
重。如果发生喷射事故, 请务必立即联系有资质的医
务人员及时处理。 警告 误操作风险。流体进口压力远远高于设计的工作 压力范围时, 请勿使用调节器。进口压力过高可能造
警告 = 危险或不安全的作业, 可能会造成严重的人 身伤害, 死亡或重大财产损失。
1. 拆卸喷枪或分发装置, 清除系统中所有微粒。 2. 插入冲洗栓 (21), 顺时针方向转动, 直到接触到垫圈
y 检查隔膜是否受损, 需要时加以更换。
(4) (参见第 5 页中的图)。
3. 最多转动两圈。这将使球从底座上分开, 从而使物材 自由流动 (未调节流量)。请勿进一步转动, 以免损害 设备。
3 垫圈 (7/16" 内径)
(4) Y79-716 [C]
651790-XXD-B (2.125" 长)
(1) 96348-3 [SS]
4 垫圈 (1.162" 外径 x 0.125" 厚的) 5 止推轴承 (1.173" 外径) 6 调节螺丝 (5/8" - 24, 左手调节)
(1) 93485-1 [C] (1) 93484-1 [C] (1) 93486-1 [C]
y 请参考最适用的典型安装图。 y 为了达到最佳的压力控制, 请将调节器安装在离喷枪
y 正确区分调节器的进口(INLET) / 出口(OUTLET)(流
y 安装调节器前, 请先冲洗供料管。 y 远程型调节器需要最大 100 p.s.i. (6.9 bar) 的信号压

英格索兰中英文对照表MM250机当前状态CURRENT当前 STATUS 状态Package Discharge Pressure机组排气压力Package Discharge Temperature机组排气温度Airend Discharge Temperature主机排气温度Injected Temperature喷油温度Sump Pressure分离前压力Separator Press.Drop油分离器压差Coolant Filter油过滤器Inlet Vacuum进气负压Inlet Filter进气过滤器Total Hours累计运行时间Loaded Hours加载运行时间%Load Modulation加载调节%OPERATOR SET POINTS用户设定点:2501:Offline Pressure起跳压力75-RATED+32:Online Pressure回跳压力65-OFFLINE-103:Mode Of Operation运行模式(MOD/ACS调节/自动控制选择开关,ON/OFFLINE起跳/回跳自动控制,MODULATION ONLY单一调节模式) 4:Load Delay Time加载延迟时间(0-60)5:Stop Delay Time停机延迟时间(10-30)6:Star-Delta Time星三角切换时间(10-20)7:(Screen)Contrast屏幕对比度(0-10)8:STEPPER LIMIT SWITCH步进限位开关英格索兰250机电脑显示排序:OPERATORSETPOINTS用户设定点OPERATORSETPOINTS ITEM用户设定点内容OPTIONS选项OPTIONS ITEM选项内容SENSORCALLBRATION传感器校零SENSORCALLBRATIONITEM传感器校零内容ALARMHISTORY ITEM报警记录内容MM250操作界面STATUS(状态) MAINMENU(主菜单) SELECT(选择)一.operator set points 用户设定点1:lead lag (lead/lag)先行/滞后2:offline pressure (可调节kg/cm)起跳压力(卸载)3:online pressure (可调节kg/cm)回跳压力(加载)4:lag offset (0.0 kg/cm)滞后补偿值5:mode of operation(MOD/ACS调节/自动控制选择开关,ON/OFFLINE起跳/回跳自动控制,MODULATION ONLY单一调节模式)运行模式6:max modulation press (可调节kg/cm)压力调节范围7:stop delay time (30seconds)停机延时时间(30秒)8:star-delta time (NOT INSTALLED)星-三角切换时间9:contrast (10---1)屏幕对比度(二)options 选项1:auto restar (off) 自动重启动(关)2:auto restar time (2 minutes )自动重启动(2分钟)3:auto restar delay(0 seconds)自动重启动延时(0秒)4:sequencer (off) 次序控制器(关)5:remote star/stop (on) 远程启动/停机(开)6:power out restart (not installed) 断电再启动(未安装)7:power out restart time (not installed) 断电再启动时间(未安装)8:low ambient (off) 低环境温度(关)9:min cooler out temp( 5度)冷却器最小输出温度(5度)10:delta-p solenoid (off)三角形启动线圈(无)11:delta-p sensor (off)三角形启动方式(无)12:lead/lag cycle length (0 hours)先行/滞后周期时间(0小时)13:scheduled start not installed预设启动安装(无)14:scheduled stop not installed预设停机安装(无)15:high oust filter (off)过滤器储油显示(关)16:vsd(off)变速启动(关)17:modbus protocol (off)总线协议(关)18:modbus address (1)总线地址(关)(三)sensor calibration 传感器校零1:sensor 1avpt (calibrate)传感器(校准)(进气真空)2:sensor 3avpt (calibrate)传感器(校准)(油分离压力)3:sensor 4avpt (calibrate)传感器(校准)(机组排气压力)4:sensor 6avpt (not installep)传感器(未安装)5:peulote sensor(not installep) 远程传感器(未安装)(四)alarm history 15 报警记录英格索兰报警目录250:CHECK INLET CONTROL检查进气控制(小于3psig(0.2bar))CHECK INLET CTRL SYS检查进气控制系统CHECK MOTOR ROTATION电机转向错误CONTROL POWERLOSS失去控制电压EMERGENCY STOP紧急停机FAN MOTOR OVERLOAD风扇电机过载HIGH AIREND DISCH TEMP主机排气温度高(大于228华氏度(109摄氏度))LOW SUMP AIR PRESSURE分离前压力低(压力降到20psig(1.4bar)以下)LOW UNLOAD SUMP PRESSURE卸载分离前压力低(压力降到15psing(1.0bar)以下)MAIN MOTOR OVERLOAD主电机过载MEMORY FAULT存储出错REMOTE START FAILURE远程启动故障REMOTE STOP FAILURE远控启动故障SENSOR FAILURE1AVPT(3APT 4APT 2CCT 1ATT)传感器故障STARTER FAULT 1SL(2ST)启动器出错STEPPER LIMIT SWITCH步进限位开关警告目录AIREND DISCHARGE TEMP主机排气温度(超过228℉(109℃)CHANGE COOLANT FILTER调换油过滤器(高压侧大于低压侧20psig (1.4bar))CHANGE INLET FILTER调换进气过滤器(大于0.7psig(0.05bar))GHANGE SEPR ELEMENT调换油分离芯(压力大于15psig(1.0bar))HIGH DISCHARGE PRESS排气压力高(额定压力+3psig(0.2bar)之上)HIGH DISCHARGE PRESS排气压力高(大于额定压力3psig(0.2bar)SENSOR FAILURE 4 ATT机组排气温度传感器故障ALARM SERVICE REQUIRED报警服务需要(五)clock functions 时钟功能1:time (11:30)时间(时:分)2:date (jan 06 09)日期(日、月、年)(六)integral sequencing完整的空压机排列顺序1:lead compressor (off) 空压机导程(关)2:total compressor (2) 空气压缩机台数号3:compressor address (1) 空气压缩机地址4:load delay time (10 seconds) 加载延迟时间(10秒)5:load change hours (10 hours) 加载改变小时(10小时)6:load change day (sunday) 加载改变日期7:lead change time (00:00) 加载改变时间(时:分)关于英格索兰空压机“ALARM---SERVICE REQUIRED”(服务需要)消除方法!英格索兰高级工厂菜单停机状态下按”MAIN MENU”(菜单键)两次,在三秒内按加载一次,卸载一次,进入工厂设置内容如下:FACTORY SET POINTSnguage(ENGLISH) -----语言(英语)2.Unit of Measure(Kg/c㎡ and °C ) -----单位尺寸(公斤/立方厘米与温度)3.Rated pressure(8.5kg/ c㎡) -----额定压力(公斤/立方厘米)4.Horse Power/Kilowatt(250kw) -----马力/千瓦(250千瓦)5.Starter Type(STAR---DELTA) -----启动器类型(星---三角)6.Total Hours(0---xxxHOURS) -----总运行时间(0---xxx小时)7.Loaded Hours(0---xxxHOURS) -----加载时间(0---xxx小时)8.Poro/Sched S/S Enadle(OFF) -----9.Coolant Press Sensor(OFF) -----冷却剂杂质感应器(关)10.Service Level(LEVEL 2) -----服务水平(水平2)11.Service Interval Type(TOTAL HOURS) -----服务间隔类型(总数小时)12.Service Interval(NOT INSTALLED) -----服务间隔(不安装)pressor Service(COMPLETED) -----压缩物服务(完成)用上下键按至“Service Interval Type”选项,按“SELECT”一次,“TOTAL HOURS”闪烁,再按“SELECT”一次确认!“TOTAL HOURS”停止闪烁。

内部元件布置合理,服务空间大。所有需要服务的元 器件都处在易于触及的位置
− 模块化的设计减少了管路连接,降低了泄露的可能性 − 所有管道连接都采用了O型圈密封
油过滤和分离模块,完全无需管道进行连 接! 含油量低于3ppm
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− 进气端采用滚柱轴承 − 排气端采用一对背对背滚椎轴承 − 特殊设计的储油槽,避免干摩擦
使用久经考验的Ingersoll Rand主机,高效,稳定
− 进气端采用滚柱轴承 − 排气端采用一对背对背滚椎轴承 − 特殊设计的储油槽,避免干摩擦

V 系列空气压缩机采用了模块化设计,最大程度上减少了管路 连接,有效降低了泄露的发生率。所有管道连接都采用 O 型圈 密封,与典型的螺纹连接密封相比,消除了轴向间隙,连接件 不会因为紧密固定而产生变形,从根本上提高了防泄露等级。
内部维修空间大,零部件布置合理,特殊的可拆卸式门板设计,所有门板都可以简单开启,配合独 有的顶板支撑结构,方便进行维护和保养,最大程度上实现了检修的 便捷快速,有效降低了停机检修时间,从而提高生产力。
Shanghai Ingersoll Rand Compressor Co., Ltd.
压缩空气中含有的水,固体杂质,油气微粒,ISO85731.1 对压缩空气质量进行了分级。
Model 型号 最大进气压力 进气温度 露点 噪音 流量 Model 型号 最大进气压力 空气含尘量 空气含油量 处理量 冷冻式干燥机技术特点: 独一无二的铝合金冷凝净化器:普通的碳钢冷凝净化器遇水容易腐蚀,
数量 单价
微油螺杆空压机 1 Contact-cooled Rotary Air
2 前置过滤器 Pre-Filter
3 冷冻式干燥机 Dryer
4 后置过滤器 Post-Filter
5 储气罐 Receiver Tank 总计

EXT系列英格索兰专业扭矩校准设备成为装配解决方案最主要的提供者,满足全球生 产制造企业持续创新的需求英格索兰持续创新的最新产品…2操作简便 + 超强性能EXT系列专业扭矩校准设备专门针对要求符合严格扭矩标 准的装配操作的一种完美的质 量控制方案!3操作简便 + 超强性能EXT系列专业扭矩校准设备用于:• 为您的精密工具设定扭矩 • 标定您的精密工具 • 记录您的设定与校准数据4EXT系列专业扭矩校准设备固定式 • 动力工具和手动工具 • 低扭矩(<30Nm) • 四种扭矩范围可选 • 与拧紧转接器配合使用 • 用于扭矩设定与校准Å 拧紧转接器便携式或固定式 • 动力工具和手动工具 • 高或低扭矩工具 • 手持式和固定式工具 • 作用于实际连接螺栓或模拟连接螺栓 • 用于扭矩设定与校准5Å 外置传感器EXT系列专业扭矩校准设备固定式便携式或固定式6EXT系列专业扭矩校准设备操作简便¾ 与您的所有精密拧紧工具兼容• • • 气动、电动螺丝刀和扳手 脉冲工具 手动表盘式扳手¾ 操作软件与操作界面简洁易用• • • • 超大LCD显示屏 便捷的导航键 全字母与数字键盘 多种颜色拧紧状态LED指示灯和蜂鸣器¾ 与所有工业标准传感器以及英格索兰智能型传感 器兼容7EXT系列专业扭矩校准设备操作简便¾ 与您的所有精密拧紧工具兼容• • • 气动、电动螺丝刀和扳手 脉冲工具 手动表盘式扳手¾ 操作软件与操作界面简洁易用• • • • 超大LCD显示屏 便捷的导航键 全字母与数字键盘 多种颜色拧紧状态LED指示灯和蜂鸣器¾ 与所有工业标准传感器以及英格索兰智能型传感 器兼容8EXT系列专业扭矩校准设备操作简便¾ 与您的所有精密拧紧工具兼容• • • 气动、电动螺丝刀和扳手 脉冲工具 手动表盘式扳手¾ 操作软件与操作界面简洁易用• • • • 超大LCD显示屏 便捷的导航键 全字母与数字键盘 多种颜色拧紧状态LED指示灯和蜂鸣器¾ 与所有工业标准传感器以及英格索兰智能型传感 器兼容9***Use directly between the 与工具、实际接连或 tool and the actual joint, 旋转式模拟螺栓直接 or with a rotary joint 连接 simulator.在工作台上与固定式模拟螺栓 Use with a stationary joint simulator 配合使用 on a workbench.Use with a rotary transducer on a 在工作台上与旋转式模拟螺栓 workbench. 配合使用在工作台上与固定式模拟 Use with a stationary 螺栓配合使用 transducer on a workbench.(该类模拟螺栓内置有传感器).* 工业标准型(IS)传感器需要另配传感器电缆ETA2 ETA2-TC TC ** 智能型传感器时常被称作UTA传感器10EXT系列专业扭矩校准设备超强性能¾专业设计满足您的任何特殊需求•快速设置或客户化设计•便携式(EXTA)或固定式(EXTT)•多种模式、单位、语言和其他配置可选¾自动下载数达到PC或进行打印•认证您的工具可用•分析检测结果•保存您的质量控制流程→监视扭矩,角度,时间和脉冲次数→在峰值模式、瞬间模式、脉冲模式或跟踪模式下读出数值→存储200组实时数值→自动识别智能型传感器→测量有7个单元→可选择过滤频率→DC工具使用ICS软件进行校准→可选择节能设置→多种语言可供选择:英语,法语,德语,意大利大利语和西班牙语EXT系列专业扭矩校准设备超强性能¾专业设计满足您的任何特殊需求•快速设置或客户化设计•便携式(EXTA)或固定式(EXTT)•多种模式、单位、语言和其他配置可选¾自动下载数达到PC或进行打印•认证您的工具可用•分析检测结果•保存您的质量控制流程EXT 系列专业扭矩校准设备特征& 优点气动和手动工具兼容快速下载只需一个系统即可安装和校准所有的精密工具该图型号为EXTT-30,内置传感器,并配有拧紧转接器测试结果到打印机或者电脑上进行数据分析,绘图,或者使用ICS 软件对DC 电动工具进行存档和校准。

First choice whenForm No. 305-758Rev. B 2/98Husky ™3275Air-Operated Double Diaphragm Pumpquality counts.™The Husky 3275 is the biggest pump in Graco’s double diaphragm lineup. Its larger size enables it to deliver over 275 gallons (1041 liters) per minute.The lube-free Husky 3275 pump was engineered with the chemical,petrochemical, paper and mining industries in mind. It boasts the most reliable and trouble-free air switching valve in the world. The innovative design of the air switching valve prevents shut-down and air valve hang-up problems and can be serviced without disassembling the pump.The pump’s heavy-duty construction make it ideal for handling the most difficult chemical transfer, filter press feed, and dewatering applications.The most reliable and easy-to-service 3 in. (76 mm)pump on the market today!s Bolted leak-free flanged connections – no clamp bands used!s Large flow paths that can handle high viscositiess Easy air valve maintenance s Heavy-duty constructions Fluid flow up to 275 gpm (1040 lpm)Form No. 305-758Rev. B 2/98Technical SpecificationsMaximum fluid working pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 psi (0.84 MPa, 8.4 bar)Air operating range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-120 psi (0.14-0.84 MPa, 1.4-8.4 bar)Maximum air consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325 scfm Air consumptionat 70 psi (480 kPa, 4.7 bar) / 100 gpm (379 lpm) . . . . . .120 scfm (1.26 m 3/min)Maximum free flow delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275 gpm (1,041 lpm)Maximum pump speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 cpm Gallons (liters) per cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.0 (7.6)Maximum suction lift (water)Dry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 ft. (2.4 m)Wet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 ft. (7.6 m)Maximum size pumpable solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/8 in. (9.4 mm)Air inlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/4 npt(f)Maximum operating temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150°F (65°C)Fluid inlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 in. ANSI 4 bolt flange / DIN 8-bolt flange Fluid outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 in. ANSI 4 bolt flange / DIN 8-bolt flange Wetted partsAlumimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .aluminum, T eflon, Santoprene, Hytrel, plated steel, acetal, SST WeightAlumimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 lbs. (68 kg)Instruction manualAlumimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .308-639Performance Chart – Husky 32751142273414545686817959081022gpm lpmF L U I D P R E S S U R EFLUID FLOW(Pump tested in water with inlet submerged)140(9.8 0.98)120(8, 0.8)100(7, 0.7)80(5.5, 0.55)60(4.1, 0.41)40(2.8, 0.28)20(1.4, 0.14)0psi(bar, MPa)scfm (m 3/min)350(9.8)300(8.4)250(7.0)200(5.6)150(4.2)100(2.8)50(1.4)AIR CONSUMPTIONKey to Varying Air Pressures A at 120 psi (8 bar, 0.8 MPa)B at 100 psi (7 bar, 0.7 MPa)C at 70 psi (4.8 bar, 0.48 MPa)D at 40 psi (2.8 bar, 0.28 MPa)E at 20 psi (1.4 bar, 0.14 MPa)Form No. 305-758Rev. B 2/98Accessories110-197Quick-Connect (3/4) Air Supply Nipple Max. working pressure:300 psi (2.1 MPa, 21 bar).Inlet/outlet: 3/4 npt(f). Steel.110-200Quick-Connect (3/4) Air Supply Coupler Max. working pressure:300 psi (2.1 MPa, 21 bar).Inlet/outlet: 3/4 npt(f). Brass.107-141Air Shut-Off Valve BleedInlet/outlet: 3/4 npt(mxf). Bronze.224-040Air Guard Runaway ValveMax. working pressure:120 psi (0.83 MPa, 8.3 bar).Max. cfm @ 100 psi (0.7 MPa, 7 bar):250 scfm.Inlet/outlet: 3/4 npt(f). Aluminum alloy.238-881Integrated FR AssemblyMax. working pressure:120 psi (0.83 MPa, 8.3 bar).Inlet/outlet: 3/4 npt(f). Zinc.222-011Grounding Wire and ClampLength: 25 ft. (7.6 m). 12 ga. (1.5 mm 2).180-187High Volume Air RegulatorMax. working pressure:300 psi (2.1 MPa, 21 bar).Max. cfm @ 100 psi (0.7 MPa, 7 bar):380 scfm.Quick-disconnect: 1/4 in. gauge ports.Inlet/outlet: 3/4 npt(f).106-150Air FilterMax. working pressure:250 psi (1.72 MPa, 17.2 bar).Max. cfm @ 100 psi (0.7 MPa, 7 bar):260 scfm.Inlet/outlet: 3/4 npt(fbe). Zinc plated.Adapter Flange Kits Inlet/outlet: ANSI to npt.239-392Stainless steel 239-391Carbon steel 207-675Air Manifold 90°Inlet/outlet: 3/4 npt(f) x 3/4 npt(m).Quick-disconnect: 1/4 npt(f) and 1/8 npt(f) port.Carbon steel.238-765Air Valve Repair Kit3/4 npt(f)Air Exhaust(muffler not shown)FRONT VIEWSIDE VIEWDimension Drawings – Heavy-Duty Series© 1998, 1997 Graco Inc. Form No. 305-758 Rev. B 2/98 Printed in the U.S.A.GRACO INC.P .O. Box 1441Minneapolis, MN 55440-1441Sales/DistributionNorth America Toll Free 800-367-4023Telephone 612-623-6743Fax 612-623-6580Contact sales personnelLocate authorized distributors Product information literatureGraco Inc. is registered to I.S. EN ISO 9001.All written and visual data contained in this document are based on the latest productinformation available at the time of publication. Graco reserves the right to make changesat any time without notice.。

Point of Manufacture型号F42V(*)F72V(*)F108V(*)F216V(*)F294V(*)处理量m 3/min0.7 1.2 1.8 3.6 4.9空气接口管径(进口\出口0.5" BSPT0.5" BSPT0.5" BSPT0.75" BSPT1" BSPT外形尺寸高/直径mm 225/89225/89258/89333/120432/120重量kg0.90.912.42.9- D 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子- A 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子以及油雾和油,雾油含量≤0.001mg/m 2技术参数*可有可有G G 、H 、D 、A 四种过滤精度可选- G 可滤掉1微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,除水效率在95%以上,残油份为0.5ppm - H 可滤掉0.01微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,残油份为0.01ppm SIRC, Shanghai, China, Marketing VersionDate: Dec 29th , 2010 rev: ASIRC V 系列管道过滤器Point of Manufacture技术参数SIRC, Shanghai, China, Marketing VersionDate: Dec 29th , 2010 rev: ASIRC V 系列管道过滤器型号F342V(*)F390V(*)F444V(*)F540V(*)F690V(*)处理量m 3/min5.76.57.4911.5空气接口管径(进口\出口1" BSPT1.5" BSPT1.5" BSPT1.5" BSPT2" BSPT外形尺寸高/直径mm 432/120432/120432/120432/120521/162重量kg2.93335.1- D 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子- A 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子以及油雾和油,雾油含量≤0.001mg/m 2*可有可有G G 、H 、D 、A 四种过滤精度可选- G 可滤掉1微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,除水效率在95%以上,残油份为0.5ppm - H 可滤掉0.01微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,残油份为0.01ppmPoint of Manufacture技术参数SIRC, Shanghai, China, Marketing VersionDate: Dec 29th , 2010 rev: ASIRC V 系列管道过滤器型号F810V(*)F990V(*)F1050V(*)F1170V(*)F1380V(*)处理量m 3/min13.516.517.519.523空气接口管径(进口\出口2" BSPT2" BSPT2" BSPT2" BSPT2.5" BSPT外形尺寸高/直径mm 521/162845/160845/160845/160601/200重量kg5. D 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子- H 可滤掉0.01微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,残油份为0.01ppm - A 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子以及油雾和油,雾油含量≤0.001mg/m 2*可有可有G G 、H 、D 、A 四种过滤精度可选- G 可滤掉1微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,除水效率在95%以上,残油份为0.5ppmPoint of Manufacture技术参数SIRC, Shanghai, China, Marketing VersionDate: Dec 29th , 2010 rev: ASIRC V 系列管道过滤器型号F1590V(*)F1740V(*)F2100V(*)F2340V(*)F2700V(*)处理量m 3/min26.529353945空气接口管径(进口\出口 2.5" BSPT2.5" BSPT3" BSPT3" BSPT4"FLG外形尺寸高/直径mm 601/200601/200862/200862/200900/470重量kg8.78.7111166- D 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子- A 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子以及油雾和油,雾油含量≤0.001mg/m 2*可有可有G G 、H 、D 、A 四种过滤精度可选- G 可滤掉1微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,除水效率在95%以上,残油份为0.5ppm - H 可滤掉0.01微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,残油份为0.01ppmPoint of Manufacture技术参数SIRC, Shanghai, China, Marketing VersionDate: Dec 29th , 2010 rev: ASIRC V 系列管道过滤器型号F3090V(*)F3480V(*)F4080V(*)F4200V(*)F4560V(*)处理量m 3/min51.558687076空气接口管径(进口\出口5"FLG5"FLG5"FLG5"FLG5"FLG外形尺寸高/直径mm 900/470900/470930/520930/520930/520重量kg98103118120120- D 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子- A 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子以及油雾和油,雾油含量≤0.001mg/m 2*可有可有G G 、H 、D 、A 四种过滤精度可选- G 可滤掉1微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,除水效率在95%以上,残油份为0.5ppm - H 可滤掉0.01微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,残油份为0.01ppmPoint of Manufacture技术参数SIRC, Shanghai, China, Marketing VersionDate: Dec 29th , 2010 rev: ASIRC V 系列管道过滤器型号F4800V(*)F5520V(*)F5940V(*)F7680V(*)F8700V(*)处理量m 3/min809299128145空气接口管径(进口\出口6"FLG6"FLG6"FLG6"FLG6"FLG外形尺寸高/直径mm 930/5201020/5801020/5801080/6401080/640重量kg123125125148180- D 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子- H 可滤掉0.01微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,残油份为0.01ppm - A 去除大于0.01微米的尘埃粒子以及油雾和油,雾油含量≤0.001mg/m 2*可有可有G G 、H 、D 、A 四种过滤精度可选- G 可滤掉1微米以上的颗粒以及水雾和油雾,除水效率在95%以上,残油份为0.5ppm。

一般信息 1概述如何使用本手册本手册包含零件分解图,可用作识别和订购 1.找到需要的分解图。
分解图上所列零件的制 2.在该图上找到需要的零件及其索引编号。
用一系列图示明确指出每个零件及其与图中 3.本手册的编号。
图中每个零件 4.电机型号、出厂编号及零件号。
按总成分的零件编号、名称和所 5.本手册所列的正确详尽的零件号、零件名称需数量按顺序列出。
1 钣金组件24186975 Rev .B9/4/2012序号CCN数量描述序号CCN数量描述1241006122左立柱总成132********右顶板总成 37kW 2241095712左右横梁242277041右顶板总成 30kW 3241095892前后横梁14241096621中间横梁总成4241869831右后立柱总成152********防护面板 37kW 5241006041右前立柱总成242277231防护面板 30kW 6241098111电控箱门总成16241096961中间隔板总成7241006202前中立柱总成17241097611隔板总成8241006792左门总成182********立柱加强板9241097871左侧门总成193991748916螺栓 M6x16 10241007371右后门总成202318056512门锁11241007941右侧门总成21221598422铰链12241096391左顶板总成22967437294内角螺栓 M6X16239674268920螺栓 M6x1624186975 Rev .B9/4/2012序号CCN数量描述序号CCN数量描述1221890391V型皮带 2164mm6468566961主机带轮V37kW 10Bar 2221800611电机带轮 468567041主机带轮V37kW 12Bar 3221870741轴套 V30kW724173866130kW 电机400V 50Hz 221870661轴套 V37kW24173874137kW 电机400V 50Hz 4967385131螺栓 M16x458967210974垫圈 弹簧 M16 5468567871压板9226765221轴 电机枢轴6468566471主机带轮 V30kW 7Bar10967375664螺栓M10x25 468566541主机带轮 V30kW 8Bar11954338192开口销 0.125468566621主机带轮 V30kW 10Bar12392242091尼龙垫圈468566701主机带轮 V30kW 12Bar132********左支架总成468533881主机带轮 V37kW 7Bar14967425314螺栓M16x60468566881主机带轮 V37kW 8Bar152********电机安装底板24186975 Rev .B9/4/2012序号CCN数量描述16967279204螺栓 M12x3017223810244减震垫189********螺栓 M8x2019226764981右支架总成24186975 Rev .B9/4/2012序号CCN数量描述序号CCN数量描述1468570171主机 CF9014241350481直角接头2221927281气弹簧152413505510.75"硬管3241299831进气阀16468561001直角接头49670233710螺栓 M16x4017241098941直接头59672109710垫片182********直角接头6221897241气弹簧支架19238870451小孔接头7222260392垫片20241351051回油管8547490981气弹簧连接板21241350971三通接头9241351961直角接头22967282331内六角螺栓M8x16 102413507110.25" 硬管23967014041平垫圈11546397521O型圈24967284311螺母M8 12241099021回油管25468560921直角接头132********直接头24186975 Rev .B9/4/2012序号CCN数量描述序号CCN数量描述1468531072油分133********压板2223549892内接头14967050583螺栓3231760681加油塞15468530991油滤4959282551螺塞16547492211直接头5221866701球阀17221867121壳体6240963071油分筒体182********弹簧7221872151O型圈19221867201温控阀芯8221872231O型圈20232893741螺塞9240963151油分盖21394769161油窥镜10967210978垫片22391519151O型圈11221889818螺栓23240311481安全阀 12394469681最小压力阀24959446251转换接头24186975 Rev .B9/4/2012序号CCN数量描述序号CCN数量描述1468562331风扇组件 30kW8923981224螺栓468562251风扇组件 37kW9241351471软管2468532631冷却器 30kW 40度10241351391软管468532551冷却器 37kW 40度11241350301软管3468561752直接头12241805881接头4468560921直角接头5241815961排气管总成6241350891排气管接头7967044088螺栓6 进气系统24186975 Rev .B9/4/2012序号CCN数量描述1241885911进气软管2468561752螺栓 M8X25992751092螺母3921847872夹箍4241299831进气阀5241098451空滤7 控制管路24186975 Rev .B9/4/2012序号CCN数量描述1544610662转换接头2238005842压力传感器3391555771快插直角接头4391556501快插接头5243147831转换接头6239930741放气软管 12mm739124813AR尼龙管0.25"24186975 Rev .B7/28/2010序号CCN数量描述1546908981急停按钮2547169315导线密封管3967044084螺栓 M8X204468529841控制器24186975 Rev .B7/28/2010序号CCN数量描述序号CCN数量描述1190019402走线槽14468529841控制器2190019653接线端子152********电控箱总成 37kW 31900199920接线端子243137101电控箱总成 30kW 4190020132熔断器座16468542381电流互感器 200A 5190020212熔芯 2A 50V17468542461电流互感器 20A 6220567411走线槽导轨20468558541接触器 40A(37KW) 7190087623熔芯 2A 500V468558391接触器 32A(30KW) 8190087543熔断器座21468558622接触器 50A(37KW) 9223596322压力传感器468558542接触器 40A(30KW) 10323421231接线拄22243137361电控箱11190019814止动片23243146351电控板总成37kW 12394618682快插接头243137441电控板总成30kW 133********电缆线24243137511电控板24186975 Rev .B7/28/2010序号CCN数量描述25468583611接触器 12A26468584781机械连锁27468584861辅助触点28468658461变压器29546908961急停开关30967044084螺栓 M8X2031967355434螺母 M8CCN数量描述CCN描述46872883开机包23692593进气阀 维护包468530991油滤23692403最小压力阀 维护包926922841超冷 5L23692528温控阀 维护包23692635电磁阀 维护包皮带468728912000小时维护包50Hz468530991油滤22189039皮带468531072油分30KW 7/8/10/12BAR 468568451空滤芯37KW 7/8/10/12BAR 926922841超冷 5L468569511预滤CCN描述CCN描述92692284超冷 5L24135139软管38459582超冷 20L24135147软管92837095超冷 1L24135030软管35300615真空指示器46856845空滤芯19002021熔芯 2A 50V 46853099油滤19008762熔芯 2A 500V 46853107油分46858361接触器 12A 46856951预滤46855854接触器 40A46855862接触器 50A 23692593进气阀 维护包46855839接触器 32A 23692403最小压力阀 维护包46854246电流互感器 20A 23692528温控阀 维护包46854238电流互感器 200A 23692635电磁阀 维护包23692668电磁阀线圈 维护包23692692O型圈 维护包2369276737kW 风扇维护包2369417730kW 风扇维护包。

19053628 中文 英格索兰IRN90-160 OF

主机, LP (低压) 主机, LP (低压)(交换项目) 主机, HP (高压) 主机, HP (高压)(交换项目) CD14D VSD 变速传动总成 组件 密封备件
阀门 22212278 2 22315543 1
39117338 1
39324793 1
39198767 1
39324777 1
39198569 2 39182548 1 67707398 1 39105713 4 22238703 1 39467634 1 39105754 1 39482757 1 95250692 2
22241632 1
22104913 1
22157481 1
22241731 1
22241723 1
39917489 按需 螺钉
22240295 1
54668728 4
22240329 1
22240337 2
英格索兰 IRN90K 160-OF IRN125H 200H-OF NIRVANA 空压机零件手册
C.C.N 零件号: 19053628 修改层次: C 日期: 2004 年 3 月
IRN125H - 200H-OF 出厂 编号:TNXXXXU03180→
IRN90K -
OF 出厂 编号:
6.0 进气系统 / 风冷
T5883 修改层次:00 日期: 11/03
英格索兰 M250-VSD 零件手册

Ingersoll-Rand®SSR M250-VSDM250VSD-低压PARTA CATALOGUE零件手册C.C.N:19067651DATE:June2011 REV :B缩写与符号ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS ;→#### 到xxxx编号为止Up to Serial No####→从##开始From Serial No### 问英格索兰索取序号Contact Ingersol-Randfor Serial No* 未图示Not ilustrated+ 选项OptionNA 不需要Not requlredAR 根据需要As requiredHA 高环境温度机组High ambient machine WC 水冷机组Water cooled machine AC 风冷机组Air cooled machine ESA 欧洲服务区European served areas ERS 能源回收系统Energy recovery system T.E.F.C. 全封闭风扇冷却电机(IP54)Totally enclosed fan cooled motor(IP54)O.D.P. 开式防清电机(P23)Open drip proofmotor(IP23) DE 德国Gemany DK 丹麦Denmark ES 西班牙SpainFR 法国France GB 英国Great Brntain IT 意大利ItalyNO 挪威Norway NL 荷兰Netherands PT 葡萄牙Portugal SE 瑞典SwedenFI 芬兰FinlandGeneralThis manual, which contains an ilustrated parts breakdown, has been prepared as an aid in identifying and ordering parts for the machine. AI of the parts, listed in the parts breakdown, are manufactured with the same precision as the original equipment.Ingersoll- Rand Company service facilities and parts are available worldwide. There are Ingersoll- -Rand Company Branch ffices and authorised distributors located in the principie cities of the United States. In Canada, our customers are serviced by the CanadianIngersoll-Rand Company, Limited. There are also Ingersoll-Rand Company subsidiaries and authorised distributors located in the principle cities throughout the world.DescriptionThe ilustrated parts breakdown identifies the various assemblies, sub- assemblies and detailed parts which make up this machine.A series of ilustrations show each part clearly and in it's correct location relative to the other parts in the ilustration. Each part in an ilustration is referenced with a number. The number, description and quantity needed per assembly are listed in numerical order on the following pages.How to use this parts manual1. Locate the desired ilustration.2. Locate the part on the ilustration by visual identification and note the reference number.3. Find the reference number on the tabulated page, along with the Part Number and Description.How to order partsIn order that all avoidable errors be eliminated when ordering parts, please specify the following:1. The model number of the unit as shown on the Compressor Data Plate.2. The serial number of the unit as shown on the Compressor Data Plate.3. The part number of this manual,4. The part number, description and quantity needed exactly as listed.5. The motor data code shown on the motor data plate.说明本手册的零件图图解了我公司固定式压缩机的各种系统部件,组件和零件。

http://www.air.ingersoll一 rand .com
CCN: 42867481 DATE:2005.5
安全注意事项 Safety and Warnings.,. Introduction .……
英格索兰公司保持对产品进行修改和改进的权利, 并不另行通知用户,对以前销售的产品不承担相应 的修改和改进的责任。
Ingersoli- and Company reserves toe right to make changes or add improvements without notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes or add such improvements to products sold previously,
Ingersoll Ha 丽。
在安装或第一次起动压缩机之前,请仔细阅读本手册 清楚了解压缩机的有关知识以及操作维修的注意事项。 请把木手册与机器一起移交使用者。 本技术手册内有重要的安全信息,应一直与压缩机一 起保存。
6 6 6 6 7 ,8 6 7, 力9 0 -
Intake Assembly ........ .……,… ・
Recommended Spares .…,...……

泵座材料 1- 铝 2 - 316不锈钢 4 - Kynar 聚偏氟乙稀 5 - 碳钢
8 - 硬440不锈钢 9 - 热塑性聚酯弹性体 E - 三道橡胶 G- 腈
球材料 2- 腈 3 - 氟橡胶 4 - Teflon 聚四氟乙烯
A - 316不锈钢 C - 热塑性聚酯弹性体 E - 三道橡胶
隔膜材料 2- 腈 4 - Teflon 聚四氟乙烯 / 三道橡胶 9 - 热塑性聚酯弹性体 B - 三道橡胶
y 检查泵马达段, 流体盖, 集合管和所有与溶剂接触的
部件, 在使用上述溶剂前, 要确保它们与泵体的相容 性。
警告 误用危险。切勿将包括包含浇铸铝制零部件来 装供人消费的食品。电镀零部件可能包含微量铅元 素。
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shift signal that avoids stall-out.Provides faster pump trip-over with more flow.Faster trip-over with less pulsation and superior laminar material flow.2.) Compressed air flows to the large side ofthe Simul-Shift Valve, pneumatically mov-ing the valve to the position shown.3.) Compressed air also flows to the large endof the Major Air Valve(C), pneumaticallyshifting it to the left.2.)Large ends of Simul-Shift Valve(A) andMajor Valve (C) are vented to exhaustpilot signal.3.)Constant compressed air supply acting onthe smaller areas of the Simul-Shift Valveand Major Valve shifts both valves to theright and hold them in position until thenext cycle beginsBig Delivery. High-Performance. The maker of the best-selling 1/2-inch diaphragm pump in the world,just got better!by air pressure or fluid back pressure. They can handle materials that are abrasive and/or shear sensitive.They can also be run dry without damage to the pump.104104-N02Pump Speed Control48104104-N04Pump Speed Control48104104-N06Pump Speed Control48104255Repair Kit3523644-400Over Run Control4959916-1Pneumatic Liquid Level Sensor4859916-2Pneumatic Liquid Level Sensor4861113Wall Mount29, 31, 33, 49 612041-X1:1 Ratio Piston Pump28612042-11:1 Ratio Piston Pump2861412Siphon Tube4961879Muffler29, 4962133Wall Mount4762274Air Line Lubricant49635040Over Run Control49635043Over Run Control49637010Fluid Section Service Kit33637010-4Fluid Section Service Kit33637010-6Fluid Section Service Kit33637081Fluid Section Service Kit28637083Fluid Section Service Kit28637084Air Section Service Kit28637118-C Air Section Service Kit8, 10, 12, 18, 20 637119-XX-C Fluid Section Service Kit18637124-XX Fluid Section Service Kit20637140-XX Fluid Section Service Kit35637141Air Section Service Kit35637161-XX-C Fluid Section Service Kit8637165-XX Fluid Section Service Kit10, 12637176Fluid Section Service Kit33637226Repair Kit40637227-B Repair Kit41, 42637228Fluid Section Service Kit33637316Air Section Service Kit33637334Repair Kit35637335Repair Kit35637338Air Section Service Kit38637339Fluid Section Service Kit38637339-1Fluid Section Service Kit38637428Air Section Service Kit4, 6, 16637434Air Section Service Kit22, 24637377Air Section Service Kit30637378-X31Fluid Section Service Kit30637379-X31Fluid Section Service Kit30637427-XX Fluid Section Service Kit6, 16637429-XX Fluid Section Service Kit4637432-XX Fluid Section Service Kit22637433-XX Fluid Section Service Kit24637440-X Dual Inlet/Outlet Kits765109Siphon Tube47651100Pneumatic Material Agitator47651103Pneumatic Material Agitator47651851Drum Cover4966073-1Air Line Connection Kit4, 6, 16, 30, 33, 35,40, 41, 4266073-2Air Line Connection Kit8, 1866084-1Air Line Connection Kit10, 12, 2066100Wall Mount4766312Air Line Connection Kit22, 2466333-B Wet-Sol, Quart4966334-B Wet-Sol, Gallon49 6661AX-X-C1" Non-Metallic Pump8 66610X-X-C1" Metallic Pump18 6661TX-X-C1-1/2" Non-Metallic Pump10 66615X-X-C1-1/2" Metallic Pump20 6662AX-X-C2" Non-Metallic Pump12 666250-X-C2" Metallic Pump22 666300-X-C3" Metallic Pump24 66779Siphon Tube47 66779-1Siphon Tube47 66779-2Siphon Tube47 66779-3Siphon Tube47 66971Drum Cover47 66975Cycle Counter47 67055-B Drum Cover47 67072Countdown Batcher47 67078Flange Connection Kit9 67079Flange Connection Kit11 67080Flange Connection Kit13 67142Wall Mount39, 47 67161-2Mini-Batch Counter48 67165-1Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67165-2Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67166-1Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67166-2Solenoid Actuation Kit48 67168Cycle Sensor47 67169Cycle Sensor47 67174-15Screened Inlet Kit21, 48 67174-20Screened Inlet Kit23, 48 67388Wall Mount5, 47 76763Wall Mount7, 17, 47 94422Drum Cover47 CBW Connector48 CHW Connector48C28121-600Air Line Treatment Combo28C28453-810F-R-L Trio43C28463-810F-R-L Trio43 DAB05-X-X-X Drum Pump Packages34H254SS-024-D Air Control Actuation V alve48H254SS-120-A Air Control Actuation V alve48LP3001-1Grease Package41LP3003-1Grease Package42LP310X-X-B Oil Packages40MQ3728-024-D Air Control Actuation V alve48MQ3728-120-A Air Control Actuation V alve48MQ3729-024-D Air Control Actuation V alve48MQ3729-120-A Air Control Actuation V alve48NM2202X-X1-X312:1 Ratio Piston Pump30NM2304A-X1-X114:1 Ratio Piston Pump32NM2304B-X1-X1X4:1 Ratio Piston Pump32PD03P-X-X3/8" Non-Metallic Pump4PD05P-X-X-B1/2" Non-Metallic Pump6PD05X-X-B1/2" Metallic Pump16PH10A-XSS-XXT3:1 Ratio Dia. Pump38P237AX-EU Centrifugal Pump43P29231-610Filter-Regulator38P35A1-EU Centrifugal Pump43SB10X-X-X Pulsation Dampener44SB20X-X-X Pulsation Dampener45SB30X-X-X Pulsation Dampener45MODEL DESCRIPTION PAGE MODEL DESCRIPTION PAGEModel3/8"1/2"1" 1-1/2"2" Maximum Flow10.614.447100145 GPM (LPM)(40.1)(54.5)(178)(378.5)(548.8) MaximumDischarge100100120120120 Pressure(6.8)(6.8)(8.3)(8.3)(8.3)PSI (BAR)Fluid Ports3/8" (F) - In/Out1/2" (F) - In/Out1" ANSI/DIN Flange1-1/2" ANSI/DIN2"ANSI/DIN Inlet/Outlet1” (F)Threaded Flange Flange (BSP Available)Materials Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene of Groundable Groundable PVDF PVDF PVDF Construction Acetal AcetalPVDF PVDFPump 4.2 (1.9) PD03P-XDS-X 6.3 (2.9)PD05P-XDS-X-B20.3 (9.2) Poly62 (28.1) Poly62 (28.1) Poly Weight 4.3 (1.9) PD03P-XES-X 6.7 (3.0)PD05P-XES-X-B28.5 (12.9) PVDF92 (41.7) PVDF92 (41.7) PVDF lbs. (kg.) 4.5 (2.0) PD03P-XKS-X 6.8 (3.1) PD05P-XKS-X-B28.8 (13.1) Poly w/85 (38.5) Poly w/85 (38.5) Poly w/4.6 (2.1) PD03P-XLS-X7.2 (3.3) PD05P-XLS-X-B Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center3.4 (1.6) PD03P-XPS-X 5.2 (2.4)PD05P-XPS-X-B37 (16.8) PVDF w/115 (52.1) PVDF w/115 (52.1) PVDFw/3.5 (1.6) PD03P-XRS-X 5.4 (2.5)PD05P-XRS-X-B Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center Cast Iron Center MaximumSolids1/163/321/81/41/4 Inches (mm)(1.6)(2.4)(3.2)(6.4)(6.4) Best PD03P-ARS-PAA PD05P-ARS-PUU-B6661A3-3EB-C6661T3-3EB-C6662A3-3EB-C Selling PD03P-ARS-STT PD05P-ARS-PAA-B6661A3-344-C6661T3-344-C6662A3-344-C Models PD03P-AES-DTT PD05P-ARS-PTT-B6661B3-344-C6661U3-344-C6662B3-344-C (BSP PD03P-ALS-KTT PD05P-AES-STT-B6661A4-444-C6661U4-444-C6662B4-444-C Available)PD05P-ALS-KTT-B6661B4-444-CPD05P-AES-SST-BRecommendedFilter/P29122-600P29122-600P29221-610P29241-610P29241-610 RegulatorAir Line Kit66073-166073-166073-266084-166084-13/8" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:10.6-g.p.m. (40.1-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.022-Gallons (0.083-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 P .T .F . SAE Short Fluid Inlet:3/8 - 18 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 3/8 (3/8 - 19 BSP , parallel)Fluid Outlet:3/8 - 18 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 3/8 (3/8 - 19 BSP , parallel)Max. operating pressure:100-psi (6.9-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/16-in. (1.6-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)PD03P-XDS-XXX 4.2 (1.9)PD03P-XES-XXX 4.3 (1.9)PD03P-XKS-XXX 4.5 (2.0)PD03P-XLS-XXX 4.6 (2.1)PD03P-XPS-XXX 3.4 (1.6)PD03P-XRS-XXX 3.5 (1.6)Maximum dry suction lift:8.5-f t (2.6-m) PTFE (Teflon ®) fittedAccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637428 (air section)Kit No. 637429-XX (fluid section)*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering MenuPD03PX X SX X XModelSeriesD StandardCenter Section MaterialP Polypropylene Fluid ConnectionA 3/8" N.P .T.B 3/8" BSPFluid Caps/Manifold MaterialD Groundable Acetal(single port)E Groundable Acetal(multiple port)K PVDF(single port)L PVDF(multiple port)P Polypropylene(single port)R Polypropylene(multiple port)Hardware MaterialS Stainless SteelSeat MaterialD Acetal K PVDFP Polypropylene S Stainless SteelBall MaterialA Santoprene ®C Hytrel ®S Stainless SteelT PTFE (Teflon)V Viton ®Diaphragm MaterialA Santoprene C HytrelT PTFE (Teflon)/Santoprene ®V Viton--Hytrel®, Teflon®and Viton®are registered trademarks of the DuPont company.Santoprene®is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company, licensed to Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P .3/8" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsNON-METALLIC1/2" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:14.4-g.p.m. (54.5-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: .039-Gallons (.15-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 P .T .F . SAE Short Fluid Inlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 -14 BSP , parallel)Fluid Outlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 -14 BSP , parallel)Max. operating pressure:100-psi (6.8-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:3/32” (2.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)PD05P-XDS-XXX-B 6.3 (2.9)PD05P-XES-XXX-B 6.7 (3.0)PD05P-XKS-XXX-B 6.8 (3.1)PD05P-XLS-XXX-B 7.2 (3.3)PD05P-XPS-XXX-B 5.2 (2.4)PD05P-XRS-XXX-B 5.4 (2.5)Maximum dry suction lift:7.9-ft (2.4-m) PTFE fittedAccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637428 (air section)Kit No. 637427-XX (fluid section)Wall Mount | 76763*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering MenuPD05PX X SX X XBModel SeriesD StandardCenter Section MaterialP Polypropylene Fluid ConnectionA 1/2" N.P .T.B 1/2" BSPFluid Caps/Manifold MaterialD Groundable Acetal(single port)E Groundable Acetal(multiple port)K PVDF(single port)L PVDF(multiple port)P Polypropylene(single port)R Polypropylene(multiple port)Hardware MaterialS Stainless SteelSeat MaterialD Acetal K PVDFP Polypropylene S Stainless SteelBall MaterialA Santoprene C Hytrel*S Stainless SteelT PTFE (Teflon)U Polyurethane V VitonDiaphragm MaterialA Santoprene C Hytrel*T PTFE (Teflon)/Santoprene U Polyurethane V Viton---* Hytrel replaces Nitrile producing superior chemical compatibility and diaphragm life1/2" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow Charts637440-3 (N.P.T.PVDF) 637440-6 (BSP PVDF)NON-METALLIC1" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:47-g.p.m. (177.9-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.17-Gallons (0.64-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 N.P .T .Fluid Inlet:1 - 11-1/2 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1 (1 - 11 BSP , parallel)1” ANSI/DIN FlangeFluid Outlet: 1 - 11-1/2 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1 (1 - 11 BSP , parallel)1” ANSI/DIN FlangeMax. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/8-inch (3.2-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6661A3-, 1AF-, 1AJ-, 1AL- 20.3 (9.2)6661A4-, 1AG-, 1AK-, 1AN- 28.5 (12.9)6661B3-, 1BF-, 1BJ-, 1BL- 28.8 (13.1)6661B4-, 1BG-, 1BK-, 1BN- 37.0 (16.8)Maximum dry suction lift:15-ft (4.6-m) Rubber fitted AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-2Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637161-XX-C (fluid section)Flange Connection Kit | Kit No. 67078 (for 1" Non-Metallic Pumps)For pumps with inlet/outlet flange manifolds. Kit meets ANSI specifications. Flange constructed of glass-filled polypropylene. Bolts, washers and nuts are stainless steel. Gasket is 4401 klinger synthetic fiber nitrile binder.*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering Menu6661XXX X X CCenter BodyA AluminumB Cast IronFluid Caps/Manifold Material3Polypropylene Flange (3-piece manifold)4PVDF Flange (3-piece manifold)F Polypropylene Flange (one-piece manifold)G PVDF Flange(one-piece manifold)J Polypropylene N.P .T.threads (one piece manifold)K PVDF N.P .T. threads (one-piece manifold)L Polypropylene BSP threads (one-piece manifold)N PVDF BSP threads (one-piece manifold)Seat Material2316 Stainless Steel 3Polypropylene 4PVDF8Hard 400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneA 316 Stainless Steel C HytrelESantopreneDiaphragm Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene 9HytrelB Santoprene--Flange Connection Kit67078NON-METALLIC1-1/2" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:100-g.p.m. (378.5-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: .67-Gallons (2.54-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Fluid Inlet:1-1/2” A.N.S.I./DIN Flange Fluid Outlet:1-1/2” A.N.S.I./DIN Flange Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-in. (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6661T3-X-C 62 (28.1)6661T4-X-C 92 (41.7)Note:Add 23-lbs (10.4-kg) for cast iron air motor sectionMaximum dry suction lift:14-ft (4.27-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6661XXX X X CCenter BodyT Aluminum U Cast IronFluid Caps/Manifold Material3Polypropylene Flange (3-piece manifold)4PVDF Flange (3-piece manifold)Seat Material2316 Stainless Steel 3Polypropylene 4PVDF8Hard 400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8Polyurethane C HytrelESantopreneDiaphragm Material3 Viton4 PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene 9 HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66084-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637165-XX (fluid section)Flange Connection Kit | Kit No. 67079 (for 1-1/2" Non-Metallic Pumps)For pumps with inlet/outlet flange manifolds. Kit meets ANSI specifications. Flange constructed of glass-filled polypropylene. Bolts, washers and nuts are stainless steel. Gasket is 4401 klinger synthetic fiber nitrile binder.*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Flange Connection Kit670791-1/2" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsFor additional information contact technical support at (800)495-0276NON-METALLIC2" Non-Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:145-g.p.m. (548.8-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.72-Gallons (2.7-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet:2” A.N.S.I./DIN FlangeFluid Outlet:2” A.N.S.I./DIN FlangeMax. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-in. (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6662A3-X-C62 (28.1)6662A4-X-C92 (41.7)Note:Add 23-lbs (10.4-kg) for cast iron air motor sectionMaximum dry suction lift:14-ft (4.27-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6662X X X X X CCenterBodyA AluminumB Cast IronFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial3Polypropylene Flange(3-piece manifold)4PVDF Flange(3-piece manifold)SeatMaterial2316 Stainless Steel3Polypropylene4PVDF8400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneC HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial3 Viton4 PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9 HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66084-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637165-XX (fluid section)Flange Connection Kit| Kit No. 67080 (for 2" Non-Metallic Pumps)For pumps with inlet/outlet flange manifolds. Kit meets ANSI specifications. Flange constructed of glass-filled polypropylene. Bolts, washers and nuts are stainless steel. Gasket is 4401 klinger synthetic fiber nitrile binder. *Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Flange Connection Kit670802" Non-Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsFor additional information contact technical support at (800)495-0276NON-METALLIC[1]“Unbalanced”Major Air ValveUn balanced valve designeliminates valve centering and pump stall-out, even under low air inlet pressures. “O” Ring seals prevent wasteof expensive compressed air.Air flow stops when fluid flow stops.Maintenance is simple: justreplace the worn “O” Rings and “U”Cups.[2]Independent Pilot RodUtilizes pneumatics andmechanical action to shift Pilot Rod. Ensures positive pilot signal, avoiding stall-out.[3]Broad Material SelectionOptions allow you to optimizecompatibility between the pump and fluid being moved.Non-Metallic DiaphragmPumps are available in polypropylene, PVDF and groundable acetal. Check models for availability. Metallic Diaphragm Pumps areavailable in aluminum, stain-less steel and cast iron. Check models for availability.[4]Diaphragm/Ball Check OptionsFit your pump with thediaphragms and ball checks needed to maximize fluid com-patibility and abrasion resist-ance.1234Ingersoll Rand Diaphragm Pumps:Keys to ARO Air Motor Technology Introducing the New High-Performance Pro’s: PD05, PD03:Aro’s new Pro Series family has all new members at both ends of the delivery spectrum. In the low-to-medium flow range, we offer our new PD05 (1/2") and PD03 (3/8") models. Featuring our patented air valve technology, including Simul Shift and D-Valve designs, users are assured of stall-free operation, with optimum energy efficiency.These pumps also feature fluid deliveries previously unavailable in port sizes like these: 14.4 GPM (1/2") and 10.4 (3/8")...that’s impressive delivery in a small package! ARO pioneered the 1/2",high-demand, low-maintenance diaphragm pump in the eighties -now its time to step it up-with the new Pro PD0s.Introducing the New High-Flow Pro’s: 666250 and 666300:At the far end of the fluid delivery spectrum, the new ARO Pro Series 2" and 3"port models feature Aro’s patented “Unbalanced”, stall-free air valve design and bolted construction for leak-tight integrity. With maximum delivery rates of 172 GPM (2") and 237 GPM (3"), the new high-flow Pros are the ideal answer to big volume applications - where performance with economy are a must.MODEL1/2"1" 1-1/2"2"3" Maximum Flow123590172237 GPM (LPM)(45.4)(133)(340.7)(651)(897) MaximumDischarge100120120120120 Pressure(6.9)(8.3)(8.3)(8.3)(8.3) PSI (BAR)Fluid Ports1/2" (F) - In/Out1" (F) - In/Out1-1/2" (F)In/Out2" (F)In/ Out3" (F)In/ Out Inlet/Outlet(BSP Available)Materials Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum of Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless SteelConstruction Cast Iron Cast IronPump10.4 (4.7) PD05A-XAS-X-B19 (8.6) Aluminum*51.5 (23.4) Aluminum*65.2 (29.6)109.8 (49.8) Weight16.6 (7.5) PD05A-XSS-X-B36 (16.3)Stainless84.5 (38.3) StainlessLbs. (Kg.)8.0 (3.7) PD05R-XAS-X-B31 (14.1)Cast Iron*79.5 (36.1) Cast Iron*14.3 (6.5) PD05R-XSS-X-B*add 8-lb(3.63-kg) for*add 23-lb(10.4-kg) forcast iron center section cast iron center sectionMaximumSolids3/321/81/41/43/8 Inches (mm)(2.4)(3.2)(6.4)(6.4)(9.5) Best PD05R-AAS-STT-B666100-3C9-C666150-3EB-C666250-EEB-C666300-EEB-C Selling PD05R-ASS-STT-B666100-344-C666150-3C9-C666250-144-C666300-144-C Models PD05A-AAS-PCC-B666101-344-C666150-344-C666250-9C9-C666300-9C9-C (BSP PD05R-AAS-FTT-B666101-3EB-C666151-3EB-C666270-EEB-C666320-EEB-C Available)PD05R-AAS-FAA-B666111-244-C666151-344-C666270-144-C666320-144-C PD05R-AAS-PTT-B666112-3EB-C666152-3EB-C666270-9C9-C666320-9C9-C RecommendedFilter/P29122-600P29221-610P29241-610P29241-610P29241-610 RegulatorAir Line Kit66073-166073-266084-166********1/2" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:12.0-g.p.m. (45.4-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 0.039-Gallons (0.15-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 P .T .F . SAE Short (PD05R-X-X-B models)1/4 - 18 N.P .T .F - 1 (PD05A-X-X-B models)Fluid Inlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 - 14 BSP , parallel)Fluid Outlet:1/2 - 14 N.P .T .F . - 1Rp 1/2 (1/2 - 14 BSP , parallel)Max. operating pressure:100-psi (6.9-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:3/32-in. (2.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)PD05A-XAS-XXX-B 10.4 (4.7)PD05A-XSS-XXX-B 16.6 (7.5)PD05R-XAS-XXX-B 8.0 (3.7)PD05R-XSS-XXX-B 14.3 (6.5)Maximum dry suction lift:9.1-ft (2.8-m) PTFE fittedAccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose.Service Repair Kits |Kit No. 637428 (air section)Kit No. 637427-XX (fluid section)Wall Mount | 76763*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Ordering MenuPD05XX X SX X XBModel SeriesD StandardCenter Section MaterialA Aluminum R Polypropylene Fluid ConnectionA 1/2" N.P .T.B 1/2" BSPFluid Caps/Manifold MaterialA Aluminum S Stainless SteelHardware MaterialS Stainless SteelSeat Material F Aluminum P Polypropylene S Stainless Steel Ball Material A Santoprene C Hytrel*S Stainless SteelT PTFE (Teflon)U Polyurethane V VitonDiaphragm MaterialA Santoprene C Hytrel*T PTFE (Teflon)/Santoprene V Viton---* Hytrel replaces Nitrile producing superior chemical compatibility and diaphragm life1/2" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC1" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:35-g.p.m. (133-l.p.m.) Displacement per cycle: 0.16-Gallons (0.60-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/4 - 18 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet: 1 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1 (1-11 BSP parallel)Fluid Outlet: 1 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1 (1-11 BSP parallel)Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/8-in. (3.2-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)666100-X-C (aluminum)19 (8.6)666101-X-C (stainless)36 (16.3)666102-X-C (cast iron)31 (14.1) Note:Add 8-lbs (3.63-kg) for cast iron air motor section Maximum dry suction lift:20-ft (6.1-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6661X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads0Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 1Cast Iron, N.P.T.F. 2Aluminum, BSP 3Cast Iron, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)1Stainless Steel (steelhardware)2Cast Iron (steelhardware)9Stainless Steel, dualoutlet (steel hardware)A Aluminum, (stainlesshardware)B Stainless Steel(stainless hardware)C Cast Iron (stainlesshardware)D Stainless Steel, dualoutlet (stainlesshardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum2316 Stainless3Polypropylene4PVDF5Carbon Steel8Hard 400 StainlessSteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneA Stainless SteelC HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial3Viton4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66073-2Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637119-XX-C (fluid section)*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.1" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC1-1/2" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:90-g.p.m. (340.7-l.p.m.) Displacement per cycle: 0.64-Gallons (2.42-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet:1-1/2 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1-1/2 (1-1/2 - 11 BSP parallel) Fluid Outlet:1-1/2 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 1-1/2 (1-1/2 - 11 BSP parallel) Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-inch (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)666150-X-C (aluminum)51.5 (23.4)666151-X-C (stainless)84.5 (38.3)666152-X-C (cast iron)79.5 (36.1) Note:Add 23-lbs (10.4-kg) for cast iron air motor section Maximum dry suction lift:19-ft (5.8-m) Rubber fittedOrdering Menu6661X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads5Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 6Cast Iron, N.P.T.F. 7Aluminum, BSP 8Cast Iron, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)1Stainless Steel (steelhardware)2Cast Iron (steelhardware)A Aluminum, (stainlesshardware)BStainless Steel(stainless hardware)C Cast Iron (stainlesshardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum2316 Stainless3Polypropylene4PVDF5Carbon Steel8400 Stainless SteelBall Check Material3Viton4PTFE (Teflon)8PolyurethaneA Stainless SteelC HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial3Viton4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66084-1Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637118-C (air section)Kit No. 637124-XX (fluid section)Screened Inlet Kits|Kit No. 67174-15 (for 1-1/2" Metallic Pumps)Prevents unwanted material and debris from entering pump. Kit includes screen and installation hardware. *Please note pumps are not included with these kits.Screened Inlet Kit 67174-151-1/2" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC2" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:172-g.p.m. (651-l.p.m.) Displacement per cycle: 1.4-Gallons (5.3-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)3/4 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet: 2 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 2 (2 - 11 BSP, parallel)Fluid Outlet: 2 - 11-1/2 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 2 (2 - 11 BSP, parallel) Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:1/4-in. (6.4-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6662X0-XXX-C65.2 (29.6) Maximum dry suction lift:27.2-ft (8.3-m) Elastomer fittedOrdering Menu6662X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads5Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 7Aluminum, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum9HytrelE SantopreneBall Check Material4PTFE (Teflon)C HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66312Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637434 (air section)Kit No. 637432-XX (fluid section)Screened Inlet Kits|Kit No. 67174-20 (for 2" Metallic Pumps)Prevents unwanted material and debris from entering pump. Kit includes screen and installation hardware. *Please note pumps are not included with these kits.67389 Muffler Kit (not shown) included with pumpScreened Inlet Kit67174-202" Metallic Dimensions and Flow ChartsMETALLIC3" Metallic Performance SpecificationsRatio:1:1Maximum Flow:237-g.p.m.(897-l.p.m.)Displacement per cycle: 2.65-Gallons(10.03-Liters)Air Inlet: (Female)3/4 - 14 N.P.T.F. - 1Fluid Inlet: 3 - 8 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 3 (3 - 11 BSP parallel)Fluid Outlet: 3 - 8 N.P.T.F. - 1Rp 3 (3 - 11 BSP, parallel)Max. operating pressure:120-psi (8.3-bar)Suspended solids max. dia.:3/8-in. (9.5-mm)Weight: lbs (kg)6663X0-XXX-C109.8 (49.8)Maximum dry suction lift:17.6-f t (5.4-m) Elastomer fittedOrdering Menu6663X X X X X CCenter Body/Threads0Aluminum, N.P.T.F. 2Aluminum, BSPFluid Caps/ManifoldMaterial0Aluminum (steelhardware)SeatMaterial1Aluminum9HytrelE SantopreneBall Check Material4PTFE (Teflon)C HytrelE SantopreneDiaphragmMaterial4PTFE (Teflon) /Santoprene9HytrelB Santoprene--AccessoriesAir Line Connection Kit*| Kit No. 66312Kit includes Piggyback Filter/Regulator with gauge, pipe nipple and a 5-foot section of air hose. Service Repair Kits|Kit No. 637434 (air section)Kit No. 637433-XX (fluid section)*Please note pumps are not included with these kits.67389 Muffler Kit (not shown) included with pump。