Resident Evil《生化危机(2002)》完整中英文对照剧本

All Umbrella staff must wear their identity tags at all times. 保护伞公♥司♥全体职员必须时刻佩戴身份卡All radiation badges will be collected at 5pm.所有放射检测徽章在下午五时收回Thank you!谢谢!God! Morning.老天!Some people.被人搞的Yeah.是Don't show this to me. Why not?别给我看这个干嘛不看?Because I’m busy.因为我很忙It’s nothing. Fire drill.没什么火警演习What is that?怎么回事?Fire drill.火警演习Shit! Hey what the hell's going on?妈的究竟是怎么回事?Get the computers covered! Move it! I’m trying!把电脑盖住! 移开它! 我正在干!The experiments! Move them!实验品! 移开它们!Be quiet! Hey!安静!Shouldn't the er...doors open or something?门不是应该打得开的吗?It’s supposed to take us to the nearest floor.它应该带我们去最近的楼层Hello?有人吗?Hello? What's happening?怎么回事?Line's dead.线路不通What's the problem? The doors won't open!出什么问题? 门打不开What about the ones at the back? Locked as well.后面那些门呢? 也锁住了There's no fire here! No fire!这里没火灾! 没火灾!The code doesn't work! There's no fire here!密♥码♥不起作用没火灾!What's wrong with you? The door won't open!你怎么了? 门打不开!This water isn't going anywhere! What?这些水流不出去! 什么?It’s a sealed room! Help me with the doors!这是密封的房♥间帮我开门!Oh fuck the doors!去他妈的门!We have to get out of here.我们一定要离开这里W...what's going on?发生什么事了?Has this happened before? We have to get out of here. 以前发生过吗? 我们一定要离开这里We have to get out of here! Take it easy.我们一定要离开这里! 放松些You take it easy! Quiet!你去放松! 安静!Quiet.安静What is that?那是什么?Oh my God.天哪Halon!灭火剂Stop it!停下!Stop it!停下!Stop!停下!Let me see.让我看看We have to get out of here. We have to get out of this building! 我们一定要离开这里我们必须离开这幢大楼Here gimme a hand.这里帮我一下This is as far as they'll go. They're caught on something!只能这样了被卡住了It’s wide enough. I can squeeze through...够宽了我可以挤出去...I’ll get help.找帮手I’m stuck!我被卡住了You're gonna have to push!你们推一把That's it! A bit more!就这样! 再来一下!What was that?那是什么?Oh Christ! It’s the brakes! Quick get out!上帝制动器! 出去!I can't move! We have to get out of here!我动不了! 我们必须离开这里!Oh my God.我的天Push her out of the way! Pull me back inside!推她出去! 拉我进去!Oh my God!我的天啊!Pull me back in...拉我进...Hello?有人吗?Hello?有人吗?Who are you? Move!你是谁? 快走!Don't touch me!别碰我!Stop! Get away from me!住手! 离我远点!What are you doing? I’m a cop!你们在干嘛? 我是警♥察♥!I told you I’m a cop!告诉你了我是警♥察♥!You're breaking my arm!你要把我胳膊拧断了!Report.报告Report now.现在报告What?什么?I want your report Soldier.我要你的报告士兵I don't know what you're talking about.我不知道你在说什么Sir the house's primary defenses have been activated.长官房♥子的首选防御系统已经激活She's probably still suffering the side effects.她可能还在受到副作用影响What are you doing with us? What about the cop?你们要对我们干嘛? 那个警♥察♥怎么了? Matthew Addison. I’m not getting a match.马修安德森我没在玩比赛Who are you?你是谁?I just trained for it! They probably don't even have me on file yet! 我刚受训他们也许还没给我建档The locals aren't efficient. It’s possible.当地人办事效率低有可能Should I secure him here?要我把他关在这里吗?No. We take him with us.不他跟我们走You can't do this!你们不能这样做!Blow me.妈的!Hey! Prep for entry to the Hive.准备进入蜂巢Power's down.没有电力So fix it. I’m on it.修好它我去修Are you done yet?修好了吗?Jumpy!神经过敏Stand clear.站开!You got a problem?你有问题吗?How's that door? It’s sealed shut.那扇门怎么了? 被封死了Let me.让我来Jumpy.神经过敏?Lie still.躺着别动Lie still!躺着别动!Watch this light.看着这道光Follow it.眼跟着转动How many fingers am I holding up?我现在举起几根手指?Three. Good.三根很好Now tell me your name.告诉我你的名字I...我...I dunno. He’s fine.我不知道他没事Memory loss just like the other one.失忆了就像那个人一样Goddamn.见鬼Let's open that door.打开那扇门Listen to me. I wanna know who you people are and what's going on here.听着我想知道你们是谁这里发生了什么事Now.现在You and I have the same employer.你我受雇于同一个老板We all work for the Umbrella Corporation.我们都为保护伞公♥司♥工作The mansion above us is an emergency entrance to the Hive.我们上面的大楼是通往蜂巢的紧急入口You are security operatives placed there to protect that entrance. 你们是守护入口的保安员What about this?这如何解释?Your marriage is a fake.你的婚姻是假的Just part of your cover to protect the secrecy of the Hive.只是保住蜂巢机密的掩饰And what is the Hive?蜂巢是什么?Show them.给他们看看Accessing schematic of the Hive.蜂巢路线图Raccoon City nearest urban centre.浣熊市最近的市中心The mansion where we found you...这是我们发现你们的地方and through which we gained access to the train...通过那里我们进入列车which in turn brought us to the Hive.然后列车带我们来到蜂巢The Hive itself is located underground...蜂巢本身位于地下...deep beneath the streets of Raccoon City.浣熊市街面的地底深处A top secret research facility owned by the Umbrella Corporation... 一个高度机密的研究机构由保护伞公♥司♥拥有it houses over 500 technicians scientists and support staff.蜂巢内有五百多名技术员科学家以及支援人员They live and work underground.他们在地下生活工作Their research is of the highest importance.他们的研究极其重要Its nature is...classified.研究性质属于机密Our position on the map is indicated by heat signature.我们在地图上的位置由热点显示Why can't I remember anything?我为何什么都想不起来?The Hive has its own defence mechanisms all computer controlled. 蜂巢有其自身的防御机制都由电脑控制A nerve gas was released into the house.房♥子内排放出了神经毒气Primary effect of the gas...毒气的主要作用是complete unconsciousness lasting anything up to four hours.吸入者持续四小时完全昏迷Secondary effects are varied but can include acute memory loss.并有多种副作用包括严重失忆For how long? Subjective.要多久? 因人而异An hour day week.一小时一天一星期So you're saying this place was attacked?那么你是说这里遭受了攻击?I’m afraid things are a little plicated than that.恐怕比这还复杂Sir!长官We've breached the Hive.我们已侵入蜂巢J D.杰迪Got it.行了Halon content has dissipated.灭火剂已经耗尽Makes it easier to work underground thinking there's a view.地下工作应会更容易想必有得一看It looks like we're taking the stairs.看来我们要走楼梯Status.情况如何Red Queen has logged onto us. She knows that we're here.红后已将我们锁定她知道我们在这里Who's the Red Queen?谁是红后?State of the art artificial intelligence.顶尖的人工智能系统She is the computer that controls the Hive.她是控制蜂巢的电脑This is gonna slow us down.这将会延缓我们行动Our route to the Queen takes us straight through these labs.去红后的路线需要直接穿过这些实验室Rain J D see how bad the flooding is.蕾杰迪查看一下溢水有多糟Kaplan find us an alternate route.卡普兰再去找条通路What happened here?这里怎么了?Five hours ago Red Queen went homicidal killed everyone down here. 五小时前红后杀了这里所有的人Jesus. We realized what was happening...天哪当我们意识到所发生的一切and my team was dispatched to shut her down.我的小队就被派来关闭她Why did she do it? That we don't know.她为什么要这样做? 我们也不知道But outside interference is a possibility.但有可能是外部干扰Oh Jesus!天啊!Hey you OK?你没事吧?Here. Please come on. No listen I’m fine.拿着不我没事It’s cold in here.这里很冷Are you...你...Do you remember anything...你记得起什么事吗...from...before...this?在这之前?No.不No.不Nothing before the train.列车之前都不记得And you?你呢?No.不Nothing.什么也想不起来I found an alternate route but it's gonna cost us time.我找到另外一条路但有点费时We double back cut through Dining Hall B then we're right on track. 我们绕回去抄近路穿过B餐厅然后就一路直达Sir.长官No go the whole level is flooded.此路不通整层楼全淹了All right. We're behind schedule.好了我们已落后于预定计划So let's move it!快点行动Come on.走吧Poor bastards.可怜虫Kaplan. Dining Hall B.B餐厅That's what it says on the map.地图上是这么说的Maybe you're reading it wrong.也许你看错了Maybe the Corporation's keeping a few secrets down here...也许公♥司♥在这里留了些秘密something you're not supposed to see.有些你不该看到的东西J D?杰迪You and Rain keep the prisoner here and secure the exit. 你和蕾在这里看着犯人同时守住出口Sir halon levels are nonexistent in this room.长官这个房♥间没有喷过灭火剂I think the system malfunctioned.我想是系统故障All right. There may be survivors.好吧也许有幸存者Gimme a search line but keep it tight.搜索队形保持紧凑Move it.行动I said keep it tight.我说了跟紧点Sorry.对不起I’m not sure I wanna remember what went on down here.我不确定我能记起这里发生的事I don't blame you.我没怪你What the hell do they keep in these things?他们在这放的是什么东西?How do I know?我怎么知道?What's taking so long? Red Queen's defenses are in place. 怎么要那么久? 红后的防御很到位She's making it difficult.她正在加强防御Let's pack it up.把它包起来You stay here.你留在这里The lights are automated. Nothing to worry about.自动灯光不用担心Transmitter in position. Roger.传送器就位收到Trying a bypass.正在解码Checkmate.搞定前进What is that?那是什么?That's gonna shut the Queen down.那是用来关闭红后的Delivers a huge electrical charge...它能释放出强大电荷scrambles the mainframe and forces it to reboot.搅乱主机并使它重新启动Kaplan?卡普兰Kaplan!卡普兰Some kind of dormant defence mechanism.像是某种休眠防御机制We must have tripped it. Put it back to sleep.开门触发了它让它返回休眠状态Working on it.正在干Would you open that door please? I’m trying.现在你可以开门了吗? 我在试Hold your positions everyone. Stay calm.呆在原地大家镇静What's that?那是什么?Help them quick!帮帮他们快点!Kaplan you gotta hurry! Come on!卡普兰你得快些! 快啊!Down! Get down!卧倒! 快卧倒!Something's killing them in there! Jeez come on man. Hurry up! 有东西要杀他们! 天啊! 快点!Medic! Medic!医务兵! 医务兵!Open the door! Open this door!开门! 开门!Yeah I am trying! Stay conscious. You're in shock.我在试保持清醒你要休克了Stay awake!I am almost there. Sir! It’s coming back!就快成功了长官! 它又回来了!Open the door! I’m trying!开门! 我在试!Well try harder! It’s coming back!好吧再加把劲! 它又回来了!Oh God.噢天啊!Just do it! I’m almost there.就那样做! 就快成功了Come on!快啊!Shit. Got it.妈的! 成了All right.好吧Let's do it.让我们来干Do what? We...have to complete the mission.干什么? 我们必须完成任务There's no way I’m going down there.我绝不去那里Her defences are down.她的防御崩溃了DJ Wu anyone?杰迪吴还有人吗?Keep going.继续前进Here give me a hand with this.帮我弄一下这个Get out get out you can't be in here.出去! 出去! 你们不能呆在这里Don't listen. She's a holographic representation of the Red Queen. 别听她说的话她是红后的全息像You have to get out.你们必须出去!Modelled on the programmer's daughter.模仿开♥发♥员的女儿塑造She'll deceive us confuse us. I wouldn't advise this.她会蒙蔽迷惑我们我不建议这样做Disabling me will result in loss of primary power.关闭我会导致失去主电源She'll say anything to stop us from shutting her down.她会尽力阻止我们关闭她I implore you.我恳求你们Implore away. Please?求你让开求你们了Please?求你们了You're all going to die down here.你们都会死在这里The pulse forces the circuit breaker to shut down her mainframe. 那个脉冲波会强制断路器关闭她After 30 seconds if I don't have her boards she can reboot.三十秒之后如果不取走她的主板她就会重新启动They're late.他们迟到了I’m on it.我去看看J D we got a survivor!杰迪我们找到一个幸存者It’s OK we're here to help.没事了我们是来这里救人的You seem to be in some sort of...你好像伤得很重...Get off me!滚开!Get off me!滚开!J D get her off me before I stab her ass!杰迪在我捅她屁♥股♥前把她弄开Are you OK?你没事吧?Jesus...She bit me man! She took a chunk clean right out of me! 她咬我老兄她咬掉了我一大块肉Stay back.退后I’m warning you stay down!我警告你趴下!She's crazy.她疯了Come any closer and I’ll fire.再靠近我我就开枪了I mean it!我说真的!Damn it去你♥妈♥的♥I shot her five times.我打了她五枪How was she still standing? Bitch isn't standing now.她怎么还站着? 婊♥子♥ 现在站不住了What was all the shooting?怎么会开枪的?We found a survivor.我们发现了一个幸存者And you shot him?你向他开枪?She was crazed. She bit me.她疯了她咬我She's gone. She's gone!她不见了她不见了!That's bullshit!胡说!She fell right here but she's gone!她就倒在这里但不见了!Look look at this.看看看这个There's blood but...it's not much.有血但不多Looks like it's coagulated.好像早就凝结了Yeah. It’s not possib le.是这不可能Why not?何以见得?Because blood doesn't do that till after you're dead.因为死前血是不会凝结的Can we go now?现在可以走了吗?We're not going anywhere till the rest of the team get here. 在其它队员没到之前我们哪里也不去There's no one else coming.没人会来了What the fuck are you talking about?你究竟在说什么?Wait!等等Quiet.安静Fuck!靠!Don't come any closer!别再过来!They're behind us! Jesus!他们在我们后面天哪!They're everywhere.他们到处都是Guys they're everywhere they're all around us.他们到处都是我们被包围了I said stay back!我说了退后!Why aren't they dying?他们怎么不死?Watch the tanks!小心实验槽!The tanks!实验槽!Let's go. Hurry up!走! 快点!OK come on let's go move! Come on!来啊快走! 快走! 快!Move.走!I can help you get the virus.我能帮你拿到病毒I have access to security codes surveillance plans the works. 我知道安全密♥码♥ 监视系统的布置及工程Shit!妈的!We lost the others! Keep moving!我们和其他人分散了! 快走!Have you waited? Didn't know the code.还等什么? 不知道密♥码♥Come on come on.快快Shit! Come on.妈的快点Hurry up.快快点Come on man. Shit!快啊老兄妈的!What's tak ing so long? I’m trying!怎么要那么久? 我在试!Come on!来吧Move! What's the code?走! 密♥码♥是什么? 快点!Hurry up I’m running outta ammo! 0 4 3 2...No fuck!我子弹快用完了! 0 4 3 2... 不What? 0 4 3...什么? 0 4 3...What is the code? 0 4...密♥码♥是什么? 0 4...Got it? See how easy that was?行了看有多简单Shit! J D! No!妈的! 杰迪不!Grab my hand man!抓住我的手老兄! 快!Don't let go!别松手!No J D!不杰迪!Rain!蕾!No!不Where are the bodies? Where did they go? Oh fuck!尸体呢? 尸体去了哪里? 妈的!Whatever they are there's too many of them out there. 不管他们是什么他们实在太多了Whatever they are? It’s pretty obvious what they are!不管是什么? 很明显就是他们Lab coats badges...Those people used to work here!实验外套徽章这些人以前就在这里工作!All the people working here are dead.所有工作人员都死了It isn't stopping them walking around.那阻止不了他们四处游荡Well where did they come from? Why didn't we see them on the way in? 他们哪里来的? 怎么没看到他们进来?When you cut the power you unlocked the doors. You let them out.你切断电源的同时也解除了门锁你让他们出来的We're never gonna make it to the surface.我们没希望回到地面了You are security operatives...security operatives...你是保安员...placed there to protect that entrance.被安排在这守护入口...Lisa.丽萨I’ve got one in the breech... and an extra mag.我的枪上了子弹只剩一个弹夹了Lisa...丽萨?I can help you get the virus.我可以帮你拿到病毒I have access to security codes surveillance plans the works.我已可以使用保安密♥码♥和监视系统这能行But?但?But there's gonna be a price. Name it.但这要付出一定的代价说吧Who is she? My sister.她是谁? 我的妹妹Corporations...保护伞公♥司♥...Like Umbrella... thinks they're above the law.那些机构自以为可以无法无天But they're not.可我们不容许There are hundreds of thousands of us who think the same...有成百上千志同道合的人...all over the world.遍布全球Some of us provide information.有些人提供情报Others give their support.其他人给予支援Some take more direct action.有些人直接参与行动Like you.就像你If your friends had been a little more thorough...如果你朋友查得再彻底点...they would have seen right through my false ID.他们会发现我是个冒牌警♥察♥ Then all the red flags would have gone off.到处都有我的不良记录Quantico NSA VICAP all the rest.海军军情处国安局暴行逮捕办都有我的案底There's no way I could have infiltrated the Hive.我绝无可能混进蜂巢来So you sent your sister.所以你让你妹妹来We needed something concrete.我们需要一些实质的证据Anything to expose Umbrella to the press.任何可以揭露这个公♥司♥的证据Proof of the research that was going on down here. 就是这下面正在进行的研究What kind of research?哪方面的研究?The illegal kind.非法研究Genetic.基因方面的Viral.病毒性的My sister was gonna smuggle out...我妹妹要偷运出...a sample of the virus they were developing.他们正在研制的病毒样本So how...how was she gonna make it out of here? 她怎样偷运出去?She had a contact...within the Hive someone I never met.她在蜂巢里有线人我不知道是谁They had access to security codes surveillance everything she needed. 他们可以提供安全密♥码♥ 保安资料她所需要的一切So why didn't she make it?那为什么她失败了?Maybe she trusted the wrong person.可能她看错了人Maybe they set her up...也可能被出♥卖♥♥♥了kept the virus for themselves.那人把病毒据为己有Do you know how much the T virus would be worth on the open market? 你知道在黑市上T病毒可以卖♥♥多少钱吗?What worth all this?什么值得搞成这样!Yeah. To someone.是的对某些人来说是的Don't shoot! Don't shoot!不要开枪! 不要开枪!Close that door! They're right behind us!关上门! 它们就在后面!Get off! Get off!放开! 放开!Son of a bitch!狗♥娘♥养♥的!You OK?你还好吧?Yeah.是的Right behind us. What about this door?就在我们后面那这门怎么样?They're waiting out there too! And that way?它们就在哪里等着我们那条路呢?It’s a dead end. There's no way out of the Queen's chamber.这次完了女皇的主机房♥没有出口So we wait.我们只能等了Someone doesn't hear from you they send backup or something? Right? 如果他们没你的消息就会派后援或别的什么来的对吗?What? What's wrong?什么? 有什么不对吗?We don't have much time.我们没有时间了You know those blast doors we passed on the way in from the mansion? 你记得那些防爆门吗? 从入口来这的路上They seal shut in just under an hour.在一小时内都会锁死If we're not out of here by then we're not getting out.如果我们在那之前不出去的话就别想出去了What are you talking about? They can't just bury us alive down here.你在说什么? 他们不能把我们埋在这里Containing the incident is the only fail safe plan they had...意外事故隔离是用来对付污染泄漏的...against possible contamination.唯一的保险措施You tell us this now...当我们困在离地面半里深的地方...when we're trapped half a fucking mile underground?你才告诉我们这些We have to find a way out of this room.我们必须找到办法离开What are you doing?你在干什么?Where are you taking those? I’m turning her back on.你要拿那些东西去哪? 我要重启女皇That is not a good idea. She'll know a way out of here.这不是个好主意她知道怎么离开这里That homicidal bitch killed my team.那个嗜血的婊♥子♥杀了我的队友That homicidal bitch may be our only way out of here.那个嗜血的婊♥子♥可能是我们离开这儿的唯一方法I’m sure she's gonna be real happy to help us out!?你认为她会乐意帮助我们!?That circuit breaker you were talking about can you bypass it?你刚说的那个断路器你能解开它吗?Yeah. So do it.可以啊那就快做The circuit breaker's disabled.断路器终止了This time if I hit the switch she won't be able to shut down.这次假如我按这钮的话她就再也关不上了She's gonna fry.就等她被烧焦吧Kaplan?卡普兰?The charge must have damaged her boards.启动电压可能会把电路板烧毁的Ah there you are.原来你们在这Things I gather have gone out of control.我收集的东西已经失控了Gimme that fucking switch right now! I’m gonna fry your ass!快把那控制钮给我我要把你屁♥股♥给烧了I did warn you didn't I?我不是警告过你了吗?Tell us what's going on down here.下面发生什么事了?Research and development. What about the T virus?研究和开♥发♥ 那T病毒是什么?The T virus was a major medical breakthrough...T病毒是医药科学上的一大突破although it clearly also possessed profitable military applications. 在军事应用上具有巨大的价值How does it explain those things out there?那这又跟外面那些东西扯上什么关系?Even in death the human body still remains active.人就算死了但他们的躯体仍活着Hair and fingernails continue to grow.头发和指甲继续生长New cells are produced...新细胞还在产生...and the brain itself holds a small electrical charge...而大脑仍保持微量电荷运转that takes months to dissipate.直到几个月后才消失The T virus provides a huge jolt...T病毒可以产生巨大震动波both to cellular growth and to those trace electrical impulses.来保持细胞生长以及提供追踪电脉冲能量Put quite simply it reanimates the body.简单来说它令死尸复活It brings the dead back to life?死而复生?Not fully.并不是完全The subjects have the simplest of motor functions...它们只拥最简单的活动能力perhaps a little memory and virtually no intelligence.可能还有少许的记忆但几乎没有智力They are driven by the basest of impulses the most basic of needs.它们被最基本的神经冲动和需求驱使Which is?什么需求?The need to feed.满足食欲How do you kill them?怎么能够杀了它们?Severing the top of the spinal column or massive trauma to the brain... 切断脊椎顶端或重创大脑...are the most effective methods.是最有效的方法You mean shoot them in the head? Why did you kill everybody here? 你意思就是说打它们的头你为什么把这里的人都杀了?The T virus escaped into the air conditioning system...T病毒已经侵入了空调通风系统...and an uncontrolled pattern of infection began.病毒已经扩散开了无法控制The virus is protean...病毒已经变异...changing from liquid to airborne to blood transmission...由液体传播变为空气传播现在是随着血液传染了depending on its environment.可以随环境而变化It’s almost impossible to kill.几乎难以消灭I couldn't allow it to escape from the Hive...我不能让它从蜂巢里面扩散出来so I took steps.所以我采取了措施Steps? You must understand...措施你一定要知道...Those who become infected I can't allow you to leave.被感染的人我决不能让你们离开Whoa. We're...we're not infected. Just one bite...我们又没被感染只要被咬一口...one scratch from these creatures is sufficient.一个抓伤就足以让你感染And then you become one of them.然后你就变得和它们一样A check of my systems...我检查到...indicates my main drive circuit breaker has been disabled.我系统中的一个断路器被关掉了May I ask why?这是为什么呢?Insurance. We need a way out of here.以防万一我们需要离开这里的方法If you refuse to help we flick the switch. Understand?假如你拒绝帮忙的话我们就关上它知道吗?After you.你先What the hell is this place? The utility tunnels.这是什么鬼地方? 水电管隧♥道♥They run underneath the Hive for water gas and power lines. 就在蜂巢下面水煤气和电线都在这儿Been in here before.它们来过这Keep moving! Going round in circles.快走吧我们在绕圈圈吧?The computer gave us this route. Why are you listening to her? 电脑是这样显示的你怎么还听她的?Enough already! We have no choice but to keep moving...够了吧! 我们除了前进别无选择cause those things are behind us.那些东西就在我们后面That mesh won't hold. Keep move...那网子根本挡不住他们快走吧Jesus Christ! Hold it!天啊! 停下来!There's too many of them!它们太多了Jesus! Fuck!天啊! 妈的!Up on the pipes.快爬到管子上Up on the pipes!快爬到管子上!Quickly everyone up on the pipes!快! 都到管子上去!Come on there's a way up!快来从这上来Watch out! Keep them back!小心! 拖住它们!Go on up. Move it!快上去! 快啊!Shit. OK.妈的好吧Look out!小心Get over here! There's too many!来这儿! 它们太多了!Go go go!来啊! 走快走!Go on!走啊!Go go!走Kaplan go!卡普兰走Gotcha!抓到你了!J D?杰迪?Rain?蕾?Rain.蕾?What?有事吗?We have to do something about your wounds. 你的伤口要赶快治疗I’m fine.我没事I said I’m fine!我说我没事!You like that don't you huh?你喜欢吧对不对?You like the way it tastes don't you?你喜欢血的滋味对吧?Like the taste of that?喜欢那滋味?She was right.她说的对We're all gonna die down here. No.我们全要死在这儿不We're getting out.我们一定可以出去的All of us.所有的人Kaplan...卡普兰...you OK?还好吧?Kaplan!卡普兰No!不No!不Your foot! God!你的脚天啊!Hold on! Get up!坚持住! 起来!Help him!帮帮他I can't.我没办法What are you waiting for? I can't focus!你在等什么? 看不见!I can't see!我看不见!Kaplan!卡普兰!Kaplan go up! Come on Kaplan get up there! 卡普兰快上去! 快上去!You gotta keep going!继续走!Come on! Come on you can do it!来啊! 快! 你行的!Oh you got it.你做到了!Kaplan? Just stay there.卡普兰待在那!Hold on we're gonna come get you.等着我们会来接你的We need to cut this wire then we can throw it to him. 得把这线剪了扔给他Hold on!等会!That's lucky.还真走运I want you to go.你们走吧No!不We're not leaving you Kaplan! Yes you are!我们不会丢下你的卡普兰不你们一定得走No! You can't kill all of them!你杀不光它们的And I’m not going anywhere.而我也逃不了I want you to go! Now!快走吧!Please.拜托了Just do it!快走Just do it now!快走! 马上Please.求你们了Go!走!You're gonna have to work for your meal!要想吃我得费点劲Come on.来吧Gimme your arm. Up over my shoulder.把手放我肩膀上Ready? Here we go.准备好了? 来吧When I get out of here...当我离开这后...I think I’m gonna ge t laid.我想我要去做♥爱♥Yeah. You might wanna clean up a little bit first.嗯你还得先洗个澡Hey wait.嗨等等Are you OK?你还好吧?Blue for the virus green for the antivirus.蓝色是病毒绿色是抗体Blue for the virus green for the antivirus.蓝色是病毒绿色是抗体There's a cure. What are you talking about?能治好的你说什么?There's a cure.有办法治好的The process can be reversed.那过程可以逆转There's a cure!抗病毒血清!You're gonna be OK!你一定会没事的I was beginning to worry!我刚还担心了一下This is where they kept the T virus.T病毒就是放这儿的How do you know all this?你怎么会知道这么多?Because I was gonna steal it.因为我本来想偷走它的I was your sister's contact.我就是你妹妹的线人You betrayed her. I don't know.你出♥卖♥♥♥了她我不知道You caused all this. I can't remember.。

Thank You!
Bye bye~
• One of the players in the rescue team
• Fearless • Selfless • Finally died on
the leaving train
Red queen(红后)
• A super computer system
• So evil(邪恶)
An exciting clip
The reason why I choose it
• 1. Adding many imagination into the plot(情节) instead of sticking to the game itself(忠于原版).
• 2.Exciting. Most people died, and brought back to “life” by the virus,as a result of this.They became zombies.
the zombies(僵尸) People who are bitten(咬) or scratched(抓)by them will be infected(感染), and even become a zombie immediately. • The rescue team was setting off to stop the virus continue to spread……

But after she confronts him about Sarah, he decides to stay with her. Tommy directs them to a Fireflies enclave at the University of Eastern Colorado. There, they find the university abandoned, but learn that the Fireflies have moved to a hospital in Salt Lake City. As they leave, they are attacked by bandits and Joel is severely wounded.
The leader of the Fireflies, Marlene, promises to double their stolen cache in return for smuggling a teenage girl, Ellie, to Fireflies hiding outside of the quarantine. Joel, Tess, and Ellie sneak out in the night, but after an encounter with a patrol, they discover Ellie is infected. Full infection normally occurs in under two days, but Ellie claims she was infected three weeks ago and that her immunity may lead to a cure.
In the spring, Joel and Ellie arrive in Salt Lake City.

——to be continued……
Main idea
• The umbrella corporation (保护伞公司), • Virus broke out in the Hive(蜂巢) • The people in there were turned into
the zombies(僵尸) People who are bitten(咬) or scratched(抓)by them will be infected(感染), and even become a zombie immediately. • The rescue team was setting off to stop the virus continue to spread……
An exciting clip
The reason why I choቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱse it
• 1. Adding many imagination into the plot(情节) instead of sticking to the game itself(忠于原版).
• 2.Exciting. Most people died, and brought back to “life” by the virus,as a result of this.They became zombies.
• One of the players in the rescue team
• Fearless • Selfless • Finally died on
the leaving train
Red queen(红后)
• A super computer system

.米拉· 乔沃维奇பைடு நூலகம்
(Milla Jovovich) 剧中出演主人公: Alice
前保护伞公司安保 工作人员:Former umbrella company security staff
红后:Red Queen
顶尖人工智能系统 Top artificial intelligence system 经典台词:“你们都会死在这里!” "you will die here!"
T virus was developed by virtual umbrella company secrets of a virtual virus. But most organisms can't adapt to its mutability and become a monster of terror T病毒是由虚拟的保护伞公 司秘密研发的一种虚拟的病 毒.但是大多数生物无法适应 它的突变性而成为恐怖的怪 物
• 片名:生化危机(Resident Evil) • 出品:Screen Gems公司(Screen Gems, USA)2002年出品 • 主演: 米拉-乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich) • 米歇尔-罗德里格兹(Michelle Rodriguez) • 埃里克-马比乌斯(Eric Mabius) • 詹姆斯-普洱弗伊(James Purefoy) • 导演:保罗-安德森(Paul Anderson) • 类型:科幻/恐怖/动作
米拉· 乔沃维奇: Milla Jovovich
The end
Thank you

电影简介《生化危机4》◎译名生化危机4:来生/生化危机3D:战神再生(港)/恶灵古堡IV:阴阳界(台)/生化危机4 ◎片名 Resident Evil Afterlife◎年代 2010◎国家英国/德国/美国◎类别动作/恐怖/科幻/惊悚◎语言英语◎字幕中英双字◎IMDB评分 6.5/10 (14,579 votes)◎文件格式 BD-RMVB◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576◎文件大小 1CD◎片长 93 Mins◎导演保罗?安德森 Paul W.S. Anderson◎主演米拉?乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich ....Alice艾丽?拉特 Ali Larter ....Claire Redfield文特沃斯?米勒 Wentworth Miller ....Chris Redfield 金?寇兹 Kim Coates ....Bennett肖恩?罗伯茨 Shawn Roberts ....Albert Wesker塞尔乔?佩里斯-曼切塔 Sergio Peris-Mencheta ....Angel 史宾塞?洛克 Spencer Locke ....K-Mart波瑞斯?科乔 Boris Kodjoe ....Luther西耶娜?盖尔利 Sienna Guillory ....Jill Valentine Kacey Barnfield ....CrystalNorman Yeung ....Kim YongFulvio Cecere ....WendellRay Olubowale ....AxemanChristopher Kano ....Sniper #1Tatsuya Goke ....Sniper #2Nobuya Shimamoto ....Technician #1Peter Kosaka ....Duty OfficerDennis Akayama ....Captain HotakaKenta Tomeoki ....Technician #2Shin Kawai ....Umbrella Sergeant中岛美嘉 Mika Nakashima ....J Pop Girl Takato Yamashita ....Business Man Hiromi Okuyama ....Kogel Girl Undead Evin Michaels ....Zombie (uncredited)◎简介在被病毒感染后的世界,爱丽丝仍然在寻找幸存者并带领他们前往安全之地。

• 《行尸走肉》讲述了警察瑞克在一次执法行动中因中弹 负伤而不省人事,当他从昏迷中苏醒后却惊讶地发现, 这个世界已然天翻地覆。周遭一派死境,丧尸横行,没 有活人踪影。死里逃生的瑞克赶到家中,却不见妻儿的 踪影……
• Despite some zombie theme cliche<老套>, but this comic is focused on depicting the characters of mental activity and change, exposed the dark side of human nature in a disaster no doubt. Sad die from starvation everywhere, lost land, in which humans dying, bringing destruction and harm not only the zombie, living room of fighting. Hero of the story over and over again into the wall at the same looking time, giving viewers a provisional end of sad. • 尽管僵尸题材有些老套,但这部漫画却着重刻画了人物 角色的心理活动与变化,人性中的黑暗面在大灾难中暴 露无疑。哀殍遍野,丧尸满目,人类在其中苟延残喘, 带来毁灭与伤害的不仅仅是那些行尸走肉,还有活人间 的互相争斗。故事将主人公一次次抛入绝境的同时,也 给予观者一种如临末世的悲望。
• he is my hero ,he is very kind , wisdom , brave and handsome • I admire him .

Thank you!
The Vampire Diaries (吸血鬼日记)
The Vampire Diaries (吸血鬼日记)
Based on the best-selling book series, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES is the story of two vampire brothers, obsessed with the same gorgeous girl, who are battling to control the fate of an entire town. In season one, Stefan and Damon Salvatore returned to their hometown of Mystic Falls, Virginia, for very different reasons. Stefan was determined to get to know Elena Gilbert, who bears a striking resemblance to Katherine Pierce, thebeautiful but ruthless vampire the brothers knew and loved - in 1864. Damon, on the other hand, was intent on releasing Katherine from the tomb where hebelieved she was trapped by a witch's spell all those years ago. In the explosive season finale, Elena's uncle set a plan in motion that saw the return of the vengeful Katherine Pierce.
英文电影介绍 PPT课件

the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn‘t expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she’s ever met. Edward is a vampire, but he doesn‘t have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood. Intelligent and witty, Edward sees
Warm Bodies (温暖的尸体)
"Warm bodies according to Isaac Marion forthcoming, novel story tells of a zombie is called the" R "and a human girlfriend killed him, romantic relationship between the relationship caused a chain reaction, not only changed he and his partner, zombies have also changed the

编剧: 保罗·安德森 Paul W.S. Anderson
导演: 保罗·安德森(Paul Anderson)
米拉·乔沃维奇....Alice 艾丽·拉特 ....Claire Redfield 温特沃斯·米勒 ….Chris 肖恩·罗伯茨 ....Albert Wesker
Chris 温特沃斯 米勒
采用《阿凡达》3D拍摄系 统,动作场面全面升级
类型:动作/惊悚/科幻/恐怖 片长:97分钟 分级:USA:R 对白语言:英语
《生化危机4:来生》 首映日票房超越 该系列电影《生 化危机3:灭绝》 的峰值——960万 美元。
运用3D技术, 作为该系列电 影第一部立体 化的电影 。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Albert Wesker (肖恩·罗伯茨 饰)
本片推荐人:Group 1
PPT制作:熊颖,邱景,王桂兰 主讲人:熊颖 资料收集:胡琴玲,常燕,谢芳华 影片分析:郭丽芳,张涵彧
感谢您的下载! 快乐分享,知识无限!

艾丽丝从上部的丧尸群中逃离,可是她却依然逃不出这场恶梦。经 过安布雷拉公司地下生化实验室的改造,她被赋予了超人的力量速 度和感知能力,现在她必须担负起保护人类的工作,继续开始与丧 尸的战斗。 T病毒仍然在浣熊市内肆虐蔓延,那些感染病毒的丧尸也成为威胁 整个人类的因素,必须在它们更加强大之前找到T病毒的来源和有 效控制它的方法,以解决整个人类陷入基因突变的绝境。为了这个 目的,同时也是为了找出和拯救浣熊市内可能幸存的同胞,艾丽丝 和刚刚被保护伞公司抛弃的特种防卫队队员卡洛斯、S.T.A.R.S队 员 吉尔以及佩顿、L.J.、尼克莱以及队长卡洛斯组成调查组,再 一次深入到浣熊市腹地。 除了面对丧尸大军、变种怪物,他们遇到了更加强大的敌人,这个 被称为“追踪者”的怪物是第一集中受伤的马特在接受安布雷拉公 司的“复仇女神计划”之后变异而成,它被输入了毁灭一切生物的 指令,并且它还拥有强大的电磁炮和火箭弹拥有惊人的破坏力。而 艾丽丝却也是这个计划的一部分,身为“追踪者”的马特和有超强 能力的艾丽丝,谁才是人的进化方向?故事最终,安布雷拉公司在 逼不得已的情况下,开启最终计划“消毒”。
《生化危机:灭绝》是生化危机系列电影的护伞公司实验室复制,成了伊萨克博士(伊恩·格雷饰) 的研究标本。地球变成不毛之地,爱丽丝在保护幸存者的过 程中也和卡洛斯开始了暧昧之情。
拉科恩市瞬间就被从美国版图上抹了下去。不过,硝烟尚未散 尽,已经有几个幸存者踏上了自己的求生之路。机智勇敢的卡 洛斯·奥利维拉(奥德·菲尔饰)、勇猛乐观的L.J.(麦克·艾普斯 饰)、沿途被救下的性感的K玛特(斯班瑟·洛克饰)、克莱尔·莱 德菲尔德(艾莉·拉特尔饰)以及年轻的护士贝蒂(阿姗蒂饰)一
《生化危机》是好莱坞僵尸片中非常成功的一个系列电影,经过前 四部的血腥混战后,第五部《生化危机:惩罚》(简称《生化危机 5》)继续使用3D技术拍摄。《生化危机:惩罚》是继第四部后又 一部采用3D规格制作的电子游戏改编的电影。已于2012年9月14日 北美上映。 影片设定在1998年,影片不再是只把焦点集中在爱丽丝这个角色身 上,吉尔将在由安布雷拉(Umbrella)制造的僵尸潮的爆发中扮演 重要角色。里昂·S·肯尼迪(Leon·S·Kennedy)也将入主,在《生化 危机4》电影中就有大量来自游戏第五代的boss,所以这次再把游 戏第2,4代的第一男主角里昂带入电影版《生化5》也算情理之中。

Resident EvilIt has been ten years and five films of the series have been released. The whole film is adapted from the famous video games by Sony corporation andIn my opinion, its success is a result of adding many imagination into the plot instead of sticking to the game itself. Also, Alice ,played by Milla Joverwich is my favorite actress Maybe that’s some part of the reason why I love this film so much.The story is rather simple. The umbrella corporation , one of the biggest commercial enterprises in the world, was secretly researching and developing some extremely dangerous viruses called the T-virus underground .One incident caused the virus to escape and not long after that it spread to the whole world.Most people on earth died, and brought back to “life”by the virus. Trouble was, they are not really “alive” however, they became horrible undead creatures.Alice, a security operative used to work for umbrella, managed to combine her DNA with the virus.She became the final hope of the human race.So, if you are heading for something exciting,if you are in love with science-fiction and horror films,Resident Evil isDespite of exciting fighting scenes,I believe this film series can offer youmore.obviously a good choice.1.The story takes place in the umbrella Company bioengineering laboratory-- " the hive ", hundreds of genetics, bioengineering experts are now a science,a virus broke out suddenly and rapidly spreading, but the super computer "Empress of flame " in order to control the virus does not make its leakage to the ground will hive, all closed, the virus quickly infected all of the staff. Alice, and Matt Ryan led a rescue team was command•Later at the hive, they have led the task force members were such a nest has been destroyed for all personnel of virus isolation•故事发生在安布雷拉(保护伞)公司的生物工程实验室——“蜂巢”里,数百名遗传学、生物工程学专家正在进行一项科学研究,一种病毒突然爆发了并迅速传播着,而超级计算机“火焰女皇”为了控制病毒不让其外泄到地面上,将蜂巢全部封闭,病毒很快感染了所有的工作人员。

Season 5:
Lucifer rises and walks on Earth, and its up to Sam, Dean and Castiel to stop him. It’s time for the apocalypse(天启) as the Winchesters fight in their greatest battle yet.
Season One
1983, in a small house of Kansas, a mystery fire took a mother's life away. Her husband, John Winchester, decided to find out the fire's cause and kill the murder, no matter what he or it is. He trained his sons, Dean and Sam, to give them the knowledge of killing evils. In 2005, Dean came to Sam, who quited the hunting work before, and asked Sam to find their missing dad. When they came back, Sam found his girlfriend burnt by the same kind of fire. After that, Sam carried on his family business: saving people, hunting things.
Season 2:

生化危机观后感英语英文回答:Resident Evil, a horror film series based on the video game franchise of the same name, has captivated audiencesfor over two decades with its thrilling action, suspenseful atmosphere, and iconic characters. The series, directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and starring Milla Jovovich as Alice, follows the survivors of a viral outbreak that transforms humans into flesh-eating zombies and other monstrous creatures.The first film in the series, Resident Evil (2002), introduces us to Alice, a former security operative who wakes up with amnesia amidst a zombie outbreak in asecluded mansion. As she teams up with a group of survivors, they uncover the sinister secrets behind Umbrella Corporation, a pharmaceutical company responsible for the virus. The film's success spawned five sequels: Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004), Resident Evil: Extinction (2007),Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010), Resident Evil: Retribution (2012), and Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016).While the Resident Evil films have received mixed critical reception, they have been immensely popular with fans of the video game franchise and horror enthusiasts alike. The series' strengths lie in its visually stunning action sequences, grotesque creatures, and charismatic characters. Jovovich's portrayal of Alice has been particularly praised for its toughness and vulnerability.However, the films have also been criticized for their convoluted plot lines, reliance on CGI, and departures from the source material. Some critics argue that the series has become too far removed from its video game roots, focusing more on spectacle than story.Despite these criticisms, the Resident Evil films have proven to be a lucrative franchise, grossing over $1.2 billion worldwide. They have also spawned numerous spin-off films, video games, and merchandise. The series' enduring popularity is a testament to its ability to deliverthrilling and escapist entertainment for horror fans around the world.中文回答:生化危机,这是一个基于同名电子游戏系列的恐怖电影系列,二十多年来一直以其惊心动魄的动作、悬疑的气氛和标志性角色吸引着观众。

《生化危机1》《生化危机1》电影《生化危机1》(Resident Evil)简介:主演:米拉-乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)米歇尔-罗德里格兹(Michelle Rodriguez)埃里克-马比乌斯(Eric Mabius)詹姆斯-普洱弗伊(James Purefoy)导演:保罗-安德森(Paul Anderson)类型:科幻/惊悚片分级:R(恐怖/性/裸体)概述:一项“死亡病毒”的秘密实验是个致命的错误。
由主演过《第五元素》(“The Fifth Element”)的米拉-乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)、米歇尔-罗德里格兹(Michelle Rodriguez,曾主演过《速度与激情》“The Fast and the Furious”)和埃里克-马比乌斯(Eric Mabius,曾主演过《危险性游戏》“Cruel Intentions”)担纲主演,讲述了爆发在善良与邪恶、人类与计算机、活人与僵尸之间的较量。
剧情:在保护伞公司(Umbrella Corporation)的老巢----“蜂巢”(Hive)的巨大地下遗传研究中心时暗藏着某种可怕的事情,在这里聚集着神秘的生物工程学家。
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• Adapted from (改编自) the famous capcom video games.
• ten years & five films.
• The sixth 《the end》
•——to be co来自tinued……-3
Main idea
• The umbrella corporation (保护伞公司),
Red queen(红后)
• A super computer system
• So evil(邪恶)
An exciting clip
The reason why I choose it
• 1. Adding many imagination into the plot(情节) instead of sticking to the game itself(忠于原版).
• The rescue team was setting off to stop the virus continue to spread……
Worked for the “umbrella” Lost her memory
• Alice ’s bf • Selfish • Died, became
zombie. • Killed by Alice
AN Environmentalists Survived together with Alice
• One of the players in the rescue team
• Fearless
• Selfless
• Finally died on the leaving train
• Virus broke out in the Hive(蜂巢)
• The people in there were turned into the zombies(僵尸) People who are bitten(咬) or scratched(抓)by them will be infected(感染), and even become a zombie immediately.
Thank You!
Bye bye~
• 2.Exciting. Most people died, and brought back to “life” by the virus,as a result of this.They became zombies.
• 3.The key word “survive” . Alive people struggled for live, it tells us how precious life is.