
以下是一些常见的景点英语警示标识语:1. 注意安全•Caution: Wet Surface(注意湿滑):用于警示游客道路或地面湿滑的情况,提醒游客小心行走。
•Watch Your Step(注意脚下):用于提醒游客留意脚下,以防止意外摔倒。
•Beware of Falling Rocks(注意坠落石块):用于危险地区,警示游客有可能发生石块坠落,请提高警惕,避免逗留该区域。
•Mind the Gap(留心缝隙):用于警示游客在站台与列车之间可能存在的缝隙,提醒旅客小心。
2. 保护环境•Protect Nature, Do Not Litter(保护大自然,不要乱丢垃圾):用于景区保护环境的标识,提醒游客不要乱丢垃圾。
•Stay on the Designated Pathway(请在指定路径上行走):用于规定游客只能在指定的路径上行走,保护植被和生态系统。
•No Flash Photography(禁止使用闪光灯拍照):用于博物馆、艺术展览等场所,禁止使用闪光灯拍照,以保护珍贵的展品。
•Do Not Touch the Artifacts(请勿触摸展品):用于博物馆、艺术展览等场所,提醒游客不要触摸展品,以防止损坏。
3. 注意安全设施•Emergency Exit. Keep Clear(应急出口,请保持通畅):用于公共场所,指示游客不要阻碍应急出口,以便在紧急情况下尽快疏散。
•Fire Alarm. Do Not Block(火警报警器,请勿遮挡):用于指示火警报警器,告诉游客不要遮挡,以便在火灾发生时能及时报警。
•No Smoking(禁止吸烟):用于室内或规定区域内,提醒游客禁止吸烟,以保护他人的健康和防止火灾。
•No Swimming(禁止游泳):用于非指定游泳区域,警示游客不要在该区域内游泳,以避免意外事故。

公共场所双语标识英文译法English Translation of Public Signs第2部分景区景点Part 2: Tourist Attractions1范围DB11/T 334本部分规定了景区景点双语标识英文译法的原则。
2.1 旅游景区景点t ourist attractions指以旅游及其相关活动为主要功能或主要功能之一的空间或地域。
4.3.1植物园译为Botanical Garden,如北京植物园Beijing Botanical Garden。
4.3.2博物馆4.3.2.1一般名称译为xxxx Museum, Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆History Museum。某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名),如大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple。
4.3.3纪念馆4.3.3.1历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’ s,如吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial。

景区景点双语标识的英文译法A.1警告提示信息表A.1 警告提示信息序号中文名称英文译文1 严禁攀登No Climbing2 严禁倚靠Stand Clear/No Leaning3 严禁攀折No Picking5 严禁携带宠物No Pets Allowed6 严禁中途下车No Drop Off between Stops9 禁止排放污水No Waste Water Discharge10 禁止无照经营No Unlicensed Vendors12 禁止燃放烟花爆竹No Fireworks Allowed/Fireworks Prohibited13 禁止携带易燃易爆物品Inflammables & Explosives Strictly Prohibited14 禁止速降Downhill Skiing Prohibited15 禁止雪道中间停留Don't Stop on Ski Slope16 禁止由此滑行No Skiing Here17 禁止开窗Keep Windows Closed/Don't Open Windows18 非机动车禁止入内Motor Vehicles Only19 雷雨天禁止拨打手机Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms20 卧床请勿吸烟Don't Smoke in Bed21 殿内请勿燃香Don't Burn Incense in the Hall22 高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、酗酒请勿乘坐Drunks, sufferers of hypertension, heart disease and motion sickness not allowed on board.23 防洪通道,请勿占用Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear!24 非游览区,请勿进入No Admittance/No Visitors25 1米以下儿童须家长陪同乘坐Children under 1 meter must be accompanied by an adult.26 酒后不能上船Those under the influence of alcohol not allowed.27 请抬起护栏Please Raise the Guardrail28 请放下护栏Please Lower the Guardrail29 请您不要坐在护栏上边Don't Sit on Guardrail30 前方弯路慢行Bend Ahead. Slow Down!31 请自觉维护场内卫生环境Please Keep the Area Clean/Please Don't Litter32 请遵守场内秩序Please Keep Order表A.1(续)序号中文名称英文译文33 请您注意上方Watch Your Head34 请在台阶下等候Please Stand Clear of the Steps35 请您不要随意移动隔离墩Don't Move Barriers36 请您穿好救生衣Please Wear Life Vest37 请爱护洞内景观Please Help to Protect the Cave Scenery38 请沿此路上山Climbing Route/To the Top ↗Don't Feed the Animals 请勿投食3940 请勿惊吓动物Don't Frighten the Animals41 请勿拍打玻璃Don't Tap on the Glass42 请勿将手臂伸出车外Keep Arms inside Carriage43 请按顺序出入Please Line Up44 请爱请护林木Please Protect the Trees45 请保护古树Please Protect Heritage Trees46 请保护古迹Please Protect Historic Sites47 请爱护景区设施Please Protect Facilities48 请爱护文物/保护文物Please Protect Cultural Relics49 请尊重少数民族习俗Please Respect Ethnic Customs50 参观路线Visitor Route51 门票价格/票价Ticket Price52 危险路段Dangerous Area53 游客须知/游园须知Notice to Visitors54 景区简介Introduction55 单行线One Way56 敬告Attention57 当日使用,逾期作废Use on Day of Issue Only58 凭票入场Ticket Holders Only59 团队入口Group Tour Entrance60 缆车入口Cable Car Entrance61 临时出口Temporary Exit62 火警出口Fire Exit63 月票Monthly Ticket64 年票Annual Ticket65 优惠办法Discount66 淡季时间Low Season/Off Season67 旺季时间High Season/Peak Season68 集体票Group Tour Tickets69 允许拍照留念Photos Allowed70 票已售完Sold Out71 票已售出,概不退换No Refund. No Exchange72 开放时间Open Hours/Business Hours表A.1(续)序号中文名称英文译法73 系好安全带Fasten Safety Belt74 开园时间Opening Time75 闭园时间Closing Time76 表演时间Show Time77 展板Display Boards78 布告栏Bulletin79 游客投诉电话Complaints HotlineInquiry Hotline游客咨询电话8081 游客报警电话(110)Police Call 11082 示意图(导游图)Sketch Map83 游览图Tourist Map84 有佛事活动,请绕行Detour. Buddhist Ceremony in Progress.85 风力较大勿燃香,请敬香Windy. No Incense Burning!86 内部施工,暂停开放Under Construction. Temporarily Closed.87 1.2米以下儿童免票Free for Children under 1.2 Meters88 原路返回Please Return by the Way You Came89 二十四小时营业24-Hour ServiceA.2功能设施信息表 A.2 功能设施信息序号中文名称英文译法1 售票处Ticket Office/Tickets2 游客中心Tourist Center3 客房部Guest Room Department4 游船码头Cruise Terminal5 办公区Administrative Area6 公园管理处Park Administrative Office7 广播室Broadcasting Room8 游船Sightseeing Boat9 索道Cableway10 缆车Cable Car11 拱桥Arch Bridge12 展览馆/陈列馆Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center13 陈列室Exhibition Room/Display Room14 展区Exhibition Area/Display Area15 展厅Exhibition Hall/Display Hall16 故居Former Residence表 A.2(续)序号中文名称英文译法17 团体接待Group Tour18 休息处Lounge19 导游处Guide Service20 表演区Performance Area21 游乐场/游乐园Amusement Park22 儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children's Playground23 民族歌舞Folk Dances24 手工艺展示Handicraft Display25 特色餐饮Food Specialties26 民族特色街Ethnic Culture Street27 导游亭Tour Guide Booth28 模型ModelMain Corridor主廊2930 车道Vehicle Lane31 农家院Farm House32 专题展区Theme Display33 大石桥Great Stone Bridge34 博物馆Museum35 塔Pagoda/Dagoba(藏式塔)36 宫、院Palace37 亭、阁Pavilion38 寺Monastery (Temple)39 牌楼Memorial Archway40 桥Bridge41 廊Corridor42 牌坊Memorial Gateway43 庙Temple44 观堂Taoist Temple45 遗址Historic Site46 书房Study Room47 瀑布Waterfall48 滑雪场Ski Field49 滑雪道Ski Slope50 拓展区Outdoor Development Area51 狩猎区Hunting Area52 XX 养殖场XX Farm53 宠物乐园Pet Paradise54 无障碍售票口Wheelchair Accessible55 中央展厅Central Exhibition Hall/Central Display Hall表 A.2(续)序号中文名称英文译法56 报告厅Auditorium57 展厅入口Entrance58 休闲区Leisure Area59 贵宾厅VIP Hall60 序厅Lobby61 阅览室Reading Room62 贵宾通道VIP Only63 员工通道Staff Only64 租赁车Car Rental65 上楼楼梯Upstairs66 下楼楼梯Downstairs67 步行街Pedestrian Street68 货币兑换Currency Exchange69 走失儿童认领Lost Children InformationTrolley 行李手推车7071 三轮车接待站Tricycle Tour72 电动游览车Sightseeing Trolley73 服装出租处Costume Rental74 自行车租赁处Bicycle Rental75 租船处Boat Rental76 旅游纪念品商店Souvenir Shop77 字画店Calligraphy & Painting Shop78 公园Park79 儿童公园Children's Park80 雕塑公园Sculpture Park81 体育公园Sports Park82 动物园Zoo83 植物园Botanical Garden84 街旁游园Community Park85 盆景园Mini-Scape Garden/Bonsai Garden86 景观Scenery87 景区Scenic Area88 景点Scenic Spot89 森林浴Forest Bath90 空气浴Air Bath91 温泉浴Hot Spring Bath92 日光浴Sun Bath表 A.2(续)序号中文名称英文译法93 泥沙浴Mud and Sand Bath94 摄像室Photo Studio95 无烟景区Smoke-Free Scenic Area96 大型水滑梯/戏水滑道Water Slide97 收费停车场Pay Parking98 茶室Tea House99 游泳池Swimming Pool100 残疾人客房Accessible Guestroom101 吸烟区Smoking Area102 非吸烟区Non-Smoking Area103 国家级文物保护单位State Protected Historic Site104 市级文物保护单位Municipality Protected Historic Site/City Protected Historic Site 105 区级文物保护单位District Protected Historic Site106 爱国主义教育基地Patriotic Education Base107 浅水区Shallow Water108 深水区Deep Water109 采摘区Fruit-Picking Area110 工农业旅游示范点Industrial and Agricultural Site Sightseeing Trolley/Sightseeing Bus游览观光车111112 标本室Specimen Room113 观赏区Viewing Area114 投喂区Feeding Area115 触摸区Petting Area116 科技馆Science & Technology Hall117 导览册Guide Book118 导览机Audio Guide119 世界文化遗产World Cultural HeritageA.3服务类信息表 A.3 服务类信息序号中文名称英文译法1 导游服务/讲解服务Tour Guide Service2 照相服务Photo Service3 邮政服务Postal Service4 声讯服务Audio Guide5 票务服务Ticket Service/Tickets6 残疾人服务Service for Disabled7 免费Free Admission表 A.3(续)序号中文名称英文译法8 赠票Complimentary Ticket9 欢迎光临Welcome10 宣传资料Tourist Brochure/Travel Brochure11 半价50% Off/Half Price/50% Discount12 谢谢合作Thanks for Your Cooperation13 信用卡支付Credit Cards Accepted14 提供拐杖Crutches Available15 提供轮椅Wheelchairs Available16 游程信息Itinerary Information/Travel InfoA.4其他信息表 A.4 其他信息序号中文名称英文译法1 自动控制Auto-Control2 多媒体Multi-Media3 地质年代Geologic Age4 大事年表Chronology of Events5 自画像Self-Portrait6 碑记Tablet Inscription7 雕塑作品Sculpture8 石刻Stone Carving9 草原GrasslandOld and Famous Trees 古树名木1011 温室采摘Greenhouse Fruit Picking12 数字特技Digital Stunt13 花卉Flowers & Plants14 野营露营Camping15 消闲散步Strolling16 郊游野游Outing17 垂钓Fishing18 登山攀岩Mountaineering/Rock-Climbing19 揽胜探险Expedition20 科普教育Popular Science Education21 游戏娱乐Entertainment22 健身Bodybuilding23 演艺Art Performance24 水上运动Aquatic Sports25 滑水Surfing表 A.4(续)序号中文名称英文译法26 潜水Scuba Diving27 冰雪活动Ice Skating & Skiing28 滑草活动Grass Skiing29 滑沙Sand Skiing30 水上漂流Drifting31 数字特技Digital Stunt32 电影录音Film Recording33 电影剪辑Film Editing34 电影洗印Film Processing35 电影拍摄Filming36 电影动画Film Animation。

景区游客中心标语(中英文实用版)英文文档:Title: Slogans for Tourist Attraction Visitor CentersContent:The visitor center in a tourist attraction is a crucial hub where visitors gather for information, guidance, and assistance.An effective slogan at the visitor center can set the tone for the visitors" experience, evoke emotions, and create a lasting impression.Here are some slogan ideas for tourist attraction visitor centers:1."Unlock Memories, Explore [Attraction Name]!"2."Discover the Wonders, [Attraction Name] Awaits!"3."Where Stories Begin.[Attraction Name] - Experience It!"4."Step into Adventure at [Attraction Name]!"5."Preserving [Attraction Name], Inspiring Generations!"6."Experience the Magic of [Attraction Name]!"7."Immerse Yourself in [Attraction Name]"s Wonders!"8."[Attraction Name]: A Journey Through Time and Nature!"9."Unleash Your Curiosity at [Attraction Name]!"10."Where History Meets Innovation - [Attraction Name]!"中文文档:标题:景区游客中心标语内容:景区的游客中心是游客聚集获取信息、指导和帮助的关键场所。

英语研究性学习课题:旅游景区英语标识辅导老师:李星高一(1)班组长:付晓云组员:官莎莎叶婷杨琳玥聂素芹黄玲英As we know, when we make a travel we will see some English signs on the roadside board 。
In some Tourism scenic spots we also can see many English signs Those English signs will tell us what we should and shouldn't do, or remind us something that we don't know。
So when we go out ,we must look at bulletin boards logo carefully. It can make our journey become very relaxed and happy. The next, Let me Brief about general tourist attractions English signs for you.一旅游景区(点)常用标识二旅游风景区标识三旅游度假村标识四公园常用标识五游乐园或娱乐城标识六动物园常用标识一、旅游景区(点)常用标识二、旅游风景区(一)须知欢迎您来风景区游览,为保证景区的自然风貌,爱护国家和人民的公共财物以及您的人身安全,望您要遵守如下几项规定:1、保护风景区内自然风貌,风景区内严禁乱砍、滥伐、拆杈、毁林、开荒、乱开岩石、取纱、放牧和狩猎活动违者罚款。

景区景点双语标识的英文译法1严禁攀登No Climbing2严禁倚靠Stand Clear/No Leaning3严禁攀折No Picking5严禁携带宠物No Pets Allowed6严禁中途下车No Drop Off between Stops9禁止排放污水No Waste Water Discharge10禁止无照经营No Unlicensed Vendors12禁止燃放烟花爆竹No Fireworks Allowed/Fireworks Prohibited13禁止携带易燃易爆物品Inflammables&ExplosivesStrictlyProhibited14禁止速降Downhill Skiing Prohibited15禁止雪道中间停留Don’t Stop on Ski Slope16禁止由此滑行No Skiing Here17禁止开窗Keep Windows Closed/Don’t Open Windows18非机动车禁止入内Motor Vehicles Only19雷雨天禁止拨打手机CellphonesProhibitedduringThunderstorms20卧床请勿吸烟Don’t Smoke in Bed21殿内请勿燃香Don’t Burn Incense in the Hall22高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、酗酒请勿乘坐Drunks,suffersofhypertension,heartdiseandmotionsicknessnotallowed on board.23防洪通道,请勿占用Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear!24非游览区,请勿进入No Admittance/No Visitors26酒后不能上船Thoseundertheinfluenceofalcoholnotallowed.27请抬起护栏Please Raise the Guardrail28请放下护栏Please Lower the Guardrail29请您不要坐在护栏上边Don’t Sit on Guardrail30前方弯路慢行Bend Ahead. Slow Down!31请自觉维护场内卫生环境PleaseKeeptheAreaClean/PleaseDon’t Litter32请遵守场内秩序Please Keep Order33请您注意上方Watch Your Head34请在台阶下等候Please Stand Clear of the Steps35请您不要随意移动隔离墩Don’t Move Barriers36请您穿好救生衣Please Wear Life Vest37请爱护洞内景观Please Help to Protect the Cave Scenery38请沿此路上山Climbing Route/To the Top↗39请勿投食Don’t Feed the Animals40请勿惊吓动物Don’t Frighten the Animals41请勿拍打玻璃Don’t Tap on the Glass42请勿将手臂伸出车外Keep Arms inside Carriage43请按顺序出入Please Line Up44请爱请护林木Please Protect the Trees45请保护古树Please Protect Heritage Trees46请保护古迹Please Protect Historic Sites47请爱护景区设施Please Protect Facilities48请爱护文物/保护文物Please Protect Cultural Relics 49请尊重少数民族习俗Please Respect Ethnic Customs 50参观路线Visitor Route51门票价格/票价Ticket Price52危险路段Dangerous Area53游客须知/游园须知Notice to Visitors54景区简介Introduction55单行线One Way56敬告Attention57当日使用,逾期作废Use on Day of Issue Only58凭票入场Ticket Holders Only59团队入口Group Tour Entrance60缆车入口Cable Car Entrance61临时出口Temporary Exit62火警出口Fire Exit63月票Monthly Ticket64年票Annual Ticket65优惠办法Discount66淡季时间Low Season/Off Season67旺季时间High Season/Peak Season68集体票Group Tour Tickets69允许拍照留念Photos Allowed70票已售完Sold Out71票已售出,概不退换No Refund. No Exchange72开放时间Open Hours/Business Hours73系好安全带Fasten Safety Belt74开园时间Opening Time75闭园时间Closing Time76表演时间Show Time77展板Display Boards78布告栏Bulletin79游客投诉电话Complaints Hotline81游客报警电话(110)Police Call 11082示意图(导游图)Sketch Map83游览图Tourist Map84有佛事活动,请绕行Detour. Buddhist Ceremony in Progress.85风力较大勿燃香,请敬香Windy. No Incense Burning!86内部施工,暂停开放Under Construction. Temporarily Closed.871."2米以下儿童免票Free for Children under1."2 Meters88原路返回Please Return by the Way You Came 89二十四小时营业24-Hour ServiceA.2功能设施信息1售票处Ticket Office/Tickets2游客中心Tourist Center3客房部Guest Room Department4游船码头Cruise Terminal5办公区Administrative Area6公园管理处Park Administrative Office7广播室Broadcasting Room8游船Sightseeing Boat9索道Cableway10缆车Cable Car11拱桥Arch Bridge12展览馆/陈列馆Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center 13陈列室Exhibition Room/Display Room14展区Exhibition Area/Display Area15展厅Exhibition Hall/Display Hall16故居Former Residence17团体接待Group Tour18休息处Lounge19导游处Guide Service20表演区Performance Area21游乐场/游乐园Amusement Park22儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children’s Playground 23民族歌舞Folk Dances24手工艺展示Handicraft Display25特色餐饮Food Specialties26民族特色街Ethnic Culture Street27导游亭Tour Guide Booth28模型Model29主廊Main Corridor30车道Vehicle Lane31农家院Farm House32专题展区Theme Display33大石桥Great Stone Bridge34博物馆Museum35塔Pagoda/Dagoba(藏式塔)36宫、院Palace37亭、阁Pavilion38寺Monastery (Temple)39牌楼Memorial Archway40桥Bridge41廊Corridor42牌坊Memorial Gateway43庙Temple44观堂Taoist Temple45遗址Historic Site46书房Study Room47瀑布Waterfall48滑雪场Ski Field49滑雪道Ski Slope50拓展区Outdoor Development Area51狩猎区Hunting Area52 XX养殖场XX Farm53宠物乐园Pet Paradise54无障碍售票口Wheelchair Accessible55中央展厅Central Exhibition Hall/Central Display Hall 56报告厅Auditorium57展厅入口Entrance58休闲区Leisure Area59贵宾厅VIP Hall60序厅Lobby61阅览室Reading Room62贵宾通道VIP Only63员工通道Staff Only64租赁车Car Rental65上楼楼梯Upstairs66下楼楼梯Downstairs67步行街Pedestrian Street68货币兑换Currency Exchange69走失儿童认领Lost Children Information 70行李手推车Trolley71三轮车接待站Tricycle Tour72电动游览车Sightseeing Trolley73服装出租处Costume Rental74自行车租赁处Bicycle Rental75租船处Boat Rental76旅游纪念品商店Souvenir Shop77字画店Calligraphy & Painting Shop78公园Park79儿童公园Children’s Park80雕塑公园Sculpture Park81体育公园Sports Park82动物园Zoo83植物园Botanical Garden84街旁游园Community Park85盆景园Mini-Scape Garden/Bonsai Garden 86景观Scenery87景区Scenic Area88景点Scenic Spot89森林浴Forest Bath90空气浴Air Bath91温泉浴Hot Spring Bath92日光浴Sun Bath93泥沙浴Mud and Sand Bath94摄像室Photo Studio95无烟景区Smoke-Free Scenic Area96大型水滑梯/戏水滑道Water Slide97收费停车场Pay Parking98茶室Tea House99游泳池Swimming Pool100残疾人客房Accessible Guestroom101吸烟区Smoking Area102非吸烟区Non-Smoking Area103国家级文物保护单位State Protected Historic Site104市级文物保护单位MunicipalityProtectedHistoricSite/CityProtected Historic Site105区级文物保护单位District Protected Historic Site106爱国主义教育基地Patriotic Education Base107浅水区Shallow Water108深水区Deep Water109采摘区Fruit-Picking Area110工农业旅游示范点Industrial and Agricultural Site111游览观光车Sightseeing Trolley/Sightseeing Bus112标本室Specimen Room113观赏区Viewing Area114投喂区Feeding Area115触摸区Petting Area116科技馆Science & Technology Hall117导览册Guide Book118导览机Audio Guide119世界文化遗产World Cultural HeritageA.3服务类信息1导游服务/讲解服务Tour Guide Service2照相服务Photo Service3邮政服务Postal Service4声讯服务Audio Guide5票务服务Ticket Service/Tickets6残疾人服务Service for Disabled7免费Free Admission8赠票Complimentary Ticket10宣传资料Tourist Brochure/Travel Brochure 11半价50% Off/Half Price/50% Discount12谢谢合作Thanks for Your Cooperation13信用卡支付Credit Cards Accepted14提供拐杖Crutches Available15提供轮椅Wheelchairs Available16游程信息Itinerary Information/Travel Info A.4其他信息1自动控制Auto-Control2多媒体Multi-Media3地质年代Geologic Age4大事年表Chronology of Events5自画像Self-Portrait6碑记Tablet Inscription7雕塑作品Sculpture8石刻Stone Carving9草原Grassland10古树名木Old and Famous Trees11温室采摘Greenhouse Fruit Picking12数字特技Digital Stunt13花卉Flowers & Plants14野营露营Camping15消闲散步Strolling16郊游野游Outing17垂钓Fishing18登山攀岩Mountaineering/Rock-Climbing 19揽胜探险Expedition20科普教育Popular Science Education21游戏娱乐Entertainment22健身Bodybuilding23演艺Art Performance24水上运动Aquatic Sports25滑水Surfing26潜水Scuba Diving27冰雪活动Ice Skating & Skiing28滑草活动Grass Skiing29滑沙Sand Skiing30水上漂流Drifting31数字特技Digital Stunt 32电影录音Film Recording 33电影剪辑Film Editing34电影洗印Film Processing 35电影拍摄Filming36电影动画Film Animation。

常用英语标识语摘自<<大学英语>> 生活与语言丘秀英一. 旅馆标志:客满 No vacancy有空房 Vacancy服务台 Reception (desk)接待员 Receptionist旅客询问台 Informationist观光服务中心 Tourist Service Center商务中心 Business Center钱币兑换处 Money Exchange值日经理 Duty Manager请勿打扰 Do not disturb请打扫房间 Make up the room/Immediate maid service 请勿在床上吸烟 Please refrain from smoking in bed太平门/安全门 Emergency Exit火警通道 Fire Exit意见箱 Suggestion Box二.旅游景点标志:欢迎参观 Welcome售票处 Ticket Office来宾请登记 Visitors please register参观由此进 This way please肃静 Silence此路不通 Dead End禁止通行 No through way闲人免进 No admittance/No entry游客止步 Off limits to visitors禁止逗留 No loitering谢绝参观 No visitors禁止进入(军事禁区) Out of bounds请勿触摸 Hands off / Do not touch请勿拍照 No photographing,please油漆未干 Wet Paint危险,勿近 Danger勿折花木 Hands off the flowers and trees请勿践踏草地 Keep off the grass礼品店 Gift Shop快餐泠饮 Snack Bar盥洗室 Rest Room / Toilets男厕Men’s (Gentlemen’s) Room女厕Ladies’ (Women’s) Room车辆缓行 Drive slowly进出门下车(自行车) Please dismount at gate三.商场标志:欢迎光临You are welcome / you are welcome to browse鸣谢惠顾Thanks for your patronage营业中Open营业时间Store Hours / Business Hours休息 Closed / Resting / Intermission歇业盘点Closed for stocktaking清仓甩卖Clearance八折/七折20% Off / 30% Off谨防假冒Beware of imitations谨防扒手Beware of pickpockets全场(年终)大减价 Store-wide sale顾客至上 The customer is king. / The customer is always right 付款台 Cashier / Please pay here本店概不赊账 No layaways/ No credit折价商品,恕不退换No refunds on sale goods。

NOTICE No overloading; Dangerous actions-standing, swaying and
playing on the board are forbidden Follow instructions of the park staff. Do not get
follow instructors of the park staff, and go ashore at safe sites as soon as possible
1 拍照前,请到动物照相售票处购票,凭票入场 Please buy an Animal Photograph Ticket in
the boat until safely anchored 四 请你爱护公物, 不要损坏游船设备设施 Protect facilities and the boat
五 请您自觉维护公共卫生, 不要将废弃物抛到水 里
Keep the environment clean. Do not throw anything into the water
Each ticket is only valid for one kind of animal 5 与动物合影时,必须由工作人员带进防护栏,
Visitors must be accompanied by staff to enter the field. It is prohibited to feed animals with the food you brought into the park. Teasing, scaring or petting animals are not allowed.

Please do not litter.3.禁止吸烟。
No smoking.4.为确保您的安全,请遵守规定。
To ensure your safety, please follow the regulations.5.请保持安静。
Please keep quiet.6.请勿触摸展品。
Please do not touch the exhibits.7.请勿攀爬树木或其他设施。
Please do not climb trees or other facilities.8.注意保管好您的贵重物品。
Please keep your valuables safe.9.请勿擅自进入私人区域。
Please do not enter private areas without permission.10.请勿摄影。
No photography.11.请勿违规使用无人机。
Please do not use drones without permission.12.请勿喂食动物。
Please do not feed the animals.13.请尊重动植物,爱护环境。
Please respect the animals and plants, and protect the environment.14.穿高跟鞋进入部分区域需谨慎。
Please be cautious when entering certain areas wearing high heels.15.请不要随意碰动或更改展示布置。
Please do not touch or alter the exhibition layout.16.禁止带宠物入内。
No pets allowed.17.禁止骑行。
No cycling.18.请遵守交通规则,保持公共秩序。
Please abide by traffic rules and maintain public order.19.请勿在景区内乱扔烟蒂。

心触一片净土,爱博一片蓝天。 ——提示:这种比较有“文采”的标识语,翻译的时 候就返璞归真,直接意译。 Keep the environment clean. 禁止停车,违者拖走。 Tow away zone! 未经允许,不准停车。 Assigned parking only. 禁止摆卖。 No venders. 当心触电。 Danger! High voltage.
: 何程杨 张 一泽舒 晟 笑龙迪 源
Байду номын сангаас
旅游景区景点是旅游业 发展的基础要素和核心
Carry on
暂停服务请谅解。 Temporarily closed. Sorry for the inc onvenience. 六点停止入园。 Last admission: 6:00 狗便后,请清理。 Clean up after your dog. 需要帮助,请按按钮/请按铃 Press/Ring for assistance 小心碰头——提示:千万别说Be careful of your head 或者Mind your head Caution: low ceiling
主导课程 英语 相关课程 地理 历史
第一次活动 确定研究课题 第二次活动 撰写开题报告、制定活动计划 第三次活动 查阅资料,收集资料 第四次活动 分析研究 第五次活动 汇总整理 第六次活动 讨论并写总结 第七次活动 完成结题报告 第八次活动 成果交流

1.1 旅游景点通名地名通名通常采用英文直接翻译,英文单词首字母大写,其余小写。
1.1.1 植物园译为 Botanical Garden,如北京植物园Beijing Botanical Garden。
1.1.2 博物馆1.1.2.1 一般名称译为xxxx Museum, Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆 History Museum。 某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名),如大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple。
1.1.3 纪念馆1.1.3.1 历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’s,如吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial。 历史事件或事迹的纪念馆译为Memorial Museum,如新文化运动纪念馆 New Culture Movement Memorial Museum。
1.1.4 故居译为Former Residence,如宋庆龄故居 Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling。
1.1.5 展览馆、陈列馆译为Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center,会展中心译为Convention & Exhibition Center。
1.1.6 陈列室译为 Exhibition Room/Display Room。
1.1.7 宫、院译为Palace,如颐和园 Summer Palace。
有些宫译为 Hall,如乾清宫 Hall of Heavenly Purity。
1.1.8 殿、堂译为 Hall,如太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony、乐寿堂 Hall of Longevity in Happiness。
1.1.9 寺译为Temple,如云居寺 Yunju Temple。
1.1.10 亭、阁译为Pavilion,如寄澜亭 Jilan Pavilion。

1. “欢迎您参观我们的公园,感受大自然的美妙。
更正:改为“Welcome to visit our park and enjoy the beauty of nature。
”或者“Welcome to our park and experience the magnificence of nature。
”2. “这是一个适合亲子游的度假村。
更正:改为“This is a family-friendly resort。
”3. “请您注意保护环境,不要随便丢垃圾。
更正:改为“Please do not litter and help us keep the environment clean.”4. “希望您玩得开心!”错误:在英文中,这句话显得有点口语化,不符合公示语的规范。
更正:改为“Hope you enjoy your visit!”或者“We wish you a happy trip!”5. “美食街集美食、娱乐、休闲于一体。
更正:改为“Food street offers a variety of tasty foods for your enjoyment.”总之,在翻译英语公示语的时候,应该以符合规范和语用清晰为前提,力求简洁明了。

这是为了保护游客和工作人员的健康, 确保非吸烟区的空气质量不受影响, 同时减少火灾等安全风险。
Information prompt language
Opening hours of tourist attractions
Opening hours
Our scenic spots are open from 8:00am to 6:00pm daily.
Welcome to your visit, we wish you a pleasant stay and an enjoyable time during your visit. Our destination is a perfect blend of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture.
Information about the availability of family restrooms, handicap accessible facilities, and any specific requirements
or instructions for use.
Parking Lot
Welcome to our tourist attractions, a place where you can immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of our region. We are excited to share our local treasures with you.
A place where tourists can obtain information about the attraction, including hours of operation, admission prices, and any rules or regulations.

高考英语旅游景区名称标识类单词1.自然景观景观Landscape或Scenery海滩Beach江;河River溪Creek或Stream潭;池Pond〔日月潭、天池等已习惯使用Lake的可沿用〕湖;泊Lake瀑布Falls或Waterfall冰川Glacier森林;林地Forest或Woods湿地Wetland沼泽Marsh或Moor峡谷Gorge或Canyon山谷Valley山洞Cave溶洞Karst Cave或Limestone Cave山Mountain或Hill〔峨眉山等已习惯使用Mount的可沿用〕峰Peak或Mountain Peak山脉Mountains或Mountain Range雪山Snow Mountain温泉Hot Spring2.风景园林风景名胜;风景名胜区;旅游景区Tourist Attraction〔泛指多处景点时应用复数,译作Tourist Attractions〕景区Scenic Area景点Scenic Spot自然保护区Natural Reserve或Nature Reserve水利风景区Water Conservancy Scenic Area 国家级景区National Tourist Attraction国家森林公园National Forest Park园;圈;苑Garden公园;综合公园City Park或Urban Park民俗园Folklore Park1民族风情园Ethnic Culture Park 地质公园Geopark湿地公园Wetland Park雕塑公园Sculpture Park主题公园Theme Park森林公园Forest Park生态公园Ecopark植物园Botanical Garden盆景园Miniature Landscape Garden或Potted Landscape Garden 3.寺庙观堂宫〔皇宫〕;行宫Palace殿;堂Hall教堂Church或Cathedral廊〔长廊〕Corridor陵;墓Tomb或Mausoleum陵园;墓园Cemetery庙;寺〔佛教〕Temple宫;观〔道教〕Daoist Temple清真寺Mosque庵Nunnery祠〔纪念性〕Memorial Temple宗祠Ancestral Temple或Clan Temple牌坊;牌楼Memorial Gate或Memorial Archway楼;塔楼;阁Tower塔Pagoda〔佛塔〕;Stupa或Dagoba〔舍利塔〕4.文化景观世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage〔泛指〕或World Cultural Heritage Site〔特指一处遗产〕中国优秀旅游城市Top Tourist City of China爱国主义教育基地Patriotism Education Base名胜古迹Scenic Spots and Historial Sites〔泛指多处景点〕国家级文物保护单位National Cultural Heritage Site省级文物保护单位Provinical Cultural Heritage Site市级文物保护单位Municipal Cultural Heritage Site区级文物保护单位District Cultural Heritage Site古建筑Ancient Building或Heritage Building〔已列入保护项目〕院;大院Courtyard或Compound〔已列入保护项目〕古城2Ancient City或Heritage City〔已列入保护项目〕古城Ancient Town或Old Town或Heritage Town〔已列入保护项目〕旧址Site会址Site of ___ Conference〔“___”中填入具体会议名称〕故里Hometown故居Former Residence古桥Ancient Bridge古塔Ancient Pagoda古迹Historical Site遗址Ruins古墓Ancient Tomb石窟Grottoes 石刻Stone Inscription〔文字〕;Stone Carving〔非文字〕碑记Tablet Inscription历史名园Historical Garden纪念馆;纪念堂Memorial Hall公墓Cemetery烈士陵园Martyrs Cemetery遗址公园Heritage Park一级文物First Grade Culture Relic 或Grade One Culture Relic 二级文物Second Grade Culture Relic 或Grade Two Culture Relic 三级文物Third Grade Culture Relic 或Grade Three Culture Relic 不可移动文物Immovable Cultural Heritage5.休闲度假度假村Resort旅游度假区Resort Area动物园Zoo或Zoological Park 野生动物园Wildlife Park海洋公园Marine Park或Ocean Park水上乐园Water Park水族馆;海洋馆Aquarium体育公园Sports Park游乐园Amusement ParkChildren’s Park儿童游乐场;儿童乐园Children’s Playground农家乐儿童公园Agritainment民族特色街Ethnic Culture Street步行街Pedestrian Street或Pedestrian Zone工业旅游示范点Industrial Tourism Demonstration Site农业旅游示范点Agricultural Tourism Demonstration Site36.文化景观世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage〔泛指〕或World Cultural Heritage Site〔特指一处遗产〕中国优秀旅游城市Top Tourist City of China爱国主义教育基地Patriotism Education Base名胜古迹Scenic Spots and Historial Sites〔泛指多处景点〕国家级文物保护单位National Cultural Heritage Site省级文物保护单位Provinical Cultural Heritage Site市级文物保护单位Municipal Cultural Heritage Site区级文物保护单位District Cultural Heritage Site古建筑Ancient Building或Heritage Building〔已列入保护项目〕院;大院Courtyard或Compound〔已列入保护项目〕古城Ancient City或Heritage City〔已列入保护项目〕古城Ancient Town或Old Town或Heritage Town〔已列入保护项目〕旧址Site会址Site of ___ Conference〔“___”中填入具体会议名称〕故里Hometown故居Former Residence古桥Ancient Bridge古塔Ancient Pagoda古迹Historical Site遗址Ruins古墓Ancient Tomb石窟Grottoes石刻Stone Inscription〔文字〕;Stone Carving〔非文字〕碑记Tablet Inscription历史名园Historical Garden纪念馆;纪念堂Memorial Hall公墓Cemetery烈士陵园Martyrs Cemetery遗址公园Heritage Park一级文物First Grade Culture Relic 或Grade One Culture Relic 二级文物Second Grade Culture Relic 或Grade Two Culture Relic 三级文物Third Grade Culture Relic 或Grade Three Culture Relic 不可移动文物Immovable Cultural Heritage7.休闲度假度假村Resort旅游度假区Resort Area1动物园Zoo或Zoological Park 野生动物园Wildlife Park海洋公园Marine Park或Ocean Park水上乐园Water Park水族馆;海洋馆Aquarium体育公园Sports Park游乐园Amusement ParkChildren’s Park儿童游乐场;儿童乐园Children’s Playground农家乐儿童公园Agritainment民族特色街Ethnic Culture Street步行街Pedestrian Street或Pedestrian Zone工业旅游示范点Industrial Tourism Demonstration Site农业旅游示范点Agricultural Tourism Demonstration Site2。

• 重组法是指在不损害原文内容的前提下,不拘泥 于原文形式,对不符合译文语言表达习惯的词句、 语序进行必要的结构性改动和调整,重新组合, 使译文更好地适应外国旅游者的审美心理 • 删减法 • 删去中文资料中对译文理解没有帮助的东西。旅 游翻译中常常有些内容是中国传统文化特有的产 物,如果按字逐译成英语,对理解原文并无多大 帮助,甚至外国旅游者根本看不懂,翻译时应在 重视原文的基本内容的前提下予以适当删减,以 利于游客理解
• Disabled Toilet • Wheelchair Accessible • 禁止随地大小便! • No Peeing • Commit No Nuisance!
• No carving on the cultural heritage. • Please treasure our own cultural heritages.
• 万千小心,注意安全! • Nice to live, pay attention to safety. • Caution: Steep & narrow zigzag road. Watch your steps.
• Be careful of your head. • Mind your head • Caution: Low Ceiling
• 请勿在本餐厅内进食非麦当劳食品 • Seating Reserved for Consumption of McDonald‟s Food Only • 老、弱、病、残、孕专座 • Seats for the old, the sick, the handicapped and the pregnant. • 爱护花木,请勿攀摘 • Take care of flowers and trees. Don‟t pick and harm them. • Stay away from flowers and trees.

中英对照武汉景点娱乐名称公示语公共标识语1八七会议会址Site of the CPC Political Bureau Members' Conference on Aug.7,2宝通禅寺Baotong Buddhist Temple3楚城(磨山景区)Ancient Chu-Style Tourist T own 4道观河风景区Daoguan Riverside Scenic Spot5中国国际机电产品博览会(武汉机博会)International Machinery&Electronic Products Expo WuhanChina6东方马城Oriental Racecourse7东湖 East Lake8东湖海洋世界East Lake Ocean World9防洪纪念碑1954 Flood Control Monument10飞跃网吧Feiyue Internet Café11古琴台 the Ancient Guqin Terrace12归元寺Guiyuan Buddhist Temple13龟山Tortoise Hill14龟山电视塔T ortoise Hill TV Tower15龟山公园Guishan Park/ Tortoise Hill Park 16海昌极地海洋世界Haichang Polar Ocean Park17汉口江滩公园Hankou Riverside Park18汉阳江滩公园Hanyang Riverside Park19汉正街Hanzheng Street/ Shopping Street 20湖北省博物馆Hubei Provincial Museum21湖北省博物馆Hubei Provincial Museum22户部巷Hubu Gourmet Lane23皇宫网球会所Palace Tennis Club24黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower25黄鹤楼公园Yellow Crane T ower Park26吉庆街 Jiqing Gourmet Street27江汉路步行街Jianghan Pedestrian Street/Mall 28江滩公园(Yangtze) Riverside Park29解放公园碑林The Forest of Steles in Liberation Park30金逸影城Jinyi Cinema City31梁子湖生态旅游区Liangzi Lake Ecotourism Zone 32龙华寺Longhua Temple33龙王庙Dragon King Temple34珞珈山—武汉大学Luojia Hill—Wuhan University 35落雁岛Luoyan Island36马鞍山森林公园Ma'anshan Forest Park37毛泽东旧居暨中共“五大”开幕式旧址Former Residence of Mao Zedongand Site of the Fifth CPCNational Congress38墨水湖 Moshui (Writing Ink) Lake39木兰草原Mulan Grassland40木兰湖Mulan Lake41木兰山 Mulan Hill42木兰天池Mulan Tianchi (Lake of Heaven)43千指山烈士陵园Qianzhishan Revolutionary Martyrs’ Cemetery44琴台大剧院Qintai Grand Theater/ Concert 45清凉寨Qingliang (Cooling) Village 46晴川阁Qingchuan Pavilion 47三角湖度假村Sanjiaohu Resort 48上海路天主堂Shanghailu Cathedral 49蛇山Snake Hill 50施洋烈士陵园Revolutionary Martyr Shi Yang ’s Cemetery 51首义广场Shouyi Square (Wuchang Uprising Square)52首义园Wuchang Uprising Park 53宋庆龄故居Soong Ching-ling Memorial Residence 54塔子湖体育中心Tazihu Sports Center 55天一戏院Tianyi Theatre 56田汉大剧院Tianhan Grand Theatre 57武昌江滩公园Wuchang Riverside Park 58武汉博物馆Wuhan Museum59武汉城市规划展示厅Wuhan UrbanPlanningExhibition Center 60武汉城市历史发展陈列馆(筹)Wuhan Urban History andDevelopment Museum (In Preparation)61武汉第20届食博会20th Food Expo Wuhan 62武汉动物园Wuhan Zoo 63武汉歌舞剧院Wuhan Song and Dance Theater 64武汉国际博览中心Wuhan International Expo Center 65武汉国际会展中心Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Centre 66武汉国民政府旧址Former Residence of National Government 67武汉剧院Wuhan Theatre 68武汉科技馆Wuhan Science and TechnologyMuseum69武汉美术馆Wuhan Art Museum 70武汉盘龙城遗址博物馆(筹)Wuhan Museum of Panlong City Site (In Preparation)71武汉琴台大剧院Wuhan Qintai Grand Theatre 72武汉琴台音乐厅Wuhan Qintai Concert Hall 73武汉人民艺术剧院The People's Art Theater of Wuhan 74武汉森林野生动物园Wuhan Forest & Wild Animal Park 75武汉市博物馆Wuhan Municipal Museum 76武汉市青少年宫Youth and Children's Palace of Wuhan 77武汉市少年儿童图书馆Wuhan Children's Library 78武汉市体育馆Wuhan Indoor Stadium79武汉市文史研究馆Wuhan Research Instituteof Culture and History80武汉体育中心Wuhan Sports Center81武汉图书馆Wuhan Library82武汉万达电影城江汉路店Wanda Cinema Jianghan Road Wuhan 83武汉辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆1911 Revolution Memorial Hall84武汉杂技厅Wuhan Acrobatics Hall85武汉长江大桥Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge 86武汉植物园Wuhan Botanical Garden87辛亥革命博物馆The 1911 Revolution Museum 88新华路体育馆Xinhualu Stadium89新天地CGV星星国际影城Xintiandi CGV Xingxing International Cineplex90徐东古玩城Xudong Antique T own91银海艺术中心Yinhai Art Center92银兴网吧Yinxing Internet Café93英东游泳馆Yingdong Swimming Center 94月湖公园Yuehu Lakeside Park95长春观Changchun(Everlasting)Taoist Temple96中国地质大学逸夫博物馆Yifu Museum of China Universityof Geosciences97中山公园Zhongshan Park98中山舰博物馆Zhongshan Warship Museum。

景区景点双语标识的英文译法1 严禁攀登 No Climbing2 严禁倚靠 Stand Clear/No Leaning3 严禁攀折 No Picking5 严禁携带宠物 No Pets Allowed6 严禁中途下车 No Drop Off between Stops9 禁止排放污水 No Waste Water Discharge10 禁止无照经营 No Unlicensed Vendors12 禁止燃放烟花爆竹 No Fireworks Allowed/Fireworks Prohibited13 禁止携带易燃易爆物品 Inflammables & Explosives Strictly Prohibited14 禁止速降 Downhill Skiing Prohibited15 禁止雪道中间停留Don’t Stop on Ski Slope16 禁止由此滑行No Skiing Here17 禁止开窗Keep Windows Closed/Don’t Open Windows18 非机动车禁止入内 Motor Vehicles Only19 雷雨天禁止拨打手机 Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms20 卧床请勿吸烟Don’t Smoke in Bed21 殿内请勿燃香Don’t Burn Incense in the Hall22 高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、酗酒请勿乘坐 Drunks, sufferers of hypertension, heart disease and motion sickness notallowed on board.23 防洪通道,请勿占用 Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear!24 非游览区,请勿进入 No Admittance/No Visitors25 1米以下儿童须家长陪同乘坐 Children under 1 meter must be accompanied by an adult.26 酒后不能上船 Those under the influence of alcohol not allowed.27 请抬起护栏 Please Raise the Guardrail28 请放下护栏 Please Lower the Guardrail29 请您不要坐在护栏上边Don’t Sit on Guardrail30 前方弯路慢行 Bend Ahead. Slow Down!31 请自觉维护场内卫生环境 Please Keep the Area Clean/Please Don’t Litter32 请遵守场内秩序 Please Keep Order33 请您注意上方 Watch Your Head34 请在台阶下等候 Please Stand Clear of the Steps35 请您不要随意移动隔离墩Don’t Move Barriers36 请您穿好救生衣 Please Wear Life Vest37 请爱护洞内景观 Please Help to Protect the Cave Scenery38 请沿此路上山 Climbing Route/To the Top ↗39 请勿投食Don’t Feed the Animals40 请勿惊吓动物Don’t Frighten the Animals41 请勿拍打玻璃Don’t Tap on the Glass42 请勿将手臂伸出车外 Keep Arms inside Carriage43 请按顺序出入 Please Line Up44 请爱请护林木 Please Protect the Trees45 请保护古树 Please Protect Heritage Trees46 请保护古迹 Please Protect Historic Sites47 请爱护景区设施 Please Protect Facilities48 请爱护文物/保护文物 Please Protect Cultural Relics49 请尊重少数民族习俗 Please Respect Ethnic Customs50 参观路线 Visitor Route51 门票价格/票价 Ticket Price52 危险路段 Dangerous Area53 游客须知/游园须知 Notice to Visitors54 景区简介 Introduction55 单行线 One Way56 敬告 Attention57 当日使用,逾期作废 Use on Day of Issue Only58 凭票入场 Ticket Holders Only59 团队入口 Group Tour Entrance60 缆车入口 Cable Car Entrance61 临时出口 Temporary Exit62 火警出口 Fire Exit63 月票 Monthly Ticket64 年票 Annual Ticket65 优惠办法 Discount66 淡季时间 Low Season/Off Season67 旺季时间 High Season/Peak Season68 集体票 Group Tour Tickets69 允许拍照留念 Photos Allowed70 票已售完 Sold Out71 票已售出,概不退换 No Refund. No Exchange72 开放时间 Open Hours/Business Hours73 系好安全带 Fasten Safety Belt74 开园时间 Opening Time75 闭园时间 Closing Time76 表演时间 Show Time77 展板 Display Boards78 布告栏 Bulletin79 游客投诉电话 Complaints Hotline80 游客咨询电话 Inquiry Hotline81 游客报警电话(110) Police Call 11082 示意图(导游图) Sketch Map83 游览图 Tourist Map84 有佛事活动,请绕行 Detour. Buddhist Ceremony in Progress.85 风力较大勿燃香,请敬香 Windy. No Incense Burning!86 内部施工,暂停开放 Under Construction. Temporarily Closed.87 1.2米以下儿童免票 Free for Children under 1.2 Meters88 原路返回 Please Return by the Way You Came89 二十四小时营业 24-Hour ServiceA.2功能设施信息1 售票处 Ticket Office/Tickets2 游客中心 Tourist Center3 客房部 Guest Room Department4 游船码头 Cruise Terminal5 办公区 Administrative Area6 公园管理处 Park Administrative Office7 广播室 Broadcasting Room8 游船 Sightseeing Boat9 索道 Cableway10 缆车 Cable Car11 拱桥 Arch Bridge12 展览馆/陈列馆 Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center13 陈列室 Exhibition Room/Display Room14 展区 Exhibition Area/Display Area15 展厅 Exhibition Hall/Display Hall16 故居 Former Residence17 团体接待 Group Tour18 休息处 Lounge19 导游处 Guide Service20 表演区 Performance Area21 游乐场/游乐园 Amusement Park22 儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children’s Play ground23 民族歌舞 Folk Dances24 手工艺展示 Handicraft Display25 特色餐饮 Food Specialties26 民族特色街 Ethnic Culture Street27 导游亭 Tour Guide Booth28 模型 Model29 主廊 Main Corridor30 车道 Vehicle Lane31 农家院 Farm House32 专题展区 Theme Display33 大石桥 Great Stone Bridge34 博物馆 Museum35 塔 Pagoda/Dagoba(藏式塔)36 宫、院 Palace37 亭、阁 Pavilion38 寺 Monastery (Temple)39 牌楼 Memorial Archway40 桥 Bridge41 廊 Corridor42 牌坊 Memorial Gateway43 庙 Temple44 观堂 Taoist Temple45 遗址 Historic Site46 书房 Study Room47 瀑布 Waterfall48 滑雪场 Ski Field49 滑雪道 Ski Slope50 拓展区 Outdoor Development Area51 狩猎区 Hunting Area52 XX 养殖场 XX Farm53 宠物乐园 Pet Paradise54 无障碍售票口 Wheelchair Accessible55 中央展厅 Central Exhibition Hall/Central Display Hall56 报告厅 Auditorium57 展厅入口 Entrance58 休闲区 Leisure Area59 贵宾厅 VIP Hall60 序厅 Lobby61 阅览室 Reading Room62 贵宾通道 VIP Only63 员工通道 Staff Only64 租赁车 Car Rental65 上楼楼梯 Upstairs66 下楼楼梯 Downstairs67 步行街 Pedestrian Street68 货币兑换 Currency Exchange69 走失儿童认领 Lost Children Information70 行李手推车 Trolley71 三轮车接待站 Tricycle Tour72 电动游览车 Sightseeing Trolley73 服装出租处 Costume Rental74 自行车租赁处 Bicycle Rental75 租船处 Boat Rental76 旅游纪念品商店 Souvenir Shop77 字画店 Calligraphy & Painting Shop78 公园 Park79 儿童公园Children’s Park80 雕塑公园 Sculpture Park81 体育公园 Sports Park82 动物园 Zoo83 植物园 Botanical Garden84 街旁游园 Community Park85 盆景园 Mini-Scape Garden/Bonsai Garden86 景观 Scenery87 景区 Scenic Area88 景点 Scenic Spot89 森林浴 Forest Bath90 空气浴 Air Bath91 温泉浴 Hot Spring Bath92 日光浴 Sun Bath93 泥沙浴 Mud and Sand Bath94 摄像室 Photo Studio95 无烟景区 Smoke-Free Scenic Area96 大型水滑梯/戏水滑道 Water Slide97 收费停车场 Pay Parking98 茶室 Tea House99 游泳池 Swimming Pool100 残疾人客房 Accessible Guestroom101 吸烟区 Smoking Area102 非吸烟区 Non-Smoking Area103 国家级文物保护单位 State Protected Historic Site104 市级文物保护单位 Municipality Protected Historic Site/City Protected Historic Site105 区级文物保护单位 District Protected Historic Site106 爱国主义教育基地 Patriotic Education Base107 浅水区 Shallow Water108 深水区 Deep Water109 采摘区 Fruit-Picking Area110 工农业旅游示范点 Industrial and Agricultural Site111 游览观光车 Sightseeing Trolley/Sightseeing Bus112 标本室 Specimen Room113 观赏区 Viewing Area114 投喂区 Feeding Area115 触摸区 Petting Area116 科技馆 Science & Technology Hall117 导览册 Guide Book118 导览机 Audio Guide119 世界文化遗产 World Cultural HeritageA.3服务类信息1 导游服务/讲解服务 Tour Guide Service2 照相服务 Photo Service3 邮政服务 Postal Service4 声讯服务 Audio Guide5 票务服务 Ticket Service/Tickets6 残疾人服务 Service for Disabled7 免费 Free Admission8 赠票 Complimentary Ticket9 欢迎光临 Welcome10 宣传资料 Tourist Brochure/Travel Brochure11 半价 50% Off/Half Price/50% Discount12 谢谢合作 Thanks for Your Cooperation13 信用卡支付 Credit Cards Accepted14 提供拐杖 Crutches Available15 提供轮椅 Wheelchairs Available16 游程信息 Itinerary Information/Travel InfoA.4其他信息1 自动控制 Auto-Control2 多媒体 Multi-Media3 地质年代 Geologic Age4 大事年表 Chronology of Events5 自画像 Self-Portrait6 碑记 Tablet Inscription7 雕塑作品 Sculpture8 石刻 Stone Carving9 草原 Grassland10 古树名木 Old and Famous Trees11 温室采摘 Greenhouse Fruit Picking12 数字特技 Digital Stunt13 花卉 Flowers & Plants14 野营露营 Camping15 消闲散步 Strolling16 郊游野游 Outing17 垂钓 Fishing18 登山攀岩 Mountaineering/Rock-Climbing19 揽胜探险 Expedition20 科普教育 Popular Science Education21 游戏娱乐 Entertainment22 健身 Bodybuilding23 演艺 Art Performance24 水上运动 Aquatic Sports25 滑水 Surfing26 潜水 Scuba Diving27 冰雪活动 Ice Skating & Skiing28 滑草活动 Grass Skiing29 滑沙 Sand Skiing30 水上漂流 Drifting31 数字特技 Digital Stunt32 电影录音 Film Recording33 电影剪辑 Film Editing34 电影洗印 Film Processing35 电影拍摄 Filming36 电影动画 Film Animation。

主要旅游景点及休闲场所1八七会议会址Site of the CPC Political Bureau 2宝通禅寺Baotong Buddhist Temple 3楚城Ancient Chu-Style Tourist Town 4道观河风景区Daoguan Riverside Scenic Spot 5中国国际机电产品博览会(武汉机博会)International Machinery &Electronic Products Expo Wuhan China 6东方马城Oriental Racecourse 7东湖 East Lake 8东湖海洋世界East Lake Ocean World 9防洪纪念碑1954Flood Control Monument 10古琴台the Ancient Guqin Terrace 11归元寺Guiyuan Buddhist Temple 12龟山Tortoise Hill 13龟山电视塔Tortoise Hill TV Tower 14龟山公园Guishan Park/Tortoise Hill Park 15海昌极地海洋世界Haichang Polar Ocean Park 16汉口江滩公园Hankou Riverside Park 17汉阳江滩公园Hanyang Riverside Park 18汉正街Hanzheng Street/Shopping Street 19湖北省博物馆Hubei Provincial Museum 20户部巷Hubu Gourmet Lane 21黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower 22黄鹤楼公园Yellow Crane Tower Park 23吉庆街 Jiqing Gourmet Street24江汉路步行街Jianghan Pedestrian Street/Mall25江滩公园(Yangtze)Riverside Park 26解放公园碑林The Forest of Steles in Liberation Park27梁子湖生态旅游区Liangzi Lake Ecotourism Zone28龙华寺Longhua Temple 29龙王庙Dragon King Temple 30珞珈山—武汉大学Luojia Hill —Wuhan University31落雁岛Luoyan Island 32马鞍山森林公园Ma'anshan Forest Park 33毛泽东旧居暨中共“五大”开幕式旧址Former Residence ofMao Zedong and Site of the Fifth CPC NationalCongress34墨水湖Moshui (Writing Ink)Lake35木兰草原Mulan Grassland 36木兰湖Mulan Lake37木兰山 Mulan Hill38木兰天池Mulan Tianchi(Lake of Heaven)39千指山烈士陵园Qianzhishan Revolutionary Martyrs40琴台大剧院Qintai Grand Theater/ Concert41清凉寨Qingliang(Cooling) Village42晴川阁Qingchuan Pavilion 43三角湖度假村Sanjiaohu Resort44上海路天主堂Shanghailu Cathedral 45蛇山Snake Hill46施洋烈士陵园Revolutionary Martyr Shi Yang’s Cemetery47首义广场Shouyi Square(Wuchang Uprising Square)48首义园Wuchang Uprising Park49宋庆龄故居Soong Ching-ling Memorial Residence50塔子湖体育中心Tazihu Sports Center 51天一戏院Tianyi Theatre52田汉大剧院Tianhan GrandTheatre53武昌江滩公园Wuchang Riverside Park 54武汉博物馆Wuhan Museum55武汉城市规划展示厅Wuhan Urban Planning Exhibition Center56武汉城市历史发展陈列馆(筹)Wuhan Urban Historyand DevelopmentMuseum(InPreparation)57武汉第20届食博会20th Food Expo Wuhan 58武汉动物园Wuhan Zoo59武汉歌舞剧院Wuhan Song and Dance Theater60武汉国际博览中心Wuhan International Expo Center61武汉国际会展中心Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Centre62武汉国民政府旧址Former Residence of National Government63武汉剧院Wuhan Theatre64武汉科技馆Wuhan Science and Technology Museum65武汉美术馆Wuhan Art Museum66武汉盘龙城遗址博物馆(筹)Wuhan Museum of Panlong City Site(In Preparation)67武汉琴台大剧院Wuhan Qintai Grand Theatre68武汉琴台音乐厅Wuhan Qintai Concert Hall 69武汉人民艺术剧院The People's Art Theater of Wuhan 70武汉森林野生动物园Wuhan Forest &Wild Animal Park 71武汉市博物馆Wuhan Municipal Museum 72武汉市青少年宫Youth and Children's Palace of Wuhan 73武汉市少年儿童图书馆Wuhan Children's Library 74武汉市体育馆Wuhan Indoor Stadium 75武汉市文史研究馆Wuhan Research Institute of Culture and History 76武汉体育中心Wuhan Sports Center 77武汉图书馆Wuhan Library 78武汉辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆1911Revolution Memorial Hall 79武汉杂技厅Wuhan Acrobatics Hall 80武汉长江大桥Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge 81武汉植物园Wuhan Botanical Garden 82辛亥革命博物馆The 1911Revolution Museum 83新华路体育馆Xinhualu Stadium 84徐东古玩城Xudong Antique Town 85银海艺术中心Yinhai Art Center 86月湖公园Yuehu Lakeside Park87长春观Changchun(Everlasting) Taoist88中国地质大学逸夫博物馆Yifu Museum of ChinaUniversity ofGeosciences89中山公园Zhongshan Park90中山舰博物馆Zhongshan WarshipMuseum (售检票)1半票;半价Half Rate Tieket[Ticket可以省略]2残疾人证Disability Certificate 3成人票Adult Ticket[Ticket可以省略]4当日使用.逾期作废Valid on Day of Issue Only; Valid for the Date Displayed on the Ticket 5电子检票口e-Ticket Check-in或e-Ticket Entrance 6儿童票C'hiid Ticket[Ticket可以省略]7副券自行撕下作废Invalid Without Stub 8检票口Check-in或Entrance 9老年证Senior Citizen ID 10老人票Senior Tickets [Tickets可以省略]11旅游投诉Complaints 12门票:普通票Tickets13免费项目Free Items14免票Free Admission15年票Annual Pass16票价Ticket Rates[Ticket可以省略]或Fares17票务服务Ticket Service18票已售出,概不退换No Refunds or Exchanges19票已售完Sold Out20凭票人场Admission by Ticket或Ticket Holders Only21凭有效证件Valid ID Required22全日制学生证Fulltime Student ID23收费项目Pay Items24售票口:售票处:票务处Ticket Office或Tickets25套票:联票Ticket Package26团体检票口Group Check-in或Group Entrance27团体票Group Tickets[Tickets可以省略]28团体售票口Group Tickets Office 或Groups [用于Office可以省略的场合]29团休接待Group Reception30无障碍售票口Wheelchair Ticketing或Wheelchair Accessible[用于Ticketing可以省略的场合31学生票Student Ticket [Ticket可以省略]32优惠票Concession Ticket33月票Monthly Pass34赠票Complimentary Ticket[Ticket可以省略](标志指引)35布告栏:公告栏Bulletin Board或Notice Board36残疾人服务Service for People with Disabilities37导览册Guides38导览机Audio Guide39导游讲解;导游服务Tour Guide Service40服装出租Costumes Rental41广播室;广播站Broadcasting Room[规模较大]或Broadcast Room[规模较小]42广播寻人寻物Paging Service43货币兑换Currency Exchange44景点管理处Administration Office45景区简介:解说牌Introduction46救生圈Life Buoy或Life Ring47留言板Message Board48轮椅租借Wheelchair Rental49旅游行程表Itinerary50免费饮水Free Drinking WaterYou are Here51您所在的位置[用于导向指小图52手杖租借Walking Stick Rental53婴儿车租用Stroller Rental54游客报警电话:Police:_____[______填入电话号码]55游客服务中心:游客中心Visitor Center或Tourist Center56游客投诉电话:Complaints:_____ ["______”填入电话号码]57游客须知Rule and Regulations [该译文适用于各类"须知"]58游览图Tourist Map59游览指南Tour Information60雨伞租借Umbrella Rental61照相服务Photo Service62咨询服务中心Information Center[Center可省略](停车场)63旅游大巴停车场Tour Bus Parking64游客停车场Visitor Parking(出入口)65参观通道;游客通道Visitors Passage66贵宾通道VIP Passage67临时出口Temporary Exit68临时入口Temporary Entrance69上楼楼梯Stairway Up [Stairway可以省略]70团休入口Group Entrance71下楼楼梯Stairway Down [Stairway可以省略]72员工通道Staff Passage或Staff Only73主入口Main Entrance(游步道)74观光廊Sightseeing Corridor75观光线路Sightseeing Route76观景台Observation Deck或Observation Platform或Viewing Platform77紧急呼叫点Emergency Call78令山避险处Mountain Refuge79无障碍坡道Wheelchair Accessible Ramp [Ramp可以省略]80无障碍通道Wheelchair Accessible Passage[Passage可以省略](交通通信)81乘缆车人口Cable Car Entrance82观光船Sightseeing Boat 或 Sightseeing Ship83观光索道Sightseeing Cableway84观光小火车Sightseeing Train85过山车Roller Coaster86卡丁车Go-Kart或Go-Karting87缆车:索道缆车:空中缆车Cable Car或Telpher88缆车[滑雪场专用]Ski Lift89旅游观光车Sightseeing Bus或Sightseeing Car90旅游观光车车站Sightseeing Bus Stop[沿途小站];Sightseeing Bus Station[大站.起点或终点91旅游观光车发车时间Departure Time for Sightseeing Buses92摩托艇Motorboat93退押金处Deposit Refunding94游船Rowboat[二划桨]或Rowing Boat[划桨]:PedaI Boat[脚踏];Electric Boats[电动95游船码头Pier96租船处Boat Rental(活动区指示)97表演区Performance Area98触摸区[可触摸体验]Hands-on Area99垂钓区Angling Area100儿童浅水活动区Wading Pool101抚摸区[可抚摸动物]Petting Area102观赏区Viewing Area103海滨浴场Bathing Beach104露营地Camping Area105生态小道;步道Eco-Trail106狩猎区Hunting Area107水果采摘区Fruit-Picking Area108拓展区Outdoor Exercise Area109无烟景区Non-Smoking Urea110休闲区Leisure Area111住宿区Lodging Area(警示警告信息)112必须穿救生衣Life Vest Required113别让您的烟头留下火患Dispose of Cigarette Butts Properly114步行游客请在此下车Hikers Disembark Here115宠物便后请打扫干净Please Clean Up After Your Pet116打开安全杆Lift Safety Bar117儿童须由成人陪同Children Must Be Accompanied by an Adult118返回验印Visitors Re-Entry Sticker Check119防洪通道 清勿占用Flood Control Channel Keep Clear120风力较大,勿燃香,请敬香WINDY,No Incense Burning121贵重物品清自行妥善保管Keep Your Valuables with You122禁止进入No Admittance123禁止摆卖No Vending Allowed124禁止采摘Do Not Pick Flowers or Fruits125禁止垂钓No Angling126禁止带火种;禁止放置易燃物No Flammable Objects127禁止放风筝Do Not Fly Kites128禁止滑冰No Skating129禁止机动车通行No Motor Vehicles130禁止开窗Keep Windows Closed131禁止跨越护栏Do Not Climb Over Fence或No Climbing Over Fence132禁止露背No Camping133禁止旅游车辆入内Authorized Vehicles Only134禁止攀爬No Climbing135禁止燃放烟花爆竹No Fireworks或Fireworks Prohibited136禁止无照经营Licensed Vendors Only137禁止下水Stay Out of Water138禁止倚靠No Leaning139禁止饮用Not for Drinking140禁坐栏杆Do Not Sit on Handrail或No Sitting on Handrail[Handrail也可译作Railing 141雷雨天禁止拨打手机Do Not Use Cellphone During Thunderstorm142沿此路返回This Way Back143清勿触摸Do Not Touch或No Touching144清勿嘻戏打闹Do Not Disturb Other Visitors145请勿踩踏Do Not Step或No Stepping146请勿将头手仲出窗外Keep Head and Hands Inside147请勿进行球类活动No Ball Games Allowed148请勿惊吓、戏弄动物Do Not Disturb Animals149请勿留弃食品或食品包装Do Not leave Behind Food or Food Wrapping,150请勿乱扔垃圾Do Not Litter或No Littering151请勿拍打玻璃Do Not Tap on Glass152请勿使用扩音器No Loudspeakers153请勿随意移动隔离墩Do Not Move Any Barrier154请勿喂食:请勿投食Do Not Feed Animals或No Feeding155请勿戏水No Wading156请勿携带宠物No Pets Allowed157请勿摇晃船只Do Not Rock Boat158请勿在殿内燃香Do Not Burn Incense Inside159请勿坐在护栏上Do Not Sit on Guardrail或No Sitting on Guardrail160请尊重少数民族习惯Please Respect Ethnic Customs161食品饮料谢绝人内No Food or Beverage Inside162谢绝参观Not Open to Visitors163有佛事活动,请绕行Service in Progress Please Take Another Route164原路返回Return by the Way You Came或Return the Same Way You Came (旅游商品)165瓷器Porcelain166复制品:仿制品Duplicate或Replica167古旧图书Antique looks168纪念品店Souvenir Store169剪纸Paper Cuttings170金属制品Metalware171景泰蓝Cloisonné172礼品店Gift Store173旅游纪念品Souvenirs174棉麻制品Cotton and Linen175免税商店Duty-Free Store176模型Models[作为商品类名时使用复数] 177泥塑Clay Figurines178皮影Shadow Puppets179漆器Lacquerware180青铜器Bronze Ware181手稿Mannuscripts182手工艺品Handicrafts183书画Calligraphy and Paintings184丝毯Silk Carpet185丝织品Silk Fabrics或Silks186唐三彩Tang Tri-Color Glazed Ceramics 187陶器Pottery188拓片Rubbings189艺术品Artwork190油画Oil Paintings191玉器Jade Ware192中国画Chinese Paintings193字画店Calligraphy and Painting Store (旅游活动项目)194冲浪Surfing195垂钓Angling196登山Mountain Climbing197帆板冲浪Windsurfing198浮潜Snorkeling199划船Rowing或Boating200滑冰Skating201滑草Grass Skiing202滑道戏水Water Sliding203滑沙Sand Skiing204滑水Water Skiing或Water Ski205滑雪Skiing206滑雪坡道Ski Slope207滑雪区;滑雪场Ski Resort208郊游野游;远足Outing或Excursion209民族歌舞Folk Dancing210泥沙浴Mud and Sand Bathing211攀岩Rock Climbing212碰碰车Bumper Car213漂流Drifting214骑马Horseback Riding或Horse Riding 215潜水Scuba Diving216日光浴Sunbathing217森林浴Forest Bathing218射击Shooting219水上运动Aquatic Sport、或Water Sports220探险Expedition221徒步旅行Hiking222温泉浴Hot Spring Bathing223野营:露背Camping(功能信息提示)224闭馆时间:闭园时间Closing Tine225表演时间Show Time226此处施工带来不便请谅解Under Construction或Sorry for the Inconvenience 227淡季Low Season或Slack Season228开放时间Opening Hours229内部施工,暂停开放Under Construction或Temporarily Closed230旺季High Season或Peak Season231营业时间Business Hours或Opening Hourson the Ticketg可以省略的场合]大站.起点或终点站]踏];Electric Boats[电动]也可译作Railing]。
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• Be careful粉 of your h寅ead. • Mind 孰your head • 恃Caution: L福ow Ceiling
• Disabled T略oilet • Whee碴lchair Acc琶essible
• 小心台猴阶间跨度 • 仅作火警安棘全出口
og. • Ring f卷or Assista真nce
• 请勿在此倒垃叹圾 • 免费上网
• Mind t靴he Gap • Fir力e Exit Onl孺y
• No Litte磊ring
• Free Internet Access
• 请勿在本餐厅内进食非姑麦当劳食品
1.由于不考虑中英文虏的不同语用原则,有的寿译 文语气生硬,不符合浇英文的语用原则(中文逞强硬, 英文委婉)
• 爱护草地,请勿入内 • 废Care of th剂e green, P化lease do n零ot
enter. • 持Keep off t囊he grass. • 薛禁止吸烟 • Smoki测ng is not 邵allowed in砒 this hall儿. • Nonsmoki稼ng
• 禁阴止随地大小便! • No靳 Peeing • Co侍mmit No Nu斜isance!
• No carving点 on the cu块ltural her馒itage. • Ple窜ase treasu摘re our own殴 cultural 匝
• 指示性/提示性 • 限制抡性 • 禁止性
• 体现周到具体的信息服截
Tour guide匿 service
• 导游服务
C呆redit card醋
• 信用卡橱支付
• 提供轮椅
Wheelcha喻irs available
• 暂停服务,敬请谅解 • Temporaril昌y Closed. 刀
Sorry for 泌the inconv忍
• 六点停止入园
• 狗便逛后,请清理。 • La燕st Admissi惋on: 6:00
• 需要帮为助,请按铃。 • C瑟lean up af触ter your d嫡
高高兴兴上班去,平平嗽安安回家 来
• Go to work蛰 happily, 涩and come b阔ack safely善!
• Good Luck!
• Five talks贡, four bea七uties, and滔 three lov付es.
• Stress窟 on decoru攀m, manners宏, hygiene,套 disciplin肩e and mora硼ls; beauty围 of the mi贾nd, langua唉ge, behavi韦or and the铰 environme尔nt; love o噎f the moth沙erland, so捍cialism an暖d the Communist Party
• Seat釜ing Reserv傍ed for Con骇sumption o塌f McDonald膛’s Food On芽ly
• 老、弱、病、残勒、孕专座
• Seats迎 for the o秽ld, the si算ck, the ha捕 ndicapped 根and the pr旁egnant.
• 爱护恭花木,请勿攀摘
• Keep th多e Environm钦
• 心触一片净土,诡爱 ent Clean
• 沽Deep Water丽! Beware.
湖区水渺深,注意安 全
查Tow away Z娩one!
禁止停沼车,违者拖 • 走
Assig岂ned Parkin棒g only
• 未经允岔许,不准停 • No Venders
• 对相关的公众行为提出脑限制、约束要求
• 语言田应用要求直截了当,不酸会使人感 到强硬、粗暴奢、无理。
• 一般使用短棱语或祈使句表示,句中哮或
词小锚写。 • 仅e内ss发Bu生tt希紧on急in情Em况er时印g,en请cy 按按钮报警
• Ta逛ke care of朵 flowers a贝nd trees. 膝Don’t pick 樱 and harm 蓟them.
• Stay哗 away from flowers and trees.
• 万千小心,注意安全!父
• Nice to l臀ive, pay a骇ttention t荣o safety.
• No smoking
• 游客止步 • Touri觉sts, Pleas力e stop. • Em磋ployees/ S盏taff Only.糊 • 请节约用水。 • Pl煞ease save 去water. • Wat馅er conserv镣ation: eve额ry drop co
防unts. • Don’蔂t take wat躯er for granted.
• 专用车位 • Appro蔑priate Par御king • Reser祟ved Parkin怠g • 收银处,收款处,玲结账处 • Cashie籍r • Settle A弱ccounts • 厕所卑 • Toilet • W.C.
• 独秀峰 • Duxiu 烩Peak • Solit安ary Peak • 文桶庙 • Wen Temp衰le • Cultura越l Temple (夜Confucian 况Temple)