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Words of Victor Hugo

The chest of human beings is broader than both sea and sky.世界最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋更宽阔 的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的胸怀。
What human needs is perseverance not strength. 世 人缺乏的是毅力,而非力气。 Smile just likes sunshine . It can disperse the winter on people‟s face.笑声如阳光,取走人们脸上的冬天。 He who wastes time, his youth will fade, and his life will throw him away . 谁虚度年华,青春就要退色, 生命就会抛弃他。
It was the last novel of Victor Hugo. The main characters of the novel is another contraction between kindness and evilness. After he was arrested , Gauvain carried himself to death, only because the Duke saved his three children. This novel also expressed that Victor Hugo pursues kindness and conscience.
《悲惨世界》“把一切史诗融合在一部高级的、终极 的史诗中”,这部史诗表现“从恶到善、从非正义到 正义、从假到真、从渴望到觉醒、从腐朽到生命、从 兽性到责任、从地狱到上天、从虚无到天主。”
《九三年》 是雨果最后一部小说。小说的两个对 立人物,革命派郭文和保皇派郎特纳克侯爵是雨果 的又一善恶对比。郭文在捕获郎特纳克侯爵之后, 因念郎特纳克侯爵救了三个孩子,竟不惜把自己送 上断头台,而放走了敌人头子。这种安排,最能体 现雨果对慈悲为怀,对纯洁良心的信仰
Notre Dame
维克多· 雨果(Victor Hugo)
He is a famous romantic writer, the representative of humanism. He was also the representative of the romantic literary movement and the distinguished writer of capitalism. He was known as “the Shakespeare of France”. 法国浪漫主义作家,人道主义的代表 人物,19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学运动 的代表作家,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶 级民主作家,被人们称为“法兰西的莎士 比亚”。
Famous works

《巴黎圣母院》NotreDame de Paris 《悲惨世界》Les Miserable 《九三年》QuatreVinat-Treize 《笑面人生》L‟Homme qui Rit
It puts all the heroic [hi'rəuik] poetry into the most advanced and ultimate heroic poetry. It expresses the change that from evil to kind, unjust to just, fake to true, desirable to awake, dying to flesh, hell to haven.

Background --------Notre Dame-de-Pairs

The great cathedral of the Middle Ages in Paris on the Ild de la City by the Seine is the world renowned Notre Dame-de Pairs. This church was initially built in 1163 only as a simple chancel, and the other parts were built one after another in the following years. It was not until1345 that the cathedral was entirely completed. It took more than 180 years.
Nationality Date of birth Date of death France 1802\2\26 1885\5\22
Mainly achievements Representative works
L‟ Institute de France
Lead to the romantic literary movement 《巴黎圣母院》 《悲惨世界》 《九三年》《笑面人生》
Background --------Notre Dame-de-Pairs
世纪大教堂,这就是世界闻名的巴 黎圣母院。它始建于1163年。最初 只是简单的圣坛所,后来陆续增建 了其他部分,至1345年才全部竣工, 历时180余年
The events in Victor Hugo’ life


1825 年,被授予荣誉勋章,参加查理十世的加冕典礼。 1827年,发表剧本《爱情公寓》和著名浪漫主义宣言, 成为浪漫主义领袖。 1841年,被选入法兰西学院,公开表示拥护君主立宪制。 1850年,被捕入狱,化名为兰文逃离巴黎。 1851年,路易· 波拿巴发动政变宣布帝制,雨果被迫流 亡国外。 1870年,第三共和政府成立,结束十九年的流亡生活, 回到巴黎。