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1.Wenchang is located in the northeast of Hainan province. 2. Wenchang covers an area of 2403 square kilometers
定语从句1.Wenchang is located in the northeast of Hainan province,W__h_ic_h_c_o_v_e_r_s_a_n__a_re_a__o_f _2_4_0_3__ _sq_u_a_r_e_k_i_lo_m__eters.
1.位于:is in lies in is located in
东北 northeast 东南 southeast 西南 southwest 西北 northwest
Wenchang is in/ lies in / is located in the northeast of Hainan province
2.Wenchang,___W__h_ic_h_i_s_l_o_c_a_te_d__in_t_h_e _n_o_rt_h_e_a_s_t o_f_H__a_in_a_n__p_ro_v_i_n_c_e covers an area of 2403 square kilometers.
Its beautiful scenery and pleasant climate attract visitors from all over the world to visit here every year. 强调句: it is ……. that(强调主语)
beautiful scenery/ views/ sights comfortable/ warm/ great/ pleasant climate visotors/ tourists/ travellers from all over the world
3.人口为110,000 地方+has a population of +数字 The population of +地方 is+数字
It has a population of 110,000 The population of Wenchang is 110,000
There are a lot of natural resources. 地方/物体+ is rich in +物质(富含有…)
主+ cover an area of +数字 The area of+地方 is+数字
Wenchang covers an area of 2403 square kilometers The area of wenchang is 2403square kilometers
It has a long history It has a history of more than 2100 years
There are a lot of places of interest/ tourist attraction, such as, the Wenchang confucious Temple, the old House of Song Qingling and Bamen Bay.
It is its beautiful scenery and pleasant climate that attract visitors from all over the world to visit here
1. Correct the mistakes underlined with red ones in your composition
2. Rewrite the composition in your homework book
Wenchang is rich in natural resources
be famous/ well-known for
1.Wenchang is famous / well-known for wenchang chicken and coconuts. 2.Wenchang chicken and coconuts are famous/ well-known all over the world.
Its beautiful scenery and pleasant climate attract visitors from all over the world to visit here every year
Wenchang inisninorththeenaosrttheeranstooffHHainnaann. Wenchanghhasavaepo1p1u0la,0tio0n0pofe1o1p0l,e00s0. There iasre rich nnaattuurrael resources. Coconuts and wen changchicken are famous faollrovtherethweowroldrld. It hhaasda long history, for example the wenchang ConfuciousTemple, the Old House of Song Qingling, Bamen Bay and so on. Because of its beautiful viieewws and weather, many visitors from over the world come to here every yyeeaars