








一、选择题1.若2x y +=,1xy =-,则()()1212x y --的值是( )A .7-B .3-C .1D .9 2.形如ab cd 的式子叫做二阶行列式,它的算法是:ab ad bc cd =-,则221a a a a -++的运算结果是( )A .4aB .4a -C .4D .4-3.如表,已知表格中竖直、水平、对角线上的三个数的和都相等,则m +n =()A .1B .2C .5D .74.如果x+y =6,x 2-y 2=24,那么y-x 的值为( )A .﹣4B .4C .﹣6D .65.下列运算中,正确的个数是( )①2352x x x +=;②()326x x =;③03215⨯-=;④538--+=A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个6.下列多项式中,不能用完全平方公式分解因式的是( )A .214m m ++ B .222x xy y -+-C .221449x xy y -++D .22193x x -+7.下列运算正确的是( )A .3m ·4m =12mB .m 6÷m 2= m 3(m≠0)C .236(3)27m m -=D .(2m+1)(m-1)=2m 2-m-18.下列计算正确的是( )A .()222x y x y +=+B .()32626m m =C .()2224x x -=-D .()()2111x x x +-=-9.已知x ,y ﹣1,则xy 的值为( )A .8B .48C .D .610.下列运算正确的是( ).A .236x x x =B .2242x x x +=C .22(2)4x x -=-D .358(3)(5)15a a a --=11.已知2|5213|(310)0x y x y +-+--=,则x y 的立方根为( )A .1B .1-C .2D .2- 12.下列运算正确的是( )A .x 2·x 3=x 6B .(x 3)2=x 6C .(-3x)3=27x 3D .x 4+x 5=x 9 二、填空题13.若x 2+4x-4=0,则3(x-2)2-6(x+1)(x-1)的值为_________.14.分解因式:32m n m -=________.15.已知x 2-3x -1=0,则2x 3-3x 2-11x +1=________.16.已知102m =,103n =,则32210m n ++=_______.17.若2a 与()23b +互为相反数,则2-=b a ______.18.已知正实数a ,满足17a a-=,则1a a +=________. 19.若6x y +=,3xy =-,则2222x y xy +=_____.20.若代数式23y y +-的值为0,则代数式3242020y y ++的值为___________.三、解答题21.在日历上,我们可以发现其中某些数满足一定的规律,如下图是2021年1月份的日历,我们任意用一个22⨯的方框框出4个数,将其中4个位置上的数两两交叉相乘,再用较大的数减去较小的数,你发现了什么规律?(1)图中方框框出的四个数,按照题目所说的计算规律,结果为______.(2)换一个位置试一下,是否有同样的规律?如果有,请你利用整式的运算对你发现的规律加以证明;如果没有,请说明理由.22.如图1是1个直角三角形和2个小正方形,直角三角形的三条边长分别是a 、b 、c ,其中a 、b 是直角边,两个小正方形的边长分别是a 、b .(1)将4个完全一样的直角三角形和2个小正方形构成一个大正方形(如图2).用两种不同的方法列代数式表示图2中的大正方形面积:方法一:________________;方法二:________________;(直接把答案填写在答题卡的横线上)(2)观察图2,试写出()2a b +,2a ,2ab ,2b 这四个代数式之间的等量关系:________________.(直接把答案填写在答题卡的横线上)(3)请利用(2)中等量关系解决问题:若图1中一个三角形面积是6,图2的大正方形面积是64,求22a b +的值.23.分解因式:(1)325x x -;(2)(3)2(3)m a a -+-.24.已知多项式35ax bx +-,当2x =-时,该多项式的值是7,则当2x =时,该多项式的值是多少?25.计算(1)()()433a a -⋅- (2)(ab 2)2 •(﹣a 3b )3÷(﹣5ab )26.把下列多项式因式分解(要写出必要的过程):(1)﹣x 2y +6xy ﹣9y ;(2)9(x +2y )2﹣4(x ﹣y )2;(3)1﹣x 2﹣y 2+2xy .【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.A解析:A【分析】利用多项式乘以多项式法则计算,整理后将已知等式代入计算即可求出值.【详解】解:∵x+y=2,xy=-1,∴(1-2x )(1-2y )=1-2y-2x+4xy=1-2(x+y )+4xy=1-2×2-4=-7;故选:A .【点睛】本题考查了多项式乘多项式,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.2.A解析:A【分析】根据定义把二阶行列式表示成整式,然后再化简计算即可.【详解】解:由题意可得:()()()212221aa a a a a a a -=+--+++ =()224a a a +--=224a a a +-+=a+4,故答案为A .【点睛】本题考查整式乘法的混合运算,通过观察题目给出的运算法则,把所求解的算式根据运算法则展开是解题关键. 3.D解析:D【分析】由题意竖直、水平、对角线上的三个数的和都相等,则有m ﹣3+4﹣(m +3)=﹣3+1+n ﹣(4+1),即可解出n =5,从而求出m 值即可.【详解】解:由题意得竖直、水平、对角线上的三个数的和都相等,则有m ﹣3+4﹣(m +3)=﹣3+1+n ﹣(4+1),整理得n =5,则有m ﹣3+4=﹣3+1+5,解得m =2,∴m +n =5+2=7,故选:D .【点睛】此题主要考查列一元一次方程解决实际问题,理解题意,找出等量关系是解题关键. 4.A解析:A【分析】先变形为x 2-y 2=(x+y )(x-y ),代入数值即可求解.【详解】解:∵x 2-y 2=(x+y )(x-y )=24,∴6(x-y )=24,∴x-y=4,∴y-x=-4,故选:A .【点睛】本题考查了平方差公式的应用,掌握公式是解题关键.5.A解析:A【分析】①根据同类项的定义判断计算;②根据幂的乘方公式计算;③利用零指数幂和有理数的混合运算法则计算;④根据同类项的定义判断计算.【详解】∵2x 与3x 不是同类项,无法合并,∴①是错误的;∵()326x x =,∴②是正确的; ∵032112-1=1⨯-=⨯,∴③是错误的; ∵53-5+3=-2--+=,∴④是错误的;综上所述,只有一个正确,故选:A.【点睛】本题考查了合并同类项,幂的乘方,零指数幂,绝对值,有理数的混合运算,熟练掌握公式及其运算法则是解题的关键.6.C解析:C【分析】直接利用完全平方公式分解因式得出答案.【详解】A 、222111(44)(2)444m m m m m ++=++=+能用完全平方公式分解因式,不符合题意; B 、222222(2)()x xy y x xy y x y -+-=--+=--能用完全平方公式分解因式,不符合题意;C 、221449x xy y -++不能用完全平方公式分解因式,符合题意;D 、2222111(69)(3)9399x x x x x -+=-+=-能用完全平方公式分解因式,不符合题意; 故选:C .【点睛】本题考查了提公因式法与公式法的综合运用,熟练掌握完全平方公式是解本题的关键.7.D解析:D【分析】利用同底数幂的乘法和除法,积的乘方、幂的乘方,多项式乘多项式的运算法则计算即可判断.【详解】A 、 347·m m m =,该选项错误;B 、624m m m ÷=,该选项错误;C 、236(3)27m m -=-,该选项错误;D 、(()221)121m m m m +-=--,该选项正确; 故选:D .【点睛】本题考查了同底数幂的乘法和除法,积的乘方、幂的乘方,多项式乘多项式,熟练掌握运算法则是解题的关键.8.D解析:D【分析】根据完全平方公式,平方差公式和积的乘方公式分别判断即可.【详解】A. ()2222x y x xy y +=++,故原选项错误;B.()32628m m =,故原选项错误;C.()22244x x x -=-+,故原选项错误;D. ()()2111x x x +-=-,故选项正确. 故选:D .【点睛】本题考查完全平方公式,平方差公式和积的乘方公式.熟记公式是解题关键. 9.D解析:D【分析】利用平方差公式计算即可.【详解】当x +1,y 1时,xy +11))2﹣12=7﹣1=6,故选:D.【点睛】此题考查平方差计算公式,已知字母的值求代数式的值,熟记平方差公式是解题的关键. 10.D解析:D【分析】根据整式的同底数幂的乘法,合并同类项,积的乘方,单项式乘以单项式计算并判断.【详解】A 、235x x x =,故该项错误;B 、2222x x x +=,故该项错误;C 、22(2)4x x -=,故该项错误;D 、358(3)(5)15a a a --=,故该项正确;故选:D .【点睛】此题考查整式的计算,正确掌握整式的同底数幂的乘法,合并同类项,积的乘方,单项式乘以单项式计算法则是解题的关键.11.B解析:B【分析】根据绝对值和平方式的非负性得到关于x 、y 的方程组,然后解方程组求得x 、y 值,代入求得xy 即可求解.【详解】 解:由题意,得:521303100x y x y +-=⎧⎨--=⎩, 解得:31x y =⎧⎨=-⎩, ∴x y =(﹣1)3=﹣1,∴x y 的立方根为﹣1,故选:B .【点睛】本题考查解二元一次方程组、绝对值和平方式的非负性、代数式求值、立方根,正确列出方程组是解答的关键.12.B解析:B【分析】根据幂的乘方与积的乘方的运算方法,同底数幂的乘法的运算方法,以及合并同类项的方法,逐项判断即可.【详解】∵x 2•x 3=x 5,∴选项A 不符合题意;∵(x 3)2=x 6,∴选项B 符合题意;∵(−3x )3=−27x 3,∴选项C 不符合题意;∵x 4+x 5≠x 9,∴选项D 不符合题意.故选:B .【点睛】此题主要考查了幂的乘方与积的乘方的运算方法,同底数幂的乘法的运算方法,以及合并同类项的方法,要熟练掌握.二、填空题13.6【分析】原式利用完全平方公式平方差公式化简去括号整理后将已知等式代入计算即可求出值【详解】解:∵x2+4x-4=0即x2+4x=4∴原式=3(x2-4x+4)-6(x2-1)=3x2-12x+12解析:6【分析】原式利用完全平方公式,平方差公式化简,去括号整理后,将已知等式代入计算即可求出值.【详解】解:∵x 2+4x-4=0,即x 2+4x=4,∴原式=3(x 2-4x+4)-6(x 2-1)=3x 2-12x+12-6x 2+6=-3x 2-12x+18=-3(x 2+4x )+18=-12+18=6. 故答案为:6.【点睛】本题考查了整式的混合运算-化简求值,熟练掌握运算法则是解题的关键.14.【分析】原式提取公因式再利用平方差公式分解即可【详解】解:原式==故答案为:【点睛】此题考查了提公因式法与公式法的综合运用熟练掌握因式分解的方法是解本题的关键解析:(1)(1)m mn mn -+【分析】原式提取公因式,再利用平方差公式分解即可.【详解】解:原式=3222(1)m n m m m n -=-,=(1)(1)m mn mn -+故答案为:(1)(1)m mn mn -+.【点睛】此题考查了提公因式法与公式法的综合运用,熟练掌握因式分解的方法是解本题的关键.15.4【分析】根据x2-3x -1=0可得x2-3x =1再将所求代数式适当变形后分两次整体代入即可求得值【详解】解:∵x2-3x -1=0∴x2-3x =1∴==将x2-3x =1代入原式==将x2-3x =1代解析:4【分析】根据x 2-3x -1=0可得x 2-3x =1,再将所求代数式适当变形后分两次整体代入即可求得值.【详解】解:∵x 2-3x -1=0,∴x 2-3x =1,∴3223111x x x --+=223132611x x x x -+-+=()22233111x x x x x -+-+将x 2-3x =1代入原式=221113x x x +-+=23)13(x x -+将x 2-3x =1代入原式=314+=,故答案为:4.【点睛】本题考查代数式求值,因式分解法的应用.解决此题的关键是掌握“降次”思想和整体思想. 16.7200【分析】根据幂的乘方法则分别求出和的值然后根据同底数幂的乘法运算法则计算即可【详解】解:∵∴∴故答案为:7200【点睛】本题考查同底数幂的乘法和幂的乘方解题的关键是掌握运算法则解析:7200【分析】根据幂的乘方法则分别求出3m 10和210n 的值,然后根据同底数幂的乘法运算法则计算即可.【详解】解:∵102m =,103n =,∴()33m 10108m ==,()22n 10109n ==,∴3m+2n+232210101010891007200m n =⋅⋅=⨯⨯=,故答案为:7200.【点睛】本题考查同底数幂的乘法和幂的乘方,解题的关键是掌握运算法则.17.-8【分析】根据题意得到+=0根据绝对值的非负性及偶次方的非负性求出a=2b=-3代入2b-a 计算即可【详解】由题意得:+=0∵00∴a-2=0b+3=0∴a=2b=-3∴2b-a=-6-2=8故答解析:-8【分析】 根据题意得到2a +2(3)b +=0,根据绝对值的非负性及偶次方的非负性求出a=2,b=-3,代入2b-a 计算即可.【详解】 由题意得:2a +2(3)b +=0 ∵2a ≥0,2(3)b +≥0,∴a-2=0,b+3=0,∴a=2,b=-3,∴2b-a=-6-2=8,故答案为:-8.【点睛】此题考查相反数的定义,绝对值的非负性及偶次方的非负性,求代数式的值,根据绝对值的非负性及偶次方的非负性求出a 和b 的值是解题的关键.18.【分析】根据应用完全平方公式求出的值即可求出的值【详解】解:=9=9+2=11故答案为:【点睛】本题考查完全平方公式的应用需要对已知式子平方灵活运用完全平方公式是解决本题的关键【分析】根据1a a -=221a a +的值,即可求出1a a +的值. 【详解】解:1a a -=217a a ⎛⎫∴-= ⎪⎝⎭, ∴22127a a +-=, ∴221a a +=9, 222112a a a a ⎛⎫∴+=++ ⎪⎝⎭=9+2=11, 0a >,10a a ∴+>,1a a∴+=【点睛】本题考查完全平方公式的应用,需要对已知式子平方,灵活运用完全平方公式是解决本题的关键.19.【分析】先将原式因式分解得再整体代入即可求出结果【详解】解:∵∴原式故答案是:【点睛】本题考查因式分解解题的关键是熟练运用因式分解和整体代入的思想求值解析:36-【分析】先将原式因式分解得()2xy x y +,再整体代入即可求出结果.【详解】解:()22222x y xy xy x y +=+, ∵6x y +=,3xy =-,∴原式()23636=⨯-⨯=-.故答案是:36-.【点睛】本题考查因式分解,解题的关键是熟练运用因式分解和整体代入的思想求值. 20.2029【分析】由题意得将原式变形成整体代入得再一次整体代入即可求出结果【详解】解:∵∴原式故答案为:【点睛】本题考查代数式求值解题的关键是掌握整体代入的思想进行求解解析:2029【分析】由题意得23y y +=,将原式变形成()2232020y y y y +++,整体代入得2332020y y ++,再一次整体代入即可求出结果.【详解】解:∵23y y +-,∴23y y +=,原式()2232020y y y y =+++ 2332020y y =++()232020y y =++92020=+2029=.故答案为:2029.【点睛】本题考查代数式求值,解题的关键是掌握整体代入的思想进行求解.三、解答题21.(1)7;(2)有同样的规律,(a+1)(a+7)-a(a+8)=7,理由见解析【分析】(1)根据题意列出算式11×5-4×12,再进一步计算即可;(2)如换为3,4,10,11,按要求计算即可;设方框框出的四个数分别为a ,a+1,a+7,a+8,列出算式(a+1)(a+7)-a(a+8),再进一步计算即可得.【详解】(1)11×5-4×12=55-48=7,故答案为:7;(2)换为3,4,10,11,则10×4-3×11=40-33=7;设方框框出的四个数分别为a ,a+1,a+7,a+8,则(a+1)(a+7)-a(a+8)=a 2+7a+a+7-a 2-8a=7.【点睛】本题主要考查整式的混合运算,解题的关键是根据题意列出算式,并熟练掌握整式的混合运算顺序和运算法则.22.(1)()2a b +;222a b ab ++;(2)()2222a b a b ab +=++;(3)40【分析】(1)利用两种方法表示出大正方形面积即可;(2)写出四个代数式之间的等量关系即可;(3)由直角三角形的面积是6,得到ab =12,大正方形②的面积是(a +b )2=64,把(2)变形后,整体代入可直接求值;【详解】解:(1)方法一:()2a b +;方法二:222a b ab ++;故答案为:(a +b )2;a 2+2ab +b 2;(2)()2222a b a b ab +=++;(3)∵162ab =,()264a b +=, ∴224ab =, ∴()222240a b a b ab +=+-=.【点睛】此题考查了完全平方公式的几何背景,代数式求值,以及列代数式,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.23.(1)(5)(5)x x x +-;(2)(3)(2)a m --.【分析】(1)先提公因式x ,再利用平方差公式进行分解,即可得出结果;(2)先将多项式进行变形,再利用提公因式法进行分解,即可得出结果.【详解】解:(1)325x x -2(25)x x =-(5)(5)x x x =+-;(2)(3)2(3)m a a -+-(3)2(3)m a a =---(3)(2)a m =--.【点睛】本题考查了因式分解,掌握因式分解的基本方法并能根据多项式的特点准确选择分解方法是解题的关键.24.-17【分析】首先把x=-2代入多项式35ax bx +-,整理成关于a 、b 的等式,再把x=2代入,观察两个式子的联系,进一步求得数值即可.【详解】解:x =-2时, 35ax bx +-=7,即-8a -2b -5=7,所以8a+2b =-12,当x=2时,35ax bx +-=8a+2b -5=-12-5=-17,所以该多项式的值是-17.【点睛】本题考查了代数式求值,注意代入数值的特点,发现前后式子的联系,整体代入解决问题. 25.(1)15a -;(2)10615a b 【分析】(1)先算乘方,再算同底数幂的乘法即可;(2)先算乘方,再算乘法,后算除法.【详解】(1)()()433a a -⋅- =()123a a ⋅- =15a -;(2)(ab 2)2 •(﹣a 3b)3÷(﹣5ab)=a 2b 4.(-a 9b 3) ÷(﹣5ab)= -a 11b 7÷(﹣5ab) =10615a b . 【点睛】 本题考查了整式的混合运算,熟练掌握运算顺序是解答本题的关键.混合运算的顺序是先算乘方,再算乘除,最后算加减;同级运算,按从左到右的顺序计算;如果有括号,先算括号里面的,并按小括号、中括号、大括号的顺序进行;有时也可以根据运算定律改变运算的顺序.26.(1)﹣y (x ﹣3)2;(2)(5x +4y )(x +8y );(3)(1+x ﹣y )(1﹣x +y )【分析】(1)先提取公因式,再按照完全平方公式分解;(2)分别把前后两项看成某项的平方并根据平方差分解因式,然后对每个因式去括号及合并同类项进行化简;(3)首先把后面三项看成一组并化成完全平方式,然后与第一项组合并利用平方差公式分解后对每个因式去括号化简即可.【详解】解:(1)﹣x 2y +6xy ﹣9y=﹣y (x 2﹣6x +9)=﹣y (x ﹣3)2;(2)9(x +2y )2﹣4(x ﹣y )2;=[3(x +2y )+2(x ﹣y )][3(x +2y )﹣2(x ﹣y )]=(5x +4y )(x +8y );(3)1﹣x 2﹣y 2+2xy=1﹣(x 2+y 2﹣2xy )=1﹣(x ﹣y )2=[1+(x ﹣y )][1﹣(x ﹣y )]=(1+x ﹣y )(1﹣x +y ).【点睛】本题考查了因式分解,熟练掌握因式分解的各种方法并灵活运用是解题关键.。



人教版英语8年级上册Unit 4·一、选择填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

1.—How are you feeling now, Jim?—I am feeling ________ after a good sleep. Thanks.A.more better B.more well C.much better D.much well 2.There are many tools ________ brushes, tape, glue for you to ________ in the shop. A.for example, choose B.like, choose fromC.such as, choose D.for example, choose from3.The little girl ________ speak English well, although she is only five.A.is able to B.is similar to C.is up to D.is ready to 4.—Susan is in hospital.—I’m sorry to hear that. I ________ her tomorrow.A.visit B.would visit C.am visiting D.am going to visit 5.Look at the dark clouds! It ________ rain.A.will B.was going to C.is going to D.is going 6.—What is Mary going to do this holiday?—She plans ________ Hainan with her family this holiday.A.visiting B.to visit C.visited D.visits7.My father wants ________ around the world because he enjoys ________ new places. A.traveling; seeing B.to travel; to see C.traveling; to see D.to travel; seeing 8.—Miller’s is a very good store, isn’t it?—Yes, it is. We can buy clothes ________ there.A.cheaper B.the cheapest C.cheap D.the most cheaply 9.— Now the air in our hometown is even ________ than it was before.— So we must do something to stop it.A.worst B.better C.worse D.more better 10.—The films are all wonderful. I can’t decide which one to choose.—Why not see My Motherland and Me? I think it’s ________ of all.A.educational B.the most educational C.more educationalD.most educational11.—I’m worried about tomorrow’s talent show.—Come on! If you don’t believe in yourself, _____________ will.A.everybody B.anybody C.nobody D.somebody 12.English is important to us. We should try ________ it hard.A.study B.studies C.not to study D.to study 13.Paul wants ________ an actor because he likes acting.A.to be B.be C.being D.to being 14.—I plan ________ a boat trip to New York next month.—That’s great! Enjoy yourself.A.take B.taking C.to take D.to taking 15.Lei Feng was helpful. He was always ready ________ others.A.help B.helping C.to help D.to helping二、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。




( )1. --Do you like _______TV show The Reader?--Yes. I think it's _______most interesting TV show.A. the; /B. a: theC. the: theD. a; /( )2. _______interesting for us to watch game shows.A. HeB. ThatC. ThisD.It( )3.- -Li Hua speaks English _______XiaoLin.-- I don't think so. I think Li Hua does better than Xiao Lin.A. as good as; a lotB. as well as; muchC. as good as; a littleD. as well as; more( )4.--_______ is it from your home to school? --It's about two kilometers.A. How longB. How farC. How soonD. How often( )5. --How does your father go to work?--On foot. Our house is_______ his office.A. far fromB. different fromC. similar toD. close to( )6. --Is there a cinema around here? --_______A. Yes, pleaseB. Yes. Sun Cinema is around here.C. Go down this streetD. Sounds good( )7. --Why did you _______Mike for the job? --Because he is serious enough.A. dislikeB. actC. shareD. choose( )8. There are_______ books in this bookstore. And they are cheap.A. all kind ofB. kinds ofC. all kinds ofD. kind of( )9. Parents play an important role in_______their children.A. teachB. teachesC. to teachD. teaching( )10. --What do you think of the movie Zootopia?--It is _______one I've ever seen.A. more exertedB. more excitingC. the most excitedD. the most exciting ( )11. Which is_______ the sun, the moon or the earth?A. smallerB. smallestC. the smallerD. the smallest( )12. Mary helped me buy a ticket. She_______ an hour ago.A. gave it to meB. gives me itC. gives it meD. gave me to it( )13. --How are you today, Alice? --I'm even_______. I have to go to the doctor.A. badB. worseC. wellD. better( )14. The fifth lesson has _______new words, but it is very difficult for me.A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little( )15. The final exam is very important. We must treat it_______.A. seriousB. seriousC. carelessD. carelessly( )16. Tina _______Tara are twin sisters. They have some things in common.A. orB. andC. butD. with( )17. --Was Tom at the talent show last night? --Yes, and he was the best______.A. performerB. teacherC. studentsD. girl( ) 18. --What do you think of the movie? -- It can't be_______. I don't like it at all.A. goodB. betterC.worseD. best( ) 19. Which of the following shapes(图形 ) has the largest shadow area(面积)?A. B. C. D.( )20. What is the sentence pattern of“ Jeff is the strongest in his class.”?A. S+VB. S+V+OC.S+V+PD. S+V+O+P二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 4 单元检测题(附答案)

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 4 单元检测题(附答案)

Unit4单元测试卷第一卷听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词(每小题1分,共5分)1.A.theater B.cinema C.seat2.A.cloth B.clothes C.clothingfortable B.important C.impossible4.A.perform B.performer C.performance5.A.put B.sit C.cut二、听句子,选择与句子意思相符的图画(每小题1分,共5分)A. B. C. D. E.6._______7._______8._______9._______10._______三、听对话及问题,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)11.A.The Town Cinema. B.The Showtime Cinema. C.Both the two cinemas.12.A.The new one. B.The nearer one. C.The father one.13.A.The girl in blue. B.The girl in red. C.It’s hard to say.14.A.Tom. B.Jim. C.Anna.15.A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn.四、听对话,补全所缺的单词(每小题1分,共5分)Students are talking about the places in town.A:I think the Showtime Cinema is the_________(16).B:Maybe.But its service is the_________(17).C:The Circle Theater has the most__________(18)seats.D:I think so.But its price is the__________(19).E:I think Town Cinema has the__________(20)service.第二卷笔试部分(130分)一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1.Xi’an is one of______capital______in China.A.older;cityB.the older;cityC.oldest;citiesD.the oldest;cities2.One of the most popular______of_____in the world is Chinese food.A.kind;foodB.kinds;foodC.kind;foodsD.kinds;foods3.Go down this street until you______the third traffic lights.A.will reachB.getC.arriveD.reach4.Jim is funnier than______in his class.A.any other boyB.any boyC.any other boysD.all the boys5.Winter is the______season of the year in China.A.warmestB.longestC.coldestD.heaviest6.When did you_____Beijing?A.get toeC.goD.reach to7.The box is______of all.A.heaviestB.the bigestC.the heavierD.the biggest8.I think Liu Dehua is one of the______movie stars in China.A.popularB.popularestC.more popularD.most popular9.---We can't live______air or water.---I think so.A.withoutB.withC.toD.out10.Math______one of the_____subjects in middle schools.A.are;importantB.is;most importantC.is;more importantD.are;much important11.She looks______younger than she is.A.evenB.veryC.a bit ofD.a lot of12.If you do that,you’ll feel______soon.A.more healthyB.more healthierC.much healthyD.much healthier13.You are getting fatter and fatter.You should eat______food and take______exercise.A.less;lessB.more;moreC.more;lessD.less;more14.John is______of the twins.A.tallerB.the tallerC.the tallestD.high15.The sky grew_______.A.dark and darkB.darker and darkC.dark and darkerD.darker and darker16.---Could you help me,please?---______.A.Yes,I canB.CertainlyC.No,I can'tD.Yes,I can't17.We’ll try to do______work with______time than before.A.much;muchB.little;littleC.less;moreD.more;less18.China has the______population(人口数)in the world.rgestB.biggerC.mostD.fewest19.Of all the students,Li Ming is_______to Mr.Wang.A.closeB.closerC.the closestD.the most closest20.This is the______largest city in Japan.A.threeB.thirdC.thirdsD.thirdest二、完型填空:(每小题1分,共10分)My parents took me to Japan when I was little.I lived there for five years.21I came back, my Japanese was very good.“Can I do something useful with my Japanese?”I asked myself. Then,one day last spring,I got a good opportunity(机会).Everyone was afraid of SARS,so I stayed at home with22to do.My father brought me a Japanese book.“Why don’t you translate(翻译)it into Chinese?It will be better than23computer games all day.”I promised(许诺)to do2000words each day.But24I found it was hard to keep the promise.One day in May,the weather was beautiful.But I couldn’t go out.Those2000words were still 25me.After translating only three pages,I already lost interest in the book.I looked at it for a long time.But I couldn’t make myself turn the pages.How I26I could just go outside and play football with my friends!I counted the words again and again.I just wanted to give up.I felt as if two people were fighting27my mind.One said,“Don’t give up!Keep working hard,and you’ll do well!”But then the other one said,“Go and play!It will be more28than translating.Do your work tomorrow.”I stood up and would29the computer.But then I remembered30my parents had told me:“Whatever you do,don’t stop halfway.”So I sat down and went on with it.21.A.Because B.Until C.Since D.When22.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything23.A.be played B.playing C.played D.plays24.A.just then B.right now C.soon D.suddenly25.A.talking to B.looking at C.smiling at D.waiting for26.A.thought B.felt C.wished D.decided27.A.in B.with C.about D.for28.A.fun B.important eful D.dangerous29.A.turn on B.turn off C.open D.close30.A.how B.where C.which D.what三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AHave you ever been ill?When you are ill,you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot, and there are pains all over your body.You don’t want to work,you stay in bed,feeling very sad.What makes us ill?It is germs(细菌).Germs are everywhere.They are very small and you can’t find them with your eyes,but you can see them with a microscope.They are very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing.Germs are always found in dirty water.Water under the microscope,we look at dirty water under the microscope,we shall see them in it.So your father and mother will not let you drink dirty water.Germs aren’t found only in water.They are found in air and dust.If you cut your finger,if some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut(割开处),some of the germs would go into your finger. Your finger would become big and red,and you will have much pain in it.Sometimes the germs would go into all of your body,and you would have pain everywhere.31.Which of the following is true?A.If things are very small,they are germs.B.If things can’t be seen,they must be germs.C.Germs are only in dirty water.D.Germs are everywhere around us.32.What is a microscope used for?A.Making very small things look much bigger.B.Making very big things look much smaller.C.Helping you read some newspapers.D.Helping you if you can’t see things clearly.33.Why don’t your parents let you drink dirty water?A.You haven’t looked at it carefully.B.Water can’t be drunk in this way.C.There must be lots of germs in it.D.Water will make you ill.34.Which of the following is not true?A.Germs can be found both in water and in the air.B.Germs can go into your finger if it is cut.C.If your temperature is not OK,there must be germs in your body.D.If your finger isn’t cut,there aren’t any germs on it.35.What’s the main idea of the passage?A.Germs may make us ill.B.Germs are in dirty water.C.Don’t drink dirty water.D.Take care of your fingersBMr.Read works in a hospital.He's a good doctor but he often forgets thing.People know him well and don't mind it.One morning he looked over an old woman and found something was wrong with her eyes.He began to do an operation.It took him three hours to finish it.The old woman could see again and thanked him very much.After that he had a look at his watch and found it was half past twelve.He felt hungry and wanted to buy some food for himself.When he reached the lift,he remembered he didn't wash his hands.He had to return to his office.He took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair.After that he left.However in the restaurant,he realized he wasn't wearing his coat.All his money was in one of his pockets.He got up and went back to the hospital.The lift was just on the first floor.He ran to it but it was going to close.He put his head into it,and the doors opened.A man in the lift called out,“Oh,dear,sir! Why didn't you hold the doors open with your hands?It's too dangerous to do so with your head!”“I think my hands are more important than my head,I have to do operation not with my head,but with my hands!”36.People know______,so they don't mind it.A.Mr.Read is a doctorB.Mr.Read isn't carefulC.Mr.Read works in the hospitalD.Mr.Read often does operations37.The operation began at______that morning.A.half past eightB.nineC.half past nineD.ten38.Mr.Read returned to his office because_______.A.he forgot to wash his handsB.it was cold and he had to put on his coatC.he was too tired to reach the restaurantD.he had to borrow some money39.Mr.Read left the restaurant because______.A.he ate much thereB.he couldn't find his friendC.he had no money with himD.it was closed40.Mr.Read put his head into the lift because_______.A.he wanted to know who was in itB.he wanted to stop it risingC.his head was much harder than his handsD.he was afraid it could hurt his handsCIn England,“Bank Holidays”are Easter Monday,May Day,the Spring Bank Holiday(the last Monday in May),the Summer Bank Holiday(the last Monday in August).Christmas Day,Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.During the Bank Holiday,all the banks are closed.The August Bank Holiday is perhaps the most popular one of the year,partly because it comes at a time when children are not at school.Very many people try to make this a long weekend,and go away to the seaside of the country.The result is that anyone who can manage to take a holiday at another day would be well advised to do so,for the roads get crowded with traffic.In recent years,there has been much talk of creating another Bank Holiday,mid-way between August and Christmas,but nothing has yet been done.October would be a good month because the weather is often pleasant then.Many people would welcome an extra(额外的)bank Holiday or two because England has fewer than most European countries.根据短文内容选择正确答案:41.During Bank Holiday,people in England________.ually stay at home and spend the holidays with their familyB.don’t have to go to work and usually spend the holidays in the countryually go shopping with their family membersD.try to do more office work in the day time42.The August Bank Holiday_________A.is also called Boxing Day.B.is a holiday only for childrenC.falls on the last Monday in AugustD.is on the last day of August43.People like the August Bank Holiday because__________A.it is a long holidayB.it is in summerC.the children don’t go to schoolD.the weather is the best44.The vest time to have another Bank Holiday is______A.at the beginning of the yearB.at the end of the yearC.in the middle of the yearD.between August and Christmas45.Form the passage we know that English people hope to______A.have more Bank HolidaysB.see the banks open every dayC.spend their holidays in EuropeD.find jobs in banks四、任务型阅读(10分)"Which meal do we all need most,breakfast,lunch or dinner?"Miss Baker asks.Boys and girls wave their hands in the air.They know the answer."What do you think,Jim?"Miss Baker asks. "Dinner,"Jim answers."Dinner is the biggest meal of the day,"says Miss Baker."But I don't think we need it most."Tom puts up his hands."Do we need lunch most?""No,"says Miss Baker. "We need breakfast most.""Why is this so?""From night to morning is a long time to go without food,"says Ann."That's right,"says Miss Baker."We need food every morning.What may happen to us if we have no breakfast?"The students have many answers to give.“We may feel hungry.""We may not feel like working.""We may feel sick.""Yes,you are right,"says Miss Baker."Now let's talk about what makes a good breakfast.Give me your answers.I will write them on the blackboard.根据短文回答问题:46.Which meal do we all need most,breakfast,lunch or dinner?________________________________________________47.What may happen to us if we have no breakfast?__________________________________________________.48.翻译划线句子。



What’s the best movie theater? 同步测试一、选择填空。

(共10分,每小题1分)()1. What _____ good supermarket! It has ______ best goods.A. an, aB. a, theC. the, aD. a, an答案:B解析:本题考查冠词的用法。

前一句是感叹句,根据good supermarket可知第一个空格要用不定冠词a,后一句根据最高级best可知第二个空格应该用the。

()2. ——What’s the best movie theater?——Huaxing Theater. It’s ________ in our town.A. cheapB. cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheapest答案:D解析:本题考查形容词比较等级。

根据in our town可知要用形容词最高级,而且形容词最高级前通常加the。

()3. He always _______ very loud music. It’s too noisy.A. writesB. playsC. listensD. draws答案:B解析:本题考查动词辨析。

play music意为“播放音乐”。


”()4. I went to the cinema, ________ there weren’t any tickets left.A. andB. butC. orD. so答案:B解析:本题考查连词辨析。



”()5. ——Who jumps ______ on the sports team?—— Li Ming does.A. longB. longesterC. highD. highest答案:D解析:本题考查副词最高级。




1. 形成我国“东耕西牧”农业格局的主要原因是()A. 南北纬度的差异B. 东西温度带的差异C. 东西干湿的差异D. 南北干湿的差异2. 东部地区是我国种植业、林业、渔业的主要分布区,下列说法正确的是()A. 秦岭—淮河以南是旱作农业区B. 林业集中分布在华北平原地区C. 沿海地区淡水渔业发达D. 种植业主要分布在湿润、半湿润的平原地区3. 山东某集团生产花生油的原料主要来自()A. 长江中下游平原B. 黄淮海地区C. 东北平原D. 南部沿海地区4.习近平提出“绿水青山就是金山银山”,要牢固树立可持续发展观念。




5. 随着农业机械化水平的提高,推测“稻客”()A. 规模逐渐减小B. 规模逐渐扩大C. 经济收入增加D. 经济收入减少6. “稻客”“迁徙”路线主要反映了我国各地水稻存在()①品种差异②播种期差异③熟制差异④种植技术差异A. ①③B. ①④C. ②③D. ②④7. 每年数十万“稻客”能走南闯北的首要原因是()A. 国家政策鼓励B. 种植面积扩大C. 农业结构调整D. 交通条件改善宜宾市位于四川省南部的低山丘陵地区,为亚热带季风气候。



人教版八年级上册英语 Unit4单元测试卷(含答案)

人教版八年级上册英语 Unit4单元测试卷(含答案)

八年级上册英语unit4单元测试卷一、单项选择(共20小题;共20分)()1. Great Wall is longest wall in the world.A. The; theB. A; aC. The; aD.a;a()2. --- Who ran of all in the sports meeting?--- Hector did, I think.A. fastB. fasterC. the fastestD. most fast()3. —How do you like the book you read yesterday?—Oh! It’s one of books I’ve ever read.A. interestingB. more interestingC. most interestingD. the most interesting()4. He always comes to school of all because he has to open the door for others.A. earlierB. the most earlyC. most earlyD. earliest()5. In order to keep quiet, please go into or out of the library.A. friendlyB. quietlyC. comfortablyD. beautifully()6. In the school talent show, Linda performed well and Ann did even.A. wellB. betterC. moreD. worse ()7. Our hometown is becoming.A. beautiful and beautifulB. more beautiful and beautifulC. more beautiful and more beautifulD. more and more beautiful()8. —What do you think of the film So Young directed by Zhao Wei? —Wonderful. I think it’s than the other films about youth in recent years.A. the bestB. the worstC. much betterD. much worse()9. —How far is it from your home to school?—It’s about fifteen walk.A.minuteB. minutesC. minute’sD. minutes’()10. Of all the teams in NBA. I think the Los Angeles Lakers played this year.A. most successfullyB. the more successfullyC. very successfullyD. much more successfully()11. Which is way to travel, by plane, by train or by bus?A. less expensiveB. more cheaperC. the least expensiveD. cheaper()12. --- Which of those radios sounds ?--- The smallest one.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best()13. How smart Mary is! Of all the students in her class, she usually spends the time and makes the mistakes in her homework.A. least; fewestB. least; leastC. fewest; leastD. most; fewest()14. They said that they were able to use the organ to play music.A. all typesB. all types ofC. type ofD. a type()15. --- Let's play a part the room.--- That sounds great!A. cleanB. cleaningC. to cleanD. in cleaning()16. —Can you tell me how to use this e-dictionary?—. Let me have a look.A. No wayB. No problemC. I’m afraid notD. It doesn’t matter()17. —How does your father go to work?—On foot. Our house is his office.A. far fromB. different fromC. the same asD. close to ()18. It’s lucky of you to buy the same ticket at a price.A. higherB. lowerC. more expensiveD. cheaper()19. In our class, Lucy is the . She always makes everybody laugh.A. tallestB. youngestC. quietestD. funniest()20. Could I ask you questions your service?A. some; aboutB. any; aboutC. any; onD. some; with二、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)Now people like to travel all over the world if they are free. The fastest way of travelling is by 1 . But plane tickets are very expensive. Travelling by train is 2 than by plane, but it is cheaper. Modern trains have 3 seats and dining cars (餐车). They 4 the trip happier.Some 5 like to travel by ship. There are large ships. Ships are not so 6 as trains or planes, but travelling by ship is a(n) 7 way to spend a holiday.Many people have a car. They like to travel by car. They can make 8 own timetable (自己的时间表). They 9 travel to any place they like. They can stop if they want. That is 10 travelling by car is popular.()1.A. coach B. train C. underground D. plane()2.A. hotter B. easier C. slower D. worse()3.A. noisy B. comfortable C. strange D. traditional()4.A. think B. keep C. make D. find()5.A. teachers B. workers C. students D. people()6.A. fast B. good C. clean D. small()7.A. interesting B. bad C. safe D. difficult()8.A. his B. their C. her D. its()9.A. must B. can C. should D. need()10.A. when B. how C. why D. where三、阅读理解.(共40分)AOne day, John read an advertisement in a newspaper. It said, “Wanted. The best salesman in the world. ”John thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job. “I’m the best salesman in the world, ”he said to the manager. “Give me the job. ”“You must prove(证明)you’re the best, ”the manager said.“OK, I will. ”John said.“Good. ”The manager took several boxes of sweets(糖果)out of his desk. “Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job. ”said the manager.“That’s easy. ”John said. He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.Every day and all day he went from shop to shop, trying to sell the sweets. But he couldn’t sell one. The sweets were too bad for him to sell. At the end of the week he went back to the manager. “I’m sorry, sir, ”he said, “I was wrong about myself. I’m not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is. ”“Oh, ”said the manager, “Who? ”“The person who sold you a thousand boxes of the sweets. ”()1. The manager told John.A. he could start to work at onceB. he was the best salesman in the worldC. he wasn’t a good salesmanD. he must show he was the best salesman in the world()2. John could get the job if.A. he sold a thousand boxes of sweetsB. he gave away a thousand boxes of sweetsC. he sent the manager a thousand boxes of sweetsD. he bought a thousand boxes of sweets from the manager()3. The right order(顺序)of the story is.①John went to ask for the job.①John told the manager who the best salesman really was.①John read an advertisement in a newspaper.①John went to sell the sweets.A. ①①①①B. ①①①①C. ①①①①D. ①①①①()4. From this story, we can know that.A. John didn’t get the jobB. John was a good sellerC. the manager was a good sellerD. the advertisement was a good one()5. John couldn’t sell the sweets because.A. he was not a good salesmanB. the sweets were too badC. he wanted to send them to his friendsD. nobody liked sweetsBI live in a small town near Xing'an in Guilin. You can't see it on the map of China, because it is too small. The air here is fresh(清新的). There are not many tall buildings in our town. The tallest building is in our school. There are four hundred students and twenty-five teachers in our school. In the front of the school, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates on it. There is a little garden behind our school. And we can grow(种植) beautiful flowers and plant trees there. Next to the garden, there is an orange orchard(果园). You can hear birds singing everywhere. There is a river not far from our school. In summer, we usually go swimming with our teachers in it. We study Chinese, English, Maths and other subjects at school. The teachers are very nice. We love our school.()6. The writer lives .A. in a small townB. in the city of GuilinC. Xing'anD. in a tall building()7. There is in the front of our school.A. a riverB. an orange orchardC. a playgroundD. a garden()8. How many students are there in the school?A. 4025.B. 425.C. 245.D. 400.()9. Which of the following is TRUE?A. There are many tall buildings in the town.B. Behind the school there is a garden.C. There is a river in the school.D. People can hear students singing everywhere.()10. What's the best title(标题) of the passage?A. The GardenB. A Small TownC. Our SchoolD. The Best BuildingCBangkok, the capital of Thailand(泰国), is also the biggest city in Thailand. Bangkok is a good place to shop for jewelry(珠宝) and clothes. They are beautiful but not expensive(贵的).The people in Bangkok are very friendly. If you eat in a restaurant, the waiters will always smile at you.The food is very delicious, but it is a little hot (辛辣的). You can also enjoy Chinese food there because lots of Chinese people live in Bangkok. In Bangkok, you can also find American food.The weather in Bangkok changes(变化) a lot from June to September. July is the rain season in Bangkok. If you come in this month, you must take an umbrella with you. If you come from October to February of the next year, you will feel very cool there. Bangkok is a very interesting place to visit.()11. The capital of Thailand is .A. CanberraB. Washington D.C. C. BangkokD. Ottawa()12. Bangkok is a good place for people to buy .A. clothesB. fruitsC. carsD. TVs()13. In Bangkok, you can eat .A. Chinese foodB. English foodC. American foodD. A and C()14. People should take umbrellas in .A. JuneB. JulyC. AugustD. September()15. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. The jewelry in Bangkok is expensive.B. Waiters in restaurants of Bangkok are friendly.C. There are not many Chinese people in Bangkok.D. It is often rainy in October.DSome people want to be sent into space after their death, others want to lie deep under the sea. But most people want to go into the freezer(冷藏库). These are believers in cryogenics(低温冷冻学).Now some diseases can't be cured, but they may be cured sometime in the future. So some people hope that their bodies can be frozen after they die. When a cure is found, warm up his or her body, bring it back to life and take the cure. Once the body is frozen, it is kept in liquid nitrogen (液态氮) at a temperature of 328 degrees below zero.Now around a thousand people are going to take cryogenic treatment(处理), though most scientists say it won't work. If we freeze huge creatures(生物) like humans, every one of their cells(细胞) will be broken. Can they be brought back to life in the future?根据短文内容,完成下列小题。



八年级上册第四单元测试题一.单项选择(15分)1._________ does it _________ you to walk from your home?A.How far;takeB.How long;takeC.How far;spendD.How long;spend2.You ____________ finish your homework on time.A.has toB.mustC.have toD.had to3.He usually _________ home very late.A.reachB.mustC.getsD.arrived in4.----How far is it from here to the Children Park?-----It’s about _____________.A.30 minutes walkB.30 minutes’s walkC.30 Minutes’ walkD.30-minutes walk5.How about going there ____________ our bikes?A.inB.aboutC.atD.by6.What do you think ___________ this kind of new computer game?A.ofB.aboutC.forD.over7.____________ is it from here to the bus station?A.How farB.How longC.How oftenD.How soon8._________ fo they get to school,by bike or on foot?A.How farB.How longC.How oftenD.How9.In South Korea,most students get to school __________.A.take a subwayB.take the subwayC.by the subwayD.by subway10.I don’t like this hat.Please shou me ________ one.A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.any other11.I usually go to school ________ bike,but sometimes I go to school _______ foot.A.with;onB.on;byC.on;withD.by;on12.----Must I do it at once?----No,you ____________.A.you can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’tD.haven’to13.Going to the museum by subway must be more fun than ________ a bus.A.takeB.takesC.to takeD.taking14.__________ Fridays,I usually play computer games with Zhang Hua.A.InB.AtC.OnD.Before15.We don’t have much money but we enjoy ____________.A.oursB.yoursC.yourselvesD.oursedves二、完形填空(15分)Mark Hill is a traffie police officer in Watford,near London.He works on some of the busiest streets in Britain.“There are traffic police 1 twenty-four hours a day. There are threeshifts each day,and each shift is 2 ually we have to dealwith three or four accidents each shift.”“We deal with anyone who is hurt in the accident.Yhat’s the 3 thing.Then we have to clear the road and get the traffie 4 again.”“You must be careful while driving.Most accident happen becanuse people drivetoo 5 .Especially when the road is wet,it’s more 6 .Sometimes we getaccidents 7 drivers don’t obey the rules.For example,I’ve seen a lot of drivers who psaa others 8 the left.It’s not right in Britain.If you want to pass the cars in front,you have to go into the fast lane on the right.”“I love my job.It makes me flle 9 every day—I never know 10 .I’m going to do from one day to the next.And I meet all kinds of people.I don’t think there’s any other job that can give me that experience.”1.A.on a trip B.on duty C.on show D.in a car2.Aeight B.fifteen C.eighteen D.twelve3.A.first st C.second D.only4.A.stopping B.serving C.moving D.waiting5.A.fast B.carefully C.slowly D.quickly6.A.strict B.dangreous C.normal D.nervous7.Aand B.so C.but D.because8.A.at B.for C.in D.on9.Asleepy B.angry C.excited D.sad10.what B.how C.where D.which三、阅读理解(20分)AHong Kong Harbor Cruis By NightEnjoy your wonderful dinner on the ferry and see the fantasticcity lights.TIME:7:00 pm 10:00 pm dailyPRICE:With dinner Withour dinnerAdult:HK-$ 300 HK $ 120Child under 12:HK $ 210 HK $ 84START/STOP:Kowloon Public Pier (Near Star Ferry Pier)TICKET OFFICE:Star Company (123 Canton Road)1. Where does the cruise start?A.Kowloon Public Pier.B.Nera Star Company.C.On the ferry.2. If Mr. And Mrs. Brown want to have dinner on the ferry,howe much will they pay?A.HK $ 300.B.HK $ 600.C.HK $ 420.3. Where can they buy the tickets?A.A Kowloon Public Pier.B.Near Star Ferry Pier.C.Star Company.4. What can they see on the ferry?A.A filmB.The city lightsC.Playing sports5. If you are eleven years old and you don’t have dinner during the cruise,how much will you pay?A.HK $ 300B.HK $ 120C.HK $ 84BWhen you are in England,you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left.Befor you cross(穿过) a street,you must look to the right first and then left.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work,the streets are very busy.Traffic is the most dangerour then.When you drive a car in England,you have to be careful,too.Always remember the traffic drives on the left.So you must be careful.Have a look,or you will go ghe wrong way.In many English cities,there are big buses with two floors.You can sit on the second floor.From there,you can see the city very well.It’s very interesting.( )1. In England the traffic must go _________.A.on the leftB.quicklyC.on the rightD.in the middle( )2. When you cross the street,you must look to ________.A.rightB.the front and backC.leftD.the right first,then left( )3.Traffic is the most dangerous in the morning and evening because ______.A.people are doing some shoppingB.people are waiting for a busC.people go to or come from workD.some people go on ghe wrong way( )4. It’s very interesting to sit ___________.A.on a busB.on a two-floor busC.on the second floor of two-floor busesD.on the first of two-floor buses( )5. In China,people drive ___________.A.on the leftB.quicklyC.on the rightD.in the middle四、任务阅读(10分)(3)Many scientists find that colors can change people’s feelings.It’s very interesting.Some colors can make people feel relaxed,and come colors can make people feel nervous.Now,this kind of knowledge is being used in many places.Dor example,school walls are always painted green because green makes students feel relaxed.It is also good for the students’ eyes.Some books are also green or light bule for the same reason.(4)Restaurant owners not only have to know how to make food,but also have to know how to make money.Here are some thing they’ve learned from scientific studies.The color red makes people hungry.Many fast food restaurants have red furniture or walls.Soft colorslike pink and light bule make people feel relaxed,so they spend mor time eating.Loud music may be nice at first,but it soon makes people want to leave.Hard seats also make customers want to eat first.but it soon makes people want to leave.Hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave.Many restaurants,especially fast food restaurants,use this knowledge to make customers eat faster.任务一:根据短文内容回答问题。



一、选择题1.已知代数式2366x x -+的值为9,则代数式226x x -+的值为( ) A .18B .12C .9D .7 2.已知: 13m m +=, 则: 331m m +的值为( ) A .15 B .18C .21D .9 3.已知25y x -=,那么()2236x y x y --+的值为( )A .10B .40C .80D .2104.把多项式32484x x x -+分解因式,结果正确的是( )A .()()413x x x +-B .()2421x x x -+C .()2484x x x +-D .()241x x - 5.下列运算正确..的是( ) A .246x x x ⋅=B .246()x x =C .3362x x x +=D .33(2)6x x -=- 6.若关于x 的方程250x a b ++=的解是3x =-,则代数式6210a b --的值为( ) A .6- B .0C .12D .18 7.下列各式计算正确的是( )A .224a a a +=B .236a a a ⋅=C .()22439a a -=D .22(1)1a a +=+ 8.计算2019202040.753⎛⎫⨯- ⎪⎝⎭的结果是( ) A .43 B .43-C .0.75D .-0.75 9.下列运算中错误的是( ). A .-(-3a n b)4=-81a 4n b 4B .(a n+1+b n )4 = a 4n+4b 4nC .(-2a n )2.(3a 2)3 = -54a 2n+6D .(3x n+1-2x n )5x=15x n+2-10x n+1 10.若|a |=13,b|=7,且a +b>0,则a -b 的值是( ). A .6或20 B .20 或-20 C .6或-6 D .-6或20 11.小明是一位密码翻译爱好者,在他的密码手册中,有这样一条信息:-a b ,x y -,x y +,+a b ,22x y -,22a b -分别对应下列六个字:通、爱、我、昭、丽、美、现将()()222222x y a x y b ---因式分解,结果呈现的密码信息可能是( )A .我爱美丽B .美丽昭通C .我爱昭通D .昭通美丽 12.下列运算中,正确的是( )A .()23294x yx y = B .3362x x x += C .34x x x ⋅= D .22(3)(3)3x y x y x y +-=-二、填空题13.2007200820092()(1.5)(1)3⨯÷-=_____.14.因式分解269x y xy y -+-=______.15.若()()21x a x -+的积中不含x 的一次项,则a 的值为______.16.计算:248(21)(21)(21)(21)1+++++=___________.17.若2a x =,3b x =,则32a b x -=___________.18.数学家发明了一个魔术盒,当任意数对(,)a b 放入其中时,会得到一个新的数:(1)(2)a b --.例如:将数对(2,1)放入其中时,最后得到的数是________;(1)将数对(23,2)+放入其中,最后得到的数________;(2)现将数对(,0)m 放入其中,得到数n ,再将数对(,)n m 放入其中后,最后得到的数是________.(结果要化简)19.如图所示的四边形均为长方形,请写出一个可以用图中图形的面积关系说明的正确等式______.20.在学习整式乘法的时候,我们发现一个有趣的问题:将上述等号右边的式子的各项系数排成下表,如图:(a +b )0=1(a +b )1=a +b(a +b )2=a 2+2ab +b 2(a +b )3=a 3+3a 2b +3ab 2+b 3这个图叫做“杨辉三角”,请观察这些系数的规律,直接写出(a +b )5=__________,并说出第7排的第三个数是___.三、解答题21.因式分解(1)m 3﹣36m(2)(m 2+n 2)2-4m 2n 222.在日历上,我们可以发现其中某些数满足一定的规律,如下图是2021年1月份的日历,我们任意用一个22⨯的方框框出4个数,将其中4个位置上的数两两交叉相乘,再用较大的数减去较小的数,你发现了什么规律?(1)图中方框框出的四个数,按照题目所说的计算规律,结果为______.(2)换一个位置试一下,是否有同样的规律?如果有,请你利用整式的运算对你发现的规律加以证明;如果没有,请说明理由.23.先化简,再求值:()()()2222x y x y x y --+-其中1x =-,2y =24.如图,在长8cm ,宽5cm 的长方形塑料板的四个角剪去4个边长为 cm x 的小正方形,按折痕做一个无盖的长方体盒子,求盒子的容积(塑料板的厚度忽略不计).25.a b c 是ABC 的三边,且有2241029a b a b +=+-(1)求a 、b 的值(2)若c 为整数,求c 的值(3)若ABC 是等腰三角形,求这个三角形的周长26.观察下列各式:2(1)(1)1x x x -+=-;()23(1)11x x x x -++=-;()324(1)11x x x x x -+++=-; 请根据这一规律计算:(1)()12(1)1n n n x x x x x ---+++⋅⋅⋅++;(2)1514132222221+++⋅⋅⋅+++.【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.D解析:D【分析】将x 2﹣2x 当成一个整体,在第一个代数式中可求得x 2﹣2x =1,将其代入后面的代数式即能求得结果.【详解】解:∵3x 2﹣6x +6=9,即3(x 2﹣2x )=3,∴x 2﹣2x =1,∴x 2﹣2x +6=1+6=7.故选:D .【点睛】本题考查了代数式求值,解题的关键是将x 2﹣2x 当成一个整体来对待.2.B解析:B【分析】 把13m m +=两边平方得出221m m +的值,再把331m m+变形代入即可得出答案 【详解】 解:∵13m m+=, ∴219⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭m m , ∴221=7+m m ∴()3232111=m+m 1+=371=18m m ⎛⎫⎛⎫+-⨯- ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭m m 故选:B【点睛】本题考查了完全平方公式的应用,熟练掌握公式是解题的关键3.B解析:B【分析】所求式子变形后,将已知等式变形代入计算即可求出值.【详解】25y x -=∴ 25x y -=-()2236x y x y --+()()2=322x y x y ---=()()2535--⨯-=25+15=40故选:B【点睛】此题主要考查整体代入的思想,还考查代数式求值的问题,是一道基础题. 4.D解析:D【分析】先提出公因式4x ,再利用完全平方公式因式分解即可解答.【详解】解:32484x x x -+=2421)x x x -+(=()241x x -,故选:D .【点睛】本题考查因式分解、完全平方公式,熟练掌握提公因式法和公式法分解因式的方法步骤是解答的关键. 5.A解析:A【分析】根据同底数幂的乘法、幂的乘方、积的乘方以及合并同类项进行判断即可.【详解】A 选项246x x x ⋅=,选项正确,故符合题意;B 选项248()x x =,选项错误,故不符合题意;C 选项3332x x x +=,选项错误,故不符合题意;D 选项33(2)8x x -=-,选项错误,故不符合题意.故选:A .【点睛】本题考查同底数幂的乘法、幂的乘方、积的乘方以及合并同类项,属于基础题,熟练掌握这些计算公式和方法是解决本题的关键. 6.A解析:A【分析】将方程的解代回方程得56a b +=,再整体代入代数式求值即可.解:把3x =-代入原方程得650a b -++=,即56a b +=,则()62106256126a b a b --=-+=-=-.故选:A .【点睛】本题考查代数式求值和方程解的定义,解题的关键是掌握方程解的定义,以及利用整体代入的思想求值.7.C解析:C【分析】根据合并同类项、完全平方公式、幂的乘方与积的乘方进行计算.【详解】解:A. 2222a a a +=,故选项A 计算错误;B. 235a a a ⋅=,故选项B 计算错误;C. ()22439a a -=,故选项C 计算正确;D. 22(11)2a a a +=++,故选项D 计算错误;故选:C【点睛】本题考查了合并同类项、完全平方公式、幂的乘方与积的乘方,熟记计算法则即可解题. 8.D解析:D【分析】先将20200.75化为20193434⨯,再用幂的乘方的逆运算计算,再计算乘法即可得到答案. 【详解】 2019202040.753⎛⎫⨯- ⎪⎝⎭ =20192019343434⎛⎫⎛⎫⨯-⨯ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭=201934()3434⎡⎤⨯⎢⎥⎣⎦⨯- =(31)4-⨯=34-, 故选:D .此题考查有理数数的乘法运算,掌握幂的乘方的逆运算是解题的关键.9.C解析:C【分析】根据幂的乘方法则、积的乘方法则、单项式乘法法则以及多项式乘以单项式的运算法则计算即可.【详解】解:A:()()4444443381n n n a ba b a b --=--=- ,故答案正确; B:()41444n nn n a b a b +++=+ ,故答案正确; C:()()232262623427108n n n a a a a a +-⋅=⋅= ,故答案错误;D:()113253525n n n n x x x x x x x ++-=⋅-⋅ =211510n n x x ++- ,故答案正确. 故选:C .【点睛】此题考查了积的乘方法则、幂的乘方法则、单项式乘法法则以及多项式乘以单项式的运算法则,熟练掌握运算法则是解题的关键.10.A解析:A【分析】先求出a b ,的值,根据条件+a b >0,确定=13a ,b=7±,分类代入-a b 求值即可.【详解】|a |=13,=13a ±,|b|=7,b=7±,∵+a b >0,∴=13a ,b=7±,当=13a ,b=7时,=1376a b --=,当=13a ,7b =-时,=13+720a b -=,则6a b -=或20.故选择:A .【点睛】本题考查条件限定求值问题,会根据限定条件求出字母的值,掌握分类思想求代数式的值是解题关键.11.C解析:C【分析】将式子先提取公因式再用平方差公式因式分解可得:(x 2-y 2)a 2-(x 2-y 2)b 2=(x 2-y 2)(a 2-b 2)=(x+y )(x-y )(a+b )(a-b ),再结合已知即可求解.解:(x 2-y 2)a 2-(x 2-y 2)b 2=(x 2-y 2)(a 2-b 2)=(x+y )(x-y )(a+b )(a-b ),由已知可得:我爱昭通,故选:C .【点睛】本题考查了因式分解的应用;将已知式子进行因式分解,再由题意求解是解题的关键. 12.C解析:C【分析】根据积的乘方与幂的乘方运算法则,合并同类项法则,同底数幂的乘法以及平方差公式分别计算各项,然后再进行判断即可.【详解】解:A. ()23264x y x y =,所以原选项计算错误,故不符合题意;B.3332x x x +=,所以原选项计算错误,故不符合题意;C.34x x x ⋅=,计算正确,符合题意;D.22(3)(3)9x y x y x y +-=-,所以原选项计算错误,故不符合题意.故选:C .【点睛】此题主要考查了乘方与幂的乘方运算法则,合并同类项法则,同底数幂的乘法以及平方差公式,要熟练掌握.二、填空题13.-15【分析】首先把分解成再根据积的乘方的性质的逆用解答即可【详解】解:原式===﹣15故答案为-15【点睛】本题考查有理数的乘方运算逆用积的乘方法则是解题关键解析:-1.5【分析】首先把20081.5分解成20071.5 1.5⨯,再根据积的乘方的性质的逆用解答即可.【详解】 解:原式=()200720072 1.5 1.513⎛⎫⨯⨯÷- ⎪⎝⎭=()20072 1.5 1.513⎛⎫⨯⨯⨯- ⎪⎝⎭=﹣1.5, 故答案为-1.5 .本题考查有理数的乘方运算,逆用积的乘方法则是解题关键.14.-y(x-3)2【分析】提公因式-y再利用完全平方公式进行因式分解即可;【详解】解:-x2y+6xy-9y=-y(x2-6x+9)=-y(x-3)2故答案为:-y(x-3)2;【点睛】本题考查了因式解析:-y(x-3)2【分析】提公因式-y,再利用完全平方公式进行因式分解即可;【详解】解:-x2y+6xy-9y=-y(x2-6x+9)=-y(x-3)2,故答案为:-y(x-3)2;【点睛】本题考查了因式分解的方法,掌握提公因式法、公式法是正确解答的关键.15.2【分析】先运用多项式的乘法法则计算再合并同类项因积中不含x的一次项所以让一次项的系数等于0得a的等式再求解【详解】解:(2x-a)(x+1)=2x2+(2-a)x-a∵积中不含x的一次项∴2-a=解析:2【分析】先运用多项式的乘法法则计算,再合并同类项,因积中不含x的一次项,所以让一次项的系数等于0,得a的等式,再求解.【详解】解:(2x-a)(x+1)=2x2+(2-a)x-a,∵积中不含x的一次项,∴2-a=0,∴a=2,故答案为:2.【点睛】本题考查了多项式乘多项式法则,注意当要求多项式中不含有哪一项时,应让这一项的系数为0.16.216【分析】在原来的算式前面乘上(2-1)根据平方差公式进行计算即可求解【详解】原式======216故答案是:216【点睛】本题主要考查有理数的运算掌握平方差公式是解题的关键解析:216【分析】在原来的算式前面乘上(2-1),根据平方差公式,进行计算,即可求解.【详解】原式=248(21)(21)(21)(21)(21)1-+++++=2248(21)(21)(21)(21)1-++++=448(21)(21)(21)1-+++=88(21)(21)1-++=16(21)1-+=216.故答案是:216.【点睛】本题主要考查有理数的运算,掌握平方差公式,是解题的关键.17.【分析】根据同底数幂除法逆运算及积的乘方逆运算解答【详解】∵∴故答案为:【点睛】此题考查整式的运算公式:积的乘方计算及同底数幂除法计算正确掌握计算公式并熟练应用是解题的关键 解析:89【分析】根据同底数幂除法逆运算及积的乘方逆运算解答.【详解】∵2a x =,3b x =,∴32a b x -=3232328()()239a b a b xx x x ÷=÷=÷=, 故答案为:89. 【点睛】此题考查整式的运算公式:积的乘方计算及同底数幂除法计算,正确掌握计算公式并熟练应用是解题的关键. 18.-1-2-2m2+5m-2【分析】根据题目中的新定义运算规则可分别计算出数对和放入其中后最后得到的数再由数对放入其中得到数计算出m 与n 的关系再计算数对即可得到结果【详解】解:由题意得:数对放入其中时解析:-1 -2 -2m 2+5m-2【分析】根据题目中的新定义运算规则,可分别计算出数对(2,1)和放入其中后,最后得到的数,再由数对(,0)m 放入其中,得到数n ,计算出m 与n 的关系,再计算数对(,)n m ,即可得到结果.【详解】解:由题意得:数对(2,1)放入其中时,最后得到的数是:(2-1)×(1-2)=-1; 故答案为:-1;(1)将数对3-1-2)=-2; 故答案为:-2;(2)根据数对(,0)m 放入其中得到数n ,可得:(m−1)×(0−2)=n , 则-2m+2=n , ∴将数对(n ,m )放入其中后,最后得到的数是:(n−1)(m−2)=(-2m+2−1)(m−2)=(-2m+1)(m−2)=-2m 2+5m-2.故答案为:-2m 2+5m-2.【点睛】此题主要考查了新定义下的实数运算,弄清题中的新定义运算规则、实数及多项式乘多项式的运算法则是解本题的关键.19.(a+b )(2a+b )=【分析】根据长方形的面积=2个大正方形的面积+3个长方形的面积+1个小正方形的面积列式即可【详解】由题意得:(a+b )(2a+b )=故答案为:(a+b )(2a+b )=【点睛】解析:(a+b )(2a+b )=2223a ab b ++【分析】根据长方形的面积=2个大正方形的面积+3个长方形的面积+1个小正方形的面积列式即可.【详解】由题意得:(a+b )(2a+b )=2223a ab b ++,故答案为:(a+b )(2a+b )=2223a ab b ++.【点睛】此题考查多项式乘多项式与图形面积,正确理解图形面积的构成是解题的关键. 20.a5+5a4b+10a3b2+10a2b3+5ab4+b515【分析】多项式乘方运算安全平方公式安全立方公式发现规律数字规律归纳即可【详解】解:(a+b )5=a5+5a4b+10a3b2+10a2b解析:a 5+5a 4b +10a 3b 2+10a 2b 3+5ab 4+b 5 15【分析】多项式乘方运算,安全平方公式,安全立方公式,发现规律,数字规律归纳即可,【详解】解:(a +b )5=a 5+5a 4b +10a 3b 2+10a 2b 3+5ab 4+b 5;第7排的第三个数是15,故答案为:a 5+5a 4b +10a 3b 2+10a 2b 3+5ab 4+b 5;15,【点睛】本题考查完全平方公式、完全立方公式,规律型:数字的变化类,掌握多项式乘法法则,和完全平方公式,观察式子的特征是解题关键,三、解答题21.(1)m (m +6)(m -6);(2)(m +n )2(m -n )2【分析】(1)首先提取公因式法进行因式分解,再利用平方差公式因式分解即可;(2)首先利用平方差公式分解因式,再利用完全平方公式进行因式分解即可.【详解】解:(1)m 3﹣36m= m (m 2﹣36)=m(m+6)(m-6)(2)(m 2+n 2)2-4m 2n 2=(m 2+n 2)2-(2mn )2=(m 2+n 2+2mn )(m 2+n 2-2mn )=(m+n )2(m-n )2【点睛】此题考查了提公因式法与公式法的综合运用,熟练掌握因式分解的方法是解本题的关键. 22.(1)7;(2)有同样的规律,(a+1)(a+7)-a(a+8)=7,理由见解析【分析】(1)根据题意列出算式11×5-4×12,再进一步计算即可;(2)如换为3,4,10,11,按要求计算即可;设方框框出的四个数分别为a ,a+1,a+7,a+8,列出算式(a+1)(a+7)-a(a+8),再进一步计算即可得.【详解】(1)11×5-4×12=55-48=7,故答案为:7;(2)换为3,4,10,11,则10×4-3×11=40-33=7;设方框框出的四个数分别为a ,a+1,a+7,a+8,则(a+1)(a+7)-a(a+8)=a 2+7a+a+7-a 2-8a=7.【点睛】本题主要考查整式的混合运算,解题的关键是根据题意列出算式,并熟练掌握整式的混合运算顺序和运算法则.23.248xy y -+,40【分析】先提公因式(2)x y -,然后计算括号内的运算,得到最简整式,然后把1x =-,2y =代入计算,即可得到答案.【详解】解:原式()()()222x y x y x y =---+⎡⎤⎣⎦()[]222x y x y x y =----()42y x y =--248xy y =-+.当1x =-,2y =时,原式()4212240=-⨯⨯--⨯=.【点睛】本题考查了整式的混合运算,整式的化简求值,解题的关键是掌握运算法则进行化简.24.()32342640cm x x x -+ 【分析】这个盒子的容积=边长为8-2x,5-2x 的长方形的底面积乘高 x ,把相关数值代入即可.【详解】解:由题意,得()()8252x x x --()24016104x x x x =--+()242640x x x =-+3242640x x x =-+,答:盒子的容积是()32342640cm x x x -+.【点睛】本题主要考查单项式乘多项式,多项式乘多项式,解决本题的关键是找到表示长方体容积的等量关系.25.(1)2a =,5b =;(2)4c =或5c =或6c =;(3)12【分析】(1)由a 2+b 2=4a+10b−29,可得:(a−2)2+(b−5)2=0,利用非负数的性质求解a ,b ; (2)再利用三角形三边的关系得到c 的取值范围;(3)分两种情况讨论,当a=2为腰时,当b=5为腰时,再结合三角形的三边的关系,确定三角形的三边,从而可得答案.【详解】解:(1)2241029a b a b +=+- ()()224410250a a b b -++-+=()()22250a b -+-=2a =,5b =(2)a 、b 、c 是ABC 的三边37c ∴<<又c 为整数4c ∴=,5c =,6c =(3)ABC 是等腰三角形,2a =,5b =根据三边关系可知,只有当c=5时三角形才为等腰三角形,5c ∴=25512ABC C ∴=++=△故周长为:12【点睛】本题考查的是完全平方式的变形,非负数的性质,因式分解,三角形三边之间的关系,等腰三角形的定义,掌握以上知识是解题的关键.26.(1)11n x +-;(2)1621-.【分析】(1)观察题中所给的三个等式,可知等式右边第一项的次数等于左边第二个括号内最高次项的次数加1,等式右边第二项均为1,据此可解;(2)根据(1)中所得的规律,可将原式左边乘以(2-1),再按照(1)中规律计算即可.【详解】(1)()12(1)1n n n x x x x x ---+++⋅⋅⋅++11n x +=-;(2)1514132222221+++⋅⋅⋅+++1514132(21)(222221)=-+++⋅⋅⋅+++1621=-.【点睛】本题考查了平方差公式和多项式乘法公式在计算中的应用,熟练掌握相关计算法则是解题的关键.。

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 4 达标测试卷含答案

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 4 达标测试卷含答案

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 4 达标测试卷(限时: 100分钟满分: 120分) 一、听力理解(20 小题, 每小题1 分, 共20 分)第一节听下面5 段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。


( )1. Which pen is the most expensive?A. The red one.B. The blue one.C. The black one.( )2. Where are the two speakers?A. In a cinema.B. In a clothes store.C. In a restaurant.( )3. Where will the woman turn left?A. At the third turning.B. At the second turning.C. On the right of the hospital.( )4. What is the woman’s favorite drink?A. Milk.B. Coffee.C. Tea.( )5. Which of the following is right?A. The girl thinks English is boring.B. The girl thinks math is easier than English.C. The boy thinks English is the most difficult subject.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。


听下面一段对话, 回答第6 至第7 两个小题。

( )6. Who lives the farthest from the college (大学)?A. John.B. Leo.C. Lea.( )7. How long does it take Lea to get to school by bike?A. 15 minutes.B. 40 minutes.C. 50 minutes.听下面一段对话, 回答第8 至第10 三个小题。



2024新人教版初中物理八年级上册第四章《光现象》单元测试(含答案)一.选择题(每小题3分,共39分)1.下列四种现象中,可用光的直线传播原理解释的是()A.镜中花 B.水中月 C.林中影 D.缸中鱼2.如图所示的光学现象及其解释,正确的是()A.图a中,漫反射的光线杂乱无章,因此不遵循光的反射定律B.图b中,木工师傅观察木板是否光滑平整利用了光沿直线传播的性质C.图c表示的是小孔成像情况,屏幕上出现的是物体倒立的虚像D.图d表示能看到掉在地面上的书,是因为书发生了镜面反射3.如图所示,关于光的反射,下列说法正确的是()A.入射光线与反射面的夹角为30°时,反射角也为30°B.入射角增大5°时,反射光线与入射光线的夹角也增大5°C.入射光线靠近法线时,反射光线也靠近法线D.若把反射面更换为粗糙表面,该反射将不再遵守光的反射定律4.若要使图中的反射光线射中墙壁上的目标,在激光笔不动的情况下,可将平面镜()A.水平向左移动B.水平向右移动C.竖直向上移动D.竖直向下移动5.一位同学站在平面镜前并向平面镜靠近,则他的像在平面镜中()A.变大B.变小C.不变D.先变大后变小6.深圳秋冬温暖的天气吸引了无数南迁的候鸟,为深圳人带来一场场海景盛宴。


人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 4 单元测试卷(含答案)

人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 4 单元测试卷(含答案)

人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 4 单元测试卷(含答案)一、听力测试。



(5分)1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______第二节:听短对话,选择最佳答案。


(5分)( )6. What's the weather like in Harbin in winter?A. It's very warm.B. It's very hot.C. It's very cold.( )7. Does the woman think Jim was the funniest actor?A. Yes, she does.B. No, she doesn't.C. He is the tallest.( )8. What's the best clothing store in town?A. Jim's.B. John's.C. Jack’s.( )9. Who did Sam go to the movie with?A. Sam.B. Maria.C. Jim.( )10. What's the food in the restaurant like?A. It's the most popular.B. It's the cheapest.C. It's pretty good.第三节:听长对话,选择最佳答案。



( )11. When will the movie begin?A. At 6:30.B. At 7:00.C. At 7:30.( )12. Where will Jim and Anna see the movie?A. In Town Cinema.B. In Gold Cinema.C. In Sun Cinema.听第二段对话,回答第13至15 小题。

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT 4 水平测试卷含答案

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT 4 水平测试卷含答案

人教版八年级英语上册UNIT 4 水平测试卷第一卷听力部分(共20分)一、情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)本题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。




()6. A. Near the hotel. B. Near the school.C. Near the park.()7. A. The red one. B. The blue one.C. The white one.()8. A. The cheapest shoe store. B. The best clothes store.C. The nearest bookstore.()9. A. Nancy. B. Jane. C. Simon.()10. A. Adam's English can be better.B. Adam is not so good at English.C. Adam's English is the best in his class.三、语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)本题你将听到一篇短文。


()11. Where will the movie Wonderful World be on?A. At the Dream Theater.B. At the Sweet Theater.C. At the Big Screen Theater.()12. When will the movie Wonderful World be on?A. This Friday morning.B. This Friday evening.C. Next Thursday evening.()13. Why can't Dennis go to see the movie?A. Because he has to go to Shanghai.B. Because he has to go to a meeting.C. Because he has to look after his sister.()14. Why is the theater famous?A. Because it has the best service.B. Because it is the biggest theater in the city.C. Because its movies are all very funny.()15. What can we learn about James?A. He has three movie tickets.B. He needs to take piano lessons.C. He will watch the movie with Tina.四、听力填空(每小题1分,共5分)本题你将听到一篇短文。



Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?一、短语翻译1.到目前为止,迄今为止________________2.为……感谢______________________________3.不客气;没问题。

____________________4.擅长于…… ______________________________5.全世界_____________________________6.是…..的职责;由……决定___________________7.发挥作用;有影响___________________8.编造____________________________________9.认真对待…..________________________10.有相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方面)相同_________________________________________二、单项选择:( )1.—Did you get a _________ to the movie?—No. I tried, but there weren’t any left.A. resultB. messageC. ticketD. gift( )2.—My friend Mike has many ________. He can dance, play the piano and even cook.—Wow! He is really great. I can’t wait to see him.A. talentsB. rolesC. activitiesD. prizes( )3.—Look at my dress. I made it myself.—How _______ you are! You look beautiful in it.A. outgoingB. popularC. friendlyD. creative( )4.—Are there any supermarkets in the neighborhood? I want to buy some food.—Happy Supermarket is around here. It sells things at very good prices. You can buy food _______ there.A. cheaplyB. beautifullyC. quietlyD. clearly( )5.—I don’t mind which table we have —you _________.—It’s really a hard job for me. The three tables are all nice.A. reachB. chooseC. winD. share( )6.—Who is the winner of the violin competition, Linda or Lucy?—Linda, of course. She practices every day, so she is much _____ than Lucy at _____ the violin.A. better; playingB. good; playingC. better; playD. good; play( )7.—I often watch Bob _____ in the lake. He must be interested in swimming.—That’s for sure. He is in the swimming club.A. to swimB. swamC. to swimmingD. swim( )8.—David didn’t get a good grade in the test.—To be honest(说实在的), I’m not surprised at the result. He always studies _______in the class.A. the most carefulB. the most carefullyC. the least carefulD. the least carefully( )9.—How are you today, Alice?—I’m even _______. I have to go to the doctor.A. badB. worseC. wellD. better( )10.—________ is the bus stop from your school?—6 minutes by bike.A. How farB. How longC. How oftenD. How much( )11.—_______ isn’t always easy to enjoy ourselves outdoors on holidays, because there are too many people everywhere.—You’re right. That’s why many people prefer(更喜欢)to stay at home on holidays.A. ThatB. ThisC. OneD. It( )12.—Gina is similar to her mom in many ways. _______, they are both tall and thin.—Yes. What’s more, they are both outgoing and smart.A. In factB. So farC. For exampleD. At last( )13.—What do you think of the program?—It’s getting _____________.A. boring and boringB. more boring and boringC. more and more boringD. the most boring and boring( )14.—How does Mr. Green teach his students new words?—He often _______ interesting stories with the new words.A. cuts upB. makes upC. picks upD. stays up( )15.—Thanks for driving me to the train station, Dan.—____________________.A. I think so.B. It’s fantasticC. Not really.D. No problem.三、完形填空“Wake up, dear. It’s a beautiful morning,” said Mrs. Smith.“Ugh,” said Mr. Smith. “Why did you 1._______ so early? It’s Sunday and we don’t have to work!”“The 2 ._______ is very beautiful today. Why don’t we go to the countryside and 3._______ the trees and flowers there? If we leave now, it won’t be too 4._______ on the road.”Mr. Smith thought it was a good 5._______ and agreed(同意). He washed his face and got dressed. Half an hour later, they got into the car and 6._______ their trip. At about twelve o’clock, they saw a small restaurant at the roadside. “Dear, you must be 7._______ after about three hours’driving. Why don’t we 8._______ to have lunch in the restaurant?” said Mrs. Smith.After a big lunch, they got back into the car and 9._______ happily. About an hour later, Mrs. Smithstarted to be very 10._______ and said, “Dear, I think I left(落下)my bag in the restaurant.” Mr. Smith got really unhappy. “You always 11._______ things !” he said.When they got back to the restaurant, Mr. Smith was 12 ._______ unhappy. “It’s three o’clock!” he said. “We don’t have enough 13._______ to go to the countryside now!”Mrs. Smith got out of the car and started 14._______ towards(朝)the restaurant but Mr. Smith stopped her. “I almost forgot. Can you 15._______ them if they have my hat?”( )1.A. come back B. eat out C. get up D. call back( )2.A. air B. weather C. car D. road( )3.A. enjoy B. cut C. buy D. grow( )4.A. loud B. boring C. crowded D. dirty( )5.A. idea B. result C. vacation D. message( )6.A. won B. kept C. started D. followed( )7.A. busy B. lazy C. excited D. hungry( )8.A. seem B. stop C. wish D. decide( )9.A. spoke B. read C. played D. left( )10.A. worried B. tired C. talented D. surprised( )11.A. share B. break C. forget D. clean( )12.A. pretty B. still C. just D. ever( )13.A. sleep B. food C. money D. time( )14.A. facing B. looking C. shouting D. walking( )15.A. ask B. show C. tell D. know四、阅读理解Kevin liked to play tricks on (捉弄) his friends. His tricks got worse as he grew older. Over time, everyone began to know Kevin. At first, he really enjoyed it. He almost felt famous for his tricks.One day, he was at his friend Jason’s house. They were playing hide-and-seek(捉迷藏).Kevin told Jason to hide from the others in his basement(地下室).Jason opened the door and went into the basement. Kevin locked the door behind him, hid the key and then ran away.After a few minutes, Jason became very scared. It was dark in the basement. As Jason began to shout, all his other friends tried to open the door. But they couldn’t with no key.Finally, Jason’s mother heard the noise. She came to see what happened. She opened the door with another key and let her son go out. Then she asked the children to get together.“Who did this!” she asked with a serious look on her face.Kevin put his hand in the air. “Me,” he said.“You seem very happy, Kevin,” she said. “But being famous for something isn’t always a good thing. Sure, maybe all of your teachers and schoolmates know you, but it is not for the right thing.”Kevin thought for a few minutes and said, “ I think so,” And from then on he never played tricks on others.( )1. The second paragraph is mainly about ________.A. why Kevin played a trick on JasonB. what Kevin thought of his tricks on othersC. how Kevin played a trick on JasonD. where Kevin liked to play tricks on others most ( )2. How did Jason feel when he was in the basement?A. Scared.B. Surprised.C. Tired.D. Excited.( )3. How did Jason’s mother know her son was in the basement?A. Someone called her.B. She heard some noise.C. She went to the basement to get some things.D. She saw Kevin running away from the basement. ( )4. What lesson did Jason’s mother teach Kevin?A. He should be an example to Jason.B. He should bring out the best in his friends.C. He should care about his teachers and schoolmates.D. He should be famous for something good. ( )5. From then on, Kevin ________.A. never played hide-and-seekB. never talked with JasonC. stopped playing tricks on othersD. did many good things for others五、阅读填词Martin is quiet and he works in a bank. His (1)___________, Sue, is outgoing. She works in a gift store. Every evening Martin gets home at seven o’clock. He’s always very (2)t__________. The y eat dinner at seven thirty. (3)A__________ dinner, Martin wants to go to bed early. (4)_________ Sue often asks him to watch TV with her. And she often has many things to tell him. She keeps talking (5)___________ she falls asleep (入睡).One day, Martin felt terrible. Sue went to the (6)______________ with him. Before Martin said what was (7)w__________ with him, Sue told the doctor all. The doctor knew Martin’s (8)______________(问题). He went to another room and brought some (9)________________ (药). Then h e said to Sue, “These pills (药片) are for your (10)h____________ and those are for you.”“For me?” Sue asked in surprise. “I’m fine. I don’t need any medicine!”“They are sleeping pills. Your husband will be fine soon if you take them,” said the doctor.六、完成句子:1.母亲在一个家庭中起着重要的作用。




AMany people don't think that TV shows are educational(有教育意义的). It is true that lots of shows are meaningless. However, some shows are good and we can learn many things from them. Here are a few of my favorite shows.When I was a child, this was the only show I couldwatch. I watched it on Monday, Wednesday and Sundayevery week. You can learn about different countries aroundthe world from it. As the show is for children, the languagein it is easy.This show is about making bread, cakes and so on.The show wants to find Britain's best cook. You can watchthe show and learn how to bake different kinds of breadand cakes by following their steps.This show is about life in cold places. There are manyspecial animals in this show. I love this show not becauseof the cute animals, but because it teaches us about theimpact(影响)we have on these animals and what we needto do to save them.This show is great for you to think. It is a quiz(知识竞赛)show. It may be about sports, weather, movies and soon. I learned lots of things from this show.1. The writer watched Blue Peter ____ when he was a child.A. three times a weekB. twice a weekC. three times a monthD. twice a month2. ____ might be most interested in the show The Great British Bake Off.3. If Sarah likes animals, she can watch ____.A. Blue PeterB. The Great British Bake OffC. Frozen PlanetD. Pointless4. The passage is mainly written for ____.A. childrenB. TV loversC. teachersD. the policeBI live in Stroud, a small town in England. The town is beautiful with hills around it. I enjoy living here because it's very interesting.There is a nice town center. It's safe (安全的) for people to walk around as no one can drive on most of the streets. The town center has some common shops, like a butcher's (肉店), a cake shop and a clothes shop. There are some shops that I call “dangerous (有危险的) places” because it's easy to spend lots of money in them! In fact, these shops are wonderful places to find gifts. The best one is called Seren. It sells handmade things from all over the world.Maybe the best thing about the town is Saturday mornings, as there's a market then. The market is in the town center. It is always popular, and it's a great place to meet friends. People sell food, drinks and handicrafts (手工艺品) at the market. There are also people who play music. I always have breakfast with friends there.5. How does the writer like his life in Stroud?A. It is boring.B. It is busy.C. It is hard.D. It is interesting.6. What can people hardly see on most streets?A. Cars.B. Shops.C. Pets.D. Bikes.7. What kind of shop is Seren?A. A butcher's.B. A cake shop.C. A gift shop.D. A clothes shop.8. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. The town.B. The market.C. The hill.D. The music.CEvery week we find three special places around the world. This week we're looking at three restaurants.Ithaa You can watch the fish and listen to the sea in this restaurant. It's in the Maldives and it's 5m below the sea. It only sits 14 people at a time. The food is expensive — dinner starts at $325 each person, but the view (景色) is wonderful.The Treehouse Restaurant Do you like being outside? Do you like looking at the trees? This restaurant is 10m above the ground (在地面上) in a treehouse in a forest in New Zealand. You can have lunch or dinner, look at the trees and listen to the birds. Bring warm clothes because it's cold here in the evening.Dinner in the Sky The home of this restaurant is Belgium, but it can be in the UK, the USA or in your country. It travels (旅行) around the world and last month it arrived in Perth, Australia. Do you want a view of a city or of the sea? You can choose “Dinner in the Sky”. There is one large table with 22 chairs and it is 50m above the ground! Don't look down!9. How many people at most can eat at Ithaa at a time?A. 10.B. 14.C. 22.D. 50.10. Which country is the home of Dinner in the Sky?A. The UK.B. The USA.C. Belgium.D. Australia.11. What do the Treehouse Restaurant and Dinner in the Sky have in common?A. Their tables are large.B. Their food is expensive.C. They are above the ground.D. They are in the same country.12. In which part of a magazine can we find the material?A. Travel.B. Health.C. Sports.D. People.DHave you ever paid for educational podcasts (播客)or live videos? Maybe some people will say yes. The “p ay-for-knowledge” has been a popular thing recently.Why is “pay-for-knowledge” industry(产业) growing so fast? First, it's because of the spread of the Internet. With a phone, people can easily become an online teacher. Also, it is convenient to buy “pay-for-knowledge” products online. Second, people are afraid to miss information. They hope for more useful information. What's more, the need to learn new skills also pushes people to learn on such educational podcasts.Many facts have shown that the industr y of “pay-for-knowledge” is a good way to turn information into money. It is good for the development of our country and it can help sellers make lots of money. Besides, buyers can enjoy self-growth from it.However, “pay-for-knowledge” also causes a few problems. For one thing, the market is full of eye-catching words such as “How to be a good CEO?”. It sounds like that if you pay for it, you are sure to succeed.In a word, the best is the one that is right for you most. The “pay-for-knowledge” may be used as a good start for self-growth. But be careful when you make a choice, or your dream of success may not come true.13. The “pay-for-knowledge” industry grows fast NOT because ____.A. people don't want to miss informationB. traditional education doesn't work wellC. new skills are needed by many peopleD. the Internet and smartphones are widely used14. The industry of “pay-for-knowledge” can help sellers become ____.A. richB. busyC. luckyD. careful15. In the last paragraph, the writer advises us to ____.A. be careful with any choiceB. buy the things we needC. spend time on self-growthD. try to make dreams come true16. How is the text organized? (①=Paragraph 1,②=Paragraph 2…)第二节阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。

人教版八年级英语上册 第四单元测试卷(附参考答案)

人教版八年级英语上册 第四单元测试卷(附参考答案)

人教版八年级英语上册第四单元测试卷(附参考答案)1.The road is too XXX.2.The post office is close to our school.3.Can I ask you a few ns?4.XXX.5.Although they are twins。

they have nothing in common.6."XXX book."No problem."7."What do you think of the film?"Very interesting."8.XXX is better than that one。

It has XXX.9.All the students are healthy。

but Jack is the XXX.10.It is up to you to decide where to go for your holiday.完形填空:Once upon a time。

there was a small XXX were very poor and they had to work hard every day。

One day。

a rich man came to the village and saw that the villagers were very 11.He decided tohelp them by giving them some money。

The villagers were very 12 and thanked the rich man。

They used the money to buy food and clothes.A few days later。

the rich man came back to the village and saw that the villagers were still very poor。

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八年级第四单元检测卷I 单项选择1. Your mobile phone was out of _________ all the time, so we couldn`t get in touch with you.A. seatB. reasonC. serviceD. place2. My grandma`s hearing is ______ , so I have to speak to her loudly.A. poorB. goodC. loudD. low3. I ________ a seat near the door so that I could get off the bus easily.A. touchedB. choseC. brokeD. reached4. Do your homework ________, or you will make many mistakes.A. cheaplyB. clearlyC. carefullyD. comfortably5. Now robots are playing a more and more important role _____ our work and life.A. toB. withC. forD. in6. I`m happy to hear that you got the first ______ in the competition. Congratulations!A. prizeB. gradeC. winnerD. friend7. ----How was your vacation in America?----It couldn`t be _________! I don`t even want to talk about it.A. betterB. worseC. moreD. less8. ----Home is __________ place wherever you go.----Yes. There`s no place like home.A. warmB. warmerC. warmestD. the warmest9. ----I can`t afford the white dress.----What about the orange one? The price is a little ________.A. cheaperB. higher C lower D. more expensive10. Of all the runners in the 100-meter race, John ran _________ and was the first one to cross the finishing line.A. quickB. quickestC. quicklyD. most quickly11. ----China has over 5,000 years of history. It`s one of ___________ countries in the world.----Yes. It has much ___________history than the USA.A. old; longB. older; longerC. the oldest; the longestD. the oldest; longer12. Food safety has become ___________ in our daily life.A. more important and more importantB. less important and less importantC. important and importantD. more and more important13. In the writing class, our teacher asked us to _________ a story with the five new words.A. wake upB. put upC. make upD. cut up14. ----Would you like to see the movie today or tomorrow?----____________. It`s all the same to me.A. I`d love toB. That`s a dealC. It`s up to youD. You arewelcome15. ----As long as you are hard-working, you will get better grades.----_________. No pain, no gain.A. I don`t think soB. I agree with youC. I don`t mind itD. I can`t stand itII 完形填空Do you have a beautiful dream? I know almost everyone 16 his own dream. The dream is very important 17 him. The dream can make him 18 harder.I am studying in a school now. My dream is 19 a teacher in west China. Many children there want to go to school 20 they can`t. Their families are very poor and the parents have 21 money to send their children to school. But going to school and studying is the only 22 to change their life. T eachers are greatly needed there, so I want to be a teacher to help them. I 23 kind to my students and make friends with them. I will give them love and teach 24 how to be useful people. I think it is a great 25 in the world.16. A. has B. have C. is D. are17. A. at B. as C. in D. to18. A. to work B. to study C. work D. live19. A. be B. to make C. to be D. make20. A. and B. but C. or D. though21. A. few B. much C. many D. little22. A. way B. mean C. seat D. success23. A. am B. was C. will be D. am going to24. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs25. A. work B. book C. school D. job III 阅读理解A26. How much does the ticket to ZSL London Zoo cost?A. £ 8.00B. £ 17.50C. £17.00D. £ 7.5027. Where is the Science of Survival exhibition held?A. At the National Gallery.B. At the Science MuseumC. At ZSL London Zoo.D. At IMAX 3D Cinema.28. How long is the National Gallery open on Wednesday?A. For 4 hoursB. For 8 hoursC. For 7 hoursD. For 11 hours29. If Sam want to visit the Science Museum first for 2 hours and then visit ZSL London Zoo for 4 hours, when should he get to the museum?A. At 10:00 a.m.B. At 12:00 a.m.C. At 1:00 p.m.D. At 2:00 p.m.30. In which section of the newspaper can you see the passage?A. CookingB. ParentingC. TravelingD. NewsBCan you sing or dance? Do you ride a unicycle(独轮车)?Do magic tricks? Drink a glass of milk in ten seconds? Recite poems from memory? Well, you`ve got talent, my friend! And what better time to show it than at the school talent show!Middle school talent shows in the US happen every year. Whatever you`re good at, you have five minutes to show the world. It`s early in the school year and kids can become little celebrities(明星)。

The shy boy who spends his evenings practicingSpanish guitar will surprise his classmates with beautiful music. The sporty girl on the soccer team will wow(使惊叹) the crowd with her sweet singing voice. Everyone has chance to shine.Almost anyone can do almost anything in a talent show. As long as you act isn`t rude or illegal(不合法的), it`s a “go”.On the day of the show, all the students sit in the school gymnasium, ready to cheer for the skills(技能) of their classmates.Many of today`s stars started their careers (职业) in school talentshows----Madonna, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake all showed their skills early in life. Though you`re not Justin Bieber, you can become a star in your own right at your middle school talent show.31. Which of the following is TRUE about the school talent show in the US?A. It happens at the beginning of every term.B. A student has five minutes on stage.C. Shy boys and quiet girls don`t like it.D. There are many competition.32. What does the underline word “it”in the first paragraph refer to?A. talentB. magicC. memoryD. skill33. You can`t take party in the talent show if___________.A. you are a new studentB. you can`t play the guitar very wellC. your act is against the lawD. you don`t have a funny act34. From the last paragraph, we know that ____________.A. many of today`s stars also took part in school talent show.B. not everyone can take part in the talent showC. you can`t be as famous as Justin BieberD. the talent show is the first step for all stars35. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. American students` talentB. Students` surprising changesC. Star`s early careersD. American middle school talent shows.CBeing a young man is one thing and being a good one is another. A good young man should have these qualities(品质). First of all, one must has a healthy body. A healthy body is the most important. Without it, nothing can be done well. If you are not very well in health, you will have to take medicine day after day. What`s worse, you can`t work, do sports and so on with a bad body. Second, one must be of good quality. Always do something good for others. Help those in trouble and care about the people around you. If everyone does something good each day, what a wonderful world this will be! Third, one must have the ability to work with others. Cooperation and communication (合作与交流) are two important keys to better human relations. Everyone needs friends because no one can live alone or doeverything by himself.Patriotism is also very important. Patriotism means love for one`s country. It`s one of the highest qualities of humans`. Everyone should love his own country. But people sometimes think that patriots must be fighters for their country in hard times. That is wrong. A good young man`s work is not only fighting, he will also need to do the things his country asks him to do.I think a good young man today should also know something about art. If everyone can enjoy art and be able to make more of it for others, then people will live better and enjoy more.36. The most important thing for a good young man is to have _________.A. a healthy bodyB. a lot of friendsC. a good ability37. A young man who has good qualities should _________.A. think much of himselfB. help others that need helpC. help the people they know38. The writer tells that working with others is __________.A. meaninglessB. boringC. important39. The underline word “Patriotism”means “_____”in Chinese.A. 网红B.爱国C. 粉丝40. If you want to be a good young man today, ___________A. you should also know something about artB. you should live aloneC. you should break the rulesIV. 根据汉语提示完成句子41. 如果你认真看待你的任务,你会做很好。
