深大宏观经济学习题答案第3、4章 经济增长
10. 下列各项中哪一个属于存量?()。
A. 国内生产总值;B. 投资;C. 失业人数;D. 人均收入。
宏观经济学习题参考答案(部分)宏观经济学习题参考答案(部分)本人精心整理的文档,文档来自网络本人仅收藏整理如有错误还请自己查证!宏观经济学习题参考答案(部分)第一章国民收入的核算一、选择题1、D2、C3、A4、C5、B6、B7、A8、E9、C 10、B11、A 12、B 13、E 14、B 15、C16、C 17、A 18、C 19、E 20、C21、C 22、B 23、D 24、D 25、A26、B 27、A二、填空题1. 国民生产总值2. 资本消耗折旧3. 居民厂商政府国际市场4. 用物品和劳务来满足自己需要的行为5. 投资6. 储存不是用于目前消费的收入的行为7. 更新投资净投资8.居民的储蓄厂商的储蓄折旧费不分配的利润9. 增加值10.支出法三、名词解释1.实际国民生产总值是以具有不变购买力的货币单位衡量的国民生产总值国民生产总值通常是以现行货币单位来表现一国在一定时期(通常为一年)内的全部社会最终产品和劳务的总和但由于通货膨胀和通货紧缩会抬高或降低物价因为会使货币的购买力随物价的波动而发生变化为了消除价格变动的影响一般是以某一年为基期以该年的价格为不变价格然后用物价支书来矫正按当年价格计算的国民生产总值而计算出实际国民生产总值2、当前收入中不用于消费的部分即收入减去消费如寸入银行的存款、购买的有价证券、保存在手中的货币等都称为储蓄储蓄包括政府机构储蓄、企业储蓄和个人及家庭储蓄三种国民生产总值(GNP)是以国民原则来核算的国民收入它被定义为经济社会在一定时期(通常是一年)内运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品的市场价值GNP是一个市场价值概念它测度的是最终产品而不是中间产品的价值是一定时期内所生产而不是所售卖的最终产品价值是流量而不是存量四、计算题(1)按收入法计算GNP得GNP=工资+利息+租金+利润=100+10+30+30=170(2)按支出法计算GNP得GNP=消费+投资+政府支出+(出口-进口)=90+60+30+(60-70)=170(亿元)(3)所得税-转移支付=30-5=25(亿元)所以政府预算赤字=政府支出-政府收入=30-25=5(亿元)(4)家庭将收入分配为消费、储蓄或税收因此收入=消费+储蓄+(税收-转移支付)所以储蓄=收入-消费-(税收-转移支付)=170-90-25=55(亿元)或者由等式(投资-储蓄)+(政府支出-政府收入)+(出口-进口)=0得储蓄=(政府支出-政府收入)+(出口-进口)+投资=5+(60-70)+60=55(亿元)(5)净出口=出口-进口=60-70=-10(亿元)第二章国民收宏观经济学习题参考答案(部分)入的均衡一、选择题1、D2、D3、B4、A5、A6、B7、D二、填空题1. 消费支出可支配收入2. 越大右上方3. 消费支出可支配收入4. 边际消费倾向5. 储蓄可支配收入6. 越多右上方7. 平均储蓄倾向8. 储蓄增量与可支配收入增量之比9. 同反10.自发投资三、名词解释1、消费函数现代西方经济学所谓的消费函数是指消费与决定消费的各种因素之间的依存关系但凯恩斯理论假定在影响消费的各种因素中收入是消费的唯一的决定因素收入的变化决定消费的变化随着收入的增加消费也会增加但是消费的增加不及收入的增加多收入和消费两个经济变量之间的这种关系叫做消费函数或消费倾向2、储蓄函数储蓄与决定储蓄的各种因素之间的依存关系是现代西方经济学的基本分析工具之一由于在研究国民收入决定时假定储蓄只受收入的影响故储蓄函数又可定义为储蓄与收入之间的依存关系四、计算题(1)在C=120+0.75y中令C=1120得y=1333(2)从消费函数知MPC=0.75从而MPS=0.25(3)在C=120+0.75y中令y=3000得C=2370第三章国民收入的变化一、单项选择题1、B2、B3、C4、D5、A6、C7、D8、B9、B二、多项选择题1.AC三、填空题1. 消费支出投资政府支出出口2. 储蓄政府税收进口3. 投资的增加所引起的国民收入增加的倍数1/(1-MPC)4. 具有5. 越大6. 增加支出减少税收增加同量的支出和税收7. 1(1-MPC)MPC/(1-MPC)8. 平衡预算9. 为了达到充分就业的国民收入总支出曲线向上移动的距离10. 为了消除通货膨胀总支出曲线向下移动的距离四、计算题1、(1)由Y=C+I0得Y=8000(亿元)从而C=6500(亿元)S=1500(亿元)I=1500(亿元)(2)因为△I=250(亿元)K=1/(1-MPC)=1/(1-0.75)=4所以△Y=K*△I=4*250=1000(亿元)于是在新的均衡下收入为8000+1000=9000(亿元)相应地C=7250(亿元)S=1750(亿元)(3)若消费函数斜率增大即MPC增大则乘数亦增大反之相反2、(1)可支配收入:Yd=Y-Tn=Y-50消费C=30+0.8(Y-50)=30+0.8Y-40=0.8Y-10均衡收入:Y=C+I+G=0.8Y-10+60+50+50-0.05Y=0.75Y+150得Y=150/0.25 =600......均衡收入(2)净出口余额:NX=50-0.05Y =50-0.05×600=20(3)KI=1/(1-0.8+0.05)宏观经济学习题参考答案(部分)=4(4)投资从60增加到70时Y=C+I+G+NX=0.8Y-10+70+50+50-0.05Y=0.75Y+160 160得Y =150/0.25 =640......均衡收入净出口余额:NX=50-0.05Y=50-0.05×640=50-32=18(5)当净出口函数从NX=50-0.05Y变为X=40-0.05Y时的均衡收入:Y=C+I+G+X=0.8Y-10+60+50+40-0.05Y=0.75Y+140得Y=140/0.25 =560......均衡收入净出口余额NX=40-0.05Y=40-0.05×560=40-28=12(6)自发投资增加10使均衡收入增加40(640-600=40)自发净出口减少10(从NX=50-0.05Y变为NX=40-0.05Y)使均衡收入减少额也是40(600-560=40)然而自发净出口变化对净出口余额的影响更大一些自发投资增加10时净出口余额只减少2(20-18=2)而自发净出口减少10时净出口余额减少8(20-12=8)五、论述题乘数也叫倍数宏观经济学中所运用的乘数是指国民收入函数中由于某个自变量的变化而引起的国民收入的变化投资乘数是指投资量变化数与国民收入变化数的比率它表明投资的变动将会引起国民收入若干倍的变动投资之所以具有乘数作用是因为各经济部门是相互关联的某一部门的一笔投资不仅会增加本部门的收入而且会在国民经济各部门引起连锁反应从而增加其他部门的投资与收入最终使国民收入成倍增长发挥投资乘数作用有三个前提条件:(1)在消费函数或储蓄函数为即定的条件下一定的投资可以引起收入的某种程度的增加即投资的乘数作用可以相当顺利地发挥出来(2)要有一定数量的劳动力可以被利用(3)要有一定数量的存货可以被利用第四章宏观财政政策一、单项选择题1、A2、D3、C4、A5、B6、B7、A8、A9、B 10、A二、填空题1. 通货紧缩通货膨胀2. 财政支出财政收入3. 政府通过改变支出来影响国民收入水平4. 财政收入政策5. 累进的税收制度福利社会支出制度厂商和居民的储蓄6. 增加抑制减少阻碍7. 增加扩张减少收缩8. 直接税间接税公司收入税9. 赤字10. 当政府用增税的方法来偿还债务时人们为了逃避高税率而减少工作时间第五章货币的需求和供给一、填空题1. 人们普遍接受的交换媒介2. 交换媒介计算单位价值储蓄延期支付的手段3. 把货币留在手中的偏好4. 交易预防投机交易余额预防余额投机宏观经济学习题参考答案(部分)余额5. 国民收入利息率6. 作为货币单位的基础的商品7. 货币供给量8. 纸币硬币9. 商业银行的活期存款10. 通货活期存款M1-A 可转让的提款单ATS第六章货币对经济的影响一、填空题1. 货币需求货币供给2. 货币需求量利息率右下方3. 垂直4. 利息率5. 向右下降6. 投资支出利息率右下方7. 货币需求量对利息率变化反映的敏感程度8. 投资的利息弹性9. 货币数量的增加已不能降低利息率10. 价格水平货币数量二、单项选择题1、B2、C3、A4、D5、B6、D7、A8、D9、C第七章宏观货币政策一、单项选择题1、D2、B3、D4、C5、D6、A7、A8、C二、多项选择题1、ABC2、AC三、简答题1、中央银行的主要货币政策工具是:公开市场活动准备金要求以及贴现率2、中央银行的两种主要负债是:中央银行发行的、在流通中的通币以及商业银行在中央银行的存款3、持有货币的三种主要动机是:交易动机预防动机以及投机动机4、有许多货币的组成部分并不支付利息例如通货和活期存款利率是持有货币的机会成本持有货币没有支付利息但放弃了用于其他金融资产时所能得到的利息收入当利息上升时持有货币的成本就增加了因此人们就要减少自己的货币持有量并用货币去购买其它金融资产以便获得更高的利率四、计算题(1)货币乘数时货币供给量(M)与货币基础(MB)的比率:mm=M/MB=5000亿/2022年亿=2.5(2)可以计算a=C/D,b=R/D并用第一题的公式计算货币乘数:a=C/D=1000亿/5000亿=0.2b=R/D=500亿/5000亿=0.1mm= 1+a/a+b = 1+0.2/0.2+0.1 = 1.2/0.3 = 4(3)题中已经给出b=R/D=0.1,但仍需计算a=C/D.从题中可以知道C的值但不知道D的值我们可以根据已知的b和R计算出D=R/b因此D=R/b=500亿/0.1=5000亿a=C/D=1500/5000=0.3mm=1+a/a+b=1+0.3/0.3+0.1=1.3/0.4=3第八章国民收入和货币的均衡一、单项选择题1、A2、A3、B4、C5、A6、A7、C8、D9、C二、多项选择题1、ABD三、名词解释:1、IS曲线--在产品市场达到均衡时收入和利率的各种组合的点的轨迹在两部门经济中IS曲线的数学表达式为I(r)=S(Y)它的斜率为负这表明IS曲线一般是一条向右下方倾斜的曲线一般来说在产品市场上位于IS曲线右方的收入宏观经济学习题参考答案(部分)和利率的组合都是投资小于储蓄的非均衡组合;位于IS曲线左方的收入和利率的组合都是投资大于储蓄的非均衡组合只位于IS曲线上的收入和利率的组合才是投资等于储蓄的均衡组合2、LM曲线--表示货币市场中货币供给等于货币需求时收入与利率的各种组合的点的轨迹LM曲线的数学表达式为M/P=ky-hr 它的斜率为正这表明LM曲线一般是向右上方倾斜的曲线一般说来在货币市场上位于LM曲线右方的收入和利率的组合都是货币需求大于货币供给的非均衡组合位于LM曲线左方的收入和利率的组合都是货币需求小于货币供给的非均衡组合只有位于LM曲线上的收入和利率的组合才是货币需求等于货币供给的均衡组合3、凯恩斯陷阱--又称流动偏好陷阱或流动性陷阱指由于流动偏好的作用利息不再随货币供给量的增加而降低的情况西方经济学认为利息是人们在一定时期内放弃流动偏好的报酬利息率的高低取决于货币的供求流动偏好代表了货币的需求货币数量代表了货币的供给货币数量的多少由中央银行的政策决定货币数量的增加在一定程度上可以降低利息率但是由于流动偏好的作用低于这一点人们就不肯储蓄宁肯把货币保留在手中四、简答题1、计划的总支出是包括自发支出与引致支出在IS-LM模型分析中自发支出取决于利率引致支出取决于实际国民生产总值所以只有当利率与实际国民生产总值为某一特定值的结合时所决定的计划的总支出才能与实际国民生产总值相等从而实现物品市场的均衡2、极端的凯恩斯主义者认为当存在流动性陷阱时人们在即定的利率时愿意持有任何数量的货币所以LM曲线为一条水平线自发支出的增加使IS曲线向右方移动实际国民生产总值增加而利率不变由于财政政策所引起的自发支出增加不会引起利率上升所以也就没有挤出效应财政政策的作用最大而且流动陷阱的情况在现实中是存在的第九章国民收入和价格水平的均衡一、单项选择题1、B2、A3、A4、B5、B6、C7、C8、A9、D第十章失业和通货膨胀一、单项选择题1、A2、B3、B4、B5、B6、D7、B二、多项选择题1、ACE2、ABC3、AC4、AB三、简答题:滞胀(或译停止膨胀)就是实际国民生产总值增长率停滞(不增长甚至下降)与通货膨胀率加剧并存的状况第十一章经济周期一、单项选择题1、C2、B3、B4、B5、A6、A7、C8、A9、A第十二、十三章经济的增长和发展一、单项选择宏观经济学习题参考答案(部分)题1、B2、A3、C4、C5、B6、B7、A8、C9、C 10、A11、D 12、C 13、D 14、A 15、B16、A 17、B 18、D二、简答题1、人均生产函数表明了在技术为既定的情况下人均产量如何随人均存量增加而增加如果资本积累率提高那么人均资本存量也就更迅速地提高这就意味着人均产量迅速增长即更高的增长率可以用沿着人均生产函数的变动来说明这一点2、有几种方法可以克服经济增长的障碍其中已被证明最成功的一种是较为自由的国际贸易的扩大香港、新加坡等国家或地区通过生产自己具有比较优势的产品迅速地增加了人均收入获得国际贸易的好处3、在哈罗德- 多马模型G= S/V 中V=4G=7%从而S=G?V=7%×4=28%三、论述题1、英国经济学家哈罗德、美国经济学家多马把凯恩斯理论的短期比较静态分析扩展为长期动态分析在凯恩斯就业理论的基础上分别建立了自己的增长模型由于二者基本内容大致相同通称为哈罗德-多马模型(1)哈罗德模型哈罗德指出凯恩斯收入均衡论的局限性认为要保证经济长期均衡增长必须要求投资保持一定的增长率为分析实现经济稳定增长的均衡条件哈罗德建立了经济增长模型假设条件有:①全社会只生产一种产品不用于消费部分都用于投资②储蓄倾向不变储蓄由收入水平决定③社会生产中只有劳动和资本两种生产要素两种要素的比例不变而且每单位产品消耗的生产要素也不变④技术水平不变边际资本系数等于平均资本系数即资本产量比率不变⑤资本和劳动的边际生产率递减(2)多马模型投资两重性:一方面投资增加有效需求和国民收入即扩大了需求另一方面投资还增加了资本存量和生产能力即扩大了供给多马认为:通过增加投资解决失业问题就必须在下一时期增加更多的支出(需求)才能保证新增加的资本存量及其潜在的生产能力得到充分利用(3)哈罗德-多马模型的理论观点把哈罗德-模型和多马模型合在一起从哈罗德-多马模型出发可得出以下三个观点①经济稳定增长的条件当一定得合意储蓄率与合意得资本-产量比率决定的经济增长率是有保障的增长率时社会经济就能够实现稳定增长②短期经济波动的原因如果实际增长率与有保障的增长率不相等就会引起经济波动实际增长率和有保证的增长率一致是很少见的、偶然的所以社会经济必然要出现波动在收缩和扩张的交替中发展③经济长期波动的原因有保证的增长率和自然增长率之间的关系变化成为经济社会长期波动的原因宏观经济学习题参考答案(部分)(4)哈罗德-多马模型的理论基础是凯恩斯主义理论它不仅在理论上是投资等于储蓄这一公式的长期化与动态化而且在分析中也沿用了凯恩斯主义的某些脱离现实的抽象心理概念例如对经济增长具有重要作用的有保证的增长率是资本家感到满意并准备继续下去的增长率这里所强调的仍然是资本家的心理预测即凯恩斯所说的资本边际效率这样就和凯恩斯同样把资本家的乐观或悲观的情绪扩大为决定经济发展的因素哈罗德-多马模型关于短期与长期经济波动的分析和其他经济周期理论一样否认了波动的根本原因--资本主义社会的基本矛盾用一些抽象的技术经济关系来说明经济波动的产生哈罗德虽然也承认资本主义社会经济波动的必然性但他仍然相信资本主义是可以实现稳定的长期增长的他的整个分析正是为实现这种稳定增长而出谋划策当然对哈罗德-多马模型如果加以改造或使用不同的解释也可以为我们所借鉴例如把哈罗德-多马模型的储蓄率(s)解释为积累率把产量-资本之比(1/c)解释为投资的经济效果即每单位增加的可以造成的产量的增加那么该模型的公式即可变为国民收入增长率=积累率×投资的经济效果或G= s 1/c式中:投资的经济效果为资本-产出之比的倒数至少在理论上它的数值式可能被事先估算出来的在已知投资经济效果的情况下哈罗德-多马模型可以被认为是表明国民收入增长率和积累率之间的数量关系的公式。
2、如果甲乙两国并成一个国家,对GDP 总和会有什么影响(假定两国产出不变)?【解答】如果甲乙两国合并成一个国家,对GDP 总和会有影响。
因为甲乙两国未合并成一个国家时,双方可能有贸易往来,但这种贸易只会影响甲国或乙国的GDP,对两国GDP 总和不会有影响。
深大 宏观 习题答案 第3、4章 经济增长 答案
()二、单项选择B1、在生产函数中,全要素生产率是指()A.αB.AC.KD.NB2、新古典模型中,产生趋同的原因是()A.规模报酬不变B.要素的边际产出递减C.规模报酬递减D.要素的边际产出递增B 3、当经济处于稳定状态时(索洛模型中),储蓄率上升,则增长率()A.先下降,再升高到原来水平B.先升高,再下降到原来水平C.保持不变D.以上都不是A4、假设不存在技术进步,从长期看,哪种说法是不正确的()A.资本存量保持不变B.人均消费水平保持不变C.储蓄率保持不变D.人均产出保持不变A5、某国人民突然变得非常节俭,从长期看,以下哪种说法是不正确的?()A.人均生活水平将增加B.人均资本占有将增加C.人均产出将增加D.总资本存量将增加D6、克鲁格曼认为东亚的经济增长是无法持久的,主要是因为()A.东亚国家普遍存在着贪污腐败、行贿受贿等行为B.东亚国家普遍受到儒家文化的影响C.东亚国家人民的教育程度不高D.东亚国家的长期经济增长中属于技术进步的成分太低C7、如果总量生产函数不再具有边际报酬递减的性质,那么索洛模型中稳定状态将()A.会发生一定的变化,但是最终还是能够达到新的稳态B.不会发生一定的变化,仍然保持原状态C.会发生一定的变化,但是是否能达到新的稳态并不能确定D.以上说法都不对D8、在索洛模型中,不属于外生变量的是()A.技术进步速率B.储蓄率C.人口增长率D.资本劳动比率三、计算题1、假设索洛模型所描述的一个经济处于人口增长n为每年1%。
第二章国民收入核算练习参考答案一、概念题(略)二、判断题:1.T2.T3. T4.F5.T6.F7.F8.T9.F 10.T 11.T 12. T 13.F三、单项选择题:1-5. D B D D A 6-10. B A C D B 11-15. A B B D D16-20. D A A D B 21-25. D C B E C 26-29.D C C四、多项选择题:1.ABCD2.DE3.ABCD4.ACD5.CDE6.ABDE7.CE8.BCDE9.AD 10.ABCDE五、简答题:(略)六、计算题1.GNP=380GDP=4122.(1)最终产品法最终产品为项链售价为40万美元。
(2)增值法第一阶段增值:10万美元—0万美元=10万美元第二阶段增值:40万美元—10万美元=30万美元合计增值40万美元(3)收入法所以GDP=12.5+27.5=40万美元3.个人储蓄=个人可支配收入-消费=4100-3800=300万政府储蓄=预算盈余(或赤字)=-200万根据储蓄—投资恒等式:投资=个人储蓄+政府储蓄+净出口I=300-200+100=200万又GDP=C+I+G+(X-M)G=5000-200-3800-(-100)=1100万5.GNP=2739.7NI=2435.9NNP=2227.5PI=2047.9DPI=1707.97.(1)折旧=总投资-净投资=800-300=500国内生产净值=国内生产总值-折旧=4800-500=4300(2)国内生产总值=消费+总投资+政府购买+净出口所以,净出口=4800-3000-800-960=40(3)政府预算盈余=政府税收减去转移支付的收入-政府购买所以,政府税收减去转移支付的收入=960+30=990(4)在本题的情况下,个人可支配收入=国内生产净值-政府税收减去转移支付的收入(即政府的净税收,因为政府的收入增加了,居民的收入就减少了),所以,个人可支配收入=4300-990=3310(5)个人储蓄=个人可支配收入-消费=3310-3000=100第三章消费与投资理论理论习题参考答案一、概念题: (略)二、判断题:1-5 FFTFT 6-10 FFTTT 11-15 TTFTF选择题:1-5 BBADA 6-10 BCBBD 11-15 DACCC 16-20 DCDBC21-22 DD四、分析问答题:(略)五、计算题:1.(1)y=750 c=700 s=I=50(2)50(3)y=1000 △y=250(4)y”=1500 s=I=50 △y”=500(5)K=5 K’=102. I=300 ,Y=5200I=500,Y=6000Y1=5400; Y2=5550; Y3=5662.5 ;Y4=5746.8733.Y=1333.33 MPC=0.75 MPS=0.25 y=3840第四章总需求(总供给)与国民产出决定理论参考答案三、多选题1、AC2、BC3、CD四、是非判断题( T OR F)1-5 FFTTF 6-10 TTTFF 11 T五、简答题六、论述与分析题七、计算题1、Y=345 政府财政赤字为3.752、(1)Y=550 C=410 (2)K I=2.53、(1) Y=402 (2) K I =2 K g=2 K t=-1.6 K b=0.44、Y=862.5 T=152.5 C=612.55、(1)Y=1000 (2)K I =5 K g=5 K t=-4 K R =4 K b=16、(1)Y = 1837.5 T = 267.5 C = 1337.5(2)K I = 2.5 K g =2.5 K t = -1.875第五章货币供给与需求理论参考答案一、单选题二、简答题(略)三、计算题1.M0 =120,M1=470,M2=2470。
其中B买A 的产出200美元,C买2000美元,其中2800美元卖给消费者。
5.假定GDP是6000美元,个人可支配收入是5100美元,政府预算赤字是200美元,消费是3800美元,外贸赤字是100美元,求:(1)储蓄S是多大;(2)投资I是多大;(3)政府支出是多大?第三章增长与积累复习思考题:1.重要概念:增长核算方程;柯布-道格拉斯生产函数;趋同;全要素生产率;索洛剩余;新古典增长理论;稳态均衡;2.索络增长模型能否有助于解释趋同现象?3.在新古典增长模型中,人均生产函数为()25.02k k k f y -==,人均储蓄率为0.3,设人口增长率为3%,求:(1)使经济达到稳态均衡时的k 值。
宏观经济学第3章+经济增长练习题经济增长⼀、名词解释:1.经济增长2.索洛模型3.稳态4.内⽣经济增长模型6.资本积累的黄⾦律⽔平7.技术进步 9 资本⼆、单项选择1.索罗模型的函数形式是()A.Y=F(K,L)B.Y=F(k,l)=f(k)C.I=syD.以上都对2.资本存量的稳定状态是()A.△K=0B.Y=F(k,l)=f(k)C.I(投资)=syD. △I(新增投资)=03.黄⾦稳态的基本条件是()。
A.MPk(资本边际产出)- σ(折旧率)=0B. MPk(资本边际产出)>σ(折旧率)C. MPk(资本边际产出)<σ(折旧率)D.S(储蓄率)=I(投资)=σ(折旧率)4.在索罗模型中,被作为内⽣变量的是()。
A.GDP的货币量B.GNPC.GDP增长率D.产出7. 经济增长率的()是新古典增长理论最主要的缺陷A.外⽣性质B.外⽣性质C.波动性D.稳定性三、辨析题1.资本存量的改变主要由储蓄和投资两⽅⾯⼒量决定。
深圳大学 宏观经济学 第三章 练习答案
CHAPTER 3GROWTH AND ACCUMULATIONSolutions to the Problems in the TextbookConceptual Problems:1. The production function provides a quantitative link between inputs and output. For example, theCobb-Douglas production function mentioned in the text is of the form:Y = F(N,K) = AN1-θKθ,where Y represents the level of output. (1 - θ) and θ are weights equal to the shares of labor (N) and capital (K) in production, while A is often used as a measure for the level of technology. It can be easily shown that labor and capital each contribute to economic growth by an amount that is equal to their individual growth rates multiplied by their respective share in income.2. The Solow model predicts convergence, that is, countries with the same production function, savingsrate, and population growth will eventually reach the same level of income per capita. In other words,a poor country may eventually catch up to a richer one by saving at the same rate and makingtechnological innovations. However, if these countries have different savings rates, they will reach different levels of income per capita, even though their long-term growth rates will be the same.3. A production function that omits the stock of natural resources cannot adequately predict the impactof a significant change in the existing stock of natural resources on the economic performance of a country. For example, the discovery of new oil reserves or an entirely new resource would have a significant effect on the level of output that could not be predicted by such a production function.4. Interpreting the Solow residual purely as technological progress would ignore, for example, theimpact that human capital has on the level of output. In other words, this residual not only captures the effect of technological progress but also the effect of changes in human capital (H) on the growth rate of output. To eliminate this problem we can explicitly include human capital in the production function, such thatY = F(K,N,H) = AN a K b H c with a + b + c = 1.Then the growth rate of output can be calculated as∆Y/Y = ∆A/A + a(∆N/N) + b(∆K/K) + c(∆H/H).5. The savings function sy = sf(k) assumes that a constant fraction of output is saved. The investmentrequirement, that is, the (n + d)k-line, represents the amount of investment needed to maintain a26constant capital-labor ratio (k). A steady-state equilibrium is reached when saving is equal to the investment requirement, that is, when sy = (n + d)k. At this point the capital-labor ratio k = K/N is not changing, so capital (K), labor (N), and output (Y) all must be growing at the same rate, that is, the rate of population growth n = (∆N/N).6. In the long run, the rate of population growth n = (∆N/N) determines the growth rate of the steady-state output per capita. In the short run, however, the savings rate, technological progress, and the rate of depreciation can all affect the growth rate.7. Labor productivity is defined as Y/N, that is, the ratio of output (Y) to labor input (N). A surge inlabor productivity therefore occurs if output grows at a faster rate than labor input. In the U.S. we have experienced such a surge in labor productivity since the mid-1990s due to the enormous growth in GDP. This surge can be explained from the introduction of new technologies and more efficient use of existing technologies. Many claim that the increased investment in and use of computer technology has stimulated economic growth. Furthermore, increased global competition has forced many firms to cut costs by reorganizing production and eliminating some jobs. Thus, with large increases in output and a slower rate of job creation we should expect labor productivity to increase.(One should also note that a higher-skilled labor force also can contribute to an increase in labor productivity, since the same number of workers can produce more output if workers are more highly skilled.)Technical Problems:1.a. According to Equation (2), the growth of output is equal to the growth in labor times the labor shareplus the growth of capital times the capital share plus the rate of technical progress, that is, ∆Y/Y = (1 - θ)(∆N/N) + θ(∆K/K) + ∆A/A, where1 - θ is the share of labor (N) and θ is the share of capital (K). Thus if we assume that the rate oftechnological progress (∆A/A) is zero, then output grows at an annual rate of 3.6 percent, since ∆Y/Y = (0.6)(2%) + (0.4)(6%) + 0% = 1.2% + 2.4% = + 3.6%,1.b. The so-called "Rule of 70" suggests that the length of time it takes for output to double can becalculated by dividing 70 by the growth rate of output. Since 70/3.6 = 19.44, it will take just under 20 years for output to double at an annual growth rate of 3.6%,1.c. Now that ∆A/A = 2%, we can calculate economic growth as∆Y/Y = (0.6)(2%) + (0.4)(6%) + 2% = 1.2% + 2.4% + 2% = + 5.6%.Thus it will take 70/5.6 = 12.5 years for output to double at this new growth rate of 5.6%.272.a. According to Equation (2), the growth of output is equal to the growth in labor times the labor shareplus the growth of capital times the capital share plus the growth rate of total factor productivity (TFP), that is,∆Y/Y = (1 - θ)(∆N/N) + θ(∆K/K) + ∆A/A, where1 - θ is the share of labor (N) and θ is the share of capital (K). In this example θ = 0.3; therefore, ifoutput grows at 3% and labor and capital grow at 1% each, then we can calculate the change in TFP in the following way3% = (0.3)(1%) + (0.7)(1%) + ∆A/A ==> ∆A/A = 3% - 1% = 2%,that is, the growth rate of total factor productivity is 2%.2.b. If both labor and the capital stock are fixed and output grows at 3%, then all this growth has to becontributed to the growth in factor productivity, that is, ∆A/A = 3%.3.a. If the capital stock grows by ∆K/K = 10%, the effect on output would be an additional growth rate of∆Y/Y = (.3)(10%) = 3%.3.b. If labor grows by ∆N/N = 10%, the effect on output would be an additional growth rate of∆Y/Y = (.7)(10%) = 7%.3.c. If output grows at ∆Y/Y = 7% due to an increase in labor by ∆N/N = 10%, and this increase in laboris entirely due to population growth, then per capita income would decrease and people’s welfare would decrease, since∆y/y = ∆Y/Y - ∆N/N = 7% - 10% = - 3%.3.d. If this increase in labor is due to an influx of women into the labor force, the overall population doesnot increase and income per capita would increase by ∆y/y = 7%. Therefore people's welfare would increase.4. Figure 3-4 shows output per head as a function of the capital-labor ratio, that is, y = f(k). The savingsfunction is sy = sf(k), and it intersects the straight (n + d)k-line, representing the investment requirement. At this intersection, the economy is in a steady-state equilibrium. Now let us assume that the economy is in a steady-state equilibrium before the earthquake hits, that is, the steady-state capital-labor ratio is currently k*. Assume further, for simplicity, that the earthquake does not affect people's savings behavior.If the earthquake destroys one quarter of the capital stock but less than one quarter of the labor force, then the capital-labor ratio falls from k*to k1 and per-capita output falls from y* to y1. Now saving is greater than the investment requirement, that is, sy1 > (d + n)k1, and the capital stock and the level of output per capita will grow until the steady state at k* is reached again.28However, if the earthquake destroys one quarter of the capital stock but more than one quarter of the labor force,then the capital-labor ratio increases from k * to k 2. Saving now will be less than the investment requirement and thus the capital-labor ratio and the level of output per capita will fall until the steady state at k * is reached again.If exactly one quarter of both the capital stock and the labor stock are destroyed, then the steady state is maintained, that is, the capital-labor ratio and the output per capita do not change.If the severity of the earthquake has an effect on peoples’ savings behavior, then the savings function sy = sf(k) will move either up or down, depending on whether the savings rate (s) increases (if people save more, so more can be invested in an effort to rebuild) or decreases (if people save less, since they decide that life is too short not to live it up).y y 2 y * y 10 k 1 k * k 2 k5.a. An increase in the population growth rate (n) affects the investment requirement, and the (n + d)k-line gets steeper. As the population grows, more saving must be used to equip new workers with the same amount of capital that the existing workers already have. Therefore output per capita (y) will decrease as will the new optimal capital-labor ratio, which is determined by the intersection of the sy-curve and the (n 1 + d)k-line. Since per-capita output will fall, we will have a negative growth rate in the short run. However, the steady-state growth rate of output will increase in the long run, since it will be determined by the new and higher rate of population growth.y y oy1k1 k o k5.b. Starting from an initial steady-state equilibrium at a level of per-capita output y*, the increase in thepopulation growth rate (n) will cause the capital-labor ratio to decline from k* to k1. Output per capita will also decline, a process that will continue at a diminishing rate until a new steady-state level is reached at y1. The growth rate of output will gradually adjust to the new and higher level n1.yy*y1t o t1 tkk*k1t o t1 t6.a. Assume the production function is of the formY = F(K, N, Z) = AK a N b Z c ==>∆Y/Y = ∆A/A + a(∆K/K) + b(∆N/N) + c(∆Z/Z), with a + b + c = 1.Now assume that there is no technological progress, that is, ∆A/A = 0, and that capital and labor grow at the same rate, that is, ∆K/K = ∆N/N = n. If we also assume that all natural resources available are fixed, such that ∆Z/Z = 0, then the rate of output growth will be30∆Y/Y = an + bn = (a + b)n.In other words, output will grow at a rate less than n since a + b < 1. Therefore output per worker will fall.6.b. If there is technological progress, that is, ∆A/A > 0, then output will grow faster than before, namely∆Y/Y = ∆A/A + (a + b)n.If ∆A/A > c, then output will grow at a rate larger than n, in which case output per worker will increase.6.c. If the supply of natural resources is fixed, then output can only grow at a rate that is smaller than therate of population growth and we should expect limits to growth as we run out of natural resources.However, if the rate of technological progress is sufficiently large, then output can grow at a rate faster than population, even if we have a fixed supply of natural resources.7.a. If the production function is of the formY = K1/2(AN)1/2,and A is normalized to 1, then we haveY = K1/2N1/2.In this case capital's and labor's shares of income are both 50%.7.b. This is a Cobb-Douglas production function.7.c. A steady-state equilibrium is reached when sy = (n + d)k.From Y = K1/2N1/2 ==> Y/N = K1/2N-1/2 ==> y = k1/2==>sk1/2= (n + d)k ==> k-1/2 = (n + d)/s = (0.07 + 0.03)/(.2) = 1/2 ==> k1/2= 2 = y ==> k = 4 .8.a. If technological progress occurs, then the level of output per capita for any given capital-labor ratioincreases. The function y = f(k) increases to y = g(k), and thus the savings function increases from sf(k) to sg(k).yy2y1128.b. Since g(k) > f(k), it follows that sg(k) > sf(k) for each level of k. Therefore the intersection of thesg(k)-curve with the (n + d)k-line is at a higher level of k. The new steady-state equilibrium will now be at a higher level of saving and output per capita, and at a higher capital-labor ratio.8.c. After the technological progress occurs, the level of saving and investment will increase until a newand higher optimal capital-labor ratio is reached. The ratio of investment to capital will also increase in the transition period, since more has to be invested to reach the higher optimal capital-labor ratio.kk2k1t1 t2t9. The Cobb-Douglas production function is defined asY = F(N,K) = AN1-θKθ.The marginal product of labor can then be derived asMPN = (∆Y)/(∆N) = (1 - θ)AN-θKθ = (1 - θ)AN1-θKθ/N = = (1 - θ)(Y/N)==> labor's share of income = [MPN*(N)]/Y = (1 - θ)(Y/N)*[(N)/(Y)] = (1 - θ)Additional Problems1. Assume labor's share of income is 80%, capital's share of income is 20%, and the level oftechnology is fixed. Give a Cobb-Douglas aggregate production function with only two inputs, labor (N) and capital (K), that will represent such an economy. If labor grows by 2.4% and capital grows by 1.2%, by how much will output in this economy grow?32The Cobb-Douglas production function is of the general form:Y = F(N,K) = AN1-θKθ,where Y represents the level of output. (1 - θ) and θ are weights equal to the shares of labor (N) and capital (K) in production, while A is often used as a measure for the level of technology. In this case, this production function has the following form:Y =N0.8K0.2The growth of output can be calculated by using the following formula∆Y/Y = (1 - θ)(∆N/N) + θ(∆K/K) + ∆A/A = (0.8)(2.4%) + (0.2)(1.2%) + 0%= 1.92% + 0.24% = + 2.16%,2. Assume a Cobb-Douglas aggregate production function in which labor's share of income is 80%and capital's share of income is 20%. By how much would real GDP in this economy grow if labor grows at 3%, the capital stock grows at 2% and total factor productivity increases by2.4%?The growth of output can be calculated as the sum of the growth in labor times the labor share plus the growth of capital times the capital share plus the change in total factor productivity, that is,∆Y/Y = (1 - θ)(∆N/N) + θ(∆K/K) + ∆A/A, where1 - θis the share of labor (N), θis the share of capital (K), and ∆A/A is the change in total factor productivity. Therefore, we can calculate total output growth as∆Y/Y = (0.8)(3%) + (0.2)(2%) + 2.4% = 2.4% + 0.4% + 2.4% = 5.2%.3. Assume a Cobb-Douglas aggregate production function in which labor's share of income is 80%and capital's share of income is 20%. By how much will real GDP in this economy grow if labor grows at 2.5%, the capital stock grows at 1.5%, and total factor productivity increases by 2.1%? The growth of output can be calculated as the sum of the growth in labor times the labor share plus the growth of capital times the capital share plus the change in total factor productivity, that is,∆Y/Y = (1 - θ)(∆N/N) + θ(∆K/K) + ∆A/A, where1 - θ is the share of labor (N) and θ is the share of capital (K), and ∆A/A is the change in total factor productivity. Therefore, we can calculate total output growth as∆Y/Y = (0.8)(2.5%) + (0.2)(1.5%) + 2.1% = 2.0% + 0.3% + 2.1% = 4.4%.334. Assume that labor's share of income is three times as large as capital's share, and that capital,labor, and output all grow at the same rate (n). Use a Cobb-Douglas aggregate production function that has constant returns to scale to show that labor will be a larger source of growth than capital if there is no technological progress.With the share of labor being 1 - θ = 0.75 and the share of capital being θ = 0.25, we get the following aggregate production function:Y = AN1-θKθ= AN3/4K1/4We can get the growth accounting equation by taking the total derivative of this equation and then dividing both sides of the equation by Y, that is∆Y/Y = ∆A/A + (1 - θ)(∆N/N) + θ(∆K/K) = 0 + (0.75)n + (0.25)n = n.Therefore we see that labor contributes three times as much to growth as capital in the absence of technological progress, that is, if ∆A/A = 0.5. Assume an economy in which the level of technology and the stock of capital are fixed. If thereis a sudden increase in the labor force due to immigration, how would the standard of living be affected? Would it make a difference if the increase in the labor force were instead caused by a higher labor force participation rate of women?If the increase in the labor force were entirely due to an influx of foreigners, then the population would increase and living standards would decrease, since per-capita income would decrease. However, if the increase in the labor force were due to an increase in the labor force participation of women, then income per capita would increase since the overall population would not increase. Therefore there would be an increase in living standards.6. Briefly distinguish between these two concepts: decreasing returns to scale and the law ofdiminishing marginal returns.Decreasing returns to scale occur when a proportional increase in all inputs leads to a less-than-proportional increase in output. The law of diminishing marginal returns states that the marginal product of each unit of input will decline as the amount of that input is increased, while all other inputs constant are held constant. In other words, if we only increase one of several inputs, output will increase but at a decreasing rate.7. Comment on the following statement:"Technological advances increase output in the short run but have no impact on long-run growth in output per capita, since this is determined entirely by the rate of population growth." When technological advances occur, then each input becomes more productive and the total factor productivity and growth of output rise. This implies that technological advances can have very profound34implications for output growth. Total output grows at a rate equal to the sum of the growth rate of the population and the rate of technological progress.8. "The Solow growth model predicts that a country with a low savings rate can eventually achievethe same living standard as a country with a high savings rate as long as both countries have the same rate of population growth and access to the same technology." Comment on this statement. The Solow model predicts that two countries that have the same production function, savings rate, and population growth will eventually reach the same level of income per capita. In other words, a poor country may eventually catch up to a richer one by saving at an equivalent rate to that of the richer country and by implementing technological innovations. However, if the two countries have different savings rates, then they will reach different levels of income per capita, even though their growth rates ultimately will be the same. Therefore the country with the lower savings rate will have a lower standard of living.9. "The neoclassical growth model predicts that a nation's per-capita GDP can only grow iftechnological progress occurs." Comment on this statement.The neoclassical growth model generally assumes a production function with constant returns to scale. In the absence of technological progress, this model reaches a steady-state equilibrium at an optimal capital-output ratio k*. At this point output grows at the same rate as the population. This implies that output per capita remains constant. In the short-run, however, the capital-output ratio k may be below the optimal level k*. If so, the level of saving will exceed the level of investment needed to keep the capital-labor ratio constant. In this case, the capital-labor ratio will increase (which implies that output per head will increase) until the optimal level k* is reached. At k* the capital-labor ratio and output per head are both constant again.10. "A higher population growth is always desirable since it will lead to higher living standards."Comment on this statement with the help of a diagram derived from the neoclassical growth model.If the rate of population growth (n) increases, the capital stock will grow at a lower rate than population. Since the country has to feed its people, not enough will be saved and invested to keep the capital-labor ratio (k) at its original level. Therefore, the capital-labor ratio (k) decreases until a new steady state is reached. In other words, the investment requirement, that is, the (n+d)k-line gets, steeper as population growth (n) increases. The (n+d)k-line will now intersect the sy-curve at a lower steady-state capital-labor ratio (k). This implies a lower level of output per capita (y), and therefore a lower living standard. Thus the statement is wrong.3536yy 1y 2(n 1 +d)ky sy(n + d)kk 2 k 1 k11. "If the U.S. can increase its national savings rate, it can achieve a higher long-term growthrate." Comment on this statement with the help of a diagram derived from the neoclassical growth model.If the savings rate increases, then the sy-curve shifts up and we get a new intersection with the (n+d)k line at a higher steady state capital-labor ratio and a higher level of output per capita. In other words, as the level of savings and investment increases, the labor force will be supplied with more capital until a new and higher optimal capital-labor ratio (k) and output per capita level (y) is reached. Thus, the growth rate of real output will increase only temporarily. But in the long run, while the level of output per capita is higher, the growth rate of real output will again be equal to the population growth (n).(n + d)k f(k)s 抐(k)sf(k)y y 1kk 2k 1y 212. "An increase in the depreciation rate reduces the level of output per capita and the capital-labor ratio." Comment on this statementAn increasing depreciation rate (d) indicates that the capital stock is wearing out at a faster rate than previously. This leads to a reduction in the optimal capital-labor ratio and in the level of output. In other words, the (n + d)k-line becomes steeper as the depreciation rate increases. The savings function sy = sf(k) now intersects the new (n + d')k-line at a lower capital-labor ratio (k), which implies a lower level of output per capita (y).13. True or false? Why?"The neoclassical growth model predicts that a decrease in the savings rate permanently affects the growth rate of real output."False. As the savings rate decreases, a smaller proportion of output is saved at each level of the capital-labor ratio (k). The savings curve shifts from sy = sf(k) to s1y = s1f(k). Now savings is less than the investment requirement (n + d)k at the original capital-labor ratio k*, so the capital stock begins to grow more slowly. During the transition to the new equilibrium (at a lower steady-state capital-labor ratio and a lower output per capita), there is a temporary decline in the growth of output, and the level of output per capita decreases. However, in the long run the growth rate of real output will not be affected.y y oy = f(k)y1o14. Comment on the following statement:"A nation with a declining population growth will experience a fall in living standards;therefore governments should design policies to increase population growth."If a nation's population growth declines, then the current level of saving will be higher than the level of investment required to maintain a constant capital-labor ratio. Therefore the capital-labor ratio will increase until a new steady-state equilibrium is reached. The new optimal capital-labor ratio is determined by the intersection of the saving-curve (sy) with the new (n1+ d)k-line, that is, the new investment requirement line. The new and larger optimal capital-labor ratio (k*) implies a larger level of income per37capita (y*) and therefore a higher standard of living for the country's population. Therefore, there is no need to design policies to increase population growth. As a matter of fact, as the preceding analysis suggests, an increase in population growth would decrease living standards.yy1y oo1k15. "A high level of public spending crowds out investment spending. Therefore, the governmentneeds to cut its expenditures to free resources for investment." Comment on this statement.By decreasing the level of public spending and reducing the budget deficit, the government can increase the level of national saving. Therefore, more funds will be available for investment. If the rate of capital accumulation increases, then the growth rate of output can increase at least temporarily, and this will increase the level of output per capita. However, the neoclassical growth model predicts that the long-term growth rate will not be affected since this rate is solely determined by population growth and technological progress. In addition, a decrease in government spending may, in the short run, lead to a recession, negatively affecting the level of investment spending.38。
第三章 简单国民收入决定理论 思考与练习一、 选择题1.A2.D3.B4.D5.D6.D7.B8.C9.D 10.C11.C二、判断题1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F三、计算题1.解:政府购买支出乘数为)1(11t b K G --= 所以)]1(1[t b Y K Y G G --∆=∆=∆代入已知参数得:300)]311(9.01[750=-⨯-⨯=∆G预算赤字的变动即政府开支的变动减去税收的变动。
2.解:(1)根据题意可得:YY Y 6.0450200100)5.6225.0(8.0100+=+++-⨯+= 解得:1125Y =(2)投资乘数i k =⨯-=--t b政府税收乘数T k =⨯--⨯-=----t b t bG I C Y ++=(3)不一样。
因为,政府购买乘数g k=⨯-=--tb政府转移支付乘数tr k=⨯--=---tbtb所以,同样一笔支出用于政府购买比用于转移支付对国民收入的影响更大。
公式为:经济增长率 = [(GDPt - GDPt-1) / GDPt-1] * 100%,其中GDPt是当前时期的GDP,GDPt-1是前一时期的GDP。
1. 什么是国内生产总值(GDP)?如何计算?答:国内生产总值(GDP)是指一个国家或地区在一定时期内所生产的全部最终产品和劳务的市场价值。
2. 什么是通货膨胀?通货膨胀对经济有什么影响?答:通货膨胀是指货币供应量过多,购买力下降,导致物价普遍上涨的现象。
3. 什么是经济增长?经济增长的驱动力是什么?答:经济增长是指国民经济总量在一定时期内的增加。
4. 什么是失业率?失业率的计算方法是什么?答:失业率是指劳动力中没有工作但愿意工作并且正在找工作的人数占劳动力总数的比例。
5. 什么是货币政策?货币政策的目标和工具有哪些?答:货币政策是指通过调整货币供应量和利率水平来影响经济运行的一种宏观经济政策。
第三章生产者选择一、名词解释:生产函数、长期、短期、边际产量、边际生产力递减规律、等产量曲线、等成本线、边际技术替代率、生产要素的最优组合、生产扩张线、规模报酬、会计成木、经济成木、经济利润、正常利润、固定成本、可变成本、边际成本、短期成本、长期成本二、选择题1、当劳动的(L)总产量下降时,(D )。
A.AP L是递减的;B・AP L为零;C. MP L为零;D・MP L为负;2、如果连续地增加某种生产要素,要总产量达到最人时,边际产量1111线(D )。
A.与纵轴相交; B •经过原点;C.与平均产量曲线相交; D •与横轴相交;3、当AP L为正但递减时,MP L是(D )。
A.递减;B・负的;C.零; D •上述任何一种;4、如图4・1所示,厂商的理性决策应在(B )。
A.3v,Lv7; B-4.5<L<7;C.3<L<4.5; D0vL,4.5;5、列说法屮错谋的一种说法是(B )oA.只要总产虽减少,边际产量一定是负数;B.只要边际产量减少,总产量一定也减少;C.随着某种生产要素投入量的增加,边际产量和平均产量增加到一定程度将趋于下降,具中边际产量的下降一定先于平均产量。
6、MPL为负时,我们是处于(D )。
A.对L的I阶段; B •对K的III阶段;C.对L的II阶段;D・上述都有不是;7、下列是说法中正确的是(D )0A.生产要素的边际技术替代率递减是规模报酬递减造成的;B.边际收益递减是规模报酬递减造成的;C.规模报酬递减是边际收益规律造成的;D.生产要素的边际技术替代率递减是边际收益递减规律造成的;8、如果以横轴表示劳动,纵轴表示资本,则等成本Illi线的斜率是(B )oA.P L/P K; B • -P I TP K;C. P K/P L; D • -P K/P L;9、在边际产最发生递减时,如果要增加同样数最的产品,应该(A )0A.增加变动的牛产要素的投入量; B •减少变动的生产要素的投入量;C.停止增加变动的生产要素; D •同比例增加各种生产耍素;B ・3;1()、在有效区域屮,等产蜃1111线(A )。
第一章国民收入核算一、名词解释1. 国内生产总值2. 实际国内生产总值3. 国民收入4. 个人可支配收入二、单项选择题1. 用支出法核算GDP时,应包括的项目有( )。
A. 居民消费支出B. 政府转移支付C. 政府税收D. 居民对债券的支出2. 以下不能计入国民收入的有( )。
A. 政府转移支付B. 工资C. 资本折旧D. 间接税3. 宏观经济学研究的中心是( )。
A. 收入与增长分析B. 收入与就业分析C. 失业与通货膨胀分析D. 通货膨胀与增长分析4. 下列产品中能够计入当年GDP的有( )。
A. 纺纱厂购入的棉花B. 某人花10万元买了一幢旧房C. 家务劳动D. 某企业当年生产没有卖掉的20万元产品5. 属于GDP但不属于NI的项目有(或按收入法计入GDP的有)( )。
A. 政府转移支付B. 企业转移支付C. 间接税D. 直接税6. GDP与NDP之间的差别是( )。
A. 间接税B. 折旧C. 直接税 D. 净出口7. 国民收入核算体系中不包括如下哪个变量( )。
A. 国内生产总值B. 国内生产净值C. 政府税收D. 个人收入8. 用收入法核算的GDP应包括()。
A. 工资、利息、租金和非企业主收入B. 公司税前利润C. 企业转移支付及企业间接税D. 资本折旧9. 已知C=6亿,I=1亿,间接税=1亿,g=1.5 亿,X=2 亿,M=1.8亿,则( )。
A. NNP=8.7亿B. GDP=7.7 亿C. GNP=8.7亿D. NNP=5亿10. 用支出法计算的GDP的公式为( )。
A. GDP=C+I+G+(X-M)B. GDP=C+S+G+(X-M)C. GDP=C+I+T+(X-M)D. GDP=C+S+T+(M-X)11. 以下可以计入GDP的有( )。
A. 购买一辆用过的卡车B. 居民购买粮食C. 政府转移支付D. 政府购买办公用品12. 用收入法核算GDP时,应包括()。
A. 政府转移支付B. 间接税C. 政府投资兴建一所学校D. 企业投资13. 用支出法核算GDP时,应包括( )。
宏观经济学试题及答案1. 介绍宏观经济学是经济学的一个重要分支,研究整体经济系统的运行和发展规律。
2. 试题一:经济增长Q:什么是经济增长?它有哪些影响因素?A:经济增长是指国民经济总量在一定时期内增加的情况。
3. 试题二:通货膨胀Q:什么是通货膨胀?通货膨胀的原因和影响是什么?A:通货膨胀是指商品和服务的普遍价格持续上涨的现象。
4. 试题三:失业率Q:什么是失业率?失业率的分类和影响因素有哪些?A:失业率是指在劳动年龄人口中没有工作但愿意工作并正在寻找工作的人的比例。
5. 试题四:财政政策Q:什么是财政政策?财政政策的工具和目标是什么?A:财政政策是指政府通过调整税收和支出来影响经济运行的一种政策工具。
()(答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.T 11.T 12.T 13.F14.F 15.T 16.T 17.F 18.F 19.T 20.T 21.F 22.F 23.T 24.F 25.F)二、选择题1.边际消费倾向与边际储蓄倾向之和等于1,这是因为()A、任何两个边际量相加总是等于1。
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B 2、新古典模型中,产生趋同的原因是()
B 3、当经济处于稳定状态时(索洛模型中),储蓄率上升,则增长率()
劳动要素:0.7% 资本要素:0.9% 技术进步:1.4%。