Free Walker 多功能概念轮椅设计说明书

第九届“雄鹰杯”大学生发明创造竞赛多功能一体化便利轮椅产品说明书指导老师 曹博 魏家鹏 申报者 吴浩波合作成员李存洲 苏春阳 齐特 孙祥峰一、作品设计本产品是针对老年人,残疾人、下肢丧失运动能力的人设计的一种能够帮助他们最大程度进行自理的多功能轮椅床,该轮椅床是轮椅和床的组合体。
二、产品结构可倾放式靠背调速控制杆自动式端盘储物筐 十字后轮稳定前小轮三、产品各部分工作原理 1,行走装置轮子表面采用橡胶材料,纹理设计增大摩擦,并首创十字形轮轴,四个轮为一个单元,与楼梯成啮合型运动。


多功能轮椅课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够理解多功能轮椅的基本构造、设计原理及适用人群。
2. 学生能够掌握多功能轮椅的操作方法、安全使用规范及维护保养知识。
3. 学生能够了解我国残疾人事业发展现状及相关政策。
技能目标:1. 学生能够运用所学知识,分析并解决多功能轮椅使用过程中遇到的问题。
2. 学生能够设计出符合特定需求的轮椅改良方案,提高轮椅的使用效能。
3. 学生能够进行团队合作,完成对多功能轮椅的评估和优化。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生能够关爱残疾人,尊重他们的权益,树立平等、互助、和谐的社会观念。
2. 学生能够认识到科技创新对改善残疾人生活的重要作用,培养创新精神和实践能力。
3. 学生能够关注社会问题,树立责任意识,为残疾人提供实际帮助。
二、教学内容1. 多功能轮椅的基本构造与设计原理:- 轮椅的结构组成及其功能- 设计原理:力学、人体工程学在轮椅设计中的应用- 教材章节:第三章“医疗器械的基本构造与设计原理”2. 多功能轮椅的操作、使用规范与维护保养:- 操作方法及注意事项- 安全使用规范- 维护保养知识- 教材章节:第四章“医疗器械的操作、使用与维护”3. 残疾人事业发展现状及相关政策:- 我国残疾人事业发展的基本情况- 相关政策法规解读- 教材章节:第五章“我国残疾人事业的发展及政策法规”4. 实践活动:- 多功能轮椅的操作体验与评估- 团队合作,设计轮椅改良方案- 教材章节:实践活动部分教学进度安排:第一课时:多功能轮椅的基本构造与设计原理第二课时:多功能轮椅的操作、使用规范与维护保养第三课时:残疾人事业发展现状及相关政策第四课时:实践活动教学内容注重科学性和系统性,结合教材章节,确保学生能够在短时间内掌握多功能轮椅的相关知识,为实践活动打下基础。


本设计所要研究的仿生叠轮椅仅以连杆机构所组成,从经过设计和设计要求的限制,及各类参考文献中得出了最适合此类机构的是Watt I型六连杆机构,并且进行了应用材料的确定、杆件的力学分析和整体的结构设计,最后完成了实体3D模型的制作。
关键词:手推型折叠轮椅; 连杆机构; Watt I六联杆机构AbstractAccording to the literatures collected in this research, most of the folding wheelchair can only be folded in lateral direction and the folded volume is still too big to carry or to transport and it becomes a terrible burden for active wheelchair users. There are two or three folding wheelchairs selling in the market, which can be folded into the size of a suitcase and is called "assembly wheelchair." Their major defect is lengthy and complicated assembling procedures. Every time the user folds or unfolds the wheelchair, a tedious process must be conducted, which causes severe problems to daily wheelchair users. This research developed a linkage-type portable wheelchair. An optimal Watt-I six-bar mechanism was found according to the designrequirements and design constraints. A full-size mockup was built after the dimensional analysis was accomplished. The portable wheelchair developed in this research has one-DOF with no separated parts. It requires no tools to operate. The new design has compact folded volume and light weight. It is easy to operate and can be dragged like luggage case. Therefore, it is an ideal mobile tool for elders and handicapped persons.Keywords :hand-push; wheelchair; linkage; Watt-I six-bar目录摘要1Abstract1目录2第1章折叠轮椅设计的研究现状3第2章折叠轮椅设计的关键点32.1、折叠轮椅的结构设计32.2、折叠轮椅的材料和力学分析42.3、新型材料的简介42.4、折叠轮椅的创新设计52.5、基于Pro-e建立折叠轮椅的3D模型7第3章折叠轮椅设计的前景7结束语8主要参考文献9第1章折叠轮椅设计的研究现状由于现代医学的发展和进步,人类的寿命正逐渐的往上提升,致使各国老年人口将不断增加,然而高龄化的社会结构已然成为世界各国的重大挑战。

毕业设计说明书(论文)论文题目:爬楼轮椅设计系部:机械制造系专业:机械设计与制造班级:11级机械一班学生姓名:学号:指导教师:2013年12月26日目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)绪论.......................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。


履带-轮组式电动多功能轮椅设计说明书目录设计任务书 (1)第一章绪论 (2)设计的背景和意义 (2)现有产品简介及产品分析 (2)本章小结 (3)第二章设计方案选择 (4)轮椅机构形式的选择 (4)轮组的选择 (4)履带的收放机构 (5)座椅调平机构 (6)本章小结 (8)第三章轮椅的结构设计与运动分析 (8)轮椅的结构设计 (8)轮组 (8)履带及其收放机构 (10)轮椅的运动分析 (14)轮椅的平地行驶及越障功能 (14)轮椅爬楼梯过程的分析 (16)第四章轮椅驱动与传动系统的设计 (19)轮椅的驱动系统 (19)电机参数的确定 (20)轮椅中间主体的传动设计 (22)第五章轮椅运动控制系统设计 (23)轮椅的功能分析 (23)轮椅的控制系统 (23)第六章总结 (28)参考文献 (28)设计任务书技术要求:1)功能:直线行驶、匀速、加速、减速、转弯、爬楼梯等;2)较强的爬梯适应能力,应对楼梯结构的多变性;3)良好的机动性,使其能够在平地行驶、爬楼梯、跨越障碍等动作状态间很好的过渡转换;4)结构紧凑, 操作方便, 工作可靠;5)良好的稳定性,利用滚轴滑轨机构进行座椅调平, 使其在越障、跨沟和爬楼梯时始终保持水平;6)较强的越障能力和路面适应性;7)抗冲击能力强;8)具有更大的作用面,可以适应各种复杂多样的路面。

Stretch-Airbreathable coversCorpus ®, the world’s leading ergonomic seating system, just got better. Biomechanically optimized power positioning has been enhanced with improved Ergo seat and backrest cushions. Our new dual density backrest foam promotes greater surface area contact while the redesigned Ergoseat pelvic well insert can help pressure redistribution and reduce peak pressures. Stretch-Air covers offer a breathable, moisture resistant fabric material to enhance comfort and help protect underlying foam.Comfort is king85° – 180°of legrest elevation180° of power recline 50° of posterior tiltCasterGlide™—Worry free adjustmentfree anti-flutter deviceComfortRide Pro—Conquer your world with ComfortRide and ComfortRide Pro fully independent, adjustable suspension. Enjoy superior vibration reduction, ride comfort and drive performance for the widest variety of driving scenarios. The front wheel driving experience is further enhanced by our patented ESP (Enhanced Steering Performance) gyroscope tracking technology, which provides exceptional tracking at high speeds, on side slopes or with alternative drive systems. Superior suspension ComfortRideComfortRide Pro10° ActiveReach is no charge with ActiveHeight seat elevation packageThe world isn’t one dimensional. Your seat elevator shouldn’t be either. ActiveHeight ™ elevation and ActiveReach ™ forward tilt perform seamlessly to create a seating system like no other. With up to 14” of vertical seat adjustment and 45° ofActiveReach forward tilt capability, the F-Series empowers you to reach for more and go further faster with new elevated drive speeds of up to 3.2mph.Reach for moreF3F5F5VSActiveHeight 12”14”14”ActiveReach30°45°45°The F3 Corpus offers the smallest footprint of the F-series front wheel drive power wheelchairs. Its compact size and agility allows users to easily maneuver in and out of tight spaces. The optimized battery weight distribution, lower center of mass and fully adjustable ComfortRide suspension improve stability while traversing inclines or declines. Experience the enhanced functionality of the F3 by combining outstanding chassis performance with Permobil’s industry leading Corpus Seating System offering 12” of ActiveHeight and up to 30º of ActiveReach forward tilt technology.Small footprint, big impact36” without anti-tips12” ActiveHeight & up to 30° ActiveReachSpringF3 CorpusPower meets performance on the new F5 Corpus with a blazing 7.5mph top end speed and upgraded ComfortRide Pro suspension. All-wheel independent, fully adjustable, oil dampened shocks provide the ultimate in ride comfort while helping to reduce vibrations that can transfer from terrain up to user. Experience enhanced vibration reduction driving in all seat positions including an unprecedented 14” ActiveHeight seat elevation. Climb and reach higher with increased obstacle negotiation, exceptional motor torque and enhanced stability allowing up to 45° of ActiveReach forward tilt functionality. Standard performance options include aggressive tread tires, caster mud guard protection and 3 premium metallic colors.Strength and stabilityPremium color options on F5 & F5VS:Up to 45° ActiveReach & 14” ActiveHeightAquaF5 CorpusCastermud guard protectionOil-dampened horizontally opposed shocksWe combined all of the performance features of the F5 Corpus with superior power standing functionality. Fully programmable standing sequences allow user position to be optimized using supine, semi-reclined or sit-to-stand techniques. Further customize standing positions with adjustable anterior chest pad, moldable knee supports and power articulating footplates. From face-to-face interactions to improved health outcomes, the F5VS empowers you toexplore the vast array of standing benefits.Stand without compromiseUp to 45° ActiveReach & 14” ActiveHeight Uncompromised tilt and recline anglesGoldF5 Corpus VSAdjustableanterior chest padIntelligent anti-tips that automatically deploy to maintain stabilityduring standingKnee block & articulatingpower footplateChiliFlamingoArcticSunsetNo charge on F5 Corpus and Corpus VSSpring Country™F3 CorpusF5 CorpusF5 Corpus VS*Actual driving range will vary based on driving and battery conditions. | Specifications may vary based upon configuration. Please refer to your owners manual for warnings and instructions for the safe operation of your wheelchair in a variety of driving conditions.SpecificationsDOC0081-01NOTE:Permobil Connect comes standard on all F-Series chairs.My PermobilVirtual SeatingCoach。

履带-轮组式电动多功能轮椅设计说明书目录设计任务书 (1)第一章绪论 (1)1.1设计的背景和意义 (1)1.2现有产品简介及产品分析 (1)1.3本章小结 (1)第二章设计方案选择 (1)2.1轮椅机构形式的选择 (1)2.2轮组的选择 (1)2.3履带的收放机构 (1)2.4座椅调平机构 (1)2.5本章小结 (1)第三章轮椅的结构设计与运动分析 (1)3.1轮椅的结构设计 (1)3.1.1 轮组 (1)3.1.2 履带及其收放机构 (1)3.2轮椅的运动分析 (1)3.2.1 轮椅的平地行驶及越障功能 (1)3.2.2 轮椅爬楼梯过程的分析 (1)第四章轮椅驱动与传动系统的设计 (1)4.1轮椅的驱动系统 (1)4.2电机参数的确定 (1)4.3轮椅中间主体的传动设计 (1)第五章轮椅运动控制系统设计 (1)5.1轮椅的功能分析 (1)5.2轮椅的控制系统 (1)第六章总结 (1)参考文献 (1)设计任务书技术要求:1)功能:直线行驶、匀速、加速、减速、转弯、爬楼梯等;2)较强的爬梯适应能力,应对楼梯结构的多变性;3)良好的机动性,使其能够在平地行驶、爬楼梯、跨越障碍等动作状态间很好的过渡转换;4)结构紧凑, 操作方便, 工作可靠;5)良好的稳定性,利用滚轴滑轨机构进行座椅调平, 使其在越障、跨沟和爬楼梯时始终保持水平;6)较强的越障能力和路面适应性;7)抗冲击能力强;8)具有更大的作用面,可以适应各种复杂多样的路面。
履带—轮组式电动多功能轮椅技术参数如下表:第一章绪论1.1 设计的背景和意义年老体弱、下肢残障者在日常生活中的最大障碍就是步行能力的减弱甚至丧失。

体育运动轮椅:应该根据躯干功能情况选择轮 椅的扶手、靠背的高低、运动轮椅没有闸 城市用:标准型轮椅,前轮5英寸即可且为实 心的,大轮为充气式 路面较差:前轮至少要8英寸,应是充气式轮 胎
大车轮:51、56、61、66cm 手轮圈:比大轮直径小5cm 轮胎:实心、有空气内胎、无 内胎充气型 小车轮:12.7、15、18、20cm 刹车:凹口式、肘节式 椅座:深41、43cm,宽40、 46cm,高45、50cm 坐垫:泡沫塑料、固体凝胶、 充水、充气、羊皮 脚托及腿托 靠背 手推把 扶手或臂托 脚跟环、脚缓冲器 防倾倒杆
考虑残疾的种类、性质、程度、年龄、使用场 所、职业、生活方式、经济实力等 首先应评定患者上肢肌力、关节活动度,即驱 动轮椅的能力,驱动时消耗能量少
完全不能操纵者:如上肢肌力完全丧失者、智力严重 障碍者、有失用症者可选用电动轮椅或由他人推动 肩肘肌力正常,但手指麻痹或挛缩不能握轮圈者可在 手轮圈上安装推把或加粗推把,前臂能旋前者用水平 式推把,前臂呈中间型者用垂直式推把,如无推把可 用自行车内胎剪或劳动手套涂胶来代替推把 一侧上肢运动能力丧失者可以使用偏瘫轮椅或电动轮 椅
使用者最大体重:120 kg 加固型骨架座宽可达 50.5 cm 可调节的衣物护板(塑料质地) 连续可调节的前导轮轴承座 可拆卸,可向内或向外摆动的脚踏,脚踏 角度、高度可调节 座深可调节,2.5 cm 为一档,共有 5 档; 骨架有长短之分 无需额外工具即可轻松调节座深 靠背高度可调节,2.5cm 为一档。最高可 达48 cm 选配件: 可向后摆动并可拆卸的扶手侧板 高度可调的扶手垫 一系列可供选择的附件

1. 调整座椅,首先,确保座椅调整合适,使乘坐者感到舒适。
2. 使用手动推动,在平坦的地面上,可以使用手动推动轮椅车。
3. 使用刹车,多功能手动轮椅车通常配备有刹车装置,乘坐者
4. 安全使用,在使用多功能手动轮椅车时,务必注意安全。
5. 维护保养,定期检查轮椅车的零部件,确保轮胎、刹车、座椅等部件的正常工作。

本设计所要研究的手推型折叠轮椅仅以连杆机构所组成,从经过设计和设计要求的限制,及各类参考文献中得出了最适合此类机构的是Watt I型六连杆机构,并且进行了应用材料的确定、杆件的力学分析和整体的结构设计,最后完成了实体3D模型的制作。
关键词:手推折叠轮椅;Watt I六联杆机构; 3D模型; 有限元分析AbstractMost of the folding wheelchair can only be folded in lateral direction and the folded volume is still too big to carry or to transport and it becomes a terrible burden for active wheelchair users. There are two or three folding wheelchairs selling in the market, which can be folded into the size of a suitcase and is called “assembly wheelchair.” Their major defect is lengthy and com plicated assembling procedures. Every time the user folds or unfolds the wheelchair, a tedious process must be conducted, which causes severe problems to daily wheelchair users. This research developed a linkage-type portable wheelchair. An optimal Watt-I six-bar mechanism was found according to the design requirements and design constraints. A full-size mockup was built after the dimensional analysis was accomplished. The portable wheelchair developed in this research has one-DOF with no separated parts. It requires no tools to operate. The new design has compact folded volume and light weight. It is easy to operate and can be dragged like a luggage case. Therefore, it is an ideal mobile tool for elders and handicapped persons.Keywords: hand-push wheelchair;Watt-I six-bar; 3D Model; Finite element analysis第一章折叠轮椅设计的概述机械设计的最终目的是为市场提供优质高效、价廉物美的机械产品,在市场竞争中取得优势,赢得客户,取得良好的经济效益。

助行康复轮椅设计说明书学院_专业____姓名____学号__指导教师____目录目录 (2)1 选题的目的和意义 (3)1.1 设计题目——助行康复轮椅 (3)1.2 目的和意义 (3)2 工作原理 (4)3 机构的总体方案设计 (6)3.1 轮驱机构 (6)3.2 助力行走机构 (6)3.3 身体起坐机构 (7)3.4 刹车机构 (7)4 尺寸计算及强度校核 (9)4.1按照强度理论选择多功能康复轮椅的材料 (9)4.2按照刚度理论选择多功能康复轮椅的材料 (11)5功能康复轮椅的3D模型制作 (14)5.1基于solidworks的模型的建立 (14)5.2多功能轮椅的渲染视图 (18)参考文献 (20)1 选题的目的和意义1.1 设计题目——助行康复轮椅由于心脑血管疾病而导致的偏瘫患者,一般会出现肢体的运动障碍。
1.2 目的和意义据世界卫生组织估计,全球大约六亿人患有各种类型的残疾,他们对卫生和康复有着极大的需求。

ASSEMBLY & PACKING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MULTICHAIR BIG WHEEL SERIESmultichair 4020multichair 4024multichair 4020Rxmultichair 4220multichair 4224multichair 4220RxmultiCHAIR 4020 shownASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSFigure 1Figure 2Figure 3slot in bracketFigure 4Figure 7ADDITIONAL ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSA Seat Cushion Orientation : The standard seat cushion orien-tation is with the commode opening in the front of th emultiCHAIR. If desired, the commode opening can a lso be orien-tated left/right/rear. This can be accomplished by uns crewing the four button head cap screws that attach the cushion to the frame,orientating the commode opening to the desired loca tion and then re-attaching the cushion to the frame with the fo ur screws using the 5/32” Allen wrench (Refer to Figure 8).B Cantilever Arms : If desired, the cantilever arms can beremoved from the backrest assembly for storage dur ing traveling.This can be accomplished by unscrewing the socket head cap screws that attach the arms to the backrest posts us ing the 5/32”Allen wrench. Then remove the arm assemblies from the posts and re-insert the socke head cap screws into the arm assem-blies, so they are not lost. To re-install the cantilever arms, simply follow the steps above in reverse (Refer to Figure 9).Figure 8Figure 9Figure 5Wheel LockQuick Release AxleFigure 14OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 167) Re-install the two 5” casters into the 10-Hole offset outerlegs (Refer to Figure 15).8) Re-assemble the entire chair by completing Steps C, D, E& F on Pages 1 & 2 [Assembly Instructions]Figure 15Figure 17Figure 18Axle BlockLeg HoleIndex PlatePinFigure 20Figure 19ADDITIONAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONSFigure 22Figure 21Figure 23LIMITED WARRANTYA WARRANTY ACTIVATION Please read this warranty before operating or using your multiCHAIR. To activate the warranty on your multiCHAIR register it online by phone. By operating or using the chair, you agree to the terms of this warranty.B WARRANTY: Nuprodx, Inc. warrants this product against defects in material and workmanship as follows: There is a 10-Day conditional money-back warranty. During this time period, the customer is permitted to try out the multiCHAIR, fully-clothed, keeping the chair in “like new” condition (NOTE: “Like new” condition, in terms of the multiCHAIR, is defined by Nuprodx, Inc. as no visible wear/usage/water marks for the multiCHAIR to be accepted and refunds issued when returned to Nuprodx, Inc.). If the customer decides that the multiCHAIR will not work for them, before the 10-Day period has passed and with the authorization of Nuprodx, the chair can be returned for a full refund minus a 10% restocking charge (NOTE: The customer is responsible for both in-bound and out-bound freight). After the initial 10-Day period has passed, there is a two-year limited warranty for all parts of the chair, with the exception of the seat and back cushions. The seat and back cushions carry a one year limited warranty. The warranty does not cover normal “wear and tear” from everday use of the product and custom parts/custom cushions are also excluded from the warranty and cannot be returned for a refund under any circumstances. Please see section E WARRANTY LIMITA-TION AND EXCLUSIONS for more info on warranty exclusions.C The warranty period begins on the date you receive the chair. For warranty service, please contact Nuprodx, Inc. no later than one month following the applicable warranty term. The chair will be repaired or replaced at the discretion of Nuprodx, Inc. with no charges to you for parts and labor, provided you have proof of purchase and of purchase date.D DISCLAIMER: Except for the above warranty, and the acknowledgement by Nuprodx, Inc. that the chair, as manu-factured by it, is fit for the general purpose for which most persons acquire a chair of its kind, Nuprodx, Inc. provides that you accept the chair as is, without warranties, either express or implied. Nuprodx, Inc. makes no warranty of fit-ness for your particular purpose and no warranty of merchantability beyond that already stated. No warranties extend beyond the duration of the express warranty stated above.E WARRANTY LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS: The only obligation of Nuprodx, Inc. is to provide the purchaser with free repair and replacement as described above. This exclusive warranty remedy will not have failed as long as Nuprodx, Inc. is willing and able to repair or replace as described, but if this remedy should be held to have failed, the only remaining warranty obligation of Nuprodx, Inc. shall be to refund the acts beyond the control of Nuprodx, Inc. The warranty does not cover normal “wear and tear” from everday use of the product. Custom parts/custom cushions are not covered under the warranty.F This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights that may vary from state to state.G This warranty does not apply to problems arising from normal wear, improper operation, improper maintenance, improper storage or similar disclaimer of implied warranties, and some do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty may last. Some do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. So the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.H RETURN INSTRUCTIONS In the event that you need to return the Nuprodx multiCHAIR, please follow the instruc-tions below:1) Review the information contained in your warranty to see if this applies to you2) Obtain a Return Authorization # from Nuprodx, Inc3) Re-package the entire chair and its contents in the original packaging and ship to the following address:Figure B- Drape the black strap across the foam covered wheels already in the carrying case (case not shown for clarity). Center theinverted frame & plastic panel inside the case. Figure C- Center the folded footrests (one invert-ed) on the plastic panel and position as shown.Figure D- Center the foam square on top of theframe.Figure A- Place one wheel (handrim side down)PACKING INSTRUCTIONSFigure E- Center the backrest assembly on top of the foam, inverted frame with footrests, etc (wheelsnot shown for clarity).Figure F - Tighten & buckle the black strap aroundthe inverted frame & backrest assembly.Figure G - Place one front caster leg, above the wheels, on each side of the inverted frame &backrest assembly.。
GoFreeWheel 轮椅附件安装指南说明书

®Wheelchair AttachmentSet-Up Guide and Registration Pages 1-4: Steps to Set-Up your FreeWheelPage 5: Clamp Plate Footrests andTiLite™ Angle-Adjustable Footrest Modifications Page 6: Storage “Perch” Set-Up GuidePage 7: How to Adjust the Steering MechanismPage 5: How to Remove Wheel for Tire/Tube Change Page 9: How to Maintain your FreeWheelBack: FreeWheel Warranty and RegistrationHow To Set-Up Your FreeWheelThis Set-Up Guide provides step-by-step directions to setting up yourFreeWheel to fit your wheelchair. (Note: start on page 5 if you have a clampplate footrest or a TiLite Angle Adjustable footrest.)1.Determine whether you need a cup shim? (page 1)2.Does it need a straight shim and if yes, what thickness? (page 2)3.Adjusting the angle based on how high your footrest is from the floor andwhether it is angled. This adjustment is to make sure the FreeWheelproperly lifts the front casters off the ground. (page 3)4.Should you use a short or long rear end? (page 4)Once your FreeWheel is set up, it is important to MAINTAIN it so it providesyou with years of enjoyment. (page 9)Don’t forget to Order your FreeWheel RACK!The FreeWheel with a RACK greatly increases your freedom and independence.The RACK quickly attaches to your chair and allows you tocarry up to 25 lbs. of gear.STEP 1: Cup Shim(FreeWheel comes with cup shim installed.)Check which footrest type you have and decide whether or not it needs a cup shim.2 Tube: YESSTEP 2 (page 2).2 Tube with Plate: YES, you need a cup shim.Make no changes and go to STEP 2 (page 2).Clamp Plate: NO, you do not need a cup shim.REMOVE CUP SHIM using small phillips–headscrew driver to remove screws and GENTLY pryplastic cup shim out. Go to STEP 2 (page 2). FOOTREST TYPES2 TUBE2 TUBE with PLATECLAMP PLATECup ShimSTEP 2: Which Straight Shim? Your footrest type determines if you need a straight shim and if you do, which straight shim to use.2 Tube: Thick Straight Shim2 Tube with Plate:Thinnest Straight Shim orMedium Straight Shim(depending on thickness offootrest plate).Clamp Plate:NO Straight ShimFootrest TypesShim Types2 TUBECLAMP PLATE2 TUBE with PLATEtailfeature found in clamp base.STEP 3: Angle Adjustment to Lift Front Casters This adjustment makes sure the FreeWheel properly lifts the front casters. The adjustment is based on the height of your wheelchair’s footrest from the ground (heights over 4-3/4” require a custom frame FreeWheel). Make sure you have completed the Set -up Guide STEPS 1 and 2, BEFORE you complete this step.1. Find a flat/level floor. While holding the handle, arrange the FreeWheel in the “tail dragger” position (shown above).2. Move your feet apart. The clamp requires 3/4” of space between your feet.3. Lower the clamp over your footrest, setting it down with clamp cup just in front of the footrest tube.4. Lock down by putting pressure on the handle. The locking action should feel very solid and secure.The FreeWheel tire should be touching theground. If it is NOT touching the ground, you willneed to adjust the Angle Bolt. 1. Loosen bolts A, B and C, both sides, using5/32” or 4mm Allen wrench. Do NOT REMOVE,just loosen.2. Tighten Angle Bolt if wheel is off the ground. Loosen the Angle Bolt if the tire is too low.(3/16” or 5mm Allen wrench).3. Re -tighten BOTH SIDES of bolts A, B and C.Angle Bolt AC BSTEP 4: Which Rear End?(ALL footrest types need a rear end. )1. Measure from the front tube/plate to the back of the footrest to determine depth.2. With a SHORT Rear End use a hack saw to cut your straight shim the same length as the footrest depth (footrest depths 5” to 4”). With footrest depths under4”,pleasecontactusat:********************3. Before attaching the FreeWheel to your footrest,insert correct size Rear End into silver brick andSLIGHTLY TIGHTEN using a 3/16” or 5mm Allenwrench.4. With the FreeWheel in the “tail dragger” position,clamp to your footrest by hooking the rear end first,then set down FreeWheel so the clamp is just infront of the footrest tube, press down on the handle.5. Finish tightening the Rear End bolt with FreeWheelon your footrest, so the Rear End just touches theback of the footrest tube/plate . Do NOT overtighten. The strength of the front clamp is whatholds the FreeWheel to your footrest.WARNING: Clamping the FreeWheel to your footrest with the Rear End set too short (overly tightened) can damage the Rear End. Carefully follow Steps 3-5.Clamp Plate Footrests: Special “Pinning” Instructions To make sure your CLAMP PLATE footrest does not rotate you will need to add 2 screws to lock the footrest plate to your tube.Use TWO #10-32 Self Tapper machine screws, centered, and 3” apart. Make a pilot hole with a 5/32” drill bit.TiLite Angle -Adjustable Footrest ONLY: Special Instructions The TiLite Clamp, in some instances, has a square edge on the bottom vs. curved. You may ORDER a newer curved edge TiLite clamp from us that comes with a shim and screws for pinning your footrest. If you have a newer TiLite clamp you may order just the plastic shim directly from us.Drawing B shows what your clamp should look like if you modified an old TiLite clamp yourself.Use dremel or file toremove material as shown.3”Curved TiLite Clamp Plastic Shim Foot PlatePerch Set -up GuideTo install the Storage Perch on the crossbar on the back of your chair, chose the perch post that matches your footrest set -up. Use a 3/16” or 5mm Allen wrench to change post type and to tighten perch on to your cross bar..With one hand cupping the clamp of the FreeWheel, hold the clamp to the perch while the other hand grips the handle and firmly close the clamp onto the perch. This takes a little practice.PerchHigh Cross BarROUND Perch Post — Tube only footrest, withTHICKEST straight shim and the cup shim has NOTbeen removed.SMALL D Perch Post — Middle thickness straightshim and the cup shim has NOT been removed.MIDDLE D -Perch Post — Thinnest straight shim andthe cup shim has NOT been removed.BIG D — NO straight shim and the cup shim hasbeen REMOVED.How to Adjust for SteeringIf your Freewheel is not tracking straight when coasting forward on level ground, the steering should be adjusted. To do this you need to adjust two separate fasteners:Front Set Screw, and; Main Steering Stem Bolt1.The Front Set Screw secures the steering adjustment.2.After loosening the Front Set Screw (2.5mm allen wrench) and Main SteeringStem Bolt (8mm allen wrench), rotate the fork to adjust the steering straight.3.If the internal bushing is not rotating relative to the frame, then tighten theball adjuster knob to lock the fork to the internal bushing. Work the bushing loose from the frame. Re-grease this joint, using bearing grease, to keep it from binding.4.Set the steering and then tighten the Front Set Screw.5.Finish by tightening the Main Steering Stem Bolt. It is IMPORTANT this boltis very, very tight (20 ft. lb. torque).6.Test for straightness by coasting on a flat/level surface.Note: The front ball adjuster knob can be loosened for light steering action or screwed in (tightened) for heavier steering action.Ball Adjuster KnobMain Steering Stem BoltWheel Removal for Tire/Tube Change* FORK3mm Allen WrenchAXEL SCREWSPACERAXEL SCREWAXELMaintaining your FreeWheelIt is important to maintain your FreeWheel so it continues to provide you with years of enjoyment. It is a good habit after a long work out that you check the following:1.Keep screws A, B and C tight using 5/32” or 4mm Allen wrench (shown onpage 3), double checking both sides. Make sure the Angle Adjust bolt (page3) is in contact with the silver barrel (adjust with 3/16” or 5 mm Allen wrench).You should NOT be able to see any of the Angle Adjust bolt threads2.Make sure the main steering stem bolt is tight (see page 7). In some casesthis bolt will loosen and the FreeWheel will not function properly. Using an 8mm Allen wrench tighten to 20 ft. lb. torque.3.Please keep your Freewheel free of dirt, mud and grim, as well asimmediately wash off any saltwater should you be near the ocean.4.Occasionally you may want to put bearing grease on the ball bearing underthe front knob (and under the spring).Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any issues. Our goal is to make sure your FreeWheel always functions properly.Page 9。
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Free Walker多功能轮椅设计说明书
关键词:Free Walker,多功能轮椅,履带爬楼梯,UG NX,三维建模
Because of our residents floor in the elevator is not universal, barrier free design level is low, brings a lot of inconvenience for the elderly and handicapped people, in order to help these people travel, we designed the stair climbing wheelchair. Electric wheelchair designed in this paper by adding four rod mechanism in wheelchair wheel, the track free retraction, the wheelchair when walking on flat ground can be like an ordinary wheelchair walking up and down stairs, through the expansion of four bar mechanism realizing burst rubber track climbing function.
This wheelchair driving at high speed, the stairs when center volatility, good stability, strong adaptability, can help the disabled and elderly people to realize the free travel.
Keywords: Free Walker, multifunctional wheelchair, crawler stair climbing, UG NX, 3D modeling
第一章引言 (3)
第二章轮椅零部件设计 (4)
2.1 座椅 (4)
2.2 车架 (4)
2.3 轮子 (5)
2.4 外壳 (5)
第三章轮椅结构及功能 (6)
3.1 轮椅结构 (6)
3.2 功能说明 (6)
3.3 四杆机构 (8)
3.4 作品渲染 (9)
第四章轮椅总装图 (11)
第五章结论 (12)
参考文献 (13)
致谢及声明 (14)
2.1 座椅
2.2 车架
2.3 轮子
2.4 外壳
3.1 轮椅结构
3.2 功能说明
3.3 四杆机构
3.4 作品渲染
[6]詹友刚.UG NX 8.0产品设计实例精讲.机械工业出版社。