基于java web的机票网上订购系统 定写论文

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基于java web的机票订购管理系统设计与实现





关键词: 机票订购系统、JavaWeb系统、管理系统、jsp、ajax、easyui

Ticket ordering system


Along with the advance of social development, civil aviation growing, people raise the level of consumption, consumers more and more, in civil aviation tourism has gradually become a part of ordinary life, air ticket reservation query system in the role of the ticket booking outlets are more important. At present, our country some travel agencies and hotels is ticket reservation in artificial processing stage, which has seriously restricted the work efficiency, in today's high-speed development of computer technology, it is necessary to introduce effective computer system, to assist processing flight reservation. Therefore, to develop a set of complete with storage, query, check and print the ticket function real-time ticket reservation system is imperative.

Ticket reservation system is for the airport staff and customers booking ticket and ticket related contents and management system, such as it has open architecture, easy expansion, easy maintenance, has a good man-machine interface. The advantages of it in addition to overcome the passenger information less storage, such problems as low query efficiency, more important is the safety, reliability, realize the automation of airline ticket sales. It for enterprise decision-making to provide accurate, precise, rapid ticket sales information, provides the convenience for passengers, facilitate the ticket information management of the airport staff, improve the efficiency of the airport staff to ticket management.

Ticket ordering system to design the database, MySQl, and use the best development tools Myeclipse, as well as the mainstream - SSH J2EE architecture to implement the system.

Keywords: Ticket ordering system, JavaWeb system, management system



第1章绪论......................................................................................................................................... - 1 -

1.1机票订购系统的开发背景 (1)

1.2设计目的与意义 (2)

第2章系统的需求分析和技术设计................................................................................................... - 2 -

2.1可行性分析 (2)

2.1.1 操作可行性........................................................................................................................... - 2 -

2.1.2 经济可行性........................................................................................................................... - 3 -

2.1.3 技术可行性........................................................................................................................... - 3 -2.2方案的设计与比较 (3)

2.2.1 C/S设计结构和B/S设计结构比较...................................................................................... - 3 -

2.2.2 系统模式的设计................................................................................................................... - 3 -

2.2.3系统设计的技术选择............................................................................................................ - 3 -

2.2.4系统的运行环境.................................................................................................................... - 4 -2.3系统基本功能需求 .. (4)

2.3.1 系统结构............................................................................................................................... - 4 -

2.3.2 系统业务流程图................................................................................................................... - 4 -2.4数据库需求分析 (7)

2.5系统目标 (7)

第3章系统总体设计 (8)

3.1总体设计 (8)

3.1.1 处理流程 (8)

3.1.2系统的数据流图 (8)

3.2系统结构图 (10)

3.3数据库设计 (11)

3.4逻辑结构设计 (13)

3.5数据库表的设计 (13)

第4章系统详细设计与实现 (15)

4.1前台系统设计实现 (15)

4.1.1 首页界面实现 (15)

4.1.2 用户注册功能实现 (17)

4.1.3用户登录功能实现 (18)

4.1.4航班信息查询 (19)

4.1.5 机票订购功能实现 (21)

4.1.6 个人信息管理功能实现 (22)

4.1.7 订单管理功能实现 (23)

4.2 后台系统设计实现 (26)

4.2.1管理员登录功能 (26)
