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games arcades and other things I can’t think of
right now … we’re never bored.
Leisure Facilities 休闲设施
歌厅 karaoke bar 游戏厅 games arcade 音乐厅 concert hall 歌剧院 opera house 美术馆 art gallery 咖啡馆 coffee shop 体育馆 sports stadium 健身房 gym 购物中心 shopping mall
Or: The traffic is always tied up during the rush hour. I
can’t stand the hustle and bustle (拥挤,喧闹) there.
Example: There are an awful lot of reckless drivers out there. Offensive drivers Defensive drivers Slow drivers They drive like crazy. Mopeds / electrocars 电动车 Drunk driving / Driving under Influence 酒驾
window. Plus, the big windows let plenty of natural
light in, which makes the room feel pretty spacious.
第一层 ground floor (美first floor) 第二层 first floor comfortable/cosy clean /tidy 干净的 Dirty /filthy 肮脏的 big /spacious /roomy 宽敞的 narrow/cramped 狭小的 messy/ cluttered 乱糟糟的 organized 整齐的 light and airy 通风好的
buildings? Why?
I definitely prefer living in modern buildings, because
everything works and they have good heating in winter
and air conditioning in summer. Modern buildings are
宿) 学校宿舍 university accommodation / dormitory 私人住房 private accommodation
Part One —— Where you live
What do you like most about living there? Why? Negative: Actually, I don’t really like anything about
防水 water proofing 防湿 moisture proofing 防潮 damp proofing 隔声 sound proofing
Part One —— Where you live
Do most people in your city or town live in similar
living there. It feels very crowded and noisy, and the
location of the building is far away from all my friends,
so I don’t like it. When I was younger we had a small
Part One —— Hometown
Do you think it’s a good place for young people to
live? Why?
Negative: Absolutely no. The air is so smoggy (烟雾重
的). Lots of people there suffer from lung diseases (肺部 疾病).
By Louisa
Part One —— Hometown
What would you say are some of the best things about your
Do you think it’s a good place for young people to live? Why? Is there anything you’d like to change about your hometown? Do you have many tourist attractions?
roads and encourage people to use public transport
rather than private cars.
Part One —— Hometown
Do you have many tourist attractions? There are quite a few places of interest. There’s an old,
Part One —— Where you live
What type of building is the house you live in? What do you like most about living there? Why?
Do most people in your city or town live in similar type
house and garden which was much better.
Part One —— Where you live
What do you like most about living there? Why? Affirmative: There is a wonderful view outside the
in my own town, because I live here all the time!
Part One —— Hometown
Hometown (Practices): Which places in your hometown would you recommend to
a visitor? Why?
Architectural Style 建筑风格
巴洛克 Baroque 洛可可 Rococo
哥特式 Gothic
罗马风 Roபைடு நூலகம்anesque
田园城市 garden city
古典主义的 Classical
Part One —— Where you live
Do you prefer to live in old buildings or modern
more comfortable to live in.
Part One —— Where you live
Where you live (Practices):
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Part One —— Hometown
Do you think it’s a good place for young people to
live? Why?
Affirmative: Yes, it’s a great place / dynamic city and
young folks are very happy here. In fact, a lot of people come here from country areas when they are ready for university.
按规模: town→small city →medium-sized city

→big city →大都市 metropolis 市中心 downtown 市郊 outskirts 街区 district 居民区 residential area 城市的 urban 郊区 suburb / 郊区的 suburban 乡下 country areas 海边 seaside 沿海城市 costal city / 内陆城市 inland city
楼) with about 30 floors / storeys. My family and I
have a three bedroom apartment on the 2nd floor.
Types of Accommodation
公寓 apartment(美式), flat(英式) 别墅 villa, cottage(农舍式的) 多层建筑 multi-storey block 高层建筑 high-rise / towering block 独立式房子detached house (一家拥有) 联排住宅/连栋房屋 terraced houses/ row houses 寄宿家庭 home stay (指和房东住在一起,由房东提供食
What is the best thing about living in your hometown? What changes have there been in your hometown recently? What improvements would you recommend for your
Part One —— Hometown
Is there anything you’d like to change about your
Yes, the traffic is a problem. It’s getting more and
more congested on the road. We need to build more
traditional part of town to see and a silk factory, and I
think the tourists enjoy the markets.
Or: I don’t really know much about the tourist activities
Part One —— Hometown
What would you say are some of the best things
about your hometown?
Well, my hometown has lots for young people to do.
There are shops and movie theatres, karaoke bars,
type buildings?
Yes, I suppose they do. There are many apartment
buildings in my city and there are more being built
every day, because they are convenient and affordable.
Do you prefer to live in old buildings or modern buildings?
Part One —— Where you live
What type of building is the house you live in? I live in a fairly modern apartment block (公寓大