咖啡发展史英文介绍 CoffeePPT课件
coffee 英语ppt
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• Coffee, it would seem, is more than just a drink. From early on after its inception, coffee has been tied closely with cultural trends and has been indicative of important periods in history. It was poured into the cups of the giants of the French Enlightenment as they changed the course of human thought, it was placed on the backs of Brazilian slaves in the era of Imperialism, it's fragrance was in the air as Beat poets like Kerouac and Ginsberg wrote of their alienation, and it is here now as the world continues to change in this era of technology and globalization. So the next time you enjoy your latte or your ice-cold caramel frappuccino, appreciate the fact that you are connected to countless numbers of people spanning many different cultures and eras through your love of that wondrous beverage: coffee.
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Kopi--coffee luwak--genet coming from Indonesia the least production
50g coffee beans for 3-4 cups--about 400-500RMB for a cup
rich-flavour,fascinating & the oldest,exoctic
low acidity
Fancy Coffee
Cappcino Malor of friar’s coif
Caramel Macchiato
espresso coffee,vanilla and caramel containing three different flavors
Coffee is life both bitter and sweet are included in it a drop of fragrance is the entrance of all kinds of things is the world
创始于1880年,从此展开了它的传奇。它最初只是几张堆放柠檬的长桌 子而已,但未料到因咖啡色香味俱全,客人涌到。这种成功,非开张当 初所能料及的。 Lipp的位置极佳,正是拉丁区的中心。在它的四周,不 乏画廊、印刷场及出版社,艺文气氛特浓,因此出入的人,大多不是白 丁。
去咖啡馆品尝咖啡,对法国人来说是每天例行 的公式之一,所以不是什么大事,去咖啡馆的 目的,绝大多数只是聊天,因此以轻松为尚。
但是上流人士常去的咖啡馆中,个人的风度和服装就很重 要了。有一些不成文的咖啡传统礼貌,也许是重要的,例 如不可一直端着杯子说个不停,或者端着咖啡满屋跑,此 时应将杯子放下。
土耳其人有句谚语说:“喝你一杯土耳其咖啡,记你友谊四十 年。”在土耳其的大街小巷,到处是挂有“咖啡”招牌的店,有的 还画着一只小巧的咖啡杯,杯沿上似乎冒着缕缕热气。
源自土耳其的旧式的传统咖啡。据说再土耳其有一种咖 啡算命的习惯,是在喝完咖啡后,将沉淀于杯底的咖啡 渣盖在盘子上,根据其上形成的模样来占卜当天的运势。
在餐馆喝Cappucciono时,最好用汤匙将奶泡与咖 啡混合,先尝泡奶,再尝咖啡,这样才不致喝完 Cappucciono后,变成“大胡子”。
如何欣赏一杯好咖啡?咖啡的美味总是与温暖的心意并存的,以正确的方式欣赏一杯好咖啡,不仅更容易欣赏咖啡的美味, 也不至于辜负冲泡者的心意。 一杯好咖啡,应该是清澈明亮&透明度良的。浓度与混浊是不同的,一般来说,造成咖啡混浊 的原因,不外乎下列几项:
咖啡 英文课件
Presentation by Rachel,Yvonne,Chen ya, Vitoria,Sybil,Wang yue
What is coffee The Origin about coffee Types of coffee Latte art Top 3 famous café How to make coffee
the general temperature of the sorch,sour taste.
Hawaiian Kona
It’s only grown on a few select slopes of the Hawaiian island,and it's one of the finest coffee in the world.
content, coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
The Origin about coffee
Coffee berries were first discovered in 850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush. After trying the berries himself, the goat herder felt much more energetic than usual. He disseminated the news about the wonderful berry, and soon monks were hailing it as an elixir and drinking the brew to stay awake during evening prayers.
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Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Leisure and Enjoyment
Contposition and tools
The history of coffee
Composition of coffee
relieving tiredness or caffeinism
Tannic acid Fat Protein
咖啡发展英文介绍 Coffee
world’s production
Coffee canephora- known as Robusta
coffee and is more resilient than Arabica shrubs, but does not produce the same taste that is considered inferior to that of Arabica Coffee bean development-video
Coffee was spread to Turkey through the Sufi’s who used the coffee to help keep them stay awake during devotional exercises performed all night
Coffee’s True Origin
coffee and Turkish influence resulted in pronunciation as
qahveh Italian origin? Caffe but is
derived from Turkish, which derives from Arabic Qahwah is the name given to coffee in Arabic but means ‘wine’
Coffee is not a native plant to Arabia
It is a native plant of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and can be found growing wild and cultivated
咖啡发展史英文介绍 Coffee分享资料
Yemenite Sufi Circles
Coffee first became popular in Yemenite Sufi circles who began to refer to coffee as wine because like wine it also dulls the appetite and
Coffee is not said to have spread outside of Africa and Arabia until the 1600s and Arabia was known to make export beans infertile by boiling them
Coffee in Europe
Coffee arabica-accounts for 70-80% of the
world’s production
Coffee canephora- known as Robusta
coffee and is more resilient than Arabica shrubs, but does not produce the same taste that is considered inferior to that of Arabica Coffee bean development-video
therefore was called qahwah
Coffee became the replacement for wine and Sufi’s transferred the meaning “wine” to “coffee” and introduced it further into Cairo
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Tannic acid Fat Protein
tools of making coffee
Mocha Pot
Some famous coffee
Bluemoutain Mocha Kopi Luwak Brazil Coffee
Elephant Poop Coffee Mandheling Coffee Colombian Coffee Fancy Coffee
Manners of drinking coffee
1.How to use coffee cup thumb and index pinch the handle,holding the cup
Manners of drinking coffee
1.How to use coffee cup thumb and index pinch the handle,holding the cup
2.How to mix with the sugar using spoon---granulated sugar using clip and spoon---cube sugar
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
espresso coffee,vanilla and caramel containing three different flavors
1 espresso 0.5 foam milk
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Mocha Pot
Some famous coffee
Do you have ideas about them ?
savoury and mellow bitter with slight sour and sweet taste
well-known renown
Elephant Poop Coffee
---Black Ivory Coffee
DO NOT: run, keep talking, pour coffee or add sugar for others without permission
What kind of coffee do you like? Why?
Thank you!
Tannic acid Fat Protein
tools of making coffee
Mocha Pot
Some famous coffee
Bluemoutain Mocha Kopi Luwak Brazil Coffee
Elephant Poop Coffee Mandheling Coffee Colombian Coffee Fancy Coffee
Kopi--coffee luwak--genet coming from Indonesia the least production
50g coffee beans for 3-4 cups--about 400-500RMB for a cup
咖啡的起源英⽂版The History of CoffeeThe History of Coffee 咖啡起源英⽂版The history and development of the beverage that we know as coffee is varied and interesting, involving chance occurrences, political intrigue, and the pursuit of wealth and power.According to one story, the effect of coffee beans on behavior was noticed by a sheep herder from Caffa Ethopia named Kaldi as he tended his sheep. He noticed that the sheep became hyperactive after eating the red "cherries" from a certain plant when they changed pastures.He tried a few himself, and was soon as overactive as his herd. The story relates that a monk happened by and scolded him for "partaking of the devil's fruit." However the monks soon discovered that this fruit from the shiny green plant could help them stay awake for their prayers.Another legend gives us the name for coffee or "mocha." An Arabian was banished to the desert with his followers to die of starvation. In desperation, Omar had his friends boil and eat the fruit from an unknown plant. Not only did the broth save the exiles, but their survival was taken as a religious sign by the residents of the nearest town, Mocha. The plant and its beverage were named Mocha to honor this event.Originally the coffee plant grew naturally in Ethopia, but once transplanted in Arabia was monopolized by them. One early use for coffee would have little appeal today. The Galla tribe from Ethiopia used coffee, but not as a drink. They would wrap the beans in animal fat as their only source of nutrition while on raiding parties. The Turks were the first country to adopt it as a drink, often adding spices such as clove, cinnamon, cardamom and anise to the brew.Coffee was introduced much later to countries beyond Arabia whose inhabitants believed it to be a delicacy and guarded its secret as if they were top secret military plans.Transportation of the plant out of the Moslem nations was forbidden by the government. The actual spread of coffee was started illegally. One Arab named Baba Budan smuggled beans to some mountains near Mysore, India, and started a farm there. Early in this century, the descendants of those original plants were found still growing fruitfully in the region.Coffee was believed by some Christians to be the devil's drink. Pope Vincent III heard this and decided to taste it before he banished it. He enjoyed it so much he baptized it, saying "coffee is so delicious it would be a pity to let the infidels have exclusive use of it."Coffee today is grown and enjoyed worldwide, and is one of the few crops that small farmers in third-world countries can profitably export.。
Italy Coffee
As famous as machiato
In Italian, Con means ‘and’ ,Panna means whipped cream
维也纳咖啡 (Viennese)
Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. It is one of the main beverages in the world with cocoa and tea. First consumed in the 9th century, when it was discovered in the highland of Ethiopia. Today, trade in coffee has a large economic value. Coffee is an important export commodity for many countries; in 2004, coffee was the top agricultural export for 12 countries, and in 2005, it was among the world's top fifteen legal agricultural exports in value.
In general, the taste is heavier than the latte
摩卡咖啡(Café Mocha)
咖啡发展英文介绍 Coffee
Coffee in Islam? Concerns with coffee houses as centers for
conspiracy and deception
Where is Coffee Grown?
The top ten coffee producers are highlighted in yellow Brazil makes up a third of this production and is by far
the largest producer in the coffee producing market The Bean Belt- bounded by the Tropics of Cancer and
Coffee was spread to Turkey through the Sufi’s who used the coffee to help keep them stay awake during devotional exercises performed all night
Coffee’s True Origin
Coffee was also grown in Dutch gardens in Amsterdam, these plants launched the introduction of coffee into the Dutch colony of Surinam
Coffee was then introduced into Jamaica by the British and Martinique by the French
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There are many legends to how coffee spread into Europe
He tried the beans himself and soon found himself frolicking with his flock
The Coffee Plant
Is a woody perennial evergreen, that belongs the Rubiaceae family, there are two main species cultivated today
Coffee was spread to Turkey through the Sufi’s who used the coffee to help keep them stay awake during devotional exercises performed all night
Coffee’s True Origin
Origins of Coffee
Coffee drinking first became popular in Yemen in the 15th century
Coffee derives its name from Arabic
Qahwah is the Arabic word for
Capricorn, coffee is grown within the Tropics How did coffee get to all these locations?
The Spread of Coffee
Coffee began to leave Africa via two trade routes, one located at Masawa, a city in Ethiopia located on the Red Sea and down the Blue Nile to Khartoum
Where is Coffee Grown?
The top ten coffee producers are highlighted in yellow Brazil makes up a third of this production and is by far
the largest producer in the coffee producing market The Bean Belt- bounded by the Tropics of Cancer and
Yemenite Sufi Circles
Coffee first became popular in Yemenite Sufi circles who began to refer to coffee as wine because like wine it also dulls the appetite and
Coffee is not a native plant to Arabia
It is a native plant of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and can be found growing wild and cultivated
From Ethiopia it was brought to Arabia and a variety of legends exist to how coffee was discovered
Coffee Legends
Around 800 A.D. coffee was said to be discovered by an Ethiopian goatherd whose name was Kaldi
Kaldi noticed his goats had more energy and were dancing from shrub to shrub eating the cherry-red berries that contained the coffee bean
Coffee arabica-accounts for 70-80% of the
world’s production
Coffee canephora- known as Robusta
coffee and is more resilient than Arabica shrubs, but does not produce the same taste that is considered inferior to that of Arabica Coffee bean development-video
coffee and Turkish influence resulted in pronunciation as
qahveh Italian origin? Caffe but is
derived from Turkish, which derives from Arabic Qahwah is the name given to coffee in Arabic but means ‘wine’
Coffee is not said to have spread outside of Africa and Arabia until the 1600s and Arabia was known to make export beans infertile by boiling them
Coffee in Europe
therefore was called qahwah
Coffee became the replacement for wine and Sufi’s transferred the meaning “wine” to “coffee” and introduced it further into Cairo