2010年1月2010年雅思作文题目汇总2011年01月09日 12:43:03Task One: two pie charts describing the percentages of the people staying in a nd moving out of UKTask Two: Someone believes that a country should help its local residents, whi le others believe that the help should be given to the most needed. Discuss b oth of opinions and present your opinion.2010.01.14Task One: a table describing the transportations of UKTask Two: Governments are more responsible for scientific research than priva te companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010. 01.23Task One: a map describing the change of townsTask Two: The gap between the poor and rich gets larger. What cause the pheno menon and how to solve it?2010.1.30Task One: a bar chartTask Two: Many people believe that there is a general increase in anti-social behaviours and lack of respect for others. What cause the phenomenon and how to solve it?2月2010.2.6Task One: pie chart: the distribution of business timeTask Two: Air travel is only beneficial to the richest people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2010.2.20Task One: three pie charts of course selectionTask Two: Social development improves the living standard of the public. Howe ver, some social values may get lost in the process. What are the advantages a nd disadvantages of this phenomenon?2010.2.27Task One: table of British Population in three yearsTask Two: Someone believes that the development of technology brings negative influences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?3月2010.3.6Task One: two pie charts of the time that male and female students spend on-l ineTask Two: The life expectancy of mankind is lengthening. What effects does the phenomenon bring to both individuals and society?2010.3.20Task One: two bar charts introducing the percentages of male and female stude nts in secondary and higher schoolsTask Two: Machines are gaining in popularity today. What are the positive and negative influences of the phenomenon?2010.3.27Task One: a table introducing the annual income of AustralianTask Two: Children are now more interested in watching TV than creative activ ities. What cause the phenomenon and how to solve it?4月2010年04月10日雅思考试写作(A类)回忆考试日期:2010.04.10图表作文图表种类柱图图表instructi on The bar chart shows the number of the internet users and non-users of different ages in Queensland, Australia, 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.图表要素回忆: Internet users、non-users、不同年龄段;对比相对简单明了议论文话题类别社会类考题文字:some people think that cheaper and cheaper travel by air is beneficial but other people think it has drawbacks to environment and the resourses of the world. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.本次写作考试点评:小作文双柱图相对简单,可以直接按年龄段细分直接对比两种使用者的数量;也可以以non-users和users为主线,描述在不同年龄段人数上的差别;大作文建议双边讨论后持具体情况具体分析的中立观点更容易被接受、认可,比如不能因为air travel 有环境污染及能源消耗的危害就禁止,而是应该破解它的危害,更大的发挥它的优势。
2012年1月7日雅思写作真题回忆小作文:柱状图,四个国家(中国、美国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚)在工业、农业、家庭消耗水的百分比情况 in 2001大作文 Task1 Bar Chart 比较中国俄罗斯美国和澳大利亚四国在2001年使用水资源的情况分别有工业农业和家庭用水 Task2 发展中国家应该邀请外国大公司来建厂做生意还是应该闭关锁国保护本土公司?2012年1月14日雅思写作真题回忆小作文是个table below 讲六个地方和全球60以后的人的比例in 2000和2050 大作文是说employers有social skill能在工作中成功呢还是有good quailification的employers 能成功2012年2月4日雅思写作真题回忆小作文柱图,制造两种不同质地的杯子所耗的material 比较;大作文:Some people think that young people should follow traditions of their society, and others think young people should be free to behave as individuals.2012年2月18日雅思写作真题回忆小作文:柱状图七个region的男女文学能力rates和世界平均水平对比大作文:是有人认为科技让生活变得complex,解决方式就是不使用科技从让生活变简单你的看法~2012年2月25日雅思写作真题回忆小作文:task1是柱状图对比一个国家男女一年内take trips的人数和原因大作文:Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time studying, but it is essential to involve other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年3月10日雅思写作真题回忆小作文:表格图,介绍六个国家里手机和电脑在每千人手中的拥有量。
雅思真题:202022年7月28日雅思考试写作真题Task1: 3个饼图,emloyees和owners/managers每周工作时间:part-time, full-time, longer hours workers.Task2: Some people believe that arts,such as painting and singing,do not directly improve the quality of peopel”s lives that therefore government”s money should be spent on other things. To what extent do you agree or disgree?考生2回忆:作文,小的饼图,没难度,大的,有人说艺术不能提高人们生活质量,因此政府应当往其他方面投钱,同意否?。
考生3回忆:小作文是三个饼图,关于employee.owner.total workforce 的full time part time longer time百分比;大作文讲艺术对提高人们生活质量没直接影响,我们应当把政府的钱花在其它上面。
考生5回忆:图标作文是三个饼图,讲2022年某国家雇员,雇主的工作状况,第三个图是总人数的状况考生6回忆:大作文some people believe arts such as painting and music are not directly improve the quality of people”s lives and so that government money should be spent on other things. Agree or disagree?。
2012年雅思写作经典题目解析(1--在家工作今天我们选择的题目是2012年12月1日的考题:Nowadays, more and more companies are allowing employees to work at home. Do you think this is a positive or negative development ?这种题目属于雅思议论文Argumentation中的利弊类考题(雅思大作文共Argumentation和Report两种大的题型),写作的重点是分析在家工作这种新型工作方式给员工/雇主所带来的积极/消极影响。
哥顺便提醒一句,雅思写作的难度在不断加大,涉及的话题也很广,比如今年考到的基因改造食物(Genetic modified food),如果不事先准备,考场上基本瞬间崩溃...收集考生思路,有以下主流想法,大家也可以对照一下,是否跟你的写作思路趋同:好处:1.对于员工:方便,自由;省交通成本;不用穿正装。
你们需要的是这些东西:好处:For employees, the financial benefits gained may be equally attractive, but the convenience of having the office a few steps away from their bed allows them to save on commute time, gasoline and transportationexpenses. There is also little need tobuy suits and dress up every workday as they can work in their jogging outfit or pajama.对于员工来讲,获得的经济利益可能是同等丰厚的,但是办公室距离床仅几步远使他们节省时间和交通花费。
资料来源:教育优选 /
2012年 7月 21日雅思写作真题回忆(网友版 2012年 7月 12日雅思考试已经结束,网友真题回忆出炉了!感兴趣的同学们看过来! 中国教育在线外语频道为大家整理本次新能力考答案、真题等, 敬请期待!
2012年 7月 21日雅思写作第一时间回忆
A 类小作文
两个 line chart,关于 urban 和 rural population 的 age 。
A 类大作文
Many cities and towns in the world have high volumes of traffic.What problems it may cause?give reasons and actions.
G 类小作文
You have written an article to a magazine about your job, and ask your manager to make some comments on it. 1.explain why you wrote the artiical2. What have you written3. What you would like your manager to comment. G 类大作文
Young single people no longer stay with their parents until they marry, but leave home to study or work elsewhere . Do you think more advantages or more disadvantages on this trend?。
2012年4⽉21⽇雅思真题回忆(友分享版) 回忆1: Bar chart, which is my weakness. percentage of UK adults who use Internet everyday in 5 (maybe 4) age groups from 2003 to 2006 回忆2: Just finish,listening & reading are common, writing is "people now think planning future is a waste of time, they prefer focus on the present, do u agree or disagree". oral test has not been taken yet 回忆3: 澳洲 ⼩作⽂是柱状图 2003-2006 各个年龄组每天都上的⼈的⽐例 ⼤作⽂是 有⼈觉得对将来有个计划浪费时间 不如好好做⾃⼰现在该做的 同意还是不同意? 阅读超简单 听⼒也不难 回忆4: G类写作,⼩作⽂complain purchased product do not match with the description. ⼤作⽂ punish or reward children discuss both sides. 回忆5: s2是旧题,讲找⼯作的知识,⼩作⽂是柱状图不同年龄上⽐例,⼤作⽂是做计划不如活在当下 回忆6: 成都,川⼤。
写作不是常规题,many people believed that we should focus on the present and planing the future is kind of wasting time . do u agree or disagree? 回忆7: 阅读⼀是乡村⼩型⾃制交通⼯具 y n ng 然后看图填空能接到⾃⾏车上的⼩型救护车 cushions cover 回忆8: ⼤作⽂:some people think it is a waste of time plan for the future,and we should focus on the present,do you agree or disagree 回忆9: 流程图君完全⽊有啊!竟然⼜是柱状图⽐较民年龄。
12.01.07Some people think developing countries should invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories to help with their economic growth. Other people think developing countries should keep large companies out and develop local companies instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.12.01.12Some people think that the government should establish free libraries in each town. Others believe that it is a waste of money since people can access the Internet at home to obtain information. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.12.01.14Some employers consider social skills as important as good qualifications for success in a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12.02.04 ≈ 08.01.19Some people think that young people should follow traditions of the society, while other people think that young people should be free to behave as individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.12.02.09 ≈ 12.01.07The spread of multinational companies and the resulting increase of globalization produce positive effects to everyone. Do you agree or disagree?12.02.18 ≈ 09.02.12Some people think that the development of technology has made our life more complex, and the solution is to live a simpler life without that technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12.02.25Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time on study, but it is essential to get involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12.03.08People aim to achieve a balance between their work and lives, but few people achieve it. What are the causes of the problems? How to overcome it?12.03.10It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of old people than young people in the future in some countries. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?12.03.17News media is important in our society. Why is it so important? Do you think its influence is generally positive or negative?12.03.31In some cultures the old age is more valued, while in some cultures the youth is more valued. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Ambition is an important character for people who want to be success in life. How important is it? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?12.04.14A tendency that the news reported in the media focuses on problems and emergencies rather than the positive developments is harmful to both the individual and the society. Do you agreeor disagree with this statement?12.04.21Some people prefer planning for the future while others argue that we should focus on the present. What is your opinion?12.04.28In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12.05.10Nowadays consumers are faced with the advertisements from competitive companies. To what extent do you agree that consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures should be taken to protect them?12.05.12Today prison is the most common solution for crime. But some people think that it would be a more effective way to provide them with better education to prevent them from becoming criminals. Do you agree or disagree?12.05.19The increase in food production owes much to fertilizers and better machinery, but some people think that it has a negative impact on human health and community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12.05.26Some people think governments should spend their money on the arts, while others believe the money should be spent on the education and health. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.12.06.09Some people think news have no connection to people's lives, so then it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12.06.14Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than the private companies. Do you agree or disagree?12.06.16There are an increasing number of people who do not know their neighbours, what causes this situation? How to solve?When visiting foreign countries, some people think it is advantageous to learn their cultures and traditions. How do you think people can learn other cultures and traditions? Why are some people interested in learning those traditions and cultures while others not?12.07.07Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12.07.12It is better for students to live away from home while studying at university than living with parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12.07.21In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic have become a problem. What are the causes of that? What actions could be taken to solve the problem?12.07.28Many people think arts like painting and music cannot directly improve people's quality of life, and therefore the government should spend money on other things. Do you agree or disagree?12.08.04In some countries, TV programmes are transmitted throughout the day and night. Some people think that 24-hour TV transmission is a positive development, while others think it is negative. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.12.08.09Mobile phones and the Internet play an important part in the way which people relate to one another socially. Is this a positive or negative development?12.08.11A large number of young people are leaving school and cannot find a job. What problems will youth unemployment cause in individual and for society? What measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among young people?12.08.25What are the advantages and disadvantages of charging people for admission to museum?12.09.01Many countries are spending a huge amount of money on supporting their competitors to take part in some worldwide sports competitions. Others argue that it would be better if these countries can spend the money on children to take part in sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12.09.06Some people believe everyone has the right to get university education,to what extent do you agree government should make it free to all people no matter of their financial background?12.09.15Money offered for postgraduate research is limited; as a consequence, some people argue thatfinancial support from the government of the day should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?12.09.22In some countries, young people are not only richer, but also safer and healthier than ever more. However, they are less happy. What might be the main reasons of this? What can be done for this?12.10.11Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.10.10.13We have a mixture of people from different cultures and ethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?12.10.20Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Is it a positive or negative development?12.10.27Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making us all want to do the same and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?12.11.03Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. What is your opinion?12.11.08We have three important parts of education: reading, writing and math. Some people think every child will benefit from a fourth skill added to the list: computer skills. Do you agree or disagree?12.11.17 = 09.08.29In the past, people used to travel abroad to look many differences from their home country. Nowadays, the sceneries in places all over the world are more and more similar. What are the causes of the similarities? Do you think the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantages?12.11.24 = 07.03.10With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people are writing letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important do you think is letter-writing?12.12.01More and more companies are allowing employees to work at home. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?12.12.06 = 09.12.05Nowadays, people always throw old things away and buy new things, whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects does the phenomenon lead to?12.12.08In some countries around the world, men and women are having children later in life. What do you think cause the situation? What are the effects on society and family life?12.12.15We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying artistic, historical or cultural importance, but people do not visit them. Why do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas? What is the importance of museums to society?。
雅思写作真题(2012年权威机经)2012年1月7日Some people think inviting large foreign companies to set up factories in developing countries is helpful for local economy, while others think that the foreign companies should not be allowed to build their factories in developing countries, instead, local companies should be encouraged in order to develop local economy. Discuss both views and give you own opinion.2012年1月12日Some people think that government should establish free libraries in each town, while others believe that it is a waste of money since people can obtain information from the Internet at home. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.2012年1月14日Some people are giving more importance to employing people with good social skills in addition to with good qualification.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年2月4日Some people think young people should follow the tradition of the society. Others think young people should be free to behave as individual. Discuss both view points and give you own opinion.2012年2月9日Some people think the spread of multinational companies and globalization produce positive efforts to everyone. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?2012年2月18日Some people think that developments of technology make people’s life more complex. But others believe that people should choose a simpler life without using technologies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年2月25日Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying, but it is essential for them to be involved in other activities. To what extend do you agree or disagree?2012年3月08日People aim to achieve the balance between their work and lives, but few people achieve it. What are the causes of the problems? How to overcome it?2012年3月10日In the future it is expected that there is a higher proportion of older people than young people.Is it a positive or negative development?2012年3月17日News media are important in modern world. Why are they important? Are their influences positive or negative?2012年3月31日In some cultures the old age is more valued, while in some cultures youth is more valued. Discuss both view points and give you own opinion.2012年4月12日Ambition is an important character for people who want to be success in life. Is it a positive or negative characteristic?2012年4月14日News reports in the media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年4月21日Someone thinks time waste of individual plan and that is important to focus on the present. To what extent do you agreeor disagree?2012年4月28日It is no longer necessary to have animal as food or animal product such as clothing and medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年5月10日Advertisements appear in daily life. What are the impacts on individual and society? What measures should we take do protect the interest of consumers?2012年5月12日Prison is useless for crime problems and education can be a better solution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年5月19日Food produced by fertilizers and machines is dangerous tohuman health and local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年5月26日Governments should give financial support to art projects such as theater and museum, while others suggest that the money should be spent on health care and education. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.2012年6月9日Some people think that news have no connection to people’s lives, so it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年6月14日Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年6月16日Many people nowadays do not know their neighbors, and the worse is that they even do not have intention to make friends with them. What do you think of it? What measures should be taken?2012年6月30日Some visitors can take advantages to learn about culture and tradition in foreign countries. how can visitors learn it?Why the other visitors can not learn?2012年7月7日Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年7月12日University students should live away from home and their parents. do you agree or disagree?2012年7月21日Many cities and towns in the world have high volumes of traffic. What problems it may cause? What ways can people solve this issue?2012年7月28日Some believe arts such as painting and music can improve the quality of people lives, others think government should spend money on other areas. To what extend do you agree or disagree?2012年8月4日In some countries, TV programmes are transmitted throughoutthe day and night. Some people think that 24-hour TV transmission is a positive development, while others it is negative. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2012年8月11日Nowadays in many countries after leaving school, the youngsters are hard to find jobs. What problems would the youth unemployment cause for the individual and for the society. What measures should be taken to reduce the level of youth unemployment?2012年8月25日Some museums charge visitors for admission, while others think that those places should be free to citizens. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.2012年9月1日Some people believe the government should spend money on major sports of international competition, but others think thatthey should spend money in encouraging children to take part in sports from a young age. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.2012年9月6日The government should pay for university tuition fees for students no matter what their financial background is. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年9月15日Money for postgraduate research is limited. Financial support from government should only used for scientific research, not the less useful research .To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012年9月22日Recently, young generations in community are less happy, although they are richer, safer and healthier. What are the causes? What measures should we take?2012年10月11日Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.2012年10月13日We have a mixture of people from different culture andethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?2012年10月20日Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people totravel to other countries, is it development a positive or negative effect?。
2009-2012年雅思G类(移民类)写作真题汇总大作文汇总1. Some people argue that the technology such as mobile phone (cell phone) destroys social interaction. Do you agree or disagree? (100109)2. Young people have different ideas and attitudes with their parents and grandparents. What are the differences? What problems may be caused? (100211)3. Many people are moving to big cities. Why is that? Do you think it is a good trend? (100123)4. Some people argue that the purpose of zoos is only to entertain people. What do you think? What other purposes of zoos? (100220)5. Wearing fashionable clothes is becoming important today. Is the attitude to wearing fashionable clothes leading to a positive development or negative development? (100306)6. Some people who failed at school can be highly successful in their adult life. Discuss why does this happen? And what are the main factors to get a successful life? (100320)7. In some societies, more and more people choose to live on their own. What is the reason for this, and is it a positive or negative trend? (100410)8. More and more young children have mobile phone. Some people say it is a good thing for them, while others say it is a bad thing. What is your opinion? (100417)9. In some countries, age of 18 means adults, while in other countries, it should be older. Give your own opinion and talk about the responsibility of an adult. (100520)10. Travel to and from work has become more difficult for many people, to solve this situation; employers should allow people to do some work at home. What’s your opinion and discuss the advantage and disadvantage. (100605)11. In many countries, workers over 60 can still be found in the workplace. However, some people think it may cause some social problems and they should get retired. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (100626)12. People nowadays are more easily influenced by fashion, especially on their clothes and hairstyle. What factors lead to the phenomenon? Is it a positive or negative trend? (100717)13. Nowadays, some people believe advertising is useful and informative. Others believe advertising gives false information about the products and increase the price of goods, what is your opinion? (100731)14. Money makes people's life much easier, but too much money can bring problems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having lots of money? (100805)15. Students in school should learn practical skills such as car maintenance and managing a bank account, as well as the traditional academic subject. Do you agree or disagree? (100821)16.Schools should teach children good behaviour and introduce ideas of 'right' and 'wrong’. It should not only be left to parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (100911)17. Modern lifestyles make many people hard to lead active and health lives. What are the factors contributing to that? How to suggest the governments and other large companies to help them do more exercise? (100925)18. In many parts of the world, shopping is no longer just buying what you need. It has beentransformed into a form of entertainment. Why does this happen? Is it a positive or negative development? (101009)19. In some countries, young criminals were not put in prison; instead, they are required to do unpaid work in community. Do you think it has more advantages or disadvantages? (101104)20. Nowadays people have unhealthy diet and do not get enough exercise. What is the reason in your opinion? What have to be done to improve this?(101120)21. Travelling by air becomes cheaper. Describe your opinion, and the advantage and disadvantage ofthis development. (101204)22. Some people say that it is impossible to live comfortably in big cities. What problems are faced by the people living in big cities? What solutions can be taken to solve those problems?(101211)小作文汇总23.小作文是咨询信,在酒店里丢了包要求找~大作文是现在大家都把wedding 弄的 big and expensive,talk about the adv and disadv and causes(110115) 24. Task 1 你朋友要搬到你家旁边,你需要给他介绍一下当地的学校,学校的设施,以及学校里有可能吸引他孩子兴趣的东西Task 2: There is too much stress in the workplace. What can employees and employers do about it? (110122) 25. in many countries there are a lot of rubbish(garbage)because more and more people buy things。
Some people believe the government should pay for public libraries in every town, while others think it is a waste of money as we can access information from Internet.Discuss the both views and give your own opinion.Establishing public libraries in every city tends to be increasingly prevalent in a substantial number of countries. While some people believe it beneficial to a wide range of people, others contend it is a proposal of sinking money due to the popularity of Internet. I will explore this question and the detailed analysis will be made in the following essay.Some people are in favour of the idea that the government should set up public libraries in each town. For one thing, public libraries enable people all over the nation to keep learning constantly. They could encourage the general public to read and therefore cultivate people’s reading interests. For another, the reputation of the whole country would be enhanced by this investment. A wide range of impoverished people who could hardly afford to read will own a higher possibility to access books, which will inevitably reduce the proportion of illiterates and will help to promote the image of the nation.Others maintain that the money will be wasted if governments pay for libraries in each town since people can freely log on Internet to acquire information. Actually, the prevalence of computer and Internet could hardly reach such a high level where all family either own a computer or can get access to the internet easily at present. And it is the poor who really need the help from the government that can barely afford a computer nor know how to surf online. Under this circumstance, hardly could the poor change their fate without public libraries.My view is that public libraries should be established in each town, especially those impoverished ones where more than one ought to be funded. Prevalent as Internet is, not every household could afford the computer or surf the internet freely, and therefore public library seems the best choice currently.(303 words)Nowadays it is widely accepted that social skills are as important as good qualifications.Do you agree or disagree?Traditionally, academic qualifications are considered as an important factor for people to succeed in future careers. Nowadays, some people claim that social skills are equally important as academic qualifications. Personally, I agree with this viewpoint to some extent.On one hand, the importance of academic qualifications can never be exaggerated. Academic qualifications reflect a person's academic background and professional experience since they cannot be obtained without many years of diligent study or continuous practice. A case in point is that many companies require job-hunting candidates to possess a certain level of qualification, which is used for the evaluation of their knowledge and skills. Some people may argue that a qualification is not the only criteria and, in some cases, it may lead to prejudice and wrong judgment. But the qualification is still an important standard when other information is not available.On the other, apart from qualifications, people have become increasingly aware of the importance of social skills. First, a person with sophisticated social skills will find it favourable and comfortable to work with others. Sound relationship with colleagues enhances the efficiency in workplaces, giving people more sense of satisfaction. By contrast, if people do not know how to get along with their workmates, they would suffer from extra stress in their work. Second, social skills help people to enlargethe circle of friends and enrich their lives. With a positive attitude towards making friends with others, one would be able to deal with all kinds of challenges in his or her daily life.To summarize, when people are becoming more and more interdependent, one cannot succeed only with his or her qualification. To communicate and cooperate with others has become an essential part of our life and therefore necessary social skills should not be ignored.(292 words)Many people fail to achieve a balance between work and the other parts of life.What causes the situation? How to overcome this problem? Nowadays many adults are busy with their full-time jobs and ignore the other parts of life. It is urgent to identify the underlying root causes and adopt proactive approaches.A variety of factors are responsible for the phenomenon, especially the intense work competition and high living cost. First, competition is getting increasingly fierce in workplaces as the urban population keeps rising and those who are not competent for their jobs may be laid off. Under so much pressure, many people have no choice but to focus on their work, therefore remaining little time for leisure or exercise. Second, in many cities, the living cost is pretty high, bringing about a heavy burden on city residents. To survive and fight for a better life, people have to work overtime to cover the daily expenditure. As a result, their life becomes monotonous and their health declines.There is no doubt that the imbalance has caused negative impacts on people's physical and psychological health and this situation needs to be changed. To begin with, people should be more aware of the consequence of failing to remain the balance between work and life. They should learn to allocate a certain proportion of time to stay with their family members, or for exercise. Furthermore, the government needs to control the living cost to ensure citizens’quality of life and construct more facilities for people to relax and enjoy their spare time.As suggested above, this unpleasant phenomenon can be attributed to two main factors, the intense work competition and high living cost. The individuals are supposed to enlighten and enhance the awareness of happy and healthy lifestyle to avoid the negative influence of daily competition, and the government should take more effective measures to control the living cost.(293 words)It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries in the future.Do you think it is a positive or negative development?At present, along with the advance of medical technology and social security, the phenomenon that there are an increasing number of old people in society seems an inevitable trend. Whether the aging will greatly benefit or negatively impact our society has always been a debatable question. As far as I am concerned, it is a negative trend and the detailed analysis will be made in the following essay.The demerits of aging problem are obvious. In the first place, fiscal burden of government may be substantially aggravated as much more pension will be offered than ever before with the number of the elderly accumulating. As a consequence, the budget which should have been invested in other aspects, such as infrastructure construction, national defence and education, may be abated. In the second place, taking care of more senior citizens tends to exert undue pressure on youngsters who have endure plenty of stress due to increasingly drastic competition in their work or study, which may play a detrimental role in their physical and mental health. In the end, so vulnerable and weak are old people that the consequent medical resource shortage may occur.Admittedly, under no circumstance should we ignore the merits of aging. Some people may assert that the increased proportion of the old will boost the development of related industries, such as rest homes. However, they seem to fail to take into account the fact that so anxious do their children feel about the living conditions and service quality of those rest homes that most of them will refuse to send their parents to there.To conclude, I reassert my view that the boom of aging is a negative development as it will hinder the advancing of society in various aspects. Therefore, effective measures are suggested to be implemented by government.(301 words)News media are important in modern society.Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?In today's world, we are surrounded by various kinds of news media, which have become an essential part of our daily life. I believe the news media mainly play two important roles in modern society: providing information and influencing decision, and the influence is generally positive.Obviously, news media are important to individuals and companies. For one thing, thanks to journalists' work, people can get sufficient information and be more involved in social affairs than ever before. For example, when natural disasters happen, news media can convey the first-hand message to the public, and then general public can donate aid for victims immediately. For another, by paying close attention to the information posted on news media, companies listed on the stock exchange can adjust their operation modes and investment strategies to enlarge their assets and enrich their investors.Admittedly, the news from different news media is often presented to us in certain ways, using specific words to try to control our feelings and thoughts. Very often, the news media portrays people in simplistic ways, giving us some facts, but not the whole story. This is somewhat inevitable, because the editors, journalists and owners of the news media have opinions and biases. However, people can check news stories from different sources instead of only using one source to avoid the prejudice.To sum up, news media provide the factual information giving individuals and companies the chance to take better actions and make better decisions. Despite the fact that the news media might report events incorrectly or with bias, I believe the general influence is good.(260 words)The tendency that news reports focus on the problems and emergencies rather than positive development is harmful to individual and to society.To what extent do you agree or disagree.In today’s world, we are surrounded by various kinds of news reports, which have become an essential part of our daily life. Some people believe that news media should focus on the positive development of the society instead of the negative side. In my point of view, news reports should be objective and unbiased, even if they may be harmful or helpful to individual and to society. The tendency of reporting bad news may be harmful to general public and to society. There is a widespread concern that excessive reports on problems may result in ordinary people’s panic. For instance, when people are exposed to reports on crimes too often, they tend to lack sense of security and be in a blind panic. What makes things worse is that the detailed description of the crime cases may cause social instability. If people become over-cautious, they may lose their trust on other people and it is difficult for them to develop a harmonious interpersonal relationship with others.Despite the concern mentioned above, we should not ignore the fact that the tendency of reporting on problems and emergencies contributes to the solution of social problems. First of all, these reports draw people’s attention to some serious and urgent iss ues. For example, when a country suffers from war or natural disasters, the international community will reach their hands immediately to help the victims after seeing the news reports. Also, negative reports urge the government to reflect on the deficiency of their administration and make an effort to improve their work. One case that happened in the past few decades is that in some cities the living standard of the poor was highly raised after their situation was revealed by the media.In conclusion, news reports on the dark side of society cannot be avoided and in most cases they help to solve social problems and promote the development of society. Therefore, we should be aware that there is no need to over-react to the negative reports. (333 words)Some people think that it is a waste of time for individuals to plan the future and it is more important to focus on present.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?There has long been a debate on whether we should plan our future or just focus on the present. In my point of view, the two sides are not contradictory and both are needed if we want to be successful.The importance of planning for future can never be doubted. First, plans serve as guidelines for people to achieve success. Once people have set clear goals, they tend to devote themselves to pursue these goals, regardless of hardships in their way. If theyare unclear about what they hope to do and why, they are likely to get disoriented when in difficulty. Moreover, in the fast-changing world, it is necessary to anticipate problems in advance and get well-prepared for them. For example, the competition is becoming increasingly fierce in the commercialized society and those entrepreneurs with far-sight and vision are usually in an advantageous position to win more market share.Although planning future is encouraged, to seize the present is the key to fulfil the plans. If people do not put any effort into their plans, the goal will never change into reality automatically. However, a large number of people seem to be blind to this fact. It is not uncommon to see people who are indulged in daydreaming but never take any action. Their planning for future is nothing but a waste of time, as they never implement the plans, or maybe they get started with enthusiasm and ambition but give up half way. Therefore, planning without action would be neither attractive nor productive.To sum up, setting plans for future increases the likelihood of success, but the precondition is that people should convert their plans into real action.(279 words)Humans should not use animals as sources of food and clothing. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this view?In recent years animal protection has become a heated topic and some people hold the opinion that we should not use animals for food or clothing any more. As far as I am concerned, it is unrealistic not to use animals for the wellbeing of mankind at the present.As we know, meat is an important part of people’s daily diet in most of the world, providing a variety of nutrients that are difficult to obtain from vegetables and fruits. It has been proved that balanced diets containing a certain quantities of meat are essential for people to enhance physical fitness and prevent diseases. Besides, animals are a major source of clothes for people living in some frigid areas or in a cold climate, who would not be able to survive if they abandon animals’ fur.Admittedly, living without using animals as sources of food and clothing sounds possible and could be advocated since the continuous scientific advancement and discovery of alternatives can provide people with plenty of substitutes. However, the substitution may not work since the custom of human being has remained for centuries and cannot be altered easily. What’s more, the safety of the substitutes cannot be ensured, which may arouse suspicion or even panic among general public.To sum up, although we still have to sacrifice animals for human’s benefits, we should try our best to reduce or minimize the consumption of animal’s fur and meat. Besides, it could be better if some effective measures can be taken to protect endangered animals to avoid the overuse of animal resources.(262 words)When visiting foreign countries, some people think it is advantageous to learn their cultures and traditions.How do you think people should learn other cultures and traditions? Why some people are interested in learning those traditions and cultures while others not?Travelling abroad has been gaining popularity due to the boom of tourism industry. It is necessary to learn different cultures and traditions during the visiting and figure out why some people can develop an appreciation of cultural differences.Learning other cultures and traditions is essential for travellers. First, it can avoid offending local people. If tourists imitate locals’ behaviour, particularly in areas where there are various kinds of customs related to religion, they will prevent misunderstanding and be safe. Second, it helps the foundation of close relationship with the local friends. Making an effort to learn the proper behaviours and social customs can ensure the communication, and visitorscan make local friends easily and enjoy their trips with the new friends by showing the respect for the local culture.The reason why people have different attitudes toward other cultures and traditions lies in their different travel purpose. For some people, who are interested in learning background information about a country, the aim is probably to enlighten the minds or enrich the experience. Therefore, they are willing to learn different things. For others, the goal of the journey is psychological relaxation or physical refreshment, and they just want to release pressure by viewing the different landscapes. Thus, they tend to feel comfortable by following their own habits and routine, and regard learning new things is too difficult.In conclusion, visiting a foreign country can be a rewarding experience if we are open-minded and knowledge-conscious toward any different culture, but it is also reasonable to get well prepared for the trip by consulting travel agency regarding the taboo.(266 words)Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Whether we like or not, we are bombarded by all kinds of advertisements, which affect our buying decisions, consciously or unconsciously. Some people hold the opinion that advertisements help to increase the sales of products, but contribute little to the quality. Actually, my response to the opinion is partly to accept and partly refuse.There is no denying that advertisements tremendously boost the sales of goods and stimulate consumption. Some companies produce advertisements with famous singers and actors. As a result, people, particularly teenagers, buy these products just because they favour these entertainment stars and they want to share something in common with their idols. Some advertisements are designed attractively, making it hard for people to resist their appeal. Therefore, some people buy a great number of products impulsively after they watch the advertisements.Indeed, the majority of advertisements present the excellent quality of the products and the good image of producers, which are always the main concerns to consumers when making a decision on facing a large variety of goods in the market. For the companies which focus on the quality control and technique improvement, they will be supported by customers, and capture more markets. For those companies that rely on deceptive and misleading advertisements rather than high quality, they cannot survive for long.In conclusion, advertising industry plays a significant role in the commercial society. Although it encourages people to buy more products, we have to admit that advertising also motivates manufacturers to improve the quality of their products.(251 words)Many people think arts like painting and music cannot directly improve people's quality of life; therefore, government should spend money on other things.Do you agree or disagree?In this essay, I will explain why I think that arts can directly improve people’s quality of life and that the government should spend money on them.The arts clearly make people’s lives better. Paintings, photographs and other pictures add colour to our lives and often inspire people to create works of art of their own. I am not only thinking of artistic works produced by renowned artists, but also those produced by children at kindergarten for their parents to attach to refrigerators using magnets. Music also obv iously improves people’s lives. Many of us find it relaxing. Others like to go to clubs and dance to it with their friends. Others get more involved and form bands or become DJs and create their own tunes.Many people feel that the government should spend money only on certain things, such as defence, health and education. Whilst I agree that these things are important, I think that governments should be able to find a little money to spend on arts, not only because they raise our quality of life, but because they can remind us of our heritage and show the world what kind of a country and people we are. I think that the recent Olympic Opening Ceremony in London is a perfect example of this. It achieved worldwide praise and served as a reminder of how British artists and entertainers have contributed to the worlds of music, film, television and culture.To summarize, I think that it is certain that arts can make people’s lives better, significantly better in many cases. Therefore, the government should ensure that a small part of its spending goes towards this field which contributes to our lives.(282 words)Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.Happiness is difficult to define, because people interpret it in so many different ways. Some people associate it with fortune and wealth, while others believe that happiness lies in other factors. There is no denying that being successful in earning money would give people a strong sense of satisfaction, particularly in a material world, where money is considered to be the key criteria to evaluate a person’s career development. The possession of fortune makes it possible for people to enjoy more comfort and convenience in their lives. For instance, rich people can choose to have a romantic dinner in a luxurious restaurant, or spend a vacation in a summer resort with their families.However, it seems that many rich people are not as happy as we think them should be. Personal happiness cannot be guaranteed by fortune and there are other factors that are more important than material things. For example, those who love their jobs tend to feel happy, even though their salary is moderate. Their happiness derives from their passion for their work and their awareness of the value of their work. In addition, the quality of people’s relationships also determines the degree of happiness. Harmonious relationship within a family and genuine friendship would make people happy, and these cannot be obtained through spending money.In my opinion, economic success does not necessarily lead to personal happiness. To achieve happiness, one should be aware of what he or she wants and know how to pursue it. There are so many factors that contribute to the happiness, among which the most important one is to develop a positive attitude towards life. (272 words)Advertising discourages people from becoming different individuals by all want to be and to look the same.To what extent do you agree or disagree?As advertising has penetrated into every aspect of our lives, there is a viewpoint that people are losing their individuality because they watch the same advertisements and buy the same goods.In my opinion, advertising undoubtedly affects people’s decision-making in their daily consumption. First, as most consumers have little professional knowledge about the goods, they tend to believe what they see and hear from the mass media. When a piece of advertisement appears in every corner of our lives, people are likely to be brainwashed and may lose their own judgment. Moreover, it is human nature to follow the trend. In this fast-changing world, many people worry that they are out of fashion, which is often taken advantage of by some advertisement designers to boost the sales of their products.However, it is too early to come to the conclusion that this world would become the same as a result of advertising campaign. Firstly, people’s purchasing power and buying habits depend on their economic conditions, so it is hard to say that advertising would prompt people to make the final decision. Secondly, the competition among manufactures would motivate them to launch new products that are different from their rivals and this would contribute to the diversity of commodities. If consumers are faced with multiple choices, many of them would choose the products which suit their own individuality best.To sum up, advertising would definitely generate various groups who use the same brands and types of products, but there is no need to worry about the loss the diversity in the commercialized world.(262 words)。
2012年1-4月雅思考试大作文真题及解析4月28日: It is no longer necessary that animals should be slaughtered and made into either human foodstuffs or non-foodstuffs, such as fur and medicine. Do you agree or disagree?题目翻译:我们没有必要非得屠宰动物,并将其制成食品供人食用,或生产成皮制衣物/药品以满足人类需求。
4月21日: Some people prefer planning for the future while others argue that we should focus on the present. What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.题目翻译:有人认为应该计划将来,也有人认为重点就是现在。
尽管实质上是一道the present and the future的题目,但因为focus在plan 上,对文章的构思构成了一定的挑战。
4月14日: A tendencythat the news reported in the media focuses on problems and emergencies rather than the positive developments is harmful to both the individual and our society. (To what extent) do you agree or disagree?题目翻译:媒体新闻报道更多倾向于社会问题和突发的紧急情况,而忽略了社会积极发展的一面,这对于社会及个人都产生了不良影响。
2012雅思大作文题目汇总In the 2012 IELTS writing task, candidates were presented with a variety of thought-provoking essay topics. These topics covered a wide range of issues, from environmental concerns to social and cultural issues. One of the essay topics that year was the impact of technology on traditional cultures. This topic is particularly relevant in today's globalized world, where technology is rapidly changing the way people live and interact with each other.From a cultural perspective, the impact of technology on traditional cultures can be both positive and negative. On the one hand, technology has the potential to connect people from different cultures and facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge. For example, social media platforms and the internet have made it easier for people to learn about and engage with different cultures. This can lead to greater understanding and appreciation of diversity, which is essential in today's interconnected world.On the other hand, the widespread adoption of technology can also lead to the erosion of traditional cultural practices and values. For example, the influence of Western popular culture, as disseminated through movies, music, and fashion, has led to the homogenization of many traditional cultures. This can result in the loss of unique cultural practices and languages, as younger generations become more influenced by global trends.Furthermore, the impact of technology on traditional cultures is not limited to cultural practices; it also extends to economic and social structures. For example, the rise of e-commerce and digital payment systems has transformed traditional marketplaces and trading practices in many cultures. While this has led to greater efficiency and convenience, it has also disrupted longstanding economic and social systems, leading to social inequality and marginalization.In addition, the impact of technology on traditional cultures can also be seen in the realm of education. The increasing reliance on digital learning platforms and online education has changed the way knowledge is transmitted and acquired in traditional societies. While this can lead to greater access to education, it can also lead to the loss of traditional forms of knowledge transmission, such as oral storytelling and apprenticeship.In conclusion, the impact of technology on traditional cultures is a complex and multifaceted issue. While technology has the potential to connect people and facilitate the exchange of ideas, it can also lead to the erosion of traditional cultural practices and values. It is important for societies to strike a balance between embracing technological advancements and preserving their traditional cultures. Only by doing so can they ensure the preservation of their unique identities in an increasingly globalized world.。
2012年6-12⽉雅思⼤⼩作⽂真题12.15⼩作⽂:⼩作⽂线图⼤作⽂:we live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical and cultural importance, but people do not visit them. How do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas?What is the importance of museums to society? (⽂化、⽣活) Report12.8⼩作⽂:柱图,⽐较三年内⼈们去看电影⼤作⽂:In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life? (社会、⽣活类)Report12.6⼩作⽂:线图,五条线,world demand for 5 types of resources between 1970 and 2030 ⼤作⽂: people throw things away and buy new ones instead of repairing them and using again. Why? Problems?(⽣活类)Report12.1⼩作⽂:柱状图 regions of food import & export⼤作⽂: More and more companies are allowing employees to work at home . Do you think this is a positive or negative development? (科技发展、⽣活)11.24⼩作⽂:地图题One university sports centre in 2007 and the present day.⼤作⽂:With the increasing use of mobile phone and computer, the number of people who write letter has decreased. As a result, letter writing will disappear soon. Do you agree or disagree? How do you think letter writing is important?(传统与科技发展)偏Argument11.17⼩作⽂:线图,三条线,⽐较有⽆⼦⼥的男⼥在不同年龄段的收⼊⼤作⽂:in the past, building often reflected the culture of a society but today all modern buildings look alike and cities throughout the world are becoming more and more similar. What do you think is the reason for this, and is it a good thing or a bad thing? (社会、⽂化发展) Report11.8⼩作⽂:表格题,关于对三个医院staff,waiting time,quality of treatment和aftercare的满意度调查,难度平稳⼤作⽂:We have three important parts of education: reading, writing and math. Some people think every child will benefit from a fourth skill added to the list: computer skills. Do you agree or disagree? (科技Computer)11.3⼩作⽂:两个柱状图bar charts 第⼀张关于14-16岁的男⼥学⽣外语学习的百分⽐in1985 and 2007 第⼆张图是three top foreign languages, French, German⼤作⽂:Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. What are your view?(犯罪)10.27⼩作⽂:表格题⼤作⽂:advertising discourages us from being different individuals by all want to be and to look the same. Agree or disagree?(媒体⼴告)10.20⼩作⽂:地图题A类,⽐较2个community centers 的footprint⼤作⽂:nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries, is it development a positive or negative effect ?(旅游)10.13⼩作⽂: 曲线图,⽐较东京和悉尼⼀年⼗⼆个⽉的天⽓⼤作⽂: we have a mixture of people from different culture and ethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development? (⽂化)Mix10.11⼩作⽂:三个饼图,三个年份1980 1990 2000,澳州年轻⼈中学毕业之后的去向:⼯作、继续学习、失业⼤作⽂:Some people think personal happiness is closely related to economic success, while others believe that this depends on other factors. Discuss both views and give your opinion。
2012年7月12日雅思真题回忆雅思真题:2012年7月12日雅思听力真题回忆Section 1 一个女的咨询旅游信息,其中有一个景点叫Mcgray Hill的好像Section 2 一个男大学生专业Global Communication,要换课程什么的Section 3=V101023S3Section 4=V100617S42012年7月12日雅思阅读第一时间回忆P1 telegraphP2 gestureP3 动物能预测地震2012年7月12日雅思写作第一时间回忆小作文柱图the number of hours per week by men and women in Australia in 2007 纵轴百分比横轴时间最大值是over60;大作文It’s better for students to live away from home when they at university than to live with parents,agree or disagree ?2012年7月12日雅思口语真题回忆回忆1:7.12 提前考口语,在墨尔本535 bourke st.老头问问题超快,不给时间发挥呀,各种缜密逻辑学术词汇不给机会发挥呀!part1, 午餐晚餐哪个对你更重要,早餐对你的重要性,exercise, 你喜欢做什么运动,运动对你有帮助吗,为什么放松对你重要。
describe a lake, or a river, o r a sea which u’ve visited Where is it, why u go there, when did u visit? Why u like itP3: water对你的城市重要不?你城市有没有水资源短缺问题,为什么水重要,举出几个水上运动。
2012年雅思大写作机经1. Some people think developing countries should invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories to grow their economies. Others think developing countries should keep the large companies out and develop local companies instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Foreign companies:1. stimulate economy2. Advanced management3. competition between companiesLocal companies:1. develop local brands2. job opportunities for local people3. stronger national companies, more competitive in the world2. Some people think that government should establish free libraries in each town. While others believe that it is a waste of money since people can obtain information from the internet at home. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.The advantages and disadvantages of Free libraries/ the advantages of internetAdvantages:1. a stimulation to reading2. enrich people’s daily life3. a place of relaxationDis:1. waste of resources: money2. damage to the environment3. Nowadays, it is widely accepted that social skills are as important as good qualifications for success in a job. Do you agree or disagree?Agree:social skills: practical, work experience, communication skillsgood qualifications: theoretical basis, better acquisition of new ideas4. Some people think that young people should follow traditions of their society, while others think that young people should be free to behave as individuals. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.The importance of traditions:1. national culture and traditions not to be forgotten2. some traditions are valuable, filial piety, modesty, ect.3. blend into the current societyBe individuals:1. some traditions not appropriate for the present society, no need to follow2. freedom of developing individuality3. Improve creativity5. The spread of multinational companies and the resulting increase of globalization produce positive effects to everyone. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Advantages and disadvantages of globalization:Pros:1. increase global economy2. cultural communication3. nations more connected, more peacefulCons:1. environmental problems, various transports2. widen the gap between rich and poor countries, exploit the labor in third world nations3. cultural invasion6. Technology makes life complex, and to make it simple is to stop using technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Pros and cons of technology:Pros:1.life easier, shopping, banking on the internet2.distance shortened, mobile phones, airplanes3.less labor stressed work, household robotsCons:1. people getting into bad habits2. laziness3. less creativity7. Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time on study, but it is essential to get involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Agree: the importance of being involved in other activities (sports, meetings, reading)1. physical strength2. communication skills3. creativity8. People aim to achieve the balance between their work and lives, but few people achieve it. What are the causes of the problems? How to overcome it?Causes: (why do people work so hard, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)1. life stress: life expense increasing, pay the bill s2. other purposes to achieve in a jobSolutions:1. individuals: spare some time from work2. companies: less demands in workers3. government: provide better social benefits9. It is reported there will be higher proportion比例of older people than young people in the future in some countries, do you think it is a positive or negative development?Pros and cons of old peoplePros:1. more experienced but less paid2. helpful for younger people: raise children3. bring joy to familiesCons:1. fewer labor forces for the country2. less creativity: old people tend to stick to their usual way of thinking3. burden of young people10. News media are important in modern society. Why are they important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?Why important:1. the main way to get information2. extremely influential, influence the way people think, readily availablePositive1. make life easier, news on internet and mobile phones2. objective, access to newsNegative1. affect people’s way of thinking, bomb of mass media, no ability to think independently2. might be harmful to children, negative information in the news media not restricted, psychological development affected3. Untrue information11.In some cultures the old age is more valued, while in some cultures the youth is more valued. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Old1.experienced, work and life, teach young people2.helpful, e.g. Take care of grandchildren3.Social value or respecting the elderlyYouth1.Young and energetic, hope of a country2.Creative, easy to learn new things3.Strong, protect family, even country, national defense12.How important for people to want success in life ? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic?Pros of ambition:1.Passion2.Motivation3.DedicationCons: too ambitious1.Get lost, neglect things2.Become stressful, try to achieve perfection13.The tendency of news reports in media focus on problems and emergences more than positive developments is harmful to individuals and society. Do you agree or disagree? Focusing on problems and emergencesPositive1.A way to make people informed, aware of the problems in society2.Get people better prepared, e.g. People get to know different ways to tackle problems and emergences similar to what are reported in the media.Negative1.Negative information, make people depressed, stressful work2.Make people feel unsafe, too much emphasis on negative information, people get worried about security14.Some people prefer planning for the future while others argue that we should focus on the present. What is your opinion?Plan for the future1.Nothing stays unchanged. Changeable society, e.g. Technology, computer skills2.Easier to be successful, Get better prepared, clear objective, explicit procedure,Focus on the present1.Future is unpredictable. Planning sometimes useless, e.g. In a year, travel, but depends on whether time is available then.2.Only the present counts. One today is worth two tomorrows. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.15.It is no longer necessary that animals should be slaughtered and made into either human foodstuffs or non-foodstuffs, such as fur and medicine. Do you agree or disagree?Agree: unnecessary1.Cruel to animals, great pain caused, Inhumane, lives should be protected like humans2.Break ecological balance, too much hunting3.Alternatives to meatDisagree: necessary1.Nutrition, animals like chicken and pigs are raised to provide people with meat, protein2.Medical development, Experiment on animals like rats necessary, cannot do experiment on humans16.Today, consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing campaigns. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisement? What measures can be taken to protect them?Influence of advertising1.Buy unnecessary products, Marketers know what motivate customer behavior, so they make their products more appealing to customers. They can stimulate the purchasing desire which may create demand for things we do not need.2.Cheated, Some advertisements are exaggerating, misleading instead of being truthful. Measuresernment supervise, censor, ban those untrue advertisements2.Media, control the amount of advertising3.Individuals raise the awareness of telling right from wrong, compare before buying anything17.Some people think sending criminals to prison is an effective way to deal with them; others think education and training are better. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Sending to prison: good in the short term1.Reduce crime rate to some extent, fewer criminals in society, fewer crimes2.Criminals may change in prison. Rehabilitation改过自新, rethink about the, crimes feel guilty Education and training: in the long term1.Disadvantages of sending to prisons, criminals commit crimes again when they go back to the society. Reasons: no ability to live2.Equip criminals with knowledge and skills, survive in the society, no need to commit crimes18.Food has become cheaper and food production has increased, thanks to enlarged manufacturing capacity, the use of fertilizer and better machinery. However, some believe this will do harm to the health of humans and local community as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Agree1.Harmful to health, poison caused by the use of fertilizer, difficult to clean, e.g. Vegetables like broccoli2.Detrimental to local community, massive use of machinery breaks the ecological balance, concrete buildings, destroy soil, irreversibleDisagree1.More efficient, a machine does a job only ten or even a hundred people can finish2.Cheap, reduce the cost,3.Increased food production solves hunger problem19.Some people argue that government should support the funds for the arts, while others suggest that the money should be used for public health and education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Money, budget, financialSpend, allocate, distributeNecessity of arts1.Aesthetic sense审美意识, psychological development for young people2.Stimulate creativity, imagination, intelligence3.Individuality4.CultureImportance of public health and education1.Public health facilities like hospitals influence people in every aspectcation, crucial to a nation20.Some people think news have no connection to people’s lives, so it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Agree: news uselesssome news not related to daily life, foreign news, not affecting the current lifeDisagree:rmative, get to know the world around, topics to chat over mealscational, teach some life skills, e.g. How to cook, how to survive in an earthquake21.Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Government1.National security, nuclear power2.Little reward or too much expenditure, spaceshipCompaniespetitive, allocate more fund to research, cell phone2.Talents, financial incentive, join companies22.There is an increasing number of people who do not know their neighbors. What causes the situation? How to solve?Reasonsck of sense of security, no trust, avoid talking to strangers2.Busy work, long hours in office3.Change of jobs, move from place to placeSolutions1.Media, positive information, make people more connected2.Individuals, communicate with neighbors23.Some visitors can learn and accept local culture well when they travel to another country. How do they do that? Why some people cannot?How1.Respect local culture, do in Rome as the Romans do, avoid conflicts2.Eager to learn new culture, quick learners, open mindedWhy1.Stubborn, unwilling to change usual behavior2.Cultural conflict, Muslim no pork3.Inferior educational background24.Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?The function of advertising25.It is better for students to l ive away from home, while studying at university than living at home with parents. Do you agree or disagree?Away from home1.Independence, no one to rely on, take care of themselves, cook or wash2.Making friends, study and live together, friendship developed3.Academic study improvement, more time spent on studyHome with parentsmunication with parents, no generation gap2.Nutrition, Better diet, food26.In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic become a problem. What are the causes of that and what actions could be taken to solve the problem?Reasons1.More cars2.Road system3.Traffic managementSolution1.Promote public transport2.Expand roads3.Traffic control, traffic police27.Some people believe that arts, such as painting and singing, do not directly improve the quality of people’s lives. Therefore, government’s money should be spent on other things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?The importance of ArtsOther things: public health, education28.In some countries, TV programs are transmitted throughout the day and night. Is it a positive or negative development?Positivermativecational3.AmusingNegative1.Waste of time2.Cause health problems, couch potato3.Negative information, violence and pornography29.A large number of young people can not find a job after leaving school. What problems will youth unemployment cause for individuals and society? What measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among young people?Problems1.Burden on adults, afford the expense of children2.Social problems, stealing, robbing3.Economic recessionMeasurescation, more practical, life skills, cooking, repairing2.Economic incentive for companies, create more job opportunities30.Admission to museum should be free. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Pros1.Increase efficiency, more people enter into museums2.Enrich people’s life, relaxing place3.Share Cultural heritage with citizens, promote national cultureCons1.Too many people, affect the educational process for children2.Increase the burden of government3.Problems of management31.Many countries are spending a huge amount of money on supporting their competitors to take part in some worldwide sports competitions. Some argue that it would be better if these countries can spend money on children to take part in sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Worldwide, Olympic Games, world cup1.National reputation, sports related to politics2.A great fun for world audienceChildren1.A crucial stage of physical growthck of money in infrastructure32.Some people believe everyone has the right to get university education, so government should make it free to all people no matter of their financial background. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Advantages and disadvantages of free university educationPros1.Increase the national education level, percentage grow2.Creativity, more knowledge, more ways of thinking, innovation3.Economic growth, talentsCons1.Burden for country, other fields also need financial aid from government2.Lose motivation to work hard for families33.Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore some people think financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?Practice Vs Theoryimprove people’s lifemake profits for companiesSocial science, not profitable in the short term, study of human naturecreativity and innovation34.In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What are the causes and what can be done?Reasons1.Busy work, pressure2.Life expense rise, housing, education, medical3.Family issues, communication problemsSolutions1.Individuals: Keep positive mindpanies: more holidaysernment and media, emphasize the importance of family communication35.Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factor s. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Money: important1.Materialistic world, life expense2.Explore other interestsOther factors1.Family2.Friendship3.Do what one likes36.We have a mixture of people from different cultures and ethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?Why?1. Historical2. GlobalizationPositive1.More creative, different ways of thinking2.TolerantNegative1.Conflicts2.Uneven pattern of development37.Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Is it a positive or negative development?Pros1.Cultural communication2.International relationship3.Personal, relaxing, more choicesCons1.Pollution2.Unsafe3.Expense38.Advertising discourages us from being different individuals by making all of us want to be and look the same. Do you agree?The power of adverting1.Stimulate needs2.Social valueButPeople independent thinking, resistingDifferent categories of ads, diverse functions, fashion, public, charity, educational39.Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some people think that more actions can be taken to prevent crimes; while others believe there is little that can be done. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.ImprisonmentEducationTraining40.We have three important parts of education: reading writing and Math. Some people think every child will benefit from a fourth skill added to the list: computer skills. Do you agree?The importance of computer skills1.Better prepare for future: practical, Microsoft office2.Social demand, prevalence of computers41.With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people are writing letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important do you think is letter-writing?The importance of letter writing1.Tradition, handwriting, reflection of personality2.Letter paper, Easy to keep3.More memorable42.More and more companies are allowing employees to work from home. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?Pros1.For workers, freedom, higher efficiency2.For companies, less cost, office spaceConsmunication problems2.Management problems3.Corporate culture difficult to form43.Nowadays people always throw old things away and buy new things whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects does it lead to?Reasons1.Better life quality, more income2.Social value, changed attitude towards thriftparison, chase for fashion, the power of advertisingEffects1.Waste of resources, old things still functional2.Increased financial burden44.In most parts of the world, men and women are deciding to have children later in life. Why do you think this is happening? What effects does this development have on society and family? Reasons1.Busy work2.Changed valueEffects1.Conflicts, divorce rate2.Aging problem45. We live in cities and towns which have museums displaying objects of artistic, historic and cultural value, but people do not visit them. How do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas? What is the importance of museums to the society?Reasons1.Busy work2.No interest3.Too expensiveImportance of museums1.culturalcational3.Relaxing。
2012. 10 20It is affordable and convenient for people to travel by taking airplane,do you think it is positive and negative? 飞机旅行是有利还是有弊:利好从积极的角度看,飞机给人们的生活带来极大便利。
2012年10月13日雅思考试作文:(旧题重现)We have a mixture of people from different culture and ethnic groups in a country. is this a positive or negative development? 多元文化社会的利弊(利弊讨论)利好:各种民族(不同文化背景,生活习俗)组建多元社会的利好:(1)各种民族互补,互相学习,共同进步;消除固有的成见和误解;(2)人们的心态包容,追求自由和懂得尊敬;弊端:(1)文化侵略;少数民族的语言,文化传统,可能在和强势民族的融合的过程中被同化掉。
2012年9月15日雅思考试真题回忆(网友回忆)2012年9月15日雅思考试口语回忆武汉room14part1:colour;part2:interesting old people;part3:老年人与年轻人的区别。
南理工r414 下午两点第一个p1 come from,apatment house ‘ 最爱的room clother,carp2 intereting old peoplep3 变老的好处和坏处?30年前和现在生活条件的变化。
p1,hometown,entertainment place,mobilephone。
南京东大RM328P1 name,major, museumP2 描述一个equipment除了电脑P3全是关于P2,什么children学习问我该不该用machine.还问我你怎么样design machine.湖北大学RM13,考官55岁左右中年美国男子,面瘫。
SECTION1 问家里是哪儿的SECTION2 描述一个gardenSECTION3 public garden杭州考场311,超级艳丽的一位女考官,题目还是老题part 1 hometown weekend artpart 2 bookpart 3说了下现在孩子对看书什么态度,看什么类型,对他们上学有什么帮助,还有家长怎么帮孩子选书,家长自身喜欢读书否北语307 下午2点P1 工作学习学生多久了喜欢学生生活吗然后就是娱乐场所啊P2 a city you visitedP3 各种tourism的问题促进经济发展有没有坏处怎么解决什么的长沙room09,英国中年男子,挺友善的p1 学生或工作,专业等等,问了好多p2 想要的车或自行车p3 公共交通的利弊合肥8:40RM306白人帅哥,语速不快P1:name,work or study,major,love flowers or not,what kind of flowers do u like,have u ever sent flowers.P2:about wild animals和zoos.P3:should the wild animals keep in zoos or not?why?Does Chinese people like to go to zoos or not?苏州西交利物浦RM277 白人老头帅的飞起一直笑part1study or work job clothes fashionpart2 famous personpart3 celebrity private9月16号早8:30首师大P1:家乡,专业,以后想去哪里发展,喜欢什么车,在中国什么车比较流行?P2:What kinds of science did you learn during your junior high? You should say what courses did you take? Do you like the teachers?9月15日南宁RM309,和善的中老年男士。
五条线,world demand for 5 types of resources between 1970 and 2030;
Nowadays, people always throw old things away and buy new things, whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects does the phenomenon lead to?
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Some people think that robots are very important to human’s future development, while others think they are dangerous and have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.11.01.15Nowadays, some workplaces tend to employ equal numbers of men and women workers. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?11.01.22Nowadays some individuals behave in an anti-society way, such as committing a crime. In general, it is the society to blame. What causes the anti-social behaviours of individuals? Who should be responsible for dealing with it?11.01.27Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, while other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen on TV and the Internet. Discuss both views and give your opinion.11.02.12Tourism is an excellent way to develop a country, but it can also cause harm. How can countries ensure that tourism benefits the development.11.02.17Some people think that creative artists should be supported financially by the government of their county, while others believe that they should find financial support from other sources instead. Discuss both views and give your opinion.11.02.19 = 03.09.20, 04.01.10Some pe ople believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s police force or military force, such as the army, while others think women are not suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.11.02.26Some people suggest that a country should try to produce all the food for its population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?11.03.05Some people think governments should spend money on measures to save languages with few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.11.03.10Some think that children should start school as early as possible, while others believe that they should start school at the age of seven.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Competitiveness is a positive quality for people in most societies. How does competitiveness affect individuals? Is it a positive or negative trend?11.03.19 = 08.11.15Around the world, more adults can work from home and more children can study from home as computer technologies become cheaper and more accessible. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?11.04.02 = 08.06.14Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further. However, others think this leads to environmental problem, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss the both sides and give your own opinion.11.04.16 = 08.09.13Many people think it is very important to protect the environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Why do you think it is the case? What actions can be done to suggest individuals protect the environment?11.04.28 ≈ 04.06.12Some people think that too much money has been spent looking after and repairing old buildings, so we should knock down old buildings and build modern ones instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?11.04.30Some people think foreign visitors should be charged more than local people when they visit the cultural and historical attractions in a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?11.05.07 = 04.02.28, 04.05.15Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual persons to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?11.05.14 = 04.02.14, 04.05.22Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern society. Some people think that we must return to the older and more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?11.05.19 = 04.07.24The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?11.05.28 = 06.03.18Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong so that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.11.06.04 = 05.01.08Nowadays, we rely on news for our knowledge, but we are uncertain about the truth of these news. Should we believe journalists? What qualities should a good journalist or correspondent have?11.06.11 ≈ 04. 06.26, 04.11.27, 07.09.20Some people think governments should focus the spending only on public services rather than wasting money on arts (music, printing, etc.). To what extent do you agree or disagree?11.06.23 =07.06.16Traditional food is being replaced by international fast foods. This has negative effects on family and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?11.06.25 =04.10.16We are surrounded by all kinds of advertising, which is having an increasing influence on our lives. Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh its negative effects?11.07.09 ≈ 03.12.13Many animal species in the world are becoming extinct nowadays. Some people say that countries and individuals should protect these animals from dying out, while others say we should concentrate more on problems of human beings. Discuss both views and give your opinion.。