
2024英语六级试题及答案一、听力理解(共30分)1. A) The man is a professor.B) The man is a student.C) The man is a librarian.D) The man is a writer.答案:C2. A) The woman is looking for a job.B) The woman is looking for a house.C) The woman is looking for a book.D) The woman is looking for a restaurant.答案:A3. A) The man is late for the meeting.B) The man is early for the meeting.C) The man is on time for the meeting.D) The man is not attending the meeting.答案:A二、阅读理解(共40分)1. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The importance of teamwork.B) The benefits of working alone.C) The drawbacks of group projects.D) The challenges of managing a team.答案:A2. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A) Teamwork always leads to success.B) Teamwork can be more efficient than working alone.C) Teamwork is only beneficial in certain situations.D) Teamwork is always less efficient than working alone.答案:C3. What is the author's opinion on team dynamics?A) They are essential for success.B) They are not important in modern work environments.C) They can be detrimental to productivity.D) They are only relevant in large organizations.答案:A三、完形填空(共20分)1. A) DespiteB) AlthoughC) BecauseD) If答案:A2. A) wasB) wereC) isD) are答案:B3. A) thatB) whichC) itD) this答案:B四、翻译(共10分)1. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越方便。

Conversation 01.M:Welcome to the Book Club. Today's guest is Susan Lane, the author of a new book on personal finances that has already sold half a million copies. Hi, Susan. Your book is extremely successful. Why do you think that is?W:I think that's because of my message, which is making happiness a priority over money. So many of us in my generation have spent decades trying to earn more money just to consume more, but it made us more miserable.M:You yourself were once caught in that cycle, working for two decades as an executive and earning a high salary, but still accumulating debt.W: I most certainly was. I earned million. But by the time I quit my job four years ago to become a writer, I owed over $30,000.M: So how did you escape that pattern and what would you advise other people to do? W: The first change isn't what we value. We need to emphasize things that actually make us happy, like relationships, the environment, or even our hobbies. Once we make the right things our priority . Our goals will change and so will our financial behavior.M:How does that translate into practical action? Can you give our audience examples of what you're talking about? On an everyday basis?W: The major areas for action are usually housing, food, and transportation. So people might share a home with friends instead of living on their own. Bring lunch from home instead of going to restaurants and use public transport instead of owning a car.M: Those sound like major sacrifices. I could never share my home. I need my own space,W: But they aren't sacrifices. When people change their values, their desires change. So in the example of housing, if we value relationships, sharing a home isn't depriving ourselves of space. But giving us an opportunity to spend more time with our loved ones.M: Indeed it is.Q1. What message does the woman convey in her book?Q2. What do we learn about the woman before she became a writer?Q3. What does the woman say about one's financial behavior?Q4. What does the man say about sharing a home?Conversation 02.W: Thank you for inviting me to the gallery, Christopher. I haven't visited heresince your predecessor's retirement function.M: Would you like to see the newest additions to our collection First? Catherine. W: Are those the landscapes? By Danielle Gregory? I absolutely adore her work. M: This first piece was a gift to the gallery from the artist herself, and it's quite exquisite.W:I love how she depicts the barren landscape. The colors compliment each other perfectly.M: You can sense the desolation in the picture. This piece was inspired by Gregory's recent trek in the Goy Desert.W: And how did you obtain her other piece over here?M: It was purchased at auction by an anonymous collector who lent it to the gallery for display.This composition is one of her most acclaimed paintings.W: It must have cost that collector a small fortune to purchase this.M: Obviously, I can't disclose the exact amount he paid, but it was substantial. W: There's so much detail in this painting. I feel like I can really immerse myself in the scene. I particularly like the symmetry created by the reflection of the mountain in the lake.M: This particular piece was the one that was nominated for a gateway award. I was lucky enough to attend the award ceremony as Gregory's guest.W: So you know her personally, I assume she's an eccentric artist.M:Quite the opposite. In fact, she's not at all eccentric. I would say she's one of the most easygoing and intelligent people I know.W: I'd love to be able to meet her. There are so many questions I'd like to ask. What a coincidence.M: I'm meeting her for dinner tonight. Would you like to come along?W: I'd love to. thank you.Q5. What do we learn about one of the newest additions to the gallery's collection? Q6. What does the man say about one of the most acclaimed paintings by Daniel Gregory? Q7. Why does the woman say she can feel immersed in the scene in the painting?Q8. How does the man describe Danielle Gregory?Passage 01.Forgiveness is the release of resentment or anger. Forgiveness doesn't mean reconciliation. We don't have to return to the same relationship, nor do we have to accept the same harmful behaviors from an offender. Forgiveness is vitally important for the mental health of certain victims. It propels people forward rather than keeping them emotionally engaged in an injustice or trauma. Carrying the hurt or anger of an offense leads the body to release stress chemicals. Eliminating the perpetual flow of those chemicals may also explain why forgiveness provides physical health benefits. There are scenarios in which forgiveness is not the best course. Sometimes a victim becomes more empowered when they give themselves permission not to forgive. Forgiveness can be challenging . This is especially true when the offending party offers an insincere apology, or maybe they haven't offered anythingat all. However, it's often the healthiest path forward. It's important to cultivate forgiveness by developing compassion for the offender. Reflect on whether the act was due to malicious intent or whether it was caused by challenging circumstances in the offender's life. What about forgiving ourselves? We sometimes need to take responsibility for mistakes, but intense guilt and shame aren't a desirable outcome in the long run, forgiving yourself may seem like an ambiguous process. You can begin by acknowledging that you are at fault. Take responsibility for the hurt you caused. Then reflect on why the event, draw the lessons you learned and try to avoid committing a similar offense in the future.Q09. What does the passage say about forgiveness?Q10. When is forgiveness especially challenging?Q11. What should one do in order to forgive the offender?Passage 02The Glasgow Subway first opened in 1896 as a cable hauled system. It is generally recognized as the world's third underground railway after London and Budapest. In its long history, it has never been expanded, remaining as a single loop line with a mere 15 stations. At its peak, it served the shipyard workers on the south side of the city.In the 1960s, there was a decline in the ship building industry, and the popularity of private transport grew. As a result, the subway saw a rapid decline in ridership. It ran with little further change until 1977 when its new operators closed it for major modernization investment. carriages were replaced, Ventilation was improved. And the main depot was also renovated and fitted with connecting tracks to replace the outdated crane transfer mechanism. The subway in its present form reopened for operation in April, 1980. Since its relaunch, the subway has seen a revival in its fortunes. It serves as a viable alternative to other forms of transport, and has gone a long way to alleviate traffic jams in the city center.In 1996, the system reached an important milestone 100 years. To commemorate this special event, the color scheme of the train carriages was updated. recently, High tech systems such as smart card ticketing machines and smart gates are used across all subway stations. The SMART card provides more convenient travel and passengers simply top up their cards and tap them to get in and out the subway. Since its launch, the technology has been adopted by more than 100,000 subway customers.Q12. What does the passage say about the Glasgow subway in the 1960s?Q13. Why was the Glasgow subway closed in 1977?Q14. Why does the Glasgow subway remain important today?Q15. What does the passage say about all subway stations in Glasgow nowadays?Lecture 1If you visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Chances are: you will rememberthe roadside or campground bears. Above all else, theirs are the most popular animals in a number of our national parks and these mountains where the population of bears runs into the hundreds. Opportunities to observe these large wild animals are plentiful during the summer. Since national parks are wildlife sanctuaries where no disturbance of the native animals is allowed, years of protection have served to break down the wild bear's fear of humans. Now instead of depending on their own resources for a living, many bears, patrol park roads and campgrounds, they give the garbage cans a frequent, going over an occasional offer of food from a park visitor and illegal and dangerous practice makes beggars of them. Bears are very often hungry, and since they will feed on almost any kind of plant or animal, garbage is quite acceptable. Feeding them however represents misguided kindness because the bears come to expect such generosity from everyone, and consequently, trouble could lie ahead.Park rules prohibit the feeding of bears. Violators are arrested. Every year, Doctors who have offices near the park treat a number of cases of bear bites and bear scratches. Some of the accidents have come about in strange ways. One man was in the process of feeding two small cubs when the mother bear appeared and insisted upon having some of the food shoving the big bear aside with one hand.The man continued feeding the cubs when suddenly he was struck a fierce blow in the face. A bear prompted by the food that a lady kept offering to him entered the car where the generous person was sitting. Her efforts to push the bear out of the car resulted in injuries. A man required medical attention after he applied a lighted cigarette to a bear's noses.Another man tried to boost a bear into the front seat of his car so that he might take a picture of a bear sitting beside his wife who was behind the wheel. Because bears prefer roads and campgrounds. The possibility of a hiker meeting up with a bear along park trails is small, but there's always that chance for a bear seems to know if you are carrying a lunch or a candy bar, he may even insist on taking it.Question 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.Question 16 what does the speaker say about the bears in National Parks now? question 17 what does the speaker say about visitors feeding bears in national parks? Question 18 what is the speaker's advice to people who carry some food while hiking on a park trail?Lecture 02Why do we form opinions or attitudes about someone or something without really knowing much about them? Just hearing something good or bad about a person, a place or thing can influence our opinions positively or negatively. But letting the opinions of another person determine what our opinions will be is dangerous. Forming opinions about someone or something before really knowing them well is called prejudice. Pre means before, and Judice refers to judgment, hence prejudice means to judge before having adequate knowledge, we can be prejudiced toward or againstsomeone or something. In either case, we are only allowing ourselves to see half of the picture. Very few people or things in this world are all good or all bad. Prejudiced attitudes are usually based on myths, half truths or incorrect information, and they're dangerous because they can keep us from learning the truth about someone or something. People form prejudices against others for many reasons, differences in their race, religion, gender, or occupation. prejudices keep people apart. They keep us from really knowing and understanding each other. We should feel proud of who we are and the group of people we represent. If feelings of pride begin to turn to feelings of superiority, when we think that our group or our beliefs are better than those around us, however, then we begin to develop prejudiced attitudes that can be harmful. For example, the prejudiced attitudes of one group may keep another group from attending certain schools, from living in any neighborhood they want or from getting a job or a promotion. Extreme feelings of prejudice have caused the deaths of innocent people. We are responsible for our own thoughts and opinions. When we let someone else tell us what to think about someone or something, we are giving up some control of our own. Before you form an attitude or opinion, find out for yourself about the person or the thing in question. Sometimes we don't realize that we hold prejudiced attitudes toward or against someone or something. We need to carefully examine our lives and our fears and to ask ourselves whether our attitudes come from our personal knowledge and experience, or from rumors and fear of the unknown. The good news about prejudice is that we are not born with it. Prejudiced attitudes and opinions develop over time, but with education and knowledge, we can replace our prejudices with cooperation and understanding.Q19. Why does the speaker say about prejudice?Q20. Why does the speaker say prejudiced attitudes are dangerous?Q21. When does the speaker say we begin to develop prejudiced attitudes?Lecture 03When I started high school, it was a shock. I had spent eight years fighting my way to be the most popular kid in the Catholic school student body.I had been a big, tough eighth grader, and suddenly I was a lowly ninth grader, bullied by the big, tough 12th grade seniors who ran the high school.I realized then that it's nice to strive for something. But that you also have to enjoy the moment you're in and be happy where you are.Rock and Roll had always been an important part of my life. I remember my friends and I used to drive around until the late hours of the nights listening to the Music of Rock and Roll Legends.During those teenage years, I built friendships that I thought would last a lifetime.Most people that age think the same thing, but people drift apart. Jobs, families, and tragedies separate people from those lasting friendships. The tragedy that separated me from my friends forever was the Vietnam War.A year after I graduated from high school, I left for Vietnam.I came back burned out and tired, as though I had lived 10 lifetimes in the short span of 14 months.The 14 months I was in the war. I couldn't relate to the friends I had had in high school. They still seemed childish, concerned with childish things that weren't important to me. I was still trying to cope with the death, destruction, and evil I had seen in Vietnam.I felt like we had done terrible things to innocent people there, and in turn, I had seen terrible things done to my friends. I withdrew from my friends and started college.Then I quit collage and took many different jobs. I spent a lot of my time and money on alcohol and other drugs. Finally, in an effort to get my life going in the right direction again, I sold everything and took what little money I had and bought myself an airplane ticket to Israel.I went there to study history while studying at High Five University, I met my wife, who was also an American student. I now teach in a high school back in America. I look at my students and see them struggling with many of the very things I struggled with many years ago.As a teacher, I try to help them over the rough spots as best I can.Q22. How did the speaker feel when he started high school?Q23. What did the speaker once think of teenage friendships?Q24. What do we learn about the speaker when he returned from the Vietnam War?Q25. What does the speaker try to do as a teacher?写作部分(共3套)更多样、有效的学习方式Learn in diverse and effective waysWith the application of information technology in education, college students can now learn in more diverse and effective ways. Benefited from this, students' learning efficiency and learning effect has been improved.First of all, studying through the online courses offered by the university is the most common way for college students to study nowadays. Online education gets rid of the traditional offline teaching mode, so that students are no longer restrictedby time and place. Even thousands of miles away, through the Internet, students can learn knowledge anytime and anywhere, which greatly saves time. Secondly, through the Internet, many college students can achieve unprecedented interaction, feedback and communication with teachers, classmates and friends. The learning scope and communication objects are also expanded with the application of information technology in education, which is more convenient and efficient than the traditional learning methods. Finally, college students can learn what they are interested in through a variety of online platforms, which cover a broader and more cutting-edge range of knowledge than what is taught in school.We college students should actively adapt to and effectively make use of the more diversified and effective learning styles. Only in this way can we quickly grow into the talents needed by the society.辩证思维In an era of information explosion, it is vitally important to develop the ability to think critically and make rational choices. There are two sides to everything, dialectical thinking is of great importance for students because it is helpful in the process of learning and students can benefit from it in the professional life as well.To begin with, students can benefit from the ability to think critically In the study. There is an old Chinese saying that it is better not to believe in books at all, rather than to believe in them implicitly. This proverb indicates that through dialectical thinking students can discern the true from the false to make rational judgments in their learning . Second, dialectical thinking will help us have a more reasonable perception of different aspects and factors in the work. When we analyze everything around us in a more holistic way, we are more likely to be driven by favorable factors and have a greater chance of success in the workplace.To sum up, in the age of information explosion, we must apply dialectical thinking and make rational choices to write a colorful book of life.加强培养大学生的团队精神Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light job” . In modern society, it’s beyond all doubt that the team spirit is a key factor contributing to success, therefore, it is deemed essential to place a increasingly high value on cultivating college students' team spirit.In my view, there are a couple of reasons for the necessity of strengthening teamwork. To begin with, teamwork provides each student a chance to communicate with others. By discussing as a team member, they are able to be aware of their disadvantages that are hardly be discovered by themselves, and their horizons, to some extent, will be broadened in the meantime. In addition, to cultivate the college students' team spirit is conducive to saving their time and energy so that they are available to other activities in campus. Last but not least, college students will enter society one day, hence they should equip themselves with the competence of working together.In a word, one thing for certain is to increase the importance of cultivating the college students' team spirit is what we should do in the future.听力部分来源参考:有道考神、对啊、星火英语、网络综合。

2023年12月大学英语六级考试真题及答案(第二套)2023年12月大学英语六级考试真题及答案第二套英语六级听力第二套1.A) Spending their holidays in a novel way.2. D) He once owned a van.3. A) Generate their own electricity.4.C) Enjoying the freedom to choose where to go and work.5. C) Her job performance has worsened over the past month.6.B) Some problems at home7. B) The womans work proficiency.8. C) The woman will be off work on the next two Mondays.9. D) It can enable us to live a healthier and longer life.10.B) The spouses level of education can impact oneshealth.11.A) They had more education than their spouses.12.C) Forecasting flood risks accurately.13.D) To improve his mathematical flooding model.14.A) To forecast rapid floods in real time.15.B) They set up Internet-connected water-level sensors.16.B) To argue about the value of a college degree.17.D) The factor of wages.18.A) The sharp decline in marriage among men with no college degrees.19.C) More and more people prioritize animal welfare when buying things to wear.20.D)Avoided the use of leather and fur.21.A)Whether they can be regarded as ethical.22.D) The era we live in is the most peaceful in history.23.C) They believed the world was deteriorating.24.B) Our psychological biases.25.A) Paying attention to negative information.翻译第二篇在中国,随着老龄化社会的到来,养老受到普遍关注。

2023年12月CET6大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析【官方完整版】Part I 写作Writing (30 minutes)Directions: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation.You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.【参照范文】It is universally acknowledged that innovation refers to being creative, unique and different. In fact, today it is impossibly difficult for us to image a 21st century without innovation.We should place a high value on innovation firstly because innovative spirit can enable an individual to ameliorate himself, so he can be equipped with capacity to see what others cannot see, be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges. What’s more, we ought to attach importance to the role played by innovation in economic advancement. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, innovation to economic growth is what water is to fish. To sum up, if innovation misses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination.In order to encourage innovation, it is wise for us to take some feasible measures. For example, mass media should greatly publicize the significance of creative spirit and encouragethe public to cultivate awareness of innovation. Besides, those who manage to innovate should be awarded generous prize. Though there is a long way ahead to go, I am firmly certain that the shared efforts will be paid off.【参照译文】众所周知创新意味着有发明力,独一无二和不一样。

【有道考神版】【星火英语版】The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好范文:There is a famous saying that the best preparation for tomorrow is to do good work today. Simple as the saying is, it informs us that one doesn’t need to worry about the future if he can seize the moment.It is generally believed that taking immediate action is of great importance. Doing good work today enables people to achieve their great goals step by step. Assume a college student who is indulged in his wishful thinking of passing the CET-6 exam with a high score without any efforts and hardwork,and he will be devastated to accept the reality when he fails. The same thing may be said of some grown-ups who aspire to gain fame and fortune but never bother to put their splendid plans into practice immediately.Therefore, by some means or other we must take action to pursue our goals. It is necessary for us to aim high but our behaviors should also deserve our dreams. We are supposed to put our efforts into every single day and never look down upon those little tasks. Only in this way can we fulfill our dreams.Section AConversation OneQuestions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What do we learn about Anna Sanchez?定位句:(1) Mrs. Anna Sanchez is a three-time Olympic champion and author of the new book To the Edge Mrs. Sanchez,2. What is the woman’s book mainly about?定位句:(2) The book is about how science and technology has helped to push humans to the edge of their physical abilities.3. What has changed in the past thousands of years?定位句:(3) I believe that while our bodies have not changed in thousands of years, what has changed is the scientific knowledge.4. What is the man’s concern about the use of technology in sports competitions?定位句:(4) Is there any concern that technology is giving some athletes an unfair advantage over others.Conversation TwoQuestions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. What does the woman think is required to be successful in international trade?定位句:(5) Trends and demand come and go. So one needs to be very flexible to succeed in this industry.6. What does the woman say is special about her way of doing trade?定位句:(6) I even use the same container. It's a very efficient way of conducting trade.7. What does the woman have in both Italy and China?定位句:(7) I have a warehouse in Genova Italy and another in Shanghai.8. What does the woman say makes furniture marginally more profitable?定位句:(8) Furniture is marginally more profitable, mostly because it enjoys lower customs duties.Section BPassage OneQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.8. What does the passage say about humor in the work place?定位句:(9)Humor unlocks the office prison because it lets adults bring some of their child-like spirit to the job.9. What does the study by Howard Poleo show?定位句:(10)Poleo conducted the study that proved humor can help workers excel at routine production tasks.11. What can ask employees do in the humor room?定位句:(11)Employees can take the doll apart, as long as they put arms and legs back in place.Passage two.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. What does the speaker say has aroused public interest?定位句:(12)Public interest was aroused by the latest discovery of a changed gene in an obese mice.13. What do we learn about the changed gene?定位句:(13)Those with the changed gene may not sense when they have eaten enough or if they have sufficient fatty tissue. And thus can't tell when to stop eating.14. What does university of Vermont psychologist Esther off burn say?定位句:(14) This research indicates that people really are born with a tendency to have a certain weight, just as they are to have a particular skin color or height.15. What accounts for Americans obesity according to a survey by the center fordisease control?定位句:(15)Such rapid change underlines the role of environmental factors, like the abundance of rich foods in Americans overeating.Section CRecording OneQuestions 16 to18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. What quality do men value most concerning friendship according to a questionnaire response?定位句: (16) Asked to consider the ingredients of close friendship, women rated these qualities above all others, men assigned a lower priority to them in favor of similarity and interests (selected by 77% of men),17. What do women refer to when speaking of close friendships?定位句:(17) It is evident by their selections that when women speak of close friendships, they're referring to emotional factors,18. What may threaten a friendship for both men and women?定位句:(18) As for the hazards of friendship, more than a few relationships have been shattered because of cutthroat competition and feelings of betrayal. This applies to both men and women, but unequally.Recording TwoQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.19. Where can many of the best dinosaur specimens be found in North America?定位句:(19)Many of the best specimens may be seen today at museums of natural history in the larger cities of the United States and Canada.20. What occurs to many people when they see the massive bones in the pit wall?定位句: (20)Many people get the idea from the massive bones in the pit wall that some disaster such as a volcanic explosion or a sudden flood killed a whole herd of dinosaurs in this area.21. What does the speaker suggest about the large number of dinosaur bones found in the pit?定位句: (21)The pit area is the large dinosaur graveyard, not a place where they died. Most of the remains probably floated down on eastward flowing river until they were left on a shallow sandbar.Recording ThreeQuestions 22 to 25 are based on recording you have just heard.21. What have young Americans been accused of?定位句(22)Young people in this country have been accused of not caring for their parents the way they would have in the old country.22. What does the speakers say about old people in the United States?定位句:(23)old people have been influenced by an American ideal of independence and autonomy. So we live alone, perhaps on the verge of starvation in time without friends. But we are independent.23. What is astonishing to the young mothers interviewed by the speaker?定位句:(24)They were astonished to hear that in most of the world, throughout most of its history, families have been three or four generation families living under the same roof.25. What does the speakers say older people try their best to do?定位句:(25)So in the end, older people have to devote all their energies to not being a burden.阅读26.grabbed27.disaster28.stake29.overwhwlming30.eroding31.deteriorating32.stagnation33.determined34.urgent35.capacity36.Cpiaget Believed that small children 37. JThe author and his colleagues38.BIn the latter half of the last century 39.AResearch conducted by Jane.40.KOur improved understanding of babies.41. EIt has been found in recent research 42.MScientists are still debating.43.Hthe newer research methods focus on 44.DWith the progress in psychology45.LEven though marked advances have been made.46.B.They hold a different view on stress from the popular one.47.DThey apply extreme tactics.48.AThey help him combat stress from work.49.CIt is something everybody has to live with.50.CIts effect varies considerably from person to person.51.BHunting may also be asolution.52.AIt keeps him pollution under control.53.AOver pollution is not an issue.54.CMany birds and small animals are being.55.CCoordinated efforts of hunter.翻译《三国演义》写于14世纪,是中国著名的历史小说。

2023年12月大学英语六级真题试卷及答案(三套全) 一、听力理解第一套第一节(共5小题)1. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Turn the television off.B. Turn the volume down.C. Turn the radio on.Answer: B2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. At the post office.B. At the bank.C. At the hotel.Answer: C3. What does the man imply about the woman?A. She hasn’t been to New York City.B. She needs to find a new job.C. She travels a lot for work.Answer: A4. How long has the man been waiting?A. For an hour.B. For half an hour.C. For ten minutes.Answer: B5. What is the woman doing?A. She is looking for her keys.B. She is waiting for someone to arrive.C. She is talking on the phone.Answer: C第二节(共5小题)6. What is the woman asking the man to do?A. Fix her computer.B. Help her find a job.C. Visit her tomorrow.Answer: A7. What does the man offer to do next?A. Take the woman to the restaurant.B. Prepare dinner for the woman.C. Look for a restaurant on the Internet.Answer: C8. What does the man say abo ut the woman’s computer?A. It can’t be fixed.B. It needs a software update.C. It needs a new battery.Answer: B9. What does the woman suggest doing after dinner?A. Go for a walk.B. Watch a movie at home.C. Go to a movie theater.Answer: B10. How do es the woman feel about the man’s suggestion?A. Excited.B. Indifferent.C. Annoyed.Answer: A二、阅读理解第一套An important part of a child’s development is the acquisition of social skills. Social skills help children to interact effectively with others and build healthy relationships. These skills are vital for success in school, work, and life in general.One of the best ways to help children develop social skills is through play. Play allows children to practice andmaster social, emotional, and cognitive skills in a relaxed and enjoyableenvironment. Through play, children learn valuable skills such as cooperation, sharing, problem-solving, and communication.There are different types of play that help in the development of social skills. Cooperative play is when children play and work together towards a common goal. This type of play helps children to learn teamwork and collaboration. Pretend play, on the other hand, allows children to develop empathy and understanding of others’ perspectives. They learn to take on different roles and pretend to be someone else, which helps in developing their social and emotional intelligence. Board games and group activities also promote social interaction and help children learn important skills such as taking turns, following rules, and resolving conflicts in a fair manner.Parents and educators play a crucial role in promoting social skills development. They can create opportunities for play and provide guidance and support. It is important for parents to encourage their children to engage in various types of play and provide them with age-appropriate toys and games. Educators can incorporate play-based learning activities in the classroom to foster social skills development.In conclusion, play is a valuable tool for social skills development. It allows children to practice and master important skills while having fun. Parents and educators should recognize the importance of play and provide opportunities and support for children to engage in different types of play.第二套The concept of time management is essential in today’s fast-paced world. Effective time management helps individuals to prioritize tasks, handle multiple responsibilities, and increase productivity. It allows individuals to make the most out of their time and achieve their goals efficiently.Here are some tips for effective time management:1.Set goals: Identify your long-term and short-termgoals. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks.This will help you stay focused and motivated.2.Prioritize tasks: Determine which tasks are mostimportant and urgent. Focus on completing these tasks first.3.Create a schedule: Use a planner or online calendarto schedule your tasks and activities. Set deadlines for each task to stay organized and keep track of your progress.4.Avoid multitasking: Multitasking may seem like atime-saving technique, but it can actually decreaseproductivity. Focus on one task at a time and give it yourfull attention.5.Delegate tasks: If possible, delegate tasks to others.This will free up your time and allow you to focus on more important tasks.6.Take breaks: Schedule regular breaks to rest andrecharge. This will help you maintain focus and preventburnout.7.Avoid procrastination: Procrastination can lead tounnecessary stress and missed deadlines. Break tasks into smaller, manageable parts and tackle them one at a time.8.Learn to say no: Don’t overcommit yourself. Learn tosay no to tasks that are not essential or do not align withyour goals.e technology: Take advantage of technology toolssuch as productivity apps and time tracking apps. Thesecan help you stay organized and manage your time moreeffectively.10.Review and adjust: Regularly review your scheduleand tasks. Adjust as needed to accommodate unexpectedevents or changes in priorities.By implementing these tips, you can improve your time management skills and achieve greater success in your personal and professional life.第三套The importance of physical exercise cannot be overstated. Regular exercise has numerous health benefits and plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Physical exercise helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve lung function, and increase muscle strength and endurance. It also promotes weight loss and helps to maintain a healthy body weight. Regular exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, andcertain types of cancer. It can also improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.In addition to the physical benefits, exercise is also important for cognitive function. Studies have shown that regular exercise improves memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. It can also enhance creativity and productivity.Exercise is not only beneficial for adults but also for children and adolescents. Regular physical activity in childhood and adolescence helps to develop healthy bones, muscles, and joints. It improves coordination and balance, and reduces the risk of childhood obesity. It also has a positive impact on academic performance, including improved concentration and focus.There are many different forms of exercise that individuals can choose from, including aerobic exercise, strength training, flexibility exercises, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It is important to find a form of exercise that you enjoy and can incorporate into your daily routine.In conclusion, regular physical exercise is essential for overall health and well-being. It has numerous physical and mental health benefits and should be a priority for individuals of all ages. Make exercise a part of your daily routine and reap the rewards of a healthy and active lifestyle.三、写作题目及答案第一套写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:。

2021 年6 月大学英语六级考试真题〔第二套〕特别说明:2021 年 6 月大学英语六级试卷的三套试题有重叠局部,本试卷〔第二套〕只列出与第一、第三套不重复的试题。
Part I Writing (30 minutes)For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on e-learning. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more people study online instead of attending school. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Directions:Part III Reading comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear—man-made creations as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally 26 : Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers? Users? Software writers? The answer depends on the robot.Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The 27 of computational power and engineering advances will 28 enable lower-cost in- home care for the disabled, 29 use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk- and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses for robots, from street cleaning to food preparation.But there are 30 to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone ( 遥控飞行器 ) operator will 31 someone’s privacy. A robotic lawn mower will run over a neighbor’s cat. Juries sympathetic to the 32 of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing 33 and damages. What should governments do to protect people while 34 space for innovation?Big, complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built, 35 and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer’s driving record, not the passenger’s.注意:此局部试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

2024年06月大学英语六级考试真题(第1套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “There is a growing awareness of the importance of digital literacy and skills in today’s world.” You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.You should copy the sentence given in quotes at the beginning of your essay.PartⅡListening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 witha single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) Reply to the man’s last proposal within a short time.B) Sign the agreement if one small change is made to it.C) Make a sponsorship deal for her client at the meeting.D) Give the man some good news regarding the contract.2. A) They are becoming impatient. C) They are used to making alterations.B) They are afraid time is running out. D) They are concerned about the details.3. A) To prevent geographical discrimination. C) To avoid any conflict of interest.B) To tap the food and beverage market. D) To reduce unfair competition.4. A) It is a potential market for food and beverage. C) It is a negligible market for his company.B) It is very attractive for real estate developers. D) It is very different from other markets.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) They are thrilled by a rare astronomic phenomenon.B) They are celebrating a big event on mountain tops.C) They are enthusiastic about big science-related stories.D) They are joined by astronomers all across North America.6. A) It will be the most formidable of its kind in over a century.B) It will come closest to Earth in more than one hundred years.C) It will eclipse many other such events in human history.D) It will be seen most clearly from Denver’s mountain tops.7. A) A blur. C) The edge of our galaxy.B) Stars. D) An ordinary flying object.8. A) Use professional equipment. C) Fix their eyes due north.B) Climb to the nearby heights. D) Make use of phone apps.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) Whether consumers should be warned against ultra-processed foods.B) Whether there is sufficient scientific consensus on dietary guidelines.C) Whether guidelines can form the basis for nutrition advice to consumers.D) Whether food scientists will agree on the concept of ultra-processed foods.10. A) By the labor cost for the final products. C) By the extent of chemical alteration.B) By the degree of industrial processing. D) By the convention of classification.11. A) Increased consumers’ expen ses. C) People’s misunderstanding of nutrition.B) Greater risk of chronic diseases. D) Children’s dislike for unprocessed foods.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. A) They begin to think of the benefits of constraints.B) They try to seek solutions from creative people.C) They try hard to maximize their mental energy.D) They begin to see the world in a different way.13. A) It is characteristic of all creative people.B) It is essential to pushing society forward.C) It is a creative p erson’s response to limitation.D) It is an impetus to socio-economic development.14. A) Scarcity or abundance of resources has little impact on people’s creativity.B) Innovative people are not constrained in connecting unrelated concepts.C) People have no incentive to use available resources in new ways.D) Creative people tend to consume more available resources.15. A) It is key to a company’s survival.B) It shapes and focuses problems.C) It is essential to meeting challenges.D) It thrives best when constrained.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. A) Because they are learned. C) Because they have to be properly personalized.B) Because they come naturally. D) Because there can be more effective strategies.17. A) The extent of difference and of similarity between the two sides.B) The knowledge of the specific expectation the other side holds.C) The importance of one’s goals and of the relationship.D) The approaches one adopts to conflict management.18. A) The fox. C) The shark.B) The owl. D) The turtle.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.19. A) Help save species from extinction and boost human health.B) Understand how plants and animals perished over the past.C) Help gather information publicly available to researchers.D) Find out the cause of extinction of Britain’s 66,000 species.20. A) It was once dominated by dinosaurs. C) Its prospects depend on future human behaviour.B) It has entered the sixth mass extinction. D) Its climate change is aggravated by humans.21. A) It dwarfs all other efforts to conserve, protect and restore biodiversity on earth.B) It is costly to get started and requires the joint efforts of thousands of scientists.C) It can help to bring back the large numbers of plants and animals that have gone extinct.D) It is the most exciting, most relevant, most timely and most internationally inspirational.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.22. A) Cultural identity. C) The Copernican revolution.B) Social evolution. D) Human individuality.23. A) It is a delusion to be disposed of. C) It is a myth spread by John Donne’s poem.B) It is prevalent even among academics. D) It is rooted in the mindset of the 17th century.24. A) He believes in Copernican philosophical doctrines about the universe.B) He has gained ample scientific evidence at the University of Reading.C) He has found that our inner self and material self are interconnected.D) He contends most of our body cells can only live a few days or weeks.25. A) By coming to see how disruptive such problems have got to be.B) By realising that we all can do our own bit in such endeavours.C) By becoming aware that we are part of a bigger world.D) By making joint efforts resolutely and persistently.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section ADirections:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Readthe passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identifiedby a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a singleline through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.It’s quite remarkable how different genres of music can spark unique feelings, emotions,and memories. Studies have shown that music can reduce stress and anxiety before surgeriesand we are all attracted toward our own unique life soundtrack.If you’re lo oking to 26 stress, you might want to give classical music a try.The sounds of classical music produce a calming effect letting 27 pleasure-inducing dopamine (多巴胺) in the brain that helps control attention, learning and emotional responses. It can also turn down the body’s stress response, resulting in an overall happier mood. It turns out a pleasant mood can lead to 28 in a person’s thinking.Although there are many great 29 of classical music like Bach, Beethoven and Handel, none of these artists’ music seems to have the same health effects as Mozart’s does. According to researchers, listening to Mozart can increase brain wave activity and improve 30 function. Another study found that the distinctive features of Mozart’s music trigger parts of the brain that are responsible for high-level mental functions. Even maternity 31 use Mozart to help newborn babies adapt to life outside of the mother’s belly.It has been found that listening to classical music 32 reduces a pers on’s blood pressure. Researchers believe that the calming sounds of classical music may help your heart 33 from stress. Classical music can also be a great tool to help people who have trouble sleeping. One study found that students who had trouble sleeping slept better while they were listening to classical music.Whether classical music is something that you listen to on a regular basis or not, it wouldn’t34 to take time out of your day to listen to music that you find 35 . You will be surprised at how good it makes you feel and the potentially positive change in your health.Section BDirections:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The Curious Case of the Tree That Owns ItselfA)In the city of Athens, Georgia, there exists a rather curious local landmark—a large whiteoak that is almost universally stated to own itself. Because of this, it is considered one of the most famous trees in the world. So how did this tree come to own itself and the land around it?B)Sometime in the 19th century a Georgian called Colonel William Jackson reportedly tooka liking to the said tree and endeavored to protect it from any danger. As to why he loved itso, the earliest documented account of this story is an anonymously written front page article in the Athens Weekly Banner published on August 12, 1890. It states, “Col. Jackson had watched the tree grow from his childhood, and grew to love it almost as he would a human. Its luxuriant leaves and sturdy limbs had often protected him from the heavy rains, and out of its highest branches he had many a time gotten the eggs of the feathered singers.He watched its growth, and when reaching a ripe old age he saw the tree standing in its magnificent proportions, he was pained to think that after his death it would fall into the hands of those who might destroy it.”C)Towards this end, Jackson transferred by means of a deed ownership of the tree and a littleland around it to the tree itself. The deed read, “W. H. Jackson for and in consideration of the great affection which he bears the said tree, and his great desire to see it protected has conveyed unto the said oak tree entire possession of itself and of all land within eight feet of it on all sides.”D)In time, the tree came to be something of a tourist attraction, known as The Tree That OwnsItself. However, in the early 20th century, the tree started showing signs of its slow death, with little that could be done about it. Father time comes for us all eventually, even our often long lived, tall and leafy fellow custodians (看管者) of Earth. Finally, on October 9, 1942, the over 30 meter tall and 200-400 year old tree fell, rumor has it, as a result of a severe windstorm and/or via having previously died and its roots rotted.E)About four years later, members of the Junior Ladies Garden Club (who’d tended to thetree before its unfortunate death) tracked down a small tree grown from a nut taken from the original tree. And so it was that on October 9, 1946, under the direction of Professor Roy Bowden of the College of Agriculture at the University of Georgia, this little tree was transplanted to the location of its ancestor. A couple of months later, an official ceremony was held featuring none other than the Mayor of Athens, Robert L McWhorter, to commemorate the occasion.F)This new tree became known as The Son of the Tree That Owns Itself and it was assumedthat, as the original tree’s heir, it naturally inherited the land it stood on. Of course, there are many dozens of other trees known to exist descending from the original, as people taking a nut from it to grow elsewhere was a certainty. That said, to date, none of the original tree’s other children have petitioned the courts for their share of the land, so it seems all good. In any event, The Son of the Tree That Owns Itself still stands today, though often referred to simply as The Tree That Owns Itself.G)This all brings us around to whether Jackson ever actually gave legal ownership of the treeto itself in the first place and whether such a deed is legally binding.H)Well, to begin with, it turns out Jackson only spent about three years of his life in Athens,starting at the age of 43 from 1829 to 1832, sort of dismissing the idea that he loved the tree from spending time under it as a child and watching it grow, and then worrying about what would happen to it after he died. Further, an extensive search of land ownership records in Athens does not seem to indicate Jackson ever owned the land the tree sits on.I)He did live on a lot of land directly next to it for those three years, but whether he ownedthat land or not isn’t clear. Whatever the case, in 1832 a four acre parcel, which included the land the tree was on and the neighboring land Jackson lived on, among others, was sold to University professor Malthus A Ward. In the transaction, Ward was required to payJackson a sum of $1,200 (about $31,000 today), either for the property itself or simply in compensation for improvements Jackson had made on the lot. In the end, whether he ever owned the neighboring lot or was simply allowed to use it while he allegedly worked at the University, he definitely never owned the lot the tree grew on, which is the most important bit for the topic at hand.J)After Professor Ward purchased the land, Jackson and his family purchased a 655 acre parcel a few miles away and moved there. Ten years later, in 1844, Jackson seemed to have come into financial difficulties and had his little plantation seized by the Clarke County Sheriff’s office and auctioned off to settle the mortgage. Thus, had he owned some land in Athens itself, including the land the tree sat on, presumably he would have sold it to raise funds or otherwise had it taken as well.K)And whatever the case there, Jackson would have known property taxes needed to be paid on the deeded land for the tree to be truly secure in its future. Yet no account or record indicates any trust or the like was set up to facilitate this.L)On top of all this, there is no hard evidence such a deed ever existed, despite the fact that deed records in Athens go back many decades before Jackson’s death in 1876 and that it was supposed to have existed in 1890 in the archives according to the original anonymous news reporter who claims to have seen it.M)As you might imagine from all of this, few give credit to this side of the story. So how did all of this come about then?N)It is speculated to have been invented by the imagination of the said anonymous author at the Athens Weekly Banner in the aforementioned 1890 front page article titled “Deeded to Itself”, which by the way contained several elements that are much more easily proved to be false. As to why the author would do this, it’s speculated perhaps it was a 19th century version of a click-bait thought exercise on whether it would be legal for someone to deed such a non-conscious living thing to itself or not.O)Whatever the case, the next known instance of the Tree That Owns Itself being mentioned wasn’t until 1901 in the Centennial Edition of that same paper, the Athens Weekly Banner.This featured another account very clearly just copying the original article published abouta decade before, only slightly reworded. The next account was in 1906, again in the AthensWeekly Banner, again very clearly copying the original account, only slightly reworded, the 19th century equivalent of re-posts when the audience has forgotten about the original.36. Jackson was said to have transferred his ownership of the oak tree to itself in order to protect it from being destroyed.37. No proof has been found from an extensive search that Jackson had ever owned the land where the oak tree grew.38. When it was raining heavily, Jackson often took shelter under a big tree that is said to own itself.39. There is no evidence that Jackson had made arrangements to pay property taxes for the land on which the oak tree sat.40. Professor Ward paid Jackson over one thousand dollars when purchasing a piece of land from him.41. It is said the tree that owned itself fell in a heavy windstorm.42. The story of the oak tree is suspected to have been invented as a thought exercise.43. Jackson’s little plantation was auctioned off to settle his debt in the mid-19th century.44. An official ceremony was held to celebrate the transplanting of a small tree to where its ancestor had stood.45. The story of the Tree That Owns Itself appeared in the local paper several times, with slight alterations in wording.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.It is irrefutable that employees know the difference between right and wron g. So why don’t more employees intervene when they see someone exhibiting at-risk behavior in the workplace?There are a number of factors that influence whether people intervene. First, they need to be able to see a risky situation beginning to unfold. Second, the company’s culture needs to make them feel safe to speak up. And third, they need to have the communication skills to say something effectively.This is not strictly a workplace problem; it’s a growing problem off the job too. Every day people witness things on the street and choose to stand idly by. This is known as the bystander effect—the more people who witness an event, the less likely anyone in that group is to help the victim. The psychology behind this is called diffusion of responsibility. Basically, the larger the crowd, the more people assume that someone else will take care of it—meaning no one effectively intervenes or acts in a moment of need.This crowd mentality is strong enough for people to evade their known responsibilities. But it’s not only frontline workers who don’t make safety i nterventions in the workplace. There are also instances where supervisors do not intervene either.When a group of employees sees unsafe behavior not being addressed at a leadership level it creates the precedent that this is how these situations should be addressed, thus defining the safety culture for everyone.Despite the fact that workers are encouraged to intervene when they observe unsafe operations, this happens less than half of the time. Fear is the ultimate factor in not intervening. There is a fear of penalty, a fear that they’ll have to do more work if they intervene. Unsuccessful attempts in the past are another strong contributing factor to why people don’t intervene—they tend to prefer to defer that action to someone else for all future situations.On many worksites, competent workers must be appointed. Part of their job is to intervene when workers perform a task without the proper equipment or if the conditions are unsafe. Competent workers are also required to stop work from continuing when there’s a danger.Supervisors also play a critical role. Even if a competent person isn’t required, supervisors need a broad set of skills to not only identify and alleviate workplace hazards but also build a safety climate within their team that supports intervening and open communication among them.Beyond competent workers and supervisors, it’s important to educate everyon e within the organization that they are obliged to intervene if they witness a possible unsafe act, whether you’re a designated competent person, a supervisor or a frontline worker.46. What is one of the factors contributing to failure of intervention in face of risky behavior in the workplace?A) Slack supervision style. C) Unforeseeable risk.B) Unfavorable workplace culture. D) Blocked communication.47. What does the author mean by “diffusion of responsibility” (Line 4, Para. 3)?A) The more people are around, the more they need to worry about their personal safety.B) The more people who witness an event, the less likely anyone will venture to participate.C) The more people idling around on the street, the more likely they need taking care of.D) The more people are around, the less chance someone will step forward to intervene.48. What happens when unsafe behavior at the workplace is not addressed by the leaders?A) No one will intervene when they see similar behaviors.B) Everyone will see it as the easiest way to deal with crisis.C) Workers have to take extra caution executing their duties.D) Workers are left to take care of the emergency themselves.49. What is the ultimate reason workers won’t act when they see unsafe operations?A) Preference of deferring the action to others. C) Fear of being isolated by coworkers.B) Anticipation of leadership intervention. D) Fear of having to do more work.50. What is critical to ensuring workplace safety?A) Workers be trained to operate their equipment properly.B) Workers exhibiting at-risk behavior be strictly disciplined.C) Supervisors create a safety environment for timely intervention.D) Supervisors conduct effective communication with frontline workers.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.The term “environmentalist” can mean different things. It used to refer to people trying to protect wildlife and natural ecosystems. In the 21st century, the term has evolved to capture the need to combat human-made climate change.The distinction between these two strands of environmentalism is the cause of a split within the scientific community about nuclear energy.On one side are purists who believe nuclear power isn’t worth the risk and the exclusive solution to the climate crisis is renewable energy. The opposing side agrees that renewables are crucial, but says society needs an amount of power available to meet consumers’ basic demands when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing. Nuclear energy, being far cleaner than oil, gas and coal, is a natural option, especially where hydroelectric capacity is limited.Leon Clarke, who helped author reports for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, isn’t an uncritical supporter of nuclear energy, but says it’s a valuable option to have i f we’re serious about reaching carbon neutrality.“Core to all of this is the degree to which you think we can actually meet climate goals with 100% renewables,” he said. “If you don’t believe we can do it, and you care about the climate, you are forced to think about something like nuclear.”The achievability of universal 100% renewability is similarly contentious. Cities such as Burlington, Vermont, have been “100% renewable” for years. But these cities often have s mall populations, occasionally still rely on fossil fuel energy and have significant renewable resources at their immediate disposal. Meanwhile, countries that manage to run off renewables typically do so thanks to extraordinary hydroelectric capabilities.Germany stands as the best case study for a large, industrialized country pushing into green energy. Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2011 announced Energiewende, an energy transition that would phase out nuclear and coal while phasing in renewables. Wind and solar power generation has increased over 400% since 2010, and renewables provided 46% of the country’s electricity in 2019.But progress has halted in recent years. The instability of renewables doe sn’t just mean energy is often not produced at night, but also that solar and wind can overwhelm the grid during the day, forcing utilities to pay customers to use their electricity. Lagging grid infrastructure struggles to transport this overabundance of green energy from Germany’s north to its industrial south, meaning many factories still run on coal and gas. The political limit has also been reached in some places, with citizens meeting the construction of new wind turbines with loud protests.The result is that Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by around 11.5% since 2010—slower than the EU average of 13.5%.51. What accounts for the divide within the scientific community about nuclear energy?A) Attention to combating human-made climate change.B) Emphasis on protecting wildlife and natural ecosystems.C) Evolution of the term ‘green energy’ over the last century.D) Adherence to different interpretations of environmentalism.52. What is the solution to energy shortage proposed by purists’ opponents?A) Relying on renewables firmly and exclusively.B) Using fossil fuel and green energy alternately.C) Opting for nuclear energy when necessary.D) Limiting people’s non-basic consumption.53. What point does the author want to make with cities like Burlington as an example?A) It is controversial whether the goal of the whole world’s exclusive dependence on renewables is attainable.B) It is contentious whether cities with large populations have renewable resources at their immediate disposal.C) It is arguable whether cities that manage to run off renewables have sustainable hydroelectric capabilities.D) It is debatable whether traditional fossil fuel energy can be done away with entirely throughout the world.54. What do we learn about Germany regarding renewable energy?A) It has increased its wind and solar power generation four times over the last two decades.B) It represents a good example of a major industrialized country promoting green energy.C) It relies on renewable energy to generate more than half of its electricity.D) It has succeeded in reaching the goal of energy transition set by Merkel.55. What may be one of the reasons for Germany’s progress having halted in recent years?A) Its grid infrastructure’s capacity has fallen behind its development of green energy.B) Its overabundance of green energy has forced power plants to suspend operation during daytime.C) Its industrial south is used to running factories on conventional energy supplies.D) Its renewable energy supplies are unstable both at night and during the day.Part IV Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.中国的传统婚礼习俗历史悠久,从周朝开始就逐渐形成了一套完整的婚礼仪式,有些一直沿用至今。

2023年12月大学英语六级(CET-6)真题试卷及答案详解试卷一Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both theconversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then markthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecentre.Example:You will hear:You will read:A) 2 hours.B) 3 hours.C) 4 hours.D) 5 hours.From the conversation, we know that the two were talking about some work theywill start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D) “5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D]1. A) She knows where Martha has gone.B) Martha will go to the concert by herself.C) It is quite possible for the man to find Martha.D) The man is going to meet Martha at the concert.2. A) The air pollution is caused by the development of industry.B) The city was poor because there wasn’t much industry then.C) The woman’s exaggerating the seriousness of the pollution.D) He might move to another city very soon.3. A) The man should work harder to improve his grades.B) The man will benefit from the effort he’s put in.C) It serves the man right to get a poor grade.D) It was unfair of the teacher to give the man a C.4. A) She can make a reservation at the restaurant.B) The man should decide where to eat.C) She already has plans for Saturday night.D) The man should ask his brother for suggestions.5. A) The man deserved the award.B) The woman helped the man succeed.C) The man is thankful to the woman for her assistance.D) The woman worked hard and was given an award.6. A) V oluntary work can help the man establish connections with the community.B) The man’s voluntary work has left him little room in his schedule.C) V oluntary work with the environment council requires a time commitment.D) A lot of people have signed up for voluntary work with the environment council.7. A) The patient must receive treatment regularly.B) The patient can’t leave the hospital until the bleeding stops.C) The patient’s husband can attend to the business in her place.D) The patient must take a good rest and forget about her business.8. A) Alice does not know much about electronics.B) Alice is unlikely to find a job anywhere.C) Alice is not interested in anything but electronics.D) Alice is likely to find a job in an electronics company.9. A) Jimmy is going to set out tonight.B) Jimmy has not decided on his journey.C) There is no need to have a farewell dinner.D) They may have a dinner when Jimmy’s back.10. A) The woman had been planning for the conference.B) The woman called the man but the line was busy.C) The woman didn’t come back until midnight.D) The woman had guests all evening.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the bestanswer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecentre.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. A) They are delighted because they can enjoy the scenery while driving.B) They are frightened because traffic accidents are frequent.C) They are irritated because the bridge is jammed with cars.D) They are pleased because it saves them much time.12. A) They don’t have their own cars to drive to work.B) Many of them are romantic by temperament.C) Most of them enjoy the drinks on the boat.D) They tend to be more friendly to each other.13. A) Many welcome the idea of having more bars on board.B) Many prefer the ferry to maintain its present speed.C) Some suggest improving the design of the deck.D) Some object to using larger luxury boats.Passage TwoQuestions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A) Coca Cola.B) Sausage.C) Milk.D) Fried chicken.15. A) He has had thirteen decayed teeth.B) He doesn’t have a single decayed tooth.C) He has fewer decayed teeth than other people of his age.D) He never had a single tooth pulled out before he was fifty.16. A) Brush your teeth right before you go to bed in the evening.B) Have as few of your teeth pulled out as possible.C) Have your teeth X-rayed at regular intervals.D) Clean your teeth shortly after eating.Passage ThreeQuestions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. A) A visit to a prison.B) The influence of his father.C) A talk with some miserable slaves.D) His experience in the war between France and Austria.18. A) He sent surgeons to serve in the army.B) He provided soldiers with medical supplies.C) He recruited volunteers to care for the wounded.D) He helped to free the prisoners of war.19. A) All men are created equal.B) The wounded and dying should be treated for free.C) A wounded soldier should surrender before he receives any medical treatment.D) A suffering person is entitled to help regardless of race, religion or politicalbeliefs.20. A) To honor Swiss heroes who died in the war.B) To show Switzerland was neutral.C) To pay tribute to Switzerland.D) To show gratitude to the Swiss government for its financial support.Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and markthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecentre.Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.For years, doctors advised their patients that the only thing taking multivitamins does is give them extensive urine (尿). After all, true vitamin deficiencies are practicallyunheard of in industrialized countries. Now it seems those doctors may have been wrong. The results of a growing number of studies suggest that even a modest vitamin shortfall can be harmful to your health. Although proof of the benefits of multivitamins is still far from certain, the few dollars you spend on them is probably a good investment.Or at least that’s the argument put forward in the New England Journal of Medicine. Ideally, say Dr. Walter Willett and Dr. Meir Stampfer of Harvard, all vitamin supplements would be evaluated in scientifically rigorous clinical trials.But those studies can take a long time and often raise more questions than they answer. At some point, while researchers work on figuring out where the truth lies, it just makes sense to say the potential benefit outweighs the cost.The best evidence to date concerns folate, one of the B vitamins. It’s been proved to limit the number of defects in embryos (胚胎), and a recent trial found that folate in combination with vitamin B 12 and a form of B6 also decreases the re-blockage of arteries after surgical repair.The news on vitamin E has been more mixed. Healthy folks who take 400 international units daily for at least two years appear somewhat less likely to develop heart disease. But when doctors give vitamin E to patients who already have he art disease, the vitamin doesn’t seem to help. It may turn out that vitamin E plays a role in prevention but cannot undo serious damage.Despite vitamin C’s great popularity, consuming large amounts of it still has not been positively linked to any great benefit. The body quickly becomes saturated with Cand simply excretes (排泄) any excess.The multivitamins question boils down to this: Do you need to wait until all the evidence is in before you take them, or are you willing to accept that there’s enough evidence that they don’t hurt and could help?If the latter, there’s no need to go to extremes and buy the biggest horse pills or the most expensive bottles. Large doses can cause trouble, including excessive bleeding and nervous system problems.Multivitamins are no substitute for exercise and a balanced diet, of course.As long as you understand that any potential benefit is modest and subject to further refinement, taking a daily multivitamin makes a lot of sense.21. At one time doctors discouraged taking multivitamins because they believed thatmultivitamins ________.A) could not easily be absorbed by the human bodyB) were potentially harmful to people’s healthC) were too expensive for daily consumptionD) could not provide any cure for vitamin deficiencies22. According to the author, clinical trials of vitamin supplements ________.A) often result in misleading conclusionsB) take time and will not produce conclusive resultsC) should be conducted by scientists on a larger scaleD) appear to be a sheer waste of time and resources23. It has been found that vitamin E ________.A) should be taken by patients regularly and persistentlyB) can effectively reduce the recurrence of heart diseaseC) has a preventive but not curative effect on heart diseaseD) should be given to patients with heart disease as early as possible24. It can be seen that large doses of multivitamins ________.A) may bring about serious side effectsB) may help prevent excessive bleedingC) are likely to induce the blockage of arteriesD) are advisable for those with vitamin deficiencies25. The author concludes the passage with the advice that ________.A) the benefit of daily multivitamin intake outweighs that of exercise and abalanced dietB) it’s risky to take multivitamins without knowing their specific functionC) the potential benefit of multivitamins can never be overestimatedD) it’s reasonable to take a rational dose of multivitamins dailyPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Some futurologists have assumed that the vast upsurge (剧增) of women in the workforce may portend a rejection of marriage. Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry. The converse (背面) of this concern is that the prospects of becoming a multi-paycheck household could encourage marriages. In the past, only the earnings and financial prospects of the man counted in the marriage decision. Now, however, the earning ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner. Data show that economic downturns tend to postpone marriage because the parties cannot afford to establish a family or are concerned about rainy days ahead. As the economy rebounds, the number of marriages also rises.Coincident with the increase in women working outside the home is the increase in divorce rates. Yet, it may be wrong to jump to any simple cause-and-effect conclusions. The impact of a wife’s work on divorce is no less cloudy than its impact on marriage decisions. The realization that she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an unsatisfactory marriage. But the reverse is equally plausible. Tensions grounded in financial problems often play a key role in ending a marriage. Given high unemployment, inflationary problems, and slow growth in real earnings, a working wife can increase household income and relieve some of these pressing financial burdens. By raising a family’s standard of living, a working wife may strengthen her family’s financial and emotional stability.Psychological factors also should be considered. For example, a wife blocked from a career outside the home may feel caged in the house. She may view her only choice as seeking a divorce.On the other hand, if she can find fulfillment through work outside the home, work and marriage can go together to create a stronger and more stable union.Also, a major part of women’s inequality in marriage has been due to the fact that, in most cases, men have remained the main breadwinners. With higher earning capacity and status occupations outside of the home comes the capacity to exercise power within the family. A working wife may rob a husband of being the master of the house. Depending upon how the couple reacts to these new conditions, it could create a stronger equal partnership or it could create new insecurities.26. The word “portend” (Line 2, Para. 1) is closest in meaning to “________”.A) defyB) signalC) suffer fromD) result from27. It is said in the passage that when the economy slides, ________.A) men would choose working women as their marriage partnersB) more women would get married to seek financial securityC) even working women would worry about their marriagesD) more people would prefer to remain single for the time being28. If women find fulfillment through work outside the home, ________.A) they are more likely to dominate their marriage partnersB) their husbands are expected to do more houseworkC) their marriage ties can be strengthenedD) they tend to put their career before marriage29. One reason why women with no career may seek a divorce is that ________.A) they feel that they have been robbed of their freedomB) they are afraid of being bossed around by their husbandsC) they feel that their partners fail to live up to their expectationsD) they tend to suspect their husbands’ loyalty to their marriage30. Which of the following statements can best summarize the author’s view in thepassage?A) The stability of marriage and the divorce rate may reflect the economic situationof the country.B) Even when economically independent, most women have to struggle for realequality in marriage.C) In order to secure their marriage women should work outside the home andremain independent.D) The impact of the growing female workforce on marriage varies from case tocase.Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.For most thinkers since the Greek philosophers, it was self-evident that the re is something called human nature, something that constitutes the essence of man. There were various views about what constitutes it, but there was agreement that such an essence exists—that is to say, that there is something by virtue of which man is man. Thus man was defined as a rational being, as a social animal, an animal that can make tools, or a symbol-making animal.More recently, this traditional view has begun to be questioned. One reason for this change was the increasing emphasis given to the historical approach to man. An examination of the history of humanity suggested that man in our epoch is so different from man in previous times that it seemed unrealistic to assume that men in every age have had in common something that can be called “human nature.” The historical approach was reinforced, particularly in the United States, by studies in the field of cultural anthropology (人类学). The study of primitive peoples has discovered such a diversity of customs, values, feelings, and thoughts that many anthropologists arrived atthe concept that man is born as a blank sheet of paper on which each culture writes its text. Another factor contributing to the tendency to deny the assumption of a fixed human nature was that the concept has so often been abused as a shield behind which the most inhuman acts are committed. In the name of human nature, for example, Aristotle and most thinkers up to the eighteenth century defended slavery. Or in order to prove the rationality and necessity of the capitalist form of society, scholars have tried to make a case for acquisitiveness, competitiveness, and selfishness as innate(天生旳) human traits. Popularly, one refers cynically to “human nature” in accepting the inevitability of such undesirable human behavior as greed, murder, cheating and lying.Another reason for skepticism about the concept of human nature probably lies in the influence of evolutionary thinking. Once man came to be seen as developing in the process of evolution, the idea of a substance which is contained in his essence seemed untenable. Yet I believe it is precisely from an evolutionary standpoint that we can expect new insight into the problem of the nature of man.31. The traditional view of “human nature” was strongly challenged by ________.A) the emergence of the evolutionary theoryB) the historical approach to manC) new insight into human behaviorD) the philosophical analysis of slavery32. According to the passage, anthropologists believe that human beings ________.A) have some traits in commonB) are born with diverse culturesC) are born without a fixed natureD) change their characters as they grow up33. The author mentioned Aristotle, a great ancient thinker, in order to ________.A) emphasize that he contributed a lot to defining the concept of “human nature”B) show that the concept of “human nature” was used to justify social evilsC) prove that he had a profound influence on the concept of “human nature”D) support the idea that some human traits are acquired34. The word “untenable” (Line 3) in the last paragraph of the passage most probablymeans ________.A) invaluableB) imaginableC) changeableD) indefensible35. Most philosophers believed that human nature ________.A) is the quality distinguishing man from other animalsB) consists of competitiveness and selfishnessC) is something partly innate and partly acquiredD) consists of rationality and undesirable behaviorPassage FourQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Richard Satava, program manager for advanced medical technologies, has been a driving force in bring ing virtual reality to medicine, where computers create a “virtual” or simulated environment for surgeons and other medical practitioners (从业者).“With virtual reality we’ll be able to put a surgeon in every trench,” said Satava. He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.The computers would transmit images of the soldiers to surgeons back in the U.S. The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets (头盔) that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound. The doctors would guide robotic instruments in the battlefield mobile surgical unit that operate on the soldier.Although Satava’s vision may be years away from standard operating procedure, scientists are progressing toward virtual reality surgery. Engineers at an international organization in California are developing a tele-operating device. As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery, they move instruments that are connected to a computer, which passes their movements to robotic instruments that perform the surgery. The computer provides feedback to the surgeon on force, textures, and sound.These technological wonders may not yet be part of the community hospital setting but increasingly some of the machinery is finding its way into civilian medicine. At Wayne State University Medical School, surgeon Lucia Zamorano takes images of the brain from computerized scans and uses a computer program to produce a 3-D image. She can then maneuver the 3-D image on the computer screen to map the shortest, least invasive surgical path to the tumor (肿瘤). Zamorano is also using technology that attaches a probe to surgical instruments so that she can track their positions. While cutting away a tumor deep in the brain, she watches the movement of her surgical tools in a computer graphics image of the patient’s brain taken before surgery.During these procedures—operations that are done through small cuts in the body in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered—surgeons are wearing 3-D glasses for a better view. And they are commanding robot surgeons to cut away tissue more accurately than human surgeons can.Satava says, “We are in the midst of a fundamental change in the field of medicine.”36. According to Richard Satava, the application of virtual reality to medicine________.A) will enable surgeons to be physically present on every battlefieldB) can raise the spirits of soldiers wounded on the battlefieldC) will greatly improve medical conditions on the battlefieldD) can shorten the time for operations on soldiers wounded on the battlefield37. Richard Satava has visions of ________.A) using a remote-control technique to treat wounded soldiers fighting overseasB) wounded soldiers being saved by doctors wearing virtual reality helmets on thebattlefieldC) wounded soldiers being operated on by specially trained surgeonsD) setting up mobile surgical units overseas38. How is virtual reality surgery performed?A) It is performed by a computer-designed high precision device.B) Surgeons wear virtual reality helmets to receive feedback provided by acomputer.C) Surgeons move robotic instruments by means of a computer linked to them.D) A 3-D image records the movements of the surgeons during the operation.39. During virtual reality operations, the surgeon can have a better view of the cuts inthe body because ________.A) he is looking at the cuts on a computer screenB) the cuts can be examined from different anglesC) the cuts have been highly magnifiedD) he is wearing 3-D glasses40. Virtual reality operations are an improvement on conventional surgery in that they________.A) cause less pain to the woundedB) allow the patient to recover more quicklyC) will make human surgeons’ work less tediousD) are done by robot surgeons with greater precisionPart III Vocabulary (20 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that bestcompletes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet with a single line through the centre.41. He suggested that we put the scheme into effect, for it is quite ________.A) probableB) sustainableC) feasibleD) eligible42. This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important ________ ofAmerican life.A) facetsC) formulasD) fashions43. It is one thing to locate oil, but it is quite another to ________ and transport it to theindustrial centers.A) permeateB) extractC) distinguishD) concentrate44. Students are expected to be quiet and ________ in an Asian classroom.A) obedientB) overwhelmingC) skepticalD) subsidiary45. Our reporter has just called to say that rescue teams will ________ to bring out thetrapped miners.A) effectB) affectD) endeavour46. The Spanish team, who are not in superb form, will be doing their best next week to________ themselves on the German team for last year’s defeat.A) remedyB) reproachC) reviveD) revenge47. Creating so much confusion, Mason realized he had better make ________ what hewas trying to tell the audience.A) exclusiveB) explicitC) objectiveD) obscure48. One of the examination questions ________ me completely and I couldn’t answer it..A) baffledB) mingledC) provokedD) diverted49. The vision of that big black car hitting the sidewalk a few feet from us will never be________ from my memory.A) ejectedB) escapedC) erasedD) omitted50. At present, it is not possible to confirm or to refute the suggestion that there is acausal relationship between the amount of fat we eat and the ________ of heart attacks.A) incidenceB) impetusC) ruptureD) emergence51. There are many who believe that the use of force ________ political ends can neverbe justified.A) in search ofB) in pursuit ofC) in view ofD) in light of52. Sometimes the bank manager himself is asked to ________ cheques if his clerks arenot sure about them.A) creditB) assureC) certifyD) access53. It is believed that the authorities are thinking of ________ new taxes to raise extrarevenue.A) impairingB) imposingC) invadingD) integrating54. When she heard the bad news, her eyes ________ with tears as she struggled tocontrol her emotions.A) sparkledB) twinkledC) radiatedD) glittered55. There are occasions when giving a gift ________ spoken communication, since themessage it offers can cut through barriers of language and cultural diversity.A) overtakesB) nourishesC) surpassesD) enforces56. In order to keep the line moving, customers with lengthy ________ are required todo their banking inside.A) transitB) transactionsC) turnoverD) tempos57. President Wilson attempted to ________ between the powers to end the war, butneither side was prepared to give in.A) segregateB) whirlC) compromiseD) mediate58. The police have installed cameras at dangerous road ________ to film those whodrive through red traffic lights.A) trenchesB) utilitiesC) pavementsD) junctions59. It is reported that thirty people were killed in a ________ on the railway yesterday.A) collisionB) collaborationC) corrosionD) confrontation60. Since a circle has no beginning or end, the wedding ring is accepted as a symbol of________ love.A) successiveB) consecutiveC) eternalD) insistent61. Executives of the company enjoyed an ________ lifestyle of free gifts, fine winesand high salaries.A) exquisiteB) extravagantC) exoticD) eccentric62. If you want to get into that tunnel, you first have to ________ away all the rocks.A) haulB) repelC) disposeD) snatch63. Some crops are relatively high yielders and could be planted in preference to othersto ________ the food supply.A) enhanceB) curbC) disruptD) heighten64. Astronomers at the University of California discovered one of the most distant________.A) paradoxesB) paradisesC) galaxiesD) shuttles65. Many great scientists ________ their success to hard work.A) portrayB) ascribeC) impartD) acknowledge66. The sign set up by the road ________ drivers to a sharp turn.A) alertsB) refreshesC) pleadsD) diverts67. The doctors don’t ________ that the patient will live much longer.A) monitorC) articulateD) anticipate68. Call your doctor for advice if the ________ persist for more than a few days.A) responsesB) signalsC) symptomsD) reflections69. We find it impossible to ________ with the latest safety regulations.A) accordB) unifyC) obeyD) comply70. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will ________ in presenting the series oflectures on American literature.A) alterB) alternateC) substitute试卷二Part IV Error Correction (15 minutes)Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word,add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the correctionsin the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write thecorrect word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put aninsertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in theblank. If you delete a word, cross it and put a slash (/) in the blank. Example:╱. 1. time/times/period Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periodsMany of the arguments having╱ used for the study of literature as 2. _______\_______ a school subject are valid for ∧ study of television. 3. ______the______Thomas Malthus published his “Essay on the Principle of Population” almost 200 years ago. Ever since then, forecasters have being warning that worldwide famine was (S1) just around the next corner. The fast-growing population’s demand for food, they warned, would soon exceed their (S2) supply, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation.But in reality, the world’s total grain harvest has risen steadily over the years.。

英语六级考试真题与答案解析2022年9月—————————————————————————————【听力】Conversation 1M: Welcome to Money Matters - a weekly program that helps you manage your money. Tonight, I'll be talking to Mary Johnson about budgeting.W: Hello, everyone.M: There's a magic about money, when it's not planned for, tracked and kept the record of, it literally disappears.What are some of the steps we can take to prevent this from happening?W: Well, it's all about keeping track of your money.If you don't do that, you'll never be able to set any goals for your budget or have the discipline to stick to them.M: That's easier said than done. I read recently that only 41% of Americans adhere to a budget. W: Yes, but knowing what you earn and what you spend can give you reassurance that you won't get into debt in the first place. You can do this by adding up all of your sources of income you have, and writing them all down on a piece of paper. On the same page, write down all of your monthly expenses.M: I'm always amazed at how much my expenses add up.But designating each item as an income or an expense really helps me have a much better sense of all my spending.W: Right. Most people have no idea how much they spend each day, let alone each week or month,no matter how careful they are. Next, subtract your monthly expenses from income. If the result is positive, you are living within your means. If the result is a negative number, you're going to have to cut back on your spending.M: I'm usually a negative number. I just can't resist the allure of all those prestigious goods. W: Well, it's not a catastrophe, but you do have to make some changes. Try cutting back on those non-essential items, sell some stuff in your attic or shop online to avoid unnecessary temptations like chocolate. Failing that you can always find yourself a part-time job.Q1: What does the man say about the weekly program?Q2: What did the man read recently?Q3: What does the woman suggest the man do first to avoid getting into debt?Q4: What does the woman say about online shopping?Conversation 2M: Hi there. I've come to see the flat. My name is Mark Adams. We spoke on the phone on Wednesday. W: Hi Mark. Come on up. I'll buzz you in green door, on the second floor on the right side. Nice to meet you. I spoke to all your references and they all checked out Okay. So let me show you around the place actually belongs to my mother, but her health isn't great. So we finally managed to persuade her to move in with us and rent this old place out.M:It's a great size, plenty of space, very versatile. I think it's a winner for us.W: Yes. All the appliances are brand new. There's a washing machine and a tumble dryer in the utility room next to the kitchen.M: Lots of closet space two, which is fabulous. My wife has a ridiculous number of shoes. Now, the big question What about noise and the neighbors?W: Well, all the neighbors are elderly, so no noisy kids and the back of the house overlooks a clear and peaceful pond. So it's perfect. If tranquility is what you are looking for.M: That's good news. We've been living in a less than glamorous part of Aberdeen, constantly harassed day and night by noisy neighbors. Getting to work was a nightmare too. As we only have one car. And my wife has to use it as she works nights at the hospital.W: Well, if you like the place it's yours. As soon as I get a contract drawn up with the solicitor, the first month's rent and a deposit are mandatory on signing the contract, then we can work out when is the best day for you to pay rent each month?M: We'll be incredibly happy to be your new tenants. Thank you so much. My wife will be thrilled to get out of the shabby place we are now in and start filling those wardrobes with all those shoes.Q5: What does the woman say about the flat question six?Q6: What is the man's chief consideration in looking for a flat?Q7: What does the man have to do on signing the contract?Q8: Why does the man say his wife will feel very excited if they move into the flat?Passage 1A new study has found a positive correlation between how much television children watch and their parents stress levels. Why? Because the more television kids watch, the more they're exposed toadvertising .The more advertising they see, the more likely they are to insist on purchasing items when they go with their parents to the store.This could generate conflict if the parents refuse. All that researchers say can contribute to parents overall stress levels. What's the solution ? Perhaps the most obvious is curtailing screen time.Commercial content is there for a reason :to elicit purchasing behavior, so parents might want to shut off the TV. Researchers can see that this is easier said than done. So they suggest another option. Parents can change how they talk to their kids about purchases. The researchers suggest that parents seek input from their children on family purchasing decisions.They shouldn't try to control all purchases. Instead, parents might tell their children things like: I will listen to your advice on certain products or brands. This type of communication, the researchers assert, can lead to children, making fewer purchasing demands- that means less parent stress. However, the protective effect of this kind of communication diminishes with greater exposure to television. This is because advertising aimed at children is especially persuasive. Advertisers use an assortment of tactics, such as bright colors, happy music and celebrity endorsements to appeal to children. Plus children don't have the cognitive ability to fully understand advertising's intent that makes them particularly vulnerable to advertisements.Q9: What has the new study found about children watching television?Q10:What are parents advised to do to reduce the impact of TV commercials?Q11: What makes children particularly vulnerable to TV commercials?Passage 2Everyone is supposed to cheer for good guys. And we should only punish the bad guys, but that's not what we always do. Most of the time we do indeed reward good people. We also often punish people who harm others or who aren't good team players, but sometimes the good guys also get punished or criticized specifically because they are so good. This seems baffling because it's detrimental to group cooperation. However, the phenomenon has been discovered in multiple fields and it has been found in every society. Why does this happen? Research suggests a simple reason when one person looks really good, others look bad by comparison. Those others then have an incentive in stopping that person from looking good, especially if they can't or won't compete. After all, we're all judged in comparison with others. When faced with someone better, what can a normal person do? One option is to actively compete. A second option is to bring that person down that is to suppress their cooperation or work ethic, and first selfish motives for their actions or imply real or imagined hypocrisy. Other tactics include attacking them on unrelated dimensions or punishing them outright. Why does this matter? Critics often attack the motives of people who protect the environment, donate money or work too hard. Such good deeds are dismissed as naive or hypocritical by those who do not perform those deeds. This criticism may ultimately discourage people from doing good deeds.so it's important to recognize these attacks for what they are.Q12: What baffling phenomenon is discussed in the passage?Q13: How are we all judged according to the passage?Q14: What can a normal person do when faced with people who perform better?Q15: what may discourage people from performing good deeds?Lecture 1 雪萱In America, most researchers can see that boys and girls are brought up in different ways, taught different skills and rewarded for different acts. Women, it is agreed excel at certain tasks, men at others. There is little argument that some personality traits appear more dominant in one sex than in the other.All of this, not withstanding, gender differences are very much in the media these days. Since the rise of the women's movement, gender role behavior has come under closer scrutiny. How has this affected friendship? How do the sexes differ in their friendship relations? Most preteen children have a best friend who is usually some one of the same sex and similar age.Both sexes share an essentially positive recollection of these childhood friendships, they do not differ in this respect. However, the type of play engaged in during these early friendships is telling of the difference to come. Boys tend to form playgroups that are competitive in nature. Girls groups more frequently revolve around cooperative enterprises. Thus at an early age, boys become concerned with trying hard and winning, while girls by contrast play house and school, engaging in roles that require complimentary support. Speaking of their childhood, men recall being highly responsive to and aware of the gender role opinions of other boys. Girls in preteen years appear to be less susceptible to gender role pressure. It is not until the dating years that women report being concerned with feminine behavior. Males for the most part are responsive to the suggestion that their behavior is unmanly at almost any age. These early attitudes reinforced by social conditioning continue to play an active part in the friendships of both sexes during adolescence. This is a period when the majority of males, once again, report a close Alliance with same sex friends.Now, however, with heightened intensity, considerable energy is devoted to competing for position and a definite undercurrent of competition permeates the relationship. Although indissimilar fashion, females share equally fragile relationships at this age. For them, the bond of loyalty extends only to the line of romantic involvement.This is most apt to be the case in late adolescence when dating and relationships with boys take sharp precedence over sisterhood. Actually dating dilutes the intensity of same sex friendships for men also. For the majority of us, the moment we begin to date seriously, there's a competition between romance and friendship.Q16: What does the speaker say about most preteen children?Q17: What do most males devote much of their energy to during adolescence?Q18: What do children do when they reach late adolescence?Lecture 2Good afternoon. In today's lecture, we'll be talking about how and when to disclose a disability when applying for a job. On average, about 20% of the population has some form of disability. Most countries these days have equal opportunity and non-discrimination laws, yet disabled people often find it hard to decide when, how, and if at all to raise their disability problem with a potential employer. There is uncertainty about how a recruiter will perceive their disability as such many candidates fear they wouldn't be considered for a position as a result of disclosing this personal information. And research has validated this as a genuine concern for many job applicants. It’s a natural reaction, but it shouldn't be a reason to stay quiet. People need to remember that they are applying for a position they have the skills and experience to.Discussing a disability with a potential employer may help them make reasonable workplaceadjustments in their favor. It's most appropriate to discuss a disability when they reply to confirm an interview, this information needed to be put up front in their cover letter or resume. because it's probably not relevant to the position itself. Candidates with disabilities should feel they have the power to make their own decisions around sharing this information free from prejudice. If they find an organization that doesn't celebrate diversity and inclusion, it could say a lot about the company's culture, perhaps the organization isn't the right fit. It's important for them to. remember That they are seeking a manager, an employer that's going to be supportive and continue to give them a great employment experience. Companies sometimes offer candidates the chance to disclose disabilities on their application form, but people shouldn't feel restricted by this method or timing. People should avoid sharing the name of their disability or condition. There is always the risk that the recruiter will research inform that is inaccurate or irrelevant. If people don't think their disability will impact their ability to perform in the advertised position, then it's entirely their entitlement to choose when and whether to share this information.Q19: Why do disabled job applicants feel reluctant to disclose their disability information? Q20: When does the speaker suggest applicants reveal their disability information? Q21: What are people advised to do when filling out their job application form?Lecture 3Smartphones Distract attention and reduce learning because of their potential to offer activitiesmore inviting than study.But what about background sound alone?A group of American researchers compared students' comprehension of verbal material when reading in the presence of background speech, instrumental music or general noise.General noise is neutral such as that from the sound of an air conditioner or fan.Student scores were most depressed in the presence of background speech. Comprehension was slightly better with the presence of music than with speech.However, when they were asked to identify melodies rather than understand text background music interfered more. When the background speech was in a language unfamiliar to participants, there was little, if any hindrance of reading comprehension.British researchers compared the effects of background speech, vocal music, instrumental music, general background noise and silence on short term memory.Background speech had the biggest negative effect. Vocal music was slightly more disruptive than instrumental.In general background noise and silence were least disrupt.It seems the degree of interference from background noise depends on the overlap between the processing required on the task and the processing required to screen out the background noise. The studies suggest that when people read and when they try to remember any verbal material, background speech will inhibit their ability.Instrumental music will have at worst a slight effect.When students write essays, however,other research has found it is best to reduce all background noise as much as possible.Not everyone reacts in the same way to distractions.Other studies suggest some aspects of personality may make a difference.The researchers subjected shy, quiet people and confident, outgoing ones to high arousal or low arousal background music, general noise or silence while asking them to remember words. Everyone performed best in the silent condition, but less sociable people were more negatively affected by each of the distractions.So when children are reading and trying to incorporate new material, parents could consider allowing some background music, particularly if it is instrumental and their child is the outgoing type.Q22: What did some American researchers find about students reading comprehension in the presence of background noise?Q23: What do we learn from the British researchers about the degree of interference from background noise?Q24: What is best for students to do when writing essays according to some research?Q25: How do people of different personalities react to distractions according to other studies?听力参考答案1.C) It helps people with budgeting.2.D) Most Americans do not stick to a budget.3.A) Keep track of his money.4.B) It helps avoid unnecessary spending.5.C) It belongs to her mother.6.B) Tranquility.7.B) Pay the first month's rent and a deposit.8.D) She will have plenty of space for her shoes.9. D) The more television they watch, the greater their parents' stress.10. C) Involve children in making purchasing decisions.11. A) Their limited cognitive ability.12)D Good guys may get unfair treatment13) C In comparsion with others14) B Compete with them actively15) A Being dismissed as hypocritical16.D) They make friends with peers of the same sax.17. A) Competing for position.18. A) They prioritize romance over friendship.19. B) They are worried about being turned down.20. C) When confirming an interview.21. D) Avoid mentioning the name of their disability.22.B) It was the poorest when there was background speech.23.C) It depends on the overlap in processing different kinds of information.24.A) Keep everything as quiet as possible.25. B) Shy quiet people were most adversely impacted.【阅读】词汇理解(1)文章开头开头:The now extinct passenger pigeon has the dubious honor of being the last species anyone ever expected to disappear.(2)答案【答案速查】26-30 LAIMO 31-35 BCHND26. L) estimates27. A) vulnerable28. I) hatched29. M) edible30. O) delicacy31. B) unprecedented32. C) tracts33. H) infinite34. N) depleted35. D) specimen长篇阅读(1)文章标题标题:Is computer coding a foreign language?(2)答案速查36-40 LEKGD 41-45 HBJCM(3)题干、答案和定位处36. Employers attach more importance to applicants' computer skills than their language competence.36. L 【定位】Even with the benefits and skill sets languages provide, recruiters and employers value computer skills more.37. One U.S. state senator proposed that high school students be allowed to study either foreign language or computer coding.37. E【定位】“I think the opportunity to give people a choice is important," says Florida state Senator Jeremy Ring.might as well do computer coding."38. Learning languages broadens students' international perspective and nurtures mutual respect among peoples, according to a high school language teacher.38. K【定位】 We need to find a way to put ourselves at the global table and to treat each other with mutual respect.39. One U.S. state will see to it that programming classes are taught by quality teachers. 39. G 【定位】 Instead, the state will provide support for higher quality teachers for programming classes.40. Statistics show while computer-related jobs have been on the rise, foreign languages have become less appealing to American students since mid-1990s.40. D 【定位】Foreign language interest, on the other hand, is declining for the first time since 1995.41. All school subjects are said to be essential to students' well-rounded development.41. H 【定位】…because every subject, whether art, math or language. is a significant contribution to a well-rounded existence.42. There is consensus among most educators that coding should be taught in schools but should not replace foreign language.42. B【定位】Coding should be added to curriculums, but not at the expense of foreign language classes.43. One study showed that foreign language learning improved students' academic performance.43. J【定位】Studies show that bilingualism (双语) correlates with cognitive development, intelligence, memory and problem solving abilities, according to the American Cou44. Being short of funding and qualified teachers, schools lag behind the fast developing computer science field.44. C 【定位】The computer science field is growing faster than schools can keep up because of budget constraints and a lack of skills training for teachers.45. A distinguished high school language teacher also believes it is advisable to start learninga foreign language at an earlier age.45. M 【定位】I just think it's something you have to start early and not just have something that you do for a couple of years in high school," he says.Passage One(1)文章开头The U.S. and China don’t agree on much these days.【答案速查】 46-50 DCABC(3)答案选项内容:46. D) How to stop tech companies from gaining monopoly.47. C) All companies must be regulated by the government.48. A) They can no longer do business independent of tech giants.49. B) They have considered regulatory action to promote fair competition.50. C) They are becoming untrustworthy.Passage Two文章开头:Born from the accessibility of mass air travel, modern答案速查:51-55 DBDAC51. What is the popular assumption about international tourism?D) It contributes to the economy of destination countries and regions.52. What do we learn from some studies about uncontrolled tourism development?B) It incurs local residents' antagonism to tourists.53. Why does the author say local residents of popular destinations often feel frustrated?D)They do not think they benefit as much as they deserve.54. How does the author say local residents in destination communities respond to tourism activity?A)They endeavor to adapt to it.55. What can tourists do to exert more positive impacts on the tourist destinations?C)Use the services provided by local businesses.春联贴春联(Spring Festival couplets)是中国人欢度春节的一个重要习俗。

2023年6月英语四级真题及答案完整版2023英语六级答案6月(完整版)第一套听力1.B ) It was warm and comfortable .2.B ) She misses her roommates she used to complain about .3.C ) He had a similar feeling to the woman ' s .4.A ) Go to see the woman ' s apartment .5.D ) He has published a book recently .6.C ) It has not prepared young people for the jobi ja market .7.A ) More of the budget should go to science and technology .8.D ) Cultivate better citizens .9. A ) It is quite common .10. B ) Engaging in regular contemplation .11. D ) Reflecting during ones relaxation .12. C ) There existed post offices .13. D ) It kept people in the deserts and plains connected .14. B ) It commissioned private wagons to carry the mail .15. C ) He examined its historical trends with data science .16. A ) Higher levels of anxiety may improve people ' s memory .17.C ) They measured the participants ' anxiety levels . SP18. B ) Extreme levels of anxiety can adversely affect cognitive performance .19. D ) They expect to get instantaneous responses to their inquiry .20. C ) Speaking directly to their emotions .21.B ) Keep up with the latest technological developments .22. D )- Friendships benefit work .23. A ) The impact of friends on people ' s self - esteem .24. D ) They increase people ' s job satisfaction .25. A ) Allow employees to have a flexible work schedule .2023英语六级答案6月(完整版)第二套听力1.A) She is drawn to its integration of design andengineering .2.D) Through hard work3.C) It is long - lasting .4.A) Computer science .5.B) He is well known to the public .6.D) Serve as a personal assistant .7.D) He has little previous work experience .8.C) He has a high proficiency in several languages .9.A) They have fewer rules and pressures .10.B) They rob kids of the chance to cultivate their courage .11.C) Let them participate in some less risky outdooractivities .12.B) Tech firms intentionally design products to have shortlifespans13.C) List a repairability score of their products .14.D) Take the initiative to reduce e lectronie waste .15.A) It can be solved .16.B) How to prevent employees from cyberloafing .17.C) Cyberloafing may relieve employees of stress .18.A) Taking mini - breaks means better job performance19.D) There were no trees .20.B) He founded a newspaper and used it to promote hisideas .21.C) One million trees were planted throughout Nebraska22.B) They moved out of Africa about 60,000 years ago .23.D) The discovery of two modern human teeth in China .24.A) There must have been some reason for humanmigration .25.D) What path modern humans took to migrate out of Africa2023英语六级答案6月(完整版)第三套听力:待更新2023六月英语六级答案——选词填空(第一套)Scientists recently examined studies on dog intelligence ..26.N surpass27.K previously28.O volumn29.M prove30.A affirmed31.G formidable32.D differentiate33.E distinct34.C completely35.I overstated2023六月英语六级答案——选词填空(第二套)Imagine sitting down to a big dinner ...26.H indulging27.I innumerable28.J morality29.A attributes30.K odds31.M regulatory32.G inclined33.N still34.E diminishing35.B comprised2023六月英语六级答案——选词填空(第三套)You might not know yourself as wellasyouthink ...26.L relatively27.I probes28.A activated29.k recall30.D consecutive31.C assessment32.G discrepancy33.E cues34.J random35.O terminate2023英语六级答案6月(完整版)信息匹配1答案速查36-40 GDJHB41-45 ICLEN36.【 G 】 With only 26 students ...37.【 D 】I’ve had the priviledge of38.【 J 】 The average tuition at a small ...39.【 H 】" Living in close community ..40.【 B 】 In higher education the trend ...41.【 I 】 Sterling Collegein Craftsbury Common ..42.【 C 】 Tiny Colleges focus not just on mi43.【 L 】 The " trick " to making tiny colleges ...44.【 E 】 Having just retired from teaching at a ...45.【 N 】The ultimate justification for a tiny college……2023英语六级答案6月(完整版)信息匹配236-40 CGAIF41-45 KDMBH36【 C 】 Defoe ' s masterpiece , which is often ..37【 G 】 There are multiple explanations ...38【 A 】 Gratitude may be more beneficiasm39【 I 】 Of course , act of kindness can also ...40【 F 】 Recent scientific studies support .41【 K 】 Reflecting on generosity and gratitude ...42【 D 】 When we focus on the things ....43【 M 】When Defoe depicted Robinson ...44【 B 】 While this research into ...45【 H 】 Gratitude also tends to strengthens a sense2023英语六级答案6月(完整版)信息匹配3答案速查36-40 EAFCH41-45 BIEKG36.【 E 】 Curran describes socilly prescibed .37.【 A 】 When psychologist Jessica Pryor ...38.【 F 】 Perfectionism can , of course , be ...39.【 C 】 What ' s more , perfectionism ...40.【 H 】 While educators and parents have ...41.【 B 】 Along with other therapists ...42.【 I 】 Bach , who sees many students ....43.【 E 】Curan describes socially prescribed …44.【K 】Brustein likes to get his perfectionist clients to create ...45.【 G 】 Brustein says his perfectionist clients ...英语六级翻译答案6月2023年:城市发展近年来,中国城市加快发展,城市人居住环境得到显著改善。

12月大学英语六级考试真题(第1套)Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Among the government’s most interesting reports is one that estimates what parents spend on their children. Not surprisingly, the costs are steep. For a middle-class, husband-and-wife family (average pretax income in : $76,250), spending per child is about $12,000 a year. With inflation the family’s spending on a child will total $286,050 by age 17.The dry statistics ought to inform the ongoing deficit debate, because a budget is not just a catalog of programs and taxes. It reflects a society’s priorities and values. Our society does not—despite rhetoric(说辞) to the contrary—put much value on raising children. Present budget policies tax parents heavily to support the elderly. Meanwhile, tax breaks for children are modest. If deficit reduction aggravates these biases, more Americans may choose not to have children or to have fewer children. Down that path lies economic decline.Societies that cannot replace their populations discourage investment and innovation. They have stagnant (萧条) or shrinking markets for goods and services. With older populations,theyresist change. To stabilize its population—discounting immigration—women must have an average of two children. That’s a fertility rate of 2.0.Many countries with struggling economies are well below that.Though having a child is a deeply personal decision, it’s shaped by culture, religion, economics, and government policy. “No one has a good answer” asto why fertility varies among countries, says sociologist Andrew Cherlin of The Johns Hopkins University. Eroding religious belief in Europe may partly explain lowered birthrates. In Japan young women may be rebelling against their mothers’ isolated lives of child rearing. General optimism and pessimism count. Hopefulness fueled America’s baby boom. After the Soviet Union’s collapse, says Cherlin, “anxiety for the future” depressed birthrates in Russiaand Eastern Europe.In poor societies, people have children to improve their economic well-being by increasing the number of family workers and providing supports for parents in their old age. In wealthy societies, the logic often reverses. Government now supports the elderly, diminishing the need for children. By some studies, the safety nets for retirees have reduced fertility rates by 0.5 children in the United States and almost 1.0 in Western Europe, reports economist Robert Stein in the journal National Affairs. Similarly, some couples don’t have children because they don’t want to sacrifice their own lifestyles to the lime and expense of a family.Young Americans already face a bleak labor market that cannot instill (注入) confidence about having children. Piling on higher t axes won’t help, “If higher taxes make it more expensive to raise children,” says Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute, “people will thinktwice about having another child.” Tha t seems like common sense, despite the multiple influences on becoming parents.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

12月英语六级阅读真题Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.While human achievements in mathematics continue to reach new levels of complexity, many of us who arent mathematicians at heart (or engineers by trade) may struggle to remember the last time we used calculus (微积分).Its a fact not lost on American educators, who amid rising math failure rates are debating how math can better meet the real-life needs of students. Should we change the way math is taught in schools, or eliminate some courses entirely?Andrew Hacker, Queens College political science professor, thinks that advanced algebra and other higher-level math should be cut from curricula in favor of courses with more routine usefulness, like statistics.We hear on all sides that were not teaching enough mathematics, and the Chinese are running rings around us, Hacker says. Im suggesting were teaching too much mathematics to too many people. . . not everybody has to know calculus. If youre going to become an aeronautical (航空的)engineer, fine. But most of us arent.第1页/共17页Instead, Hacker is pushing for more courses like the one he teaches at Queens College:Numeracy 101. There, his students of citizen statistics learn to analyze public information like the federal budget and corporate reports. Such courses, Hacker argues, are a remedy for the numerical illiteracy of adults who have completed high-level math like algebra but are unable to calculate the price of, say, a carpet by area.Hackers argument has met with opposition from other math educators who say whats needed is to help students develop a better relationship with math earlier, rather than teaching them less math altogether.Maria Droujkova is a founder of Natural Math, and has taught basic calculus concepts to 5-year-olds. For Droujkova, high-level math is important, and what it could use in American classrooms is an injection of childlike wonder.Make mathematics more available, Droujkova says. Redesign it so its more accessible to more kinds of people: young children, adults who worry about it, adults who may have had bad experiences.Pamela Harris, a lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin, has a similar perspective. Harris says that American education is suffering from an epidemic of fake math一an emphasis on rote memorization (死记硬背)of formulas and steps, rather than an understanding of how math can influence the ways we see the world.Andrew Hacker, for the record, remains skeptical.Im going to leave it to those who are in mathematics to work out the第2页/共17页ways to make their subject interesting and exciting so students want to take it, Hacker says. All that I ask is that alternatives be offered instead of putting all of us on the road to calculus.46. What does the author say about ordinary Americans?A) They struggle to solve math problems.B) They think math is a complex subject.C) They find high-level math of little use.D) They work hard to learn high-level math.47. What is the general complaint about Americas math education according to Hacker?A) America is not doing as well as China.B) Math professors are not doing a good job.C) It doesnt help students develop their literacy.D) There has hardly been any innovation for years.48. What does Andrew Hackers Numeracy 101 aim to do?A) Allow students to learn high-level math step by step.B) Enable students to make practical use of basic math.第3页/共17页C) Lay a solid foundation for advanced math studies.D) Help students to develop their analytical abilities.49. What does Maria Droujkova suggest math teachers do in class?A) Make complex concepts easy to understand.B) Start teaching children math at an early age.C) Help children work wonders with calculus.D) Try to arouse students curiosity in math.50. What does Pamela Harris think should be the goal of math education?A) To enable learners to understand the world better.B) To help learners to tell fake math from real math.C) To broaden Americans perspectives on math.D) To exert influence on world development.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.For years, the U. S. has experienced a shortage of registered nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that while the number of nurses第4页/共17页will increase by 19 percent by 2023, demand will grow faster than supply, and that there will be over one million unfilled nursing jobs by then.So whats the solution? Robots.Japan is ahead of the curve when it comes to this trend. Toyohashi University of Technology has developed Terapio, a robotic medical cart that can make hospital rounds, deliver medications and other items, and retrieve records. It follows a specific individual, such as a doctor or nurse, who can use it to record and access patient data. This type of robot will likely be one of the first to be implemented in hospitals because it has fairly minimal patient contact.Robots capable of social engagement help with loneliness as well as cognitive functioning, but the robot itself doesnt have to engage directly—it can serve as an intermediary for human communication. Telepresence robots such as MantaroBot, Vgo, and Giraff can be controlled through a computer, smartphone, or tablet, allowing family members or doctors to remotely monitor patients or Skype them, often via a screen where the robots face would be. If you cant get to the nursing home to visit grandma, you can use a telepresence robot to hang out with her. A 2023 study found that users had a consistently positive attitude about the Giraff robots ability to enhance communication and decrease feelings of loneliness.A robots appearance affects its ability to successfully interact with humans, which is why the RIKEN-TRI Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research decided to develop a robotic nurse that looks like a huge teddy bear. RIBA (Robot for Interactive Body Assistance), also known as ‘Robear, can help patients into and out of wheelchairs and beds with its strong arms.第5页/共17页On the less cute and more scary side there is Actroid F, which is so human-like that some patients may not know the difference. This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions. During a month- long hospital trial, researchers asked 70 patients how they felt being around the robot and only three or four said they didnt like having it around.Its important to note that robotic nurses dont decide courses of treatment or make diagnoses (though robot doctors and surgeons may not be far off). Instead, they perform routine and laborious tasks, freeing nurses up to attend to patients with immediate needs. This is one industry where it seems the integration of robots will lead to collaboration, not replacement.51. What does the author say about Japan?A) It delivers the best medications for the elderly.B) It takes the lead in providing robotic care.C) It provides retraining for registered nurses.D) It sets the trend in future robotics technology.52. What do we learn about the robot Terapio?A) It has been put to use in many Japanese hospitals.B) It provides specific individualized care to patients.第6页/共17页C) It does not have much direct contact with patients.D) It has not revolutionized medical service in Japan.53. What are telepresence robots designed to do?A) Directly interact with patients to prevent them from feeling lonely.B) Cater to the needs of patients for recovering their cognitive capacity.C) Closely monitor the patients movements and conditions around the clock.D) Facilitate communication between patients and doctors or family members.54. What is one special feature of the robot Actroid F?A) It interacts with patients just like a human companion.B) It operates quietly without patients realizing its presence.C) It likes to engage in everyday conversations with patients.D) It uses body language even more effectively than words.55. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A) Doctors and surgeons will soon be laid off.第7页/共17页B) The robotics industry will soon take off.C) Robots will not make nurses redundant.D) Collaboration will not replace competition. Passage one46.C47.A48.B49.A50.CPassage two51.B52.C53.D54.A55.C第8页/共17页6月英语六级阅读真题Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.When I re-entered the full-time workforce a few years ago after a decade of solitary self-employment, there was one thing I was looking forward to the most: the opportunity to have work friends once again. It wasnt until I entered the corporate world that I realized, for me at least, being friends with colleagues didnt emerge as a priority at all. This is surprising when you consider the prevailing emphasis by scholars and trainers and managers on the importance of cultivating close interpersonal relationships at work. So much research has explored the way in which collegial (同事的)ties can help overcome a range of workplace issues affecting productivity and the quality of work output such as team-based conflict, jealousy, undermining, anger, and more.Perhaps my expectations of lunches, water-cooler gossip and caring, deep-and-meaningful conversations were a legacy of the last time I was in that kind of office environment. Whereas now, as I near the end of my fourth decade, I realize work can be fully functional and entirely fulfilling without needing to be best mates with the people sitting next to you.In an academic analysis just published in the profoundly-respected Journal of Management, researchers have looked at the concept of indifferent relationships. Its a simple term that encapsulates (概括)the fact that relationships at work can reasonably be non-intimate, inconsequential, unimportant and even, dare I say it, disposable or substitutable.第9页/共17页Indifferent relationships are neither positive nor negative. The limited research conducted thus far indicates theyre especially dominant among those who value independence over cooperation, and harmony over confrontation. Indifference is also the preferred option among those who are socially lazy. Maintaining relationships over the long term takes effort. For some of us, too much effort .As noted above, indifferent relationships may not always be the most helpful approach in resolving some of the issues that pop up at work. But there are nonetheless several empirically proven benefits. One of those is efficiency. Less time chatting and socializing means more time working and(产出).The other is self-esteem. As human beings, were primed to compare ourselves to each other in what is an anxiety-inducing phenomenon. Apparently, we look down on acquaintances more so than Mends. Since the former is most common among those inclined towards indifferent relationships, their predominance can bolster individuals sense ofself-worth.Ego aside, a third advantage is that the emotional neutrality of indifferent relationships has been found to enhance critical evaluation, to strengthen ones focus on task resolution, and to gain greater access to valuable information. None of that might be as fun as after-work socializing but, hey, Ill take it anyway.46. What did the author realize when he re-entered the corporate world?A)Making new Mends with his workmates was not as easy as he had anticipated.第10页/共17页B)Cultivating positive interpersonal relationships helped him expel solitary feelings.C)Working in the corporate world requires more interpersonal skills than self-employment.D)Building close relationships with his colleagues was not as important as he had ejected.47. What do we learn from many studies about collegial relationships?A)Inharmonious relationships have an adverse effect on productivity.B)Harmonious relationships are what many companies aim to cultivate.C)Close collegial relationships contribute very little to product quality.D)Conflicting relationships in the workplace exist almost everywhere.48. What can be inferred about relationships at work from an academic analysis?A)They should be cultivated.B)They are virtually irrelevant.C)They are vital to corporate culture.D)They should be reasonably intimate.49. What does the author say about people who are socially lazy?A)They feel uncomfortable when engaging in social interactions.B)They often find themselves in confrontation with their colleagues.C)They are unwilling to make efforts to maintain workplace relationships.D)They lack basic communication skills in dealing with interpersonal issues.60. What is one of the benefits of indifferent relationships?A)They provide fun at work.B)They help control emotions.C)They help resolve differences.D)They improve work efficiency.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.In a few decades, artificial intelligence (AI) will surpass many of the abilities that we believe make us special. This is a grand challenge for our age and it may require an irrational response.One of the most significant pieces of news from the US in early 2023 was the efforts of Google to make autonomous driving a reality. According to a report, Googles self-driving cars clocked 1,023,330 km, and required human intervention 124 times. That is one intervention about every 8,047 km of autonomous driving. But even more impressive is the progress in just a single year: human interventions fell from 0.8 times per thousand miles to 0.2, a 400% improvement. With such progress, Googles cars will easily surpass my own driving ability later this year.Driving once seemed to be a very human skill. But we said that about chess, too. Then a computer beat the human world champion, repeatedly. The board game Go((围棋))took over from chess as a new test for human thinking in 2023, when a computer beat one of the worlds leading professional Go players. With computers conquering what used to be deeply human tasks, what will it mean in the future to be human? I worry about my six-year-old son. What will his place bе in a world where machines beat us in one area after another? Hell never calculate faster, never drive better, or even fly more safely. Actually, it all comes down to a fairly simple question:Whats so special about us? It cant be skills like arithmetic, which machines already excel in. So far, machines have a pretty hard time emulating creativity, arbitrary enough not to be predicted by a computer, and yet more than simple randomness.Perhaps, if we continue to improve information-processing machines, well soon have helpful rational assistants. So we must aim to complementthe rationality of the machine, rather than to compete with it. If Im right, we should foster a creative spirit because a dose of illogical creativity will complement the rationality of the machine. Unfortunately, however, our education system has not caught up to the approaching reality. Indeed, our schools and universities are structured to mould pupils to be mostly obedient servants of rationality, and to develop outdated skills in interacting with outdated machines. We need to help our children learn how to best work with smart computers to improve humandecision-making. But most of all we need to keep the long-term perspective in mind: that even if computers will outsmart us, we can still be the most creative. Because if we arent, we wont be providing much value in future ecosystems,and that may put in question the foundation for our existence.51. What is the authors greatest concern about the use of AI?A)Computers are performing lots of creative tasks.B)Many abilities will cease to be unique to human beings.C)Computers may become more rational than humans.D)Many human skills are fast becoming outdated.52. What impresses the author most in the field of AI?A)Googles experimental driverless cars require little human intervention.B)Googles cars have surpassed his driving ability in just a single year.C)Google has made huge progress in autonomous driving in a short time.D)Google has become a world leader in the field of autonomous driving.53. What do we learn from the passage about creativity?A)It is rational.B)It is predictable.C)It is human specific.D)It is yet to be emulated by AI.54. What should schools help children do in the era of AI?A)Cultivate original thinking.B)Learn to work independently.C)Compete with smart machines.D)Understand how AI works.55. How can we humans justify our future existence?A)By constantly outsmarting computers.B)By adopting a long-term perspective.C)By rationally compromising with AI.D)By providing value with our creativity.Passage one46.D47.A48.B49.C50.DPassage two51.B52.C53.D54.A55.D六级真题及答案参考文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。

Part I Writing ( 30minutes)1、Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.2、Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise a person by their appearance. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(小编写的就是这篇,还行~~)3、Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to jump to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200words.Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)For investors who desire low risk and guaranteed income, US government bonds are a secure investment because these bonds have the financial backing and full faith and credit of the federal government. Municipal bonds, also secure, are offered by local governments and often have___ 36___such as tax-free interest. Some may even be___37___. Corporate bonds are a bit more risky.Two questions often___38___first-time corporate bond investors. The first is “If I purchase a corporate bond, do I have to hold it until the maturity date?” The answer is no. Bonds are bought and sold daily on___39___securities exchanges. However, if you decide to sell your bond before its maturity date, you’re not guaranteed to get the face value of the bond. For example, if your bond does not have___40___ that make it attractive to other investors, you may be forced to sell your bond at a___ 41___, i.e., a price less than the bond's face value. But if your bond is highly valued by other investors, you may be able to sell it at a premium, i. e ., a price above its face value. Bond prices generally___42___inversely (相反地) with current market interest rates. As interest rates go up, bond prices fall, and vice versa (反之亦然). Thus, like all investments, bonds have a degree of risk.The second question is “ How can I___43___the investment risk of a particular bond issue?”Standard & Poor's and Moody’s Investors Service rate the level of risk of many corporate and government bonds. And___44___, the higher the market risk of a bond, the higher the interest rate. Investors will invest in a bond considered risky only if the 45 return is high enough.留意:此部分试题请在答题卡2作答。
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2013年6月英语六级真题及答案(文都版)Part ⅣReading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)Question 47 to 51 are based on the following passageHighly proficient musicianship is hard won. Although it’s often assumed musical ability us inherited, there’s abundant evidence that this isn’t the case. While it seems that at birth virtually everyone has perfect pitch, the reasons that one child is better than another are motivation and practice.Highly musical children were sung to more as infants and more encouraged to join in song games as kids than less musical ones, long before any musical ability could have been evident. Studies of classical musicians prove that the best ones practiced considerably more from childhood onwards than ordinary orchestral players, and this is because their parents were at them to put in the hours from a very young age.The same was true of children selected for entry to specialist music schools, compared with those who were rejected. The chosen children had parents who had very actively supervised music lessons and daily practice from young ages, giving up substantial periods of leisure time to take the children to lessons and concerts.The singer Michael Jackson’s story, although unusually brutal and extreme, is illumination when considering musical prodigy(天才). Accounts suggest that he was subjected to cruel beatings and emotional torture ,and that he was humiliated (羞辱) constantly by his father, What sets Jackson’s family apart is that his father used his reign of terror to train his children as musicians and dancers.On top of his extra ability Michael also had more drive. This may have been the result of being the closest of his brothers and sisters to his mother. “He seemed different to me from the other children —special,”Michael’s m other said of him. She may not have realized that treating her son as special may have been part of the reason be became like that.All in all, if you want to bring up a Mozart or Bach, the key factor is how hard youare prepared to crack the whip. Thankfully, most of us will probably settle for a bit of fun on the recorder and some ill-executed pieces of music-on the piano from our children.47. According to the author, a child’s musical ability has much to do with their ___.48. In order to develop the musical ability of their children, many parents will accompany them during their practice sacrificing a lot of then own ___.49. Because of their father’s pressure and strict training, Michael Jackson and some of his brothers and sisters eventually became ___.50. Michael’s extra drive for music was partly due to the fact that he was ___ by his mother.51. To bring up a great musician like Mozart or Bach, willingness to be strict with your child is ___.Section BPassage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based pm the following passage.In 2011, many shoppers chose to avoid the frantic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer. Sales at online retailers gained by more than 15%, making it the biggest season ever. But people are also returning those purchases at record rates, up 8% from last year.What went wrong? Is the lingering shadow of the global financial crisis making it harder to accept extravagant indulgences? Or that people shop more impulsively—and therefore make bad decisions—when online? Both arguments are plausible. However, there is a third factor: a question of touch. We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or, for that matter, the weight of an earring. And physically interacting with an object makes you more committed to your purchase.When my most recent book Brandwashed was released, I teamed up with a local bookstore to conduct an experiment about the difference between the online and offline shopping experience. I carefully instructed a group of volunteers to promotemy book in two different ways. The first was a fairly hands-off approach. Whenever a customer would inquire about my book, the volunteer would take them over to the shelf and point to it. Out of 20 such requests, six customers proceeded with the purchase.The second option also involved going over to the shelf but, this time, removing the book and them subtly holding onto it for just an extra moment before placing it in the customer’s hands. Of the 20 people who were handed the book, 13 ended up buying it. Just physically passing the book showed a big difference in sales. Why? We feel something similar to a sense of ownership when we hold things in our hand. That’s why we establish or reestablish connection by greeting strangers and friends with a handshake. In this case, having to then let go of the book after holding it might generate a subtle sense of loss, and motivate us to make the purchase even more.A recent study also revealed the power of touch, in this case when it came to conventional mail. A deeper and longer-lasting impression of a message was formed when delivered in a letter, as opposed to receiving the same message online. Brain imaging showed that, on touching the paper, the emotional center of the brain was activated, thus forming a stronger bond. The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of the process, it could translate into a sense of possession.This sense of ownership is simply not part of the equation in the online shopping experience.52. Why do people prefer shopping online according to the author?A) It is more comfortable and convenient.B) It saves them a lot of money and time.C) It offers them a lot more options and bargains.D) It gives them more time to think about their purchase.53. Why do more customers return their purchases bought online?A) They regretted indulging in costly items in the recession.B) They changed their mind by the time the goods were delivered.C) They had no chance to touch them when shopping online.D) They later found the quality of goods below their expectations.54. What is the purpose of author’s experiment?A) To test his hypothesis about online shopping.B) To find out people’s reaction to his recent book.C) To find ways to increase the sale of his new book.D) To try different approaches to sales promotion.55. How might people feel after letting go of something they held?A) A sense of disappointment C) A subtle loss of interestB) More motivated to own it. D) Less sensitive to its texture.56. What does train imaging in a recent study reveal?A) Conventional letters contain subtle messages.B) A lack of touch is the chief obstacle to e-commerce.C) Email lacks the potential to activate the brain.D) Physical touch helps form a sense of possession.Passage Two Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.Apparently everyone knows that global warming only makes climate more extreme.A hot, dry summer has triggered another flood of such claims. And, while many interests are at work, one of the players that benefits the most from this story are the media: the notion of “extreme” climate simply makes for more compelling news. Consider Paul Krugman writing breathlessly in the New Yo rk Times about the “rising incidence of extreme events,” He claims that global warming caused the current drought in America’s Midwest, and that supposedly record-high corn prices could cause a global food crisis.But the United Nations climate panel’s lat est assessment tells us precisely the opposite. For “North America there is medium confidence that there has an overall slight tendency toward less dryness” Moreover, there is no way that Krugman could have identified this drought as being caused by global warming without a timemachine。