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1 在阳光下in the sun

2 长城 the Great Walll,

3 拍照 take a photo take photos take a picture,

take picture

4 玩得高兴have a good time, have a great time, enjoy oneself,

have great fun

5 购礼物buy presents, shop for presents

6 等待wait for,

7 很喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth.,

8 和某人说话talk to sb. talk with sb

9 谈论某事talk about sth.,

10 学校郊游a school trip,

11 告诉某人某事tell sb about sth.,

12 此时此刻at the moment,at this moment, at this time

13 下班leave work,

14 喝下午茶have afternoon teea,

15 走路去酒馆walk to thepub,

16 去听歌剧go to the opera,

17 吃午饭have lunch,eat lunch

18 吃早饭have breakfast,

19 吃晚饭havedinner,

20 看望朋友see friends ,visit friends

21 写明信片write a postcard, write postcards,

22 帮助某人做事help sb. do.sth., help sb. to do sth. help sb.with sth.,

23 动身去某地leave for,

24 离开某地去某地,leave…for,

25 去上班go to work ,

26 走路去walk to

27 看芭蕾舞表演 watch a ballet,

28 喜欢做某事(习惯),like doing sth..,

29 喜欢做某事(暂时)like to do sth,

30 热爱做某事love doing sth.,

31 在夜晚at night,

32 把某物寄给某人send sth.to sb.

33 为某人买某物buy sth.for sb, buy sb. sth.

34 玩游戏play games,

35 一整夜all night,

36 写信write a letter,

37 用手机聊天talk onthe cell phone,

38 喝咖啡drink coffee,

39 呆在家stay at home,

40 喝酒have a drink,

41 打扮get dressed

42 因…而感谢thank you for,

43 美好时光a good time,

44 待会儿见see you soon,see you later,

45 记下write down,

46 享受阳光enjoy the sun,

47 对某人来说很重要be important to

48 用电脑use a computer,

49 打扫房子clean the house,

50 扫地sweep the floor

51 为…做准备get ready for,be ready for

52 工作at work,

53 听老师讲listen to the teacher,

54 做饭cook the meal,

55 做卫生do some cleaning

56 购物do some shopping,

57 做阅读do some reading

58 扫去sweep away,

59 观光游览do some sightseeing,

60 好运good luck,

61 坏运bad luck,

62 在午夜at midnight ,

63 一整年all the year round,

64 在元旦那天on New Year’s Day,

66 穿上put on,

67 几天a few days,

68 一种a kind of

69 买衣服buy clothes,

70 给某人某物give sb.sth ·give sth. to sb

71 从…得到get…. from,

72 对…感兴趣be interested in

73 上节钢琴课havea piano lesson,

74 做作业do one’s homework

75 在工作 be at work, be working,

76 查看我的电子邮件check my e-mail

77 复习准备考试revise for a test,

78 呆在床上 stay in bed,

79 野餐have a picnic,

80 参加聚会go to a party

81 在周末at the weekend,

82 听音乐listen to music,

83 在晚上,in the evening

84 几个 a few,

85 在周六下午on Saturday afternoon

86 早起get up early,
