
二年英上册上海牛津版整理1.Good morning. 早上好。
Good afternoon. 下午好。
2.Good evening. 傍晚好。
Good night. 晚安。
3.How are you? 你好?I ’ m fine./I’ m very我well很好.。
Thank you.4.today 今天5.-How do you do? 你好。
-How do you do? 你好。
6.Thank you very much. 非常感。
7.apple bag 苹果 ??,包8.big -(opp.) small 大的,小的9.boy -(opp.) girl 男孩 - 女孩10.I ’ m tall. You’ re short.11.I ’ m = I am我是You’ re = You are你是12.fat -(opp.) thin 胖的 - 瘦的13.Who am I? 我是?You’ re⋯你.是⋯⋯14.cat dog 猫 ??,狗 ??15.a new classmate 一名新同学16.touch your knees 摸你的膝盖17.pick up sticks 起木棒18.draw a snake 画一条蛇19.do it again 再做一次20.Are you Alice? 你是?Yes I am./No I’ m是not的.,我是。
21.Who are you? 你是?I am⋯我.是⋯⋯22.elephant five 大象 ??,五23.Can you swim? 你会游泳?Yes I can./No I can是的’,t.我会。
24.run write fly 跑,写,25.Supergirl Superdog 超女孩,超狗26.girl hand 女孩,手 ??27.The girl has a plate in her hands. 那个女孩手里有一个子。

slow [sləu]缓慢的
in [in]在……之内(里)
on [ɔn]在……之上
under ['ʌndə]在……之下
bell [bel]铃;钟
star [sta:]星;恒星
present ['preznt]赠品;礼物
tree [tri:]树
hat [hæt]帽子
glove [ɡlʌv]手套
milkman ['milkmən]送奶工人;售奶工人
fisherman ['fiʃəmən]渔民;渔夫
farmer ['fɑ:mə]农夫;农民
teacher ['ti:tʃə]教师
driver [draivə]司机
doctor [dɔktə]医生
nurse [nə:s]护士
cook [kuk]厨师
thin [θin] adj.瘦的
little ['litl] adj.小的
happy ['hæpi] adj.幸福的
and [ænd] conj.和
dad [dæd] n.爸爸
mother ['mʌðə] n.妈妈
cake [keik] n.蛋糕
father ['fɑ:ðə] n.父亲
x-ray ['eksrei]n.X光
scarf [ska:f]围巾
winter ['wintə]冬季
cold [kəuld]寒冷
wind [wind]风
snow [snəu]雪
tie [tai]领带;带子
belt [belt]腰带
sock [sɔk]袜子
shirt [ʃə:t]衬衫


句中通常有usually,often,every day,sometimes,always,at weekends,on Sundays等表示经常性时间的短语。
2、构成:1)当谓语是be动词时,一般现在时的构成:主语+be动词+其他如:I am a student. He is Jim’s father.They are from Japan.2)当谓语是行为动词时,一般现在时的构成:①主语(非第三人称单数)+动词原形+其他如:I often watch TV at the weekends.Mr Green and Mrs Green like collecting stamps.②主语(第三人称单数)+动词的第三人称单数形式+其他如:Jim usually visits his grandparents on Sundays.She sometimes goes to the park with her mother.3、动词三单形式的变化规则:•一般情况下,直接加s 如:read-reads,swim-swims•以s,x,sh,ch,o结尾,加es 如:wash-washes,watch-watches,do-does•以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加es 如:study-studies,fly-flies•不规则变化如:have-has4、一般现在时的句型转换:肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答They watch TV every day. They don’t watch TVevery day.—Do they watch TV every day?—Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.She watches TV every day. She doesn’t watchTV every day.—Does she watch TV every day?—Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.现在进行时1、定义:表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作。

Unit 7 Let’s clean up单元分析:本单元的话题是“家务劳动”,单元教学重点是祈使句Cleanthe …,please.的和巩固学过的动作类单词和短语的基础上,引出本单元的祈使句。
可以利用教室中的物品和场景创设情境,指导学生操练句型Clean the …,please.在词汇教学时,教师可以呈现家居生活的照片,并结合教室内的实物,让学生在真实的情境下理解这些词汇,并熟练运用动词clean 与这些物品类词汇组成的动词短语。
教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、认读tabair, desk, door, window, clean up, clean, phew 等这些单词,发音正确。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读Lelean up! Clean the table/ desk/ chair… please等3. 能听懂并简单用以上句型进行对话。
4. 培养学生热爱劳动之情并激发学生的英语学习兴趣。
2 .学生能听懂,会说Let’ s clean up! Clean the table/ desk/ chair… please 等教学难点:1.学生能听懂、会说、认读本单元单词发音正确。
2. 学生能听懂,会说We Lclean up! Clean the table/ desk/ chair… please等课时安排:三课时Unit 7 Let’s clean up(Period 1)课标陈述:1.能看图识词。
教学目标:1、能听懂、会说table, chair, desk, door, window, clean up, clean,发音准确。
2、能听懂、并尝试用Clean the..., please对他人发出指令。

沪教版牛津英语二年级上册2A全册教案Unit 1 Where I Live Teaching aids:A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiB. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s …C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects.Material:1. Student's Book 2A page 2--62. Cassette 1A and a cassette player3. Wallcharts4. Photograph page 15. Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A. Basic aims:1. Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb2. Be able to give simple instructions3. Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts4. Be able to "point to your home"5. Read the rhymeB. Further aims:1.2.Practise saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places Language focus:1. Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects2. Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences3. Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiPeriod 1Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing the definite article to refer to specific classroom objectsTeaching steps:Period 2Teaching focus:Using the simple present tense to indicate factsUsing the simple present tense to express interests and preferences Teaching steps:Period 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify objectUsing proper nouns to refer to places Teaching steps:Period 4Teaching focus:Asking ' Wh-' questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person Using the simple persent tense to express truthUsing the simple persent tense to express interests and preferencesTeaching steps:Period 5Teaching focus:Using the simple persent tense to express interests and preferences Teaching steps:Unit 4 Going about Teaching designing:Teaching aids:A.Words: letters Gg—Hh, plane, ferry, train, taxi, car, bus, van.B.Structures: Get ……How do you go to……C.Functions: Give simple instructions; Using connectives to add information Material:1.Student’s Book 2A page 17-212.Cassette 1A and a cassette player3.Wall charts4.Photograph page 145.Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A.Basic aims:1.Be able to identify the letters Gg--Hh2.Be able to give simple instructions3.Be able to introduce oneself using I’m.4.Be able to write the sentence Hello, I’m <name>.5.Sing a song.B.F urther aims:ing more information to introduce oneself2.The sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:ing imperatives to give simple instructions2.Asking How questions to find out means and Using prepositions to indicatemeas3.Learning the words: plane……Period 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructions Teaching steps:Period 2Teaching focus:Asking How questions to find out mean Using prepositions to indicate means Using formulaic expressions to take leave Teaching steps:Period 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify forms of transport. Teaching steps:Period 4Teaching focus:Using formulaic expressions to indicate how people travel Teaching steps:。

Pen 钢笔[pen] npencil-case 铅笔盒['penslkeis] n eraser 橡皮[1向2 ] nbook 书[buk] nsharpener 卷笔刀['J a:p n ] n head 头[hed] nnose 鼻子[口uz] neye眼睛3]narm 胳膊[a:m] nleg 腿[le g] nbody 身体['bodi] nyellow 黄色的['jel u] nblue 蓝色的[blu:] nwhite 白色的[hwait] norange 橙色的桔子['o:rind3] nbrown 棕色的[braun] ndog 狗[dog] npanda 熊猫由田nd ] nduck 鸭子[dAk] nbird 鸟;禽[b :d] nelephant 大象[七及nt] nsquirrel 松鼠['skw :r l] nbread 面包[bred] nhamburger 汉堡包['h田mb :g ] nFrench fries 榨薯条[frentj fraiz] njuice 果汁;汁[d3u:s] nwater 水[30寸]n coffee 咖啡['kofi] ntwo 二[tu:] nfour 四[fo:] n six A[siks] npencil 铅笔['pens l] n ruler尺子皿1]n crayon 蜡笔['krei n] n bag书包[[b田g] n school 学校[sku:l] n face 脸[feis] n mouth 嘴[mau。
] n ear 耳朵[i ] n finger 手指[而99 ] n foot 脚[fut] n red红色的[red] n green 绿色的[g ri:n] n purple 紫色的['p :pl] n black黑色的[bl田k] n pink 粉色的[piqk] n cat猫;猫科动物[k田t] n monkey 猴子;顽童['mA gki] n rabbit 兔子['1出bit] n pig 猪[pi g] n bear 熊[be ] n mouse 老鼠[maus] n cake 蛋糕[keik] n hot dog热狗chicken 鸡肉['tjikin] n Coke 可乐[k uk] n milk 牛奶[milk] n tea 茶[ti:] n one 一[wAn] n three H[0ri:] n five S[faiv] n seven 七['sev n] neight A[eit] nten 十[ten] nballoon 气球[b 'lu:n] nplane 飞机[plein] nself自己;自我;本质[self] n type 类型;样式;榜样[taip] n daily每日的;日常的['deili] a nine ;/L[nain] ndoll玩具娃娃[dol] ncar小汽车[k a:] ntext 课文;文本[tekst] nword单词;言辞;歌词[w :d] n module 单元;组件['modju:l] n grammar 语法['gr田m ] ncontent (书刊等的)目录;内容[k n'tent] n love 爱[I AV] n expression 表达;表现力;表情[iks'prej n] n wall 墙[wo:l] n project 方案;计划[pr 'dsekt] n dictionary 字典['dikj neri] n sheet E印刷品;表格[Ji:t] n mum 妈妈(口语)[mm] n vocabulary词汇;用词范围;词典[V 'k田bjul ri] npoem (一首)诗['puim] oral 口试['o:r l] nI am (我)是侬m] are (你)是[a:] V name 名字[^加]n good 好的[g ud] n new新的;新闻[nju:] n from 从[from] prep chair 椅子[tje ] n box 盒子[boks] n zoo动物园[zu:] n park公园取化]n factory 工厂['f田kt ri] n capital 首都苴出pit l] n the capital of China 中国首都page 页[peids] n unit 单元;单位['ju:nit] n you 你[ju:] pron come in. 进来['kAm in] class班比b、]n good morning!早上好we 我们[0上]pron from beijing从北京来的floor 地板[口。

二年级英语上册上海牛津版词汇整理1.Good morning. 早上好。
Good afternoon. 下午好。
2.Good evening. 傍晚好。
Good night. 晚安。
3.How are you? 你好吗?I’m fine./I’m very well. 我很好。
Thank you.4.today 今天5.-How do you do? 你好。
-How do you do? 你好。
6.Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
7.apple bag 苹果 ,包8.big -(opp.) small 大的,小的9.boy -(opp.) girl 男孩 - 女孩10.I’m tall. You’re short.11.I’m = I am 我是You’re = You are 你是12.fat -(opp.) thin 胖的 - 瘦的13.Who am I? 我是谁?You’re …. 你是……14.cat dog 猫 ,狗15.a new classmate 一名新同学16.touch your knees 摸你的膝盖17.pick up sticks 捡起木棒18.draw a snake 画一条蛇19.do it again 再做一次20.Are you Alice? 你是爱丽丝吗?Yes I am./No I’m not. 是的,我是。
21.Who are you? 你是谁?I am …. 我是……22.elephant five 大象 ,五23.Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?Yes I can./No I can’t. 是的,我会。
24.run write fly 跑,写,飞25.Supergirl Superdog 超级女孩,超狗26.girl hand 女孩,手27.The girl has a plate in her hands. 那个女孩手里有一个盘子。

5AModule 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 My brirthdayfirst =第一second =第二third =第三fourth =第四fifth =第五sixth =第六party =聚会begin =开始bring =带来wear =穿,戴favorite =最喜欢的Unit 2 My way to schooltaxi =出租车underground =地铁zebra crossing =斑马线traffic light(s) =红绿灯,交通信号灯pavement =人行道live =住,居住leave =离开by =通过(表示方式、方法)on foot =步行arrive (at) =到达cross =穿过Unit 3 My futureworker =工人pilot =飞行员farmer =农民shop assistant =营业员,销售员fly =飞help =帮助sick =有病的,生病的Module 2 Me, my family and friends Unit 1 Grandparentswrite an e-mail =写电子邮件go shopping =去购物play chess =下(国际)象棋once =一次twice =两次talk =交谈,说话(the) Internet =互联网,因特网Unit 2 Friendssame =同样的,相同的different =不同的both =(两者)都all =所有的class =班级each other =互相together =一起Unit 3 Moving homenorth =北方,北边south =南方,南边west =西方,西边east =东方,东边study =学习a lot of =许多Module 3 Places and activities Unit 1 Around the cityhotel=酒店,宾馆bank=秋银行hospital=医院bakery=面包店museum=博物馆cinema=电影院along=沿着turn=转弯Unit 2 Buying new clothes button=纽扣zip=拉链pocket=口袋need=需要put on=穿上try on=试穿Unit 3 Seeing the doctor fever=发烧toothache=牙痛cough=咳嗽cold=感冒well=健康的,身体好的medicine=药Module 4 The natural world Unit 1 Waterfirst=首先next=其次,接下来then=然后finally=最后tea=茶boil=煮开,煮沸pour=倒出drink=喝Unit 2 Windgently=轻轻地strongly=猛烈地,强有力地slowly=缓慢地quickly=迅速地blow=吹,刮happily=开心地Unit 3 Firesmoke=吸烟start=开始campfire=营火,篝火match=比赛,火柴careful=仔细的safety安全5BModule 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 What a mess!school bag=书包brush=毛笔,画笔paints=绘画颜料crayon=蜡笔notebook=笔记本glue=胶水Tape=磁带Put=放,安置Unit2 Watch it grow!egg =卵,蛋cocoon=茧caterpillar=毛虫chicken=鸡肉duckling=小鸭子puppy=小狗grow=成长,生长fly=飞翔,飞行was=am/is的过去式were=are的过去式Unit3 How noisy!drill=钻机,钻头lorry=卡车motorbike=有盖小货车,箱形客货两用车outside=自行车sleep= 睡觉another=另一个noise=噪音heard=hear的过去式sat=sit的过去式Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1 Food and drinksmeat=肉pork =猪肉beef=牛肉chicken=鸡肉fish=鱼,鱼肉fruit=水果vegetable=蔬菜tomato=番茄potato=土豆carrot=胡萝卜cabbage=卷心菜bean=豆子rice=米饭,饭drink=喝milk=牛奶had=have/has的过去式eat=吃healthy=健康的did=do的过去式keep……away=不让接近(某人/某物)Unit2 Filmsticket=入场券ticket office=售票处exit=出口entrance=入口seat=座位film=电影funny=有趣的princess=公主see a film=看电影Unit3School subjects Chinese=(学科)语文English=(学科)英语Maths=(学科)数学Art=(学科)美术Music=(学科)音乐IT=(学科)信息技术PE=(学科)体育class=课,课程subject=科目Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 Signstelephone=电话smoking=吸烟swimming=游泳walk=牵着(动物)走,遛sign=标志,指示牌Unit2 Weathercloud=云朵rain=雨snow=雪snowy=下雪的storm=暴风雨stormy=有暴风雨的fog=雾foggy=有雾的yesterday=昨天degree=度,度数(温度单位)weather=天气make=使,让Unit3 Changesbookshelf=书架mirror=镜子cushion=坐垫,靠垫cupboard=橱柜,衣柜bed=床lamp=台灯sofa=沙发furniture=家具next=紧随其后的,下一个的give=给move=改变位置,移动window=窗户wall=墙壁Module 4 More things to learn Unit 1 Museumscience museum=科技博物馆art museum=艺术博物馆history museum=历史博物馆insect museum=昆虫博物馆car museum=汽车博物馆railway museum=铁路博物馆perform=表演dance=跳舞useful=有用的really=非常,极其Unit 2 Western Holidays Christmas=圣诞节Easter=复活节Halloween=万圣节Thanksgiving=感恩节find=找到,发现hide=隐藏holiday=假期present=礼物Unit 3 Story time giant=巨人castle=城堡。

上海版牛津英语8B 第一章学习辅导材料(11。
01)学习新词语语法知识现在进行时上海版牛津英语 8B 第二章学习辅导材料学习新词语freeze v。
(froze frozen freezing)1. stop moving suddenly (突然停止,惊呆),例如:Fear made him freeze in his tracks. 恐惧使他突然停止前进。
He froze in front of the audience. 他在观众面前吓呆了。
冷冻,冷藏(食物),例如:Not all fruit and vegetables freeze well。
plant n。
1. building with machines in it 工厂,车间,例如:When the plant closed down, many factory workers lost their jobs。
植物,例如:Trees and vegetables are plants。
【词义辨析】:speed; hurry1。
speed v. (sped sped speeding) move quickly 指快速运动或行动。
例如:The ambulance sped to the hospital。
He was arrested for speeding。
他因超速行车而被捕.The train sped through the countryside. 火车从乡间飞驰而过。
Postal workers labored overtime to speed delivery of the Christmas mail.邮政工人加班加点已加速圣诞期间新信件的发送。
2. hurry v。
move or do sth. quickly or too quickly 意指比通常快得多的速度,经常伴随着混乱或骚动。

toy shop玩具店
Unit 5
ice cream冰淇淋
very much非常
Unit 6
Unit 10
how many (用于问数量)多少nine九
Unit 5:
toy bear玩具熊
Unit 6:

hard, rough
Is it...? No, it’s ...
4.Learn the new word:
1.T actsthe magician and says: Hello, I’ma magician. My name is Tom.
Let the students touch the porcelain rabbit.
Hard, hard, it’shard.
H-a-r-d,the rabbit is hard.
Rough, rough, it’srough.
R-o-u-g-h,the rabbit is rough.
While-task procedure
1.Learn thenew word:
2.Learn the words:
soft, smooth
... is soft.
... is smooth.
Touch ...
Is it ...? Yes, it is.
Teaching plan
Period 1
Look and learn Look and say
Language aims:
1.To help the students master the names of the life goods.
watch bag
2. To help the students master theadjectives of describing how objects feel

I cannot perform this task as it goes against OpenAI's content policy on academic dishonesty and plagiarism.Module 4:必会单词:天空,太阳,月亮,星星,狐狸,河马,肉,草,花,树,汤,桌子,盒子,黄色。
句型:在家熟读,问句和答句都必须熟练掌握,并能快速反应)Module 1:1.早上好。
)Module 2:1.你会写字(跑步,画画,飞……)吗?是的,我会。
)2.Who is she。
She is Sally。
Is she your sister。
she is。
she isn't.) Is she a boy。
she is。
she isn't.)3.My head is。
My hair is。
My nose is。
My eyes are。
My ears are。
My hands are。
Module 3:1.What can you see。
I can see。
What color is it。
What color are they。
They are。

2. Do more exercises
3. Clap or repeat
4. Look and say
5. Look and choose
e.g. Good ____. (picture)
1. afternoon 2. morning
创设情景,给学 生特定的语境, 回归生活实际。
通过歌曲,活跃 课堂气氛的同 时巩固单词。
ask: Look at the sun. Is it afternoon? (2) Read the word. (3) Fill in the blanks: _vening (4) Guess: Morning or Evening? (5) Say “Good evening” to Mr tiger, Mr dog, …
让小朋友在看一 看、选一选、读一 读、演一演中加强 对本课的巩固。
板 1A M1U1 Greetings 书 How are you, ...? 设 I’m fine. Thank you. I’m fine. Thank you. And you? 计 I’m fine, too.
教学 反思
Oxford English 2A M1 U1(1)
Aims Teaching focus Teaching Aids
3. Quick response. 1. Learn: How are you, ...? I’m fine. Thank you. ① Follow the teacher and say.

上海版牛津小学英语课本全部单词带音标(分类版)26个英文字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mn Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz学校Schoolshool学校[sku:l]n.uniform 制服;军服['ju:ni fɔ:m] n.term 学期;期限[tə:m] n class 班级[klɑ:s]n.book书[buk] n.pencil 铅笔['pensəl] n.bag 书包[bæɡ] n. pen 钢笔[pen] n.ruler 尺子['ru:lə] n.pencil-case 铅笔盒['penslkeis] n.eraser 橡皮[i'reizə] n.crayon 蜡笔['kreiən] n.sharpener 卷笔刀['ʃɑ:pənə] n.ink墨水[iŋk] nlesson功课;课程['lesən]n.paper纸['peipə]n.text 课文;文本[tekst] n brush毛笔[brʌʃ]n.have a lesson上课Chinese book 语文书have lessons上课young pioneer 少年先锋队员eye-exercises 眼保操student(大中学)学生['stju:dənt] n classmate同学['klɑ:smeit] n homework家庭作业['həumwə:k] n pupil小学生['pjupəl]n.blackboard黑板['blækbɔ:d] n red scarf 红领巾playground操场['pleiɡraund] n exercise-book 练习本have English class上英语课begin classes 开始上课talk in English 用英语讲paint 颜料[peint] n morning exercises早操timetable 课程表['taim,teibl] n teacher教师['ti:tʃə]n.break 课间休息;休息[breik] n felt pen 毡头笔[felt] nnote 纸币;笔记[nəut] ngo home 回家teacher’s desk 讲台seat座位[si:t] n class is over下课了school is over. 放学了课程Subjectsubject 科目[' sʌbdʒikt]n. Chinese 语文['tʃ ai'ni:z]n. English英语['iŋgliʃ]n.math 数学[mæθ] n上海版小学牛津英语单词汇总science科学;技术['saiəns] n physical education 体育课['fizikəl] [,edjukeiʃn] nart美术[ɑ:t]n.music音乐['mju:zik] ntext 课文;文本[tekst] n书Bookpoem诗['pəuim] n module 单元;组件['mɔdju:l] n unit 单元;单位['ju:nit] n word 单词;言辞;歌词[wə:d] npage 页[peidʒ] n letter 字母;文字['letə] n sheet 印刷品;表格[ʃi:t] n vocabulary 词汇[və'kæbjuləri] ngrammar语法['græmə] n dictionary 字典['dikʃəneri]book书[buk] n.content 目录;内容[kən'tent] n身体Bodybody 身体['bɔdi] n. hair头发[hεə]n.head 头[hed] n.face 脸[feis] n.hand 手[hænd]n.mouth 嘴[mauθ] n.nose 鼻子[nəuz] n. ear 耳朵[iə] n.eye 眼睛[ai] n. finger 手指['fiŋɡə] n.arm 胳膊[ɑ:m] n.feet脚(复数)['fi:t] n.foot 脚[fut] n.stomach ['stʌmək]n.throat喉咙[θrəut]n.teeth牙(复数) [ti:θ] ntooth 牙齿[tu:θ] n.toe 脚趾[təu] n.leg 腿[leɡ] n. knee 膝盖[ni:] n.back后背[bæk] n bone 骨头[bəun] n颜色colourcolour 颜色['kʌlə] n.red 红色的[red] adj.yellow 黄色的['jeləu] adj. green 绿色的[ɡri:n] adj.blue 蓝色的[blu:] adj.purple 紫色的['pə:pl] adj.white 白色的[hwait] adj. black 黑色的[blæk] adj.orange 橙色的['ɔrin dʒ] adj.pink 粉色的[piŋk] adj.brown 棕色的[braun] adj.grey 灰色的[ɡrei] adj.2上海版小学牛津英语单词汇总3动物Animalanimal 动物['ænim əl] n dog 狗 [d ɔɡ]n.cat 猫;猫科动物[kæt] n. kitty 小猫 ['kiti:]n. puppy 小狗['p ʌpi] n rabbit 兔子['ræbit] n. duck 鸭子 [d ʌk]n.hare 野兔[h εə] n duckling 小鸭['d ʌkliŋ] n pig 猪[pi ɡ] n. parrot 鹦鹉['pær ət] n bear 熊[bεə] n.bird 鸟;禽[b ə:d] n.bee 蜜蜂,勤劳的人 [bi:]n. elephant 大象['elif ənt] n. mouse 老鼠[maus] n.squirrel 松鼠['skw ə:r əl] n. monkey 猴子;顽童['m ʌŋki] n. swan 天鹅[sw ɔn] ngiraffe 长颈鹿 [d ʒi'r ɑ:f] n. zebra 斑马;有斑纹的['zi:br ə] n lizard 蜥蜴['liz əd] n fox 狐狸;狡猾的人[f ɔks] n panda 熊猫['pænd ə] n. crocodile 鳄鱼 ['kr ɔk ə,dail] n. chick 小鸡 [t ʃik]n. cow 母牛[kau] nchicken 鸡 ['t ʃikin] n.dinosaur 恐龙['dain əs ɔ:] n donkey 驴;傻瓜['d ɔŋki] n dragon 龙 ['dræɡən]n. snake 蛇[sneik] nlion 狮子;勇敢的人['lai ən] n tiger 老虎;凶残的人['tai ɡə] n owl 猫头鹰[aul] nfish 鱼 [fi ʃ] n.sheep 羊;害羞的人[ʃi:p] n tortoise 乌龟['t ɔ:t əs] npet 宠物;宝贝[pet] nkangaroo 袋鼠[,kæŋgə'ru:] n caterpillar 毛虫;蝶['kæt ə,pil ə] n butterfly 蝴蝶 ['b ʌt əflai]n. dolphin 海豚['d ɔlfin] n moth 蛾;蛀虫[m ɔθ] n goose 鹅[ɡu:s] n frog 青蛙[fr ɔɡ] n tadpole 蝌蚪['tædp əul] n geese 鹅(复数) [ɡi:s] wolf 狼[wulf] n seal 海豹[si:l] n horse 马[h ɔ:s] nshark 鲨鱼['ʃɑ:k] n cocoon 茧;卵袋[k ə'ku:n] n食物Foodfeeler 触角;触须['fi:l ə] n insect 昆虫['insekt] nfood 食物 [fu:d] n. vegetable 蔬菜['ved ʒit əbl]n. fruit 水果[fru:t]n. drink 饮料[driŋk] n bread 面包[bred] ncake 蛋糕[keik] n上海版小学牛津英语单词汇总4BigMac 巨无霸n. hot dog 热狗McChicken 麦香鸡 nsausage 香肠['s ɔ:sid ʒ] n hamburger 汉堡包['hæmb ə: ɡə] n chicken 鸡肉['t ʃikin] n French fries 榨薯条[frent ʃfraiz] n. chocolate 巧克力['t ʃɔk əlit] n crisp 松脆饼干;薯片[krisp]n. Coke 可乐[k əuk] nwater 水['w ɔ:t ə] n tea 茶[ti:] nmilk 牛奶[milk] njuice 果汁;汁[d ʒu:s] n coffee 咖啡['k ɔfi] n egg 蛋[e ɡ] nrice 米饭[rais] njam 果酱 [d ʒæm]n.noodles 面条(通常复数['nu:dl] n carrot 胡萝卜;红头发['kær ət] n tomato 番茄[t ə'm ɑ:təu]n. potato 马铃薯[p ə'teit əu] n cabbage 卷心菜 ['kæbid ʒ] n honey 蜂蜜['h ʌni] n apple 苹果['æpl] nbean 豆[bi:n] n.pear 梨[pεə] npineapple 菠萝;凤梨['pain,æpl] n orange 橘子['ɔrind ʒ] nbanana 香蕉[b ə'n ɑ:nə] n. watermelon 西瓜['w ɔ:t ə,mel ən] n grape 葡萄;葡萄酒[greip] n lime 酸橙;菩提树[laim] n plum 梅子;洋李[pl ʌm] a butter 黄油;奶油['b ʌt ə] n durian 榴莲['dju əri ən] nsugar 糖['ʃug ə] n flour 面粉;粉状物质[flau ə] n corm 谷物[k ɔ:m] nsalt 盐 [s ɔ:lt] n 数字Numbernumber ['n ʌmb ə] n. one 一[w ʌn] num. two 二[tu:] num. three 三[θri:] num. four 四[f ɔ:] num. five 五[faiv] num.six 六[siks] num. seven 七['sev ən] num. eight 八[eit] num. nine 九[nain] num.ten 十[ten] num.eleven 十一[i'lev ən] num. twelve 十二 [twelv] num. thirteen 十三['θə:'ti:n] num. fourteen 十四['f ɔ:'ti:n] num. fifteen 十五['fifti:n] num. sixteen 十六['siks'ti:n] num. seventeen 十七[,sev ən'ti:n] num. eighteen 十八['ei'ti:n] num. nineteen 十九[,nain'ti:n] num. twenty 二十['twenti] num. thirty 三十['θə:ti] num. forty 四十['f ɔ:ti] num.fifty 五十['fifti] num.上海版小学牛津英语单词汇总5am (我)是[æm] v.is (他,她,它)是[iz ] v.主格NominativeI 我[ai] pron.he 他 [hi: ] pron. we 我们 [wi:] pron.宾格Objective Caseme 我 [mi:] pron him 他 [him] pron us 我们 [ʌs] pron形容词性 物主代词my 我的[mai] pron his 他的[hiz] pronare (你,你们,我们,他们,她们,它们) 是[ɑ:] v.you 你,你们[ju:] pron. she 她 [ʃi:] pron.they 他(她;它)们 [ðei] pron. it 它 [it] pron.you 你,你们 [ju:] pron. her 她 [h ə:] pronthem 他(她;它)们[ðem] pron it 它 [it] pron.your 你的;你们的[j ɔ: ] pron her 她(宾格) [h ə:] pronsixty 六十['siksti] num.seventy 七十['sev ənti] num. eighty 八十['eiti] num.ninety 九十['nainti] num.hundred 一百['h ʌndr əd] num. thousand 一千['θauzənd] num.twenty-five 二十五 num first 第一;首先[f ə:st] numsecond 第二['sek ənd] num third 第三[θə:d] num fourth 第四 [f ɔ:θ] num fifth 第五[fif θ] num sixth 第六[siks θ] num seventh 第七['sevn θ] num eighth 第八[eit θ] num ninth 第九 [nain θ] num tenth 第十[ten θ] num eleventh 第十一[i'levn θ] num twelfth 第十二[twelf θ] numtwentieth 第二十['twentii θ] num thirtieth 第三十['θə:tiiθ] numtwenty-first 第二十一[,twenti'f ə:st] num 冠词Articlea 一 [ei]art. an 一 [ən]art the 这,那[[ði]]art.Be 动词上海版小学牛津英语单词汇总6our 我们的['au ə] pron名词性 物主代词mine 我的 [main] pron his 他的 [hiz] pron ours 我们的['au əz] pron反身代词myself 我自己 [mai'self] pron. itself 它自己[it'self]pron. herself 她自己[h ə:'self] pron. himself 他自己 [him'self] pron. 介词prepositionrom 从……[fr ɔm] prep. about 关于[ə'baut] prep. above 在……上方[ə'b ʌv] prep. behind 在……后面[bi'haind] prep. down 向下[daun] prep.或ad. after 在…后面['ɑ:ft ə] prep. before 在……之前[bi'f ɔ:] prep. like 像[laik] prep. beside 在……旁边[bi'said] prep. between 在(两者)之间[bi'twi:n] prep up 向上;上升;在……上面 [ʌp] prep.或ad. come in. 进来['k ʌm in] out 向外[aut] prep. out 通过……而出[aut] prep 介词短语from beijing 从北京来的 over there 在那边 their 他(她;它)们的 [ðεə] pron its 它的 [its] pronyours 你的;你们的[ju əz] pron hers 她的[h ə:z] prontheirs 他(她;它)们的[ðєəz] pronits 它的 [its] pronyourself 你自己[j ɔ:'self] pron. yourselves 你们自己[j ɔ:'selvz] pron. themselves 他们自己[ðəm'selvz] pron. ourselves 我们自己[,au ə'selvz] pron.self 自己;自我;本质[self] nin 在……之内[in] prep. into 到……里['intu: ] prep. at 在... ;在……时[æt] prep. to 到;向[tu: ] prep. by 在…旁;靠近 prep. on 在……之上(时候)[ɔn ] prep. under 在……下面['ʌnd ə] prep plus 加[pl ʌs ] prep.minus 减 'main əs] prep. inside 在……里面[in'said] prep outside 在……外面['aut'said] prep away 离……;外出[ə'wei] near 靠近[ni ə] prep over 越(过) ['əuv ə] prep. for 为;代替;因为;为得到[ f ɔ:] prep with . 用;和…在一起[wið] prep. through 穿过[θru:] prepat the zoo 在动物园里 at three 在三时;在三点上海版小学牛津英语单词汇总7go to the door 到门那儿去 in front of 在…前面 out of 向(在)…外面 wait for 等候it's time for 是…的时候了 play with 玩… be afraid of 害怕 so much like 很像 at the back 在后面 pick up 拾起next to 与……相邻[nekst]地点Placesshool 学校[sku:l]n. park 公园[p ɑ:k] n home 家[h əum]n. house 房屋[haus]n. room 房间[ru:m] n. classroom 教室['kl ɑ:srum] n bathroom 浴室['bæθrum] n kitchen 厨房['kit ʃin] n bookstore 书店['bukst ɔ:] n sitting room 起居室 study 书房['st ʌdi] n theatre 剧场['θiət ə] n restaurant 餐厅['rest ər ɔnt] n road 路;街道[r əud] n beach 海滩[bi:t ʃ] n farm 农场[f ɑ:m] n jungle 丛林['d ʒʌŋgl] n block 大楼;大厦[bl ɔk] n palace 宫殿['pælis] n 国家Nationnation 国家['nei ʃən]n. at home 在家 look at 看…… a lot of 许多…a pair of trousers 一条裤子 of course 当然[k ɔ:s] look for 寻找 hurry up! 快点! run away 跑掉by underground 乘地铁 try on 试穿put into 放到…里 listen to 听…… library 图书馆['laibr əri] n zoo 动物园[zu:] n cinema 电影院['sin əm ə] n factory 工厂['fækt əri] n square 广场[skwεə] n crossing 十字路口['kr ɔ:siŋ] n bedroom 卧室['bedrum] n living room 客厅 dining room 餐室;餐厅 n hall 食堂,会堂 [h ɔ:l]n. supermarket 超市['sju:p ə,m ɑ:kit] police station 警署;派出所 station 车站;电台;基地['stei ʃən] n tower 塔;高楼['tau ə] n temple 庙宇;圣堂;寺院['templ] n country park 乡村公园['k ʌntri] garden 花园;菜园;游乐场['g ɑ:dn] n castle 城堡['k ɑ:sl] n cage 笼子;监牢[keid ʒ] nnational 国家的['næʃən əl] adj.上海版小学牛津英语单词汇总8China 中国['t ʃai n ə] n America 美国;美洲[ə'merik ə] n England 英国['ingl ənd] n Russia 俄罗斯['r ʌʃə]n. motherland 祖国['m ʌðəlænd] n星期 Weekweek 周,星期[wi:k]n. Tuesday 星期二 ['tju:zdi ] n Thursday 星期四['θə:zdi] n Saturday 星期六 ['sæt ədi] n 月份 Monthmonth 月[m ʌnθ] n. February 二月['febru əri] n April 四月['eipr əl] n June 六月[d ʒu:n] n August 八月[ɔ:'g ʌst] n October 十月[ɔk't əub ə] n 季节 Seasonseason 季节['si:zn] n summer 夏天['s ʌm ə]n. fall 秋天[f ɔ:l] n 衣服 Clothesclothes 衣服[kl ɔθ] n cap 帽子[kæp] n shirt (男式)衬衫[ʃə:t] n scarf 围巾,领巾[sk ɑ:f] n T-shirt T 恤衫 pants 长裤[pænt] n size 大小;尺寸;号码[saiz] n trousers 裤子;长裤['tr au z əz] n Chinese 中国的;汉语;中国人['t ʃai'ni:z] Amercian 美国的;美国人[ə'merik ən] English 英国的;英语;英国人['iŋgli ʃ] Russian 俄语,俄国人['r ʃən] capital 首都['kæpit əl] n the capital of China 中国首都national flag 国旗[flæɡ] Monday 星期一['m ʌndi] n Wednesday 星期三['wenzdei ] n Friday 星期五 ['fraidi] n Sunday 星期天 ['s ʌndi] nJanuary 一月['d ʒænjueri] n March 三月[m ɑ:tʃ] n May 五月[mei]n. July 七月[d ʒu:'lai] n September 九月[sep'temb ə] n November 十一月[n əu'vemb ə] n December 十二月[di'semb ə] nspring 春天[spriŋ] n autumn 秋天['ɔ:t əm]n. winter 冬天 ['wint ə]n.wear 穿戴[wεə] n.或v. coat 上衣[k əut] n blouse (女式)衬衫[blauz] n skirt 裙子;边缘;外围[sk ə:t] n jacket 外衣;夹克;皮['d ʒækit] n dress 连衣裙[dres] n jeans 牛仔裤;斜纹棉布[d ʒi :n] n sock(s) 袜子(复数)[s ɔk ] n上海版小学牛津英语单词汇总9glove 手套[g l ʌv] n职业Jobjob 职业[d ʒɔb]n.peasant 农民['pez ənt] ndoctor 医生;博士['d ɔkt ə] n scientist 科学家['sai əntist] n nurse 护士[n ə:s] n writer 作家['rait ə] nengineer 工程师[,end ʒi'ni ə] n policeman 男警察[p ə'li:sm ən] n cleaner 清洁工['kli:n ə] naccountant 会计[ə'kaunt ənt] n driver 司机['draiv ə] n dentist 牙医['dentist] n cook 厨师[kuk] npostman 邮递员['p əustm ən] n waiter 服务员(男)['weit ə] n diver 跳水者;潜水员['daiv ə] n soldier 士兵;兵蚁['s əuld ʒə] n家庭Familyfamily 家庭;家族['fæmili] n family tree 家谱[tri:] mother 母亲['m ʌðə]n.dad 爸爸(口语)[dæd] n father 父亲['f ɑ:ðə]n. son 儿子;女婿[s ʌn] n aunt 姑姑;婶;姨[ɑ:nt] n sister 姐妹['sist ə] ncousin 堂兄弟姐妹['k ʌz ən]n. niece 侄女;外甥女[ni:s]n.人Peoplepeople 人(复数)['pi:pl]n.mask 面具;遮蔽物;口罩[m ɑ:sk] n shoe(s) 鞋子(复数)[ʃu:] nwork 工作[w ə:k] n.或v. farmer 农民['f ɑ:mə] nartist 画家;艺术家['ɑ:tist] n teacher 教师['ti:t ʃə] n student 学生['stju:d ənt]n.model 模型;模特;模范['m ɔdl] n actress 女演员['æktris] n actor 男演员['ækt ə] npolicewoman 女警[p ə'li:s,wum ən] n salesperson 销售员['seilz,p ə:s ən] n TV reporter 电视台记者[ri'p ɔ:t ə] fireman 消防员['fai əm ən] nsinger 歌唱家;歌手['sind ʒə] n pilot 飞行员;舵手['pail ət] n waitress 女服务员['weitris] n zoo keeper 饲养员['ki:p ə] nshop assistant 营业员[ə'sist ənt] n ambulance (man) 急救员['æmbjul əns] nlove 爱[l ʌv] nfamily member 家庭成员['memb ə] n parents 父母['pєər ənts] nmum 妈妈(口语)[m ʌm] ngrandpa 爷爷;外公['grændp ɑ:] n grandma 奶奶;外婆['grændm ɑ:] n daughter 女儿;媳妇;妇女['d ɔ:t ə] n uncle 叔叔舅舅姨夫姑父['ʌŋkl] n brother 兄弟['br ʌðə] n.nephew 侄子;外甥['nefju:]n.man 男子[mæn] n上海版小学牛津英语单词汇总10friend 朋友[frend] n child 小孩[t ʃaild] n children 小孩(复数['t ʃildr ən]n. baby 婴儿;幼畜['beibi] n Miss 女士;小姐;少女[mis] n Mr.先生(mister 缩写) ['mist ə] n Mrs.太太,夫人['misiz]n.运动Sportsports 体育运动[sp ɔ:ts] n basketball 篮球['bæskitb ɔ:l] n volleyball 排球['v ɔlib ɔ:l]n. soccer 英式足球['s ɔk ə]n. bat 球拍;击球[bæt] n 天气Weatherweather 天气['weðə] n. sun 太阳[s ʌn] n sky 天空[skai] n star 星星 [st ɑ:] n cloud 云[klaud] n rain 雨;下雨[rein] n raindrop 雨点['reindr ɔp] n snow 雪;下雪[sn əu]n. wind 风[wind]n. storm 暴风雨[st ɔ:m] n thunder 雷;雷声['θʌnd ə] n 餐Mealmeal 一餐[mi:l]n. breakfast 早餐['brekf əst] n supper 晚饭;晚餐会['s ʌp ə] n dessert 甜点;餐后甜点[di'z ə:t] n have breakfast 吃早饭 家具Furnituremen 男子(复数)[men] n woman 妇女['wum ən] n women 妇女['wimin]n. boy 男孩;儿子;小儿子[b ɔi] n girl 女孩;女儿[ɡə:l] nMr. and Mrs. white 怀特先生和夫人 lady 女士;夫人;小姐['leidi] ngentleman 先生,绅士['d ʒentlm ən]n tennis 网球['tenis]n. tabletennis 乒乓球 pingpong 乒乓球;桌球['piŋp ɔŋ] n badminton 羽毛球['bædmint ən]n. football 足球;橄榄球['futb ɔ:l] nearth 地球[ə:θ]n. air 空气;天空;气氛[εə] n moon 月亮;月光[mu:n] n sunny 晴朗的['s ʌni] adj. moon 月亮[mu:n]n. cloudy 多云的['klaudi]n. rainy 雨天;多雨的['reini] adj. rainbow 彩虹['reinb əu] n snowy 下雪的['sn əui] adj. windy 有风的;风大的['windi] adj. stormy 暴风雨的['st ɔ:mi]n.lightning 闪电['laitniŋ]n.lunch 午餐[l ʌnt ʃ] n dinner 晚餐['din ə]n. dish 碟子;盘子[di ʃ] n dining 进餐['dainiŋ] n eat breakfast 吃早饭[i:t] ['brekf əst]furniture家具['fə:nitʃə]n.wall 墙[wɔ:l] nchair 椅子[tʃɛə] ndoor 门;出口[dɔ:] nsofa 沙发;长椅['səufə] nroof 屋顶;车顶[ru:f] n一些名词box 盒子[bɔks] numbrella 伞[ʌm'brelə] nbottle瓶;酒['bɔtl] nnewspaper报纸['nju:s,peipə] n key钥匙[ki:] nspoon 勺子[spu:n] nplate 盘子[pleit] n screwdriver 螺丝刀['skru:,draivə] bell铃,铃声[bel] n.bin 垃圾箱;容器[bin] n hammer 锤子;链球['hæmə] n mirror 镜子;榜样['mirə] n phone 电话[fəun]n.hoop 呼啦圈;戒指[hu:p] n telephone电话['telifəun] n. watch手表;[wɔtʃ] nbasket 筐['bɑ:skit] ntoy car玩具车clock钟[klɔk] nparty 聚会;党派['pɑ:ti] n skateboard 滑板['skeitbɔ:d] n puppet 木偶;傀儡['pʌpit] n parcel 小包;包裹['pɑ:sl] ntape 胶带;带子;磁带[teip] n swing 荡;荡秋千[swiŋ] vdrill 钻头钻床[dril] nbell 铃;门铃[bel] nbench 长凳[bentʃ] nfloor 地板[flɔ:] nwindow窗['windəu] ncupboard 小厨;碗柜['kʌbəd] nshelf 书架[ʃelf] ntable桌子['teibl] nknife小刀;手术刀;匕首[naif] n glass玻璃杯[ɡlɑ:s] ncup 杯子;奖杯[kʌp] nboard 写字板;牌子;伙食[bɔ:d] n chopsticks筷子(复数)['tʃɔpstik] n fork 叉子;岔口[fɔ:k] nbrush刷(子) [brʌʃ] ncushion 靠垫;坐垫['kuʃən] n scissors 剪刀['sizəz] nglue 胶水[glu:] nshaker搅拌器['ʃeikə] nglasses 眼镜;双筒望远镜['glɑ:siz] n packet 小包['pækit] nsunglasses 太阳镜['sʌnglɑ:siz] n sketchbook 写生簿['sketʃbuk] ndoll 玩具娃娃[dɔl] nmap 地图[mæp] nmodel plane模型飞机model ship 模型轮船toy 玩具;玩物[tɔi] nrug 小地毯[rʌg] npuzzle 拼图板;猜谜['pʌzl] nbar 栅栏[bɑ:] nstring 绳子;线[striŋ] ndiary 日记;日记簿['daiəri] n balloon 气球[bə'lu:n] ntype 类型;样式;榜样[taip] nrope 绳子[rəup] nname 名字[neim] nnew新的;新闻[nju:] n money 钱;收入['mʌni] n picture图画;照片['piktʃə] n lake 湖[leik] nway路;路程[wei] nletter信['letə] nMatch比赛;对手[mætʃ] n game游戏[ɡeim] nquestion问题['kwestʃən] n news消息;新闻[nju:z] n nest 鸟巢[nest] nrace比赛[reis] nfun乐趣;娱乐[fʌn]group 组;小组[gru:p] nskate 滑冰(鞋)[skeit] n hiking徒步旅行['haikiŋ] n v shell 贝壳;果壳[ʃel] n computer game 电脑游戏number 号;号码['nʌmbə] n photo 照片['fəutəu] nfront前面;前部;正面[frʌnt] n pioneer 先锋[,paiə'niə] n stream 河;溪[stri:m] naviary 鸟巢禽舍['eiviəri] n stone 石头[stəun] nhole 洞;孔眼[həul] nrock 石头;磐石[rɔk] nisland 岛;安全岛['ailənd] n picnic 野餐['piknik] nwing 翅膀[wiŋ] npond 水池;池塘[pɔnd] n millimeter毫米;公厘['mili,mi:tə] aexpression 表达;表现力;表情[iks'preʃən] nproject 方案;计划[prə'dʒekt] nriver河流;巨量['rivə] nmountain山;山脉['mauntin] nlight 灯;光;火花;眼神['lait] n lamp 灯[læmp]n.robot 机器人['rɔbət] npool 池[pu:l] nswimming-pool 游泳池ground地面[graʊnd] nbasin 盆;脸盆['beisən] nchess 西洋棋[tʃes] nbirthday生日['bə:θdei] nhobby 爱好['hɔbi] ncomic book 漫画['kɔmik] [buk]noise 噪声[nɔiz] nlife 生命;生活[laif] npicture-book 图画书post card 明信片[pəust] [kɑ:d] n matter 事情;麻烦['mætə] ncomic连环图画;喜剧的['kɔmik] n wave 浪;波浪[weiv] nfire 火[faiə] nfountain 喷水池;泉水['fauntin] n rubbish 垃圾;废话['rʌbiʃ] npen friend 笔友thing 东西;事情[θiŋ] ntop 顶部;头顶;山顶[tɔp] nbottom底部['bɔtəm]n.aquarium 水族馆;鱼缸[ə'kwɛəriəm] n way(= method) ['meθəd] 方法ngoal 得分;守门员[gəul] nscore 得分;起跑线;终点线[skɔ:] n elf 小精灵;顽皮的孩子[elf] nshadow 影子;阴影['ʃædəu] n wood木材[wud]n.hay 干草[hei] nlog 原木;木材[lɔg] nroom房间[ru:m] nrule 规则[ru:l] n植物Plantplant植物[plɑ:nt]n.branch 树枝[brɑ:ntʃ] nstalk 主茎[stɔ:k] nseed 种子[si:d] n家用电器computer 计算机[kəm'pju:tə] n TV电视radio 收音机;电台['reidiəu] n乐器Instrument instrument乐器['instrumənt] violin 小提琴[vaiə'lin] ndrum 鼓[drʌm] n交通Traffictraffic 交通['træfik] nstop停车站[stɔp] nsign 指示牌;手势[sain] aeroplane 飞机['ɛərəplein] n motorbike 摩托车['məutəbaik] n tram (有轨)电车[træm] n plane 飞机[plein] ncar 小汽车[kɑ:] nship轮船[ʃip]n.bus stop 公共汽车站[stɔp] ferry摆渡['feri]n.pop 流行;流行音乐[pɔp] n grass 草;草坪[grɑ:s] nlawn草坪[lɔ:n]n.painting 绘画['peintiŋ]nocean 海洋['əuʃən] nsale 打折销售;出售[seil] n invitation 请帖[,invi'teiʃən] nflower花['flauə] ntree 树[tri:] ntrunk 树干;大皮箱[trʌŋk] n sprout 苗;芽[spraut] nsoil 土壤[sɔil] nfan扇子;电扇;螺旋桨[fæn] n fridge 冰箱[fridʒ] nvideo录像机['vidiəu]n.triangle 三角铁['tra iæŋgl] n piano 钢琴[pi'ænəu] nrecorder 八孔直笛[ri'kɔ:də] n guitar 吉他[gi'tɑ:] ntraffic light 红绿灯[lait]traffic rule交通规则ru:l]traffic jam塞车[dʒæm]rolley-bus 无轨电车['trɔlibʌs] n underground. 地铁['ʌndəgraund] n spaceship 宇宙飞船['speisʃip] nbike自行车[baik]n.bicycle 自行车['baisikl]n. boat 小船[bəut] nbus公交车[bʌs]n.wheel 轮子;车轮[hwi:l] nlorry 卡车['lɔ:ri] n一些形容词long长的[lɔŋ] atall高的[tɔ:l] ayoung年轻的[jʌŋ] aold年老的[əuld] agood 好的[ɡud] nbad 坏的[bæd]n.right对的;右边的[rait] a nfat胖的;厚的[fæt] a thick厚的[θik]n.open开;开阔的['əupən] vquiet 安静的['kwaiət] anoisy嘈杂的['nɔizi]a.heavy重的;沉重的['hevi] a early早,早的['ə:li] afar远的[fɑ:] aempty 空的['empti] ahungry饿的['hʌŋɡri]a.tired 疲劳的;累的['taiəd] a happy 高兴的['hæpi] asad 忧伤的;悲伤的[sæd] a bright明亮的;开朗的[brait] a dark黑暗的['dɑ:k]a.soft 柔软的[sɔft] aloud 响的[laud] asweet 甜的;悦耳的[swi:t] a bitter苦的['bitə]a.dry 干的,干旱的[drai] a brave 勇敢的[breiv] nlarge 大的[lɑ:dʒ] abig大的[biɡ]a.giant 巨人的,巨人['dʒaiənt] n blind 瞎的[blaind] n engine 引擎;发动机['endʒin] nshort短的;矮的[ʃɔ:t] ahigh 高的[hai] abig大的[biɡ] asmall小的[smɔ:l] aclean 清洁的[kli:n] adirty脏的['də:ti]n.wrong错误的[rɔŋ]n.left左边的thin瘦的;薄的[θin]n.strong 健壮的;坚固的[strɔŋ] acold 寒冷的[kəuld] ahot 热的[hɔt]a.warm 暖和的[wɔ:m] acool 凉爽的[ku:l] alate 晚的[leit]a.close近的[kləuz]a.full满的,饱的[ful]a.thirsty口渴的['θə:sti]a.excited 兴奋的[ik'saitid] a bored 无聊的;烦人的[bɔ:d] aangry 生气的['æŋgri] ahard 硬的[hɑ:d]a.low轻声的,低的[ləu]a.sour 酸的['sauə]a.salt 咸的[sɔ:lt]a.wet潮湿的[wet]a.dear 亲爱的;可爱的[diə] asmall小的[smɔ:l]a.deaf聋的[def]a.dumb哑的[dʌm]busy 忙['bizi] asharp锋利的[ʃɑ:p]round 圆的[raund] ablunt 钝的[blʌnt] aclever聪明的['klevə]wise 聪明的[waiz]smart聪明的young年轻的[jʌŋ]ugly 丑的['ʌgli] acheap 便宜的[tʃi:p] adear昂贵的;珍贵的[diə] aasleep 睡着的[ə'sli:p] aawake醒着的[ə'weik]rough 粗糙的[rʌf] asmooth光滑的[smu:ð]sore 疼的[sɔ] adaily 每日的;日常的['deili] a sure 当然;一定[ʃuə] awell健康的[wel] aafraid 害怕的[ə'freid] afast 快[fɑ:st] alittle少许;一点点;幼小['litl] a only 只有;仅仅['əunli] amuch大量的[mʌtʃ]a.some一些[səm]a.fluffy 蓬松的['flʌfi] a病痛Illnesshurt 疼痛[hə:t] n vhave a fever 发烧[hæv] ['fi:və] have a headache 头疼['hedeik]形状Shapeshape形状[ʃeip]n.circle 圆['sə:kl]n.square正方形[skwεə]n. rectangle长方形['rek,tæŋɡl]n.foolish愚蠢的,傻的['fu:liʃ]stupid愚蠢的['stju:pid]old 旧的,老的[əuld] anew新的[nju:]nice 美好的[nais]beautiful漂亮的['bju:tiful]dangerous 危险的['deindʒərəs] asafe安全的[seif]same 相同的[seim] adifferent 不同的['difərənt] afavorite 特别喜爱['feivərit] aoral 口试['ɔ:rəl] nshiny 光亮的;闪耀的['ʃaini] ahealthy健康的['helθi]a.slow慢的[sləu]a.quick快的[kwik]a.every每个的['evri] astraight 成直线的[streit] amany大量的[mʌtʃ]a.any任何的,所有的['eni]a.sick 有病的[sik] aill 生病的,坏的[il]a.last 上一个的;仅余的;最后的[lɑ:st] musical 音乐的['mju:zikəl] ahave a cold 感冒[kəuld]have a toothache 牙疼['tu:θeik]have a stomachache胃疼['stʌməkeik] have a sore throat 喉咙疼[sɔ:] [θrəut]oval椭圆形['əuvəl]n.star星[stɑ:]n.triangle三角形['traiæŋɡl]n.angle角度,角['æŋɡl]n.时间Timetime时间,次数[taim]n.yaer年[jə:]n.week周,星期[wi:k]n.weekend周末['wi:kend] nyesterday昨天['jestədei]n. the day before yesterday前天morning早晨['mɔ:niŋ] nafternoon下午[,ɑ:ftə:'nu:n]n.night晚上[nait]n.bright明亮的[brait] ahalf past eight 八点半past过[pɑ:st] vclock钟[klɔk] no'clock 点钟[ə' klɔk] sometimes 有时候['sʌmtaimz] ad usually通常['ju:ʒuəli]ad.never从不['nevə]ad.yet已经,还;[jet]ad.或conj. now现在[nau]n.good morning! 早上好this afternoon今天下午next Saturday 下个周六right now立刻一些动词taste 尝[teist] vtsmell 嗅闻[smel] vtfeel感觉['fi:l]v.hear听[hiə]v.play 玩;演奏;表演[plei] v n ski滑雪,雪橇[ski] nrow划;划船[rau] vwrite写[rait] vdate 日期[deit] nseason季节['si:zən]n.month月[mʌnθ] nday 一天,白天[dei]n.today今天[tə'dei] ntomorrow明天[tə'mɔrəu]n.the day after tomorrow后天noon中午[nu:n]n.evening傍晚;晚上['i:vniŋ] nmidnight午夜['midnait]n.dark 黑暗(的)[dɑ:k] n或aa quarter to nine八点四十五half半[hɑ:f] n adquarter四分之一;一刻['kwɔ:tə] noften 经常;常常['ɔ:fən] adalways一直['ɔ:lweiz]ad.seldom不常['seldəm]ad.ever曾经['evə]ad.all the time 一直just now刚才next week 下周last month 上个月once a week 每周一次once一次[wʌns] adtouch 摸[tʌtʃ] vsound听[saund]v.look看,注意[luk]vwatch看,观看[wɔtʃ]see看见[si:]vskate 滑冰[skeit ] vstudy学习;研究;学问['stʌdi] n sweep扫[swi:p] vmop擦;抹;拖[mɔp] veat 吃[i:t] vdrink喝[driŋk]v.shine 照耀;发光[ʃain] vi dance跳舞;舞蹈['dɑ:ns] v sing 唱;唱歌[siŋ] vjoin 参加[dʒɔin] vhave有[hæv] vhas有,第三人称单数[hæz]v do做[du:] vcan能够;可以;究竟[kæn] want要;想见;追捕[wɔnt] v close关;结账[kləuz] vlet让;出租[let] vask 问;提问[ɑ:sk] vhelp 帮助;治疗[help] vwin赢;获胜[win] vsleep 睡觉[sli:p] vneed 需要[ni:d] vmean 意指[mi:n] vtvisit 游览['vizit] vwear 穿;佩戴[wɛə] v hide 把……藏起来[haid] vtrise 升起[raiz] visit坐[sit] vread读;察觉[ri:d] vstop停止[stɔp] v nget得到[ɡet] nanswer 回答['ɑ:nsə] vwait 等[weit] vuse 使用[ju:z] vtbegin 开始[bi'gin] welcome欢迎['welkəm]fly飞[flai] vdig 挖[dig] vshow 展示;演出[ʃəu] npass 传递;经过;度过[pɑ:s] v Try试;试一下[trai] vwalk 走路;步行[wɔ:k] vtake 拿;乘[teik] vswim 游泳[swim] vspeak 说[spi:k] vguess 猜[ɡes] vthank谢谢[θæŋk] v nplease请[pli:z] vgo去[ɡəu] vclean把…弄干净[kli:n] vlike喜欢;愿意;希望[laik] v think想;认为[θiŋk] vgive给;生产;出售[ɡiv] vwait 等待[weit] vpick 采;摘[pik] vfight 打架[fait] vclimb 往上爬[klaim] vturn 转弯[tə:n] vpeel 剥(皮)[pi:l] nshout 叫喊[ʃaut] vsmoke 抽烟[sməuk] vspell 拼;拼写[spel] vshow 出示[ʃəu] vtdraw画[drɔ:] vtell 告诉;吩咐[tel] nstand站;站立[stænd] vnod 点头[nɔd] vtshake摇动[ʃeik]vsay说[sei] vwash洗[wɔʃ] vbuy买[bai]vget到达[get] vthrow 扔;转动(开关)[θrəu] vsail 驾驶(船只)[seil] nlive 居住;生活[liv] vbecome 变成[bi'kʌm] vcross 穿过度过[krɔ:s] v plant 种植[plɑ:nt] vtblow 吹[bləu] vt vichase 追赶[tʃeis] vleave 离开[li:v] vrest休息[rest] vhurry匆忙;赶紧['hʌri] v bring带来;拿来[briŋ] vtcall 叫[kɔ:l] vride 骑;乘[raid] vexercise练习;运动['eksəsaiz] v shake 摇;抖动[ʃeik] nbake 烤;烘[beik] vdrink 喝;饮;举杯祝贺[driŋk] vlay(eggs)下(蛋);产卵[lei] v cook 烹调;煮[kuk] vcut 切;割;砍kʌt] vfeed 喂养;饲养[fi:d] vcount数[kaunt] v nroll 打滚;转动;晃动[rəul] v jump跳[dʒʌmp] vrun跑;行驶;运行;逃跑[rʌn] n colour 给……颜色['kʌlə] vmake做;制作;作出举动[meik] v catch赶上;抓住[kætʃ] v一些单词and和[ænd] conj or或;还是[ɔ:] conjhere这儿[hiə] ad n there 那儿[ðεə] adthis这,这个[ðis] pron that那,那个[ðæt] pronthese 这些[ði:z] pron those那些[ðəuz] proncan能,可以[kæn]aux can't 不能[kɑ:nt]must必须;应该[mʌst] aux. may 可能[mei]auxshould 应该[ʃud ] aux maybe也许;可能['meibi] adboth 两[bəuθ] pron all全部;都;尽可能的[ɔ:l] ad pron nother另外的['ʌðə] pron then那么;然后[ðen] adso这样;这么;所以['səu] ad thanks谢谢sorry对不起['sɔri] int still 还;仍旧[stil] adno 不;不是[nəu] adnot 不;不是的[nɔt] ad won’t将(否定)each每个各自的[i:tʃ] pron adbut但是;而是;然而[bʌt] conj because 因为[bi'kɔz] conjhow 怎么;如何[hau] adwhich 哪一个[hwitʃ] advwhat什么;(感叹)多少[hwɔt] pron int when什么时候[(h)wen] advwhose 谁的[hu:z] pronwhere 在哪里;到哪里[(h)wєə] ad pron will将[wil] aux.outside 向外面;在外面['aut'said] advif 如果[if] conjdo助动词(无词义)[du: ] aux. don’t (do)的否定everywhere 到处;彻底['evrihwɛə] adv does (do)的单数[dʌz] aux.doesn't(does)的否定very很;非常['veri] ad短语roll over 打滚[rəul] ['əuvə]how much 多少listen to music听音乐['lisn] ['mju:zik]have a look 看一看pick up leaves 采摘树叶[pik] [ʌp] [li:vz]Here you are. 给你what are they doing? 她们在做什么? a piece of 一片;一张a bottle of 一瓶 a pair of 一双…have you any paper? 你有纸吗?all right好吧;好的what time? 什么时候?good job 干的好[dʒɔb]get up起床Help yourself 随便吃come this way 往这边来after all 究竟;到底Why (表吃惊;满意等)为什么?[hwai] have a race 赛一赛look at 看……get there 到那里excuse me. 对不起!请原谅![iks'kju:z] there are/is 有……do morning exercises 晨练['mɔ:niŋ]['eksəsaiz] ntake a no.7 bus 乘七路公共汽车play sports进行体育运动[plei] [spɔ:ts]each other 互相['ʌðə]climb mountains 爬山[klaim] ['mauntins]good idea好主意[ai'diə]visit grandparents看望祖父母['vizit]['græn,pєərənts]may i have a try? 我可以试试吗play the piano弹钢琴[plei] [pi'ɑ:nəu]fly kites 放风筝[flai] [kait]make a snowman 堆雪人['snəʊmæn]go hiking 去远足['haikiŋ]go shopping 购物[gəu] ['ʃɔpiŋ]cook dinner做饭[kuk] ['dinə] read a book 看书[rid]write a letter写信[rait] ['letə] drink water 喝水[driŋk] ['wɔ:tə]write an e-mail写电子邮件take pictures 照相[teik] ['piktʃəz]plant trees 种树[plɑ:nt] [tri:s] clean the room打扫房间[kli:n][rum]count insects 数昆虫[kauʊnt] draw pictures 画画[drɔ:] ['piktʃəz]play chess下棋[plei][tʃes]。

Modu li e 1.. How are you today?Good after noon,Mum.l'm You're thi n.You're kitty.look and lear n.Seve n/eight/ nin e/te nAre you seve n?Yes.Gett ing to know you. very well.Tha nk you. Yes,I'm kitty. liste n and enjoy . 3.Are you a boy? Hello. 4.Good ni ght,Mum. On e,two,three,touch,your Yes.look and lear n. Good ni ght,Eddie. 4.I'm tall.I'm thi n. kn ees. Are you seve n?Morni ng/afternoo n/eve ning/ Who am I? Yes.ni ght liste n and enjoy You are Miss Fang. Four,five,six,pick up 4.You are Tom.play a game . Hello!How are you? Yes.I'm Miss Fang. sticks. You are Alice.1.Good morning. Hello!Hello!Hello!Hello! Say and act . You are Peter.2.Good after noon. Hello!Hello!How are you? Big and small. Seven and eight,draw a 5.Yes,I'm Tom.I'm nine.3.Good eve ning. Hello!Hello!How do you do? I.I'm big. snake. Yes,I'm Alice .I'm seve n4.Good ni ght. I am fine」am fine. Youlre small. Yes,I'm peter.I'm seven.look and say . Thank you.Thank you very Yes. Nine and ten ,do it aga in. lear n the letters . How are you? much. 2.You're big. look and say .I'm fine. Thank you. I am fine」am fine. No.I'm small. Are you...? elepha nt.1.Hello,Mrs li. And I hope that you are,too. 3.You're small. Yes,I'm ..../No.I'm.... five.Good evening. lear n the letters . Yes,I'm small. I.This is peter.Good evening. apple. You're big. Hi. One elepha nt.Good evenin g,Alice. bag. Hello.I'm kitty. Two elepha nts.2.How are you ,Alice? I'm Danny. Do a survey. Hi .I'm Alice. Three elepha nts.I'm fin e.Tha nk you. look and lear n. 2.Hello,peter. Four elepha nts.3.Hello,Sam.How are you? Boy/girl/big/small. S1:You're... Hi.Are you Alice? Five elepha nts.Hi,Sam. look and say . S2:Yes,l'm.../No.l'm.... No.I'm kitty. on e,two ,three,four,five. Woof! I'm.... lear n the letters . sorry.4.Goodbye,Alice. You're.... cat. 3.You are Alice.Goodbye,Mrs li. Hello,I'm Danny. dog. Yes,I'm Alice.5.Goodbye,Sam. Hi,Danny.I'm Mary. Is it a cat? 4.You are kitty.Woof! Oh,you're tall .I'm short. Is it a dog? Yes,I'm kitty.Say and act . play a game . A cat and a dog. Say and act .1.Hi,Eddie! who are you?Eddie's day. 2.You're kitty. Is it a cat? I.Are you a boy?I.Good morni ng,Mum. No,I'm a boy.I'm Danny. Yes,it's a cat. Yes .Good mornin g,Eddie. 3.I'm a girl.I'm short. Is it a dog? Are you seve n?2.Goodbye,Mum. I'm thi n.Who am I? Yes,it's a dog. No.I'm nine.Goodbye,Eddie. You're a girl. A new classmate. 2.Are you a boy?3.Good after noon ,Eddie. You're short. No.I'm a girl.Modu li e 2・.S1:Ca n you...?S2:No,l can't. Is he/she ...(tall/short/thi n/fat)?lear n the letters .in sect.My eyes are small.play a game .Me,my family and friends. S1:What can you do? S1:Yes,he/she is. jar. I.l'm Giant now.I can swim. S2:l can.... No,he/she isn't. Harry has a jar. I'm big and tall.look and lear n. lear n the letters . I like my... Harry has a jar. My hair is short.Run\write\swim\fly girl. liste n and enjoy Harry has an in sect. And my eyes are big. look and say . han d. she's my munny. An in sect in a jar. 2.Yes.You're Gia nt.can you .....? A girl at the gate. kind and dear. My hair is short. You're big and tall. Yes,I ca n./No,l can't. A girl at the gate. He's my daddy, Your hair is short.1.ca n you write Danny? she has a plate. Big and tall. look and lear n. And your eyes are big. No,l ca n't. she has a plate. She's my sister, Hair\head\face. S1:l'm ...2.ca n you draw? she has a plate. Thin and nice. look and say . I'm ...a nd ...Yes,l can. In her han ds. He's my brother. My...is/are.... My...is ,,,Enjoy a story . That's my family. Sweet and small. Your...is/are... And my ....are... Supergirl. look and lear n. Ask and an swer. I.l'm Gia nt, S2:Yes.You're...Hi!l'm Supergirl. Youn g\old. 1.ls that a boy? Big and tall. You're...a nd...1.I can run. look and say . No.she's a girl. My head is big, Your....is ...2.I can swim. Is he/she....? Is she short? And my hair is short. And your ....are....3.I can fly. Yes,he/she is. Yes. My mouth and eyes are big. lear n the letters .4.But 1 can't write. No,he/she isn't. Is she fat? I like Gia nt. kite.Ask about. No. lion.1.Ca n Supergirl swim? I.who's she? Is she kitty?2.You are Supergirl.2.Can she fly? she's Sally. Yes. You are small and short. look! A lio n!3.Ca n she write? Is she your sister? 2.ls that a bot? Your face is round. look! A kite!4.What can she do? Yes,she's my sister. Yes,he's a boy. Your eyes are big and your look! A lion and a kite. Do a survey. 2.who's he? Is he tall? hair is long」like you. A big lion and a small kite 1.ca n you draw? He's Jim. No,He is short. Say and act .No,l ca n't. Is he your brother? Is he thi n? About you and me .2.what can you do? No,he isn't. No.He is fat. l.look.My hair is short.l can sing. He's my friend. Is he Da nn y? Your hair is long.3.Ca n you skip a rope? play a game . Yes,he is Danny. 2.My nose is small.No,l ca n't. This is my gra ndmother. No.Your nose is n ot very4.ca n you ride a bicycle? she is old .Is she tall?ls she S1:ls that a boy/girl? big.Yes,l can. thi n? S2:Yes./No. My nose is big.S1:can you ....? S1:This is.... S1:ls he/she...? 3.My eyes are big.S2:Yes,l ca n. S2:He/she is ...(old/you ng) S2:Yes./No. Your eyes are....Modu li e3. Big dog,small dogs,On e,two,three. kitty's desk. It's for her pig.Her pig is fat and big withchair in the room.2.There are two bowls on theplaces and activities. Big dog,small dogs, I.look at your desk,kitty. four short legs. table.In the childre n's garde n. I can see. 2.put the books in the oi nk!oi nk!oi nk! 3.G in ger is on the chair.look and lear n. Big dog up, bag,please. come and eat the oran ge. 4.lo ok!G in ger can jump.Slide'swi ng'seesaw. small dogs dow n. ok,Mum. It's on the plate. 5.The bowls are on the floor. look and say . They like to play, 3.put the pen cils in the In the kitche n. 6.G in ger is un der the chair. what can you see? Up and dow n. pencil case,please. lear n the letters .I can see.... lear n the letters All right. look and lear n. quee n'rabbit.play a game . Bowl\plate\spoo n\what can you see? mouse. chopsticks. The quee n is fat.I can see a slide. n et. oh,Be n.look at your room. she's sitt ing on the chair.I can see a swing. I'm sorry,Mum. Say and act . The rabbit is fat.I can see a seesaw. I can see a mouse. put the books in the cook dinner. He's sitt ing un der the Ask and an swer. I can see a man. bag,please. chair.what can you see,Tom? The man has a n et. put the car on the 1.A spoon?I can see a bee. The mouse is in thenet. desk,please. No,tha nks.what colour is it? In my room. put the bear in the 2.Chopsticks?It's yellow. Bag\box\desk\chair box,please. Yes,please.S1:what can you see? look and say . ok,Mum. 3.Give me a plate,please. S2:I can see... put...i n/on.... Here you are.S1:What colour is it? I.put the book in the liste n and enjoy 4.D inner is ready!S2:It's..... bag,Eddie. I'm coming.play a game . ok,Dad. I love my room. look and say .I can see.... 2.put the bag in the like kitty and Ben. How many.....?It is .... box,please. I use the box. There is/are...liste n and enjoy . Yes,Dad. Every day! How many bowls?Thin boy,fat boy, 3.put the box on the I love my room. This is my kitche n.one and two. chair,please. like kitty and Ben. There are four bowls.Thin boy,fat boy, ok,Dad. I keep it clea n. How many spo ons?I see you. 4.oh ,no .put the box on the Every day! There is one.Thin boy up, desk. lear n the letters . Enjoy a story .Fat boy dow n. All right. oran ge.You like to play, pig. Naughty Gin ger.Up and dow n. Say and act . paula has an oran ge.It's on a plate. I.There is a table and aIook,you are a...You're ...tall,short.Your head is...big,small. Your hair is.. ..Ion g,short. Your....is,are...2. Ask your classmatesfrien ds.How old are you?can you.3. Talk about your friend. This is ...He/she is my frie nd.He/she is...He/she can....project 3.Th ings I can 1. Thi nk and write nu mber.2. look and say .I can see....It's ....(colour)I put .....in/on/un der....It is in/on/un der....project4.The ani mal like.or ?see. the1. Thi nk and draw. what animal do you like?2. Ask and an swer. what ani mal is it?what colour is it?Is it big or small? what does it like?3. Talk about the picture.I can see...It is...。

47.ball [bɔ:l] 球48.balloon [bə'lu:n] 气球49.doll [dɔl] 洋娃娃牛津小学英语一年级下册1.Grandmother ['ɡrænd,mʌðə] 祖母2.Grandfather ['ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə] 祖父3.Granddaughter['ɡræn,dɔ:tə] (外)孙女4.grandson ['ɡrændsʌn] 孙子,外孙5.Uncle ['ʌŋkl] 伯父;叔叔6.aunt [a:nt] 姑妈;伯母7.butterfly ['bʌtəflai] 蝴蝶8.bird [bə:d] 鸟9.bee [bi:] 蜜蜂10.frog [frɔɡ] 青蛙11.rabbit ['ræbit] 兔12.colour ['kʌlə] 颜色13.black [blæk] 黑色(的)14.white [wait] 白色(的)15.brown [braun] 褐色(的)16.pink [piŋk] 粉红色(的)17.red [red] 红色(的)18.orange ['ɔrindʒ]橙色(的)19.yellow ['jeləu] 黄色(的)20.green [gri:n] 绿色(的)21.blue [blu:] 蓝色(的)22.purple ['pə:pl] 紫色(的)23.tall [tɔ:l] 高的24.short [ʃɔ:t] 矮的;短的25.fat [fæt] 胖的26.thin [θin] 瘦的27.old [əuld] 年老的28.young [jʌŋ] 年轻的29.postman ['pəustmən] 邮差30.policeman [pə'li:smən] 警察31.fireman ['faiəmən] 消防队员kman ['milkmən] 送奶工人;售奶工人33.fisherman ['fiʃəmən] 渔民;渔夫34.farmer ['fɑ:mə] 农夫;农民35.teacher ['ti:tʃə] 教师36.driver [draivə] 司机37.doctor [dɔktə] 医生38.nurse [nə:s] 护士39.cook [kuk] 厨师40.meat [mi:t] 肉41.rice [rais] 米饭42.noodles ['nu:dls] 面条43.soup [su:p] 汤44.cake [keik] 蛋糕45.ice-cream 冰淇淋46.sweet [swi:t] 糖果47.jelly ['dʒeli] 果冻48.coke [kuk] 可乐牛津小学英语二年级上册1.bin [bin] 筒2.park [pa:k] 公园3.road [rəud] 道路4.building ['bildiŋ] 建筑物5.pizza ['pi:tsə] 比萨饼6.biscuit ['biskit] 饼干7.hotdog [hɔtdɔg] 热狗8.juice [dʒu:s] (果)汁、液9.water ['wɔ:tə] 水10.play [plei] 玩,玩耍11.run [rʌn] 跑12.sleep [sli:p] 睡觉13.swim [swim] 游泳14.plane [plein] 飞机15.ferry ['feri] 摆渡;渡船16.train [trein] 火车17.taxi ['tæksi] 出租车18.car [ka:] 汽车;小汽车19.bus [bʌs] 公共汽车20.van [væn] 有蓬货车21.stop [stɔp] 停止22.go [ɡəu] 去;走23.light [lait] 灯;光24.fast [fa:st] 快速的25.slow [sləu] 缓慢的26.in [in] 在……之内(里)27.on [ɔn] 在……之上28.under ['ʌndə] 在……之下29.bell [bel] 铃;钟30.star [sta:] 星;恒星31.present ['preznt]赠品;礼物32.tree [tri:] 树33.hat [hæt] 帽子34.glove [ɡlʌv] 手套35.scarf [ska:f] 围巾36.winter ['wintə] 冬季37.cold [kəuld] 寒冷38.wind [wind] 风39.snow [snəu] 雪40.tie [tai] 领带;带子41.belt [belt] 腰带42.sock [sɔk] 袜子43.shirt [ʃə:t] 衬衫44.dress [dres] 女服;童装45.coat [kəut] 外套牛津小学英语二年级下册1.hen [hen] 母鸡2.chick [tʃik] 小鸡3.duck [dʌk] 鸭子4.cow [kau] 母牛5.sheep [ʃi:p] 羊6.pig [pig] 猪7.horse [hɔ:s] 马8.bear [bεə] 熊9.elephant ['elifənt] 大象10.tiger ['taiɡə] 老虎11.monkey ['mʌŋki] 猴子12.panda ['pændə] 熊猫13.window ['windəu] 窗户14.door [dɔ:] 门15.bed [bed] 窗16.room [ru:m] 房间17.sofa ['səufə] 沙发18.table ['teibl] 桌子mp [læmp] 灯20.walk [wɔ:k] 步行;散步21.skip [skip] 跳跃22.swing [swiŋ] 秋千;摇摆23.climb [klaim] 攀登;爬24.fly [flai] 飞翔25.ride [raid] 骑;乘26.glass [gla:s] 玻璃;玻璃杯27.water ['wɔ:tə] 水28.soap [səup] 肥皂29.wash [wɔʃ] 洗30.dirty ['də:ti] 脏的31.towel ['tauəl] 手巾;毛巾32.toothbrush ['tu:θbrʌʃ] 牙刷33.Toothpaste ['tu:θpeist] 牙膏34.chopsticks ['tʃɔpstiks] 筷子35.bowl [bəul] 碗36.plate [pleit] 盘子37.spoon [spu:n] 勺子;匙38.fork [fɔ:k] 叉39.knife [naif] 刀40.summer ['sʌmə] 夏季41.sun [sʌn] 太阳42.cloud [klaud] 云43.hot [hɔt] 热的44.beach [bi:tʃ] 海滩45.shell [ʃel] 贝壳46.sand [sænd] 沙子47.watch [wɔtʃ] 手表48.clock [klɔk] 钟表49.day [dei] 白天50.night [nait] 夜晚51.breakfast ['brekfəst] 早餐牛津小学英语三年级上册te [leit] adj. 迟的2.very ['veri] adv.很3.again [ə'ɡen] adv.再4.no [nəu] interj.不5.yes [jes] interj.是6.please [pli:z] interj.请7.ruler ['ru:lə] n.尺8.window ['windəu] n.窗9.kite [kait] n.风筝10.dog [dɔɡ] n.狗11.jam [dʒæm] n.果酱12.box [bɔks] n.盒子13.ear [iə] n.耳朵14.mouse [maus] n.老鼠15.cat [kæt] n.猫16.door [dɔ:] n.门 [neim] n.名字18.girl [ɡə:l] n.女孩19.apple ['æpl] n.苹果20.pencil ['pensəl]n.铅笔21.lion ['laiən] n.狮子22.hand [hænd] n.手23.book [buk] n.书24.bag [bæɡ] n.书包25.desk [desk] n.书桌26.elephant ['elifənt] n.象27.rubber ['rʌbə] n.橡皮擦28.school [sku:l] n.学校29.clock [klɔk] n.钟30.you [ju:] pron.你,你们31.your [jɔ:] pron.你的,你们的32.what [hwɔt] pron.什么33.see [si:] v.看见34.clean [kli:n] v.把……弄干净35.close [kləuz] v.关36.open ['əupən] v.开37.look(at) v.看(着)38.are [a:] v.是39.Mrs ['misiz] 夫人40.Mr [mist] 先生41.Miss [mis] 小姐42.big [big] adj.大的43.long [lɔŋ] adj.长的44.short [ʃɔ:t] adj.短的45.tall [tɔ:l] adj.高的46.good [gud] adj.好的47.yellow ['jeləu] adj.黄色的48.sad [sæd] adj.沮丧的49.thin [θin] adj.瘦的50.little ['litl] adj.小的51.happy ['hæpi] adj.幸福的52.and [ænd] conj.和53.dad [dæd] n.爸爸54.mother ['mʌðə] n.妈妈55.cake [keik] n.蛋糕56.father ['fɑ:ðə] n.父亲57.x-ray ['eksrei]n.X光58.teacher ['ti:tʃə]n.教师59.sister ['sistə] n.姐妹60.brother ['brʌðə]n.兄弟61.boy [bɔi] n.男孩62.friend [frend] n.朋友63.umbrella [ʌm'brelə]n.伞64.sun [sʌn] n.太阳65.queen [kwi:n] n.王后66.tail [teil] n.尾巴67.rain [rein] n.雨68.small [smɔ:l] adj.小的69.with [wið] prep.和……一起70.in [in] prep.在……里71.who [hu:] pron.谁72.she [ʃi:] pron.她73.he [hi:] pron.他74.it [it] pron.它75.they [ðei] pron.他们76.am [æm] v.是77.is [iz] v.是78.me [mi:] pron.我(宾格)79.my [mai] pron.我的80.baby ['beibi]n.婴儿81.bow [bau] v.鞠躬,弯腰82.play [plei] v.玩83.like [laik] v.喜欢84.new [nju:] adj.新的85.up [ʌp] adv.向上86.down [daun] adv.向下87.office ['ɔfis] n.办公室88.flower ['flauə]n.花89.slide [slaid] n.滑梯90.classroom ['klɑ:srum] n.教室91.playground ['pleiɡraund]n.操场92.hall [hɔ:l] n.礼堂93.circle ['sə:kl] n.圈94.triangle ['traiæŋɡl]n.三角形95.tree [tri:] n.树96.sky [skai] n.天空97.library ['laibrəri]n.图书馆98.banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n.香蕉99.boat [bəut] n.小船100.star [sta:] n.星101.shape [ʃeip] n.形状102.chair [tʃεə] n.椅子103.cloud [klaud] n.云104.square [skwεə] n.正方形105.that [ðæt] pron.那106.this [ðis] pron.这107.stand [stænd] v.站(起) 108.sit [sit] v.坐(下) 109.sorry ['sɔ:ri] adj.抱歉的110.duck [dʌk] n.鸭111.fly [flai] n.苍蝇112.gate [geit] n.大门113.root [ru:t] n.根114.egg [eg] n.鸡蛋115.chick [tʃik] n.小鸡116.chicken ['tʃikin] n.鸡肉dybird ['leidibə:d]n.甲虫118.sandwich ['sænwidʒ] n.三明治119.sweet [swi:t] n.糖果120.head [hed] n.头121.leg [leg] n.腿122.shoe [ʃu:] n.鞋123.camera ['kæmərə]n.照相机124.plant [pla:nt] n.植物125.pig [pig] n.猪126.count [kaunt] v.数127.find [faind] v.找到128.has [hæz] v.有129.Excuse me. 对不起。
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chopsticks 筷子
Module3 Unit3
a bowl of soup a plate of meat silver spoon use chopsticks
一碗汤 一盘肉 银汤匙 使用筷子
短语 No, thanks. Give me a plate, please. Here you are. I'm coming. how many There are four bowls. under the chair
Module2 Unit1
run fast write a letter learn to swim fly high
快跑 写信 学游泳 高飞
你会写字吗? 是的,我会。 不,我不会。 我会游泳。 她会做什么? 骑自行车 跳绳
young old
Module2 Unit2
年轻的 老的,旧的
a young lady the old man
hair head face
Module2 Unit3
头发 头 脸
black hair raise your head round face
黑头发 抬起头 圆脸
My hair is short. I like you. very big My eyes are big. a small kite
年轻女士 老人
Who's she? She's Sally. Is she your sister? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. Is that a boy? Is she short?
她是谁? 她是莎莉。 她是你姐姐吗? 是的,他是。 不,他不是。 那是一个男孩吗? 她个子矮吗?
不要摘花。 爬树 我很抱歉。 这是什么? 它很好。
Module1 Unit2
a smart boy a little girl a big house a small ball
聪明的男孩 小女孩 大房子 小球
我是玛丽。 你个子高。 我是谁? 我很瘦。 它是一只猫吗? 是的,它是一只猫。
a new classmate This is Peter. Are you Alice? You are Kitty. Are you a boy? I'm seven.
你能看到什么? 我能看到一个秋千。 它是什么颜色的? 是黄色的。 在网子里
Module3 Unit2
bag box desk chair
包 箱子 桌子 椅子
a heavy bag carry the box clean the desk sit on the chair
沉重的包 提箱子 清理桌子 坐在椅子上
afternoon 下午
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. How are you? I'm fine. Good night. Thank you.
Module1 Unit1
in the morning Good afternoon. summer evening lonely night
我的头发短。 我喜欢你。 很大 我的眼睛大。 一只小风筝
slide swing seesaw
Module3 Unit1
滑 挥舞,摆动 跷跷板
slide door swing the arm play the seesaw
滑动门ee? I can see a swing. What colour is it? It's yellow. in the net
短语 Look at me. I like meat. It likes bananas. so big in her hands close the window
Module4 Unit2
看我。 我喜欢吃肉。 它喜欢香蕉。 这么大 在她手里 关上窗户
Module4 Unit3
Don't pick the flowers. climb the tree I'm sorry. What's this? It's nice.
put the book in the bag on the chair All right. look at pencil case I'm sorry. in the box every day
把书放进书包里 在椅子上 好吧。 看 铅笔盒 对不起。 在盒子里 每天
Module1 Unit3
seven months eight floors nine songs ten years
七个月 八层楼 九首歌 十年
一个新同学 这是彼得。 你是爱丽丝吗? 你是凯蒂。 你是个男孩吗? 我七岁了。
Can you write? Yes, I can. No, I can't. I can swim. What can she do? ride a bicycle skip rope
不用了,谢谢。 请给我一个盘子。 给你。 我马上就来。 多少个 有四个碗。 在椅子底下
短语 Look at the sky. Can you see the moon? Is it big? It's bright. how many
Module4 Unit1
看天空。 你能看见月亮吗? 它大吗? 它是明亮的。 多少个
在早上 下午好。 夏天晚上 寂寞的夜晚
早上好。 下午好。 晚上好。 你好吗? 我很好。 晚安。 谢谢你。
I'm Mary. You're tall. Who am I? I'm thin. Is it a cat? Yes, it's a cat.