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1. 招聘广告:招聘目的,要求等。

Students Wanted for School Show

We want some students for our school art festival. What can you do?Can you play the piano? Can you dance well? Can you do kung fu?Are you good at telling stories? Are you in a music club? Do you have time this weekend? It is interesting and fun! Come and show us!

Please call 98745632 and talk to Mr Cao.

2. 应聘:介绍你的基本信息,你会做什么,你喜欢做什么等。

Hi! I’m Amy. I like to play soccer. I can speak English and I can also sing.

3. 日常生活:写封信给你的朋友Alan, 介绍你和你妹妹每天几天起床、吃饭、上学等等。提示:

A 信的格式(信头、信尾)

B 时态:一般现在时,因此主语是I 时,动词用原形;主语是my sister 或she时,动词用三单形式。

C 亮点:频率副词usually, sometimes; 顺序词first, then, after that 等。


a.get up, run, eat breakfast, go to school, go home, do my homework, clean the room, take

a walk, go to bed, brush my teeth, take a shower, do exercise, do sports.

b.In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, at 6, at 6 am, at 6 o’clock

c.First, then, after school, after breakfast, after that, before

d.Either or, and, or, so

e.Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never

Dear Alan,

Thanks for your last letter.. Here is my day. I usually get up at 8. Then I run for about half an hour. Idon’t have much time for breakfast, so I often eat very quickly.. Then I go to school at 9.After school, I sometimes play ping-ping before I have dinner at 6.

Alice is my sister. She doesn’t like to get up early. In the morning, she gets up at 8 and takes a shower first. Then she has a quick breakfast before school. For lunch, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables at school. After school, she always doer her homework first and then she takes a walk. She does well at school.



4. 如何到达学校

有用词汇和表达方式:take a bus, walk to, go to…by subway, far away from, near, at +时刻…

Iusually leave my home at 7 and walk to the bus stop first. Then I take a bus to the subway station. The bus ride take about 4 minutes. My school is not far away from the subway station so Ialways walk to school from there. I like my trip to school because it’s easy and I can talk with my classmates on the bus.

Helen is my classmate. It’s not easy for her to get to schoolbecause her home is far away from the school. To be on time for school, she always gets up at 6 and has a quick breakfast. Then she takes a bus to a supermarket first. It takes about 20 minutes. After that, she takes the subway from the supermarket to a hospital. Finally, she walks from the hospital to school. That’s

a long trip! shedoesn’t like it at all but she is not afraid because he always read books on the bus.

5. 家规和校规

有用词汇和表达方式:can, can’t, have to, d on’t have to, doesn’t have to, must, mustn’t(注意:他们都加动词原形),many, a lot of, lots of, some, too many rules, follow the rules等等

Dear Mike,

Thanks for your last letter. You want to knowsome rules f or Chinesestudents, right? Well, he have a lot of rules, too.

At school, we can’t be late for class. We mustn’t fight with our classmates. We have to be quiet at the library. The teacher always says, “Don’t run in the hallways!”“Don’t eat in class. You must eat in the dinning hall!”

At home, I have to get up early and make my bed. I can’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen. I must do my homework beforeI can watch TV. My mom always tells me, “Clean your room! Don’t make it dirty!”

There are too many rules but I think parents and school makes rules to help us, so we must follow them and be good. Do you think so?



6. 介绍动物

a.tiger, elephant, koala, lion, panda, giraffe, snake, monkey, cat, dog, bird,…

b.cute, lazy, smart, clever, beautiful, scary, friendly, shy,…

c.really, very, kind of, a little

d.be from, come from, a symbol of, can, be in danger, be made of

I like elephant s because they are friendly and really smart. They can play soccer and also

draw. They can also remember places with food and water. Peoples say the elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. But now elephants from Thailand are in great danger because people cut down trees so elephants are losing their homes.

Beibei is a 5-year-old elephant. She is from the Unites States and she lives in Beijing Zoo now. I like her very much because she is kind of shy. She can dance and play music, too.

7. 描述图片上人们的活动, 天气等


Here is a photo of my class. This is Jack. It is snowing so he is making snowman with Alan. That is Helen. She reads English every day but now she is reading Chinese. There are Amy and Becky. They are cleaning the classroom. T hose are Jenny and John. They are studying for a math test.

Here is a photo of my family. It is sunny outside and my mom Mary is cleaning the swimming pool. My dad is reading a newspaper. That is my brother Dave. He is talking with his friends on the phone. This is me. I’m helping my mom make dinner.
