
Arriving in China in a crash-landing (紧急降落) that kills Sasha, Yuri and his sons are taken to the ships, stranding the Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara, who do not possess tickets. The group is picked up by Nima, a Buddhist(佛教) monk(僧侣). They sneak into an ark through its hydraulics chamber(水力学 舱) with the help of Nima‘s brother Tenzin, a welder (焊接工)for the ark project.
Scene2:Learning the ships are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his sons, girlfriend Tamara, and pilot Sasha. They join the group and secure an Antonov 225, fleeing Las Vegas as it is destroyed(破坏). The group flies to China, passing Honolulu(檀香山) as it is obliterated(湮没) by volcanic eruptions.
Today, I’d like to introduce a disaster film--2012 which will make you never feel disappointed.

The film begins in year 2009, when there is a huge explosion on the surface of the sun. We then see Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), an American scientist, traveling to a copper mine in India to meet his friend, who discovered that Earth's temperature is increasing rapidly. He returns to Washington D.C. and submits a report to his supervisor, who immediately takes him to the president. In 2010, we see the President of the United States tell other heads of state the situation (the world is ending) and we also see billionaires all over the world buying plane tickets for untold sums of money. In 2011 the original of The Mona Lisa in the Louvre is replaced with a decoy, and is sealed away for unknown reasons.The story jumps ahead to 2012. Jackson Curtis (John Cusack), a divorced father who works as a limousine driver and writer, and his ex-wife, Kate Curtis (Amanda Peet), and children, Noah (Liam James) and Lily (Morgan Lily), who live with Kate's new boyfriend, Gordon (Thomas McCarthy). Jackson takes his children on a camping trip to Yellowstone, where he meets Charlie Frost, who hosts a radio segment that addresses the Mayans' prediction. Charlie mentions a map of where special ships are, but Jackson assumes he is a rambling drunk and leaves him. Kate and Gordon and in a super market buying groceries when the floor begins to crack and the supermarket is split in half. Jackson gets a call that he has to return from camping with the kids. Jackson arrives at the house and drops the kids off, and takes his limo to a job. He goes to the house of Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson takes Yuri, his children and his girlfriend to the airport. The children make cruel comments to Jackson, and as they board the plane, they mention they have tickets to board the ships and Jackson doesn't. This leads Jackson to believe Charlie's story, and he rents a plane. Jackson hurries to Kate's house and picks up her, the kids, and Gordon as the house collapses and a massive earthquake begins. They drive through L.A while it is being destroyed and arrive just in time at the airport.When they get to Santa Monica Airport, the pilot that Jackson hires is killed by a falling structure. Kate mentions that Gordon knows how to fly (gordon protest's, he has only had a few lessons) so they tell him to fly the plane out of L.A. From the sky, we see L.A sinking into the Pacific Ocean. Jackson announces they have to get to Yellowstone to get the map from Charlie. They fly there and Jackson goes looking for Charlie. He finds his R.V and takes it out looking for Charlie, and he finds him at the top of a hill waiting for the impact. Charlie tells Jackson where the map is and he rushes back to the R.V as a massive explosion goes off, hurtling rocks in every direction. Jackson gets to the plane and they take off for China.The group lands in Las Vegas and they meet Yuri. Yuri's plane is damaged, but he and Sasha, Yuri's pilot, find a cargo plane that carries automobiles. Las Vegas is destroyed by earthquakes and ravaged by the impeding volcanic ash cloud of Yellowstone. Yuri has 2 children and his girlfriend with him.While in the air, the group learns that the plane does not have enough fuel to reach China: they've passed Honolulu, Hawaii, which has been inundated in lava. As they're about to ditch the plane they discover that they are no longer above the ocean: the Earth's crust has shifted thousands of miles and they are heading towards the Himalayas. During a crash landing on a glacier they manage to escape from the plane safely by using one of the luxury vehicles in cargo as a raft. The group ditches the car and a helicopter lands, they ask for tickets and Yuri shows his three tickets. He goes on the helicopters with his 2 children and leaves his girlfriend and the group behind.The group eventually find their way to the ships with the help of some locals and are smuggled aboard with the help of a Buddhist monk and a construction worker. Gordon dies as they board. Tsunamis begin to engulf the Indian peninsula, and a giant wave eventually reaches the ships, which turn out to be arks constructed to save the heads of state, hand-picked individuals chosen to repopulate the earth and the rich elite, who could afford to buy tickets. A massive flood is heading towards the ship, and due to a wire left by Jackson in the ships gate, the gate isnt able to close, and the engines arent able to start. Jackson manages to get the gates closed just in time, and the ships cruise off. A title appears that says Day 27 Month 01 Year 01. The group is living on the ark, and Jackson and Kate seem to have gotten back together. The captain of the ship learns that Africa was able to miss catastrophe and is safe to venture too. The ship heads for Africa, and a view from space shows all continents have moved together and are in the shape of Africa.。

• 电影简介 • 电影片段分析 • 电影主题探讨 • 电影评价与影响 • 电影制作技术 • 相关推荐与拓展
电影《2012》是一部灾难电影, 以2012年世界末日为背景,描绘 了地球遭遇灾难性毁灭的过程。
该电影以现实中的地质学和天文 学研究成果为基础,通过逼真的 特效和紧张刺激的剧情,让观众 感受到世界末日的恐怖和绝望。
电影在上映后取得了很高 的票房收入,成为了当时 最卖座的电影之一。
电影的票房走势一直很强 劲,在上映后的几周内持 续保持高票房。
电影的票房成绩与其口碑 表现密切相关,良好的口 碑为电影赢得了更多的观 众和票房。
电影上映后引起了媒体的广泛关注和 报道,成为了当时社会热议的话题之 一。
该片段中的剪辑手法、节奏把 握和转场效果。
电影《2012片段》以2012年世界末日为背景,描绘了人 类面临生存危机时的种种困境和挣扎。
影片通过展现灾难场景和人物命运,探讨了关于人性、生 存、家庭和信仰等主题。

The film is rich in content, including the family, love, friendship and the right of human beings.
After watching the movie, I think a lot about the end of the world everyday, because I am both afraid and curious about it. This is an excellent movie with a thrilling storyline. It tells us that we should protect the earth and the environment, as well as all creatures on earth.
have to remember is the development of China, in this movie, the work of manufacturing the surviving ship was completed by China, this advice us that China is admitted by the world more and more. that is a fact, so we should love our conutry,and a great and powerful motherland can give us a happy and safe life.
In fact I do not agree the result of this moive, in which only some scientist and politic leaders can survive not common people. all of us have the right to survive, what the key reason of survive is not this man can offer a larger contribution to our society, because for a future rebuilding, everyone is important.

西北民族大学全校性选修课期中考试《2012》英文影评Movie Review of the 2012《2012》is an exciting movie.The movie is very exciting one.This story told us the world would be destroyed in 2012 and some people of the world would be alive.The movie is amazing and the story is very adventurous.This play told us protecting the earth,preserving the environment,treasuring the life,which is our priority.《2012》gave me a lot of enlightenment,i hope you guys go to see this play.This is a very good movieMovie "2012" brought us, more than a visual shock, people said this story that nothing felt short of suspense, but in fact "2012" was a success, its success was not a simple use box-office income could generalize.At the end of the world comes, everyone has the right to choose and musts make a choice, when time forward to the end of the joys and sorrows.There, all once QingQiu have become orlakers-spurs finality, which has become the past, all forever at this moment have become all magging issues.it MiaoRan cloud and all the beautiful and ugly, success or failure at this moment also destined to lose its original meaning; We all mankind, as Charlie said in the movie, regardless of nationality or race, no matter the age or sex, no matter whether the ideal faith status, all will become small dust in the universe, with the whole world of all human beings once disguised, it also become the eternal history.Pessimistic say, "2012" reminds people of starting earlier ready to suicide. We always stay too much hope in the future, while ignoring the cherish all, but we can't predict what will be tomorrow, maybe the end of the world is a relatively more simple end, because anyone who don't have to bear any responsibility, who also won't give who leaving any regret, but the moment we think of death approached, it will let us know what is really important, what is the real meaning of survival. Obviously, the movie fended off the end of the world and the vicissitudes of life miserable side, In the meanwhile, it deeply showed disaster to the life and the world of the truth.Many people feel that the first half of 2012 thrilling stimulation, fascinating, and finally became no suspense and fell in non-titles, because who could guess Jackson would be a hero before the movie ended. But after all, "2012" was not a suspense film, director don't need to make too much destruction for meet our global in suspense, indeed who can think that finally only a fraction of people can survive on earth, so the film is obviously not to teach us how to be a hero, but the story of borrow a civilian hero, leading us discover the truth from disasters.The focus of the total put the question to all mankind, at present ,we have not so great ability, this article began mentioned, "2012" the more is to remind us think of ourselves, thinking of the rest of the time we should do something truly things, thinking when the doom has come, in what state to face. For a great disaster speaking which common humanity into dark , we may use "everyone is equal" to comfort ourselves, because people around the world together with our co-existence and destroy; But we may still hard to avoid alone, this alone with the care and love.In fact someone with his loved person embracing does not have much chances of waiting for death, perhaps the barriers of time, maybe inner disenchanted, even bless each other also becomes so difficult and fragile. Therefore, we should know how to cherish, and know more endeavor with meticulous care , even for leaves more happy memories to her so as to reduce pain during some doom has come to this. There will always be people who will at the end of the world in 2012 when remember up this blessing, calm down and gone forever, perhaps, is always present...。

A deadly car explosion
All who participate in the rescue plan has been constantly monitored .He was shoot when he try to tell people the truth.
Charlie,a nnouncer,alaways live to people about The end of the world.Owe a large of crazy listener.
The end of the world
玛雅人的预言一步一步的在向人类逼 近,在科学家预测到末日以后,政府 隐瞒着百姓,46个国家参与了一次史 无前例的国际合作—制造方舟。一个 名不见经传的作家偶然得知了这个消 息,在末日来临的时候带领他的家人 艰险的逃生,最终终于登上了方ng astrophysicist from India,is the one who discovered it all. he connected all the dots.But no one fly them to the status of ark.He was killed with his family ina tsunami in eastern India
Jackson Curtis
Noah Lilly
Professor meyers,the director of the French Ntional Museum,was scheduled to hold a press conference at the Louvre in a morning.But,when he drove through a Paris Tunnel…..



我们每个人都要立即行动起来,拯救地球, 拯救我们的家园。让我们在正视气候危机的 同时,从现在做起,从自己做起,想想自己 究竟能油、气、 煤为主的传统矿物能源的大量使用。 我们应当自觉养成热爱环境、自觉保护环境 的意识,在生活中注意节能减耗,崇尚低碳 生活,可以从生活中,改掉一些习以为常的 习惯,为改善环境做些贡献。 果我们每个人都行动起来, 如果我们每个人都行动起来,我们就牢牢地 把握住了我们生存的魔咒 把握住了我们生存的魔咒。 就是影片《2012》带给我们的启示。 这就是影片《2012》带给我们的启示。
这部影片告诉我们的, 远远不仅仅是环境问题, 还包括
男主角知道了地球即将 毁灭的真相后,租用了 飞机,准备载着妻儿避 难。赶到飞机旁,却发 现飞行员已经挂了,这 时候,只好与前妻的新 男友合作,由他来驾驶 飞机,从而躲过了劫难。 如果他们之间不合作, 他就不会是男主角了。
现实生活中,我们 总是不自觉的看低那 些潦倒的人,对于乞 丐更是极少拿正眼瞧 他们。然而,在这部 电影中,看似乞丐的 疯狂的独立电台主持 人却有着方舟的地图, 如果没有他的帮助, 男主角一家也早就完 蛋了。
这样的灾难真的会降临地球吗? 样的灾难真的会降临地球吗?
地球上的气候正在发生明显 的变化,暖冬突出,连续干 旱,极端天气频发,各种疾 病流行,沙暴、洪水、暴雨、 飓风、虫害等严重自然灾害 愈加频繁,生态环境遭到破 坏,物种减少,人类生存的 家园遭到破坏。 为严重的是, 更为严重的是,由于全球气 候变暖,引起冰川的融化, 导致海平面上升,直接威胁 到人类的生存。
《2012》一部反映环境问题的电影, 2012》 部反映环境问题的电影, 在呼吁全人类共同关注我们所居住的地球。 旨在呼吁全人类共同关注我们所居住的地球。

美国消防员,奋战在救人第一线。911事 件之后,美国影片中对消防员的伟大形 象塑造多了起来。本片也不忘向消防员 致敬。“好汉人人当,强者责任大”, 个人英雄主义是美国社会的主流价值观。
6号方舟,东方和第三世界国 家的领导人们。
7号方舟,西方国家的领 导人们。居中做主的是德 国总理,导演艾默里奇是 德国人嘛
• The Party Country will assist in your relocation.
武警官兵的袖标上写的是“救灾”,原型应当是汶川地震中的武警官兵。 但在片中,武警官兵正在组织拆迁和转移群众,而不是在救灾,这里传 达的意思可能是“在西藏有很多军队”。片中口号里说“会创造更多的 工作机会”“党和国家一定会帮大家重建家园的”,但是3年后,藏民 们都住在临时板房里。
We are learning more about this deadly car explosion, the director of the French Nation Museum was scheduled to hold a press conference at the Louvre this morning. Coincidentally, his death took place in the same Paris tunnel where Princess Diana died in1997.We are continuing t follow this story…
大多数人以为这句话是褒奖中国“集中力量办大事”。从另 一角度看,这也是个讽刺。西方国家出钱出技术,中国人出 劳力,折射了当今“中国制造”的外向型依附的尴尬境遇。 在反全球化人士眼中,中国是西方消费者的“血汗工厂”, 造船养活他们,最后可怜的民工们还上不了船。另外也反映 经济危机后美国人对中国选择切合国情的经济制度的理解。

There is a wise man said that he live every day as the last day of his life,and everyday becomes meaningful. And the life composed by those meaningful days becomes meaningful.So, let's set aside whether this prediction will come true or not.But if the doomsday was 2012 ,there will be only one year left for me to spend.I hope that I can make the most use of the time left to do something meaningful. I will treature the time I can hold ,trying something that I can never dare to do .We are increasingly cherishing our lifes with the result that we can all make a difference. Maybe it's like in the movie, people just don't know what they should cherish most until it is too late. And people should wake up. Do not merging yourself in the comfortable life.
Lilly Curtis: I'm not scared. No more Pull-Ups. Jackson Curtis: Nice.

I just want to be with you. 我只想与你在一起。 Cause living is so hard to do. 因为生存是如此不容易。 When all i know is trapped inside your eyes. 当我只知道要沉沦在你的眼里。 The future i cannot forget. 对于未来我无法忘记。 This aching heart ain't broken yet. 这个疼痛的心还没有碎。 Oh god i wish i could make you see . 上帝我希望我能让你了解。 Cause i know this flame isn't dying. 因为我知道激情还没有消退。 So nothing can stop me from trying. 所以没有什么能阻止我努力。
Baby you know that. 亲爱的你知道。 亲爱的你知道。 Maybe it's time for miracles. 也许已是奇迹降临的时刻。 也许已是奇迹降临的时刻。 Cause i ain't giving up on love. 因为我不能对爱放弃。 因为我不能对爱放弃。 You know that. 你知道。 你知道。 Maybe it's time for miracles. 也许已是奇迹降临的时刻。 也许已是奇迹降临的时刻。 Cause i ain't giving up on love . 因为我不能对爱放弃。 因为我不能对爱放弃。 No i ain't giving up on us . 我不能放弃我们。 我不能放弃我们。
••Leabharlann 然而第二天,灾难就发生了。强烈的地震、 然而第二天,灾难就发生了。强烈的地震、巨大的火 山爆发让眼前熟悉的家园变成了人间炼狱。 山爆发让眼前熟悉的家园变成了人间炼狱。在地球的其他 地方,各种各样的自然灾害也以前所未有的规模爆发。 地方,各种各样的自然灾害也以前所未有的规模爆发。杰 克逊和众多家庭一样踏上了求生之路。面对全球性自然灾 克逊和众多家庭一样踏上了求生之路。 害不知何去何从的他突然想起查理提到过的方舟和地图, 害不知何去何从的他突然想起查理提到过的方舟和地图, 于是决定前往方舟基地寻找生存的机会。 于是决定前往方舟基地寻找生存的机会。 • 在寻找和前往方舟基地的过程中,杰克逊一家经历了 在寻找和前往方舟基地的过程中, 生死考验。最终他们终于到达方舟基地。 生死考验。最终他们终于到达方舟基地。然而已经制造完 成的方舟数量远远不能满足从世界各地闻讯涌来的受灾人 谁去谁留已然成为挑战整个人类的道德抉择。 群。谁去谁留已然成为挑战整个人类的道德抉择。面对灾 来自不同国家的人类做出了最重要的抉择: 难,来自不同国家的人类做出了最重要的抉择:“所有人 都是平等的,都有平等的生存机会!”最后人们终于在方 都是平等的,都有平等的生存机会! 舟中度过了这一全球性的灾害, 舟中度过了这一全球性的灾害,获得了继续繁衍和发展的 希望。 希望。


Scene2:Learning the ships are in
China, the group lands in Las Vegas,
where they meet Yuri, his sons,
Today, I’d like to introduce a disaster film--2012 which will make you never feel disappointed.
About the
2012 is a film directed by Roland Emmerich. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver(温哥华).
About the
• Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine(豪华轿 车) driver for wealthy Russian businessman Yuri Karpov whose girlfriend is Tamara, and pilot is Sasha. Jackson‘s ex-wife(前妻) Kate and their children Noah and Lily live with her boyfriend, plastic surgeon(整形外科 医生) and amateur(业余爱好者) pilot(飞 行员) Gordon Silberman.
About the
The film briefly(简要地) references(提及) Mayanism(玛雅学说), and the 2012 phenomenon (现象 ) in its portrayal(描绘) of cataclysmic(洪 水 )events unfolding in the year 2012. This results in an onslaught(冲击) of Doomsday(世界末日) event scenarios plunging the world into chaos(混 乱), ranging from California falling into the Pacific
2012 电影《2012》

venture, additional individuals are allowed to pur一 资 助这 项 冒险工 程 ,允许 其 他 人 以
chase tickets for one billi0n eur0s9 aDiecel{l。
每人 10亿 欧元 的价格 买船票 。
Notes:1.2012 phenomenon根 据 玛 雅 所 法 , 2012年 世 界 会 出现 火 洪 水 或重 夫 转 折 十牛的 事 变
rapidlv. Adrian informs White HOUSe Chief of StafP 上升 。Adrian马上 通 知 白宫 陆 海 空
Carl Anheuser and US President Th0mas Wils0n that 军参 谋长 Carl Anheuser和 美 国总统
this will instigate6 a chain of eveI1ts that will bring Thomas Wilson:这 种 状况 将 引 发连
about7 the end 0f the w0rld. At the G8 suremit in 锁 反 应 ,致 使 世 界 毁 灭 。 存 2010年
法 围 、德 同 、意 大利 、日本 、俄 罗断 、英 国 、美 国 等八 国代 表组 成 。 9 eUFO f ̄oarao]欧 _ 兀 .. 10.apiece每个 ,每 人 ,各 一
1 8 @⑨00@⑨@ 匡 ⑨06s
.1◆银 屏 聚 焦 .1◆
In 2012,Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles
Kate and their children Noah and Lilv live with her 带 着孩 子 Noah和 Lily同她 的新男