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Study on the development of environmental industry cluster in Kitakyushu Japan in the context of the construction of Green Capital
Shao Mianli1Teng Tangwei2
(1 The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;2The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, Institute of China Innovation, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)
Abstract With the steering of global ecological, environmental industry is developing into a worldwide sunrise industry. Environmental industry plays an important role in the construction of urban ecological civilization as well as the regional sustainable development. Kitakyushu, Japan, was once a typical environmental polluting city. After a series work of environment management, it becomes a beautiful city. Thus far, it has successfully transformed into the “Foundation of environmental technology”, possessing the most advanced technology and experience of environmental governance in the word. This essay, we studied the nurturing and the developing process of Kitakyushu environmental industry. We discussed the government-industry-academia networks of the environmental industry of Kitakyushu, as well as the international expansion effect. The results showed that: ⑴As the lack of natural resource, environmental industry took the place of heavy chemical industry. Hence, Kitakyushu achieved win-win between environmental protection and economic development. ⑵Without the division、integrated cooperation network of industry and global linkages of industrial clusters, Kitakyushu environmental industry could not make great progress. Local buzz and global pipeline both supplement each other. Only in this way, can environmental industry achieve qualitative leap of technology. This study will not only provide sustainable development to the resource-based city in China, but also provide the rode how to become eco-civilized cities. It is important to enhance regional competitiveness and create an international brand.
Key words environmental industry; industry cluster; government-industry-academia network;
Kitakyushu; Japan;
1 引言
伴随着全球化的深入和全球绿色新政(Global Green New Deal, UNEP, 2009)的实施,许多国家将环保产业作为战略新兴产业加以大力扶持,日本环保产业的国际市场占有量在未来10年有望达到当前的2倍(日本经济产业省、九州经济产业局,2010)。九州作为著名的环保产业聚集地,被称之为日本的“10%的经济”,现已建成北九州、大牟田和水俣三大生态城,成为因环保产业而崛起的水上花园城市。其中北九州位于九州半岛的北部隶属福冈县,最先获得日本政府批准建立生态园—北九州生态城。北九州生态城现有实证研究区、响滩再使用园区、综合环境联合企业区、响滩回收园区等多个产业园区,并在资源回收利用领域开展了基础研究、技术开发到标准化生产的综合发展模式。北九州在环境保护与治理方面的成就,使得北九州成功实现资源型城市向“绿色之都”的转型,并且树立国际影响力的环保产业品牌。1987年,日本环境厅授予北九州“星空之城”称号;之后又分别获日本“全球500佳”城市、“环境的模范城市”等称号;2012年入选为“绿色亚洲国际战略综合特区”。在城市的转型过程中,北九州不仅通过产业结构的优化升级,建立起资源节约、环境友好、创新驱动的现代产业体系,克服了生态环境危机,实现了人与自然的高度和谐。而且更为引人注目的是,在转型与生态环境修复的过程中,环保技术、环保产业快速发展成为区域经济发展的新动力。本地官产学的合力作用培育了北九州环保产业集群,并在本地交流(local buzz)