高中英语语法讲义 ——简单句

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1,主谓SVi (不及物动词)You are listening (to me) . I’ve come (to Bangde)

2,主系表SVP *系动词:be动词,You are cute/ a girl.

感官动词feel/look/sound/smell/taste. You look young.

成为动词become/get/turn/go/fall等, *become a teacher= turn teacher

turn +颜色get +温度go +好坏fall +ill/asleep.

保持:keep,stay, remain 等. You should remain quiet.

似乎:seem(表可能)/appear(实则否) (to be)+adj

结果是:prove /turn out (to be)+adj

3,主谓宾SVO I hit you (on the head/ in the face)

4,主谓宾宾SVOO 人+ 物= 物to +人I gave you a pen= I gave a pen to you .

但make, buy, cook, find, get, order, sing, spare, fetch等用for+人


*find, think, elect, name, call, appoint, consider, make, leave等+O+名词

They all call me Wangwang.

*keep, get, make, leave, find, paint, set, turn, drive, call, cut, consider等+O+adj

We should keep our room tidy.

*keep, find ,catch, leave等+O+ doing.

He found a purse lying on the ground.

*ask/tell/want/wish/order/request/demand等+O+(not)to do

I wish you to learn English well.

*feel / hear, listen to / let, make, have / look at, see, watch, notice, observe +O +do/doing.

注意let, make不能接doing. 但be seen/made…+to do.

Jim saw a girl go upstairs / playing under the tree.

* think, find, consider等+it+Oc+to do. I think it useful to learn English.

变否定句:在be/情态/助动词后+not。不同的时态有不同的助动词,但一般现在时和一般过去时无助动词。一般现在时需加don’t/doesn’t+V. 一般过去时需加didn’t+V



一般V/Vs Ved will V would V

进行am/is/are/Ving was/were Ving will be Ving would be Ving

完成have/has Ved had Ved will have Ved would have Ved 完成进行have/has been Ving had been Ving will have been Ving would have been Ving 变被动态:主——V, 被——be Ved. 把被动态的be变成主动态的V的形式V ed不变。

Eg, Ved-----was/were Ved , have/has been Ving----have/has been being Ved,.


变否定句:1,Huang Meng has a new iphone 7plus.

2, she’ll tell you something important.

3, They had a great time last night.

4, The boy often does sports after school.

5, Her father has been to Wuhan many times.


1 What + a/an +adj + n + (SV) ! What a cute girl (you are) !

+adj + ns + (SV)!What beautiful flowers ( they are )!

+ adj + u + (SV) ! What fine weather ( it is ) !

2 How + adj ( a/an + n ) + SV ! How cute (a girl) you are !

+ adv + SV ! How carefully you are listening to me !

+ ---- + SV ! How I miss you !


1,English is a useful tool.

2 You’re a very honest student.

3 The young man drives a car too carelessly.

4 We’ve bought very interesting books.
