

《钢铁侠》观后感1000字作文5篇《钢铁侠》是美国漫威影业的优秀作品,下面是的小编为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢《钢铁侠》观后感走出电影院,月朗星稀,我禁不住陷入了深深的思考——这样一部鸿篇巨制,导演到底想告诉我们一个什么道理呢? 这其中隐藏着什么玄机呢?带着这样的问题,我们来review整部影片,推动情节发展的,有三个主要人物——正派一号男主角Tony,反派一号自由基地组织的头头那个黑人,反派二号Tony多年的搭档但其实很坏想置他于死地的白胡子老头,他们各怀绝技,智商超群,为什么最终的胜利者,Superhero是T ony??首先,T ony要从自由基地组织的山洞里逃出,摆脱黑老大的控制,是靠在山洞里用“破铜烂铁”研发除了alpha版的Iron Man装备,打了黑老大一个措手不及,赢得了第一次宝贵的胜利。
在片中我们可以看到,男猪脚在机器人“小手手”的帮助下,不断的对产品进行可用性测试、性能测试、压力测试、多环境测试在内的多次测试,发现并修正包括在“高空结冰问题”在内的多个运行问题与Bug,最终造出了Iron Man beta~而这个时候,黑老大和白胡子老头只是捡到了Tony的在沙漠中遗留的装备残骸,于是白胡子老头找了很多工程师来依葫芦画瓢(抄袭)这个创意。

英语报刊选读答案英语报刊选读答案【篇一:英语报刊选读参考答案】>英语报刊选读journalistic reading教师用书teacher’s book总主编王嘉褆主编林玫刘雁bookone .................................................................................................... ............... 2 unit 1campus ............................................................................................. ........... 2 unit 2entertainment ................................................................................... ........... 5 unit 3entertainment ................................................................................... ........... 9 unit 4food ................................................................................................... ........ 12 unit 5crime ................................................................................................. ........ 15 unit 6disaster ............................................................................................. ......... 19 unit 7sports ................................................................................................ ......... 23 unit 8art ...................................................................................................... ........ 28 unit 9economy ........................................................................................... ......... 31 unit 10ecology ............................................................................................. ....... 36 unit 11health ...................................................................................................... 39 unit12 automobiledriving ............................................................................. 43 unit 13 qualityproblems (48)unit 14shopping ........................................................................................... ....... 52 unit 15 guncontrol ..............................................................................................56 unit 16psychology ....................................................................................... . (59)ibook oneunit 1 campus i.vocabulary builder 1. definition1) chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be inmess 2) primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3) seduce: attract; tempt4) highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable partof something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 5) reluctant: unwilling6) compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention7) reveal: show; indicate8) mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society; normal; ordinary9) critical: important; crucial10) evolution: a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development 2. terms translation 1) a bipartisan consensus22) high school diploma 3) drop-out rate 4) college wagepremium 5) the k-12 system6) more academically rigorous 7) well-rounded citizens 8)certification tests9) career and technical education 3. blank filling 1) perseveredinsisted 6) agony assure/reassure11) insure/ensure 12) insure assured/reassured ii.translation1. 选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。

第十二集 D赴S的约会,却发现一群人在被禁止的游泳池里嬉戏。同来的V拍下了这一切。聚会因一个人的溺水而不得不慌忙解散,学校领导对此事大力调查。N以为是B的责任,为其顶罪,被学校开除。B大受感动。C私下找V,希望通过金钱,让V交出录像带,以期帮助B。Lily和Rufus旧情复燃。Bass对lily加大“攻势”。D为了游泳池事件和S一度关系紧张。S终于想通,为了D的未来,对校长坦白了自己的过错,却轻易过关。S为了和D在一起,强烈要求母亲停止和Rufus的关系。Lily为了女儿,终于决定和Bass在一起。S感触万分。B终于决定继续和N在一起。两人尽释前嫌。 第十三集 "有线人在商店拍到S在买验孕棒!!"Gossip girl 主页上的这个新闻惊动了Humphrey全家,当然也传遍了整个学校,S又多了个丑闻。但实则真相是: 这个验孕棒是为B买的。S的好意,B并不打算领情去做这个测试,因为她正与N渐入佳境中,尔后两人闹了矛盾。S烦恼于流言和B的固执。而D真的信以为真,决定和S一起面对这个问题,也愿意担负这个责任。B终于确认自己没有怀孕,并第一时间告知S并为此道歉,两人和好。虽然Rufus并不这么乐观见成。不过他也有自己的事情——似乎他的春天来了,两美女送上们了。S的心不在焉使得D无法倾诉衷肠,在压力下终于S将真相告诉了D,当然也包括B和C的上床的事情,却被J听到,并告诉了N。S去B那里望安慰B,却被B指责是S向N告密CB的事,两人大吵一架,惊动了Eleanor而不欢而散。B因为这件丑闻在学校备受冷落,决定暂时离开这个地方。S知道后去找B并劝其留下。 第十四集 春假结束,B、N和C三人之间的关系依旧破裂,对B来说一切都是恶梦但还是必须面对现实,还好,有好友S在身边陪她度过这难熬的开学第一天。而S这边,显然暑假是和Bass一家一起度过的。为了生日后,甚至偷了Hazel母亲的华伦天奴,不幸在家里被朋友们撞了正著。恼羞成怒的J向Rufus哭诉着她一切都是为了能够找到朋友,而作为父亲的Rufus则坚持关J禁闭。从N那里得到消息的D,抛下正在约会的S,赶回家,试图缓和紧张气氛。但J偷偷出逃,为了扳回面子,找上受朋友们欢迎的N去Butter示威。 第十五集 SAT的考试即将来临。众人紧张备考。B为了打败优等生Nelly无所不用其极。S以为Georgina在瑞士而放松下来,却发现Georgina出现。D为了考试也减少了和S的约会。N关切地将自己以前用的复习资料赠与D。意外地认识V。两人迅速打得火热。J为了能打败B勾搭上了上东区的King——Asher。虽然为此和父亲为了约会而希望结束禁足的事情而争执,可是却意外的让Asher因为J未能赴约而上门的举动缓和了与父亲的矛盾。Georgina不断地找S叙旧,极力想让S回到过去的生活,并热衷探知S和D之间的感情。甚至谎言和下药的计谋去破坏S和D的复习约会和SAT的考试。S通过C的掩护下暂时瞒过了D,但D因为替考的事情S大吵一架。B抓住Nelly的软肋并成功利用。却在考场外和D同时看到亲密的N和V。S和Georgina的摊牌激怒了Georgina。Georgina不择手段的开始报复。 第十六集 J与新男友Asher如胶似漆,并积极筹备着自己的第一个晚会,然而天公不作美,D恰在此时发现Asher与一个神秘男子街头热吻!!!在试图警告J未果的情况下,D将这个爆炸性的消息发给了Gossip GIrl。而J为了难得的进入上流社会的机会,选择和Asher合作,对朋友们撒了谎。而天不遂人愿,B出现在J的聚会上,并将一切公之于众,这场女王之争终于以J的惨败收场。S在摆脱Georgina两周之后再次收到来自地域的“惊喜”,而Georgina则在饭桌上无意透露了E的Big Secret,雪上加霜,S随即发现,D的新任密友Sarah的真实身份正是Georgina!!!此时,受到威胁的S却无法向D坦白一切,反而遭到了D的误解。连连打击之下,无助的S终于向B坦诚相告,一个惊天的秘密浮出水面。 第十七集 在B,N和C的鼓励下,S终于向朋友们坦白一切,而与此同时,Lily也发现了S不欲人知的故事。在宴会上,Lily对S严厉训斥并声称要送走她。但B告诉Lily真相,并希望她能帮助S重新振作。重重误会下,D与S分手并与Georgina双双出席Rufus的演唱会。虽然V当面揭露了撒旦之女的真实身份,但D仍选择相信Georgina的一面之词,更在其诱惑下背叛了与S的爱情。Lily终于帮女儿重拾信心,并在演唱会上与Rufus重新燃起爱火。但不是所有人都这么幸运,等待S不是D的谅解,而是来自地狱之女的挑战书。 第十八集 似乎所有的感情都要终结,S彻夜没未眠,但她看到的不是与D重归于好,而是从D卧室款款走出的Georgina!在种种现实面前,Lily终于第四次踏上红毯,而Rufus也走上了自己的旅程;隔着一道布鲁克林桥,N和V的感情无疾而终;而婚礼上C的深情演讲虽然使他赢得了B的芳心,但这对欢喜冤家终于没能双飞欧洲,而是又遇见了新的伴侣。当然也不是一切都这么糟糕,B干净漂亮的击败了来自撒旦之女的挑战,N和C则在婚礼上上演了一出将相和,而J则获得了来自B母亲公司的实习机会。

演职员表编辑演员表职员表制作人杰弗瑞·贝尔、乔斯·韦登、毛丽莎·谭查罗恩原著斯坦·李、杰克·科比导演乔斯·韦登、Bobby Roth、Jesse Bochco、David Straiton、Vince Misiano、Bill Gierhart、乔纳森·弗雷克斯、洛克萨妮·道森、Cheylov副导演(助理)Maileen Williams、Harmony Gosbee、Katie Carroll编剧乔斯·韦登Joss Whedon、杰德·韦登Jed Whedon、毛丽莎·谭查罗恩Maurissa Tancharoen 摄影David Boyd、Feliks Parnell、Jeffrey C. Mygatt配乐Bear McCreary剪辑Paul Trejo、Debby Germino、Joshua Charson艺术指导Gregory Melton美术设计Roland Rosenkranz、Alex Hajdu服装设计Ann Foley、贝丝·海曼展开[演职员表信息来源][7]角色介绍编辑菲尔·寇森探员(AgentPhil Coulson)是这个特工队小组组长。

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【最新】生活大爆炸学英语第三季第一集英文剧情介绍-word范文 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 生活大爆炸学英语第三季第一集英文剧情介绍【剧情介绍】Sheldon跑来质问Leonard是否篡改南极考察数据,Leonard大方承认,想用良好的认错态度打发Sheldon走,好让他和Penny有时间共处。
LEONARD: Not a good time,Sheldon.SHELDON: Penny. Penny. Penny.PENNY: Oh,this is ridicules.What?SHELDON: Hello,Penny I realize you're currently at the mercy of your primitive biological urges, but as you have an entire lifetime of poor decisions ahead of you,may I interrupt this one?PENNY: It's great to see you too. Come on in.SHELDON: Wolowitz has informed me of your grand deception. Do you have anything to say for yourself?LEONARD: Yes,I feel terrible about it. I will never forgive myself,I don't expect you to,either, and I would really appreciate it if you would leave me with Penny for a session of self-criticism and repentance.PENNY: Okay,can someone please tell me what's going on here?SHELDON: What's going on is I was lead to believe I was making groundbreaking strides in science, when in fact,I was being fed false data at the hands of Wolowitz,Koothrappali and your furry little boy toy.PENNY: Is that true?LEONARD: It was the only way to make him happy.PENNY: Well,why'd you have to make him happy?LEONARD: Because when he wasn't happy,we wanted to kill him. There was even a plan. We were going to throw his kindle outside, and when he went to get it,lock the door and let him freeze to death.SHELDON: That seems like a bit of an overreaction.LEONARD: No,the overreaction was the plan to tie your limbs to four different sled dog teams and yell,"Mush." Look,we kept the original data. You can still publish the actual results.SHELDON: Yes,but the actual results are unsuccessful and I've already sent an e-mail to everyone at the university explaining that I have confirmed string theory and forever changed man's understanding of the universe.LEONARD: Aw,see,yeah,you probably shouldn't have done that. So write another e-mail. Set the record straight. It's no big deal.SHELDON: You're right,Leonard. It's not a big deal. All you did was lie to me,destroy my dream and humiliate me in front of the whole university. That,FYI,was sarcasm. I,in fact,believe it is a big deal.【口语讲解】1at the mercy of受…支配,任凭…的摆布;完全受…的支配;在…掌握中The workers find themselves absolutely at the mercy of the capitalists. 工人们发现他们完全任由这些资本家的摆布。
生活大爆炸第三季S3E6 中英文对照剧本

因为莱纳德是个身材矮小 from her friends because he's a tiny,little man 又喜欢放风筝的人 who flies kites. 这当然会很逊 Oh,that certainly would suck. 沃罗威茨想侧翼包围咱们 Wolowitz is trying to outflank us. 你放线 飞高点 Let out some string,add altitude 我从下方偷袭割他的线 and I'll go under and cut his line.y want her friends to meet me? 集中精神比赛 莱纳德 Focus,Leonard,focus! 战斗的热浪迎面而来 The heat of battle is upon us. 战争的恶犬已被释放 The dogs of war are unleashed. 或许库萨帕里说得对 Maybe Koothrappali's right. 也许我让她囧了 Maybe I embarrass her. 你现在就让我囧了 You're embarrassing me right now. 一个大男人在放风筝的时候 A grown man worrying about such nonsense 居然担心这种无聊东西 when in the middle of flying kites. 对不起 Sorry. 道歉可打不下对方的风筝 Sorry won't bring their kites down. 被线擦伤 痛痛 String burn! String burn! 他们以为我们想侧翼包围 Oh,they think we're flanking. 正中我们下怀 They're playing right into our hands. 我数到三 使出绝杀飞剪 On the count of three,we execute the flying scissor. 一二 One,two...

两集名称分别为《S.O.S(上)》和《S.O.S(下)》,Zap2it向执行制片杰弗里·贝尔(Jeffrey Bell)询问了有关剧情——ABC还透露了沃德(Ward)、卡拉(Kara)、以及芭比(Bobbi)的故事线。
我想这归功于布雷特·道尔顿(Brett Dalton)的演技,”他说:“你会在最后看出他的动机,但不管你心里想‘当然了我支持他!’还是‘哦我的天呐,他是个神经病’,我想这完全取决于你的世界观。
Animal Kingdom《野兽家族(2016)》第三季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

支票兑现贷款圣马科斯拘留所我查过了可以接I checked it out. It's solid.是个非法药店It's a pill mill.科迪家的人将其搞了个底朝天而我们也帮了忙The Codys ripped it off, and we helped them do it. 干得好伙计们干得好Nice play, boys. Nice play.为什么不能去以前的学校Why can't I go back to my old school?你自己选的记得不You picked this one, remember?万一我选错了呢But what if I picked wrong?你家那女孩儿That girl you have at the house,她肯定将来要去少管所了she's got juvie written all over her.我们在派对上认识的I hooked up with her at a party.但是你别告诉妮琪But you can't tell Nicky.你和J之间有什么交易What's the deal with you and J?你觉得呢What do you think?嘿你好吗Hey. How's it going?我昨晚和别人做了I had sex with someone last night.这他妈是谁啊Who the hell is this?喂Hey!- 举起你的手出来 - 好吧嘿-Put your hands up and get out! -All right, hey!我认识你么Do I know you?是的我是比利Yeah, it's Billy.是你♥爸♥爸That's your father.你记得他什么事What do you remember about him?我记得他是个混♥蛋♥I remember he's an asshole,我还记得蓝精灵把他赶出去and I remember Smurf kicking him out. 我之前My father,从来没有见过的父亲who I've never met before in my life,突然出现说要陪我showed up and wants to hang.突然出现吗Just out of nowhere?要和我喝几杯吗You want to get drunk with me?比利在我们家吗Billy is in our house?赶他出去 JGet him out, J.赶他出去Get...him...out.她深深地凝视着* She stares deeply锁在我体内的* Locked inside me熊熊燃烧着的* Burnin' brightly他们知道我无法带走的* One they know that I cannot take我静待着一切开始* Waitin' for it all to begin每个夜晚他们将我征服* Every night now, they'll win欢迎来参观我的黑洞* Come and meet my black hole我有一个巨型黑洞* Got a big black hole我有一个巨型黑洞* Got a big black hole我有一个巨型黑洞* I've got a big black hole我有一个巨型巨型黑洞* I've got a big black, big black hole 我身体里的巨型黑洞* Got a big black hole inside of me 有一个* Got a他们还在这儿呢是吧Still here, huh?克雷格说他们可以待着这里Craig said they could stay.吃完了All done.到车里去等着我Go wait in the car.我不想去上学I don't wanna go to school.你必须得上学Oh, you're going to school.需要我搬回来住吗Do I need to move back in here?不用我能处理好No, I've got it covered.你处理不好No, you don't.咖啡煮上了吗Is the coffee on?嘿Hey.那是我的短裤吗Those my shorts?是的Oh, yeah.我在烘干机里找到的No, I found these on the dryer.以为别人不会介意Didn't think anybody would mind.可是我会介意Well, I mind.好吧All right.不是啥大事No big deal.你在这儿想干嘛比利What're you doing here, Billy?蓝精灵入狱了Well, Smurf's in jail,然后我觉得这是我和德伦and I thought it'd be a good time for me好好相处的好机会to catch up with Deran a bit.你知道她从来不让我靠近他You know, she never wanted me anywhere near him. 扯淡吧那是Bullshit. That's a --车道上的那辆车是偷来的That car in the driveway is stolen.怎么你在逃亡吗What, are you on the run?我只是来找德伦的兄弟I'm just here for Deran, dude.好吧但是德伦讨厌你Yeah, well, Deran hates you.他讨厌你He hates you.好吧我们会看到的Well, we shall see.你知道泳池最大的好处是什么吗教皇You know the best thing about a pool, Pope?你不用专门去洗澡了Don't have to take a shower.当你17岁的时候* Well, you're 17他们说* Do you know what they mean?你要调谐* When they say你知道是什么意思吗现在你42岁了* Now you're 42这些话一直萦绕着你* The words stuck with you即使你还是不知道* Though you don't know那是什么意思* What they mean如果说If...性♥爱♥就是这样的话that's how sex is gonna be,那我得提醒你I'm gonna need you to take it不要太使劲摁我的右肩a little bit easier on my right shoulder. 你的伤疤太性感了That scar is hot.在墨西哥参加极限运动会弄得X Games exhibition, Mexico City.你做了多少次手术How many surgeries have you had?26 27次吧26, 27?天呐Jesus.手臂骨折Broken arms.几处椎体骨折Couple of vertebral fractures.我的右股骨里打了钢板Got a rod in my right femur.那个伤疤是肩胛骨骨折留下的That scar's from a scapular fracture. 这是你吗This you?是啊Yeah.你看上去很帅啊You look good.This is a great picture.谢谢Thanks.我的一个朋友拍的A friend of mine took it.你饿了吗You hungry?你想去买♥♥点吃的吗You wanna get food or something?你是说出去买♥♥吗Like, uh, go out somewhere?是啊Yeah, I guess.去麦当劳之类的地方Don's or something.我有一堆破事要处理I kind of got a lot of shit to do.好吧我也该走了Yeah, I should, uh, get going anyway.早安Morning.对不起I'm sorry.我是说我很抱歉也不抱歉I mean, I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry and I'm not. 你能和我说句话么Will you talk to me, please?好吧我当时很生气Yeah, I-I was pissed.你总是不在家You're, like, never around.而这个人刚好出现了And this guy was just there.所以我这么做是为了让你生气So, I, like, did it to make you mad.但是现在你But now, you've, like --你让一个女孩儿住在房♥子里you've got this girl living in the house,我不知道该怎么做and I don't know what I'm supposed to do.我很难受I mean, I feel shitty.你不难受吗Don't you?我们对彼此意味着什么呢I mean, what are we to each other?我要去上班了I g-- I got to go to work.你和米亚睡过了吗Are you sleeping with Mia?很赞啊That's good.你好啊阿尼What's up, Arnie?装备不错啊哥们儿That was a nice set, man.谢谢伙计我玩儿得挺开心的Aw, thanks a lot, man. I had a good time.嗯嗯Yeah, yeah.他做得不错Yeah, he did okay.你侄子说你今年不赞助南加州作战部队了怎么回事What's with your nephew saying you won't sponsor SoCal Grom this year? 什么东西冲浪比赛吗What, the surf competition?我去你妈妈家拿支票I went to your mom's house to get the check.那孩子说蓝精灵入狱之后他在管事The kid said with Smurf in jail, it's his decision.真的哥们儿我不知道你在说什么Really, man. I don't know what you're talking about.蓝精灵已经赞助南加州作战部队好几年了Smurf's been sponsoring SoCal Grom for years.是么我不知道这件事Yeah, I didn't know that.每年5千美金只是笔小钱混♥蛋♥5K a year's a small price to pay, asshole.下一位Next.你好能给我开个汇票吗Hi. Can I get a money order, please?- 多少钱的 - 两千四百美金- For how much? - $2,400.黄热病臣服吧* Yellow fever, on your knees18美金让我们开开眼* $18, now we'll see嘿* Hey打开房♥门迎接欢呼吧* Open door, count the cheer我来享受第三世界的辛勤劳作* I drink on your third-world tears嘿* Hey让我的夜生活再次狂欢起来* Make my night time oh, so bright again 在我们眼皮底下洗钱Laundering money right under our noses 把我们当傻子耍like we're assholes.咱们去会会这些新朋友们Let's go make some new friends.走吧Let's do it.嘿Hey.妮琪Nicky?你还好吗You okay?这不是我想象的那样This isn't how I pictured any of this.你要去哪儿Where're you headed?去工作Just work.我可以送你去I can give you a ride.谢谢不用了Oh. I'm good, but thank you.不我这不是疑问句Nah, I'm not asking.走吧Come on.打烊了Uh, we're closed.20分钟后再开I don't open for another 20 minutes.我来找德伦·科迪Looking for Deran Cody.你是谁Who are you?你是科迪先生吗Are you Mr. Cody?那得看情况Uh, it depends.有何贵干What do you want?我是杰夫·斯图尔特I'm Jeff Stewart,加利福尼亚就业发展局的California Employment Development Department. 你有雇佣一个叫约瑟·罗伯斯的人吗Did you employ a Jose Robles?该死Shit.罗伯斯先生申请了失业索赔Mr. Robles filed an unemployment claim,但记录显示你的酒吧but there's no record of your bar没有交失业保险paying unemployment insurance.是的Yeah.他从厨房♥里偷东西He stole shit from the kitchen.他从冷冻库里偷牛排He was taking steaks out of the freezer.我不管你为什么赶他走Doesn't matter why you let him go.你还是欠州政♥府♥一份保险You still owe the state.我这有本册子I have a brochure here上面阐明了你要做什么that explains what you need to do.你当业主多久了Okay. How long you been the owner?几个月A few months.我们会计算出的你的拖欠款项We'll have to calculate your back payments. 这些都作为罚金处理There'll be a penalty,但我们可以给你安排付款计划but, uh, we can put you on a payment plan.我不知道I didn't know...你做生意就得负责任You own a business, you have responsibilities. - 你有会计吗 - 没有- You have an accountant? - No.你该请一个Well, you should.你是谁So who are you?我是J的朋友I'm a friend of J's.不你不是J的朋友No, you're not a friend of J's.我就是想找个地方发泄一下I just needed somewhere to crash.把我在左边的车身修理店放下来It's gonna be the auto body shop on the left. 谢谢载我一程Thanks for the ride, man.找其他地方发泄去Find someplace else to crash.我得去工作了I gotta get to work.JJ?!嗨 JYo, J!他早些时候出去了He left earlier, man.孩子总是到处乱跑Kid's always on the move.依我说你得淡定Needs to chillax, if you ask me.你找他干嘛What do you need him for?有事搞砸了我得找人帮忙搞定Boy's messed up, and I gotta fix it.她在找什么What's she searching for?她对所有的食物都很感兴趣Uh, she's into all that foraging shit.有什么我能帮你的吗Anything I can do to help you?你有五千美元吗Yeah. You got 5 grand?没有No.J有五千美元给你吗J's got 5 grand to give to you?蓝精灵为孩子们赞助了一场冲浪比赛Smurf sponsors this a surf contest但付不起冲浪板的钱for kids that can't afford boards- 还有其他各种东西 - 是吗- and all that kind of shit. - Yeah?J没告诉我就撤资了And J's pulled out of it and didn't tell me. 那就去告诉蓝精灵So tell Smurf.不我不会去那的No, I don't really go out there, man.你没去监狱探望过她You don't visit her in jail?没有No.即便是我都知道她是被冤枉的Even I know that's a big mistake.我的天Holy shit.你想干嘛皮尔斯What do you want, Pearce?坐下珍妮Have a seat, Janine.我站着就行I'll stand.你让J管事了So, you left J in charge, huh?对于他这个年纪的孩子来说Boy, that's a lot of responsibility这责任似乎重了点for a boy his age.他得买♥♥那么多汇票And all those money orders he has to buy.我无法想象他这个年纪的孩子You know, I can't imagine why a kid his age为什么要买♥♥那么多汇票would be buying dozens of money orders.我的孩子Hey, my kid,他用苹果支付买♥♥这用Venmo(支付软件)买♥♥那的he's Apple Pay this, Venmo that.但J 他是保守派But J. He's -- He's old school.JJ?怎么了Yeah?这都是些什么What's all this shit?是租金It's the rents.你Hey, you, uh --- 我们的工资单都是你做的对吧 - 没错- you do all the payroll for us, right? - Yeah.我一做完这个Yeah, I'll get you your paychecks就把你的支票给你as soon as I'm done with this.我的酒吧出了点小问题Uh, I got a little problem with my bar.我都是以现金支付的I, uh, pay everybody in cash,但有个混♥蛋♥申请了失业保险but some asshole decided to file for unemployment.现在局里的人要来罚我款Now the state's kind of coming down on me, so...你没买♥♥失业保险吗You haven't been paying your unemployment insurance? 我保留了记录I got -- I keep records.就是税啊什么的It's just that the taxes and shit,太花时间了it just takes too much time.我付了自己的I mean, I pay mine.他们不该自己付吗Aren't they supposed to pay theirs?是我们付了你的We pay yours.蓝精灵帮你付了W2You get a W2 from Smurf.什么东西A what?你的联邦所得税For your federal income taxes.蓝精灵也帮你付了吗Does Smurf do that for you, too?我不知道I don't know, man.你要我帮你弄工资单So, you need help with your payroll?是的Yeah.稍等Hold on one sec.喂Hello?你有一个来自You have a call from圣马可拘留所的电♥话♥an inmate at San Marco Detention Facility.珍妮·科迪Janine Cody.- 你要接吗 - 是的- Do you accept? - Uh, yeah.J 亲爱的J, baby,你能来看看你的外婆吗can you come visit your grandmother, please? 现在似乎不太合适Uh, now's not the best time.今天就过来Just get here. Today.我是海军少校贝尔蒙This is Lieutenant Commander Belmont.请留言Leave a message.老爸是我H-Hey, Dad, it's, uh -- it's me.我I, um --我想来关岛I want to come to Guam.我I, uh...我想来看你杰克还有莉迪娅I want to see you and Jack and L-- um, Lydia. 还有And, um...我就是想回家了Yeah, I just wanna come... home.再见Okay, bye.你好蓝精灵Hey, Smurf.我以为你之前就回来I thought you'd come sooner.我知道I know.是J派你来的吗Did J send you?不是我想见你I wanted to see you.- J在哪他来了吗 - 没有- Yeah, But where's J? Isn't J coming? - No. 我不知道I mean, maybe. I don't know.我没跟踪他I don't follow him around.比利还在房♥子里吗Is Billy still at the house?他和德伦Him and Deran, uh...似乎挺合得来的they're kinda hitting it off.那什么Hey, so, um...你有给卡特钱you've been giving Carter money赞助少年冲浪大赛吗for that little kid surf contest?是的Yeah.每年都给Every year.我必须如此I have to.你逃走了You ran away.我没办法留在那I couldn't stay.我嗑嗨了I was high.卡特留下了Carter stayed.那是他的车Well, it was his car.还有他的兄弟And his brother.但那不是他的毒品But they weren't his drugs.也不是他开的车And he wasn't driving.是你You were.你没告诉过我You didn't tell me.告诉你什么Tell you what?我每年会给人几千块钱That I give some guy a couple of grand a year 让他高兴to make him happy?你应该告诉我的You should've told me.我看着像个傻子I looked like an asshole.卡特兄弟的治疗花了10万美金Carter's brother's operation cost $100,000. 他做了两年的物理治疗He was in physical therapy for two years.这你也不知道You didn't know that, either.你还得付他多久How long do you got to keep paying him for? 他兄弟能走路了吗Can his brother walk?那So...就给到能走为止We pay until he can.我们照顾我们的人We take care of our people.J说他不会付钱给冲浪大赛J said he wouldn't pay for the surf contest.他会的He will.他和卡特说了他不会He told Carter he wouldn't --我说了他会的I said, he will.你为什么让J管事Why did you put J in charge?是什么让你认为J在管事What makes you think J's in charge?所以So...我不在的时候一切都乱套了shit's kinda falling apart now that I'm not around.是不是Isn't it?听着Okay, pay attention.我要你给克雷格5000美金I need you to give Craig $5,000.- 我们没有五千 - 别说话- We haven't got five - Don't talk.听就行了Just listen.给克雷格五千美金Give Craig $5,000.把比利那个混♥蛋♥ 赶出我的房♥子Get that prick, Billy, out of my house now.还有你我的小朋友And you, my friend, you need to be在你收租金时much more aware of your surroundings真得好好注意周围环境when you're collecting the rents.什么What?我们的朋友在监视你Our friend is watching you.我很小心的I was careful.还是不够小心Not careful enough.我想让你确保I want you to make sure每个住户都记得他们的租♥房♥♥协议that every tenant remembers their rental agreement.好吧Fine.没有任何事比这件事更重要Everything else is less important.你明白了吗Do you understand that?我明白了I got it.我不会存活下来的 ** Ooh, I won't survive嘿你这个木乃伊又活过来了Hey. The mummy rises.怎么样老弟What's up, dude?别担心Don't worry,我会付钱的我保证I'm gonna pay my tab. I promise.所以你重新整顿了这个地方So, you, uh, renovated this place自己又把这个地方重新开起来了and opened it on your own.令人刮目相看Pretty impressive.我只是想和你聊聊I just wanna talk.好吧Okay.我明白我明白你的感受I get it. I know how you feel.我的老爸不称职你知道吗I mean, I had a shitty dad, you know?他曾经是艾斯孔蒂多的一个合金工人He was a metal worker up in Escondido,他并不经常陪伴我and he wasn't around a lot.但是老弟当他在我身边的时候But, dude, when he was around,我感觉糟透了it was bad.真的糟透了It was really bad.当我16岁的时候When I was, like, 16,我就离开了家开始睡在沙滩上I just left and started sleeping on the beach.在大概十年之后And that's where I was 10 years later我遇见了你妈妈when I met your mom.老弟她改变了我的生活And, dude, she changed my life.她真的改变了我的生活She really did.她真是太不可思议了兄弟She was unbelievable, man.我从来没有遇见过她这样的人I -- I never met anybody like her.就好像一分钟前她还很安静She was, like, one minute, she'd be quiet,但是后一分钟and the next minute,她就会在沙滩上裸奔你知道吗she'd be running down the beach naked, you know? 身材棒极了胸很挺Great body, great tits,只是抱歉just -- Sorry.但是她那时也已经有三个孩子了But she also had three kids already.所以教皇和茱莉亚那时那该7、8岁So, Pope and Julia were like 7 or 8.克雷格还在穿尿不湿Craig was in diapers.在我遇见克雷格之前从来没有给别人换过尿不湿I never actually changed a diaper till Craig.我这么和你说吧Let me tell you something.克雷格总是拉裤兜子Craig shit himself a lot.而教皇和我兄弟我从来没有真正了解过那个孩子Pope and I, man, I just never hit it off with that kid.我觉得他I think he was --在我出现的时候他已经长大了你知道吗he was, like, too old when I showed up, you know?但是茱莉亚很酷Julia was cool, though.她教我怎么做伪麻黄碱She taught me how to boost Sudafed.蓝精灵教我如何用热丝线启动车Smurf taught me how to hot-wire a car.你知道怎么弄吗Do you know that?知道啊她也教我了Yeah, she taught me, too.是啊兄弟我得告诉你Yeah, man, I got to tell you,我真的拖了她后腿I dug her.真的拖她后腿了I really dug her.她踢开我是对的兄弟And she was right to kick me out, man.如果在你还小的时候我拉着你和我一起If I was dragging you around with me when you were a kid, 你肯定不会像现在一样you sure as shit wouldn't have ended up成为能在社会上挣钱的人as the productive member of society you are now.事实上And the truth is,比起她对我的渴望我更渴望她I always wanted her way more than she wanted me.所以在你出生之后她抛弃了我So, when you were born, she got rid of me,就像一脚把我蹬开like, right off the bat.我真非常非常想念她And I missed her like crazy.真的I really did.要多约几个妹子Date lots of chicks, man.我是同性恋I'm gay.那就和很多爷们约会Then lots of dudes.和很多男人约会兄弟Date lots of dudes, man.享受爱情和性♥爱♥ 但是还是要坚守自我Enjoy the ride, but be you.和很多男人做过Ride lots of guys.也让很多男人干Give rides to lots of guys.我不知道I-I-I don't know, uh,上下♥体♥♥位♥姿势什么的但是the tops and bottoms thing, but...我猜我是个小受吧I'm guessing I'm, like, a hetero bottom.因为我喜欢别人告诉我该怎么做'Cause I like to be told what to do.或者我只是很懒我不知道Or maybe I'm just lazy as shit, I don't know.但是有一次我遇见了一个男人But there was this one guy one time.- 我们在沙滩上 - 我懂了- We were on the beach -- - I get it.你是个放纵不羁爱自♥由♥的人You're -- You're a free-spirited guy.很酷That's cool.是的是的但是你知道吗兄弟Yeah, yeah, but you know what, dude.我从来都没有办过什么大事Like, I could never get my shit together.我是说不像你兄弟I mean, not like you, man.你可以办大事You get shit done.对吗Right?这就是为什么我不理解That's why I don't really understand,在蓝精灵进监狱的时候是J在管事why is J in charge while Smurf's in prison?这对我来说讲不通啊That doesn't make any sense to me.就是扯淡It's bullshit.你应该管事You should be in charge.我这个月已经付过房♥租了I already paid rent this month.不我不是为房♥租来的No, I'm not here for that.那是为什么Then what?要是有人问你你一个月交多少房♥租You know what to say if somebody else asks you你知道该怎么说对吧how much you pay in rent, right?这是什么测试吗This some sort of test?不不不是的No. No, no, no.我是想确保你的说词令人信服I just need to make sure you got your story straight. 2300美金$2,300.通过测试了么Did I pass?谢谢Thank you.嘿老爸Hey, Dad.妮琪怎么了Nicky, What's going on?我在这边过的不是很好Um, things just aren't really working out.你和J分手了吗Did you break up with J?没有但是No, but...好吧那你找到工作了吗Okay. Well, what about a job?你有工作吗Did you ever find a job?还没有Not yet.工作可能会缓解一下Work would help.我知道那你去上学怎么样I'm sure. Or school?你想回到学校吗You thinking about going back to school?我只是我只是想回家老爸I just -- I just want to come home, Dad.再次提醒向北行驶的太平洋星辰列车Again, the Pacific Starlight northbound马上进入二站台will be arriving at platform 2.我们家很挤Our place here is... tight.杰克对自己终于And Jack, I mean, he's finally comfortable成为家里唯一一个孩子感到满足being an only child.你不想让我回来吗You don't want me to come?不是说我们不想要你回来It's not that we don't want you.只是It's just --或许你可以在圣诞节的时候回来Maybe you should come over for Christmas. 哪个科迪是你父亲Which Cody boy is your dad?茱莉亚是我的妈妈Um, Julia was my mom.茱莉亚Oh, Julia.蓝精灵说过不要给她钱Smurf said never give her money.但是我总是会给她钱But I always do.给她几美金去买♥♥个冰淇淋或者是饮料A couple of dollars for ice cream or soda.她怎么样How is she?富勒顿夫人如果有人问起来Um, Mrs. Fullerton, if anyone asks,你知道你要说you know to say你一个月付2600月租吧that you pay $2,600 a month in rent.你记得对吗Remember that, right?我已经连续数年一个月付175美金了I've paid $175 a month for years.- 这不会改变的 - 不不当然不会- That's not gonna change. - No, no. Of course.但是你记得你要说你一个月付2600一个月But you remember to say that you pay $2,600.对吗Correct?时代已经改变了不是吗Uh, times have changed, haven't they?以前那么多钱都能买♥♥一套房♥子了You used to get a whole house for that much.所以我说清楚了吗So -- So, we're clear?你知道该怎么说吗You know what to say?当然啦亲爱的Sure thing, honey.好的很好Okay. Good.总之谢谢你的茶Anyway, uh, thank you for the tea.我应该我应该走了I should -- I should get going.她总是给找活干不是吗Oh, she keeps you busy, doesn't she?是的她总是给我找活干Yes, she sure does.总是跑来跑去的Always running here and there.所以你一个月付多少钱So, how much do you pay in rent?每个月175美金一号♥交钱$175 every month, on the first.第一个窗口First window.你♥他♥妈♥是谁啊Who the hell are you?你在这里面照顾我妈妈吗Are you looking after my mom in here?所以你也是科迪家的一员吗So you're a Cody?你会按时收到酬劳吗You getting paid on time?那你为什么还要让那个女孩住进来Then why did you move the girl in?那个女孩The girl.米亚Mia.那个女的不为我♥干♥活That bitch doesn't work for me.她霸占着我们的房♥子She's squatting at our house.她想干什么就干什么不论何时何地She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. 我不知道她住在你妈妈家I didn't know she was living at your mom's place. 把她弄走Get her out.我没有让她住进你家I didn't put her in there.但如果她在那儿的话But if she is there,你最好小心点you best watch out.那个小婊♥子♥很危险的That chica's dangerous.德伦Deran.我需要和你谈谈老兄I need to talk to you, man.我还没拿到我的文件呢I don't have any of my paperwork or anything. 不不是关于那个的No, it's not about that.好吧Right.我先回家了I'll head back to the house.回见See you later.怎么了What's up?我们有麻烦了老兄Yeah, we got -- we got a problem, man.在外面Outside.嘿 F女士Hey, Mrs. F.灰猫讨厌坐车Gray Cat hates riding in cars.她得了老年痴呆一类的病She's got like dementia or something.我不知道I don't know.- 那辆车呢 - 是她的- And the car? - It's hers.开走她的车会更容易甩掉跟着我的小尾巴It was easier to lose my tail if I took her car.而且我觉得这车Also, I think it's better也消失了会更好对吧if the car's gone, too, right?你说消失是什么意思What do you mean "gone"?我不知道在这种情况下Well, I-I don't know what we do我们该做什么in situations like this?什么情况下Situations like what?如果警♥察♥问她租金的事If the cops ask her questions about the rent,我们就完蛋了we're screwed.好吧你想做什么呢Okay. What do you want to do?你想毙了她吗You wanna shoot her?J在吗J around?你总是在找这男孩呀You're always looking for that boy.他刚刚还在呢He was here a minute ago.我觉得他离开了I think he split.这儿真好这么多树So nice here. All the trees.我觉得我可以正常呼吸了I feel like I can breathe.树林是地球的肺你知道吗Trees are the lungs of the world, you know?是的我猜也是吧Yeah, I guess.你还要这个吗You want this back?归你了It's all yours.我们很关心莉娜的幸福We care about Lena's well-being.但我们需要找到她这侵略性行为的根源But we need to get to the root of this aggression. 我和克拉丽莎的父母谈过了I spoke to Clarissa's parents.他们不会起诉的They're not gonna press charges.但我觉得我们都认可But I think we can both agree这种行为是不能被允许的that this isn't acceptable behavior.这这不像她做的This -- it's not like her.她她刚失去了双亲She just -- She just lost both of her parents.她接受了什么样的悲伤辅♥导♥呢What kind of grief counseling is she receiving? 她应该找人倾诉的She should be talking to someone.这会有帮助It would help.她不需要心理医生She doesn't need a shrink.坦白地说To be quite frank,我觉得她需要I think she does.我不知道我做错了什么I don't know what I'm doing wrong.你剪了她的头发吗You cut her hair?!只有我了It's just me.只有我一个人了I'm -- I'm all by myself.我没办法一个人做到I can't do this by myself.我需要我需要你的帮助I need -- I need your help.因为我不知道该做什么了Because I don't know what to do!我需要你帮我I need you to help me!你得你得做正确的行为You gotta -- You gotta act right!你不能把事情变得更糟了You can't make shit worse!你知道我费了多大功夫才让你上这所学校的吗Do you know how hard it was for me to get you in here? 我根本不想来这儿I don't wanna be here.你想的You do.是的你想的Yes, you do.我很抱歉I'm sorry.所以呢我数了So, I've counted out我付过钱的小时数好吧all the hours I've paid out, right?已经开业五个月了Been open for five months,我有四个领最低工资的I got four full-time employees- 全职员工 - 我们要去哪儿- at minimum wage -- Where're we going?包括小费Including tips.卡伊能拿到很好的小费Kai's been great with tips.我不用给小费交税对吧I don't have to pay shit on tips, right?德伦我们要去哪儿Deran, where are we going?你住在在哪儿富勒顿女士Where do you live, Mrs. Fullerton?我没有嫁给哈罗德·富勒顿I didn't marry Harold Fullerton.他不停的向我求婚Well, he asked and asked.但我拒绝了But I said no.坚持着我的立场Stood my ground.好吧但你还住在克利夫兰对吧Okay, but you still live in Cleveland, right?不是克利夫兰Not Cleveland.科林代尔土生土长的Collingdale, born and reared.自从我21岁起就住在北境和莫宁赛德的Lived on the corner of North and Morningside拐角处了since I was 21.已经九年了Nine years now.好吧所以是科林代尔Okay, so, Collingdale?是的没错Y-Yeah, that's right.嘿Hey.我花了些时间才拿到的Took me a second to get it.没有蓝精灵在这儿照顾你Must be strange without Smurf around你肯定感觉很奇怪吧to take care of you.你知道我很高兴我们这么做卡特You know, I'm really glad we do this, Carter.我只是不知道I just didn't know.还有你哥哥看起来不错啊老兄And, uh, your brother looks great out there, man. 记得按时交钱就行Just pay the goddamn money on time.好的我们到了All right, we're here.你饿了吗You hungry?我可以吃点东西I could eat.是吗好的Yeah? Okay.去拿上她的随身物品Get her carrier thing.再把她的身份证从钱包里拿出来And her I.D. out of her purse.好的富勒顿女士你可以出来了吗。

2.钢铁侠1+2,复仇者联盟的起点,黑寡妇和神盾局登场3.无敌浩克,彩蛋里有托尼,情节是承上启下的4.雷神1,引出第一阶段大Boss洛基以及宇宙魔方5.复仇者联盟1,第一阶段大决战---------------------------------------------------------------------6.钢铁侠3,第二阶段第一枪7.雷神2,和钢铁侠3时间接近8.美国队长2,剧情上很重要的一部,九头蛇重新登场9.银河护卫队,支线情节,作为主线的补充10.复仇者联盟2,第二阶段大决战11.蚁人,后面的彩蛋承上启下,开启第三阶段--------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.美国队长3,第三阶段开战PS:之前考虑过曾经把蚁人放在复2之前看,但是考虑到复2里九头蛇的剧情以及蚁人的彩蛋时间点,还是觉得官方的顺序更合理一些。
冰血暴 -第3季第3集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

Erstwhile on Fargo... 《冰血暴》前情提要You going by the autopsy later? 晚点你去验尸官那里吗They glued his nose and mouth shut. 他们把他的鼻子和嘴粘起来了Are we thinking cause of death is somehow a cliffhanger? 你觉得死因有悬念吗Is that the box you took from Ennis'? 那是恩尼斯那拿来的盒子吗So, you figure this Thaddeus Mobley fella 你觉得这个赛迪斯·莫布里had something to do with the murder? 跟谋杀案有关吗I should say so, 应该吧seeing as how Ennis Stussy 感觉恩尼斯·斯塔西and this Thaddeus Mobley are one and the same. 和这个赛迪斯·莫布里是同一个人I know he wasn't from around here. 我知道他不是本地人It's kind of, to be honest, a mystery. 说实话情况不太详细Ennis moved to Eden Valley in 1980. 恩尼斯是1980年搬来伊登谷的But I think he may have changed his name before he moved here.我觉得他可能改了名字后才搬来这里Did you ever hear of Thaddeus Mobley out of Los Angeles?你听说过洛杉矶的赛迪斯·莫布里吗No, I'm afraid not. 恐怕没有Could I get a... 能给我...Joachim. 乔基姆Joachim. [外语]One cube. 一块冰块And, uh, whatever this big swinging dick over here is drinking. 给这个大帅哥来一杯他喝的Oh, no, that's... I just wanted a cream soda. 不用我只想要一杯奶油苏打水I'm not much of a drinker, in point of fact. 说实话我不太喜欢喝酒Well, maybe that's why you are the award-winning writer. 可能正因此你才是获奖作家Saving some of those brain cells for the page. 为写作保留着脑细胞How about a nice cream soda for my new amigo Thaddeus over here?给我这位新朋友赛迪斯来杯奶油苏打水Do you prefer "Thaddeus", or, uh... 你喜欢别人叫你赛迪斯还是...Uh, Tad. Thanks. 赛德谢谢But how'd you know my name? 你怎么知道我的名字的《未知星球》赛迪斯·莫布里 1975年奇点奖最佳科幻小说You are the cheddar, kid. Get used to it. 你是切达孩子试着习惯吧Wait, the what? 慢着什么You know, you're the cheddar. The cheese. 切达那种干酪Howard Zimmerman. 霍华德·齐默曼Producer. 制片人So, let me ask you, 我问你you ever think about turning that... 你有没有想过that book of yours into a movie? 把那本书拍成电影"The Planet Wyh." 《未知星球》Bob Redford is the robot. 鲍勃·拉德福德就是机器人Hold the phone. 等一下You're saying you wanna turn my book into a movie? 你是说你想把我的书拍成电影Uh, no, bubeleh. 不是I'm saying I want you to turn your book 我是说我想让你把你的书into a major motion picture. 变成一部影片大作Colossal. 爽Mr. Zimmerman! Mr. Mobley! 齐默曼先生莫布里先生Hold up the dingus for me and say "UFO"! 拿着那玩意儿说UFOHey, kid. 孩子Over here. 过来You like? 喜欢吗Yeah. 嗯Doll! Come back. I want you to meet somebody. 亲爱的过来我想给你介绍个人认识Hi. I'm... 你好我是...This is the genius I was telling you about. 这就是我跟你说起的那个天才You're killing me, Howie. 你简直是在要我的命霍华德Can we go eat already? 我们能去吃东西了吗All right, sure. Just give me a sec, sweetie. 没问题稍等一下亲爱的Sit down. 坐So, how's my screenplay coming along? 剧本写得怎么样了You know, it's... It's pretty good, actually. 剧本...其实进展不错I just... I thought I would be here 我...我开始以为我会在这maybe a week or two, you know. 待个一两周And the motel's getting pretty expensive. 住旅馆很贵Relax, kid. I got you covered, totally. 放松小子有我在Just make sure you keep all your receipts. 你只要把收据保存好就行Mr. Beatty for you, sir. 比蒂先生找你先生Warren! Mi amigo, mi compadre. 沃伦我的朋友我的伙计Yeah. All right, don't tell me. Let me guess. 好不要告诉我让我猜猜You read it, you loved it. Am I lying? 你看了很喜欢我说对了吗No, no, I know. It's dynamite, isn't it? 不不我知道确实非同凡响对吧They call it a "Space opera," if you can believe that. 他们称之为"太空歌剧" 你信不信Yeah. No, the kid is banging out the screenplay now as we speak. 对不那孩子这会儿正在写剧本So, listen, is Yablans gonna let you out? 伊布兰斯会放你走吗Oh, Christ. 天啊No, no, no. I understand. No, it's fine. 不不我明白没事Next time, bubeleh, next time, right? 下次好朋友还有下次呢对吧For sure. 一定Right. Bye. 好再见What happened? 怎么了Beatty's under contract at Paramount. 比蒂和派拉蒙影业签了合同Short of us greasing a few palms, so to speak, 这么说吧没有钱买通他he's not going anywhere. 他哪也去不了You mean bribes? 你是说贿赂吗Jesus, keep your voice down, would you? 天呐你能小点声吗Look, it's just tit for tat out here. 这只是针锋相对的博弈而已That's how business is done. 做生意都这样Now, look, you know that I'm no Mother Teresa, 你知道我不是什么大慈善家but after divorce number three, this tit is pretty tapped out. 但是第三次离婚以后我也被榨干了We're gonna have to find, 我们得另寻I don't know, some other avenue. 其它途径了Well, you know, I do have a book advance. 我手里倒是有笔书的预付款How much money are we talking about? 你需要多少钱文明的发源地之上她卷入了一场禁忌的三角恋他们来了It makes the sex amazing. 会让做爱超爽It makes the sex amazing. 小小的梦想巨大的文明崛起Minsky. 明斯基I can help. 我能帮忙I'm dying. 我要死了I need... 我需要...No. 不用了It's too late for me. 我已经没得救了You must find a way to get word back. 你必须想办法把信息带回去Let them know, it wasn't all... 让他们知道这一切...for nothing. 不全是徒劳I can help! 我能帮忙"Get word back," The Captain had told him. "把信息带回去" 飞船船长这样告诉他But how? 但要怎么做呢Thus began the wander of the Android Minsky. 由此机器人明斯基开启了这段流浪之路He was a prototype, singular in his design, 他是个原型机仅此一台created to observe and record, 旨在观察与记录his programming not yet complete. 他在程序设计上还不完善A child, in other words. 换句话说就是个孩子Folks, we've begun our descent to Los Angeles, 各位乘客我们就要在洛杉矶降落了where the current weather is a beautiful 72 degrees. 当前气温适中 22摄氏度Is that a typo? 那是打错了吗Sorry? 什么The "Why" is spelled wrong. "未知"俩字拼反了It's a kind of make-believe. 这是编造出来的Good? 好看吗There's a robot, I guess. 讲的是一个机器人吧And he's wandering, looking for... 他到处流浪寻找...I'm not sure, the meaning of life, I guess. 我也不清楚寻找生命的意义吧That. Yeah. 这样啊I know how he feels. 我了解他的感受This is my sixth flight this week. 我这周已经飞了六次了Isn't it Tuesday? 今天不是才周二吗Yeah. 是啊You know, in the beginning, 我们在生命之初时we swam, then we crawled, 游在羊水中出生后爬着走then walked, then ran, 慢慢学会了走路后来又学会跑了and now... 而现在...and now... 这是一个真实的故事and now... 故事发生在2010年的洛杉矶and now... 按照幸存者的要求使用了化名除此之外故事未做任何改动出于对逝者的尊重科幻作家获得金星球奖洛杉矶科幻作家获得金星球奖科幻作家获得金星球奖科幻作家获得金星球奖冰血暴第三季第三集Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐Are you here for the convention of Santa Claus? 你是来参加圣诞老人大会吗Why do you... 你怎么会...No. I'm not. 我不是By the hour then, or... 你是开钟点房还是...- What? - Nothing. -什么 -没什么Single room, one night? 单人房一晚吗I'm not sure how long I'll be here. 我不知道要在这里待多久Room 203. Very nice room. Very nice. 203房非常不错的房间特别好It's got air conditioning. You can smell the ocean. 有空调能闻到大海的味道There's a view? 能看到海景吗No. There's a smell. At low tide. 不在退潮时能闻到海水味What the heck? 搞什么Stop! 站住Stop! 站住Red Honda. I got the plate number. 红色本田我记下了车牌号Yeah, that'll help. 这能用得上So, what'd he look like, the, uh, bag thief? 所以那个偷包贼长什么样Kinda older white male, 5'9". 有点老的白人男性 1米75Uh, green pants. 穿绿裤子Green, what do you... Elf pants. 绿色的怎么说呢...精灵裤子吧They're having a Santa conference. 他们在开圣诞老人大会Not sure why they chose here. 不知道为什么选在这开Any valuables in the bag? 包里有贵重物品吗Not really. Mostly flannel. 没有主要是法兰绒衣服Think I'll get it back? 你觉得我能找得回来吗I wouldn't hold your breath. 希望不太大Hey, while I got you, I got some info I need run. 趁你在这我正好要查些信息Oh, yeah, we don't do that. 我们不负责那个的Sorry, I should've clarified. I'm law enforcement also, 抱歉我该表明身份的我也是执法人员up Minnesota. 明尼苏达州来的Minnesota? 明尼苏达吗Exactly. Eden Valley. I'm Chief. 没错我是伊登谷警长Or I was Chief. Or, no, I still am. Anyway... 或者说曾经是不对现在还是总之I thought in the spirit of intercollegial understanding... 本着同行间的理解...See, I'm in town looking into a homicide, 我是来城里调查一桩凶杀案的and the victim spent some time here, back in the '70s. 死者70年代在这生活过一段时间Right. Okay, I'll tell you what. 行这样吧The plate number checks out, I'll come find you. 等查到车牌我就来找你Maybe even bring that suitcase. 或许还把箱子一起带来Hi, Mom. 妈妈Hey, sport. How's your dad's place? 孩子在你爸家住得还好吗Good. 还行Dale got me an Xbox. 戴尔给我买了台XboxThat was gonna be your Christmas present. 那本来是你的圣诞节礼物的I know. But he said sometimes 我知道但他说有时候it's good to have an everyday present. 收到一件日常礼物也不错Haven't heard that one. 我还没听说过呢I'll have to tell Santa to take it off the list. 那我得叫圣诞老人删掉它了Mom, there's... There's no such thing as Santa. 妈妈世界上没有圣诞老人这回事There's not? I can see about nine of 'em 没有吗我怎么站在窗边from my window right at this very... 能看到大概九个...Mom... 妈妈Eat your vegetables, okay? 记得吃蔬菜好吗Okay. 好Where are you again? 你在哪里来着I'm in Hollywood, California. 我在加州好莱坞Trying to figure out what happened to your grandfather. 想弄清楚你外公的事But he wasn't even really my grandfather, they said. 但他们说他不算我的外公Just married to Grandma for a while. 只是和外婆结过几年婚Well, he was something to somebody. 那也总是有人在乎他的No games till your homework's done, promise? 记得写完作业再玩游戏你保证Promise. 我保证Okay, then. Love you. 好爱你Put Donny on. 让唐尼接电话吧Okay. Bye, Mom. 好再见妈妈Hey, Chief. 警长Town still there? 镇子还在吧How do you mean? 什么意思Oh, Chief, new chief's real angry. 对了警长新警长特别生气Said you didn't have permission to go. 说你未经批准就走了Said county's not gonna pay for the trip. 县里不会报销你差旅费的I never asked 'em to. 我也没要他们报Well, he wants you to come back. 他想让你回来Found the motel from the photo. 我找到了照片里的旅馆Got a lead on this actress I think, Vivian Lord, her whereabouts.还有那个演员薇薇安·洛德的下落So, what do you want me to tell the new chief? 那你要我怎么跟新警长说Tell him I saw the ocean and it was wet. 说我看到了大海特别潮I don't know. 我不知道That all, hon? 还要什么吗亲爱的Actually, I'm looking for Vivian. 其实我在找薇薇安Viv! 小薇Ms. Lord? 洛德女士吗I'm Chief Burgle. Gloria. 我是格洛丽亚·伯格警长With the Eden Valley Police, up Minnesota. 明尼苏达州伊登谷警察局Okay if I ask you a few questions? 能问你几个问题吗Never been to Minnesota. 我从没去过明尼苏达州No, I know, it's not about... This won't take long. 我知道这不是... 不会花太久Did you know a fella, Thaddeus Mobley, a writer? 你认识一个叫赛迪斯·莫布里的作家吗Would've been about 35 or so years ago, 大概35年多前的事了here in Los Angeles. 在洛杉矶No, it's not a very clear time for me. 不我记不大清那年代Which? 什么时候The '70s. 70年代But you knew him? 但你认识他吗He had this in his... 他把这个放在in a box, so I'm thinking you must've known him pretty well. 一个盒子里所以我想你一定跟他很熟Honey, 亲爱的you know how many walls I'm on in this town? 你知道这城市里有多少墙上挂着我的照片吗Homicide's the thing, with him the victim. 出了凶杀案他是死者So, it matters. 所以这很重要Look, what's your name? 听着你叫什么Gloria. 格洛丽亚Gloria. 格洛丽亚I'm 29 years sober. Long time. 我戒瘾29年了时间很久Before that, I wasn't. 在那之前我醉醺醺的So, even if I knew this guy, 所以即使我认识这个人it's basically nothing but a dream. 过去对我来说也不过是场梦Is there anyone else I can talk to? 我还能找谁谈谈吗I'm not a snitch. 我不会告密No. That's not... 不不是...For information, I'm saying. 我想问问信息See, he was my stepdad. Sort of, for a time. 他是我继父算是吧曾一度是And my son, not that that matters... 而我儿子倒不是说有什么关系A homicide is a homicide, but still, the personal angle. 凶杀案就是凶杀案但依然有个人感情在My order's up. 我该去送餐了Sure. Well, I'm at the Hollywood Premiere Motel. 好我住在好莱坞首映旅馆If you change your mind, give me a call. 如果你改主意了给我打个电话If you change your mind, give me a call. 叫什么来着[巧克力棒]亨特警官行李箱空了乐观点吧Officer Hunt? 亨特警官- Gloria, right? - Yeah. -格洛丽亚对吧 -对Yeah, pop a squat. 好坐吧Can I get two beers? 来两瓶啤酒You want two beers? 你要两瓶啤酒吗Think I'll just have a diet pop. 我来杯无糖汽水吧"Diet pop." 无糖汽水You're... You're too much. 真受不了你Hey, so after we talked, I tried, uh... 我们聊天之后我试着I tried to friend you on Facebook. 我试着在脸书网上加你好友I don't use that. 我不用那个Really? You don't use Facebook? 真的吗你不用脸书网You're kidding me. Everybody's on Facebook. It's Facebook. 你逗我吧人人都用脸书网是脸书网啊Could you stop saying "Facebook"? 你能别说"脸书网"了吗I got 352 friends. 我有352个好友Most of 'em I don't even know. 大部分我都不认识But... Oh, and this one time, I met this chick, 但是有一次我遇见一个小妞she was smoking hot. 她非常性感Then she turned out to be 结果后来我发现她是个a Nigerian man who wanted money. 想讹钱的尼日利亚男人But, uh... 不过I live in a small town. 我住在一个小镇You gotta be on Facebook, though. 但你一定要用脸书网You know, 'cause it's like a small town. 因为那就像一个小镇Only online. 不过是在网上的You know, so you check in, you can post photos. 你登录以后可以发照片You know, connect? Right? 'Cause who has time for... 联络感情对吧因为谁有时间... Yeah. 是啊I'll, uh, check that out. 我会看看的Yeah! 好的Yeah. 好的So, did you find anything? 你查到什么了吗About when I called before, 就是我之前打电话asked you to look up that fella, Thaddeus Mobley, 让你查70年代住在这里的lived here in the 1970s? 赛迪斯·莫布里Right. Yes. No, of course. Yeah, I... I checked on that. 对当然了我查了Nothing came up. 没结果So, he was, what? Like, your dad? 他是你的...爸爸吗Sorta. 差不多You're a real chatterbox, huh? 你真是个话匣子对吧I can't get a word in edgewise with you. 我根本插不上话啊Good thing you're so hot! 还好你很辣Charm police? 魅力警察I got a major felon right here. 这里有个重罪犯I'm only teasing you, though. 我只是在调笑你You don't got teasing in Minnesota? 在明尼苏达没人调笑你吗I don't sound like that, do I? 我的口音不是那样的对吧I mean, yeah. 是啊Look, uh, I'm just... I'm just kidding with you. 我只是... 我只是和你开玩笑Can you relax? Maybe have a beer. 你能放松点吗喝杯啤酒吧I gotta go drop the kids off at the pool. 我得送孩子下水池了- You got kids? - I gotta take a shit. -你有孩子了 -我指去拉屎You again. 又见面了Six flights before Tuesday? 周二前飞了六次航班Right. What are the odds? 对怎么会这么巧I never asked. 我没问过- Paul Marrane. - Uh, Gloria Burgle. -保罗·马瑞尼 -格洛丽亚·伯格What do you do, Gloria? 你做什么工作格洛丽亚I'm in law enforcement. 在执法机关工作- Like the police? - Exactly. -像警察吗 -正是I'm Chief in Eden Valley. Or, was Chief. 我是伊登谷的警长曾经是We're being swallowed by the county, 我们被县警局合并了so hierarchy's a little unclear at present. 所以人员等级现在还不明确Married or divorced? 结婚了还是离婚了I'm sorry? 什么Your finger. 你的手指You used to wear a ring. Now you don't. 你戴过戒指现在摘了Divorced. Or, not yet, but... 离婚了或者说还没但...Anyway... 反正就那样Before he goes off to war, 在去打仗之前a soldier gives his wife a bill of divorce. 一个士兵给他的妻子一份休书He says, "Dear, this is your bill of divorce. 他说"亲爱的这是你的休书"If I don't return within 12 months, 如果我一年后没回来"it becomes effective from this moment onward." 就从此时开始生效" Meaning that, if he dies, 也就是说如果他死了they've been divorced the whole time he was gone. 他走了之后他们就离婚了If he returns, they were always married. 如果他回来了他们就还是夫妻That's like a... Ah, what do you... 那...就像是...I'm my own grandpa. 《我是我祖父》里唱的那样Which means, if you really think about it, 也就是说如果认真想想for the entire year, she was married and divorced. 那一年时间内她既是结婚的又是离婚的状态Well, we got a hearing next month, 下个月我们有听证会so, probably won't have to wait that long. 所以可能不用等那么久Good. 很好All right, keep walking, dipshit. This one's mine. 好了走开混球这女人是我的Uh, no. That's not... We know each other. 不不是我们认识对方All right. 好吧Look, I'm just gonna cut to the chase here, gorgeous. 我就直说了吧美女Am I getting laid tonight or what? 今晚到底睡不睡我What. 不睡Cool. Thanks for the beer. 好谢谢你请的啤酒Cool. Thanks for the beer. 好莱坞首映旅馆达米克警长伯格女士"From small beginnings, big things arise," "大事都是从小细节开始的"thought the Android Minsky. 机器人明斯基想"Energy became matter, matter became life. "能量形成物质物质成为生命"Bacteria to amoeba, amoeba to amphibian, 细菌变成阿米巴虫阿米巴虫成为两栖动物"Amphibian to man. 两栖动物成为人类"Living and dying in numbers too large to calculate." 生生死死的数量不计其数" Orphaned and alone, 独自一人孤独寂寞he traveled the Earth as centuries passed. 他在地球上游历了几个世纪Millennia. A being in search of meaning. 千年过去他依然是一个寻找意义的存在Each century, he would have to stop and recharge. 每过一个世纪他就要停下来充电In those hours he was vulnerable to attack. 充电时的他面对攻击是非常脆弱的Hold him still! 按住他- I can help! - Watch him. -我能帮忙 -看着他I can help! 我能帮忙I'm looking for information on a writer. 我在打听一个作家的信息He would've worked here in the '70s. 他70年代时可能在这里工作- Union? - Uh, pardon? -协会吗 -什么Was he in the union? 他之前在协会里吗I don't know. He wrote books mostly. 我不知道他主要是写书The Writer's Guild doesn't represent book writers. 作家协会不代表写书人的利益Well, that seems like an oversight. 听上去像是个疏忽Name? 名字Uh, Gloria Burgle. 格洛丽亚·伯格- His name is Gloria... - No. Sorry. That's my name. -他叫格洛丽亚... -抱歉那是我名字He was Thaddeus Mobley. 他叫赛迪斯·莫布里Wait here. 在这等着Wait here. 美国作家协会Wait here. 《未知星球》Wait here. 编剧赛迪斯·莫布里Wait here. 制片人霍华德·齐默曼Howard, there's someone here to see you. 霍华德有人来看你了Gladys? 格拉迪丝No, Mr. Zimmerman, it's... I'm Gloria Burgle. 不齐默曼先生我是格洛丽亚·伯格I'm sorry, could you repeat that? 抱歉您能重复一遍吗I'm sorry, could you repeat that? 我说I'm sorry, could you repeat that? 你们这些人还不明白吗I'm sorry, could you repeat that? 我只信仰哈巴德I'm a police officer. 我是名警察I'm a police officer. 警察I'm a police officer. 谁找的警察I had a few questions for you about 我有几个问题是关于a writer you worked with back in 1975. 1975年和您共事的一位作家Thaddeus Mobley. 赛迪斯·莫布里Thaddeus Mobley. 没听说过He wrote a script for you called The Planet Wyh, 他给你写了部剧本《未知星球》a science fiction film? 一部科幻电影And, well, he was the victim of some malfeasance recently,他最近成为了一起非法案件的死者and I'm just trying to connect the dots here. 我想弄清其中的联系I know he was writing a movie for you, 我知道他给你写了个电影剧本and then, I don't know, something happened. 然后发生了什么事and then, I don't know, something happened. 发生了什么and then, I don't know, something happened. 你说得太对了and then, I don't know, something happened. 他搞砸了and then, I don't know, something happened. 他是个失败者and then, I don't know, something happened. 我问你and then, I don't know, something happened. 你了解科学吗Do I know about... 我了解...Do I know about... 科学Do I know about... 有这样一种物质Do I know about... 已经证实了Do I know about... 他们称其为"量子"什么的Do I know about... 声称我们都只是微粒Do I know about... 我们漂浮在空中Do I know about... 在太空中游离Do I know about... 没人说得清我们在哪儿Do I know about... 时不时地Do I know about... 嘭Do I know about... 我们相互碰撞Do I know about... 突然之间Do I know about... 有那么一分钟Do I know about... 我们成了真实的存在Do I know about... 然后...Do I know about... 我们再次游离Do I know about... 好像我们压根不存在一样Do I know about... 我过去以为...Do I know about... 这是有意义的Do I know about... 这些碰撞Do I know about... 我们发现的这些人And now? 现在呢And now? 那就...And now? 慢走不送了Excuse me. 打扰下Uh, I'm... Does anybody else visit Mr. Zimmerman? 还有别人来探望齐默曼先生吗He mentioned a woman named Gladys. 他提到一个叫格拉迪丝的女人She died. 她死了He's been here a long time, since the accident. 事故发生后他在这待了好久了Say more about that. 再详细说说I don't know. It's before my time. 我也不清楚那时候我还没来But what I heard is 但我听说they thought he was gonna be a vegetable, 他受了很严重的伤大家都以为he was messed up so bad. 他要成植物人了Time for your bath. 该洗澡了Though his sensors recorded the data, 尽管它的传感器记录下了数据the numbers had become meaningless. 这些数字已变得毫无意义From his remove, 在移居的过程中he watched civilizations rise and fall. 他见证了文明的兴起与衰落Hope became despair, became hope, became despair. 希望变成了绝望如此反复From time to time, the technology existed 现有的技术偶尔会to send word back to his home world. 将消息送回他的母星But by now, there was no one left to respond. 但到如今已经没有人能回复了I can help! 我能帮忙And then, one day, something happened. 然后有一天发生了一件事I can help! 我能帮忙I can help! 请打给薇薇安·洛德Come on. 快开门You should've called, baby. I got company. 你应该打电话的宝贝我这有人You got any coke? 你有可卡因吗It's just, I got nothing. 我一无所有了They're gonna kick me out of the motel soon, and I just... 我马上就要被他们赶出旅馆了我... Thaddeus, my boy. 赛迪斯孩子¿Cómo estás? 你好吗Why is he here? 他怎么在这What... What are you... 你在这干什么...You're not gonna cry, are you? 你不会哭鼻子吧What? No! 什么当然不会Of course he's not gonna cry. 他当然不会哭Thaddeus is a big boy. He's seen the world. 赛迪斯是个见过世面的大男孩了I want my money! 我要我的钱Well, certainly. Of course you do. 当然你想要你的钱And, by rights, you should have it. 而且按理说也应该还你But I'm afraid the rather unfortunate fact of the matter is, 但我恐怕要告诉你这个不幸的消息it's all gone. 钱都没了What... What? 什...什么Told you he's crying. 说了他在哭鼻子I... I'm not crying. 我没有在哭Listen to me. Bubee, relax. 听我说朋友放松I understand. These are hard lessons. 我理解这是惨痛的教训But you know what? 但你知道吗You're gonna thank us one day. 总有一天你会谢谢我们的Us? What... I... "我们" 什么... 我- I thought we were... - What? -我还以为我们... -什么In love? 相爱吗I used you, asshole. Don't you get it? 我利用了你蠢货你难道不明白吗Harsh. Too harsh, my love. 残忍太残忍了亲爱的Let the boy down easy. 给这孩子一点面子Can't you see he has a genuine fondness for you? 你难道没看出来他是真心喜欢你吗You know, just shut up. I... I need to think. 闭嘴让我思考一下What? You need it in Braille? 想什么是要给你盲文才能懂吗Nobody asked you to come here 没人要你到这来with your stupid face and your sad eyes. 一副可怜兮兮的傻样子Love. 吾爱You're a piggy bank. 你就是个存钱罐You know what? 你知道吗I think it's probably best if you were to go. 你最好离开这里I mean, she's obviously quite upset. 她显然心情很不好Don't touch me! 别碰我Kid, relax. 孩子放轻松Come on. It's fine. 别这样没关系的I mean, you got played, that's all. 你只是被耍了仅此而已You're young. Believe me, you're gonna get over it. 你还年轻相信我你会克服的And you know what? The truth of the matter is, 而且你知道吗事实的真相是we did you a favor. 我们帮了你一个忙It's a hard, hard world out there. 外面的世界非常残酷You need to develop a tougher shell, my friend. 你得变得更加坚强伙计Jesus, Howie. Just get rid of him already. 老天霍伊直接赶走他吧- No! - Kid. -不 -孩子No. 不- Kid. - No. -孩子 -不No! 不Everybody's got a role to play. 每个人都有自己的使命Yours is to cough up the cheddar and then screw. 你的使命就是掏钱然后滚蛋You understand? 明白吗I don't hear you. 我没听见Yes! 明白You see that? 看到没Turns out he's reasonable. He's really a nice kid. 他还是讲道理的是个好孩子Stop! 别打了You're a bad person! 你是个坏人I never saw him again. 我再没见过他So, that was the accident. 所以这就是那场事故Zimmerman. You conned him. 齐默曼你们骗了他Did he... Do you think Zimmerman would have... 他是不是你觉得齐默曼会不会Maybe he wanted revenge and he hired someone, or he... 也许他想报仇雇了一个人什么的No. 不It's just a story. 这只是往事None of this has anything to do with... 这一切都跟案子没关系Okay. 好吧He was right. 他说得对I am a bad person. 我是个坏人Yet he wasn't so good either. 但他也不是好人Okay. 好吧赛迪斯·莫布里 1975年奇点奖最佳科幻小说Shit. 该死Shit. 恩尼斯·斯塔西Shit. 恩尼斯·斯塔西Okay, folks, in a few minutes, 好吧伙计们几分钟后we'll be beginning our descent into Minneapolis-Saint Paul 我们将降落在明尼阿波利斯-圣保罗where the temperature is a balmy 23 degrees. 外面的温度是宜人的零下5度Unit M-N-S-K-Y. M-N-S-K-Y单位I can help! 我能帮忙We, the Federation of United Planets, 我们星际联邦want to honor you for your service. 想纪念你的服务We downloaded your data recorder 我们下载了你的数据记录器and found that you have been functional 发现你已经运行了for 2.38 million years. 两百三十八万年We believe this makes you the oldest sentient being 这让你成为了宇宙史中in the history of the universe. 最年长的有感知的存在You have seen the birth of planets, 你见证过行星的诞生the death of worlds. 世界的毁灭You have ridden on the tail of a comet, 你乘坐过彗尾have journeyed to the heart of the sun. 去过太阳中心Your data will help us 你的数据会帮助我们decode the very fabric of the universe. 破译宇宙的构造I can help! 我能帮忙You have helped, my metal friend. 你帮了忙我的金属朋友But now your service is complete. 但现在你的服务完成了It is time to shut yourself down. 你该关闭自己了I can help! 我能帮忙I can help! 伊登谷殡仪馆Arby's? 去阿比家吗Okay. 好You just appear every time a person says Arby's? 每次有人说阿比家时你就会出现吗Oh, are you guys going for Arby's? 你们要去阿比家吗Maybe. 也许吧Chief. Old Chief... 警长老警长You gotta stop calling me that. 你得别这样叫我了Sorry. Just... Got a call on the radio. 抱歉我收到了无线电消息They've pulled some prints from Ennis'. 他们在恩尼斯家搜集了一些指纹- Oh, yeah? - Yeah. -是吗 -是啊Ran it through the... What do you... Database? 在那玩意儿数据库中查找过了- Got a match. - You don't say. -有匹配 -不是吧Yeah. Maurice LeFay. 是的莫里斯·勒费Now, that don't sound Russian, 这听起来不像是俄罗斯人的名字but I showed his photo to Earl, and he was like, 但我把他的照片给厄尔看了他说"Yeah, that's our man," So, out of, uh, St. Cloud. 对就是他是圣克劳德人Well, now, what do you know. 真是惊喜We should maybe drive up there after Arby's. 去阿比家之后也许我们该开车去那里Dead, apparently. 显然死了The... Who? 谁Suspect. LeFay. 嫌疑犯勒费Some kinda freak accident. 出了场奇怪的事故Air conditioner fell on him, just... 一台空调砸到了他身上Like a pancake. 像是煎饼一样And him on parole for some pretty nasty stuff, too. 他因为犯了一些重罪处于假释期Not in front of the boy. 别在孩子面前说- Mom, I'm old enough. - Not even close. -妈妈我够大了 -差得远An air conditioner, in winter? 冬天里的空调吗That's what I thought. 我也是这么想的Well, if he's dead, I don't suppose 如果他死了我想he's going anywhere. 他哪儿也去不了Probably we should have a milkshake, 也许我们喝杯奶昔maybe some curly fries, ponder all future moves. 吃点炸薯圈考虑接下来的行动We may solve this thing yet. 我们也许能破案。
新视野大学英语第三版 unit 4 section A 词汇讲解

Zheng He’s voyages to the Western Seas were a great feat in the world’s navigation history. It showed Zheng He’s outstanding navigation and organization talents; meanwhile, it exhibited the national strength and prestige of the Ming Dynasty, and strengthened the relationships between the Ming Dynasty and the overseas countries.
9. commitment My commitment to study has made me the most successful person in my small town. 我在学习上的投入使我成为我们小镇上最成功 的人。
We made a commitment to keep working together. 我们承诺继续合作。 10. personnel
6. humanity Much of his fortune was to be used go give prizes to those who did their best for humanity. 他的很大一部分财产将被用来奖励那些尽最大 努力为人类做出贡献的人。 Her speech showed great maturity and humanity. 她的演讲思想高度成熟,并且洋溢着博爱精神。
14. fulfill fulfill one’s promise 履行诺言

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<font color=#DB>Boardwalk Empire Season Episode </font>
{\a}New York City
- Blood pouring out of her. - Really?
And she staring right at me, close as you are now.
- I didn't know what to do. - What could you do?
At least she was in the hospital.
Effective immediately, I'll be exporting exclusively to Mr. Rothstein.
谢谢您 White 夫人 White 先生
This is a business decision, Mr. Rosetti.
Rothstein 先生将是我的唯一销售伙伴 即刻生效
你不能对他指手划脚 太多条条框框 而且 Munya 那事 更能说明问题 他怎么了 被人爆头而已 可那是谁干的? 为何杀他? 好大的一个疑团哦 所以不要对他耍横 但他是这么吩咐我的 "去接我弟弟 让他做好准备" 你他妈又在说啥鬼话呢?
But who? Why? Big question mark. So nobody just walks in. But he told me, "Go fetch my brother. Get him set up." What the fuck are you babbling about? You... work for me. Doing what? Well, that's my decision, ain't it? Eli. Come on, now. Don't be a jaboney. What are you gonna do? There's no one else coming for you. Got you some joe. Hot enough? 'Cause I...

第一季第二集神盾局特工第一季第二集神盾616号请确认航线S.H.I.E.L.D. 6-1-6, you have course confirmation.可以航向"弹弓"发射基地You are cleared direct to the Slingshot.科尔森特工情况一切正常吗Agent Coulson, everything all right up there?听说你们在地面上遇到了点麻烦We heard you had a little dustup on the ground.我们没问题Yeah, we're all good.从现在起天空会一片晴朗It's gonna be blue skies from here on out.机身破损爆炸减压科尔森撑住Coulson! Hang on!19小时前不许开出去兜风听到没Hey, no joy rides, okay?那可是我的家That's my house.他们哪来的这些小玩意啊Where do they think of this stuff?斯凯吗她做不了神盾局特工Skye? Girl's not qualified to be a s.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. 同意Agreed.所以我请她来做顾问That's why I've invited her on as a consultant.这种事在神盾局屡见不鲜S.H.I.E.L.D. does it all the time.其实斯塔克也算是顾问呢Technically, Stark's a consultant.其实斯凯还是涨潮组织的成员呢And technically, Skye's a member of the Rising Tide. 她破解了我们的RSA加密系统She hacked our RSA implementation --两次还是用笔记本Twice. From a laptop.如果有了我们的资源想想她能做多少事Imagine what she'll do with our resources.I am.就因为我想到了所以我不同意That's exactly what I'm imagining during this frown.你找我来是评估风险You brought me on for risk assessment.她就是个风险She's a risk.她不会像我们那样思考问题She doesn't think like us.没错Exactly.科尔森特工都告诉我们了Oh, Agent Coulson told us the news.真是太棒了What a wonderful surprise.#NAME?- Isn't it, Fitz? - Yeah.#NAME?- No, it's wonderful. - Yeah, a surprise.你一定很激动吧You must be very excited.是啊就像第一天上学Yep, first day of school.好吧那么借过好的Okay, so... just -- sorry. Yeah.空客上已经有两个不能打斗的孩子了We have two kids on this bus who aren't cleared for combat. 你现在又找来一个You're adding a third.至少菲兹-西蒙斯是受过训练的神盾科研人员At least Fitz-Simmons are trained s.H.I.E.L.D. scientists.斯凯算什么But Skye?你还说这支队伍是精心挑选的You said this was a select team.是为应对新的危机保护人民而组建Assembled to work new cases, to protect people.我实在不明白找个黑客跟来...I don't see how letting some hacker tag along --你们的反应我都料到了I'm looking for an objection I haven't already anticipated.这事我已经决定了I'm calling this.但是你的异议会留有记录But your frown will be on record.我们接到命令前去调查一个084We've been called in to investigate an 0-8-4.我们都知道那是什么意思We all know what that means.是的Yes, we do.就是我们不知道那是什么东西的意思It means we don't know what that means.官方说法叫做空中移动指挥站Officially, it's an airborne mobile command station.但我们管它叫"空客"[空中客车]But we call it the bus.出外勤的时候起名字都是越短越好We find it best to use shorthand when in the field.干什么都是这样的But everything has to be just so, you know,因为任务的危险性because of the danger.是啊我之前来过这儿的Yeah, I've been up here before,可惜没看到什么but I didn't see much因为沃德特工给我头上套了个袋子because of the bag that Agent Ward put over my head. 是啊那事真是抱歉Yes, so sorry about that.喝水吗Water?两分钟后起飞坐稳别抽风Wheels up in two. Lock it or lose it.什么意思What's that mean?现在后悔也晚了No backing out now.我们给客人找个床位吧Let's find a bunk for our guest.只剩下一个了Oh, oh, yeah, there's only one left,就在我的旁边and it's right next to mine.抱歉你来...Sorry. You can...我知道我们之前...Hey. I know we didn't really --好好看看吧Might want to read that.这可不是普通的飞机This isn't like other planes.可不是嘛You can say that again.你说什么Say what again?好棒的飞机Sweet ride.纽约之战前我负伤了I earned a little goodwill from Director Fury所以弗瑞局长善心大发when I got hit right before the battle of New York. 你中枪啦You took a bullet?差不多Ish.有个阿斯加德人用奇塔瑞的权杖An Asgardian stabbed me through the heart刺穿了我的心脏with a Chitauri scepter.不过效果相似The effect was similar.休了几周假还混到架飞机Got a few weeks' R&R and this plane.做了彻底翻修Had it completely refurbished.进行了加固一点没浪费经费Studs up -- spared no expense.是啊沃德特工说他们送你去了塔希提岛Yeah, Agent Ward told me they sent you to Tahiti. 那是个神奇的地方It's a magical place.你说过了You mentioned that.来Here.放个杯垫Use a coaster.系好安全带Buckle up.我都不知道我们要去哪I don't even know where we're going.秘鲁084是在那里发现的Peru. That's where the 0-8-4 was reported.084代表...And an 0-8-4 is...?来源不明的物体An object of unknown origin.跟你挺像的Kind of like you.我们过去确定物体是否有用Team goes in, determines if it's useful或者是否构成威胁or if it poses a threat.上次我们发现的084还挺有意思呢Last one turned out to be pretty interesting.上次找到的是什么And what was the last one?锤子[雷神]A hammer.秘鲁雅克塔帕特印加考古发掘现场往回40米有轮胎印Tire tracks 40 meters back.我去查查是不是这儿的车I'll check them against the site's trucks --确保没有别人来掺和Make sure we're alone.这里太暴露了Too much exposure here.我去找个僻静的地方停车I'm gonna find a place to park.我真太想看到野生的僧帽猴了I would love to see a capuchin in the wild.或许还能看到黄尾绒毛猴Maybe even a yellow-tailed woolly monkey.要知道秘鲁有32种猴子呢You know, um, Peru has 32 different species of monkey. 是啊还有近两百种蛇Yeah, and close to 200 species of snakes.南美巨蝮的毒液十分厉害The shushupe has a fascinating ven-- venom.含有神经毒素能水解蛋白还能溶血It's neurotoxic, proteolytic, and hemolytic.真是够厉害的That's fascinating.是啊Yeah.别怕啊其实地震啊什么的更可怕No, I'd be much more concerned with earthquakes, mala-- 登革热是没有疫苗的哦There's no vaccine for dengue fever.快瞧瞧啊Oh, look at this.如果这个084有危险我们应该We should warn the people who live around here警告附近的居民if the 0-8-4 is dangerous.他们已经需要应付反对挖矿的反抗军They're already dealing with anti-mining rebels和秘鲁游击队的野蛮人了and the Shining Path guerillas.我可以发点什么I could post something.还记得那次反物质流星在迈阿密海岸边陨落Remember the panic when that anti-matter meteor差点毁了整座城市时splashed down just off the coast of Miami,#NAME?#NAME?没错因为我们封锁了消息控制了局面Precisely. Because we kept it quiet and contained.那我来干什么So, what am I doing?如果消息泄露出去Well, if it gets out,我可能需要你转移大众的视线I might need you to create some kind of diversion,让大家关注别的去put the public on the wrong scent.就是说做我最反对做的事So everything that I'm against.没错Yep.早啊教授Good morning, professor.我是神盾局的科尔森特工I'm Agent Coulson with S.H.I.E.L.D.听说你发现了一样有趣的东西I understand you've made an interesting discovery.我都不知道该如何解释I-I'm not sure how to explain it.这座神庙至少有五百年历史了This temple dates back at least 500 years.里面全是印加时代以前的文物It's filled with pre-Incan artifacts.而其中一样东西根本不该出现One of them is impossible而且看样子可能有危险and looks like it might be dangerous.我们就是为这个来的Well, that's why we're here.小心Watch out.原封未动Exactly as we found it.还有谁知道Who else knows about this?只有当地政府Just the ministry.是他们联系了你们吧I believe they are the ones who contacted you.先生请你和你的团队撤离现场Sir, I need you and your team to evacuate the site直到我们确定此物件的危险性until we determine the risk associated with this object. 别去动他Leave the man alone.瞌睡虫出于你自身的安全考虑Now -- for your own safety.完全没有人在谈论这东西Nothing about this anywhere.真不可思议It's amazing.我搜索了每一个数据流I searched every data stream.什么情况啊What do you got here, guys?小心啊你还是...别碰了Whoa, car-- uh, careful. I-I -- no, wouldn't do that.不明物体嵌在化石岩层中The object's placement in fossiliferous rock formations所以它应该至少在那儿待了一千五百年了suggests it's been here for at least 1,500 years.那可比神庙的历史长一千年呢That pre-dates this temple by a millennium.或许是外星来的Ah! Maybe it's alien.或许吧但是从外形和制造工艺来看Yeah, but the shape and the craftsmanship --很像是德国制造的it's almost German.轮胎印跟教授的一样Tires match the prof's truck.你的配枪呢Where's your sidearm?我要是需要用枪就会去夺一把来If I need a gun, I'll take one.是啊都忘了你是"铁骑"Right. Forgot I was working with "the cavalry."不许再那么说Don't ever call me that.抱歉Apologies.我听说过你的事迹I've heard the stories --巴林岛的事那次行动的事what went down in in Bahrain, about you in action.科尔森让你回归真是明智之举You know, it was smart of Coulson to pull you out of retirement. 有个值得信任的朋友互相照应真的很好It's nice to have a trusted friend who has your back.你该多带两把枪的Should have taken more guns.#NAME?#NAME?外面有情况We have a situation.这一带有很多反抗军Lots of rebels in this area.反抗军动静不会这么小Not enough gunfire.你们继续我就来Keep working. I'm on my way.早上好我是科尔森特工Buenos dias. Soy Agente Coulson.我们是为一起牵扯到国际安全的事件而来Estamos aqui por un asunto de la seguridad internacional. 菲利普Phillip?卡米拉Camilla?让他们放下枪好吗Do you mind?你先请After you.现在我们要好好打个招呼了And now for a proper hello.升职做指挥官了啊恭喜啊Comandante -- a promotion. Congratulations.三年前的事了不过还是谢谢你Three years ago. But thank you.梅琳达·梅特工格兰特·沃德特工Agent Melinda May, agent Grant Ward,这位是卡米拉·雷耶斯指挥官This is comandante Camilla Reyes.她是秘鲁军警的She's with the police militar del Peru.我们一起共事过We used to work together back in the day.告诉大家一切都好Let the team know everything's okay.我知道你们在秘鲁领土上找到了奇怪的物件I know you've found a strange object on Peruvian soil.我们应该谈谈怎么处理这件事We should have a conversation about how to proceed.当然Of course.但是084不归发现国所属But an 0-8-4 supercedes all national claims.你看起来不错You look good.是啊人家会健身的Yeah, I work out.来我给你看点东西Come, let me show you something.你看到了吗它是活的Are you seeing this? It's alive.你是说生死那种活着吗Wha-- alive live?它有运行正常的能量源It has a functioning power source.瞌睡虫读取到了放射性核素数据Sleepy's reading radionuclides,但它们跟任何已知同位素都不匹配but they don't match any known isotope.我这里得到暂时性匹配但数值一直在变I get temporal matches, but even then, they seem to shift. 那可能吗Is that even possible?那得取决于暂时性无线电之类的变化[不懂装懂中] Depends on the shifting of the temporal radio stuff,很奇怪不是吗It's totally weird, right?我去找科尔森I'm gonna go check on Coulson.我们有伴儿了国家警察来了We've got company. National police.#NAME?#NAME?他们听说物件了They heard about this object.他们应该是来保护物件的They're probably here to protect it.这个区域有不少反抗军起义This area has lots of rebel uprisings.是啊人民在反抗Yeah, people are fighting back政府的采矿政策against the government's mining policies.很赞的It's pretty kick-ass.是啊这种暴力行为是很赞Yeah, it's kick-ass, all the violence.我不是那个意思That's not what I'm saying.对你是那么写的No, it's what you're typing.在你的货车里一个人安安全全的In your van, alone -- where it's safe.还要多久How much longer?#NAME?- What's the hurry? - Are we in danger?每个人都干好本职工作就不会Not if everyone does their job.你的职责到底是什么What is yours, exactly?这种可可来自秘鲁的一个秘密村庄The cacao is from a secret valley in Peru.很特别Very special.世界上最好的巧克力The best chocolate in the world.再多放点糖就好了Could use some sugar.美国人Americans.你知道的卡米拉我这人很简单You know me, Camilla. I'm a pretty simple guy.你上次来这里执行任务可一点都不简单There was nothing simple about your last mission here.那时我有贵人相助I had some great help.我们没法留住那个物件是吗There isn't any chance we get to keep the device, is there? 这不是我能决定的It's not mine to give,但我们肯定能找到一种体面的解决方式but I'm sure we can find a way to resolve this respectfully 可以给贵国...in a way that gives your coun--#NAME?#NAME?看样子他们跟反抗军交手了Sounds like they're engaging with the rebels.我们走吧Let's go.他们来了快走They're coming for it. Move!不不行不行No. No, no, no, no, no.#NAME?- It doesn't matter. - It does to me!还是让我们来弄吧Please, let us do this.我们需要密闭容器携带084We need a containment case for the 0-8-4.There's no time.但它有一个波动的能源核But it has a fluctuating power core --频率在10兆赫以上frequencies way above 10 exahertz.抱歉科学课结束Sorry. Science class is over.等等等下Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait.你怎么能直接把它从墙上拔出来You did not just pull that out of the wall.脑子进水了吗What is the matter with you?!你知不知道我们还不了解它发出的Do you realize we do not know the amount of photon emissions 光子发射有多少好吧coming out of this -- okay.我们也不知道如果它活跃起来会发生什么We don't know what will happen if it gets excited.#NAME?- Stay close. - Fitz! Come on!走Come on.你的人得退回来否则我们逃不出去Your men need to fall back now, or we'll never make the runway. 上你的卡车走Now -- your truck. Let's go!退回去Get back!告诉你的人趴下Tell your men to get down.小心Watch out!上车上车Get in! Get in!快动起来Move! Now!#NAME?- Yes. - Yeah, that's a good idea.#NAME?#NAME?科尔森安全在秘鲁军警的卡车上Coulson's secure in PMP's truck.#NAME?慢点Slow down!你在开玩笑是吧You're joking, right?沃德听着我们得小心点Ward, listen! We have to be careful.结合能源结构可能会过热There's a binding energy structure that could overheat. 我可以摇下车窗I could roll down a window!不要开车窗Do not roll down a window!闭嘴低下头Stay quiet and keep your heads down.向左开山涧是干的Head left. The ravine empties.可是沃德But, Ward!闭嘴Quiet!你要多久能把飞机开上天How fast can you have the wheels up?很快Fast.关舷梯Ramp!马上On it.你要干什么科尔森还在外面呢What are you doing?! Coulson is still out there!不要待在舷梯上在那里容易被击中Get off the ramp. You're in the line of fire.刚好赶上啊长官Cut it pretty close, sir.我可不想落下任何人Didn't want to leave anyone behind.我想说我想念我的货车了I got to say it. I miss my van.说吧有什么问题Now, what was the problem?我之前说过As I said before,这个设备是高频波动this device has a high-frequency, fluctuating,子材质浓缩...sub-material compression --菲兹讲英语Fitz, in English.驱动084的能源类似宇宙魔方The 0-8-4 is fueled by tesseract technology.九头蛇二战美国队长Hydra. World war II. Captain America.含有足以致命剂量的伽马射线It's full of lethal amounts of gamma radiation.伽马那这是核武器喽Gamma -- you're saying it's nuclear?不是No.他是说这个远比核武器恐怖He's saying it's much, much worse.084现在在你们手里吗And the 0-8-4 is in your possession?在飞机上还含有宇宙魔方燃料电池It's on board and contains a tesseract fuel cell,所以...就是这样so...there's that.收到Copy.你们可以经过禁飞区进行登记指导You are a go for check-in guidance through restricted airspace. 旅途平安Safe travels.得全速飞行了梅Top speed's a priority, May.不用说Obviously.我知道你不想遭遇战斗I know you didn't want to see combat.对此我向你道歉I apologize for that.你还需要别的吗Do you need anything else我要去看看我们货仓里那个before I go check on the device fueled by evil由邪恶供能的设备了that's sitting in our cargo hold?这挺有意思的This was fun.不用担心设备现在很稳定Not to worry. The device is stable.虽然还是随时可能爆炸Not that it couldn't explode at any minute,尤其是如果被机枪扫射什么的especially if hit with machine-gun fire.但是这种事也是时有发生But things like this happen from time to time出外勤就这样起初挺辛苦的when in the field, and at first, it's very unpleasant,会让你后悔离开了实验室and you regret your decision to leave the lab at all.你神经病吗Are you mental?我非常详尽地说明了我的意思I did explain in great detail exactly what I meant,用的是英式标准英语using the Queen's bloody English!我说的是正常英语I use normal English --我们说"闪避""快跑"Words like "Duck" and "Run"可能会把我们炸个粉碎and "Might blow us to pieces".恭喜你啊沃德特工Oh. Oh! Well, congratulations, Agent Ward.你竟然能在一个句子中连用三个词You managed to string three words together in a sentence. 大家都还好吗Is everyone all right?伤得不轻但还活着Banged up but alive.谢谢你救了我们Thank you for the extraction.但我们损失了很多人But we lost a lot of men.我们会确保你们安全回家的We'll make sure the rest of you get home safe.飞机上有那个我们安全吗Are we safe? On a plane with that?伊基托斯有个军警停机场There's a PMP airfield in Iquitos.我们离那里很近It's a short distance --我们会尽快赶去We'll burn as fast as we can神盾局的防范设施for a S.H.I.E.L.D. containment facility.没有比那里更安全的了There's no safer place for us to go.长官请问一下Sir, if I may?你们这里有什么喝的吗You got anything to drink around here?楼上有Upstairs.那里很舒适的I think you'll find it quite comfortable up there.我就猜到旅途会很奢华I expect the grand tour.我知道I know you do.我是想跟你说...I'm trying to tell you......你说的我根本听不懂...don't understand anything you are saying!这里有什么问题吗Do we have a problem in here?没有长官No, sir.我们只是在交流而已Just working on our communication.并不是所有人都有交火的准备Not everyone was prepared for a firefight.我们成功出来了没有人员伤亡We got out, didn't lose anyone,还救了几个他们的人saved a few of theirs --这不是做得挺好吗I'd say we did all right.还有问题吗Anything else?我有个小问题Uh, yeah. I have a small question.我一直以为自己是跟在大家后面的菜鸟土包子Because I've been feeling like the tagalong hayseed rookie,但现在我觉得沃德根本就不知道but now I get the sense that Ward doesn't know哪个是西蒙斯哪个是菲兹which one's Simmons and which one's Fitz,而且他们见过的交火场面还不如我多and they've seen even less gunfire than me,我虽不是火箭专家and I'm no rocket scientist,但这是你们第一次合作执行任务吗but is this your first mission together?不当然不是No. Of course not.是第二次It's our second.我是第一次真好I was your first? That's sweet.你觉得好玩吗You're amused?我是害怕I'm terrified.我真是无所适从了I am in way over my head,但我加入这个队伍的时间跟你们一样长but I have been on this team just as long as any of you. 我当队长也可以呢I might as well be team captain.开个玩笑但或许这个主意也不赖I was joking, but maybe that's not a bad idea,反正这些人不是很喜欢彼此because these guys do not like each other much.不是为这个This isn't about that.我是行动专家I'm a specialist.今天我如果是单独行动Today, I could have eliminated the enemy threat myself 完全可以消除敌人的威胁if I was working alone,但我还得顾及毫无战斗经验的特工but I had non-combat-ready agents --等下自己单干Whoa, whoa. Wait. You work alone?典型做派你以为你的装备是谁设计的So typical. Who do you think designs your equipment?#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?去出外勤吗with just your bare bum.看到我刚说的了吧See them proving the point I just made?你说得没错You're not wrong.我们仍需要磨合We still need to iron out the kinks.但是沃德你会六种语言But, Ward, you can speak six languages.西蒙斯你有两个我都念不出名字的博士学位Simmons, you have two PhDs in fields I can't prounounce, 菲兹你是个火箭专家and, Fitz, you are a rocket scientist.所以你们自己搞定So work it out.我也有自己擅长的哈I-I'm -- I'm good at stuff, too.那我们是工作还是继续...So, should we work or just continue to --我就是说我们早晚会对I'm saying I said there would come a moment出外勤感到后悔when we would regret the decision to go in the field.只是没想到第一周就后悔了I didn't think that would happen in week one.老天Oh, god.接合处在沉积层里This seam in the sedimentary layers这表明几十年前发生过熔化塌方suggests some sort of molten cave-in a few decades back. 看这里这是光放大Yeah, well, this here -- it's optical amplification.我觉得我基本可以肯定Now, I think -- well, I'm most likely dead-on --类宇宙魔方能源以粒子数反转的能级that the tesseratic energy excites plasma激发等离子体with an inverse population of energy levels.激光A laser.一种两太焦激发能量的射线A ray of...pure energy -- two terajoules.看到放大了吗See the amplify?刚刚测量电磁读数的时候We're lucky the drones didn't trigger it几个无人机没触发它真是万幸了while we were taking electromagnetic readings.这是件武器能量足够...This is a weapon, powerful enough to --足够烧穿50英尺的坚石把自己埋起来Enough to melt through 50 feet of solid rock to bury itself. 能对人造成多大的伤害啊Imagine what it could do to a person.对也能烧穿飞机Yeah, or an airplane.举个例子而已For example.在看《饥饿游戏》Hunger games?《约他去看绝世雪景》Matterhorn.S.O.给了我一百本书让我看One of a hundred books my S.O. gave me我才抽出这个时间that I'm just getting around to.S.O.是监管人员的意思S.O. -- supervising officer.了解Got it.黑客也有行话我会学会你们的行话Hackers have lingo, too, but I'll pick yours up.我觉得我们对彼此的第一印象不太好I feel like you and me -- wrong foot.我请你喝一杯吧Can I...buy you a drink?我之前说的话说起义是...What I said before -- when I said the uprising was --总之就是说起义好whatever I said -- a good thing.我不想让你觉得我很盲目I don't want you to think I'm oblivious.我之前其实是指推文What I was talking about was the tweets.推文Tweets.你真的是想让我理解你吗You trying to make things better or worse?秘鲁人民几十年来首次自发组织到一起Peruvians have organized for the first time in decades. 成千上万素昧平生的劳苦大众Thousands of suffering people who have never met为同一目标而团结起来uniting over a common idea?太令人震惊了It's mind-blowing.我不太想提起这个And I don't want to bring it up因为我不想看见你一副厌恶的表情because I don't want to see your hate face,但是涨潮组织就是做这个的but...that's what the Rising Tide is all about.好吧Okay.通常一个人是想不出对策的Usually, one person doesn't have the solution.但一百个有1%办法的人But 100 people with 1% of the solution --就能把事办好That'll get it done.我觉得这很美好I think that's beautiful --大家一起解决一件难题pieces solving a puzzle.你和我只是世界观不同You and I see the world differently is all.我从来没在战区经历过战斗直到今天I've never been in a war zone during a war until today. 太疯狂了That was crazy.你一定经历过很多次吧I take it you've seen that a lot?你中枪了吗Wh-- did you get shot?皮肉伤不用担心Skin deep. Nothing to worry about.你中枪了You got shot.是保护我们的时候中的吗Did that happen protecting us?我说了不用担心Said don't worry about it.难怪你那么生气Well, no wonder you were so pissed.我没生气I wasn't pissed.我接受的训练就是要应对各种情况I was trained to be the whole solution --消除不定因素to eliminate variables.而今天不定因素越来越多And today, they keep adding up.我们在转向We're turning.我们进入了空中禁区We've entered restricted airspace,所以得照着确定的飞行路径走so we have to follow certain flight paths --按章办事regulation.这架飞机可以全自动飞行This plane is capable of fully automated flight, 但梅今晚得亲自握着操纵杆驾驶but May has to be on the stick herself tonight. 你有监管人员梅握着操纵杆You've got an S.O. May's got to be on the stick. 这飞机上好多行话啊Lots of good lingo on this plane.没错Yeah.我们似乎不能理解彼此的意思We just can't seem to understand each other. 第一部步话机腕表...First walkie-talkie wristwatch --1936年产于波兰1936, Poland.我记得他们只生产了20块They only made 20, I think.现在都还能用Still works.我都忘了你的多愁善感菲利普I forgot you're such a sentimentalist, Phillip.浪漫化历史Romanticizing history.是啊那些大都是靠胶水粘着的Yeah, most of it's glued down.那时候的东西有种情调There was an elegance to things back then.完全同意There we agree.我们周围的环境飞速变化With everything around us changing so quickly,保留一些过去的试金石有益无害it doesn't hurt to have a few touchstones to the past. 能提醒我什么是重要的Reminds me what's important.我最不愿做的就是重温过去The last thing I want to do is relive days gone by.几个夜晚或许还值得回忆A few nights, maybe.我知道你在做什么I see what you're doing.我在追忆往昔I'm reminiscing.这架飞机比当年你驻扎在库斯科时This plane is such a step up我们外勤用的旅行车from the R.V. we used to work out of档次提升了不少when you were stationed in Cusco.我对工作的印象不深I don't remember much working.也不记得你会这么直接I also don't remember you being this direct.斯凯把酒瓶递给我Skye, hand me the bottle.好吧酒鬼Okay, turbo,你手里的那杯还没喝完呢but you're still nursing the one you got.不止我一人没喝啊I'm not the only one.接下来的几小时我们要困在云层上方了We're stuck above the clouds for the next few hours.何不找点乐子We might as well enjoy ourselves.我们可以为你的收藏多创造点回忆We could make a few more memories to add to your collection. 怎么样What do you think?我觉得...I think...沃德已经发现Ward already knows你想成功夺下飞机就得先除掉梅you'll have to eliminate May from the equation to have a chance... 这给了他大约20秒时间先发制人which gives him about 20 seconds to get to her first.我们本是盟友We were allies.我们有段过往We had history.你什么时候决定抛弃这一切的When did you decide to throw that away?看到你的队伍的时候As soon as I saw your team.我现在还没死的原因是The reason I'm still alive is because总部随时可能呼入而你需要我you need me to verify the change of routes for your pilot替你的飞行员核实航线变更when H.Q. Calls in any minute now.#NAME?- I'd appreciate that. - But if I don't,神盾局就会把这架飞机在空中击毁S.H.I.E.L.D. Will shoot this aircraft out of the sky.那样你也会失去084That'll take the 0-8-4 out of your hands.也许我该让他们这么做Maybe I should let them.不会的我觉得你会照做的Oh, no, I think you'll make the calls.你为了一个实验室人员You already handed me your plane就把这架飞机拱手相让了for the life of one of your little lab rats.如果我把货舱打开你会失去他们所有人If I open the cargo hold, you'll lose them all.而你又是那么多愁善感And you are such a sentimentalist.这都是我的错This is my fault.我应该去学点功夫来着Should have learned Kung Fu.好吧不过我当初Oh, yeah, but I shouldn't have就不该逼你出外勤pushed you into the field in the first place.你还没做好准备You weren't ready.作出恰当的威胁评估是我的工作It was my job to make a proper threat assessment.#NAME?- We -- we weren't ready. -This wouldn't have happened 当时没在开飞机就不会如此了if Agent May wasn't on the stick.她就能使出她的忍者技能了She would have busted out some of her ninja know-how. 特工梅不不Agent May? No. No, no.她是从管理部门调过来的She transferred from administration.我亲眼见过她放倒一个人所以...Well, I've seen her destroy a guy, so...你们听过铁骑吗You've heard of The Cavalry?#NAME?#NAME?学院里的每个人都在谈论...Wh-- everyone at the academy talks about st--她就是铁骑吗She's the Cavalry?我说过永远别那么叫我I told you never to call me that.简直难以置信I can't believe it.这下我们肯定能出去了Oh, we're sure to get out of here now.我们要怎么从这里出去Um, how do we get out of here?不能走门Can't go through the doors.。

《传教士》解说文案_神剧趋势——《传教士第1季》.美国冒险/剧情/奇幻电影《传教士》,于2016年上映,由埃文·戈登伯格塞斯·罗根导演,GarthEnnis 山姆·卡特林编剧,影片讲述了钢铁侠他爹“霍华德·斯塔克”多米尼克·库珀饰演剧中男主角杰西·卡斯特,这位改过自新的黑帮打手回到儿时生活的德州小镇,在那里担任牧师。
神剧趋势——《传教士第1季》**《传教士第1季》片名Preacher Season 1 (2016)。
男主角杰西·卡斯特Jesse Custer,原本是个杀人不眨眼的悍匪,被同伴出卖后金盆洗手,回到阔别已经的家乡,继承了老爸的衣钵和教堂,当了小镇的传教士。
女主角图利普,杰西的前女友,鲁丝·内伽 Ruth Negga 饰演,《神盾局特工》里的Raina,当年和杰西一起当雌雄大盗,也是个心狠手辣的主儿。
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后来她被威尔丹尼尔斯(Dillon Casey饰)—一名滞留在这个星球上十四年的宇航员发现。
威尔性感的宇航员为什么神盾局总会雇佣那些会被误认成是沃德的人呢难道是每一个在洛杉矶的男演员都有着深色的头发而且留着胡子么还是编剧们偏爱那些在电视里看起来都是一个样子的演员呢考虑到这是ABC 台的剧,所以我们可能不会看到像CW台那样的三角恋情,但是我们极有可能看到威尔被带回来然后在神盾局总部引起冲突。
Warning: Spoilers ahead for this week’s episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Simmons finally gets an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to herself, and it’s a doozy. We find out what happened during those “4,722 Hours” on the alien planet, and the revelations make things more complicated rather than less. Yahoo TV also got to ask Elizabeth Henstridge the question that’s now burning in everyone’s mind.The PlotSimmons gets spit out on the alien twilight planet. She waits around for the portal to re-open, then sets off in search of food and water; an oasis populated by a killer tentacle creature provides both. Related: Get Caught Up With Our ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’RecapsShe gets captured by Will Daniels (Dillon Casey) — an astronaut stranded on the planet for the last 14 years. They live in his hidey-hole for months, escaping the view of a malicious entity that’s been killing people who enter the portal for centuries. Simmons figures out how to plot when the portal will open, but the entity prevents them from going through. Eventually, she and Will become romantically involved, and a month and a half later, she is rescued, leaving Will behind.The TriangleSo, is this a Team Edward/Team Jacob situation Or was Will just a fling for Jemma The obvious question to ask Elizabeth Henstridge after watching that episode is: If both men were right there in front of Simmons, who would she choose Here is what she told us:“Probably Fitz, honestly. Because, at the start, she leant on Fitz emotionally so much while she was out there. Even though she was on her own, she would speak to Fitz and only Fitz the whole time. And even when she and Will were romantically involved — as soon as she saw that flare at the end, her mind immediately went to Fitz. He’s deep down in her bones.”Will, the Hot AstronautWhat’s with Agents constantly hiring dudes who are easily mistaken for Ward Is every actor in L.A. a dark-haired guy with a beard, or arethe writers just really specific about what kind of eye candy they like to see on TV This is an ABC show, so we probably won’t see the sort of teenage love triangles you get on The CW, but it’s definitely possible we’ll see him brought back and causing friction at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. And what was with the last shot of the episode Was that actually sunlight, or was it symbolic of the entity driving him crazy“You’re Dead, Beeyotch!”Season 1 Simmons may not have just collapsed and died waiting for Fitz to save her, but it’s also hard to imagine her being as bad-ass as she is now in Season 3. She’s smart (building an arrow and cairns out of rock to alert any rescuers), strong (taking on that tentacle beast on its home turf), and she’s got swagger (burping like a Viking after a horn of mead). Even if the team hadn’t figured out how to manipulate the monolith, she was well on the way to rescuing herself; she’s basically her own cavalry.“Talk to Me, Fitz.”How much of Jemma’s PTSD is actually guilt On the one hand, she feels guilty about leaving Will. On the other hand, she feels guilty for her relationship with Will while Fitz was single-mindedly obsessed with rescuing her. Surely it’s understandable — at your very lowest point, when you might legitimately be looking at the last human you’ll ever see — that you might abandon Plan A for the next best thing. But when it turns out Plan A actually went undercover to steal ancient artifacts from Moroccan gangsters Shame City: Population, 1.“I’d Kill for a Glass of Wine.”That line gives he r breakdown in the restaurant some added depth. And the breakdown in the shower What a complicated mix of terror and relief and remorse and maybe even happiness Time to go back and re-watch last week’s episode.1Line of the Night“What’d you think, I was going to build a helicopter” “Kinda.” If you’re a hot astronaut trapped on a planet for 14 years who rescues a pretty girl, expectations can run pretty high.。