



简爱中的人物形象分析简爱中的人物形象分析《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特创作的长篇小说,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。




















简爱的性格特点分析 英语专业毕业论文

简爱的性格特点分析 英语专业毕业论文

简爱的性格特点分析英语专业毕业论文简爱的性格特点分析摘要: 小说爱》由《简是世界文学史上一部著名的作品,19 世纪英国著名作家夏洛蒂勃朗特1816-1855创作于1847 年。




关键词: 简爱;性格;魅力;不完美On the Analysis of Jane Eyre’s CharacterAbstract:The novel Jane Eyre is a famous work in literary history written by the 19th centuryfamous British writer Charlotte Bronte 1816-1855 in 1847. Jane Eyre doesn’t have beautifulappearance but she attracts millions of readers due to her distinguished character. She is braveenough to rebel to fight for her equality independence and freedom. Unlike most ordinarywomen she dares to express her love frankly shows contempt for the marriage based on money.Besides she is kind and pure. But in the opinion of today there are still conflicts in the characterof Jane Eyre.Key words:Jane Eyre;character;charm;not perfect 一、简爱性格的光辉(一)反抗和独立的精神简爱的心里蕴藏着对压迫的自发反抗。






关键词:简爱;新女性形象;性格The Analysis of Jane Eyre”s CharacterAbstract: Jane Eyre is the heroine of Charlotte Bronte.The author successfully describes a new woman image who dares to fighit against authority,ask for economic independence,pursue equality in love.however,Jane Eyre has her own weekness.She is a devout believer in religion and she can not shake off the yoke of the ethical code at that time.Keywords: Jane Eyre;new woman image;character夏洛蒂勃朗特是十九世纪英国女作家,《简爱》是她的代表作。











《简爱》人物形象剖析《简爱》是一部带有作者自传性的作品,采取第一人称的自叙写法,让女主人公倾吐本身的喜怒哀乐和人生幻想,爱情友情,具有娓娓动人,亲热动人的艺术魅力.它写一个孤女小我的斗争故事,作者本身生涯中的哀思.忧患.重要和勇气在小说中得到了强烈的反应.襁褓中怙恃双亡的简爱被舅舅收养,舅舅逝世后,舅母一家人各式荼毒她,最后将她送入慈善黉舍,在那边备受凌辱摧残.成年后,她被聘往桑费尔德庄园当家庭教师,与主人真挚相爱;及行婚礼,产生不测,主人被证实早已娶亲,其妻因疯病被私关密屋.简爱不肯作情面妇,单身远离,流落途中昏迷在风雨之夜,被一青年牧师圣约翰救回家,在其两个妹妹的照料下恢复健康.牧师预备去印度传教,他认为简爱倔强而耐苦,可以作个好辅佐,就向其求婚,但遭谢绝,因为简爱情有所钟.爱情又使她返回桑费尔德庄.这时女人已将庄园销毁,本身也被烧逝世,主人挽救她时还弄成了残废,两人终于痛苦地联合.此外,简爱不测埠得浪迹海外的叔父一笔遗产,同时被证实她圣约翰原是姑表兄妹.简爱的性情特色及其具体表示1.自负自立.起义对抗简爱,在借居的舅妈家里,和骄横残暴的表哥约翰产生冲突,瘦小的她敢于和表哥扭打,并怒斥他:"你这男孩真是又狠毒又残暴,你像个杀人犯----你像个荼毒奴隶的人,----你像罗马皇帝." 他还敢于责备冷淡护短的舅妈:"你认为你是大好人,可是你坏,你狠心."简爱的童年的生涯让读者初步懂得她的对抗性情和保卫自力人格的精力起点.从下面的几段描写中可以看到简爱的心坎是何等的起义对抗. "我被他打倒,头还在痛,血还在流;约翰粗暴地打了我,没有人责怪他;而我,为了叫他今后不再干出这种荒谬的暴行,却受到了世人的很多责难."不公正!----不公正啊!"我理智的说.令人苦楚的刺激逼得我的理智一时早熟地施展了威力;"决心"也同样被鼓舞起来,催促着我采纳什么奥妙的办法,从这难以忍耐的榨取下逃跑----譬如出走,或者,万一走不了的话,就永久不再吃不再喝,听任本身饿逝世.在那一个悲惨的下昼,我的魂魄是何等惊恐不安啊,我全部脑海里是何等凌乱啊,我的心有何等的对抗啊,然而,这一精力上的斗争,是在怎么样的阴郁,怎么样的愚蠢中进行的啊,我无法答复心坎的这个不竭提出的问题:为什么我如许刻苦;而如今,隔了----我不肯说隔了若干年----我却看的明明白白了."简爱异常的看重自我,她说:"我是本身的主人",当一对情人的娶亲筹划被破碎摧毁时,罗彻斯特提议到法国去过同居生涯,尽管这个筹划对于热恋中的人来说具有无可辩论的诱惑力,但是她谢绝了----"我关怀我本身.越孤单,越没有同伙,越没有人帮忙,我越要自重."是以她逃离了.2.寻求精力上的自由.平等当简爱觉察她深深地爱上了主人后,在地位如斯悬殊的情形下,她却敢于去爱,因为她坚信人在精力上都是平等的.一个穷教师斗胆爱上一个上流人物,在等级深严的社会不雅念看来,无异于乞丐万奢望国王,所以这本身就是向社会及成见的大胆挑衅.惟其如斯,它也就意味着遭遇嘲笑或凌辱,只有像简爱如许其实不把显贵放在心上的人才干去坦坦荡荡地爱.当罗切斯特为了试探她而假意要娶某贵族蜜斯时,她恼怒地说:"你认为,因为我穷,低贱,不美,矮小,我就没有魂魄没有心吗?你想错了!-----我的魂魄跟你一样,我的心也跟你的完全一样!.......就如我们站在天主跟前是平等的----因为我们是平等的!"基于此,她表达爱情的方法才不是甜腻的赞扬,温顺的絮语,更不是祈求,诱惑或引诱,归根结底,她寻求的是两颗心的平等联合."你为什么和我讲这些?她和你与我有什么关系?你认为我富裕,边幅平平就没有情绪吗?我向你发誓,假如天主付与我财宝和美貌,我会让你难以分开我,就像我如今难以分开你一样.可天主没有如许安插.但我们的精力是平等的.就如你我走过的坟墓,平等地站在天主面前."这是简爱发心坎的为精力平等不雅念的辩白.3.情绪炽烈,敢于寻求真正意义上.完全的爱情简爱对罗彻斯特情绪异常的寻求异常的真挚和专一,这重要表示在对她对罗彻斯特执着而强烈的爱情上.当圣约翰向她提出求婚,要她作为他的助手一路去印度传教时,简爱固然认为"他是个大好人",但照样谢绝了他的求婚.因为在简爱看来,他爱的其实不是本身,他更爱的是天主.更重要的是,无论他对她若何,她心里爱的仍是罗彻斯特.因为牧师对他的爱是不完全的.可是在得知罗彻斯特还有疯了的正当老婆,她照样谢绝了他的爱,她不肯作情面妇,她要的照样一份真正意义的完全爱情.然而,当简爱分开了罗彻斯特后,并没有在情绪上摈弃他;相反,她的爱情像殉道一般,专一到打算为其作永久的就义,贫苦时是如许,富有后仍是如许,更不会因为罗彻斯特身材上的完整而弃之失落臂.以下是罗彻斯特在庄园被销毁,眼睛瞎了后,向简爱求爱的一独白."简,你肯嫁给我吗?"肯的,师长教师""一个比你大20岁的瘸子,你得伺侯他的人.""是的,师长教师""当真,简?""完全当真,师长教师."从中可看到简爱所寻求的爱情不是物资财宝,而是真正意义上的纯洁爱情,不含半点虚捏做作.4.意志倔强,聪明过人在盖茨海德府,简爱是童话里的"灰姑娘".弱小.丑陋.古怪.胆小.任人安排,是个没有明白地位和身份的"小家伙",是个"外来人",是个"异种人",是个"比不上佣人"的蜜斯.一切力气都榨取她,摧残她的本性,抹杀她的成长,但简爱的心却并没有被丑恶的实际所摧毁,她的精力却因粗砺的生涯而锤炼得倔强,她的意志被磨砺得果断,不凡的处境培养了她不凡的勇气和洞察力,十岁的孩子似乎具备了成人的智力,而这种超绝的智力促使她无所谓惧地去对抗榨取者. "你没有权力拿我的书.妈妈说你是个靠他人赡养的人;你没有钱." "我的里德舅舅在天上,你做的一切和和想的一切,他都看得见,我爸爸妈妈也都看得见;他们知道你成天把我关起来,还恨不得我逝世失落."在劳渥黉舍的悲惨体验,更表示了简爱的倔强和惊人的意志力.简爱方才摆脱舅妈的荼毒,就被送到寄宿黉舍念书,和其他孩子们一路,经常挨饿受冻,挨打罚站.黉舍里传染病牟取了很多多少孤儿的性命,简爱却凭借倔强的性命力在这种艰难的前提下呆了10年. " 当我们无缘无故挨打的时刻,我们应当狠狠地还击;我确定我们应当还击----狠狠地还击,教训教训打我们的那小我,叫他永久不敢在如许打人."这是简爱在言语上对打他的人有力还击,也是在精力上保护本身受伤的心灵.鄙人面主人疵疵逼人的问话中,无所害怕自卑,更表示其脑筋精灵的一面罗彻斯特:"你很惊慌.像你如许身份低微的孤儿,哪来的这种惊慌?"简:"它来自我的脑筋,师长教师."罗彻斯特:"是我看到的,你肩膀上的谁人?"简:"是的,师长教师."罗彻斯特:"你脑筋中还有没有其他相似的器械?"简:"我想它样样具备,师长教师."她所受过的教导和阅历使她失去一个富有聪明.仁慈迟钝.倔强自力的高尚魂魄,在这一点上,她与主人比拟毫不减色,甚至使其有时觉得忸捏.结语从上文的剖析可见,简爱是一个穷苦低微.其貌不扬.性情倔强.情绪丰硕.自力自负.大胆执着.聪慧过人的女孩,她对本身的命运.价值.地位的思虑和尽力掌控,对本身的思惟和人格有着理性的熟悉,对本身的痛苦和情绪有着果断的寻求.从简爱身上,我们看到了当今新女性的形象:自负.自重.自立.自强,对于本身的人格.情绪.生涯.断定.选择的果断幻想和执着寻求.这是简爱人格魅力的启发,也是本文的写作目标地点.。







第一篇: 简爱人物形象分析作文简·爱女主人公,一个性格坚强,朴实,刚柔并济,独立自主,积极进取的女性。
















An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Personality in Jane Eyre 对《简·爱》中人物简爱性格的分析摘要《简爱》是英国著名的作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特根据她的自身经历写的一部小说,也是她的成名作。







关键词:夏洛蒂·勃朗特;简·爱;双重性格安阳师范学院人文管理学院本科毕业论文AbstractJane Eyre was written in 1846 by the famous British writer Charlotte Bronte, which was based on her own experiences. It is also her masterpiece. The novel enjoys a high appraisal in English literature. The novel depicts an independent and tough woman who pursues equality and true love. The author successfully portrayed a great female image—Jane Eyre. The bright characters of the heroine give readers a deep impression.This paper gives an analytical study of dual characters of Jane Eyre, so as to help people understand Jane Eyre deeper and comprehend its realistic significance more. The author of this thesis aims to gives advice to modern women, although women’s status is improved now, the conservative conventions is deep and ingrained root. Women should have the courage to fight against the conservative conventions.Key Words: Charlotte Bronte; Jane Eyre; dual CharactersContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1. Introduction (1)1.1 Introduction to Charlotte Bronte (1)1.2 Introduction to Jane Eyre (1)2. An Analysis of the Personality of Jane Eyre (2)2.1 Jane Eyre’s Positive Personality (3)2.1.1 Jane Eyre’s Independence (3)2.1.2 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Equali ty (4)2.1.3 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Liberty (4)2.1.4 Her Pursuit of True Love (5)2.2 Jane Eyre’s Negative Personality (6)2.2.1 Jane Eyre’s Self-abasement (6)2.2.2 Jane Eyre’s Worship of Traditional Marriage (7)3. Causes of Jane Eyre’s Personality (8)3.1 Causes of Jane Eyre’s Positive Personality (8)3.1.1 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Sufferings (8)3.1.2 Influence of Social Background in Victorian Age (8)3.2 Causes of Jane Eyre’s Negative Personality (8)3.2.1 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Plain Appearance (9)3.2.2 Influence of Charlotte Bronte (9)4. Conclusion (10)Bibliography (11)Acknowledgments (12)1.Introduction1.1 Introduction to Charlotte BronteCharlotte Bronte (April 21, 1816~March 31, 1855) is an English writer, she is famous for her novel Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is written in 1847, Charlotte Bronte is sister of Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte. The three sisters are as famous for their tragic, short lives as for their novels. In the past 40 years Charlotte Bronte’s reputation has risen rapidly, and feminist criticism has done much to show that she was speaking up for oppressed women of every age. Another typical work of Charlotte is Shirley, Shirley described the workers’ movement in 19 century. Charlotte was born in the north of England, she is the daughter of an Anglican clergyman. The Anglican clergyman moved with his family to Haworth amid the Yorkshire moors in 1820. After their mother and two eldest children died, Charlotte was left with her sisters Emily and Anne and brother Branwell to take care of their father, their religious, strict aunt. Charlotte attended the Clergy Daughter’s Sc hool at Cowan Bridge in 1824. Because of the harsh conditions, she returned home next year. In 1831, She went to school at Roe Head, at there Charlotte Bronte worked as a teacher. However, she fell bad, suffered from melancholia, and gave up this post. Cha rlotte’s attempts to earn her living as a governess.The collection of poems, Poems by Currer, Ellis And Acton Bell(1846), which Charlotte Bronte wrote with her sisters, sold only two copies. By this time she had finished a novel, The Professor, but during her lifetime, it never found a publisher. Undeterred by this rejection, Charlotte began Jane Eyre, which appeared in 1847, Jane Eyre became an immediate success. Her works are all about some lonely and neglected young woman with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.1.2 Introduction to Jane EyreJane Eyre has high appraisal in literature history. It is the typical work of Charlotte Bronte. This work narrates Jane Eyre’s life experiences.Jane Eyre is an orphan, when she was very little, she is ill-treated. But at last, she became anindependent woman. When she was born, she is unlucky. She was sent to her uncle’s family because she lost her parents. In the family, she was ill-treated. She is timid, little, ugly and is a “little thing”. She has no clear identity. The power presses her, strangles her personality. Although the reality is cruel, Jane Eyre is not destroyed by it. And, she learns how to live, she becomes strong. She struggles against the pressure in life and the cruel, she take her courage to struggle with the reality. She shows a completely new woman image. She is very brave, independent, calm and ration.This paper also presents Jane Eyre’s viewpoint about love. Jane Eyre is very poor, she has nothing but the power of individual spirit. She thinks love must be based on equality. Love needs equality. Jane Eyre denies the inequality of marriage. Jane Eyre pursues equality on social status, economy and personality. She believes in equality between men and women.2. A Detailed Analysis of the Personality of Jane EyreThe Industrial Revolution opened up a new world for lower-class women, offering them new factory jobs. But it did not do much good for the middle class. A single woman at this economic level still could not have a good job, there are only one job for these woman: governess. Jane Eyre is pretty attractive. Jane Eyre is a kind girl with soft heart who always brings love to people around her, she helps Helen Burns and Mr. Rochester when they are in trouble. Her self-respect is related to her life environment. She is plain but aspiring, her figure is small but her soul is huge. In Jane Eyre’s opinion, everyone is the same at God’s feet. Though there are differences in property, appearance and also status, all the human beings are equal in personality. Jane Eyre is exposed to a bad environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. Jane shows her determination in pursuing her self-esteem and independence at every stage of her life, both in struggling with social pressure and resisting the temptation of passion and love. And Jane is a straight person, she never flatters others, for example, she hates her aunt, so she told her the truth and when Mr. Rochester asked her if he is handsome, she answered “no”without any hesitation.Jane is tolerant, although her aunt hurt her deeply, she can forgive her aunt. She has sense and morality, when she knows Mr. Rochester was a married man, she leaves Mr. Rochester resolutely. Jane is strong and brave, she is very kind. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body. Under the pressure of life, Jane Eyre is hard-working. She is wisdom. Although Jane Eyre has little figure, she never gives in on her way. She is very loyal to her true love. She is the master of her own life. She deserves to be loved.Jane Eyre has the character of female consciousness. She is a small, plain-faced orphan-girl, but she is smart, independent and passionate. In the novel, Jane Eyre’s bright characters give readers a deep impression.On the one hand, Jane Eyre is calm and independent. On the other hand, she is self-abased and conventional.2.1 Jane Eyre’s Positive PersonalityJane is independent and brave. After she knows she has fallen in love with her host, whose condition differs from hers deeply, she thinks that people are equal spiritually. Her courage to love a rich gentleman is like a beggar hopes to be the king.2.1.1 Jane Eyre’s IndependenceBeing an orphan, she is poor and lonely in the world. She seems doomed to have a life of failure. Her aunt Reed and her cousins treat her cruelly as an alienation. They deepen her determination of rebellion. She realizes that she will never find a true sense of home, she will never find a true sense of community, she feels the need of belonging, to find “skin,” or at least “kindred spirits.”The “red-room” life deepens her courage in resisting her aunt’s unfair punishment, which foreshadows Jane’s independence or rebelliousness. The experience at Gatehead makes her realize that she needs equality and freedom. The unfortunate experience at Gatehead makes her realize it is not necessary to fear authority. As an orphan, she was sent into Gateshead Hall of her uncle Mr. Reed. However, after Mr. Reed’s death, her aunt, Mrs. Reed treats her cruelly. Jane suffers lots of abuse, her cousins also found pleasure in teasing and mocking her. Though living under this circumstance, Jane did not surrender. After a series of sharp conflicts with the families, Jane was sent to Lowood school, a school for orphans. Jane studied as a student for 8 years and worked as a teacher for 2 yearsthere. Later, she accepted a governess position at a manor called Thornfield, where she taught a lively French girl. She rarely gained love and warmth from the family and lived her childhood unhappily. In a word, Jane Eyre starts her life without parents, money and good family environment.2.1.2 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of EqualityJane Eyre insists on pursuing equality throughout her whole life. She struggles to overcome oppression and achieve equality. Because of the class hierarchy, she has to fight against those who believe women are inferior to men. There are three people who threaten her, Mr. Brocklehurst, Edward Rochester, and St John Rivers, who want to keep Jane Eyre in a submissive position, make her unable to express her thoughts and feelings. In her quest for independence, she has to escape Brocklehurst, reject St John and comes to Rochester after ensuring that they may marry as equals. She spends at Moor House during this time. She doesn’t depend on Rochester for love, she can be financially independent. Finally, Rochester is bind, Jane becomes his wife. Women are supposed to be ordinary, they need to stay at home. If they want to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex, they are not allowed. After a long time, Jane becomes a maternal, independent, sensitive and artistic young women. Jane refused to marry to Rochester because she understands she must forfeit her independence in the unions and marry Rochester when she has attained financial independence to maintain a marriage of equality.2.1.3 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of LibertyIn order to lead a life of independence, Jane Eyre worked at Thornfield Hall. She was looked down upon by the rich ladies of the society, but Jane never despised herself. She was proud of her work. Rochester was attracted to her qualify, strong personality, courage, and independence, he even fell in love with her. But Jane makes it clear to him, “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?” she cries, “You think wrong. I have as much soul as you—and full as much heart! And if god had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you through the medium of custom, conversation, nor even ofmortal flesh—it is my spirit that addresses your spirit ;just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at god’s feet—equal,--as we are!” (Charlotte Bronte, 2006:9). Equality is what she strives for, and in him she strives for. Without Rochester, her material life can’t be affected, but she can not part from Rochester in spirit and emotion. Jane loves Rochester, she feels they are kind by nature, Rochester is the first person to offer Jane lasting love. Rochester offers Jane a real home. Rochester is superior to Jane socially and economically. In Victorian period, men were considered to be naturally superior to women. Jane decides to leave Rochester after she knew Rochester has a mad wife, she doesn’t want to be his mistress, she doesn’t want to lose her dignity.In Victorian era women was arranged by wealth and class. Jane’s independence could have been considered a huge accomplishment. If Jane had stayed at Lowood, she could have never met Rochester. In a Marxist point of view Jane’s separation from her social structure, marked by her unique boldness, helps her succeed over the average woman in Victorian era. If Jane had stayed at Lowood, she would have never met her emotional success. She is searching for the strong bonds in family. Jane naturally could not be confined to a dull place. In a Marxist point of view, the average woman would be content with her position in life. She had food and a roof over her head. Before this, she had nothing. Jane’s idea of success led her to Rochester and the love she never had. Jane’s unique traits of boldness, courage, strong will all help her succeed in her time. But Charlotte Bronte wants to express the restrictions upon women during that time. By expressing these hardships she writes a work and defines the hardship of her social structure due to the economic base of its time. Although Victorian era has long since passed, Jane Eyre’s character traits have not. In each person, we can find strong will, courage, and boldness. Though her story, her traits still live on, and still lead to success.2.1.4 Her Pursuit of True LoveLove is the most beautiful thing in the world. There is no difference in front of true love. True love should not be measured by social status, fortune, age, rights. Most people like to pursue very romantic love. But I think, it is very important for a manand woman to have the same aim and find a perfect response. Shakespeare said, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” (Shakespeare,1996:31) Jane and Rochester find true love after a lot of sufferings.When Jane finds her falls in love with Mr. Rochester, who has wisdom and rich experience, she is not afraid. Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester have large social status disparity, but Jane dares to love Mr. Rochester. She believes everyone is equal. Mr. Rochester does not know whether Jane loves him, so he pretends to marry a rich woman. And the woman is very noble. When Jane hears this news, she is very angry. She pursues equality, not wealth; She pursues the equal combination of two hearts, not position. After she knows Mr. Rochester has a wife, she leaves Thornfield, but she finally goes back to Thornfield. At that time. Mr. Rochester has bad health and becomes blind, she still loves to accompany him.2.2 Jane Eyre’s Negative PersonalityOn the one hand, Jane Eyre is calm, rational, and independent. On the other hand, she is self-abased and conventional.2.2.1 Jane Eyre’s Self-abasementSelf-abasement is a normal psychology for every person. To some extent, it can make us have a clear judgment on ourselves. Self-abasement is not frightening. The vital thing is how we defeat it and walk out of its shadow. But Jane Eyre can not go out of this shadow, it surpasses the normal degree, it becomes a fixed factor in her character. It always perplexes her.Jane Eyre feels she is not good-looking, she feels tiny and low about her out-looking. It shows that she is self-contemptuous. In Thornfield, When Rochester shows her his love she shows self-contemptuous again. What makes her suspect Rochester’s love is her self-abased mood. When she faces Miss Ingram, Jane is hesitant. Miss Ingram is beautiful and wealthy. Jane Eyre compares herself with Miss Ingram, then makes a conclusion “He can not love me forever”. Jane is not brave enough, she pursues the equality. After Jane and Rochester fall in love with each other and get ready to got married, she unfortunately come to know that Rochester had got a legal wife, she seems to be the shadow following Rochester, and it leads toRochester’s moodiness all the time. At that time, the wedding is canceled. Rochester wants Jane to accompany him to the south of France, at France they would live as husband and wife, though they could not be married. Although Jane still loves Rochester, she refuses. She refuses to betray the God-given morals and principles she has always believed in—“I care for myself. Not having a friend more as being lonelier, the more wanting self-respect, as not having person help, our more” (Charlotte Bronte, 2006:11). Most of us think the sentences express Jane as the master of herself, and she is very independent. But I think, the action shows her inactive attitude towards her love. For the future, she is not confident. She loves Rochester but she is not brave enough. She is not brave to express her love, the love is not strong enough to let her fight against convention and secular vision. So, she chooses to flee from there.Knowing Rochester’s misfortune, Jane decides to stay with him forever. But Jane still chooses to leave when Rochester needed her most. So, we can see, Jane is not brave to fight for her love. She compromises to the traditional concept of marriage. Jane’s love is controlled by other things and other people.2.2.2 Jane Eyre’s Worship of Traditional MarriageJane resists to put her marriage on the religious. She can’t give up her deep love to Rochester, she can’t stand a marriage without love. Her love for Mr. Rochester has nothing to do with appearance, prosperity, social status and other such things, just for love. Her love needs courage to break traditional concepts. She dares to speak out her love for Mr. Rochester but gives up the love for personal quality.But Jane Eyre yields to traditional marriage which lets us feel disappointed. Jane thinks Bertha Mason represents the will of law. What she needs to do is to give up. She has no chance to strive for love. Because of her worship of traditional marriage, she has no courage to pursue her love. She decides to leave Rochester. At the end, she becomes the loyal defender of traditional marriage.3. Causes of Jane Eyre’s Personality3.1 Causes of Jane Eyre’s Positive PersonalityJane has a plain character, she is attractive. She is a kind girl with soft heart. She pursues equality and the equal combination of two hearts. She is poor but aspiring, small in figure but huge in soul.3.1.1 Influence of Jane Eyre’s SufferingsJane Eyre is an orphan, since early childhood, she feels deserted, exiled. The cruel treatment she receives from her cousins and her Aunt Reed makes her feel lonely. Being worried about not going to find a true sense of home, Jane feels the necessity of finding a home. Then, Jane is sent away to Lowood School, at there she wants to enrich herself with knowledge and learns practical skills for women in that age. In order to cover her shortage, Jane smartly endeavors to gain more aesthetic female accomplishment, which includes speaking French, playing the piano. In the end, Jane is almost versatile.3.1.2 Influence of Social Background in Victorian AgeIn Britain, Victorian time is a great era. Victorian spirit is still influencing Britain until now. The former British prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher has ever said that Victorian value is the value of British prosperous age. Because the prosperity of the society, the release of productive forces, those middle class has leisure time, so they can arrange their time. People are influenced by the leading ideological trend of utilitarianism, seeking the spirit of universal fraternity and democracy.In Britain, at that time, the only occupation for women was teaching as school mistresses or serving as governesses in private families. In Victorian time, the moral code for women was that they should remain ignorant. So, in the novel, young girls, who went out alone in the world and suffered various trials, temptation and miseries, had been popular in England for over a century. Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre challenged the traditional discrimination to women.3.2 Causes of Jane Eyre’s Negative PersonalityJane Eyre’s plain appearance and the author’s personal experience lead to JaneEyre’s negative Characters.3.2.1 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Plain AppearanceAppearance is very important for woman. When people evaluate a woman, appearance is very important. Jane Eyre is weak and short. In childhood, Jane Eyre is deeply self-abased for her appearance. When she sees her beautiful cousins, she thinks “I know that had I been a sanguine, brilliant, careless, exacting, handsome, romping, child-though equally dependent and friendless-Mrs.Reed would have endured my presence more complacently; her children would have entertained for me more of the cordiality of fellow-feeling; the servants would have been less prone to make me the scapegoat of the nursery.”(Charlotte Bronte, 2006:44) She thinks the reason why people do not like her is because her appearance. It makes her feel more self-abased. When Mrs.Read punishes her, she thinks it is very natural. She thinks Ingram is very beautiful. She feels self-abasement. She thinks she cannot complete with Ingram. She hides herself.3.2.2 Influence of Charlotte BronteJane Eyre has lots of similarities with Charlotte Bronte. Her experiences are the mirror of Charlotte Bronte. They have similar family background, similar boarding school experiences, similar feminism, similar vision of love and similar appearance. They are both normal, Jane is an orphan, Charlotte Bronte’s mother died when she was very young. They both live their life by working as a governess. In a word, Jane Eyre reflects Charlotte Bronte in many ways. She is eager to have a warm family even though she had experienced so many difficulties before that. She puts her experiences to Jane’s growth to make her strong and tough, letting her overcome hardship before she got her happiness. Jane Eyre’s life was Charlotte’s ideal life. Though there are a lot of sufferings, there are still a happy ending waiting for her, which is the reward of her determination.4. ConclusionJane Eyre is the famous work of Charlotte Bronte. Jane is such a great woman, for she dares to challenge people’s traditional opinions. Her so many beautiful personalities make her a charming woman. From a weak small orphan girl in lower class. Jane Eyre ultimately gains a happy life. It is seldom is British society as that time, especially she owns nothing, has a plain appearance. The success she has gained wholly decided by her hardworking and lasting pursuit.In Jane’s path of life, Jane dares to rebel and struggle for equality, freedom and happiness. When Jane knows Rochester has already got married, she is able to control herself better than many men who would n ever be able to. Jane does not want to be Rochester’s mistress. Although Jane gets heavy hit, but she leaves resolutely, poor, lonely and homeless. She thinks she can live by herself. She is not only realistic but also ideal, self-confident but shy before strangers. Charlotte Bronte gives Jane a character that full of contrasts, and Jane Eyre really has a complex character. She learns how to live because of her childhood’s environment. And Jane Eyre’s growing experience makes her wise and smart. She thinks self-respect is necessary. Jane Eyre denies the inequality of marriage. She pursues the equality between man and women. Though social condition influenced her, she has some negative characters—too devout, self-contemptuous. She is still a great woman. Although Jane Eyre is a girl with little figure, she is strong inside. She never gives in to pursue her true love.Bibliography[1] 廖素清.An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Personality of Independence[J].牡丹江教育学院学报,2007年第3期.27-31.[2] Zhu Qingying. Jane Eyre[M]. YiWei Press, 1989. 37-49[3] 赵丽君.The Character in British Fiction: A Critical History[M].上海外语教育出版社, 2008.[4] Charlotte, Bronte, Jane Eyre, 上海:上海世纪图书出版公司, 2003, 16—39[5] Liu Jiangyan, “An Analysis of the Development of Jane Eyre’s Characters”[J],《西江大学学报》1997,(1):51—57.[6] Yang Xiaojing. “Jane Eyre: Contradictions in Women”[J],《安徽文学》, 20(4):18—19.[7] 刘丽. 谈《简·爱》中的典型人物简爱[J] 辽宁高职学报, 1999,(1):2-3.[8] 陈小兆, 萧好章. 从“失乐园”到“复乐园”——《简爱》故事情节的“圣经”原型意象[J]. 井冈山师范学院学报[J], 2002,(4): 1-3.[9] 毛竹生. 简爱的出走与自我实现[J]. 济南教育学院学报, 2001,(6): 5-6.[10] 毛竹生. 简爱的成长之路及其心理机制[J]. 邯郸师专学报, 2001,(2):2-3[11] 梁晨. 宿命的选择——对《简爱》中爱与女性独立意识的重读[J].安徽文学(下半月),2011,(5): 21-40.[12] 赵竹轩.《简爱》的叙述语言与主人公的个性发展[J].,2011,(8): 32-43.[13] 夏洛蒂·勃朗特著,祝庆英译. 《简爱》[M].上海:上海译文出版社,1980235-394.AcknowledgmentsFirst of all, I would like to express my thanks to all those people who helped me during the writing of this paper. Without their help, this thesis would have been impossible.I am extremely grateful to my tutorXXX for her valuable direction and suggestion, for her constant encouragement and generosity in spending her precious time on my paper.Special thanks also goes to XXX where gives me the opportunity to study English. Therefore I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the respectful teachers who have taught me during my undergraduate study.Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear parents, for their encouragement and always supporting to finish this paper.。





















简爱名著阅读人物评析作文Jane Eyre is an iconic novel that delves into the life and experiences of the titular character, Jane Eyre. Written by Charlotte Bronte, the novel follows Jane as she navigates through various challenges and adversities, ultimately finding her own strength and independence.简·爱是一部具有标志性的小说,深入探讨了主人公简·爱的生活和经历。


One of the most striking aspects of Jane Eyre is the character development of Jane herself. From a young orphaned girl living under the abuse of her aunt and cousins, Jane grows into a strong, independent woman who refuses to compromise her values for anyone. Her journey of self-discovery and empowerment is truly inspiring and relatable to readers of all ages.简爱最引人注目的一点是简本身的角色发展。




本科英语专业英语毕业论文《简爱》中简爱性格分析AbstractJane Eyre, a novel written by Charlotte Bronte, has been widely acclaimed for depicting the life of a young governess and the social and psychological challenges that she faces. Using a combination of analytical and literary methods, this paper analyzes the character traits of the protagonist, Jane Eyre, in terms of her personality, social circumstances, and relationships with other characters. The analysis reveals that Jane Eyre is an independent, intelligent, and strong-willed individual who is guided by her sense of morality and duty. Her relationship with Mr. Rochester reflects her inner conflicts and highlights her struggle for self-realization and empowerment.Keywords: Jane Eyre, character analysis, personality, social circumstances, relationships.IntroductionJane Eyre is a remarkable novel that depicts the life of an orphan girl who strives to find love, liberty, and happiness in a society that is marked by poverty, inequality, and oppression. The protagonist of the novel, Jane Eyre, is a complex and multi-dimensional character who represents the changing values and aspirations of the Victorian era. Her personality is marked by a combination of virtues and flaws that reflect her social background, educational experiences, and personal struggles. This paper analyzes the character traits of Jane Eyre in terms of her personality, social circumstances, and relationships with other characters.Personality AnalysisJane Eyre is characterized by a strong and determined personality that is based on her sense of morality, justice, and independence. She is portrayed as a highly intelligent and perceptive individual who is capable of critical thinking, articulate expression, and creative imagination. She is also resilient and resourceful, as she is able to overcome the obstacles and challenges that she faces in her life. Her moral compass is guided by her Christian values, which emphasize the importance of honesty, kindness, and compassion.Social Circumstances AnalysisJane Eyre's social circumstances are shaped by her status as an orphan and a governess, both of which place her in a vulnerable and marginalized position in the social hierarchy. She grows up in poverty and isolation, without the love and guidance of a family. Her education is marked by strict discipline and harsh treatment, which instills in her a sense of self-reliance and self-respect. As a governess, she is subjected to the arbitrary and often cruel rules of her employers, who treat her as a servant and a subordinate.Relationship AnalysisJane Eyre's relationships with other characters are central to her development and transformation throughout the novel. Her relationship with Mr. Rochester, her employer and love interest, is characterized by a complex interplay of emotions and conflicts. Despite their differences in age, social status, and personal history, they are drawn to each other by their shared sense of passion, intelligence, and wit. However, their relationship is also marked by secrets, lies, and misunderstandings that threaten to undermine their trust and love for each other. Through her interactions with Mr. Rochester, Jane Eyre discovers her own identity and learns to assert her autonomy and independence.ConclusionJane Eyre's character is a product of her social and historical context, as well as her individual experiences and aspirations. She is a complex and fascinating figure who embodies the contradictions and struggles of the Victorian era. Her personality is characterized by a strong sense of morality, intelligence, and independence, which enable her to navigate the challenges and opportunities of her life. Her relationships with other characters, particularly Mr. Rochester, are a source of growth and transformation, as well as pain and conflict. Overall, Jane Eyre is a powerful and inspiring figure who continues to captivate readers with her indomitable spirit and fierce determination to achieve her dreams.。




























关键词:夏洛蒂·勃朗特简·爱双重性格An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Dual CharactersAbstract: The novel "Jane Eyre" which was written by Charlotte Bronte occupies an important status in English literature. In her work, the author successfully portrayed a great female image--- Jane Eyre. The bright characters of the heroine give readers a deep impression. This paper gives an analytical study of dual characters of Jane Eyre; so as to help people understand "Jane Eyre" deeper and comprehend its realistic significance more.Key words: Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Dual CharactersContents1. Introduction (1)2. The Introduction of the Author and Jane Eyre (2)2.1 The Introduction of the Author (2)2.2 The Introduction of the Jane Eyre (3)3. Jane Eyre’s Positive Character (4)3.1 Manifestations of Jane Eyre’s Positive Character (4)3.1.1 Jane Eyre’s Independence (4)3.1.2 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Equality (5)3.1.3 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Liberty (6)3.1.4 Spirit of Pursuing Equal and True Love (7)3.2 The Factors of Jane Eyre’s Positive Character (7)3.2.1 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Misfortunes and Sufferings (7)3.2.2 Influence of Social Background during the Victorian Age (8)4. Jane Eyre’s Negative Characters (9)4.1 Manifestations of Jane Eyre’s Negative Characters (9)4.1.1 Jane Eyre’s self-contemptuous (9)4.1.2 Jane Eyre’s Worship of Traditional Marriage (10)4.2 The Factors of Jane Eyre’s Negative Characters (11)4.2.1 Infl uence of Jane Eyre’s Plain Appearance (11)4.2.2 Influence of Personal Experience of Charlotte Bronte (11)5. Conclusion (12)Acknowledgements ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
































The Analysis of Jane Eyre’character in Jane Eyre1.IntroductionJane Eyre is the masterpiece of Charlotte Bronte, who is a famous talented realistic woman novelist. This thesis discusses the characters of Jane in the social background of realism. It includes Jane Eyre’s pursuit of love and her pursuit of liberty and equality. Jane is neither a very beautiful woman, nor rich, but her genuine, selfless love for Rochester, and her good personality strike us deeply. On the other hand, we should see the au thor’ s limitation. In that society, it is impossible for Jane and Rochester to be really equal in social class. They are just equal in spirit. They get together because Rochester has been blinded by the fire and has lost his wealth at the end of the novel. Therefore, they get married on the condition that their gap of social classes narrows. However, We should learn her virtue. We should pursue our ideals and have our opinions about everything. Jane Eyre sets a good example for women and is a good model for women forever.In this novel Jane Eyre ,Charlotte uses the first narration to tell the story of Jane .The main character’s life is the reflection of the writer’s to some extent,for Charlotte herself is always living a isolated life ,which is very similar to Jane’s.It is not only telling us a simple story of a girl ,by writing the author expresses her inner persuit and the society in her own eyes .Jane’s life also embodies Charlotte is persuing liberity and equality ,she wants to live a life which is just what her thought.2. Character of self-respectJane is a poor but aspiring ,small in body but huge in soul obscure but self-respecting girl.2.1Reflection in the childhoodAt the beginning, Jane has her own sense of dignity, her principle. When she is in her uncle’s home ,she usually bullied by her cousins .But she never scared and when she was innocently bothered ,she would spare no effort to defend herself from being hurt . Her aunt treats her badly and Jane not afraid of her at all . ‘I shall remember how you thrust me back-roughly and violently back-into the red room and locked me up there ,to my dying day .People think you are a good woman ,but you are bad ;hardhearted .You are deceitful.’(Jane Eyre ,P31) In a word ,Jane is a very self-respecting girl by nature.2.2 Reflection in the adulthoodJane is a governess in Thronfield and she is falling love with Rocherster.Though he is her employer ,she loves him all the same .Love cannot be stopped just because of the status,but have to persue and follow our heart .Jane is in love with him and she never changed her mind and even in her hardest time she is not give up .This is a kind of self-respecting ,of course.3.Character of perseverance3.1Perseverance to the persuit of equalityWe can say that as for Jane ,she is not treated fairly by the God .Jane’s father is a clergyman and her mother marriages him against the wishes of her friends and her grandfather is so irritated at her disobedience he cut off without a shilling ,buy afterwards her parents take the infection oftyphus fever and died later.In stark contrast ,her cousins have a wealthy family and amiable mother .Along the way ,Jane is looking for the love and hope . ‘That afternoon lapsed in peace and harmony ;and in the evening Bessie told me some of her most enchanting stories ,and sang me some of her sweetest songs .Even for me life had its gleams of sunshine.’(2005,P34) Actually she doesn’t stop persuing the equality both physically and mentally and she is desperating for love .3.2Perseverance to the persuit of ture loveJane loves Rochester deeply always-from the beginning to the end. There should be no distinction of property, rank or age in true love. Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochester. He who has rich experience and wisdom, is softhearted, wealthy and in high rank as well as having pride and rudeness. Rochester is older than Jane by nearly 20years and could be her father. Jane loves him, but not for his wealth and high rank, because he treats her equally and in a friendly manner, although she is very poor and in low position. She is such an excellent girl, good, intelligent, considerate that Rochester is attracted by her. It is Jane but not someone else who Rochester loves.Mr Jhon also loves Jane deeply and he asks for her to accompany he to India to live their life but Jane declined franticly and goes to get in touch with Rochester. Even though he is 20 years senior to her and burn to blind ,she loves him all the same . ‘Yet he was imperious sometimes ,but I did not mind that ;I saw it was his way .So happy ,so gratified did I become with this new interest added to life that I ceased to pine after kindred;the blanks of existence were filled up; my bodily health improved ;I gathered flesh and strength.’(2005,P140) In face of love ,Jane does her utmost to grasp what she is looking forward to. ‘I will be your neighbour ,your nurse ,your housekeeper ,I find you lonely.i will be your companio n,to read to you ,to walk with you ,to sit with you ,to wait on you ,to be eyes and hands to you .Cease to look somelancholy ,my dear master;you shall never be left alone ,so long as I live.’ (2005,P427)4.Character of independenceThree central male figures threaten her desire for equality and dignity: Mr. Brocklehurst, Edward Rochester, and St John Rivers, Each tries to keep Jane in a submissive position, where she is unable to express her own thoughts and feelings. In her quest for independence and self-knowledge, she must escape Brocklehurst, reject St, John and come to Rochester only after ensuring that they may marry as equals. The last condition is met once Jane proves herself able to function, through the time she spends at Moor House, in a community and in a family. She will not depend solely on Rochester for love and she can be financially independent. Furthermore, Rochester is bind at the novel’s end and dependent on Jane to be his wife. ‘Little girl ,a memory without blot or contamination must be an exquisite treasure:an inexhaustible source of pure refreshment .’Mr Rochester said to Jane. Poor as she is ,she never feels depressed just because of her bad situations and does her best to foster herself to be stronger and mature.We can say that Jane is always persuing the independence in physically and spiritually.5.ConclusionThe chief distinctive feature of Charlotte’s novels is the creation of courageous, upright, intelligent woman characters who successfully resist oppression, humiliation, and other social evils and defend their right toindependence and equality in society. Jane is a very common-looking girl who has no charming appearance. At the same time, she is an extraordinary female because real beauty lies not in appearance, but in inner beauty. In my opinion, the value of a woman does not lie in her looks, her dress, and any other things that have a powerful fascination to man’s eyes, but in her nature, her mind, her character and her sentiment. Jane is very good, pure, and has her own opinion, who is not to be shaken or modified by poverty and is not to be subdued by force. The novel, Jane Eyre, has been so popular for over one hundred years, and will influence more readers in the future, which is attributed to the female character of the novel-Jane Eyre.Bibliography陈嘉. A College History of English Literature [M]. 北京: 商务印书馆,1996. 67~70黄源深. Jane Eyre [M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2001. 212胡迎春. Character Analysis of Jane Eyre [J]. 宿州教育学院学报, 2002, 5(2): 108~111刘炳善. A Short History of English Literature[M]. 郑州: 河南人民出版社, 1993. 374。



An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Personality in Jane Eyre 对《简·爱》中人物简爱性格的分析摘要《简爱》是英国著名的作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特根据她的自身经历写的一部小说,也是她的成名作。







关键词:夏洛蒂·勃朗特;简·爱;双重性格安阳师范学院人文管理学院本科毕业论文AbstractJane Eyre was written in 1846 by the famous British writer Charlotte Bronte, which was based on her own experiences. It is also her masterpiece. The novel enjoys a high appraisal in English literature. The novel depicts an independent and tough woman who pursues equality and true love. The author successfully portrayed a great female image—Jane Eyre. The bright characters of the heroine give readers a deep impression.This paper gives an analytical study of dual characters of Jane Eyre, so as to help people understand Jane Eyre deeper and comprehend its realistic significance more. The author of this thesis aims to gives advice to modern women, although women’s status is improved now, the conservative conventions is deep and ingrained root. Women should have the courage to fight against the conservative conventions.Key Words: Charlotte Bronte; Jane Eyre; dual CharactersContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1. Introduction (1)1.1 Introduction to Charlotte Bronte (1)1.2 Introduction to Jane Eyre (1)2. An Analysis of the Personality of Jane Eyre (2)2.1 Jane Eyre’s Positive Personality (3)2.1.1 Jane Eyre’s Independence (3)2.1.2 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Equali ty (4)2.1.3 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Liberty (4)2.1.4 Her Pursuit of True Love (5)2.2 Jane Eyre’s Negative Personality (6)2.2.1 Jane Eyre’s Self-abasement (6)2.2.2 Jane Eyre’s Worship of Traditional Marriage (7)3. Causes of Jane Eyre’s Personality (8)3.1 Causes of Jane Eyre’s Positive Personality (8)3.1.1 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Sufferings (8)3.1.2 Influence of Social Background in Victorian Age (8)3.2 Causes of Jane Eyre’s Negative Personality (8)3.2.1 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Plain Appearance (9)3.2.2 Influence of Charlotte Bronte (9)4. Conclusion (10)Bibliography (11)Acknowledgments (12)1.Introduction1.1 Introduction to Charlotte BronteCharlotte Bronte (April 21, 1816~March 31, 1855) is an English writer, she is famous for her novel Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is written in 1847, Charlotte Bronte is sister of Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte. The three sisters are as famous for their tragic, short lives as for their novels. In the past 40 years Charlotte Bronte’s reputation has risen rapidly, and feminist criticism has done much to show that she was speaking up for oppressed women of every age. Another typical work of Charlotte is Shirley, Shirley described the workers’ movement in 19 century. Charlotte was born in the north of England, she is the daughter of an Anglican clergyman. The Anglican clergyman moved with his family to Haworth amid the Yorkshire moors in 1820. After their mother and two eldest children died, Charlotte was left with her sisters Emily and Anne and brother Branwell to take care of their father, their religious, strict aunt. Charlotte attended the Clergy Daughter’s Sc hool at Cowan Bridge in 1824. Because of the harsh conditions, she returned home next year. In 1831, She went to school at Roe Head, at there Charlotte Bronte worked as a teacher. However, she fell bad, suffered from melancholia, and gave up this post. Cha rlotte’s attempts to earn her living as a governess.The collection of poems, Poems by Currer, Ellis And Acton Bell(1846), which Charlotte Bronte wrote with her sisters, sold only two copies. By this time she had finished a novel, The Professor, but during her lifetime, it never found a publisher. Undeterred by this rejection, Charlotte began Jane Eyre, which appeared in 1847, Jane Eyre became an immediate success. Her works are all about some lonely and neglected young woman with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.1.2 Introduction to Jane EyreJane Eyre has high appraisal in literature history. It is the typical work of Charlotte Bronte. This work narrates Jane Eyre’s life experiences.Jane Eyre is an orphan, when she was very little, she is ill-treated. But at last, she became anindependent woman. When she was born, she is unlucky. She was sent to her uncle’s family because she lost her parents. In the family, she was ill-treated. She is timid, little, ugly and is a “little thing”. She has no clear identity. The power presses her, strangles her personality. Although the reality is cruel, Jane Eyre is not destroyed by it. And, she learns how to live, she becomes strong. She struggles against the pressure in life and the cruel, she take her courage to struggle with the reality. She shows a completely new woman image. She is very brave, independent, calm and ration.This paper also presents Jane Eyre’s viewpoint about love. Jane Eyre is very poor, she has nothing but the power of individual spirit. She thinks love must be based on equality. Love needs equality. Jane Eyre denies the inequality of marriage. Jane Eyre pursues equality on social status, economy and personality. She believes in equality between men and women.2. A Detailed Analysis of the Personality of Jane EyreThe Industrial Revolution opened up a new world for lower-class women, offering them new factory jobs. But it did not do much good for the middle class. A single woman at this economic level still could not have a good job, there are only one job for these woman: governess. Jane Eyre is pretty attractive. Jane Eyre is a kind girl with soft heart who always brings love to people around her, she helps Helen Burns and Mr. Rochester when they are in trouble. Her self-respect is related to her life environment. She is plain but aspiring, her figure is small but her soul is huge. In Jane Eyre’s opinion, everyone is the same at God’s feet. Though there are differences in property, appearance and also status, all the human beings are equal in personality. Jane Eyre is exposed to a bad environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. Jane shows her determination in pursuing her self-esteem and independence at every stage of her life, both in struggling with social pressure and resisting the temptation of passion and love. And Jane is a straight person, she never flatters others, for example, she hates her aunt, so she told her the truth and when Mr. Rochester asked her if he is handsome, she answered “no”without any hesitation.Jane is tolerant, although her aunt hurt her deeply, she can forgive her aunt. She has sense and morality, when she knows Mr. Rochester was a married man, she leaves Mr. Rochester resolutely. Jane is strong and brave, she is very kind. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body. Under the pressure of life, Jane Eyre is hard-working. She is wisdom. Although Jane Eyre has little figure, she never gives in on her way. She is very loyal to her true love. She is the master of her own life. She deserves to be loved.Jane Eyre has the character of female consciousness. She is a small, plain-faced orphan-girl, but she is smart, independent and passionate. In the novel, Jane Eyre’s bright characters give readers a deep impression.On the one hand, Jane Eyre is calm and independent. On the other hand, she is self-abased and conventional.2.1 Jane Eyre’s Positive PersonalityJane is independent and brave. After she knows she has fallen in love with her host, whose condition differs from hers deeply, she thinks that people are equal spiritually. Her courage to love a rich gentleman is like a beggar hopes to be the king.2.1.1 Jane Eyre’s IndependenceBeing an orphan, she is poor and lonely in the world. She seems doomed to have a life of failure. Her aunt Reed and her cousins treat her cruelly as an alienation. They deepen her determination of rebellion. She realizes that she will never find a true sense of home, she will never find a true sense of community, she feels the need of belonging, to find “skin,” or at least “kindred spirits.”The “red-room” life deepens her courage in resisting her aunt’s unfair punishment, which foreshadows Jane’s independence or rebelliousness. The experience at Gatehead makes her realize that she needs equality and freedom. The unfortunate experience at Gatehead makes her realize it is not necessary to fear authority. As an orphan, she was sent into Gateshead Hall of her uncle Mr. Reed. However, after Mr. Reed’s death, her aunt, Mrs. Reed treats her cruelly. Jane suffers lots of abuse, her cousins also found pleasure in teasing and mocking her. Though living under this circumstance, Jane did not surrender. After a series of sharp conflicts with the families, Jane was sent to Lowood school, a school for orphans. Jane studied as a student for 8 years and worked as a teacher for 2 yearsthere. Later, she accepted a governess position at a manor called Thornfield, where she taught a lively French girl. She rarely gained love and warmth from the family and lived her childhood unhappily. In a word, Jane Eyre starts her life without parents, money and good family environment.2.1.2 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of EqualityJane Eyre insists on pursuing equality throughout her whole life. She struggles to overcome oppression and achieve equality. Because of the class hierarchy, she has to fight against those who believe women are inferior to men. There are three people who threaten her, Mr. Brocklehurst, Edward Rochester, and St John Rivers, who want to keep Jane Eyre in a submissive position, make her unable to express her thoughts and feelings. In her quest for independence, she has to escape Brocklehurst, reject St John and comes to Rochester after ensuring that they may marry as equals. She spends at Moor House during this time. She doesn’t depend on Rochester for love, she can be financially independent. Finally, Rochester is bind, Jane becomes his wife. Women are supposed to be ordinary, they need to stay at home. If they want to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex, they are not allowed. After a long time, Jane becomes a maternal, independent, sensitive and artistic young women. Jane refused to marry to Rochester because she understands she must forfeit her independence in the unions and marry Rochester when she has attained financial independence to maintain a marriage of equality.2.1.3 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of LibertyIn order to lead a life of independence, Jane Eyre worked at Thornfield Hall. She was looked down upon by the rich ladies of the society, but Jane never despised herself. She was proud of her work. Rochester was attracted to her qualify, strong personality, courage, and independence, he even fell in love with her. But Jane makes it clear to him, “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?” she cries, “You think wrong. I have as much soul as you—and full as much heart! And if god had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you through the medium of custom, conversation, nor even ofmortal flesh—it is my spirit that addresses your spirit ;just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at god’s feet—equal,--as we are!” (Charlotte Bronte, 2006:9). Equality is what she strives for, and in him she strives for. Without Rochester, her material life can’t be affected, but she can not part from Rochester in spirit and emotion. Jane loves Rochester, she feels they are kind by nature, Rochester is the first person to offer Jane lasting love. Rochester offers Jane a real home. Rochester is superior to Jane socially and economically. In Victorian period, men were considered to be naturally superior to women. Jane decides to leave Rochester after she knew Rochester has a mad wife, she doesn’t want to be his mistress, she doesn’t want to lose her dignity.In Victorian era women was arranged by wealth and class. Jane’s independence could have been considered a huge accomplishment. If Jane had stayed at Lowood, she could have never met Rochester. In a Marxist point of view Jane’s separation from her social structure, marked by her unique boldness, helps her succeed over the average woman in Victorian era. If Jane had stayed at Lowood, she would have never met her emotional success. She is searching for the strong bonds in family. Jane naturally could not be confined to a dull place. In a Marxist point of view, the average woman would be content with her position in life. She had food and a roof over her head. Before this, she had nothing. Jane’s idea of success led her to Rochester and the love she never had. Jane’s unique traits of boldness, courage, strong will all help her succeed in her time. But Charlotte Bronte wants to express the restrictions upon women during that time. By expressing these hardships she writes a work and defines the hardship of her social structure due to the economic base of its time. Although Victorian era has long since passed, Jane Eyre’s character traits have not. In each person, we can find strong will, courage, and boldness. Though her story, her traits still live on, and still lead to success.2.1.4 Her Pursuit of True LoveLove is the most beautiful thing in the world. There is no difference in front of true love. True love should not be measured by social status, fortune, age, rights. Most people like to pursue very romantic love. But I think, it is very important for a manand woman to have the same aim and find a perfect response. Shakespeare said, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” (Shakespeare,1996:31) Jane and Rochester find true love after a lot of sufferings.When Jane finds her falls in love with Mr. Rochester, who has wisdom and rich experience, she is not afraid. Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester have large social status disparity, but Jane dares to love Mr. Rochester. She believes everyone is equal. Mr. Rochester does not know whether Jane loves him, so he pretends to marry a rich woman. And the woman is very noble. When Jane hears this news, she is very angry. She pursues equality, not wealth; She pursues the equal combination of two hearts, not position. After she knows Mr. Rochester has a wife, she leaves Thornfield, but she finally goes back to Thornfield. At that time. Mr. Rochester has bad health and becomes blind, she still loves to accompany him.2.2 Jane Eyre’s Negative PersonalityOn the one hand, Jane Eyre is calm, rational, and independent. On the other hand, she is self-abased and conventional.2.2.1 Jane Eyre’s Self-abasementSelf-abasement is a normal psychology for every person. To some extent, it can make us have a clear judgment on ourselves. Self-abasement is not frightening. The vital thing is how we defeat it and walk out of its shadow. But Jane Eyre can not go out of this shadow, it surpasses the normal degree, it becomes a fixed factor in her character. It always perplexes her.Jane Eyre feels she is not good-looking, she feels tiny and low about her out-looking. It shows that she is self-contemptuous. In Thornfield, When Rochester shows her his love she shows self-contemptuous again. What makes her suspect Rochester’s love is her self-abased mood. When she faces Miss Ingram, Jane is hesitant. Miss Ingram is beautiful and wealthy. Jane Eyre compares herself with Miss Ingram, then makes a conclusion “He can not love me forever”. Jane is not brave enough, she pursues the equality. After Jane and Rochester fall in love with each other and get ready to got married, she unfortunately come to know that Rochester had got a legal wife, she seems to be the shadow following Rochester, and it leads toRochester’s moodiness all the time. At that time, the wedding is canceled. Rochester wants Jane to accompany him to the south of France, at France they would live as husband and wife, though they could not be married. Although Jane still loves Rochester, she refuses. She refuses to betray the God-given morals and principles she has always believed in—“I care for myself. Not having a friend more as being lonelier, the more wanting self-respect, as not having person help, our more” (Charlotte Bronte, 2006:11). Most of us think the sentences express Jane as the master of herself, and she is very independent. But I think, the action shows her inactive attitude towards her love. For the future, she is not confident. She loves Rochester but she is not brave enough. She is not brave to express her love, the love is not strong enough to let her fight against convention and secular vision. So, she chooses to flee from there.Knowing Rochester’s misfortune, Jane decides to stay with him forever. But Jane still chooses to leave when Rochester needed her most. So, we can see, Jane is not brave to fight for her love. She compromises to the traditional concept of marriage. Jane’s love is controlled by other things and other people.2.2.2 Jane Eyre’s Worship of Traditional MarriageJane resists to put her marriage on the religious. She can’t give up her deep love to Rochester, she can’t stand a marriage without love. Her love for Mr. Rochester has nothing to do with appearance, prosperity, social status and other such things, just for love. Her love needs courage to break traditional concepts. She dares to speak out her love for Mr. Rochester but gives up the love for personal quality.But Jane Eyre yields to traditional marriage which lets us feel disappointed. Jane thinks Bertha Mason represents the will of law. What she needs to do is to give up. She has no chance to strive for love. Because of her worship of traditional marriage, she has no courage to pursue her love. She decides to leave Rochester. At the end, she becomes the loyal defender of traditional marriage.3. Causes of Jane Eyre’s Personality3.1 Causes of Jane Eyre’s Positive PersonalityJane has a plain character, she is attractive. She is a kind girl with soft heart. She pursues equality and the equal combination of two hearts. She is poor but aspiring, small in figure but huge in soul.3.1.1 Influence of Jane Eyre’s SufferingsJane Eyre is an orphan, since early childhood, she feels deserted, exiled. The cruel treatment she receives from her cousins and her Aunt Reed makes her feel lonely. Being worried about not going to find a true sense of home, Jane feels the necessity of finding a home. Then, Jane is sent away to Lowood School, at there she wants to enrich herself with knowledge and learns practical skills for women in that age. In order to cover her shortage, Jane smartly endeavors to gain more aesthetic female accomplishment, which includes speaking French, playing the piano. In the end, Jane is almost versatile.3.1.2 Influence of Social Background in Victorian AgeIn Britain, Victorian time is a great era. Victorian spirit is still influencing Britain until now. The former British prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher has ever said that Victorian value is the value of British prosperous age. Because the prosperity of the society, the release of productive forces, those middle class has leisure time, so they can arrange their time. People are influenced by the leading ideological trend of utilitarianism, seeking the spirit of universal fraternity and democracy.In Britain, at that time, the only occupation for women was teaching as school mistresses or serving as governesses in private families. In Victorian time, the moral code for women was that they should remain ignorant. So, in the novel, young girls, who went out alone in the world and suffered various trials, temptation and miseries, had been popular in England for over a century. Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre challenged the traditional discrimination to women.3.2 Causes of Jane Eyre’s Negative PersonalityJane Eyre’s plain appearance and the author’s personal experience lead to JaneEyre’s negative Characters.3.2.1 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Plain AppearanceAppearance is very important for woman. When people evaluate a woman, appearance is very important. Jane Eyre is weak and short. In childhood, Jane Eyre is deeply self-abased for her appearance. When she sees her beautiful cousins, she thinks “I know that had I been a sanguine, brilliant, careless, exacting, handsome, romping, child-though equally dependent and friendless-Mrs.Reed would have endured my presence more complacently; her children would have entertained for me more of the cordiality of fellow-feeling; the servants would have been less prone to make me the scapegoat of the nursery.”(Charlotte Bronte, 2006:44) She thinks the reason why people do not like her is because her appearance. It makes her feel more self-abased. When Mrs.Read punishes her, she thinks it is very natural. She thinks Ingram is very beautiful. She feels self-abasement. She thinks she cannot complete with Ingram. She hides herself.3.2.2 Influence of Charlotte BronteJane Eyre has lots of similarities with Charlotte Bronte. Her experiences are the mirror of Charlotte Bronte. They have similar family background, similar boarding school experiences, similar feminism, similar vision of love and similar appearance. They are both normal, Jane is an orphan, Charlotte Bronte’s mother died when she was very young. They both live their life by working as a governess. In a word, Jane Eyre reflects Charlotte Bronte in many ways. She is eager to have a warm family even though she had experienced so many difficulties before that. She puts her experiences to Jane’s growth to make her strong and tough, letting her overcome hardship before she got her happiness. Jane Eyre’s life was Charlotte’s ideal life. Though there are a lot of sufferings, there are still a happy ending waiting for her, which is the reward of her determination.4. ConclusionJane Eyre is the famous work of Charlotte Bronte. Jane is such a great woman, for she dares to challenge people’s traditional opinions. Her so many beautiful personalities make her a charming woman. From a weak small orphan girl in lower class. Jane Eyre ultimately gains a happy life. It is seldom is British society as that time, especially she owns nothing, has a plain appearance. The success she has gained wholly decided by her hardworking and lasting pursuit.In Jane’s path of life, Jane dares to rebel and struggle for equality, freedom and happiness. When Jane knows Rochester has already got married, she is able to control herself better than many men who would n ever be able to. Jane does not want to be Rochester’s mistress. Although Jane gets heavy hit, but she leaves resolutely, poor, lonely and homeless. She thinks she can live by herself. She is not only realistic but also ideal, self-confident but shy before strangers. Charlotte Bronte gives Jane a character that full of contrasts, and Jane Eyre really has a complex character. She learns how to live because of her childhood’s environment. And Jane Eyre’s growing experience makes her wise and smart. She thinks self-respect is necessary. Jane Eyre denies the inequality of marriage. She pursues the equality between man and women. Though social condition influenced her, she has some negative characters—too devout, self-contemptuous. She is still a great woman. Although Jane Eyre is a girl with little figure, she is strong inside. She never gives in to pursue her true love.Bibliography[1] 廖素清.An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Personality of Independence[J].牡丹江教育学院学报,2007年第3期.27-31.[2] Zhu Qingying. Jane Eyre[M]. 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Without their help, this thesis would have been impossible.I am extremely grateful to my tutorXXX for her valuable direction and suggestion, for her constant encouragement and generosity in spending her precious time on my paper.Special thanks also goes to XXX where gives me the opportunity to study English. Therefore I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the respectful teachers who have taught me during my undergraduate study.Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear parents, for their encouragement and always supporting to finish this paper.。



简爱的性格特点分析英语专业毕业论文简爱的性格特点分析摘要: 小说爱》由《简是世界文学史上一部著名的作品,19 世纪英国著名作家夏洛蒂勃朗特1816-1855创作于1847 年。




关键词: 简爱;性格;魅力;不完美On the Analysis of Jane Eyre’s CharacterAbstract:The novel Jane Eyre is a famous work in literary history written by the 19th centuryfamous British writer Charlotte Bronte 1816-1855 in 1847. Jane Eyre doesn’t have beautifulappearance but she attracts millions of readers due to her distinguished character. She is braveenough to rebel to fight for her equality independence and freedom. Unlike most ordinarywomen she dares to express her love frankly shows contempt for the marriage based on money.Besides she is kind and pure. But in the opinion of today there are still conflicts in the characterof Jane Eyre.Key words:Jane Eyre;character;charm;not perfect 一、简爱性格的光辉(一)反抗和独立的精神简爱的心里蕴藏着对压迫的自发反抗。



简爱性格英文作文Jane Eyre is a character with a strong personality. She is independent, determined, and resilient. She refuses to conform to societal expectations and stands up for herself and her beliefs. Jane is not afraid to speak her mind andis not easily swayed by others' opinions. She is a woman of principles and values, and she remains true to herself throughout the novel.Jane's independence is evident from the beginning of the story. She is an orphan and has to rely on herself to survive. She works hard and is determined to make a lifefor herself. She is not afraid to take risks and is willing to step out of her comfort zone to pursue her dreams. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, Jane remains steadfast in her pursuit of independence.One of Jane's defining characteristics is her determination. She refuses to let her circumstances define her and is determined to rise above them. She is not easilydiscouraged and is willing to put in the effort and hard work required to achieve her goals. Jane's determination is what allows her to overcome the many obstacles she faces throughout the novel.Resilience is another trait that sets Jane apart. Despite experiencing hardship and heartbreak, she remains strong and resilient. She does not let her past define her and is able to bounce back from adversity. Jane'sresilience is what allows her to keep moving forward and to find happiness and fulfillment in her life.Jane's refusal to conform to societal expectations is a testament to her strong personality. She refuses to be defined by her gender or social status and is determined to be treated as an equal. She challenges the norms of her time and fights for her rights and the rights of others. Jane's rebellion against societal norms is what ultimately leads to her finding true happiness and fulfillment.In conclusion, Jane Eyre is a character with a strong and unique personality. She is independent, determined, andresilient. She refuses to conform to societal expectations and stands up for herself and her beliefs. Jane's strong personality is what allows her to overcome adversity and find true happiness in her life.。



The Analysis of Jane Eyre’s PersonalityJane Eyre is a very famous novel, which was written by a woman writer whose name is Charlotte Bronte. The writer was great. She used her imagination as well as her own experience and created an attractive heroine-----Jane Eyre.Everyone who read Jane Eyre will be attracted by Jane. How could she be so charming? What kind of personality of her attracter us so much?First, she had a kind heart. She was an orphan, so she lived in her Mrs. Reed’s home, but after her uncle died, she had been tortured by her aunt. She had vowed that she would never call Mrs. Reed aunt any longer. But when she found that Mrs. Reed was lying on the bed and going to die,she forgiven all things Mrs. Reed had done to her and she came to her bed a nd called her” Aunt Reed, How are you dear aunt?” When she inherited a huge amount of property from her uncle, she shared it with her cousins who always bullied her in their childhood, without thinking. This is Jane Eyre who had a kind heart and noble soul.Second, she is a self-respected person. At that time, as a female, was difficult to have an equal social status with male, but when she get along with other people, especially man, she is self-respected and she is neither humble nor pushy. As we all know, Jane fell in love with Mr. Rochester, who was a rich man with high status. Mr. Rochester asked Jane to stay and continue to be the governess while he was going to marry Miss Ingram. Jane was very angry. She thought it was an insult to her pure love. She said a few words that most demonstrated her self-esteem character.“Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I haveas much soul as you, and full as much heart! And if god hadgifted me with beauty and much wealth, I should have madeit hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. Iam not talking to you now through the medium of custom,conventionalities, nor even mortal flesh; it is my spirit thataddresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through thegrave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal, as we are.”(JaneEyre, page 373 )Third, she was faithful in love. She loved Rochester, no mater who he was what he had, no mater how old he was and how his appearance was, she just love the man---Rochester. When Jane fell in love with him, Rochester it healthy and wealthy, when he lost his bright eyes, right hand, all property, she was still in love with him. She wanted to marry him immediately to accompany with him, comfort him and take care of him.Jane Eyre is so charming, not because of her appearance but her kindness, her sense of justice, her self-esteem, her love of live and her fidelity to love. When we read this book, we will completely attracted by her, love what she loved and hate what she hated. We know, at the end of the book, Jane won the love----warm, sincere, sweet love, and finally, she lived a comfortable and happy life. We know, as a charming girl, she deserved it.We love Jane’s special personality, and just becau se of her unique personality made her an unfading beauty.。

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The Analysis of Jane Eyre's CharactersAcknowledgementsI would like to express my sincere thanks to all the people who supported me during the process of writing this thesis in the last few months.First of all, I am greatly indebted to my teacher Wang Kai, for his patience and helpful advice that come all along during the period of time of writing the thesis. He has helped me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his help, I could not complete this thesis in the present form.Secondly, Hearty thanks should also be given to all my teachers and professors in Nanjing Normal University. During the four years, they have instructed and helped me a lot in acquiring knowledge. I could not know how to search for relevant materials and organize them without their patient guidance.Thirdly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends and family for their spiritual supports. My friends are sincerely thanked, who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complain. My family members who support me all the time and made me believe that I can accomplish the tough task should also be given the appreciation.Finally, I hope that my thesis will be of value to those who continue to do researches in the novel Jane Eyre, which will be a great honor for me and a reward for all that have helped me during the thesis writing process.摘要英国著名女作家夏洛蒂•勃朗特的小说《简•爱》写于19世纪,这部小说在英国文学史上占有重要的地位。















关键词:简爱;性格;独立;叛逆AbstractThe novel Jane Eyre which was written by the famous author Charlotte Bronte in 19th century occupies an important status in English literature. In the novel, the author successfully portrayed a great female image---Jane Eyre, who was an independent, rebellious, wise and recalcitrant in that era. As Jane Eyre is a unique woman on that time, the brilliant female protagonist in the novel gives many readers home and abroad a deep impression. Jane was poor but aspiring; small in body but huge in spirit; unlovely in appearance but pure in soul. In the novel, different periods we see different Janes. At Gateshead, we see a little, brave and self-respected Jane; in Lowood Orphanage, we see a smart, just and honorable Jane; in Thornfield Hall, we see a silent, independent and brilliant Jane; at Gates head, we see a mature, free and experienced Jane. We may say that Jane Eyre is a heroine who struggles with misfortune and unfairness to seek a happy life.This present thesis mainly focuses on the positive character of the female leading role in the novel Jane Eyre. Based on the novel Jane Eyre, the paper first gives readers the summary of Jane Eyre’s main character, the brief introductionsof the author Charlotte Bronte and her novel Jane Eyre. Next, it mainly describes the respective character of Jane Eyre, such as independence, rebellion and self-respecting. On each character, the present thesis will pay more attention to the growth of Jane Eyre and the character that is showed by her gradually. This also include s the reasons of Jane Eyre’s development of her character. Besides, people should learn something from the respective character of Jane Eyre. Finally, the conclusion of Jane’s main character will be given. This paper will help people understand Jane Eyre’s character deeper and give people more realistic significance.Key Words:Jane Eyre; character; independence; rebellionContents Acknowledgements........................................... .. (1)摘要......................................................... (2)Abstract................................................... . (3)Contents................................................... (5)1.Introduction............................................. (6)2.The Introduction of the Author and Jane Eyre (7)2.1 The Introduction of the Author..............................................................72.2 The Introduction of the Jane Eyre................................................................. (8)3.Jane Eyre’s Character.................................................. .. (9)3.1 Jane Eyre’s Independence (10)3.2 Jane Eyre’s Rebel....................................................... .. (11)3.3 Jane Eyre’s firm will....................................................... . (12)3.4 Jane Eyre’s Self-Respect................................................. . (13)3.5 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Equality and Liberty (14)3.6 Jane Eyre’s Spirit of Pursuing True Love (16)4.Conclusion............................................... . (17)Bibliography............................................... . (18)1. IntroductionIt is no doubt that the heroine Jane is the most attractive to readers in the book Jane Eyre. The unique woman, whose independent personality and the spirit of rebellion is beneath emaciated figure and ordinary appearance, is one of the most attractive and conquering images in the world literature. When she is in dependent situation, she is unafraid to face all kinds of sarcastic remarks and tries hard to get equitable treatment; When she is in Lowood Orphanage, she fights with dark and unfair things; when she comes to Thornfield Hall, she is quiet and natural in front of Mr. Rochester, and she feels neither aggressive nor conciliatory in the presence of upper-class ladies. Even when she becomes Rochester's fia ncée, she still keeps steady and sober. It is so despairing that Rochester has already married. Thought Jane loves Rochester deeply, she can’t tolerate that she wouldn't have a legal marriage and leaves Rochester determinedly.It is so wise for her to realize that she should struggle for her own independence of spirit and equal rights on many aspects in the social life. She is independent, self-respected and resistant. She is a woman who dare to deal with troubles and problems with calmly and frankly mentality. Facing with unequal treatment, she shows her strong spirit of revolt and keeps her dignity; facing with bumpy fate, she never complains and keeps struggling for happy life; facing with marriage and wealth, she is silent and thoughtful.Jane has so many individual traits of character that is well worth learning by us. In that society, it was uneasy for a woman to own such advanced views and independent spirit. We should pay more attention to her beautiful character and considerate profoundly of our own attitude toward life.2. The Introduction to the Author and Jane Eyre2.1 The Introduction to the AuthorCharlotte Bronte was born in a poor country priest's family at Haworth, Yorkshire, in northern England on April 21, 1816. Her mother was a housewife. Charlotte Bronte was the third child of the family. Her sisters Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte were also famous writers. In the history of English literature, they had been called "Bronte Sisters".Charlotte Bronte had an unfortunate childhood. In 1821, when she was only 5, her mother died of cancer. Her Father had very little income, so they had hard lives. In 1824, Charlotte's sisters Maria and Elizabeth were sent to Cowan Bridge, a school for clergymen's daughters. It's really hard for girls to live in that school. They were not only treated badly, but also didn't have enough food to eat. Soon, Charlotte and her younger sister Emily were sent to Cowan Bridge too. Unlike Charlotte and Emily, Maria and Elizabeth were died of an outbreak of tuberculosis. Charlotte and Emily were brought home and weren't sent to that school again. When Charlotte came back home, she learnt and played with her sisters. Fortunately, her father was a graduate of St John's College, Cambridge. He was knowledgeable and used to teaching his children to read. This brought Charlotte and her two sisters the initial impact and made them develop interest in literature. In 1842 she went with her sister Emily to study languages at a school in Brussels, where during 1843 she was employed as a teacher. The Professor, Charlotte’s first novel, was rejected by different publishers, and it was not published till after her death. She didn’t feel despair and went to write another novel, Jane Eyre, which was published in 1847 and achieved immediate success.In the 19th century, with the rapid development of the industrial revolution,the thought of democracy and the progress of science had gradually affected the British Culture. As a result, a batch of great women writers sprang up in English literature. Charlotte Bronte was one of therepresentatives. She was a famous realistic female writer for her representative workJane Eyre. The novel Jane Eyre is the substantial description of Charlotte Bronte's life experience. The author used many thoughts of reality to describe a new female character Jane---one of the most attractive and conquering images in the world literature.Charlotte Bronte also wrote many other books, such as Shirley and Villette.In 1854 she married her father's curate Arthur Bell Nicholls, but she died at the age of only 38.2.2 The Introduction of the Jane EyreJane is an orphan who knows little about her family and lodges at her aunt's house. Her aunt, who is her only relative, resents her and her cousins bully her. She is treated with less consideration than the servants. When she rebels against her unfair treatment, her aunt is ruthless in sending her to an orphanage school. Since Jane's education in Lowood Orphanage begins, she doesn’t get what she has expected. She is simply regarded as a common person, just the same as the other girls around. Life is hard in Lowood, she meets all kinds of cruel things, but Jane tries her best to survive. She also meets her first and the best friend Helen Burns in Lowood Orphanage and Helen's death makes her rethink life profoundly. As Jane grows up, she succeeds in becoming a teacher in Lowood Orphanage. After teaching for two years at Lowood, Jane gets a chance to be a tutor for lovely Adele in Thornfield Hall. At that time, she is acquainted with the Hall's owner, Mr. Rochester, a man with warm heart despites a cold face outside. They get to know each other, fall in love and get ready to get married, however, Rochester has already had a legal wife. Though Jane knows how much Rochester loves her and it is not Rochester's fault, she decisively leaves the Thornfield Hall on knowing that she can't get married with Rochester's. Jane begs in the endless desert a few days later, she finally is taken in and cared for by the Rivers family, who helps her get a job as teacher in a village school. A year later, Jane inherits a large number of legacies from her uncle and coincidently know that the Rivers’ families are her cousins. Jane shares the heritage with her cousins, and then she refuses her cousin St. John Rivers' proposal. Meanwhile, Mr. Rochester loses his sight during a fire set by his mad wife. When hearing that Mr. Rochester was penniless and disabled, Jane hurries to him and becomes his wife at last.3.Jane Eyre’s Character3.1 Jane Eyre’s IndependenceAs we all known, Jane is a poor orphan of ten and is not a pretty girl who attracts people’s attention. She can’t depend on her family, let alone her aunt and cousins. Having enough of her aunt’s unfair treatment and cousins’ tease and violence especially her cousin John Reed’s maltreatment, Jane despises them and devotes herself on reading books. But continually, Jane realizes that it is not a way to tolerate them all the time and she begins to fight for her own freedom and equality. It is the first time for her to deeply understand the importance of independence when she is shut up in a horrible house. She begins to clear that dependence and incompetence invites nothing but scorn.The cost for Jane’s pursuit of independence is being sent to the Lowood Orphanage. What she experiences in the Lowood Orphanage carved her into a more strong-mined girl. At Lowood Institution, Mr. Brocklehurst, the cruel, intolerant, overzealous and money-pinching master of Lowood Institution, a pastor, who humiliates Jane in public, when she comes to Lowood Orphanage. He also tells Miss Maria Temple and all the students that Jane is a liar. But Miss Maria Temple gives a chance to Jane to defendherself. She believes what Jane says and it gives her great consolation. In the Lowood Orphanage, Jane is luckily consoled by the kindness of a teacher Miss Maria Temple and the friendship of Helen Burns. Miss Maria Temple often encourages her students by precept and examples to keep their spirits and behaviors move forward like stalwart soldiers. Jane learns the value of independence from her. After Jane’s 10 years being in the Lowood Institution, she is not only skilled at French, but also has attainments to music and painting. Jane completely realizes the importance of independence.If we say that the first two periods of Jane’s independence is the independent from her so-called family, we can say that Jane’s independence at Thornfield Hall is the independent in the aspects of money and marriage. Jane chooses to leave the Lowood Orphanage and finds a job of governess to support herself. It means that Jane has the ability of living on her own. However, on that time, it is hard for a humble tutor to realize that she can poses herself as an independent worker. Jane is silence, graceful and bright. Even when she is in front of aristocrat, she still keeps her consistent style. She wants to be herself and independent. Though Jane is from humbler backgrounds, her distinct, strong-willed, independent and extraordinary character attracts Mr. Rochester and gives him a very big impact. It is Jane’s special personality that makes the owner of the Thornfield Hall be well disposed towards her. When Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochester, her personality shows obviously. She treats Mr. Rochester as equal as herself and never cares more about his wealth, status and appearance but his freedom and independence of spirit. Though Jane loves Mr. Rochester so deeply, she still keeps her own independent and keeps fighting with different thoughts. Jane is in pursuit of happiness, but all the endeavor to happy life is not based on attachment. On the contrary of losing herself in love, she finds her own dignity and confidence. When they are ready to getting married, Jane finds Rochester has already had a wife. It is a big suffering for her to face the truth. Her inner heart is filled with contradictions. If she stays and becomes Rochester’s mistress, she will still enjoy the splendor; if she leaves and breaks Rochester’s heart, she will still keep her dignity. It is hard for her to choose. When Mr. Rochester refers to sending her to Ireland, Jane is angry and says, “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!— I have as much soul as you — and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal — as we are!”[3](chapter 23 P244-245)Jane is impervious to money. After drastic ideological struggles, she leaves Thornfield Hall in order to refusing unfair love. From that time on, Jane’s character becomes more independent and she begins to be the true master of herself.At Gates head, Jane’s rejection to St.John’s offer of marriage also shows her spirit of independence. She doesn’t want to live as a tool to serve God or become St. John’s nominal wife. She has the strong awareness of independence. Later John proposes repeatedly but Jane gives the firm rejection, because she can not accept the marriage which d oesn’t have love to be used as the basis. She is also not willing to live with him without happiness, equality and freedom for a lifetime.Of course, the real and final independence owes to Jane’s uncle. After inheriting a large number of legacies from her uncle, she is rich. It’s more important that she is her own mistress. At last she marries Rochester and lives a happy life.3.2 Jane Eyre’s RebellionAs a saying goes, wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. Jane’s character of rebel lion for equality goes through the novel from the beginning to the end.Jane is not born with rebel. At Gateshead, she knows her own position and tires hard to let Mrs. Reed and her children accept her. Besides pleasing her aunt and cousins, she does her best to bear their discrimination and obstacles. However, she only gets the opposite of what she wants. Mrs. Reed still can’t accept Jane and goes out of her way to embarrass Jane. It is Jane’s first time to resist her cousin’s savage treatment when her cousin John beats her. She gets thrills from pain and fulminates against her cousin, “Wicked and cruel boy! You are like a slave driver---you are like the Roman Emperors!” [3](chapter1 P5)Then, she fights with her cousin. Although Jane is caught in a horrible red house, it is really the sprout of Jane’s rebel. In the horrible red house, Jane begins to think why Mrs. Reed and other people in the house treat her badly. When she comes to the conclusion that she is treated unfair, she chooses to rebel but nothing. One day, as John smashes her over the head with books again, Jane doesn’t think much about her broken head and attacks John with a small heavy box bravely even madly. The unfair judgment by her aunt Mrs. Reed lets Jane pay more for her rebel. Mrs. Reed embellishes and twists the truth. She tells the visitor Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane is bad-tempered and likes lying to people. Jane can’t endure such slander and libel, she bravely tells her aunt that, “I am glad you are no relation of mine: I will never call you aunt again as long as I live. I will never come to see you when I am grown up; and if any one asks me how I liked you, and how you treated me, I will say the very thought of you makes me sick, and that you treated me with miserable cruelty”[3](chapter 4 P30)This is her firs victory for her rebelling Mrs. Reed and the only ten-year-old Jane has already owned the character of rebel.Jan is sent to Lowood Orphanage when her aunt Mrs. Reed no longer can hold her. If we say that in Gateshead the goal of Jan e Eyre’s resistance is the whole family of her aunt, in Lowood the circumstance she fights for is wider. Jane’s spirit of rebell ion has been well developed in Lowood.Jane feels longing for happy life after being sent to Lowood Orphanage, but it is so luxurious for her to think so. Lowood School is a hel1, not a real benevolent institution. In this school which advertises an absurd theory that punishing save the soul, Jane sees inhuman treatment with her own eyes and experiences it by her own. The headmaster of Lowood Orphanage is a pure and simple hypocrite. He not only deducts funds illegally to riches his own pocket but also treats the children and teachers in school as slaves. In Lowood Orphanage, students don’t have enough food and leave in an insanita ry environment. Everyday, they have to recite dull bible. Even the hungriest children will reject the food. What’s worse, children will be punished, humiliated and even beaten at any time. Jane’s dream has been broken by little and little, which pushes her rebel forward. Because of bad living condition, death becomes regular visitor. In front of such misfortune, Jane keeps rebelling instead of giving up all hope. Compare with Jane’s good friend Helen, who tells Jane that things in your life should be borne, Jane can’t understand Helen and tells her that, “If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their own way, they would never feel afraid, and so they would never alter, but would worse and worse. When we are stricken without a reason, we should strike back again very hard. I'm sure we should----so hard as to teach the person who struck us never to do it again.”[3](chapter 6 P51-52)The other important character in Lowood Orphanage is Miss Temple---Jane’s teacher,friend and mother. Jane looks to Miss Temple as her role model. As Jane learns abundant knowledge, she becomes more eager for resisting the unfair things.When Jane comes to Thornfield Hall as a tutor, her spirit of rebellion becomes more and more mature. Jane shows her self-respect and modesty when she sees Mr. Rochester at first time. As she doesn’t know much about Mr. Rochester, she keeps her consistent spirit of rebellion. As a tutor, she knows her states but she keeps herself as a independent worker. When she first faces the master, she is neither obsequious nor supercilious. She protects her human dignity and talks to Mr. Rochester, “I don’t think, sir, you have a right to command me, merely because you are older than I, or because you have seen more of the world than I have; your claim to superiority depends on the use you have made of your time and experience.”[3](chapter 14 P128)These words adequately demonstrates that Jane dares to speak truth to against power. When Mr. Rochester pretends to get married with Lord Ingram, Jane thinks her poor statue is not the obstacle of true love but people is equal in spirit. Jane rebels and expresses her deep love to Mr. Rochester, “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!—I have as much soul as you,—and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.”[3](chapter 23 P244-245)Jane rebels for her own equality and the right to pursue true love. She is so care for her fairness and keeps fighting with unfairness. Even when she gets ready to marry Mr. Rochester, she holds her attitude as before. She doesn’t compromise on her deep emotion for Mr. Rochester while knowing he has already had a wife. Instead of staying to became Mr. Rochester’s mistress and enjoying splendor, she uses leaving away to keep her dignity. Jane’s rebel spirit overcomes her irrational emotion for Mr. Rochester.Jane leaves away without money and becomes a famished beggar. Suffering from physical and emotional pains, Jane has walked alone in a vast wasteland for whole 3 days. She fights with unfair destiny as forceful as she fights with wind and rain. Eventually, she has been taken in by Rivers’ family. Jane pays back to Rivers’ family and learns to rebel with wisdom. She is mature enough to face different texts. However, when St. John Rivers proposes to her, Jane knows St. John Rivers just wants her to be his assistant, so she refuses and comes back to her true lover Mr. Rochester. Jane’s rebel spirit reaches its climax at this time.Jane is a representative of rebellion. We can see her rebel spirit beneath her Sharp words and decisive behavior. Her rebel spirit for happy life is well worth praising.3.3 Jane Eyre’s firm will“One of the great man’s obvious characters is a strong will.” Jane, who confronts hard life with her firm will, tells us this theory.Jane’s firm will has been developed at a n early age as her unfair treatment by her cruel aunt. At Gateshead, Jane is a weak, ugly, eccentric and timid girl, who is at the mercy of anyone else in the family. She suffers all kinds of insult and maltreatment. For her puny power, she tires to revolt but it comes to nothing. Gradually, she comes to realized that it is her strong will that will give other people a powerful revolt. The experience in Mrs. Reed’s family has steeled Jane’s tenacious spirit.In Lowood Orphanage, the miserable practice shows Jane’s strong character more clearly. Like other children in Lowood Orphanage, she often bears terrible hunger and cold. What’s worse, she is punished to stand and beaten frequently. Besides physical suffering, she is always being insulted by the headmaster Mr. Brocklehurst. Jane becomes more and more eager for adamancy to protect herself. She learns tolerance from her good friend Helen and knowledge to empower herself from her teacher Maria Temple.Infectious diseases catch many girls’ lives in Lowood Orp hanage, but Jane relies on her tenacious vitality to live in Lowood Orphanage for 10 years under difficult living conditions. After several years’training, Jane becomes a girl who is independent and adamant. As she finds a job in Thornfield Hall, her firm will of pursuing equal statue with other people has conquered the master Mr. Rochester. On that time, tutor was a job that didn’t be respected. However, Jane doesn’t care what other people say and keeps her behavior on her own way. It’s really lucky for Jane be ready to get marry with Mr. Rochester. While Jane knows that Mr. Rochester has already had a mad wife, she grapples with her moral dilemma and eventually she chooses to leave. Jane is suffering a big lose when her marriage has failed. At the same time, it is not excessive to say that Jane lost all her hope to live a happy life. The brave of choosing to leave her deep lover shows her firm will. During her wandering in a wide field, she still has a strong will to live on. Her heart is deeply hurt by Mr. Rochester and she has only one thing---her life, but nothing is a block for her to move on.As a woman, Jane’s firm will makes us think of a brilliant image. No matter how hard the condition is, she keeps fighting with difficulties and never gives up a glimmer of hope. Jane is such a tough-minded woman who makes us fill with deep esteem and unforgettable. We should learn from her.3.4 Jane Eyre’s Self-RespectIt is no doubt that Jane is self-respecting. She places self-respect above everything even love and life. In order to keep her hallowed self-respect, she determinedly gives up her available love even when she has already got everything ready to marry Mr. Rochester. In the voice of her deep lover’s detainment, she restarts her life to roam freely all over the world.Jane’s strong self-respect begins to show at the early period of staying at Gateshead. Under Mrs. Reed and her family’s unfair treatment, she uses her words and behaviors to get her self-respect back. When Mrs. Reed slanders Jane is a liar and a bad-behavior girl, Jane is brave enough to protect her self-respect in front of this senseless accuse. She tries hard to refute her aunt,“People think you a good woman, but you are bad, hard- hearted. You are deceitful!” [3](chapter 4 P31)When Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochester, she refuses to receive Rochester’s property as love must be first. In fact, Mr. Rochester’s charity touches Jane’s deep self-respect. Jane doesn’t want to be inferior to her lover and money couldn’t buy her soul. Wh en Jane knows Mr. Rochester has a mad wife in the weeding, she determines to leave thought Mr. Rochester begs for her staying. She says to Mr. Rochester, “I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself.” [3](chapter 27 P308)Jane’s self-respect is relates to her life experience and she keeps her self-respect all the time. Thought she is poor and unlovely, she doesn’t forget to become strong in mind to maintain her self-respect.3.5 Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Equality and LibertyJane pursues equality and liberty from the beginning to the end. As she is placed in foster care with her bad aunt, she dooms to be treated unequally. Under the cruel treatment, Jane is deeply longing for equality and liberty. As she is been sent to Lowood Orphanage, she has thought the terrible life in her aunt would end. She can’t believe that there is an even worse situation waiting for her. The teachers in Lowood Orphanage treat students brutally and unequally. Under this circumstance, Jane。
