


Operating Information 操作信息
➢ Needed to conduct day-to-day activities. ➢ Largest quantity of accounting data. ➢ Examples:
Hours worked by employees for payroll purposes. Automobiles available for sale to customers. Amounts owed by customers. Parts and accessories on hand. 需要进行日常活动。 最大数量的会计数据。 例子: 员工为工资的目的而工作的时间。 可供销售给客户的汽车。 客户欠下的。
➢ Accountants in industry.会计行业。 ➢ Professional organization is the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA).专业机构是管理会计师协会(IMA)。
Administers the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) program.管理注册会计师(CMA)项目。 Professional designation for auditors employed in industry is Certified Internal Auditor (CIA). 在行业中被雇佣的审计师的专业名称是经过认证的内部审计师(CIA)。 ➢ Many accounting faculty at universities belong to the American Accounting Association (AAA). ➢ 许多大学的会计系属于美国会计协会(AAA)。 ➢ Controller is the high level officer in organizations responsible for financial and management accounting. ➢ Controller是负责财务和管理会计的组织的高级官员。



会计专业术语中英文对照(大全)第一篇:会计专业术语中英文对照(大全)一、资产 assets1、流动资产 current assets现金及现金等价物 cash and cash equivalents1111 库存现金 cash on hand1112 零用金/周转金 petty cash/revolving funds1113 银行存款 cash in banks1116 在途现金 cash in transit1117 现金等价物 cash equivalents1118 其它现金及现金等价物 other cash and cash equivalents 短期投资 short-term investments1121 短期投资-股票 short-term investmentsshort-term notes and bills1123 短期投资-政府债券short-term investmentsbeneficiary certificates1125 短期投资-公司债short-term investmentsother1129 备抵短期投资跌价损失 allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market(1129这个中文英文的说法我都没听说过,我觉得正确的中英文应该是: 短期投资跌价准备, Securities Fair Value Adjustment)1131 应收票据 notes receivable1132 应收票据贴现 discounted notes receivable1137 应收票据-关系人notes receivablerelated parties1149 坏帐准备-应收帐款allowance for doubtful accountsforeign currencies1183 买卖远汇折价discount on forward ex-change contract1184 应收收益earned revenue receivable1185 应收退税款 income tax refund receivable1187 其它应收款related parties1188 其它应收款other1189 坏帐准备other receivables121~122 存货 inventories1211 商品存货 merchandise inventory1212 寄销商品 consigned goods1213 在途商品 goods in transit1219 存货跌价准备 allowance to reduce inventory to market 1221 制成品 finished goods1222 寄销制成品 consigned finished goods1223 副产品 by-products1224 在制品 work in process1225 委外加工 work in processother2、基金及长期投资 funds and long-term investments基金 funds1311 偿债基金 redemption fund(or sinking fund)1312 改良及扩充基金 fund for improvement and expansion 1313 意外损失准备基金 contingency fund1314 退休基金 pension fund1318 其它基金 other funds长期投资 long-term investments1321 长期股权投资 long-term equity investments1322 长期债券投资 long-term bond investments1323 长期不动产投资 long-term real estate investments1324 人寿保险现金解约价值cash surrender value of life insurance1328 其它长期投资 other long-term investments 1329 备抵长期投资跌价损失 allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments3、固定资产property , plant, and equipment土地 land1411 土地 land1418 土地-重估增值 landrevaluation increments1429 累积折旧-土地改良物 accumulated depreciationbuildings144~146 机(器)具及设备 machinery and equipment1441 机(器)具 machinery1448 机(器)具-重估增值 machinerymachinery151 租赁资产 leased assets1511 租赁资产 leased assets1519 累积折旧-租赁资产accumulated depreciationleasehold improvements156 未完工程及预付购置设备款construction in progress and prepayments forequipment1561 未完工程 construction in progress1562 预付购置设备款 prepayment for equipment158 杂项固定资产miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment1581 杂项固定资产miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment1588 杂项固定资产-重估增值miscellaneous property, plant, and equipmentmiscellaneous property, plant, and equipment递耗资产 depletable assets161 递耗资产 depletable assets1611 天然资源 natural resources1618 天然资源-重估增值natural resources-revaluation increments1619 累积折耗-天然资源accumulated depletionother 其它资产 other assets181 递延资产 deferred assets1811 债券发行成本 deferred bond issuance costs1812 长期预付租金 long-term prepaid rent1813 长期预付保险费 long-term prepaid insurance1814 递延所得税资产 deferred income tax assets1815 预付退休金 prepaid pension cost1818 其它递延资产 other deferred assets182 闲置资产 idle assets1821 闲置资产 idle assets184 长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables1841 长期应收票据 long-term notes receivable1842 长期应收帐款 long-term accounts receivable1843 催收帐款 overdue receivables1847 长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款-关系人 long-term notes, accounts and overdue receivables-related parties1848 其它长期应收款项 other long-term receivables1849 备抵呆帐-长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款allowance for uncollectible accountsincremental value from revaluation 1859 累积折旧-出租资产 accumulated depreciationrestricted 1888 杂项资产-其它 miscellaneous assets-other第二篇:会计专业术语中英文对照流动资产: CURRENT ASSETS:货币资金 Cash结算备付金 Provision of settlement fund拆出资金 Funds lent交易性金融资产 Financial assets held for trading应收票据 Notes receivable应收账款 Accounts receivable预付款项 Advances to suppliers应收保费 Insurance premiums receivable应收分保账款 Cession premiums receivable应收分保合同准备金 Provision of cession receivable应收利息 Interests receivable其他应收款 Other receivable买入返售金融资产 Recoursable financial assets acquired存货Inventories其中:原材料 Raw material库存商品 Stock goods一年内到期的非流动资产 Non-current assets maturing within one year其他流动资产 Other current assets流动资产合计 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS非流动资产:NON-CURRENT ASSETS发放贷款及垫款 Loans and payments on behalf可供出售金融资产 Available-for-sale financial assets持有至到期投资 Held-to-maturity investments长期应收款 Long-term receivables长期股权投资 Long-term equity investments投资性房地产 Investment real estates固定资产原价 Fixed assets original cost减:累计折旧 Less:Accumulated depreciation固定资产净值 Fixed assets--net value减:固定资产减值准备 Less:Fixed assets impairment provision 固定资产净额 Fixed assets--net book value在建工程 Construction in progress工程物资 Construction supplies固定资产清理 Fixed assets pending disposal生产性生物资产 Bearer biological assets油气资产 Oil and natural gas assets无形资产 Intangibel assets开发支出 Research and development costs商誉 Goodwill长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred expenses递延所得税资产 Deferred tax assets其他非流动资产 Other non-current assets其中:特准储备物资Physical assets reserve specificallyauthorized非流动资产合计 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS流动负债:CURRENT LIABILITIES:短期借款 Short-term borrowings向中央银行借款 Borrowings from central bank吸收存款及同业存放 Deposits from customers and interbank 拆入资金 Deposit funds交易性金融负债 Financial assets held for liabilities应付票据 Notes payable应付账款 Accounts payable预收款项 Advances from customers卖出回购金融资产款 Funds from sales of financial assets with repurchasement agreement应付手续费及佣金Handling charges and commissions payable应付职工薪酬 Employee benefits payable其中:应付工资 Including:Accrued payroll应付福利费 Welfare benefits payable其中:职工奖励及福利基金 Including:Staff and workers' bonus and selfare应交税费 Taxes and surcharges payable其中:应交税金 Including:Taxes payable应付利息 Interests payable其他应付款 Other payables应付分保账款 Cession insurance premiums payable保险合同准备金 Provision for insurance contracts代理买卖证券款 Funds received as agent of stock exchange代理承销证券款 Funds received as stock underwrite一年内到期的非流动负债Non-current liabilities maturing within one year其他流动负债 Other current liablities流动负债合计 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES:非流动负债:NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES:长期借款Long-term loans应付债券 Debentures payable长期应付款 Long-term payables专项应付款 Specific payable预计负债 Accrued liabilities递延所得税负债 Deferred tax liabilities其他非流动负债 Other non-current liablities其中:特准储备基金 Authorized reserve fund非流动负债合计 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES:负债合计 TOTAL LIABILITIES所有者权益(或股东权益):OWNERS'(OWNER'S)/SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY实收资本(股本)Registered capital国家资本 National capital集体资本 Collective capital法人资本 Legal person's capital其中:国有法人资本Including:State-owned legal person's capital集体法人资本Collective legal person“s capital个人资本Personal capital外商资本 Foreign businessmen's capital减:已归还投资 Less:Returned investment实收资本(或股本)净额 Registered capital--net book value资本公积 Capital surplus减:库存股 Treasury stock专项储备 Special reserve盈余公积 Surplus reserve其中:法定公积金Including:Statutory accumulation reserve任意公积金 Discretionary accumulation储备基金 Reserved funds企业发展基金 Enterprise expension funds利润归还投资 Profits capitalised on retum of investments一般风险准备 Provision for normal risks未分配利润 Undistributed profits外币报表折算差额 Exchange differences on translating foreign operations归属于母公司所有者权益合计 Total owners' equity belongs to parent company少数股东权益 Minority interest所有者权益合计 TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY负债及所有者权益总计 TOTAL LIABILITIES & OWNERS' EQUITY一、营业总收入 OVERALL SALES其中:营业收入 Including:Sales from operations其中:主营业务收入 Including:sales of main operations其他业务收入 Income from other operations利息收入 Interest income已赚保费 Insurance premiums earned手续费及佣金收入 Handling charges and commissions income二、营业总成本 OVERALL COSTS其中:营业成本 Including: Cost of operations其中:主营业务成本 Including:Cost of main operations其他业务成本 cost of other operations利息支出 Interest expenses手续费及佣金支出Handling charges and commissions expenses退保金 Refund of insurance premiums赔付支出净额 Net payments for insurance claims提取保险合同准备金净额 Net provision for insurance contracts 保单红利支出 Commissions on insurance policies分保费用 Cession charges营业税金及附加 Sales tax and additions销售费用 Selling and distribution expenses管理费用 General and administrative expenses其中:业务招待费 business entertainment研究与开发费research and development财务费用Financial expenses其中:利息支出 Interest expense利息收入 Interest income汇兑净损失(净收益以“-”号填列)Gain or loss on foreign exchange transactions(less exchange gain)资产减值损失 Impairment loss on assets其他other加:公允价值变动收益(损失以“-”号填列)Plus: Gain or loss from changes in fair values(loss expressed with ”-“)投资收益(损失以“-”号填列)Investment income(loss expressed with ”-“)其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 Including: Investment income from joint ventures and affiliates(loss expressed with ”-“)汇兑收益(损失以“-”号填列)Gain or loss on foreign exchange transactions s(loss expressed with ”-“)三、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列)PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS加:营业外收入 Plus: Non-operating profit 其中:非流动资产处置利得 Gains from disposal of non-current assets非货币性资产交换利得Gains from exchange of non-monetary assets政府补助 Government grant income债务重组利得 Gains from debt restructuring减:营业外支出 Less:Non-operating expenses其中:非流动资产处置损失Including:Losses from disposal ofnon-current assets非货币性资产交换损失Losses from exchange of non-monetary assets债务重组损失 Losses from debt restructuring四、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列)PROFIT BEFORE TAX(LOSS EXPRESSED WITH ”-“)减:所得税费用 Less: Income tax expenses五、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列)NET PROFIT(LOSS EXPRESSED WITH ”-")归属于母公司所有者的净利润Net profit belonging to parent company少数股东损益 Minority interest六、每股收益: EARNINGS PER SHARE(EPS)基本每股收益 Basic EPS稀释每股收益 Diluted EPS七、其他综合收益 OTHER CONSOLIDATED INCOME八、综合收益总额 TOTAL CONSOLIDATED INCOME归属于母公司所有者的综合收益总额Consolidated income belonging to parent company归属于少数股东的综合收益总额Consolidated income belonging to Minority shareholders九、补充资料 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION营业总收入中:出口产品销售收入 Including overall sales:sales income of export products营业总成本中:出口产品销售成本 Including overall costs:sales cost of export products第三篇:模具常用专业术语中英文对照塑料模具常用专业术语中英文对照模胚(架): mold base三板模(细水口):3-plate mold二板模(大水口):2-plate 定位圈(法栏)locating ring 浇口套(唧嘴)sprue bushing热流道: hot runner,hot manifold面板:cavity adaptor plate 水口板:runner stripper plate 上模板(A板):cavity plate 下模板(B板):core plate 上内模(型腔\母模\凹模):cavity insert下内模(型芯\公模\凸模):core insert 推板:stripper plate 模脚(方铁)spacer plate 顶针板:ejector retainner plate托板(顶针底板): support plat垃圾钉:stop pin撑头: support pillar底板:coreadaptor plate 推杆:push bar 顶针: ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin 回针:push bake pin 导柱:leader pin/guide pin 导套:bushing/guide bushing中托司(顶针板导套):shoulder guide bushing中托边(顶针板导柱):guide pin滑块(行位): slide 波子弹弓(定位珠):ball catch 耐磨板/油板:wedge wear 压条:plate斜导边(斜导柱):angle pin压座/铲鸡:wedge斜顶:angle from pin 斜顶杆:angle ejector rod 缩呵:movable core,return core core puller尼龙拉勾(扣机):nylonlatch lock栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B 镶针:pin喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate挡板:stop plate螺丝: screw推板:stripper plate斜顶:lifterplate塑胶管:plastic tube快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/sockermold内模管位:core/cavity inter-lockflash(塑件)毛边电极(铜公):copper electrode五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照cutting die, blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow(-on)die 连续模compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印 top plate上托板(顶板)top block 上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate 底板(下托板)stripping plate 脱料板(表里打)outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper 下脱料板上模座upper die set 成型公 form punch脱料板stripper 垫板subplate/backup plate下模座die plate垫脚parallel托板mounting plate 顶料销kick off初始管位first start pin 带肩螺丝shoulder screw两用销lifter pin弹簧护套spring cage 拔牙螺丝jack screw侧冲组件 cam sectionbites导导正装置 guide equipment 尺rail漏废料孔 slug hole限位块stop block送料板rail plate刀口trim line挡块stopper倒角chamfer入子insert 浮块lifter 销钉dowel 护套bushing压块keeper尖角sharp--angle整形公restrike forming 靠块heel 普通弹簧coil springpunch 对正块alignmentblock镶件insert止挡板stop plate闭合高度shuthight 插针pilot pin挂台head 上夹板/固定座顶杆lifter bolt扣位pocket of head导柱guide post导套guide bushing油嘴oil nipple接刀口mismatch/cookieholder/retainer下模座lower die set成刑母公formingdie码模槽mounting slot 球锁紧固定座ball-lock起吊孔handing hole垫片shim/wear-plate键槽key slot沉孔counter hole导正块thrustblock 第四篇:音乐专业术语中英文对照Accordion 手风琴Aftertouch 触后Alto 女低音Amplitude 振幅Amplitude Modulation(AM)调幅Analogue 模拟的Anticipation 先现音Arpeggio 琶音,分解和弦Attack 起音Audio 音频Augmented 增音程,增和弦Ballade 叙事曲Band 波段,大乐队Banjo 班卓琴(美国民间乐器)Bank 音色库Baritone 男中音Barline 小节线Baroque 巴罗克Bass 贝司Bassoon 大管(巴松)Brass 铜管总称Cassette 卡座Cello 大提琴Channel 音色通道Choir 人声合唱Chord 和弦Chorus 合唱效果器Clarinet 单簧管Clef 谱号Combination 组合音色Compressor 压缩效果器Concerto 协奏曲Console 调音台Contrabass 低音提琴Ctrl 控制器Cymbal 镲,钹Decay 衰减Delay 延迟效果器Digital 数码的Diminished 减音程,减和弦Distorted 失真效果器Dolby NR 杜比降噪 Dominant 属音(和弦)Dot 附点Drum 鼓Duration 音符的时值Echo 回声,反射Effector 效果器Encore 返场加演曲目English Horn 英国管Enhance 增益Envelope 包络EQ(Equalizer)均衡器Exciter 激励器External 外置的,外部设备的Fade in 淡入Fade out 淡出Fantasia 幻想曲Filter 滤波器Flange 凸缘效果器Flat 降号Flute 长笛French Horn 圆号(法国号)Frequency 频率Frequency Modulation(FM)调频Fret 吉它指板Fretless Bass 无品贝司Grace Note 装饰音Grand Piano 三角钢琴Graphic 图解式的Guitar 吉它Harmonica 口琴Harmony 和声,和声学Harp 竖琴Harpsichord 古钢琴Instrument 乐器Intermezzo 间奏曲Internal 内置的,内部的Interval 音程Inversion 转位Key 调Keyboard 键盘Leading-note 导音LFO 低频震荡器 Loop 循环反复Lyric 歌词Major 大调的March 进行曲Measure 小节Metronome 节拍器Minor 小调的Modulation 调制Mordent 波音Monitor 监听Mono 单声道Multiple 多重,多轨Mute 静音Nocturne 夜曲Normalize 最大化波形Note 音符Nylon 尼龙弦吉它Oboe 双簧管Octave 八度Opera 歌剧Orchestral 交响乐团Organ 管风琴Overdrive 过载效果器Overture 序曲Pad 铺垫和弦Pan 相位Pattern 模板Pedal 踏板Percussion 打击乐Phase 相位调整Phones 耳机Piccolo 短笛Pitch 音高Pitch Bend 音高的滑动(推弦)Pizz String 弦乐器拨弦Playback 回放Polyphony 复调,复音数Prelude 前奏曲Quantize 量化Quartet 四重奏(唱)Quintet 五重奏(唱)Realtime 实时的 Recorder 竖笛Relative key 关系调Release 释音Renaissance 文艺复兴Reverb 混响Reverse 颠倒位置Rhapsody 狂想曲Sample 采样器Sample rate 采样率Sampler 采样器Sawtooth 锯齿波Sax 萨克斯Scale 音阶Score 谱面Serenade 小夜曲Sequencer 音序器Sharp 升号Sine 正弦波Sitar 西他(印度乐器)SMPTE 音视频同步码Solo 独奏Sonata 奏鸣曲Soprano 女高音Spectrum 频谱Square 方型波Staff 五线谱Steel 钢弦吉它Stereo 立体声Strings 弦乐器Subdominant 下属音(和弦)Suspension 延留音Sustain 延音(踏板)Symphony 交响曲Synth 合成的Synthesizer 合成器Tab 吉它六线谱Tape 磁带Tempo 速度Tenor 男高音Timpani 定音鼓Tonica 主和弦Track 音轨 Transpose 移调Tremolo 颤音Trembone 长号Trio 三重奏(唱)Trumpet 小号Tuba 大号Turn 调音Velocity 触键力度Vibrato 颤音,振动Viola 中提琴Violin 小提琴Voice 声部Volume 音量Wah 哇音效果器Xylophone 木琴第五篇:物探专业术语中英文对照lunar tide太阴潮 solar tide太阳潮 turbulence湍流spectrum of turbulence湍流谱turbulent diffusion湍流扩散turbulent dissipation湍流耗散turbulent exchange湍流交换turbulent mixing湍流混合 twilight曙暮光 wind shear风切变 yield function产额函数zonal circulation纬向环流zonal wind纬向风airglow气辉MST radarMST雷达,对流层、平流层、中层大气探测雷达。



会计英语词汇英文解释.doc1.Accounting(会计)The process of indentifying, recording, summarizing and reporting economic information to decision makers.2.Financial accounting(财务会计)The field of accounting that serves external decision makers, such as stockholders, suppliers, banks and government agencies.3.Management accounting(管理会计)The field of accounting that serves internal decision makers, such as top executives, department heads and people at other management levels within an organization.4.Annual report(年报)A combination of financial statements, management discussion and analysis and graphs and charts that is provided annually to investors.5.Balance sheet (statement of financial position, statement of financial condition)(资产负债表)A financial statement that shows the financial status of a business entity at a particular instant in time.6.Balance sheet equation(资产负债方程式)Assets = Liabilities + Owners' equity.7.Assets(资产)Economic resources that are expected to help generate future cash inflows or help reduce future cash outflows.8.Liabilities (负债)Economic obligations of the organization to outsiders ,or claims against its assets by outsiders.9.Owners’ equity (所有者权益)The resid ual interest in the organization’s assets afterdeducting liabilities.10.Notes payable (应付票据)Promissory notes that are evidence of a debt and state the terms of payment.11.Entity (实体)An organization or a section of an organization that stands apart from other organization and individuals as a separate economics unit.12.Transaction (交易)Any event that both affects the financial position of an entity and be reliably recorded in money terms.13.Inventory (存货)Goods held by a company for the purpose of sale to customers.14.Account (帐户)A summary record of the changes in a particular assets, liability, or owne r’ equity.15. Account payable (应付帐款)A liability that results from a purchase of goods or services on account.17.Creditor (债权人)A person or entity to whom money is owed.18.Debtor (债务人)A person or entity that owes money to another.19.Sole proprietorship (个体经营、独资经营)A separate organization with a single owner.20.Partnership (合伙)A form of organization that joins two or more individuals together as co-owners(共有人).21.Corporation (公司)A business organization that is created by individual state laws.22.Limited liability (有限责任)A feature of the corporate form of organization whereby corporate creditors ordinarily have claims against the corporate assets only.23.Publicly owned (公有)A corporation in which shares in the ownership are sold to the public.24.Privately owned (私有)A corporation owned by a family, a small group of shareholders, or a single individual, in which shares of ownership are not publicly sold.25.Stockholders’ equity (shareholders’ equi ty) (股东权益)Owners’ equity of a corporation.The excess of assets over liabilities of a corporation.26.Paid-in capital(实际投入资本)The total capital investment in a corporation by its owners both at and subsequent to the inception of business.27.Par value(票面值)The nominal dollar amount printed on stock certificates.。



一、会计与会计理论会计accounting决策人Decision Maker投资人Investor股东Shareholder债权人Creditor财务会计Financial Accounting管理会计Management Accounting成本会计Cost Accounting私业会计Private Accounting公众会计Public Accounting注册会计师CPA Certified Public Accountant国际会计准则委员会IASC美国注册会计师协会AICPA财务会计准则委员会FASB管理会计协会IMA美国会计学会AAA税务稽核署IRS独资企业Proprietorship合伙人企业Partnership公司Corporation会计目标Accounting Objectives会计假设Accounting Assumptions会计要素Accounting Elements会计原则Accounting Principles会计实务过程Accounting Procedures 财务报表Financial Statements财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设Separate-entity Assumption货币计量假设Unit-of-measure Assumption持续经营假设Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设Time-period Assumption资产Asset负债Liability业主权益Owner's Equity收入Revenue费用Expense收益Income亏损Loss历史成本原则Cost Principle收入实现原则Revenue Principle配比原则Matching Principle全面披露原则Full-disclosure (Reporting) Principle客观性原则Objective Principle一致性原则Consistent Principle可比性原则Comparability Principle重大性原则Materiality Principle稳健性原则Conservatism Principle权责发生制Accrual Basis现金收付制Cash Basis财务报告Financial Report流动资产Current assets流动负债Current Liabilities长期负债Long-term Liabilities投入资本Contributed Capital留存收益Retained Earning二、会计循环会计循环Accounting Procedure/Cycle 会计信息系统Accounting information System帐户Ledger会计科目Account会计分录Journal entry原始凭证Source Document日记帐Journal总分类帐General Ledger明细分类帐Subsidiary Ledger试算平衡Trial Balance现金收款日记帐Cash receipt journal 现金付款日记帐Cash disbursements journal销售日记帐Sales Journal购货日记帐Purchase Journal普通日记帐General Journal工作底稿Worksheet调整分录Adjusting entries结帐Closing entries三、现金与应收帐款现金Cash银行存款Cash in bank库存现金Cash in hand 流动资产Current assets偿债基金Sinking fund定额备用金Imprest petty cash支票Check(cheque)银行对帐单Bank statement银行存款调节表Bank reconciliation statement在途存款Outstanding deposit在途支票Outstanding check应付凭单V ouchers payable应收帐款Account receivable应收票据Note receivable起运点交货价 F.O.B shipping point目的地交货价 F.O.B destination point 商业折扣Trade discount现金折扣Cash discount销售退回及折让Sales return and allowance坏帐费用Bad debt expense备抵法Allowance method备抵坏帐Bad debt allowance损益表法Income statement approach 资产负债表法Balance sheet approach 帐龄分析法Aging analysis method直接冲销法Direct write-off method带息票据Interest bearing note不带息票据Non-interest bearing note 出票人Maker受款人Payee本金Principal利息率Interest rate到期日Maturity date本票Promissory note贴现Discount背书Endorse拒付费Protest fee com四、存货存货Inventory商品存货Merchandise inventory产成品存货Finished goods inventory 在产品存货Work in process inventory 原材料存货Raw materials inventory 起运地离岸价格F.O.B shipping point 目的地抵岸价格F.O.B destination寄销Consignment寄销人Consignor承销人Consignee定期盘存Periodic inventory永续盘存Perpetual inventory购货Purchase购货折让和折扣Purchase allowance and discounts存货盈余或短缺Inventory overages and shortages分批认定法Specific identification加权平均法Weighted average先进先出法First-in, first-out or FIFO 后进先出法Lost-in, first-out or LIFO 移动平均法Moving average成本或市价孰低法Lower of cost or market or LCM市价Market value重置成本Replacement cost可变现净值Net realizable value上限Upper limit下限Lower limit毛利法Gross margin method零售价格法Retail method成本率Cost ratio五、长期投资长期投资Long-term investment长期股票投资Investment on stocks长期债券投资Investment on bonds成本法Cost method权益法Equity method合并法Consolidation method股利宣布日Declaration date股权登记日Date of record除息日Ex-dividend date付息日Payment date债券面值Face value, Par value债券折价Discount on bonds债券溢价Premium on bonds票面利率Contract interest rate, stated rate市场利率Market interest ratio, Effective rate普通股Common Stock优先股Preferred Stock现金股利Cash dividends股票股利Stock dividends清算股利Liquidating dividends到期日Maturity date到期值Maturity value直线摊销法Straight-Line method of amortization实际利息摊销法Effective-interest method of amortization六、固定资产固定资产Plant assets or Fixed assets 原值Original value预计使用年限Expected useful life预计残值Estimated residual value折旧费用Depreciation expense累计折旧Accumulated depreciation帐面价值Carrying value应提折旧成本Depreciation cost净值Net value在建工程Construction-in-process磨损Wear and tear过时Obsolescence直线法Straight-line method (SL)工作量法Units-of-production method (UOP)加速折旧法Accelerated depreciation method 双倍余额递减法Double-declining balance method (DDB)年数总和法Sum-of-the-years-digits method (SYD)以旧换新Trade in经营租赁Operating lease融资租赁Capital lease廉价购买权Bargain purchase option (BPO)资产负债表外筹资Off-balance-sheet financing最低租赁付款额Minimum lease payments七、无形资产无形资产Intangible assets专利权Patents商标权Trademarks, Trade names著作权Copyrights特许权或专营权Franchises商誉Goodwill开办费Organization cost租赁权Leasehold摊销Amortization八、流动负债负债Liability流动负债Current liability应付帐款Account payable应付票据Notes payable贴现票据Discount notes长期负债一年内到期部分Current maturities of long-term liabilities应付股利Dividends payable预收收益Prepayments by customers存入保证金Refundable deposits应付费用Accrual expense增值税value added tax营业税Business tax应付所得税Income tax payable应付奖金Bonuses payable产品质量担保负债Estimated liabilities under product warranties赠品和兑换券Premiums, coupons and trading stamps或有事项Contingency或有负债Contingent或有损失Loss contingencies或有利得Gain contingencies永久性差异Permanent difference时间性差异Timing difference应付税款法Taxes payable method纳税影响会计法Tax effect accounting method递延所得税负债法Deferred income tax liability method九、长期负债长期负债Long-term Liabilities应付公司债券Bonds payable有担保品的公司债券Secured Bonds 抵押公司债券Mortgage Bonds保证公司债券Guaranteed Bonds信用公司债券Debenture Bonds一次还本公司债券Term Bonds分期还本公司债券Serial Bonds可转换公司债券Convertible Bonds可赎回公司债券Callable Bonds可要求公司债券Redeemable Bonds记名公司债券Registered Bonds无记名公司债券Coupon Bonds普通公司债券Ordinary Bonds收益公司债券Income Bonds名义利率,票面利率Nominal rate实际利率Actual rate有效利率Effective rate溢价Premium折价Discount面值Par value直线法Straight-line method实际利率法Effective interest method 到期直接偿付Repayment at maturity 提前偿付Repayment at advance偿债基金Sinking fund长期应付票据Long-term notes payable抵押借款Mortgage loan十、业主权益权益Equity业主权益Owner's equity股东权益Stockholder's equity投入资本Contributed capital缴入资本Paid-in capital股本Capital stock资本公积Capital surplus留存收益Retained earnings核定股本Authorized capital stock实收资本Issued capital stock发行在外股本Outstanding capital stock库藏股Treasury stock普通股Common stock优先股Preferred stock累积优先股Cumulative preferred stock非累积优先股Noncumulative preferred stock完全参加优先股Fully participating preferred stock部分参加优先股Partially participating preferred stock非部分参加优先股Nonpartially participating preferred stock现金发行Issuance for cash非现金发行Issuance for noncash consideration股票的合并发行Lump-sum sales of stock发行成本Issuance cost 成本法Cost method面值法Par value method捐赠资本Donated capital盈余分配Distribution of earnings股利Dividend股利政策Dividend policy宣布日Date of declaration股权登记日Date of record除息日Ex-dividend date股利支付日Date of payment现金股利Cash dividend股票股利Stock dividend拨款appropriation十一、财务报表财务报表Financial Statement资产负债表Balance Sheet收益表Income Statement帐户式Account Form报告式Report Form编制(报表)Prepare工作底稿Worksheet多步式Multi-step单步式Single-step十二、财务状况变动表财务状况变动表中的现金基础SCFP.Cash Basis(现金流量表)财务状况变动表中的营运资金基础SCFP.Working Capital Basis(资金来源与运用表)营运资金Working Capital全部资源概念All-resources concept直接交换业务Direct exchanges正常营业活动Normal operating activities财务活动Financing activities投资活动Investing activities十三、财务报表分析财务报表分析Analysis of financial statements比较财务报表Comparative financial statements趋势百分比Trend percentage比率Ratios普通股每股收益Earnings per share of common stock股利收益率Dividend yield ratio价益比Price-earnings ratio普通股每股帐面价值Book value per share of common stock资本报酬率Return on investment总资产报酬率Return on total asset债券收益率Yield rate on bonds已获利息倍数Number of times interest earned债券比率Debt ratio 优先股收益率Yield rate on preferred stock营运资本Working Capital周转Turnover存货周转率Inventory turnover应收帐款周转率Accounts receivable turnover流动比率Current ratio速动比率Quick ratio酸性试验比率Acid test ratio十四、合并财务报表合并财务报表Consolidated financial statements吸收合并Merger创立合并Consolidation控股公司Parent company附属公司Subsidiary company少数股权Minority interest权益联营合并Pooling of interest购买合并Combination by purchase权益法Equity method成本法Cost method十五、物价变动中的会计计量物价变动之会计Price-level changes accounting一般物价水平会计General price-level accounting货币购买力会计Purchasing-power accounting统一币值会计Constant dollar accounting历史成本Historical cost现行价值会计Current value accounting现行成本Current cost重置成本Replacement cost物价指数Price-level index国民生产总值物价指数Gross national product implicit price deflator (or GNP deflator)消费物价指数Consumer price index (or CPI)批发物价指数Wholesale price index 货币性资产Monetary assets货币性负债Monetary liabilities货币购买力损益Purchasing-power gains or losses资产持有损益Holding gains or losses 未实现的资产持有损益Unrealized holding gains or losses。





一、基本概念和原则1. 会计学(Accounting)会计学是研究经济事务,以及记录、报告和分析经济事务的过程和方法的学科。

2. 会计信息(Accounting Information)会计信息是通过会计系统从经济事务中提取、记录、报告和分析的信息。

3. 会计方程式(Accounting Equation)会计方程式是会计记录的核心,它表达了资产、负债和所有者权益之间的关系,即:资产 = 负债 + 所有者权益4. 会计准则(Accounting Standards)会计准则是用来规范和统一会计信息记录、报告和分析的规则和原则。

二、会计报表1. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet)资产负债表是会计报表中的一种,用来反映企业在特定日期的财务状况,即企业的资产、负债和净资产。

2. 损益表(Income Statement)损益表是会计报表中的一种,用来反映企业在特定期间内的经营成果,即企业的收入、费用和利润。

3. 现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement)现金流量表是会计报表中的一种,用来反映企业在特定期间内现金流入和流出的情况,即企业的经营、投资和筹资活动。

4. 所有者权益变动表(Statement of Changes in Equity)所有者权益变动表是会计报表中的一种,用来反映企业在特定期间内所有者权益的变化情况,即企业的净资产组成和变动。

三、会计要素1. 资产(Assets)资产是企业拥有的经济资源,可以被用来创造经济利益。

2. 负债(Liabilities)负债是企业对外部经济资源的债务或义务,需要偿还给债权人。

3. 所有者权益(Owner's Equity)所有者权益是企业对所有者的经济利益,包括资本、留存收益和其他权益。



《21版会计学》名词术语表Absorption costing(完全成本法):制造产品的成本报告方法,内容通常包括直接材料、直接人工和制造费用。

Accelerated depreciation method(加速折旧法):一种在资产使用的第1年产生较高的折旧费用,之后年度折旧费用逐渐下降的折旧方法。


Account form(账户式):类似会计恒等式的一种资产负债表格式,它将资产项目列示在表的左边,负债和所有者权益项目列示在表的右边。

Account payable(应付账款):一项因赊购而产生的负债。

Account receivable(应收账款):采取信用方式销售产品或提供服务而应向顾客收取的款项。


Accounting cycle(会计循环):以分析经济业务并编制分录为起点,以结账后试算平衡表为终点的过程。

Accounting equation(会计恒等式):资产=负债+所有者权益。

Accounting period concept(会计期间概念):一种会计概念,它假定企业的经济寿命可以被划分为若干期间。

Accounting system(会计系统):企业为满足内部管理和外部信息使用者需要而对财务数据进行收集、分类、汇总和报告所采用的方法和程序。

Accounts payable subsidiary ledger(应付账款明细分类账):由各个供应商(债权人)的单个账户组成的分类账。

Accounts receivable subsidiary ledger(应收账款明细分类账):由各个顾客(债务人)的单个账户组成的分类账。

Accounts receivable turnover(应收账款周转率):销售净额与应收账款之间的关系。




1.Accounting会计(学): is an information and measurement system that id entifies records andcommunicates relevant reliabl e and comparabl e information about an organization’s businessactivities.2.Managerial accounting管理会计: is the area of accounting that serves the d ecision-marking needs ofinternal users3.Events项目: refer to happenings that affect an entity’s accounting equation and can be reliablymeasured.4.External user外部使用者: of accounting information are not directly involved in running theorganization.5.Internal user内部使用者: of accounting information are those directly efficiency and effectivenessof an organization.6.Ethics: are beliefs that distinguish right from wrong. They are accepted standards of good and badbehavior.7.Cost principl e(历史)成本原则: means that accounting information is based on actual cost.8.Revenue recognition principl e(营业)收入确定原则: provid es guidance on when a company mustrecognize revenue.9.Matching principl e配合原则,收支对应原则: prescribes that a company must records its expensesincurred to generate the revenue reported.10.Going-concerning assumption持续经营假设: means that accounting information refl ects apresumption that the business will continue operating instead of being cl osed or sol d.11.Audit审计,审核: through review of an organization’s accounting records and accounting reportsand return make by the analysis. income净收益,收益净额: amount a business earns after paying all expenses and costsassociated with its sales and revenues.13.Income statement损益表: d escribes a company’s revenues and expenses al on g with the resulting netincome or l oss over a period time due to earnings activities.14.Statement of owner’s equity所有者: explains changes in equity from net income (or l oss) and fromany owner investments and withdrawals over a period of time.15.Balance sheet资产负债表,平衡表: d escribes a company’s financial position (types and amounts ofassets liabilities and equity) at a point in time.16.Statement of cash fl ows现金流量表: id entifies cash infl ows (receipts) and cash outfl ows (payments)over a period of time.17.Owner’s withdr awals account所有者提款账户: the account used to record the transfers of assetsfrom a business to its owner.18.Liabilities负债: is what a company owes its no owners (creditors) in future payments, products, orservices.19.Accounting equation会计恒等式: Assets=Liabilities + Equity.20.Accrued expense应计费用,预提费用: refer to costs that are incurred in a period but are bothunpaid and unrecord ed.21.Operating cycl e:经营周期is the time span from when cash is used to acquire goods and servicesuntil cash is received from the sale of goods and services.22.Sharehol d ers (investors):股东,投资者are the owners of a corporation.23.Current radio:目前的广播电a ratio used to help evaluate a company’s ability to pay its d ebts in thenear future.24.Merchandise inventory:库存商品,商品盘存refers to products that a company owns and intends tosell.25.Cash discount:现金折扣,现金贴现reduction in a receivabl e or payabl e if it is paid within thediscount period. sellers can grant a cash discount to discourage buyers to pay earlier26.Gross profit:总利润also call ed Gross margin, which equals net sales cost of goods sold.27.Credit period:付款/信贷期限the amount of time all owed before full payment is due.28.Acid-test ratio酸性比率测试: a ratio used to assets a company’s ability to pay its current liabilities;d efined by current liabilities.29.Selling expense:销售费用includ e the expenses of promoting sales by displaying and advertisingmerchandise, making sales, and d elivering goods to customers.(P124)30.General and administrative expense(一般)管理费用: support a company’s overall operatio ns andinclud e expenses related to accounting, human resource management, and financial management. 31.Time period assumption: 会计分期假设presumes that the life of a company can be divid ed intotime periods, such as months and years, and that useful reports can be prepared for those periods.32.Account receivabl e:应收账款are held by a sell er and d ecreased by customers to sell ers.33.Prepaid account (also call ed prepaid expenses): 预付费用/待摊费用are assets that representprepayments of future expenses (not current expenses).34.Purchase discount:购物折扣purchaser’s d escripti on of a cash discount received from a supplier ofgoods.35.Sales discount:销售折扣sell er’s d escription of a cash discount granted to buyers in return for earlypayment.36.Trad e discount:商业折扣reduction below list or catalog price hat is negotiated in setting the price ofgoods.37.FOB shipping point (FOB factory):寄发地交货means the buyer accepts ownership when the goodsd epart the s eller’s place of business.38.FOB d estination: 目的地交货,离岸交货means ownership of goods transfers to the buyer when thegoods arrive at the b uyer’s pl ace of business.39.Credit terms: 信贷条件,赊销付款条件for a purchase includ e the amounts and timing of paymentsfrom a buy to a seller.40.Current assets:流动资产are cash and other resources that are expected to be sol d, coll ect, or usedwithin one year or the company’s op erating cycle, whichever is l onger.41.Plant assets: 固定资产refers to l ong-term tangibl e assets used to produce and sell products andservices.42.Long-term investment:长期投资notes receivabl e and investments in stocks and bonds are long-termassets when they are expected to be hel d for more than the l onger of one year or the operating cycl e.43.Intangibl e assets:无形资产are long-term resources that benefit business operations, usually lackphysical form, and have uncertain benefits. (P98)44.Current liabilities: 流动负债are obligations due to be paid or settled within one year or theoperating cycl e, whichever is l onger.(P98)45.Long-term liabilities长期负债: are obligations not due within one year or the operating cycl e,whichever is l onger.46.Accounting cycl e:会计周期refers to the steps in preparing financial statements.(P95)47.Temporary (or nominal) accounts:临时账户,名义账户accumulate data related to one accountingperiod.48.Permanent (or real) accounts:永久账户,实际账户report on activities related to one or more futureaccounting periods.49.account reveivabl e(应收账款)are liquid assets,usually being converted into cash within a period of30 to 60 days. Therefore, accounts receivabl e from customers are classified as current assets,appearing in the balance sheet immediately after cash and marketabl e securities.50.d oubl e entry accounting(复式记账法)is a standard accounting method that involves each transactionbeing record ed in at l east two accounts, resulting in a d ebit to one or more accounts and a credit to one or more accounts.51.materiality(重要性原则)refers to the magnitud e of an omission or misstatement of accountinginformation that, consid ering the circumstances ,make it likely that the judgment of a reasonabl e person relying on the information would have been influenced by the omission or misstatement. 52.perpetual inventory system(定期盘存制)Und er the perpetual inventory system,the inventoryrecords are kept up-to-date.Virtually all large business organizations use perpetual inventorysystems.53.unearned revenue(预收账款/预收收入)A liability for unearned revenue arises when a customerpays in advance.54.financial statement(财务报表)Four related accounting reports that summarize the current financialposition of an entity and the results of its operations for the preceding year(or other thim period) 55.historical cost(历史成本)The historical cost of an asset is the exchange price in the transaction inwhich the asset was acquired56.d epreciation(折旧)The systematic allocation of the cost of an asset to expense over the years of itsestimated useful57.accrued liabilities(应计负债)The liabilities to pay an expense which has accrued during theperiod.Accrued liabilities are also call ed accrued expenses.58.income(收入)is d efined as increases in economic benefits during the reporting period,in the form ofinfl ows or enhancements of assets,or d ecreases of liabilities tha result in increases in equity,other than those relating to contributions from equity participants.Income encompasses both revenue and gains.59.asset(资产)is a resource controll ed by the enterprise as a result of past events and from whichfuture economic benefits are expected to fl ow to the enterprise.60.account payabl e(应付账款)often are subdivid ed into categories of trad e accounts payabl e and otheraccounts payabl e.Trad e accounts payabl e are short—term obligations to suppliers for purchases or merchandise.Other accounts payabl e includ e liabilities for any goods and services other thanmerchandise.61.FIFO(先进先出法)A method of computing the cost of inventory and the cost of goods sold based onthe assumption that the first merchandise acquired is the first merchandise sol d,and that the ending inventory consists of the most recently acquired goods.62.Goodwill(商誉)The present value of expected future earnings of a business in excess of the earningsnormally realized in the industry.63.cost principl e(历史成本原则)The cost principl e states that assets shoul d by record ed at theircost.Cost is the value exchanged at the time something is acquired.64.权责发生制accrual basis of accounting: Means that revenues, expenses and other changes in assets,liabilities, and owners’ equity are accounted for in the period in which the economic event takes place, not necessarily when the cash infl ows and outfl ows take place利润表income statement :An income statement is a financial statement showing the results of operations for a business by matching revenue and related expenses for a particular accountingperiod .It shows the net income or net loss.永续盘存制perpetual inventory system: Is a system of accounting for merchandise that provid es a continuous record showing the quantity and cost of all goods on hand.总账账户control accounts: Grouped according to the el ements of financial statement, the general l edger hol ds the individual control accounts.费用Expense: Generally speaking, expenses are costs that are charged against ,revenue and that are related to the entity’s basic business.二简答题1.State the steps of establishing internal control over cash(简述建立现金内部控制的程序) (1)Separate the function of handling cash from the maintenance of accounting records(将现金收付与记账职务分离)(2)Prepare an immediate control listing of cash receipts at the time and place that themoney is received(在收到现金的当时当地编制一份现金收入控制清单)(3)Require that all cash receipts be d eposited daily in the bank(每日都要将现金收入存入银行)(4)Make all payments by check(所有的付款都以支票形式通过银行支付)(5)Separate the function of approving expenditures from the function of signing checks(将核准支出职务与签发支票职务分离)2.What are the quality chatacteristics of accounting information(会计信息质量特征):Rel evance(相关性),reliability(可靠性),und erstandability(可理解性),comparability(可比性)3.Describe the steps(procedures) of accounting cycl e(描述会计循环的步骤)(1)id entify transactions or events to be record ed(确认需要记录的交易或事项)(2)journalize transactions and events(将交易或事项登记到日记账)(3)posting from journal to l edger(从日记账过入)(4)prepare unadjusted trial balance(编制调整前余额试算表)(5)journalize and post adjusting journal entries(将调整分录计入日记账并过入分类账)(6)prepare adjusted trial balance(编制调整后余额试算表)(7)prepare financial statements(编制财务报表)(8)journalize and post cl osing entries(将结账分录计入日记账并过账)(9)prepare post-cl osing trial balance(编制结账后余额试算表)4.Briefly state the four assumptions and explain(简述四个会计假设)Separate entity(会计主体假设),going concern(持续经营假设).,time-period(会计分期假设),monetary unit(货币计量假设)5.Briefly state the classification investment in securities(简述有价证券的列报)Trading securities(交易性证券),held-to-maturity securities(持有至到期投资),availabl e-for-sale securities(可供出售的金融资产),l ong-term investment in equity securities(长期股权投资)6.What are the accounting el ements(会计要素)Assets(资产),liabilities(负债),owners’ equity(所有者权益),revenues(收入),expenses(费用),income (利润)d oubl e-entrybookkeeping 复式记账financial statement财务报表accounting equation 会计恒等式owner’s equity所有者权益retained earning 留存收益source d ocument原始凭证computerized accounting system 电算化会计系统accumulated d epreciation累计折旧Proprietorship所有权post-cl osing trial balance调整后试算accrued expense应计费用real/permanent account 实账户nominal/temporary account虚账户notes to the financial statements会计报表附注balance sheet资产负债表Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise 企业会计准则cash fl ow statement 现金流量表l ong-term solvency长期偿债能力short-term liquidity 短期偿债能力provision for bad d ebts 坏账准备construction in progress在建工程d eferred tax on d ebit/credit 递延税款借贷项estimabl e liabilities 预计负债paid-in captical 实收资本accounting treatment 会计处理current period 当期inflation 通货膨胀purchasing power 购买力profit distribution 理论分配accounting information 会计信息IASC 国际会计准则委员会FASB 财务会计准则委员会Liquidity 流动性cash equivalent 现金等价物Financial instrument 金融工具semifinished goods 半成品Low-value and perishabl e articles 低值易耗品weighted average 加权平均法accelerated d epreciation method 加速折旧法moving average 移动平均法trad emark 商标权Copyrights 著作权par value 票面价值sales all owances 销售折让cost variance 成本差异periodic expense 期间费用turnover tax 流转税non-operating expense 营业外支出theoretical framework 理论框架financial distress 财务困境current ratio 流动比例P/E ratio 市盈率M/B 市值与账面价值比capitalization ratio 资本比率Horizontal analysis 横向分析fiscal period 会计期间Vertical analysis 纵向分析price ind ex 价格指数subsidiary 子公司parent company 母公司generally accepted accounting principl es 公认会计准则calendar year 日历年度historical rate 历史汇率Receivabl es 应收账款payabl es 应付账款TQM 全面质量管理TOC 约束理论direct material 直接材料Ord er-getting cost 订单获取成本ord er-filling cost 订单获取成本process costing system 分布成本计算法job-ord er costing system 分批成本计算法step-variabl e cost 阶梯式成本cost formula 成本公式profit margin 贡献边际the high-l ow method 高低点法the scattergraph method 散布图法the least-squares regression method 最小二乘回归法cost behavior 成本性态。



会计名词解释大全1. 会计 (Accounting): 记录、分析和报告财务信息的过程,用于决策、评估和监控经济实体的财务状况。

2. 会计师 (Accountant): 专门从事会计工作的人员,负责处理和管理财务数据,并生成财务报表。

3. 会计准则 (Accounting Standards): 规范会计和财务报告的准则和原则,以确保财务信息的准确、可比性和透明度。

4. 资产 (Assets): 具有经济价值的资源或财产,可带给公司未来经济利益。

5. 负债 (Liabilities): 公司所欠他人的债务或义务,需要在未来偿还或履行。

6. 所有者权益 (Owner's Equity): 公司所有者对其资产的权益,是公司净资产和所有欠他人的债务之差。

7. 收入 (Revenue): 公司在日常经营活动中产生的现金流入或收入,源于销售产品或提供服务等。

8. 成本 (Cost): 公司为生产或销售产品或服务所发生的费用,包括直接成本和间接成本。

9. 费用 (Expense): 公司在日常经营活动中发生的费用,包括人力资源、办公设备维护、运输等。

10. 现金流量 (Cash Flow): 公司在一定时间内的现金流入和流出的记录,反映公司的现金状况和运营活动。

11. 财务报表 (Financial Statements): 反映公司财务状况和经营业绩的文件,包括利润表、资产负债表和现金流量表等。

12. 利润表(Income Statement): 反映公司在一定时间内的收入、成本和利润的报表,也称为损益表或结果表。

13. 资产负债表 (Balance Sheet): 反映公司在特定日期的资产、负债和所有者权益的报表,也称为财务状况表。

14. 现金流量表 (Cash Flow Statement): 反映公司在一定时间内现金流入和流出情况的报表,用于评估公司的现金状况和运营活动。

15. 财务比率 (Financial Ratios): 使用财务数据计算的比率,用于评估公司的财务稳定性、赢利能力和运营效率等。






1. 会计基础术语•Assets(资产)•Liabilities(负债)•Equity(股权)•Revenue(收入)•Expenses(费用)•Net Income(净收入)•Gross Income(毛收入)•Profit(利润)•Loss(亏损)•Balance Sheet(资产负债表)•Income Statement(利润表)•Cash Flow Statement(现金流量表)•Statement of Retned Earnings(留存收益表)2. 资产类•Current Assets(流动资产)•Fixed Assets(固定资产)•Intangible Assets(无形资产)•Cash(现金)•Accounts Receivable(应收账款)•Inventory(库存)•Prepd Expenses(预付费用)•Property, Plant, and Equipment(房地产、厂房和设备)3. 负债类•Current Liabilities(流动负债)•Long-term Liabilities(长期负债)•Accounts Payable(应付账款)•Notes Payable(应付票据)•Accrued Expenses(应计费用)•Deferred Revenues(预收收入)•Bonds Payable(应付债券)4. 股权类•Common Stock(普通股)•Preferred Stock(优先股)•Retned Earnings(留存收益)•Dividends(股息)•Treasury Stock(库存股)5. 收入类•Sales(销售额)•Revenue(收入)•Sales Revenue(销售收入)•Service Revenue(服务收入)•Interest Revenue(利息收入)•Dividend Revenue(股息收入)6. 费用类•Cost of Goods Sold(销售成本)•Operating Expenses(营业费用)•Selling Expenses(销售费用)•General and Administrative Expenses(管理费用)•Depreciation Expenses(折旧费)•Amortization Expenses(摊销费)•Interest Expenses(利息费用)•Income Tax Expenses(所得税费用)7. 现金流量类•Operating Activities(经营活动)•Investing Activities(投资活动)•Financing Activities(融资活动)•Cash Inflows(现金流入)•Cash Outflows(现金流出)•Net Cash Flow(净现金流量)8. 财务报表•Balance Sheet(资产负债表)•Income Statement(利润表)•Cash Flow Statement(现金流量表)•Statement of Retned Earnings(留存收益表)总结以上是一些常见的会计英语术语及其中英文对照。



会计专业专业术语中英文对照一、会计与会计理论会计accountingn XXX投资人XXX股东XXX债权人Creditor财务会计Financial Accounting管理会计Management Accounting成本会计Cost Accounting私业会计Private Accounting公众会计Public Accounting注册会计师XXXIASCXXXAICPA财务会计准则委员会FASBXXXIMAXXXAAA税务稽核署IRS独资企业Proprietorship合资人企业Partnershipn会计目标Accounting Objectives管帐假定Accounting ns会计要素Accounting Elements会计原则Accounting Principles管帐实务进程Accounting res财政报表Financial Statements财政分析Financial Analysis会计主体假设Separate-entity n货币计量假设Unit-of-measure n持续经营假设Continuity(Going-concern) d n资产Asset负债Liability业主权益Owner's XXX支出Revenue费用XXXe亏损Loss支出完成原则Revenue Principle配比原则Matching Principle全面披露原则Full-disclosure (Reporting) Principle客观性原则Objective Principle一致性原则Consistent Principle可比性原则Comparability Principle严重性原则Materiality Principle稳健性原则Conservatism Principle权责产生制Accrual Basis现金收付制Cash Basis财务报告Financial Report流动资产Current assets流动负债Current Liabilities长期负债Long-term Liabilities投入资本Contributed Capital留存收益Retained Earning二、会计循环会计循环Accounting re/Cycle管帐信息体系Accounting n System帐户Ledger管帐科目Account会计分录Journal entry原始凭证Source Document日记帐Journal总分类帐General XXX明细分类帐Subsidiary Ledger试算均衡Trial Balance现金收款日记帐Cash receipt journal现金付款日志帐Cash disbursements journal销售日志帐Sales Journal购货日记帐Purchase Journal通俗日志帐General Journal事情初稿Worksheet调整分录Adjusting entries结帐Closing entries三、现金与应收账款现金Cash银行存款Cash in bank库存现金Cash in hand活动资产Current assets偿债基金Sinking fund定额备用金Imprest petty cash支票Check(cheque)银行对帐单Bank statement银行存款调节表XXX在途存款Outstanding deposit在途支票Outstanding check应对笔据Vouchers payable应收帐款Account receivable应收单子Note receivable起运点交货价F.O.B shipping point目的地交货价XXX point贸易扣头Trade discount现金扣头Cash discount销售退回及折让Sales return and allowance坏帐费用Bad XXX备抵法Allowance method备抵坏帐Bad debt allowance损益表法XXX资产欠债表法Balance sheet approach帐龄分析法Aging analysis method直接冲销法Direct write-off method带息单子Interest bearing note不带息单子Non-interest bearing note出票人XXX受款人XXX本金Principal利息率Interest rate到期日Maturity date本票Promissory note贴现Discount背书Endorse拒付费Protest fee com 四、存货存货Inventory商品存货XXX产制品存货Finished XXX 在产品存货XXX原资料存货XXX起XXX shipping point目的地抵岸价格XXX寄销Consignment寄销人Consignor承销人Consignee按期盘存XXX永续盘存XXX购货Purchase购货折让和折扣Purchase allowance and discounts存货盈余或短缺XXX分批认定法Specific n加权平均法Weighted average先进先出法First-in。



accounting名词解释英语【释义】accountingn.会计,会计学;会计工作,会计职业(=accountancy);账单v.解释,说明;占(一定数量或比例)(account的现在分词形式)【短语】1Management Accounting会计管理会计;管理会计学;治理会计;会计管理2Financial Accounting会计财务会计;金融会计;财务会计学;会计核算3Accounting Manager会计部经理;会计经理;会计主管;财务经理4accounting equation会计等式;会计会计方程式;会计会计恒等式;会计程式5Cost Accounting会计成本会计;经成本核算;经济核算;会计成本会计学6accounting system会计会计系统;会计会计制度;会计体系7accounting period会计期;会计会计期间;会计报告期8accounting standard会计会计准则;会计标准;标准;会计标准会计准则9public accounting会计公共会计;公众会计;大众管帐;公家会计【例句】1The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.这场讨论围绕具体的会计技巧。

2But full cost accounting will be introduced without delay.但是,全面成本核算马上将被采用。

3Most large companies now use computers for accounting and housekeeping operations.多数大公司现在用计算机进行会计运算和内务操作。

4An understanding of accounting techniques is a requisite for the work of the analysts.对核算技术的理解对于分析师的工作是必需的。



Accounting 会计
财务会计主要是不向外部利益 相关者提供报告不交流一个企 业的经济信息相关。外部利益 相关者:股东、债权人(例如 银行、债券持有人)、监管人、 政府税务机关。
Financial accounting tends to be a rule-driven discipline, and students of financial accounting study the required financial statements. 财务会计倾向于成为一个原则驱劢的学科,学习财务会 计的学生需要研究财务报表。 Management accounting is less rule-driven than financial accounting. Management accounting students learn about the decision-making process and information needs of an organization, not about rules and journal entries. 管理会计不财务会计相比,更少受到觃则的制约。管理会 计学生学习的是决策制定过程以及一个组织的信息需要, 而丌是对觃则条目的学习。
1.3 Branches of Accounting
Financial accounting
is concerned with the reporting and communication of a business’ economic information to external stockholders: shareholder, creditors, regulators, and governmental tax authorities.






一、基本会计概念的英语表达1. 会计 (Accounting)会计是一门记录、分类和分析财务信息的学科。

2. 账户 (Account)账户是用于记录和汇总相关财务信息的记录单元。

3. 资产 (Asset)资产是企业所拥有的可预期经济利益。

4. 负债 (Liability)负债是企业所欠他人的债务。

5. 所有者权益 (Equity)所有者权益是企业所拥有的资产减去负债后所剩余的权益。

6. 收入 (Revenue)收入是企业在销售商品或提供服务时所获得的经济利益。

7. 支出 (Expense)支出是企业为取得收入而发生的或与经营业务有关的费用。

二、会计科目的英语表达1. 资产科目 (Asset Accounts)资产科目包括现金、应收账款、存货、固定资产等。

2. 负债科目 (Liability Accounts)负债科目包括应付账款、长期负债等。

3. 所有者权益科目 (Equity Accounts)所有者权益科目包括股东投资、净利润等。

4. 收入科目 (Revenue Accounts)收入科目包括销售收入、服务收入等。

5. 支出科目 (Expense Accounts)支出科目包括工资支出、租金支出等。

三、会计凭证的英语表达1. 借方 (Debit)借方是会计凭证上记载“增加”或“支出”的一方。

2. 贷方 (Credit)贷方是会计凭证上记载“减少”或“收入”的一方。

3. 手工记账 (Manual Accounting)手工记账是指使用纸质或电子表格进行会计凭证录入的操作。

4. 自动记账 (Automated Accounting)自动记账是指使用会计软件或系统进行会计凭证录入的操作。



会计学(英语)专业英文回答:Accounting, a branch of economics, is the study of the measurement, analysis, and reporting of financial information of an entity. It plays a vital role in providing information to investors, creditors, management, and other stakeholders for decision-making purposes. Accounting involves the recording, classification, summarization, and interpretation of financial transactions to provide insights into the financial health of an organization.There are various branches within accounting, including financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, and taxation. Financial accounting focuses on the preparation of financial statements, such as the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, for external reporting purposes. Management accounting provides information to internal users for planning, decision-making, and controlwithin an organization. Auditing involves the examinationof financial records and statements to provide an independent opinion on the fairness and reliability of financial information. Taxation involves the study of tax laws and regulations to ensure compliance and minimize tax liability.The field of accounting requires a strong foundation in mathematics, including algebra and statistics, as well as a deep understanding of business principles. Accounting professionals typically possess analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills, and they are required to stay updated with the latest accounting standards and regulations.中文回答:会计学是经济学的一个分支学科,是对实体的财务信息的测量、分析和报告的研究。



1、assets(资产):economicresources owned by the business that will benefit futureoperation,GAAP requires theyare valued at cost,notmarketvalue.2、Liabilities(负债):aredebets,the person or persons to whom they are owed are calledcreditors.3、Shareholders’equity(所有者权益):Creditors have legalpriority over theowners’claims.theshareholders’equity is theresidual amount.4、Revenues(收入):are increasesin stockholders’equityresulting from the costs ofselling goods,rending servicesor performing other businessactivities5、Expenses(费用):are decreasesin stockholders’equityresulting from the costs ofselling goods,rending serviceser performing other businessactivities.6、Balance sheet(资产负债表):is alisting of a company’s assets, liabilities and owners’ equity on a given date.it is designedto portray the financialposition of the company at aparticular time.7、Statement of owner’s equity(所有者权益表):shows the changestake place in the owner’scapital during a period of time net income or notloss.withdrawals,and owner’sinvestment for a business.8、Cash flow statement(现金流量表):reports cash receipt andpayments as well as cashinflows and actflows in threegroups:operatingactivites.investingactivites.and financingactivites.9、The income statement(利润表):reports the net income or nerless for the income: revenues-expenses.10、Accrual accounting(权责发生制):requires adjustment for prepaid unearned and accrued items thereforeit reports revenues when earnedand expenses when the expiration of benefit incurred.11、The matching rule(配比原则):states that expenses must be assigned to the accounting period in which they are used to produce revenue.12.going concern principle(持续经营):assumes that a business will continue for an indefinite period.13. time period principle(会计期间):an entity’s activities are divided into specific time periods.such as a year14. full disclosure(充分批露原则):financial statements must report all relevant information about the operations and financial position of the entity15.Consistency principle(一致性原则):an entry must use the same accounting methods period after period so that the financial statements of succeeding period will be comparable.16.materiality principle(重要性原则):an amount may be ignored if its affect on the financialstatements is not important to its users.17.conservatism principle(稳健性原则):the least optimistic estimate should be selected when two estimates of amounts to be received or paid are aboutequality likely;it is better to understate than over values.18.busniness entity principle(会计主体):each entity must keep accounting records and people reports that are distinct from those of the owner and any other entity.19.。






一、基本概念1. 会计 (Accounting)会计是研究和处理财务信息的科学。


2. 财务 (Financial)财务是指企业经营中涉及到的金融资源,包括资产、负债、所有者权益和收入、支出等方面。

3. 资产 (Asset)资产是企业拥有的具有经济价值的资源,包括现金、应收账款、存货、固定资产等。

4. 负债 (Liability)负债是企业所欠他人的债务或负担,包括应付账款、短期借款、长期借款等。

5. 所有者权益 (Equity)所有者权益指企业对所有者的经济利益,包括股东权益、留存收益等。

6. 收入 (Revenue)收入是企业在正常经营活动中获得的经济利益,包括销售收入、利息收入等。

7. 支出 (Expense)支出是企业在正常经营活动中支付的费用,包括成本、折旧等。

二、会计报表1. 资产负债表 (Balance Sheet)资产负债表是记录企业在一定日期上的资产、负债和所有者权益状况的表格。


2. 损益表 (Income Statement)损益表是记录企业在一定期间内的收入、支出和净利润的表格。


3. 现金流量表 (Cash Flow Statement)现金流量表是记录企业一定期间内现金流入和流出情况的表格。


4. 股东权益变动表 (Statement of Changes in Equity)股东权益变动表是记录企业在一定期间内所有者权益的变动情况的表格。


三、会计核算1. 借方 (Debit)借方是会计上记载资产增加或负债减少的一方,通常用于记录资产、费用等的增加。



会计学专业术语英语及解释Accounting Terminology and Definitions.The field of accounting is rich in specialized terminology, with each term carrying a precise definition and application within the discipline. Below is a compilation of key accounting terms in English, along with their explanations, to aid in understanding the language and concepts of accounting.1. Assets: Tangible or intangible items owned by a company that have economic value and are expected to provide future benefits. These can include cash, equipment, real estate, patents, and goodwill.2. Liabilities: Amounts owed by a company to others, consisting of both short-term debts (such as accounts payable) and long-term debts (like long-term loans).3. Owner's Equity: Represents the net value of acompany, calculated by subtracting liabilities from assets. It reflects the financial position of the owners or shareholders.4. Revenue: Economic inflows generated by a company's normal operating activities. This typically refers to sales or services provided.5. Expenses: Economic outflows incurred by a company during its normal operating activities, used to generate revenue or maintain operations.6. Profit: The net income of a company, calculated by subtracting expenses from revenue. It reflects the company's earning potential and financial performance.7. Accounting Subjects: Specific categories used to classify and record financial transactions. These subjects are the building blocks of financial statements and include assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses, and profit.8. Accounting Books: Books or ledgers thatsystematically record and reflect a company's economic activities based on accounting vouchers. These books are crucial for tracking financial transactions and preparing financial statements.9. Management Accounting: A branch of accounting that focuses on providing financial information and insights to internal management for decision-making purposes. It involves the preparation of internal reports, budgets, and cost analysis.10. Return on Investment (ROI): A metric used to evaluate the profitability of an investment by calculating the ratio of net income to the cost of the investment.11. Statement of Financial Position: A financial statement that presents the assets, liabilities, andowner's equity of a company as of a specific date. It shows the company's financial position and the claims against it.12. Statement of Cash Flows: A financial statement that shows the cash inflows and outflows of a company over aspecific period. It provides information about the sources and uses of cash and helps investors and creditors assess a company's liquidity and solvency.13. Tax Accounting: The area of accounting that deals with the calculation, reporting, and payment of taxes. It involves complying with tax regulations and preparing tax returns.14. Accounting Equation: A fundamental principle in accounting that states that the total of all assets must equal the total of all liabilities and owner's equity. This equation represents the balance sheet of a company.15. Articulation: The process of connecting or linking different financial statements or accounting records to ensure consistency and accuracy.16. Business Entity: A separate legal and financial identity distinct from its owners. It allows for the separate identification and accounting of the assets, liabilities, and activities of the business.17. Capital Stock: The total amount of equity issued bya company to its shareholders. It represents the original investment in the company and is divided into shares.18. Corporation: A type of business organization that has a separate legal existence from its owners.Corporations are owned by shareholders and are managed by a board of directors.19. Cost Principle: An accounting principle thatrequires expenses to be recognized when they are incurred and measured at their actual cost. It ensures that expenses are accurately matched with the revenues they help generate.20. Creditor: A party that has extended credit to another party, usually in the form of a loan. Creditorshave a claim on the assets of the borrower and are entitled to repayment of the loan plus interest.The above terms provide a solid foundation for understanding the language and practices of accounting.Each term plays a crucial role in the financial reporting and decision-making processes of businesses and organizations. Mastering these terms and their definitions is essential for anyone seeking a career in accounting or finance.。

















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Accountancy (profession)or accounting (methodology) is the measurement, statement, or provision of assurance about financial information primarily used by managers, investors, tax authorities and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions within companies, organizations, and public agencies. The terms derive from the use of financial accounts.


Accounting (Definition) is a service activity. Its function is to provide quantitative information primarily financial in nature, about economic entities, that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions, and in making reasoned choices among alternative courses of action. [2]


It is also the discipline of measuring, communicating and interpreting financial activity. Accounting is also widely referred to as the "language of business".[3]

Financial accounting is one branch of accounting and historically has involved processes by which financial information about a business is recorded, classified, summarised, interpreted, and communicated; for public companies, this information is generally publicly-accessible. By contrast management accounting information is used within an organisation and is usually confidential and accessible only to a small group, mostly decision-makers. Tax Accounting is the accounting needed to comply with jurisdictional tax regulations.



Practitioners of accountancy are known as accountants. There are many professional bodies for accountants throughout the world. Many allow their members to use titles indicating their membership or qualification level. Examples are Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA or FCCA), Chartered Accountant (FCA, CA or ACA), International Accountant (FAIA or AAIA),Management Accountant (ACMA, FCMA or AICWA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified General Accountant (CGA or FCGA).



注册会计师(例子),或者FCCA ACCA注册会计师(FCA、钙、醋酸等)、国际会计(FAIA或AAIA),管理会计(ACMA,FCMA或AICWA)、注册会计师(CPA)和会计或FCGA排气口。

Accountancy or accounting is the system of recording, verifying, and reporting of the value of assets, liabilities, income, and expenses in the books of account (ledger) to which debit and credit entries (recognizing transactions) are chronologically posted to record changes in value (see bookkeeping). Such financial information is primarily used by lenders, managers, investors, tax authorities and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions between and within companies, organizations, and public agencies. Accounting has been defined by the AICPA as " The art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof." [2]



The word Accountant is derived from the French "Compter' which took its origin from the Latin "Computare". As a proof of its derivation the word was formerly written in English "Accomptant", but in process of time the word which was always pronounced by dropping the "p" became gradually changed both in pronunciation and in orthography to its present form. From the word Accountant the term Accountancy is derived.
这个词的会计来源于法语”Compter ',把它的起源自拉丁语的“Computare”。


