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1. About three-fifth of the workers of that steel works are young people

2. When he was in his fifty, he moved to England

3. There are four hundreds and thirty-nine people in the hall

4. We lived in Room Third when we were there.

5. This big steel plant has a thousand of workers

6. Hundred of people attended the meeting last night

7. He wrote a two-thousands-word report

8. That war broke out in the 1930s

9. The museum is only fifteenth minutes' walk from the city centre.

10. Fourth students have joined the league.



It is reported that the floods have left about______ ______people homeless


Many students signed up for the______race in the sports meeting to be held next week


They arrived in that city at______ ______ ______last night.


It is rare in______ ______that people in______thirties are still single 5.我们下周将学习第十二课。

We are going to learn______ ______

next week


With a backpack full of medicineLaBrot laid all his things under a tree in a1 (desert) village

in the Serengeti. A line of fifty 2(patient) formed, all of them with a variety of illnesses from

tuberculosis(肺结核) to common colds

It was not long, however, before the supplies in his backpack 3 (use) up and the line had only

grown longer. Heartbroken and driven to tears by the fact 4 he would have to leave patients untreated, he decided then and there that he would never leave a patient untreated, whatever the circumstance Years later, the group Floating Doctors was established with the mission(E) 5( bring) medical relief to remote coastal communities around the world. The group decided to buy 6 sailboat

called“ The Southern Wind”. LaBrot now had“ a much7(big) backpack” and would never run out

8 supplies again. They loaded"The Southern Wind with 25, 000 pounds of medical supplies and set

sail for 9( they) medical mission. In 10(rough) three months they facilitated 35 mobile clinics

and treated 2, 500 patients

1______ 2______ 3______ 4______ 5______

6______ 7______ 8______ 9______ 10______


Tom liked fish too much. One day he brought a fish to home and then went out. When his wife saw the fish, she said to himself, "I can ask my friends have lunch, and we can eat the fish. " When Tom come home in the evening, the fish wasn't there. His wife said, "Oh, your cat ate it. "But she gave Tomsome breads for his supper.

Tom became very angrily. So he went to a shop with his wife. He weighed the cat in a shop with his wife and said, "My fish weigh one kilo. This cat weighs one kilo, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat



1. three-fifth改为 three-fifths


3. hundreds改为 hundred

4. Third改为 Three


6. Hundred改为 Hundreds

7. two-thousands-word改为 two-thousand-word


9. fifteenth改为 fifteen

10. Fourth改为Four


1. two thousand

2. 800-metre-long

3. half past seven

4. the 1980s; their

5. Lesson Twelve


1. deserted此处表示“废弃的”村子,故填 deserted

2. patients。 patient在此意为“病人”,是可数名词,根

据空前的数词 fifty可知,应用复数形式。
