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【经常被误解的词语】1.personal remark 人身攻击(不是"个人评论")2.confidence man 骗子(不是"信得过的人")3.rest room 厕所(不是"休息室")4.sporting house 妓院(不是"体育室")5.black art 妖

术(不是"黑色艺术")6.Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是"中国龙")7.eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是"十一点")



【各类人群】工作狂:workaholic,月光族:moonlight group,电灯泡:third wheel,夜猫子:night owl,路痴:somebody has no sense of direction,宅男宅女:homebody,时尚的潮人:trend setter,跑腿打杂的人:go-for,年度人物:man of the year,背包客:backpacker

【快餐店常用英语】hamburger 汉堡;hot dog 热狗;sandwich 三明治;iced coffee 冰咖啡;popcorn chicken 鸡米花;pie 馅饼;fried chicken 炸鸡;pizza 比萨饼;french fries(美)/chips(英)

薯条;ketchup 番茄酱;coke 可乐;sprite 雪碧;straw 吸管;eat-in 在店里吃;take-away 外带

【千里之行,始于足下】增高鞋elevator shoe;鞋垫insole;增高鞋垫shoe lift;鞋底sole;鞋跟heel;鞋带shoelace ;绑鞋带tie one's shoelaces;解开鞋带 untie one's shoelaces;鞋带松了shoelace is untied;穿鞋 put on one's shoes;脱鞋take off one ' s shoes;鞋很合脚 fit one's feet

【高级口语表达)】1.Give me a little credit !对我有点信心! 2.Ring a bell ? = Does it/that ring a bell ?耳熟吗?想起来了吗?3.No funny stuff.不要耍花招!4.No clue.= Beats me.= Dunno.不清楚。

5.You almost had me fooled. 差点被你耍了。

6.What a buzz-kill that was! 真扫兴!

【游泳姿势】蛙泳breaststrok;自由泳freestyle;仰泳backstroke;crawl stroke 爬泳;back stroke 仰泳;butterfly stroke 蝶泳;underwater swimming 潜泳;diving pool 跳水池;swimming pool 游泳池;three-meter springboard 3米跳板。

【内牛满面】cry 大声哭;weep默默哭;sob 啜泣;whimper 呜咽;wail 嚎啕大哭;blubber 又

哭又闹;lament 恸哭;mewl 低泣;snivel 啜泣;squall大声哭喊;whine发呜呜声

【keep词组搭配①】1.keep a low profile.保持低调 2.Keep calm 保持冷静!3.Keep it to yourself.保

密 4.Keep up the good work! 继续加油! 5.Keep your mouth shut! 闭上你的嘴!6.keep away from.使

远离7.keep in mind 记住 8.I'm here to keep an eye on him.我来这儿就是为了盯住他

【keep词组搭配②】9.Keep it down.别吵了。10.Keep your voice down.声音小点。11.keep one's mouth shut 保守秘密 12.Keep your chin up! 别灰心,打起精神来! 13.Keep trying! 继续努力,别

放弃 14.Keep quiet! 安静 15. keep one's hair on 不鸡冻/保持淡定 16.Keep me posted. 保持联系

【当别人不耐烦时,你应该这样说】1)Take it easy.别着急2)Just calm down.冷静点3)Be more patient. 要耐心4)Take your time.慢慢来5)All in good time.不要太着急了6)No rush慢慢来

7)There's a time for everything.事情要一件一件地做。8)keepCalm,Don't lose your temper. 淡定,别


【各种常见病的英文】1.发烧:fever;2.流感:flu;3.咳嗽:cough;4.心脏病:heart disease;






【旅游相关词汇】tourist 旅客;outbound tourism 境外游;domestic tourism 国内游;travel agency 旅行社;guide 导游;package tour 跟团旅游;specialties 特产;souvenir 纪念品;cultural relics 文化古迹;natural landscape 自然景观

【用英语形容时间】1.era年代,时代;2.epoch 纪元;3.age 时期,年龄;4.period 时期,阶段;

5.century 世纪;

6.decade 十年;

7.score years 二十年;

8.a quarter century 四分之一世纪;


a century 半个世纪;10.ancient times 古代;11.modern times 近代;12.present 现在


(露齿而笑)、chuckle(轻笑)、smirk(得意地笑)、simper(痴笑)、snicker(坏笑)、giggle(咯咯笑)、titter(偷笑)、guffaw(狂笑)、roar(哄笑)、chortle(欢笑)、ridicule (嘲笑)、deride(讥笑)

【各种人际关系】buddy 哥们儿;BFF(best friends forever)闺蜜;confidante 红颜知己;colleague 同事;intimate 至交;sworn brother 结拜兄弟;partner 搭档;companion 同伴;pen pal 笔友;comrade-in-arms 战友;bosom friend 知心朋友;childhood sweetheart 青梅竹马~

【网络热词】circusee围观;indoorsman宅男;campus belle 校花;non-prepared test-taking 裸考;group purchase 团购;the rich second generation 富二代;gelivable给力;cosplay动漫扮演;chillax 淡定;seckill秒杀~~~

【关于花的词汇】tulip 郁金香;jasmine茉莉;sunflower 向日葵;morning-glory 牵牛花;marigold 金盏花;iris 蝴蝶花;hyacinth 风信花;gladiolus 剑兰;magnolia 木兰;orchid 兰花;begonia 秋海棠;anemone 银莲花;wisteria 柴藤;redbud 紫荆;camellia 山茶;hibiscus 木槿;peony 芍药

【厨房用语】1)做法directions:炸fry/蒸steam/煮boil/烩braise/烤toast, grill 2)调料seasonings:醋vinegar/酱油soy sauce/盐salt/辣椒hot pepper/胡椒(black)pepper/芝麻油sesame oil/姜ginger/蒜garlic/料酒cooking wine/蚝油oyster sauce/肉桂cinnamon/番茄酱ketchup redeye/葱spring onions
