
**1. 股市崩盘(Stock Market Crash)**经济大萧条的起点可以追溯到1929年10月29日,这一天被称为“黑色星期四”。
**2. 失业率(Unemployment Rate)**失业率是指一个国家或地区中正在寻找工作但找不到工作的人口所占的百分比。
**3. 市场崩溃(Market Collapse)**市场崩溃是指不仅股市崩盘,还包括房地产市场、商品市场和其他市场的急剧下跌。
**4. 银行倒闭(Bank Failures)**大萧条期间,许多银行因贷款违约、资金流失和投资损失而倒闭。
**5. 布雷顿森林体系(Bretton Woods System)**经济大萧条后,国际社会采取了一系列措施来防止未来发生类似的危机。
**6. 社会保障(Social Security)**经济大萧条导致了广泛的贫困和社会不安。

经济萧条的英语作文English:Economic downturns, or recessions, are significant downturns in economic activity that can have widespread effects on employment, production, and investment. They are typically characterized by a decline in GDP over two consecutive quarters, indicating a contraction in economic output. During such periods, businesses may struggle with reduced consumer demand, leading to layoffs and reduced investment. Unemployment rates tend to rise as companies cut costs, exacerbating financial strain on households and dampening consumer confidence. Governments often respond with fiscal and monetary policies aimed at stimulating economic activity, such as reducing interest rates, increasing government spending, or implementing tax cuts. However, the effectiveness of these measures can vary depending on the severity and nature of the recession. Additionally, international factors like trade tensions or global economic slowdowns can further complicate recovery efforts. Overcoming economic downturns requires coordinated efforts from governments, businesses, and individuals to restore confidence, encourage investment, and promote sustainable growth.中文翻译:经济衰退,或者叫经济萧条,是经济活动显著下降的重要阶段,它可能对就业、生产和投资产生广泛影响。


3、21世纪的经济复苏21世纪的经济复苏的重点是扶持产业和中小企业,并推动科技创新和Open Innovation,加快美国股市和金融行业的发展,推动美国企业的国际化和全球化。

美国经济大萧条英文The Great Depression: A Dark Period in American Economic HistoryIntroduction:The Great Depression was one of the most devastating economic crises in American history. It occurred during the 1930s and had a profound impact on the lives of millions of Americans. This article will explore the causes, consequences, and the government's response to the Great Depression.Causes of the Great Depression:1. Stock Market Crash: The stock market crash of 1929 is often cited as the trigger for the Great Depression. On October 29, 1929, known as Black Tuesday, stock prices plummeted, leading to a collapse in confidence among investors. This event marked the beginning of the economic downturn.2. Overproduction and Underconsumption: The 1920s saw an era of excess, with rapid industrialization and mass production of goods. However, many ordinary Americans did not have the purchasing power to keep up with the pace, resulting in a surplus of goods and a decline in demand.3. Credit Expansion and Speculation: During the 1920s, there was a rapid expansion of credit, enabling people to borrow more money. This encouraged speculation, particularly in the stock market and real estate. When the market crashed, many people were left with substantial debts and no means to repay them.Consequences of the Great Depression:1. Massive Unemployment: As businesses went bankrupt and factories shut down, millions of Americans lost their jobs. Unemployment rates skyrocketed, reaching nearly 25% at the height of the depression. Many families faced severe poverty and struggled to provide for their basic needs.2. Bank Failures: The economic downturn took a toll on the banking sector as well. Lack of confidence led to a wave of bank runs, where panicked customers withdrew their deposits. Consequently, many banks failed, wiping out the savings of countless individuals and exacerbating the economic crisis.3. Dust Bowl: The Great Depression coincided with a severe drought in the Midwest known as the Dust Bowl. Widespread soil erosion and dust storms destroyed crops and caused mass migration from rural farming areas to cities, adding to the already high levels of unemployment and poverty.Government Response:1. New Deal: In response to the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the New Deal, a series of economic stimulus programs. It aimed to create jobs, provide relief to the poor, and reform the financial system. Programs such as the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and Social Security Administration (SSA) were established under the New Deal.2. Bank and Financial Reforms: The government implemented measures to stabilize the financial sector and restore public confidence. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insured bank deposits and prevented future bank runs.3. Regulation and Expansion of Government Power: The Great Depression prompted a significant expansion of government intervention in the economy. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was established to regulate the stock market, and the Federal Reserve was given greater authority to manage monetary policy to prevent future economic crises.Conclusion:The Great Depression was a period of immense hardship and suffering for the American people. It resulted from a combination of factors, including the stock market crash, overproduction, and excessive credit expansion. The consequences of the Great Depression were far-reaching, leading to high unemployment rates, bank failures, and mass poverty. However, it also sparked significant government intervention and the implementation of programs that aimed to alleviate economic distress. The lessons learned from this dark period in American economic history continue to shape economic policies today.。

扩张财政政策刺激经济 复苏
1 、通过大力推进基础设施建设 , 增加固定
资产投资来缓解有效需求不足、劳动力供 给过剩的局面 2、对失业人群实行临时救济
1 、农业调整法实行减产、缩减耕地面积 ,
以此保证农产品价格,农民减产的损失由 国家通过征收加工税给予补贴 2 、颁布一系列法令给农民低利信用贷款 , 照顾他们的实际困难,给农民的生活和农业 的生产提供了极大的帮助 3 、全国工业复兴法为工人创造就业 , 提高 购买力,取缔企业间的不良竞争。以工代赈 方针使闲散的工人得以就业而无需增加政 府负担,并使大规模的建设计划得以实施。
的虚假繁荣。这种繁荣不是社会实际消费能力的增长,而是一种提前消费 的形式,随之而来的必然是消费的疲软。而资本家为眼前利润驱使,盲目 扩大生产,使得生产和市场的矛盾日益尖锐。
无限制的股票投机活动 当时美国的股票投机活动非常猖獗,不但职业投机者,一些普通的美国人
也参与股票的投机,把它作为致富的捷径。人们不但把自己的积蓄全部投 入,甚至向银行贷款购买股票,结果造成这一时期股票价格被大幅度哄抬, 发展到令人难以相信的极端,股票以其帐面价值的 3倍到20 倍的价格卖出, 这就大大增加了金融市场的不稳定性,为货币和信贷系统的崩溃埋下了隐 患。
政府的错误管制 1、美联储从1929年实行过于严厉的紧缩银根政策来抑制过度投机。
2 、危机发生时,美联储没有扩大货币供应量来增加市场资金的流动性,
3 、美联储降低名义利率,但考虑到严重的通货紧缩因素,实际利率在不

The Great Depression
Brief introduction Effects Causes Measures
Brief introduction
The Great Depression(1929-1933),originated in U.S. history, the severe(严重的) economic crisis supposedly precipitated by the U.S. stock-market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday). From there, it quickly spread to almost every country in the world.
--摘自威廉.曼彻斯 特·《光荣与梦想》
It had been the immense disparity between the country’s productive power and the American people’s ability to consume.
It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century.
Unemployment and homelessness increased Bank Closings -- the collapse of the nation’s

《20世纪30年代美国经济大萧条的成因及现代启示》(优秀毕业论文)【字号大中小】【打印】【返回】【上一篇】【下一篇】发布时间: 2009-9-2720世纪30年代美国经济大萧条的成因及现代启示张乐[摘要] 2007年夏天爆发的美国次贷危机发展到今天, 已经演变成为百年一遇的国际金融危机,让人不禁将此次金融危机与20世纪30年代的那场美国经济大萧条相提并论。
[关键词] 大萧条; 成因; 启示2007年夏天,美国爆发次贷危机,很快波及全球,发展至今天,已经演变成为百年一遇的国际金融危机,其波及范围之广、扩展速度之快、持续时间之长、损失之惨重,让人不禁将此次金融危机与20世纪30年代的那场美国经济大萧条相提并论。
从1929年5月到1932年7月,美国工业生产下降了55.6% , 国民生产总值从1044亿美元降到410亿美元,进口贸易由45亿美元降到13亿美元,出口贸易从53亿美元降为17亿美元。
[1]发生在30年代的世界经济大萧条, 对世界经济的打击之大,可以称得上是灾难性的。

美国经济⼤萧条英⽂介绍Economic crisisIn October 24, 1929, American black Thursday, crazy stock trend suddenly appeared in the New York stock exchange, trading a total of nearly 13000000 shares of stock, beyond more than 10 times of the normal daily trading volume. In financial speculation and bubble economy, the soared stock price now moved so that it can not keep up with the speed of price quotes. With many people in bankruptcy with a mountain of debt, even 8 people killing themselves on the day because of Dutch act of debt, the financial panic started. However, this was the largest , the longest, and the worst start of economic crisis in the history of capitalism. In the following four years, the capitalist world sank into the global crisis economically, socially and politically , has been a huge impact, precarious.On the Black Thursday, at 12 o’clock noon, a number of Wall Street financial giants in the Morgan Foundation Office held an emergency meeting, deciding to raise money to save the market. Two days later, the situation temporarily stabilized. But on 28th, Monday, with the wind coming again, 9,250,000 stocks sprung out such as the flood and the financial giants finally were unable to resist with wealth exhaustion, and they issued a statement at night: give up the rescue and panic is unstoppable to come. The next day, Tuesday, at 10 o’clock in the morning, with the stock market opening and the Gong ringing, large amounts of stock was thrown out, even at any price, but not many people wanted to buy with the chaotic scene. At the beginning of stock opening, 3000000 shares were thrown out, reaching more than 8000000 shares two hours later, and more than 12,000,000 stocks closed at one thirty. when shares reached16,410,000 , the stock market finally collapsed and the stock marketfell by12.82%. Hundreds of billions of dollars instantly became nothing and economic crisis has opened a prelude. Later on, the stock continually plunged with stock index 100 points in 1926, 145 points in November 1929 , 102 points in December 1930, and falling to 54 points in December 1931. Until 1933, the situation was extremely serious, even falling to 34 points in June, finally the index had lost 5/6. Nearly one hundred billion U.S. assets burst miraculously disappeared such as soap bubbles. From September in 1929 to January 1933, thirty kinds of stocks fell by 82.8%, from the average of $364.9 to $62.7. In the meanwhile, 20 kinds of railway stock from an average of $180 per share to $28.1, decreasing by 84.4%.The crisis heavily hit the United States firstly, thousands of factories and banks collapsed. There were 26400 companies and 934 banks broken In 1930. In 1931, 28300 companies and 1440 banks failed; In 1932, 31300 companies and 1453 banks failed; In 1933, 20300 companies and 1783 banks also failed. People rushed into banks in a panic to draw a large number of deposits, which caused a great loss of gold reserves as well as capital output sharply decreased nearly being stopped..In early 1933, all banks in the United States were out of business basically . Finance was just the nerve center of modern economy,and its paralysis inevitably led to the entire national economic havoc and the economy in the United States almost collapses, which resulted in continuous decline in America's GDP. In 1929, GDP was $103.1 billion, $55.6 billion in 1933. During the past three years GDP has decreased by half. Ten years later, it went back to $99.6 billion in 1940.What is more , industrial production of USA in July 1932, has fallen to the bottom, contrast in May 1925, plummeted 55.6%, steel fell by nearly 80%, fell by 87% in the machine tool manufacturing, auto industry has declined by 95%.With the economic crisis leading to a large number of unemployed people, people's life became seriously poor and the unemployed in the United States had more than 400 in 1930 to 8 million people in 1931, breaking through the ten million mark in 1932. In 1933, the most serious unemployment went up to 17million, which means nearly a third of the workers in the United States. From October 1930 to March 1931, there were 223000 people out of work among 690,000 workers and 5,000 households losing their homes within only 6 days just were unable to pay the mortgage. The unemployed fully in urban and rural, cold, hunger, and homeless, have been admitted to the Hoover cottage made of wood, sheet metal or paper boxes and so on. The humble dwelling were called Hoover cottage, because when Hoover once was run for President of the United States, he had promised the workers that they could have the chicken to eat and cars to drive.Once in America, about 34,000,000 people had no income, accounting for 28% of the total population, and even a large number of schools went bust. In 1932, only New York, at one time, had more than 30 students out of school and millions of people relied on charity with fear and despair throughout the crisis. This is so called the history of the great tragedy of America.In the early twentieth century, there were a variety of latent crisis factors in America economic prosperity such as large gap between the rich and the poor, wealth is concentrated in a few rich people, so that the majority of people in lower class lacked purchasing power because of poverty. In 1929, the rich in USA, accounting for 5% of the population of the country, had a personal collection of 1/3. At thesame time, the poor households with the annual income of less than $2000 were up to 60% of the whole families. In addition, the number of the pre-crisis unemployment reached about 2,000,000. Another important factor is the rampant speculation, such as speculation frenzy of the stock and real estate , forming the bubble economy. The New York Stock Exchange listed shares increased to from 443,000,000 shares in January 1925 to more than 1,000,000,000 shares of stock in October 1929 , with the face value higher with 3 to 20 times, some even up to 50 times. The the doubled prices and a serious departure from the actual value, the stock eventually fell off a serious cliff on the Black Thursday in 1929.。
两次经济大危机原因的比较研究 (英文版)

2014--2015学年第一学期«英语国家概况»科目考查论文A Comparison of the Causes of The Great Depressionin 1929 and the Great Recession of 2008 1929年大萧条与2008年经济大危机成因对比研究学院专业班级学生学号AbstractThe Great Depression in 1929 and the Great Recession of 2008 are twolarge-scale events in American economic history for nearly one century. Though the two economic crises vary in background, ways of eruption and origins, they definitely share in common. For example, both of their eruptions are caused by economic imbalance, overproduction, and the driving force behind these is the capital seeks for profit.The study will focus on the comparison of the Great Depression and financial crisis. The writer will do a brief discussion and research on their courses, then to reveal their significance to prevent and settle today’s economic crisis, which contributes to help us to improve the cognition to economic crisis’ development.The thesis is composed of following five parts:In the first part the writer briefly describes the background of the crises and their impacts on world economy and then leads to the causes of the two crises.In the second part the writer explains the common causes of American two economic crises. In the third part and the fourth part the writer interprets the causes of two American economic crises in 1929-1933 and in 2008 respectively.In the conclusion the writer concludes that through the research of the causes of the two economic crises, the countries in the modern world may learn how to improve its capacity to prevent and resolve the potential economic crisis.Key words: economic crisis, financial crisis, United States, comparison, causes摘要美国2008年发生的经济危机与20世纪30年代的经济危机是近一个世纪以来美国经济发展史上出现的两次大规模的危机。

1930年与2021年美国金融危机的异同美国危机(subprime crisis)又称次级房贷危机,也译为危机。

The Impact of Economic Depression onSocietyEconomic depression, a period characterized by widespread unemployment, sluggish business activity, and a general decline in economic welfare, has profound effects on society. This paper aims to explore the various impacts of economic depression, highlighting its far-reaching consequences for individuals, businesses, and governments alike.**Individual Impact**The individual impact of economic depression is often the most immediate and felt on a personal level. With job losses and reduced income, individuals face significant financial challenges. Many families struggle to make ends meet, leading to increased stress and anxiety. This, in turn, can have a negative impact on mental health, leading to increased cases of depression and anxiety disorders.Moreover, economic depression often leads to a decrease in consumer spending, as individuals prioritize essential expenses over discretionary purchases. This reduction indemand can further exacerbate the economic downturn, leading to a vicious cycle of declining economic activity. **Business Impact**Businesses are also severely affected by economic depression. With reduced consumer demand and tighter credit markets, companies struggle to maintain operations and profitability. Many businesses are forced to cut costs by downsizing or closing down completely, leading to further job losses and economic contraction.Additionally, economic depression can lead to a decrease in investment, as investors become more cautious and reluctant to commit funds in uncertain economic times. This reduction in capital investment can stunt economic growth and hinder innovation.**Government Impact**Governments also bear the brunt of economic depression. With tax revenues declining and social spending needs increasing, governments face fiscal challenges. To address these issues, governments may need to increase taxes,reduce spending, or borrow funds to finance essential services.However, these measures can have their own set of problems. Tax hikes can further burden individuals and businesses, while spending cuts may lead to a decrease in public services and infrastructure investment. Borrowing,on the other hand, can lead to increased government debtand higher interest payments in the future.**Conclusion**Economic depression has far-reaching consequences for individuals, businesses, and governments alike. It not only leads to job losses and financial challenges but also has a negative impact on mental health, consumer spending, business profitability, and government fiscal health. To mitigate the effects of economic depression, it is crucial for governments, businesses, and individuals to work together to stimulate economic growth and promote stability. This can be achieved through measures such as fiscal stimulus packages, tax relief, and investment in infrastructure and human capital. By doing so, we can hopeto build a more resilient and prosperous society that can weather the storms of economic depression.**经济萧条对社会的影响**经济萧条,这一时期的特点是失业率广泛、商业活动迟缓以及经济福利普遍下降,对社会产生深远影响。
经济大萧条 英文资料 论文

Great Depression, in U.S. history, the severe economic crisis supposedly precipitated by the U.S. stock-market crash of 1929. Although it shared the basic characteristics of other such crises (see depression), the Great Depression was unprecedented in its length and in the wholesale poverty and tragedy it inflicted on society. Economists have disagreed over its causes, but certain causative factors are generally accepted. The prosperity of the 1920s was unevenly distributed among the various parts of the American economy—farmers and unskilled workers were notably excluded—with the result that the nation's productive capacity was greater than its capacity to consume. In addition, the tariff and war-debt policies of the Republican administrations of the 1920s had cut down the foreign market for American goods. Finally, easy-money policies led to an inordinate expansion of credit and installment buying and fantastic speculation in the stock mark et. The American depression produced severe effects abroad, especially in Europe, where many countries had not fully recovered from the aftermath of World War I; in Germany, the economic disaster and resulting social dislocation contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler. In the United States, at the depth (1932–33) of the depression, there were 16 million unemployed—about one third of the available labor force. The gross national product declined from the 1929 figure of $103,828,000,000 to $55,760,000,000 in 1933. The economic, agricultural, and relief policies of the New Deal administration under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt did a great deal to mitigate the effects of the depression and, most importantly, to restore a sense of confidence to the American people. Yet it is generally agreed that complete business recovery was not achieved and unemployment ended until the government began to spend heavily for defense in the early 1940s.大萧条时期,美国的历史,据说严重的经济危机促成了美国股市1929年崩溃。

29年经济大萧条(Great Depression)是美国历史上最严重的经济危机之一,也是世界范围内的经济衰退事件。

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2008年美国金融危机英文版 2008 financial crisis (in English)

2008年美国金融危机英文版(in English)美国作为世界上第一大经济体,对世界经济的发展具有火车头的作用。
2008 financial crisis (in English)The United States as the world's largest economies, the world's locomotive of economic development. However, in 2007 less than satisfactory performance of the U.S. economy, sub-loan crisis broke out, more difficult. To reduce the rate of economic growth, rising inflation, the rise in unemployment, all show the U.S. economy has been growing from the stagnation of the past. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said "stagflation in the U.S. economy has not yet, but already there are early signs appear."次贷危机是美国经济放缓的导火索,其后续影响不断恶化并逐渐波及到世界经济。

Causes Of The Great Depression Facts•In the 1920s, sometimes referred to as “The Roaring Twenties,”there was a false sense of prosperity on the part of Americans. Approximately 60% of the population lived at a poverty level (earning less than $2,000 per year), yet credit was available, and people were using it. People were buying cars and radios on installment credit, and the automobile industry was the leading industry in the country.•Speculation in the stock market was one of the causes of the Great Depression, yet only about 1% of the American population were investors at the time of the stock market crash in October 1929.•In the stock market, people were buying stocks on margin (which is the same as borrowing money to pay for stocks), which sent the Dow Jones from 191 points at the beginning of 1928 to 381 points by September 1929 (shortly before Black Tuesday).•In 1929, approximately 200 corporations owned more than 50% of all American industry.•In 1929, approximately 1% of Americans controlled 40% of the wealth of the company. •Banks were failing long before the stock market crashed in 1929. In fact, during the 1920s, 600 banks failed each year, on average.•The Great Depression was caused by fearlessness and fearfulness, overconfidence and loss of confidence. The booms of the 1920s led to borrowing, speculation, and rampant spending. Once things started to go downhill (primarily throughout 1929), they spiraled quickly. The stock market crash of October 1929 caused a run on the banks, which led to a decrease in spending, which led to unemployment, which caused more of a run on banks and more decreases in spending.•From 1929 to 1933, the United States’Gross National Product (GNP) dropped by 33%.•Drought conditions in 1932, 1933, 1934, and 1935 led to Dust Bowl conditions during the Great Depression. A large part of America’s farmlands lost their topsoil due to extreme winds, which rendered millions of acres useless.The similarities between The Great Depression and China’s current economyHere I make some comparative analysis based on some official data about china’s stock market and economy development and The Great Depression,we can find that there are so many similarities right before the crash in 1929 and china nowadays.(1)Both have undergone a long period of rapid economic development.During the goldenage(1921-1929),the U.S. Economic growth rate stayed at a high level which is 4.4% in real terms,the fastest in history.Meanwhile,the rate of price change maintain stable within 5%.In China,the growth rate has been more than 9% for decades,and the price index keeps the rate around 3%.(2)There are imbalance problems,internal and external.In the 1920’s,the recession in Britain led to the inflow of gold to United States,so the government had to print more papers and lower the interest rate of dollar to ease the problem.China is facing the similar problem now,due to the trade surplus and foreign investment as well as some international hot money,a lot of dollars flows into China,so the Central Bank has to put more RMB to market passively,the rapid growth of foreign exchange reserve and the flooding of money caused by compulsive settlement of exchange aggravate the imbalance,at the same time ,the central bank has to reform the RMB exchange rate regime and raise interest rate to cope with these problems.(3)Before 1925,primarily the bubble of land speculation , then the stock market bubble after 1925.The bubble of land speculation burst in 1926 for Florida suffered severe hurricanes.China’s asset bubble problem,mainly in real estate prices and the stock market,China’s current levelof P/E ratio doubles the world average,seen in this indicator,there is a sign of stock bubble and a tendency to enlarge.At last,from my point of view,the government should implement the tight monetary policy to prevent inflation,at the same time,implementing a proactive fiscal policy to prevent economic recession,just to ensure the steady growth of the economy and the healthy development of stock market fundamentally.。


一、原因:1. 股市狂热和投机泡沫20世纪20年代初,美国股票市场的投机狂潮使得股票价格飙升,投资者大量涌入股市。
2. 农业危机20世纪20年代初,大部分美国农民仍然处于贫困状态。
3. 政府政策的失败美国政府实施的一系列政策导致了危机的爆发。
二、表现:1. 股市崩盘1929年10月24日,所谓的“黑色星期四”,标志着股票市场的崩溃。
2. 失业与贫困随着股市崩盘,美国经济进入了严重的衰退阶段。
3. 银行倒闭和金融恐慌危机爆发后,大量银行陷入困境,无法归还债务。
三、影响:1. 全球性的经济大衰退美国作为全球最大的国家经济体,其危机对其他国家产生了巨大影响。
2. 社会动荡和政治变革大萧条引发了人们的愤怒和不满,社会动荡不可避免。
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Causes Of The Great Depression Facts
•In the 1920s, sometimes referred to as “The Roaring Twenties,”there was a false sense of prosperity on the part of Americans. Approximately 60% of the population lived at a poverty level (earning less than $2,000 per year), yet credit was available, and people were using it. People were buying cars and radios on installment credit, and the automobile industry was the leading industry in the country.
•Speculation in the stock market was one of the causes of the Great Depression, yet only about 1% of the American population were investors at the time of the stock market crash in October 1929.
•In the stock market, people were buying stocks on margin (which is the same as borrowing money to pay for stocks), which sent the Dow Jones from 191 points at the beginning of 1928 to 381 points by September 1929 (shortly before Black Tuesday).
•In 1929, approximately 200 corporations owned more than 50% of all American industry.
•In 1929, approximately 1% of Americans controlled 40% of the wealth of the company. •Banks were failing long before the stock market crashed in 1929. In fact, during the 1920s, 600 banks failed each year, on average.
•The Great Depression was caused by fearlessness and fearfulness, overconfidence and loss of confidence. The booms of the 1920s led to borrowing, speculation, and rampant spending. Once things started to go downhill (primarily throughout 1929), they spiraled quickly. The stock market crash of October 1929 caused a run on the banks, which led to a decrease in spending, which led to unemployment, which caused more of a run on banks and more decreases in spending.
•From 1929 to 1933, the United States’Gross National Product (GNP) dropped by 33%.
•Drought conditions in 1932, 1933, 1934, and 1935 led to Dust Bowl conditions during the Great Depression. A large part of America’s farmlands lost their topsoil due to extreme winds, which rendered millions of acres useless.
The similarities between The Great Depression and China’s current economy
Here I make some comparative analysis based on some official data about china’s stock market and economy development and The Great Depression,we can find that there are so many similarities right before the crash in 1929 and china nowadays.
(1)Both have undergone a long period of rapid economic development.During the golden
age(1921-1929),the U.S. Economic growth rate stayed at a high level which is 4.4% in real terms,the fastest in history.Meanwhile,the rate of price change maintain stable within 5%.In China,the growth rate has been more than 9% for decades,and the price index keeps the rate around 3%.
(2)There are imbalance problems,internal and external.In the 1920’s,the recession in Britain led to the inflow of gold to United States,so the government had to print more papers and lower the interest rate of dollar to ease the problem.China is facing the similar problem now,due to the trade surplus and foreign investment as well as some international hot money,a lot of dollars flows into China,so the Central Bank has to put more RMB to market passively,the rapid growth of foreign exchange reserve and the flooding of money caused by compulsive settlement of exchange aggravate the imbalance,at the same time ,the central bank has to reform the RMB exchange rate regime and raise interest rate to cope with these problems.
(3)Before 1925,primarily the bubble of land speculation , then the stock market bubble after 1925.The bubble of land speculation burst in 1926 for Florida suffered severe hurricanes.China’s asset bubble problem,mainly in real estate prices and the stock market,China’s current level
of P/E ratio doubles the world average,seen in this indicator,there is a sign of stock bubble and a tendency to enlarge.
At last,from my point of view,the government should implement the tight monetary policy to prevent inflation,at the same time,implementing a proactive fiscal policy to prevent economic recession,just to ensure the steady growth of the economy and the healthy development of stock market fundamentally.。