
清华幼儿英语语感启蒙2016-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1语感启蒙Part One1) Little beeLittle bee, little bee, round round round . 小蜜蜂,小蜜蜂,飞飞飞。
Little bee,little bee, sound sound sound. Bzzzzzzz小蜜蜂,小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡。
嗡...2) peek-a-booPeek, peek,peek-a-boo. 猫儿,猫儿,躲猫猫。
Peek, peek,I see you. 猫儿,猫儿,看到你啦。
3) Open, shutOpen, shut, open, shut. Give a little clap.张、合、张、合,啪啪啪拍拍手。
Creep, creep, creep, creep. Give a little flap.爬、爬、爬、爬,啪啦啪啦飞得快!4) Here is the beehiveHere is the beehive. Where are the bees 蜂窝在这里,蜜蜂在哪里?Hidden away where nobody sees. 藏起来,找不着。
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive. 快来看,飞出来。
One, two, three, four, five. Bzzzzzzz 一、二、三、四、五。
嗡...5) Ten little fingersOne little, two little, three little fingers.小小手指;一二三;Four little, five little, six little fingers.小小手指,四五六;Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers.小小手指,七八九;Ten fingers on my hands.十指手指,是一家。
家庭启蒙英语学习推荐 -老师 修订


1 英语启蒙早有用吗?安妮九个月大之前在加拿大无意间输入的英语语音信号,没想到成了她后来英语辨音能力的基础。
这一次,她又是自己选中了一套——Kidsongs 系列。


第一册内容:1、Littie Bee(小蜜蜂)2、Peek-a-boo(躲猫猫)3、Open、Shut (张、合)4、Here is the Beehive(小小蜂窝)5、Ten little Fingers(十个小手指)6、Dance Your Fingers(跳动手指)7、TwoL littie Black Birds(两只小黑鸟)8、Jack and Jill(杰克和吉尔)9、The Chimney(烟囱)10、Eentsy Weentsy Spider(小蜘蛛)第二册内容:1、Five little Birds(五只小鸟)2、Five Rabbits(五只兔子)3、Five little Sausages(五根小香肠)4、This Little Pig(小猪猪)5、Three little Monkeys(三只小猴)6、Hickory Dickory Dock(滴答滴答)7、Where is Thumbkin?(五指歌)8、You Are My Sunshine(你是我的阳光)9、Skidamarink(爱之歌)10、Clap Your Hands(拍手歌)第三册内容:1、Gobble、Gobble(咯咯嘎嘎)2、Old Macdonald(老麦克唐纳)3、Walking、Walking(走走停停)4、Ring around the Rosy(玫瑰园)5、Teddy Bear(泰迪熊)6、If You are Happy(如果你幸福)7、Loody Loo(游戏歌一)8、Hokey Pokey(游戏歌二)第四册内容:1、Head and Shoulders(头和肩)2、A-tu-li-ta(阿图丽塔)3、Mulberry Bush(桑树林)4、There is Thunder(天上打雷)5、Twinkie Twinkie Little Star(小星星、眨眼睛)6、Im a little Teapot(小小茶壶)7、One Two Buckle My Shoes(数字歌)8、The Wheels on the Bus(车轮)每单元的VCD分成四个环节演绎教学内容:卡通动画(Cartoon Time),情景表演(Act It Out),TPR动作演示(Let's Get Moving),亲子游戏(Family Fun),因此叫“四合一VCD”。

1英语启蒙•动画片100.《小P优优(英文原名POCOYO)》全81集101.CAILLOU(卡由)系列动画,该节目的对象是学龄前儿童103.peppa pig720高清英文版105.爱探险的Dora英文版全四季106.go diego go107.Maisy小鼠波波44集+音频+绘本+2CD歌曲109.Penelope蓝色小考拉122.学习类启蒙英语动画片《玛泽的故事》合集123.鼹鼠的故事127.《小公主Little Princess》动画片+绘本128.《工程车汤姆Tracker Tom》中英双语发音48集133.小鸟趣事多英文动画共5季120集134.花园宝宝(60集中文版+60集英文版)136.《芝麻街英语》一共20集139.《贝贝熊》(英文版25集+中文版80集)140.小熊维尼与跳跳虎》一共26集147.英文版《托马斯和他的朋友们(上)》1-11季149.韩国EBS制作《倒霉熊》26集151.《本和霍利的小王国》英文原版一共23集153.BBC英文动画《麦克小骑士》62集156.小熊查理第一季26集157.英文版经典动画《森林王子》第一季26集160.《不一样的卡梅拉》动画版《小鸡来了》32集161.英语动画《女巫麦格和小猫莫格》(13集+MP3)165.英语动画《亚瑟》1-5季166.英文版动画《小马宝莉》168.BBC木偶动画《小小救生队Fireman Sam》共4季32集174.值得父母与孩子共同学习的英文动画《天才宝贝熊》(五季全195集+绘本+MP3)180.3-6岁的孩子英语启蒙动画《小兔麦斯和露比》186.锻炼观察、分析能力的加拿大侦探动画《忙忙碌碌镇》187.英国BBC电视台最受欢迎的儿童节目《动物街64号》190.启蒙动画84集《米菲Miffy》(英文版+中文版)198.全球婴幼儿启蒙第一品牌《天线宝宝》(67集英文版+84集中文版)216.朵拉和朋友们城市探险第1季217.米奇妙妙屋全1-5季英文高清视频227.学乐经典绘本动画100部高清Scholastic Storybook Treasures256.美音动画片Team Umizoomi 数数城小兄妹全四季含音频•绘本及音视频113.廖彩杏轻松听出英语力书单第1周-第52周115.《英文绘本创意教学》--亲子英语绘本的阅读方法指南(含50本绘本+音频)129.《穿过丛林》(视频+电子绘本+音频)130.《好安静的蟋蟀》(视频+电子绘本+音频)137.《猜猜我有多爱你》(动画片+MP3+绘本)144.五星级童书《不一样的卡梅拉》电子绘本146.英文版《棕熊你在看什么》(绘本+视频+MP3)148.《我是一个音乐家》(视频+电子绘本+音频)150.爸爸帮我摘月亮158.画片毛毛狗系列绘本前10本书的配套视频169.《五只猴子》(电子绘本+MP3+手指谣)170.翻翻书《Go Away Mr Wolf 野狼先生快走开》(MP3+PDF)177.苏斯博士《在爸爸身上蹦来跳去》178.《down by the station在火车站》182.苏斯博士代表作《绿鸡蛋和火腿》(视频+电子绘本+音频)191.安徒生金奖绘本《我爸爸》(电子绘本+视频)192.美国知名童书《图书馆狮子》(电子绘本+音频)193.美国凯迪克大奖《大卫不可以》(电子绘本+视频+音频)196.减法学习《十根肥香肠》(视频+电子绘本+音频)•音视频108.Mother Goose音频112.清华幼儿英语语感启蒙第1-4书籍1-4及文本118.WeeSing系列PDF+mp3(最全21个系列)119.《迪斯尼神奇英语》全套视频+教材汇总126.《CREEPY CRAWLY CALYPSO》虫虫摇滚派对视频+音频132.洪恩巴迪英文童谣145.HBO出品《古典宝宝Classical Baby》171.经典3CD《Super Simple Songs幼儿英语歌谣》(73首MP3+配套歌词)173.“妈妈英语”式教材《跟小小孩说英文》(视频+音频+漫画)201.汪培珽英文私房书单,培养孩子的英文耳朵,全网最全汪培珽英文私房书单MP3+PDF207.我的第一本亲子英文单词书210.美国自助在家上学联盟G1-G6系列材料211.鹅妈妈视频+涂色+五线谱歌词下载链接222.公文系列之《公文英语》238.《super simple songs》视频+音频+教学•绘本及书籍204.Dr. Suess苏斯博士双语系列(全十册)206.世界TOP100中英文有声绘本212.《冰雪奇缘》英文原版绘本系列8本215.Kumon儿童动手书35本229.尹建莉《好妈妈胜过好老师》汪培珽《培养孩子的英文耳朵》《汪培珽——喂故事长大的孩子》235.大名鼎鼎的吴敏兰《绘本123,用五感玩出宝宝的英语好感度》+吴敏兰书单40本+推荐创意英语书2自然拼读102.跳跳蛙 Leap Frog104.super why英文版81集110.Preschool Pre Company出品的meet the、、、系列111.Alphablocks积木英语全四季114.phonics kids可点读版pdf154.Kids ABC一共24集184.问世超过五十年的经典字母书:《Ape in a cape笼子里的猩猩》(PDF+音频)208.Phonics 教材Hooked on Phonics228.Now I am reading 我的第一套自然拼读故事书全80本+1本家长指导手册+美音音频268.拼读训练动画片《单词世界《sight world》第1-2季(avi格式+字幕)3分级阅读116.海尼曼绘本+音频117.牛津树绘本+音频183.英国低幼科普读物《看小动物成长》系列绘本13册199.培生幼儿英语200.美国Raz-kids分级阅读203.《体验英语少儿阅读文库》,全球英语分级读物NO.1!205.全球最畅销的I Can read全套英文原版分级读物MP3+PDF! 218.我的第一本亲子英文单词书4科普120.史上最棒科普丛书119本PDF+MP3121.国家地理百科131.100部BBC纪录片141.英文版《美国国家地理幼儿版》点读版142.美国国家地理儿童版》高清电子版,一共26期152.最佳全年龄电视系列片《昆虫小世界》(全2季176集)194.法布尔《昆虫记》有声故事(32集中文版MP3)197.BBC Earth出品《瞬间认识世界》英文版全16集202.神奇校车,神奇校车全网最全资源33.2G!书本、视频、音频、游戏209.科普丛书Let's Read And Find Out Science232.《小小牛顿幼儿馆》PDF书+音频233.《小小牛顿幼儿百科馆》音频5绘画125.《彩色乐园Get Squiggling》(又名“涂鸦宝宝”)175.帮助宝宝探索的英文原版动画《滴答滴答小画家》176.涂色绘画启蒙《我来画》全10册(PDF格式)195.全25集《教宝宝学画画》视频教程269.布里兹学画画6逻辑、数学138.数学启蒙英文版绘本教材213.迪士尼教你学时间和金钱214.迪士尼教你学数学219.唐老鸭漫游数学奇境224.公文系列之公文数学全套248.《美国经典幼儿数学游戏》全六册249.大名鼎鼎的儿童思维训练:《逻辑狗》1-5阶段全套高清251.《汉声数学》全41册+1本妈妈手册254.《百花学习思维训练365天》全12册+答案258.很好玩的万圣节逻辑思维题目264.《让孩子爱上数学的扑克游戏》265.可打印公主主题、消防员主题逻辑思维题,男宝女宝各取所爱7国学及中文143.传统德育动画《中华弟子规》共30集188.经典传承《成语动画廊》223.公文系列之《公文语文》230.中文有声绘本101本,IPAD上亲子共读棒棒哒231.《直映认字》认字卡片+指导手册239.150首动画版古诗+107首经典国外音乐故事音乐诗词241.240集国学动画片245.适合幼儿园小朋友的视频《趣味识字》8早教135.巧虎大陆版189全球早教第一品牌《Gymboree金宝贝》(66CD音乐+2DVD教学视频)221.《布奇乐乐园》246.《巧虎》其它合集803集含《巧虎来啦》,《巧虎学数学》《巧虎学汉字》,《巧虎学英语》《巧虎儿歌》,《巧虎拼音城堡》《巧虎可爱岛》,《巧虎学古诗》《巧虎动脑学数学》,《巧虎剧场》257.《巧虎快乐学拼音》260.《美国:如何说孩子才会听》266.宝宝1-10数字书写模板9手工及游戏226.提升儿童专注力的101种手工创意234.《手工纸模型》236.《我来做手工》全12册240.2016年独家日历模板242.万圣节面具、涂色、迷宫、配对等游戏手工243.圣诞节趣味活动材料包244.routine模板:幼儿日常生活习惯培养<独家美国原版,可以彩打出来> 247.《孟老师的100道手工饼干》252.独家感恩节主题小手工可打印(每个5-30分钟)259.《让孩子着迷的77*2个经典科学游戏》263.积木入门搭建方法264.《让孩子爱上数学的扑克游戏》10其他159.BBC制作《I CAN COOK》共103集,还有菜谱!167.经典动画《猫和老鼠》172.BBC主持人讲《睡前故事》共277集视频181.日本绘本史上不可逾越的巅峰《可爱的鼠小弟》12册(电子绘本+音频)185.最出色的民间创作之一:睡前广播《阿凡提的故事》(45集仲维维播讲MP3)220.儿童学英语的50部英文高清动画225.《贝瓦儿歌》339视频+音频237.《四五快读》250.君之的烘焙书6本+孟老师的5本253.多湖辉新头脑开发丛书:《走迷宫》255.圣诞大礼包(45部圣诞电影,50本原版绘本,125首圣诞歌曲及手工)261.6岁+培养空间思维的趣味好书《立体王》全6册262.《第56号教室的奇迹》1和2部267.新概念动画片全四册持续更新中。


清华幼儿英语kinderPower语感启蒙2007版,72首英文童谣目录PART 1_a Unit 1-12 (6)Little Bee (6)Peek-a-Boo (6)Gobble, gobble (6)Now Tall, Now Small (7)Four Little baby ducks (7)Cats (7)Walking, Walking (7)Teddy Bear (8)Little Mouse (8)London Bridge Is Falling Down (8)Johnny Hammers (9)The Chimney (9)PART 1_b Unit 1-12 (9)I'm Hungry. (10)Big Apple Tree (11)Apple (11)We are Marching (11)Here Is The Beehive (12)Where Is Thumbkin? (12)Round the Garden (13)Dance Your Fingers (14)Clap Your Hands (14)Round and Round (15)PART 2_a Unit 1-12 (15)Sitting on the Carpet (15)Ring around the roses (16)Friends (16)The Ants Go Marching (17)Two Little Black Birds (17)Five Little Sausages (18)One Two Buckle My Shoes (18)Jack and Jill (18)Eentsy Weentsy Spide (19)Five Rabbits (19)Three Little Monkeys (19)Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (20)PART 2_b Unit 1-12 (20)I Love go to school (20)Lazy Mary (20)Row Row Row your Boat (21)I'm a Little Teapot (21)Hickory Dickory Dock (22)Ali Baba's farm (22)How much Is That Doggy in the Window (23)I Can Hear (23)There Is Thunder (23)Rain Rain,Go Away (23)You Are My Sunshine (24)PART 3_a Unit 1-12 (24)Three bule pigeons (24)Pull the Rope (25)Plants (25)Jack Be Nimble (26)Mulberry Bush (26)What Do You Want To Be (27)Looby Loo (27)Pussycat (28)The Bear Went Over The Mountain (28)What Do Monsters Do (29)If You’re Happy (29)We Wish you a Merry Christmas (30)PART 3_b Unit 1-12 (31)Who Stole the Cookies From the Cookie Jar (31)Charlie Over the Ocean (31)Candy Shop (32)The Gingerboy (32)The Wheels On The Bus (32)Little Peter Rabbit (34)Over in The Meadow (34)Traffic Rules (35)Jack-o-lanters (36)I See the Wind (36)Three Brown Bears (37)The More We Get Together (37)PART 1_a Unit 1-12Little Bee(I am little bee. I love honey. Yummy! ) Little bee, little bee, round, round, round. Little bee, little bee, sound, sound, sound. bZzzzzz…Peek-a-BooPeek, peek, peek-a-BooPeek, peek, I see you.Peek, peek, peek-a-MooPeek, peek, I see you.Gobble, gobble(Gobble, gobble, gobble. I’m turkey. Quack, quack, quack. I’m duck.) Gobble, gobble, gobble.Quack, quack, quack.A turkey says gobble.A duck says quack.Now Tall, Now SmallI’m streaching very tall.Now I’m very small.Now tall, now small.Now I’m tiny ball.Four Little baby ducks(One little, two little, three little, four. Four little baby ducks.) One little, two little baby ducks.three little, four little baby ducks.Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack,Oh, come four little baby ducks.CatsOne cats. Two cats. Three cats. Four.Five cats. Six cats. Seven cats. More..Walking, WalkingWalking, walking, walking, walking,Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop,Running, running, running,running, running, running,now let’s stop, now let’s stop.Teddy BearTeddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn a-round,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do!Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, switch off the light,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say good night.Little MouseHere is a little mouse.Peeking through a hole.Peek to the left. Peek to the right.Watch out!There is a cat in sight.London Bridge Is Falling DownLondon Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down, my fair Lady.Johnny HammersJohnny works with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer. Johnny works with one hammer, all day long.Johnny works with two hammers, two hammers, two hammers,Johnny works with two hammers, all day long.(three, four, five)Johnny’s very tired now, tired now, tired now.Johnny’s very tired now, let’s have a rest.The ChimneyHere is the chimney, Here is the top.Open the lid,out santa will pop.PART 1_b Unit 1-12Good Moring TrainThe good morning train is coming. “How are you?”Choo-choo.The good morning train is coming. “How are you?”Choo-choo.The good morning train is coming. The good morning train is coming.The good morning train is coming. “How are you?”Choo-choo.Say Hello to tiger. “How are you?”Choo-choo.Say Hello to monkey. “How are you?”Choo-choo.Say Hello to panda. Say Hello to teddy.Say Hello to Turkey. “How are you?”Choo-choo.I'm Hungry.I'm hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.I'm hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.I'm hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.I want to eat.Doggy’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.Doggy’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.Doggy’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.He wants to eat.Croc’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.Croc’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.Croc’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.I want to eat.Big Apple TreeApple tree, apple tree,big apple tree.Please drop a big appledown for me.AppleApple round, Apple redApple juicy, Apple sweetApple, Apple,I love you.Apple sweet, I love to eat.We are Marching(Let’s go marching.)We are marching. We are marching.We are marching aound the yellow pears. We are marching. We are marching.We are marching aound the yellow pears. Round and round, Round and round.We are marching aound the yellow pears.Eating all the pears as we go.We are marching. We are marching.We are marching aound the pink peaches.We are marching. We are marching.We are marching aound the pink peaches.Round and round, Round and round.We are marching aound the pink peaches.Eating all the peaches as we go.Here Is The BeehiveHere is the beehive, Where are the bees?Hidden away where no-body sees.Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive.One,two,three,four,five. BzzzzzzzWhere Is Thumbkin?Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin?Here I am,Here I am. How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Pointer? Where is Pointer? Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Tall Man? Where is Tall Man?Here I am,Here I am. How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Ring Man? Where is Ring Man?Here I am,Here I am. How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Pinky? Where is T Pinky?Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Round the GardenRound and round the garden.Goes the little mouse.Up, up, up it creeps, up into its house.baby byeBaby bye. There is a fly.We will watch him, you and I.There he goes, on his toes, right up to your nose, nose, nose.. Baby bye. There is a fly.We will watch him, you and I.There he goes, on his toes, right up to your toes, toes, toes.. Dance Your FingersDance your fingers up. Dance your fingers down.Dance your fingers to the side, Dance them all around. Dance them on your shoulders, Dance them on your head. Dance them on your tummy, and put them all to bed. Clap Your HandsClap,clap,clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap,clap,clap your hands as quickly as you can.Shake,shake,shake your hands as slowly as you can. Shake,shake,shake your hands as quickly as you can. Roll,roll,roll your hands as slowly as you can.Roll,roll,roll your hands as quickly as you can.Rub,rub,rub your hands as slowly as you can.Rub,rub,rub your hands as quickly as you can.Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your fingers as slowly as you can. Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your fingers as quickly as you can. Pound,pound,pound your fists as slowly as you can. Pound,pound,pound your fists as quickly as you can.Round and RoundRound and round.And round she goes.Where she stops?Nobody knows.PART 2_a Unit 1-12Sitting on the CarpetSitting on the Carpet, 1-2-3.Sitting on the Carpet, you and me. Bunny, stand up. Yeah!Bunny, sit down. Oh!Bunny is dancing all aound the town. Sitting on the Carpet, 1-2-3.Sitting on the Carpet, you and me. Piggy, stand up. Yeah!Piggy, sit down. Oh!Piggy is dancing all aound the town. Sitting on the Carpet, 1-2-3.Sitting on the Carpet, you and me. Everyone, stand up. Yeah!Everyone, sit down. Oh!Everyone are dancing all aound the town. Ring around the rosesRing around the roses.A pocket ful of posies. Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Run around the roses.A pocket ful of posies. Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Walk around the roses.A pocket ful of posies. Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Hop around the roses.A pocket ful of posies. Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Jump around the roses.A pocket ful of posies. Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Tiptoe around the roses.A pocket ful of posies. Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.FriendsFriends, friends, 1-2-3.All my friends are here with me!you’re my friend. you’re my friend.you’re my friend. you’re my friend.Friends, friends, 1-2-3.All my friends are here with me!The Ants Go MarchingThe Ants Go Marching. One by one. Hurrah! Hurrah!The Ants Go Marching. One by one. Hurrah! Hurrah!The Ants Go Marching. One by one. the little one stops to suck his thumb.And they all go marching down. To the ground. To get out of the rain.BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!(two, tie his shoe ) (three, climb a tree)Two Little Black BirdsTwo Little black birds sitting on a hill,One named Jack,and one named Jill.Fly away Jack,Fly away Jill.Come back Jack,come back Jill.Five Little SausagesFive little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam.Four little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam.Three little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam.Two little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam.One little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went“Wait,wait,put me on your plate and eat me.”One Two Buckle My ShoesOne,two, buckle my shoes,Three,four,open the door.Five,six,pick up sticks.Seven,eight,lay them straight.Nine,ten,do it again.Jack and JillJack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbing after.Eentsy Weentsy SpideThe eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout.Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.Out Came the sun and dried up all the rain.And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again. Five RabbitsFive rabbits were hiding in the woods one day.One,two,three,four,five jumped out, and then they ran away. Three Little MonkeysThree little monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”Two little monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”One little monkey jumping on the bed.He fell off and bumped his head.Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”Twinkle Twinkle Little StarTwinkle,twinkle,little star.How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high.Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle,twinkle,little star.How I wonder what you are.PART 2_b Unit 1-12I Love go to schoolI love to go to school, go to school, go to school.I have paper and pencil, in my backpack.I love to go to school, go to school, go to school.I have a toad big and fat, in my backpack.Lazy MaryLazy Mary will you get up? Will you get up? Will you get up?Lazy Mary will you get up? Will you get up today?No, no, Mommy, I won’t get up. I won’t get up. I won’t get up.No, no, Mommy, I won’t get up. I won’t get up today. Yes, mommy, I will get up. I will get up. I will get up.Yes, mommy, I will get up. I will get up today.Row Row Row your BoatRow, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream.Rock, rock, rock your boat, gently down the stream.If you see a crocodiel, don’t forget to screem!I'm a Little TeapotI'm a little teapot, short and stout.This is my handle. This is my spout.When I get all steamed up. Then I shout.Tip me over and pour me out.This Little PigThis little pig went to market.This little pig stayed home.This little pig had roast beef.This little pig had none.This little pig cried wee, wee, wee, all the way home. Hickory Dickory DockHickory dickory dock,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck one.The mouse ran down.Hickory dickory dock, hickory dickory dock ,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck two.The mouse said “Boo”.Hickory dickory dock, hickory dickory dock ,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck three.The mouse said “Wee”.Hickory dickory dock, hickory dickory dock ,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck four.The mouse said “No more”. Hickory dickory dock.Ali Baba's farmAli Baba, he has a little farm.On his farm he has some little lambs.Baa, baa. Cry his little lambs.On the farm of Ali Baba.(cows, moo) ( pigs, oink)How much Is That Doggy in the Window How much is that doggy in the window? (Woof, woof.) The one with the waggly tail. (Woof, woof.)How much is that doggy in the window? (Woof, woof.)I do hope that doggy’s for sale! (Woof, woof.)But I don’t have enough money to buy it.I Can HearLittle crow, little crow, cow, cow, cow.I can hear the little crow, cow, cow, cow.(owl, hoo) (donkey, heehaw)There Is ThunderThere iss thunder. There iss thunder.Hear it roar. Hear it roar.Pitter patter, raindrops. Pitter patter, raindrops.I’m all wet. I’m all wet.Rain Rain,Go AwayWind, wind, wind blows.And there is thunder.It is raining outside,Pitter patter, raindrops.Rain rain, go away.Come again another day.Little Johnny wants to play.Rain, rain, go away.You Are My SunshineYou are my sunshine, my only sunshine.You make me happy, when skies are gray.You never know dear, how much I love you.So please don’t take my sunshine away.PART 3_a Unit 1-12Three bule pigeonsThree bule pigeons, sitting on a wall.Three bule pigeons, sitting on a wall. One flew away. Oh! Two bule pigeons, sitting on a wall.Two bule pigeons, sitting on a wall. Another flew away. Oh! One bule pigeon, sitting on a wall.One bule pigeon, sitting on a wall. And the third flew away! Oh.No bule pigeons, sitting on a wall.No bule pigeons, sitting on a wall. One flew back. Yeah!One bule pigeon, sitting on a wall.One bule pigeon, sitting on a wall. Another flew back! Yeah! Two bule pigeons, sitting on a wall.Two bule pigeons, sitting on a wall. And the third flew away! Yeah!Pull the Rope(row your bow曲调)Pull, pull, pull the rope. Pull with all your might.Harder, harder, don’t let go. Hold on very tight.PlantsThe farmer plants the seeds.The farmer plants the seeds. Hi-ho, the derry-o.The farmer plants the seeds.(The rain begins to fall.) (The sun begins to shine.) (The plants begins to grow.)(The buds all open up.) (The flowers smile at me.)Jack Be NimbleJack, be NimbleJack, be quick,Jack, jump over the candle stick.Jack, jumped high.Jack, jumped low.Jack, jump over, and burned his toe.Mulberry BushHere we go round the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush.Here we go round the mulberry bush,so early in the morning This is the way I wash my face, my face, my face.This is the way I wash my face, so early in the morning Here we go round the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush.Here we go round the mulberry bush,so early in the morning This is the way I brush my teeth, brush my teeth, brush my teeth.This is the way I brush my teeth, so early in the morning Here we go round the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush.Here we go round the mulberry bush,so early in the morning This is the way I comb my hair, comb my hair, comb my hair. This is the way I comb my hair, so early in the morningHere we go round the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush.Here we go round the mulberry bush,so early in the morning This is the way I put on my chothes, put on my chothes, put on my chothes.This is the way I put on my chothes, so early in the morning What Do You Want To BeI want to be a teacher. What do you want to be?(driver, piliceman, singer, doctor)Looby LooHere we go loo by loo. Here we go loo by loo.Here we go loo by loo,all on a Saturday night.You put your right hand in.You put your right hand out.You give your right hand a shake shake shake,and turn yourself about.⑵left hand ⑵right foot ⑶left foot ⑷whole self.PussycatPussycat,Pussycat,where have you been? I’ve been to London to visti the Queen. Pussycat,Pussycat,what did you there?I scared a little mouse under her chair. The Bear Went Over The Mountain The Bear Went Over The MountainThe Bear Went Over The MountainThe Bear Went Over The MountainTo see what he could see.And all that he could see,And all that he could see,And all that he could see,was the other side of the moutain.The other side of the moutain,the other side of the moutain,the other side of the moutain,Was all that he could see.(River,)What Do Monsters DoWhat do Monsters do?They strech and touch their toes.What do Monsters do?They comb their puple hair.What do Monsters do?They stick out their green tongues.What do Monsters do?They brush their teeth with a broom.What do Monsters do?They rub their yellow eyes.What do Monsters do?They wiggle their organge ears.What do Monsters do?They are coming to catch you!If You’re HappyIf you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands.If you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands.If you’re happy and you know it,then your face will surely show it.If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.If you’re happy and you know it,stomp your feet.If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet.If you’re happy and you know it,then your face will surely show it.If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet..If you’re happy and you know it,shout hurray,Hurray..If you’re happy and you know it, shout hurray,Hurray..If you’re happy and you know it,then your face will surely show it.If you’re happy and you know it, shout hurray,Hurray..If you’re happy and you know it,do all three.Hurray.If you’re happy and you know it,do all three.Hurray.If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.If you’re happy and you know it,do all three.Hurray.We Wish you a Merry ChristmasWe Wish you a Merry Christmas.We Wish you a Merry Christmas.We Wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. We Wish you a Merry Christmas.Good hidings we bring to you and your kin.We Wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. PART 3_b Unit 1-12Who Stole the Cookies From the Cookie Jar Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Cindy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.Who? Me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who?Linda stole the cookies from the cookie jar.Who? Me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who?Sally stole the cookies from the cookie jar.Who? Me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who?Cindy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.(You stole the cookies. Not me!)…Charlie Over the OceanCharlie over the ocean. Charlie over the ocean. Charlie over the sea. Charlie over the sea.Charlie caught a lobster. Charlie caught a lobster. Can’t catch me.(a sea lion, a dolphin, a sharp shark, a blue whale)Candy ShopCome with me to the candy shop.While I get a lollipop,Cotton candy, bubble gum, chocolate drop.What shall I buy at the candy shop?Come with me to the fruit shop.While I get a banana,Pineapple, kiwi fruit, watermelon,What shall I buy at the fruit shop?The GingerboyOh, do you know the Gingerboy, the Gingerboy, the Gingerboy?Oh, do you know the Gingerboy, who ran and ran and ran. He said, “Catch me, if you can, if you can, oh , if you can..”He said, “Catch me, if you can.”Then ran and ran and ran.I can run like the ginger boy, the ginger boy, the ginger boy.I can run like the ginger boy. Now catch me if you can.The Wheels On The BusThe wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round,round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town.The driver on the bus goes turn and turn. Turn and turn, turn and turn.The driver on the bus goes turn and turn, all through the town. The door on the bus goes open and shut..Open and shut. open and shut..The door on the bus goes open and shut, all through the town. The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down. up and down.The people on the bus go up and down, all through the town. The baby on the bus goes wee wee wee. Wee wee wee. wee wee wee.The baby on the bus goes wee wee wee, all through the town. The mother on the bus goes shh shh shh. Shh shh shh.. shh shh shh.The mother on the bus goes shh shh shh, all through the town. The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round,round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town.Little Peter RabbitLittle Peter Rabbit, had a fly upon his ear.Little Peter Rabbit, had a fly upon his ear.Little Peter Rabbit, had a fly upon his ear.And he flicked it till it flew away.Little Peter__, had a fly upon his ear.Little Peter__, had a fly upon his ear.Little Peter__, had a fly upon his ear.And he flicked it till it flew away.Little Peter__, had a __ upon his ear.Little Peter__, had a __ upon his ear.Little Peter__, had a __ upon his ear.And he flicked it till it flew away.Over in The MeadowOver in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother toad and her little toad one.“Wink!”said the mother; “I Wink”said the one.So they winked and they winked in the sand in the sun. Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother frog and her little froggies two.“Jump!”said the mother; “We’ll jump!”said the two.So they jumped and they jumped in the sand in the sun. Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother turtle and her little turtles three.“Dig!”said the mother; “We’ll dig!”said the three.So they dug and they dug in the sand in the sun.Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother lizard and her little lizards four.“Snatch!”said the mother; “We’ll snatch!”said the three. So they snached and they snached in the sand in the sun. Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother snake and her little snakes five.“Slither!”said the mother; “We’ll slither!”said the three. So they slithered and they slithered in the sand in the sun. Traffic RulesAlways watch the traffic light,Always watch the traffic light,Always watch the traffic light,Before you cross the street.Green means Go.Yellow means Slow.And red means Stop, Stop, Stop.Look to the left. Look to the right. Make sure no cars in your sight.Jack-o-lantersFive little Jack-o-lanters sitting on a gate. The 1st one said, It’s getting late.The 2nd one said, I hear a noise.The 3rd one said, It’s only some boys. The 4th one said, Let’s run. Let’s run. The 5th one said, It’s Halloween fun. Then whoo~~~Went the wind, and out went the light. And away ran the Jack-o-lantersOn Halloween night.I See the WindI see the wind, when leaves dance by.I see the wind, when shirts wave “Hi!”I see the wind, when trees bend down.I see the wind, when flags all blow.I see the wind, when kites fly high.I see the wind, when clouds go by.I see the wind, when it blows my hair.I see the wind, most every where.Three Brown BearsThree Brown Bears, Three Brown Bears,See all their bowls. See all their bowls.The daddy’s bowl is the biggest one.The mother’s bowl is the middle one.The baby’s bowl is the smallest one.Three Brown Bears, Three Brown Bears,(chair, bed)The More We Get TogetherThe more we get together, together, together.The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!For your friends are my friends. My friends are your friends. The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!。

0a (动画,儿歌律动,亲子游戏)Unit 1 HelloUnit 2 BubbleUnit 3 KangarooUnit 4 I Can FlyUnit 5 Giddy Up HorseyUnit 6 Driving in My CarUnit 7 LollipopUnit 8 WalkingUnit 9 Three Little DucksUnit 10 Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!Unit 11 Little SquirrelUnit 12 Happy New Year0b (动画,儿歌律动,亲子游戏)Unit1 Jack-in-the-boxUnit 2 Merry-go-roundUnit 3 Big Bad BugUnit 4 The Little Green FrogUnit 5 Handy DandyUnit 6 DinosaurUnit 7 Witch in a JarUnit 8 Egg FunUnit 9 Turtle and SnailUnit 10 The FiremenUnit 11 Jonny, JonnyUnit 12 Seesaw1a (动画,情景表演,儿歌律动,亲子游戏)Unit 1 Little BeeUnit 2 Pee-a-booUnit 3 Gobble, GobbUnit 4 Now Tall, Now SmallUnit 5 Four Little Baby DucksUnit 6 CatsUnit 7 Walking, WalkingUnit 8 Teddy BearUnit 9 Little MouseUnit 10 London Bridge Is Falling DownUnit 11 Johnny hammersUnit 12 The ChimneyUnit 1 Good Morning TrainUnit 2 I’m hungryUnit 3 Big Apple TreeUnit 4 AppleUnit 5 We’re MarchingUnit 6 Here Is the BeehiveUnit 7 Where Is Thumbkin?Unit 8 Round the GardenUnit 9 Baby ByeUnit 10 Dance Your FingersUnit 11 Clap Your HandUnit 12 Round and Round2a (动画,情景表演,儿歌律动,亲子游戏)Unit 1 Sitting on the CarpetUnit 2 Ring Around the RosesUnit 3 FriendsUnit 4 The Ants Go MarchingUnit 5 Two Little Black BirdsUnit 6 Five Little SausagesUnit 7 One, Two, Buckle My ShoeUnit 8 Jack and JillUnit 9 Eentsy Weentsy SpiderUnit 10 Five RabbitsUnit 11 Three Little MonkeysUnit 12 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star2b (动画,情景表演,儿歌律动,亲子游戏)Unit 1 I Love to Go to SchoolUnit 2 Lazy MaryUnit 3 Row, row, row your boatUnit 4 I’m a Little TeapotUnit 5 This Little PigUnit 6 Hickory Dickory DockUnit 7 Ali Baba’s FarmUnit 8 How Much Is that Dog in the WindowUnit 9 I Can HearUnit 10 There Is ThunderUnit 11 Rain, rain go awayUnit 12 You Are My SunshineUnit 1 Three Blue PigeonsUnit 2 Pull the RopeUnit 3 PlantsUnit 4 Jack, Be NimbleUnit 5 The Mulberry BushUnit 6 What Do You Want to Be?Unit 7 Looby LooUnit 8 PussycatUnit 9 The Bear Went Over the MountainUnit 10 What Do Monsters Do?Unit 11 If You’re HappyUnit 12 We Wish You a Merry Christmas3b (动画,情景表演,儿歌律动,亲子游戏)Unit 1 Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Unit 2 Charlie over the oceanUnit 3 Candy ShopUnit 4 The GingerboyUnit 5 The Wheels On the BusUnit 6 Little Peter RabbitUnit 7Over in the MeadowUnit 8 Traffic RulesUnit 9 Jack-O-LanternsUnit 10 I See the WindUnit 11 Three Brown BearsUnit 12 The More We Get Together4a (动画,情景表演,儿歌律动,亲子游戏)Unit 1 S-M-I-L-EUnit 2 Baby BumblebeeUnit 3 I Had a Loose ToothUnit 4 In a Cabin in a WoodUnit 5 She'll Be Coming Around the MountainUnit 6 I Went UpstairsUnit 7 The Big DrumUnit 8 Raindrop SongUnit 9 EggsUnit 10 The Green Grass Grows All AroundUnit 11 A chubby Little SnowmanUnit 12 I Am Special4b (动画,情景表演,儿歌律动,亲子游戏)Unit1 All Together NowUnit 2 Fiddle-De-DeeUnit 3 The Life of a ButterflyUnit 4 If Moon was CookieUnit 5 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a FlyUnit 6 Cover Your MouthUnit 7 April FoolUnit 8 Today Is SundayUnit 9 The Chicken DanceUnit 10 I Love TrashUnit 11 I Wish I Were a Little Bar of MudUnit 12 Skidamarink。

清华幼儿英语1a清华大学出版社,幼儿英语教材,1AUnit 1 My Body (我的身体)In this unit, we will learn about parts of the body and their functions.Lesson 1: Head and ShouldersIn this lesson, we will learn about the head and shoulders. We will point to them and say the words out loud.1. Teacher: This is my head. (point to the head)Students: Head! (repeat after the teacher)2. Teacher: These are my shoulders. (point to the shoulders)Students: Shoulders! (repeat after the teacher)Lesson 2: Eyes and EarsIn this lesson, we will learn about the eyes and ears. We will learn how they help us see and hear.1. Teacher: These are my eyes. (point to the eyes)Students: Eyes! (repeat after the teacher)Teacher: I can see with my eyes. Can you see with your eyes?Students: Yes, we can see with our eyes.2. Teacher: These are my ears. (point to the ears)Teacher: I can hear with my ears. Can you hear with your ears?Students: Yes, we can hear with our ears.Lesson 3: Nose and MouthIn this lesson, we will learn about the nose and mouth and how we use them to smell and eat.1. Teacher: This is my nose. (point to the nose)Students: Nose! (repeat after the teacher)Teacher: I can smell with my nose. Can you smell with your nose?Students: Yes, we can smell with our nose.2. Teacher: This is my mouth. (point to the mouth)Students: Mouth! (repeat after the teacher)Teacher: I can eat with my mouth. Can you eat with your mouth?Students: Yes, we can eat with our mouth.Unit 2 My Family (我的家庭)In this unit, we will learn about family members and their relationships.Lesson 1: Father and MotherIn this lesson, we will learn about fathers and mothers. We will learn how to introduce our parents.1. Teacher: This is my father. (show a picture of a father)Teacher: What's your father's name? Can you tell me?Students: My father's name is _______.2. Teacher: This is my mother. (show a picture of a mother)Students: Mother! (repeat after the teacher)Teacher: What's your mother's name? Can you tell me?Students: My mother's name is _______.Lesson 2: Brother and SisterIn this lesson, we will learn about brothers and sisters. We will learn how to introduce our siblings.1. Teacher: This is my brother. (show a picture of a brother)Students: Brother! (repeat after the teacher)Teacher: Do you have a brother? What's his name?Students: Yes, I have a brother. His name is _______.2. Teacher: This is my sister. (show a picture of a sister)Students: Sister! (repeat after the teacher)Teacher: Do you have a sister? What's her name?Students: Yes, I have a sister. Her name is _______.Unit 3 My Home (我的家)In this unit, we will learn about different parts of a house and the things we can find in them.Lesson 1: Living Room and BedroomIn this lesson, we will learn about the living room and bedroom. We will learn the names of furniture and objects in these rooms.1. Teacher: This is a sofa. (show a picture of a sofa)Students: Sofa! (repeat after the teacher)Teacher: This is a bed. (show a picture of a bed)Students: Bed! (repeat after the teacher)2. Teacher: Can you find the sofa in the living room? (show a picture ofa living room)Students: Yes, the sofa is in the living room.Teacher: Can you find the bed in the bedroom? (show a picture of a bedroom)Students: Yes, the bed is in the bedroom.Lesson 2: Kitchen and BathroomIn this lesson, we will learn about the kitchen and bathroom. We will learn the names of appliances and objects in these rooms.1. Teacher: This is a refrigerator. (show a picture of a refrigerator)Students: Refrigerator! (repeat after the teacher)Teacher: This is a bathtub. (show a picture of a bathtub)Students: Bathtub! (repeat after the teacher)2. Teacher: Can you find the refrigerator in the kitchen? (show a picture of a kitchen)Students: Yes, the refrigerator is in the kitchen.Teacher: Can you find the bathtub in the bathroom? (show a picture of a bathroom)Students: Yes, the bathtub is in the bathroom.Conclusion:These are just a few examples from the Clearhua Early English 1A textbook. It covers various topics from body parts to family members and house rooms. Each lesson includes vocabulary building and interactive activities to engage young learners. With a comprehensive curriculum and engaging materials, Clearhua Early English 1A provides an effective learning experience for young children.。

教学目标:1. 通过听、说、读、写等多种方式,使幼儿能够理解和使用一些基本的英语词汇和表达方式。
2. 培养幼儿对英语学习的兴趣和自信心。
3. 培养幼儿的听力、口语、阅读和写作能力。
4. 培养幼儿的团队合作、沟通和表达能力。
教学重点:1. 掌握基本的英语词汇,如颜色、动物、身体部位等。
2. 发展幼儿的听力和口语能力,能够听懂简单的英语对话并做出回应。
3. 培养幼儿的阅读能力,能够读懂简单的英语图画书和简单的句子。
4. 培养幼儿的写作能力,能够简单地书写英语单词和简单的句子。
教学准备:1. 幼儿英语教材《清华幼儿英语1B》。
2. 彩色图片、幼儿英语单词卡片、英语图画书等教具。
3. 多媒体设备和幼儿英语学习软件(如果条件允许)。
4. 幼儿英语学习游戏和活动的材料。
教学步骤:1. Warm-up activity (热身活动):- 使用彩色图片或幼儿英语单词卡片,复习上一节课学过的英语单词。
- 引导幼儿进行简单的问答练习,如“What color is this?”, “What animal is this?”等。
2. Introduction (新课介绍):- 准备一本英语图画书,展示给幼儿,并引导他们观察其中的内容。
- 通过图片和简单的英语句子,介绍新的英语词汇和表达方式,如颜色、动物、身体部位等。
3. Listening and speaking (听力和口语练习):- 播放相关的英语录音或使用多媒体设备展示英语视频,让幼儿听懂简单的英语对话。
- 引导幼儿模仿英语对话中的发音和语调,并进行口语练习,如角色扮演、问答练习等。
4. Reading (阅读练习):- 使用幼儿英语图画书,让幼儿阅读图画并尝试读出简单的英语句子。
清华幼儿英语 KinderPower 语感启蒙

清华幼儿英语KinderPower 语感启蒙(2007版,72首英文童谣完整文本)2b1 I Love go to school2b2 Lazy Mary2b3 Row Row Row your Boat2b4 I'm a Little Teapot3b5 This Little Pig2b6 Hickory Dickory Dock2b7 Ali Baba's farm3b8 How much Is That Doggy in the Window 2b9 I Can Hear2b10 There Is Thunder2b11 Rain Rain,Go Away2b12 You Are My SunshinePART 1_a Unit 1-12Little Bee(I am little bee. I love honey. Yummy! )Little bee, little bee, round, round, round.Little bee, little bee, sound, sound, sound.Zzzzzz…Peek-a-BooPeek, peek, peek-a-BooPeek, peek, I see you.Peek, peek, peek-a-MooPeek, peek, I see you.Gobble, gobble(Gobble, gobble, gobble. I’m turkey.Quack, quack, quack. I’m duck.)Gobble, gobble, gobble.Quack, quack, quack.A turkey says gobble.A duck says quack.Now Tall, Now SmallI’m streaching very tall.Now I’m very small.Now tall, now small.Now I’m tiny ball.Four Little baby ducks(One little, two little, three little, four. Four little baby ducks.) One little, two little baby ducks.three little, four little baby ducks.Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack,Oh, come four little baby ducks.CatsOne cats. Two cats. Three cats. Four.Five cats. Six cats. Seven cats. More..Walking, WalkingWalking, walking, walking, walking,Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop,Running, running, running,running, running, running,now let’s stop, now let’s stop.Teddy BearTeddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn a-round,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do!Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, switch off the light,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say good night.Little MouseHere is a little mouse.Peeking through a hole.Peek to the left. Peek to the right.Watch out!There is a cat in sight.London Bridge Is Falling DownLondon Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down, my fair Lady.Johnny HammersJohnny works with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer. Johnny works with one hammer, all day long.Johnny works with two hammers, two hammers, two hammers, Johnny works with two hammers, all day long.(three, four, five)Johnny’s very tired now, tired now, tired now.Johnny’s very tired now, let’s have a rest.The ChimneyHere is the chimney, Here is the top.Open the lid,out santa will pop.PART 1_b Unit 1-12Good Moring TrainThe good morning train is coming. “How are you?” Choo-choo.The good morning train is coming. “How are you?” Choo-choo.The good morning train is coming. The good morning train is coming. The good morning train is coming. “How are you?” Choo-choo.Say Hello to tiger. “How are you?” Choo-choo.Say Hello t o monkey. “How are you?” Choo-choo.Say Hello to panda. Say Hello to teddy.Say Hello to Turkey. “How are you?” Choo-choo.I'm Hungry.I'm hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.I'm hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.I'm hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.I want to eat.Doggy’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.Doggy’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.Doggy’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.He wants to eat.Croc’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.Croc’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.Croc’s hungry. Growl, growl. Growl.I want to eat.Big Apple TreeApple tree, apple tree,big apple tree.Please drop a big appledown for me.AppleApple round, Apple redApple juicy, Apple sweetApple, Apple,I love you.Apple sweet, I love to eat.We are Marching(Let’s go marching.)We are marching. We are marching.We are marching aound the yellow pears.We are marching. We are marching.We are marching aound the yellow pears.Round and round, Round and round.We are marching aound the yellow pears.Eating all the pears as we go.We are marching. We are marching.We are marching aound the pink peaches.We are marching. We are marching.We are marching aound the pink peaches.Round and round, Round and round.We are marching aound the pink peaches.Eating all the peaches as we go.Here Is The BeehiveHere is the beehive, Where are the bees?Hidden away where no-body sees.Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive.One,two,three,four,five. BzzzzzzzWhere Is Thumbkin?Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin?Here I am,Here I am. How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away. Where is Pointer? Where is Pointer? Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away. Where is Tall Man? Where is Tall Man?Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Ring Man? Where is Ring Man?Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Pinky? Where is T Pinky?Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Round the GardenRound and round the garden.Goes the little mouse.Up, up, up it creeps, up into its house.baby byeBaby bye. There is a fly.We will watch him, you and I.There he goes, on his toes, right up to your nose, nose, nose..Baby bye. There is a fly.We will watch him, you and I.There he goes, on his toes, right up to your toes, toes, toes...Dance Your FingersDance your fingers up. Dance your fingers down.Dance your fingers to the side, Dance them all around.Dance them on your shoulders, Dance them on your head.Dance them on your tummy, and put them all to bed.Clap Your HandsClap,clap,clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap,clap,clap your hands as quickly as you can.Shake,shake,shake your hands as slowly as you can.Shake,shake,shake your hands as quickly as you can.Roll,roll,roll your hands as slowly as you can.Roll,roll,roll your hands as quickly as you can.Rub,rub,rub your hands as slowly as you can.Rub,rub,rub your hands as quickly as you can.Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your fingers as slowly as you can.Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your fingers as quickly as you can.Pound,pound,pound your fists as slowly as you can.Pound,pound,pound your fists as quickly as you can.Round and RoundRound and round.And round she goes.Where she stops?Nobody knows.PART 2_a Unit 1-12(很抱歉,之前提供的part2第一部分和part3第一部分重复了,重传这部分,谢谢yifangguo提醒 2012-2-3修改)Sitting on the CarpetSitting on the Carpet, 1-2-3.Sitting on the Carpet, you and me.Bunny, stand up. Yeah!Bunny, sit down. Oh!Bunny is dancing all aound the town.Sitting on the Carpet, 1-2-3.Sitting on the Carpet, you and me.Piggy, stand up. Yeah!Piggy, sit down. Oh!Piggy is dancing all aound the town.Sitting on the Carpet, 1-2-3.Sitting on the Carpet, you and me.Everyone, stand up. Yeah!Everyone, sit down. Oh!Everyone are dancing all aound the town.Ring around the rosesRing around the roses.A pocket ful of posies.Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Run around the roses.A pocket ful of posies.Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Walk around the roses.A pocket ful of posies.Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Hop around the roses.A pocket ful of posies.Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Jump around the roses.A pocket ful of posies.Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.Tiptoe around the roses.A pocket ful of posies.Ashes,ashes,we all fall down.FriendsFriends, friends, 1-2-3.All my friends are here with me!you’re my friend. you’re my friend.you’re my friend. you’re my friend.Friends, friends, 1-2-3.All my friends are here with me!The Ants Go MarchingThe Ants Go Marching. One by one. Hurrah! Hurrah!The Ants Go Marching. One by one. Hurrah! Hurrah!The Ants Go Marching. One by one. the little one stops to suck his thumb. And they all go marching down. To the ground. To get out of the rain. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!(two, tie his shoe ) (three, climb a tree)Two Little Black BirdsTwo Little black birds sitting on a hill,One named Jack,and one named Jill.Fly away Jack,Fly away Jill.Come back Jack,come back Jill.Five Little SausagesFive little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam. Four little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam. Three little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam. Two little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam. One little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went “Wait,wait,put me on your plate and eat me.”One Two Buckle My ShoesOne,two, buckle my shoes,Three,four,open the door.Five,six,pick up sticks.Seven,eight,lay them straight.Nine,ten,do it again.Jack and JillJack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbing after. Eentsy Weentsy SpideThe eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout.Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.Out Came the sun and dried up all the rain.And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again.Five RabbitsFive rabbits were hiding in the woods one day.One,two,three,four,five jumped out, and then they ran away.Three Little MonkeysThree little monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”Two little monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”One little monkey jumping on the bed.He fell off and bumped his head.Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”Twinkle Twinkle Little StarTwinkle,twinkle,little star.How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high.Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle,twinkle,little star.How I wonder what you are.2b1 I Love go to schoolI love to go to school, go to school, go to school.I have paper and pencil, in my backpack.I love to go to school, go to school, go to school.I have a toad big and fat, in my backpack.2b2 Lazy MaryLazy Mary will you get up? Will you get up? Will you get up? Lazy Mary will you get up? Will you get up today?No, no, Mommy, I won’t get up. I won’t get up. I won’t get up. No, no, Mommy, I won’t get up. I won’t get up today.Yes, mommy, I will get up. I will get up. I will get up.Yes, mommy, I will get up. I will get up today.2b3 Row Row Row your BoatRow, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream.Rock, rock, rock your boat, gently down the stream.If you see a crocodiel, don’t forget to screem!2b4 I'm a Little TeapotI'm a little teapot, short and stout.This is my handle. This is my spout.When I get all steamed up. Then I shout.Tip me over and pour me out.3b5 This Little PigThis little pig went to market.This little pig stayed home.This little pig had roast beef.This little pig had none.This little pig cried wee, wee, wee, all the way home.2b6 Hickory Dickory DockHickory dickory dock,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck one.The mouse ran down.Hickory dickory dock, hickory dickory dock ,the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck two.The mouse said “Boo”.Hickory dickory dock, hickory dickory dock ,the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck three.The mouse said “Wee”.Hickory dickory dock, hickory dickory dock ,the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck four.The mouse said “No more”. Hickory dickory dock. 2b7 Ali Baba's farmAli Baba, he has a little farm.On his farm he has some little lambs.Baa, baa. Cry his little lambs.On the farm of Ali Baba.(cows, moo) ( pigs, oink)3b8 How much Is That Doggy in the WindowHow much is that doggy in the window? (Woof, woof.)The one with the waggly tail. (Woof, woof.)How much is that doggy in the window? (Woof, woof.)I do hope that doggy’s for sale! (Woof, woof.)But I don’t have enough money to buy it.2b9 I Can HearLittle crow, little crow, cow, cow, cow.I can hear the little crow, cow, cow, cow.(owl, hoo) (donkey, heehaw)2b10 There Is ThunderThere iss thunder. There iss thunder.Hear it roar. Hear it roar.Pitter patter, raindrops. Pitter patter, raindrops.I’m all wet. I’m all wet.2b11 Rain Rain,Go AwayWind, wind, wind blows.And there is thunder.It is raining outside,Pitter patter, raindrops.Rain rain, go away.Come again another day.Little Johnny wants to play.Rain, rain, go away.2b12 You Are My SunshineYou are my sunshine, my only sunshine.You make me happy, when skies are gray.You never know dear, how much I love you.So please don’t take my sunshine away.PART 3_a Unit 1-12Three bule pigeonsThree bule pigeons, sitting on a wall.Three bule pigeons, sitting on a wall. One flew away. Oh!Two bule pigeons, sitting on a wall.Two bule pigeons, sitting on a wall. Another flew away. Oh!One bule pigeon, sitting on a wall.One bule pigeon, sitting on a wall. And the third flew away! Oh.No bule pigeons, sitting on a wall.No bule pigeons, sitting on a wall. One flew back. Yeah!One bule pigeon, sitting on a wall.One bule pigeon, sitting on a wall. Another flew back! Yeah!Two bule pigeons, sitting on a wall.Two bule pigeons, sitting on a wall. And the third flew away! Yeah!Pull the Rope(row your bow曲调)Pull, pull, pull the rope. Pull with all your might.Harder, harder, don’t let go. Hold on very tight.PlantsThe farmer plants the seeds.The farmer plants the seeds. Hi-ho, the derry-o.The farmer plants the seeds.(The rain begins to fall.) (The sun begins to shine.) (The plants begins to grow.) (The buds all open up.) (The flowers smile at me.)Jack Be NimbleJack, be NimbleJack, be quick,Jack, jump over the candle stick.Jack, jumped high.Jack, jumped low.Jack, jump over, and burned his toe.Mulberry BushHere we go round the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush. Here we go round the mulberry bush,so early in the morningThis is the way I wash my face, my face, my face.This is the way I wash my face, so early in the morningHere we go round the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush. Here we go round the mulberry bush,so early in the morningThis is the way I brush my teeth, brush my teeth, brush my teeth.This is the way I brush my teeth, so early in the morningHere we go round the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush. Here we go round the mulberry bush,so early in the morningThis is the way I comb my hair, comb my hair, comb my hair.This is the way I comb my hair, so early in the morningHere we go round the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush,the mulberry bush. Here we go round the mulberry bush,so early in the morningThis is the way I put on my chothes, put on my chothes, put on my chothes.This is the way I put on my chothes, so early in the morningWhat Do You Want To BeI want to be a teacher. What do you want to be?(driver, piliceman, singer, doctor)Looby LooHere we go loo by loo. Here we go loo by loo.Here we go loo by loo,all on a Saturday night.You put your right hand in.You put your right hand out.You give your right hand a shake shake shake,and turn yourself about.⑵left hand ⑵right foot ⑶left foot ⑷whole self.PussycatPussycat,Pussycat,where have you been?I’ve been to London to visti the Queen.Pussycat,Pussycat,what did you there?I scared a little mouse under her chair.The Bear Went Over The MountainThe Bear Went Over The MountainThe Bear Went Over The MountainThe Bear Went Over The MountainTo see what he could see.And all that he could see,And all that he could see,And all that he could see,was the other side of the moutain.The other side of the moutain,the other side of the moutain,the other side of the moutain,Was all that he could see.(River,)What Do Monsters DoWhat do Monsters do?They strech and touch their toes.What do Monsters do?They comb their puple hair.What do Monsters do?They stick out their green tongues.What do Monsters do?They brush their teeth with a broom.What do Monsters do?They rub their yellow eyes.What do Monsters do?They wiggle their organge ears.What do Monsters do?They are coming to catch you!If You’re HappyIf you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands.If you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands.If you’re happy and you know it,then your face will surely show it.If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.If you’re happy and you know it,stomp your feet.If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet.If you’re happy and you know it,then your face will surely show it.If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet..If you’re happy and you know it,shout hurray,Hurray..If you’re happy and you know it, shout hurray,Hurray..If you’re happy and you know it,then your face will surely show it.If you’re happy and you know it, shout hurray,Hurray..If you’re happy and you know it,do all three.Hurray.If you’re happy and you know it,do all three.Hurray.If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.If you’re happy and you know it,do all three.Hurray.We Wish you a Merry ChristmasWe Wish you a Merry Christmas.We Wish you a Merry Christmas.We Wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.We Wish you a Merry Christmas.Good hidings we bring to you and your kin.We Wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.PART 3_b Unit 1-12Who Stole the Cookies From the Cookie Jar Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Cindy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.Who? Me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who?Linda stole the cookies from the cookie jar.Who? Me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who?Sally stole the cookies from the cookie jar.Who? Me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who?Cindy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.(You stole the cookies. Not me!)…Charlie Over the OceanCharlie over the ocean. Charlie over the ocean.Charlie over the sea. Charlie over the sea.Charlie caught a lobster. Charlie caught a lobster.Can’t catch me.(a sea lion, a dolphin, a sharp shark, a blue whale)Candy ShopCome with me to the candy shop.While I get a lollipop,Cotton candy, bubble gum, chocolate drop.What shall I buy at the candy shop?Come with me to the fruit shop.While I get a banana,Pineapple, kiwi fruit, watermelon,What shall I buy at the fruit shop?The GingerboyOh, do you know the Gingerboy, the Gingerboy, the Gingerboy?Oh, do you know the Gingerboy, who ran and ran and ran.He said, “Catch me, if you can, if you can, oh , if you can..”He said, “Catch me, if you can.” Then ran and ran and ran.I can run like the ginger boy, the ginger boy, the ginger boy.I can run like the ginger boy. Now catch me if you can.The Wheels On The BusThe wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round,round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town.The driver on the bus goes turn and turn. Turn and turn, turn and turn.The driver on the bus goes turn and turn, all through the town.The door on the bus goes open and shut..Open and shut. open and shut..The door on the bus goes open and shut, all through the town.The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down. up and down.The people on the bus go up and down, all through the town.The baby on the bus goes wee wee wee. Wee wee wee. wee wee wee.The baby on the bus goes wee wee wee, all through the town.The mother on the bus goes shh shh shh. Shh shh shh.. shh shh shh.The mother on the bus goes shh shh shh, all through the town.The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round,round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town.Little Peter RabbitLittle Peter Rabbit, had a fly upon his ear.Little Peter Rabbit, had a fly upon his ear.Little Peter Rabbit, had a fly upon his ear.And he flicked it till it flew away.Little Peter__, had a fly upon his ear.Little Peter__, had a fly upon his ear.Little Peter__, had a fly upon his ear.And he flicked it till it flew away.Little Peter__, had a __ upon his ear.Little Peter__, had a __ upon his ear.Little Peter__, had a __ upon his ear.And he flicked it till it flew away.Over in The MeadowOver in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother toad and her little toad one.“Wink!” said the mother; “I Wink” said the one.So they winked and they winked in the sand in the sun. Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother frog and her little froggies two.“Jump!” said the mother; “We’ll jump!” said the two.So they jumped and they jumped in the sand in the sun. Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother turtle and her little turtles three.“Dig!” said the mother; “We’ll dig!” said the three.So they dug and they dug in the sand in the sun.Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother lizard and her little lizards four.“Snatch!” said the mother; “We’ll snatch!” said the three. So they snached and they snached in the sand in the sun. Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun,Lived an old mother snake and her little snakes five.“Slither!” said the mother; “We’ll slither!” said the three. So they slithered and they slithered in the sand in the sun. Traffic RulesAlways watch the traffic light,Always watch the traffic light,Always watch the traffic light,Before you cross the street.Green means Go.Yellow means Slow.And red means Stop, Stop, Stop.Look to the left. Look to the right.Make sure no cars in your sight.Jack-o-lantersFive little Jack-o-lanters sitting on a gate.The 1st one said, It’s getting late.The 2nd one said, I hear a noise.The 3rd one said, It’s only some boys.The 4th one said, Let’s run. Let’s run.The 5th one said, It’s Halloween fun.Then whoo~~~Went the wind, and out went the light.And away ran the Jack-o-lantersOn Halloween night.I See the WindI see the wind, when leaves dance by.I see the wind, when shirts wave “Hi!”I see the wind, when trees bend down.I see the wind, when flags all blow.I see the wind, when kites fly high.I see the wind, when clouds go by.I see the wind, when it blows my hair.I see the wind, most every where.Three Brown BearsThree Brown Bears, Three Brown Bears,See all their bowls. See all their bowls.The daddy’s bowl is the biggest one.The mother’s bowl is the middle one.The baby’s bowl is the smallest one.Three Brown Bears, Three Brown Bears,(chair, bed)The More We Get TogetherThe more we get together, together, together.The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!For your friends are my friends. My friends are your friends. The more we get together, the happier we’ll be!。

我学着小兔子的声音说:“I'm a little rabbit.I like carrots.”爸爸妈妈就会接其他小动物的话。

Made By 郝新云,廖小琴,张银,彭青,梁 姣,欧阳齐贞,康路
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Kinder power
《清华幼儿英语》是有具有中美教学经验的留美专家孙瑞玲 教授运用清华大学教育研究所的最新研究成果,结合多元智能 教育理论编写的,由清华大学出版社精心设计出版的一套高水
独树一帜的语感启蒙训练 老师、孩子、家长三位一体的教学模式 多元智能(MI)教学法 全方位适龄游戏教学
清华幼儿英语1册 1.wrong way 2.being blamed for what I haven't done 3.smart teacher 4.wishful thinking 5.how many chickens 6.bad warranty zy men 8.golf and funerals 9.tee shot 10.dose your dog bite
阅读启蒙更重视对3一7岁孩子英语阅读的启蒙和兴趣的培养, 在此基础上获得适合孩子的看词读音知识,让孩子从此自然 而然地告别死记硬背单词的传统学习方法,而不是一味地灌 输。
(四)《清华幼儿英语》辅助教材《语感启 蒙》的适龄性
《语感启蒙》教学中所选用的手指游戏、动作歌谣以及其他形式的语言游 戏,通常是北美年轻的父母们在与自己的宝宝嬉戏时,伴随着不经意的节 奏,辅助以手指和全身动作传授给宝宝的最初的语言,宝宝们在咿呀学语 之前,就已经开始通过手指游戏和动作歌谣与父母产生最初的交流;感受 最初的语言,培养最初的语感,认识最初的世界。由于这些北美原汁原味 的手指游戏、动作歌谣以及其他形式的语言游戏,就直接来源于母语是英 语的孩子们最初的语感素材,所以,《语感启蒙》最适合初步接触英语的 中国孩子们的英语语感训练。

《清华幼儿英语》以体现多元智能的主题式教学为线索,采用Circle Time (圆圈教学)和Learning Center(手工操作)的教学模式,辅以幼儿英语教师特有的生动可爱的表现力,仰扬顿挫,轻重缓急,声音变化等幼儿语言教学技巧以及动静结合,集体与分组等形式变化,加之学生用书264个幼儿综合能力训练,330个幼儿园教学游戏与家庭亲子游戏,168个生动有趣的故事,生动有趣的融合在如下教学步骤中;讲故事展示知识点(语言智能),听磁带明确知识点(内省、音乐和语言),玩游戏练习和识点(数学逻辑智能和人际智能),唱歌曲记住知识点(音乐智能和身体运动智能),以及做手工强化知识点(视觉空间智能和内省智能以及多种幼儿综合能力的训练)。

Rickety, Tickety
My Name and Address
The Alphabet Song
Right Hand, Left Hand
Ten Little Fingers
Days of the Week
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Over the River
Christmas Is Coming
The Chimney
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
44 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
45 I'm a Little Teapot
46 One Two Buckle My Shoes
47 The Wheels on the Bus
Eentsy, Weentsy Spider
Mother's Knives and Forks
Here is the Beehive
Clap Your Hands
Grandma's Glasses
Hickory, Dickory, Dock
Three Little Monkeys
Two Little Blackbirds
Knock, Knock
Little Green Frog
All Night, All Day
All the Pretty Little Horses
Hush, Little Baby

1英语启蒙•动画片100.《小P优优(英文原名POCOYO)》全81集101.CAILLOU(卡由)系列动画,该节目的对象是学龄前儿童103.peppa pig720高清英文版105.爱探险的Dora英文版全四季106.go diego go107.Maisy小鼠波波44集+音频+绘本+2CD歌曲109.Penelope蓝色小考拉122.学习类启蒙英语动画片《玛泽的故事》合集123.鼹鼠的故事127.《小公主Little Princess》动画片+绘本128.《工程车汤姆Tracker Tom》中英双语发音48集133.小鸟趣事多英文动画共5季120集134.花园宝宝(60集中文版+60集英文版)136.《芝麻街英语》一共20集139.《贝贝熊》(英文版25集+中文版80集)140.小熊维尼与跳跳虎》一共26集147.英文版《托马斯和他的朋友们(上)》1-11季149.韩国EBS制作《倒霉熊》26集151.《本和霍利的小王国》英文原版一共23集153.BBC英文动画《麦克小骑士》62集156.小熊查理第一季26集157.英文版经典动画《森林王子》第一季26集160.《不一样的卡梅拉》动画版《小鸡来了》32集161.英语动画《女巫麦格和小猫莫格》(13集+MP3)165.英语动画《亚瑟》1-5季166.英文版动画《小马宝莉》168.BBC木偶动画《小小救生队Fireman Sam》共4季32集174.值得父母与孩子共同学习的英文动画《天才宝贝熊》(五季全195集+绘本+MP3)180.3-6岁的孩子英语启蒙动画《小兔麦斯和露比》186.锻炼观察、分析能力的加拿大侦探动画《忙忙碌碌镇》187.英国BBC电视台最受欢迎的儿童节目《动物街64号》190.启蒙动画84集《米菲Miffy》(英文版+中文版)198.全球婴幼儿启蒙第一品牌《天线宝宝》(67集英文版+84集中文版)216.朵拉和朋友们城市探险第1季217.米奇妙妙屋全1-5季英文高清视频227.学乐经典绘本动画100部高清Scholastic Storybook Treasures256.美音动画片Team Umizoomi 数数城小兄妹全四季含音频•绘本及音视频113.廖彩杏轻松听出英语力书单第1周-第52周115.《英文绘本创意教学》--亲子英语绘本的阅读方法指南(含50本绘本+音频)129.《穿过丛林》(视频+电子绘本+音频)130.《好安静的蟋蟀》(视频+电子绘本+音频)137.《猜猜我有多爱你》(动画片+MP3+绘本)144.五星级童书《不一样的卡梅拉》电子绘本146.英文版《棕熊你在看什么》(绘本+视频+MP3)148.《我是一个音乐家》(视频+电子绘本+音频)150.爸爸帮我摘月亮158.画片毛毛狗系列绘本前10本书的配套视频169.《五只猴子》(电子绘本+MP3+手指谣)170.翻翻书《Go Away Mr Wolf 野狼先生快走开》(MP3+PDF)177.苏斯博士《在爸爸身上蹦来跳去》178.《down by the station在火车站》182.苏斯博士代表作《绿鸡蛋和火腿》(视频+电子绘本+音频)191.安徒生金奖绘本《我爸爸》(电子绘本+视频)192.美国知名童书《图书馆狮子》(电子绘本+音频)193.美国凯迪克大奖《大卫不可以》(电子绘本+视频+音频)196.减法学习《十根肥香肠》(视频+电子绘本+音频)•音视频108.Mother Goose音频112.清华幼儿英语语感启蒙第1-4书籍1-4及文本118.WeeSing系列PDF+mp3(最全21个系列)119.《迪斯尼神奇英语》全套视频+教材汇总126.《CREEPY CRAWLY CALYPSO》虫虫摇滚派对视频+音频132.洪恩巴迪英文童谣145.HBO出品《古典宝宝Classical Baby》171.经典3CD《Super Simple Songs幼儿英语歌谣》(73首MP3+配套歌词)173.“妈妈英语”式教材《跟小小孩说英文》(视频+音频+漫画)201.汪培珽英文私房书单,培养孩子的英文耳朵,全网最全汪培珽英文私房书单MP3+PDF207.我的第一本亲子英文单词书210.美国自助在家上学联盟G1-G6系列材料211.鹅妈妈视频+涂色+五线谱歌词下载链接222.公文系列之《公文英语》238.《super simple songs》视频+音频+教学•绘本及书籍204.Dr. Suess苏斯博士双语系列(全十册)206.世界TOP100中英文有声绘本212.《冰雪奇缘》英文原版绘本系列8本215.Kumon儿童动手书35本229.尹建莉《好妈妈胜过好老师》汪培珽《培养孩子的英文耳朵》《汪培珽——喂故事长大的孩子》235.大名鼎鼎的吴敏兰《绘本123,用五感玩出宝宝的英语好感度》+吴敏兰书单40本+推荐创意英语书2自然拼读102.跳跳蛙Leap Frog104.super why英文版81集110.Preschool Pre Company出品的meet the、、、系列111.Alphablocks积木英语全四季114.phonics kids可点读版pdf154.Kids ABC一共24集184.问世超过五十年的经典字母书:《Ape in a cape笼子里的猩猩》(PDF+音频)208.Phonics教材Hooked on Phonics228.Now I am reading 我的第一套自然拼读故事书全80本+1本家长指导手册+美音音频268.拼读训练动画片《单词世界《sight world》第1-2季(avi格式+字幕)3分级阅读116.海尼曼绘本+音频117.牛津树绘本+音频183.英国低幼科普读物《看小动物成长》系列绘本13册199.培生幼儿英语200.美国Raz-kids分级阅读203.《体验英语少儿阅读文库》,全球英语分级读物NO.1!205.全球最畅销的I Can read全套英文原版分级读物MP3+PDF!218.我的第一本亲子英文单词书4科普120.史上最棒科普丛书119本PDF+MP3121.国家地理百科131.100部BBC纪录片141.英文版《美国国家地理幼儿版》点读版142.美国国家地理儿童版》高清电子版,一共26期152.最佳全年龄电视系列片《昆虫小世界》(全2季176集)194.法布尔《昆虫记》有声故事(32集中文版MP3)197.BBC Earth出品《瞬间认识世界》英文版全16集202.神奇校车,神奇校车全网最全资源33.2G!书本、视频、音频、游戏209.科普丛书Let's Read And Find Out Science232.《小小牛顿幼儿馆》PDF书+音频233.《小小牛顿幼儿百科馆》音频5绘画125.《彩色乐园Get Squiggling》(又名“涂鸦宝宝”)175.帮助宝宝探索的英文原版动画《滴答滴答小画家》176.涂色绘画启蒙《我来画》全10册(PDF格式)195.全25集《教宝宝学画画》视频教程269.布里兹学画画6逻辑、数学138.数学启蒙英文版绘本教材213.迪士尼教你学时间和金钱214.迪士尼教你学数学219.唐老鸭漫游数学奇境224.公文系列之公文数学全套248.《美国经典幼儿数学游戏》全六册249.大名鼎鼎的儿童思维训练:《逻辑狗》1-5阶段全套高清251.《汉声数学》全41册+1本妈妈手册254.《百花学习思维训练365天》全12册+答案258.很好玩的万圣节逻辑思维题目264.《让孩子爱上数学的扑克游戏》265.可打印公主主题、消防员主题逻辑思维题,男宝女宝各取所爱7国学及中文143.传统德育动画《中华弟子规》共30集188.经典传承《成语动画廊》223.公文系列之《公文语文》230.中文有声绘本101本,IPAD上亲子共读棒棒哒231.《直映认字》认字卡片+指导手册239.150首动画版古诗+107首经典国外音乐故事音乐诗词241.240集国学动画片245.适合幼儿园小朋友的视频《趣味识字》8早教135.巧虎大陆版189全球早教第一品牌《Gymboree金宝贝》(66CD音乐+2DVD教学视频)221.《布奇乐乐园》246.《巧虎》其它合集803集含《巧虎来啦》,《巧虎学数学》《巧虎学汉字》,《巧虎学英语》《巧虎儿歌》,《巧虎拼音城堡》《巧虎可爱岛》,《巧虎学古诗》《巧虎动脑学数学》,《巧虎剧场》257.《巧虎快乐学拼音》260.《美国:如何说孩子才会听》266.宝宝1-10数字书写模板9手工及游戏226.提升儿童专注力的101种手工创意234.《手工纸模型》236.《我来做手工》全12册240.2016年独家日历模板242.万圣节面具、涂色、迷宫、配对等游戏手工243.圣诞节趣味活动材料包244.routine模板:幼儿日常生活习惯培养<独家美国原版,可以彩打出来>247.《孟老师的100道手工饼干》252.独家感恩节主题小手工可打印(每个5-30分钟)259.《让孩子着迷的77*2个经典科学游戏》263.积木入门搭建方法264.《让孩子爱上数学的扑克游戏》10其他159.BBC制作《I CAN COOK》共103集,还有菜谱!167.经典动画《猫和老鼠》172.BBC主持人讲《睡前故事》共277集视频181.日本绘本史上不可逾越的巅峰《可爱的鼠小弟》12册(电子绘本+音频)185.最出色的民间创作之一:睡前广播《阿凡提的故事》(45集仲维维播讲MP3)220.儿童学英语的50部英文高清动画225.《贝瓦儿歌》339视频+音频237.《四五快读》250.君之的烘焙书6本+孟老师的5本253.多湖辉新头脑开发丛书:《走迷宫》255.圣诞大礼包(45部圣诞电影,50本原版绘本,125首圣诞歌曲及手工)261.6岁+培养空间思维的趣味好书《立体王》全6册262.《第56号教室的奇迹》1和2部267.新概念动画片全四册持续更新中。
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语感启蒙Part One1) Little beeLittle bee, little bee, round round round . 小蜜蜂,小蜜蜂,飞飞飞。
Little bee,little bee, sound sound sound. Bzzzzzzz小蜜蜂,小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡。
嗡...2) peek-a-booPeek,peek,peek-a-boo. 猫儿,猫儿,躲猫猫。
Peek,peek,I see you. 猫儿,猫儿,看到你啦。
3) Open, shutOpen, shut, open, shut. Give a little clap.张、合、张、合,啪啪啪拍拍手。
Creep, creep, creep, creep. Give a little flap.爬、爬、爬、爬,啪啦啪啦飞得快!4) Here is the beehiveHere is the beehive. Where are the bees? 蜂窝在这里,蜜蜂在哪里?Hidden away where nobody sees. 藏起来,找不着。
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive. 快来看,飞出来。
One, two, three, four, five. Bzzzzzzz 一、二、三、四、五。
嗡...5) Ten little fingersOne little, two little, three little fingers.小小手指;一二三;Four little, five little, six little fingers.小小手指,四五六;Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers.小小手指,七八九;Ten fingers on my hands.十指手指,是一家。
6) Dance your fingersDance your fingers up. Dance your fingers down.手指向上跳,手指向下跳。
Dance your fingers to the side. Dance them all around.手指旁边跳,手指到处跳。
Dance them on your shoulders. Dance them on your head.手指肩上跳,手指头上跳,Dance them on your tummy,and put them all to bed.手指肚上跳,手指睡大觉。
7) Two little black birdsTwo little black birds sitting on a hill. 两只小黑鸟,坐在小山上。
One named Jack,and one named Jill. 一只叫杰克,一只叫吉尔。
Fly away Jack. Fly away Jill. 杰克飞走了,杰尔飞走了;Come back Jack. Come back Jill. 杰克飞回来,吉尔飞回来。
8) Jack and JillJack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.杰克和吉尔,上山去打水。
Jack fell down and broke his crown,and Jill came tumbling after.杰克滑到了,脑袋摔着了,吉尔跟着滑到了。
9.The chimney烟囱Here is the chimney,Here is the top.一个烟囱,一个盖Open the lid,out santa will pop.揭开这个盖,圣诞老人冒出来!10) The eentsy weentsy spiderThe eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout. 小小蜘蛛,爬上了水管。
Down came the rain,and washed the spider out. 雨滴落下,冲走了蜘蛛。
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain. 太阳出来,蒸发了水滴。
And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again.小小蜘蛛,再爬上水管。
Part Two1. Five Little BirdsFive little birds with out any home. 五只小鸟没有巢Five little trees in a row. 五棵小树排成行Come and build your nests in the trees. 快来树上搭过窝We will rock you to and fro. 随着树儿摇一摇2.Five RabbitsFive rabbits were hiding in the woods one day.One,two,three,four,five jumped out, and then they ran away.有一天,树丛里,五只兔,把身藏。
3. Five Little SausagesFive little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam. Four little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam. Three little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam. Two little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went bam. One little sausages frying in the pan.The pan got hot and one went“Wait,wait,put me on your plate and eat me.”五根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,爆开一根呯。
一根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,这根香肠:“等等,等等!把我放在盘里吃掉吧!“4. This Little PigThis little pig went to market. 这只小猪上集市This little pig stayed home. 这只小猪在家里This little pig had roast beef. 这只小猪有烤肉This little pig had none. 这只小猪都没有And this little pig cried “wee wee wee”all the way home.这只小猪哭啊哭,呜呜呜呜回家去。
5. Three Little MonkeysThree little monkeys jumping on the bed. 三只小猴床上跳One fell off and bumped his head. 一只摔下来,头上撞个包。
Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said 妈妈给医生打电话,医生说“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”小猴不要再在床上跳Two little monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”One little monkey jumping on the bed.He fell off and bumped his head.Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”小猴不要再在床上跳6. Hickory Dickory DockHickory dickory dock,the mouse ran up the clock. 滴答滴答钟声响,老鼠爬上了钟。
The clock struck one.The mouse ran down. 钟敲响了一下(当),老鼠跑下来了。
Hickory dickory dock, hickory dickory dock ,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck two.The mouse said “Boo”.Hickory dickory dock, hickory dickory dock ,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck three.The mouse said “Wee”.Hickory dickory dock, hickory dickory dock ,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck four.The mouse said “No more”. Hickory dickory dock.7. Wher Is Thumbkin?Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin?Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Pointer? Where is Pointer? Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Tall Man? Where is Tall Man?Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Ring Man? Where is Ring Man?Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.Where is Pinky? Where is T Pinky?Here I am,Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well I thank you.Run away. Run away.拇指在哪里?拇指在哪里?我在这里,我在这里。