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题目1:Films and computer games containing violence are popular. Some people say they have negative effect on society and should be banned. Others say they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(讨论双边题目的写法)

题目2:In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic have become a problem. What are the causes and what actions could be taken to solve the problem?(Report题目的写法)




Watching violent movies or playing some games with violent elements are very popular among the general public. Some people are concerned about its negative influence, while others claim it is not a serious issue. Those who are against media violence may give their reasons as follows. First of all, exposure to excessive violence has a detrimental impact on people’s personality and behavior. They tend to become aggressive and temperamental, or use violence to solve disputes in their lives. More importantly, children are likely to associate violence with heroism. They may imitate what they learn from action movies and get into fights with others. In addition, violent scenes in movies may make the audience feel uncomfortable. If people are exposed to too much violence, they may lack the sense of security. Some people are scared after they watch violent movies.

Despite the criticism against violence, some people hold the opinion that movies and computer games are merely entertainment and there is no need to exaggerate their social impact. It is unwise to completely ban the violent content in movies and computer games. Such activities can help people to relieve their stress. I n the modern society, many people get tired of the fast life and want to find some time to relax.Some of them may choose to watch action movies or play exciting games, which can help them forget their business in their lives. This is a good way to release their negative emotions.

In my opinion, it is not advisable to ban media violence, but some measures should be taken to minimize its harmful effect. For instance, the government can impose moderate censorship to control the amount of violence in movies and games.This can protect children and meanwhile give adults more choices for their recreational activities.


There is no doubt that the increasing traffic has become a huge problem in cities. I think that a few factors are responsible for this situation.

As a result of the development of automobile industry, cars have become affordable to ordinary people, whose income has grown significantly in recent years. In many modern cities, a large proportion of residents have their own cars. However, the road facilities fall behind the growing number

traffic congestion. Another factor is

of road accidents are caused by violation of rules, and when accidents happen in the rush hour, the road may be disrupted.

To tackle the problem of increasing traffic, the government is obligated to improve public transport services. For example, if sufficient subways were

significantly reduced, as fewer people would choose to drive their own cars. Sometimes the traffic jam is caused by people's violation of the traffic law. Therefore, the government should educate people to obey the rules

also be an effective way, which may have a deterrent effect on those reckless drivers.

To sum up, I think that the government has a major role to play in reducing

transport facilities. The public should also enhance their awareness of safe driving and observe the traffic law
