国际工程合同英汉范本【合同标题】International Engineering Contract (IEC) / 国际工程合同【合同】第一部分:合同当事人甲方(arty A): [公司名称]地址(Address): [公司地址]代表人(Reresentative): [法定代表人姓名]乙方(arty ): [公司名称]地址(Address): [公司地址]代表人(Reresentative): [法定代表人姓名]第二部分:合同项目描述1. 项目名称(roject Name): [具体项目名称]2. 项目地点(roject Location): [项目实施的具体地点]3. 项目内容(Scoe of Work): [详细描述项目的工作范围、目标和要求]4. 项目期限(Duration of roject): [项目开始日期] 至 [项目结束日期]第三部分:合同金额合同总金额(Total Contract rice): [货币单位及金额]支付方式(ayment Method): [详细描述支付条件、方式及时限]第四部分:质量保证甲乙双方应确保所有工作符合[具体标准]的质量要求。
甲方代表(Reresentative of arty A): __________签字日期(Date): __________乙方代表(Reresentative of arty ): __________签字日期(Date): __________【结语】。
项目合同书英译Project Contract Template。
This Project Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date] (the "Effective Date") by and between [Client Name], with a principal place of business at [Address] ("Client"), and [Service Provider Name], with a principal place of business at [Address] ("Service Provider").1. Scope of Work。
Service Provider agrees to provide the following services to Client:[Description of services to be provided][Timeline for completion of services][Deliverables to be provided]2. Payment。
Client agrees to pay Service Provider the following fees for the services provided:[Payment schedule, including amounts and due dates][Additional costs or expenses, if applicable]3. Term and Termination。
This Contract shall commence on the Effective Date and continue until the services have been completed and the final deliverables have been provided. Either party may terminate this Contract in the event of a material breach by the other party.4. Confidentiality。
项目翻译合同模板本合同由以下陈述和规定约定,并由以下签署的双方确认:第一部分:定义以下术语的含义如下:1.1 “翻译原件” 指要翻译的文件、文本或其他材料。
1.2 “翻译成果” 指翻译人员完成的翻译文件、文本或其他材料。
1.3 “双方” 意指签署本合同的翻译人员和委托方。
第二部分:委托方的权利和义务2.1 委托方应向翻译人员提供翻译原件,并明确翻译的语言要求、数量要求和交付期限等事项。
2.2 委托方应支付翻译人员按合同约定的费用,并按照约定的方式进行支付。
2.3 委托方有权对翻译成果进行评估、审查和修改,并向翻译人员提出修改意见或要求重新翻译。
第三部分:翻译人员的权利和义务3.1 翻译人员应按照委托方的要求完成翻译工作,并保证翻译成果的质量和准确性。
3.2 翻译人员应按照委托方要求的交付期限提交翻译成果,并确保翻译成果没有任何错误或遗漏。
3.3 翻译人员应保守翻译原件的保密,并不得将其泄露给任何第三方。
第四部分:费用和支付方式4.1 翻译费用将按照双方签订的合同约定进行支付。
4.2 委托方应按照翻译人员提供的发票进行付款,若未按时支付翻译费用,翻译人员有权请求违约金。
第五部分:违约责任5.1 如果一方违反了本合同的任何规定,另一方有权要求违约方承担相应的违约责任。
5.2 如果委托方未按时提供翻译原件,翻译人员有权要求延长翻译期限或取消合同。
第六部分:合同解除和争议解决6.1 如果双方协商一致决定终止合同,应提前书面通知对方,并双方应尽最大努力确保翻译成果的顺利交接。
6.2 本合同的有效性、履行和争议解决应适用中华人民共和国法律,如有争议,应协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的人民法院解决。
第七部分:其他约定7.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方应协商确定补充协议。
7.2 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,至翻译完成交接之日止。
中英文项目合同对照第一篇:中英文项目合同对照PROJECT CONSULTANCY CONTRACT 项目顾问合同For()projectBetweenXXXXXXrepresented by Mr.hereinafter referred to as “”-甲方:有限公司代表人:(以下简称甲方)andXXXXXXXMr.AmsterdamThe Netherlandsrepresented by Mr.hereinafter referred to as “” –乙方:代表人:(以下简称乙方)1.Terms of the contract 合同条款XXXXX authorizes XXXXX to implement the consultancy to the preliminary design concept of XXXXX project, and to assist XXXXX in completing preliminary design drawings.甲方授权委托乙方执行其在XXXXX展示工程初步设计概念的顾问工作,并帮助甲方完成初步设计稿。
2.Project stages项目阶段The project shall be carried out in cooperation and in close guidance by the XXXXXX.The general consulting plan shall be provided before the design starts, a detailed plan shall be sent to XXXXX after each biding conference or press release meeting asfollows: An idea explanation presentation shall be showed within 7 days after the tender starting date.A draft design drawing shall be submitted within 7 days after the first presentation meeting between XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX.Following the meeting of draft design drawing, a number of amendments requested by X shall be carried out.The final presentation of the preliminary design shall be submitted within 3 days before the bidding deadline to assist XXXXX in completing the tendering documents.本项目应在相互合作以及吸取XXXXX指导方针的前提下开展。
nec工程合同中英---工程合同roject Agreement本合同由以下双方于[日期]签订:This agreement is made on [date] y:甲方(客户):[客户名称]arty A (the Client): [Client Name]乙方(承包商):[承包商名称]arty (the Contractor): [Contractor Name]鉴于甲方希望委托乙方进行[工程名称]的设计、施工与管理,甲乙双方经协商一致,达成如下协议:Whereas the Client wishes to commission the Contractor to design, construct and manage the [roject Name], the arties have agreed as follows:1. 项目范围1. Scoe of the roject本项目包括但不限于以下内容:[详细描述项目范围]。
The roject shall include, ut not e limited to, the following: [Detailed descrition of the roject scoe].2. 合同价格2. Contract rice本项目的总价为[金额]。
The total rice for the roject shall e [amount].3. 付款方式3. ayment Method付款将根据以下时间表进行:[详细描述付款时间表]。
ayments will e made according to the following schedule: [Detailed descrition of the ayment schedule].4. 工期4. Duration工程预计开始日期为[开始日期],完成日期为[完成日期]。
The works are exected to commence on [start date] and e comleted y [comletion date].5. 质量保证5. Quality Assurance乙方应确保所有工作均符合[相关标准或规范]的要求。
国外工程项目合同翻译---合同标题: International Construction roject Agreement翻译:国际建设工程合同甲方(arty A): [甲方公司全称]乙方(arty ): [乙方公司全称]根据[国家名称]法律的规定,鉴于甲方与乙方就[工程项目名称]项目(以下简称“本项目”)的建设达成一致,现双方同意按以下条款签订本合同:第一条项目概述1.1 项目名称:[工程项目名称]1.2 项目位置:[具体地址]1.3 工程范围:[详细描述]1.4 项目目标:[详细描述]第二条合同金额与支付方式2.1 合同总价为[金额]。
2.2 支付方式按照以下流程进行:[详细描述付款条件、时间、比例等]第三条工期与竣工3.1 开工日期预计为[具体日期]。
3.2 竣工日期预计为[具体日期]。
3.3 如遇不可抗力因素导致工期延误,应及时通知对方并协商解决。
第四条质量保证4.1 甲方保证工程质量符合[具体标准]的要求。
4.2 乙方有权对工程质量进行监督检查,并可要求甲方在合理期限内纠正任何质量问题。
第五条违约责任5.1 如甲方未能按合同约定完成工程任务,应承担违约责任。
5.2 如乙方未能按约定支付合同款项,应承担违约责任。
第六条争议解决6.1 双方应通过友好协商解决合同执行过程中的任何争议。
6.2 若协商不成,任何一方可将争议提交至[指定的仲裁机构]进行仲裁。
第七条其他事宜7.1 本合同自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。
7.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
签署日期: [年/月/日]甲方代表:_________________ 乙方代表:_________________甲方公司章:_________________ 乙方公司章:_________________---。
国际合同专业术语1. “Force Majeure”(不可抗力)。
这就像老天爷突然捣乱一样,比如说地震、洪水这些天灾,要是影响了合同的履行,就可以说是“Force Majeure”。
我有个朋友做外贸生意,结果遇上了飓风,货物运输不了,这时候就可以拿“Force Majeure”来说事儿了。
2. “Indemnity”(赔偿)。
3. “Jurisdiction”(管辖权)。
4. “Liability”(责任)。
5. “Material Breach”(重大违约)。
就像你订了一批很重要的货,结果对方给你的全是次品,这就是“Material Breach”。
6. “Option”(选择权)。
7. “Performance Bond”(履约保证金)。
建筑经济合同英语词汇1. Contract - 合同2. Contractor - 承包商3. Subcontractor - 分包商4. Employer - 雇主5. Engineer - 工程师6. Architect - 建筑师7. Quantity Surveyor - 造价工程师8. Project Manager - 项目经理9. Contract Documents - 合同文件10. Scope of Work - 工作范围11. Schedule - 进度表12. Payment Terms - 付款条款13. Variations - 变更14. Liquidated Damages - 违约金15. Warranty - 保修期16. Defects Liability Period - 保修期17. Force Majeure - 不可抗力18. Termination - 终止19. Dispute Resolution - 争议解决20. Arbitration - 仲裁中文翻译:1. Contract - 合同2. Contractor - 承包商3. Subcontractor - 分包商4. Employer - 雇主5. Engineer - 工程师6. Architect - 建筑师7. Quantity Surveyor - 造价工程师8. Project Manager - 项目经理9. Contract Documents - 合同文件10. Scope of Work - 工作范围11. Schedule - 进度表12. Payment Terms - 付款条款13. Variations - 变更14. Liquidated Damages - 违约金15. Warranty - 保修期16. Defects Liability Period - 保修期17. Force Majeure - 不可抗力18. Termination - 终止19. Dispute Resolution - 争议解决20. Arbitration - 仲裁。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年度采购协议中外文对照翻译稿版B版本合同目录一览1. 采购物品及服务1.1 物品描述1.2 服务描述1.3 数量和质量标准2. 价格和支付条件2.1 单价2.2 总价2.3 支付方式2.4 支付时间表3. 交货3.1 交货地点3.2 交货时间3.3 运输方式3.4 风险转移时间4. 质量保证4.1 质量标准4.2 质量控制4.3 缺陷产品更换5. 违约责任5.1 卖方违约5.2 买方违约6. 争议解决6.1 争议解决方式6.2 争议解决地点6.3 适用法律7. 合同的有效性、修改和终止7.1 合同有效性7.2 合同修改7.3 合同终止8. 保密条款8.1 保密信息定义8.2 保密义务8.3 保密期限9. 适用法律和管辖9.1 适用法律9.2 管辖法院10. 其他条款10.1 不可抗力10.2 合同转让10.3 附加条款11. 附件11.1 物品和技术规格说明书11.2 服务详细说明11.3 价格明细表12. 双方签署页13. 合同日期14. 语言版本说明第一部分:合同如下:1. 采购物品及服务1.1 物品描述1.2 服务描述卖方应向买方提供与采购物品相关的如下服务:(具体列举服务内容,如安装、培训、技术支持等)。
1.3 数量和质量标准买方同意按照本合同约定的数量采购物品,卖方应保证所供物品的质量符合:(具体质量标准和要求)。
2. 价格和支付条件2.1 单价本合同项下物品的单价为(币种及金额),该价格包括但不限于物品的成本、利润及卖方为提供本合同项下服务而产生的费用。
2.2 总价本合同项下物品的总价为(币种及金额),计算方式为:物品单价×数量。
2.3 支付方式买方同意采用如下方式向卖方支付合同价款:(具体支付方式,如电汇、信用证等)。
2.4 支付时间表买方应按照如下时间表向卖方支付合同价款:(具体支付时间及金额)。
项目管理的中英文合同范本---项目管理服务合同roject Management Service Agreement甲方(客户):_____________________arty A (Client): _____________________乙方(服务提供商):_________________arty (Service rovider): _________________鉴于甲乙双方对本次项目管理服务的共识,经友好协商,特订立如下合同:Whereas oth arty A and arty have reached a mutual understanding regarding the roject management services herein, the following agreement is herey estalished after friendly negotiations:一、服务范围与内容I. Scoe and Content of Services乙方根据甲方的需求提供专业的项目管理服务,包括但不限于项目规划、进度控制、成本管理、质量保证、风险管理及沟通协调等。
arty shall rovide rofessional roject management services according to the needs of arty A, which include ut are not limited to roject lanning, schedule control, cost management, quality assurance, risk management, and communication coordination.二、服务期限II. Service Duration本合同服务期限自____年____月____日起至____年____月____日止。
中英文对照工程施工合同Contract No.: [合同编号] Date: [日期] arty A: [甲方名称] arty : [乙方名称]---Contract No.: [合同编号] Date: [日期] arty A: [甲方名称] arty : [乙方名称]---Article 1: roject Information1.1 roject Name: [项目名称]1.2 roject Location: [项目地点]1.3 Scoe of Work: [工作范围描述]---Article 2: Oligations and Rights of arty A2.1 rovide necessary construction conditions and ensure unimeded access to the site.2.2 ay construction fees in accordance with the contract terms and conditions.---Article 3: Oligations and Rights of arty3.1 Comlete the construction work within the agreed timeframe, ensuring quality standards are met.3.2 Sumit rogress reorts on schedule and resond to any issues romtly.---Article 4: Construction eriod4.1 Start Date: [开始日期]4.2 Comletion Date: [完成日期]4.3 Should there e any delay, arty must rovide written notice and reasons to arty A.---Article 5: Quality Requirements5.1 The construction must meet national standards and industry norms.5.2 Uon comletion, oth arties shall conduct a joint insection; any discreancies should e resolved through negotiation.---Article 6: Safety roduction6.1 arty is resonsile for safety management and must comly with all relevant safety regulations.6.2 In case of an accident, immediate measures must e taken, and arty A should e informed without delay.---Article 7: rice and ayment Method7.1 Total contract rice: [合同总价]7.2 ayment schedule: [付款计划描述]---Article 8: Changes and Rescission of the Contract8.1 Any changes or amendments to the contract must e in writing and agreed uon y oth arties.8.2 Either arty may rescind the contract under certain conditions as stiulated y law.---Article 9: Settlement of Disutes9.1 Disutes arising from the contract shall e settled through friendly consultation.9.2 If consultation fails, either arty may sumit the disute to aritration or ursue legal action in court.---Article 10: Force Majeure10.1 Force majeure includes natural disasters and other unforeseeale events that revent erformance of the contract.10.2 The affected arty must immediately inform the other arty and rovide suorting evidence. ---Article 11: Miscellaneous11.1 Confidentiality clauses, intellectual roerty rights, etc., shall e detailed searately.11.2 This contract is executed in two counterarts, each held y one arty, and ecomes effective uon signing.---Article 12: Signatures and Seals[甲方签名盖章处] [乙方签名盖章处]Authorized Reresentative: [授权代表人姓名] Authorized Reresentative: [授权代表人姓名] Seal: [公司印章] Seal: [公司印章]Date: [日期] Date: [日期]。
海外工程项目合同类型包括海外工程项目合同类型主要包括以下几种:1. 总承包合同(EC):这是最常见的海外工程合同形式,即“设计-采购-施工”一体化服务。
2. 管理承包合同(MC):在这种合同下,项目管理承包商负责整个项目的计划、协调和管理,但实际的施工工作由其他分包商完成。
3. 建设-运营-转让合同(OT):这种合同模式通常用于基础设施项目,承包商不仅负责建设和运营项目,而且在约定的时间后将项目移交给业主或政府。
4. 特许经营权合同(FI):这是一种公私合作模式,私人投资者或公司获得建设和运营公共项目的特许权,通常涉及到长期的投资回报机制。
5. 分包合同:在海外工程项目中,主承包商往往会将部分工程任务分包给专业分包商,这些分包合同需要明确各自的责任、义务和风险分担。
1. Party A: 甲方。
2. Party B: 乙方。
3. Agreement: 协议。
4. Terms and Conditions: 条款和条件。
5. Confidentiality: 保密性。
6. Indemnity: 赔偿。
7. Jurisdiction: 司法管辖权。
8. Force Majeure: 不可抗力。
9. Governing Law: 管辖法律。
10. Termination: 终止。
11. Amendment: 修正。
12. Breach: 违约。
13. Dispute Resolution: 争议解决。
14. Arbitration: 仲裁。
15. Governing Language: 管辖语言。
1. 翻译时应保持原文意思准确,避免遗漏或误译。
2. 部分法律术语在不同国家或地区可能有不同翻译,应根据具体情况进行调整。
3. 客户在翻译合同时应谨慎对待,如有疑问可咨询专业律师或翻译人员。
1. The buyer shall have the covering letter of credit reach the Seller 30 days before shipment, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to regard as still valid whole or any part of this contract not fulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for losses thus sustained, if any.买方须在装船前30天将合同项下的信用证寄达卖方,否则卖方保留在不通知买方的情况下解除合同,或认为买方完全或者部分不履行合同,或向买方索取由此造成损失的权利。
2.In case of any discrepancy in Quality/Quantity, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 15 days after the arrive of the goods at the port of destination.一旦发现货物质量或者数量有出入,买方须在目的港接到货后30天内提出索赔;若数量上有出入,买方应在收到货物后15天内提出索赔。
3. For transactions concluded on C.I.F. basis, it is understood that the insurance amount will be for 110% of the invoice value against the risks specified in the Sales Confirmation. If additional insurance amount or coverage required, the Buyer must have the consent of the Seller before Shipment, and the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyer.由于交易的术语为CIF,所以保险金额应为销售确认书上注明金额的110%。
翻译项目合同(中英对照版)1. 合同背景该合同由以下双方共同签署,并确定其在进行翻译项目时的权利和义务。
1.1 合同双方:甲方:[甲方名称](以下简称"甲方")乙方:[乙方名称](以下简称"乙方")1.2 项目描述本项目是关于[项目描述]的翻译工作。
2. 项目费用及支付方式2.1 项目费用本翻译项目总费用为[总费用]。
具体费用细项及支付方式如下:费用细项:- 翻译费用: [翻译费用]- 校对费用: [校对费用]- 手续费: [手续费]2.2 支付方式费用支付方式如下:- 首次支付: 在项目启动前,甲方需支付总费用的50%作为首次支付。
- 尾款支付: 在项目完成后,甲方需支付总费用的50%作为尾款支付。
3. 项目进度和交付时间3.1 项目进度本项目将按照双方共同确定的项目进度进行。
项目进度将包括以下阶段:- 翻译阶段- 校对阶段- 最终修订阶段3.2 交付时间双方将在合同签订后协商并确定每个阶段的具体交付时间。
4. 保密条款双方同意在项目过程中和项目结束后保守项目相关信息的机密性。
5. 违约责任任何一方违反本合同的条款和条件,应承担违约责任。
6. 其他条款双方同意在项目过程中按照诚信原则进行合作,并友好解决任何可能发生的争议。
国外项目合同范本一、合同双方甲方(委托方):____________________________地址:__________________________________电话:__________________________________法定代表人:____________________________乙方(受托方):____________________________地址:__________________________________电话:__________________________________法定代表人:____________________________二、项目名称及内容1. 项目名称:____________________________2. 项目内容:____________________________三、项目费用及支付方式1. 项目费用:本项目总费用为人民币________元(大写:_______________________元整)。
2. 支付方式:合同签订后______个工作日内,甲方向乙方支付项目总费用的______%作为预付款,即人民币________元(大写:_______________________元整);项目完成并经甲方验收合格后______个工作日内,甲方向乙方支付项目总费用的______%,即人民币________元(大写:_______________________元整)。
四、项目完成时间及质量保证1. 项目完成时间:乙方应在本合同签订之日起______个工作日内完成项目,并向甲方提交项目成果。
2. 质量保证:乙方应保证项目成果符合国家相关法律法规和行业标准的要求,并保证项目的稳定性和安全性。
五、违约责任1. 若一方违反本合同约定,给对方造成损失的,应承担相应的赔偿责任。
砌体合同书英文回答:Masonry Contract。
A masonry contract is a legally binding agreement between a homeowner and a contractor that outlines the terms of a masonry project. The contract should include the following information:The scope of work to be performed。
The materials to be used。
The price of the project。
The timeline for completion。
The payment terms。
The warranty。
It is important to have a written masonry contract in place before any work begins. This will help to protect both the homeowner and the contractor and ensure that both parties are clear on the expectations for the project.Here are some tips for drafting a masonry contract:Be specific about the scope of work. The contract should clearly state what work is to be performed, including the type of masonry, the dimensions of the project, and any special requirements.Specify the materials to be used. The contract should list the type of bricks, mortar, and other materials that will be used for the project.Set a price for the project. The contract should include the total price of the project, as well as any additional costs that may be incurred.Establish a timeline for completion. The contract should specify when the project is expected to be completed.Outline the payment terms. The contract should state when and how the homeowner will pay the contractor.Include a warranty. The contract should include a warranty that covers the workmanship and materials used in the project.中文回答:砌体合同。
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Appendix: 附录1. Price Breakdown Sheet 价格分解清单2. Specimen of Bond 债权标本3. Tender Clarification Documents 招标澄清文件GLOSSARY: 词汇解释SUPPLIER 供应商 = Jiangxi ZhongHeng Construction Group Company (江西中恒建设集团公司)MERIAL 梅里亚 = MERIAL Animal Health Co., Ltd. and/or E.P.C.M 梅里亚动物健康有限责任公司 CCAP = Special Administrative Clauses and Conditions 专门管理条款和条件CCAG = General Administrative Clauses and Conditions 通用管理条款和条件 CCTP = Special Technical Clauses and Conditions 专门技术条款和条件E.P.C.M = M+W ZANDER (Shanghai) Co., LTD. (Engineering, Procurement and Construction 美滋威尔(上海)有限公司(由梅里亚指定的工程,采购和施工管理供应商) Management SUPPLIER appointed by MERIAL)ARTICLE 1: SCOPE OF APPLICATION 第一节:适用范围1.4 MERIAL, E.P.C.M. and SUPPLIER 梅里亚,美滋威尔和供应商In construing the Order the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings hereby assigned to them. 在发布命令的过程中,以下的文字和表达在签署时将表示以下的意思。
‘ E.P.C.M. m'eans M+W ZANDER (Shanghai) Co., LTD., who is responsible to MERIAL forprovision of the engineering, procurement and construction management services in accordance with the CCAG and CCAP for Order of Engineering Service; and shall provide engineering, oversight and management services to the Works, and test and examine any of the facilities, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatuses or workmanship used and adopted inconn ection therewith. EPCM表示美滋威尔(上海)有限公司,他将对梅里亚负责,根据专门管理条款和总管理条款条件的关于工程服务命令的管理规定提供工程,采购和施工管理服务,同时需要提供工程建造,检查和管理服务,测试和检查所有的设施,设备,机械,工具,仪器和在连接工作中需要的使用的工作间。
1.4.1 MERIAL shall carry out such duties in issuing certificates, decisions, instructions andorders as are specified in the Order. 梅里亚需要执行在决议中规定的下列工作,发布证书,决定,说明和决议。
Whenever the above-mentioned certificates, decisions, instructions and orders are to be issuedto the SUPPLIER, MERIAL shall address the same to the SUPPLIER, copying the E.P.C.M. 以上所提及的任何证书,决定,说明和决议需要签署发布给供应商时,梅里亚应该致函相同的内容给供应商,并且将复印版给美滋威尔。
1.4.2 The E.P.C.M. shall be responsible to MERIAL for provision of the engineering, procurement and construction management stipulated in the CCAG and CCAP for Order of Engineering Services entered into by and between MERIAL and the E.P.C.M. and shall provideengineering, oversight and management services to the Works, test and examine any of thefacilities, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatuses or workmanship used and adopted in connection therewith. 美滋威尔将对梅里亚负责,根据专门管理条款和总管理条款条件的由美滋威尔和梅里亚双方之间的关于工程服务命令的管理规定提供工程,采购和施工管理服务,同时应该提供工程建造,检查和管理服务,测试和检查所有的设施,设备,机械,工具,仪器以及在连接工作中需要使用的工作车间。
In this regard, the E.P.C.M. can issue certificates, decisions, instructions and orders as are specified in the Order to be issued by MERIAL, on MERIAL ' s behalf per MERIAL 's request andsuch certificates, decisions, instructions and orders shall be copied to MERIAL and shall havethe same effect as being given by MERIAL except for those concerning matters of increasingand decreasing in the costs to the Order. In any case, such certificates, decisions, instructions and orders concerning matters of increasing and decreasing in the costs to the Order shall beapproved by MERIAL in writing in advance with MERIAL ' sauthorized signature of approval. 在这点上,根据梅里亚的要求,美滋威尔能够代表美滋威尔签署发布证书, 决定,说明和在决议中规定的决议。
1.4.3 MERIAL may from time to time delegate to the E.P.C.M. any of his duties and MERIAL may also revoke such delegation at any time. 梅里亚可能不时的授权委派给美滋威尔职责,同时梅里亚也可能随时撤回这些授权。
Any delegation or revocation shall be made in writing. MERIAL shall furnish to the SUPPLIER a copy of any such writtendelegation or revocation. Any written decision, instruction, order or approval given by the E.P.C.M. to the SUPPLIER in accordance with such delegation shall have the same effect as though it had been given by MERIAL. 任何授权和撤销都必须是书面的文件。
If the SUPPLIER disputes or questions any certificate, decision, instruction or order issued bythe E.P.C.M., the SUPPLIER may refer the same to MERIAL who shall confirm, reverse or modify such certificate, decision, instruction or order in accordance with Article 1.4.6. 如果供应商对美滋威尔发布签署的任何证书,决定,说明和予以有争议和怀疑,供应商可以向梅里亚回报,并且梅里亚应该根据第1条款进行证实,推翻和修改这些证书,决定,说明和决议。
1.4.4 The SUPPLIER shall proceed with the Order in accordance with any decisions, instructions and orders given by MERIAL which are issued to the SUPPLIER, copying theE.P.C.M. and the decisions, instructions and orders given by the E.P.C.M. in accordance with the CCAG, 供应商应该根据梅里亚签署给承包商的任何决定,说明和决议着手进行工作,根据总管理条款和条件,对美滋威尔和美滋威尔给予的决定,说明和决议进行复制备份。