宋史 专业英语

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1. Dynasty - 朝代

The Song Dynasty was one of the most prosperous and culturally rich dynasties in Chinese history. - 宋朝是中国历史上最繁荣和文化上最富有的朝代之一。

2. Emperor - 皇帝

Emperor Taizu, also known as Zhao Kuangyin, founded the Song Dynasty in 960. - 太祖赵匡胤于960年建立了宋朝。

3. Political System - 政治制度

The Song Dynasty implemented a civil service examination system to select government officials based on merit rather than social status. - 宋朝实行科举制度,以功绩而非社会地位选拔官员。

4. Neo-Confucianism - 宋代理学

Neo-Confucianism, also known as the "School of Principle," was the dominant philosophy during the Song Dynasty. - 宋代的理学或称“心学”是主导的哲学思想。

5. Economic Development - 经济发展

The Song Dynasty witnessed significant advancements in agriculture, industry, and commerce. - 宋朝在农业、工业和商业方面取得了重大进展。

6. Grand Canal - 大运河

The Grand Canal, constructed during the Sui Dynasty and expanded in the Song Dynasty, played a crucial role in transportation and economic integration. - 大运河在隋朝时期建造,并在宋朝时扩建,对交通运输和经济一体化起到了重要作用。

7. Landscape Painting - 山水画

Landscape painting reached its peak during the Song Dynasty, with renowned artists such as Fan Kuan, Li Cheng, and Guo Xi. - 山水画在宋朝达到了巅峰,有著名画家范宽、李成、郭熙等。

8. Poetry - 诗歌

Song Dynasty poetry is known for its elegance and lyrical style, with famous poets such as Su Shi, Lu You, and Li Qingzhao. - 宋代诗歌以其雅致和抒情的风格而闻名,有着苏轼、陆游、李清照等著名的诗人。

9. Historical Records - 史书

The "Twenty-Four Histories" is a collection of Chinese historical records that includes the official history of the Song Dynasty. - “二十四史”是中国历史的一部汇编,包括了宋朝的正史记载。

10. Confucian Classics - 儒家经典

Confucian classics, such as the "Analects of Confucius" and the "Book of Songs," continued to influence the intellectual and moral values of the Song Dynasty. - 《论语》、《诗经》等儒家经典继续影响着宋朝的思想和道德价值观。


