unit5what were you doing section A

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heavily \ ′hevɪli\ adv很大程度上,大量地
pick up=pick up the phone接电话
strange\ streɪndʒ\ adj奇怪的,奇特的
New words
• • • • • • • rainstorm 暴风雨 alarm 闹钟 go off 发出响声 begin 开始(began) heavily 很大程度上,大量地 pick up=pick up the phone接电话 strange 奇怪的
is writing • 1. Look! Tina __________(write) to her pen pal. • 2. “What are you doing now?” “I am cleaning _________(clean) the window.” see • 3. Let’s go and ________(see) a comedy. go • 4. Does the girl want to _______(go) to the movies? does • 5. He often _________(do) his homework at is doing school, but now he _______(do) it at home.
I am having an English class.
• .

What’s he doing now?
He is playing football.
What was he doing at three o’clock yesterday afternoon?
He was playing football.
What is the baby doing now?
He is watching TV.
He was palying computer games
What are you doing now?
What were you doing at this time yesterday?
We are having a class.
He is playing computer games.
They are drawing.
They are singing.
What’s the weather? It’s rainstorm
Learning goals
2.掌握过去进行时态的用法,并运用“was\were doing” 来讨论过去某时正在做的事情。
3.学习谈论过去的事件和讲故事 。
Fill in the blanks with “be”. am 16 years old this year. 1. I _____ 2. I _____ was 15 years old last year. 3. How _____ is the weather today? 4. How _____ was the weather yesterday? 5. They _____ are good friends. 6. They _____ were good friends three years ago.
I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop.
• • • • • • • •
doing 2. make ________ making 3.learn ________ learning 1. do _______ running5.watch________6.play playing watching 4. run______ ________ singing 8. rain _________ raining 7.sing________ 9.see_________ seeing putting reading snowing 10.snow______11.put________12.read_________ looking listening dancing 13.look_______14.listen______15.dance_______ eating having 16.eat______17.have______18.help_______ helping closing coming 19.close_____20.sit_______21.come______ sitting lying 22.sit ______23.lie _______24.get __________ sitting getting
He was _____________________. doing his homework
Fra Baidu bibliotek
What was your mother doing at the time of the rainstorm?
she was ___________________. cooking
practice When I … He was doing…
Can you talk about past events by using “was/were + doing”? What was your sister doing when the rainstorm came?
She was reading books.
What was your brother doing at the time of the rainstorm?
at ten last night ? They were dancing.
What is the baby doing now? What was the baby doing at that time?
He is sleeping. He was sleeping.
What was he doing at 9:00 last night?
When I called him up, it was sleeping.
While I …
He was doing…
While I was sleeping, he was eating.
When it …
He was doing…
When he walked on the street he was eating.
She’s running.
He is fishing.
They are talking.
He is thinking.
He’s watching TV.
She’s cooking.
( )1.We are _______ books. A. read B. reading C. looking D. looking at ( )2.He ________ TV. A. is looking B. watching C. is watching D. is watching at ( )3.”Are you playing basketball ?” “Yes, we _____.” A. don’t B. aren’t C. not. D. are ( )4.”What is he doing?” “He ___________ music.” A. listening B. is listening C. listens to D. is listening to ( )5.Listen! She _____ songs in English. A. sings B. sing C. is singing D. is sing
• ( )11.Jim and Tom _____ doing their homework in the classroom. • A. am B. is C. are D. be • ( )12.Mother isn’t ______a book, but she’s ______TV. • A. seeing; seeing B. looking at; watching C. watching; looking • D. reading; watching • ( )13.”What’s your sister doing?” “_________” • A. She sings B. She often watches TV • C. She’s singing D. I’m singing.
• • • • • • • • • • •
( )6.”What’s she ______?” “she is dancing.” A. dance B. dancing C. do D. doing ( )7.What ______ you ______ at? A. are; seeing B. are; watching C. are; listening D. are; looking ( )8.”What’s the man doing?” “He is _____ his coat.” A. putting on B. putting C. wearing D. dressing ( )9.The people over there _____ dancing. A. are B. is C. do D. does ( )10.”Is John playing computer games?” “_________” A. Yes, he is B. No, he is C. Yes, he does D. No, he doesn’t.
What’s she doing now? She is running.
What was she doing at seven o’clock yesterday morning?
She was running.
What are they doing now? They are dancing. What were they doing
We were having a class at this time yesterday.
Ask and answer in pairs
Where were you at 6:00 yesterday evening? What were you doing ?
• 1 in a river • 2 in a park basketball • 3 in a shop shopping • 4 at home • 5 at home homework swimming playing doing some cooking doing my
Yesterday, there was a rainstorm. What were they doing when the rainstorm came? Here are some reports. What were you doing when the rainstorm came?
I was studying in the library.
Words study
Pick up
Words study
rainstorm \ ′reɪnstɔ:m \n.暴风雨
alarm\ ə ′ lɑ:rm\n.闹钟 go off (闹钟)发出响声
begin\ bɪ ′ gɪn\ v.开始 (began\bɪ ′gæn \)
含义: 表示
含义: 表示过去某个时刻 正在进行的动作。 结构:
is/am/are + doing
例句: 例句:
was/were + doing I was having an English class at this time yesterday.
Where were you when the rainstorm came?
I was on the street.
What were you doing when the rainstorm came?
I was talking with my mother in my house.
What were you doing when the rainstorm came?