allow you to enter input data and execute ANSYS functions simply by picking buttons with a mouse or typing in responses to prompts. All users, both beginner and advanced, should use the GUI for interactive ANSYS work. See Using the ANSYS GUI for an extensive discussion of how to use the GUI. The rest of this section describes other topics related to communication with ANSYS commands, abbreviations, etc.2.5.2. Communicating Via CommandsCommands are the instructions that direct the ANSYS program. ANSYS has more than 1200 commands, each designed for a specific function. Most commands are associated with specific (one or more) processors, and work only with that processor or those processors.To use a function, you can either type in the appropriate command or access that function from the GUI (which internally issues the appropriate command). The Command Reference describes all ANSYS commands in detail, and also tells you whether each command has an equivalent GUI path. (A few commands do not.)ANSYS commands have a specific format. A typical command consists of a command name in the first field, usually followed by a comma and several more fields (containing arguments). A comma separatesYou can abbreviate command names to their first four characters (except as noted in the Command Reference). For example, FINISH, FINIS, and FINI all have the same meaning. Some "commands" (such as ADAPT and RACE) are actually macros. You must enter macro names in their entirety.Note:If you are not sure whether an instruction is a command or a macro, see the Command Reference.Commands that begin with a slash ( / ) usually perform general program control tasks, such as entry to routines, file management, and graphics controls. Commands that begin with a star ( * ) are part of the ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL). See the ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide for details.Command arguments may take a number or an alphanumeric label, depending on their purpose. In the F command example described previously, NODE and VALUE are numeric arguments, but Lab is an alphanumeric argument. In this and other ANSYS manuals, numeric arguments appear in all uppercase italic letters (as in NODE and VALUE), and alphanumeric arguments appear in initial uppercase italic format (as in Lab). Some commands (for example, /PREP7, /POST1, FINISH, etc.) have no arguments, so the entire command consists of just the command name.Some general rules and guidelines for commands are listed below:●When you enter commands, the arguments do not have to be in specific columns.●You can use successive commas to skip arguments. When you do so, ANSYS uses defaultvalues for the omitted arguments (as discussed in the individual command descriptions).●You can string together multiple commands on the same line by using the $ character as thedelimiter for each command. (For restrictions on use of the $ delimiter, see the Command Reference.)●The maximum number of characters allowed per line is 640, including commas, blank spaces,$ delimiters, and any other special characters.Note: Other software programs and printers may wrap text to the next line or truncate the text after a certain character.●Real number values input to integer data fields will be rounded to the nearest integer. Theabsolute value of integer data must fall between zero and 2,000,000,000.●The acceptable range of values for real data is +/-1.0E+200 to +/-1.0E-200. No exponent canexceed +200 or be less than -200. The program accepts real numbers in integer fields, but rounds them to the nearest integer. You can specify a real number using a decimal point (such as 327.58) or an exponent (such as 3.2758E2). The E (or D) character, used to indicate an exponent, may be in upper or lower case. This limit applies to all ANSYS input commands, regardless of platform.Even though all ANSYS input must be within the allowed range, all numeric operations, including parametric operations, can produce numbers to machine precision, which may exceed the ANSYS input range.●ANSYS interprets numbers entered for Angle arguments as degrees. Note that there arefunctions in ANSYS that could use radians if the *AFUN command had been used.●The following special characters are not allowed in alphanumeric arguments:! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - += | \ { } [ ] " ' / < > ~ `●Exceptions are filename and directory arguments, where some of these characters may berequired to specify system-dependent pathnames. However, using special characters in filename and directory arguments could result in ANSYS or the operating system misreading the argument. We strongly recommend that you limit filename and directory arguments to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _, and spaces. Any text prefaced by an exclamation mark (!) is treated as a comment.●Avoid using tabs (to line up comments, for instance) or other control (CTRL) sequences. Theyusually generate device-dependent characters that the program cannot recognize.●If you are a longtime ANSYS user, avoid using commands that have been removed from thecurrently documented command set. Such commands are obsolete and may cause difficulties.2.5.3. Command DefaultsTo minimize the amount of data input, most commands have defaults. There are two types of defaults: command default and argument default.A command default is the specification assumed when a command is not issued. For example, if you do not issue the /FILNAME command, the jobname defaults to FILE (or whatever jobname was specified when you entered the ANSYS program).An argument default is the value assumed for a command argument if the argument is not specified. For example, if you issue the command N,10 (defining node 10 with the X, Y, Z coordinate arguments left blank), the node is defined at the origin; that is, X, Y, and Z default to zero. Numeric arguments (such as X, Y, Z) default to zero except as noted in the Command Reference. The command descriptions usually explain defaults for other arguments.Note:The defaults for some commands and their arguments differ depending on which ANSYS product is using the commands. The "Product Restrictions" section of the descriptions of the affected commands clearly documents such cases. If you plan to use your input file in more than one ANSYS product, youshould explicitly specify commands or command argument values, rather than letting them default. Otherwise, behavior in the other ANSYS product may be different from what you expect.2.5.4. AbbreviationsIf you use a command or a GUI function frequently, you can rename it or abbreviate it to a string of up to eight alphanumeric characters using one of the following:Command(s): *ABBRGUI: Utility Menu > Macro > Edit Abbreviations Utility Menu > MenuCtrls > Edit ToolbarFor example, the following command defines ISO as an abbreviation for the command /VIEW,,1,1,1 (which specifies isometric view for subsequent graphics displays):*ABBR,ISO,/VIEW,,1,1,1Keep the following rules and guidelines in mind when creating abbreviations:●The abbreviation must begin with a letter and should not have any spaces.●If an abbreviation that you set matches an ANSYS command, the abbreviation overrides thecommand. Therefore, use caution in choosing abbreviation names.●You can abbreviate up to 60 characters, and up to 100 abbreviations are allowed per ANSYSsession.In the GUI, abbreviations appear as push buttons on the Toolbar, which you can execute with a quick click of the mouse. For details, see the section on using the toolbar in Using the ANSYS GUI .2.5.5. Command Macro FilesYou can record a frequently used sequence of ANSYS commands in a macro file, thus creating a personalized ANSYS command. If you enter a command name that ANSYS does not recognize, it searches for a macro file by that name (with an extension of .MAC or .mac). If the file exists, ANSYS executes it.On UNIX/Linux and Windows systems, the ANSYS program searches for macro files in the following order:●ANSYS looks first in the ANSYS APDL directory.●It then looks at the directories that have been defined for the environmental variableANSYS_MACROLIB. You can set up the ANSYS_MACROLIB variable after the installation of ANSYS software and before the program is started.On UNIX/Linux, the structure for ANSYS_MACROLIB is:dir1/:dir2/:dir3/On Windows, the structure is:c:\dir1\;d:\dir2\;e:\dir3The letter to the left of the colon indicates the drive where the directory is stored.Enter up to 2048 characters for the entire string. Dir1 is searched first, followed by dir2, dir3, etc. These files provide customization at both the site and user levels.●Next, on UNIX/Linux systems, ANSYS looks in /PSEARCH or in the login directory. OnWindows systems, it looks in /PSEARCH or in the home directory.●Finally, ANSYS looks in the current or working directory.ANSYS searches for both upper and lower case macro file names in each search directory, except /apdl on UNIX/Linux systems. If both exist in the search directory, the upper case file is used. Only upper case is used in the /apdl directory on UNIX/Linux systems.The ANSYS installation media provide many ANSYS macro files that reside in the /apdl subdirectory. If you cannot use any of the ANSYS-provided macro files, contact your system administrator.To access any macro, you simply enter its file name. For instance, to access the LSSOLVE.MAC file, you enter LSSOLVE. You can also access macros you created via the Utility Menu > Macro > Execute Macr o menu path. However, this menu path will not work for any macros containing function granules (such as a call to a dialog box) or picking commands. Macros with these functions must be accessed by entering the macro name in the Input Window.Specifying File Names in WindowsIn the Windows environment, some devices/ports have specific names, such as PRN, COM1, COM2, LPT1, LPT2, and CON. The device/port names resemble files in that they can be opened, read from, written to, and closed. Entering the names of these devices/ports in ANSYS, however, causes unpredictable behavior, including system freezes or fatal error conditions. Therefore, do not issue PC device/port names as commands.Configuring Search Paths on Windows Systems1. In the Control Panel, click on the System Icon.2. On Windows XP systems, click on My Computer on the Start Menu. Under System Tasks,select View System Information. Select the Advanced Tab. Click on the Environment Variables button. Click New under System Variable. Enter the value of ANSYS_MACROLIB for the variable name. Enter<drive > :\<dir > \;<drive > :\<dir2 > \;<drive > :\<dir3 > \;for the variable value. Click OK.3. On Windows 2000 systems, select the Advanced tab. Click on the Environment Variablesbutton. Click on the New button under System Variables. Enter the value of ANSYS_MACROLIB for the variable name. Enter<drive > :\<dir > \;<drive > :\<dir2 > \;<drive > :\<dir3 > \;for the variable value. Click on the OK button.。
页面提取自-ANSYS FLUENT 14.0 Tutorial Guide-2

Chapter 16: Modeling Species Transport and Gaseous Combustion This tutorial is divided into the following sections:16.1. Introduction16.2. Prerequisites16.3. Problem Description16.4. Background16.5. Setup and Solution16.6. Summary16.7. Further Improvements16.1. IntroductionThis tutorial examines the mixing of chemical species and the combustion of a gaseous fuel.A cylindrical combustor burning methane () in air is studied using the eddy-dissipation model in ANSYS FLUENT.This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:•Enable physical models, select material properties, and define boundary conditions for a turbulent flow with chemical species mixing and reaction.•Initiate and solve the combustion simulation using the pressure-based solver.•Examine the reacting flow results using graphics.•Predict thermal and prompt NOx production.•Use custom field functions to compute NO parts per million.16.2. PrerequisitesThis tutorial is written with the assumption that you have completed one or more of the introductory tutorials found in this manual:•Introduction to Using ANSYS FLUENT in ANSYS Workbench: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Mixing Elbow (p.1)•Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS FLUENT (p.77)•Introduction to Using ANSYS FLUENT: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Mixing Elbow (p.131)and that you are familiar with the ANSYS FLUENT navigation pane and menu structure. Some steps inthe setup and solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.To learn more about chemical reaction modeling, see "Modeling Species Transport and Finite-Rate Chemistry" in the User's Guide and "Species Transport and Finite-Rate Chemistry" in the Theory Guide. Otherwise, no previous experience with chemical reaction or combustion modeling is assumed.16.3. Problem DescriptionThe cylindrical combustor considered in this tutorial is shown in Figure 16.1 (p.668).The flame considered is a turbulent diffusion flame. A small nozzle in the center of the combustor introduces methane at 80 . Ambient air enters the combustor coaxially at 0.5 .The overall equivalence ratio is approximately 0.76 (approximately 28 excess air).The high-speed methane jet initially expands with little interference from the outer wall, and entrains and mixes with the low-speed air.The Reynolds number based on the methane jet diameter is approximately×.Figure 16.1 Combustion of Methane Gas in a Turbulent Diffusion Flame Furnace16.4. BackgroundIn this tutorial, you will use the generalized eddy-dissipation model to analyze the methane-air combus-tion system.The combustion will be modeled using a global one-step reaction mechanism, assuming complete conversion of the fuel to and .The reaction equation is (16–1)+→+This reaction will be defined in terms of stoichiometric coefficients, formation enthalpies, and parameters that control the reaction rate.The reaction rate will be determined assuming that turbulent mixing is the rate-limiting process, with the turbulence-chemistry interaction modeled using the eddy-dissipation model.16.5. Setup and SolutionThe following sections describe the setup and solution steps for this tutorial:16.5.1. Preparation16.5.2. Step 1: Mesh 16.5.3. Step 2: General Settings16.5.4. Step 3: Models16.5.5. Step 4: Materials16.5.6. Step 5: Boundary Conditions 16.5.7. Step 6: Initial Reaction Solution16.5.8. Step 8: Postprocessing16.5.9. Step 9: NOx PredictionChapter 16: Modeling Species Transport and Gaseous CombustionSetup and Solution 16.5.1. Preparation1.Extract the file from the archive which is available from the Customer Portal.NoteFor detailed instructions on how to obtain the file, refer to Preparation (p.3) in Introduction to Using ANSYS FLU-ENT in ANSYS Workbench: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Mixing Elbow (p.1).2.Unzip to your working folder.The file gascomb.msh can be found in the species_transport folder created after unzippingthe file.e FLUENT Launcher to start the 2D version of ANSYS FLUENT.For more information about FLUENT Launcher, see Starting ANSYS FLUENT Using FLUENT Launcher in the User's Guide.4.Enable Double-Precision.NoteThe Display Options are enabled by default.Therefore, after you read in the mesh, it willbe displayed in the embedded graphics window.16.5.2. Step 1: Mesh1.Read the mesh file gascomb.msh.File¡Read¡Mesh...After reading the mesh file, ANSYS FLUENT will report that 1615 quadrilateral fluid cells have beenread, along with a number of boundary faces with different zone identifiers.16.5.3. Step 2: General SettingsGeneral1.Check the mesh.General¡CheckANSYS FLUENT will perform various checks on the mesh and will report the progress in the console.Ensure that the reported minimum volume reported is a positive number.NoteANSYS FLUENT will issue a warning concerning the high aspect ratios of some cellsand possible impacts on calculation of Cell Wall Distance.The warning message includesrecommendations for verifying and correcting the Cell Wall Distance calculation. In thisparticular case the cell aspect ratio does not cause problems so no further action isrequired. As an optional activity, you can confirm this yourself after the solution isgenerated by plotting Cell Wall Distance as noted in the warning message.2.Scale the mesh.General ¡ Scale...Since this mesh was created in units of millimeters, you will need to scale the mesh into meters.a.Select mm from the Mesh Was Created In drop-down list in the Scaling group box.b.Click Scale .c.Ensure that m is selected from the View Length Unit In drop-down list.d.Ensure that Xmax and Ymax are set to 1.8 m and 0.225 m respectively.The default SI units will be used in this tutorial, hence there is no need to change any units in thisproblem.e.Close the Scale Mesh dialog box.3.Check the mesh.General ¡ CheckChapter 16: Modeling Species Transport and Gaseous CombustionSetup and Solution NoteYou should check the mesh after you manipulate it (i.e., scale, convert to polyhedra,merge, separate, fuse, add zones, or smooth and swap.) This will ensure that the qualityof the mesh has not been compromised.4.Examine the mesh with the default settings.Figure 16.2 The Quadrilateral Mesh for the Combustor ModelExtraYou can use the right mouse button to probe for mesh information in the graphicswindow. If you click the right mouse button on any node in the mesh, information willbe displayed in the ANSYS FLUENT console about the associated zone, including thename of the zone.This feature is especially useful when you have several zones of thesame type and you want to distinguish between them quickly.5.Select Axisymmetric in the 2D Spacelist.General16.5.4. Step 3: ModelsModels1.Enable heat transfer by enabling the energy equation.Models¡Energy¡Edit...Chapter 16: Modeling Species Transport and Gaseous Combustion2.Select the standard - turbulence model.Models¡Viscous¡Edit...a.Select k-epsilon in the Model list.The Viscous Model dialog box will expand to provide further options for the k-epsilon model.b.Retain the default settings for the k-epsilon model.c.Click OK to close the Viscous Model dialog box.3.Enable chemical species transport and reaction.Models¡Species¡Edit...Setup and SolutionChapter 16: Modeling Species Transport and Gaseous Combustiona.Select Species Transport in the Model list.The Species Model dialog box will expand to provide further options for the Species Transportmodel.b.Enable Volumetric in the Reactions group box.c.Select methane-air from the Mixture Material drop-down list.Scroll down the list to find methane-air.NoteThe Mixture Material list contains the set of chemical mixtures that exist in theANSYS FLUENT database.You can select one of the predefined mixtures to accessa complete description of the reacting system.The chemical species in the systemand their physical and thermodynamic properties are defined by your selectionof the mixture material.You can alter the mixture material selection or modify themixture material properties using the Create/Edit Materials dialog box (see Step4: Materials).d.Select Eddy-Dissipation in the Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction group box.The eddy-dissipation model computes the rate of reaction under the assumption that chemicalkinetics are fast compared to the rate at which reactants are mixed by turbulent fluctuations(eddies).e.Click OK to close the Species Model dialog box.An Information dialog box will open, reminding you to confirm the property values before continuing.Click OK to continue.Setup and SolutionPrior to listing the properties that are required for the models you have enabled, ANSYS FLUENT willdisplay a warning about the symmetry zone in the console.You may have to scroll up to see thiswarning.Warning: It appears that symmetry zone 5 should actually be an axis(it has faces with zero area projections).Unless you change the zone type from symmetry to axis,you may not be able to continue the solution withoutencountering floating point errors.In the axisymmetric model, the boundary conditions should be such that the centerline is an axis type instead of a symmetry type.You will change the symmetry zone to an axis boundary in Step 5:Boundary Conditions.16.5.5. Step 4: MaterialsMaterialsIn this step, you will examine the default settings for the mixture material.This tutorial uses mixture properties copied from the FLUENT Database. In general, you can modify these or create your own mixture propertiesfor your specific problem as necessary.1.Confirm the properties for the mixture materials.Materials¡Mixture¡Create/Edit...The Create/Edit Materials dialog box will display the mixture material (methane-air) that was selected in the Species Model dialog box.The properties for this mixture material have been copied from theFLUENT Database... and will be modified in the following steps.Chapter 16: Modeling Species Transport and Gaseous Combustiona.Click the Edit... button to the right of the Mixture Species drop-down list to open the Speciesdialog box.You can add or remove species from the mixture material as necessary using the Species dialogbox.i.Retain the default selections from the Selected Species selection list.The species that make up the methane-air mixture are predefined and require no modification.ii.Click OK to close the Species dialog box.b.Click the Edit... button to the right of the Reaction drop-down list to open the Reactions dialogbox.The eddy-dissipation reaction model ignores chemical kinetics (i.e., the Arrhenius rate) and usesonly the parameters in the Mixing Rate group box in the Reactions dialog box.The ArrheniusRate group box will therefore be inactive.The values for Rate Exponent and Arrhenius Rateparameters are included in the database and are employed when the alternate finite-rate/eddy-dissipation model is used.i.Retain the default values in the Mixing Rate group box.ii.Click OK to close the Reactions dialog box.c.Retain the selection of incompressible-ideal-gas from the Density drop-down list.d.Retain the selection of mixing-law from the Cp (Specific Heat) drop-down list.e.Retain the default values for Thermal Conductivity,Viscosity, and Mass Diffusivity.f.Click Change/Create to accept the material property settings.g.Close the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.The calculation will be performed assuming that all properties except density and specific heat are constant.The use of constant transport properties (viscosity, thermal conductivity, and mass diffusivity coefficients) is acceptable because the flow is fully turbulent.The molecular transport properties will play a minor role compared to turbulent transport.16.5.6. Step 5: Boundary ConditionsBoundary Conditions1.Convert the symmetry zone to the axis type.Boundary Conditions¡symmetry-5The symmetry zone must be converted to an axis to prevent numerical difficulties where the radius reduces to zero.a.Select axis from the Type drop-down list.A Question dialog box will open, asking if it is OK to change the type of symmetry-5 from sym-metry to axis. Click Yes to continue.The Axis dialog box will open and display the default name for the newly created axis zone. Click OK to continue.2.Set the boundary conditions for the air inlet (velocity-inlet-8).Boundary Conditions¡velocity-inlet-8¡Edit...To determine the zone for the air inlet, display the mesh without the fluid zone to see the boundaries.Use the right mouse button to probe the air inlet. ANSYS FLUENT will report the zone name (velocity-inlet-8) in the console.a.Enter air-inlet for Zone Name.This name is more descriptive for the zone than velocity-inlet-8.b.Enter 0.5 for Velocity Magnitude.c.Select Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter from the Specification Method drop-down list in theTurbulence group box.d.Retain the default value of 10 for Turbulent Intensity.e.Enter 0.44 for Hydraulic Diameter.f.Click the Thermal tab and retain the default value of 300 for Temperature.g.Click the Species tab and enter 0.23 for o2 in the Species Mass Fractions group box.h.Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.3.Set the boundary conditions for the fuel inlet (velocity-inlet-6).Boundary Conditions¡velocity-inlet-6¡Edit...a.Enter fuel-inlet for Zone Name.This name is more descriptive for the zone than velocity-inlet-6.b.Enter 80 for the Velocity Magnitude.c.Select Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter from the Specification Method drop-down list in theTurbulence group box.d.Retain the default value of 10 for Turbulent Intensity.e.Enter 0.01 for Hydraulic Diameter.f.Click the Thermal tab and retain the default value of 300 for Temperature.g.Click the Species tab and enter 1 for ch4 in the Species Mass Fractions group box.h.Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.4.Set the boundary conditions for the exit boundary (pressure-outlet-9).Boundary Conditions¡pressure-outlet-9¡Edit...a.Retain the default value of 0 for Gauge Pressure.b.Select Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter from the Specification Method drop-down list in theTurbulence group box.c.Retain the default value of 10 for Backflow Turbulent Intensity.d.Enter 0.45 for Backflow Hydraulic Diameter.e.Click the Thermal tab and retain the default value of 300 for Backflow Total Temperature.f.Click the Species tab and enter 0.23 for o2 in the Species Mass Fractions group box.g.Click OK to close the Pressure Outlet dialog box.The Backflow values in the Pressure Outlet dialog box are utilized only when backflow occurs at the pressure outlet. Always assign reasonable values because backflow may occur during intermediate it-erations and could affect the solution stability.5.Set the boundary conditions for the outer wall (wall-7).Boundary Conditions¡wall-7¡Edit...Use the mouse-probe method described for the air inlet to determine the zone corresponding to the outer wall.a.Enter outer-wall for Zone Name.This name is more descriptive for the zone than wall-7.b.Click the Thermal tab.i.Select Temperature in the Thermal Conditions list.ii.Retain the default value of 300 for Temperature.c.Click OK to close the Wall dialog box.6.Set the boundary conditions for the fuel inlet nozzle (wall-2).Boundary Conditions¡wall-2¡Edit...a.Enter nozzle for Zone Name.This name is more descriptive for the zone than wall-2.b.Click the Thermal tab.i.Retain the default selection of Heat Flux in the Thermal Conditions list.ii.Retain the default value of 0 for Heat Flux, so that the wall is adiabatic.c.Click OK to close the Wall dialog box.16.5.7. Step 6: Initial Reaction SolutionYou will first calculate a solution for the basic reacting flow neglecting pollutant formation. In a later step, you will perform an additional analysis to simulate NOx.1.Select the Coupled Pseudo Transient solution method.Solution Methodsa.Select Coupled from the Scheme drop-down list in the Pressure-Velocity Coupling group box.b.Retain the default selections in the Spatial Discretization group box.c.Enable Pseudo Transient.The Pseudo Transient option enables the pseudo transient algorithm in the coupled pressure-based solver.This algorithm effectively adds an unsteady term to the solution equations in orderto improve stability and convergence behavior. Use of this option is recommended for generalfluid flow problems.2.Modify the solution controls.Solution Controlsa.Enter 0.25 under Density in the Pseudo Transient Explicit Relaxation Factors group box.The default explicit relaxation parameters in ANSYS FLUENT are appropriate for a wide range of general fluid flow problems. However, in some cases it may be necessary to reduce the relaxation factors to stabilize the solution. Some experimentation is typically necessary to establish the op-timal values. For this tutorial, it is sufficient to reduce the density explicit relaxation factor to 0.25 for stability.b.Click Advanced... to open the Advanced Solution Controls dialog box and select the Experttab.The Expert tab in the Advanced Solution Controls dialog box allows you to individually specifythe solution method and Pseudo Transient Time Scale Factors for each equation, except for the flow equations.When using the Pseudo Transient method for general reacting flow cases, increasing the species and energy time scales is recommended.i.Enter 10 for the Time Scale Factor for ch4,o2,co2,h2o, and Energy.ii.Click OK to close the Advanced Solution Controls dialog box.3.Ensure the plotting of residuals during the calculation.Monitors¡Residuals¡Edit...a.Ensure that Plot is enabled in the Options group box.b.Click OK to close the Residual Monitors dialog box.4.Initialize the field variables.Solution Initializationa.Click Initialize to initialize the variables.5.Save the case file (gascomb1.cas.gz).File¡Write¡Case...a.Enter gascomb1.cas.gz for Case File.b.Ensure that Write Binary Files is enabled to produce a smaller, unformatted binary file.c.Click OK to close the Select File dialog box.6.Run the calculation by requesting 200 iterations.Run Calculationa.Select Aggressive from the Length Scale Method drop-down list.When using the Automatic Time Step Method ANSYS FLUENT computes the Pseudo Transient time step based on characteristic length and velocity scales of the problem.The Conservative LengthScale Method uses the smaller of two computed length scales emphasizing solution stability.TheAggressive Length Scale Method uses the larger of the two which may provide faster convergence in some cases.b.Enter 5 for the Timescale Factor.The Timescale Factor allows you to further manipulate the computed Time Step calculated byANSYS FLUENT. Larger time steps can lead to faster convergence. However, if the time step is toolarge it can lead to solution instability.c.Enter 200 for Number of Iterations.d.Click Calculate.The solution will converge after approximately 160 iterations.7.Save the case and data files (gascomb1.cas.gz and gascomb1.dat.gz).File¡Write¡Case & Data...NoteIf you choose a file name that already exists in the current folder, ANSYS FLUENT willask you to confirm that the previous file is to be overwritten.16.5.8. Step 8: PostprocessingReview the solution by examining graphical displays of the results and performing surface integrations atthe combustor exit.1.Report the total sensible heat flux.Reports¡Fluxes¡Set Up...a.Select Total Sensible Heat Transfer Rate in the Options list.b.Select all the boundaries from the Boundaries selection list.c.Click Compute and close the Flux Reports dialog box.NoteThe energy balance is good because the net result is small compared to the heatof reaction.2.Display filled contours of temperature (Figure 16.3 (p.692)).Graphics and Animations¡Contours¡Set Up...a.Ensure that Filled is enabled in the Options group box.b.Ensure that Temperature... and Static Temperature are selected in the Contours of drop-downlists.c.Click Display.Figure 16.3 Contours of TemperatureThe peak temperature is approximately 2310 .3.Display velocity vectors (Figure 16.4 (p.694)).Graphics and Animations¡Vectors¡Set Up...a.Enter 0.01 for Scale.b.Click the Vector Options... button to open the Vector Options dialog box.i.Enable Fixed Length.The fixed length option is useful when the vector magnitude varies dramatically.With fixed length vectors, the velocity magnitude is described only by color instead of by both vectorlength and color.ii.Click Apply and close the Vector Options dialog box.c.Click Display and close the Vectors dialog box.Figure 16.4 Velocity Vectors4.Display filled contours of stream function (Figure 16.5 (p.695)).Graphics and Animations¡Contours¡Set Up...a.Select Velocity... and Stream Function from the Contours of drop-down lists.b.Click Display.Figure 16.5 Contours of Stream FunctionThe entrainment of air into the high-velocity methane jet is clearly visible in the streamline display.5.Display filled contours of mass fraction for (Figure 16.6 (p.696)).Graphics and Animations¡Contours¡Set Up...a.Select Species... and Mass fraction of ch4 from the Contours of drop-down lists.b.Click Display.Figure 16.6 Contours of CH4 Mass Fraction6.In a similar manner, display the contours of mass fraction for the remaining species ,, and(Figure 16.7 (p.697),Figure 16.8 (p.698), and Figure 16.9 (p.699)) Close the Contours dialog box when all of the species have been displayed.Figure 16.7 Contours of O2 Mass FractionFigure 16.8 Contours of CO2 Mass FractionFigure 16.9 Contours of H2O Mass Fraction7.Determine the average exit temperature.Reports¡Surface Integrals¡Set Up...a.Select Mass-Weighted Average from the Report Type drop-down list.b.Select Temperature... and Static Temperature from the Field Variable drop-down lists.The mass-averaged temperature will be computed as:(16–2)∫∫=⋅⋅ c.Select pressure-outlet-9 from the Surfaces selection list, so that the integration is performed over this surface.d.Click Compute .The Mass-Weighted Average field will show that the exit temperature is approximately 1840.8.Determine the average exit velocity.Reports ¡ Surface Integrals ¡ Set Up...a.Select Area-Weighted Average from the Report Type drop-down list.b.Select Velocity... and Velocity Magnitude from the Field Variable drop-down lists.The area-weighted velocity-magnitude average will be computed as:∫=(16–3)c.Click Compute.The Area-Weighted Average field will show that the exit velocity is approximately 3.30 .d.Close the Surface Integrals dialog box.16.5.9. Step 9: NOx PredictionIn this section you will extend the ANSYS FLUENT model to include the prediction of NOx.You will first calculate the formation of both thermal and prompt NOx, then calculate each separately to determine the contribution of each mechanism.1.Enable the NOx model.Models¡NOx¡Edit...a.Enable Thermal NOx and Prompt NOx in the Pathways group box.b.Select ch4 from the Fuel Species selection list.c.Click the Turbulence Interaction Mode tab.i.Select temperature from the PDF Mode drop-down list.This will enable the turbulence-chemistry interaction. If turbulence interaction is not enabled,you will be computing NOx formation without considering the important influence of turbulentfluctuations on the time-averaged reaction rates.ii.Retain the default selection of beta from the PDF Type drop-down list and enter 20 for PDF Points.The value for PDF Points is increased from 10 to 20 to obtain a more accurate NOx predic-tion.iii.Select transported from the Temperature Variance drop-down list.d.Select partial-equilibrium from the [O] Model drop-down list in the Formation Model Parametersgroup box in the Thermal tab.The partial-equilibrium model is used to predict the O radical concentration required for thermalNOx prediction.e.Click the Prompt tab.i.Retain the default value of 1 for Fuel Carbon Number.ii.Enter 0.76 for Equivalence Ratio.All of the parameters in the Prompt tab are used in the calculation of prompt NOx formation.The Fuel Carbon Number is the number of carbon atoms per molecule of fuel.The Equival-ence Ratio defines the fuel-air ratio (relative to stoichiometric conditions).f.Click Apply to accept these changes and close the NOx Model dialog box.2.Enable the calculation of NO species only and temperature variance.Solution Controls¡Equations...a.Deselect all variables except Pollutant no and Temperature Variance from the Equations selectionlist.b.Click OK to close the Equations dialog box.You will predict NOx formation in a “postprocessing” mode, with the flow field, temperature, andhydrocarbon combustion species concentrations fixed. Hence, only the NO equation will be com-puted. Prediction of NO in this mode is justified on the grounds that the NO concentrations arevery low and have negligible impact on the hydrocarbon combustion prediction.3.Set the under-relaxation factors for Pollutant no and Temperature Variance.Solution Controlsa.Enter 1 for Pollutant no and Temperature Variance in the Pseudo Transient Explicit RelaxationFactors group box.b.Set the Time Scale Factor for Pollutant no and Temperature Variance to 10.i.Click Advanced... to open the Advanced Solution Controls dialog box.ii.Enter 10 for Time Scale Factor for Pollutant no and Temperature Variance in the Expert tab of the Advanced Solution Controls dialog box.iii.Close the Advanced Solution Controls dialog box.4.Confirm the convergence criterion for the NO species equation.Monitors¡Residuals¡Edit...Setup and Solutiona.Ensure that the Absolute Criteria for pollut_no is set to 1e-06.b.Click OK to close the Residual Monitors dialog box.5.Request 25 more iterations.Run CalculationThe solution will converge in approximately 15 iterations.6.Save the new case and data files (gascomb2.cas.gz and gascomb2.dat.gz).File¡Write¡Case & Data...7.Review the solution by displaying contours of NO mass fraction (Figure 16.10 (p.708)).Graphics and Animations¡Contours¡Set Up...a.Disable Filled in the Options group box.b.Select NOx... and Mass fraction of Pollutant no from the Contours of drop-down lists.c.Click Display and close the Contours dialog box.Figure 16.10 Contours of NO Mass Fraction — Prompt and ThermalNOx Formation8.Calculate the average exit NO mass fraction.Reports ¡Surface Integrals ¡ Set Up...Chapter 16: Modeling Species Transport and Gaseous Combustion。
ANSYS Workbench 14 0超级学习手册

7.2稳态热学分析实 例1——热传递与对
7.3稳态热学分析实 例2——热传递与对 流分析
7.4稳态热学分析实 例3——水杯热学分 析
7.5瞬态热学分 析——散热片 瞬态热学分析
7.1.1热力学分析目的 7.1.2热力学分析 7.1.3基本传热方式
7.2.1问题描述 7.2.2启动Workbench并建立分析项目 7.2.3导入几何体模型 7.2.4创建分析项目 7.2.5添加材料库 7.2.6添加模型材料属性 7.2.7划分网格 7.2.8施加载荷与约束 7.2.9结果后处理
2.2 DesignModeler几
2.3 DesignModeler几 何建模综合实例
2.1.1 DesignModeler平台界面 2.1.2菜单栏 2.1.3工具栏 2.1.4常用命令栏 2.1.5 Tree Outline(模型树)
2.2.1 DesignModeler零件建模 2.2.2 DesignModeler装配体建模 2.2.3 DesignModeler导入Creo Parametric软件几何数据 2.2.4 DesignModeler导入SolidWorks软件几何数据 2.2.5 DesignModeler建模工具 2.2.6 DesignModeler概念建模工具
Mechanical 前处理操作
4.4施加载荷 和约束
4.1.1关于Mechanical 4.1.2启动Mechanical 4.1.3 Mechanical操作界面 4.1.4鼠标控制

4)打开fluent后要配置好FLuent Root Path,指向fluent的文件位置即可,
5)Enjoy it。

第十八页,编辑于星期五:十九点 三十九分。
第十九页,编辑于星期五:十九点 三十九分。
第二十页,编辑于星期五:十九点 三十九分。
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第三十六页,编辑于星期五:十九点 三十九分 。
启动Ansys Fluent
第三十七页,编辑于星期五:十九点 三十九分 。
第四十二页,编辑于星期五:十九点 三十九分 。
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第三十八页,编辑于星期五:十九点 三十九分 。

n启动 FMG 初始化
– 压力基求解器: /solve/init/fmg-initialization – 密度基求解器: 当选择密度基求解器后在 GUI里可见
nFMG 在粗网格上用多重网格求解
– 通过 TUI 命令来设置
FLUENT13培训教材04求解器设置 ANSYS公司
n 求解参数 – 选择求解器 – 离散格式
n 初始条件 n 收敛
– 监测收敛过程 – 稳定性
• 设置松弛因子 • 设置 Courant number – 加速收敛 n 精度 – 网格无关性 – 自适应网格
n对密度基求解器,即使稳态问题, 也存在瞬态项
– 用Courant 定义时间步长
– 稳定性约束限制了最大Courant 数
• 不能超过 2 (缺省为1)
• 有收敛困难时减少 Courant 数
– Courant 没有稳定性约束限制
• 缺省值为 5.
FLUENT13培训教材04求解器设置 ANSYS公司
– 设置更好的初场
• 从前次的计算结果开始(如需要,可以使用file/interpolation)
– 渐次增加松弛因子或Courant数
• 过高的值容易引起发散 • 继续迭代是应保存case和date文件
n 隐式方法一般优于显式,因为其对时间步有严格的限制 n 显式方法一般用于流动时间尺度和声学时间尺度相当的情况(如高马赫

下载地址如下:/file/c2grgcbu#[高级有限元仿真].ANSYS.V13-MAGNiTUDE-DISK2.iso/file/c2grg55q#[高级有限元仿真].ANSYS.V13-MAGNiTUDE-DISK1.iso1、用虚拟光驱加载安装程序文件a(安装压缩文件有两个a,b)2、到我的电脑里,打开ANSYS 13.0(I)3.进入安装主界面3.点击第一个Install ANSYS.Inc. Products4. 进入以下界面,选择I agree5. 最好默认安装目录,Disable ANSYS RSS,根据个人喜好选择。
txt生成,更改“081186f808a6 1055VENDOR”里1055前面的12位为你的网卡号。
12 点击安装主程序节目的第三栏13、点击I agree,点击Next,点击Continue直到出现加载界面,选择安装目录下的License.txt 文件。
15、可以启动ansys了安装经验谈:(网络收集和安装经验)1. 安装软件前尽量断网,断防火墙,杀毒软件,断网前,最好将光盘上MAGNiTUDE文件夹复制到桌面,点击AP13_Calc.exe,生成license.txt.2. 检查计算机名,将PC-00000,改为PC00000,名称中不能有_,-,中文等3. 安装时候尽量默认路径安装,路径为英文4. 安装license之前需要检查是否有ANSYSlmd.exe 和Imgrd.exe在运行,一定要关掉。

ANSYS TurboGrid IntroductionRelease 14.0ANSYS, Inc.November 2011Southpointe275 Technology Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317ANSYS, Inc. is certified to ISO 9001:2008.ansysinfo@(T) 724-746-3304(F) 724-514-9494Copyright and Trademark Information© 2011 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is prohibited.ANSYS, ANSYS Workbench, Ansoft, AUTODYN, EKM, Engineering Knowledge Manager, CFX, FLUENT, HFSS and any and all ANSYS, Inc. brand, product, service and feature names, logos and slogans are registered trademarks or trademarks of ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. ICEM CFD is a trademark used by ANSYS, Inc. under license. CFX is a trademark of Sony Corporation in Japan. All other brand, product, serviceand feature names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Disclaimer NoticeTHIS ANSYS SOFTWARE PRODUCT AND PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION INCLUDE TRADE SECRETS AND ARE CONFID-ENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS OF ANSYS, INC., ITS SUBSIDIARIES, OR LICENSORS.The software productsand documentation are furnished by ANSYS, Inc., its subsidiaries, or affiliates under a software license agreement that contains provisions concerning non-disclosure, copying, length and nature of use, compliance with exporting laws, warranties, disclaimers, limitations of liability, and remedies, and other provisions.The software productsand documentation may be used, disclosed, transferred, or copied only in accordance with the terms and conditions of that software license agreement.ANSYS, Inc. is certified to ISO 9001:2008.U.S. Government RightsFor U.S. Government users, except as specifically granted by the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement, the use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions stated in the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement and FAR 12.212 (for non-DOD licenses).Third-Party SoftwareSee the legal information in the product help files for the complete Legal Notice for ANSYS proprietary software and third-party software. If you are unable to access the Legal Notice, please contact ANSYS, Inc.Published in the U.S.A.Table of Contents1. ANSYS TurboGrid Overview (1)1.1.Valid Decimal Separators (1)2. Using the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher (3)2.1. Starting the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher (3)3. ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench (5)3.1.The ANSYS Workbench Interface (5)3.1.1.Toolbox (6)3.1.2. Project Schematic (7)3.1.3.View Bar (8)3.1.4. Properties View (8)3.1.5. Files View (8)3.1.6. Sidebar Help (9)3.1.7. Shortcuts (Context Menu Options) (9)3.1.8. Using Workbench Input Parameters and Workbench Output Parameters (9)3.2. Example Workflow involving ANSYS TurboGrid (9)3.3. Known Limitations of ANSYS TurboGrid Running in ANSYS Workbench (11)4. ANSYS TurboGrid Help and Conventions (13)4.1. Accessing Help (13)4.2. Using the Help Browser Index (14)4.3. Using the Search Feature (14)4.4. Document Conventions (14)4.4.1. File and Directory Names (14)4.4.2. User Input (14)4.4.3. Input Substitution (14)4.4.4. Optional Arguments (14)4.4.5. Long Commands (15)4.4.6. Operating System Names (15)5. Contact Information (17)Index (21)iiiRelease 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information ivof ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Chapter 1: ANSYS TurboGrid OverviewANSYS TurboGrid is a powerful tool that lets designers and analysts of rotating machinery create high-quality hexahedral meshes, while preserving the underlying geometry.These meshes are used in the ANSYS workflow to solve complex blade passage problems.The ANSYS TurboGrid online product documentation is divided into five major areas:1.ANSYS TurboGrid IntroductionA brief introduction, listing of new features, and detailed information about the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher2.ANSYS TurboGrid Tutorials 3.ANSYS TurboGrid User's GuideInformation about the user interface and workflow4.ANSYS TurboGrid Reference GuideDetailed information about menu items, command actions, syntax, and so on.5.Installation and LicensingHelp on using ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench is provided in ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Work-bench (p.5) and in the TurboSystem > ANSYS TurboGrid section of the ANSYS Workbench help.1.1.Valid Decimal SeparatorsIn ANSYS TurboGrid, only a period is allowed to be used decimal delimiters in fields that accept floating-point input. If your system is set to a European locale that uses a comma separator (such as Germany),fields that accept numeric input will accept a comma, but an error will be returned. If your system is set to a non-European locale, numeric fields will not accept a comma at all.ANSYS Workbench accepts commas as decimal delimiters, but translates these to periods when passing data to ANSYS TurboGrid.1Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information 2of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Chapter 2: Using the ANSYS TurboGrid LauncherANSYS TurboGrid can be run in two modes:•ANSYS TurboGrid stand-alone, which refers to ANSYS TurboGrid running as a stand-alone application independent of the ANSYS Workbench software.•ANSYS TurboGrid Workbench, which refers to ANSYS TurboGrid running as a component inside of theANSYS Workbench software.This is described in ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench (p.5).ANSYS TurboGrid stand-alone has the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher, which makes it easy to run all the modules of CFX without having to use a command line.The launcher enables you to:•Set the working directory for your project •Start CFX and ANSYS products •Access various other tools, including a command window that enables you to run other utilities •Access the online help and other useful information •Customize the behavior of the launcher to start your own applications.The launcher automatically searches for installations of CFX and ANSYS products including the license manager. Depending on the application, the search includes common installation directories, directories pointed to by environment variables associated with CFX and ANSYS products, and the Windows registry.In the unlikely event that a product is not found, you can configure the launcher using the steps outlined in Customizing the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher in the TurboGrid Reference Guide .This chapter discusses:2.1. Starting the ANSYS TurboGrid LauncherFor more information about the launcher, see The ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher Interface in the TurboGrid Reference Guide and Customizing the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher in the TurboGrid Reference Guide .2.1. Starting the ANSYS TurboGrid LauncherYou can run the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher in any of the following ways:•On Windows:–From the Start menu, go to All Programs > ANSYS 14.0 > Meshing > TurboGrid 14.0.–In a DOS window that has its path set up correctly to run ANSYS TurboGrid, enter cfxlaunch (otherwise, you will need to enter the full pathname of the cfxlaunch command).•On UNIX, enter cfxlaunch in a terminal window that has its path set up to run ANSYS TurboGrid.To run ANSYS TurboGrid, start the launcher, set the working directory, then click TurboGrid 14.0.3Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information 4of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Chapter 3: ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS WorkbenchNoteThis chapter assumes that you are familiar with using ANSYS TurboGrid in standalone mode,as described in Using the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher (p.3), and that you are familiar withANSYS Workbench.This chapter describes using ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench.The following topics are discussed:3.1.The ANSYS Workbench Interface3.2. Example Workflow involving ANSYS TurboGrid3.3. Known Limitations of ANSYS TurboGrid Running in ANSYS WorkbenchFor an example workflow that includes the use of ANSYS TurboGrid, see TurboSystem Workflows in the TurboSystem User Guide .For information about using ANSYS Workbench journaling and scripting with ANSYS TurboGrid, including a special note about playing older journal and session files, see Using ANSYS Workbench Journaling and Scripting with TurboSystem in the TurboSystem User Guide .3.1.The ANSYS Workbench InterfaceTo launch ANSYS Workbench on Windows, click the Start menu, then select All Programs > ANSYS 14.0 > Workbench .To launch ANSYS Workbench on Linux, open a command line interface, type the path to “runwb2” (for example,“~/ansys_inc/v140/Framework/bin/Linux64/runwb2”), then press Enter .The ANSYS Workbench interface is organized to make it easy to choose the tool set that will enableyou to solve particular types of problems. Once you have chosen a system from the Toolbox and moved it into the Project Schematic , supporting features such as Properties and Messages provide orientinginformation.These features and the status indicators in the system cells guide you through the completion of the System steps.The figure that follows shows ANSYS Workbench with a TurboGrid component system open and the properties of cell C2 (Turbo Mesh ) displayed:5Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.The following sections describe the main ANSYS Workbench features.3.1.1.Toolbox3.1.2. Project Schematic3.1.3.View Bar3.1.4. Properties View3.1.5. Files View3.1.6. Sidebar Help3.1.7. Shortcuts (Context Menu Options)3.1.8. Using Workbench Input Parameters and Workbench Output Parameters3.1.1.ToolboxThe Toolbox shows the systems available to you:Analysis SystemsSystems that match the workflow required to solve particular types of problems. For example, the Fluid Flow (CFX) system contains tools for creating the geometry, performing the meshing, setting up the solver, using the solver to derive the solution, and viewing the results.Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.6Chapter 3: ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS WorkbenchThe ANSYS Workbench Interface Component SystemsSoftware elements upon which Analysis Systems are based. For example, the CFX component system contains Setup (CFX-Pre),Solution (CFX-Solver Manager), and Results (CFD-Post).The Results component system contains only Results (CFD-Post).Custom SystemsSystems that combine separate analysis systems. For example, the FSI: Fluid Flow (CFX) > StaticStructural system combines ANSYS CFX and the Mechanical application to perform a unidirectional (that is, one-way) Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis.Design ExplorationSystems that enable you to see how changes to parameters affect the performance of the system.NoteWhich systems are shown in the Toolbox depends on the licenses that exist on your system.You can hide systems by enabling View > Toolbox Customization and clearing the checkbox beside the name of the system you want to hide.To begin using a system, drag it into the Project Schematic area.3.1.2. Project SchematicThe Project Schematic enables you to manage the process of solving your problem. It keeps track ofyour files and shows the actions available as you work on a project. At each step you can select the operations that process or modify the case you are solving.When you move a system from the Component Systems toolbox to the Project Schematic, you willsee a set of tools similar to the following:Each white cell represents a step in solving a problem. Right-click the cell to see what options areavailable for you to complete a step.Chapter 3: ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS WorkbenchFor example, in a TurboGrid system:•Edit launches ANSYS TurboGrid.•Transfer Data To New > CFX adds a new CFX component system that uses the mesh from the Turbo Mesh cell.3.1.3.View BarYou control which views are displayed by opening the View menu and setting a check mark besidethe view you want to display. If you minimize that view, it appears as a tab in the View Bar and thecheck box is cleared from the View menu.3.1.4. Properties ViewThe Properties view is a table whose entries describe the status of a system.These entries vary between system cells and are affected by the status of the cell. Some entries in the Properties area are writable; others are for information only.To display the Properties for a particular cell, right-click the cell and select Properties. Once the Properties view is open, simply selecting a cell in the Project Schematic will display that cell's properties.The properties specific to the Turbo Mesh cell of the TurboGrid system are documented in ANSYS Help > TurboSystem > ANSYS TurboGrid.3.1.5. Files ViewThe Files view shows the files that are in the current project.The project files are updated constantly,and any “save” operation from ANSYS TurboGrid will save all files associated with the project.3.1.6. Sidebar HelpIn addition to having a visual layout that guides you through completingyour project, you can also access Sidebar Help by pressing F1 while themouse focus is anywhere on ANSYS Workbench. Sidebar Help is a dynam-ically generated set of links to information appropriate for helping youwith questions you have about any of the tools and systems you currentlyhave open.3.1.7. Shortcuts (Context Menu Options)You can access commonly used commands by right-clicking in most areas of ANSYS Workbench.These commands are described in the section Context Menu Options in the ANSYS Workbench help.The only context menu command that is specific to the Turbo Mesh cell is the Edit command, which opens ANSYS TurboGrid.3.1.8. Using W orkbench Input Parameters and W orkbench Output Parameters For information about using and managing Workbench input parameters and Workbench output parameters in ANSYS TurboGrid, see Object Editor in the TurboGrid User's Guide and Expression Editor Dialog Box in the TurboGrid User's Guide .3.2. Example Workflow involving ANSYS TurboGridIn ANSYS Workbench, you can create a CFD simulation of a pump impeller that has the following schematic:Example Workflow involving ANSYS TurboGridChapter 3: ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS WorkbenchIn this example, the pump impeller is generated in BladeGen, has fillets added in BladeEditor, and is meshed in ANSYS TurboGrid.The pump diffuser is generated in BladeGen and is meshed in ANSYS TurboGrid. Both meshes are used in a CFD analysis.To set up this schematic, you can follow this general procedure:unch ANSYS Workbench.2.Save the project to a new directory.3.Add a BladeGen system by double-clicking BladeGen in the toolbox, under Component Systems.Alternatively, you can drag a BladeGen system from the toolbox to the Project Schematic.4.Add a Geometry system to the BladeGen system by any one of the following methods:•Double-click a Geometry system in the toolbox to add a Geometry system to the schematic, then drag from the Blade Design cell to the Geometry cell to connect the systems.•Drag a Geometry system from the toolbox to the Project Schematic, then drag from the Blade Design cell to the Geometry cell to connect the systems.•Drag a Geometry system from the toolbox to the Blade Design cell.•Right-click the Blade Design cell and select Transfer Data To New > Geometry.5.Optionally rename the system.You can enter a name for a system when you first create the system.You can also initiate a rename operation by right-clicking the upper-left corner of the system and selecting Rename from theshortcut menu.6.Continue adding systems until the schematic is complete.7.Edit each cell in sequence, starting from the upstream cell, and use the associated software to providethe required data.For example, after editing the Blade Design cell to provide a geometry, edit the Turbo Mesh cell to create a mesh in ANSYS TurboGrid.8.Save the project when finished.Known Limitations of ANSYS TurboGrid Running in ANSYS Workbench ImportantSaving a project enables you to re-open the project on the machine that originally createdit.To make the project available on another machine, you need to use File > Archive tocreate a project archive.To open the project on a different machine, run File > RestoreArchive on that machine.3.3. Known Limitations of ANSYS T urboGrid Running in ANSYS W orkbench •The Units settings in the ANSYS Workbench menu have no effect on the units used in ANSYS TurboGrid.•The mesh is always saved in the “Combined in one domain, one file” mode and in the user-preferred length unit.•Session playback is not supported in ANSYS TurboGrid running in ANSYS Workbench.•ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench does not support the use of filenames or project names that contain either the "$", ”#”, or "," characters anywhere in their file path.•If you play a journal file on a platform that is different from the one used to record it, you might en-counter a problem. For example, a journal file recorded on Windows and played on Linux can result ina different number of outlet points being generated.This can happen due to different amounts ofround-off error, and can lead to errors being generated.•If an upstream or downstream adjacent blade is specified for computing inlet or outlet locations and an error occurs while loading/refreshing the geometry then the inlet/outlet locations will not be computed based on the adjacent blade. Once the cause of the original error is fixed, closing and reopening Tur-boGrid will fix this problem.•If the number of blades in an upstream geometry is changed then TurboGrid may produce some er-ror/warning messages when it is opened.This is not indicative of a real issue. Closing and re-opening TurboGrid will result in everything being updated correctly.Chapter 4: ANSYS TurboGrid Help and ConventionsThis chapter discusses:4.1. Accessing Help4.2. Using the Help Browser Index4.3. Using the Search Feature4.4. Document Conventions4.1. Accessing HelpYou can access the online help in the following ways:•Select the appropriate command from the Help menu of the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher or ANSYSTurboGrid.Depending on the command you select, you will see help in either online format or PDF format.A PDF file will be opened in Adobe Reader if possible, otherwise it may (with uncertain results) be opened in Xpdf, Gpdf, KPDF, or Evince, depending on which of these viewers have been installed.•Click a feature of the ANSYS TurboGrid interface to make it active and, with the mouse pointer over thefeature, press the F1 key for context-sensitive help (that is, the online help opens at the appropriatepage for the feature under the mouse pointer). Not every area of the interface supports context-sensitive help.For information on using the ANSYS Help Viewer, see:•Using Help •Index Navigation •"Using Help: Searching".You can access the ANSYS TurboGrid documentation in PDF form in <CFXROOT>\..\common-files\help\en-us\pdf\ on Windows and in <CFXROOT>/../commonfiles/help/en-us/pdf/on Linux.The documentation is also available in PDF format on the ANSYS Customer Portal (at ht-tp:///customerportal/index.htm).PDF Name Description Booktg_in-tr.pdf How to run ANSYS TurboGrid.ANSYS TurboGrid Introduc-tiontg_user.pdf How to use ANSYS TurboGrid.ANSYS TurboGrid User’sGuidetg_ref.pdf Complete details for CFX Command Language,CFX Expression Language, Command Actions,and line interface mode.ANSYS TurboGrid ReferenceGuidetg_tutr.pdfA set of tutorials that demonstrate the workflowin ANSYS TurboGrid.ANSYS TurboGrid TutorialsChapter 4: ANSYS TurboGrid Help and Conventions4.2. Using the Help Browser IndexThe Index tab of the help browser enables you to search for index terms and display the associated topics.To find a topic using the index, type the first few letters of a keyword in the field at the top.The list scrolls to the relevant index entry as you type.Results from the Help index will not be exhaustive, so you should consider using the Search function as well.For information on the ANSYS help viewer index, see Index Navigation in the Using Help section.4.3. Using the Search FeatureThe Search tab of the help browser enables you to perform searches through the online help.For information on the ANSYS help viewer search function, see Using Help: Searching in the Using Help section.4.4. Document ConventionsThis section describes the conventions used in this document to distinguish between text, computer file names, system messages, and input that you need to type.4.4.1. File and Directory NamesFile names and directory names appear in a plain fixed-width font (for example,/usr/lib). Note that on Linux, directory names are separated by forward slashes (/) but on Windows, backslashes are used (\). For example, a directory name on Linux might be /CFX/bin whereas on a Windows system, the same directory would be named C:\CFX\bin.4.4.2. User InputInput to be typed verbatim is shown in the following convention:mkdir /usr/local/cfx4.4.3. Input SubstitutionInput substitution is shown in the following convention:cfx5 -def <def_file>you should actually type cfx5 -def, and substitute a suitable file name for <def_file>.4.4.4. Optional ArgumentsOptional arguments are shown using square brackets:cfxlaunch [-help] [-verbose] [-display <display>]Here the arguments -help,-verbose, and -display are optional, but if you specify -display, you must then specify a suitable display server (represented by <display>).Document Conventions 4.4.5. Long CommandsCommands that are too long to display on a printed page are shown with “\” characters at the ends of intermediate lines:mount -r -F hsfs \/dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdromOn a Linux system, you may type the “\” characters, pressing Enter after each. However, on a Windows machine you must enter the whole command without the “\” characters; continue typing if the command is too long to fit in the command prompt window and press Enter only at the end of the complete command.4.4.6. Operating System NamesWhen we refer to objects that depend on the type of system being used, we will use one of the following symbols in the text:<os> refers to the short form of the name which ANSYS CFX uses to identify the operating system in question.<os> will generally be used for directory names where the contents of the directory dependon the operating system but do not depend on the release of the operating system or on the processor type.Wherever you see <os> in the text you should substitute with the operating system name.The correct value can be determined by running:<CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5info -os<arch> refers to the long form of the name which ANSYS CFX uses to identify the system architecturein question.<arch> will generally be used for directory names where the contents of the directory depend on the operating system and on the release of the operating system or the processor type. Wherever you see <arch> in the text you should substitute the appropriate value for your system,which can be determined by running the command:<CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5info -archChapter 5: Contact InformationTechnical Support for ANSYS, Inc. products is provided either by ANSYS, Inc. directly or by one of our certified ANSYS Support Providers. Please check with the ANSYS Support Coordinator (ASC) at your company to determine who provides support for your company, or go to and select About ANSYS> Contacts and Locations.The direct URL is:/customer/public/sup-portlist.asp. Follow the on-screen instructions to obtain your support provider contact information.You will need your customer number. If you don't know your customer number, contact the ASC at your company.If your support is provided by ANSYS, Inc. directly,Technical Support can be accessed quickly and effi-ciently from the ANSYS Customer Portal, which is available from the ANSYS Website () under Support> Technical Support where the Customer Portal is located.The direct URL is:ht-tp:///customerportal.One of the many useful features of the Customer Portal is the Knowledge Resources Search, which can be found on the Home page of the Customer Portal.Systems and installation Knowledge Resources are easily accessible via the Customer Portal by usingthe following keywords in the search box:Systems/Installation.These Knowledge Resources provide solutions and guidance on how to resolve installation and licensing issues quickly.NORTH AMERICAAll ANSYS, Inc. ProductsWeb: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (/customerportal) and select the appropriate option.Toll-Free Telephone: 1.800.711.7199Fax: 1.724.514.5096Support for University customers is provided only through the ANSYS Customer Portal.GERMANYANSYS Mechanical ProductsTelephone: +49 (0) 8092 7005-55Email: support@cadfem.deAll ANSYS ProductsWeb: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (/customerportal) and select the appropriate option.National Toll-Free Telephone:German language: 0800 181 8499English language: 0800 181 1565International Telephone:Chapter 5: Contact InformationGerman language: +49 6151 3644 300English language: +49 6151 3644 400Email: support-germany@UNITED KINGDOMAll ANSYS, Inc. ProductsWeb: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (/customerportal) and select the appropriate option.Telephone: +44 (0) 870 142 0300Fax: +44 (0) 870 142 0302Email: support-uk@Support for University customers is provided only through the ANSYS Customer Portal.JAPANCFX , ICEM CFD and Mechanical ProductsTelephone: +81-3-5324-8333Fax: +81-3-5324-7308Email:CFX: japan-cfx-support@;Mechanical: japan-ansys-support@FLUENT ProductsTelephone: +81-3-5324-7305Email:FLUENT: japan-fluent-support@;POLYFLOW: japan-polyflow-support@;FfC: japan-ffc-support@;FloWizard: japan-flowizard-support@IcepakTelephone: +81-3-5324-7444Email: japan-icepak-support@Licensing and InstallationEmail: japan-license-support@INDIAANSYS Products (including FLUENT, CFX, ICEM-CFD)Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (/customerportal) and select the appropriate option.Telephone: +91 1 800 233 3475 (toll free) or +91 1 800 209 3475 (toll free)Fax: +91 80 2529 1271Email:FEA products: feasup-india@;CFD products: cfdsup-india@;Installation: installation-india@FRANCEAll ANSYS, Inc. ProductsWeb: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (/customerportal) and select the appropriate option.。

ICEM Tutorial Manual2D Pipe Junction1.1准备1.1.1 从ANASYS安装目录里拷贝输入几何文件(geometry.tin),v130/icemcfd/samples/CFD_Tutorial_files/2DPipeJunct。
1.1.2 打开ANSYS ICEM CFD并打开几何(geometry.tin)。
1.2 Blocking Strategy2D管道几何的blocking strategy包括创建一个T形的blocking并将其用于几何。
右边的非阻塞交叉开关(blocking crossbar)仅需要向上弯曲以组装几何。
图2. 网格及其拓扑第一步:Block the Geometry几何和部分(part)的信息已经定义了。
a.初始化2D blockingi.在Part区域中输入FLUID。
ii.在Type下拉菜单中选择2D Plannar。
图3. 初始block这些曲线现在被分别上色,并不是由不同部分。
你可以通过选择/不选Show Composite激活或者不激活上色命令。
FLUENT 14 0超级学习手册

10.4.1案例简介 10.4.2 FLUENT求解计算设置 10.4.3求解计算 10.4.4计算结果后处理及分析
10.5.1案例简介 10.5.2 FLUENT求解计算设置 10.5.3求解计算 10.5.4计算结果后处理及分析
11.1离散相模型概 述
11.2引射器离散相 流场的数值模拟
11.3喷淋过程的数 值模拟
10.3水中气泡上升 过程的数值模拟
10.5气穴现象的数 值模拟
10.4水流对沙滩冲 刷过程的数值模拟
10.2.1案例简介 10.2.2 FLUENT求解计算设置 10.2.3求解计算 10.2.4计算结果后处理及分析
10.3.1案例简介 10.3.2 FLUENT求解计算设置 10.3.3求解计算 10.3.4计算结果后处理及分析
5.2.1边界条件的设置 5.2.2边界条件的修改 5.2.3边界条件的复制 5.2.4边界的重命名
5.3.1用轮廓指定湍流参量 5.3.2湍流参量的估算
5.4.1压力入口边界条件 5.4.2速度入口边界条件 5.4.3质量入口边界条件 5.4.4进气口边界条件 5.4.5进气扇边界条件 5.4.6压力出口边界条件 5.4.7压力远场边界条件 5.4.8通风口边界条件 5.4.9排气扇边界条件
11.2.1案例简介 11.2.2 FLUENT求解计算设置 11.2.3求解计算 11.2.4计算结果后处理及分析
11.3.1案例简介 11.3.2 FLUENT求解计算设置 11.3.3求解计算 11.3.4计算结果后处理及分析
12.1组分传输与气 体燃烧概述
12.2室内甲醛污染 物浓度的数值模拟

AnsysFluent基础详细⼊门教程(附简单算例)Ansys Fluent基础详细⼊门教程(附简单算例)当你决定使FLUENT解决某⼀问题时,⾸先要考虑如下⼏点问题:定义模型⽬标:从CFD模型中需要得到什么样的结果?从模型中需要得到什么样的精度;选择计算模型:你将如何隔绝所需要模拟的物理系统,计算区域的起点和终点是什么?在模型的边界处使⽤什么样的边界条件?⼆维问题还是三维问题?什么样的⽹格拓扑结构适合解决问题?物理模型的选取:⽆粘,层流还湍流?定常还是⾮定常?可压流还是不可压流?是否需要应⽤其它的物理模型?确定解的程序:问题可否简化?是否使⽤缺省的解的格式与参数值?采⽤哪种解格式可以加速收敛?使⽤多重⽹格计算机的内存是否够⽤?得到收敛解需要多久的时间?在使⽤CFD分析之前详细考虑这些问题,对你的模拟来说是很有意义的。
第01章fluent介绍及简单算例 (2)第02章fluent⽤户界⾯22 (3)第03章fluent⽂件的读写 (5)第04章fluent单位系统 (8)第05章fluent⽹格 (10)第06章fluent边界条件 (36)第07章fluent流体物性 (55)第08章fluent基本物理模型 (63)第11章传热模型 (75)第22章fluent 解算器的使⽤ (82)第01章fluent介绍及简单算例FLUENT是⽤于模拟具有复杂外形的流体流动以及热传导的计算机程序。
(⼀致⽹格和悬挂节点⽹格都可以)●不可压或可压流动●定常状态或者过渡分析●⽆粘,层流和湍流●⽜顿流或者⾮⽜顿流●对流热传导,包括⾃然对流和强迫对流●耦合热传导和对流●辐射热传导模型●惯性(静⽌)坐标系⾮惯性(旋转)坐标系模型●多重运动参考框架,包括滑动⽹格界⾯和rotor/stator interaction modeling的混合界⾯●化学组分混合和反应,包括燃烧⼦模型和表⾯沉积反应模型●热,质量,动量,湍流和化学组分的控制体源●粒⼦,液滴和⽓泡的离散相的拉格朗⽇轨迹的计算,包括了和连续相的耦合●多孔流动●⼀维风扇/热交换模型●两相流,包括⽓⽳现象●复杂外形的⾃由表⾯流动上述各功能使得FLUENT具有⼴泛的应⽤,主要有以下⼏个⽅⾯●Process and process equipment applications●油/⽓能量的产⽣和环境应⽤●航天和涡轮机械的应⽤●汽车⼯业的应⽤●热交换应⽤●电⼦/HV AC/应⽤●材料处理应⽤●建筑设计和⽕灾研究总⽽⾔之,对于模拟复杂流场结构的不可压缩/可压缩流动来说,FLUENT是很理想的软件。
【免费下载】Ansys Fluent 130 or 140 Tutorials教程

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├─ANSYS-FLUENT-Intro_13.0_1st-ed_pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_Agenda.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_TOC.pdf ││ │ ├─lectures │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture01-welcome.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture02-intro-to-cfd.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture03-solver-basics.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture04-boundary-conditions.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture05-solver-settings.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture06-turbulence.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture07-heat-transfer.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture08-udf.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture09-physics.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture10-transient.pdf │ │ fluent_13.0_lecture11-post.pdf ││ │ ├─workshop-input-files │ │ ├─workshop1-mixing-tee │ │ │ fluidtee.meshdat │││ │ │ ├─workshop2-airfoil-new │ │ │ NACA0012.msh │ │ │ mach_0.5_comparison.cas.gz │ │ │ mach_0.5_comparison.dat.gz │ │ │ mach_0.7_converged.cas.gz │ │ │ mach_0.7_converged.dat.gz │ │ │ test-data-bottom.xy │ │ │ test-data-top.xy │││ │ │ ├─workshop3-multi-species │ │ │ calc_activities.jou │ │ │ garage.msh │ │ │ workshop3-converged.cas.gz │ │ │ workshop3-converged.dat.gz │││ │ │ ├─workshop4-electronics │ │ │ heatsink.msh.gz │ │ │ ws4_no-radiation.cas.gz │ │ │ ws4_no-radiation.dat.gz │ │ │ ws4_s2s-radiation.cas.gz │ │ │ ws4_s2s-radiation.dat.gz
ANSYS Fluent Tutorial - 看过的最好的FLUENT中文教程

FLUENT 教程 赵玉新
第一章、开始 第二章、操作界面 第三章、文件的读写 第四章、单位系统 第五章、读入和操作网格 第六章、边界条件 第七章、物理特性 第八章、基本物理模型 第九章、湍流模型 第十章、辐射模型 第十一章、化学输运与反应流 第十二章、污染形成模型 第十三章、相变模拟 第十四章、多相流模型 第十五章、动坐标系下的流动 第十六章、解算器的使用 第十七章、网格适应 第十八章、数据显示与报告界面的产生 第十九章、图形与可视化 第二十章、Alphanumeric Reporting 第二十一章、流场函数定义 第二十二章、并行处理 第二十三章、自定义函数 第二十四章、参考向导 第二十五章、索引(Bibliography) 第二十六章、命令索引
流动变量,并且告诉我们如何创建自己的自定义流场函数。 z 并行处理:本章描述了 FLUENT 的并行处理特点以及使用方法 z 自定义函数:本章描述了如何通过用户定义边界条件,物理性质函数来形成自己的
如何使用该手册 z 根据你对 CFD 以及 FLUENT 公司的熟悉,你可以通过各种途径使用该手册 对于初学者,建议如下:
了一个可以在你自己计算机上运行的简单的算例。 z 使用界面:本章描述了用户界面、文本界面以及在线帮助的使用方法。同时也提供了远
程处理与批处理的一些方法。(请参考关于特定的文本界面命令的在线帮助) z 读写文件:本章描述了 FLUENT 可以读写的文件以及硬拷贝文件。 z 单位系统:本章描述了如何使用 FLUENT 所提供的标准与自定义单位系统。 z 读和操纵网格:本章描述了各种各样的计算网格来源,并解释了如何获取关于网格的诊
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Ansys FLUENT Tutorials└─ANSYS FLUENT├─ANSYS-FLUENT-Intro_13.0_1st-ed_pdf││fluent_13.0_Agenda.pdf││fluent_13.0_TOC.pdf│││├─lectures││fluent_13.0_lecture01-welcome.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture02-intro-to-cfd.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture03-solver-basics.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture04-boundary-conditions.pdf ││fluent_13.0_lecture05-solver-settings.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture06-turbulence.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture07-heat-transfer.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture08-udf.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture09-physics.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture10-transient.pdf││fluent_13.0_lecture11-post.pdf│││├─workshop-input-files││├─workshop1-mixing-tee│││ fluidtee.meshdat│││││├─workshop2-airfoil-new│││ NACA0012.msh│││ mach_0.5_comparison.cas.gz│││ mach_0.5_comparison.dat.gz│││ mach_0.7_converged.cas.gz│││ mach_0.7_converged.dat.gz│││ test-data-bottom.xy│││ test-data-top.xy│││││├─workshop3-multi-species│││ calc_activities.jou│││ garage.msh│││ workshop3-converged.cas.gz│││ workshop3-converged.dat.gz│││││├─workshop4-electronics│││ heatsink.msh.gz│││ ws4_no-radiation.cas.gz│││ ws4_no-radiation.dat.gz│││ ws4_s2s-radiation.cas.gz│││ ws4_s2s-radiation.dat.gz│││ ws4_viewfactor.s2s.gz│││││├─workshop5-moving-parts│││ ws5-mesh-animation.avi│││ ws5-simple-wind-turbine.msh│││ ws5_udf_for_motion.c│││││├─workshop6-dpm│││ dpm_tutorial.msh│││││└─workshop7-tank-flush││tankflush.msh.gz││ws7-tankflush-animation.avi││ws7-tankflush-animation.mpeg│││└─workshops│fluent_13.0_WS_TOC.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop01-mixingtee.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop02-airfoil.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop03-Multiple-Species.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop04-electronics.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop05-moving-parts.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop06-dpm.pdf│fluent_13.0_workshop07-tank-flush.pdf│├─Quick Tutorials││ FLUENT_Overview_1_Introduction_to_FLUENT12_in_ANSYS_Workbench_DOC.pd f││ FLUENT_Overview_1_Introduction_to_FLUENT12_in_ANSYS_Workbench_WA TCH ME.swf││ FLUENT_Overview_2_Creating_and_Comparing_Related_FLUENT12_Analyses_in_ ANSYS_Workbench_DOC.pdf││ FLUENT_Overview_2_Creating_and_Comparing_Related_FLUENT12_Analyses_in_ ANSYS_Workbench_WA TCHME.swf││ FLUENT_Overview_3_Parametric_Study_Using_FLUENT12_in_ANSYS_Workbench _DOC.pdf││ FLUENT_Overview_3_Parametric_Study_Using_FLUENT12_in_ANSYS_Workbench _WATCHME.swf││ FLUENT_Overview_4_1-Way_Fluid-Structure_Interaction_Using_FLUENT12_and_A NSYS_Mechanical_DOC.pdf││ FLUENT_Overview_4_1-Way_Fluid-Structure_Interaction_Using_FLUENT12_and_A NSYS_Mechanical_WA TCHME.swf│││├─FLUENT_Overview_1_FILES││ probe.agdb│││├─FLUENT_Overview_2_FILES│││ Duplicate_Probe_Fluent.wbpj│││││└─Duplicate_Probe_Fluent_files│││ .project_cache│││││├─dp0││││ designPoint.wbdp│││││││├─FFF││││├─DM│││││ FFF.agdb│││││││││├─Fluent│││││ FFF-1-00100.dat.gz│││││ FFF-1.cas.gz│││││ FFF.set│││││││││├─MECH│││││ FFF.msh│││││││││└─Post││││Probe.cst│││││││├─FFF-1││││└─Fluent││││FFF-1.1-1-00081.dat.gz │││││││└─global│││└─MECH││││ FFF.mshdb│││││││└─FFF││└─user_files│├─FLUENT_Overview_3_FILES│││ Parametric_Probe_Fluent.wbpj│││││└─Parametric_Probe_Fluent_files│││ .project_cache│││││├─dp0││││ designPoint.wbdp│││││││├─FFF││││├─DM│││││ FFF.agdb│││││││││├─Fluent│││││ FFF-1-00100.dat.gz│││││ FFF-1.cas.gz│││││ FFF.set│││││││││├─MECH│││││ FFF.msh│││││││││└─Post││││Probe.cst│││││││├─FFF-1││││└─Fluent││││FFF-1.1-1-00081.dat.gz │││││││└─global│││└─MECH││││ FFF.mshdb│││││││└─FFF││└─user_files│└─FLUENT_Overview_4_FILES││ FSI_Probe_Fluent.wbpj│││└─FSI_P robe_Fluent_files││ .project_cache│││├─dp0│││ designPoint.wbdp│││││├─FFF│││├─DM││││ FFF.agdb│││││││├─Fluent││││ FFF-1-00100.dat.gz││││ FFF-1.cas.gz││││ FFF.set│││││││├─MECH││││ FFF.msh│││││││└─Post│││Probe.cst│││││├─FFF-1│││└─Fluent│││FFF-1.1-1-00081.dat.gz│││││└─global││└─MECH│││ FFF.mshdb│││││└─FFF│└─user_files├─combustion-fluent││ combustion-tutorial-list_13.0.pdf││ tut-01-intro-tut-16-species-transport.pdf││ tut-02-intro-tut-17-non-premix-combustion.pdf ││ tut-03-intro-tut-18-surface-chemistry.pdf││ tut-04-intro-tut-19-evaporating-liquid.pdf││ tut-05-berl.pdf││ tut-06-finite-rate.pdf││ tut-07-pdf-jet.pdf││ tut-08-cijr.pdf││ tut-09-pilot-jet.pdf││ tut-10-zimont.pdf││ tut-11-surfchem.pdf││ tut-12-mchar.pdf││ tut-13-co-combustor.pdf││ tut-14-flamelet.pdf││ tut-15-moss-brookes.pdf││ tut-16-dqmom.pdf││ tut-17-species.pdf││ tut-18-euler-granular.pdf││ tut-19-dpm-channel.pdf│││├─tut-01-intro-tut-16-species-transport│││ gascomb.msh│││││└─solution_files││gascomb1.cas.gz││gascomb1.dat.gz││gascomb2.dat.gz││gascomb3.cas.gz││gascomb3.dat.gz│││├─tut-02-intro-tut-17-non-premix-combustion │││ berl.msh││││││││└─solution_files││berl-1.cas.gz││berl-1.dat.gz││berl.pdf│││├─tut-03-intro-tut-18-surface-chemistry│││ surface.msh│││││└─solution_files││surface-non-react.cas.gz││surface-react1.cas.gz││surface-react1.dat.gz││surface-react2.cas.gz││surface-react2.dat.gz│││├─tut-04-intro-tut-19-evaporating-liquid│││ sector.msh│││││└─solution_files││sector.msh││spray1.cas.gz││spray1.dat.gz││spray2.cas.gz││spray2.dat.gz││spray3.cas.gz││spray3.dat.gz│││├─tut-05-berl│││ berl.msh.gz││││││││└─solution_files││berl-mag-1.cas.gz││berl-mag-1.dat.gz││berl-mag-2.cas.gz││berl-mag-3.cas.gz ││berl-mag-3.dat.gz │││├─tut-06-finite-rate│││ conreac.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││5step.cas.gz││5step.dat.gz││5step_cold.cas.gz ││5step_cold.dat.gz ││5step_final.cas.gz │││├─tut-07-pdf-jet│││ CH4-skel.che│││ flameD.msh.gz│││ therm.dat│││││└─solution_files││flameD-1.cas.gz ││flameD-1.dat.gz ││flameD-2.cas.gz ││flameD-2.dat.gz ││flameD-3.cas.gz ││flameD-3.dat.gz ││flameD.pdf.gz││surf-mon-1.out │││├─tut-08-cijr│││ CIJR-therm.dat│││ CIJR.che│││ CIJR.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││CIJR-1.cas.gz││CIJR-1.dat.gz││CIJR-2.cas.gz││CIJR-2.dat.gz││CIJR-3.cas.gz││CIJR-3.dat.gz││CIJR-4.cas.gz││CIJR-4.dat.gz││CIJR-4.fla.gz││CIJR.fla.gz││CIJR.pdf.gz││CIJRdisplay.cas.gz ││CIJRdisplay.dat.gz │││├─tut-09-pilot-jet│││ flameD-sfla.msh.gz│││ gri30.che│││││└─solution_files││flameD-sfla-1.cas.gz ││flameD-sfla-1.dat.gz ││flameD-sfla.fla.gz ││flameD-sfla.pdf.gz ││flameD-ufla-1.cas.gz ││flameD-ufla-1.dat.gz ││flameD-ufla-1.fla.gz ││surf-mon-1.out│││├─tut-10-zimont│││ conreac.msh│││││└─solution_files││zimont-ad.cas.gz││zimont-ad.dat.gz││zimont-nonad.cas.gz ││zimont-nonad.dat.gz ││zimont.cas.gz│││├─tut-11-surfchem│││ gas_chem.che│││ surf_chem.che│││ test.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││surf-cat-comb.cas.gz ││surf-cat-comb.dat.gz ││surf-mon-1.out│││├─tu t-12-mchar│││ mchar.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││mchar-rad.cas.gz││mchar-rad.dat.gz││mchar.cas.gz││mchar.dat.gz││view-0.vw│││├─tut-13-co-combustor│││ par-premixed.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││par-premixed.pdf.gz││peters-partially-premixed-2nd.cas.gz ││peters-partially-premixed-2nd.dat.gz ││zimont-partially-premixed-1st.cas.gz ││zimont-partially-premixed-1st.dat.gz ││zimont-partially-premixed-2nd.cas.gz ││zimont-partially-premixed-2nd.dat.gz ││zimont-partially-premixed.cas.gz││zimont-partially-premixed.dat.gz│││├─tut-14-flamelet│││ berl.msh.gz││││││ smooke46.che│││ thermo.db│││││└─solution_files││berl-converged.cas.gz││berl-converged.dat.gz││berl-ini.cas.gz││berl-second.cas.gz││berl-second.dat.gz││berl.fla.gz││berl.pdf.gz│││├─tut-15-moss-brookes│││ brookes_ch4.cas.gz│││ brookes_ch4.dat.gz│││ brookes_ch4.pdf.gz│││ brookes_ch4.ray│││ flamlet.fla│││ therm.dat│││││└─solution_files││brookes_ch4_soot_converged.cas.gz││brookes_ch4_soot_converged.dat.gz │││├─tut-16-dqmom│││ dqmom.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││dqmom-1.cas.gz││dqmom-1.dat.gz││dqmom-2.cas.gz││dqmom-2.dat.gz││dqmom-final.cas.gz││dqmom-final.dat.gz││dqmom-init.cas.gz││dqmom-init.dat.gz││dqmom.cas.gz││dqmom.dat.gz│││├─tut-17-species│││ baffled_reactor.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││case-1-rtd-complete.cas.gz││case-1-rtd-complete.dat.gz││case-1-tracer-init.cas.gz││case-1-tracer-init.dat.gz││case-1-tracer-injection-complete.cas.gz ││case-1-tracer-injection-complete.dat.gz ││case-1-tracer.out││case-1.cas.gz││case-1.dat.gz││case-2-rtd-complete.cas.gz││case-2-rtd-complete.dat.gz││case-2-rtd-final.cas.gz││case-2-rtd-final.dat.gz││case-2-tracer-init.cas.gz││case-2-tracer-init.dat.gz││case-2-tracer-injection-complete.cas.gz ││case-2-tracer-injection-complete.dat.gz ││case-2-tracer.out││case-2.cas.gz││case-2.dat.gz││surf-mon-1.out│││├─tut-18-euler-granular│││ euler.msh.gz│││ mass_xfer_rate.c│││││└─solution_files││euler-gran-1.cas.gz││euler-gran-1.dat.gz││euler-gran-final.cas.gz││euler-gran-final.dat.gz││vol-solid.out│││└─tut-19-dpm-channel││ 3dpipe.msh.gz│││└─solution_files│ dpm-evap.cas.gz│ dpm-evap.dat.gz│ pipe-flow.cas.gz│ pipe-flow.dat.gz│├─extra││ FLUENT13_workshop_XX_RAE_Airfoil.pptx ││ FLUENT13_workshop_XX_V ortexShedding.pptx │││├─workshop_XX_RAE_Airfoil│││ ExperimentalData.csv│││ coarse.xy│││ experiment.xy│││ expressions.cst│││ rae2822_coarse.msh│││││└─Result_TUT_04│││ rae2822_coarse-data_export_to_post.cas │││ rae2822_coarse-data_export_to_post.cdat │││ rae2822_coarse-data_export_to_post.cst│││ rae2822_coarse.cas.gz│││ rae2822_coarse.dat.gz│││││└─FINE_MESH││ medium.xy││ rae2822_fine.cas.gz││ rae2822_fine.dat.gz││ rae2822_fine.msh││ rae2822_medium.cas.gz││ rae2822_medium.dat.gz││ rae2822_medium.msh│││└─workshop_XX_V ortexShedding││ point-4-y-velocity-final.out││ vortex-shedding-coarse.msh││ vortex-shedding-unsteady.cas.gz││ vortex-shedding-unsteady.dat.gz│││├─FILES_FOR_CFDPOST││ vectors.mp4││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-68.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-69.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-69.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-69.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-69.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-70.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-70.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-70.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-70.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-71.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-71.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-71.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-71.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-72.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-72.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-72.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-72.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-73.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-73.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-73.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-73.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-74.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-74.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-74.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-74.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-75.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-75.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-75.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-75.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-76.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-76.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-76.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-76.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-77.199997.dat.gz││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-77.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-77.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-78.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-78.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-78.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-78.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-79.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-79.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-79.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-79.949997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-80.199997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-80.449997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-80.699997.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-80.950012.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-81.200027.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-81.450043.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-81.700058.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-81.950073.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-82.200089.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-82.450104.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-82.700119.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-82.950134.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-83.200150.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-83.450165.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-83.700180.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-83.950195.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-84.200211.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-84.450226.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-84.700241.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-84.950256.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-85.200272.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-85.450287.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-85.700302.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-85.950317.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-86.200333.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-86.450348.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-86.700363.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-86.950378.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-87.200394.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-87.450409.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-87.700424.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-87.950439.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-88.200455.dat.gz││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-88.700485.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-88.950500.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-89.200516.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-89.450531.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-89.700546.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-89.950562.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-90.200577.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-90.450592.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-90.700607.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-90.950623.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-91.200638.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-91.450653.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-91.700668.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-91.950684.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-92.200699.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-92.450714.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3-92.700729.dat.gz ││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-3.cas.gz│││└─Result-TUT_07││ cfd_post.cst││ point-4-y-velocity-final.out││ point-4-y-velocity.out││ sequence-1.mpeg││ vectors.mp4││ vortex-shedding-coarse-steady.cas.gz││ vortex-shedding-coarse-steady.dat.gz││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-final.cas.gz││ vortex-shedding-unsteady-final.dat.gz││ vortex-shedding-unsteady.cas.gz││ vortex-shedding-unsteady.dat.gz│││├─ADDITIONAL-FILES││ q-criterion2D.scm││ velocity.fft│││└─ANIMATION-FILES│ sequence-1.cxa│ sequence-1.mpeg│ sequence-1_0000.hmf│ sequence-1_0001.hmf│ sequence-1_0002.hmf│ sequence-1_0003.hmf│ sequence-1_0005.hmf │ sequence-1_0006.hmf │ sequence-1_0007.hmf │ sequence-1_0008.hmf │ sequence-1_0009.hmf │ sequence-1_0010.hmf │ sequence-1_0011.hmf │ sequence-1_0012.hmf │ sequence-1_0013.hmf │ sequence-1_0014.hmf │ sequence-1_0015.hmf │ sequence-1_0016.hmf │ sequence-1_0017.hmf │ sequence-1_0018.hmf │ sequence-1_0019.hmf │ sequence-1_0020.hmf │ sequence-1_0021.hmf │ sequence-1_0022.hmf │ sequence-1_0023.hmf │ sequence-1_0024.hmf │ sequence-1_0025.hmf │ sequence-1_0026.hmf │ sequence-1_0027.hmf │ sequence-1_0028.hmf │ sequence-1_0029.hmf │ sequence-1_0030.hmf │ sequence-1_0031.hmf │ sequence-1_0032.hmf │ sequence-1_0033.hmf │ sequence-1_0034.hmf │ sequence-1_0035.hmf │ sequence-1_0036.hmf │ sequence-1_0037.hmf │ sequence-1_0038.hmf │ sequence-1_0039.hmf │ sequence-1_0040.hmf │ sequence-1_0041.hmf │ sequence-1_0042.hmf │ sequence-1_0043.hmf │ sequence-1_0044.hmf │ sequence-1_0045.hmf │ sequence-1_0046.hmf │ sequence-1_0047.hmf│ sequence-1_0049.hmf │ sequence-1_0050.hmf │ sequence-1_0051.hmf │ sequence-1_0052.hmf │ sequence-1_0053.hmf │ sequence-1_0054.hmf │ sequence-1_0055.hmf │ sequence-1_0056.hmf │ sequence-1_0057.hmf │ sequence-1_0058.hmf │ sequence-1_0059.hmf │ sequence-1_0060.hmf │ sequence-1_0061.hmf │ sequence-1_0062.hmf │ sequence-1_0063.hmf │ sequence-1_0064.hmf │ sequence-1_0065.hmf │ sequence-1_0066.hmf │ sequence-1_0067.hmf │ sequence-1_0068.hmf │ sequence-1_0069.hmf │ sequence-1_0070.hmf │ sequence-1_0071.hmf │ sequence-1_0072.hmf │ sequence-1_0073.hmf │ sequence-1_0074.hmf │ sequence-1_0075.hmf │ sequence-1_0076.hmf │ sequence-1_0077.hmf │ sequence-1_0078.hmf │ sequence-1_0079.hmf │ sequence-1_0080.hmf │ sequence-1_0081.hmf │ sequence-1_0082.hmf │ sequence-1_0083.hmf │ sequence-1_0084.hmf │ sequence-1_0085.hmf │ sequence-1_0086.hmf │ sequence-1_0087.hmf │ sequence-1_0088.hmf │ sequence-1_0089.hmf │ sequence-1_0090.hmf │ sequence-1_0091.hmf│ sequence-1_0093.hmf│ sequence-1_0094.hmf│ sequence-1_0095.hmf│ sequence-1_0096.hmf│ sequence-1_0097.hmf│ sequence-1_0098.hmf│ sequence-1_0099.hmf│ sequence-1_0100.hmf│ sequence-1_0101.hmf│ sequence-1_0102.hmf│ sequence-1_0103.hmf│ sequence-1_0104.hmf│ sequence-1_0105.hmf│ sequence-1_0106.hmf│ sequence-1_0107.hmf│ sequence-1_0108.hmf│ sequence-1_0109.hmf│ sequence-1_0110.hmf│ sequence-1_0111.hmf│ sequence-1_0112.hmf│ sequence-1_0113.hmf│ sequence-1_0114.hmf│ sequence-1_0115.hmf│ sequence-1_0116.hmf│ sequence-1_0117.hmf│ sequence-1_0118.hmf│ sequence-1_0119.hmf│├─fluent-heat-transfer││ ht-01-intro-tut-04-periodic-flow-heat.pdf││ ht-02-intro-tut-07-radiation-and-convection.pdf ││ ht-03-intro-tut-08-DO-radiation.pdf││ ht-04-intro-tut-24-solidification.pdf││ ht-05-conjugate-heat-transfer.pdf││ ht-06-compact-heat-exchanger.pdf││ ht-07-macro-heat-exchanger.pdf││ ht-08-head-lamp.pdf│││├─ht-01-intro-tut-04-periodic-flow-heat│││ tubebank.msh│││││└─solution_files││tubebank.cas.gz││tubebank.dat.gz│││├─ht-02-intro-tut-07-radiation-and-convection │││ rad.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││rad_1.s2s.gz││rad_10.cas.gz││rad_10.dat.gz││rad_10.s2s.gz││rad_100.cas.gz││rad_100.dat.gz││rad_100.s2s.gz││rad_1600.cas.gz││rad_1600.dat.gz││rad_1600.s2s.gz││rad_400.cas.gz││rad_400.dat.gz││rad_400.s2s.gz││rad_800.cas.gz││rad_800.dat.gz││rad_800.s2s.gz││rad_a_1.cas.gz││rad_b_1.cas.gz││rad_b_1.dat.gz││rad_partial.cas.gz││rad_partial.dat.gz││rad_partial.s2s.gz││tp_1.xy││tp_10.xy││tp_100.xy││tp_1600.xy││tp_400.xy││tp_800.xy││tp_partial.xy│││├─ht-03-intro-tut-08-DO-radiation│││ do.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││do.cas.gz││do.dat.gz││do_2x2_10x10_pix.cas.gz││do_2x2_10x10_pix.dat.gz││do_2x2_1x1.xy││do_2x2_2x2_pix.cas.gz││do_2x2_2x2_pix.dat.gz││do_2x2_2x2_pix.xy││do_2x2_3x3_div.cas.gz││do_2x2_3x3_div.dat.gz││do_2x2_3x3_div.xy││do_2x2_3x3_pix.cas.gz││do_2x2_3x3_pix.dat.gz││do_2x2_3x3_pix.xy││do_3x3_3x3_div.cas.gz││do_3x3_3x3_div.dat.gz││do_3x3_3x3_div.xy││do_3x3_3x3_div_baf_int.xy ││do_3x3_3x3_div_df1.cas.gz ││do_3x3_3x3_div_df1.dat.gz ││do_3x3_3x3_div_df=1.xy ││do_3x3_3x3_div_int.cas.gz ││do_3x3_3x3_div_int.dat.gz ││do_5x5_3x3_div.cas.gz││do_5x5_3x3_div.dat.gz││do_5x5_3x3_div.xy│││├─ht-04-intro-tut-24-solidification│││ solid.msh│││││└─solution_files││solid.cas.gz││solid.dat.gz││solid0.cas.gz││solid0.dat.gz││solid01.cas.gz││solid01.dat.gz││solid5.cas.gz││solid5.dat.gz│││├─ht-05-conjugate-heat-transfer│││ chip3d.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││chip3d-adapt1.cas.gz││chip3d-adapt1.dat.gz││chip3d-adapt2.cas.gz││chip3d.cas.gz││chip3d.dat.gz││surf-mon-1.out││temp-0.xy││temp-1.xy││temp-2.xy││velocity-0.xy││velocity-1.xy││velocity-2.xy││xwss-0.xy││xwss-1.xy││xwss-2.xy│││├─ht-06-compact-heat-exchanger │││ htx.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││htx-energy.cas.gz││htx-energy.dat.gz││htx-eqn.cas.gz││htx-eqn.dat.gz││htx-final.cas.gz││htx-final.dat.gz││htx-setup.cas.gz││htx-setup.dat.gz││surf-mon-1.out│││├─ht-07-macro-heat-exchanger ││││││ wedge.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││wedge1.cas.gz││wedge1.dat.gz││wedge2.cas.gz││wedge2.dat.gz││wedge3.cas.gz││wedge3.dat.gz││wedge4.cas.gz││wedge4.dat.gz│││└─ht-08-head-lamp││ head-lamp.msh.gz│││└─solution_fi les│ auto-hlamp.cas.gz│ auto-hlamp.dat.gz│ head-lamp-t.out│ hed-lamp-v.out│├─multiphase-fluent││ 01-hfilm.pdf││ 02-boil.pdf││ 03-nucleate_boil.pdf││ 04-dambreak.pdf││ 05-sloshing.pdf││ 06-bubble-col.pdf││ 07-bubble-break.pdf││ 08-inkjet.pdf││ 09-sparger.pdf││ 10-pbed-reactor.pdf││ 11-ddpm.pdf││ 12-dm-ship-wave.pdf││ 13-udf-clarifier.pdf││ 14-udf-fbed.pdf│││├─tut-01-hfilm│││ boiling.c│││ test-2d.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files│││ hfilm_input_files.tar.zg │││ nusselt-1.out│││ test-2d-1-00100.dat│││ test-2d-1-00200.dat│││ test-2d-1-00300.dat│││ test-2d-1-00400.dat│││ test-2d-1-00500.dat│││ test-2d-1-00600.dat│││ test-2d-1-00700.dat│││ test-2d-1-00800.dat│││ test-2d-1-00900.dat│││ test-2d-1-01000.dat│││ test-2d-1-01100.dat│││ test-2d-1-01200.dat│││ test-2d-1-01300.dat│││ test-2d-1-01400.dat│││ test-2d-1-01500.dat│││ test-2d-1-01600.dat│││ test-2d-1-01700.dat│││ test-2d-1-01800.dat│││ test-2d-1-01900.dat│││ test-2d-1-02000.dat│││ test-2d-1-02100.dat│││ test-2d-1-02200.dat│││ test-2d-1-02300.dat│││ test-2d-1-02400.dat│││ test-2d-1-02500.dat│││ test-2d-1-02600.dat│││ test-2d-1-02700.dat│││ test-2d-1-02800.dat│││ test-2d-1-02900.dat│││ test-2d-1-03000.dat│││ test-2d-1-03100.dat│││ test-2d-1-03200.dat│││ test-2d-1-03300.dat│││ test-2d-1-03400.dat│││ test-2d-1-03500.dat│││ test-2d-1-03600.dat│││ test-2d-1-03700.dat│││ test-2d-1-03800.dat│││ test-2d-1-03900.dat│││ test-2d-1-04000.dat│││ test-2d-1.cas│││ vol-mon-1.out│││││└─libudf││├─ntx86│││└─2ddp│││boiling.obj│││libudf.dll│││libudf.exp│││libudf.lib│││log│││makefile│││udf_names.c │││udf_names.obj │││user_nt.udf│││││├─src│││ boiling.c│││││└─win64││└─2ddp││boiling.obj││libudf.dll││libudf.exp││libudf.lib││log││makefile││ud_io1.h││udf_names.c ││udf_names.obj ││user_nt.udf│││├─tut-02-boil│││ boil.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││boil-3-00300.dat.gz││boil-3-01000.dat.gz││boil-3.cas.gz│││├─tut-03-nucleate-boil│││ boiling-conjugate.msh│││││└─solution_files││boil-final.cas.gz││boil-final.dat.gz││boil-init.cas.gz││boil-init.dat.gz││boil-single-phase.cas.gz ││boil-single-phase.dat.gz ││││surf-mon-1.out││surf-mon-2.out│││├─tut-04-dambreak│││ dambreak.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││dambreak-100.cas.gz││dambreak-100.dat.gz││dambreak-50.cas.gz││dambreak-50.dat.gz││dambreak-80.cas.gz││dambreak-80.dat.gz││dambreak.cas.gz││dambreak.dat.gz│││├─tut-05-sloshing│││ ft11.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││├─baffles│││ baffles-data-file-4-02060.dat.gz │││ baffles-data-file-4-02080.dat.gz ││││││ baffles.jou│││ ft11.msh.gz│││ operating.cas.gz│││ t=0.0s.cas.gz│││ t=0.0s.dat.gz│││ t=0.45s.cas.gz│││ t=0.45s.dat.gz│││ t=1.25s.cas.gz│││ t=1.25s.dat.gz│││ t=1.50s.cas.gz│││ t=1.50s.dat.gz│││ t=1.5s.cas.gz│││ t=1.5s.dat.gz│││ t=2.5s.cas.gz│││ t=2.5s.dat.gz│││││└─no-baffles││ no-baffles-data-file-4-02760.dat.gz ││ no-baffles-data-file-4-02780.dat.gz ││││ no-baffles.jou││ t=0.0s.cas.gz││ t=0.0s.dat.gz││ t=0.45s.cas.gz││ t=0.45s.dat.gz││ t=0s.cas.gz││ t=0s.dat.gz││ t=1.25s.cas.gz││ t=1.25s.dat.gz││ t=1.5s.cas.gz││ t=1.5s.dat.gz││ t=2.5s.cas.gz││ t=2.5s.dat.gz││ │││├─tut-06-bubble-col│││ becker.msh│││││└─solution_files││becker-1-00200.dat.gz ││becker-1-00400.dat.gz ││becker-1-00600.dat.gz ││becker-1-00800.dat.gz ││becker-1-01000.dat.gz ││becker-1-01200.dat.gz ││becker-1-01400.dat.gz ││becker-1-01600.dat.gz ││becker-1-01800.dat.gz ││becker-1-02000.dat.gz ││becker-1-02200.dat.gz ││becker-1-02400.dat.gz ││becker-1-02600.dat.gz ││becker-1-02800.dat.gz ││becker-1-03000.dat.gz ││becker-1-03200.dat.gz ││becker-1-03400.dat.gz ││becker-1-03600.dat.gz ││becker-1-03800.dat.gz ││becker-1-04000.dat.gz ││becker-1-04200.dat.gz ││becker-1-04400.dat.gz ││becker-1-04600.dat.gz ││becker-1-04800.dat.gz ││becker-1-05000.dat.gz ││becker-1.cas.gz││becker.cas.gz││becker.dat.gz││vel-vectors.cxa││vel-vectors_0000.hmf ││vel-vectors_0001.hmf ││vel-vectors_0002.hmf ││vel-vectors_0003.hmf ││vel-vectors_0004.hmf ││vel-vectors_0005.hmf ││vel-vectors_0006.hmf││vel-vectors_0007.hmf ││vel-vectors_0008.hmf ││vel-vectors_0009.hmf ││vel-vectors_0010.hmf ││vel-vectors_0011.hmf ││vel-vectors_0012.hmf ││vel-vectors_0013.hmf ││vel-vectors_0014.hmf ││vel-vectors_0015.hmf ││vel-vectors_0016.hmf ││vel-vectors_0017.hmf ││vel-vectors_0018.hmf ││vel-vectors_0019.hmf ││vel-vectors_0020.hmf ││vel-vectors_0021.hmf ││vel-vectors_0022.hmf ││vel-vectors_0023.hmf ││vel-vectors_0024.hmf ││vof.cxa││vof_0000.hmf││vof_0001.hmf││vof_0002.hmf││vof_0003.hmf││vof_0004.hmf││vof_0005.hmf││vof_0006.hmf││vof_0007.hmf││vof_0008.hmf││vof_0009.hmf││vof_0010.hmf││vof_0011.hmf││vof_0012.hmf││vof_0013.hmf││vof_0014.hmf││vof_0015.hmf││vof_0016.hmf││vof_0017.hmf││vof_0018.hmf││vof_0019.hmf││vof_0020.hmf││vof_0021.hmf││vof_0022.hmf││vof_0023.hmf││vof_0024.hmf│││├─tut-07-bubble-break│││ bubcol_new2.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files││bubcol-final.cas.gz││bubcol-final.dat.gz││bubcol_new2-initial.cas.gz ││bubcol_new2-initial.dat.gz ││surf-mon-1.out││surf-mon-2.out││surf-mon-3.out│││├─tut-08-inkjet│││ inkjet.msh.gz│││ inlet1.c│││ udfconfig.h│││││└─solution_files││inkjet-1-00100.dat.gz││inkjet-1-00200.dat.gz││inkjet-1-00300.dat.gz││inkjet-1-00400.dat.gz││inkjet-1-00500.dat.gz││inkjet-1-00600.dat.gz││inkjet-1-00700.dat.gz││inkjet-1-00800.dat.gz││inkjet-1-00900.dat.gz││inkjet-1-01000.dat.gz││inkjet-1-01100.dat.gz││inkjet-1-01200.dat.gz││inkjet-1-01300.dat.gz││inkjet-1-01400.dat.gz││inkjet-1-01500.dat.gz││inkjet-1.cas.gz││inkjet-final.cas.gz││inkjet-final.dat.gz││inkjet.cas.gz││inkjet.dat.gz│││├─tut-09-sparger│││ sparger.msh.gz│││││└─solution_files。