大学英语2练习题 答案

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Unit 1

1. Write the English words or expressions according to the definitions:


2. neglect

3. investigate

4. critical

5. evolve

6. relevant


8. enormous

9. exaggerate 10. superior

II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the following :

1. not in the least

2. neglect

3. critical

4. priority


6. inserted

7. in due course

8. principal

9. contrast 10. superior

III. Choose the best answer

1-5 BDCBD 6-10 AACAC 11-15 BBCAA 16-20 CDDBB

IV. Complete the sentences with the word given in its proper form.

1. summary

2. continual

3. continuous

4. artistically

5. clumsily

6. traditional

7. prior

8. innovator

9. applicants 10. comparable

V. Cloze

1-5 BDCCA 6-10 ADCBC 11-15 DABCD 16-20 ADDAD

VI. Reading comprehension


Unit 2

1. Write the English words or expressions according to the definitions:

1. reserve

2. local

3. remote

4. liable

5. loyalty

6. cultivate

7. deserve

8. discount

9. blend in 10. steer clear of

II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the following :

1. local

2. executive

3. blend in

4. loyalty

5. deserved

6. remote

7. reserved

8. steer clear of

9. liable 10.cultivate

III. Choose the best answer

1-5 AADCC 6-10 BBCDA 11-15 CBABB 16-20 CBADD

IV. Complete the sentences with the word given in its proper form.


2. qualification

3. rewarding

4. loyally

5. cheered

6. appealing

7. democratic


9. deserved 10. optional

V. Cloze

1-5 BCADB 6-10 AACDD 11-15 DBCBB 16-20 CDADA

Unit 3

I.Write the English words or expressions according to the definitions:

1. overall

2. embarrass 3 . come over 4. dumb 5. fade

6. glorious

7. community

8. bet

9. keep (sb.) in suspense 10. know better than (that/to do sth)

II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the following :


2. keep in suspense

3. know better than

4. dumb

5. consisted of


7. came over

8. embarrassed

9. traded for 10.bet.

III. Choose the best answer

1-5 CCABA 6-10 BDACD 11-15. BBCDA 16-20 CADDA

IV. Complete the sentences with the word given in its proper form.


2. repeatedly

3. talented

4. dreadfully

5. interfering

6. humiliation

7. constantly

8. disturbance

9. illegal 10. unaware

V. Cloze

1-5 ABCAD 6-10 BCABA 11-15 DCBDA 16-20 BCACD

VI. Reading comprehension


Unit 4

I.Write the English words or expressions according to the definitions:

1. flee

2. abuse

3. restore

4. in sight

5. suck

6. critic

7. fluid

8. submit

9. edit 10. angle

II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the following :

1. abuses

2. emotional

3. remarked

4. take in

5. interpret

6. virtual

7. submit。

8. interaction

9. cue 10. routine.

III. Choose the best answer

1-5 DCCBA 6-10 BDBAA 11-15 CDBAC 16-20 ACDBD

IV. Complete the sentences with the words given in their proper forms.

1. submission

2. virtually

3. interact

4. sensitivity

5. criticized


7. annoyance

8. acquainted

9. intensified 10. interpretation

VI. Reading comprehension

