高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 语法突破 专题十二 情景交际

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may. No,of
gI’o mahseoardr.y/Nyootuactana’llt..(回答mind的答语)
I’m sorry,but you’d better not.
Forget it./No way.
Can you help me?
解析:考查情景交际。句意:“为什么不在这儿再多待一会 儿呢?”“________,但是我确实得走了。”Never mind意 为“不要紧,没关系”;I’d love to意为“我想(多待一段 时 间)”;Pleased to meet you意为“很高兴见到你”;I can’t find any reason意为“我找不到任何理由”.由答语中的连 词 but可知,前后两个分句之间存在转折关系,but前面的分句 应表达“自己愿意再待一会儿”,故选择B项。此题还可以通 过would love to(主观上愿意)与have to(客观上不得不)之
Thank you very much./Many thanks./Thanks a lot.
道 Thank you all/just the same./Thank you anyway.
谢 (没得到或不需要对方的帮助时)

No,thank you./No,thanks.

That’s all right./Not at all./You’re welcome.
解析:考查情景交际。句意:“对不起,莉兹。我想我对你 有点儿粗鲁了。”“________,但是不要再那么做了!”go ahead(鼓励用语)干吧,做吧;forget it没关系,别在意; it depends那得看情况;with pleasure(客气地接受或同意)当 然 了,很愿意。根据空格后的but可知,前后语意为转折关系, 由此判断,第二个说话者(莉兹)原谅了第一个说话者,故用
专题12 情景交际
[考情分析] 情景交际试题是通过创设语境,把原先单纯的语法选择转向 特定语言环境限制下的语意选择。这类试题在高考中所占的 比重越来越大,题型越来越灵活,干扰性也越来越强。 一般来说,高考中对于情景交际试题要求主要包括《英语新 课程标准》中所涉及的68个话题。主要体现在社会交往(问 候、告别、道歉、祝愿、祝贺等)中人的态度(同意或不同 意;喜欢或不喜欢;肯定或不肯定;可能或不可能;能够或 不能够等)或表示的一种情感(高兴、惊奇、忧虑、安慰、满 意、遗憾、同情等)等。
right没错,你说得对;my pleasure愿意为您效劳,我很乐
意(用作对谢意的客气回答);come on in进来吧,请进;
take it easy放轻松,不要紧张。根据答句中的No.可知,
约请 应答
Yes,I’d love/be glad to.../Yes, with pleasure./All right./Sure, why not?/Sure.That’s a good idea.
I’m sorry,but I can’t. I’d love to,but I won’t be free then. I’m afraid I can’t.
May I...? 提出 Could I...? 请求 I wonder if I could...?
Wouldຫໍສະໝຸດ BaiduDo you mind if I...?
Yes,(do) please./Go ahead,please.
That’s OK/all right./Of course,you
That’s all right./It’s all right./That’s
答 nothing./That’s OK./No problem./Forget it./It
doesn’t matter.
Would you like to...? Will/Would/Can/Could you come to...? Why don’t we...? I wonder if...?
2.(2015·高考福建卷,T35)—Hi,Dr Brown!I’m a
early.ShoCuld I wait outside?
A.That’s right
B.My pleasure
C.Come on in
D.Take it easy
考点一 社会交往方面的交际英语
1.(2015·高考天津卷,T1)—Sorry,Liz.I think I was a
rude tBo you.
—________,but don’t do that again!
A.Go ahead
B.Forget it
C.It depends
D.With pleasure
Thanks.That would be nice/fine./That’s
应答 kind of you.
No,thanks.I can manage it myself./Thank
you all
the same.
1.(2014·高考重庆卷,T2)—Why not stay here a little longerB? —________,but I really have to go. A.Never mind B.I’d love to C.Pleased to meet you D.I can’t find any reason
求助 Can you lend me a hand?
Will you do me a favor?
应答 With pleasure.
提供 Can I help you?/What can I do for you?
帮 帮助 Is there anything I can do for you?

应 /No problem.
答 Don’t mention it./It’s really nothing at all.
It’s a pleasure./(It’s) My pleasure.
歉 意
致 歉

Sorry./Pardon./I beg your pardon. I am sorry for.../Please forgive me for.../ Excuse me for.../I apologize to you for..