外研版必修2 Module3 Music教学设计

Book Two Module 3 Music Reading课堂教学设计阜新市育才中学张洪亮BookTwoModule 3 Music Reading课堂教学设计一、教材内容分析这就是新教材高一第二册第三模块得阅读课型,本模块得主题就是音乐,音乐就是学生非常感兴趣得一个话题,教师应该在帮助学生应用学到得语言知识,开展听、说、读、写等语言时间活动得同时丰富学生得音乐知识提高学生得艺术修养、我所设计得这部分内容,就是其中得阅读部分。
根据新课程标准以及高一学生得知识语言能力水平制定以下教学目标:二、教学目标1、知识目标:1)、重点词汇与短语Austria, Vienna, Germany,symphony,pose, composer,pletely deaf, fromanearly age、2)、学生了解课文内容并学习如何写作人物生平、2、能力目标:1)、培养学生听、说、读、写得能力。
四、教学过程设计ﻩStep1Pre—class preparationPlaya pieceof music named Qinghuaci by Jay Chou(Zhou Jielun)before cla ss、[教师活动]播放音乐[学生活动]欣赏音乐[设计说明](1)在课前放松心情,(2)为导课做准备。
Step 2Lead in1、Give the followingquestionsaccordingto themusicplayed before class:Do you know who is the singer of the song?How muchdo you know about him?[设计说明]利用课前音乐,引出周杰伦也就是一名作曲家,由此引出poser这个本课得重点单词,也由此引出本课得中心话题---—介绍18世纪得三位著名作曲家。

Book Two Module 3 Music Reading讲堂教课方案阜新市育才中学张宏亮Book Two Module 3 Music Reading讲堂教课方案一、教材内容剖析这是新教材高一第二册第三模块的阅读课型,本模块的主题是音乐,音乐是学生特别感兴趣的一个话题,教师应当在帮助学生应用学到的语言知识,展开听、说、读、写等语言时间活动的同时丰富学生的音乐知识提升学生的艺术涵养。
本文环绕音乐这一主题向学生介绍了海顿 .莫扎特和贝多芬等三位欧洲十八世纪的伟大的音乐家的主要成就和平生细节。
依据新课程标准以及高一学生的知识语言能力水平拟订以下教课目的:二、教课目的1、知识目标:1)、要点词汇与短语Austria, Vienna, Germany, symphony, compose, composer,completely deaf, from an early age。
四、教课过程设计Step 1 Pre-class preparationPlay a piece of music named Qinghuaci by Jay Chou(Zhou Jielun) before class.[教师活动 ]播放音乐[学生活动 ]赏识音乐[设计说明 ](1)在课前放松心情,( 2)为导课做准备。
Step 2 Lead in1.Give the following questions according to the music played before class:Do you know who is the singer of the songHow much do you know about him[设计说明 ]利用课前音乐,引出周杰伦也是一名作曲家,由此引出 composer 这个本课的重点单词,也由此引出本课的中心话题----介绍 18 世纪的三位有名作曲家。
高中英语 Module3 music 教案外研版必修2

高中英语Module3 music 教案外研版必修2Module 3 musicAims and requirements ●To enable the students to listen and talk about likes and dislikes (especially about music and musicians),encouraging them to try the vocabulary and everyday English in this unit ●To develop the students’ reading ability ●To help the students learn and use two grammars (adverbial clause of time and the past perfect tense) in different situations ●To help the students to write a biography of a person, using the time expressions in Grammar 1 Teaching proceduresPeriod 1 Introduction ,Warming upTeaching aims: Enabling the students to 1. know some words about music 2. know something about three great composersstep1. Warming up by listening pieces of music and asking questions Play several pieces of music (music from Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven will be best) to let the students listen and appreciate, then ask them: 1) Do you like music? 2) What about these pieces? 3) What is your favorite kind of music? 4) Who is your favorite musician? And who is your favorite composer?step2. Warming up by showing some pictures and discussing1) Do you know who they are?2) What kind of things are these pictures connected with, science, culture, politics, painting, drawing or music? Step3. Warming up by listening to a piece of music Good morning, class. Today we are going to read a passage about three great musicians who are all composers. A composer is a musician who writes pieces of beautiful music for others to sing or to play. Now,let’s listen to a pi ece of music.(the teacher plays a piece of music ----er quan yingyue) 1. do you know what kind of music it is? 2. whose work is it? 3. what kind of music is it?4. what is your feeling after listening to it? Step 4 show the following pictures And make the students familiar with these new words: Piano violin saxphone drum erhu guitarnow please match these musical instruments with their names. Step 5 work in groups to discuss these questions: 1. which of the instruments do you like listening to? 2. which famous musicians play them? 3. is the chinese instruments different from the other instruments?describe the difference,if there is one. Step6 summary and homework: Today we’ve learnt the Introduction,know something about music,and we’ve also learnt some new words. The homework: 1.Try to instruct your favorite musician to your class orally. 2.Learn the new words again, using the dictionary if necessaryPeriods 2 Reading and VocabularyTeaching Aims: Train the students' reading ability. Learn some useful words and expressions. Teaching Important Points. Help the students to understand the passage better. Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period. Teaching Difficult Points: How to help the students improve their reading and understand the passage better. Teaching Methods: Fast reading to get the general idea of the text. Careful reading to understand the passage better. Discussion to help the students understand what they've learned better.Teaching procedure. Step 1 Lead --inThe teacher may play a kind of music written by Beethoven. ------- What kind of music do you think it? ----- Who do you know wrote it ? The teacher may discuss the questions and answer them freely. T: As we know, there are various kinds of music around the world. They all have their own obvious characteristic. And also there were famous composers such as Joseph Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Today we may learn of their life from the text. Step 2 Reading comprehension.Fast reading: Read the passage quickly and choose the best title. A. Three Great Austrian Composers. B. Three Great Composer of the eighteenth Century. C. Three Great Child Composers. Key: B. Now let's read the passage again, underline new words in the text and decide whether the following statements are right or not. 1. The three composers were all born in Austria. 2. Mozart had a beautiful singing voice. 3. Mozart died before his fortieth birthday. 4. Beethoven once worked at the court of a prince, who began to go deaf when he grew older. 5. Beethoven had ever met Haydn, but he didn't think he taught him a lot. 6. Both Haydn and Mozart had fathers who were musicians. Key: 1. F Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany.2. F. Haydn had a good singing voice.3. T4. F. Haydn once worked at the court of a prince, but he didn't go deaf.5. T6. F. Haydn was the son of a peasant ( The teacher may begin with the T/F questions orally and this is a good time to test their listening abilities as well as their comprehension of the text. ) Step 3 Read and listen to the passage. Meanwhile, some more questions are waiting for you. 1. Howdid Haydn change the form of symphonies? 2. How long did he work in eastern Austria? 3. How many pieces of music did Mozart compose? 4. How old was he when he played for the Empress ofAustria? 5. How long were Mozart and Haydn friends? 6. Who taught Beethoven how to play the piano? 7. Did he stop composing when he became deaf? Keys: 1 He changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra. 2. 30 years. 3. More than 600 pieces of music. 4. When he was 6 , he played the harpsichord in a concert for the Empress of Austria.Periods 3, Function and GrammarTeaching aims:1 To learn grammar rules 2 To use the grammar rules for correct communication 3 To study co-operately Teaching important points: To use the correct tense and the proper conj. Teaching difficult points: To use correctly the two tenses and the three conj. Teaching methods: Explanation and practice Teaching procedure: Step ⅠLead-in by telling the class what happened to the Shenzhou ⅫAs science and technology is developing rapidly, China has achieved a lot in the area of.Shenzhou Ⅻlaunched when/while scientists,engineers and the whole nation were waiting and watching.When I came back home from school and heard the news,I couldn’t help getting exciteed. I feel proud of our country. Step ⅡGrammar 11 Make sentences with “when , while, come in , have a lesson” ( Here is a picture of a classroom and a student coming in)A When he came in, we were having a lesson.B When we were having a lesson, he came in.C While we were having a lesson, he came in. 2 Say the meaning of “as” in the following sentences.D As he was a child, he studied drawing.E As he grew older, he began to go deaf.F He listened to music as he walked. 当?之时随着一边?一边? 3 Answer the three questions. When we talk about a single event in the past,we use when as in A . When we talk about a period of time in the past,we use when/ while / as as in B C D. We use as to refer to a progressive change as in E F . 4P ractice Complete the following sentences with “when ,while , as” (1) ___she was studying at school, she also sang in the school choir. (2) ___he was living in Vienna, he studied music. (3)___she met bach,she was only 20 years old. (4) ___he grew older, he found it more difficult to compose music (5) ___he was playing in the orchestra, he met his wife. (6) ___he was working in Hollywood, he became ill and died. (7) ___I listened to the violin solo, I fell in love with classical music. (8) ___they toured Europe for 10 years, they finnally decided to live in Austrilia. Step ⅢGrammar 2 The past perfect tense 1 Read the following sentences and summarise rules, paying attention to tenses. Fill in the blanks. After Liping had finished doing his homework, he turned on the TV. After they had got everything ready, they began to do the experiment. Before he came to our school, he had taught English for several years. Before his letter reached me, I had receivedhis telephone call. They had finished the project by last month. I had left the country by the time the letter reached me. had done before did did after had done had done by did/past time2 Practice Workbook Grammar (2)(3)(4) Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets and the past simple or past perfect tense.Step Ⅳ1 Game Oral practice ,pair work. Ask and answer questions using all kinds of tenses. Example:-- When did you have your breakfast this morning? -- At 6. -- Have you prepared for the English lesson? -- Yes, I have. I have finished the exercises in the workbook. 2 Watch a vedio play.Step ⅤSum up Ask some students to make sentences using “when, while, as, before, after, by”.Step ⅥHomework: Present a biography of a famous Chinese musician or composer. Periods 4 Speaking and Writing Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge and Skill a. To develop speaking ability by talking about likes and dislikes. b. To learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related to music and composers. c. To develop writing ability by presenting a biography of a famous Chinese musician or composer. d. Train the ability of collecting and dealing with information, and develop their abilities of getting new information, communication and cooperation. 2.Emotion and Values a. To raise students’ interests in science and form the right attitude towards all kinds of music. b. To help them know Chinese traditional music well and cultivate their interest in playing some Chinese instrument. 3. Character-building: a. To make them know how to enjoy different kinds of music.b. Arouse their interest of playing some kinds of instrument and enrich their leisure time. 4. Cross-cultural awareness a. To help them know the difference between China and some western countries in instruments. b. Cultivate their awareness of cultural communication through the special language—music. Difficulties and Importance: a. To make the students understand and grasp the vocabulary and knowledge related to music. b. To enable the students to know how to use adverbial clause of time. Teaching Method: a. Task-based methodology b. Communicative Approach Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Pre-reading Look at the picture and answer the following questions. 1. Who is he? 2. Have you ever know something about him? Step 2 While-reading a. Skimming Read the passage quickly, and make a note of some basic information about Ye xiaogang.Name Sex Nationality Job Main achievement Style of musicSuggested answers:.Step 3. Post-readingDiscussion. 1. Are there any similarities between Ye Xiaogang and the European composers you have read about in this module? 2. Do you think it is a good idea to mix Chinese and western music? Step 4 Everyday English a. Listen to two people talking about the way they listen to music and answer the questions. 1. How do they listen to it? 2. Are they happy with the way they listen to music? 3. What does Anna offer to do for Tom? b. work in pairs. Discuss your favourite music and how you listen to it. Step 4 Guided writing Write a short passage of a famous singer in China—Han Hong. The following words may help you: 1. sing well 2.born 3. young in1971 successful song writer in Tibet(西藏)watch her mother sing and dance professional(专业的) training in Beijing.4. at the age of nine5. in 1985her first national prize in 1993 number one in China6. write songs7. song Hometown Homework:1. Finish writing the biography of Han Hong—a famous Chinese singer.2. Finish other exercises in this module.Periods 5 culture cornerTeaching aims: Enabling the students to 1. to know sth about Ye Xiaogang 2. write a biography of a famous Chinese musician or composer. Teaching steps: I. Ask some students to say something about Mozart. Give as many details as possible. II. Try to think of a Chinese musician or composer, eg. Xu Peidong. Gather these materials. 1. when, where and in what kind of family he/ she was born. 2. how he/ she spent his/ her childhood or youth. 3. about his/ her education 4. what are his/ her famous works 5. what his/ her style is / was Group work. Ask the students to discuss about the musician or composer. Then ask some students to stand up to say sth. about the musician or composer. Correct the mistakes if any. III. Cultural Corner.Ye Xiaogang 1. Listen to the passage and try to find the answer to this question: When did his album Horizon appear? (in 1986) 2. Read the passage thoroughly and make a note of the information about Ye Xiaogang. Name:_________________ Sex: __________________ Nationality:_____________ Job:___________________ Main achievements:____________________________________________ Style of music:____________________________ What he did or happened to him in the following years: 1955: ___________________________________________ From 1978 to 1983:___________________________________________1985: ___________________________________________ 1986:___________________________________________ 1996:___________________________________________3. Check the answers with the whole class. Then ask one or two students to say sth about Ye Xiaogang with the help of the notes made.4. Language points: 1) work as 2) leading modern composers 主要作曲家leading article 社论the leading cause 主要原因a leading role 主角3) mix A with B = mix A and B together mix win with water Never mix with such people. mix up 弄混,弄错It’s common to mix him up with his brother. 弄乱mix up the papers mix up those data 4) receive many prizes 5) part of IV. Homework: Write a short passage about the Chinese musician or composer we talked about this period.。
高中英语 Module 3 music教案 外研版必修2 教案

Module 3 musicAims and requirements●To enable the students to listen and talk about likes and dislikes (especially about music and musicians),encouraging them to try the vocabulary and everyday English in this unit●To develop the students’ reading ability●To help the students learn and use two grammars (adverbial clause of time and the past perfect tense) in different situations●To help the students to write a biography of a person, using the time expressions in Grammar 1Teaching proceduresPeriod 1 Introduction ,Warming up Teaching aims:Enabling the students to1. know some words about music2. know something about three great posersstep1. Warming up by listening pieces of music and asking questions Play several pieces of music (music from Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven will be best) to let the students listen and appreciate, then ask them:1) Do you like music?2) What about these pieces?3) What is your favorite kind of music?4) Who is your favorite musician? And who is your favorite poser?step2. Warming up by showing some pictures and discussing1) Do you know who they are?2) What kind of things are these pictures connected with, science, culture, politics, painting, drawing or music?step3. Warming up by listening to a piece of musicGood morning, class. Today we are going to read a passage about three great musicians who are all posers. A poser is a musician who writes pieces of beautiful music for others to sing or to play. Now,let’s listen to a piece of music.(the teacher plays a piece of music ----er quan yingyue)1.do you know what kind of music it is?2.whose work is it?3.what kind of music is it?4.what is your feeling after listening to it?Step 4 show the following picturesAnd make the students familiar with these new words:Piano violin saxphone drum erhu guitarste p4.now please match these musical instruments with their names.Step 5 work in groups to discuss these questions:1.which of the instruments do you like listening to?2.which famous musicians play them?3.is the chinese instruments different from the otherinstruments?describe the difference,if there is one.Step6 summary and homework:Today we’ve learnt the Introduction,know something about music,and we’ve also learnt some new words.The homework:1.Try to instruct your favorite musician to your class orally.2.Learn the new words again, using the dictionary if necessaryPeriods 2 Reading and Vocabulary Teaching Aims:Train the students' reading ability.Learn some useful words and expressions.Teaching Important Points.Help the students to understand the passage better.Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period. Teaching Difficult Points:How to help the students improve their reading and understand the passage better.Teaching Methods:Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.Careful reading to understand the passage better.Discussion to help the students understand what they've learned better. Teaching procedure.Step 1 Lead --inThe teacher may play a kind of music written by Beethoven.------- What kind of music do you think it?----- Who do you know wrote it ?The teacher may discuss the questions and answer them freely.T: As we know, there are various kinds of music around the world. They all have their own obvious characteristic. And also there were famous posers such as Joseph Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Today we may learn of their life from the text.Step 2 Reading prehension.Fast reading: Read the passage quickly and choose the best title.A.Three Great Austrian posers.B.Three Great poser of the eighteenth Century.C.Three Great Child posers.Key: B.Now let's read the passage again, underline new words in the text and decide whether the following statements are right or not.1.The three posers were all born in Austria.2.Mozart had a beautiful singing voice.3.Mozart died before his fortieth birthday.4.Beethoven once worked at the court of a prince, who began to go deaf when he grew older.5.Beethoven had ever met Haydn, but he didn't think he taught him a lot.6.Both Haydn and Mozart had fathers who were musicians.Key:1.F Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany.2.F. Haydn had a good singing voice.3.T4.F. Haydn once worked at the court of a prince, but he didn't go deaf.5.T6.F. Haydn was the son of a peasant( The teacher may begin with the T/F questions orally and this is a good time to test their listening abilities as well as their prehension of the text. )Step 3 Read and listen to the passage. Meanwhile, some more questions are waiting for you.1.How did Haydn change the form of symphonies?2.How long did he work in eastern Austria?3.How many pieces of music did Mozart pose?4.How old was he when he played for the Empress of Austria?5.How long were Mozart and Haydn friends?6.Who taught Beethoven how to play the piano?7.Did he stop posing when he became deaf?Keys:1 He changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra.2. 30 years.3.More than 600 pieces of music.4. When he was 6 , he played the harpsichord in a concert for the Empress of Austria.Periods 3, Function and GrammarTeaching aims:1 To learn grammar rules2 To use the grammar rules for correctmunication3 To study co-operatelyTeaching important points: To use the correct tense and theproper conj.Teaching difficult points:To use correctly the two tenses andthe three conj.Teaching methods: Explanation and practiceTeaching procedure:Step Ⅰ Lead-in by telling the class what happened to the Shenzhou Ⅻand technology is developing rapidly, China hasachieved a lot in the area of.Shenzhou Ⅻscientists,engineers and the whole nation were waiting andI couldn’t help getting exciteed. I feel proud of our country. Step Ⅱ Grammar 11 Make sentences with “when , while, e in , have a lesson” ( Here is a picture of a classroom and a student ing in)A When he came in, we were having a lesson.B When we were having a lesson, he came in.C While we were having a lesson, he came in.2 Say the meaning of “as” in the following sentences.D As he was a child, he studied drawing.E As he grew older, he began to go deaf.F He listened to music as he walked.当…之时随着一边…一边…3Answer the three questions.When we talk about a single event in the past,we use when asin A .When we talk about a period of time in the past,we use when/ while/ as as in B C D.We use as to refer to a progressive change as in E F .4Practiceplete the following sentences with “when ,while , as”(1) ___she was studying at school, she also sang in the schoolchoir.(2) ___he was living in Vienna, he studied music.(3) ___she met bach,she was only 20 years old.(4) ___he grew older, he found it more difficult to pose music(5) ___he was playing in the orchestra, he met his wife.(6) ___he was working in Hollywood, he became ill and died.(7) ___I listened to the violin solo, I fell in love withclassical music.(8) ___they toured Europe for 10 years, they finnally decidedto live in Austrilia.Step Ⅲ Grammar 2 The past perfect tense1Read the following sentences and summarise rules, paying attention to tenses. Fill in the blanks.After Liping had finished doing his homework, he turned on the TV. After they had got everything ready, they began to do the experiment. Before he came to our school, he had taught English for several years. Before his letter reached me, I had received his telephone call.They had finished the project by last month.I had left the country by the time the letter reached me.had done before diddid after had donehad done by did/past time2 PracticeWorkbook Grammar (2)(3)(4)plete the sentences using the verbs in brackets and the past simple or past perfect tense.Step Ⅳ1 Game Oral practice ,pair work.Ask and answer questions using all kinds of tenses.Example:-- When did you have your breakfast this morning?-- At 6.-- Have you prepared for the English lesson?-- Yes, I have. I have finished the exercises in the workbook.2 Watch a vedio play.Step Ⅴ Sum upAsk some students to make sentences using “when, while, as, before, after, by”.Step Ⅵ Homework: Present a biography of a famous Chinese musician orposer.Periods 4 Speaking and Writing Teaching Aims:1.Knowledge and Skilla.To develop speaking ability by talking about likes and dislikes.b.To learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related to music andposers.c.To develop writing ability by presenting a biography of a famousChinese musician or poser.d.Train the ability of collecting and dealing with information, anddevelop their abilities of getting new information, munication and cooperation.2.Emotion and Valuesa.To raise students’ interests in science and form the right attitudetowards all kinds of music.b.To help them know Chinese traditional music well and cultivate theirinterest in playing some Chinese instrument.3. Character-building:a.To make them know how to enjoy different kinds of music.b.Arouse their interest of playing some kinds of instrument and enrichtheir leisure time.4. Cross-cultural awarenessa.To help them know the difference between China and some westerncountries in instruments.b.Cultivate their awareness of cultural munication through the speciallanguage—music.Difficulties and Importance:a.To make the students understand and grasp the vocabulary andknowledge related to music.b.To enable the students to know how to use adverbial clause of time. Teaching Method:a.Task-based methodologyb.municative ApproachTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Pre-readingLook at the picture and answer the following questions.1.Who is he?2.Have you ever know something about him?Step 2 While-readinga. SkimmingRead the passage quickly, and make a note of some basic information about Ye xiaogang.Suggested answers:b. Detailed readingRead the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with proper words. Find what Ye Xiaogang did or what happened to him in the following years:Suggested answers:Step 3. Post-readingDiscussion.1.Are there any similarities between Ye Xiaogang and the European posersyou have read about in this module?2.Do you think it is a good idea to mix Chinese and western music? Step 4 Everyday Englisha. Listen to two people talking about the way they listen to music and answer the questions.1.How do they listen to it?2.Are they happy with the way they listen to music?3.What does Anna offer to do for Tom?b. work in pairs. Discuss your favourite music and how you listen to it. Step 4 Guided writingWrite a short passage of a famous singer in China—Han Hong.The following words may help you:1. sing well successful song writer2.born in1971 in Tibet(某某)3. young watch her mother sing and dance4. at the age of nine professional(专业的) training in Beijing.5. in 1985 her first national prize6. write songs in 19937. song Hometown number one in ChinaHomework:1.Finish writing the biography of Han Hong—a famous Chinese singer.2.Finish other exercises in this module.Periods 5 culture cornerTeaching aims:Enabling the students to1. to know sth about Ye Xiaogang2. write a biography of a famous Chinese musician or poser.Teaching steps:I. Ask some students to say something about Mozart.Give as many details as possible.II. Try to think of a Chinese musician or poser, eg. Xu Peidong.Gather these materials.1. when, where and in what kind of family he/ she was born.2. how he/ she spent his/ her childhood or youth.3. about his/ her education4. what are his/ her famous works5. what his/ her style is / wasGroup work. Ask the students to discuss about the musician or poser. Then ask some students to stand up to say sth. about the musician or poser. Correct the mistakes if any.III. Cultural Corner.Ye Xiaogang1. Listen to the passage and try to find the answer to this question: When did his album Horizon appear? (in 1986)2. Read the passage thoroughly and make a note of the information about Ye Xiaogang.Name:_________________ Sex: __________________Nationality:_____________ Job:___________________Main achievements: ____________________________________________Style of music: ____________________________What he did or happened to him in the following years:1955: ___________________________________________From 1978 to 1983: ___________________________________________1985: ___________________________________________1986: ___________________________________________1996: ___________________________________________3. Check the answers with the whole class. Then ask one or two students to say sth about Ye Xiaogang with the help of the notes made.4. Language points:1) work as2) leading modern posers 主要作曲家leading article 社论the leading cause 主要原因a leading role 主角3) mix A with B= mix A and B togethermix win with waterNever mix with such people.mix up 弄混,弄错It’s mon to mix him up with his brother.弄乱mix up the papersmix up those data4) receive many prizes5) part ofIV. Homework:Write a short passage about the Chinese musician or poser we talked about this period.。
外研版必修二Module 3《Music》word教案

Module 3题纲一.单词听众____________ 古典音乐_____________作曲创作___________ 作曲家____________指挥_____________=______________宫廷_____________音乐家__________音乐的___________天才___________失去________过去式_________过去分词________专辑________农民__________天才天赋才华_____________国王王子__________巡回演出____________民歌民谣___________乐队__________动人的___________复杂的__________影响___________录音__________大学讲师_____________ 使混合__________choir_____________ jazz____________ orchestra___________ saxophone___________court______________symphony_____________Austria__________Austrian______ ________lyrics______________ solo ____________tune_________be impressed with________ split up_________ make a note of ____________单词拓展pose vt. 作曲创作→ composer 作曲家→composition 作文be composed of由…组成2. classic典型的经典的,典范的classical adj.古典的,经典的;传统的;古典文学的;第一流的n.古典音乐3. conduct v. 指导(乐队)传导;组织实施;陪伴;引导;带领;表现;举止陪伴;引导;带领;表现;举止→conductor (乐队指挥)4. direct v. 指挥指导→director指挥→direction n. 指示说明方向5. musician n. 音乐家→music n. 音乐→musical adj. 音乐的6. talent n. 天分天赋才华→talente d adj. 有才能的7. mix v. → mixture n.混合,混杂mix …with…使…与…混合8. record v. 录音记录记载n. 唱片记录经历履历→recorder n. 录音机keep a record (of) 记下来, 记录hold/break a record 保持/打破记录set (up) a new record 创新纪录9.influence n./ v. 影响have an influence on/over… 对…有影响under the influence of 在…的影响下effect n. 影响;效果;作用have an effect on对…有影响;对……起作用take effect 生效起作用a ffect vt. 影响;感染;感动effort 努力make an effort to do/make efforts to do努力做某事二.重点句型背诵与讲解1._________________________________________________________________________海顿在维也纳学习音乐以后,东奥地利的皇宫里做了一名音乐指挥家=after Hayden studied music in Vienna, Hayden went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria, where he become director of music.有时以连词after引导的时间状语从句可以换成一个以介词after引导介词短语或以连词after引导的分词短语,而意义不变。

Module 3 MusicReading and V ocabulary一.Teaching content: reading and vocabulary二.Learning aims:1.To learn something about the three composers.2.To learn to get the main idea and details of this text.三.Teaching key point: Information about three composers四.Teaching difficulty: How to make students understand the content about the passage.五.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Pre-reading (Warm up)Give students three pictures about Chinese composers.Step 2 Fast ReadingRead quickly and fill in the tableStep 3 Careful reading(1)Read P1-P2, and answer the following questions.①what is Haydn known as?①How did Haydn change the form of symphonies?①How long did he work in eastern Austria?(2)Listen P3-P5 and answer questions.①How many pieces of music did Mozart compose?①How old was he when he learned to play the harpsichord?①How old was he when he stared composing music?①How old was he when he played for the Empress of Austria?①How long were Mozart and Haydn friends?(3)Read P6-P7 and fill in the blank.Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. He showed musical ___ when he was very young ,and learned to play the ___ and ___from his father.Then Mozart met Beethoven and was ___ by him. It was____ who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. Beethoven became very ____ in the Austria. As he grew older, he began to go ___ . He became completely deaf during the last years of his life, but he ____.Step4 Post Reading(T or F)(1). Haydn and Mozart were born in Austria.(2). Mozart had a good singing voice.(3). Haydn died before his fortieth birthday.(4). Beethoven became deaf when he grew older.(5). Haydn and Mozart had fathers who were musicianStep 5 Interview(Which composers do you like best and tell us the reason) Step6 Homework: Reading the passage again after class.。
外研版高一英语必修2 Module 3 Music 教案

Module 3 Music I.II.Ⅲ. 教材分析与重组1. 教材分析本模块的话题是music,旨在通过模块教学使学生通过讨论古今中外的音乐家,增强他们的音乐欣赏能力, 并培养他们的评价能力。
1.1 INTRODUCTION通过对乐器知识的了解,激发学生对本模块中心话题的兴趣;同时也使本模块的授课更具有针对性,从而培养学生的音乐审美能力。
1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY 介绍了国外的三位音乐家及他们的伟大成就,让学生在阅读中学习音乐知识,树立正确的评价观、人生观,为日后走向社会作铺垫。
1.3 GRAMMAR 1 && GRAMMAR 2 学习并灵活运用由when, while, as 等引导的时间状语从句,然后对比过去时和过去完成时。
1.4 FUNCTION 通过问答形式表达对音乐的喜好,培养学生的评价能力。
1.5 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY 让学生通过听一段关于介绍英国历史上的披头士的文章来练习学生的听力能力,并且完成相关的练习题,然后介绍自己对音乐的感受及音乐在生活中的意义。
1.6 EVERYDAY ENGLISH 要求学生掌握如何表达自己最喜爱的音乐及如何听音乐的一些用语。
1.7 PRONUNCIATION 听并跟读语法材料中出现的句子,注意语调的起伏。
1.8 CULTURAL CORNER 了解著名音乐家叶小刚的生平经历及音乐成就。
1.9 WRITING 要求学生阅读一封来自Sandra的电子邮件,并根据一些问题写一封回信。

Teaching Design (Music)I. Teaching Objectives1.Knowledge Objectives(1)Learn some detailed information about the three composers.(2)Learn how to retell a person’s life story.2. Ability Objectives(1) Improve the students’ ability of listening, reading, speaking, writing and summarizing.(2) Enable the students to retell their life stories.3. Emotional Objectives(1)Arouse the students’ interest in music.(2) Inspire the students to learn the spirit of never giving up from the three great composers.Ⅱ. Important Points & Difficult Pointspoints(1) Get the Ss to learn something about Joseph Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.(2) To train the students’ reading skills: skimming, scanning and summarizing.pointsEnable students to retell the three composers’ life stories.Ⅲ. Teaching Methods1.Task-based teaching method2.Game teaching method3.Cooperative learning method4.Multi-media assistanceⅣ. Teaching ProceduresStep I Lead-in (3mins)Show a video and ask students a series of questions:who is she, what is she doing,who composed this piece of music?Step II Fast-reading (5mins)Task1: SkimmingAsk students to divide the passage into three parts.Task2: ScanningAsk students to scan the passage and get some key information from the following three aspects:birthplace, his father, title.Step III Detailed-reading(18mins)Task1 Ask students to read part 1 and complete the sentences.What happened to him in these places?____________in Austria.________________ in Vienna._____________________________in Eastern Austria.____________________ in London.Task2 Read part 2 and find out some numbers and the related information.Task3 Read part 3 and draw a mind-map to show the relationship among the three composers.Task4 A guessing gameShow some information about the composers, and ask students to guess whom it refers to.Step IV Post-reading (13mins)Task1 Make a summaryLead students to sum up what the three composers have in common to be successful.Task 2 RetellingAsk students to choose one of the three composers, and then retell his life story according some key information in the table.Step V Homework (1mins)Write a composition about your favorite musicians or actors.Ⅴ. Blackboard DesignⅥ. Teaching Effective and ReflectionThrough the learning of this lesson, students are supposed to1.Have a good understanding of the framework of the passage.2.Know more about the three composers.3.Be able to retell the life story of each composer.4.Be able to respect the great persons and learn from them.。

外研版必修二第三模块music上课教案哈尔滨德强高中学科素养探究课教案School Topic Harbin Deqiang Senior High Composers Book 2 Module 3 Name Type Jiang Shan (姜珊) Reading and Vocabulary Material Students Grade 1 Class 1 Teaching Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the students will Knowledge and skills 1. have a basic understanding of the main idea of the passage 2. be acquainted with the style features(structure and content) of composers introduction 3. master the skills of introducing composers and express their impressions on music and composers Learning strategies 1. learn to find out the best title by using the reading strategy of skimming 2. learn to summarize the aspects of introducing composers 3. practice introducing a composer through a guessing game and expressing one’s likes, dislikes and feelings Emotion, Attitude, Values and Cultural Awareness make Ss impressed and influenced by the glamour of the great composers Key Points and Difficult Points 1. How to provide an appropriate amount of input information strategically. 2. How to effectively cultivate Ss’ reading skills as well as introducing composers. Methodology & Strategies 1. Task-based approach 2. Individual work, pair work and group work Aids and Materials Multiple media, blackboard, student page Teaching Procedures Teacher’s activity Procedures (what and how) Watch a brief video of Vienna New Year’s concert. Ask students to describe the video by answering who, when, where and what questions with a complete sentence. Vocabulary: musician,composer,conductor, director, orchestra, choir, harpsichord, symphony, court. Students’ activity (what and how) Individual work: To arouse Ss’ interest in the While watching the topic and make them actively video, think about the involved in class. questions related to the video: who, when, where Why (reasons and objectives) I. Leading-in (3 minutes) and what. Individual work:Match these words with related pictures and try to explain them in English with a complete sentence. 1II. Pre-reading (4 minutes)To be clear about the meanings of similar words related to music and composers. To prepare for reading without many obstacles. III.While-reading (18 minutes) To develop Ss’ ability to Individual work: Read the choose the best title within first sentence of each person skimming limited time and choose the best title. Individual &pair work: Task 2: Read about Haydn and Search the information by To scanthe first part and answer questions paying attention to the key answer some questions. Task 1: Choose the best title. scanning words given questions. by the Task 3: Read about Mozart and Individual &group work: To scan the second part and Make a profile of Mozart. write a brief profile of him. work out a profile. scanning Task 4: Read about Beethoven Individual &pair work: To scan the third part and Search the information and and answer questions. answer some questions. integrate information. scanning Task 5: Read the passage and To read the text again and get Individual &pair work: Do fill in the blanks to finishthe the details of the three careful reading and finish profiles. composers’ profiles. the profiles and discuss with detailed reading partners. Task 6: Summarize the main Group work: Discuss in To figure out how to introduce aspects of introducing a groups and then write down a musician from the reading musician. the aspects, and then check comprehension. it with the teacher. Task 7: A guessing game: Whois he? IV. Post-reading (13 minutes) Collective work: To make useof what they have Describe the 3 composers learned and practice talking with at most 2 sentences. about composers using proper Guess who the composer is. words and sentence patterns. Individual work: Task 8: Listen to the music and talk about your feelings or Talk about theirfeelings To practice expressing one’s impressions about the music after listening to the music feelings with the given words, and the composers. as well as their impressions phrases and sentence patterns, on the composers. To further consolidate Ss’ V.Consolidation Write a brief profile of a Write a passage of a Chinese mastery of the introducing a Chinese composer. composer, such as Nie’er or and homework composer. Xian Xinghai etc. (2 minutes)2。

Module 3 MusicIntroduction---教案Teaching aims:Enabling the students to1。
know some words about music2。
know something about three great composersTeaching steps:I。
Lead inDo you like music? What words can you think of?violin, guitar,drum, piano, etc。
Turn to page 21. Read the words first. Translate them into Chinese at the same time。
Answer the questions:The pictures from left to right show: violin,classical guitar, drums, saxophone, erhu, pianoII。
Turn to page 22.Decide which of these words you expect to see in a passage about music. Read them and tell the Chinese of these words。
2. Read the passage and finish Activities 2—4。
3. Check the answers together.Activity 2:choose the best title。
Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth CenturyActivity 3:Read the passage again and answer the questions:Which of the composers…1. Haydn,Mozart2. Beethoven3。
外研版高中《英语》必修二Module 3 Music

Step1 Warm-up (group work :music show)
What are they doing? What’s the kind of the music? Who is the composer?
Step2 Brainstorming (pictures)
Module 3 Music教学设计
课题:外研版高中《英语》必修二Module 3 Music
这是高一新教材第三模块的阅读课型,本模块的主题是音乐,我所设计的这部分内容是其中的阅读部分。本文围绕音乐这一主题向学生介绍了海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬等三位欧洲十八世纪的伟大的音乐家的主要成就和生平细节。本节课是阅读课,本文围绕音乐这一主题向学生介绍了海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬等三位欧洲十八世纪的伟大的音乐家的主要成就和生平细节, 特别是贝多芬晚年的坚强事迹会给人很大的心灵触动,是学生感兴趣的话题。现阶段学生已经具有一定的语言基础,具备一定的认知能力,有自我的观点和看法,对音乐会非常感兴趣,对本文一些知名的音乐家会有所了解,但对于音乐家的英文名不会太熟悉。
3.Hayden encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.( )
4.When Beethoven became completely deaf ,he stopped composing .( )
[教师活动] 指导学生带问题分段阅读
[学生活动] 按要求阅读课文并回答问题。
C. Three Great Child Composers
高中英语《Book2Module3 Music》优质课教案、教学设计

教学设计一、教材分析:本节课是出自外研版高中必修二Module 3Music 的第二节v o c a b u l a r y and reading, 该部分介绍了国外的三位音乐家及他们的伟大成就,让学生在阅读中学习音乐知识,树立正确的评价观、人生观,为日后走向社会作铺垫。
前面的Introduction 已经介绍和呈现与乐器有关的英文词汇,为进一步学习本模块的内容奠定了基础。
于是我利用skimming 让学生获得整体理解并熟悉话题,利用careful reading 了解细节和重点,学生通过各种活动和小组互动等方式,解决难点问题,形成有效的学习策略。
外研版必修2 Module 3 Music阅读课教学设计

外研版必修2 Module 3 Music阅读课教学设计本模块的主题是音乐。
四、教学目标:1. 通过阅读获取信息并完成相关阅读任务。
2. 培养学生音乐文化交流的意识和能力。
五、教学重点和难点:1. 时间状语从句的用法。
2. 运用所学的短语、句型和含有时间状语从句的复合句来口头和书面介绍自己熟悉的音乐家。
六、教学步骤:StepⅠ Lead-in1. English song competition.T: Now I will divide you into three big groups: group A, group B and group C. We’ll hold a competition to decide which group can sing the most English songs.【设计说明】通过唱英文歌曲增强学生学习英语的兴趣和热情,并把学生自然地置于课堂情境之中。
2. Quiz about musical knowledge.1)Lyrics refer to ____.A. the words of a songB. the music of a song2)Band means ____.A. one personB. more than one3)Please match the composer with their works.① Mozart ② Haydn ③ BeethovenA. 歌剧《四季》(The Seasons)B. 歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》(Le Nozze di Figaro)C. 《C小调第五号交响曲》(Symphony No.5 in C minor)4)Someone who writes music is called ____.A. composerB. performer5)A group of people who sing together are called ____.A. a choirB. a band6)Symphony means ____.A. 交响曲B. 小夜曲7)Orchestra means ____.A. 管弦乐队B. 摇滚乐队8)Which of the following musical instruments is not Chinese traditional musical instrument?A. ErhuB. GongC. ShengD. Saxophone9)Please match the musical instruments with their names.A. HarpsichordB. Drum kitC. French horn【设计说明】激活学生已有的知识,同时也让学生在短时间内了解主要音乐流派、音乐家、乐队和西洋乐器等常识,为下一步的阅读活动作铺垫。

外研版必修二Module3 Music教学设计案例教学设计理念《普通高中英语课程标准》指出,高中阶段的英语教学应注重培养学生的自主学习和合作学习的能力,帮助学生形成有效地学习策略,培养学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力;教师要鼓励学生通过积极尝试、自我探究、自我发现和主动探究等学习方式形成适合自己的学习方法。

Su gge t d Ans e s: se w r
() io a g2Ma () hn ()o oe 1 YeX ag n () l 3C ia4C mp sr e ( )n f t e la i g mo e n c mp s r o h n s 5o e o h e dn d r o oes fC iee
HO W do you it n o m u i? lse t sc Pero 2 i d Cu t a Cor r lur l ne
Te c ng as: a hi Go l To e bl s t na e S o kno he Chne e c w t i s ompo e a ga g. s r Ye Xio n Te c n Pr e a hi g oc dur s: e St p . e 1 Culur l t a Cor r ne 1.ndi dua or I vi lw k A s S o r ad t e a a t f s k s t e he t xt nd m ke a no e o ome ba i sc i o m a jn . nf r to
学生的艺术修养 。 Ito u t n 分通过 设计 的两 个 活动让 学 生复 习和学 习一 nrd ci 部 o 些常 见 的 乐器 的名 称 , 发 学 生学 习 本模 块 的 兴趣 ; 过 小 测试 激 通 的 形 式让 学 生 猜 测 所 放 的 是 何 种 音 乐 以 及 何 种 乐 器 的 声音 。 C l r l o n r 习一 篇有 关著名 作 曲 家叶小 刚的 文章 , u t a C r e 学 u 了 解 他 的音 乐 经 历和 音 乐 成就 , 强 学 生 的 民族 自豪感 。 增 2、 学 重 点和 难 点 教 1 教 学 重点 . ( ) 模块 的生 词 和短 语 。 1本 ( ) 论有 关音 乐 的话 题 。 2谈 2 教学 难 点 . ( ) 会表 达 对 音乐 的喜 好 。 I学 ( ) 达音 乐 对 人 类 的心 灵 所 产 生 的作 用 的延 伸 。 2表 I . 学 步骤 I 教 I

外研版高中《英语》必修二Module 3 Music教学案例一、教学内容分析本节课是阅读课,本文围绕音乐这一主题向学生介绍了海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬等三位欧洲十八世纪的伟大的音乐家的主要成就和生平细节,是学生感兴趣的话题。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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必修二Module 3 Music 单元教案
Teaching content
a) the language points in the module.
b) the grammar:
Teaching aims and demands
Get students to master some useful words or expressions.
Get students to master some important drills
To improve the students ability of using English
Teaching steps
Step 1. Revision
Step 2. Language study.
1. compose v. 作曲;创作;组成;使平静
(1)be composed of 由……组成
(2)compose a letter/poem/speech etc. 写信/诗/讲稿等
(3)compose oneself (生气﹑沮丧﹑激动后)极力使自己平静下来注意与make up /consist of/ consist in的异同
2 .mix v.((使)混合;调配;调制n. 混合,混杂;配料
(1)mix…with… 使……和……结合
(2)mix sb up 使某人糊涂
3. split up 解散,分割;绝交,决裂;分组
(1)split up with 与……分手/决裂
(2)split up on/over 在……分歧严重
4. make a note of 记录
take note of 注意到
be noted for 因……而文明
be noted as 作为……而著称
5. go , become , grow, turn 的意义及用法区别
Step 3 Grammar: Adverbial clause of time
1.by the time+一般过去时,主句一般用过去完成时。
2.by the time+一般现在时,主句一般用将来时或将来完成时。
3.by the end of +过去时间,谓语部分用过去完成时
4.by the end of +将来时间,谓语部分用将来完成时
Step 4 Practice and summary
1.Dewey was___(有影响的)in shaping economic policy.
2.It is___(记录)that there have been lots of earthquakes in this area.
3.You want ﹩50, I’m offering﹩30. Why don’t we___the difference(折中)?
6. ___(n.)天才
1.(be) lost in thought _________
2. be mixed up in _________
3. split ____分割;分裂
4. ____all time 有史以来
5. ________________对……有影响
6. make a ________记录
7. go____变聋
_________he was twelve, he_____mathematics all by himself. 2.直到她摘掉墨镜我才认出她是著名影星。
____________she took off her dark glasses ___I realized she was a famous film star.
1.Our monitor is a __man. He has a talent__organization.
A. talented; of
B. talent; for
C. talented; for
D. talent; of
2.By the time he was 18 years old, he__five storybooks.
A. have finished
B. finishes
C. had finished
D. will have finished
3.—__you got the news that the rocket was sent up successfully?
—From the radio.
A. How was it that
B. How it was that
C. What was it that
D. What it was that
4. John’s success has nothing to do with good luck. It’s years of hard work__has made him what he is today.
A. why
B. when
C. which
D. that
5.After the interview, Sam expected to get a letter__him the job he was dreaming of.
A. offering
B. offered
C. having offered
D. to be offered
Module 3 Music 答案
1. influential
poser; compose; composition
5.tour; tourist; tourism
5.have an influence on/upon
6. note of
7.deaf Ⅲ.翻译句子
1. By the time had learned
2. It was not until that
1-5 CCADA。