



ESP8266使⽤WiFi模块调⽤⼼知天⽓API获取天⽓数据ESP8266使⽤WiFi模块调⽤⼼知天⽓API获取天⽓数据安装 ArduinoJson 库尽量使⽤ ArduinoJson 5.x 版本,因为 6.x 版本有很⼤的改动。

申请“⼼知天⽓”的个⼈APIKEY注册成功后选择免费版去免费版⾥⾯复制⾃⼰的私钥把代码中的可变选项替换成⾃⼰的私钥、⽹络名称和密码,代码如下:#include<ESP8266WiFi.h>#include<ArduinoJson.h>const char* ssid ="******";//输⼊热点名称const char* password ="*****";//输⼊热点密码const char* host ="";const char* APIKEY ="*********";//输⼊⾃⼰申请的知⼼天⽓私钥const char* city ="hangzhou";//可根据需要改为其余城市的拼⾳const char* language ="zh-Hans";const unsigned long BAUD_RATE=115200;const unsigned long HTTP_TIMEOUT=5000;const size_t MAX_CONTENT_SIZE=1000;struct WeatherData{//存储天⽓数据的结构体,可根据需要⾃⾏添加成员变量char city[16];char weather[32];char temp[16];char udate[32];};WiFiClient client;//创建了⼀个⽹络对象char response[MAX_CONTENT_SIZE];char endOfHeaders[]="\r\n\r\n";//初始化void setup() {Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE);wifiConnect();//连接WiFiclient.setTimeout(HTTP_TIMEOUT);}void loop() {while(!client.connected()){if(!client.connect(host,80)){//尝试建⽴连接Serial.println("connection....");delay(500);}}//连接成功,发送GET请求if(sendRequest(host,city,APIKEY)&&skipResponseHeaders()){//发送http请求并且跳过响应头clrEsp8266ResponseBuffer();//清除缓存readReponseContent(response,sizeof(response));//从HTTP服务器响应中读取正⽂WeatherData weatherData;if(parseUserData(response,&weatherData)){//判断Json数据包是否分析成功printUserData(&weatherData);//输出读取到的天⽓信息}stopConnect();delay(5000);}}//WiFi连接void wifiConnect(){WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);//设置esp8266⼯作模式Serial.print("Connecting to");Serial.println(ssid);WiFi.begin(ssid,password);//连接WiFiWiFi.setAutoConnect(true);while(WiFi.status()!=WL_CONNECTED){//该函数返回WiFi的连接状态delay(500);Serial.print(".");}Serial.println("");Serial.println("WiFi connected");delay(500);Serial.println("IP address:");Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());}//发送http请求bool sendRequest(const char* host,const char* cityid,const char* apiKey){String GetUrl="/v3/weather/now.json?key=";GetUrl+=APIKEY;GetUrl+="&location=";GetUrl+=city;GetUrl+="&language=";GetUrl+=language;GetUrl+="&unit=c ";client.print(String("GET ")+GetUrl+"HTTP/1.1\r\n"+"Host:"+host+"\r\n"+"Connection:close\r\n\r\n"); Serial.println("creat a request:");Serial.println(String("GET ")+GetUrl+"HTTP/1.1\r\n"+"Host:"+host+"\r\n"+"Connection:close\r\n\r\n"); delay(1000);return true;}//跳过响应头bool skipResponseHeaders(){bool ok=client.find(endOfHeaders);if(!ok){Serial.println("No response of invalid response!");}return ok;}//读取响应的正⽂信息void readReponseContent(char* content,size_t maxSize){size_t length=client.readBytes(content,maxSize);delay(100);Serial.println("Get the data from Internet");content[length]=0;Serial.println(content);//输出读取到的数据Serial.println("Read data Over!");client.flush();//刷新客户端}//分析 Json 数据包bool parseUserData(char* content,struct WeatherData* weatherData){DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;//创建⼀个动态缓冲区实例JsonObject&root=jsonBuffer.parseObject(content);//根据需要解析的数据来计算缓冲区的⼤⼩if(!root.success()){Serial.println("JSON parsing failed!");return false;}//复制数据包中所需的字符串strcpy(weatherData->city,root["results"][0]["location"]["name"]);strcpy(weatherData->weather,root["results"][0]["now"]["text"]);strcpy(weatherData->temp,root["results"][0]["now"]["temperature"]);strcpy(weatherData->udate,root["results"][0]["last_update"]);return true;}//串⼝输出void printUserData(const struct WeatherData* weatherData){Serial.println("Print parsed data:");Serial.print("City:");Serial.print(weatherData->city);Serial.print(" Weather:");本⽂作者本⽂作者: 本⽂链接:关于博主:评论和私信会在第⼀时间回复。






ATK-ESP8266WIFI⽤户⼿册_V1.0⾼性能UART-WIFI 模块ATK-ESP8266 WIFI ⽤户⼿册修订历史版本⽇期原因V1.002015/6/10第⼀次发布User Manual⽬录1.特性参数 (1)2.使⽤说明 (2)2.1模块引脚说明 (2)2.1安信可ESP8266-12F WIFI模块 (3)2.2模块使⽤说明 (4)2.2.1 功能说明 (4) 透传模式 (4)2.2.2 使⽤前准备 (4)2.2.3 硬件连接 (4)2.2.4 指令结构 (5)2.2.3 基础AT指令 (5) AT (5) AT+RST (6) AT+GMR (6) ATE (6) AT+RESTORE (6) AT+UART (6)2.2.4 WIFI功能AT指令 (7) AT+CWMODE (8) AT+CWJAP (8) AT+CWLAP (9) AT+CWQAP (9) AT+CWSAP (9) AT+CWLIF (10) AT+CWDHCP (10) AT+CW AUTOCONN (11) AT+CIPSTAMAC (11) A T+CIPAPMAC (11) A T+CIPSTA (12) A T+CIPAP (12)2.2.5 TCP/IP⼯具箱AT指令 (12) AT+CIPSTA TUS (13) AT+CIPSTART (13) AT+CIPSEND (14) AT+CIPCLOSE (14) AT+CIFSR (15) AT+CIPMUX (15) AT+CIPSERVER (16) AT+CIPMODE (16) AT+CIPSTO (16) A T+CIUPDA TE (17) A T+PING (17)2.2.6 基本AT指令测试 (17) AT+RST 重启模块,如图2. (18) AT+GMR 查看版本信息,如图2. (19)2.2.7 单连接client,透传模式 (19)2.2.8 多连接server (23)3 结构尺⼨ (26)4 其他 (27)1.特性参数ATK-ESP8266是ALIENTEK推出的⼀款⾼性能的UART-WiFi(串⼝-⽆线)模块,ATK-ESP8266板载ai-thinker公司的ESP8266模块,该模块通过FCC,CE认证,可直接⽤于产品出⼝欧美地区。



Arduino---ESP8266WIFI模块⽬录⼀:Arduino安装(内容截图如下:最简单⽅法)选⽤NodeMCU 1.0即可⼆:简单测试void setup() {// put your setup code here, to run once:pinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT); //测试灯}void loop() {// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW);delay(1000);digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH);delay(1000);}LED_BUILTIN中builtin是内建意思,为内建LED灯,可直接⽤于测试三:引脚对应引脚编号对应数字D016D15D24D30D42D514D612D713D815D93D101四:简单使⽤案例:⽆线控制LED开关#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> //引⼊模块#ifndef STASSID#define STASSID "Tenda_064E38"#define STAPSK "YM123456789"#endifconst char* ssid = STASSID;const char* password = STAPSK;// Create an instance of the server// specify the port to listen on as an argumentWiFiServer server(80); //开启板⼦的80端⼝void setup() {////在波特率为9600~38400之间,波特率的增长倍数与传输速率的增长倍数基本相同,但是在波特率⼤于192000以上时,传输速率基本没有任何提⾼。

安信可 esp-01 07 12 系列模组用户手册

安信可 esp-01 07 12 系列模组用户手册

ESP-01/07/12系列模组用户手册版本1.5Ai-Thinker IncCopyright(c)2019免责申明和版权公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。









版本记录目录1产品概述 (1)1.1产品特性 (1)1.2应用方案 (1)2模组接口 (2)2.1尺寸封装 (2)2.1管脚定义 (6)2.2启动模式 (7)3电气特性 (8)3.1最大额定值 (8)3.2建议工作环境 (8)3.3数字端口特征 (8)3.4功耗 (9)3.5发射功率 (10)3.6接收灵敏度 (10)4硬件指导 (11)4.1典型应用图 (11)4.2PCB天线摆放说明 (13)4.3模组外围走线说明 (13)4.4GPIO电平转换 (15)4.5电源参考设计 (15)4.6ADC参考设计 (15)4.7自动下载电路 (16)4.8回流焊炉温曲线 (16)5使用指南 (17)5.1基础AT指令介绍 (17)5.1.1AT (17)5.1.2AT+GMR (17)5.1.3AT+RST (17)5.1.4AT+RESTORE (17)5.2使用示例 (18)5.2.1TCP通信测试 (18)5.2.2UDP通信测试 (20)6常见问题 (22)6.1上电时的乱码说明 (22)6.2如何屏蔽上电时的乱码 (22)6.3无法正常烧录 (22)6.4SDK开发环境 (22)6.5启动信息说明 (22)7模组选型 (23)8联系我们 (25)1产品概述ESP8266系列无线模块是安信可科技自主研发设计的一系列高性价比WiFi SOC 模组。

ESP8266 WIFI模块

ESP8266 WIFI模块

AT+UpDate 发送数据
这个指令为系统收到数据的自动返回指令格式如下+IPD,<数据长度>,<数据> +IPD,<链接ID>,<数据长度>,<数据>。

esp8266 教程

esp8266 教程

esp8266 教程ESP8266教程:连接WiFi网络步骤一:准备工作1.1 确保你已经具备以下物品:- ESP8266模块- 电脑- USB转串口模块- 杜邦线1.2 安装USB驱动程序在使用ESP8266之前,我们需要先安装USB转串口模块所需的驱动程序。


步骤二:连接硬件2.1 将ESP8266与USB转串口模块连接起来。


2.2 将USB转串口模块连接到电脑的USB接口上。

步骤三:编写代码3.1 打开Arduino IDE,新建一个代码文件。

3.2 导入ESP8266库在Arduino IDE中,点击"工具"->"管理库",搜索并安装ESP8266库。

3.3 编写代码接下来,我们开始编写代码。


```cpp#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>const char* ssid = "YourWiFiNetworkName";const char* password = "YourWiFiNetworkPassword";void setup() {Serial.begin(115200);WiFi.begin(ssid, password);while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {delay(1000);Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi...");}Serial.println("Connected to WiFi!");}void loop() {// 这里可以添加你的代码逻辑}```备注:将"YourWiFiNetworkName"替换成你的WiFi网络名称,将"YourWiFiNetworkPassword"替换成你的WiFi网络密码。


配置为TCP服务器,端口号Байду номын сангаас080
Tranfer("AT+CWJAP=\"ESP8266\",\"123456789\"\r\n"); //单链接



ESP8266用户手册ESP8266是一种广泛使用的无线模块,由Espressif Systems开发,被广泛使用于物联网和嵌入式设备的应用。

ESP8266的设计目标是为IoT应用提供连接便捷、底层可编程性和低成本的方案,它采用了Tensilica的L106 Diamond系列的32位大小端MCU。



1. 硬件介绍ESP8266是一款集成了Wi-Fi的芯片,它与主控芯片之间通过串行通信进行交互。

ESP8266的主体尺寸为16mm x 24mm,并且它的引脚和结构都是十分紧凑的。


2. 软件介绍在软件方面,ESP8266支持多种开发平台和语言。

目前,ESP8266最受欢迎的开发平台是Arduino IDE,用户可以通过该平台进行快速的开发工作。


3. WiFi模式ESP8266支持三种WiFi模式: STA模式、AP模式和STA+AP 模式。


4. AT指令ESP8266可以通过AT指令进行控制。




5. 固件升级在使用ESP8266过程中,我们可能需要升级不同版本的固件以获取新的功能和修复BUG。







3.软件准备在开始编程之前,您需要安装以下软件:- Arduino IDE(用于编写和上传代码)- ESP8266 Arduino核心库(用于支持ESP8266模块)安装完成后,打开Arduino IDE并选择适用于ESP8266的开发板。

4.编写代码以下是一个简单的示例代码,用于将ESP8266连接到Wi-Fi网络并发送HTTP请求:```Arduino#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>const char* ssid = "你的Wi-Fi名称";const char* password = "你的Wi-Fi密码";void setudelay(10);WiFi.begin(ssid, password);while (WiFi.status( != WL_CONNECTED)delay(500);Serial.print(".");}Serial.println("");Serial.println("Wi-Fi连接成功");Serial.println("发送HTTP请求...");WiFiClient client;client.println("GET /api/data HTTP/1.1");client.println("Connection: close");client.println(;}void loo//其他代码...```5.上传和运行代码将ESP8266模块连接到电脑,并在Arduino IDE中选择正确的串口和开发板。

ESP8266 WiFi模块参数配置指南说明书

ESP8266 WiFi模块参数配置指南说明书

ESP8266 Phy Init Bin Parameter Configuration GuideVersion 1.0Espressif SystemsCopyright © 2018About This Guide This guide provides the parameter configuration for ESP8266 phy init bin.Release NotesDate Version Release notes2018.12V1.0Initial releaseDocumentation Change NotificationEspressif provides email notifications to keep customers updated on changes totechnical documentation. Please subscribe at https:///en/subscribe.CertificationDownload certificates for Espressif products from https:///en/certificates.Table of Contents....................................................................................... 1.Structure of ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 1.................................................................................... 2.Check Bits for ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 2.......................................................................................... 3.Version of ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 3............................................................................................... 4.Selection of Crystal Oscillator 4.......................................................................................................... 5.Six Levels of TX Power 5.......................................................................................... 6.TX Power for Various Data Rates 6.................................................................................................................... 7.TX Power Limits 7..........................................................................................7.1.Value Range of the TX Power Limits 77.2.Parameters for the TX Power Limits 7................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8.RF Calibration 91. Structure of ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 1.Structure of ESP8266 Phy InitBin ESP8266 phy init bin is comprised of a 128-byte phy init data as shown in Table 1-1:Table 1-1. Structure of ESP8266 Phy Init BinName Sizephy init data128 bytes2. Check Bits for ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 2.Check Bits for ESP8266 PhyInit Bin The check bits for ESP8266 phy init bin are stored in byte zero of phy init data, and therelevant parameter is Init_bin_magic with default value of 0x5. The check bits are used forverifying the data location in ESP8266 phy init bin. If the parameter value is the same asthe default value when reading data, it is assumed that data are stored correctly inESP8266 phy init bin.Table 2-1. Check Bits for ESP8266 Phy Init BinLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Default Value Description0Init_bin_magic5For check3. Version of ESP8266 Phy Init Bin3.Version of ESP8266 Phy InitBinThe version information of ESP8266 phy init bin is stored in byte 1 of phy init data.For example, ESP8266_esp_data_bin_v08.bin represents Version 08, which is stored inbyte 1 as 0x8.Table 3-1. Version of ESP8266 Phy Init BinLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Default Value Description1Init_bin_version8phy init bin version4. Selection of Crystal Oscillator 4.Selection of Crystal OscillatorThe parameter crystal_sel allows you to select a crystal oscillator. The available options aregiven in Table 4-1. Currently, ESP8266 mainly supports 26 MHz and 40 MHz crystaloscillators.Table 4-1. Selection of Crystal OscillatorLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Default Value Description48crystal_sel10: 40 MHz crystal oscillator 1: 26 MHz crystal oscillator 2: 24 MHz crystal oscillator5. Six Levels of TX Power 5.Six Levels of TX PowerTX power can be switched between six levels. The indexes for the six levels are thenumbers from 0 to 5 at the end of the parameter names. For example, the index fortxpwr_qdb_0 is 0, representing the maximum TX power. From txpwr_qdb_0 totxpwr_qdb_5, the TX power decreases progressively.Default TX power settings can be found in Table 5-1.Table 5-1. Six Levels of TX PowerLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Default Value Unit Actual TX Power34txpwr_qdb_0780.25 dB19.5 dBm35txpwr_qdb_1740.25 dB18.5 dBm36txpwr_qdb_2700.25 dB17.5 dBm37txpwr_qdb_3640.25 dB16 dBm38txpwr_qdb_4600.25 dB15 dBm39txpwr_qdb_5560.25 dB14 dBm6. TX Power for Various Data Rates 6.TX Power for Various DataRates You can choose from any of the six TX power levels for different data rates. The columnDefault value in Table 6-1 contains the TX power index.Table 6-1. TX Power for Various Date RatesLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Data rate/mode DefaultValueDescription40txpwr_index_0MCS0, 1 Mbit/s, 2 Mbit/s, 5.5 Mbit/s, 11 Mbit/s,6 Mbit/s, 9 Mbit/s0Select txpwr_qdb_041txpwr_index_1MCS1, 12 Mbit/s0Select txpwr_qdb_0 42txpwr_index_2MCS2, 18 Mbit/s1Select txpwr_qdb_1 43txpwr_index_3MCS3, 24 Mbit/s1Select txpwr_qdb_1 44txpwr_index_4MCS4, 36 Mbit/s2Select txpwr_qdb_2 45txpwr_index_5MCS5, 48 Mbit/s3Select txpwr_qdb_3 46txpwr_index_6MCS6, 54 Mbit/s4Select txpwr_qdb_4 47txpwr_index_7MCS75Select txpwr_qdb_596txpwr_index_11b_en802.11b00: use txpwr_index_0 toset TX Power for 802.11b1: use bytes 97 and 98 toset TX Power for 802.11b97txpwr_index_11b_01 Mbit/s,2 Mbit/s0Select txpwr_qdb_098txpwr_index_11b_15.5 Mbit/s, 11 Mbit/s0Select txpwr_qdb_07. TX Power Limits7.TX Power LimitsThe TX power limits have been set mainly to limit the maximum powers for channels 1, 11,13 and 14 in order to conform to the certification test results.7.1.Value Range of the TX Power LimitsThe TX power limits are set against the six levels. The value range of the limits is [0:5],which includes the values presented in Table 7-1.7.2.Parameters for the TX Power LimitsThe parameters for the TX power limits are specified in Table 7-2. For example, if the valueof byte 78 is set to 2, the bytes 30-33 are enabled to configure the maximum TX powers for channels 1, 11, 13 and 14.Table 7-1. Values of the TX Power Limits ValueTX Power Limit (Unit: 0.25 dB)0txpwr_qdb_01txpwr_qdb_12txpwr_qdb_23txpwr_qdb_34txpwr_qdb_45txpwr_qdb_5Table 7-2. Parameters for the TX Power Limits Location inphy init data Parameter name Default value Description78fcc_enable 00: disable bytes 30-331: reserved2: enable bytes 30-33 to set maximum TXpower30mpwr_chan10Set the maximum TX power for 802.11 b/g/n mode at channel 1, range [0:5]. 0xf8 isan invalid parameter.31mpwr_chan110Set the maximum TX power for 802.11 b/g/n mode at channel 11, range [0:5]. 0xf8is an invalid parameter.7. TX Power Limits32mpwr_chan130Set the maximum TX power for 802.11 b/ g/n mode at channel 13, range [0:5]. 0xf8 is an invalid parameter.33mpwr_chan140Set the maximum TX power for 802.11 b/ g/n mode at channel 14, range [0:5]. 0xf8 is an invalid parameter.8. RF Calibration 8.RF CalibrationThe values of the parameter RF_calibration are shown in Table 8-1. To ensure better RFperformance, it is recommend to set RF_calibration to 3, otherwise the RF performancemay become poor.Table 8-1. Parameter of RF CalibrationLocation inphy init dataParameter name Default value Description114RF_calibration30 & 1: only used for setting TX power 2: No RF calibration3: Conduct all RF calibrationDisclaimer and Copyright NoticeInformation in this document, including URL references, is subject to change without notice.THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY , NON-INFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE.All liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is disclaimed. No licenses express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.The Wi-Fi Alliance Member logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Bluetooth logo is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.All trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged. Copyright © 2018 Espressif Inc. All rights reserved.Espressif IoT Team。



版本信息版权归© 2014 乐鑫信息技术有限公司所有。


目录版本信息 (2)目录 (3)1.产品概述 (5)1.1.概述 (5)1.1.1.特点 (6)1.1.2.模块参数 (7)1.1.3.主要应用领域 (8)1.2.硬件介绍 (9)1.2.1.管脚定义 (9)1.2.2.电气特性 (11)1.2.3.ESP8266封装尺寸图 (12)1.2.4.开发套件 (13)1.3.典型应用 (13)1.3.1.UART应用硬件连接 (13)1.3.2.传感器应用硬件连接 (13)1.3.3.智能灯应用硬件连接 (14)1.3.4.WIFI智能开关应用硬件连接 (15)2.功能介绍 (17)2.1.无线组网 (17)2.1.1.ESP8266 在SoftAP 模式 (17)2.1.2.ESP8266 在station 模式 (17)2.1.3.ESP8266 在SoftAP + station 共存模式 (18)2.2.透传功能 (18)2.3.UART成帧机制 (19)2.4.加密 (20)2.5.省电机制 (20)2.6.固件升级 (21)3.使用指南 (22)3.1.Website操作指南 (22)3.1.1.设备开发 (23)3.1.2.产品管理 (26)3.2.模块使用介绍 (28)3.2.1.软件调试工具 (28)3.2.2.网络连接 (28)3.2.3.初始参数 (28)3.3.应用举例 (29)3.3.1.无线遥控应用 (29)3.3.2.远程连接应用 (29)3.3.3.透明串口 (30)4.AT指令说明 (31)4.1.AT指令集概述 (31)4.1.1.AT指令分类 (31)4.1.2.指令集 (32)5.其他详细资料 (46)附录:乐鑫联系方式 (47)1.产品概述加到任何基于微控制器的设计中,连接简单易行,只需通过SPI/SDIO 接口或中央处理器AHB 桥接口即可。



ESP8266-DevKitSUser GuideVersion 1.0Espressif SystemsCopyright © 2020About This Guide This user guide provides information on ESP8266-DevKitS-development board.Release NotesDate Version Release notes2020.02V1.0Initial release.Documentation Change NotificationEspressif provides email notifications to keep customers updated on changes totechnical documentation. Please subscribe here.CertificationDownload certificates for Espressif products from here.Tables of Contents ................................................................................................................................ 1.Overview 1.......................................................................................................... 2.Functional Description 2............................................................................................................ 3.How to Flash a Board 4................................................................................................................3.1.Hardware Preparation 4.........................................................................................................................3.2.Hardware Setup 4..........................................................................................................................3.3.Software Setup 4................................................................................................................. 4.Board Dimensions 5.............................................................................................................. 5.Hardware Reference 6............................................................................................................................5.1.Block Diagram 65.2.Power Supply Options 6...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5.3.Header Blocks 6A.Appendix—Learning Resources 8.........................................................................................................................................................................................................A.1.Must-Read Documents 8................................................................................................................A.2.Must-Have Resources 91. Overview 1.OverviewESP8266-DevKitS is Espressif’s flashing board designed specifically for ESP8266. It can beused to flash an ESP8266 module without soldering the module to the power supply andsignal lines. With a module mounted, ESP8266-DevKitS can also be used as a minidevelopment board like ESP8266-DevKitC.ESP8266-DevKitS supports the following ESP8266 modules:-ESP-WROOM-02-ESP-WROOM-02D-ESP-WROOM-02U2. Functional Description 2.Functional DescriptionFigure 2-1. ESP8266-DevKitSThis chapter introduces key components, interfaces and controls of ESP8266-DevKitSdevelopment board:•Spring PinsConnect and fix the module. These spring pins fit castellated holes on the module.• 2.54 mm Female HeadersConnect to jumper wires and other development boards. For description of femaleheaders, please refer to 5.3 Header Blocks.•USB-to-UART BridgeA single chip USB-UART bridge provides up to 3 Mbps transfers rates.2. Functional Description •LDO5V-to-3.3V Low dropout voltage regulator (LDO).•Boot ButtonDownload button. Holding down the Boot button and pressing the EN button initiates the firmware download mode. Then users can download firmware through the serial port.•Micro USB Port/Micro USB ConnectorUSB interface. Power supply for the board and the communication interface betweena computer and the board.•EN ButtonReset button. Pressing this button resets the system.•Power On LEDTurns on when the USB or power supply is connected to the board.3. How to Flash a Board 3.How to Flash a Board 3.1.Hardware Preparation• 1 x ESP8266 module of your choice• 1 x USB 2.0 cable (Standard-A to Micro-B)• 1 x PC loaded with Windows, Linux or Mac OS3.2.Hardware SetupPlease mount a module of your choice onto your ESP8266-DevKitS according to thefollowing steps:•Gently put your module on the ESP8266-DevKitS board. Make sure that castellated holes on your module are aligned with spring pins on the board.•Press your module down into the board until it clicks.•Check whether all spring pins are inserted into castellated holes. If there are some misaligned spring pins, place them into castellated holes with tweezers.3.3.Software SetupFor step-by-step introductions, please refer to ESP8266 Quick Start Guide.Note:1.To flash binary files, the ESP32 chip should be set to UART boot mode. This can be done either by theflash tool automatically, or by holding down the Boot button and tapping the EN button.2.After binary files have been flashed, please reset or power up your ESP32 module again to run theflashed application (this step is executed automatically by the flash tool by default).4. Board Dimensions 4.Board DimensionsFigure 4-1. Board Dimensions5.Hardware Reference 5.1.Block DiagramFigure 5-1. ESP8266-DevKitS Block Diagram5.2.Power Supply OptionsThere are three mutually exclusive ways to provide power to the board:•Micro USB port, default power supply•5V and GND header pins•3V3 and GND header pinsIt is advised to use the first option: micro USB port.5.3.Header BlocksTable 5-1. Header BlockLocation Label SignalL1G GNDL23V3VDD 3V3L33V3VDD 3V3L4EN CHIP_ENL5G GNDL614GPIO14L712GPIO12L813GPIO13L915GPIO15L102GPIO2L110GPIO0L12G GNDL135V External 5VL14G GNDL15G GNDR1G GNDR216GPIO16R3G GNDR4TX U0TXDR5RX U0RXDR6G GNDR74GPIO4R8RST EXT_RSTBR95GPIO5R10ADC To TOUT after a voltage divider R11G GNDR12G GNDR13G GNDR14G GNDR15G GNDA.Appendix—LearningResources A.1.Must-Read Documents•ESP8266-DevKitS Reference DesignDescription: This zip package include ESP8266-DevKitS schematics, PCB layout,gerber and BOM files, and spring design files.•ESP8266 Quick Start GuideDescription: This document is a quick user guide to getting started with ESP8266. Itincludes an introduction to the ESP-LAUNCHER, how to download firmware on to theboard and run it, how to compile the AT application, structure and the debuggingmethod of RTOS SDK. Basic documentation and other related resources for theESP8266 are also provided.•ESP8266 SDK Getting Started GuideDescription: This document takes ESP-LAUNCHER and ESP-WROOM-02 as examplesto introduce how to use ESP8266 SDK. The contents include preparations beforecompilation, SDK compilation and firmware download.•ESP-WROOM-02 DatasheetDescription: ESP-WROOM-02 is a SMD module that integrates ESP8266EX. Themodule has been adjusted to get the best RF performance.•ESP-WROOM-02D/ESP-WROOM-02U DatasheetDescription: ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02U are ESP8266EX-basedmodules developed by Espressif. Compared with ESP-WROOM-02, the RFperformance of ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02U are optimized.•ESP-WROOM-02 Reference DesignDescription: This zip package includes ESP-WROOM-02 hardware downloadingresources, manufacturing specifications, BOM and schematics.•ESP-WROOM-02D/ESP-WROOM-02U Reference DesignDescription: This zip package includes ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02Umodule reference design resources, including schematics, PCB layout, gerber files andBOM lists.•ESP-WROOM-02 PCB Design and Module Placement GuideDescription: The ESP-WROOM-02 module is designed to be soldered to a host PCB.This document compares six different placements of the antenna on a host board andprovides notes on designing PCB.•ESP8266 Hardware ResourcesDescription: This zip package includes manufacturing specifications of the ESP8266board and the modules, manufacturing BOM and schematics.•ESP8266 AT Command ExamplesDescription: This document introduces some specific examples of using Espressif ATcommands, including single connection as a TCP Client, UDP transmission andtransparent transmission, and multiple connection as a TCP server.•ESP8266 AT Instruction SetDescription: This document provides lists of AT commands based onESP8266_NONOS_SDK, including user-defined AT commands, basic AT commands,Wi-Fi AT commands and TCP/IP-related AT commands. It also introduces thedownloading of AT firmware into flash.•TCP/UDP UART Passthrough Test DemonstrationDescription: This guide is intended to help users run a TCP & UDP passthrough test onthe ESP8266 IoT platform.•FAQA.2.Must-Have Resources•ESP8266 SDKsDescription: This website page provides links to the latest version of ESP8266 SDK andthe older ones.•ESP8266 ToolsDescription: This website page provides links to the ESP8266 flash download tools andESP8266 performance evaluation tools.•ESP8266 App•ESP8266 Certification and Test Guide•ESP8266 BBS•ESP8266 ResourcesDisclaimer and Copyright NoticeInformation in this document, including URL references, is subject to change without notice.THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY , NON-INFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE.All liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is disclaimed. No licenses express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.The Wi-Fi Alliance Member logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Bluetooth logo is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.All trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged. Copyright © 2020 Espressif Inc. All rights reserved.Espressif IoT Team。




第 2 页 共 64 页
AirM2M_ESP8266_WiFi 模块用户手册 V2.8

术语和缩写............................................................................................................................................................ 6 1. 产品简介.................................................................................................................................................................7 1.1. 概述............................................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1.1 产品特性.......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1.2 模块封装..............................



ESP8266 WiFi模块用户手册目录术语和缩写 ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1. 产品简介 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 概述 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

产品特性 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

模块封装 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

模块基本参数 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

. 硬件介绍 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 功耗 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 射频指标 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 尺寸 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. WiFi 天线 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 推荐炉温曲线 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

ESP8266 WiFi模块硬件连接指南说明书

ESP8266 WiFi模块硬件连接指南说明书

Your ESP8266 is an impressive, low cost WiFi module suitable for adding WiFi functionality to an existing microcontroller project via a UART serial connection. The module can even be reprogrammed to act as a standalone WiFi connected device–just add power!The feature list is impressive and includes:802.11 b/g/n protocol Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-APIntegrated TCP/IP protocol stackThis guide is designed to help you get started with your new WiFi module so let’s start!The hardware connections required to connect to the ESP8266 module are fairly straight-forward but there are a couple of important items to note related to power:The ESP8266 requires 3.3V power–do not power it with 5 volts!The ESP8266 needs to communicate via serial at 3.3V and does not have 5V tolerant inputs,so you need level conversion to communicate with a 5V microcontroller like most Arduinos use.However , if you’re adventurous and have no fear you can possibly get away with ignoring the second requirement. But nobody takes any responsibility for what happens if you do. :)Here are the connections available on the ESP8266 WiFi module:ESP8266 WiFi Module Quick Start GuideIntroductionHardware ConnectionsNOTE:Links and Code (Software) Supplied or Referenced in this Document is supplied as a service to our customers and accuracy is not guaranteed nor is it an Endorsement of any particular part, supplier or manufacturer. Use of information and suitability for any application is at users own discretion and user assumes all risk.All rights are retained by the AuthorWhen power is applied to the module you should see the red power light turn on and the blue serial indicator light flicker briefly.If you have a 3.3V FTDI Serial to USB board you can get started without fear of destroying your new ESP8266 WiFi module. Do note that many FTDI boards have a solder jumper to convert from 3.3V to 5V operation so ensure it is set to enable 3.3V operation.Here are the connections required to enable communication with the module over serial:With FTDI 3.3V Board (Legit)DO NOT DO THIS! You may break your Arduino or your ESP8266 WiFi module.This method is a bad idea for a number of reasons:The ESP8266 does not have 5V tolerant inputs–you could destroy your WiFi module.The ESP8266 may draw more current than the 3.3V regulator on your Arduino can supply–you could damage your Arduino.The operation of the ESP8266 outside of stated limits may be unstable and unreliable–you could damage your sanity.This method does have one redeeming feature:If you already have an Arduino Uno R3 it’s really easy to get started and (mostly) worked for me. :)We’re essentially going to use your Arduino as a power supply and USB to serial converter so you need to ensure there is no sketch that interferes with the serial connection. There are a couple of ways to achieve this:Upload an “empty” sketch that doesn’t use the serial connection, e.g. BareMinimum from theWith Arduino Uno R3 (Quick but not very legit)examples menu; or,Remove the microcontroller from the Arduino board (if it is a DIP form factor–don’t undersolder an SMD one).Here are the connections required to enable communication with the module over serial in this configuration:Serial ControlWith the hardware connections in place you can communicate with the WiFi module through a serial terminal.Using Arduino IDE Serial MonitorIf you already have the Arduino IDE installed the easiest way to get started is to use the built-in Serial Monitor:1. Plug in the WiFi module.2. Choose the correct serial port from the Tools > Serial Port menu.3. Open the Serial Monitor via the Tools menu or “magnifying glass” icon on the editor window.4. For the default firmware version (00160901), ensure Carriage return is selected in the lineending pop-up menu at the bottom of the serial monitor. (For later versions it must be set toBoth NL & CR.)5. For the default firmware version, ensure the communication speed is set to 115200 baud. (Forlater versions or if it has been modified it will need to be 9600 baud or similar.)You’re now ready to send your first commands!Using GNU ScreenIt’s possible to use GNU Screen out of the box with the default version of the firmware (00160901) which expects Carriage-Return-only line endings, e.g. (on OS X):screen /dev/bserial-AB12345 115200Unfortunately the updated firmware versions require Carriage-Return-and-New-Line line endings and there appears to be no way to configure screen to send both with one key press. Instead, you need to press <enter> or Ctrl-M then follow that with Ctrl-J.You might have more success with something like minicom or picocom with later firmware versions.Now you’re ready to send your first commands!First Commands1. Ensure AT commands are received correctly (the AT seems not to be case sensitive but therest of any command is case sensitive):ATResponse:OKIf you don’t get this response check:Hardware connections (the blue LED on the board should flash). Try swapping RX & TX.Correct baudrate–should be 115200 on the default firmware version (00160901).Correct line endings–should be Carriage Return only for default firmware version (00160901).If it still doesn’t work, give up, you’ve probably got better things to do with your life…2. Ensure the module is in a known state by issuing a reset command:AT+RSTResponse:ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,6)wdt resetload 0x40100000, len 24444, room 16tail 12chksum 0xe0ho 0 tail 12 room 4load 0x3ffe8000, len 3168, room 12tail 4chksum 0x93load 0x3ffe8c60, len 4956, room 4tail 8chksum 0xbdcsum 0xbdreadyOr similar. The important part is the ready on the last line.3. Check the firmware version:AT+GMRThe stock firmware produces this output:001609014. Enable the module to act as both a “Station” and an “Access Point”:AT+CWMODE=3Response:OK(You may need to perform another reset after changing this setting.)5. List surrounding WiFi networks.First, if you’re on (at least) the 00160901 firmware you need to work around an apparent firmware bug that hangs on listing WiFi networks if the last joined network is no longer available.The following command ensures no network details are stored for connection (you should get an OK) response:AT+CWJAP="",""(You can check to see what the currently stored network details are with:AT+CWJAP?which should generate the following output if no network details are stored:+CWJAP:""With a later firmware or if the last joined network is still in the vicinity you shouldn’t need to do this pre-step.)Now you send the actual command to list networks in the vicinity:AT+CWLAPYou should get a response like:+CWLAP:(0,"",0)+CWLAP:(3,"WiFiArtThouRomeo",-80)+CWLAP:(3,"Free Public WiFi",-51)+CWLAP:(3,"Guest",-91)OKSometimes you might get ERROR or no response–in which case you’ll have to try doing the USB plug/unplug cycle and try again. (Or the same with the ground jumper.)6. Join a suitable WiFi access point:AT+CWJAP="<access_point_name>","<password>"You should get an OK response.For example, with the above list of access points you might use:AT+CWJAP="Guest","MyVoiceIsMyPasswordSoWhyDoINeedThis?"You can check if the module has been allocated a IP address with:AT+CIFSRYou should get your current IP address in response, e.g: as a TCP ClientYou can connect to an internet server (e.g. a web server) with the following method:1. Enable multiple connections (you need an OK response):AT+CIPMUX=12. Specify which connection channel you wish to connect on (0-4), the protocol type (TCP/UDP),the IP address (or domain if you have DNS access) and the port number using the CIPSTART command:AT+CIPSTART=4,"TCP","",80You should receive the response OK followed by Linked when the connection is open:OKLinked3. Next you need to specify how much data you wish to send (after specifying which channel). In thisexample we’re going to send “GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n” which is 18 bytes:AT+CIPSEND=4,18This time, instead of an “OK” response your will get a > prompt:>This indicates the module is waiting for you to send the 18 bytes of data.Here it gets a bit messy if you’re using the Arduino serial monitor as you have to swap between the line ending the module requires (“Carriage return” only) and what the HTTP server is expecting (“Both NL & CR”). Change the setting to Both NL & CR and send the following (you will need to press Send a second time to send the empty line the HTTP server expects):GET / HTTP/1.0The module should respond with:SEND OKNow you should change the line ending setting to Carriage return only so you can send additional commands.The module should provide a second response once the web server responds:+IPD,4,530:The 4 indicates it’s data from connection channel 4 and the 530 indicates there’s 530 bytes of data. You should now see the data:HTTP/1.0 302 FoundCache-Control: privateContent-Type: ...Woo! You just put a thing on the internet…time to go find a VC!You’ll likely get an OK response or two and then eventually an indication that the server has closed the connection:UnlinkActing as a TCP ServerYou can enable the module to accept TCP connections (i.e. act as a server) in the following manner:1. Connect to a WiFi access point.2. Enable multiple connections.AT+CIPMUX=13. Find out the IP address of the module:AT+CIFSRNote the response, e.g.: Set the module to listen (first parameter, mode is set to 1) for a connection on a specific port(in this case port 1336):AT+CIPSERVER=1,13365. From another device on the same network connect to the listening port, e.g. with telnet:telnet 1336The module should display:LinkType some text into the telnet session, e.g.:KiwiconAte!The module should display the following (0 being the connection channel, 13 being the length of the data received:+IPD,0,13:KiwiconAte!OKYou can send data in response with the CIPSEND command as used previously, e.g. (0 is the channel, 8 is the length of the data):AT+CIPSEND=0,8The module will display the prompt:>Then you can send the data, e.g.:WhatEvsAnd then the module will respond with:SEND OKThe telnet session should now display:WhatEvsYou can then end the telnet session with by pressing Ctrl-] and q<enter>, the module will display:UnlinkActing as a WiFi Access PointIn addition to connecting to WiFi Access Points the module can also act as an Access Point–this means you can connect devices to the module without any other network infrastructure in place. Ideal for a local private shared “drop box” perhaps…1. The module comes with an access point pre-defined (SSID of “ESP_…”) but you can define yourown with:AT+CWSAP="NoWorriESSID","password",3,0The first parameter is the SSID name; the second parameter is the password; the third the WiFichannel–pick one not used in your area; and, the final parameter is the encryption standard to use.An encryption value of 0 turns encryption off which means the password is ignored–but it still can’t be an empty value. I couldn’t get any encryption to work though (it would always create an unencrypted network) you might have more luck–possibly with a more recent firmware…2. To actually enable the network to be created you need to set the “WiFi mode” of the module to “AP”(2) or “Both” (3):AT+CWMODE=3Now you will be able to connect to your module as an access point from another device (e.g. a laptop or a phone).3. You can list the IP address etc of any device connected to the network with:AT+CWLIFWhich generates the response:, [...]4. Now you can run the server example from above and connect–note that the module always has theIP when acting as an AP.Updating the firmwareYou’ll be pleased to know you’re not stuck with the ample list of features that ship with your module, no, because you can update the firmware of your module! Yes, that means you can get new features & new bugs too…Finding New Official FirmwareIt’s not particularly easy to find new official firmware versions–the links are spread over forums, wikis and Google Drive accounts which don’t look particularly legit.It seems like the best source of details is the “Updates” section of the “Firmware” section on this page: /w/Wi07c#FirmwareThis ridiculous URL (from the link entitled “Find most upated firmware on this google link” on the above ElectroDragon page) seems to list all the official firmware updates: https:///folderview? id=0B3dUKfqzZnlwR2pVWjg3NXRVdW8&usp=drive_web&tid=0B3dUKfqzZnlwRjFaNTUzZFptbzg#listConsider uploading one of the following versions:ESP8266_flasher_V00170901_00_Cloud Update Ready.zipESP8266_AT_V00180902_02_baudrate watchdog note on version numbers: the version number 00160901 is made up of two parts: 0016 is theSDK version and 0901 is the AT command set version.)Once you’ve updated the firmware you also have the option of “Cloud Updates” but I’ve not managed to get any cloud update to work yet: /cloud-updating-your-wi07c-esp8266-now/Firmware Update ToolsWhile there are other tools for updating the firmware, for this example we’ll use esptoolhttps:///themadinventor/esptool/ which is cross platform and GPL licensed.Download the script file fromhttps:///themadinventor/esptool/master/ Connections and Performing the UpdateIn order to update the firmware you need to configure the hardware to enter firmware update mode:1. Disconnect the module from your computer.2. Connect GPIO0 to ground (0 Volts) (“pulled low”) to enable firmware update mode.3. Reconnect the module to your computer.The module should now be in firmware update mode.(Note that the esptool docs say to ensure “GPIO2 is pulled high” but this doesn’t appear to be necessary.)Execute this command to perform the firmware update (the .bin file is from theESP8266_AT_V00180902_02_baudrate watchdog archive):python --port /dev/bserial-ABC12345 write_flash 0x000000 " v0.9.2.2 AT Firmware.bin"You should receive progress updates during the upload process:Connecting...Erasing flash...Writing at 0x0007ec00... (100 %)Leaving...If you have problems connecting and have been using the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor ensure it isn’t open when trying to perform the upgrade. (Ask me how I know…)Once the update has completed:1. Disconnect the module from your computer.2. Remove the connection from GPIO0 to ground.3. Reconnect the module to your computer.You should now have a new firmware version installed and functioning.Note:The startup behaviour of the module is now different–it displays different output.The module now defaults to communicating at 9600 baud.The module now expects both carriage return and new line characters at the end of every line.New AT commands will be available and some bugs may have been fixed!Arduino and ESP8266Up until now you’ve been manually controlling the WiFI module via the serial console. It’s obviously possible to control the module programmatically via an Arduino sketch. At present there doesn’t seem like a “preferred” choice for an Arduino library to abstract the functionality but a few searches will find you Arduino examples to start with and presumably over time the Arduino community will settle on a preferred library.ESP8266 SDK and Custom FirmwareAn official Software Development Kit (SDK) has been released for the System-on-Chip (SoC) controller which powers the ESP8266 WiFi module. Using the SDK it’s possible to add extra features to the AT command firmware or even create a standalone firmware.Here’s a couple of custom firmwares to check out…NodeMcuLua based firmware for WiFi-SoC ESP8266: https:///nodemcu/nodemcu-firmwareVery cool and easy to get started with.Download the firmware:wget https:///nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/raw/master/0.9.2/512k-flas h/nodemcu_512k.binFlash the firmware to the module:python --port /dev/bserial-ABC123456 write_flash 0x000000 nodemcu_512k.binConnect to the module:screen /dev/bserial-ABC123456 9600Do the obvious…print("hello")For more details look at:https:///nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware#readmehttps:///nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/wiki/nodemcu_api_enAT Command GPIO controlThere is a custom firmware with AT commands added to read and write the General PurposeInput/Output (GPIO) pins available–this enables you to control LEDs and read buttons with AT commands.For more details see: /esp8266-gpio-test-edited-firmware/More resourcesEspressif Systems (Designer): https:///en/products/esp8266/Espressif Systems Github: https:///espressifESP8266 Community Forum: /NURDspace on ESP8266: setup of ESP8266 SDK: on ESP8266: /w/Wi07cFinally…Have fun!Find updates to this guide and more information at /i/follower/p/notes-esp8266. This getting started guide is brought to you by Kiwicon 8 and !。



ESP8266_用户手册_V03关键信息项:1、产品名称:ESP82662、版本号:V033、功能描述4、使用方法5、技术规格6、注意事项11 产品介绍ESP8266 是一款高性能、低功耗的 WiFi 模块,为用户提供便捷的无线连接解决方案。

111 主要特点集成 WiFi 功能低功耗设计小巧轻便易于集成到各种设备中112 应用场景智能家居工业控制智能穿戴设备12 功能描述121 WiFi 连接功能支持 24GHz 频段能够连接到各种 WiFi 网络实现稳定的数据传输122 数据处理能力具备一定的数据处理能力,可对接收和发送的数据进行处理123 接口功能提供多种接口,方便与其他设备进行通信13 使用方法131 硬件连接介绍与其他硬件设备的连接方式和注意事项132 软件配置详细说明如何进行软件设置和参数配置133 编程开发提供相关的编程接口和示例代码14 技术规格141 工作电压范围142 工作温度范围143 传输速率144 接收灵敏度15 注意事项151 电源稳定性确保供电电源的稳定性,以避免模块工作异常152 电磁干扰避免在强电磁干扰环境中使用,以免影响 WiFi 信号153 散热问题在长时间工作时,注意模块的散热情况154 软件更新及时关注官方发布的软件更新,以获取更好的性能和功能155 法律法规在使用过程中,遵守相关的法律法规,不得用于非法用途16 故障排除161 连接问题分析 WiFi 连接失败的可能原因和解决方法162 数据传输异常处理数据传输中断或错误的情况17 售后服务提供售后服务的联系方式和服务内容,保障用户在使用过程中的权益。

18 版权声明声明对本用户手册及相关技术的版权归属和使用限制。


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ESP8266 WiFi模块用户手册目录术语和缩写 ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1. 产品简介 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 概述 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

产品特性 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

模块封装 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

模块基本参数 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

. 硬件介绍 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 功耗 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 射频指标 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 尺寸 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. WiFi 天线 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 推荐炉温曲线 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2. 功能描述 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 主要功能 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 工作模式 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 应用领域 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. AiCloud ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3. 全功能测试版介绍 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

. 测试步骤 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. 基础AT指令 .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

测试AT ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

. WiFi功能AT指令.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

选择WiFi应用模式:AT+CWMODE ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

列出当前可用接入点:AT+CWLAP ............................... 错误!未定义书签。

加入接入点:AT+CWJAP ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

退出接入点:AT+CWQAP ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

设置AP模式下的参数:AT+CWSAP .............................. 错误!未定义书签。

. TCPIP AT指令................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

建立TCP/UDP连接:AT+CIPSTART ............................. 错误!未定义书签。

获得TCP/UDP连接状态:AT+CIPSTATUS ........................ 错误!未定义书签。

启动多连接:AT+CIPMUX ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

发送数据:AT+CIPSEND ...................................... 错误!未定义书签。

关闭TCP/UDP连接:AT+CIPCLOSE ............................. 错误!未定义书签。

获取本地IP地址:AT+CIFSR ................................. 错误!未定义书签。

配置为服务器: ........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

选择TCPIP应用模式:AT+CIPMODE ............................ 错误!未定义书签。

设置服务器主动断开的超时时间:AT+CIPSTO ................... 错误!未定义书签。

设置波特率:AT+CIOBAUD................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4. 产品试用 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

表格目录表格 1 术语和缩写错误!未定义书签。

表格 2 模块技术规格错误!未定义书签。

表格 3 Pin脚定义错误!未定义书签。

表格 4 功耗数据错误!未定义书签。

表格 5 射频指标错误!未定义书签。

图目录图 2 模块管脚排列图 ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。

图 3 天线图 ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

图 4 WiFi射频参考电路图........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

图 5 推荐回流曲线图 ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。

图 6 全功能测试板板正面视图........................................ 错误!未定义书签。

术语和缩写缩写描述WiFi Wireless FidelityUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver & Transmitter DTIM Delivery Traffic Indication MessageSOC System On a ChipP2P Point to PointTCP Transmission Control ProtocolIP Internet ProtocolSTBC Space-Time Block CodingMIMO Multiple Input Multiple OutputMPDU MAC Protocol Data UnitMSDU MAC Server Data UnitIEEE Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers bps Bits Per SecondCCK Corporate Control KeyDQPSK Differential Quadrature Phase Shift KeyingDBPSK Differential Binary Phase Shift KeyingQAM Quadrature Amplitude ModulationOFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division MultiplexingWPA Wi-Fi Protected AccessWPS Wi-Fi Protected SetupTKIP Temporal Key Integrity ProtocolWAPI Wlan Authentication And Privacy Infrastructure WEP Wired Equivalent PrivacyCRC Cyclic Redundancy Check表格 1 术语和缩写1.产品简介1.1.概述ESP8266是一款超低功耗的UART-WiFi 透传模块,拥有业内极富竞争力的封装尺寸和超低能耗技术,专为移动设备和物联网应用设计,可将用户的物理设备连接到Wi-Fi 无线网络上,进行互联网或局域网通信,实现联网功能。


1.1.1更多资料,请访问安信可开源社区产品特性支持无线 b/g/n 标准支持STA/AP/STA+AP 三种工作模式内置TCP/IP协议栈,支持多路TCP Client连接支持丰富的Socket AT指令支持UART/GPIO数据通信接口支持Smart Link 智能联网功能支持远程固件升级(OTA)内置32位MCU,可兼作应用处理器超低能耗,适合电池供电应用单电源供电1.1.2模块封装ESP8266支持五种封装形式,极大的丰富了客户的可选择性,方便应用于各种物联网硬件终端场合。

1.标准直插工艺2.贴片封装3.底贴工艺4.半孔贴片工艺5.超小体积封装,只有10*10毫米1.1.3模块基本参数表格 2 模块技术规格1.2.硬件介绍ESP8266硬件接口丰富,可支持UART,IIC,PWM,GPIO,ADC等,适用于各种物联网应用场合。
