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Long Conversation

Unit 1

Conversation 1

W: What do you plan to do after you finish your university work?

M:I’ve got a friend in Germany who says that he can get me a job with a large multinational company here in Shanghai.

W:So you’ll work here?

M: Well, I can earn a very good salary and get good experience.

W: Would you leave for a foreign country if they ask you to go?

M: It depends what they want and how long they want me to stay away from home. W:Did you know that some people say that both foreign companies and foreign countries take the most talented people away from their homes in developing countries on purpose?

M: Why would they do that?

W: Highly educated people often make large contributions to both a country’s economy and society.

M: So it would be to the advantage of a country to allow skilled immigrants in? W: Y es, of course it would.

Q 1:What does the man plan to do after finishing his university work?

Q 2:Why does the man want to work in Shanghai?

Q 3:What did the woman say about foreign companies and foreign countries?

Conversation 2

M: What do you think of Mark and Gail’s marriage plans, Susan?

W:I don’t know. It seems the situation is quite difficult.

M: What do you mean?

W:Well, to begin with, Gail’s parents have many reservatio ns about their marriage. M: How do you know?

W:For instance, Gail’s father is concerned about both Mark’s citizenship status and how their children will be treated.

M:These are both real concerns because people do get married just to acquire citizenship and children from mixed marriages do often receive bad treatment from other children.

W: Y es, and yet Gail thinks that racial and culture differences can often be a gift in a relationship, even though people often feel full of doubt about a mixed marriage. M: So who’s right?

W: Maybe there is no right answer. The situation is really difficult.

M: I see.

Q 1:Who is the man talking with?

Q 2:What are they talking about?

Q 3:What do Gail’s parents seem most concerned about?

Q 4:What will Mark and Gail probably do?

Unit 2

Conversation 1

M: Honey, after all these stressful years, I suggest we go on a trip around the world next year.

W: That sounds fun.

M: Y es, but I think it’s also going to take us a lot of work.

W: Why is that?

M: Y ou know, each country has its own policies regarding travel and immigration. W: Wouldn’t it be easier if every country had the sam e policy?

M: Of course. It would, but that just wouldn’t be realistic.

W:No, you’re probably right.

M: For instance, in the Middle East, it is often very difficult to go from one country to another.

W: Why is that?

M:There’s a lot of conflict in the regi on so countries are reluctant to allow people to move from place to place easily.

Q 1:What does the man suggest to the woman?

Q 2:Why does the man say that a trip around the world take them a lot of work?

Q 3:Why is it often difficult to move from country to country in the Middle East?

Conversation 2

W: How does time affect you?

M: I actually spend time deciding how I will conduct my day.

W: That sounds like a good way to budget some leisure time for you.

M: Y es, I like the relaxed feeling of the surroundings at the golf course.

W: Do you take your cell phone with you?

M:No, I like to avoid such devices when I am at the golf course because if the phone rings, I will want to answer it.

W: I spend my leisure time playing tennis.

M: That’s superb way to stay in shape and also have a good time.

W:I’m not a very good player; I just want to play for a brief time and make friends by playing tennis.

M: I have met some interesting people at the golf course, too and I can contact them by email when I don’t have lei sure time.

W: I always like to meet people face-to-face because I am able to explore my
