
cash advance
magnetic ink character
recognition MICR
magnetic stripe
merchant accounting
merchant agreement
merchant assessment磁条
merchant authorization特约商户取得授权
security interest
skip account
skip payment参考号
hot card异常帐户文件

银行中英文术语及解释EMV标准 EMV standardEMV是EUROPAY、MASTERCARD、VISA三个国际信用卡公司的首字母缩略词,这三个公司联合制定的IC卡借记/贷记应用标准,简称为EMV标准。
发卡方 issuer指持卡人账户所在的一方(即批准授权的一方)。
发卡机构 issuer指开展银行卡发卡业务的银联成员机构。
发卡行标识代码 bank identification number; BIN标识发卡机构的代码。
集成电路卡 integrated circuit card内部封装一个或多个集成电路用于执行处理和存储功能的卡片。
集成电路模块 integrated circuit module嵌入在IC卡中包括集成电路、集成电路载体、连线和触点的子装置。
间联 indirect connection指银行卡受理终端设备通过入网机构系统接入银联网络的模式。
金融类交易 financial transaction指受理方向发卡方请求对持卡人交易的许可和资金结算的许可。
卡号 card number用于标识银行卡所有者及卡片唯一性的号码,由发卡行标识代码、个人账户标识和校验位组成。
清分 clearing指对交易数据依据机构和交易类型进行分类汇总,并计算结算金额的过程。
清算 settlement指根据清分结果对交易数据进行净额轧差和提交并完成资金划拨的全过程。
取现交易 cash withdraw指持卡人通过ATM等终端渠道提取或预借现金的过程。
商户类别代码 merchant category code根据商户业务、贸易和服务类型对商户进行分类,标识每一类别的代码称为商户类别代码。
收单机构 acquirer指开展银联卡收单业务的银联成员机构。
受理方 acceptor指受理交易的一方(即交易终端所在的一方)。

银行术语的中英文对照银行卡类型Card Type银行卡号Card No借记卡Debit Card贷记卡Credit Card电话银行IVR (Interactive Voice Response:交互语音应答系统) 证件号码I.D. No注册Enrollment证件I.D.新密码New Password确认密码Confirm Password密码重置Ret Password账户管理Account management账户查询Account enquiry账户概览Account summary账户详情Account detail交易明细查询Transaction detail enquiry转账Transfer定期存款Time deposit定期账户Time deposit活期账户Savings Account活期一本通Passbook of Current Savings普通活期存折Regular Passbook saving定期一本通Passbook of Time Deposit零存整取Installment Time Deposit教育储蓄Education Saving存本取息Interest Withdraw Time Deposit准贷记卡Quasi Credit Card账号Account No./Acc. No.别名Nickname账号状态Acc. Status开户网点Acc. Open网点Branch开户日期Open Date卡号Card No.卡状态Card Status起始日期Start Date结束日期End Date交易日期Transaction Date币种Currency钞/汇Cash/Remit当前余额Current Balance可用余额Available Balance余额Balance余额查询Balance Enquiry存单序号CD No.收入金额credit支出金额Debit业务摘要Memo人民币RMB美元USD乙钞B Cash转账明细Transfer details预约转账管理Scheduled transfer management 转出账号Transfer Out Acc.转出账号地区Transfer Out Region转入账号Transfer In Acc.转入账号地区Transfer In Region钞汇标志Cash/Remit转账金额Transfer Amount即时转账Immediate (Transfer)指定日期转账Sehedule (Transfer)转账日期Transfer Date备注Memo港币HKD英镑GBP欧元EUR日元JPY加拿大元CAD澳大利亚元AUD瑞士法郎CHF新加坡元SGD现钞Cash现汇Remit手续费Service Charge转账类型Transfer Type转账状态Transfer Status定期存款支取Time deposit withdraw整存整取Lump-sum Time Deposit通知存款Call Deposit零存整取续存Renew Time Deposit教育储蓄续存Renew Education Saving定活两便Consolidated Time&Savings转存Repeating转存方式Transfer Type储种Type存期Period自动转存Repeating业务品种Class续存金额Renew Amount信用额度Credit Limit可用额度Available Credit预约日期Submit Date指定转账日期Schedule Date提交Submit整存整取支取Lump Sum Time Deposit Withdraw通知存款支取Call Deposit Transfer存折Passbook存单CD存本取息(利息)支取Transfer interest from interest withdraw time deposit 定活两便支取Consolidated time&Savings transfer信用卡查询Credit card enquiry信用卡概览Credit Card Summary信用卡详细信息Credit Card Detail信用卡未出账单明细Credit Card unsettled bills信用卡交易明细Credit Card Transaction Detail信用卡月结单查询Credit Card Monthly Statement Enquiry查询月份Equiry month结单日期Statement Date贷记利息Interest Rate本币上月余额RMB Previous month balance本币本月余额RMB Current month balance美元上月余额USD Previous month balance美元本月余额USD Current month balance本币最低还款额RMB Minimal Payment本币全额金额RMB Total amount due外币最低还款额Foreign Currency Minimal Payment外币全额金额Foreign Currency Total Payment账户信用额度Credit limit可用额度Available Credit原交易金额Original Amount交易地点Transact at本币存入合计RMB total Credit外币存入合计Foreign Currency total Credit本币支出合计RMB total Debit外币支出合计Foreign Currency total Debit上一结单日Previous Settlement Date还款到期日Next Payment Date信用积分Credit Point上次未还金额Previous Period unpaid amount上次还款金额Previous Period paid amount需立即缴交的过期款项/超额款项Overdue/Overlimit amount 全额还款总额Total due amount最低还款总额Minimum Payment Amount全额购汇还款总额Total foreign currency due amount最低购汇还款总额Mini foreign currency payment amount 购汇牌价(人民币/美元) Exchange Rate (RMB/USD)人民币还款RMB Payment美元还款USD Payment还款方式Payment method记账日期Booked Date上次结算日Previous settlement Date信用卡还款Credit card payment自助还款服务Self Service Payment到期还款日Due Date全额还款金额Total Due最低还款金额Minimal Payment Amount还款种类Payment Type付款账号Payment acc no.付款金额Payment amount申请信用卡Credit card application美元、人民币双币种卡USD、RMB dual currency card称谓Title姓名拼音Name(Pingyin)出生日期Date of Birth证件类别I.D. Type证件号码I.D. NO.国籍Nationality婚姻状况Marital Status教育状况Education住宅性质Resident Type住宅地址Address居住年限Period of Resident住宅邮编Zip Code住宅电话Resident Phone区号Region电话号码Phone no.分机号ext手机号码Mobile Phone电子邮箱Email供养人数House hold父亲姓名Father's name母亲姓名Mather's name公司名称Company name公司地址Company add.公司邮编Company Zip Code公司电话Company phone行业性质Industry经济类型Organization职位Position现职年限Years employed现职固定月收入Monthly Salary年收入总额Year Income储蓄账户saving account个人资产信息Personal asset data账单缴付Bill Payment缴费地区payment region缴费类型payment type缴费日期payment Date缴费详细信息payment detail截止日期Due Date交费日期Transfer Date机主姓名owner name手机正常话费basic fee信息费Information fee交费总额Total amount缴费账号Payment acc. No.财经资讯Financial Information浏览金融信息browse financial information金融信息设置financial information setting个人设定Personal Setting账户维护Account maintenance会话超时设置Session timed setting更新个人资料Update personal data更改密码Change password个性化session超时时间Customizing session inactivity time limit 超时时间Limit原密码original password网上客服Customer sevices安全电子邮件security email收件箱Inbox发邮件Send mail发件箱Outbox标题subject发信人sender接收日期receive date删除delete邮件详细内容mail content发送日期send date网上挂失online Suspend account账户挂失Suspend account挂失多个账户Suspend multiple accounts 退出 Logout。

信用卡英语词汇整理及详解出guo在外,用的最多就是信用卡了,所以掌握一些关于信用卡的十分有必要,下面就和一起来学习学习吧!credit n.card n.expense n.rectangular adj.plastic adj.authorize vt.charge vt., vi. ;n.collect vt.force vt.interest n.unpaid adj.afford v.信用, [财务]贷方, 银行存款纸牌, 卡片费用, 开支矩形的塑胶的, 塑造的授权,委托vt., vi.要价;要人支付;收费n.费用;花费收款;收账强制, 强加利息未付款的, 不受报酬的买得起;能提供,能给予Phrases and Expressionspay cashwrite checksat one timeon credit短语与词组付现金开支票一次凭信用;赊购1.credit card信用卡credit n.reputation for solvency and integrityentitling a person to be trusted in buying or borrowing: 信用:给予某人的证明,其在买入或借款时可以信任的在清偿能力和老实上的声誉例:You should have no trouble getting the loan if your credit is good.如果你信誉良好,要取得这笔贷款就没有什么问题了2.More and more they pay for things with credit cards.他们越来越多地用信用卡来支付购物款。
此句是倒装句,强调more and more (moneys)。
正常语序为They pay more and more…。
3.This authorizes the store to charge the bank for the customers purchase.这就授权商店向银行收取客户的购物款。

AA(Approval Code)核准密码(AA为电报简码),消费款项(超过商户最低免授权交易金额者经授权后给予的核准密码)。
Account use (手工授权,包括MO/TO/网上授权)ACD(Automatic Call Distribution),程控交换机自动分配拨入(Call-in)的电话并提交管理层统计资料的电脑系统。
ACD in + Available,计算客服人员 productivity的统计量, 即接听客户电话和等候客户电话的时间比例.Acquiring Bank 收单银行,办理签定特约商户以接受信用卡客户消费的银行.AFF(Air Frequent Flyer),飞行里程奖励办法. 持卡人使用信用卡购买机票, 可按里程折合点数, 到达一定点数时, 可以换乘头等舱或享受免费机票优惠. Affinity Card(认同卡),其他商业机构借助银行的发卡系统或资源, 发行类似信用卡的认同卡, 以达到宣传或服务自身会员目的。
Annual Fee 年费,信用卡每年所缴的年费, 在会计处理上按12个月分摊记帐. ANR(Average Net Receivables) 平均余额,发卡单位平均应收客户款. Application 申请书,客户申请信用卡时填写的表格, 包含个人资料, 财务状况等。
A/R(Accounts Recievables)应收帐款, 三个月未收回者,应转入PDO(Post Due Obligation)。
Arbitration 仲裁,对于争议帐款,当收单行与发卡行在扣款流程进行完毕后仍争执不下时,交VISA或MCI的仲裁法庭裁决。
Attrition 剪卡,取消卡片。
Authorization 授权,持卡人在商户消费时,需经授权系统或授权人员取得交易核准码,这一过程称为授权。

emergency card紧急补发卡服务replacement
error resolution
exception file
法律禁令。当借款人提出破产请求时,债权人不得采取继续向其催收 债务或是占有抵押物。
cash advance chargeback charge off chip card corporate card credit analyst credit balance credit card credit limit credit loss credit scoring cross-sell
account takeover acquirer acquiring bank affinity group card annual membership fee approval ratio
authorization automatic stay available credit back-end processing behavioral score billing date card issuer card mailer card reissue cardholder agreement cardholder bank cardholder masterfile
late charge
line of credit
信用卡常用术语Credit card term

信用卡常用术语Credit card term信用卡常用术语Credit card term信用卡常用术语Credit card term国外留学与银行打交道的常用术语:cash card(现金卡):可以从银行或atm机提取现金cheque guarantee card (支票保证卡)debit card(借记卡)credit card(信用卡)current account(现金帐户):用于存(deposit),取(withdraw),日常开支,通常利息较低或没有利息。
saving account(存款帐户)overdraft(透支)account number 帐目编号depositor 存户pay-in slip 存款单a deposit form 存款单a banding machine 自动存取机to deposit 存款deposit receipt 存款收据private deposits 私人存款certificate of deposit 存单deposit book, passbook 存折credit card 信用卡principal 本金overdraft, overdraw 透支to counter sign 双签to endorse 背书endorser 背书人to cash 兑现to honor a cheque 兑付to dishonor a cheque 拒付to suspend payment 止付cheque,check 支票cheque book 支票本order cheque 记名支票bearer cheque 不记名支票crossed cheque 横线支票blank cheque 空白支票rubber cheque 空头支票cheque stub, counterfoil 票根cash cheque 现金支票traveler s cheque 旅行支票cheque for transfer 转帐支票outstanding cheque 未付支票canceled cheque 已付支票forged cheque 伪支票bandar s note 庄票,银票balance sheet 资产负债表cash flow 现金流转glossary 术语表money order 汇款单,汇票letter of credit n.[商](银行发行的)信用证charge for 想...收费overdraw v.透支overdraft n.透支, 透支之款项endorse [in5dc:s] v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文件), 认可, 签署liability n.责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, [负债], 与assets相对asset n.[资产], 有用的东西solvent adj. 有偿付能力的n.溶媒, 溶剂, 解决方法securities n.有价证券time hull insurance 船舶定期保险marine insurance 海损保险maritime transportation insurance 海洋运输保险fire insurance 火险cargo insurance 货物保险account number - a unique number assigned by a financial institution to a customer. on a credit card, this number is embossed and encoded on the plastic card.additional cardholder - when you have a credit card, it is often possible to add an additional card to the account for use by someone else. the main cardholder holds responsibility for ensuring payments on the additional card are made. purchases are shown on the credit card statement, which is sent monthly.american express - also known as amex, this company is one of the main international credit card issuing schemes. it issues its own credit cards unlike visa and mastercard and is responsible for its own relationships with retailers.annual fee- an annual (yearly) fee associated with having a credit card. this is a separate fee from interest rate on purchases.annual percentage rate (apr)- the yearly percentage rate charged when a balance is held on a credit card. this rate is applied each month that an outstanding balance is present.approval response - an authorization response that is received when a transaction is approved.atm - automated teller machines or cash points allow youto access cash with a credit card or other card associated with your bank account. you need to enter your personal identification number (pin) into the machine to access cash.authentication - the process of assuring that data has come from its claimed source, or a process of corroborating the claimed identity of a communicating party.authorization - every retailer has a purchase limit above which they must seek authorization from the card issuer before they can complete the sale. such authorization can be done by telephone or electronically at the cash till. authorization is used to control credit card fraud. the cardholder s available credit limit is reduced by the authorized amount.authorization amount - currency amount approved.authorization code - a code that an issuer or its authorizing processor provides to indicate approval or denial for an authorization request.authorization date - date and time when the transaction was authorized.authorization only - a transaction that is created to reserve an amount against a credit card s available limit for intended purchases; the actual settlement may occur withinthree to five days, depending on the card type.authorized amount - currency amount approved.authorized transaction - transaction that has been approved.balance transfer - when the outstanding balance of one credit card (or several credit cards) is moved to another credit card account.balance transfer fee - a fee charged by a credit card company to transfer a balance from one account to another. this fee can be anywhere from 1%-5% of the balance amount. however, many credit card companies do not charge this fee. contact the credit card issuer for their specific fees.bad credit - a term used to describe a poor credit rating. common practices that can damage a credit rating include making late payments, skipping payments, exceeding card limits or declaring bankruptcy. bad credit can result in being denied future credit.bank account - bank account number for the merchant to which funds will be deposited.bank identification number (bin) - the first six digits of a visa or mastercard account number. this number is used to identify the card-issuing institution.bankcard - a payment card issued by a bank.billing cycle - the time between billing statements, usually 28-31 days.business card (business credit card) - usually issued to corporate executives or business owners in order to more easily keep business expenses separate from personal charges.card issuer - any association member financial institution, bank, credit union, or company that issues, or causes to be issued, plastic cards to cardholders.card reader - a device that is capable of reading the encoding on plastic cards.cardholder - an individual to whom a card is issued, or who is authorized to use an issued card.cash advance - a cash loan from a credit card using an atm or bank withdrawal.cash back - cash back returns to you a percentage of the total amount spent on your credit card over a specific period of time, usually monthly or quarterly. this feature is particularly useful if you normally pay your credit card bills in full each month, as it means you get an effective discount on the products bought with your credit card.chargeback - a transaction returned through interchangeby an issuer to an acquirer. a transaction may be returned because of it was non-compliant with the association rules and regulations or because it was disputed by a cardholder.chargeback period - the number of days from the transaction s processing date or endorsement date, during which the issuer may initiate a chargeback.co-branded card - a co-branded credit card is sponsored by both the issuing bank and a retail organization, such as a department store or an airline. cardholders may get benefits, such as discounts or free merchandise, from the sponsoring merchant, based on account usage and terms.commercial cards - a general name for cards typically issued for business use and which may include corporate cards, purchase cards, business cards, travel and entertainment cards.credit card number - unique number assigned to a credit card.credit limit - how much total money can be charged to a credit card account, for example $5,000.credit history - a partial profile of your financial life, given within a particular timeframe (usually measured in years). your credit history shows the extent to which you pay your bills ontime and how much you may owe particular parties. credit card issuers use this information to decide whether to provide customers with credit cards.debit - a charge to a customer s bankcard account. a transaction, such as a check, automated teller machine (atm) withdrawal or point-of-sale (pos) debit purchase that debits a demand deposit account.expired card - a card on which the embossed, encoded or printed expiration date has passed.finance charge - fees and other costs billed to you on your statement for using the credit cards (i.e., balance transfer fees, cash advance fees, late fees, overlimit fees, etc.).fixed rate (or fixed apr) -an annual percentage rate that does not change throughout the year, unlike an introductory apr that changes after a specific period of time.floor limit - an amount that visa and mastercard have established for single transactions at specific types of merchant outlets and branches, above which authorization is required.fraudulent transaction - a transaction unauthorized by the cardholder of a bankcard. such transactions are categorized as lost, stolen, not received, issued on a fraudulent application,counterfeit, fraudulent processing of transactions, account takeover or other fraudulent conditions as defined by the card company or the member company.fraudulent user - an individual who is not the cardholder or designee and who uses a card (or, in a mail/phone order or recurring transaction, an account number) to obtain goods or services without the cardholder s consent.grace period - a period of time during which you are allowed to pay your credit card bill without being charged a finance and/or late fee. this period is usually 10-28 days.introductory rate (or intro apr) - a temporary, lower annual percentage rate, after which the apr is raised.issuer - any association member financial institution, bank, credit union or company that issues, or causes to be issued, plastic cards to cardholders.magnetic stripe - a stripe of magnetic information that is affixed to the back of a plastic credit or debit card. this stripe contains customer and account information that is required to complete electronic financial transactions. the physical and magnetic characteristics of this stripe are specified in the international organization for standardization standards 7810, 7811 and 7813.mail/phone order merchant - a merchant that transacts business by mail or phone.mail/phone order transaction - a transaction where a cardholder orders goods or services from a merchant by telephone, mail or other means of telecommunication, and where neither the card nor the cardholder is present at the merchant outlet.mastercard - mastercard international inc. and all of its subsidiaries and affiliates.mastercard acquirer - a member that signs a mastercard merchant agreement or disburses currency to a mastercard cardholder in a cash disbursement, and directly or indirectly enters the resulting transaction receipt into interchange.mastercard card - a card that bears the mastercard symbol, enabling a mastercard cardholder to obtain goods, services or cash from a mastercard merchant or acquirer.mastercard issuer - a member that issues mastercard cards.merchant - an entity that contracts with merchant banks or iso s to originate transactions.merchant agreement - a written agreement between a merchant and a bank that contains their respective rights,duties and warranties, with respect to acceptance of the bankcard and matters related to the bankcard activity.merchant bank - bank that has a merchant agreement with a merchant to accept (acquire) deposits generated by bankcard transactions.minimum payment - the lowest amount of money that you are required to pay on your credit card statement each month.online financial transaction - a transaction that is authorized, cleared and settled in a single online message.overlimit - this refers to a cardholder account that has surpassed its credit limit with a transaction (i.e., the cardholder s outstanding balance is beyond his/her credit limit).overlimit fee - a fee charged when your balance goes over your credit limit.password - a sequence of characters that allows users access to a system. although they are supposed to be unique, experience has shown that most people s password choices are highly insecure. humans tend to choose short words, such as names, which are easy to guess.per transaction fees - fees paid by the merchant to the merchant bank or other contracted party on a per-transactionbasis.pin (personal identification number) - a sequence of digits used to verify the identity of the holder of a token. the pin is a kind of password.plastic (card) - this is a generic term that is used to identify any of the various cards issued to cardholders.point of sale (pos) - location in a merchant establishment at which the sale is consummated by payment for goods or services received.policy - an informal, generally natural language description of desired system behavior. policies may be defined for particular requirements, such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, safety, etc.posting - the process of updating individual cardholder account balances to reflect merchandise sales, instant cash, cash advances, adjustments, payments and any other charges or credits.primary account number (pan) - the number that is embossed and/or encoded on a plastic card that identifies the issuer and the particular cardholder account.prime rate (or prime interest rate) - the interest rate at which banks lend to their most creditworthy (prime)customers. the prime rate is known to change but not on a regular basis.processing date - the date on which the transaction is processed by the acquiring bank.receipt - a hard copy document that records when a transaction took place at the point of sale. the receipt contains a description of the transaction, which usually includes the date, the merchant name/location, the primary account number, the amount and the reference number.recurring billing - transactions for which a cardholder grants permission to the merchant to periodically charge his account number for recurring goods or services.reference number - number assigned to each monetary transaction in a descriptive billing system. each reference number is printed on the monthly statement to aid in retrieval of the document, should it be questioned by the cardholder.refund the creation of a credit to a cardholder account, usually as a result of a product return or to correct an error.retail merchant - a merchant that provides goods and/or services in the retail industry, but that is not a mail/phone merchant, a recurring services merchant or a t e merchant.sales draft - a paper record that evidences the purchase of goods or services by a cardholder.secured credit cards - credit cards that require collateral (property, such as a house, car or deposit of money) for approval. generally, secured credit cards are for people with no credit or poor credit who are trying to build or rebuild their credit history.service charge - a component of some finance charges, such as the fee for triggering an overdraft checking account into use.settlement - the reporting of settlement amounts owed by one member to another, or to a card issuing concern, as a result of clearing. settlement is the actual buying and selling of transactions between the merchants, processors and acquirers; along with the card-issuing entities.settlement bank - a bank, including a correspondent or intermediary bank, that is both located in the country where a member s settlement currency is the local currency, and is authorized to execute settlement of interchange on behalf of the member or the member s bank.smart card - a plastic card containing a computer chip with memory and cpu capabilities. such a card may be used foridentification or to store information, financial amounts or other forms of data. also called an integrated circuit card or a chip card.standard floor limit - a floor limit that varies by merchant type. this refers to a currency limit on transactions, above which authorization requests are required.statement - a written record prepared by a financial institution, usually once a month, listing all transactions for an account, including deposits, withdrawals, checks, electronic transfers, fees and other charges, and interest credited or earned. the statement is usually mailed to the customer.stored-value card - a stored-value card is a credit-card-sized device that is implanted with a computer chip with stored money value. a reloadable stored-value card can be reused by transferring a dollar value to it from an automated teller machine or other device. a disposable card cannot be reloaded.transaction - (1) any agreement between two or more parties that establishes a legal obligation. (2) the act of carrying out such an obligation. (3) all activities affecting a deposit account that are performed at the request of the account holder. (4) all events that cause some change in theassets, liabilities or net worth of a business. (5) an action between a cardholder and a merchant or a cardholder and a member that results in activity on the cardholder account.transaction identifier - a unique 15-character value that visa assigns to each transaction and returns to the acquirer in the authorization response. visa uses this value to maintain an audit trail throughout the lifecycle of the transaction and all related transactions, such as reversals, adjustments, confirmations and chargebacks.unsecured credit cards - credit cards that are not secured by collateral. customers qualify for such cards based on their credit history, their financial strength and their earnings potential.user authentication - process of validating that a user is who s/he represents her/himself to be.validation code - a unique 4-character value that visa includes as part of the cps/atm program in each authorization response. this code ensures that key authorization fields are preserved in the clearing or settlement record.variable interest rate - with variable-rate cards, the apr changes when interest rates or other economic indicators change. also known as a floating rate.visa - visa international service association and all of its subsidiaries and affiliates.visa card - a card that bears the visa symbol and which enables a visa cardholder to obtain goods, services or cash from a visa merchant or acquirer.visa issuer - a member that issues visa cards.visa merchant - a merchant that displays the visa symbol and accepts all visa cards.voice authorization - an approval response that is obtained through interactive communication between an issuer and an acquirer, their authorizing processors or stand-in processing or through telephone, facsimile or telex communications.void transaction - a deletion of the transaction information.void(ed) - nullifies a transaction that has been recorded for settlement, but has not yet been settled. this removes the transaction from the batch of transactions to be settled.信用卡常用术语Credit card term 相关内容:。

incoming interchange
interchange fee
late charge
line of credit
loss reserve窃或被人盗用。
nonsufficient funds NSF帐户透支
optical character
recognition OCR
over-limit account透支信用卡帐户
payment coupen付款凭单
payment due date付款到期日
cardholder masterfile
cash advance
automatic stay
available credit
back-end processing
behavioral score
billing date
card issuer

银行术语的中英文对照银行卡类型Card Type银行卡号Card No借记卡Debit Card贷记卡Credit Card电话银行IVR (Interactive Voice Response:交互语音应答系统)证件号码I.D. No注册Enrollment证件I.D.新密码New Password确认密码Confirm Password密码重置Ret Password账户管理Account management账户查询Account enquiry账户概览Account summary账户详情Account detail交易明细查询Transaction detail enquiry转账Transfer定期存款Time deposit定期账户Time deposit活期账户Savings Account活期一本通Passbook of Current Savings普通活期存折Regular Passbook saving定期一本通Passbook of Time Deposit零存整取Installment Time Deposit教育储蓄Education Saving存本取息Interest Withdraw Time Deposit准贷记卡Quasi Credit Card账号Account No./Acc. No.别名Nickname账号状态Acc. Status开户网点Acc. Open网点Branch开户日期Open Date卡号Card No.卡状态Card Status起始日期Start Date结束日期End Date交易日期Transaction Date币种Currency钞/汇Cash/Remit当前余额Current Balance可用余额Available Balance余额Balance余额查询Balance Enquiry存单序号CD No.收入金额credit支出金额Debit业务摘要Memo人民币RMB美元USD乙钞 B Cash转账明细Transfer details预约转账管理Scheduled transfer management 转出账号Transfer Out Acc.转出账号地区Transfer Out Region转入账号Transfer In Acc.转入账号地区Transfer In Region钞汇标志Cash/Remit转账金额Transfer Amount即时转账Immediate (Transfer)指定日期转账Sehedule (Transfer)转账日期Transfer Date备注Memo港币HKD英镑GBP欧元EUR日元JPY加拿大元CAD澳大利亚元AUD瑞士法郎CHF新加坡元SGD现钞Cash现汇Remit手续费Service Charge转账类型Transfer Type转账状态Transfer Status定期存款支取Time deposit withdraw整存整取Lump-sum Time Deposit通知存款Call Deposit零存整取续存Renew Time Deposit教育储蓄续存Renew Education Saving定活两便Consolidated Time&Savings转存Repeating转存方式Transfer Type储种Type存期Period自动转存Repeating业务品种Class续存金额Renew Amount信用额度Credit Limit可用额度Available Credit预约日期Submit Date指定转账日期Schedule Date提交Submit整存整取支取Lump Sum Time Deposit Withdraw通知存款支取Call Deposit Transfer存折Passbook存单CD存本取息(利息)支取Transfer interest from interest withdraw time deposit 定活两便支取Consolidated time&Savings transfer信用卡查询Credit card enquiry信用卡概览Credit Card Summary信用卡详细信息Credit Card Detail信用卡未出账单明细Credit Card unsettled bills信用卡交易明细Credit Card Transaction Detail信用卡月结单查询Credit Card Monthly Statement Enquiry查询月份Equiry month结单日期Statement Date贷记利息Interest Rate本币上月余额RMB Previous month balance本币本月余额RMB Current month balance美元上月余额USD Previous month balance美元本月余额USD Current month balance本币最低还款额RMB Minimal Payment本币全额金额RMB Total amount due外币最低还款额Foreign Currency Minimal Payment外币全额金额Foreign Currency Total Payment账户信用额度Credit limit可用额度Available Credit原交易金额Original Amount交易地点Transact at本币存入合计RMB total Credit外币存入合计Foreign Currency total Credit本币支出合计RMB total Debit外币支出合计Foreign Currency total Debit上一结单日Previous Settlement Date还款到期日Next Payment Date信用积分Credit Point上次未还金额Previous Period unpaid amount上次还款金额Previous Period paid amount需立即缴交的过期款项/超额款项Overdue/Overlimit amount 全额还款总额Total due amount最低还款总额Minimum Payment Amount全额购汇还款总额Total foreign currency due amount最低购汇还款总额Mini foreign currency payment amount 购汇牌价(人民币/美元) Exchange Rate (RMB/USD)人民币还款RMB Payment美元还款USD Payment还款方式Payment method记账日期Booked Date上次结算日Previous settlement Date信用卡还款Credit card payment自助还款服务Self Service Payment到期还款日Due Date全额还款金额Total Due最低还款金额Minimal Payment Amount还款种类Payment Type付款账号Payment acc no.付款金额Payment amount申请信用卡Credit card application美元、人民币双币种卡USD、RMB dual currency card称谓Title姓名拼音Name(Pingyin)出生日期Date of Birth证件类别I.D. Type证件号码I.D. NO.国籍Nationality婚姻状况Marital Status教育状况Education住宅性质Resident Type住宅地址Address居住年限Period of Resident住宅邮编Zip Code住宅电话Resident Phone区号Region电话号码Phone no.分机号ext手机号码Mobile Phone电子邮箱Email供养人数House hold父亲姓名Father's name母亲姓名Mather's name公司名称Company name公司地址Company add.公司邮编Company Zip Code公司电话Company phone行业性质Industry经济类型Organization职位Position现职年限Years employed现职固定月收入Monthly Salary年收入总额Year Income储蓄账户saving account个人资产信息Personal asset data账单缴付Bill Payment缴费地区payment region缴费类型payment type缴费日期payment Date缴费详细信息payment detail截止日期Due Date交费日期Transfer Date机主姓名owner name手机正常话费basic fee信息费Information fee交费总额Total amount缴费账号Payment acc. No.财经资讯Financial Information浏览金融信息browse financial information金融信息设置financial information setting个人设定Personal Setting账户维护Account maintenance会话超时设置Session timed setting更新个人资料Update personal data更改密码Change password个性化session超时时间Customizing session inactivity time limit 超时时间Limit原密码original password网上客服Customer sevices安全电子邮件security email收件箱Inbox发邮件Send mail发件箱Outbox标题subject发信人sender接收日期receive date删除delete邮件详细内容mail content发送日期send date网上挂失online Suspend account账户挂失Suspend account挂失多个账户Suspend multiple accounts 退出 Logout。

银行术语的中英文对照引用:银行卡类型Card Type银行卡号Card No借记卡Debit Card贷记卡Credit Card电话银行IVR证件号码I.D. No注册Enrollment证件I.D.新密码New Password确认密码Confirm Password密码重置Ret Password账户管理Account management账户查询Account enquiry账户概览Account summary账户详情Account detail交易明细查询Transaction detail enquiry 转账Transfer定期存款Time deposit定期账户Time deposit活期账户Savings Account活期一本通Passbook of Current Savings 普通活期存折Regular Passbook saving定期一本通Passbook of Time Deposit零存整取Installment Time Deposit教育储蓄Education Saving存本取息Interest Withdraw Time Deposit 准贷记卡Quasi Credit Card账号Account No./Acc. No.别名Nickname账号状态Acc. Status开户网点Acc. Open网点Branch开户日期Open Date卡号Card No.卡状态Card Status起始日期Start Date结束日期End Date交易日期Transaction Date币种Currency钞/汇Cash/Remit当前余额Current Balance可用余额Available Balance余额Balance余额查询Balance Enquiry存单序号CD No.收入金额credit支出金额Debit业务摘要Memo人民币RMB美元USD乙钞B Cash转账明细Transfer details预约转账管理Scheduled transfer management 转出账号Transfer Out Acc.转出账号地区Transfer Out Region转入账号Transfer In Acc.转入账号地区Transfer In Region钞汇标志Cash/Remit转账金额Transfer Amount即时转账Immediate (Transfer)指定日期转账Sehedule (Transfer)转账日期Transfer Date备注Memo港币HKD英镑GBP欧元EUR日元JPY加拿大元CAD澳大利亚元AUD瑞士法郎CHF新加坡元SGD现钞Cash现汇Remit手续费Service Charge转账类型Transfer Type转账状态Transfer Status定期存款支取Time deposit withdraw整存整取Lump-sum Time Deposit通知存款Call Deposit零存整取续存Renew Time Deposit教育储蓄续存Renew Education Saving定活两便Consolidated Time Savings转存Repeating转存方式Transfer Type储种Type存期Period自动转存Repeating业务品种Class续存金额Renew Amount信用额度Credit Limit可用额度Available Credit预约日期Submit Date指定转账日期Schedule Date提交Submit整存整取支取Lump Sum Time Deposit Withdraw通知存款支取Call Deposit Transfer存折Passbook存单CD存本取息(利息)支取Transfer interest from interest withdraw time deposit 定活两便支取Consolidated time&Savings transfer信用卡查询Credit card enquiry信用卡概览Credit Card Summary信用卡详细信息Credit Card Detail信用卡未出账单明细Credit Card unsettled bills信用卡交易明细Credit Card Transaction Detail信用卡月结单查询Credit Card Monthly Statement Enquiry查询月份Equiry month结单日期Statement Date贷记利息Interest Rate本币上月余额RMB Previous month balance本币本月余额RMB Current month balance美元上月余额USD Previous month balance美元本月余额USD Current month balance本币最低还款额RMB Minimal Payment本币全额金额RMB Total amount due外币最低还款额Foreign Currency Minimal Payment外币全额金额Foreign Currency Total Payment账户信用额度Credit limit可用额度Available Credit原交易金额Original Amount交易地点Transact at本币存入合计RMB total Credit外币存入合计Foreign Currency total Credit本币支出合计RMB total Debit外币支出合计Foreign Currency total Debit上一结单日Previous Settlement Date还款到期日Next Payment Date信用积分Credit Point上次未还金额Previous Period unpaid amount上次还款金额Previous Period paid amount需立即缴交的过期款项/超额款项Overdue/Overlimit amount 全额还款总额Total due amount最低还款总额Minimum Payment Amount全额购汇还款总额Total foreign currency due amount最低购汇还款总额Mini foreign currency payment amount购汇牌价(人民币/美元) Exchange Rate (RMB/USD)人民币还款RMBPayment美元还款USD Payment还款方式Payment method记账日期Booked Date上次结算日Previous settlement Date信用卡还款Credit card payment自助还款服务Self Service Payment到期还款日Due Date全额还款金额Total Due最低还款金额Minimal Payment Amount还款种类Payment Type付款账号Payment acc no.付款金额Payment amount申请信用卡Credit card application美元、人民币双币种卡USD、RMB dual currency card称谓Title姓名拼音Name(Pingyin)出生日期Date of Birth证件类别I.D. Type证件号码I.D. NO.国籍Nationality婚姻状况Marital Status教育状况Education住宅性质Resident Type住宅地址Address居住年限Period of Resident住宅邮编Zip Code住宅电话Resident Phone区号Region电话号码Phone no.分机号ext手机号码Mobile Phone电子邮箱Email供养人数House hold父亲姓名Father's name母亲姓名Mather's name公司名称Company name公司地址Company add.公司邮编Company Zip Code公司电话Company phone行业性质Industry经济类型Organization职位Position现职年限Years employed现职固定月收入Monthly Salary年收入总额Year Income储蓄账户saving account个人资产信息Personal asset data账单缴付Bill Payment缴费地区payment region缴费类型payment type缴费日期payment Date缴费详细信息payment detail截止日期Due Date交费日期Transfer Date机主姓名owner name手机正常话费basic fee信息费Information fee交费总额Total amount缴费账号Payment acc. No.财经资讯Financial Information浏览金融信息browse financial information金融信息设置financial information setting个人设定Personal Setting账户维护Account maintenance会话超时设置Session timed setting更新个人资料Update personal data更改密码Change password个性化session超时时间Customizing session inactivity time limit 超时时间Limit原密码original password网上客服Customer sevices安全电子邮件security email收件箱Inbox发邮件Send mail发件箱Outbox标题subject发信人sender接收日期receive date删除delete邮件详细内容mail content发送日期send date网上挂失online Suspend account账户挂失Suspend account挂失多个账户Suspend multiple accounts 退出Logout。

银行术语的中英文对照银行卡类型Card Type银行卡号Card No借记卡Debit Card贷记卡Credit Card电话银行IVR (Interactive Voice Response:交互语音应答系统) 证件号码I.D. No注册Enrollment证件I.D.新密码New Password确认密码Confirm Password密码重置Ret Password账户管理Account management账户查询Account enquiry账户概览Account summary账户详情Account detail交易明细查询Transaction detail enquiry转账Transfer定期存款Time deposit定期账户Time deposit活期账户Savings Account活期一本通Passbook of Current Savings普通活期存折Regular Passbook saving定期一本通Passbook of Time Deposit零存整取Installment Time Deposit教育储蓄Education Saving存本取息Interest Withdraw Time Deposit准贷记卡Quasi Credit Card账号Account No./Acc. No.别名Nickname账号状态Acc. Status开户网点Acc. Open网点Branch开户日期Open Date卡号Card No.卡状态Card Status起始日期Start Date结束日期End Date交易日期Transaction Date币种Currency钞/汇Cash/Remit当前余额Current Balance可用余额Available Balance余额Balance余额查询Balance Enquiry存单序号CD No.收入金额credit支出金额Debit业务摘要Memo人民币RMB美元USD乙钞B Cash转账明细Transfer details预约转账管理Scheduled transfer management 转出账号Transfer Out Acc.转出账号地区Transfer Out Region转入账号Transfer In Acc.转入账号地区Transfer In Region钞汇标志Cash/Remit转账金额Transfer Amount即时转账Immediate (Transfer)指定日期转账Sehedule (Transfer)转账日期Transfer Date备注Memo港币HKD英镑GBP欧元EUR日元JPY加拿大元CAD澳大利亚元AUD瑞士法郎CHF新加坡元SGD现钞Cash现汇Remit手续费Service Charge转账类型Transfer Type转账状态Transfer Status定期存款支取Time deposit withdraw整存整取Lump-sum Time Deposit通知存款Call Deposit零存整取续存Renew Time Deposit教育储蓄续存Renew Education Saving定活两便Consolidated Time&Savings转存Repeating转存方式Transfer Type储种Type存期Period自动转存Repeating业务品种Class续存金额Renew Amount信用额度Credit Limit可用额度Available Credit预约日期Submit Date指定转账日期Schedule Date提交Submit整存整取支取Lump Sum Time Deposit Withdraw通知存款支取Call Deposit Transfer存折Passbook存单CD存本取息(利息)支取Transfer interest from interest withdraw time deposit 定活两便支取Consolidated time&Savings transfer信用卡查询Credit card enquiry信用卡概览Credit Card Summary信用卡详细信息Credit Card Detail信用卡未出账单明细Credit Card unsettled bills信用卡交易明细Credit Card Transaction Detail信用卡月结单查询Credit Card Monthly Statement Enquiry查询月份Equiry month结单日期Statement Date贷记利息Interest Rate本币上月余额RMB Previous month balance本币本月余额RMB Current month balance美元上月余额USD Previous month balance美元本月余额USD Current month balance本币最低还款额RMB Minimal Payment本币全额金额RMB Total amount due外币最低还款额Foreign Currency Minimal Payment外币全额金额Foreign Currency Total Payment账户信用额度Credit limit可用额度Available Credit原交易金额Original Amount交易地点Transact at本币存入合计RMB total Credit外币存入合计Foreign Currency total Credit本币支出合计RMB total Debit外币支出合计Foreign Currency total Debit上一结单日Previous Settlement Date还款到期日Next Payment Date信用积分Credit Point上次未还金额Previous Period unpaid amount上次还款金额Previous Period paid amount需立即缴交的过期款项/超额款项Overdue/Overlimit amount 全额还款总额Total due amount最低还款总额Minimum Payment Amount全额购汇还款总额Total foreign currency due amount最低购汇还款总额Mini foreign currency payment amount 购汇牌价(人民币/美元) Exchange Rate (RMB/USD)人民币还款RMB Payment美元还款USD Payment还款方式Payment method记账日期Booked Date上次结算日Previous settlement Date信用卡还款Credit card payment自助还款服务Self Service Payment到期还款日Due Date全额还款金额Total Due最低还款金额Minimal Payment Amount还款种类Payment Type付款账号Payment acc no.付款金额Payment amount申请信用卡Credit card application美元、人民币双币种卡USD、RMB dual currency card称谓Title姓名拼音Name(Pingyin)出生日期Date of Birth证件类别I.D. Type证件号码I.D. NO.国籍Nationality婚姻状况Marital Status教育状况Education住宅性质Resident Type住宅地址Address居住年限Period of Resident住宅邮编Zip Code住宅电话Resident Phone区号Region电话号码Phone no.分机号ext手机号码Mobile Phone电子邮箱Email供养人数House hold父亲姓名Father's name母亲姓名Mather's name公司名称Company name公司地址Company add.公司邮编Company Zip Code公司电话Company phone行业性质Industry经济类型Organization职位Position现职年限Years employed现职固定月收入Monthly Salary年收入总额Year Income储蓄账户saving account个人资产信息Personal asset data账单缴付Bill Payment缴费地区payment region缴费类型payment type缴费日期payment Date缴费详细信息payment detail截止日期Due Date交费日期Transfer Date机主姓名owner name手机正常话费basic fee信息费Information fee交费总额Total amount缴费账号Payment acc. No.财经资讯Financial Information浏览金融信息browse financial information金融信息设置financial information setting个人设定Personal Setting账户维护Account maintenance会话超时设置Session timed setting更新个人资料Update personal data更改密码Change password个性化session超时时间Customizing session inactivity time limit 超时时间Limit原密码original password网上客服Customer sevices安全电子邮件security email收件箱Inbox发邮件Send mail发件箱Outbox标题subject发信人sender接收日期receive date删除delete邮件详细内容mail content发送日期send date网上挂失online Suspend account账户挂失Suspend account挂失多个账户Suspend multiple accounts 退出 Logout。

信用卡术语中英文对照英文中文注释account takeover帐户侵权犯罪人假冒真实持卡者身份进行信用卡欺诈的方式之一。
acquirer收单机构acquiring bank收单行affinity group card团体组织卡annual membership fee持卡人年费approval ratio批准率attrition信用卡用户损耗信用卡帐户数目的减少,其形成既可能是由于持卡人客观原因,如由于坏帐或是持卡人死亡导致帐户损失,也可能是由于主观因素,如持卡人不再使用该帐户等。
authorization授权automatic stay自动中止法律禁令。
available credit可用信用额back-end processing后台处理behavioral score行为评级billing date出单日card issuer发卡机构card mailer信用卡送达邮件card reissue信用卡更换cardholder agreement持卡人协议cardholder bank持卡人银行cardholder masterfile持卡人主档案cash advance预支现金chargeback退单charge off核销chip card芯片卡corporate card公司卡credit analyst信用分析员credit balance信用余额credit card信用卡credit limit信用限额credit loss信用损失credit scoring信用评分cross-sell交叉销售current account正常帐户cutoff score信用评分底线cycle帐户分类将持卡人帐户进行分组,以此进行工作量分配并简化帐户识别。
cycle period循环周期在出单前对交易的借贷事项进行记录并累加的固定时间段。

1.现金业务:c a s h b u s i n e s s2.转账业务:transfer business3.汇兑业务:currency exchange business4.委托收款:commission receivables5.发放贷款:loans6.贷款收回:loan recovery7.贷款展期:loan extension8.办理银行汇票:apply for bank drafts9.收息:interest10托收:collection其他相关:帐目编号account number存户depositor存款单pay-in slip存款单a deposit form自动存取机a banding machine存款deposit存款收据deposit receipt私人存款private deposit存单certificate deposit存折deposit book信用卡credit card本金principal透支overdrafts overdraw双签a counter sign背书to endorse背书人endorser兑现to cash兑付to honor a cheque拒付to dishonor a cheque止付to suspend payment支票cheque ,check支票本cheque book记名支票order cheque不记名支票bearer cheque横线支票crossed cheque空白支票blank chequerubber cheque 空头支票cheque stub, counterfoil 票根cash cheque 现金支票traveler's cheque 旅行支票cheque for transfer 转帐支票outstanding cheque 未付支票canceled cheque 已付支票forged cheque 伪支票Bandar's note 庄票,银票banker 银行家president 行长savings bank 储蓄银行Chase Bank 大通银行National City Bank of New York 花旗银行Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央银行bank of issue, bank of circulation 发行币银行commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行discount bank 贴现银行exchange bank 汇兑银行requesting bank 委托开证银行issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行negotiation bank 议付银行confirming bank 保兑银行paying bank 付款银行associate banker of collection 代收银行consigned banker of collection 委托银行clearing bank 清算银行local bank 本地银行domestic bank 国内银行overseas bank 国外银行unincorporated bank 钱庄branch bank 银行分行trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行trust company 信托公司financial trust 金融信托公司unit trust 信托投资公司trust institution 银行的信托部credit department 银行的信用部commercial credit company(discount company) 商业信贷公司(贴现公司)neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所credit union 合作银行credit bureau 商业兴信所self-service bank 无人银行land bank 土地银行construction bank 建设银行industrial and commercial bank 工商银行bank of communications 交通银行mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行industrial bank 实业银行home loan bank 家宅贷款银行reserve bank 准备银行chartered bank 特许银行corresponding bank 往来银行merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行investment bank 投资银行import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 进出口银行joint venture bank 合资银行money shop, native bank 钱庄credit cooperatives 信用社clearing house 票据交换所public accounting 公共会计business accounting 商业会计cost accounting 成本会计depreciation accounting 折旧会计computerized accounting 电脑化会计general ledger 总帐subsidiary ledger 分户帐cash book 现金出纳帐cash account 现金帐journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐bad debts 坏帐investment 投资surplus 结余idle capital 游资economic cycle 经济周期economic boom 经济繁荣economic recession 经济衰退economic depression 经济萧条economic crisis 经济危机economic recovery 经济复苏inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货收缩devaluation 货币贬值revaluation 货币增值international balance of payment 国际收支favourable balance 顺差adverse balance 逆差hard currency 硬通货soft currency 软通货international monetary system 国际货币制度the purchasing power of money 货币购买力money in circulation 货币流通量note issue 纸币发行量national budget 国家预算national gross product 国民生产总值public bond 公债stock, share 股票debenture 债券treasury bill 国库券。

信用卡常用术语1Cash Card(现金卡):可以从银行或ATM机提取现金Cheque Guarantee Card (支票保证卡)Debit Card(借记卡)Credit card(信用卡)Current Account(现金帐户):用于存(Deposit),取(Withdraw),日常开支,通常利息较低或没有利息。
Saving Account(存款帐户)Overdraft(透支)account number 帐目编号depositor 存户pay-in slip 存款单a deposit form 存款单a banding machine 自动存取机to deposit 存款deposit receipt 存款收据private deposits 私人存款certificate of deposit 存单deposit book, passbook 存折credit card 信用卡principal 本金overdraft, overdraw 透支to counter sign 双签to endorse 背书endorser 背书人to cash 兑现to honor a cheque 兑付to dishonor a cheque 拒付to suspend payment 止付cheque,check 支票cheque book 支票本order cheque 记名支票bearer cheque 不记名支票crossed cheque 横线支票blank cheque 空白支票rubber cheque 空头支票cheque stub, counterfoil 票根cash cheque 现金支票traveler s cheque 旅行支票cheque for transfer 转帐支票outstanding cheque 未付支票canceled cheque 已付支票forged cheque 伪支票Bandar s note 庄票,银票balance sheet 资产负债表cash flow 现金流转glossary 术语表money order 汇款单,汇票letter of credit n.[商](银行发行的)信用证charge for 想...收费overdraw v.透支overdraft n.透支, 透支之款项endorse [In5dC:s] v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文件), 认可, 签署liability n.责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, [负债], 与assets相对asset n.[资产], 有用的东西solvent adj. 有偿付能力的 n.溶媒, 溶剂, 解决方法securities n.有价证券time hull insurance 船舶定期保险marine insurance 海损保险maritime transportation insurance 海洋运输保险fire insurance 火险cargo insurance 货物保险Account Number - A unique number assigned by a financial institution to a customer.On a credit card, this number is embossed and encoded on the plastic card.Additional Cardholder - When you have a credit card, it is often possible to add an additional card to the account for use by someone else. The main cardholder holds responsibility for ensuring payments on the additional card are made. Purchases are shown on the credit card statement, which is sent monthly.American Express - Also known as AMEX, this company is one of the main international credit card issuing schemes. It issues its own credit cards—unlike Visa and MasterCard—and is responsible for its own relationships with retailers.Annual Fee- An annual (yearly) fee associated with having a credit card. This isa separate fee from interest rate on purchases.Annual Percentage Rate (APR)- The yearly percentage rate charged when a balance is held on a credit card. This rate is applied each month that an outstanding balanceis present.Approval Response - An authorization response that is received when a transactionis approved.ATM - Automated Teller Machines or cash points allow you to access cash with a credit card or other card associated with your bank account. You need to enter your personal identification number (PIN) into the machine to access cash.Authentication - The process of assuring that data has come from its claimed source, or a process of corroborating the claimed identity of a communicating party.Authorization - Every retailer has a purchase limit above which they must seek authorization from the card issuer before they can complete the sale. Such authorization can be done by telephone or electronically at the cash till. Authorization is used to control credit card fraud. The cardholder’s available credit limit is reduced by the authorized amount.Authorization Amount - Currency amount approved.Authorization Code - A code that an issuer or its authorizing processor provides to indicate approval or denial for an authorization request.Authorization Date - Date and time when the transaction was authorized.Authorization Only - A transaction that is created to reserve an amount against a credit card’s available limit for intended purchases; the actual settlement mayoccur within three to five days, depending on the card type.Authorized Amount - Currency amount approved.Authorized Transaction - Transaction that has been approved.Balance Transfer - When the outstanding balance of one credit card (or several credit cards) is moved to another credit card account.Balance Transfer Fee - A fee charged by a credit card company to transfer a balance from one account to another. This fee can be anywhere from 1%-5% of the balance amount. However, many credit card companies do not charge this fee. Contact the credit card issuer for their specific fees.Bad Credit - A term used to describe a poor credit rating. Common practices that can damage a credit rating include making late payments, skipping payments, exceeding card limits or declaring bankruptcy. “Bad Credit” can result in beingdenied future credit.Bank Account - Bank account number for the merchant to which funds will be deposited.Bank Identification Number (BIN) - The first six digits of a Visa or MasterCard account number. This number is used to identify the card-issuing institution.Bankcard - A payment card issued by a bank.Billing Cycle - The time between billing statements, usually 28-31 days.Business Card (Business Credit Card) - Usually issued to corporate executives orbusiness owners in order to more easily keep business expenses separate frompersonal charges.Card Issuer - Any association member financial institution, bank, credit union, or company that issues, or causes to be issued, plastic cards to cardholders.Card Reader - A device that is capable of reading the encoding on plastic cards.Cardholder - An individual to whom a card is issued, or who is authorized to usean issued card.Cash Advance - A cash loan from a credit card using an ATM or bank withdrawal.Cash Back - Cash back returns to you a percentage of the total amount spent on your credit card over a specific period of time, usually monthly or quarterly. This feature is particularly useful if you normally pay your credit card bills in full each month, as it means you get an effective discount on the products bought withyour credit card.Chargeback - A transaction returned through interchange by an issuer to an acquirer.A transaction may be returned because of it was non-compliant with the associationrules and regulations or because it was disputed by a cardholder.Chargeback Period - The number o f days from the transaction’s processing date or endorsement date, during which the issuer may initiate a chargeback.Co-Branded Card - A co-branded credit card is sponsored by both the issuing bank and a retail organization, such as a department store or an airline. Cardholders may get benefits, such as discounts or free merchandise, from the sponsoring merchant, based on account usage and terms.Commercial Cards - A general name for cards typically issued for business use and which may include Corporate Cards, Purchase Cards, Business Cards, Travel andEntertainment Cards.Credit Card Number - Unique number assigned to a credit card.Credit Limit - How much total money can be charged to a credit card account, forexample $5,000.Credit History - A partial profile of your financial life, given within a particular timeframe (usually measured in years). Your credit history shows the extent to which you pay your bills on time and how much you may owe particular parties. Credit card issuers use this information to decide whether to provide customers with creditcards.Debit - A charge to a customer’s bankcard account. A transaction, such as a check, automated teller machine (ATM) withdrawal or point-of-sale (POS) debit purchasethat debits a demand deposit account.Expired Card - A card on which the embossed, encoded or printed expiration datehas passed.Finance Charge - Fees and other costs billed to you on your statement for using the credit cards (i.e., balance transfer fees, cash advance fees, late fees,overlimit fees, etc.).Fixed Rate (or Fixed APR) -An annual percentage rate that does not change throughout the year, unlike an introductory APR that changes after a specific period of time.Floor Limit - An amount that Visa and MasterCard have established for single transactions at specific types of merchant outlets and branches, above whichauthorization is required.Fraudulent Transaction - A transaction unauthorized by the cardholder of a bankcard. Such transactions are categorized as lost, stolen, not received, issued on a fraudulent application, counterfeit, fraudulent processing of transactions, account takeover or other fraudulent conditions as defined by the card company orthe member company.。

1. 信用额度(Credit Limit)信用额度是指信用卡发卡银行为持卡人设定的最高可用于消费和借款的金额。
2. 最低还款额(Minimum Payment)最低还款额是持卡人每个周期最少需要偿还的金额,通常为总欠款的一小部分。
3. 年费(Annual Fee)年费是信用卡发卡银行为提供信用卡服务而收取的一项固定费用,通常在持卡人账单中显示。
4. 利息(Interest)利息是指持卡人因为借款或透支信用卡而需要支付给发卡银行的费用。
5. 信用记录(Credit History)信用记录是信用卡持卡人在使用信用卡过程中形成的个人信用历史。
6. 外币交易费(Foreign Transaction Fee)外币交易费是持卡人在境外或使用外币进行交易时需要支付给发卡银行的费用。

信用卡术语中英文对照英文中文注释account takeover帐户侵权犯罪人假冒真实持卡者身份进行信用卡欺诈的方式之一。
acquirer收单机构acquiring bank收单行affinity group card团体组织卡annual membership fee持卡人年费approval ratio批准率attrition信用卡用户损耗信用卡帐户数目的减少,其形成既可能是由于持卡人客观原因,如由于坏帐或是持卡人死亡导致帐户损失,也可能是由于主观因素,如持卡人不再使用该帐户等。
authorization授权automatic stay自动中止法律禁令。
available credit可用信用额back-end processing后台处理behavioral score行为评级billing date出单日card issuer发卡机构card mailer信用卡送达邮件card reissue信用卡更换cardholder agreement持卡人协议cardholder bank持卡人银行cardholdermasterfile持卡人主档案cash advance预支现金chargeback退单charge off核销chip card芯片卡corporate card公司卡credit analyst信用分析员credit balance信用余额credit card信用卡credit limit信用限额credit loss信用损失credit scoring信用评分cross-sell交叉销售current account正常帐户cutoff score信用评分底线cycle帐户分类将持卡人帐户进行分组,以此进行工作量分配并简化帐户识别。
cycle period循环周期在出单前对交易的借贷事项进行记录并累加的固定时间段。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
account takeover帐户侵权犯罪人假冒真实持卡者身份进行信用卡欺诈的方式之一。
acquiring bank收单行
affinity group card团体组织卡
annual membership fee持卡人年费
approval ratio批准率
automatic stay自动中止法律禁令。
available credit可用信用额
back-end processing后台处理behavioral score行为评级billing date出单日
card issuer发卡机构
card mailer信用卡送达邮件card reissue信用卡更换cardholder agreement持卡人协议cardholder bank持卡人银行
cardholder masterfile
cash advance
charge off核销
chip card芯片卡
corporate card公司卡
credit analyst信用分析员
credit balance信用余额
credit card信用卡
credit limit信用限额
credit loss信用损失
credit scoring信用评分
current account正常帐户
cutoff score信用评分底线
cycle period循环周期在出单前对交易的借贷事项进行记录并累加的固定时间段。
delinquent account违约帐户
derogatory information负面消息
descriptive billing描述性出单
draft laundering洗票一种信用卡欺诈形式。
electronic funds transfer
system EFTS
emergency card
error resolution纠错方案
exception file异常帐户文件信用卡止付名单
floor limit最低授权额
funds matching资金匹配
grace period免息还款期指从银行记帐日到到期还款日之间这段时间,如足额还款即可享受免息待遇。
hot card热卡其帐户交易量出现异常增加的信用卡。
imprinter压卡机incoming chargeback受方退回交易incoming interchange受方信息交换interchange信息交换中心interchange fee信息交换手续费issuer发卡机构
late charge逾期罚息
line of credit信贷额度
loss reserve坏帐准备金
magnetic ink character
recognition MICR
magnetic stripe磁条
merchant accounting特约商户帐户会计
merchant agreement特约商户协议
merchant assessment特约商户应担费用
merchant authorization特约商户取得授权
merchant chargeback退回特约商户交易
Merchant warning
MO/TO merchant邮购/电话购物特约商户
negative file不良客户档案
net charge off坏帐损失净值
net settlement净结算额
nominal percentage rate名义利率
nonsufficient funds NSF帐户透支空头支票open-to-buy未用额度
optical character
recognition OCR 光电特征识别
over-limit account透支信用卡帐户payment coupen付款凭单payment due date付款到期日photocard照片卡personal identification
number PIN
presentment提示商户提示付款prime rate优惠利率
primary account number
reference number参考号在信用卡收款系统中分配给每笔货币交易的序号,发卡行可根据参考号核对有关交易资料。
reminder notice还款备忘通知
response time反应时间
restricted account限制帐户
restricted card list限制信用卡名单
return on assets ROA资产收益率
return on expenses费用收益率
return on sales销售收益率
return per ticket每单交易收益率
revolving line of credit循环信用额度
runaway card逃逸卡
security interest孳息
settlement 结算
skip account失踪帐户
skip tracer失踪帐户联络员smart card智能卡
standards integration标准集成一种对操作和质量标准的检验程序,其目的在于保证各种标准之间是相辅相成,而非相互矛盾。
statused account标记帐户suspense account止付帐户swiped transaction刷卡交易unsecured credit无担保信贷voice response unit语音应答系统white plastic fraud白卡欺诈yield收益
zero floor limit零授权额度Probability of default违约率
Loss given default 违约损失率Exposure at default违约暴露风险Maturity期限。