面板上的开关控制的是显示屏及USB插座输出,当开关打开且电池电压≤9.1V时显示屏会以亮一秒灭一秒的频率闪烁提醒您应及时充电,当电池电压≤9.0V 时显示屏熄灭且USB插座关闭输出,目的是保护锂电池不致于过度放电,这是控制板上的微处理器进入休眠的过程,您需要手动关闭开关,在电池电压≥9.1V时打开开关才能将微处理器唤醒,显示屏才能显示电池电压值、USB才有5V输出。
●设备开通之前, 请务必确认设备是否接地良好, 以避免触电造成人员伤亡;●所有使用的工具其不必要裸露的金属部分应做好绝缘处理,以防裸露的金属部分触碰金属机架,造成短路;●在任何情况下切勿自行改装、加装和变更任何部件;●确保本设备的使用寿命和运行稳定,设备的使用环境应尽可能地保持清洁、恒温和恒湿,本设备不得在有挥发性气体或易燃环境下使用;●设备通电前请务必确认输入电压、频率、装置的断路器或熔丝及其它条件都已符合所订规格。
1.3设计参考标准●QCT 895-2011《电动汽车用传导式车载充电机》●GB 4208《外壳防护等级(IP 代码)》1.4正常使用条件●海拔不超过3000m●设备运行环境温度-30℃~+65℃,在设备停用期间,空气温度允许为-40℃~+85℃●周围空气的最大相对湿度不超过95% (当周围空气温度为25±5℃时)●安装地基无剧烈振动和冲击,垂直倾斜度不超过5%●运行地点无导电或爆炸尘埃,没有腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的气体或蒸气二、充电机技术规格参数:2.1产品概述AHEVC系列便携充电机借鉴吸收国内外先进控制技术设,是一款实用性强、功能齐全、可靠性高的产品。
2.2电源模块原理框图电源模块原理框图图1所示,主要有以下几部分组成:●尖峰浪涌抑制:两级共模电感构成高抑制比的电源滤波器,并在前极工频整流后加工频电感抑制电网上的尖峰浪涌对电源设备的干扰和损害,同时滤除电源设备产生的高频杂波对电网的污染;●软启动及整流滤波: 由于开关电源内部布置有大容量电容器,直接启动会造成过大的启动浪涌。
梅德隆 12V 100Ah 磷酸铁锂电池组 使用说明书
Mainland Energy Conversion Ltd.电话: +852 2366 9610使用说明书LiFePO4 磷酸铁锂电池组12V/100Ah 系列:• 由于身体,感官或精神方面的能力不足或是因经验不足而无法安全使用本电池组的人,不得在没有技术人员的控制或指导的情况下使用。
• 本电池组不适合儿童使用,有机会危及生命。
• 时刻远离易燃气体、溶剂或蒸汽。
时刻确保空气流通,避免明火或火花,切勿焚烧电池组,以免引起爆炸事故! • 请严格遵守充放电指示,并仅使用具合适规格或充电模式之充电器进行充电。
• 请确保正负极端子上的螺丝时刻锁紧,并仅使用具电绝缘功能的螺丝刀。
• 使用前请确保正负极做好电气绝缘。
• 切勿打开或拆开电池组。
• 拆装电池组可能会导致电芯间的短路,从而引致火花、有害气体泄露、电解液体泄露,甚至爆炸。
• 如发生明显的损坏或故障,例如:变形的外壳、电解液泄漏或出现任何奇怪气味,请停止使用电池组。
• 请勿接触有害的电解液。
• 避免太阳直接照射电池组或存放于超过40°C 的温度。
• 被动散热• 經电镀及喷粉处理的铁制外箱• 在放电深度达 80% 状态下,>2000 次循环 • 过充、过放自动保护机制 • 在高低温环境下自动关闭 • 先进的蓝牙APP 显示电池状态•LED 指示灯显示电池容量和错误的警告1.充电端子 / 放电端子2.LED 指示灯 (LED 4 to LED 0)IP65电池组配备智能电池管理系统 (BMS),以确保稳定和高效率的充电及放电表现。
SDC6067 节锂电池保护数据手册说明书
1.概述内置高精度电压检测电路和延时电路进行电压、电流以及温度的监控,保证Pack 安全。
此外, 具有0V 充电功能,提升Pack 使用寿命。
2.特点◆ 高精度电压检测功能:过充电保护电压V OV :3.600V-4.375V (档位25mV) 过充电保护电压精度:±25mV 迟滞电压:0-350mV过放保护电压V UV :2.0V - 3.1V (档 位100mV) 过放电保护电压精度:±80mV 过放电保护解除迟滞电压:0-1.0V◆ 放电过流检测功能:过流1保护电压V DOC1:0.025V - 0.350V (档位25mV) 过流1保护电压精度:±10mV过流2保护电压V DOC2:2×VDOC1 (档位50mV) 过流2保护电压精度:±20mV◆ 短路检测功能:短路保护电压V SC :4.5×VDOC1 (档位112.5mV) 短路保护电压精度:±45mV◆ 温度检测功能:充电高温保护温度:50°C 充电高温保护温度精度:±4℃(Max.) 充电低温保护温度:0°C 充电低温保护温度精度:±4℃(Max.)ZCC8993ZCC8993ZCC8993ZCC8993放电高温保护温度:70°C 放电高温保护温度精度:±4℃(Max.)◆外接电容设置过放电保护延时、放电过流1保护延时以及放电过流2保护延时◆过充电保护延时、短路保护延时以及温度保护延时固定◆工作电压范围:3V - 26V◆工作温度范围:-40℃~85℃◆集成N-MOSFET驱动◆低功耗设计:正常工作功耗:18 uA (Max.)休眠模式功耗:5 uA (Max.)◆封装形式:16-pin TSSOP◆SEL管脚选择3/4串应用3.订购信息注释:目前只有A,B版本VC1VC2VC3VC4VDDGNDSELVI DSGCHG TSCDCDSD CHSEVMTEST图系统框图ZCC8993TEST CHSE CHG VM DSG DSD CDC VIVDDVC1VC2VC3VC4GNDSELTS 管脚图6.管脚定义ZCC89937.功能描述7.1正常模式下列条件均满足时, 处于正常模式:(1) 所有电芯电压位于过充电保护电压 (V OV ) 与过放电保护电压 (V UV ) 之间 (2) VI 管脚电平小于放电过流1保护电压V DOC1(3) TS 管脚检测温度位于充电高温保护温度T COT 与充电低温保护温度T CUT 之间 (4) 无安全保护发生7.2过充电保护状态下列条件均满足时,进入过充电保护状态: (1) 任意电芯电压高于过充电保护电压V OV (2) 状态(1)持续时间超过过充电保护延时t OV 处于过充电保护状态时,CHG 管脚输出高阻态。
Dynamis 磷酸铁锂电池使用手册说明书
Handling Precautions and Guideline for Lithium Iron Phopshate (LF) batteriesGeneral1. The customer is strongly advised to contact DYNAMIS in advance in case the application or operating conditions of the battery will differ from those specified in the specification sheet. Additional testing may be necessary to verify the suitability of the particular cell type for the intended use.2. DYNAMIS will take no responsibility whatsoever for any accident due to use of the battery other than specified by DYNAMIS.3. Improvements or changes for the proper use and handling of the cell will be forwarded to the customer in cases necessary.Handling1. Charge1.1currentChargeThe maximum charging current specified is not to be exceeded during use.Application of a higher current than that may cause damage to the cell withrespect to electrical or safety-related performance. Unusual heat generationor leakages may be a result of over charge.voltageCharge1.2A maximum charge voltage of 3.65 V per cell is recommended by DYNAMIS.At voltages higher than 3.8 Vpc damages may occur and result in the same likedescribed in 1.11.3 Charge temperatureThe recommended temperature range of the specification shall not be exceeded.charge1.4ReverseReverse charging is strongly prohibited. DYNAMIS recommends a polarity checkof the cell before assembly or connection to a charging device. Reverse chargemay cause serious damage of any kind to the cell.2. DischargecurrentDischarge2.1The discharge current specified by DYNAMIS is not to be exceeded due topossible damage to the cell. The damage will result in reduced capacity and/orunusual heat generation.temperature2.2DischargeThe recommended temperature range of the specification shall not be exceeded.2.3dischargeOverThe cell shall not be discharged to lower voltages than specified (cut-off voltage).Deeper discharge than that will result in reduced cell performance and may causedamage to the cell.Over discharge also occurs if the self-discharge is not compensated duringlong periods of storage time. For cases like this, the OCV of the cell is to bechecked. For voltages lower than 3.1 V re-charge is recommended.For optimum performance, discharge cycles to the specified end voltageare preferred in terms of cycle numbers achieved..3. Protection Circuit Module (PCM)3.1 The use of a PCM is recommended for all types of LF batteries in order toprotect the cell and enable best performance with respect to the application.3.2 The over-charge protection function shall stop charging if the voltage exceedsvalue.recommendedthe3.3 The over-discharge prevention shall work to minimize dissipation current to avoida drop of the cell voltage below 2.3 Vpc or less. The protection function shallmonitor each bank of a LF battery pack and control the current.4. StorageThe storage conditions specified shall not be exceed in order to assure proper cellfunction and prevent the battery from damages.5. Handling Advice5.1 The performance of mechanical, thermal and electrical treatments describedin the respective specification is not to be exceeded. Damages of any kindmay result in different hazards as described in the MSDS.5.2 LF batteries can be damaged by application of heat of any kind. This mayresult in emission of gas and/or electrolyte. Do not overheat.5.3 The LF batteries are to be protected against any possibility of short-circuit.The very high currents generated by short-circuit may cause severe damages,heat generation and emission of gas, smoke and/or fire.6. Advice for battery pack design6.1 Fixation inside a battery pack is to be achieved.No cell movement shall be allowed inside the pack.6.2 The design of the pack shall be appropriate not to emit heat in case of leakagesmishaps.todue6.3 The PCM is to be protected as good as possible from eventual contact withelectrolyte.leak6.4 The common state of good practice is necessary in all kinds of design of abattery pack, e.g. proper insulation of wiring and layers, sufficient spacingbetween different voltage patterns and so on.6.5 The PCM design shall be made with respect to the case of leaked electrolytetouching the circuit patterns. Short circuits must be prevented by cover material.7. Battery pack assembly7.1 Shocks, high temperature or contact with sharp edge tooling shall not be appliedduring battery pack assembly.7.2 Soldering or welding of wires etc directly on LF contacts is to be avoided.Temperatures above 80 °C will cause damages to the cells.8. Further8.1 Disassembly of cells is strongly prohibited.8.2 Dumping of LF cells and batteries into fire, water or other conductive liquidsprohibited.stronglyis8.3 Damaged cells shall be prevented from any further use.8.4 Mechanical damages can occur during transport. If damages like leakages,smelling of electrolyte or other abnormal features are found the particular cellshall not be used anymore.8.5 After the use of LF cells the appropriate way of disposal has to be followed.。
二、锂电池概述1. 类型:锂电池主要分为锂离子电池(Li-ion)和聚合物锂离子电池(Li-polymer)两种常见类型。
2. 电压:锂电池的标准电压一般为3.7伏(V),但实际使用中,电压可能会在充放电过程中有所波动。
3. 容量:锂电池的容量一般以毫安时(mAh)为单位。
三、使用方法1. 充电:使用专用的锂电池充电器进行充电,确保使用正确的充电电压和电流。
2. 放电:在使用锂电池时,请避免将电池放空至完全放电状态,以免损害电池性能。
3. 储存:长时间不使用锂电池时,请将电池储存在干燥、阴凉的环境中,并保持电池电量处于50%左右的状态。
四、注意事项1. 温度:锂电池对温度非常敏感。
2. 碰撞:请避免对锂电池进行剧烈碰撞或挤压,以免导致电池损坏、电池液泄漏或短路,并可能引发火灾或爆炸等危险。
3. 液体接触:请避免将锂电池浸入液体中,如水或其他溶液,以防止电池短路、电池液泄漏或发生火灾等意外情况。
以EB-HNN9013电池为例,下面简述一下锂离子电池的使用说明一、电池性能:(电池充放电电压、电流、时间和环境温度)1、电池型号:EB-HNN90132、电池规格:103450 1800mAH3、标称电压:7.4V4、标称容量:1800mAh5、充电电流:标准充电0.5C (充电方式为恒流恒压充电,恒定充电电流900mA,恒定充电电压8.4V,充电截止电流90mA)6、放电电流:放电电流0.5C (放电以900mA恒定电流放电到终止电压6.0V)7、充、放电限制:最高充电电压8.4V、限制电流0.01C;放电终止电压6.0V8、充放电环境温度:充电标准模式(0.5C)在温度为20±5℃,湿度为85%环境下进行,否则可能充不满电;工作温度-20℃~+60℃电池放电温度性能:在-20℃(可放电容量≥标称容量的30%);在负10度(放电容量≥标称容量的70%);在0 ℃(可放电容量≥标称容量的75%)-10℃(放电容量≥标称容量的85%);在20℃(可放电容量达标称容量的95以上%)二、电池搁置、贮存的环境和时间注意事项:1、电池贮存应该在阴凉干燥的环境中,最佳温度为-20℃~35℃;2、搁置或存放的电池至少六个月进行一次检查,进行一次补充电;3、电池应该开路状态搁置,电池不用时应该从机器上取下来,以防止电池长时间处于过放状态而引起损坏三、电池对应配置及充电说明1、电池装入对讲机或从对讲机上取下时请在关机状态下进行2、请使用专用配套锂电充电器,否则有可能充不进电或充不满电以及损坏电池的可能,严重者有可能造成事故;3、充电时,应该在20±5℃的环境温度下进行,否则可能充不满额定电量4、充满电的电池,应从充电器上取下,以免过充,缩短电池寿命,降低性能。
···YY-BCU02-25S-RLY使用手册目录1、产品概述 (1)2、命名规则 (1)3、功能简介 (2)4、电气参数 (2)5、保护逻辑 (3)6、测试标准 (5)7、引脚含义 (6)8、PC软件 (7)9、蓝牙APP (9)10、系统状态灯含义 (9)11、待机逻辑 (10)12、实物及尺寸图 (11)13、包装及发货 (13)14、产品接线图 (14)15、使用注意事项 (15)16、相关产品系列 (15)1、产品概述YY-BCU02-25S-RLY BMS保护板专门针对0-320A持续大电流锂电池应用场景、适用于三元锂、磷酸铁锂和钛酸锂电芯应用场合,主要应用领域为叉车、电摩、低速车等大电流场景。
牧田 LXT锂电池技术 使用说明书
18V 锂电池5.0Ah 14.4V 锂电池5.0Ah
*BL1430A 除外
胜科诺锂电池使用说明书第一章产品介绍1.1 产品概述胜科诺锂电池是一种高性能、高能量密度的可充电电池,广泛应用于移动设备、电动车辆、储能系统等领域。
1.2 产品特点胜科诺锂电池具有以下特点:(1)高能量密度:相比传统的镍镉电池和镍氢电池,锂电池具有更高的能量密度,能够提供更长的使用时间。
第二章安全注意事项2.1 充电前的准备(1)请使用原装充电器进行充电,确保充电器电压和电流符合锂电池的要求。
2.2 充电时的注意事项(1)请勿使用不符合要求的充电器进行充电,以免引起过充、过放等危险情况。
2.3 使用时的注意事项(1)请勿将锂电池放置在高温、潮湿或易燃易爆的环境中,以免引起短路、漏电等安全问题。
第三章充电与放电指南3.1 充电指南(1)请使用原装充电器进行充电,避免使用不符合要求的充电设备。
二、主要特点1. 多种输入电压通用输入电压可以采用AC220V、DC110V或DC48V输入,方便在不同场合使用。
2. 完善的保护功能电源具有过流、过压、短路、电池过热保护功能。
3. 液晶显示器能完全显示电源电池状态和输出电压电流等信息。
4. 电芯及主要部件全部采用高性能原装进口件,系统性能更先进、更稳定,使用寿命更长。
3. 除AC220V输入电源,其余输入及输出正负极性不能互换。
4. 充放电时,均应先关闭电源开关,方可拔插输入或输出电缆。
5. 如出现异常(如过流、短路)等情况时,电源进入自我保护模式,该模式下液晶模块无显示、DC48V无输出。
6. 充电时,电源首先会工作在大电流充电模式,当接近充满时,电流会逐渐下降,最后趋近于零。
通用温控kkd,UT 型
特点• 恒温器具有固定回差
• 必须按照所需的平均温度设定温度
• 通过电缆夹与端子螺钉进行电气连接
• AMP 快速连接器可用于与机柜安装的连接UT 温控器是一款配有不锈钢 (18/8) 或铜
• U T 分为壁式安装与板式安装两种方式,可用于:冷库、饮料冷却器、冰淇淋机、
牛奶冷却器、冷藏柜、空调装置、热回收 系统
0.A2.41 / 520H6433
技术手册 UT 型通用温控器
认证带有符合低电压指令 EN 60335-1、电磁兼容
性指令 EN 60335-1 以及 EMC 指令要求的 CE
标志符合 EN 50082-1 与 EN 55014 标准,可在欧洲销售
1) 含温包夹
0.A2.41 / 520H6433
技术手册 UT 型通用温控器尺寸与重量
© Danfoss A/S (AC-MC / jmn), 2012-06。
三、锂电池的安全隐患及应对措施1. 过充和过放:过充和过放是锂电池最常见的安全隐患之一,它们会导致电池内部的化学反应失控,进而引发电池的短路甚至爆炸。
2. 过热:过热是另一个常见的安全隐患,它可能是由于过充、过放、过流或短路等原因引起的。
3. 穿刺和挤压:锂电池的外壳通常由金属材料制成,如果电池遭受穿刺或挤压,可能会导致电池内部的正负极短路,进而引发电池的热失控和爆炸。
4. 过充电速率:过快的充电速率会导致电池内部的化学反应失控,进而引发电池的热失控和爆炸。
5. 电池老化:锂电池的容量和性能随着使用时间的增加而逐渐下降,这是由电池内部材料的老化引起的。
Observe operating instructions and affix close within sight of the battery! Work on batteries only under instructions of skilled personel! Smoking prohibited! Do not expose battery to open fame, glowing fire or sparks as explosion and fire hazard exists! When working on batteries wear protective glasses and clothing! Explosion and fire hazard! Avoid short circuits! Caution! Metal parts of the battery cells are always live, therefore do not place items or tools on the battery!Electrolyte is strongly corrosive! Monoblock batteries / cells are very heavy! Ensure secure installation! Only use suitable transport equipment! Dangerous voltage! Acid splashes in the eyes or on the skin must be washed out or off with plenty of water. Then see a doctor immediately. Acid on clothing should be washed out with water! Safety requirements according to EN 50272-31. Commissioninga) Filled and charged batteriesBefore commissioning all blocks must be inspected for mechanical damage, cells must be connected with the correct polarity and connectors firmly seated. The following torque apply for M10 screw connectors is:20 ± 1 Nm If necessary the terminal covers must be put on. Check the electroiyte level in all cells. If necessary top up to maximum level with purified water as under DIN 43530 Part 4. Before putting the battery in operation, plastic transport vent caps must be removed and replaced with ceramic cell plugs. With charger off and loads isolated connect battery to the direct current power supplies maintaining correct polarity (positive terminal to positive post). Switch on the charger and charge as under section 2.2.b) Dry charged (DC) batteries Instructions for the initial charging of a dry charged stationary OPzS and SOLAR (TOPzS) batteries: - Unscrew the sealed vent plugs and fill the cells with pure dilute sulphuric acid, specific gravity 1,230 0,01kg/1 read at 20 (68 F), up to about 25 mm below top of lid for SPgBG multi-block hard rubber containers and 50 mm below of lid for OPzS translucent containers or max level marked on the label. The temperature of the filling acid should be between 10°C and 25°C (50 - 77 F). - Insert the original plastic vent plug with Removed sealing foil on the top or place the special ceramic ventplug. - Start charging for not less than 2and not more than 12 hours elapsed after the last cell has been filled with the acid. - Apply the 0,5 x 110(5A/100Ah)current. - Charge for 8 hours and then keepthe battery on open circuit for 1-2 hours. - Continue the charging for a fewhours, until the battery is fullycharged, i.e. until constant voltage and constant specific gravity have been reached. The specific gravity of the acid in a fully charged celi is 1,240 0,01 kg/I read at 20°C (68 F), If during the charging thetemperature of the acid exceeds 55°C (131 F) reduce the charging current by 50%. - 0,5 h after charging discharge thebattery at 10 hour rate of current until the cell voltage drops toaverage value 1.80 Volts. Allowable minimum voltage of a single cell is 1,70V.- Recharge the battery according tothe operating instructions 2.2. - 24 hours after recharging adjustelectrolyte level to the “max” mark on the label.Activation and test results must be kept as part of batterydocumentation. Non-compliance with this request renders the warranty null and void.2. OperationFor the operation of stationary battery, installations EN 50272-2 apply2.1 DischargingNever allow the final discharge voltage of the battery to drop below that assigned for the discharge current. Chargeimmediately after discharge as well as partial discharge. Recommended DOD (Depth Of Discharge) for normal operating is up to 80% of CN.2.2 ChargingAll charging procedures with their limit values may be employed as stated below:DIN 41773 (lU characteristic) DIN 41774 (W characteristic) DIN 41776 (I characteristic).Depending on charger type and charging characteristic alternating currents flow through the battery superimposing onto the direct current. These alternating currents and the reaction of the loads lead to an additional warming of the battery and strain on the electrodes with possible resulting damage (see 2.5). Depending on the system at hand, charging may be carried out under the following modes:a) Stand-by parallel operation and floating operation.Here the load, direct current and battery are continuously connected in parallel. There by the charging voltage is at the same time the operating voltage of the system. With stand-by-parallel operation the direct current is at any time capable of supplying the maximum load current and the battery charging current. The battery only supplies current when the direct current source fails. The charge volt age should be set at 2,23 V +/-1% x number of cells measured at the battery’s terminals. To reduce therecharging time a charging stage can be applied in which the charging voltage is 2,35 to 2,4 V xnumber of cells (stand-by parallel operation with recharging stage).Automatic changeover to the charging voltage of 2,23 V+/- 1% x number of cells follows after few hours on the voltage 2,35-2,4 V x number of cells. With the floating operation the direct current source is not able to supply the maximum load current at all times. The load current intermit tentlysupersedes the nominal current of the direct current source. During this period the battery supplies power. It is not fully charged at all times. Therefore, depending on the load the chargevoltage must be set at 2.23 to 2.30 V x number of cells.b) Switch mode operationWhen charging the battery is separated from the load. Towards the end of the charging process the charge voltage of the battery is 2,6 - 2,75 V/cell. The charging process and parameters must be monitored (see Sections 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6).On reaching a fully charged state the charging process must be stopped or switched to float charge as under Section 2.3.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS for stationary vented lead-acid OPzS SOLAR batteriesc) Battery operation (charge/discharge operation)Only the battery supplies the load. Hereby the charge voltage of the battery towards the end of the charging process is 2,6-2,75 V/cell. The charging process and parameters must be monitored (see Sections 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6). When reaching a fully charged state the charging process must be switched off. The battery can be switched to the load as necessary.2.3 Maintaining the full charge(float charging)Devices complying with the stipulations under DIN 41773 (lU characteristic) must be used. They are to be set so that the average cell voltage is 2,23V +/- 1% (2,25 V +/- 1% for UPS) cell at 20°C and the electrolyte density does not decrease over a protracted period(otherwise see 2.8).2.4 Equalizing chargeEqualizing charges are required after exhaustive discharges and after inadequate charges; they can be carried out as follows:- Up to 72 hours at constant voltage ofmax. 2.4 V/ celI,- With the I or W characteristic as under 2.6. If during equalizingcharging permitted load voltagesare exceeded, appropriatemeasures must be taken, e. g.disconnection of the load. Ifexceeding the maximumtemperature of 55°C the chargingmust either be stopped, proceedwith reduced current, or be switchedto float charge to allow thetemperature to drop. The equalizingcharge is completed when theelectrolyte densities no longerincreases within a period of 2 hours.2.5 Alternating currents with periodic deviationsOn recharging up to 2,4 V/cell as under operation modes a) to c) the actual value of the alternating current is occasionally permitted to reach max. 20 A per 100 Ah nominal capacity. Above 2,4 V/cells 10 A per 100 Ah nominal capacity may not be exceeded. In a fully charged state with a charge voltage of 2,23 to 2,30 V/cell the actual value of the alternating current must not exceed 5 A per 100 Ah nominal capacity.2.6 Charging currentsThe charging currents are not limited up to 2,4 V/ celI. When exceeding the charging voltage of 2,4 V/cell, greater water decomposition occurs. The charging currents per 100 Ah nominal capacity shown in Table 1 must not be exceeded.Charging procedure CellmodelCellvoltageI-charact. 5,0 A 2,6 -2,75W-charact. 7,0 A3,5 A at 2,4 V at 2,65V2.7 TemperatureThe recommended operatingtemperature for Lead-acid batteries is10°C to 30°C. The technical data applyfor the nominal temperature 20°C. Theideal operating temperature is 20 +/- 5°C.Higher temperatures shorten the servicelife. Lower temperatures reduce theavailable capacity. The maximumtemperature of 55°C must not beexceeded.2.8 Temperature-related chargevoltageA temperature-related adjustment of thecharge voltage within the operatingtemperature of 15°C to 25°C is notnecessary. Should the temperaturerange be lower than 15°C and/or higherthan 25°C a temperature relatedadjustment of the charge voltage shouldbe made. The temperature correctionfactor is (-0.004 V/Cell per °K).Should the temperature constantly riseabove 40°C then the factor is (-0.003V/Celi per °K).2.9 ElectrolyteThe electrolyte is diluted sulphuric acid.The nominal electrolyte density is basedon 20°C and the nominal electrolyte levelwhen fully charged with maximumdeviation +/ - 0.01 kg/I. Highertemperatures reduce the electrolytedensity; lower temperatures increase theelectrolyte density. The associatedcorrection factor is 0.0007 kg/I per °K.Example: electrolyte density of 1.23 kg/Iat 35°C corresponds to a density of 1.24kg/I at 20°C or electrolyte density of 1.25kg/I at 5°C corresponds to a density of1.24 kg/I at 20°C.3. Battery maintenance and controlThe electrolyte level must be checkedregularly. If it dropped to the lowestelectrolyte level mark, purified watermust be added as under DIN 43530 Part4, maximum conductivity 30 µS/cm. Toavoid leakage currents keep the batteryclean and dry (especially inter cellconnections). Plastic batterycomponents, in particular the vent caps,must only be cleaned with water thatcontains no additives. At least every 6months the following must bemeasured and recorded:- Battery voltage- Voltage of a few selectedcells/mono block batteries- Electrolyte density of a few selectedcells/mono block batteries- Electrolyte temperature of a fewselected cells/mono block batteries.The following must be measured andrecorded annually:- Voltage of all cells/mono blockbatteries- Electrolyte density of all cells/monoblock batteries- Electrolyte temperature of a fewselected cells/mono block batteries- Should the float charge voltage inone celi deviate more than + 0.1 Vor - 0.05 V from the average value(see 2.3), equalizing chargingshould be done (see 2.4.). Annualvisual checks:- on bolted connectors (check thatunsecured bolt connectors arefirmly seated)- on battery installation orarrangement- on ventilation of battery room.4. TestsTests must be performed on fully chargedbatteries according to EN 60896-1.ln addition, special test instructionssuch as EN 50272-2 must be observed.5. FaultsShould faults be detected in the batteryor the charging device, customerservices should be called in immediately.Measurement records under Section 3are necessary for fast fault detection andremoval.6. Storage and taking out of operationShould cells/batteries be stored or takenout of operation for a longer period oftime, they must be stored fully charged ina dry, frost-free room with max.temperature of 25°C. Direct sunlight orother heat sources mustbe avoided. To avoid damage thefollowing charging methods can bechosen:a. Equalizing charges on a quarterlybasis as under Section 2.4. In average,ambient temperatures of more than 30°Cmonthly equalizing charges may benecessary.b. Float charging as under Section2.3.above.7. TransportBatteries, wet, filled with acid requiretransport under demands of EuropeanAgreement concerning the internationalcarriage of dangerous goods (ADR andRID). ADR special provision No. 598:New batteries are not subject to therequirements of ADR, when:- they are secured in such a way thatthey can not slip, fall or bedamaged;- they are provided with carryingdevices, unless they are suitablystacked, e.g. on pallets;- there are no dangerous traces ofalkalis or acids on the outside;- they are protected against shortcircuits.8. Technical dataThe nominal voltage, the number ofblocks, the nominal capacity (C10 = CN)and the battery type are obtained fromthe type plate.Victron Energy bv / De Paal 35 / 1351 JG ALMERE / The NetherlandsPhone: (+31) (0)36 535 97 00 / Fax: (+31) (0)36 535 97 40 / /e-mail:***********************。
Security Instruction (01)Chapter One Product Introduction1. Product Characteristics (02)2. Main Applications (03)3. Battery Structure (03)4. Type and Dimensions (04)5. Working Principle (05)Chapter Two Technical Characteristics1. Discharge Curve (06)2. Charge Curve (08)3. Internal Resistance and Short Circuit Current (10)Chapter Three Operation and maintenance1. Parameters (11)2. Factors Influencing capacity (11)3. Charge (13)4. Storage (13)5. Maintenance (14)S e c u r i t y I n s t r u c t i o nSecurity InstructionPlease read these instructions carefully in order to make correct, safe, and effective operation. This manual provides you with very important installation and operation guidelines, which will guarantee 01your equipment an optimal performance and longer service life.For your safety,please do not open battery by yourself, only professionals shall be allowed to open and maintain the battery;Due to battery be potential harmful to the environment and health,battery shall be replaced by manufacturer ’s service center.If there is need to replace and maintain,please contact after-sale service center.Used battery is recyclable, and improper disposal of battery may be great harmful to the environment and health.So,used battery shall be proper disposed following relative regulations and law or shall be returned to our company for disposal.Please choose the batteries of the same model for replacement, and batteries produced by different manufacturers shall be strictly forbidden for connecting in one system.NoticesP r o d u c t I n t r o d u c t i o nChapter One Product IntroductionProduct Characteristics02Basic CharacteristicsAGM valve regulated technology, high-tin-low-calcium multielement special alloy, poor electrolyte design, negative adsorptive theory, restrain hydrogen separate out effectively, reduce the electrolyte loss during usage, there is no need to add electrolyte among battery service life.Reliable sealing technologyPatent multi-layer electrode pole sealing structure ensure sealing safety and relialbility, exceptupside down, any other installation orientation is allowed.Long service lifePatent grid structure design preventing grid prolongation, special 4BS lead paste technology and tight assembly and container formation technology prolong battery service life.Low self-discharge rateHigh purity raw material, clean production environment, ensure low self-discharge rate of battery.Good consistencyDuring plate production,cell assembling and finished products test,one homogenizationprocedure added in each process,thus ensure battery quality consistency.Applicable for wide temperature rangeSpecial electrolyte formula and special active substance formula,enhence good high and low temperature performance.P r o d u c t I n t r o d u c t i o nMain ApplicationsUPS/EPS03Telecommunication and power supply equipmentSecurity system Alarm system Medical treatment Electrical tool Portable instrument Signal lightSolar and wind energy storageBattery Str uctureType and DimensionsCustomed series2 24 2 4 42 2P r o d u c t I n t r o d u c t i o nW orking Principle05DischargePbO2 +2H2SO4 + Pb PbSO4 + 2H2O + PbSO4ChargeIn the final stage of charge process, active substance in positive plate transformed to leaddioxide,negative plate has not reached fully charged stage,the process of active substance innegative plate transformed to spongy lead has not finished, oxygen gas generated in positiveplate reaches the negative plate through separator pores and reacts active substance in negativeplate,resulting depolarized state in negative plate, and restraining the generation of hydrogen.The reaction in positive plate (oxygen generated)1 O +4H++4eMove to the surface of negative plate through the separatorThe reaction in negative plate (oxygen absorbed)2 2Pb+O23 2PbO+2H2SO4 4+2H2O (PbO reacts with electrolyte)4 2PbSO +4H++4e Pb+2H SO (PbSO reduction)The whole reaction in the negative plate is: 2 + 3 + 4: O +4H++4e=2H OThe final production returns to 1 , and recycles like this.In general, in charging process oxygen gas generated in positive plate could quickly reach thenegative plate and recombine into water through react with active substance in negative plate,no gas escape and water loss, achieving the sealing.T e c h n i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sChapter Two Technical CharacteristicsDischarge Curve06All series common curvesFigure 2-1 Discharge capacity and temperature curveFigure 2-2 Discharge capacity and storage time curveT e c h n i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sAll series characteristic curvesFigure 2-3 Discharge characteristic curve under different discharge rates(25 ℃)073CFigure 2-4 Cycle times and depth of discharge curveT e c h n i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCharge Curve08Figure 2-5Charge characteristic curvepeace)ChargeFigure 2-6 Floating charge service life characteristic curve---below 24Ah batteriesV/cellT e c h n i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sFigure 2-7 Floating charge service life characteristic curve---24Ah and above batteries09V/cellT e c h n i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s10Internal Resistance and Short Circuit CurrentThe internal resistance is dynamic nolinear parameter, it continuously varies with the temperature,charge state and service duration. The internal resistance is the lowest when the battery is fullycharged.Below tables present the internal resistance and short circuit current of the battery which the internal resistance is measured by HIOKI 3551 BATTERY HITESTER resistance tester at an ambient temperature of 25 5℃ , in the fully charged state.)O p e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c eChapter Three Operation and maintenanceParameters11Ambient temperature is -15℃~45℃ and the optimal operation temperature is 25℃±5℃.Ambient humidity less than RH92%Altitude less than 4500m,if operation altitude more than 4500m,please make special reminder whenconfirm order.Factors Influencing capacityQuantity of electricity battery discharge under certain condition is called battery capacity,symbol is C ,normal unit is Ampere Hour,in short is Ah.Battery capactiy contains rated capacity and actual capactiy,for rated capacity please refer to Table1-1.Actual capacity is real quantity of electricity battery discharge under certain condition,it is equalto discharge current multiply discharge time.High temperature will speed up battery grid corrosion and water loss, thus greatly shorten the battery life, when the temperature is over 25℃, the service life of the battery will be shortened by half as the temperature increasing by 10℃. The optimal operation temperature is 25℃±5℃, charge voltage shoud be adjusted according to ambient temperature.O p e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c eFigure 3-1 Service life and temperature curve---SP seriesFigure 3-2 Service life and temperature curve---SSP series12O p e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c eChargeFloating charge13Charge method: 2.27V / cell with limited current of 0.3 C 20 (A).Charge voltage should be adjusted according to ambient temperature,temperature compensationcoefficient is -3mV / cell / ℃.Floating charge voltage at different ambient temperature, as below tableCycle applicationCharge method: 2.45V / cell with limited current of 0.25 C 20 (A).Charge voltage should be adjusted according to ambient temperature,temperature compensation coefficient is -4mV / cell / ℃.Setting charge capacity as 105-110% of discharge capacity, when the constant charge current keep as same value for 3hrs, charge end.St orageThe battery should be fully charged before storage, and then be stored in clean, ventilate and dry environment without corrosive gas or explosive gas nearby.Supplementary charge is required in storage period, the method as follows.O p e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c e14MaintenanceTo ensure the performance of battery, the battery should be correctly inspected and maintained. Themaintenance methods are recommended as follows.Monthly MaintenanceMeasure and record the ambient temperature of the battery-room,battery container and electrode pole temperature.Check battery cleanliness,terminal damage track and temperature,container and lid damage and temperature.Measure and record the total voltage and floating current of the battery system.Quarterly MaintenanceRepeat every item of monthly inspection.Measure and record the floating voltage of each on-line battery.Annually MaintenanceRepeat every item of quarterly maintenance and inspection. Check whether connectors are loose or not.O p e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c eCheck whether safety valve is twisted tightly or notPerform a discharge test to check the exact load every year, discharge 30%-40% of the rated capacity. 15Three yearly maintenanceAfter three years operation,battery capacity should be tested,if battery bank actual capacity is below 80% of rated capacity,battery bank is considered life over.No.1,Shengyang Road,Qufu City,Shandong Province,273100,P.R.ChinaT el:0086-537-4438666-6028Fax:0086-537-4411936E-mail:******************。
Powerpack 1000R-LF锂电池电源组用户手册说明书
1000R-LF Lithium Battery PowerpackUser Manual1.Charging your product1.1Charging with the AC adapter1.2Charging via DC socket In-Vehicle1.3Charging via Solar1.4Charging Notesing Your Product2.1Display2.2LCD Panel Overview2.3Buttons and FunctionsA.Power On/OffB.AC On/OffC.LED Torch On/OffB Output On/OffE.DC Output On/Off(12V/24V)2.3Automatic Shutdown Mode3.Product Specification3.1Battery Information3.2Output3.3Charging3.4General Information4.Caution Advice5.Contact information6.Fault Diagnostics7.Warranty ServiceA.Please read this manual carefully before using the device.Ver1.1Thank you for choosing the Powerpack1000R-LFThis product is a portable powerpack withpower inverter and internal lithium battery which can becharged quickly by both AC and DC power.Please read the manual carefully and follow the guidanceThis product should not be disposed along with household waste.Please dispose or recycle this product and battery in the appropriate way.For more advice on battery disposal or recycling please visit recycle now for more information;https:///what-to-do-with/batteries-1https:///what-to-do-with/electrical-items-01.1Charging with the AC Adapter.Connect your external AC charger to a230V socket and connect the DC output port of the chargerinto the DC port on the front of the powerpack marked“Input”.The powerpack will now turn of if itwas not already and you will see a segment on the blue battery Icon on the LCD flash intermittentlyCharging wattage is displayed on the left of the LCD panel.Fully charged in aproximately7-8hours.1.2Charging via DC Socket In-VehicleFirst plug the DC car charger into the DC socket of your vehicle.(Suitable for both12V and24V)Then plug the smaller DC port from the charger cable into the“Input”DC port on the powerpack.Charging is indicated by the blue battery icon on the LCD screen.Charging may fluctuate withvehicles with standard alternators.The DC car charger has a built in10A protector to ensure safety.Warning:Charging the powerpack in-vehicle may deplete your starter battery if your vehicle engine is not on.1.3Charging via Solar through built in MPPTThe1000R comes complete with a built in MPPT controller,making charging via solar panel easy.Simply connect your12V or24V solar array(Max240W/Max8A)to the MC4solar cable provided.Connect the male MC4connector from the solar cable to the female connector from your solar array.Then connect the male from your solar array into the female MC4connector on your solar cable.Finally plug the DC port on the other end of the solar cable into the INPUT DC port on the powerpack.1.4Charging NotesOptimal charging temperatureThe powerpack cannot be charged if the internal temperature is lower than0°C or higher than55°CCharging voltage protectionThe powerpack can only be charged while the internal battery is between17.6V-30VCharging over-current protectionThe powerpack can only be charged at a maximum of8A.2.1DisplayThe powerpack will automatically turn off after5minutes of no operation if the powerpack is not beingcharged,or if there is no load connected,providing the AC,DC and USB functions are off.When charging,the INPUT icon on the LCD is illuminated.The battery symbol will flicker to displaythe charging process and will present a completed battery without flickering once fully charged.The percentage next to the battery icon shows the battery’s current power.When the DC or USB is on,the LCD will show“DC ON”underneath the OUTPUT icon.This shows12V and24V icons when the DC is active,or displays DC ON if only the USB is active.50HZ is displayed on the far right when the powerpack is turned on but disappears after5seconds.2.2LCD Panel OverviewDisposal and Recycle1.ing Your ProductABCDEHI JF GA.INPUT IconB.Charging wattageC.Battery Indicator IconD.Battery power percentageE.OUTPUT IconF.DC On/Off IndicatorG.AC On/Off IndicatorH.12V/24V Active IndicatorI.DC Power ConsumptionJ.AC Power ConsumptionCold Weather WarningCold temperatures(-20,-60°C)can affect the products battery capacity and lifetime.If you’ll be living off grid in sub-zero conditions,it is recommended to keep your product insulated andconnected to a power source.(Car charger/AC Adapter/solar panel).The natural heat generated by the product contained in an insulated cooler will keep battery capacity at itshighest level.3.1Battery Information3.2Output3.3Charging3.4General Information3.4. 1.Do not short-circuit the product.To avoid short-circuiting,keep the product away from small metal objects.(e.g.Coins,hair-pins,keys,paper clips)2.Do not heat the product or dispose it in fire,water or other liquids.Keep the product away from high ambient temperature.Do not leave the product unattended in direct sunlight.3.Keep the product away from humid or dusty places.4.Do not disassemble /reassemble this product as this will void any warranty given on the product.5.Do not drop or place heavy objects on this product.Avoid any strong impacts with the product.6.This product is not intended to be used by any person with reduced physical,sensory or mental capabilities.Please keep the product away from children.7.This is not a licensed medical product and is not intended to be used with medical devices.8.Portable Power Technology LTD is not responsible for any loss of life that may occur when using this powerpack for medical purposes.(ing the product to power a respiratory machine)9.Do not cover the product with towels,clothing or other items that may restrict airflow or create heat.10.Please ensure not to overcharge the powerpack.11.When fully charged,disconnect the product from the power source immediately.12.While charging,keep away from TV,radio and other equipment to avoid radio wave interference.13.If you are not going to use this product for a long time,we advise fully recharging the powerpack before storage.Then to ensure battery life,fully recharging at least once every 3months.14.To charge some portable electronic devices you may need to set those devices into charge mode.Refer to the corresponding user manual of those devices for confirmation.7.Your 1000R-LF is supplied with a 12-month warranty from the date of purchase against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service.Should your Powerpack 1000R-LF prove defective within 1year from the date of purchase,please contact us for a returns number wuoting the serial number and return the product,along with a copy of the prrof of purchase and an explanation of the fault.We do not accept liablity for any 3rd part damage however so caused.Under this warranty we will replace or rpair any parts found to be defective due to manufacturers defect.We are not responsible in any way for damages,losses,or invinencience caused by equipment failure or by user negligence,abuse,or use not in accordance with the “User Manual”or any other additional safety,use,or warnings included in the product materials.Furthermore we are not liable for incidental,data loss,or consequential damages of any nature resulting from the use of this product and any liability shall not exceed the purchase price of the products.Cell Type LiFePO4Battery Capacity 1382Wh (25.6V /54Ah)Life Cycle >2000Cycles at 80%Shelf-lifeCharge to full every 3months minimum.Fault CodeFault NameFaultE01Inverter short circuit protectionCheck if the output port is overloaded or shortedE02Inverter overload protectionCheck if the output port is overloaded orshortedE03Inverter over temperature protectionCheck whether the enviroment temperature is higher than 45°C.Check to see if unit is closeto a heat source,and whether it is placed to accommodate ventilation and heat dissipation E04Overload protection Remove LoadE05Battery damageRestart product,if problem persists contact us E06Battery charge low temperature protectionCheck if the enviroment temperature is below -0°C.E07Battery discharge low temperature protectionCheck if the enviroment temperature is below -20°C.E08Battery discharge high temperature protection Check whether the enviroment temperature ishigher than 45°C.Check to see if unit is close to a heat source,and whether it is placed toaccommodate ventilation and heat dissipation E09Battery discharge high temperature protection Check whether the enviroment temperature ishigher than 45°C.Check to see if unit is close to a heat source,and whether it is placed toaccommodate ventilation and heat dissipation E10Inverter hardware error Inspect the internal inverter part E11Discharge hardware error Inspect the internal charging hardware E12Charger hardware error Inspect the chargerE13Communication errorInspect the internal comms of the inverterAC AdapterDC 28V /7ASolar PV Input (MPPT)12V-36V /8A Max,240W Max DC In-Vehicle12/24VUSB 2.05V @2.4A MaxUSB 3.0(x2)5V @0~3A 18W Max (9V @2A)(12V @1.5A)USB Type-C 5V ~20V @3A,60W Max (Supports PD)DC 12V Port (x3)DC552112V @10A Max DC 24V PortDC552518V~29V @5A Max AC 230V UK sockets12V @10A Max Net Weight20KgProduct Dimensions 392mm x 208mm x 267mm Storage Temperature -20~65°C Operating Temperature 0~55°C Relative humidity65±20%RH2.3Buttons and FunctionsNote:Each button has a key LED light built in that will illuminate when in the Active state.A.Power On /OffThis is located on the front of the powerpack,directly above the left most AC 230V socket.To turn the unit on or off press and hold the power button for up to 5seconds.Once powered on the powerpack will turn off after 5minutes if none of the AC,DC or USB outputs have been activated.You can power off the unit to turn off any of the following functions.B.AC On /OffThis is located on the front of the powerpack,directly above the two AC 230V sockets.To activate /deactivate AC functionality,press and hold this button for 1second.If the AC is enabled the AC indicator (G)will be set to ON and you’ll be able to draw 230V from both AC sockets.You can monitor the power consumption (J)from any loads connected to the AC 230V socket.Note:Please ensure that any 230V AC loads connected do not exceed 1000W max shared .C.LED Torch On /OffThis is located on the rear of the powerpack,at the very top,indicated by a green flash light icon.To activate ensure the powerpack is powered on then press and hold this button for 3seconds.Once on,you can long press (1second)this button again to activate S.O.S mode.Long press again to switch back to standard torch mode.To power off the torch,press and hold the button for 5seconds,until the light is turned off.Note:S.O.S mode may activate while the holding down the flash light button to turn off.B Output On /OffThis is located on the rear of the powerpack,above the USB outputs.To activate /deactivate USB functionality,press and hold this button for 1second.If USB power is Enabled the DC indicator (F)will be set to ON.You will notice no change if DC power is already on.You can monitor the total power consumption (I)from any DC and USB loads connected.The top USB 2.0port provides a maximum output current of 2.4A.The following 2x USB 3.0ports output the following:[5V /3A ][9V /2A ][12V /1.5A ]Type-C USB port supports PD (Power transfer)5V-20V with a maximum output current of 3A.E.DC Output On /Off (12V /24V)This is located on the rear of the powerpack,above the 4DC ports.To activate 12V functionality,press and hold this button for 1second.(Long Press)This will provide power to the large 12V socket and 3x 12V DC ports on the back of the unit.Long press this button a second time to activate the 24V functionality to the 24V DC port.Long pressing a third time will turn both 12V and 24V functionality off.If DC is activate,the indicator (F)will be set to ON.If the unit is in 12V mode,you can see this on the LCD display (H).If in 24V mode,both 12V and 24V indicators will be active.You can monitor the total power consumption (I)from any DC and USB loads connected.Note:The three DC5521,12V ports (diameter 5.5mm),are connected in parallel and provide a maximum output current of 10A shared across these ports.The single 24V DC5525port has a maximum rated output current of 5A.The large DC car socket should only be used for loads up to a maximum of 90W.This provides voltage 13V,±1V,rated current at 10A output and automatically distributes current according to the external equipment plugged into the socket.2.3Automatic Shutdown ModeWhile the powerpack is in automatic shutdown mode,it will automatically deactivate the AC,DC and USB outputs from the powerpack,if no consumption is detected after 5minutes.The powerpack will then shut down after 5minutes if no buttons are pressed and the powerpack is not charging.To enable /disable DC Automatic shutdown mode,ensure the powerpack is on and the display is illuminated.Then simply hold the Power button and the DC button simultaneously for 5seconds.You will see the OUTPUT icon flash intermittently if you have done this correctly.Repeating this process will deactivate the DC Automatic shutdown mode.If the powerpack shuts down,automatic shutdown mode will be reactivated each time thepowerpack starts up,and will need to be disabled should you not want this to happen on start up.More information can be found on our website .Should your equire further information please contact Portable Power Technology;You can reach us by emailing ***************************,Or call us directly on 01474761051.5.Below are a list of error codes that appear on the front LCD planel.Please contact Portable power technology for further assistance.Note:Do not attempt to dissasemble the product.Error codes E10-13are for internal use only.6.。
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