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2.0适用范围Scope of Work

3.0参考规范Relevant Criterion


5.0 焊接控制程序Welding Control Procedure

6.0修订说明Revision Note

1.0 目的Purpose


The purpose of this document is to conform with《Specification for construction and acceptance of hyper toxic and combustible medium piping engineering in petrochemical industry》(SH3501—2001)、《Construction and Acceptance Code for Field Equipments and Industrial Piping Welding Project》(GB50236—98)etc. Welding Control Procedure of the 6th construction company of CNPC pressure piping installation quality system and technical requirements in contract, in order to control welding in wet weather (relative humidity≥90%) and to ensure welding quality.

2.0 适用范围Scope of Work

本文件仅适用于惠州聚乙烯/聚丙烯项目部在潮湿天气的焊接控制。This document is only applicable for welding control of Hui Zhou HDPE-PP project in wet weather.

3.0 参考规范

·PR-8710-0000-0038 Welding Control《焊接控制》

·DEP31.38.01.31 CSPC Shop & Field Fabrication of Piping


·DEP30.10.60.18 Welding of Metals《金属焊接》

·ASME/ANSI B 31.3 Refinery Piping Code 《炼油厂管道规范》

·AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code. 《钢结构焊接规范》

·API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage. 《钢制焊接油罐》

·ASME IX Welding And Brazing Qualifications 《焊接和钎接的评定》

·《石油化工剧毒、可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范》(SH3501—2001)Specification for construction and acceptance of hyper toxic and combustible medium piping engineering in petrochemical industry


Construction and Acceptance Code for Field Equipment and Industrial Piping Welding Project. (GB50236—98)

4.0 职责Responsibility

4.1 焊接工程师Welding Engineer

按相应技术标准、规范要求编制焊接控制程序,指导焊接作业,并监督实施。Prepare welding control procedure according to relevant technical codes and requirements, and then instruct welding by supervising the process.

4.2 项目经理Project Manager

协调和解决焊接施工过程需使用的材料、设备、机具及出现的各类问题。Deal with various problems like materials, equipments and tools used during welding process.

5.0 焊接控制程序Welding Control Procedure

5.1 焊材控制Control of Welding Material

5.1.1 焊材的贮存、保管Storage of Welding Material 焊材库内应配备抽湿设备、温度计、湿度计,保持库内温度在5℃以上、相对湿度不大于60%,并做好焊材库的监测记录。Keep de-humidity equipment, thermometer,hygrometer in welding material warehouse. The temperature in it shall be

above 5℃, while relative humidity no more than 60%. Keep supervision record of welding material warehouse. 焊材应存放在架子上,架子离地面的高度和墙壁的距离均不少于300mm,以防焊材受潮。Put welding materials on the rack. Both the height of the rack from the floor and the distance between rack and wall are no less than 300mm, as to keep the welding materials from being damped.

5.1.2 焊材的烘焙Baking of Welding Materials 设专人负责焊材的保管、烘焙、发放和回收,并有详细记录. There shall be persons specially assigned for storage, baking, release, callback and detailed records. 焊条使用前,应按设计文件要求或下列要求进行烘焙。Welding materials shall be baked according to design documents or the following requirements prior to use.

a) 低氢型焊条烘焙温度为350~400℃,恒温时间为1小时。Baking temperature of low-hydrogen type welding rods is 350~400℃。 And keep constant temperature for about 1 hour.

b) 酸性焊条和不锈钢焊条烘焙温度为100~150℃,恒温时间为1小时。Baking temperature of welding rob acidic coating and stainless steel welding rods is 100~150℃, and keep constant temperature for about 1 hour.

c) 焊条烘干后,应转入恒温箱中保存。碱性焊条应保存在100~150℃的恒温箱内,酸性焊条应保存在80~100℃的恒温箱内。Keep welding rods in constant temperature box after baking. Welding rod with alkaline coating shall be kept in constant temperature box with the temperature about 100~150℃,while welding rob with acidic coating shall be kept with the temperature about80~100℃.
