
[编辑] 制备强酸性离子水之电解水机电解前水质如改为氯化钠当成主要电解质成份,其浓度仅需约200mg/L,透过较强电解模式,在电极之正极即可以制备出溶存次氯酸离子的较强酸性离子水溶液。
由于酸性在pH值约等于2.7附近,酸性水之正电位(ORP)出现急剧拉升现象,可以达到+1000 mv以上,电解水机这种特殊的酸性离子水经过日本多方单位研究结果,证实具有相当能力的杀菌作用。
[编辑] 电解水机实务试验操作分析例电解前操作参数及试验条件:●功率- 36~42VDC/1.5~2.5A●流量- 1.0~3.0LPM●中性盐(电解质)浓度- 60~300mg/L●电解槽规格/电解面积(离子膜) - 3极2槽或5极4槽..300~800平方厘米●电解槽容量- 100~ 300c.c备注说明:1.以实际试验电解槽元件而言,其功率=10VDC×2.0A ,流量=1.2升/分钟,电解质=250mg/L,电极间距=3mm,电解面积=515平方厘米。

到目前为止,已知的显色如下,仅供参考:绿色:砷(砒霜)、三氯甲烷、四氯甲烷、氧化铜、二价铁蓝色: 细菌、病毒、有机磷(化肥、洗涤剂和农药)、硫酸铝红色:一价汞、三价铁白色: 铅、锌、汞、石棉、钙、镁黑色: 重金属(锌、铅、汞、铜、铬、锰、镉)黄色:溶解氧、微量元素、有机矿物质可参考性水质电解器是水质检查人员使用次数最多、携带最方便、最重要的检测工具。

《LEMIO自动售水机系列》目录一. 产品特点二. 技术参数三. 主板平面图及其设置四. 全自动控制功能说明五. 安装六. 更换滤芯七. 调试八.使用、保养、维护注意事项九. 故障、问题分析与排除十. 使用须知与有限保修一、产品特点自动售水机犹如一个微型自动超市,是集自动生产与销售优质饮用水为一体的全自动机器。
三、主板平面图及其设置1、主板平面图2、主板设置本设置适用于LM-RO-400,LM-RO-800型售水机控制器,说明如下:⑴功能说明:1.缺水停售2.非接触式IC卡收费售水3.投币收费售水4.主板提供感光控制5.售水计费方式:按流量和时间控制售水,双重功能,随意转换6.水量费率可以通过电路板设定7.支持臭氧控制,启动周期与开启的时间可以调节⑵电气性能1.正常工作电压范围: 50HZ,AC12V,>10W2.工作温度范围:-8℃∽ +60℃3.储存温度范围:-20℃∽ +70℃4.相对湿度:30-90%5.抗干扰能力:EMC脉冲群测试通过 2 KV/2分钟⑶接口说明输入信号1.暂停按钮:开关闭合时停止打水,出水阀与增压阀关闭2.取水按钮:开关闭合时开始打水,出水阀与增压阀打开3.低水位开关:开关断开时表示缺水停售(常开)四、全自动控制功能说明1、功能概要该售水机系统采用感应式(非接触)刷卡售水方式。

安装使用说明书型号:感谢您选用Panasonic 产品。
安装、使用和维护Panasonic 产品前,请仔细阅读本说明书。
安装完成后,请向顾客说明如何使用和维护Panasonic 产品,并将此说明书交给顾客保管。
执行标准:GB/T 21087全热交换器标准型PM2.5净化型FY-15ZU1C FY-25ZU1C FY-35ZU1C FY-50ZU1C FY-15ZDP1C FY-25ZDP1C FY-35ZDP1C FY-50ZDP1C※表示液晶控制器 的LCD 全部显示 状态24是结合了「24小时换气」和「热交换」的节能、舒适的换气设备。
回风过滤网热交换芯电机风口框架名称8NO.6123457PPABS 材质数量142111备注风轮吊装部件初效过滤网19电源箱14镀锌钢板特殊纸+树脂无纺布镀锌钢板镀锌钢板名称NO.材质数量备注6■FY-25ZU1C■FY-35ZU1C适用管道直径Φ150■FY-50ZU1C7②设置检修口(图2)(1)双点划线内部为检修保留区不 应设置其他装置。
(2)逆向安装时,检修口的位置也 要满足右记尺寸关系。

二、设备准备1. 确保纯水机所需的供电电压和频率与实际供电相匹配。
2. 检查纯水机的进水管道和出水管道是否连接良好,无渗漏现象。
3. 检查纯水机的滤芯是否安装完好,并按照要求更换滤芯。
三、操作步骤1. 打开纯水机的主电源开关,确保电源指示灯亮起。
2. 检查纯水机的水箱水位,若水位低于最低标记线,则需添加适量的进水。
3. 按下纯水机的开机按钮,待设备启动完成后,进入待机状态。
4. 按下纯水机的制水按钮,纯水机开始制水。
5. 当纯水机制水完成后,自动进入纯水贮存状态,此时纯水机的出水口会有纯水流出。
6. 使用纯水时,将容器放置在出水口下方,打开出水阀门,取出所需的纯水。
7. 使用完毕后,关闭出水阀门,并将容器移开。
四、注意事项1. 在操作纯水机时,严禁将手插入设备内部,以免发生触电或其他意外事故。
2. 纯水机的进水和出水管道应定期清洗,以保证水质的纯净度。
3. 定期检查纯水机的滤芯状况,如发现滤芯损坏或堵塞,应及时更换。
4. 纯水机长时间不使用时,应关闭主电源开关,并拔掉电源插头,以免浪费电能和影响设备寿命。
5. 如发现纯水机出水异常或设备故障,应及时联系维修人员进行维修。
五、紧急情况处理1. 在纯水机操作过程中,如发生设备漏水、冒烟等异常情况,应立即关闭主电源开关,并迅速联系维修人员。
2. 在纯水机操作过程中,如发现电源线短路、电气设备故障等情况,应立即切断电源,并迅速联系维修人员。
六、操作培训和记录1. 新员工入职时,应进行纯水机操作培训,并签署相关培训记录。
2. 纯水机的日常操作记录应详细记录,包括操作人员、操作时间、制水量等信息。
3. 定期对操作人员进行操作规程的复习和培训,以确保操作的正确性和安全性。
七、附录1. 纯水机的维护保养手册,包括滤芯更换周期、设备清洗方法等内容。
松下 电风扇 水离子净味器 FV-15CSD1C 安装使用说明书

89机体百叶百叶机体在接通电源后,请进行试运转检查以下事项:扇叶是否旋转?蓝色的运转指示灯是否亮灯?是否发生异常的声音或震动?旋转百叶使百叶上的“▽”与机体上的“ ”对齐,同时听到“嗒”的一声表示锁紧。
找到百叶上的“▽”标志,按“ ▽ ”与机体上“ △ ”对齐的角度,将百叶嵌入机体。
确保螺丝扭紧力在20 cN m至40 cN m的之间。
提示事项,用6阶气味强度表示法※1下降1个等级);检测机构:广州市微生物研究所报告No .:KJ201908963实验空间:30 m 实验时间:2小时对象:白色葡萄球菌实验结果:除菌率95.55%(详细见下表)检测依据:Q/GPS 013 附录D 除菌性能试验方法除菌性能Panasonic客户咨询服务中心电话:4008-811-315工厂售后服务热线电话:4008-308-583发行:2019年06月P0619-0 15CSD1403 C。

2. 客户问:为什么会有这些功能?营业员说:老师,耽误你2、3分钟时间,我可以边做实验边讲解,您就更清楚碱性水给您带来的好处了!电解水机实验步骤介绍实验目的:水经过电解后,有正极必有负极,因此有酸性必有碱性;水中的钙、镁、钠、钾等正离子被阴极吸收,氢氧根离子增加而形成碱性,这样就可以中和人体内的酸毒,改善酸性体质。
3. 料理用水有什么用处?1)对饮食有益的水:其实,它就是PH值更高的碱性水,具有更多的小分子团水,能在烹调食物的时候起到提味的作用,煲汤也可不放味精;同时,它还有良好的冲泡作用,可使茶和咖啡的口感更好;用它煮出来的米饭,更加蓬松可口;蔬菜瓜果在碱性水中浸泡30分钟以上,可祛除残留农药(因为农药呈酸性,酸碱可中和达到祛除农药的作用),并且浸泡后的食物更新鲜不易被腐坏;2)对肠胃好的水:对于胃肠内异常发酵、慢性拉肚子、消化不良、胃酸过多、胃溃疡有一定的疗效;在日本以上碱性水功能已经过临床证明;3)对身体好的水:由于它是小分子团、并具有还原性,所以可防治三高、痛风、动脉硬化等。
Panasonic 基本水浴疗浴机操作手册说明书

OPERATING MANUAL[Basic Water Bath]Model : BW ? 05B, 10B, 20BManual No : 00HAA0001200(Rev.1)This operating manual describes the important subjects to maintain the product¡s functions and to use it safely. Especially, be sure to read <Safety Precaution> carefully before you use this equipment. Please keep this operating manual close to the equipment to use it after reading through it once. Please place it where the new user can find it easily for the safety use when you hand over or lend the equipment to othersTable of ContentsChapter 1 : Introduction⏹Caution about the operating manual ---------------------------- 4⏹Warning mark ------------------------------------------ 4⏹Caution for safe operation and unauthorized modification ---------5⏹Disclaimer ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Chapter 2 : Check the condition of unit ----------------------6,7 Chapter 3 : Installation⏹Contents-------------------------------------------------------------------- 9⏹Installation -----------------------------------------------------------------9 Chapter 4 : Safety Alert and Caution⏹Safety Alert --------------------------------------------------------------- 12⏹Safety Caution ----------------------------------------------------------- 13⏹Warning Label ----------------------------------------------------------- 14 Chapter 5 : Names of each component & functions⏹Part names and functions◆Main Body ---------------------------------------------------------- 16◆Over temp limit ---------------------------------------------------- 17 Chapter 6 : Controls and functional element⏹Operating and functional element------------------------------------ 19⏹Temperature setting procedure----------------------------------------20 Chapter 7 : Maintenance and Troubleshooting⏹Maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------ 22⏹Safekeeping and Cleaning -------------------------------------------- 23⏹Troubleshooting--------------------------------------------------------- 24 Chapter 8 : Specifications and Circuit diagram⏹Specifications ----------------------------------------------------------- 27⏹Circuit diagram --------------------------------------------------------- 28 Chapter 9 : Warranty and Service⏹Warranty service -------------------------------------------------------- 30⏹Exceptions from warranty ----------------------------------------------30⏹Service request ----------------------------------------------------------30⏹Return process ---------------------------------------------------------- 30Chapter 1IntroductionThank you for purchasing the Lab Companion Bath.Lab Companion Baths are realized perfectly the control andBath circumstance related to the operator¡s experimental condition. Excellent Incoloy sheath heater positioned below bath widely and offers prompt temp compensation and accurate temp uniformity. Before using the Bath, please comprehend the manual in detail.Including;●Caution about the operating manual●Warning mark●Caution for safe operation and unauthorized modification●DisclaimerCaution about the operating manual1.Always keep this instruction near to the instrument.2.Copying and distributing part or the whole of this the operating instruction with no permissionare prohibited with the law.3. The operating instruction promised perfection but please ask an agent or us if you have anyquestion about insufficient points, error and omission on the operating instruction. Warning mark1.This operating instruction uses the warning Signal Word for safe operation to prevent theusers from accidents or damage beforehand.2.Defined by the Symbol Mark about the safety caution.¡Warning¡ means that the user may have seriousdamage and even die by improper handling on thisunit.¡Caution¡ means that the user may have minordamage and unit may have physical damage byimproper handling on this unit.Protective Ground TerminalIt marks the terminal must be connected Groundprior to operating the product.It marks additional information on the operation andfeatures of the product.3.Be fully aware of the warning contents during operation.4.Please exchange original label to the new warning label when it is unreadable from warningout.☞ Please request the new label to an agent or us.Caution for safe operation and unauthorized modification1.In order to protect the product and system, please use the product in accordance with theinstructions.2.We shall not be responsible for any incidental or abnormal operation for breach of anyexpress or implied warranty on this product or any part thereof.3.It forbids reorganization of Inside of the product or adds.4.Please contact the agent or us in case of the component and the consumable parts of theproduct will be replaced.5.Do not give a strong shock to the product. It becomes the cause of product damage andwrong operations.Disclaimer1.In no event will Jeio Tech industries be liable for any incidental or consequential damages forbreach of any implied warranty relating to the product.2.Any special indirect or consequential property or commercial damage of any naturewhatsoever. Some cases do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may apply to you.Chapter 2Check the condition of unit Before you install Shaker, inspect it for damage that may have occurred in transportation. Confirm any damage for compensating following the Compensation regulations and transportation of Lab Companion.Check the condition of unit before unpackProtection from any damage occurring in transit, Lab Companion administers excellent packing and radical transportation.Any damage or loss during transit, all responsibility is filled with the delivery carrier.After receiving the unit, carefully unpack and inspect it for damage.If the unit is damaged or loss during transit, Make sure as follows to be protected from the ¡Lab Companion Regulations¡.Confirmation a damaged unit1. Check the front and rear sides of the unit under packed condition.2. Carefully unpack the package.3. Check with care any damage during the transportation of the unit4. Check the parts (i.e. accessories- Page 9) of the unit.Compensation regulation of damaged unitIf the unit is damaged, contact the delivery service company immediately.1. Keep the condition as it delivered and wait for the confirmation by the carrier.2. Within 15 days, submit an application be made in writing to the delivery service company.Do not discard the carton or packing materialfor the unit until you have checked all of thedamaged parts.Compensation regulation of transport1.Any damage that is occurred during the transport is responsible to the delivery servicecompany.2.Except for all damage from the transport, we Jeio T ech will service or return.3. 3. If Jeio Tech or our authorized dealers do not deliver the unit, Jeio Tech disclaims all theresponsibility for the damage.Chapter 3InstallationBefore installation, be sure to check the electric conditions for electric safe. All persons expected to carry out operation, installation and maintenance of the unit, read and understand the safety information and operating instructions.Including;●contents●Installation⏹Check points⏹Select a proper place⏹Level off⏹Power connectionContentsAfter unpacking, Please check listed Bath component description as follows.If you didn¡t receive one or more component as follow, Contact the Jeio Tech Service center or the distributor where you purchased .Operating manualAfter unpacking, check the operating manual. If you receive the operating manual, Contact distributor or the Jeio T ech service center .InstallationThe machine should be installed on a safe and proper environment following to the belowCheck Points- Select a proper place, Level off the machine, - Power connectionSelect a proper place1. Operating conditionRoom condition of temperature and humidity should be normal as 18 ℃ ~ 25℃, below 80%RH.2. Environmental conditionDo not expose the machine to direct ray of light.3. Setting placeThe floor should be on flat and leveled ground.4. SpaceThe machine should be kept at least 1.5m from any illuminators and 20 cm from walls.Level offAll of the bottom sides should be leveled.Power connectionCheck the ID Plate on the back side of the machine to find the electric conditions. Power must be used upper 2 classes grounded.1. Check if the plug condition and electric wires are normal.2. Check the connection of ground wire.Chapter 4Safety Alert and Caution¡Signal Word¡ is used in the operation manual for safe and proper operation and keeps users from being damaged by accidents.Each ¡Symbol Mark¡ is identified following to the degree of importance and danger.Pay attention to the ¡Alert¡ and ¡Notice¡ in the manual to avoid from any accidents.Safety Alert⏹Check the voltage, phase and capacity on the ID plate before installation. Sources of electricity should be separately wired.⏹The sources of electricity should be grounded. The sources of electricity without ground connection can cause serious damage to users or the machine. Don¡t earth the machine to gas pipes or water pipes. ⏹Do not connect multiple power cord. It can cause fire and malfunction.⏹Running water recommended must be non-flammability.In case of flammability, the flashing point of running water must be over 40℃.⏹Running water can be circulated and pumped below 20degrees.⏹Running water circulated and pumped can be used below ambient 20℃. Running water must be lower 5℃ from the flashing point. (Fp-5)⏹Don¡t install the machine near to places where inflammable gas can be leaked .Do not use the machine near to places where explosion can be happened due to organic evaporating gases.Explosive materials: Acid, Esther , Nitro compoundInflammable materials: salt peroxides, inorganic peroxide, salt acids⏹Do not put inflammables and explosives in the machine.⏹Put off the power plug if some sounds and smell, smokes are happened.⏹Keep out the machine from heating source and sun direct. Install the unit ambient 5~40and below ℃℃80%RH.⏹Do not use the machine at places where moisture is high and flooding can be happened.⏹Do not disassemble or fix, change the machine.⏹Do not move the machine when running water heated. Must drain running water completely when moving theMain PowerSafetymachine.Overflowing running water can cause malfunction and burn.⏹At least 2 persons should move the machine when it is necessary.⏹Be careful to enter moisture, organic solvents, dust and corrosiveness gas.Caution⏹Do not put heavy things on the power line. Do not put the machine on the line.It causes fire and electric shock.⏹Connect the plug correctly and do not touch it with hands.It can cause fire if the connection is not fit. It can cause fire and damage to users.⏹Install the machine near to the power cord can be easily reached.⏹Do not install the machine near the high frequency noise place.Keep out a high-frequency welder and mass capacity SCR Controller .⏹Do not put inflammables and explosives in the machine.⏹Do not install the machine near to the organic solvents.It may cause fire and malfunction.⏹ Do not make the machine wet while cleaning. Do notput liquid on the machine.If the machine is wet, off the power and contact where you purchase the machine to check it.⏹ Do not shock the machine or vibrate it.It can cause damage to the machine.⏹Do not clean the machine with solvent abstergent. Use smooth cloths.Cleaning with solvent can cause fire and deformity.Main PowerSafetyAlert LabelAlert labels are attached on the body for informing of safety and danger.Keep the alerts in mind and follow the instructionAsk extra labels to where you purchased the equipment if they¡re damaged.* WarningIt informs not to put flammable or explosive samples in thechamber.* CautionUsers can be burnt by the hot surface of thechamber due to the high temperature.Chapter 5Names of each Component & FunctionsPlease, we recommend that operator learns name of each part of main body and function & and operation of display before using unit.If you do not understand any, please, contact with agent or Jeio tech. Including;●Part names and functions⏹Main Body⏹Over temp. limitPart names and functions1. Main Body3. FuseSafety device is for preventing internal flow from overcuuent.For replacement;Fuse Specification Model 230V 120V 100V BW-05B 5A 8A 8A BW-10B 5A 10A 12A BW-20B10A10A12A4. Main Power Plug & Cable1. Control PanelSetting controls and operating2. Main Power Switch43122. Over Temp. LimitOver Temp. LimitThis safety device cuts mains of equipment andthe unit stops when it detects high temperatureover set temperature.Indication : Buzzer and O/T LED blinking.To start the unit again, press START/STOP key.Note) Please, eliminate the potential dangerousfactor.How to set :1.Turn the knob (red color) of over temperature limit to clockwise with screw driver.℃℃2.Set the value 10~15 higher than set temperature.Chapter 6Controls and functional element Please, learn controls and functional element before operating unit. Including;●Operating and Functional element●Temperature setting procedureOperating and functional element1. Rotary knob for temperatureTuning the aim of analogue rotary knob to set temperature.2. Status indicationRUN LED: operating status.HEAT LED: operating of heating element.O/T LED: It is ON when overtemperature device is activated.3. Over Temp. LimitTo prevent overheat of the unit or higher temperature than set temperature.12Temperature setting procedure① Press Main Power Switch.A. RUN LED is ON.B.The unit starts operating.② Tune the aim (temperature) of rotary knob.Switch Range()℃0 ~ 110A.HEAT LED blinks and is ON after tuning.③ Set Over temp. limit 10 ~ 15℃ higher than set temperature.ValueChapter 7Maintenance & Troubleshooting This chapter shows symptoms while operation. Please contact us referring to the contents when the equipment has problems.Please keep in mind how to clean the equipment and maintain it regularly.Including;●Maintenance⏹Every week/month/quarter/year●Safekeeping and cleaning⏹Storage/Cleaning/Cleaning accessories●TroubleshootingMaintenance⏹ Check the connection of the accessories. ⏹ Keep clean the surface of the equipment..⏹ Check the condition of power plug or wires.⏹ Check the button input condition, set values are input correctly ⏹ Check the condition of ¡Over T emp. Limit¡⏹ Check the every week/month ¡check point¡.⏹ Check if vibration or noise happens in the equipment.⏹ Check the every week/month/quarter ¡check point¡.⏹ Check the temperature is controlled properly. Check if theconstant temperature is maintained.Maintain the equipment following to the maintenance standard for keeping the equipment under the best condition.Every WeekEvery MonthEvery QuarterEvery YearSafekeeping and CleaningStorageKeep the equipment following to the orders below in case no operation for a long time. 1. Power off .2. Get rid of all solvents in the chamber .3. Keep the equipment after packing for dust protection.CleaningExternal cleaning1. Clean the external body by detergent.2. Clean the external body by soft towel with pure water .3. Clean the display with dry towel.Inner cleaning 1. Power off .2. Clean in the bath by soft towel with detergent.3. Clean it with dry towel.Cleaning accessories1. Soak accessories in detergent.2. Clean it with pure water .3. Keep it after drying.Cleaning AccessoriesInner cleaningExternal cleaningStorageTroubleshootingFollow the below when problems happen.Please ask service if problems not included in the table happen or can¡t be solved by the mentioned solutions.SymptomsCausesSolutionsThe equipment is not on.⏹ Wrong electric standard. - Or -⏹Circuit breaker is off or power failure - Or -⏹The plug is not fit into the socket properly . - Or -⏹ Fuses are disconnected. - Or -⏹Socket/plug/power lines are damaged.1.Check the ID plate on the back to find electric condition whether it¡s fit to the socket power . If not sloved¡.2.Check if the power is off. If the circuit breaker is off, fix it and operate the equipment again. If not solved¡3. Plug the power to the socket again. If not solved¡4.Check if the fuse set on the back of the equipment is short circuitted. Replace with a new one when short circuitted. Fuse capacity: Refer to Specifications (Page 27)If not solved¡5. Check the socket/plug/power lines and replce with new one if they are damaged.6.Contact your local dealer to fix the equipment if the problems are not yest solved.Fuses are short circuitted friquently.⏹ Electric standare of fuses are not fit. - Or - ⏹ Wires are damaged or shorted. - Or - ⏹ Power input parts are wet. 1. Connect the fuse tightly after checking voltage and amphere. Refer to ¡Specifications¡ (Page 27) If not solved¡2. Replace with a new wires if they are damaged or shorted.If not solved¡3. If the power connecting parts are wet,dry them and reconnect.4. Contact your local dealer to fix theequipment if the problems are not yet solved.If circuit breakage is shorted continually.⏹T oo many plugs are connected. 1.Check the voltage capacity supplied to the circuit breaker .2.Check many similar equipments are connected on the socket. Use separate socket not exceeded of the voltage capacity . 3.Contact your local dealer to fix the equipment if the problems are not yet solved.Symptoms Causes SolutionsDisplay does not show anything when power is on. ⏹Innter harness fails- Or -⏹Controller & Display fails.1.Check the equipment by contacting thelocal dealer.The equipment stops working automatically. ⏹The equipment is affected bystrong noise.1.Check equipments with strong noises areinstalled near to the equipment and keepit far from them.2.Contact your local dealer to fix theequipment if the problems are not yetsolved.The equipment stops working by ¡Over Temp Limit¡. ⏹Over T emp. Limit is setwrongly.Reset the ¡Over T emp. Limit¡.1.Operate the equipment again to find anyproblems.2.Contact your local dealer to fix theequipment if the problems are not yetsolved.Chapter 8Specifications and Circuit diagramCheck the specifications and circuit diagrams of the basic baths for proper operation.Including;●Specifications●Circuit diagramSpecificationsModelBW-05BBW-10BBW-20BChamber volume3.5ℓ11.5ℓ20ℓRange Amb. +7℃ ~ 100℃(lid off)Accuracy±0.5℃ at 50℃ Uniformity ±0.3℃ at 50℃ Heat up Time 50℃ within 40min TemperatureControllerAnalog controller typePermissibleEnvironment conditionTemperature 5℃ to 40℃ Maximum relative humidity 80%Altitude up to 2,000mInternalStainless steel, 0.6tMaterialExternalSteel, 1.2t, Double painted & bakedHeater 700W/230V 700W/120V 700W/100V1000W/230V 1000W/120V 1000W/100V 2000W/230V 1000W/120V 1000W/100VSensorPt 100 Ω Bath240¡136¡115 300¡240¡165 498¡300¡165 Top open 240¡136 300¡240 498¡300 Size(mm) (W¡D¡H)Overall (Lid off)303¡242¡245357¡330¡290564¡392¡295 Safety deviceOver temp limit / Current fuse230VAC, 60/50Hz 3.0A 4.4A 8.7A 120VAC, 60Hz 5.8A 8.3A 8.3A Electricrequirement100VAC, 60Hz7.0A 10.0A 10.0A Weight(Net)6.5Kg 10Kg18.5KgAccuracy, Uniformity and Heat up time are changed by room temp. condition of heating ※load, power voltages.Circuit diagram Models ?BW-05B, 10B, 20BChapter 9Warranty & ServiceThe equipment is covered by the warranty standard regulated by Jeio tech. Exceptions from the standards can¡t be covered by warranty. Including;●Warranty and Service⏹Warranty service⏹Exceptions from warranty⏹Service request⏹Return processWarranty and ServiceWarranty serviceIf trouble occurs during product use, User can get free service for one year from the date of purchase.Exceptions from warrantyUser can not be credited by warranty in case of as below. 1. If trouble occurs by an act of God.2. If the equipment breaks down due to misusing of availablevoltage.3. If damage occurs by dropping a product, or impact.4. If damage occurs in an appearance by organic solvents such asthinner , benzene.5. If damage occurs without following to notice in themanual6. If damage occurs by fixing the equipment by any personwho is not related with Jeio tech.7. If damage occurs by a mistake of a customerService request1. Contact the local agent with claim form including the belowconditions.* Date of purchase* Name/Address/Contact no./E-mail * Serial Number * SymptomsReturn processContact the local agent with claim form including the below conditions* Date of purchase* Name/Address/Contact no./E-mail * Serial Number * Symptoms* Causes of returns * Forwarder informationReturnsServiceExceptionUnder WarrantyPage 31Service contactKorea (Head office-Overseas department) 4F Hosu B/D, 379-13, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-ku, Seoul,Republic of Korea. (121-839)TEL: +82 - (0)2 - 3143 - 1823 / 1825FAX: +82 - (0)2 - 3143 - 1824E-mail:*********************U.S.A.2400 East Devon Ave, Suite 2005, Des Plaines, IL 60018, USA TEL: 1-847-298-6613FAX: 1-847-699-8487E-mail:********************ChinaRM107,No.68 Line, 569 Xin Hua Road, Shanghai, China Postcode: 200052TEL: 86-21-62940608FAX: 86-21-62940602E-mail:******************South East AsiaNo.7A, Jalan Kemboja 1 B/2, 48300 Bandar BukitBeruntung, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MalaysiaTEL: 603-60285833, 603-60285825FAX: 603-60285822E-mail:********************England (UK)Unit 33 , Monument Business Park Warpsgrove Lane , Chalgrove , Oxfordshire OX44 7RW , UKTEL: +44-1865-400321FAX: +44-1865-400736E-mail:**************************Service contact。

水在电解槽的阴阳两极上发生反应如下: H2O=OH-+H+ 在阴极:H++e=H2H++2eH2↑2H2O+2e=2OH-+H2↑在阳极:4OH–4e=2H2O+O2↑2H2O-4e =4H++O2↑在电解槽中,电解槽由离子膜分为阴、阳两室,两室之间只有离子可以自由穿透。


电解水机的发展历史• 1931年,根据长寿地区的水质特点,日本研制出世界上第一台电解水机。
• 1932年日本开始电解水对动植物影响的研究• 1954年民用电解装置研制成功,农业用电解装置开始销售• 1960年饮用电解水装置开始申请成为医疗器械• 1966年日本发出饮用装置的第1号药械认证(医疗用电解水生成器械)• 1979年在日本,新一代连续式饮用装置认证通过• 1994年日本厚生省(相当于国家卫生部)成立“电解水研究委员会”。
• 1994年日本癌症防治中心发表报告“自由基是致癌的诱因”。
• 1995年以科学角度,再次对电解水装置的认证开始• 1999年日本医学会总会发表针对电解水的研究检查内容目前,日本已有近百家电解水机生产厂家,松下、东京、三洋、日立等著名家电公司都有各自品牌的电解水机,电解水机已成为日本家庭必备的保健家电;台湾七十年代末期引入电解水产品,今天从基础研究、产品研发、品牌推广和市场发育等各方面已经发展成为可以与日本相媲美的地区。
• 1974年电解水机引入韩国;• 1976年引入美国;• 1964年台湾国汇企业集团的前身成立,成立之初于台中经营家用电器逐步发展到各知名品牌在台湾的首席代理。
• 1990年,国汇企业结合世界先进技术和自身加工生产优势开始投资生产电解水机,成立乐普电子有限公司拓展电解机市场。
我国电解水机历史• 1994年,我国开始涉足电解水领域,厂家结合我国地域广阔、水质差异大及污染严重的实际情况开发生产出了更适合我国国情的电解水机。

Philips Micro Pure 纯水器说明书

PhilipsOn tap water purifierMicro Pure WP3811Pure water made easywith Micro Pure filterCompact and easy to install water purifier that gives you pure water by removing bacteria, harmful organic compounds and chlorine while keeping all the good minerals in your water with a Micro Pure filter.Pure water•Removes all bacteria, harmful organic compounds and chlorineMade easy•Pure Protect alert shows you when to replace the filter•Hi-flow with maximum rate of 2 liters per minuteSimplicity•Quick Fit tap adapters for easy installation on your tap•Advanced Quick Twist mechanism for easy filter replacementSustainability•Maximum performance without the need of electricityIssue date 2010-12-21Version: 5.4.112 NC: 0000 000 00000© 2010 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. or their respective Specifications On tap water purifier Micro PureHighlights Micro Pure filter The Micro Pure filter is a multi-filtration system that removes all bacteria, impurities and odors for clean, safe and tasty drinking water. It consists of a hi-tech hollow-fibre membrane, which contains more than 520 billion micro-pores for the efficient removal of 99.99% of all bacteria, and granular activated carbon which removes unpleasant chlorine, bad taste and odors. The filter also preserves all good minerals in the drinking water that are vital for human health.Pure Protect alert The advanced and simple color-coded Pure Protect alert guides users to change the filter on time with maximum simplicty: when the membrane turns dark grey or rusty brown, it is time to replace the filter.Hi-flow This compact water purifier has a maximum flow rate of 2 liters per minute, which makes little change to the normal flow rate of unfiltered water. By simply rotating the water selection lever, you also have a choice of either a stream or a spray of unfiltered water or spray of filtered water.Quick Fit tap adapters This advanced water purifier comes with a number of tailor-made Quick Fit tap adapters, to help you having an easy and simple installation of your purifier in your tap. Real sense and simplicity.Quick Twist filter change The advanced Quick Twist filter change mechanism makes changing the filter quick, easy and secure, bringing sense and simplicity to your water purifier.No energy consumption Designed to operate without electricity while offering maximum performance. Supports sustainability.General specifications •Accessories: 8 QuickFit tap-mounting adapters, PureProtect Alert •Replacement filter cartridge: WP3911•Water selection: filtered spray, unfiltered spray, unfiltered stream •Water flow rate:2 l/min •Water flow rate:5 °CDesign specifications •Color(s): white •Product weight: 230 g •Product dimensions (L x W x H): 60 x 137 x 105 mm •Materials: plasticPurification system •Bacteria removal: 99.99 %•Chlorine removal: >75 %•Turbidity removal: 3000 liters or approx. 1 year •VOC Removal Filter specifications •Filter lifetime: 2400 L or approx. 8 months •Major filter components: hollow-fiber membrane, granular activated carbon GAC Water input conditions •Min. input water pressure: 0.7 bar •Max. input water pressure: 3.5 bar •Max. input water temperature: 50 °C Country of origin •Replacement filter: Japan •Water purifier: Japan Sustainability •Packaging: > 90% recycled materials •User manual: 100% recycled paper。

一、产品特点1. 优质的富氢水制作:富氢水制水机采用先进的电解技术,能够快速制造富氢水。
2. 多种水质选择:富氢水制水机可以根据您的需求选择不同的水质,包括普通自来水、净化水和矿泉水等。
3. 安全健康的材质:我们的富氢水制水机采用食品级安全材料制作,无毒无味,确保您饮用的水安全可靠。
4. 智能控制系统:富氢水制水机配备了智能控制系统,操作简单方便。
二、操作方法1. 接通电源:将富氢水制水机插入电源插座,确保电源连接正常。
2. 加水操作:打开富氢水制水机的水箱盖,倒入适量的水。
3. 选择水质:根据您的需求选择水质按钮,不同的水质按钮会发出不同的指示灯。
4. 开始制水:按下制水按钮,富氢水制水机会开始制造富氢水。
5. 取用富氢水:待制水完成后,您可以打开富氢水出水口,取出您所需的富氢水。
三、维护注意事项1. 定期清洁:因为富氢水制水机经常接触水源,建议定期清洁机器以确保卫生。
2. 滤芯更换:富氢水制水机配备滤芯,用于过滤水质中的杂质。
3. 适当保养:为了延长富氢水制水机的使用寿命,建议定期对机器进行适当保养。

二、安全须知1. 使用前请仔细阅读说明书,并按照说明正确操作。
2. 请确保电解水机接地良好,以防止电击事故的发生。
3. 请勿将手指或金属物体插入机器内部,以防触电或引起其他危险。
4. 若发现机器有异常情况(如异味、漏电等),请立即停止使用,并联系售后服务中心。
三、使用步骤1. 准备工作a) 将电解水机放置在稳定的平台上,并确保周围无障碍物。
b) 将电解水机与电源插座连接,并打开电源开关。
2. 开始操作a) 打开自来水开关,将自来水通至电解水机。
b) 按下电解水机上的开始按钮,启动电解过程。
c) 电解过程将持续一段时间,请耐心等待。
d) 当电解过程结束后,电解水机将停止工作。
3. 使用酸性水a) 打开酸性水出水阀,取出酸性水。
b) 酸性水适合清洗厨房用具等。
4. 使用碱性水a) 打开碱性水出水阀,取出碱性水。
b) 碱性水可作为清洁剂使用,也可被用于洗澡等个人护理。
4. 关闭电解水机a) 将自来水开关关闭,停止供水。
b) 关闭电解水机的电源开关。
四、注意事项1. 请遵循使用方法操作,不要随意拆卸或改动设备结构。
五、维护与保养1. 每次使用后,请及时关闭水源和电源。
2. 定期清洗电解水机,以保持其正常运行。
3. 若长时间不使用电解水机,请将其包装好,存放在通风干燥的地方。
六、故障排除若电解水机出现以下情况,请联系售后服务中心进行检修:1. 机器不能正常启动或无法停止。
2. 出水口漏水。
3. 出水水质异常。
4. 其他异常情况。

8、出水量: 2.0升/分9、进水压力:0.1~0.35Mpa。
外观时尚脱俗,设计小巧精致,厚度只有 8.4cm。
是您厨房的精美装饰品!1.可以选择5种不同的水质2.可以使用“连续模式”达到节水效果3.JIS日本工业标准规格认定的优秀的净水性能,高性能滤芯可以除去水中的13种物质:?亚硫酸?泥垢?石油碳氢化合物(Trihalomethane)?哥罗酚(chloroform)?挥发性卤化物BROMODICHLOROMETHANE?水中总三卤甲烷Dibromochloromethane?三溴甲烷Bromoform?四氯乙烯tetrachloroethylene?三氯乙烯trichloroethylene?二氯二苯三氯乙烷trichloroethane又名DDT ? CAT(农药.)?水中土霉味物质?溶解性铅规格电解离子水小知识:碱性水质可以中和体酸含极高之氢氧离子及钙离子,可以将过多的氧还原成水,减少自由基的伤害。
酸性 3:清洁、洗涤煮汤、去除蔬菜涩味等酸性 5.5:洗脸、收敛 PH5.5弱酸性水,能给细嫩的肌肤最好的呵护。
