英格索兰 气动绞车 INGERSOLL RAND AirWinches(150-10000KG)
ARO英格索兰气动马达/启动马达常见型号:英格索兰打气泵666272-EEB-C英格索兰气动马达150BMPE88R54-12C英格索兰气动马达ST499C03L32英格索兰气动马达150BMPE88R54-020英格索兰气动马达MOD484U2英格索兰气动马达4840U2英格索兰气动马达92RA022英格索兰气动马达92RA055英格索兰气动马达ST400ICOIR85英格索兰气动马达ST400IC01R72英格索兰气动马达ST400IC01R85英格索兰启动马达KK6M英格索兰气动马达SS825GC03R25英格索兰气动马达SP100116044225英格索兰气动马达SM6AM英格索兰4840U气动马达英格索兰7546-B气动马达联系人:纪先生(工业设备部)电话:86059528767850移动电话:151****0350传真:86059528767890地址:中国福建泉州市鲤城区福建省泉州市展览城A座邮编:362000公司主页:ELEMENT,FILTER,INGERSOLL RAND CO,92452820,FOR IR GP2119ELEMENT,FILTER,INGERSOLL RAND CO,18051904品牌:英格索兰英格索兰Starter relay valve型号:RR100-F30修理包:PR100-TKI-34套(客户要修理包)英格索兰电机配件型号:RR100-TK1-3英格索兰电机配件型号:RR100-TK1-3英格索兰SM6AMA英格索兰型号61H10G4电磁阀WC10E09-00024过滤器WC10E09-00027起动阀WC10E09-00030气动马达WC10E09-00031英格索兰气动马达MRC015A英格索兰DAB-ASTT-2-A气动插桶泵英格索兰气动扳手2115Ti4套英格索兰的150TMPF88R54数量1英格索兰隔膜泵666270-EED-C英格索兰气动马达WC10E09-000311.型号:22110415通用通讯模块2.型号:22110399显示模块3.型号:22110423微控置器处理模块4.型号:22SP654压力表5.型号:6469SP电子压力变送器输入:0-13.5bar输出:4-20mA24VDC1/4"NPT6.型号:6468SP电子压力变送器输入:0-3.5bar输出:4-20mA24VDC1/4"NPT7.型号:6404SP电子压力变送器输入:0-34.5bar输出:4-20mA24VDC1/4"NPT英格索兰150BMPE88R54-200英格索兰背压阀651791-B3E-B不锈钢溢流阀背压阀651791-B3D-B不锈钢溢流阀背压阀651791-B3E-B美国英格索兰压力探头226713586547SP0-50bar美国英格索兰压力探头226713586547SP0-200bar英格索兰配件缓冲垫..配666322-EEB-C泵.橡胶.英格索兰气动减速马达型号GS06BA4-096F-13049英格索兰气动减速马达GS06BA4-096F-13049英格索兰气动扳手3955B2Ti5个英格索兰风扇叶片4840U马达,SP04K60516RPM170英格索兰666250-9C9-C英格索兰气动隔膜泵,2寸美制螺纹,铝合金Pneumatic diaphragm pumps,model666250-9C9-C Thread type of port NPT2”diaphragm pump英格索兰的气动马达。
2.1 Bar
Running Loaded Mode : ON/ OFF LINE
- MAIN MENU Operator Set Points Options Sensor Calibration Alarm History Time Clock
• Langelier
= ث0.5
• .
3.1 ~ 4.8Bar
32 deg C)
( 32 deg C)
=1 =0.85
• PH=6 8
Ingersoll-Rand(英格索兰)空压机操作说明一、ntellisvs控制器1 EMERGENCY STOP紧急停机开关按此开关便使空压机立即停机。
2 START启动如果显示屏显示“Ready To Start”,按下此按钮使空压机启动。
3 STOP停机按此按钮将激活卸载停机顺序。
4 UNLOAD卸载按此按钮将使空压机卸载并维持卸载状态。
显示屏显示机器在“Running Unloaded”(卸载运行)及“Mode:UNLOAD”(模式:卸载)。
5 LOAD加载如空压机已在运行且“Discharge Pressure”(排气压力)小于“Online Pressure”(回跳压力),则按此按钮将使空压机加载。
同时也会使空压机回到由“Mode of Operation”(运行模式)设定点规定的运行模式。
6 ARROWS箭头按钮这些上下箭头按钮具有与显示屏有半相关的多种功能,当屏幕上出现功能表时,箭头按钮用来上下选点表上的项目。
7 DISPLAY BUTTONS 显示按钮显示屏幕下面三个按钮的功能是改变紧接在它们上面的屏幕最下一行的显示字符,并由这些字符定义。
CURRENT STATUS参数项Package Discharge Temperature 机组排气温度Airend Discharge Temperature 主机排气温度Injected Temperature 喷油温度Sump Pressure 分离前压力Separator Pressure Drop 油分离器压降Coolant Filter 油过滤器Invet Vacuum 进气负压Inlet Filter 进气过滤器Total Hour 总运行小时Loaded Hour 加载小时%Load Modulation 加载调节百分比Software Title and Version 软件名称及版本如30秒内不按任何按钮,控制器便自动从其它屏幕回到CURRENT STATUS屏幕。
质量控制 – 零缺陷
SIRCபைடு நூலகம்1994年就通过了ISO 9001的证书!
进厂时对零件进行抽样检验,以 确保零件符合要求
质量工程师会核查机组的生产过程, 其中包括组装,喷粉以及测试等各 个步骤。
英格索兰是一家什么公司? 上海英格索兰压缩机有限公司 上海英格索兰主要产品 管理理念及解决斱案 从优秀到卓越的服务理念
推劢变革, 创造全新的客户价值; 全面转型, 成为卓越的服务供应商。
上海市节能产品 空气压缩机高效 热回收系统专利 闵行区绿色企业 20
英格索兰是一家什么公司? 上海英格索兰压缩机有限公司 上海英格索兰主要产品 管理理念及解决斱案 从优秀到卓越的服务理念
• •
气量范围从0.45 ~ 70 m3/min,喷油及无油螺杆式空气压缩机。
其中包括13 m3/min ~ 69 m3/min 的两级压缩螺杆式空气压缩机。 压力范围从 7 bar – 14 bar。
SIRC – Shanghai Ingersoll-Rand Compressor Ltd 上海英格索兰压缩机有限公司
自2005年以来,被赋予新的活力 从2010年,传智慧创新、承卓越品质 自1987年以来,我们不断创新……
INGERSOLL-RAND MH132型空压机操作维护规程
6.2.1 按下空气压缩机紧急停机按钮,使空压机迅速停机。 6.2.2 关闭空压机系统空气出口阀,停止压缩空气的供给。
6.3 长期停机(一月以上)操作
6.3.1 按下停机(STOP)按钮,空压机将在设定的停机时间内停止运行。如果空压机在设定停机时间 已到时没有停机,按下紧急停机(EMERGENCY STOP)按钮进行停机。 6.3.2 关闭空压机电源供给断路器,并设置警示标签。 6.3.3 关闭空压机系统空气出口阀,停止压缩空气的供给。 6.3.4 排放出冷却系统中的冷凝液。
空压机启动后转向错误或 2 秒内系统压力无法达到 100kpa
控制电压失去 12V 控制电源
紧急停机按钮被触发,在报警被消除前按钮没有被 复位
Q/SY XQ 121—2010
INGERSOLL-RAND MH132/R132IU -10 型 空压机操作维护规程
Operation and maintenance rules for INGERSOLL-RAND MH132/R132-10 air compressor unit
Q/SY XQ 121-2010
——卸载压力( OFFLINE PRESSURE):800kpa~1000kpa。 ——加载压力(ONLINE PRESSURE):700kpa~900kpa。 ——操作模式(MODE OF OPREATION),应选择 MOD/ACS 或 ON/OFF 或 MODULATION ONLY。 ——加载延迟时间(LOAD DELAY TIME):0s~60s,设定值:10s。 ——停机延迟时间(STOP DELAY TIME):10s~30s,设定值:20s。 ——丫-△启动时间(STAR-DELTA TIME):10s~20s,设定值:10s。 ——显示持续时间(SCREEN CONTRAST):1s~10S,设定值:10s。 4.1.2 在选项(OPTIONS)菜单中设定以下操作功能: ——自动再启动(AUTO RESTART),ON/OFF。 ——自动再启动时间(AUTO RESTART TIME):2s~60s,设定值:10s。 ——顺序控制(SEQUENCER),ON/OFF。 ——远程启动/停机(ROMOTE START/STOP), ON/OFF。 ——失电再启动(POWER OUT RESTART),ON/OFF。 ——失电再启动延迟时间(POWER OUT RESTART TIME):10s~120s,设定值:20s。 ——低环境温度(LOW AMBIENT),ON/OFF。 ——冷却器出口最小温度(MIN COOLER OUT TEMP): -1℃~65.5℃,设定值:25℃。 ——按下启动(START)按钮。
shift signal that avoids stall-out.Provides faster pump trip-over with more flow.Faster trip-over with less pulsation and superior laminar material flow.2.) Compressed air flows to the large side ofthe Simul-Shift Valve, pneumatically mov-ing the valve to the position shown.3.) Compressed air also flows to the large endof the Major Air Valve(C), pneumaticallyshifting it to the left.2.)Large ends of Simul-Shift Valve(A) andMajor Valve (C) are vented to exhaustpilot signal.3.)Constant compressed air supply acting onthe smaller areas of the Simul-Shift Valveand Major Valve shifts both valves to theright and hold them in position until thenext cycle beginsBig Delivery. High-Performance. The maker of the best-selling 1/2-inch diaphragm pump in the world,just got better!by air pressure or fluid back pressure. They can handle materials that are abrasive and/or shear sensitive.They can also be run dry without damage to the pump.104104-N02Pump Speed Control48104104-N04Pump Speed Control48104104-N06Pump Speed Control48104255Repair Kit3523644-400Over Run Control4959916-1Pneumatic Liquid Level Sensor4859916-2Pneumatic Liquid Level Sensor4861113Wall Mount29, 31, 33, 49 612041-X1:1 Ratio Piston Pump28612042-11:1 Ratio Piston Pump2861412Siphon Tube4961879Muffler29, 4962133Wall Mount4762274Air Line Lubricant49635040Over Run Control49635043Over Run Control49637010Fluid Section Service Kit33637010-4Fluid Section Service Kit33637010-6Fluid Section Service Kit33637081Fluid Section Service Kit28637083Fluid Section Service Kit28637084Air Section Service Kit28637118-C Air Section Service Kit8, 10, 12, 18, 20 637119-XX-C Fluid Section Service Kit18637124-XX Fluid Section Service Kit20637140-XX Fluid Section Service Kit35637141Air Section Service Kit35637161-XX-C Fluid Section Service Kit8637165-XX Fluid Section Service Kit10, 12637176Fluid Section Service Kit33637226Repair Kit40637227-B Repair Kit41, 42637228Fluid Section Service Kit33637316Air Section Service Kit33637334Repair Kit35637335Repair Kit35637338Air Section Service Kit38637339Fluid Section Service Kit38637339-1Fluid Section Service Kit38637428Air Section Service Kit4, 6, 16637434Air Section Service Kit22, 24637377Air Section Service Kit30637378-X31Fluid Section Service Kit30637379-X31Fluid Section Service Kit30637427-XX Fluid Section Service Kit6, 16637429-XX Fluid Section Service Kit4637432-XX Fluid Section Service Kit22637433-XX Fluid Section Service Kit24637440-X Dual Inlet/Outlet Kits765109Siphon Tube47651100Pneumatic Material Agitator47651103Pneumatic Material Agitator47651851Drum Cover4966073-1Air Line Connection Kit4, 6, 16, 30, 33, 35,40, 41, 4266073-2Air Line Connection Kit8, 1866084-1Air Line Connection Kit10, 12, 2066100Wall Mount4766312Air Line Connection Kit22, 2466333-B Wet-Sol, Quart4966334-B Wet-Sol, Gallon49 6661AX-X-C1" Non-Metallic Pump8 66610X-X-C1" Metallic Pump18 6661TX-X-C1-1/2" Non-Metallic Pump10 66615X-X-C1-1/2" Metallic Pump20 6662AX-X-C2" Non-Metallic Pump12 666250-X-C2" Metallic Pump22 666300-X-C3" Metallic Pump24 66779Siphon Tube47 66779-1Siphon Tube47 66779-2Siphon Tube47 66779-3Siphon Tube47 66971Drum Cover47 66975Cycle Counter47 67055-B Drum Cover47 67072Countdown Batcher47 67078Flange Connection Kit9 67079Flange Connection Kit11 67080Flange Connection Kit13 67142Wall Mount39, 47 67161-2Mini-Batch Counter48 67165-1Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67165-2Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67166-1Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67166-2Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67168Cycle Sensor47 67169Cycle Sensor47 67174-15Screened Inlet Kit21, 48 67174-20Screened Inlet Kit23, 48 67388Wall Mount5, 47 76763Wall Mount7, 17, 47 94422Drum Cover47 CBW Connector48 CHW Connector48C28121-600Air Line Treatment Combo28C28453-810F-R-L Trio43C28463-810F-R-L Trio43 DAB05-X-X-X Drum Pump Packages34H254SS-024-D Air Control Actuation V alve48H254SS-120-A Air Control Actuation V alve48LP3001-1Grease Package41LP3003-1Grease Package42LP310X-X-B Oil Packages40MQ3728-024-D Air Control Actuation V alve48MQ3728-120-A Air Control Actuation V alve48MQ3729-024-D Air Control Actuation V alve48MQ3729-120-A Air Control Actuation V alve48NM2202X-X1-X312:1 Ratio Piston Pump30NM2304A-X1-X114:1 Ratio Piston Pump32NM2304B-X1-X1X4:1 Ratio Piston Pump32PD03P-X-X3/8" Non-Metallic Pump4PD05P-X-X-B1/2" Non-Metallic Pump6PD05X-X-B1/2" Metallic Pump16PH10A-XSS-XXT3:1 Ratio Dia. Pump38P237AX-EU Centrifugal Pump43P29231-610Filter-Regulator38P35A1-EU Centrifugal Pump43SB10X-X-X Pulsation Dampener44SB20X-X-X Pulsation Dampener45SB30X-X-X Pulsation Dampener45MODEL DESCRIPTION PAGE MODEL DESCRIPTION PAGEModel3/8"1/2"1" 1-1/2"2" Maximum Flow10.614.447100145 GPM (LPM)(40.1)(54.5)(178)(378.5)(548.8) MaximumDischarge100100120120120 Pressure(6.8)(6.8)(8.3)(8.3)(8.3)PSI (BAR)Fluid Ports3/8" (F) - In/Out1/2" (F) - In/Out1" ANSI/DIN Flange1-1/2" ANSI/DIN2"ANSI/DIN Inlet/Outlet1” (F)Threaded Flange Flange (BSP Available)Materials Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene of Groundable Groundable PVDF PVDF PVDF Construction Acetal AcetalPVDF PVDFPump 4.2 (1.9) PD03P-XDS-X 6.3 (2.9)PD05P-XDS-X-B20.3 (9.2) Poly62 (28.1) Poly62 (28.1) Poly Weight 4.3 (1.9) PD03P-XES-X 6.7 (3.0)PD05P-XES-X-B28.5 (12.9) PVDF92 (41.7) PVDF92 (41.7) PVDF lbs. (kg.) 4.5 (2.0) PD03P-XKS-X 6.8 (3.1) PD05P-XKS-X-B28.8 (13.1) Poly w/85 (38.5) Poly w/85 (38.5) Poly w/4.6 (2.1) PD03P-XLS-X7.2 (3.3) PD05P-XLS-X-B Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center3.4 (1.6) PD03P-XPS-X 5.2 (2.4)PD05P-XPS-X-B37 (16.8) PVDF w/115 (52.1) PVDF w/115 (52.1) PVDFw/3.5 (1.6) PD03P-XRS-X 5.4 (2.5)PD05P-XRS-X-B Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center MaximumSolids1/163/321/81/41/4 Inches (mm)(1.6)(2.4)(3.2)(6.4)(6.4) Best PD03P-ARS-PAA PD05P-ARS-PUU-B6661A3-3EB-C6661T3-3EB-C6662A3-3EB-C Selling PD03P-ARS-STT PD05P-ARS-PAA-B6661A3-344-C6661T3-344-C6662A3-344-C Models PD03P-AES-DTT PD05P-ARS-PTT-B6661B3-344-C6661U3-344-C6662B3-344-C (BSP PD03P-ALS-KTT PD05P-AES-STT-B6661A4-444-C6661U4-444-C6662B4-444-C Available)PD05P-ALS-KTT-B6661B4-444-CPD05P-AES-SST-BRecommendedFilter/P29122-600P29122-600P29221-610P29241-610P29241-610 RegulatorAir Line Kit66073-166073-166073-266084-166084-13/8" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:10.6-g.p.m. (40.1-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.022-Gallons (0.083-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 P .T .F . SAE Short Fluid Inlet:3/8 - 18 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 3/8 (3/8 - 19 BSP , parallel)Fluid Outlet:3/8 - 18 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 3/8 (3/8 - 19 BSP , parallel)Max. operating pressure:100-psi (6.9-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/16-in. (1.6-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)PD03P-XDS-XXX 4.2 (1.9)PD03P-XES-XXX 4.3 (1.9)PD03P-XKS-XXX 4.5 (2.0)PD03P-XLS-XXX 4.6 (2.1)PD03P-XPS-XXX 3.4 (1.6)PD03P-XRS-XXX 3.5 (1.6)Maximum dry suction lift:8.5-f t (2.6-m) PTFE (Teflon ®) fittedAccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637428 (air section)Kit No. 637429-XX (fluid section)*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering MenuPD03PX X SX X XModelSeriesD StandardCenter Section MaterialP Polypropylene Fluid ConnectionA 3/8" N.P .T.B 3/8" BSPFluid Caps/Manifold MaterialD Groundable Acetal(single port)E Groundable Acetal(multiple port)K PVDF(single port)L PVDF(multiple port)P Polypropylene(single port)R Polypropylene(multiple port)Hardware MaterialS Stainless SteelSeat MaterialD Acetal K PVDFP Polypropylene S Stainless SteelBall MaterialA Santoprene ®C Hytrel ®S Stainless SteelT PTFE (Teflon)V Viton ®Diaphragm MaterialA Santoprene C HytrelT PTFE (Teflon)/Santoprene ®V Viton--Hytrel®, Teflon®and Viton®are registered trademarks of the DuPont company.Santoprene®is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company, licensed to Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P .3/8" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsNON-METALLIC1/2" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:14.4-g.p.m. (54.5-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: .039-Gallons (.15-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 P .T .F . SAE Short Fluid Inlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 -14 BSP , parallel)Fluid Outlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 -14 BSP , parallel)Max. operating pressure:100-psi (6.8-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:3/32” (2.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)PD05P-XDS-XXX-B 6.3 (2.9)PD05P-XES-XXX-B 6.7 (3.0)PD05P-XKS-XXX-B 6.8 (3.1)PD05P-XLS-XXX-B 7.2 (3.3)PD05P-XPS-XXX-B 5.2 (2.4)PD05P-XRS-XXX-B 5.4 (2.5)Maximum dry suction lift:7.9-ft (2.4-m) PTFE fittedAccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637428 (air section)Kit No. 637427-XX (fluid section)Wall Mount | 76763*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering MenuPD05PX X SX X XBModel SeriesD StandardCenter Section MaterialP Polypropylene Fluid ConnectionA 1/2" N.P .T.B 1/2" BSPFluid Caps/Manifold MaterialD Groundable Acetal(single port)E Groundable Acetal(multiple port)K PVDF(single port)L PVDF(multiple port)P Polypropylene(single port)R Polypropylene(multiple port)Hardware MaterialS Stainless SteelSeat MaterialD Acetal K PVDFP Polypropylene S Stainless SteelBall MaterialA Santoprene C Hytrel*S Stainless SteelT PTFE (Teflon)U Polyurethane V VitonDiaphragm MaterialA Santoprene C Hytrel*T PTFE (Teflon)/Santoprene U Polyurethane V Viton---* Hytrel replaces Nitrile producing superior chemical compatibility and diaphragm life1/2" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow Charts637440-3 (N.P.T.PVDF) 637440-6 (BSP PVDF)NON-METALLIC1" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:47-g.p.m. (177.9-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.17-Gallons (0.64-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 N.P .T .Fluid Inlet:1 - 11-1/2 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1 (1 - 11 BSP , parallel)1” ANSI/DIN FlangeFluid Outlet: 1 - 11-1/2 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1 (1 - 11 BSP , parallel)1” ANSI/DIN FlangeMax. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/8-inch (3.2-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6661A3-, 1AF-, 1AJ-, 1AL- 20.3 (9.2)6661A4-, 1AG-, 1AK-, 1AN- 28.5 (12.9)6661B3-, 1BF-, 1BJ-, 1BL- 28.8 (13.1)6661B4-, 1BG-, 1BK-, 1BN- 37.0 (16.8)Maximum dry suction lift:15-ft (4.6-m) Rubber fitted AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-2Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637161-XX-C (fluid section)Flange Connection Kit | Kit No. 67078 (for 1" Non-Metallic Pumps)For pumps with inlet/outlet flange manifolds. Kit meets ANSI specifications. Flange constructed of glass-filled polypropylene. Bolts, washers and nuts are stainless steel. Gasket is 4401 klinger synthetic fiber nitrile binder.*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering Menu6661XXX X X CCenter BodyA AluminumB Cast IronFluid Caps/Manifold Material3Polypropylene Flange (3-piece manifold)4PVDF Flange (3-piece manifold)F Polypropylene Flange (one-piece manifold)G PVDF Flange(one-piece manifold)J Polypropylene N.P .T.threads (one piece manifold)K PVDF N.P .T. threads (one-piece manifold)L Polypropylene BSP threads (one-piece manifold)N PVDF BSP threads (one-piece manifold)Seat Material2316 Stainless Steel 3Polypropylene 4PVDF8Hard 400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneA 316 Stainless Steel C HytrelESantopreneDiaphragm Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene 9HytrelB Santoprene--Flange Connection Kit67078NON-METALLIC1-1/2" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:100-g.p.m. (378.5-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: .67-Gallons (2.54-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Fluid Inlet:1-1/2” A.N.S.I./DIN Flange Fluid Outlet:1-1/2” A.N.S.I./DIN Flange Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-in. (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6661T3-X-C 62 (28.1)6661T4-X-C 92 (41.7)Note:Add 23-lbs (10.4-kg) for cast iron air motor sectionMaximum dry suction lift:14-ft (4.27-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6661XXX X X CCenter BodyT Aluminum U Cast IronFluid Caps/Manifold Material3Polypropylene Flange (3-piece manifold)4PVDF Flange (3-piece manifold)Seat Material2316 Stainless Steel 3Polypropylene 4PVDF8Hard 400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8Polyurethane C HytrelESantopreneDiaphragm Material3 Viton4 PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene 9 HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66084-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637165-XX (fluid section)Flange Connection Kit | Kit No. 67079 (for 1-1/2" Non-Metallic Pumps)For pumps with inlet/outlet flange manifolds. Kit meets ANSI specifications. Flange constructed of glass-filled polypropylene. Bolts, washers and nuts are stainless steel. Gasket is 4401 klinger synthetic fiber nitrile binder.*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Flange Connection Kit670791-1/2" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsFor additional information contact technical support at (800)495-0276NON-METALLIC2" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:145-g.p.m. (548.8-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.72-Gallons (2.7-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet:2” A.N.S.I./DIN FlangeFluid Outlet:2” A.N.S.I./DIN FlangeMax. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-in. (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6662A3-X-C62 (28.1)6662A4-X-C92 (41.7)Note:Add 23-lbs (10.4-kg) for cast iron air motor sectionMaximum dry suction lift:14-ft (4.27-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6662X X X X X CCenterBodyA AluminumB Cast IronFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial3Polypropylene Flange(3-piece manifold)4PVDF Flange(3-piece manifold)SeatMaterial2316 Stainless Steel3Polypropylene4PVDF8400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneC HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial3 Viton4 PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9 HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66084-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637165-XX (fluid section)Flange Connection Kit| Kit No. 67080 (for 2" Non-Metallic Pumps)For pumps with inlet/outlet flange manifolds. Kit meets ANSI specifications. Flange constructed of glass-filled polypropylene. Bolts, washers and nuts are stainless steel. Gasket is 4401 klinger synthetic fiber nitrile binder. *Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Flange Connection Kit670802" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsFor additional information contact technical support at (800)495-0276NON-METALLIC[1]“Unbalanced”Major Air ValveUn balanced valve designeliminates valve centering and pump stall-out, even under low air inlet pressures. “O” Ring seals prevent wasteof expensive compressed air.Air flow stops when fluid flow stops.Maintenance is simple: justreplace the worn “O” Rings and “U”Cups.[2]Independent Pilot RodUtilizes pneumatics andmechanical action to shift Pilot Rod. Ensures positive pilot signal, avoiding stall-out.[3]Broad Material SelectionOptions allow you to optimizecompatibility between the pump and fluid being moved.Non-Metallic DiaphragmPumps are available in polypropylene, PVDF and groundable acetal. Check models for availability. Metallic Diaphragm Pumps areavailable in aluminum, stain-less steel and cast iron. Check models for availability.[4]Diaphragm/Ball Check OptionsFit your pump with thediaphragms and ball checks needed to maximize fluid com-patibility and abrasion resist-ance.1234Ingersoll Rand Diaphragm Pumps:Keys to ARO Air Motor Technology Introducing the New High-Performance Pro’s: PD05, PD03:Aro’s new Pro Series family has all new members at both ends of the delivery spectrum. In the low-to-medium flow range, we offer our new PD05 (1/2") and PD03 (3/8") models. Featuring our patented air valve technology, including Simul Shift and D-Valve designs, users are assured of stall-free operation, with optimum energy efficiency.These pumps also feature fluid deliveries previously unavailable in port sizes like these: 14.4 GPM (1/2") and 10.4 (3/8")...that’s impressive delivery in a small package! ARO pioneered the 1/2",high-demand, low-maintenance diaphragm pump in the eighties -now its time to step it up-with the new Pro PD0s.Introducing the New High-Flow Pro’s: 666250 and 666300:At the far end of the fluid delivery spectrum, the new ARO Pro Series 2" and 3"port models feature Aro’s patented “Unbalanced”, stall-free air valve design and bolted construction for leak-tight integrity. With maximum delivery rates of 172 GPM (2") and 237 GPM (3"), the new high-flow Pros are the ideal answer to big volume applications - where performance with economy are a must.MODEL1/2"1" 1-1/2"2"3" Maximum Flow123590172237 GPM (LPM)(45.4)(133)(340.7)(651)(897) MaximumDischarge100120120120120 Pressure(6.9)(8.3)(8.3)(8.3)(8.3) PSI (BAR)Fluid Ports1/2" (F) - In/Out1" (F) - In/Out1-1/2" (F)In/Out2" (F)In/ Out3" (F)In/ Out Inlet/Outlet(BSP Available)Materials Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum of Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless SteelConstruction Cast Iron Cast IronPump10.4 (4.7) PD05A-XAS-X-B19 (8.6) Aluminum*51.5 (23.4) Aluminum*65.2 (29.6)109.8 (49.8) Weight16.6 (7.5) PD05A-XSS-X-B36 (16.3)Stainless84.5 (38.3) StainlessLbs. (Kg.)8.0 (3.7) PD05R-XAS-X-B31 (14.1)Cast Iron*79.5 (36.1) Cast Iron*14.3 (6.5) PD05R-XSS-X-B*add 8-lb(3.63-kg) for*add 23-lb(10.4-kg) forcast iron center section cast iron center sectionMaximumSolids3/321/81/41/43/8 Inches (mm)(2.4)(3.2)(6.4)(6.4)(9.5) Best PD05R-AAS-STT-B666100-3C9-C666150-3EB-C666250-EEB-C666300-EEB-C Selling PD05R-ASS-STT-B666100-344-C666150-3C9-C666250-144-C666300-144-C Models PD05A-AAS-PCC-B666101-344-C666150-344-C666250-9C9-C666300-9C9-C (BSP PD05R-AAS-FTT-B666101-3EB-C666151-3EB-C666270-EEB-C666320-EEB-C Available)PD05R-AAS-FAA-B666111-244-C666151-344-C666270-144-C666320-144-C PD05R-AAS-PTT-B666112-3EB-C666152-3EB-C666270-9C9-C666320-9C9-C RecommendedFilter/P29122-600P29221-610P29241-610P29241-610P29241-610 RegulatorAir Line Kit66073-166073-266084-166********1/2" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:12.0-g.p.m. (45.4-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.039-Gallons (0.15-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 P .T .F . SAE Short (PD05R-X-X-B models)1/4 - 18 N.P .T .F - 1 (PD05A-X-X-B models)Fluid Inlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 - 14 BSP , parallel)Fluid Outlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 - 14 BSP , parallel)Max. operating pressure:100-psi (6.9-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:3/32-in. (2.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)PD05A-XAS-XXX-B 10.4 (4.7)PD05A-XSS-XXX-B 16.6 (7.5)PD05R-XAS-XXX-B 8.0 (3.7)PD05R-XSS-XXX-B 14.3 (6.5)Maximum dry suction lift:9.1-ft (2.8-m) PTFE fittedAccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637428 (air section)Kit No. 637427-XX (fluid section)Wall Mount | 76763*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering MenuPD05XX X SX X XBModel SeriesD StandardCenter Section MaterialA Aluminum R Polypropylene Fluid ConnectionA 1/2" N.P .T.B 1/2" BSPFluid Caps/Manifold MaterialA Aluminum S Stainless SteelHardware MaterialS Stainless SteelSeat Material F Aluminum P Polypropylene S Stainless Steel Ball Material A Santoprene C Hytrel*S Stainless SteelT PTFE (Teflon)U Polyurethane V VitonDiaphragm MaterialA Santoprene C Hytrel*T PTFE (Teflon)/Santoprene V Viton---* Hytrel replaces Nitrile producing superior chemical compatibility and diaphragm life1/2" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC1" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:35-g.p.m. (133-l.p.m.) Displacement per cycle: 0.16-Gallons (0.60-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet: 1 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1 (1-11 BSP parallel)Fluid Outlet: 1 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1 (1-11 BSP parallel)Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/8-in. (3.2-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)666100-X-C (aluminum)19 (8.6)666101-X-C (stainless)36 (16.3)666102-X-C (cast iron)31 (14.1) Note:Add 8-lbs (3.63-kg) for cast iron air motor section Maximum dry suction lift:20-ft (6.1-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6661X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads0Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 1Cast Iron, N.P.T.F. 2Aluminum, BSP 3Cast Iron, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)1Stainless Steel (steelhardware)2Cast Iron (steelhardware)9Stainless Steel, dualoutlet (steel hardware)A Aluminum, (stainlesshardware)B Stainless Steel(stainless hardware)C Cast Iron (stainlesshardware)D Stainless Steel, dualoutlet (stainlesshardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum2316 Stainless3Polypropylene4PVDF5Carbon Steel8Hard 400 StainlessSteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneA Stainless SteelC HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial3Viton4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-2Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637119-XX-C (fluid section)*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.1" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC1-1/2" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:90-g.p.m. (340.7-l.p.m.) Displacement per cycle: 0.64-Gallons (2.42-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet:1-1/2 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1-1/2 (1-1/2 - 11 BSP parallel) Fluid Outlet:1-1/2 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1-1/2 (1-1/2 - 11 BSP parallel) Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-inch (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)666150-X-C (aluminum)51.5 (23.4)666151-X-C (stainless)84.5 (38.3)666152-X-C (cast iron)79.5 (36.1) Note:Add 23-lbs (10.4-kg) for cast iron air motor section Maximum dry suction lift:19-ft (5.8-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6661X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads5Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 6Cast Iron, N.P.T.F. 7Aluminum, BSP 8Cast Iron, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)1Stainless Steel (steelhardware)2Cast Iron (steelhardware)A Aluminum, (stainlesshardware)BStainless Steel(stainless hardware)C Cast Iron (stainlesshardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum2316 Stainless3Polypropylene4PVDF5Carbon Steel8400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneA Stainless SteelC HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial3Viton4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66084-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637124-XX (fluid section)Screened Inlet Kits|Kit No. 67174-15 (for 1-1/2" Metallic Pumps)Prevents unwanted material and debris from entering pump. Kit includes screen and installation hardware. *Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Screened Inlet Kit 67174-151-1/2" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC2" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:172-g.p.m. (651-l.p.m.) Displacement per cycle: 1.4-Gallons (5.3-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)3/4 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet: 2 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 2 (2 - 11 BSP, parallel)Fluid Outlet: 2 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 2 (2 - 11 BSP, parallel) Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-in. (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6662X0-XXX-C65.2 (29.6) Maximum dry suction lift:27.2-ft (8.3-m) Elastomer fittedOrdering Menu6662X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads5Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 7Aluminum, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum9HytrelE SantopreneBall Check Material4PTFE (Teflon)C HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66312Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637434 (air section)Kit No. 637432-XX (fluid section)Screened Inlet Kits|Kit No. 67174-20 (for 2" Metallic Pumps)Prevents unwanted material and debris from entering pump. Kit includes screen and installation hardware. *Please note pumps are not included with these kits.67389 Muffler Kit (not shown) included with pumpScreened Inlet Kit67174-202" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC3" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:237-g.p.m.(897-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 2.65-Gallons(10.03-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)3/4 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet: 3 - 8 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 3 (3 - 11 BSP parallel)Fluid Outlet: 3 - 8 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 3 (3 - 11 BSP, parallel)Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:3/8-in. (9.5-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6663X0-XXX-C109.8 (49.8)Maximum dry suction lift:17.6-f t (5.4-m) Elastomer fittedOrdering Menu6663X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads0Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 2Aluminum, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum9HytrelE SantopreneBall Check Material4PTFE (Teflon)C HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66312Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637434 (air section)Kit No. 637433-XX (fluid section)*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.67389 Muffler Kit (not shown) included with pump。
目 录
• 英格索兰简介 • 两级压缩技术介绍 • 英格索兰两级压缩产品 • 英格索兰两级压缩技术的前景与展望 • 英格索兰两级压缩技术的挑战与解决方案
01 英格索兰简介
早期专注于制造气瓶和泵,逐渐发展成为全球领 先的压缩空气和气体解决方案提供商。
加大在两级压缩技术领域的研发投入,保持技术 领先地位。
积极拓展两级压缩技术的应用领域,开发更多具 有市场潜力的产品。
加强与国际企业的合作与交流,引进先进技术和 管理经验,提升公司的国际化水平。
05 英格索兰两级压缩技术的 挑战与解决方案
两级压缩技术面临的主要挑战之一是提高压缩效率,以减少能耗 和提升整体性能。
根据客户需求,英格索兰能够提供定制化的压缩 空气和气体解决方案,包括压缩机的选型、配置 和优化等。
英格索兰重视产品的可靠性和稳定性,提供全面 的售后服务和维修保养。客户可以享受专业的技 术支持、备件供应和定期巡检等服务,确保压缩 系统的长期稳定运行。
02 两级压缩技术介绍
产品经过严格的质量控制和耐久性测试,确保了长期稳定运行,减少 了停机时间和维修成本。
配备智能控制系统,可实现远程监控和故障诊断,方便客户对设备进 行管理,提高了运营效率。
英格索兰两级压缩产品适用于多种应用场景和领域,如工业制冷、气 瓶压力充装、气体分离等,为客户提供了更多的选择和灵活性。
在两级压缩过程中,稳定性和可靠性是关键问题,需要确保系统在 各种工况下的正常运行。
Product Maintenance InformationAir Powered Man Rider™ WinchModelsLS2–150RLP-L-( )-E LS2–150RLP-PHXXM-( )-E(Lever Control)(Remote Control)Save These InstructionsForm MHD56305Edition 3April 201371455570Only allow Ingersoll Rand trained technicians to perform maintenance on this product. For additional information contact Ingersoll Rand factory or nearest Distributor.For additional supporting documentation refer to Table 1 ‘Product Information Manuals’ on page 2.Manuals can be downloaded from .The use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand replacement parts may result in safety hazards, decreased performance and increased maintenance and will invalidate all warranties.Original instructions are in English. Other languages are a translation of the original instructions.Refer all communications to the nearest Ingersoll Rand Office or Distributor.Table 1: Product Information Manuals PublicationPart/Document Number PublicationPart/DocumentNumber Product Safety Manual (Man Rider)MHD56251Product Parts Information Manual MHD56306Product Instructions ManualMHD56293INSPECTIONFrequent inspections should be performed on equipment in regular service. Refer to Product Information Manual.n Periodic InspectionRefer to Table 2 ‘Inspection Classifications’ on page 2 for suggested winchinspection classifications for Periodic Inspection intervals. Select conditions most appropriate to application.Table 2: Inspection ClassificationsConditionsNormal Heavy Severe Typical Use (operating time)InfrequentRegularContinual/ConstantLoad Range 60% of Capacity 75% of Times Used80% of Capacity 75% of Times Used100% of Capacity 75% of Times UsedInstallation Protected/Enclosed/Dry Not Sheltered/ExteriorFull ExposureAtmosphere Clean/Non-Corrosive Dirty/Non-Corrosive/Freshwater Marine Dirty/Corrosive/Saltwater Marine ClimateDry/Stable TemperatureWet/Moderate Temperature FluctuationsWet/Severe Temperature FluctuationsMaintain written records of periodic inspections to provide an accumulative basis for continuing evaluation. Inspect all items listed in the ‘Frequent Inspection’ section of the Product Information Manual. Also inspect the following at the suggested intervals recommended in Table 4 ‘Maintenance Interval Chart’ on page 3:1.Siderails and Uprights. Check for deformed, cracked or corroded maincomponents. Replace damaged parts.2.Fasteners. Check retainer rings, capscrews, nuts and other fasteners on winch,including mounting bolts. Replace if missing or damaged and tighten if loose.3.Drum and Sheaves. Check for cracks, wear or damage. Replace if necessary.4.Wire Rope. In addition to ‘Frequent Inspection’ requirements, also inspect forthe following:a.Build-up of dirt and corrosion. Clean with steam or a stiff wire brush toremove dirt and corrosion if necessary.b.Loose or damaged end connection. Replace if loose or damaged.c.Check wire rope anchor is secure in drum.d.Verify wire rope diameter. Measure the diameter of the wire rope fromcrown-to-crown throughout the life of the wire rope. Recording of the actual diameter should only be done with the wire rope under equivalent loading and in the same operating section as accomplished during previousinspections. If the actual diameter of the wire rope has decreased more than 1/64 inch (0.4 mm) a thorough examination of the wire rope should be conducted by an experienced inspector to determine the suitability of thewire rope to remain in service. Refer to Dwg. MHP0056 on page 2.B(Dwg. MHP0056)e.Inspect rope for broken strands/wires: When broken wires are evident closeto, or within, the termination, even if few in number, are indicative of high stresses at this position and can be caused by incorrect fitting of thetermination. The cause of this deterioration shall be investigated and, where possible, the termination shall be remade, shortening the rope if sufficient length remains for further use, otherwise the rope shall be discarded. One valley break may indicate internal rope deterioration, requiring closerinspection of this section of rope. When two or more valley breaks are found in one lay length, the rope should be considered for discard. If a complete strand fracture occurs, the rope shall be immediately discarded. Where broken wires are very close together, constituting a localized grouping of such breaks, the rope shall be discarded. If the grouping of such breaks occurs in a length less than 6d or is concentrated in any one strand, it may be necessary to discard the rope even if the number of wire breaks is smaller than the maximum number, refer to table on page 2Table 3: Wire RopeRope ConstructionTypeNumber Broken Wires in rope over a length 6x nominal diameter Number Broken Wires in rope over a length 30x nominal diameter6 x 19S-IWRC Single-layer rope366 x 37M-IWRC Single-layer rope10195.All Components. Inspect for wear, damage, distortion, deformation andcleanliness. If external evidence indicates damage, disassemble as required to conduct a detailed inspection. Inspect gears, shafts, bearings, sheaves, springs and covers. Replace worn or damaged parts. Clean, lubricate and reassemble.6.Brakes. Individually test brakes installed to ensure proper operation. Brakes must hold a 125% rated load at mid drum without slipping. If indicated by poor operation or visual damage, disassemble and repair brake(s). Check all brake surfaces for wear, deformation or foreign deposits. Clean and replacecomponents as necessary. Adjustments can be made to the band brake to compensate for normal brake lining wear. Refer toʽAdjustmentsʽon page 7. If brake band cannot be adjusted to hold rated load,replace the brake band assembly. Adjustments cannot be made to the disc brake.The disc brake must be repaired as described in “MAINTENANCE”sectionon page 7.7.Foundation or Supporting Structure. Check for distortion, wear and continued ability to support winch and rated load. Ensure winch is firmly mounted and that fasteners are in good condition and tight.8.Control Valve. Check control valve operation. Ensure control valve handle moves freely in both directions without sticking and automatically returns to neutral when released. Ensure locking button moves freely and locks control handle in neutral when not depressed.9.Limit Switches. Operate winch in both directions to activate limit switches. Limit switches should engage (stop winch operation) at established settings (+/- 2feet [+/- 0.6 metres]). Reset limit switch by operating winch in opposite direction.Refer to ‘Limit Switch Adjustment’ procedure in Product Information Manual.10.Emergency Stop Valve . During winch operation verify the emergency stop valve operation. Valve must stop winch operation quickly. Valve must reset properly. Refer to ‘Emergency Stop Valve’ in the “OPERATION” section in Product Information Manual for procedures.11.Overload Device. Ensure overload device is properly set to stop the winch when loads exceed 150% (+/- 25%) of winch rated capacity. If winch does not shut down, contact your distributor or the factory for repair information.12.Slack Line Detector. Inspect rollers for wear and grooves or ridges. Replaceworn or grooved rollers. Check arms move freely and activate sensor valve.Ensure rollers rotate freely. Check sensor valve plunger operation. If damaged or stiff, replace sensor valve.13.Press Roller. Inspect rollers for wear and grooves. Ensure rollers freely rotate.Replace rollers if worn or grooved. Replace bearings if rotation is rough or stiff.14.Emergency Lowering Device. Provide auxiliary supply air to emergencylowering power entry port and activate valve. Verify winch operation.15.Drum Guard. Verify fasteners are tight and in good condition. Ensure guard isin good condition and panels are correctly positioned.bels and Tags. Check for presence and legibility of labels. Replace if damagedor missing.n Records and ReportsInspection records, listing all points requiring periodic inspection should be maintained for all load bearing equipment. Written reports, based on severity of service, should be made on the condition of critical parts as a method ofdocumenting periodic inspections. These reports should be dated, signed by the person who performed the inspection, and kept on file where they are readily available for review.n Maintenance IntervalsRefer to Table 4 ‘Maintenance Interval Chart’ on page 3 for recommended maintenance schedule.•Perform an annual winch load test for all applications.Table 4: Maintenance Interval ChartNote: Hours are for actual winch drum rotation.* Do not disassemble air cylinder unless brake operation or visual inspection indicates a requirement.Table 5: Maintenance Interval ChartNote: Hours are for actual winch drum rotation.* Do not disassemble air cylinder unless brake operation or visual inspection indicates a requirement.INSPECTION REPORTIngersoll Rand L2–150RLP Series Air WinchesModel Number:Date:Serial Number:Inspected by:Reason for Inspection: (Check Applicable Box)1. Scheduled Periodic Inspection:(_____ Months _____ Years)Operating Environment:Normal ____Heavy____Severe ____2. Discrepancy(s) noted during Frequent Inspection3. Discrepancy(s) noted during maintenance4. Other: ___________________________Refer to the Product Information Manual and Product Parts Information Manual and “INSPECTION” section for general inspection criteria. Also, refer to appropriate National Standards and Codes of practice. If in doubt about an existing condition, contact the nearest Ingersoll Rand Distributor or the factory for technical assistance.COMPONENTCONDITION CORRECTIVE ACTION NOTESPassFailRepairReplaceUprights and Siderails Drum Band Brake (125% Load Test) Disc Brake (125% Load Test) Drum Band Brake (Visual Inspection)Disc Brake (Visual Inspection) Motor ControlsLimit Switches Air System Fasteners--- Emergency Stop Valve Overload Device --- Reduction Gears Labels and Tags --- Output Shaft Shafts Drum Guard Wire Rope Wedge--- Emergency Air supply Tank or System--- Slack Line Devise --- Press Roller Wire Rope--- Other Components (list in NOTES section)TESTINGPassFailNOTES Operational (No Load) Operational (10% Load)Operational (Maximum Test Load*)*Maximum test load is 125% of rated line pull. Testing to more than 125% of rated load may be required to set overload device or comply with standards and regulations set forth in areas outside the USA.This form may be photo copied and used as an inspection record.TROUBLESHOOTINGThis section provides basic troubleshooting information. Determination of specific causes to problems are best identified by thorough inspections performed by personnel instructed in safety, operation and maintenance of this equipment. The chart below provides a brief guide to common winch symptoms, probable causes and remedies.MAINTENANCE•Never perform maintenance on the winch while it is supporting a load.•Before performing maintenance, tag controls:WARNING - DO NOT OPERATE, EQUIPMENT BEING REPAIRED.•Only allow Ingersoll Rand trained Technicians to perform maintenance on this winch.•Shut off air system and depressurize air lines before performing any maintenance.•Do not use Trichloroethylene to clean parts.•Use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand parts may result in safety hazards, decreased performance and increased maintenance and may invalidate all warranties.•After performing any maintenance on the winch, test winch to 125% of its rated line pull at mid drum before returning to service. (Testing to more than 125% of rated line pull may be required to comply with standards and regulations set forth in areas outside the USA.)•Refer to Product Information and Safety Manuals for specific information. n GeneralCorrect disassembly (to prevent loss or damage of good parts), repair, assembly, testing and adjusting are critical to proper winch operation. Maintenance procedures are technical in nature and require training and experience to accomplish correctly. In addition, repair and testing require specialized equipment that is not typically found at the products mounting site.Proper use, inspections and maintenance increase the life and usefulness of your Ingersoll Rand equipment. During assembly, lubricate gears, nuts, capscrews and all machined threads with applicable lubricants. Use of anti-seize compound and/ or thread lubricant on capscrew and nut threaded areas prevents corrosion and allows for easy disassembly of components.It is extremely important that anyone involved with maintaining the product be familiar with the servicing procedures of these products and be physically capable of conducting the procedures. These personnel shall have skills that include:1.Proper and safe use and application of mechanics’ common hand tools as wellas special Ingersoll Rand or recommended tools.2.Safety procedures, precautions and work habits established by acceptedindustry standards.Ingersoll Rand cannot know of or provide all the procedures by which product operations or repairs may be conducted and the hazards and/or results of each method. If operation or maintenance procedures not specifically recommended by the manufacturer are conducted, it must be ensured that product safety is not endangered by the actions taken. If unsure of an operation or maintenance procedure or step, personnel should place the product in a safe condition and contact supervisors and/or the factory for technical assistance.•Refer to the Product Parts Information Manual for drawings unless specified elsewhere.Drawing No. from Parts ManualMHD56306Page No.MHP27284MHP272910MHP273016MHP273113MHP273214MHP28076MHP281112MHP28128MHP28174MHP281818MHP310020n Maintenance IntervalsRefer to Table 4 ‘Maintenance Interval Chart’ on page 3 for recommended maintenance schedule.n Adjustmentsn Limit SwitchesRefer to ʽLimit Switchesʽ section in Product Information Manual.n Disc BrakeNo brake adjustment is required. Refer to Dwg. MHP2849 on page 7, A. Piston; B. Friction Plate; C. Drive Plate; D. Reaction Plate; E. 0.047 inch minimum (1.2 mm minimum).1.Remove motor as described in ‘Motor Removal’ section on page 8.2.Remove the reaction plate (57), splined hub (53), friction plates (55) and (58),and drive plates (56).3.Inspect the friction plates (55) and (58) for wear. If friction plate thickness isuneven or is less than 0.047 in (1.2 mm), replace all friction plates.No further disassembly is required, if only the brake friction discs are being inspected. Ensure friction and drive plates are assembled in the correct order. Refer to ‘Disc Brake Assembly’ on page 9.(Dwg. MHP2849)NOTICE•Original brake disc thickness is 0.059 in (1.5 mm)n Overload DeviceWARNING•Overload is factory set and sealed with red paint and should not be adjusted without consulting an Ingersoll Rand trained technician.B(Dwg. MHP2683)1.Connect winch to an air supply.2.Release securing screw and adjusting screw in order to increase or decrease theSWL (increase SWL by tightening the adjusting screw). Adjustment must be made for an overload of 135% maximum of SWL.3.Tighten securing screw.4.Check winch operation at rated load. If necessary, repeat adjustment.n Automatic Band Drum BrakeRefer to Dwg. MHP2880 on page 8.1.Loosen locknut ‘B’.2.Tighten nut ‘A’ until the adjustment dimension 0.43 to 0.51 inch (11 to 13 mm)is achieved.3.Tighten locknut ‘B’.4.Check brake operation.(Dwg. MHP2880)n Disassemblyn General Disassembly InstructionsThe following instructions provide necessary information to disassemble, inspect, repair, and assemble product. Parts drawings are provided in Product Parts Information Manual.If a product is being completely disassembled for any reason, follow the order of topics as they are presented. It is recommended that all maintenance work on product be performed in a clean dust-free work area.In the process of disassembling product, observe the following:1.Never disassemble product any further than is necessary to accomplish neededrepair. A good part can be damaged during the course of disassembly.2.Never use excessive force when removing parts. Tapping gently aroundperimeter of a cover or housing with a soft hammer, for example, is sufficient to break the seal.3.Do not heat a part with a flame to free it for removal, unless part being heatedis already worn or damaged beyond repair and no additional damage will occur to other parts.In general, products are designed to permit easy disassembly and assembly. The use of heat or excessive force should not be required.4.Keep work area as clean as practical, to prevent dirt and other foreign matterfrom getting into bearings or other moving parts.5.All seals, gaskets and ‘O’ rings should be discarded once they have beenremoved. New seals and ‘O’ rings should be used when assembling product.6.When grasping a part in a vise, always use leather-covered or copper-coveredvise jaws to protect the surface of part and help prevent distortion. This isparticularly true of threaded members, machined surfaces and housings.7.Do not remove any part which is a press fit in or on a subassembly unless removalof that part is necessary for repairs or replacement.8.When removing ball bearings from shafts, it is best to use a bearing puller. Whenremoving bearings from housings, drive out bearing with a sleeve slightlysmaller than outside diameter of bearing. The end of sleeve or pipe whichcontacts bearing must be square. Protect bearings from dirt by keeping them wrapped in clean cloths.n External Components RemovalRefer to component disassembly sections for further repair.1.Disconnect and tag all external air lines.2.Remove filter, regulator and lubricator (FRL) assembly from spacer (66).3.Remove drum guards. Refer to drum guard disassembly.4.Remove press roller assembly from spacer. Refer to press roller disassembly.5.Remove slack wire rope device from spacer. Refer to press roller disassembly.6.Remove limit switch assembly. Refer to limit switch disassembly.n Motor and Reduction Gear RemovalRefer to Dwg. MHP2812 and MHP2728.1.Shut off and bleed down main air supply to winch.2.Disconnect and tag air lines.3.Stand winch in a vertical position, with the motor end up. Ensure winch isproperly supported.4.Remove four capscrews (86) and washers (125) that secure motor and controlvalve assembly to upright (62).5.Carefully pull motor assembly from winch.6.Clean capscrews (86) and threaded holes with Loctite® 7063 or equivalent sothey are free of Loctite® residue.7.Store motor in a clean area until needed. If repair is required refer to specificdisassembly sections.n Drum Guard DisassemblyRefer to Dwg. MHP2817.1.Remove capscrews (171).2.Remove drum guard (216), left panel (217) and right panel (218).n Automatic Band Drum Brake DisassemblyRefer to Dwg. MHP2811.1.Disconnect and tag the air lines.2.Loosen nut (151) until brake band (111) is slack on drum.3.Remove one cotter pin (113) from each pin (112) and tap out pins (112) frombrake band ends.4.Remove brake band (111) and adjustment screw (149). Remove capscrews (156)and lockwashers (64) that secure housing (147) to side rail (68). DO NOTdisassemble brake cylinder assembly. Contact an Ingersoll Rand trained service technician for cylinder disassembly and repair.n Limit Switch DisassemblyRefer to Dwg. MHP2730.CAUTION•It is not recommended to disassemble limit switch. Contact factory if repair is required.1.Remove and tag hose connections if not already done.2.Remove nuts (504) from rods (502). Remove cover (505), gasket (490) andhousing (486) from limit switch adapter (450).3.Remove capscrews (499) and pull spindle switch assembly (501) from limit switchadapter (450).4.Store limit switch assembly in a clean, dry area until winch reassembly.n Press Roller DisassemblyRefer to Dwgs. MHP2728 and MHP2731.press ends of springs (167) and (169) to disengage from spacer (66) and pinon press roller arm (163).CAUTION•Use care when releasing springs (167) and (169) from press roller. Springs are under tension.2.Remove capscrews (183) and lockwashers (73). Remove press roller assemblyfrom spacer (66).3.Remove capscrews (161) and washers (162) from both sides of roller arm (181).Remove frames (176) and springs (169).4.Remove capscrews (161) and washers (162) from both sides of roller arm (181).Remove press rollers (184).n Slack Line Device DisassemblyRefer to Dwgs. MHP2732.1.Remove and tag hose connections if not already done.2.Remove locknuts (301) and washers (307) from shoulder screws (310).3.Remove spacers (308) and lift off slack wire arm assembly.4.Tap shoulder screws (310) from uprights (62) and remove bearings (309).5.Remove capscrews (302) and lockwashers (73) from axle (304).6.Remove locknuts (301) and lockwashers (73) from roller axle (305). Separate arms(303), rollers (306) and axles (304) and (305).7.Remove capscrews (324) and lockwashers (2) from protector (323).8.Remove protector (323) and sensor valve (327) from upright (62).n Winch Base and Drum DisassemblyRefer to Dwgs. MHP2728, MHP2807 and MHP2812. Refer to ‘Motor and Reduction Gear Removal’ section on page 8 to remove motor assembly from the winch.1.Remove external components. Refer to ‘External Components Removal’ sectionon page 8.2.Stand winch in a vertical position with motor end up.3.Remove capscrews (86), and washers (125) that secure motor, reduction gearand brake assembly to drum end cover (76). Set assembly to one side for further disassembly if needed.4.Remove capscrews (65) and (67), nuts (63) and lockwashers (64) to removespacers (66) and lifting lugs (69).5.Remove capscrews (67), nuts (63) and lockwashers (64) to remove siderails (68).6.Remove upright (62) and tube (70).7.Remove capscrews (50) and lockwashers (73). Separate drum end coverassembly from upright (62).8.Remove bearing (76) and oil seal (77) from drum (60) if not removed with drumend cover (78).9.Carefully turn drum over so limit switch end is up.10.Remove upright (62) from drum (60).11.Remove capscrews (50) and lockwashers (73) from drum end cover (78).12.Remove drum end cover (78) from upright (62).13.Remove bearing (76) and oil seal (77) from drum (60) if not removed with drumend cover (78).n Disc Brake DisassemblyRefer to Dwg. MHP2807.1.Remove capscrews (25) (black) allowing brake and reducer assembly to beremoved together.e the two threaded puller holes in the piston (51) to remove piston (51) andbrake reaction plate (57) from brake housing (41).3.Remove drive plates (56), friction plates (55) and (58), spacer (54) and splinedhub (53). Note position for later assembly.4.Remove ‘O’ ring (16) and ‘O’ ring (52) from piston (51) and discard.n Reduction Gear DisassemblyRefer to Dwg. MHP2807.1.Remove disc brake assembly refer to on page 92.Remove fill plug (14) and drain oil from reduction gear into a suitable container.3.Remove capscrews (24) and (25) to separate reduction gear assembly from brakehousing (41).4.Remove capscrews (22) and washers (23) that secure reduction gear end cover(15).5.Remove retainer ring (12) from gear shaft (20).•It may be necessary to use a small amount of air pressure in fill hole of reduction gear end cover (15) to separate from housing (27).6.Remove and discard ‘O’ ring (16) on reduction gear end cover (15).7.It is not necessary to remove bearing (39) from reduction gear end cover (15)unless damaged. Replace as necessary.8.Remove bearing (13) and oil seal (17). Replace seal and bearing if necessary.9.Remove bearing (21) and ring gear (19).10.Support end cover (15) and tap out shaft (20).11.Remove retainer ring (36) from sun gear (34).12.Support reducer housing (27) and gently tap out sun gear (34).13.Tap out gear shafts (33) and remove planet gears (31), spacers (30), needlebearings (28) and bearing rings (29).14.Remove retainer ring (49).15.Remove sun gear (34).16.Remove retainer ring (36) and bearing (35).17.Remove and discard gasket (26) and ‘O’ ring (16) from brake housing (41).18.Remove and replace bearing (38) if necessary.n Motor DisassemblyRefer to Dwg. MHP2812.1.Remove motor assembly as described in ‘Motor and Reduction Gear Removal’on page 8.2.Remove control valve assembly (100) from motor assembly.3.Remove capscrews (103) and emergency stop end cover (185).4.Remove and discard gasket (101).5.Remove capscrews (107) and remove motor cover (97) from motor housing (87).6.Remove and discard ‘O’ rings (90).7.Remove valves (105) and springs (96) from motor cover (97).8.Remove ‘O’ rings (94) only if necessary. ‘O’ rings will need to be cut for removal.•The two bearings (91) located in the motor housing (87) are bonded with Loctite® 603 or equivalent. Remove idle gear (104) and drive gear (92) only if replacement is necessary; use a bearing punch (IR pn: 96441232) orstandard drift punch and a hammer. Refer to Dwg. MHP2644on page 11.9.To remove both bonded bearings (91) from motor housing (87), it is necessaryto use a bearing punch and hammer. Two or three strikes are enough.10.If replacement is necessary, remove bearings (91) from drive gear (92) and idlegear (104) (use a suitable bearing extractor).11.Remove check valve (83) and ball (84) from motor housing (87). Emergency Stop End Cover:1.Remove and discard ‘O’ rings (90).2.Remove setscrew (180).3.Remove ball (84).4.Remove valve seat (186).5.Remove seal (189) and axle (188).6.Remove and discard ‘O’ rings (187).7.Remove spring (193).8.Unscrew clamping screw (102).9.Unscrew regulating screw (192) and remove and discard ‘O’ ring (191).10.Remove valve seat (205).11.Remove spring (213).12.Remove capscrews (214).13.Separate caps (202) and (211), washers (208) and (206), sleeve (209) anddiaphragm (212).14.Remove seals (203) and (210).15.Pull stop nut (194) and separate plunger (198) with diaphragm (196) from baseplate (199).16.Unscrew nut (194) and remove plunger (198) and washer (195).17.Remove and discard ‘O’ ring (197) .18.Install a screw (dia. M5) in threaded hole on base plate (199) and pull it frommotor cover (97).n Control Valve DisassemblyRefer to Dwg. MHP2729.1.To separate control valve (100) from motor assembly, remove capscrews (137)and (168) with lockwashers (2).2.Remove capscrews (118) and lockwashers (2) from stop plate (119). Remove stopplate.3.Partially remove capscrew (126) just far enough to allow emergency stophousing assembly to be removed. Place emergency stop housing assembly to one side for later disassembly.4.Remove spools (142) from valve housing (135).pletely remove capscrew (126) and lockwasher (125).6.Remove lever assembly, coupling (124) and spring (116).7.Do not disassemble handle unless repairs are needed. To disassemble handle,tap out pin (120) and unscrew cap (121). Remove handle spool (123) and spring (130).8.Remove retainer (140), spindle shaft (131) and gear (138).9.Remove retainer (140), spindle shaft (131) and gear cam (139).10.Remove pins (132) from spindle shafts (115).11.Remove bushings (133) and bushings (141).Emergency Stop:Refer to Dwg. MHP2729.1.Remove emergency stop valve (164) from end cover (172).2.Remove and discard ‘O’ rings (175).3.Unscrew and remove valve (165) with ‘O’ ring (171), ‘O’ ring (166) and protector(170).4.Remove retainer rings (178).5.Remove springs (177) and balls (84).6.Unscrew check valve (83) and remove ball (84).7.Remove and discard ‘O’ rings (166).n 2 Function Emergency Stop Pendant Disassembly (optional) Refer to Dwg. MHP2818.1.Disconnect hoses from pendant assembly (600).2.Remove fittings (152).3.Remove lifting eye (617), if necessary.4.Tap out pin (618) to remove the levers (619).5.Unscrew and remove check valve (83) and ball (84).6.Remove setscrew (173) to remove the valve assemblies (165).7.Remove protector (170), ‘O’ rings (166) and (171) from the valve (165).8.Remove plugs (623) to remove the springs (177) and balls (84).9.Remove emergency stop button (164).10.Remove retainer ring (621) and exhaust washer (615) from handle (622).n Cleaning, Inspection and RepairRefer to Product Parts Information Manual for item numbers referenced in the “Cleaning, Inspection and Repair” section.n CleaningClean all winch component parts in solvent (except drum brake bands and disc brake friction plates). The use of a stiff bristle brush will facilitate removal of accumulated dirt and sediments on housings, frame and drum. If bushings have been removed it may be necessary to carefully remove old Loctite® from bushing bores. Dry each part using low pressure, filtered compressed air. Clean drum brake band using a wire brush or emery cloth. Do not wash drum brake band in solvent. If drum brake band lining is oil soaked, it must be replaced.n InspectionAll disassembled parts should be inspected to determine their fitness for continued use. Pay particular attention to the following:Inspect gears for-worn, cracked or broken teeth. Replace if necessary.Inspect bushings for•-wear, scoring or galling. Replace if necessary.Inspect shafts for•-ridges caused by wear. Replace if necessary.•-scoring or galling.Inspect all threaded items for•-damaged threads. Replace if necessary.Inspect drum band brake lining for•-oil, grease and glazing. If drum band brake lining is oil-soaked, excessively greasy or overly glazed, replace brake band. Remove small glazed areas ofband brake lining by sanding lightly with a fine grit emery cloth.•-thickness of drum band brake lining. If drum brake band lining is less than0.062 in. (2 mm) thick anywhere along the edges, replace brake bandassembly.Inspect motor housing gear bores for•-wear or scoring. For any large scratches or uneven/excessive wear patterns, replace motor housing.Inspect motor gears (92) and (104) for•-ridges or excessive grooving on outside diameter of gears.•-contact between gears and gear housing.Inspect press roller and slack wire device for•-wear, grooves or scoring of rollers. Replace if any of these conditions exist.•-smooth rotation. Rollers must operate without binding and without excessive side-to-side play.。
Ingersoll Rand英格索兰气动马达
泉州双环小谢135 59643 818英格索兰英格索兰始建于1871年,进过近140年的发展,英格索兰已经转变为一个多品牌的产品制造和服务企业,为全球不同领域的客户提供服务。
Lifting Air WinchesLightweight and compact designVersatile – Easy to carry.Robust steel construction. Insensitive to dust and humidity.High efficiency planetary gear box – Integrated inside winch drumkeeping size to a minimum.5:1 design factor.Rated capacity calculated at drum top layerA LIFTSTAR winch will always lift its rated capacity at any layer ofrope. At rated load, its lifting speed is constant at all layers.Reliable gear type air motorBetter ability than other motors to accept contaminated air.High starting torque ensuring good spotting capability.Virtually maintenance free and reduced downtime.Precise positioningVariable speed through direct control lever with “Lift & Shift”system or progressive remote pilot pendent.Increased safetySelf adjusting automatic disc brake, fully enclosed for betterprotection and corrosion resistance – Maintenance free.CE modelsCE compliant models include as standard drum guard, main airemergency stop, overload protection and upper / lower limitswitches.泉州双环小谢135 59643 818英格索兰是我们公司重点的产品之一、直接国外订货、不询价于国内。
• 4、在开动电动车时,两个刹车不可同 时刹车,否则容易造成电动机的烧毁。
• 5、气动绞车的卷筒刹车带和轴承等温 度都不能超过70℃,如果温度剧烈上升 ,必须立即停车检查。
• 6、为了防止灰尘侵入及润滑油外溢, 气动绞车的密封装置必须完整无损。
• 7、为了确保操作安全,在开车前必须 先检查绞车的绳头是否牢靠,还有传动 内部结构是否有破损或是咬住现象,以 及内件有无过度磨损等情况。确认无误 后方可开车。
• QJH系列气动绞车,是一种以活塞 气动发动机为动力,手操纵或远程 操纵型式的绞车。具有体积小、重 量轻、效率高、操作简便、易于搬 运及安全可靠等特点。可供陆地钻 井、海洋钻井平台、矿山钻探、船 舶和可燃性气体等场所提升或拖运 重物之用。
• 具有国际先进水平,拉力从5KN50KN的气动(风动)绞车,采用 无级变速,具有操作简便,运转平 稳,结构紧凑的特点,并且具有停 车自锁功能,使用安全可靠。尤其 适合具有易燃易爆气体的场所,是 油田、井场、吊装的理想设备
• 3、使用各式工具,务必遵照各种安全 规定及使用说明操作。
• 4、要选用适当的工具工作,工具过大 容易造成工作伤害,工具过小容易致使 工具损害。
• 5、进气压力于工具入口处(非空压机之 出气压力) 一般为 90PSIG(6.2Kg/cm^2),过高、过低均 有损工具之性能及寿命。
• 操作及保养: • 1、不可任意拆除工具的零件后而操作
,除了会影响作者的安全还会致使工具 损坏。 • 2、若工具略有故障或经使用不能达到 原有功能时,不可再继续使用,要立即 检查。定期(约每周一次) 检查、保养工 具,添加黄油(Grease) 于轴承等转动部 位,添加机油(Oil) 于气动马达部位。
1. 目的使操作工明了本操作的安全、技术要点及规范,确保压缩空气的正常供应。
2. 范围适应于公用工程电站操作工。
3. 职责操作工对压缩空气的质量及设备操作安全负责4. 设备概况空压机1#:型号:2CV35MX3 进风量:100NM3进风压力:0.98 Bar 送风压力:7 Bar额定速度:2975 RPM 进风温度:35℃生产厂家:美国英格索兰公司(Ingersoll Rand)出厂日期:2005年空压机2#:型号:2CV35MX3 进风量:100NM3进风压力:0.98 Bar 送风压力:7 Bar额定速度:2975 RPM 进风温度:35℃生产厂家:美国英格索兰公司(Ingersoll Rand)出厂日期:2005年空压机3#:型号:2CV35MX3 进风量:60NM3进风压力:0.98 Bar 送风压力:7 Bar额定速度:2975 RPM 进风温度:35℃生产厂家:美国英格索兰公司(Ingersoll Rand)出厂日期:2005年冷干机1#:型号:GAD-120NW 处理量:120Nm3/min额定电压:AC3Φ380V 入口压力:≤0.98MPa额定功率:22KW 入口温度:≤45 ℃额定电流:53A 制冷剂:R-22生产厂家:杭州加联净化设备有限公司出厂日期:2005年5月冷干机2#:型号:GAD-120NW 处理量:120Nm3/min额定电压:AC3Φ380V 入口压力:≤0.98MPa额定功率:22KW 入口温度:≤45 ℃额定电流:53A 制冷剂:R-22生产厂家:杭州加联净化设备有限公司出厂日期:2005年5月冷干机3#:型号:GAD-120NW 处理量:120Nm3/min额定电压:AC3Φ380V 入口压力:≤0.98MPa额定功率:22KW 入口温度:≤45 ℃额定电流:53A 制冷剂:R-22生产厂家:杭州加联净化设备有限公司出厂日期:2005年5月5 压缩空气系统运行规程:1)空压机运行根据车间用气量来决定,设备根据实际生产情况进行轮换。
②带超级涂层的两级转子:英格索兰Sierra无油机的主机结构为两级 压缩,由于没有油对主机的保护,原本单机可以实现的压力,在无油机 中是无法实现的,所以需要将整个压缩过程分为2段:第一段:空气由1Bar 压缩至3Bar;第二段:由3Bar压缩至目标压力。第一级转子材质为:优质 锻造钢:钢号:E35;第二级转子材质为:X20CR13不锈钢(SS400系列)。 转子表面及主机壳体内壁均经过特殊的UltracoatTM(超级涂层)处理以 防止腐蚀和减少磨损。UltracoatTM(超级涂层)是一种专利的处理工艺,由机械手将金属涂层涂在 经过了特殊表面处理后的转子表面,最后进行热处理。这种靠机械式粘涂上去的涂层能牢牢的包嵌 在粗糙的金属表面,极难脱落。不仅精确的控制转子与转子、转子与主机壳体之间的间隙从而增加 主机效率,同时也延长了主机寿命。高质量的轴承和精密齿轮保证了转子的同轴度,使转子配合精 确。二十道工序的精加工使转子线型达到无与伦比的精确度。
其可拆卸的电机定子绕阻,可以在现场进行更换。其小身材,大功率的特点,直接与主机的阳转子的连接并 驱动。因此消除了电机中磨损部件及电机轴承的使用。
混合型永磁电机具有无限次启/停的能力以满足用气的要求,并且不会像传统电机那样给电机带来伤害。 Nirvana 在机组用气降到其最低点时,就会停机,节省了传统变频空压机由于卸载而造成的能源浪费.
地址:武汉经济技术开发区新都国际嘉园 A2-503 室
英格索兰 &工业技术
二、SL37、SL75 无油空压机技术特点
①100%无油的压缩空气:英格索兰无油机为您提供100%无油的清洁压 缩空气。英格索兰无油螺杆式空气压缩机,通过了TUV Rheinland (一家在 独立测试和评估服务方面都处于世界领先地位的机构)的严格测试,并获得 了ISO8573-1:2001Class 0等级的认证,其空气品质令人安心。
equipment list
SCHRAMM雪姆钻机Mount on 登上foremost 最重要的著名的主要的rod 杆onboard 随车携带Ingersollrand英格索兰1psi=6.895kpa1CFM=28.3185 L/MINComprehensive综合的广泛的purpose 意图打算RC=Reverse Circulation反循环KL fold down 折叠breakout 突破vpack ambient 环境OX sampleTerrain 地形地势Sullair寿力压缩机auxiliary辅助hurricane飓风booster 辅助推进提高Deliver 递送发动助产交付downhole向下钻进optimise最优化使有效Issue 问题议题争论点tray 盘子托盘rail 围起来隔开railing栏杆Prestart 启动前fueling 加油Trailer 挂车拖车hydraulic 液力液压sandvik山特维克工具机械static 静态的Cone 圆锥形splitter 分裂rubber 橡胶cyclone 气旋旋风amount 数量Manual 手工手册handing 工作上交bulk 大块大团composite 混合综合的Rear 饲养后部背部pad 垫子住所Vehicle 交通工具车辆传媒手段cater for 迎合提供(饮食)服务land cruiser陆地巡洋舰(丰田)cab 司机室出租车ute轻货小卡minesite矿井点fit for 适合remote 遥远偏远Tractor 拖拉机牵引1hp=735w pivot 枢轴核心steer 驾驶掌舵sandy 沙的Rugged 崎岖的多岩石的battle 战斗争斗gear 换挡搭配适合workshop 车间工作间讨论会讲习班Back up 后备支撑增援activity活动性活力triaxle三轴trailer 拖车挂车Diesel 柴油kit out配备装备kalgoorlie卡尔古利澳洲地名clearance 净空空隙许可票据sump 水坑机油箱rehab修复复兴恢复名誉复职experienced有经验的offside 右边越位charge 任命委任充电client 委托人顾客assume 假装设想被承担的negotiate 谈判协商兑现invoice 发票GST 增值税设备清单钻机钻机1-装载在1998MAN(六车轮六轮驱动)卡车上的雪姆660型钻机,配备有良好的钻杆操作系统及车载式英格索兰空气压缩机(350psi/900cfm约合2.4MPa/25.5m3/min),它的最大钻进深度达250米。
一旦润滑油的喷入温度达到其最小预热温度 50°C时,主放气阀和冷 态起动放气阀将会同时动作。
ASG China Service Department
调节系统由下列部件组成: 1. Intellisys控制器(Intellisys控制机组) 2. 液压缸(汽缸) 3. 加载电磁阀 4. 调节电磁阀 5. 压力开关(继电器控制机组) 6. 压力调节器 7. 蝶阀 (或进气阀) 8. 步进电机(Intellisys控制机组) 9. 有源线路板(Intellisys控制机组) 通常有三种气量控制系统,以满足不同用户的不同需要。 ON/OFF控制 调节器控制 自动停机/起动控制
ASG China Service Department
该系统由以下七个部件组成: 1. 止逆阀 2. 油分离器 3. 温控阀 4. 油过滤器 5. 冷却风扇 6. 油冷却器 7. 断油电磁阀
ASG China Service Department
回油管由一装于油分离器盖上的插入到油分离芯底部的直管、带有过 滤网的回油过滤器以及回油管节流孔接头组成。 过滤网和节流孔的堵塞,会造成压缩空气含油量的增加。因而,定期 清洗过滤网和节流孔是非常重要的工作。 回油直管的安装应符合规范,直管离油分离芯底部的距离应控制在所 要求的范围,以避免压缩空气含油量增大或顶穿底部。 具体参数如下:
M22 M37 S100 S200 M250
1~2 mm 1~2 mm 2~3 mm 2~3 mm 3~5 mm
英格索兰V15英格索兰(中国)*****15~3750Hz操作与维修手册零件号:***-*****版本:A日期:20XX年4月1内容与缩写内容1.内容与缩写前言贴花安全概览安装/调试操作指令维护故障排除缩写与符号####―########―*+**********ST.E.F.C.O.D.P.同英格索兰(中国)工业设备制造有限公司联系索取序号直到序号从序号起没有图示选项不要求根据要求总图高环境温度选项水冷却机组风冷却机组能量恢复系统闭式电机开式电机2英格索兰(中国)工业设备制造(中国)工业设备制造有英格索兰(中国)工业设备制造кЁ Ё (中国)П 英格索兰(中国)工业设备制造ぎ乏z 英格索兰(中国)工业设备制造限公司认z ㄝz ぎz(中国)英格索兰(中国)工业设备制造Ё 件,可能英格索兰(中国)工业设备制造英格索兰(中国)工业设备制造有限公司因г英格索兰(中国)工业设备制造Н 施。
3贴花图形及国际标准符号的意义4贴花5贴花*****15-37机组贴花前视图机器内部(后)顶视图机器内部(前)启动门内部左视图机器内部(左)右视图序号1*****零件号***-********-********-********-********-********-********-*****1905********-********-********-*****3数量1112*****14名称电压380/3/50不准吸入符号排气口热表面符号压力容器符号电击警告符号维护三滤注意贴花开机调试警告贴花电气原理图星三角启动贴花维护保养零件15-22kW贴花维护保养零件30-37kW转动时使用防护罩转向冷却剂排放符号油滤芯更换符号起吊序号1213零件号***-********-********-********-******************-*************-*************-*****777数量***-********-*****名称QS标志现场施工注意额定工况运行贴花机组维护指南贴花皮带张力推荐参数表铭牌标签运输支架贴花警告贴花加油胶带直径3’’LogoSIRC15-22kWLogoSIRC30-37kW贴花前面板15-22kW贴花前面板30-37kW安装贴花*****9***-*****93******************-*****262***-********-*****93***-*****996П 乏ЙぎП ⑤ Ё ぎぎ乏Ё 乏П 亢ぎ乏г Ё (中国)工业设备制造催Ё7安全压缩空气如处置不当,压缩空气可能成为危险品。
分离芯 快速释放阀
1SV N.C.
6SV N.O. 2SV N.C. 最小压力阀 3SV N.O.
求 维持固定压力/压差 与其他控制系统连接 低噪音/ 废气排放量少 高可靠性能和低维护成本
怎样来满足这不断扩大的目标市场? 特别对机组的功率消耗,非常值得重新审
核能量消耗成本; 同时在机组的技术特性和给用户带来的附 加值上做文章;
SSR M75 2S - M350 2S
M75 2S - M350 2S
两级压缩在市场上属于独特的技术; 针对对节能要求高和对技术含量要求高的
客户要求来设计和制造; 与我们的单极压缩系列机一同成为两个具 有战略意义的拳头产品系列;
先进的独特性能 技术先进 先进的控制系统
• 0 - 90°
Modulation 的调节方式
可选择的调节方式 客户可以自己选择或
Intellisys ACS将帮 助选择进气调节的最佳模式 Modulation调节: 60-100 % 流量的情况下 ;或如果是在 0-60% 流量的情况下则采用 on/off line (直接调节的方式)
美国英格索兰公司(Ingersoll Rand)美国英格索兰公司成立于1871年,全称为“英格索兰--兰德公司”,总部位于美国新泽西洲伍德克利夫湖,公司的产品包括紧缩空气系统、建筑五金产品、建筑设备、高尔夫用汽车、工具和运输冷藏系统。
英格索兰公司从1911年开始生产离心紧缩机,并于1912年安装了世界上第一台100 m3/h蒸汽透平驱动的多级空气紧缩机,1928年推出紧缩性能量回收系统,1940年生产出用于催化裂化的离心紧缩机,1949年开始生产蒸汽透平驱动离心紧缩机,1958年组装式离心式紧缩机面世。
英格索兰公司的CENTAC离心空气紧缩机 (多轴齿轮传动组合式离心紧缩机) 开发成功后,一直深受用户欢迎,至今活着界各地已有 12000台机组平安长期稳固运行。
公司及其活着界各地的附属公司和联营公司拥有十家生产厂和实验室,70多个营业办事处,30多个维修中心和近8000名职工,从事销售的专业人员中 92%具有学位的工程师。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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FA2.5AMR (-E) (1) 3125 1420 5000 2273 173 53 135 41
FA2.5MR (-E) 3180 1445 5000 2273 118 36 140 43
FA5AMR (-E) (1) 6250 2841 10000 4545 102 31 62 19
FA5MR (-E)
Norske Veritas (DNV) witness to our load test.
n Onshore Man Rider TM • Onshore Man Riders have been designed to meet the requirements of ANSI / ASME A10.22-1990 for “Rope Guided and Nonguided Worker’s Hoists - Safety Requirements”. – Addresses OSHA requirements where applicable – Typical applications include tower and chimney construction and maintenance, dams, mines, building construction
2 Overload device for lift rated winches
3 Drum guard 4 Muffler
n “Gulf” Man Rider TM
5 CE documentation
The Gulf Man Rider was
specifically designed to meet the requirements for a personnel
• Air winches have an unlimited duty cycle.
• Air winches can be easily reeved for increased capacity.
• Air winches are easy to service, maintain, and repair.
Air Winch Selection Guide
330 to 22000 lb (150 to 10000 kg) capacity
IR offers the broadest selection of air winches in the world, including utility and personnel lifting winches. Here’s how IR air winches are rated:
Why choose an air winch?
• Air winches are simple, rugged, reliable sources of enormous lifting and pulling power for their weight.
• Air motors cannot burn out; they can be stalled all day without damage, making air winches ideal for tensioning applications, such as holding a barge in place. And when air motors are stalled, they use no air!
Rated line capacity/
Rated line speed/
lifting at top layer
lifting at top layer
personnel 8:1 DF utility 5:1 DF personnel 8:1 DF utility 5:1 DF
lbs kg lbs kg fpm m/min fpm m/min
6875 3125 11000 5000 77 23 65 20
Meets onshore requirements of ANSI / ASME A10.22-1990
2200 1000 3520 1600 91 28 66 20
2200 1000 3520 1600 195 59 157 48
Meets Offshore requirements for one or more of the following: ABS, DNV, LRS, NMD, NPD and UK HSE
FA150KGMR (-E) 330 150 n/a n/a 95 29 n/a n/a
LS150RLP (-E) 330 150 –
regulations of one or more of the following regulatory bodies:
– Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD)
– Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD)
Ú -E = Compliance with the European Machinery Directive. Includes as
• Type Approved for lifting
standard on utility rated
and lowering of people
with 8:1 design factor • Force 5 models are dual
rated for utility lifting at
Air Winches
The IR line of air winches incorporates the best ideas and innovations of Beebe International, Samiia of France and the original IR line of products. The combined experience of these companies adds up to over 200 years of solving the most challenging lifting, pulling and positioning applications in the world’s toughest industries.
– Upper/lower limit switches, speed indicator, battery pack and dual brakes—one automatic and one manual—are standard
– Dual rated for personnel and material lifting—8:1 design factor for personnel; 5:1 design factor for materials
98 30 –
LS500RLP (-E) 1100 500 –LS1000RLP (-E) 2200 1000 –
85 26 –
FA2BMR (1)
2500 1136 4000 1818 168 51 118 36
FA2MR (-E)
3180 1445 4400 2000 64 20 55 17
1 Main air supply shutoff located at the winch for throttle control models and on the pendent for remote
5:1 design factor
control models.
• Dual brakes: one automatic and one manual or dual automatic
• Line pulls are rated at top layer and line speeds at mid layer. • Third party Type Approved by ABS
Man Rider air winch series quick selection guide
Man Rider series
– Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
– American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
– Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LRS)
• Offshore Man Riders have been designed according to the
4400 2000 7040 3200 87 26 74 22
(1) Rated at mid layer
n Piston motor or gear motor? IR air winches have a worldwide reputation for being rugged, durable and dependable in a vast array of applications. To meet the various needs of our customers, we offer two powerful yet different motors to power the winch.
n Offshore Man Rider TM
• Offshore Man Riders have Type Approval and can be certified
by one or more of the following independent third party
organizations for the offshore oil and drilling industry: