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译文题目:Discussi on on The Pla nning and Design of
Commercial Buildi ngs
学生姓名:XXX 学号:09******83
专业:________________ 建筑学______________
所在学院:_____________ XX学院____________
指导教师:_____________ XX _____________
职称: ________________ 畐U教授 ___________
201X年XX月XX 日
Discussion on The Planning and Design
of Commercial Buildings
Abstract: the commercial building in residential buildings has become, most attract sb.'s atte nti on, the largest build ing is in flue need by the type of en ergy and Ian dscape of the city pla nning, desig n of commercial buildi ngs will face more problems. This paper discusses how to carry on pla nning and desig n of commercial buildi ngs, the con structi on of a rati on al, reas on able, appropriate bus in ess build ing, so as to create a good social and econo mic ben efits.
Keywords: con structi on pla nning; commercial build in gs; architectural desig n
Comprehe nsive is the developme nt trend of moder n commercial buildi ngs, architects in the design of commercial buildings and functions are changing, different positioning of pla nning, bus in ess characteristics and local cultural in flue nce commercial buildi ng mode, which requires us to continuously improve our project products, create more in line with the bus in ess n eeds of the best pla n and desig n works, and fin ally let inv estors and con sumers feel a con sta nt value, so that they feel superior comb in atio n of spatial con ti nu ous operati on, let the customer feel shopp ing pleasure, feel the beauty of life and the world.
1. Commercial architectural scheme
Commercial buildi ngs are gen erally large inv estme nt, high risk, long cycle, the successful operati on of returns, differe nt commercial patter ns determ ine differe nt commercial build ing form, and commercial patter n is determ ined and market positi oning, the positi oning accuracy of the architect, to commercial buildi ng various fun cti ons, property, facilities should have full understanding and effective organization, and different commercial construction pla nning ideas to produce commercial architectural desig n works are differe nt, econo mic ben efits of inv estme nt has great differe nce. Good architectural pla nning has decided the success or failure of architectural desig n.
I. Market survey of commercial building design must be based on the market survey results. Based on the characteristics and trend of foreig n con sumpti on, econo mic con diti ons, traffic con diti ons, the surro unding commercial patter n, city in frastructure, city developme nt pla nning, full market research bus in ess situati on, on the project itself, choose format, format portfolio, the distributi on of in dustrial cha in and area proporti on, in dustry select ion, distribution and area ratio to the shops, division, architectural form, area and the floor function, people oriented system, project environment and supporting facilities are set in adva nce. Provide desig n basis for the architect to desig n.
2. Mode dema nd regardless of commercial buildi ng is ren tal, sale or ren tal run