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1.The Mid-autumn Festival is ________ special holiday for most Chinese when ________ whole family will get together.

A.the;the B.a;the

C.a;a D.the;a

2.—Jack can't concentrate on his lessons recently.

—Yes,that might ________ why he did so badly in the last test.

A.answer for B.apply for

C.account for D.call for

3.Criticism from coaches and other teammates,as well as to win can create all excessive (过度的)amount of ________ and anxiety for young athletes.

A.pressure B.reputation

C.standard D.permission

4.—Let's go Dutch for this supper,OK?

—No,__________this time,as a reward for all your help.

A.it's up to you B.it's my treat

C.let's talk about it D.it doesn't matter

5.The boss instructed the maid to leave everything__________;just as she found it.

A.in return B.in place

C.in turn D.in need

6.An earthquake hit the southeast of the country,causing 6 deaths and hundreds of__________.

A.injuries B.wounds

C.damage D.hurt

7.—Hi,are you an engineer in Lenovo Group?

—No,but I ________.

A.want to B.want to be

C.want so D.want it

8.__________has already been pointed out,grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A.As B.It

C.That D.Which

9.Don't be afraid of asking your teachers for help__________it is needed.

A.as B.since

C.unless D.when

10.—Did you telephone Uncle Sam our plan for the Christmas holidays on his farm?

—Yes,he was happy about our arrival,and he eagerly asked when ________.

A.has we arrived B.we had arrived

C.were we arriving D.we were arriving

11.As a child,he was so fond of reading that he read every book he could put his__________on.

A.hands B.arms

12.I won the first prize and you can imagine how excited I was when the Mayor__________me with the reward.

A.provided B.supplied

C.presented D.charged

13.Present at their wedding were about 300 guests,many more than__________.

A.expecting B.expected

C.having expected D.having been expected

14.Henry set up a club for football fans,__________he invited all his friends.

A.for whom B.to whom

C.to which D.from which

15.This is a simple idea,but ________ which is hard to put ________ into practice.

A.one;/ B.the one;it

C.that;it D.one;it


1.I'm afraid it will rain tomorrow.________ ________(假如下雨的话),we won't be able to hold our football match.

2.He suddenly ________ ________(生病)last week and ___________________(由于疾病)he didn't attend this important meeting.

3.Do you know how to __________________(实施急救)if someone is bitten by a snake?

4.He raised his arm to __________________________(护住脸)from the blow.

5.Someone ________(阻止)him __________________(说实话).So he was afraid to do so.
